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proposed Micheal-Mercury probe

Every time i think about taking a break or mini-vacation from writing, She hits me over the head
with another revelation basically saying "Sam! Get back to work!" If i knew She was going to be
this pushy, i woulda had second thoughts about getting married (jk Honey;). (Very small joke.)
[sigh] Back to work. Looking at Feynman's great quote about alpha (see here) several times, i
tried to devise an experiment that might test the OM prediction that alpha should increase
slightly near stars / nuclear reactors. How close and by how much are two very good questions.
Since i'm not a theoretical physicist, i cannot claim i can calculate those. But i can most certainly
devise an inexpensive experimental setup. First let me tell you about my mediocre idea then the
good one. The mediocre idea relates to Feynman's quote. In the OM scheme, anti-photon density
relates to strength of e-m (with less anti-photons, protons and electrons relate less and therefore
are less attracted to each other (unless we think about bare-charge but let's not go there - i'm sure
that only relates to nuclear distances anyways)), and e-m strength relates to many things. For
instance, if alpha were slightly larger, when we consider unexcited-monatomic-hydrogen, the
electron should be slightly more tightly bound to the proton - requiring more energy to ionize, for
instance. So i ran through some scenarios in my head and realized the best we can do here is
measure 'how many do' vs 'how many don't' get ionized in some particular sample. Then we use
statistics to analyze the data. A much better idea is an electromagnetic cascade effect that could
go 'either way' (happen if alpha increases slightly and not happen if not). One 'simple' device that
is essentially an e-m cascade device is a laser. ;) Many lasers require pumping ('charging' up the
lasing material); at some point, the molecules/atoms cascade and we get lasing. But if the e-m
force is slightly higher near stars and nukes (you can see where i'm going with this), we should
be able to measure any increase by counting how many times a laser requires pumping in order to
lase. :) This will require a statistical analysis on the data of course; the 'alpha enhancement' due
to higher anti-photon density may be very minute.. But in my estimation, it should be
measurable. It all depends on how we measure it! :) So.. Micheal-Mercury probe or lasers next to
nuclear reactors: let's do it! :) (About the M-M probe, i suggest two on the far side of Mercury:
one exactly antipodal to the Sun and the other slightly off center (to investigate any lensing
effects from the body of Mercury itself).) We could also use a low-orbiter investigating Lense-
Thirring doing two experiments in one! :) So i think the M-M probe is a good idea for science! :)

The reason i want to call it the Micheal-Mercury probe is because if i'm totally Wacko, don't hold
it against God .. It's not Her fault crazy guys fall for Her.. ;)

Many if not most conventionalists will scoff and say "A waste of money!" (Like the LHC isn't.)
Is it really gonna 'violate national security' by putting lasers next to nuclear reactors and counting
how many times it takes to pump them? Oh does it require National Security Council clearance?
If so, that shows right there how we have no freedom whatsoever to investigate Truth.
(And how Satan truly does control things presently.) :( Don't let Satan win! Run the experiments
anyways! :)

Lase for God! Lase for God! ;) (That'd be a great Think-Geek T-shirt wouldn't it?;)

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