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Naam Times


I S S U E 2 D E C E M B E R - 2 0 1 0
We seek a progressive, forward-looking democratic society based on social justice, knowledge, and an
advanced economy simultaneously in harmony with the environment.
 Naam on Tv
Towards altering the political culture in Lebanon, and the wider Arab world
Towards a more participatory governance system
 Order CB map-
guide! Baddi koun Mas’oul:What’s next? educational sys-
tem in Lebanon, in
 LPM in Jordan
The BKM project is ap- secondary school curricu- order to present
 Naam in the proaching its final stage. lum as a prelude for stu- the outcomes of
Since the beginning of the project to them, and
 Daleel in Hai- the academic year 2010- also the recommendations
gazian 2011, the team of BKM and testimonials from stu-
has visited all targeted dents and teachers.
15 schools, where they
conducted the simula-
tions. More than 460
students from different
regions now know more dents to learn about elec-
about active citizenship toral systems, candidacy, >>>Two schools have al-
Naam lil Hiwar 2 and democratic elections. and voting. A lobbying ready applied the simula-
The next step of BKM is to strategy is already estab- tions in their classes
Mps speaking 2
about LPM work towards integrating lished; meetings with indi- autonomously!
the simulation activity into viduals responsible for the
Yalla getting 3

Tourstic map of 4
My village my responsibility: Is back on track!
CB guide for 4
More participants are joining Plans for
Naam’s new 4 the MVMR team. Youth from January include participating in a
Wadi Nahle, Kfarhatta, Jeb Jen- youth based survey and a meeting
Did you know 5 nien and Beere are on board. with young elected members of
The group participated in a the municipal councils. After some
treasure hunt activity in Amy- challenging moments, particularly
oun as an introduction to municipal work. This activity with youth involvement, MVMR is
combined fun and adventure with a serious learning certainly back on track!
experience. A two day workshop on advocacy and lob-
bying was held as a continuation to this project.
Naam Lil Hiwar
Naam Lil Hiwar continues this season, with renewed support from CCFD (Comité Ca-
tholique Contre la faim et pour le Developpement), and is still providing the same
spontaneous and open space for young professionals, students, activists and every citizen to lay down
their ideas and outlooks on the state of public affairs; we believe that Naam lil Hiwar is a
strong contributor to the promotion of critical thinking amongst the Lebanese youth.
During the past three months, Naam Lil Hiwar has covered 5 hot topics; “feminism and
religion”, a subject on which the audience had a lot to say, to the extent that a follow up
session was organized. “Abortion”, “capital punishment in Lebanon”, “the prerogatives of
the Lebanese president” and finally “open unsolved cases” were other topics that Naam
Lil Hiwar opened for discussion. Guest speakers included Samahat al Sayyed Jaafar Fadlal-
Picture of a Dia- lah, Pere Issam Jerdaa, Lawyer Nizar Saghieh, Dr Zou El Fikar Hashash, MP Ghassan Mkhiber, women
logue on
rights activist Joumana Merhi, and others. What’s the next step? Well, this project will establish a
“feminism and
religion” quarterly professional/academic session where recommendations recorded in the public sessions will
be discussed and analyzed, thus, a report that summarizes these outcomes will be issued in the form of
a policy paper. To know more about
our next plans don’t forget to read our —>The media coverage was also very sound, Naam lil Hiwar appeared in the
“Daily star”, “Albalad”,” Al Mustakbal”, “Assafir”, and other journals.
next newsletter!

Lebanese Parliamentary Monitor-LPM

Nahwa al Muwatiniya was invited to represent the Lebanese Parliamentary Monitor

(LPM) during a regional seminar on “Strengthening the role of Parliaments in Crisis Pre-
vention and Recovery in the Arab states region”, organized in Jordan (Amman), by UNDP
in partnership with the Arab Inter- Parliamentary Union. The regional seminar brought
“Mp.Michel Moussa
together 55 participants representing 9 parliaments from the region as well as several
emphasized the international and regional organizations together with representatives from national or-
importance of the role ganizations. Also three Lebanese Parliamentarians were present in the seminar: MP.
of LPM in bridging
Michel Moussa, MP. Nuhad al Mashnuk and MP. Antoine Saad. Nahwa al Muwatiniya
was given the opportunity to present LPM and talk about its activities, success stories,
between citizens and
impacts, bottlenecks and challenges in the field of parliamentary monitoring. Participants
their representatives” were interested to learn about LPM and more specifically about its relationship with the
parliamentarians, and here MP.Michel Moussa, emphasized the importance of the role
of LPM in bridging between citizens and their representative he also highlighted the op-
portunity the monitor provides to MPs to publicize their work in developing public poli-

Breaking news!
Haigazian University has adopted our “Daleel” guide as a course in their


Yalla: What did Yalla accomplish so far?

