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Here's the Program Women's Community Did You Forget?

of That "Scandalous" Club to Stage On Thnl'~"II\". .\[nl'"h ~tlt, th,' IWl'nty-
nintli s,'ri,'~ ,;f thl' :\arlwrth Bnilding
Tennis Entertainment Big Musicale and Loan .\~~II"iat ion oj"'n,'d, and
while il ;":-l'l'at 1I1il II \. IIt'W :-\hal'l'~ W(lre
i:-:RU<·d, it looks as though a gTt.'at lU:lJlY
BIG SHOW TO BE GIVEN IN ELM The Community Clnh ehorus of \Yo- of Olll' r"sidt'nts forgot to take Ollt
HALL NEXT FRIDAY EVENING, n1('n'~ ""oi('es, wldeh has heeu working ~hnl'(·~. Th,' lI('xt m(',·tilll! of the Bllil,l·
nl1(I,'r the lea']ership of .\fl's. Tillmau O. illg all.] Loall ,\~~o<'iation will he hpld
MARCH 12-YOU'LL ALWAYS Laup, will make its how to the public April lst. alit] all.\' <HIl' wishillg to take
REGRET IT IF YOU MISS THIS "t an e,-enin~ mu~icale .\fon,la~·, '\[arch shan's in tlie II.'\\, Twenty-ninth Series
PERFORMANCE! Stll, at 8 0 'clock, in the Y. l\I. C. A. "'an .10 ~o on thnt e,"('niJ;g, hy payillg
Besides the ~ongs gi ,"en hy tJ1C chorus
!1H're wiIl he t('uor and soprano solos
THE FIRESIDE ~flll'('h lin.] Apri] ,]n('s.
Thl' finalll'ial statellll'nt of tlll' Nar-
W'('lI, her(' it is at last, ill all its and instrumental num1Jer~. "\1togethel l)('rlh Bnildillg aud Lonn ;\~~oeiation is
seaJH]a]ous ,lPtni]-th,' eomplete pro- a very attraeti\'l' progra1ll has heeu pllh l ishp,l "I,,,\dll're in this i~stH', IIIIlI
"Sa Vp Sa tur,!n v afternoon ~.30, RlI(l\\"~ a sahstantial I!ain o,-er la~t"~'ear,
gram of th(' hig entertainHIl'Ht to be arrau~e,l. Th" usual guc~t pridlegl' is
<'iYeu hy thl' nH'mhers of thl' :'\arherth extendell to memlwrs of thc duh aull .\fal'"h ~(Jth, for tIll; 'Idddos'." tJl(' ;:.", of protit no\\' heing 8 ~·]O pel' "The Object of this Association
TpJllli:-; '-'ASHO(.iatioll, llf'xt Fridny e\"cn~ it is hoped that a ]arge numher will rcnt. shall be to improve and beautify
"Sa \'(] .\farch lill h. at Y. ~L C. A.,
ing, .\fareh ]:2, in Ehn Hall. a'"ltil thcmse]\""s of the opport:unit~· to Dnring thp last ('ighft'l'n mouths i1-l the Borough and vicinity; to assist
8 P. .\L, 1'01' l'lWGHESSIV]~ ~OVEL­ sllares lIa,-p IIlatll1'l'.l reprpsclltillg
heal' thi~ excellent music. and co-operate with the authori-
Heall it 0\'('1' carefully, folks, anll TY PAHTY." :ji1~2,SOO pail] ~tol'ldlOl<l('rs 011 their ma-
you ean take it 011 the won] of any ties in enforcing laws and ordi-
tllred ~t()(·k. lUll] aLont IIpxt Anglist Xo. nances relating thereto; to pro-
memher of the cast that somewhere he- Tuesday Afternoon Meeting. ".Tuniol' l'rogres,'ive 1\ovelt.y Party i S('ri('s will mntnrp an<1 :!{:l shales will
tWt"'1l that .\fusieal Allomaly pntithll Satur(]ay aft"rllooll, :!.::O, .\Inrch 20th, at mote any project haVing for its
The regular nH'ding of the c]uh will h .. l'l.-til'l',I, sO that ill on1er to r(:pI:h'l'
"P('rIT alll] Pone(' at O]ll ilaryan]," he 11elll on Tues.]a~· aftp1'Jloon, '\[arch th" Y. .\f. C. A." thl' ~hares that matnr(' it is neel'ssary purpose the betterment of the com-
which '(,onstitntes Art 1, and that thrill- nth, at :1 o'clock. The cluh is to have that II('\\, shares I", takpn ont in Ol'e munity as a whole; to provide a.
ing, Hot to say esthetie, terpsichorean the prh-ilege of hearing again :'\[ary .\fr. aud .\Ir~. .Iohll 13. Bl'ook~, of liP"" ~I'r;( ~ :1:':- they nre Oi'llllf'd in orflcr means of acquiring and dissemi-
C'xhi],it iOIl rntit]('(] "The Pall of Hose Colli n~, who ~ll\-" grca t I']easur,' ]hlllley aveline, spellt. the holi,lays last nating information on any subject
10 k('ep fhl' "olllln(' of lHi"iIH"S up ,0 ils
A,1:llll'~ App]l'," which constitutes the \\'('"k up the Stat"e.
last ~'ear hy hC'r reading of "nh~'nH's prtl~(\Jlt 111:11'1\. of general interest; and to foster
last nd-in othl'r \\'fll'<1s, SOHlewlH're he- from the Trenl'1les." She 'Yill ~i\"p tlti~ Th,' H'rit'~ that OjH'IIl'(l n ypar ago ha,l and maintain a fraternal spirit
t\\"e(~1l thl~ l,eg-illllitlg' :\1)(1 t.iiP PHd, thi:-; "Sa'"" Fl'i.]av . .\farc·h ]!Jth, at the
~-"ar a ]ongpr program, iuc]uding re('i- ]1);] shart's, whil'll is till' 1;1 I'I! cst' s,~riI'S among the people of our commun-
elltpl'taillllll'Ht i~ going to tonch on tat ions, piano]ogues and the r"a,]ing of Y. .\r. C. A., S '1'• .\r., for heaps of fUll tl!' ,\"ol'iation lias. alll] froll1 all ac- ity.' , Dues for Voting Member-
cYer~'ho<l~' alld ,'\'('r~·thiug in :'\arl)('rth a ncw cOIller]y fresh from the IIar\"are] fot' you, HlP nlld '('Ill."
"onnt~ tli., IJ,'\\' TweIJtv-nillth Spries Ship for one year, $1.00. Every
that is of interest to anybody in our P)'('ss. "[cmhers arc urged to conIC nnd \\'IiI bp t'\'llll larj.!,"t.'I', sllf;wing' that 1110 resident of Narberth and vicinity
hOl'oug-h. to hring ~uests. _\frs. CharI"s Yio'oll "'aj(~r~. of Por- prnpJfl of XarH'rth I't':llize ~Lv j),lll('lfits eligible.
'I']le hostesses for th" afternoou wiIl J'Pst. . :\pHrtll1C'llt!-l, ~~:l\'(' a lUIlt'h(lon in
Th,' tall'lI) \\'in ,'on,i~t pX"]usi,-P]y of of th,' Bnilc1illl! all,l Loan jlllUI an,1 al'''
memhers of th,' Tenni, A~~oeiation. h" .\frs. H. S. Ste\"en", .\fr~..T. E. Cha' IlOilOI' 01' .\fl's..1. I. BabhY 011 P('hnlllrv h('{'o,lIilJg: illi('lf('stl'.] ill thl' Aj-;~O(·j:lf"ioll '
Hlth. . .
who lHlye l)('en in tmining for this patte. :.\frs. Chnr]es H. Shaw alll1 .\fl's. iil"'~lt":;]h·.
11lO:l:,-tf'I' p0l'fornl:1l1C'p for 1l1:l1l)" w(l('lk..:, C" '1'. Port('r. Th(ll'P llHvP Ilt'lt'li So Illany nl'plit'ntio]ls
~fl". F)'(,.lt'ri"k St'h\leitzer, of Cran-
h\ll'~', X. .J.. \las th,· gIll'S!: of her ,i~­
t,·r . .\frs. .John B. Brook~, 01' ])lIlllC'y
fill' loans on good 1lIoJ't.~ag'(ls on :"~:lr·
h,'rth prop"l't." in lh" la~t ~·,'ar that ,hI' I Moving Pictures and
.:\~:'()t,in 1 ion Ii:t~
gi V{'ll pl'('fC'J'(lll('{'l t ()
PROGRAM a "I'll II'" th,' !,a~t \\·"pk. 1l11lI't.!..!:lg-('S ill '\"arh{ll'th, HIIIl ll:l~ IWI'l! I Speakers at Civic
"OUR OWN SCANDALOUS REVUE" n1>11' to Joan all it~ I'(,,·{'ipt, an,l in 11I1,]i-

