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1 CPP09 W1 M1: Static Polymorphism: Templates

1.1 Learning Objectives
1.2 Static Polymorphism
1.2.1 Introduction
1.2.2 Definition of Template
1.2.3 How Templates Work: An Analogy
1.2.4 Declaring And Using Function Templates Using Multiple Placeholders
1.2.5 Declaring And Using Class Templates A More Complex Class Template Example
1.3 Resources
1.4 Steps to attack the problem sets
1.5 Problem Sets
1.5.1 Problem Set A
1.5.2 Problem Set B
1.5.3 Problem Set C
1.6 Submission guidelines
1.7 Evaluation Criteria

CPP09 W1 M1: Static Polymorphism: Templates

Learning Objectives
At the end of this Module, you will be able to:

Explain how to achieve static polymorphic behavior through the use of templates
Explain how to write generic code using templates
Explain how to declare and implement function templates
Explain how to declare and implement class templates
Explain how to declare and implement class member function templates

Static Polymorphism

Static polymorphic behavior is realized at compile time. A class template acts as a generic class definition from which new class types can be
defined by a simple change of parameter types. Whereas a normal class is used to create objects, a class template is used to define new class
types, from which objects are then created. The compiler uses the types you supply, combined with the class template, to create a wholly…/CPP09:W1-M9 1/10
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new class type.

Understanding how to declare, implement, and use class and function templates will pay big dividends in many ways. Primarily, it provides
you with a mechanism to write generic code. Learning to write generic code can potentially save you a lot of work.

Definition of Template

A template defines a related set of classes or functions. The related set of classes or functions defined by a template share the same code
structure and functionality. The class or function template can then be used to declare a new class or function type.

Function Templates

A function template is a generic function declaration and definition from which different versions of the function can be created by the
compiler based on the argument types used to call the function. If you think this sounds a lot like overloaded functions you are right. Function
templates and overloaded functions are related as you will soon see.

Class Templates

A class template is a generic class declaration and definition from which different, but related, class types can be created by the compiler
based on type parameters.

Structure Templates

A structure template is like a class template but using structures instead.

How Templates Work: An Analogy

When you declare and define a template you are creating a generic version of whatever piece of code you are writing, be it a function or a
class. In the declaration and definition of the template you will use one or more identifiers as type placeholders. These type placeholders are
similar in function to the placeholders in a form letter generated with a word processor.

The below figure illustrates a simple mail merge operation. A master letter is created with placeholders for certain data elements. The
structure of the data source is mapped to the master letter by the placeholder identifiers name and age. When the mail merge function is
executed, the data source is merged with the master letter to yield the finished letters. The master letter is a generic document that can be
reused to generate many specific letter instances. Class and function templates work in similar fashion. A generic function or class is declared
and defined. Placeholders are inserted into the code to reserve spots for actual data types. When specific versions of a template function are
required the type substitutions are made based on the types of the arguments used to call the function. In the case of template classes, a
special syntax is used when a new template class is declared.…/CPP09:W1-M9 2/10
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Declaring And Using Function Templates

Up until now, if you wanted to create different versions of the same function to operate on different data types you would overload the
function. For instance, if you wanted to declare a function named Sum() that took two arguments, added them together, and returned the
result you could create several versions of the function like so:
int Sum(int val1, int val2);
float Sum(float val1, float val2);
char Sum(char val1, char val2);

These three functions can be replaced with one function template.

1. #ifndef SUM_TEMPLATE_H

2. #define SUM_TEMPLATE_H


4. template<class T> T Sum(T val1, T val2){

5. return val1 + val2;

6. }

7. #endif

The Sum() function is declared to be a template by the keyword template appearing on line 4. Following the keyword template in angle
brackets is the keyword class followed by a placeholder identifier named T. The class keyword as it is used here essentially means “any
type”. The placeholder T will then appear somewhere in the function. It can appear in more than one place, as it does here in the parameter
list. You can use any valid identifier as a placeholder name, not just T. You can also declare more than one placeholder.

To use the Sum() function template The Sum() function is called the same way as normal functions are called. The example below shows a
main() function using the Sum() function on different data types.
1. #include <iostream>

2. #ifndef SUM_TEMPLATE_H

3. #define SUM_TEMPLATE_H

4.…/CPP09:W1-M9 3/10
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5. template<class T> T Sum(T val1, T val2){

6. return val1 + val2;

7. }

8. #endif


10. using namespace std;

11. int main(){

12. cout<<Sum(3, 25)<<endl;//Integer

13. cout<<Sum(3.456, 5.786)<<endl; //Float

14. cout<<Sum('a', 'b')<<endl; //Char

15. //cout<<Sum(3, 3.5)<<endl;

16. return 0;

