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Core Java Interview Questions

Posted by matrix in Core Java, Java on July 3, 2009 | no responses

In Inheritance concept, i have a static method in super class and i am inheriting that class
to one sub class. In that case the static method is inherited to sub class or not?
What is the difference between Java Command Line and C command Line?
What is mean by dirty read?
What is JIT?
Basic difference b/w ALL types of JDBC driver?
Can we Connect Applet to Data Base ?

What is the difference between Applet & Servlet?

How to run eclipse with jettyserver for windows environment using batch file ?
Why abstract class should have a constructor?
How to write a program for chat function using core java ?
How to write a program for sending mails between client and server ?
How to write a server program and sending the mails to the server using smtp protocol ?
Where the static methods will live ,on stack ? can you explain briefly
We know that every java program must follows OOPS Principles. Can you tell the reason
why it is so?

What is Inheritance, Polymorphism, Encapsulation?

What is difference between hashmap and hashtable ?
Can abstract class have constructor how can you achieve this ?
Which one the better thread implemented thread or extended ?
Can you create interface instance ?
What is the Arraylist limit (maximum) by default ?
What is dynamic method dispatch ?
What do you mean by wrapper Class?

What do you mean by JVM?

How do you change JVM for other OS? Or no need to Change?

Why should we use applets ?
Why non nested classes in java are not having marked as protected access specifier?
Can we write a program with out a class in core java?
Which is not Object in Java?
What is the difference between pagecontext and servletcontext?
Why Java is a platform independent language?
Why would you design a J2EE application so user data is entered by way of a JSP page
and managed by an underlying Java Beans class?
What advantage does an entity bean have over a Session bean?
What is a J2EE component? List out all the component?
What is a thin-client application?
What is private constructor? what are the uses of writing private constructor in our
Why all programming languages have main as a execution starting point?
How GC (Garbage Collector) knows the objects reference is unused. Whether GC
removes the unused object Permanently or it maintains something ?
What is left shift and right shift?
What is bit?

How many bits are there in the byte?

What do you mean by Remote procedure call?
How can we achieve IPC in JAVA?
If long d =10;int i =0;i=d; /// is this possible? If d is very long number (10 digits or some
thing) then?
How to solve the problem of generating the unique hash keys with hash function?
What is Vector? Can you elaborate how Vector is Thread safe?
What is hash method?
How multi processing is achieved in JAVA?
Do you know thread pools?
What is Interface?
How the threads are synchronized?
What is the advantage of using threads?
What is thread?
What is casting?
What is data abstraction? Elaborate with example?
What is encapsulation? Elaborate with example?
What is OOP?
Which methods consisting of the Serializable interface?
Does a class inherit the constructor of its super class? If it does, how can you hide that
constructor? If it does not how can you call it from the sub class?
What is the difference between array and arraylist?

What is the difference between arraylist and linkedlist?