Act I Oh He 1l:I.Y~ GOlle B~',

rrlll' "f1ir'er~ IllId I· a('h,'rs of Ihe I'I"'S-
1J~-lf'l'iall ;-;;\II1,]a.,' ~"hool gave a six-
"ollr~" dilllll'r at 111,' ('lIl1r"h la~t Pri-
iii:!; 1Ja~ had 10 hOl'row 1Il01H ' Y in dl'd('i'
ttl taJ\:t\ (':1n'" lit' its itif'J'I', hllsilll ' :-::-:',
Association Meeting
.Janll'~ \Vllitt'ollih HiJo>y I':\'('n' llfl\r S!l:tJ'I' i~sul·d ill('l'e:lsl's 111.\
/l:lr l""·f'lIillg. rrlif' dillill~ 1"00111:' ,Y(\)'('l
1'''1'1''' an.1 1'on,'" lIt 01,1 1f:1l'\'ard a~sl't;.: ;d' till' ,\SSOt'iHtillll ;IS well :IS in-
Dutl·h Fi,h('l'I\1an, vNy hea ul ifllll.,- 1'a II k"t] "'i t h pot ft'l] JOlIN IRWIN BRIGHT, NOTED AR-
A :.\fu~i'·l,l Anon]{ll~' plallt~, t'lIt 11,,\\'('1" alld 1Iag~. 'I'hl'rc'
('rt':l:-'\':"i its 11{ll'r()will~' (':Ipat'ity. so th:l1
Wl14'll \'011 ltt'('OlliP n st()('ldloltll'l' YOU 1101 CHITECT, AND A. E. WOEHLERT
'j'h,",' in,'oh'''d:: \\"t'rp .)~ p;upstH 1'1't·~,l'llf.
lin 1.,- i,,'n,'fit ~-onrsl'lf ll~- ha\'ing' ~-onl' TO GIVE INTERESTING TALKS
Clla~.Ha i,!. Eddie Foy,'r, 8am ,\1'1 ;; sharI'S parn 0\"1'1' S PPI' ('('Ilt :J .,"par, 111Jf AT Y. M. C. A. MARCH 26.
Thl' ""'0111('11 '~ F\IJ' l 'lip:1l ~ris~jnll:lr'y So·
Bayard, .Jack :'\ort h \\'I'st, Fred .\facJallloi,,·lI,' (]t' Planlligan,' \Vil,l ~-on henefit yonI' lIeighhor hy fnl'nishinl!
,·id.v of thl' ~fdho,1"t Episeopal (,hllreh
Heed. Anillla]~ \\'ill llfl~·l ~ll(·il' ':1 '~''':''r-: in r~:iP LitP{l
J;Il' .:\:-:~ll('i:l1·inll with :l 1:1I'g'('l' ,Yoddllg'

C1l1l1"'h oil flll' Hill. 011 .\fOJ](lay after- ,'allita!. ~o thnt yonI' n,'ighhor will he Ever.\- l'l'~idl'nt of our horough "'ill
Act :2 .\fost uniqn" ad of it~ kin,l p\,,'1' nhl!' to 1'1nc!' hi~ nlol't~'ngl' in 111l' Xal'- I)(~ iHlen'sf('d in the' hig feature program
I'n's('nte,l to an Ameri"an a11t]iell'·". 1I00n, .\lar,'11 ,':Ih. :It ~:10 0 'elo·"k. ,\~
An Eseape to Florida .January hl'l'th Bnih]ing all,l Loan Asso"i:ttion -iJlthl(lirq,.!,' Illo\'iJlg" pi(,tllrc~, whieh has
'rhe trainer has complde ,'onll'ol Ihis is to h" th,' last 1I11'eting bl'forc'
:11111 110t 11:1\'(1 to .~o to :-<OIllP olltsiclp as- heen HITHngtlt! for tltt' :lllllunl lIU l (ltiJlg'
Chn racters: o\,er the ferocions animals. ancl "\'en ('ollf")'('I1"I', all metllher~ alit] friell']s
sll('iatioll for tlll'l l'C'ql1il'('ll lJI01}('lY', of til,' :'\arhl'rlh ('i,"i,· .\ssociation to be
H(']iatl'Ope \Yashing-ton, the most timi,] nee,1 experi('nce no arc' rl'fJlleste,l to hI' pre'sPllt. as hu~ille~s
of il1lporfalll'e will he t l'au~aetet1. Xl'\\" ~to('kho],lers 'rill he \\'elrol\lel1 hd(l iu thl' g~"}(I}(a~iull\ oj' th,: Y. :.\r. C.
L"w Doclcsetter npprehensioll~ at th,' nhsenee of a l'y,'n if tile,' only take ont one s]l:Ire or A. Priday l"'Pllillg. ~l:ll'l'h ~(j,
H~·II,·inth .Jdl','rson, rngt'l, II ,]ollnr II' 1lI01ltlJ, nlll] liS the 1I11111her
George Prilllpro~c 'I'wo special Spl':1 kel's IU1\"e been se-

Scene-PI'''ight Station at :'\arherth.

Tile .\fanageln,'nt.

" "
Narberth Daylight Sav- of stot'khol,l,'rs is ~j;; th.' aYerag-e 1IU111-
hl'l' "f ~llllres hl'l<1 is ahout 13.
AllY of tlIe omeers 01' ,]ireefol's \\'ilJ
"Ill'pd for fhl' o""asioll anll llH'ir talks,
aHll the ]1ichll'('~ ",hi"', will illn~trat.!

