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AEF FOI response

Questions posed by Mary Craig:-

Are Karen Pine (KP below) and Avril Nash (AN) members of the Advertising
Education Forum (AEF) academic network as is claimed on the AEF [web]
Answer: Yes. Both were invited to join the network by AEF. The
University was not involved in this decision – the membership is personal
to each academic.

What are the dates of their memberships?

KP 2004 to now
AN 2004 to now

What are the terms of their memberships?

Answer: There are no formal “terms of membership”. The forum provides
a means by which academic researchers in areas related to advertising
and children, food advertising and obesity, and advertising self-regulation
are able to access a database of publications in this area.

Are they paid in cash or kind?

Answer: No

Does the membership involve giving advice or other duties?

Answer: No. KP has been contacted to provide information (for example
on opinions regarding particular aspects of advertising practice) in
response to questionnaires. AN has not been so contacted. Apart from
this membership simply involves providing details of publications relevant
to the content of the AEF database.

How often does AEF contact them?

Answer: there is no regularity in contacts. Both KP and AN have been
contacted 3 – 4 times over the course of their association with AEF, but at
irregular intervals.

Have either of them ever attended any meetings on behalf of AEF or at its
Answer: No. AN has been invited to attend to observe a discussion of
business scheduled at a particular meeting. KP has not attended a
meeting. Neither has ever been asked to represent AEF externally.

Neither KP nor AN has ever been approached or otherwise been in contact

with any of the lobbying firms listed .

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