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Optimal Solution for Non-Convex Combined Heat and Power Dispatch Problems

using Differential Evolution

Nidul Sinha1, Senior Member IEEE, Lalit Ch. Saikia1, Tanmoy Malakar1,

This paper investigates the performance of Differential Evolution evolution (DE) [12],[13]. DE is reported [12][13] to be the
(DE) for solving combined heat and power dispatch (CHPD) only algorithm, which consistently found the optimal
problems in power systems. Solution method based on Different solution, and often with fewer function evaluations than the
Evolution is developed and its performance is tested on a test case of other direct search methods on benchmark nonlinear
combined heat and power dispatch problem. The simulation results
demonstrate that the performance of DE based algorithm is far better
than the better known floating point Genetic Algorithm (FPGA) in The highlights of Differential Evolution (DE) are:
terms of success rate, convergence rate and solution quality. • A population of solution vectors are successively updated
by addition, subtraction, and component swapping, until the
Keywords: Genetic Algorithm, Differential Evolution, Economic population converges, hopefully to the optimum.
Load Dispatch, Combined Heat and Power Dispatch. • No derivatives are used.
• Very few parameters to set.
• A simple and apparently very reliable method.
With sharp rise in energy demand and resulting increased However, little work has been reported in the literature on the
pollution the issues of energy conservation and green power application of EA to the CHPD problem. Also, hardly any
gained much attention in 21st century. Cogeneration work on CHPD with non-convex functions especially with
technology proves to be promising with its greater conversion DE is reported in the literature.
efficiencies than traditional generation methods as it The reported impressive performance of DE algorithm has
harnesses heat that would otherwise be wasted. This can inspired the use of DE algorithm for solving the CHP
result in up to more than a doubling of thermal efficiency or problem with non-convex fuel cost functions.
higher heat values. Also, carbon dioxide emissions can be
substantially reduced. Furthermore, the heat by-product is In view of the above, the main objectives of the present work
available for use without the need for the further burning of a are:
primary fuel. Cogeneration or combined heat and power (i) To develop a program based on DE algorithm for the
(CHP) is the simultaneous production of electricity and heat CHP problem.
using a single fuel such as natural gas, although a variety of (ii) To solve the same problem with best features of
fuels can be used (refer to 'Cogeneration capacity by primary floating point GA (FPGA) algorithm as reported in
fuel'). CHP or Cogeneration systems usually consist of more [16].
than one gas turbine exhausting into a single waste heat (iii) To compare the performance of DE algorithm as
boiler, which recovers the exhaust heat by producing hot compared to FPGA.
water or steam for process and space heating. The CHP
dispatch (CHPD) problem is more complex than the In this work a DE based algorithm has been developed for
conventional ED problems. solving the CHPD problem considering quadratic function
Few works have been reported [1] [2] in the Combined Heat together with valve point loadings for the electrical power
and Power Economic dispatch area. In most of the reported generating units. The CHPD problem is first formulated
works on CHP, the fuel cost functions are considered to be of mathematically. The GA-based algorithm is then described.
quadratic nature. With the consideration of highly non-linear In the algorithm, methods for satisfying the heat and power
cost curves because of incorporation non-linear features like operation ranges of the units in the cogeneration systems and
valve point loading, prohibited operating zones, combined the demand constraints are presented. The new algorithm is
cycle units, the problem becomes a non-convex one and used for solving a test system [4] containing two
reported methods fail to solve this type of problems. Solution cogeneration units, a boiler and a conventional generator. The
of these types of problems calls for modern heuristic search results are presented and the performance of the algorithms
methods which are very efficient to tackle highly non-linear assessed.
con-vex type optimization problems. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In section II the
A lot of developments have taken place in the development of mathematical problem formulation is briefly reviewed. DE
heuristic search methods for solving economic dispatch approach and its different features are described in section III.
problems. Some of the best known are genetic algorithm Section IV presents the numerical test results on a test case.
(GA) [3]-[5], evolutionary programming (EP) [7]-[10], Conclusions are drawn in section V.
particle swarm optimization (PSO) [11], and differential