Act :1
Aet (i
The Gra,lllate Burglar~
ing Starts at 2 A.M. 1>!' lda,l to explnin to yon the
''Ill1 1"nn i.],,:t of sa\"ing' 11If)lIey. an<1 von
th(,l1l, will IllnJ((' th(' ull,<'till~ one of the
\IIost inteJ'(·~tillg thaI has e,:cr heen hd,l
nlollg the .\fain Lille.
Si~t(lr Susie'~ Spwill~·Circle
ella racters:
Chn I'll ctcrs:
Bi Il Sll'nk ('spea re
March 28th Ill'(' ill\"itl"] to hl'conll' II stoeidlol,le~ ill
th., :\~sOl'iation h~' tnldng out shar,'~ One of thp ~I,,'al,pr~ 'rill lie .\fr..John
ll'\rill Bright. who i~ not only OIle of
in fh,' Ill'\\' 'I"Y!'ll1\'-ninth Fkries 011
Mr~. Hiranl A. Hall, .Tohn Tohn .\filtou Phi1a(]('lphia's h,'~1 kllo",n an'hit"f'1s,
'I'h\ll'~<l:t~· e'"enit!!!..\pril ht. from 7 nn-
. :.\fi~s Smau,] II11l1ams OUI' owu daylight-sa\'ing orclinau"e hnt is al~o \\'i,lel~- ],nO\\"n thronghout
SflPlIP-A ~l1spiciollH cellar. fil fl, nt Elm Hn]l.
l\fr~. Hpllen TI'"lan(], gors illto ef{eel at 2 A. M:. .\furch 28.
.\fi~~ Helsie Gene~is The pa,~age of thi, orclinallc" hy our (Continued on Page 6.)
'\[rs. P. (l l'l'('n, " * Borou~h Couucil \las iu ke,'pillg \lith
.\Ii"s Hethp] Barrymost
'\[n;. lJ. H. Wright, Elite
Act i
silllilar aetiou tak,'u hv the I'hillllkl-
phia Cify COlllll'il a11l] 'the loeal kgi~­
.\fiss Violets Halll'n
.\[rs. 'f. Drinkpr,
Ol'igiual Protlu('tion
lativ" h()(]i"s in pral'lil'ally ail the "ities
in this part. of the "ountry.
So all our resid"lIts arc urg('11 to hear
ing, March 16, 8 p.m. 'rwo ('('Ilts 11('1' wo)'d If eush necOIll-
::Uiss RMc Stahh' }lnul('s IHln'rti,sI'IUpnt; otlJcrwisl', tlv,~
of thi~ in miud, alld 11l'fore rl'til'illg Oil
S""ll,'-Lidng-Hoom in nonll' of Th(' Fall of Aclam'~ Appl,' Satur,]ay l'Yl'ning, .\farc,h ~j, they are .\I1'~ .
.\[illcr BUI'ldlart l!ll,] .\Irs. Wa]],- (,flllts pl'r word,
:.\fr~. Wright.
By memhers of a~],ed to turll their (·Ioeks alld \lateh('s PI' L. Owen lIn \"(1 arl'al1~Ptl n fiul' 1'1'0-
forward oue hour. granl for the musi(,:t1 to he given hy REED STROLLER for sal,'. :j<,;.O(l. Ap-
" " Thl' Russian Hallett the \\'0111 en 's H0111p '\[j~~ionary Society ply Davis's, 2:2;~ Haverford a \'('11\1".
Act .} In vi"w of the gell"ral pOJlularity of
Thlller tll(, .1ireefion of the fall10lls day ligh t sln-ing among 0111' people, and of Narherth .\Il'tho,]i~l Epi~eopal I'hone, 1\al'hel'th 1254-W. (~I-p)
Li\"ing Pictlll'ps ehurch, for the hem'lit of Deaconess
.1~III]ora Dl!IlI,an ill ,'iew of the further fart that Phila-
Reprcs"nting 'j'hree Famons Chil· dl'lphia alld so man." oth('r cities haye Home of Phila,lelphia, Pa. DINING ROOM Extension Tahle \\'IlIlt-
l]ren's Poems Characters: The ta]eut" will he of the hest. The
also adopted this plan, our Borollgh e,1. Gi\'(' pri"" al\(I ,]es"ription to Btlx
Blo,~k Cit~·, E,-e Huth St. Denis Conucil felt that: it was (],·,·i,ledly a program ill(']u,]e~ sU"h \\'I'll-I<nown ar- 11)2, :'\arberth. (~i-i')
Ilo1lert Louis St e\,('nson Adam 'l'od Sloall" goo,l move for :'\arlJerth. lkgilliliilg tists as :.\Iiss S,ioho1:n, .\fl'~. 'rilhnan O.
\lith SUII,]ay, .\far"h 28, PhiJ:ltl,,!phia Lalle alit] :.\fr. Hoht. Hol1'man iu piano FOR SALE-]["y\\,oot! Bahy Coal.'h,
and all her husille~ses and illt]ustrips solos; \V0111l'n'S COlllnlullit.,· S"xlpttl', Baby High Chair, Gas Stove, Rt't'rig-
and th" Eutprtailllnpnt Committee is- will 1)(' operntt',l 011 the Ilaylight-saYing Li"uL Sparks iu yocal nU\llhel's; Mis' l'rator. .\Iahogany Dining Boom SHit".
~u,'s thi~ last anll linal warning:
"anI' Own S,'alll]a]ous HeYlle," the,
Narberth Firemen He- ~,'II(',1111e. E.,· hadllg ,1aylight saYin~
1I"n' ill XnrhertJ: it will he much easier
Anue Ban'lny H!1t] Prof. Allen in do1iu
solos, au,l r~ndings H!1t1 re(~ita(ions.
White 1';lIalllpl B",l, l'rin("'~~ Drps~l'I',
EllIpr,oll Ang,'lll~ Play,,1' Piano an,1
A silv!'r ofTeriu~ will he tak"H at the CO\1eh. C. W. C!t'",ell, I Hi Woo,lsi,k
hig PlIfprtaiulllPJlt, eOlJll'H oil: llPxt Fri-
,lay ,,\"euiug, .\fan'h 12, at S P . .\L, In roes at Wynnewood Fire for all of I1S to eany 011 our daily nf-
fairs. hecause we are all eith('l' goin~ 11001'.
Come anll eu,ioy a Illu~i('al lrea:. To
a'-I'nHe, XarlH'rfh. (21-1')
Elm Hall. Pollowing th" "utertaillll":':llt into the cih' on husinpss or \\,P trnnsaet
the)'(' will 1)(' a ,Ian,','. 'I'i"lcd~ lIla,- Le a great (le'al of In;sinpss with Phila- !Ie hpI,l in tile "hul'l'h. Essex nlltl Price ESTATE OF WILLIAM B. GODFREY,
ohtained fronl any melnlwr of thl' _\'so- On Tuesuay afternoou . .\farch :!, at 'Ielphia nH'1'l'hants allt1 hn~inC'ss IllPU. ~ln'lIues. late of the Boro\1gh 01' )l\ar1l"rth, ,le-
cintion, anl1 lIlplnher~ ,,"ho hay" alrl':lllv 4.30, the Narherth Pire Company W:P' 'fhl' ext ra honr of davlicrht will hI' eea~ed.-Let.t-('rs of administration e. t.
~old th'eir original allotment of tickets, "all",1 to th" r"~itlen,,e of I':dl\lun,1 1'. gellera1J~' \\"('Ieomed hy Kal:herth foll{~ a. on the ahove ('stnte hll\"iug Iweu
:lila n('('ld 11101'(', art' llrgp<1 to e.01111l11111i- llaJl:ihall, on lIathaway LUIIl', \VYllIIl'- \\'1\0 are pith"r illte1'"sj",l in tlo\\'er 01' MAILS TO AND FROM NARBERTH. ~rante,l to the nllclersigned, all persons
eat(' wilh Ihe "hairman, Rohert Eo Pal- woo,]. \'egetah]e gal'llt'ns, or t,'nui~ or othl'r indebted to the said ,'state are 1'('(ln,'st-
tison, .1t'., P. O. Box ]:1:1, NaI'1"·rl,, . .\]. "'hell till' )l\arh"rth Compauy arl'iYp,] ath]<'tie sports. ed to make pnymenl, and thosp lta\'in~
real1~' Ihen' has heen a hig d"ma Ill] for 011 the Reelle two ,'hill]rell had hl'ell Tu a,lrlitioll 10 Phil:\(lelphia alH1 Xal'- Incoming Mails Arrive. elail1ls to present. the saml~, without ,1e-
1i,'kl'1s, aml we ul'~e all Ihose W]10 want. l'l'Sl'llpd frolll tit" ~peon,] floor, hnt it hprth, the rlarlight sadng ~(~h,'dn]c \\'ill fiAO "\..\r.-Prolll all points. lay, to
10 hp Slll'l' of a ~"a t to get th ('i I' tiekels \\'a~ leal'll,',1 that a litl'l., girl \\-as ~tiJi hp in e(feet in Call1,lpll, Atlantic. City, !l.OO A..\L-L'll'al froln Paoli. THE WAYNE TITLE & THI'ST CO.,
i11lIlle,lialeh·. all'] he al Elm Hall "ady on th" thir,] floor. 'f'r,·ntou. Xp\\'ark N(,\\- York City Lnn- lilA;) A..\r.-- -Fro111 all points. 01' to its Attorncy,
on th" e\"l;ning of fhe perfOl'nll',lr('. . ";,Iwin L. "'ipf Ie,] tltP :'\al'll('rth hoys ,·a~ll'r. lTa1'l'ishurg', Altoolla. Pitt~ilUrgh. 1:2.00 ~r.-I~1'oln all point~. PHEDlmlC B. 'CALVER'f,
IhrOlw11 till' smoke an,l fil'l' to the thir,1 a 11,1 111allY of the ~malle1' to\\'llS nnd 1.4,) P ..\L-P1'OIIl all points. (il~ Rpal Estate Tl'I1st Bniltlin n •
villages. . :\.:10 l'..\r.-Local from Paoli. Prilatlelphia. (24,;;
tloor alll] fonnd th" l'!lild Oll thp ]and-
GIVE THE KIDDIES A GOOD TIME! in~. She was hrollght to tlll' strl',·t 4.,1,) P ..\r.-Frol1l all point~.
nnd r~lshetl to the Br.\·n .\fa WI' Hospital, FREY, late of the Borough of Nar-
hilt lhed on the way. Program weC'k :.\IOIlI]ay, .\[ar('h 8:
8.'n,] lh"111 OY('I' to th,' Y. :.\r. C, A. nn MOI1l1~~" Doroth~' Gish ill '''Tnrnin~ the hprth, ,1('('ea8p,1. Lettl'rs of administra-
Ralll1'<la~' afh'l'nooll. ~.:1O. l\fonr"h 20, nnr1 The fire was ,'xtingni~lle,] after thl' Mails Close for Departure.
Tllhle~ "; Tnesl]a~-, :.\fnrguerite Clark in tion ,I. h. n. c. t. a. on the ahoye cstate
the ~fptho,]i~t" Choirs will show the11l thin] floor and l'oof w,'re hlll'll(,'l. '1'hp S.H A..\r.-For all points. ha \'ing heen gl'ante,] to the undersignc,',
"Jfiss Geor!"e 'YaRhingtoll": 'Vedlles-
one awfnll~' ~oo,l linly time. Lot~ of )l\arherth Compau~' was highly pl'lli'e(! ,lay, a ~pecia] treat. Norma Tahna,lgp ].00 P.l\f.-P01' all points. all persons i1\(]ehted to tho said esta te
r"ames, ~oo,l eats. alll1 a rip roaring' good for their prompt anl1 \'''1'.'' ah]" a~siKt- in ,,;\ Danghter of 'l'\\'o Worlds"; 1.::!O P ..\r.-Local to Pno]i. arp r('questp,1 to make payment, an,l
tim('. All for 2;; C"lItS. AII~' YOIlII~ster Hllt'P.
'I'hnrs,la~', Eessi(' En I'risrnle ill "'Lnck :1.10 P.:.\L-For all poillts. those haying elnillls to present the same,
will he \\'el"ome from Ii to 1i. 'I'his is AI. Miller is ('lll'l'.,·ing a hadly ('lit of Geral,lin(' Lair,]"; Fl'i'h\'. Rnln- <1e L~fI P ..\L-Loeal to Paoli. ",it hout (lelay. to
ea lit' ,1 n "Progressi Yf' N o\'eIty Par1\' wrist, the ollly ~('\'iolls at't'i,]ent whi"h H"aml'l' ill "Thp Dn~t of D,:sire";' Sat- (i.~:1 P ..\L-For all poillts. THE W A y;-..rr-; TTTLE & TRUST CO.•
for the Ki(l,los," nl1l1 theY'll 'elljoy it. OI'eUl'l''''l. nl'lla~·. Mar~neritl' ('Inrk in "All of a Or to its Attorney,
fl'OlI1 he~inlling to 'tIle en(i. KEEP IT . V~lnuteers a]1. they re,'ei\'e no Inl~·. f'n,l,l"11 Pe!!g~·." ('hildrpn !Satnr,h\') Sundays. FHEDRRIC B. CALVRRT.
OPP,lIr Fan rrHE BOYS AND GTRT....."'1. 1'lslun!! tJleir own !i\'('s to Sll\,,, others matill('e, ~.:l0. A<lmi"sioll,l1 ('ellts. SIle- .\fail nrri\-es ;.]0 A . .\L (i12 Real E~tate Trust Bni!,]ing,
Y. ]\f. C. A., MARCH 20, 2.:10. alltl to S!l\'(' OUr propert~·! "ial pro~rnlll. :.\fai! ('lose~ ij.~5 P. :.\1. Prilade]phia. (~·l·c)
Of course, we

