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Fill the VOID in your LIFE

Accept responsibility. Accept not the accepted notion. Reject the accepted notion
that the HINDUISM is bad because of its hierarchical Varna system.

The opponents of HINDUISM hide more than they reveal about HINDUISM.
They hide facts about HINDUISM because they are IGNORANT. Their
IGNORANCE is incurable. Incurable because they are arrogant and adamant.
Their purpose is served by sticking to their stated position about HINDUISM. The
position taken by the opponents of HINDUISM is not based on what pertains to
HINDUISM but it is only a figment of imagination of the opponents. Their track
record in caring for people is well known. They do not have any definite idea
about what is required by people and how it has to be given to them.

Secularism has come to mean HINDU bashing and minority appeasement. No

other religion be it Islam or Christianity has any idea about life in general and
about human life in particular.

It serves the purpose of garnering votes of minority to bash HINDUISM.

How long the right thinking people should be mere spectators in the specter of
injustice meted out to HINDUISM by the Secular Politician of India?

No doubt that no one should lead a life of a fossil. It is not possible also. Has any
thing really changed in the world as stated by the misguided people? It does not
amount to living a life of a fossil if one is able to lead a contended and peaceful
life based on the knowledge of Vedic Science.

People are confusing addition of material things to their list of possessions as


Human beings have changed their behaviour. Times have not changed. Time is a
neutral and constant factor. It is only a witness. It is wrong to say that one has to
change according to the changed time.

Human beings have always been afflicted by Desire (Greed), Aversion (Hatred)
and Fear (Morbidity) in the past, in the present times and so it will be in the future

Caste, Caste and more Caste has been the cacophony of the Secular Politician of
India. Should we the real HINDUS also fall prey to this false propaganda of the
Secular Politician of India?

Islam and Christianity are NOT at all religions in the true sense.

HINDUISM alone is truly the RELIGION.

Disease and Death are the permanent dangers that strike human beings. Modern
Western Science is only befooling people when it claims that it is capable of
making the world disease and death free.

As is the case with the material things so is the case with the disease also. If the
modern Western Science claims that it has brought into being many new material
things that were unknown to the people of the past it has also brought into being
many new diseases which people of the past were NOT afflicted with.

What Golden Treasure the HINDU forefathers created through their life long
research and sacrifice we their progeny have thrown it away in our moments of
haste and hasty and rash life style.

‘Keep’ is the most appropriate term that describes a woman who lives with the
man who is already married to another woman. Insane are the people who are
arguing against the use of the term ‘keep’. They should actually ponder over the
practice that has given rise to such a term.

Institution of marriage does NOT have the same reverence and significance in
Islam and Christianity as it has in HINDUISM.

Present day Secular Politician and the followers are NOT learned and mature
enough to handle the two delicate and precious gems, namely, Freedom and

The way the chemical fertilisers and the pesticides that are put to use in the so
called Green Revolution has damaged the health of the soil and the living beings,
the inert products that are the inventions of the same modern Western Science that
has given birth to the Green Revolution also have damaged the economy and the
ethics of the living population.

Behaviourial changes that are being observed in the human beings are brought
about by the inert material things that are being produced by the modern Western

Narrowing down of human beings has taken place in the present times that had
never happened in the past.

Desire for and attachment to the material possessions have reached a proportion
never witnessed in the history of human kind.

Breaking down of human relationship is bound to occur when the human body is
seen as nothing but an instrument to enjoy sensual pleasures.

Human life doesn’t have any meaning beyond the total value of its material
possessions in the present world.

It was never so in the HINDU India of the past. By past it is meant prior to setting
of foot on India by Islam and Christianity which are NOT religions as stated

The Objects of Sense are consumed only to the extent to know the nature of such
Objects and the nature of the Sense Organs. Once that Knowledge is acquired the

consumption would be reduced to the level of sustenance consumption in

Organs of Sense are limited in number. So the sensation produced by any number
of Objects of Sense would remain the same. Mere change in the name and form of
the Object of Sense doesn’t necessarily alter the sensation produced by the

Monogamy acquires importance, significance and sustenance if this basic

TRUTH about the Organs of Sense and the Objects of Sense is properly

Religion is a BONDING and BINDING element, whereas Secularism is a

divisive force.

Suffice it to say that Secularism has destroyed the BOND between the two entities
of man and woman that constitute the human beings.

Secularism’s record in other fields can be judged by the damage it has caused to
man and woman relationship.

