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Constitution of the
National Adult Literacy
Agency (NALA)

Approved at NALA Annual General Meeting, March 2009 

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

Published by: The National Adult Literacy Agency 2009 

©NALA, 2009 

The National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) was established in 1980 and is an independent 
membership organisation, concerned with developing policy, advocacy, research and offering 
advisory services in adult literacy work in Ireland. NALA has campaigned for the recognition of, 
and response to, the adult literacy issue in Ireland. 

Contact NALA at: 

National Adult Literacy Agency 
76 Lower Gardiner Street 
Dublin 1 
Tel:  +353 1 8554332 
Fax  +353 1 8555475 

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

1. Name
1.1 The name of the Agency is the National Adult Literacy Agency.

1.2 NALA is a co-ordinating, training and support body for everyone interested and
involved in adult literacy provision in Ireland.

2. Aim
2.1 The aim of NALA is to promote adult literacy in Ireland. Adult literacy is understood
to be an integral part of adult basic education and adult continuing education.

3. Objectives
3.1 To promote the interests of everyone involved in adult literacy

3.2 To promote research into the causes, nature and extent of literacy difficulties in
Ireland and into the effectiveness of adult literacy work

3.3 To create awareness of the literacy problems faced by adults and of the literacy
services available locally, nationally and internationally

3.4 To counter prejudice against adults with literacy difficulties

3.5 To maintain a national office, with paid staff, to act as a national referral centre and
a source of ideas, information and materials

3.6 To encourage and facilitate co-operation among literacy projects in Ireland

3.7 To provide a forum for literacy students and workers, paid and unpaid

3.8 To represent the views and interests of literacy students and workers, paid and
unpaid, to Government departments and other agencies

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

3.9 To advise on acceptable standards of organisation and practice in literacy work in


3.10 To develop attitudes and practices in publicity, recruitment, assessment and

teaching that respect the dignity and autonomy of adult learners

3.11 To encourage the involvement of learners in all aspects of planning, organisation

and research

3.12 To develop training programmes, in co-operation with literacy providers if

appropriate, that ensure a high quality of literacy teaching and learning and, where
accreditation is sought, liaise with the appropriate educational bodies and/or
accrediting institutions

4. Membership
4.1 NALA has two kinds of membership.
a) Individual membership is open to anyone interested in or involved with adult
literacy. Individual members may vote in person at general meetings.

b) Group membership is open to organisations interested in or involved with adult

literacy work. Each member organisation may send two delegates to vote in
person at general meetings.

4.2 The names of members will appear on the register of current members once the
membership fee has been paid.

4.3 Only members whose names appear on the register of current members one
month before a general meeting may vote in that general meeting.

4.4 A delegate who votes on behalf of a member organisation may not also vote as an
individual or as a delegate of another member organisation.

4.5 Membership runs from 1st January to 31st December inclusive.

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

5. Executive Committee
5.1 The Executive Committee is made up of four elected officers (chairperson, vice-
chairperson, honorary secretary and honorary treasurer) and 10 elected ordinary

5.2 The functions of the Executive are to:

i) further the aim and objectives of NALA, and
ii) implement decisions and act on the resolutions passed by general

5.3 The records of NALA and the minutes of its meetings belong to the current
Executive Committee. Members may inspect the financial statements and minutes
of meetings at any reasonable time.

5.4 The Executive Committee meets at least six times during its year of office. Only
members of the Executive Committee may attend and vote at these meetings. The
one exception is the Director, who normally attends but has no vote. Occasionally,
and in special circumstances, the Executive Committee may invite a non-member
of the Executive Committee to attend an Executive Committee meeting.

(a) Notice of Executive Committee meetings and a copy of the agenda must
be sent to all Committee members at least 10 days before a meeting.

(b) If most of the Executive Committee members agree, a meeting of the

Executive Committee may be convened with shorter notice. However, the
notice must specify what business will be discussed at the meeting.

(c) At least half of the members plus one must be present before the Executive
Committee can take a decision.

(d) A majority of those present and voting must agree any decision. In a tied
vote, the chairperson has the casting vote.

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

5.5 The Executive Committee may appoint sub-committees. A sub-committee must

include at least one Executive Committee member. The sub-committee may co-opt
anyone (including non-members of NALA) with relevant expertise. The Executive
Committee should facilitate the inclusion of adult literacy learners in sub-
committees in every possible way.