omcer that Narberth has had, and that A BURST OF JOY ON MARCH 17TH. Telephones,
OUR TOWN his salary has heen yery small. Though
Ihc tOWII has grown grca tly yct no ono
del1ver - an,
place - an,
one has bccn sccurcd to nssist him on .1 ust take all the hig t imes ~'ou 11:\\'e 1268 time.
Ar. Exp~riment in Co-operative Ihe police force. III his kindly spirit eyer experienccd, be it in fact OJ' fallcy,
Journalism-No Paid Workers. he was doillg all ill his power to kec]l J"'I'I"'r thelll liberally with a clond of The Brightest Spot in Narberth
- - - - - - - - - - ----- our tOWII p('n('eahlc an,llaw,ahi,lillg :Il1d jazz, roll thcm a II t ogethcl' iJlto one hig
l'aJ'I~', llJIl1 you Illa,\' ha"c sllme faillt

[ regret that lllUtters coul,! not hn"t'
Owned and Published every Saturday
lwl'n made attrneti\'c ellough to hol,l conecpt of the 81. Patrick's ShilIPlah A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
br the Narberth Civic Associa:tion. hi III Oil the policc force of our town. Shakt',lown \\'hich the local post of th,'
This is a sill cere effort from olle of ~\IIIt'rit':I11 Ll'gioll is I'hlilIlillg to ofl'(')'
flubseription price one doliar r.nd fifty
cents per year in advance.
his friellds. F. ~I. GRAY, its frien,ls and I'a I rOils 011 t Ill' day t h,'
lIilH'J'lliaJls tiSI'd to pal'arl... (hilt will
tlll',\' this year, what with Illl "dmp
A LETTER OF APPRECIATION. of tIl,' erath"J''' at all at all to keep out
th ... ('hill winds?).
AIl\'Olle \l'hll has att"'llll"d the pre\"
For Good Taxi Service
~fr, };,lwill Wipf,
April 24, 1919.
Xarherl h, l'a,
iOlls ~Iall(;l'~ of tlil ",illtt'r gh"cu Hilder

th,~ allsl'i ...,s 01' thc J.(·gioll kllo\l's \I'hat Call Narberth 1633
On hehalf of tI](' ('itiz('lIs of Xarht'l'lh, tr(-IIIl'J1tiOllS s(Jl'ial ~ll('l'l':--;ses thl"" ha'"L'
Prcsident-1\1r, Joseph H. Nash.
Vice·Presiden t-Mr. James Ar,tman,
I desire to express to ~'O]l their d,','p 11l'1'II, 1I0\\' t h(Jl'lll1:~dil,\" ('\"pry 0111' 'has l~ll­ 24 Hour Service
fe,'lillg of ap]lJ'l'('.iatiou for th,' hr:tn'ry joy,'olhis, h"I' 1lJ' il""II', n'sl""·ti",,I,\' (the
Mr. A. J. Laos, Mr. H. .J. Dothard. HIlll (li:-;}lI:t~·e(l hy ,'·Oll a:-- :l 1l1l'Jll· last pl'OIlOlln )'1.'1'1.'1':-' to ("Oll('!l·coot il':-',
Secretary-Mr, R. J. Edgar,
Treasurer-Miss Maizie Simpson,
her of thc Xarlwrth Fire l'olllpllU,\' at
the fir" iu \\-YUJlt'WllO,] a d:I\' or So
a,l!o. Your ]In:spllI'e of miuol ;luoI 1"'1"
sh illlllly'sha 1",l's, a Illi ilia It' l'l'!SOIIS who
11:1111'1' ill :-'!I:tts nllll Wt HI' fa Ill',"
'flIt,:"" jnzz"ll:trl i('s uf tIll' post, ltO\\'l""l'r.
\'llst~). NAR73ERTH GARAGE
Directors-Mr. J. J. Cabrey, Mrs. C. "'1',' hUI l'allid f"n'tasles 01' th,' d,'-
~()Jlal COlll'::lg"t' OJI t 11 is O('(':l~lfll1 :--('I"'ll ._ ••••••••••••••• aa ••
P. Fowler, 1\11'. H. R. Hillegas, 1\11'. Chas. hut to pmph:lsizl' th,' spku,liol spirit li,~"iJ trill :llld Ill! iqlll' ("'i.'11 i liP; ';-; SI'Ol't i \"t',
H. A, Chain, Mr, W. R. D, Hall, 1\11', H. 1.1'.';;-; ",hil'll 111(' dis;illg'l1i:.;lll't1, I'l'~lIl1)'I'('·