What is Restrictions in hibernate?
Write the code for Palindrome ?
What are generics in jdk1.5?
Difference between flush() and commit() in hibernate?
Can we override static methods?
How will you create the class for the following scenario? Employees under one
what are the different access Specifiers that can be used by interfaces and abstract
What is the difference between below examples String s=”RAJ”; String s=new
String(”RAJ”); ?
Is Object class abstract or not?
Is main( ) method low priority thread or high priority thread?
Why String class is immutable?
Why there is always a default constructor with abstract class. why not with interface?
Why it is mandatory to have same hashcode, if two objects are same?
Can you Explain about the use of marker interface? And is there any link between
marker interface and factory methods?
What is the Resource Bundle?
Why multiple inheritance not allowed in java?
What is run time polymorphism?
What is compile time polymorphism?
How to deprecate a method? Show it with proper example ?
Can you explain the difference b/w abstract and interface with a good example? In which
case we have to use abstract and in which case interface?
How can we synchronize Hash map?
What is the replacement for GOTO in java?
Why java does not support mulitple inheritance directly?
Java is more Secured language then why OS shouldn’t have developed in Java, why it
developed in C?
Can any one provide the real time example for method overloading and method
overriding ?
What’s the difference between JSP and Servlets?
What is mean by thread?
class A { class B { psvm(String args[]) { } } } if the prg saved in what’s the o/p?
class A{ class B{ } } which name u save the file with, Will the program compile?
What is mean by inner class?
What is inheritance?
byte a=5; byte b=5; byte c=a+b; System.out.println(c); what’s the o/p?
How you will prevent method overriding?
How you will prevent inheritance? Is there any other way other than inheritance?
What is overloading in java?
What is the use of final, in which situation final can be used in the application?
What is diff b/w iterator and enumeration?
What is customized exception?
What’s the life cycle of jsp?
What is mean by String and StringBuffer?
What is mean by method signature?
Who was the founder of java
How u debug ur project?
How u do unit testing?
How to create an instance of a class without using “new” operator?
How to create an instance of a class if the class has private constructor?
Without using arithmetic operation ,how can you write the logic for
What is means by DLL file? What is the use of DLL file? What are the contents of DLL
What is meant by API? is it related to java only or it is common for all OOPS supporting
What is the difference b/w design pattern and architecture ?
What is a virtual function ?
Why applet doesn’t have main? isn’t possible a program with out main?
What’s diff between struts 1.1 & 1.2 ?
What is more advisable to create a thread, by implementing a Runnable interface or by
extending Thread class?
Can we have virtual functions in java?
Why we need to serialize the object ?
Which class should you use to obtain design information about an object ?
What is the difference between Stream Reader and Stream Writer?
What is the exact difference in between Unicast and Multicast object ?
To what value is a variable of the Boolean type automatically initialized?
How does serialization work ?
Which Math method is used to calculate the absolute value of a number?
When does the compiler supply a default constructor for a class?
What is Assertion?
What is java ?
Explain the classification of exceptions and how to handle the exceptions?
What are deprecated methods in threads and explain the lifecycle methods ?
Explain the clone method and clonable interface ?
Why the constructor should be used in class, if there is no constructor what will happen?
How can u create the object with out new operator ?
Explain oops concepts with examples?
When, where and how to use abstract class and interface ?
What is difference between class and object?
When to use abstract class and when to use interface?
How can i connect to database in an applet ?
What is the difference b/w sleep(1000) and wait(1000) ?

What is the diff b/w static block and static function?

Write a program to validate IP address using string tokenizer.?

Write a program to create singleton class ?

Write a function to reverse the string ?

Write a prog to print prime nos upto n. EX: If n=9, It shld print 1,2,3,5,7 8,9?

Write a program to print no. of times a number is repeating in an array. EX-

{1,3,1,2,5,7,3,7,34,3,8,3} It should print: 1- 2 times 3- 4 times and so on ?

Write a func to print Fibonacci series ?