Authors are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, NIT, Silchar,
Assam, India-788010. Corresponding author: Nidul SInha:
II. PROBLEM FORMULATION the minimum and maximum heat production of generator
In this section the optimization problem is formulated as a i. p i ,min ( hi ) , p i , m ax ( hi ) , hi ,min ( pi ) and hi ,max ( pi ) are
minimization of summation of fuel costs of thermal units,
cogeneration units and boiler units. the linear inequalities that define the FOR of the
cogeneration units. Fig.1 shows the FOR of a cogeneration
2.1 Mathematical Problem Formulation unit.
Mathematically, the problem is to minimize the following:
The objective function of the CHPD problem, which is to be
minimized, is:
α β n
F ( pG ) = ∑ Fti ( pi ) + ∑ F ci ( pi , hi ) + ∑β F bi ( hi ) (1)
i =1 α
i = +1 i = +1

where Fti is the fuel cost of conventional thermal unit, Fci is

the fuel cost of cogeneration unit and Fbi is the fuel cost of
boiler unit.
The power and heat demand constraints of the CHPD
problem can be written as:
α β

i =1
pi + ∑α
i= +1
p i = p int + p util + L (2)

β n

h + ∑h
i = +1 β
i = +1
i =H (3) Fig.1 FOR of a cogeneration unit.

III. Differential Evolution (DE)

where Pint is the on-site power demand (MWe), Putil is the The DE algorithm is a population based algorithm like GAs
host utilities power demand (MWe), L is the active power using the similar operators; crossover, mutation and selection.
loss in transmission host network (MWe), and H is the heat The main difference between GA and DE is that GAs rely
demand (MWth) . The operation ranges of boilers and mostly on crossover while DE relies on mutation operation.
conventional The algorithm uses mutation operation as a search
mechanism and selection operation to direct the search
The operation ranges of conventional thermal units and toward the prospective regions in the search space. Mutation
boilers are expressed as in DE uses differences of randomly sampled pairs of
solutions in the population and greediness may be embedded
in it. For detail theory [12] may be referred.
Let xi =[X1, X2, …..Xn] be a trial vector denoting the
p i ,m in ≤ p i ≤ p i ,m a x individual of a population to be evolved. The elements of the
i ∈ 1 , 2 , . . .α (4) xi are the real power outputs and heat powers of the
committed n co-generating units which are subjected to their
respective capacity constraints. To satisfy the equality
constraint for electrical power, a unit (conventional unit) and
hi ,min ≤ h j ≤ hi ,max
(5) for heat power balance, a boiler unit (only thermal) are
i ∈ β + 1, β + 2,..., n considered. Let Xd be the power output of the dependent unit,
then Xd is calculated by
The operation ranges for the cogeneration units, the heat and
X d = Dp − ∑ X j (8)
power are given by equation (6) and (7): j =1

p i ,m in ( hi ) ≤ p i ≤ p i ,m ax ( hi ) Where Dp is the power demand.

In this work the power loss is ignored.
i ∈ α + 1, α + 2, ..., β (6)
3.1.1 Initialization:
An initial population of Np individuals having the form:
hi ,min ( pi ) ≤ hi ≤ hi ,max( pi ) XiG = [X1,i,G, X2,i,G, …….Xn,i,G], i = 1, 2, …Np is generated.
i ∈ α + 1, α + 2,...β Where Np, G, and n are the number of individuals, generation
number and committed cogeneration units respectively. Each
individual is determined by setting the jth component Pj ~
where pi ,min and p i ,max are the minimum and maximum U(Xjmin, Xjmax), for j=1,2,…n. U(Xjmin, Xjmax) denotes a
uniform random variable ranging over [Xjmin, Xjmax].
power generation of generator i . hi ,min and hi ,m ax are
3.1.2 Creation of offspring contains one conventional electricity unit, one boiler unit
New solutions (offspring) are created based on both and two cogeneration units. The operating range and cost
mutation and crossover as given below: characteristics of the conventional units are given in eqs. by mutation (12) and (15) respectively.
Though there are number of variant mutation schemes in A program based on DE is developed in Matlab command
DE, the most promising one is considered here. In each line for solving the problem. The best reported [22] floating
generation, for individual pi,G, the donor vector vi is obtained point GA (FPGA) program with heuristic crossover and
using the mutation operation through multi-non-uniform mutation using the GA toolbox, GAOT, in
Matlab as proposed by C.R. Houck, J. Joines, and M. Kay [8]
vi = xi,G + λ.(xbest,G – xi,G) + F.(xr2,G – xr3,G) (9) is used after minor modification for solving the problem for
comparing the performance of the DE method. The programs
Where the mutation factor F is a constant from [0, 2] and the were run on a 2.67 GHz, Pentium, with 2 GB RAM PC.
vectors xr2,G, and xr3,G are selected randomly such that the
indices i, r2 and r3 are distinct from (1, 2, … Np). The feasible operating region (FOR) diagrams of the
The idea behind the introduction of the additional control cogeneration units are given in Fig. 2 and Fig.3. And the
variable λ is to provide a means to enhance the greediness of cost characteristics of cogeneration units are given in eqs.
the scheme by incorporating the current best vector pbest,G. (13) and (14) respectively. The power and heat demands of
the test case are 200 MWe and 115 MWth, respectively. by crossover
Secondly, the trial vector ui is obtained by crossover
 v j ,i ,G +1 if rand j ,i ≤ C R or j = I rand (10)
u j , i , G +1 = 
 X j , i , G +1 if rand j , i > C R and j ≠ I rand