A. Jacobs, Mr. F. A, Lanahan, 1\11'.

",hil'h :IUilllat.,s th,' l'lltin' l'olllJ':lUY, of
wlJi(·Ji tlI(' hllrfl11g'h i:-, so jll:-,tl," prllud. Jul. alld hal'tl-wtll'kin,:.! dal1('t' ('(llIIlJlitt('I~ We Invite Your Inquiries Regarding
or till'.\. 14. lIol,;:" tJl11 ttl tilt, t'Xllt't·tallt
Daniel Leitch, l\fr. G. Knutzen, Mr. R. YOUI' "XIllllple ,\'ill, If,''') "'''''', S"lTe
a::- :l stilllUltl:--i to tho:-'(I :l,,,sOt'i:J1,,d with tOll'n of Coiarherth OIl the ahon',nl,'n' Narberth Real Estate
J. N esper, Mr. E, A, l\1uschaIll}1, Mr.
Fletcher W. Stites, Mr, A. E, Wahlert,
,\'OU iu th,' Fin' ('ollll'au~' aud will n',
douud to euh:i1II'e th,' :ilr,'all\- "II\'i"hl,'
tioned (11'1' think) e\'ellillg.
and Assure Y 00 of Our Best Efforts
Aho\'c all, JlIay I\'(' call attentioll to
Mr. Walter Y. Shaw, Mr. Walton .1\1. l'pputa1ioll wlJi('h (1111" ('OlllP:;Il," t't1joy:-, th .. fae! that 110 ('olltt'stant 1'01' Ih .. to Answer Your Requirements
Wentz, Mrs, C. W. Young, Mrs. James :1:-- h('lll).!· 11u' 1,':H1in12: fil'c·fighting orgn.n~ solid altlllliullill ]o\'illg (']11' to he a\I'ur,I'
Foote. iZlltioli ill th" ~Iaill LilH' "i,.;tl'id. ,'d 10 h,'r Illlll hilll who shake lhl' llll'all' This office does a strLtly brokerage busine!s and has no par-
(':-it :-:h i IIIHl \" 011 t he I'll t i I't Houl'. is de·
C,\ HHOI.L no\\':\ ES,
ticular properties in which it is interested-thus guaranteeing the
ha rn'd hy 'J'('asoll of :1I~1' or weight. Does
HARRY A. JACOBS, Chid BurgI'S"; of CoiIlI'L"l'tli, buyer unbiased information regarding allY particular property.
Il r"gular fellow lon' his pristille Ilgil'
Editor. it\' Oil the atlaillllll'llt of his thil'l\"jifth
-","a l' ? ])O('S a lo\'ely llldy hecollI'c allY
Our References-Anyone with whom we have done business
Mrs. Roy E. Clark, Hcnry Hose, kss li:.dlt 011 hpJ' fCl't ht'callSt' slip til':':i
W. T. Melchior A. J. Loos, th" 1"'al11 :It ],~n 01' lIpwards ill hl'r ROBERT J. NASH
To the Editor of "OUI' Towli ": al'llll'lt('S,? XIl, a th"lISlllll] tillll'S, 1l0. Real Estate Broker
Associate ·itors.
ExoII,'ralioll";, That hilS lI]>"'a,.;allt 'ilid Therpfol'l'. oh fl'lIow-toWIlSIlI('Il, 1001 CHESTNUT S fREET, PHILADELPHIA
su;:!:gt·:..;ti,'p lllll:l Jl ill:!: al'l'ordillg' to 'Yl·h· II' al'kl'lI 10 Ih,' (':ilI of th,' \\'ild \\'01111'11,
sler's ,kJiliitiou, JII th,' Jillal allah-,.;is, s,'ek out the lIean',.;l lI]('lllhl'r of th,' LI'-
Cashier. how,'n'l', it ,klll'lIds U]>OIl the ]loiu't or gioll, or Illllyhal' I", will loail YOll first, Re.idence, 104 Grayling Avenue, Narberth
"jew. To illustra!t', last Tut',.;day ('\','11, i IIlltl ""'lin' a hit ,d' pa,.;l"ho:lnl, :llllllit, R".idenc. Phon,,: Narberth 605
ill;..!: the BOI'lJug"iJ C()lIl1l'il ht,ld :l ;o;l'l'dal 1ill~ YtJur:,,;('lf :llld ,'"UlJf wift', 01' ~"our
••• aa_ •••••••• _
Send all ad\'ertising and news items to meetillg' for thc exprc~s purpose (,I' ~l':lIi(hllotht'r, or 1111~ ~iJ'1 lIPxt d()()I'~ or
p, O. Box 966. starlillg a el,'all'lIp 011 the ulllillish,',] :'J1.'·ho(.l~p yOlJ ('hOOSl' , or jll:-'t ('omp :doug',
Our Town is on sale at the depot tax elllll'etioll;'" for tll(' ypal's illtt'rYClI" :IIH] PII~' lit thl' ,lnor, hllt whale\'('1' ~'OU
newsstand, and at the store of H. K illg 11I't'I'('Pli J!illl 1I11'] j!Il" It se,'lliS tln-DOCoi 'T ~IlSS JT !
Entered as second-class matt.:: I'
tllat a fOI'lIH'1' lax ,'"I1""tol', 11"\\' d",
I','a,<''', fai"',] 10 ('ol1"I't :1J'pI'OXillllltl'l,\- "You'll Like It"
*,'IlO.Pll t1tH' Ily Y:I rinl1s ,Ii·li nq 11(111 i:-"
October 15, 19B, at the Post Office at ~{llIil.l ul' tlIt'1li 1i:1YI' lll(l'"t,d lIut of tlli:-,
Narberth, Pcnnsylyania, under the act
of March, 1879.
,itll'i:--:dit'tillll :IIld tht l'l't'ol't' (',11l1l0t lit'

I't':lt'}I{'d t'X(·t'pt through tltl'il' l'llll:--l·!t :1(',,,

Railley- \Vood
if 111t',\" }lP:':'t':-:-' tlt:lt 1I1Ur;1! :l:-':-'t't, It

" Domestic" Coke

-----~--' -.---- - ,- .------- Il!i;.!."h t lIt' :III OpJldl'l11lll' t i lilt' til :'/l'll't
SPIll"! 11 i II;.!.' (It' :1 t'Pll:-,('it'I:I'I' fllJld,
OUR TOWN will gladly print At It rOllgh glil'SS, "hoM :;;;;00,00 ,yill
any news it'3ll1 about any SUbject l,a\',' to hI' paid to tllp B"I'Oll~h h~' till'
f{lrJlIl11' (·oll(,(,tlll":-' hOlltl:-:lllt'll. tlIl' l1ift't !'-
Order now from your dealer
that is of interest to Narberth
1'11('(' 1'(1111',,1:-'('111 ill!.!,' t ht l
(':-,t iUlat'vll tot:J 1
folks, but in order to meet the
printing schedule, all "copy"
r,f' f'xoIlPl'atioJl:-', '
1t IS a sal'" I.l't. "-]lll'l' is :\1'1', B",',-
-manuscripts-must reacll the Illan. tli:lt our 1)J'l'SI'lIt ""Iledol', \l'01l'1 Price chuted, $9.50 Carried $10.00
editor by 6 P. M, Wednesday each IH :111 pn:-;\, lllark lJ('(':l11SC h(' h:l~ :111'1,:\,1\·

lliallif,'s!t'.! all a"ti\'it~,. \\'hi,'h 1'1"':'111;'

