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Manifesto for

National Unity in Burma

By Khin Ma Ma Myo



The people of Burma, striving to reclaim their freedom and universal rights, which was

usurped by the Burmese military regime, rejecting violence and coercion in all their

forms, and particularly when used as instruments of governance, have determined that

they shall hereafter remain a free people governed under the rule of law.

Individuals and organizations have been fighting for the realization of the need to

establish true national reconciliation and successful democratization processes in

Burma. In this manifesto, guiding principles to build a federal democratic Burma in the

spirit of true national unity are set forth.

Guiding Principles

People of Burma,

Conscious of;

The historic mission to build a modern democratic state founded on Justice, Equity and

National Reconciliation and Unity.

Realizing the need to;

i. coordinate massive civic action against the dictatorship system in Burma;

ii. establish a fully sovereign Interim Governing Council of Burma that shall be

constituted in accordance with a process of extensive deliberations and consultations

with cross-sections of the Burmese people conducted by various democratic organizations

and possibly in consultation with the United Nations;

iii. call upon the National Reconciliation Dialogue and produce a draft of the

permanent constitution of Burma;

iv. present the draft constitution to the people for approval in a general referendum;

v. hold elections for a new government pursuant to a permanent constitution;

vi. build a better society based on the principles of democracy, human rights and

social justice under the rule of law;

vii. establish the basis of national unity by adopting the reliable procedures and


Committed to;

i. build Burma in the spirit of true national unity;

ii. resolve fundamental issues that shall have challenged the successful national

reconciliation process of Burma in recent decades

Covenant as follows:

1. The Indivisibility of the Polity of Burma

People of Burma affirm the belief in the unity of Burma under the Federal system of

Government; therefore, continuously promote political tolerance, compromise, religious

harmony, as well as inter-ethnic and intra-ethnic accommodation and co-operation.

2. Supremacy of Constitution

People of Burma affirm the belief in the the supremacy of the Constitution and the

sovereignty of the nation and its people.

3. Sanctity of Human Dignity

People of Burma affirm the belief in respect of fundamental human rights, as enshrined

in the Universal Declaration of Human rights; therefore, against all forms of

discrimination on the basis of gender, religion, place of origin, or ethnicity, race,

or beliefs, etc.

Directive Principles

People of Burma shall remain strongly committed to:

i. Democracy and good governance;

ii. Freedom, human rights and human dignity;

iii. Justice, equity, participation, inclusiveness and the rule of law

iv. sustainable development

v. Integrity, transparency and accountability in the conduct of Public affairs

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