17. }

Using Multiple Placeholders

The Sum() function template declared and defined in the above example used one type placeholder named T to reserve type spots in the
function. Because both of the Sum() function’s parameters are reserved with the same placeholder they must be of the same type when the
function is called. To illustrate, let us see what happens when the Sum() function is called with an integer and a float argument as shown in the
following line of code:

cout<<Sum(3, 3.5)<<endl;

Error : in function int main() line no 15: no matching function for call to `Sum(int, double)

When the Sum() function template is called with two different argument types an error results. This error was produced using the Dev C++ One way to eliminate this error is to declare the Sum() function template to use two different placeholders.
1. #include <iostream>

2. #ifndef SUM_TEMPLATE_H

3. #define SUM_TEMPLATE_H

4. template<class T, class U> T Sum(T val1, U val2){

5. return val1 + val2;

6. }

7. #endif


9. using namespace std;

10. int main(){

11. cout<<Sum(3, 25)<<endl;

12. cout<<Sum(3.456, 5.786)<<endl;

13. cout<<Sum('a', 'b')<<endl;

14. cout<<Sum(3, 3.5)<<endl;

15. return 0;

16. }

Notice now there are two type placeholders declared on line 5 of the above example. T and U. The U placeholder is used for the second
parameter in the Sum() function while the T placeholder is used for the first parameter and the return value. This will solve one problem but
introduce another. The above Example shows the revised Sum() function template in use.…/CPP09:W1-M9 4/10
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Refer to line 14 of the above example. Notice now that the Sum() function is called with the first argument an integer and the second
argument a float. By using two placeholders in the function template the error produced by using two different argument types is eliminated.
However, the result type of the Sum() function is dictated by the first argument type. Since the T placeholder is used to reserve the type spot
for both the first parameter and the return type of the function, whatever type the first argument to the function happens to be will also be the
return type of the function. In this example it is an integer. So, the result of calling the Sum() function with the arguments 3 and 3.5 is 6, not
6.5! Notice what happens when the order of the arguments are swapped.

To resolve the ambiguous return type issue simply declare yet another type place holder used specifically to dictate the function’s return
type. The below example gives the revised Sum() function with the extra type placeholder V declared and used to reserve the return type.
1. #include <iostream>

2. #ifndef SUM_TEMPLATE_H

3. #define SUM_TEMPLATE_H

4. template<class T, class U, class V> V Sum(T val1, U val2){

5. return val1 + val2;

6. }

7. #endif


9. using namespace std;

10. int main(){

11. cout<<Sum<int, int, int>(3, 25)<<endl;

12. cout<<Sum<double, double, double>(3.456, 5.786)<<endl;

13. cout<<Sum<char, char, char>('a', 'b')<<endl;

14. cout<<Sum<double, int, double>(3.5, 3)<<endl;

15. return 0;

16. }

Notice the Sum() function call on line 11. The function name Sum is followed by a series of type names enclosed in angle brackets. This is
referred to as a template specialization. The order of type names appearing in the specialization map to the same order as the function
template type parameters. On line 11 the Sum() function is being specialized to take two integers as arguments to the function and return an
integer value. Following the specialization is the argument list appearing in parentheses as usual. Line 12 introduces another Sum() function
specialization, as does line 13 and line 14. The specialization on line 14 says that the Sum() function will take a double as the first argument,
an integer as the second argument, and return a double value.

Declaring And Using Class Templates

Class templates are used to declare and define a generic class structure. The compiler uses the class template and any types supplied via
specialization to build a new class type. Let us begin the discussion of class templates with a simple Foo example. Example below shows the
declaration and definition of a class template named Foo.

1. #include <iostream>





6. template<class T> class Foo{

7. public:

8. Foo(T _val);…/CPP09:W1-M9 5/10
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9. virtual ~Foo();

10. void setVal(T _val);

11. T getVal();

12. private:

13. T val;

14. };


16. template<class T> Foo<T>::Foo(T _val):val(_val){}


18. template<class T> Foo<T>::~Foo(){}


20. template<class T> void Foo<T>::setVal(T _val){

21. val = _val;

22. }


24. template<class T> T Foo<T>::getVal(){

25. return val;

26. }


28. #endif


30. using namespace std;


32. int main(){

33. Foo<int> f1(1);

34. Foo<char> f2('d');

35. cout<<f1.getVal()<<endl;

36. cout<<f2.getVal()<<endl;

37. return 0;

38. }

The declaration of the Foo class templates begins on line 6 with the keyword template. There is only one template parameter declared named
T. The T is used throughout the class declaration and definition to reserve a spot for the type declared when the Foo class is specialized.

Referring to line 33 of above example, notice how the Foo class template is specialized to use an int type. The important point to note in this
example is that Foo<int> and Foo<char> are two distinct types.

A More Complex Class Template Example

The below Example gives the source code for a template of the DynamicArray class.