Coal Prl·ces { ~~~~c"::: ::: ::: ::::::.s~~:;~

poses no gllilt~, 0111' shall p,.;e:lj'" ,11lJ'ing
his t('I1111"(\ of nlli('(' if lit· ":111 JlI'I·,"(IIlt" if, Egg ." .. , . " " , ' ... " 11.75
Oil hl'h:J!f of Pca .", _" " . , _'."" 9.50
The Narberth Civic AssociatiOn. 50e. per ton extra for carrying in,
SATURDAY, March 6, 1920
Fire, 350 Have You Paid
Police, 1250
Your Subscription
Editorial to "OUR TOWN"?
There are SlX 50 - foot Lots that
Jll response to a 1dter I'l','ently mailed
can be bought at an attractive fig~
h" the XnrlH'l'th Fin'llll'll'S H,di,'f ,\S'
sZ",iatioll. th,'\' haYI' n','ein'd a dOlla,
tioll of :;;JOO,II'II fro III oa,' 01' :\al'hel'lh's
Henry & Compton ure; IDEAL for either building
fill('~t ('itiz(\Il~.
},,·t Ils 1101'" t hl'n' a re more resiJents
in lI1I1' ('1I1111111l1Iit\" WIll) :ll"l' :ddt' :illd Plumbing or investment.
,,,illillg to htllp 111i:-; g'Olld \':\llSl'. Dunn,
tiollS 01' allY alllOllllls a""eptalJle and Steam and Hot Water
npl'rccin ted, Heating BENT T. HYBERG
1'0 Ih" Editor 01' OUI' 'l'oWll:
Dca I' Si 1': \\'ha t ha Pl'l'lled to I he ~I," Bell Phone, 661 J JOBBING
1110rinl fIJI' 01 lltll' 1)(1\':-;"! J>id it IIi . . , Phone: NARBERTH 1713
\\'ith thtl :..:j.~·lIillg· tlf 'lllc :ll"lllistiec?

Phone, Narberth 1687

To tl", Editol' 01' OUI' Towll:
1)l'ar Sir: I hl':!r,! so:u" tilll" ago of
a "It"I'lIs to hI' formct1 ill Xnrberth.
'What h:1J'l',']I(',I? I 1'1'1'1 that :\arj,crlh J. A. CALDWELL ANNOUNCEMENT
needs a littlc mare of the get-together

spirit, alld a ('horus would surely h" a
fine mdho,l of bl'illgiug this abollt, 1I0t
olll~' for those \\'lio takl' part. hilt for
all who wOllld ('al'l' to spel](l all e\'eu'
ill;! l"tu(l:,'illg tlll1Hie.
and INSURANCE Successor to w. G. CUMMER
To the Etlitor of "Our Town":
NARBERTH, PA. Interior 1)ecorator
1 h:II'" leal'J]('t1 that 0111' faithful eiti,
zen, :-11'. Dani,,! .J, [Iill, 11'110 has bl"'11
Paperhanging and Painting
the police oflieer of Xarbel'th for ypars.

has sent ill his r('sigllution. He has PHONE NARBERTH. 1262 W
always impr('sserJ Ille us an ideal polico
olliepr, killdl,\' ill ,1ispositioll alld always
'("illinl! to spf\'e in every way possible.
I understand thut hc is the only policc
• Estimates cheerfully submitted. A decorators suggestions
and personal attention at a nominal cost.
- - -----,--------- SEEDS PLANTS BULBS
THE LADY AND THE MORTGAGE Everything needed fortbe Gorden. Greenhouse. Lown Dnd Farm, including
the best varieties of V0l\etnble and Flower Seeds, Lawn Gross Seeds. Fot''J1
Seeds, Roses, Dahlias, Hardy Perennials and otber Piants, Gorden ltd.
I'ot b~' any lIll'llllS do ~'ou caJclllntc pass, plements, Lawn Mowers, Lawn Rollers, F.erdlizen, Insccdcldcs. etc..
Ing' ~'Ollr obllg'nt!olls down til(' line, btl t
why tnli:p thp ('lInnep 011 such nil untowlll'cl DREER'S GARDEN BOOK FOR 1920 107 ESSEX AVENUE
PY(llIt ",111'11 tlIPI'I"H n Rl1l'P nt1l1 ('1Ipup \\":1).
to nHog'l'tlwr IH'pchu)p It '! Let lUll l'Xp111in
tbt' "(weill I I,lf.. Insurnncl' plull I ('lin
pcollonllcull)1 nl'rnllgf~ for unusuul eon·
r,AI'AIIAN, 205 I'oreHt A\'enlle
p, O. Box 31i2. Phone. Nnrberth 3-44 n.
WUl tell you how to obtain the belt relu!ta

HENRYA.DREER 714-1(, ChestnutSt.,PbiJa.

Call or Write
your homo .arden.
fo~' a comr-FREE

... Lee's fiarage

Phone 15011

SABlE CENSORE Notlce··on and Afflr Aprll'st i GLEAN···SAFE···WHOLESOME
Frank Coradetti Paper Hanging and De~oratimg OUR PRODUCTS ARE GUARAN'IEED

tOO ESSEX AVENUE 212 Merion Avenue ~. E. Corner Woodbine and Williams Ave.
Phone 672 Box 596. Narberth
Narberth. Pasteurized Milk DELIVERIES
Brync:lo~ilkCertilled WEST PBILA.
(Pedrlallc Society) OVERBROOK
Automobiles meet all trains throughout the day and evening.
Contractor in Hauling, Cotter's Market Special .. Guernsey"
Packages and Trunks promptly called for and delivered. (Roberts' &: Sharpless' BALA-CYNWV
Moving Furniture and Hauling Freight, etc. Cement Wark, Labor and Dairies) NARBERTH
Prime Beef, Spring Lamb,
all work requiring services Country Dressed Veal and
Cream Buttermilk ARDMORE
Table and Whipping WYNNEWOOD
of experienced men in the Pork, Sugar Cured Hams Cream.
(CHESTER. PENNA.) upkeep of lawns and gar-
Two Year Six Percent Secured Note.
DATED MARCH 1st, 1920 DUE MARCH 1 at. 1922
dens, etc.
You will find our prices right SCOTT-POWELL DAIRIES
Free of Penna. State Tax aad .. ormallncome Tax (up to two percent) Groceries and Provisions 45th and Parrish Sts.
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
Member Phila. Stock Exchange
28 South Third St•• Philadelphia SRIPTION TO OUR TOWN?
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Pnpertfes For Bent aDd Salt
and Heating
_... " .. .- .. _---_._----. Fire Inluranee
Ben Phone lil! If.
W aU BuUdlng. Narbertllt Pa

Frank Reginelli
SCHOOL SUPPLIES Narberth Shoe Store
- AT and
DAVIS' Repair Shop

The Nat berth Electric Shop NARBERTH, PA.

VII ill solve all your electric troubles

We wire old houses like new quickly and without
dama2e. Let us estimate on your work. We can For· Good - Work - See
save you money on fixtures, portnblcs, floor lamps
and appliancee, H. PREMOST
w. G. CASE, 323 Conway Ave.
Phone. Narb.rth 395 W
The Home Town Tailoring Parlor
S OME say "good;" a few say
" poor" and a large percen t..
age say "well, we'd like to see
G ara.-M~Ginle
Z3South 17!l!S!. Philadel ia.
234 Haverford Avenue
Ladies' and Gents' Garments Dyed
Cleaned. Pressed and Remodeled '
Work Called for and Delivered
French Dry Cleaning a Specialty
it better, but probably you're GARAnteed Roofs Bell 'Phone 12154 J