It is sheer non-sense to say that restrict your Religion to your homes or the places
chosen for gathering of the people belonging to the same Religion. By this very
act itself the Secularism is creating a Dr. Jackal and Mr. Hyde complex in human

‘Kalama’ of Islam that says that there is no god except Allah and there is no
prophet except Mohammad smacks of Arrogance and Adamancy.

Same is the position as regards Christianity also as it also is Monotheistic.

Education’s aim should be to equip a person to make a living and also lead the

Secular education has introduced an element of contradiction and conflict

between making a living and leading a life.

HINDUISM guides human beings in the right direction in regard to making a

living and leading a life.

Vedic Science and its Technology ensured an economically sustainable and

ecological sound material needs recognising and satisfying way of life.

Between human beings also the relationship is based on mutual co-operation and
mutual respect.

The greatest disservice that the modern Western Science has done to humanity is
that it has made life an open ended investment proposal. In the earlier days people
led a simple life based on the rule ‘As you sow so shall you reap’. This adage is

true no more. Since the advent of the modern Western Science man is sure no
more of what he is sowing and what he reaps.
The so called benefits from the products of the modern Western Science appear to
be available immediately and their more damaging effects of after use surface
after a long gap of time.

Time it is to say enough is enough. We had enough of the nonsense called the
Scientific Temper.

Generalisation though is bad it serves the purpose if it is made sensibly. Before

the practical application of the formula E=mc2 people’s knowledge about the
matter was different and after its practical application people’s knowledge about
the matter changed a lot.

Similarly, when the hybridisation of seeds was done though the grains gained
certain qualities they lost certain other qualities. The cost-benefit analysis of such
gain and loss has not been done. The analysis has not been done because the
modern Western Science that was the cause of the hybrid seeds is simply not
interested in negating its own achievement. And further it does not believe the
findings of the people however true may be they who do not belong to its own

The hegemony of the modern Western Science has caused greater damage to
human society than even the Religious hegemony.

What is the way out?

Simple and clear. Put the clock back as the saying goes.

Organic farming’s return to popularity is one such sign of putting the clock back.

And peoples’ opposition to Genetically Modified Food is a step in the right

direction of saying enough is enough as regards man’s interventionist character.

Here the HINDUISM’S vital knowledge comes to aid. HINDUISM has the
concept that states that there are five valid differentiation between the Creator
God and the Sentient Matter, between one Sentient Matter and another Sentient
Matter, between Sentient Matter and the Insentient Matter, between one Insentient
Matter and another Insentient Matter and lastly between the Creator God and the
Insentient Matter.

All research and the resultant findings of the Vedic Science were based on the
above stated five valid differentiations.

The physics of and the chemistry between the three entities, namely, the Creator
God, the Sentient Matter and the Insentient Matter is taken into account and the
life journey’s map is drawn accordingly.

The Creator God is neither Sentient Matter nor the Insentient Matter. He is above
this duality.

The Insentient Matter does not have independence to act. It acts according to the

The Sentient Matter whose highest representation is human being should live
wisely in this world.

Wise living means staying clear of the dangers. HINDUISM says that the dangers
that come to human beings are of three kinds. They are Adhyathmika,
Adhidaivika and Adhibouthika.

Adhyathmika pertains to Soul and covers the relation between the Individual Soul
and the Universal Soul or God.

Adhidaivika pertains also to Soul and covers the relation between one Individual
Soul and another Individual Soul.

Adhibouthika pertains to Body and covers the relation between the Insentient
Matter component of human beings and the Insentient Matter in the Nature or

Such being the case it is necessary for human beings to maintain a healthy
balance between their Bodily requirements and their non-Bodily or Emotional

The modern Western Economics, whose practitioners are to be found everywhere,

does not take into account the Emotional needs of human beings and goes on
harping tirelessly only on the production and consumption of material goods to
the detriment of emotional well being of human beings.

The modern Western Economic’s handmaid, that is, the modern Western Science
falsely assures that such an Economic growth without any hindrance and limit of
any kind is possible with the continued Research and Development programme.

The modern Western Secular Politics which has placed itself at the helm of affairs
of the world assumes omniscience, omnipotence and omnipresence and dictates
that the world should behave in accordance with its plans and programmes.

The hegemony of these three Western Powers, namely, the modern Western
Science, the modern Western Economics and the modern Western Secular Politics
that is playing havoc with the lives of Indians has to be countered by the coherent
and cognisable religion that HINDUISM is.

So, kindly support the new Political Party ARUNA BHAARATHA.

Sri Vasavanuja Vittala Dasa

27 October 2010

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