What is the difference b/w PUT and POST method to send data to the server ?
How many design pattern are there? and what design pattern u use and why ?
What is Marker interface in java? and what is clone?
What is the difference between static block and static method?
What is the difference between Enumeration interface and iterator interface according to
What is Transient and volatile ?
In the HashMap, we know the values but we don’t know the key, then how can we get the
key from HashMap ?
How can we use the servlet as standalone application? should we need to extend any
Can we call the Thread.sleep in Synchronized block?
What is the difference between static block and static variable ?
When a sub class inherits a super class and overrides a public method of super class in
sub class(public method in super class). why these methods needs to be public in sub
class. (otherwise compile time error) ?
What is the use/perpose of having a method active?
How can i read a command line argument?(using file object).
What is difference Between Core Java and advance java ?
Can we declare an anonymous class as both extending a class and implementing an
What are JDBC drivers?
What is hard code & soft code?
What is the use of Getters and Setters method ?
Explain System.out.println?
When we write class.forName(”any one class”); what happens? what it will return?
explain stepwise?
Instead of writing Home, Remote Interfaces if i directly extends EJBObject to bean class
what happens?
String is an immutable object. Then how can the following code be justified. String s1
= ?ABC?; String s1 = s1+?XYZ?; s.o.p(s1); The output is ABCXYZ, which is the value
of s1 ?
What is the difference between ArrayList and Vector ?
What is the difference between HashMap and Hashtable ?
Why to use transient variables when static variables can be used for Serialization ?
What is the difference between cd & dvd ?
What is multiple inheritance & can we implement it in java?
Which class to use when concatenating strings in a loop ?
How many bits are used to represent unicodde,ASCII,UTF-16 and UTF-8 characters?
What is the difference between abstract class and Interface? where we can use it in real-
time projects?
It possible to write static method in abstract class?
Is this possible to create an array of 0 length? if so how? if not so why?
Which method is used to know the status of the Thread?
What is a thread?
What is a package?
Describe inheritance as applied to java?
What happens when a return type ,even void is specified for a constructor?
What is difference between abstraction and interface?
Which One is optimal to choose ? Synchronized hash map or Hash table with single
thread model? How can a hash map synchronized with out using synchronized blocks in
Which swing component is similar to rich text box in .net/vb ?
Is java supports multiple inheritance? explain?
How do you relate a Interface to a Class? Tell me in Detail?
In Serialization, whether you will use Static variables?
Which is the best way to use for String concatenation in Java?
What is the use join() in Threads ?
What is the use of anonymous inner classes ?
What is the format of Inner Class after it compiled?
What is the life cycle of Thread ?
How to set the Heap size in Java ?
Is JRE required to compile Java files ?
How do you set security in applets?
What are different type of access modifiers?
How many ways can an argument be passed to a subroutine?
What is an object and how do you allocate memory to it?
What are class,constructor and primitive data types?
What is a static block?
Functionality of JVM?
What are the purposes of native, transient key words?
I/O blocking means?
Heavy components means what?
What is meant by string pooling?
Can we declare private class in java file?
Why the abstract class has default constructor?
What is inner class?
Why the primitive data type have classes?
How java is platform independent?
Adapter classes?
static inner classes means..?
What is meant by serialization?
Tell me the Important classes in net package?
What is meant by multicast?
How to pass the parameters to applets?
What is life cycle of applet?
What are the differences between interface and abstract class?
What is the difference between multitasking and multithreading?
What are the differences between final,finally,finalize methods?
Write the hierarchy of component class?
Keywords in Exceptions?
Features of Java?
Difference between Hash Table and Hash Map?
What is the use of declaring constructor as private?
Difference between abstract class and Interfaces?
Difference between System.out.println? and System.error.println?
How to call static method?
What do you meant by Runtime Polymorphism?
Why Java is not purely object oriented?
What do you meant by Platform-Independent?
Difference between JDK, JRE, JVM ?
Where u use Abstraction and Interface in real time ?
What is the difference between the “protected and default” modifiers?
Is java support call by reference and call by value, if supports please explain?
Explain, why the constructor is required in implemented class?
What JNDI(Java Naming and Directory Interface) provides?
What is the JNDI?
What is a transient variable?
What are Hostile Applets?
Write a program to create a binary Tree ?