doing the best you can under

the circun1.stances." Narberth Register
Two Linell, IOc per illSue; Sc for each ac/c/itionalline
What are the circumstances?
Guttshall. 11. R. Public Accountant; 'l'llx MUSIC
Just these! ]t<'llOrts, Audits. etc., accomplished. 303
('OIlWllY aVf'llllt.'. NllrlJerth, Pn.
Lous, I"nllll~' H. Pillno tellcher.
Studio. AI'eade Bldg. Phone, 31G·J.
Kelm, H. O. Certilled PUblic Accountant.
203 Dudley a.v". Phone. Na.rberth aoo-w. :-'O'l'Alt\' l'L:JILIC
To furnish good service we must Jell'erle•• oJ. lI. 111 Narb.rth aVe.
AUTO)IOBILES. Phon.. 666-.111.
have the right equipment and an effect.. Lees' G..ra.I'e--Repa.lrlng, Etc. Phone. 1605. SimJHiol1, JlllrrJo# .;\. :!::~ E~st.'x .Ave
Pholle. Narberth 31;;). .
Narherth Garage. Phone Narberth 1G33.
TyBon, "'orren R. Phone, ~nrbertb 1202· 'V.
ive operating force. Both cost money- ~ee llisllhl~' IId\'ertisemenl In this Issue.
much 1110re than they used to! That Censore, Sabie. Phone, (jj2. Fenton. Carl F. 606 Essex ave. Pbone, 618-'\\
~ee dlslllu~' lldvertlsement In this Issue. Phlla. addreu, 1801 Cheltnut It. Locuat IU.
money we get from telephone rates. B&NKS Zentmn~·er. Jo.eph. 228 S. 1Mb st., Pblla.
Merion Title II< Trust Co. Phone, Ardmore I. PAINTERS
See dlsplM- advertisement In thIB I••us. Walzer. Fred.
And what are these rates? BUILDERS 117 Wln.or ave. Phone, 1247-J.
Shand. Alex. C.. Jr. Phone. No. 1710. PAPER HANGERS
l\'urlJerth Station.
Just what they were before the war! Smellle:v. Wm. D. & n. T. Pbone. GOO.
Witte. Geo. A. Fairview ave. •
~ee DisplllY Advertisement In this Issue.
See display advertisement tn tblll tBeue.
CANDY, ETO. 1'80'1'0 PLAYS •
They are not sufficient to operate and D",·I•• II. E. Phon•• 1254-W. ..Are..dl..... 16th and Che.tnut ats Phlla
See display advertls.ment In thl. I••ue, See advertl.oment III thl~ I.sua_
maintain the plant effectively and pro.. h'~' Candy ShOI',
:nu Hllverford Avc. Phone. Nllrberth 170;;. I'LUMBING. ETC.
vide for depreciation and replacements. CAIU'ENTERS AND BUILDERS
Jenkins. Ch.... L.
Bros. Phone 1210 J.
display advertisement In this 1118l1lt.
103 Dudley ave. Phone. 382-M. Wall. lI. B. Phone. 319.J.
SI.eal,mau. Clarence A. Phone 1G52·H. See advertl.ement In this Issu•.
They afford no margin for future See display advertisement In this Issue.
strengthening of the operating force. 1"ratontonl, ,Jllmes, It 800M.
Cnld weH. .1. A. Phone, 1IiS;
S.e display advertl.ement In thl. I••u.
230 Humlllh'n uve. Phllne, 11;!l7-'V.
Our young women at the switchboards DENTISTS n. O. Phone, 262-W.
S.e advertl••m.nt In thl. t••ue
are intelligent and hardworking. We, Orr. Dr. A. L. 101 Elmwood a.v. Phone. 3U-W.
Phlla. Phone, Filbert 4252. K.lth Bldg.
1I~'berl:'. HCllt T. Phone 1713
See Ilisplay ad\'ertiselllellt lit this Issue.
Dr.•J. n. LlJIlwlg IOU Forrest Ave,. Nar-
at least, know that they're doing their hl'l'th. I'll. Otllce hours: 8,30 to 5.30. Open
Nash. Roben J. Phon., 606.
Money tor Firat and Second Mort~age•.
1'\'1'11 Ings. Phone. 170~. ShJllt8on, Junlea C. 232 Essex aVe.
very best. Schembs, Dr. John. Phone Nurbl'rth 31G· W. Phon.. 636, or 1420 Ch•• tnut .t.
Cor. Grllyllng llnd Windsor aYes.
Office Hours Ul1tl1 II P. ~1. (Iall~'. HOOFING, ETO.
To permit continued recogl11tlOn of DRUGGISTS Gara-lllcGlnley Co. Phone. U68-W.
See advertisement In thl. lalue.
lIow..rd·.. Phone. 1267.
IUller. John A. 243 Iona ave, Phone, 661-J.
the good job they're doing, we n1ust See dlsvlay advert1oenler.t In thta leaue,
Shop. 246 Havertord ave. Phone. 1326-J.
have adequate rates. Ca.e, "'. G. 1'honl'. 3m;- \\'. SHOEMAKERS
See dlslJhl~' lllln'l'tlKl'ment In thIs ISSUe. Good 'Year Shoe Rel.slr SIIOI',
PUl'h. Veri 225 Iona ave. Constlllltllle. II. G. 2i:i2 Haverford ave
Nar. Phone, 660-W. Ard. Phone, 188-J.
The senJice,user cannot ignore the obliga.. FISH AND OYSTERS
Phone. Nllrberth 170G· W.
!leginelll. Frnll]'. 209 Haverford nve

lmllerlal Grocery Co. Phone, Na.rberth 606. See l1is[liar lllh'crtisement III this ls~ne.
tions of the rate,payer! INSURANCE
Bowman, S..muel P. (Lite.)
liS Elmwood av.. Phone. 668·W. l're1no.t. JI. Phone. 125.J-J.
Jane•• "·m. J. 103 S. Narberth av•. Phone,
680-J. Phlla. addres., Penn Mutual Bldg,
See display ndvertlsemen! In tbls Issue.

Troller Bro.. (Fir., .tc.)