Yalla gether in a group rouz, on how to administer the
youth dur-
work called “bring survey. They also set a plan of
out the chef Ramzi action on how and where the dis-
ing the
in you”! The team, tribution should be operated.
coming from dif- Yalla team has now started dis-
workshop ferent regions in tributing the surveys in all 5 mu-
in Crown lebanon, learned hafazat, 2 thirds of them will be
Plaza more about the targeting universities, and the rest
project via a cook- will be on the field.
Before finalizing the survey ing exercise that also intro- What did the youth want to show
document that will assess the duced them to each other and by answering the surveys? The
knowledge, perceptions, and broke the ice! On the 13th of answer will be given to you in our
expectations of the Lebanese November, 24 people were
next newsletter! “Naam was
youth from their municipalities, trained in a one day workshop,
“Yalla” brought its team alto- with the statistician Nader Kay- interviewed on a

TV show to talk

more about its

Naam on Otv: What did Naam want to say? mission and


Nahwa Al muwatiniya was interviewed on OTV on a live program called “yawm Jdid” to
talk more about its mission, perspectives and projects.
Samer Abdallah our General Coordinator and Andira Raslan our Communications and
Outreach Manager attended this interview. You can check it on Youtube or join our Face-
book group! (Nahwa al Muwatiniya).

To view this interview click on this link :

NaamTimes YouTube

Naam’s contribution to the UPR

Nahwa Al Muwatiniya collaborated
with many other NGO’s under the
“Coalition of Civil Society Organization
of Lebanon” in a joint report in prepa-
ration for the Universal Periodic Review
of Lebanon before the United Nations This report highlights key human rights concerns and violations in Leba-
Human Rights Council on its 9th session. non within the last four years. The themes include the Economic, Social
and Cultural Rights and the Civil and Political Rights .

Consensus Building’s map and guide are out!

This guide aims at making the lessons learned from the

“Consensus Building Project” accessible to all NGOs and indi-
viduals interested in working on the same topic in Lebanon.

It combines different techniques and practical ways

to succeed in these kind of projects.

Working with Amyoun community for two years, the final

“Consensus Building Project” consisted of a touristic Map that
the Amyoun community proposed in order to enhance local
tourism within Lebanon. The Map is now printed and is basi-
cally distributed in North Lebanon as a first step!



Partners and Donors:

Naam wishes you Merry Christ- A New Board was

mas and a Happy New Year! elected!

Naam’s members elected

In this picture you can see Naam’s core a new board for the com-
team, from left to right: ing two years!
Tala Itani, Samer Abdalah, Racha El Hal-
The new board members
lak, Assaf Nmeir, Andira Raslan, Ahmad are: Marwa Abou Dayya
Fathallah and Leena Ksseifi! (general Secretary), Omar
Naam would like to welcome its new Pro- AbdelSamad, Rana Yazigi,
gram Coordinator Rami Shamseddine and Rudy Jaafar, Sahar
the new MVMR Coordinator Hassan Frangieh, Camille
Fayad, and says Goodbye to Tala wishing Mourani , Evelyne Karam
her the Best! and Rouba Zebian.
Nahwa al-Muwatiniya is a non-profit organization
founded by individuals from all walks of life and from
Mar Mikhael, Al Nahr,
a mosaic of political, cultural, and religious back-
Armenia street,
grounds. We are members of civil society concerned
Sfeir Building-2nd floor
with the state of affairs in Lebanon and beyond, and
Phone: (+) 961-565808 we seek to achieve positive change through in-
Fax: (+) 961-565808 formed activism and engagement.
Email: We believe democracy begins with inclusive, edu-
cated, and engaged individual behavior which, when
Websites: nurtured and multiplied, will lead to the improve-
ment of civil society and the betterment of our na-

Naam on Facebook tional, regional, and global future.

Yalla on Facebook
For more info you can email us on:
Naam Lil Hiwar on Facebook

Did you know that?

 “If values do not determine participation, participation does change values and habits”

 Once people begin to participate THEY :

1- Obtain skills to engage civically.
2- Gain satisfaction from doing so.
3-Enter networks that inform them about other opportunities and caused them to be frequently
4-Integrate successfully in society.
5-Begin to see themselves as CITIZENS or Participants not as isolated individuals!


Send your suggestions, points of view, questions, or volunteer requests on:

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