Write a program for recursive Traverse?
What is a Wrapper class?
Why null interfaces are used in Java?
What are null interfaces? Give some examples?
Does Java support multiple Inheritance?
Why are the methods of the Math class are static?
Is Java is 100% pure OOPS? Explain?
Who developed JScript language?
Name the package that always imported by default?
What are the allowed, non-Unicode letter characters that can be used as the first character
of an identifier?
To set the position and size of a component, which methods are used?
Which java.util classes and interfaces support event handling?
Which containers use a FlowLayout as their default layout?
In what type of containers, Border layout is a default layout?
Which containers may have a MenuBar?
To obtain design information about an object, which class is used?
Name the immediate superclass of the MenuComponent class?
Which class is the immediate superclass of the Container class?
Which class is extended by all other classes?
Which class has no duplicate elements?
Which characters are allowed to use as the second character of an identifier, and which
characters are not allowed?
In what types of operations an ArithmeticException will be thrown?
Name the method that is used to set a TextComponent to the read-only state?
What is the method used to get the absolute value of a number?
Which Java operator is right associative?
Name the method of a Container that can be used to cause a container to be laid out and
Which Component subclass is used for drawing and painting?
Where the CardLayout is used?
How ‘Java’ got its name and what it stands for?
What methods are called, When we navigate from one applet to another applet?
While opening the file, what type of exceptions can be caught?
When we will use an Interface and Abstract class?
What is update method and when it is called?
When try and catch block is used ?
When finally clause is executed?
What are init(), start() methods and whey they are called?
When is an object in the mean to garbage collection?
In what circumstances, compiler will supply a default constructor for a class?
When does Exception occurs?
When do you create an index?
Under what circumstances an object reference be cast to an interface reference?
What are MalformedURLException and UnknownHost Exceptions and whey they will be
What is stop(), suspend(), resume() method?
What happens to the Exception object after handling an exception?
What for read() function?
What is the return type of readLine() when end of a file is reached?
What is the return type of read()?
What are the standards to place package statement within a source code file?
What restrictions are placed on method overloading and method overriding?
What releases of Java technology are currently available? What do they contain?
How a class can implement an interface?
What modifiers are used for interface declaration?
What modifiers are used with an inner class which is a member of an outerclass?
What modifiers are used with a top level class?
What modifiers can be used with a local inner class?
What methods are used in Servlet Applet communication?
Name the methods that used to get and set the text label displayed by a Buttonobject?
In order to specify a containers layout, which method is used?
What is the root class for all Java classes?
What is your platform’s default character encoding and how to know this?
What is user defined exception?
What is meant by throwing an Exception?
What is the use of this?
What is parameter tag and what is its use?
What is the use of an interface?
What is the use of TL?
What is the superclass of exception?
What is the smallest package in Java API?
What is the return type of a program’s main() method?
Explain the relationship between the Canvas and Graphics class?
What is clipping and repainting and what is the relation between them?
Relationship between an event-listener interface and an event-adapter class?
What is the relationship between a methods throws clause and the exceptions that can be
thrown during the method’s execution?
What is the range of the short datatype?
What is the range of the char type?
What is the purpose of the finally clause?
What enableEvents() method do?
What is System class and its purpose?
What is Runtime class and its purpose?
What is the purpose of the File class?
What is run-time class and system class? what is their purpose?
What is the purpose of finalization?
What is the purpose of a statement block?
What is the preferred size of a component?
What is the order of method invocation in an Applet?
What is the functionality of Webserver?
What is the middleware?
Name the method that used to clear the buffer ?
Which method is used to find that the object is exited or not?
Which method will get invoked first in a stand alone application?
What is the life cycle of an Applet ?
What is the immediate superclass of the Dialog class?
Highest level event class of the event-delegation model?
What is the difference between the >> and >>> operators?
What is the difference between static and non-static variables?
What is the front-end and backend in Java?
Explain the difference between Unicast and Multicast objects?