1. #include <iostream>


3. #ifndef _DYNAMIC_ARRAY_H

4. #define _DYNAMIC_ARRAY_H…/CPP09:W1-M9 6/10
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6. template<class T> class DynamicArray{

7. public:

8. DynamicArray(int _size = 5);

9. virtual ~DynamicArray();

10. T& operator[](unsigned i);

11. int getSize();

12. private:

13. T* its_array;

14. int size;

15. };


17. template<class T> DynamicArray<T>::DynamicArray(int _size):size(_size){

18. its_array = new T[_size];

19. for(int i=0; i<size; i++)

20. its_array[i] = static_cast<T>(0);

21. }


23. template<class T> DynamicArray<T>::~DynamicArray(){

24. delete[] its_array;

25. }


27. template<class T> T& DynamicArray<T>::operator[](unsigned i){

28. if(i >= (size)){

29. int newsize = size+10;

30. T* temp = new T[size];

31. for(int j = 0; j<size; j++){

32. temp[j] = its_array[j];

33. }

34. delete[] its_array;

35. its_array = new T[newsize];

36. for(int j = 0; j<size; j++){

37. its_array[j] = temp[j];

38. }

39. for(int j=size; j<newsize; j++){

40. its_array[j] = static_cast<T>(0);

41. }

42. delete[] temp;

43. size = newsize;

44. return its_array[i];

45. }…/CPP09:W1-M9 7/10
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46. else

47. return its_array[i];

48. }


50. template<class T> int DynamicArray<T>::getSize(){ return size;}

51. #endif


53. using namespace std;


55. int main(){

56. DynamicArray<char> d1;

57. DynamicArray<float> d2;

58. for(int i=0; i<6; i++){

59. d1[i] = 'a';

60. }

61. for(int i=0; i<6; i++){

62. d2[i] = (i + .5);

63. }

64. for(int i=0; i<d1.getSize(); i++){

65. cout<<d1[i]<<" "<<d2[i]<<endl;

66. }

67. return 0;

68. }

Converting the DynamicArray class into a class template increased its usefulness as it can now be used to hold different types of objects,
even user-defined types. The above example gives a main() function showing the DynamicArray class template in use.


Chapter 11: Templates -- How to C++ by Dietel and Dietel.


Header Files:

C++ Projects and Linkage --C++ Projects and Linkage

Header Files
File Preprocessors

Steps to attack the problem sets

Step 1: Read about Static Polymorphism and try sample programs(DynamicArray) given in Static Polymorphism(You can copy paste
the programs)
Step 2: Go through the PPT on Templates and try stack program from the PPT.(you can copy paste the program)
Step 3: Go through the additional resources give for further clarification.…/CPP09:W1-M9 8/10
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Step 4: Attack the problem sets in the given order(Problem Set A and then Problem Set B ...).
Step 5: If you are not clear with the problem sets then contact your respective mentor for clarification.

Spend atleast 2 hours from Step 1 to Step 3.

Problem Sets
Problem Set A

1. Create a function called swaps() that interchanges the values of the two arguments sent to it. (You will probably want to pass these
arguments by reference.) Make the function into a template, so it can be used with all numerical data types (char, int, float, and so on). Write
a main() program to exercise the function with several types.
Name the program as: PA1_swaps.cpp

Problem Set B

2. Create a function called amax() that returns the value of the largest element in an array. The arguments to the function should be the
address of the array and its size. Make this function into a template so it will work with an array of any numerical type. Write a main()
program that applies this function to arrays of various types.

Name the program as:PB1_amax.cpp

Problem Set C

3. A queue is a data-storage device. It’s like a stack, except that, instead of being last-in first-out, it’s first-in-first-out, like the line at a bank
teller’s window. If you put in 1, 2, 3,you get back 1, 2, 3 in that order.

A stack needs only one index to an array (i.e top of the array). A queue, on the other hand, must keep track of two indexes to an array: one
to the tail, where new items are added, and one to the head, where old items are removed. The tail follows the head through the array as
items are added and removed. If either the tail or the head reaches the end of the array, it is reset to the beginning.

Write a class template for a queue class. Assume that the programmer using the queue won’t make any mistakes, like exceeding the capacity
of the queue or trying to remove an item when the queue is empty. Define several queues of different data types and insert and remove data
from them.

Use the dynamicarray discussed previously for implementing the queue.

Write the declaration and defining of Queue template in separate header file and a Test program to test the queue in separate source file.


Queue Animation Java Applet(Animation) represents a simple queue at a shop

Queue PPT

Name the Header files as: PC1_queue.h

Name the Test program as: PC1_queueTest.cpp

Submission guidelines
Zip all the files to <rollno>

The zip file should contain the following files:

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Evaluation Criteria
Marks split

PA (15 Marks)
PB (20 Marks)
PC (65 Marks)
PC1_queue.h (55 Marks)
Implementing the queue Template using Dynamic Array -- (20 Marks)
Using the tail and head -- (10 Marks)
Implementing EnQueue and DeQueue -- (20 Marks)
Implementing other required functions -- (5 Marks)
PC1_queueTest.cpp -- (10 Marks)

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