5.6 The Executive Committee may propose amendments to the constitution.

5.7 If an officer resigns or dies, the Executive Committee must appoint a replacement
from among the current Executive Committee members.

5.8 If an ordinary Committee member resigns, dies or is appointed to replace an

officer, the Executive Committee must invite the candidate who received the
highest number of votes without being elected at the last Annual General Meeting
(AGM) to serve on the Executive Committee for the remainder of the member’s
current term.

5.9 If not enough Executive Committee members are elected at an AGM, the incoming
Executive Committee may appoint members to fill the vacancies.

5.10 The Executive Committee may appoint two additional people, whose skills or
expertise are considered useful to NALA, to the Committee.

5.11 Members who miss half of the meetings of the Board of Directors each year,
without a reasonable explanation, will lose their membership of the Board.

6. Election of the Executive Committee

6.1 The Executive Committee is elected at the AGM.

6.2 Only current members of NALA may be nominated as candidates for election to
the Executive Committee.

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

6.3 Candidates for election to the Executive Committee must be nominated and
seconded by two current members of NALA. Nominations must be sent to the
current Executive Committee at least four weeks before the AGM. The list of
candidates will be sent to members at least two weeks before the AGM.

6.4 Only paid-up, current members of NALA may vote.

6.5 Voting for each vacancy will be by secret ballot and single transferable vote.

6.6 Officers will serve for two years. They may be re-elected for a further two years.
After four consecutive years as an officer, they must resign. They become eligible
for re-election as an officer after two more years have passed.

6.7 Ordinary members will serve for two years. They may be re-elected for a further
two years. After four consecutive years as ordinary members, they must resign.
They may seek election as an officer or become eligible for re-election as ordinary
members after two more years have passed.

7. General meetings
7.1 The members of NALA are the supreme authority of NALA.

7.2 Non-members may attend general meetings unless the meeting votes otherwise.

7.3 Notice of each general meeting must be sent to members at least six weeks before
the meeting.

7.4 The Executive Committee must call an AGM no later than 13 calendar months
after the previous AGM.

7.5 The Executive Committee may call an ordinary general meeting at its discretion.

7.6 A minimum of 10% of the current members of NALA may ask the Executive
Committee in writing to call an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM). The
Executive Committee must call the EGM and allow the group that requested it to

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

tell the membership why they asked for an EGM. The EGM will take place only if at
least 50% plus one of the people who signed the petition requesting the EGM are

8. Amendments (changes) to the constitution and resolutions

8.1 Amendments to the constitution may only be made at an AGM or an Extraordinary
General Meeting called especially to change the constitution.

8.2 Resolutions may be considered at any general meeting.

8.3 Amendments to the constitution and resolutions must be proposed and seconded
by NALA members, one of whom must be present at the general meeting.

8.4 The national office must receive all motions and amendments to the constitution,
with the signatures of each proposer and seconder, three months before an AGM.
These must be circulated to all members. If there are amendments to these
motions or amendments to the amendments to the constitution, the national office
must receive them, with the signatures of each proposer and seconder, one month
before the AGM. The national office will notify the members of these proposed
changes at least two weeks before the AGM.

8.5 Two-thirds of those voting must approve any amendments to the constitution.

8.6 A simple majority of those voting may approve resolutions.

8.7 Amendments to the constitution will become effective and resolutions will be acted
upon from the close of the general meeting at which they are passed, unless
otherwise agreed.

8.8 All amendments to the constitution and resolutions that are passed will be sent to
the members as soon as possible.

NALA Constitution, approved at NALA AGM, March 2009 

9. The national office

9.1 NALA will keep a national office with full-time and part-time staff under the direction
of a Director.

9.2 The Director is responsible for staff development and for implementing the
decisions of the Executive Committee.

9.3 The Director and staff will carry out the day-to-day activities of NALA according to
the aim and objectives of the Agency.

9.4 The Director will be answerable to the Executive Committee and will normally
attend Executive Committee meetings.

9.5 The Director will give a monthly report of activities and work to the Executive
Committee and an annual report of activities and work to the membership at the

10. Finance
10.1 The Executive Committee is responsible to the membership for the financial affairs
of NALA.

10.2 Membership fees will be decided by resolution at the AGM.

10.3 The Executive Committee may seek funds from the Department of Education and
Science and other suitable sources.

10.4 NALA’s accounts will be audited by auditors appointed by the Executive

Committee and the auditors' report will be presented to the AGM.


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