What is Unicast and Multicast object? Where we will use?
What is yielding and sleeping? how they different?
What is the difference between throw and throws?
Difference between prefix and postfix forms of the ++operator?
Difference between the paint() and repaint() methods?
Difference between the String and StringBuffer classes?
In which JDK version event-delegation model is introduced?
What are Font and FontMetrics classes?
What are File and RandomAccessFile classes?
Explain the difference between the Boolean & operator and the && operator?
What is the difference between set and list?
Explain the differences between public, private, protected and static?
What is the difference between panel and frame ?
Explain the difference between getAppletInfo and getParameterInfo?
Explain difference between final, finally and finalize?
What is exception and error? and what is the difference between them?
What is an array and a vector? How they different from each other?
Tell me the difference between an applet and a JApplet?
What is static and a non-static inner class?
Explain the difference between scrollbar and scrollpane?
What is the difference between a public and a non-public class?
What are field variable and local variable?
Explain break statement and continue statement?
What is the difference between a Window and a Frame?
Difference between a Scrollbar and a ScrollPane?
What are invisible components?.
What are interfaces?
What are hot spots in Java programming?
What are different types of Exceptions?.
What are concepts of OOPS and how are they implemented in Java?
Difference between a MenuItem and a CheckboxMenuItem?
Difference between Choice and a List?
Difference between a Canvas and a Scroll Pane?.
What is the difference between Trusted and Untrusted Applet ?
Difference between Reader/Writer and InputStream/Output Stream?
What is the difference between Integer and int?
Differences between GridLayout and GridBagLayout?
What is the difference between C++ & Java?
Difference between Array and vector?
Default layout of panel and frame?
Default layout of Dialog object?
What is the catch or declare rule for method declarations?
What is the argument type of main() method?
What are event-delegation model and event-inheritance model? Which is best?
What is the Vector class?
What is the SimpleTimeZone class?
What is the Set interface?
What is the immediate parent class of the Applet class?
What is the immediate superclass of Menu?
What is ResourceBundle class?
What is Map interface?
What is Locale class?
What is List interface?
What is the Layout for ToolBar?
What is the GregorianCalendar class?
What is the Dictionary class?
What is Collections API?
What is Collection interface?
What is the % operator?
What is synchronization? How it can be achieved?
What is singleton class?
What is the difference between serialization and deserialization?
What is serializable interface?
What is protected and friendly?
What is procedure overloading?
What is persistence ?
What is numeric promotion?
What is method Overriding in the perspective of OOPS?
What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?
Explain about vector, dictionary, hash table, property classes?
What is static variable and static method?
What is meant by serialization and deserialization?
Explain the concept of polymorphism with examples?
What is meant by packages?
Explain method overloading and overriding?
What is files manifesting?
Define interface?
Explain the concept of inheritance with an example?
What is the difference between getCodeBase and getDocumentBase methods?
What is meant by final class, methods and variables?
What is an exception?
What is meant by event handling?
Explain in detail about encapsulation with an example?
What is Distributed Application and what is its usage?
What is a deadlock ?
Explain cookies?
What is meant by controls and types?
What is meant by constructor?
When will we use class loader?
What is meant by class loader and how many types are there?
What is casting ?
What is adapter class ?
What is a super class and how super class be called?
What is a resource leak ?
What is a method ?
What is a class ?
What is meant by Java interpreter?
What is meant by JVM ?
What is CardLayout?
What is Applet Stub Interface ?
What is Applet Flickering ?
What is an Applet ?
What is light weight component?
What is finally in exception handling?
When finalize method is called?
What is dynamic binding?
What is clipping?
What is casting?
What is audio clip interface? Name few methods of it ?
What is anonymous class?
What is an object’s lock? Give name of objects that have locks?
What models are available for event handling?
What is an event?
What is an enumeration class?
What is an Iterator interface?
What is a void return type?
What is unicode?
What is a stream? what are the different types and classes of Streams?
What is a serializable interface?
What is a reflection package?
What is a native method?
What is a layout manager?
What is a default package ?
What is a compilation unit?
How many methods does cloneable interface contains?
What is cloneable interface?
What is a Java package and how is it used?
What is Remote Interface ?
What is an Exception ?
Can we call virtual function in a constructor ?