i= 1, 2, …..Np, j= 1, 2, …..n
randj,i ∼U[0,1], Iraand is a random integer from [1, 2, …. n], CR
is user defined number between [0,1] which is called crossing

3.1.3 Selection
All solutions in the population have the same chance of
being selected as parents without dependence of their fitness
values. The child produced, after the mutation and crossover
operations, is evaluated. Then, the performance of the child
vector and its parent is compared and the better one is
selected. If the parent is still better, it is retained in the
population. The target vector, xi,G+1 is selected after Fig.2 FOR of cogeneration unit-1
comparison of parents xi,G with their offspring ui,G+1 as given

u i ,G +1 if f (u i ,G +1 ) ≤ f ( xi ,G ) (11)
X i ,G +1 =  i = 1, 2,...N p
 xi ,G otherwise

Mutation, crossing and selection continue until the stopping

criterion is satisfied.

3.1.4 Stopping Rule

The iterative procedure of generating new trials by
selecting those with minimum function values from the
competing pool is terminated when there is no significant
improvement in the solution. It can also be terminated when a
given maximum number of generations (iterations) are
reached. In the present work the latter method is employed.
Fig. 3 FOR of cogeneration unit-2.
IV Numerical Test Results and Discussion:
The performance of the proposed algorithms are
tested on a test case as in Ref. [21] but modified to include
valve point loading effects. The cogeneration system
FC1 ( p1 ) = 1055.1 + 3.33 p1 + 0.5214( p12 + Table 1: Results of the different proposed algorithms with
(12) 50 different initial trial populations on the test case.
abs (120.0 sin( 0.077(0.0 − p1 )))) Cost in Rs.
0<p1 < 150 Method
Average Maximum Minimum
FC2 ( p2, h2 ) = 2650+14.5 p2 + 0.0345p + 4.2h2 +
2 FPGA 10935.24 11253.67 10842.32
(13) DE 10614.43 11226.17 10203.67
0.03h + 0.031p2h2

FC3 ( p3 , h3 ) = 1250 + 34.5 p3 + 0.0435 p32 + Table 2: Solution times of the algorithms in solving the test
(14) case.
0.6h + 0.011 p3h3
3 Method Solution time
FPGA 30.8 msec.
F c 4 ( h 4 ) = 2 3 .4 h 4 (15) DE 5.17 msec.
0 ≤ h 4 ≤ 2 6 9 5 .2

Tuned parameters of FPGA are: V. CONCLUSION:

Maximum number of generation=100 Matlab program based on DE algorithm is developed for
Population size = 20 solving the CHPD problems. The best Floating point GA
Penalty factor = 1000 program as reported in [22] using modified GAOT toolbox is
Crossover probability = 0.9 devbeloped to solve the same test problem. The performance
mutation probabilities = 0.01 of the developed programs is tested on a test case of CHPD
Addl. tuned parameters for DE are: problem in power system. It has been observed that the DE
Mutation factor, F = 0.4 based algorithm outperforms the best FPGA algorithm in
Crossing factor, CR = 0.7 finding faster and better quality solutions for the test case.
Greediness, λ = 0.6 The success rate, convergence rate and quality of solutions
achieved with DE algorithm is far better than that with FPGA
algorithm. Hence, DE algorithm may prove to be a very
promising solution technique for highly non-convex CHPD
problems in power system.

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