What is constructor and virtual function?
What is Connection pooling? Explain Pros and Cons?
How listener identify that the event came from a particular object?
AWT event listeners extends what interface?
What happens when you assigned a ‘double’ value to a ‘String’?
What happens if an exception is not caught?
What error occurs if a try-catch-finally statement sequence does not have a catch clause?
When you Click a Button, What event will be fired?
What is the specification of CODEBASE in an applet?
What classes of exceptions, thrown by a throw statement?
What classes of exceptions, caught by a catch clause?
Java run-time system generates What class of exceptions?
What class is used to create Server side object?
What is the top class of AWT event hierarchy?
What are virtual functions?
types of applets?.
What are types of Java applications?
What are transaction attributes ?
In what ways you can handle exception ?
Name the types of mouse event listeners ?
What are the traverses in Binary Tree?
Name the types of ‘priority’?
What services that container provides?
Name the runtime exceptions that occurs frequently?
What are the restrictions imposed by a Security Manager on Applets?.
What are the limitations for static method?
What problems will occur when you don’t use layout managers?
What are primitive data types in Java ?
What are packages and name a few?
What are listeners in java and explain ?
What are E and PI?
What are Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers ?
What are advantages of using Java’s layout managers than windowing systems?
What method is used to know the status of Checkbox(i.e it is checked or unchecked)?
What are virtual methods?
What is Vector class?
Name the packages in JDK?
What are other modifiers?
Methods in Applet?
What are the operands of instanceof operator?
What are the interfaces defined by Java.lang package?
Different types of modifiers?
Different types of Layouts?
Name the components that are termed to be Heavy-weight component but available in
What are the common problems you have faced while implementing Java?
What are the advantages of the model over the event- inheritance model?
What are access modifiers in Java ?
What are the Object and Class that classes used for?
What are order of precedence and associativity, and how are they used?
What are command line arguments?
What are blocks?.
What is the Use of throws exception?
How many bits are allocated to represent character of character sets – Unicode, ASCII,
UTF-16, UTF-8?
What is interface and its use?
What is hypertext?
What is ‘finally’ method in Exceptions?
What is “finally” keyword?
How is rounding performed under integer division?
How to do validation of the fields in any project ?
How does a try statement determine which catch clause should be used to handle an
What are the differences between Java 1.0 and Java 2.0?
How do you load an HTML page from an Applet ?
How do you compare two strings? any predefined method for this?
How Applets & Servlets will communicate with each other?
When garbage collector invokes object’s finalize() method?
What is the default initialized value of a Boolean type variable?
What is the default initialized value of String type variable?
What class is used to implement a Throwable array?
What is the minimum and maximum length of an identifier?
What are the latest versions in JAVA related areas?
What is the form of storage space in java?
Can a for statement loop indefinitely?
Can a double value be cast to a byte?
Can a Byte object be cast to a double value?
What is static binding and where it occurs?
What is Remote Reference Layer ?
What is file class and what is its purpose?
Explain Public static void main?
Name two subclasses of the TextComponent class?
What are the sub-classes of a component class?
What are the names of Component subclasses that support painting?
What are primitive Java types? How many are they and what are their names?
What are the names of interfaces that doesn’t consists of methods ?
Can you give names of Container classes?
What classes can be used to store arbitrary number of objects ?
Explain Connection Pooling?
Are there any tools available in java to create reports?
Does any tag exists in HTML to upload and download files ?
Is ’sizeof’ a keyword?
Is ‘null’ a keyword?
Is multiple inheritance allowed in Java? Why ?
Are nested try statements are possible?
A class can be a subclass of itself?
Is &&= a valid Java operator?
What are Inner classes?
Name the package that most of the AWT events that supports event-delegation model are
How to display names of all components in a Container?
What we have to do, when we don’t want to implement all methods of an interface?
How to re-get an object that is collected by garbage collector?
How to access a variable if it is declared as private?
How to access a method that it declared as protected?
How can a class be accessed, If no access modifiers are declared?
How to add panel to a Frame?
How to prevent a field from serialization ?
How to know the host from which Applet is originated?
What method is used to compare two strings ?
How applets will communicate with each other?
How many times garbage collector will invoke an object’s finalize() method?
How can you take string into InputStream?
How can you reverse a string?
How to transfer data from an Applet to Servlet ?
How to print nodes of a Binary tree?
Can an object’s finalize() method be invoked while it is reachable?
Can an object be garbage collected while it is still reachable?
How to implement a multithreaded applet?
How to find the length and capacity of a string buffer ?
How can you eliminate duplicates?
How can you debug the Java code?
How to convert a string to long?
How to connect to a remote database using Applet?
Explain about casting of objects?
What are parent methods and how can you call them?
How the elements are organized in CardLayout?
How the elements are organized in BorderLayout?
How to avoid the runtime exception ?
What is deadlock and how to avoid this?
How to add and remove nodes in Jtree?
Can applet in different pages communicate with each other?
Can an unreachable object become reachable again?
How you can create a radio button using Checkbox class?
How GUI component handle its own events?
Without creating a new object, How you can retrieve a String or other object?
How are this() and super() used with constructors?
How are this and super used?
How the elements are organized in GridLayout?
Can you declare a static variable in a method?
Can you call a constructor within a constructor?
Can we declare variables inside a method as Final Variables?
How the elements are organized in GridBagLayout?
How many address lines are required to addressing 1 MB memory?
What is lazy activation?
Explain about Superclass and Subclass?
Explain Stream Tokenizer?
Explain Event handling in AWT?
What are ER diagrams?
Does java support multi dimensional arrays ?
Does garbage collection guarantee that a program will not run out of memory?
Difference between Interface & Abstract class?
Can an anonymous class be declared as implementing an interface and extending a class?
Can an abstract class be final?
Can a lock be acquired on a class?
Difference between Applet & Application?
Difference between canvas class & graphics class?
Define Compiling?
What is the default modifier in Interface?
What will happens if you opened Internet Explorer 4 times?
What are Checked & Unchecked exceptions ?
Can you run the product development on all operating systems ?
Can you have an inner class inside a method and what variables can you access?
Can you have a constructor in abstract class?
Can you extend more than one interface?
Can we access a database using applets?
Can try statements be nested?
Can an exception be rethrown?
Can Applet have constructors?
As a developer what steps do you take to improve the performance?
Does ‘true’ and ‘false’ are keywords?
Explain about global variables in Java?
How are commas used in the initialization and iteration parts of a for statement?
How are Observer and Observable used?
How are Java source code files named?
How OOPS concept is achieved in Java?
Have you used any version control ? if so explain about it?
Explain about GridBag Layout?
Explain Global variables in Packages?
What are null interfaces in JAVA ? and give me some examples?
Name the class that used to read objects directly from a stream?
Name the methods in mouse listeners ?
What Method and class used for Connection pooling ?
What are integer overflows and underflows and how to handle them?
How to eliminate duplicates from an array?
For which statements we use a label?
What is 3-tier model?
Can a class inherit the constructors of its superclass?
Difference between Application and Applet ?
Can multiple catch statements be used in exceptions ?
Can you call a private data from an inner class?
How to initialize an Applet ?
What is I/O Filter?
How to print nodes of a Binary tree?
How to reduce flicking in animation?
How many classes that package java.applet.* contains?
How can we find size of the object ?
Can we add two byte variables and assign the result to a byte variable ? b=b1+b2 where
b,b1,b2 are byte types
What is the difference between add() and addElement() method in Vector Class ?
What is the Diff. between Access Specifiers and Access Modifiers?
What are inner and anonymous class?
Difference between Superclass and Subclass?
Explain different ways of passing arguments to sub-routine?
What are Encapsulation, Polymorphism and Inheritance?
What are different types of access modifiers?
Difference between an argument and a parameter?
Difference between this(), super()?
What are Transient and Volatile Modifiers?
What is the use of bin and lib in JDK?
WHAT IS finalize() method?
What is UNICODE?
Is there any need to import java.lang package?
What happens when a main method is declared as private?
In which way does a Primitive data type is passed ?
What is Overriding and how can it be used?
Is there is any error if you have multiple main methods in the same class?
Explain the term serialization?
Java support what type of parameter passing ?
By what default value is an object reference declared as an instance variable?
How can final class be used?
What is an abstract class?
Differentiate constructor and a method and how are it be used?
What is garbage collection in Java, and how can it be used ?

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