209 Wood.lde ave. Phone. 1262-R, The above <1epartment .110uld be ot tb.
lAWYERS create.t use to the community. the lI.t aon·
taln. the name at every prdtentonal man.
Gllro)'. John 211 E ••• x ave. Phone, t246-R. tradesman. mechanic, shopkeeper. etc., wbe
Phlla. addre••, Lincoln Bldg. doe. or can In any way .erve his teHo..•
Stlte.. Fletcher W. 418 Ha.vertord ave, towllsman. and who I. Ilrollres"lve enougb
Phon., 872-W PhUa. addr•••• Crozer Bld~, to add name to lI.t ot R.III.ter.
, The Bell Telephone Company LIGIITING FIXTURES
McUollald John. Na.rberth phone, 1288.
A. It Ie dlmcult tor tho.. contrlbutlnl time and eltorts to the production 01
1638 Che.t. •t .• Phlla. Phon., Silruce 11S~, "Our Town" to personally e1tber knolr or
of Pennsylvania )IEATS. ETC. . Interview aH .uch. It would be malt help·
tul It tho.e not now tound In the prlnte(l
Cotter. Ho" .. rd F. Phone, 1298. lI.t would .end In a msmo ot their nam.s,
See advertl••ment In thl. 1.lue. addre••, phone numb... and bu.lneseel or
MILK prole••lons tor lilting. Thl. -..111 oost . . tol
Scott-Powell Dalrle•• Phon•• Pre.ton 2198 low.: 10 eent. each Illue tor J lines: & cent>
s •• advertl••ment In thl. tlsue tor each additional lin•.
The following cllitorial apl'eareil in alone; it ShOll 101 also lit ill with
~llrrOUlldilJ~ ~tructures to some de-
the Public Ledger under date of Feb-
NARBERTH BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION gree. Peoplt· an' beginning to real-
rnary 20th, which we print herewith ize this lIIore than Ilt'fore and arc
For Year Ending March 4th, 1920.
SOOIETY OF FRIENDS. u t the suggestion of l\1r. Victor D. Abel, calIin~ for city planning by which
Receipts. Disbursements. of Narberth. the indivi,lua( honH'~ lIlay be se-
The article is very interesting, and gr('galc(1 frolll not only industrial
}Jalanee last report .•...... $ 5,834.81 ~1aturel1 Stoek, 2:1,1 Shares .. $ 4G,800.00
Merion Meeting House, Merion, Pa.. and IIlcrcantile districts. hut also
J)ues . '3,i03.25 ]'lortgagc Loalls .•......... 117,800.00 ,,"e shouI.1 all profit hy it. 1'1'0111 the distriets deYoted to hotels
11lterest ..•..........•... , :!4,310.:W ;'Hock Loans .. ,........... 24,H25.00 aJlll apartlllents. The act in ques-
Merion Meeting is open for worship .Fines . lilJO.ti8 Withdrawals 15,485.75 1'1' PAYS 'f0 1'1Wl\lOTE BEAUTY. tion respond~ to this call anll
Prellliullls ...............•. 1,385.45 Illterest on Withdrawals..... 1,228.81 should be lle<'n](·(1 to provide for a
,,,ery First-day morning at 11 0 'clock. ~01.10 Hl'lIt, ete. ,................ IG8.:W The attention of sehooIs of iu<!ustrial
1~lltl'llnce ]o'ee~ . taking for a pllbli" purpose.
I\'O cUldially welcome any visitors who ~Illldry Heceil'ts , . lJ~.l1 ~alaril's HOO.OO art alld organizations such as the Allier-
.wsiro to worship with us. ..\lul'tgHge LO:LJlS Ht'pa itL . ,;),550.00 BOl'I"o\\"ed ],IOIII',v Hel'aid... 'IH,:WO.OO i"all Civic Associatiun has bel'n called
This opillion is in lin(' with the kinll
Pirst day school opens at 10 A. M. :--;loc:k J.. O:lIIl-; Ht')taicl .•.•••.. 1-I,li;).UII IlIt,'n'sf Oil BO!TO\\"I'd l\loney :1,li:I!I.!)4 to a very relllarkable decision of thc
111' thing (hltl is hl·jng sl'('ur('ll io lIlany
Class('s arc held for both adnlts and Htlrrtlll"e,[ ],(olley . (is,;)I)ll.lIO CaHh ill Balik ,....... 5,1B-I.BI .,1 inlll'Hota ~Ul'rellleCuurt. which pra,,-
(·iti(\:-; throngll zOlling' (',lJ1l1illis;-;iou:oi tUlll
I i":dly lays down the fact that goo'l
dtildren. Those interestell arc invited I"omprl'hl'llsil'l' plall 1l0'] parl(way bolli('s
$2G4,-H~.SO taste in eity architecture pays. 'rhe
lU attend. whil·h hal'l' bppu gil"pU h.,· law a rpr-
dl'eisiull gww out of a Huit of :L build-
taill (Iisl'rption aH to th" esthl'lie aspert.
Assets. Liabilities. illg and inve,tment compallY against
of pob]i(' illlpro\'l'nll'nts lll11] th" regionH
ST. MARGARET'S R. O. CHURCH. the eity lmildiug iU'l'cctor of l\linne- Ill]ja('('111. It is Illso iu linp with ('om-
.•Jljrtgage Loalls $3GG,:WO.00 1ll1t'H and .lllt.l'rest. in Ad-
!±O.;)O apoliH 11"110 had refused to ~rant II per- TIIOU ~Pll:-'(' anel i:-; a llP('(lptl warning' to
::it.ock Loalls 40,G80.UII '"am'e $ lIJi~:-;ioll for the erection of all apart-
lJaeH ill AI'1'l·:ll's............ 1,~:jti.50 !>Ol'l"oll"l'd -"lOllI',\' ' . ,0,;)00.00 ment: house which he t/eellll',1 waH of an
thOHI' who wOIlI(] ohtJ"llI]" agg-n'ssin'
Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector. lllien'st in .\I'L'l'arH......... -J::'.~-1 llltl'n'st Oil !lo!To\\"(!d ]'lonpy ti~!l.ijS llt!lill(,S~ 011 tIll' 1110St ('o:-;f h" (OJ yi(' ('Ill·
lIll~('I'IIII\, ehuraell'r allli ullfilte,l to the
Early Mass 011 Sunday from April 1 .Fillt's ill At'n'ar;..;........... 71.~;J ,Ih to ~Sth :-ieries, ill(·IUHil"e. 2"l,~;)~.~~o hellishllll."ts that so lllllny (,ifi"H arl'
,1 •.,,11 Ill'ig-Idll,;·hoo(!. 'rhe ('ollrl ul'hel(l hilll, now phllllin/!. H('vullli ionH' of thiH ]dlld
J'l't'lIIitllllB ill A IT(':1!'l". •••••• 5::i.:)D Ut.'sPI'\,p PUlld .
lO Uctober 31 at G.30 A. M. ]o'rolll 1'10- :llld Ilnlll'r tilt' rulillg al'artllll'nt hOllS"S in puh]i(' I:tHl"l' ']0 uot 11101"" b:ll'](Warll.
Lilll'rly BOllds " 5,OUlI.OU :'\t't (Jaill , . 7:.!,(j;;;"j.~Jl Ilia,' hI' h:llT(!1l out of \'('sideatial diH-
lemuer 1 to March 31, at 7 A. l\1. Lato l'aHh ill Balik.............. 5,Ul4.Hl tri;,ts ill i\linnpapolis if thl'y ']0 not
Mass, 10.00 A. M. throughout the year.
$,JlH,O/7 .~H Ill .. pt. tIl(' l'sthetic requir(,lIlpllts of thp
Masses ou holy days, 6.30 and 8.30 $.JlB,Oii.~!) OFFICERS OF THE WOMEN'S AUX-
Ilt'igh horhood.
A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo- Ra.te of Profit, 8.2%. The court, iullel'd, 1I0t ouly re,-prsp<! ILIARY, NARBERTH Y. M. O. A.
tions and other services at regular itHelf in itH decision, hut hrooght to an
DA;\IEL LEITCH, "Il(] a fight: that haH hecn goiug on for
limes. C. V.SOEL, T110S. C. 'fnO'l'TER, Jr., Seeretary. Ii"" years. JIl sustainingthl' city of- Prpsic1pnt-l\lrs. D. D. Stickney.
Eo E. llAH~lI, C. j l. l\lcC"AHTEH, Treasurer. lil-ill] the court 111:"]1' a gen('ralizatioll Vice-Presirlent-illrs.•r. B. Darlington.
Aul1itors. whil'h is of \'cry widp Ilpplieation. For Speretary-~lrs. C. L. i\IcLean.
ill the opinion of the conrt:
V. Officers. The oflicers of the Asso- Chairmen of Committees.
•'The Little Ohurch on the Hill." Letters to the Editor ciation shall be composed of '"oting
"It is tillle that ('ourls rp,'ognizpl]
~[em hersll ip-~[rs. Samuel Dicldc.
thl' esthpti('" as a fadur in life.
members, and shall consist of a Presi· Jkaot,- 11111] filll('HH l'llhllllc'e '-H]OpS \'isiting-~lrs. ROlllaiul' Hoffman.
To the Editor of Uur TOlI"n: dent, threo Vice-President, a ~ecretary ill pl;hli" HIli] pl'i,"ate stl'l1elurps. n ousc-.:.-illrs.
\Y. N. illills.
~ll'H]ay, l\larch 7th. ~[Ilsi('-"Mrs. T. Noel Butler.
\1.-1;) A. "M.-Sunday School. Classcs J bee there lb a WIlcr lrulll tHe and Treasurer, alltl a Board of Directors But it is 1I0t sufTI,'i,,"t that th,'
"LllJ))' III \\"ct:K ~ !:;SUe vur ],oildi'q"r is'fit and proppr, stalll]ing SOl'illl-l\lrs. G. Merritt Davis.
1'01' all ages. HlSL lJl of fifteen membcrs. Each of
II A. l\L.-Morning service. SeTlnou 'JU\\lJJ UU!.. UUllllUg :Ll'peareu J.1'U111 lue
the foregoing ollkers shall llOlli office
by thl~ pastor, "We Would Sec Jesus." •. ;:'lJ(.~Gti.lLUl'.' I .11U\\" 1;:, 1.L tHat tUl'se L\\ lJ
for the term of one year. The Presi-
Ht'('('pt ion of l1ew members into the J l'llu \\;:, HL~' u11. eacH U LJl Cl', 01' 1:::i UUJi'e

('hurch. a gCllL1ClIlcH ~~ ug.rCCIHL'l1L IH UUl'l'U"'U":S denl, Vice-Presidents and Secretary

;: 1'. l\I.-Children's chureh. Object oluce; shall, hy virtue of their oJIlce, be mem-
talk by thc 1.'astor. Childnm's vested j L s\ Ullds to 1"<'asuu, uf eourse, t.lw t. b!'rs of t.he Boar,l of Directors, and shull
l·hoir. lhc~' IHJtU calillol agn'lJ UlI e\VI)'t!llug,
preside at it.s meetings.
, 1'. l\I.-Epworth League. A live IHI t 1 tHJlll~ It WUillt.l lUCfl:aSl~ lite cl...--
('[lIallOu 01 Uur '"l"UI\"l1 11. Il"e cOUllt gl'L 'l'he Board of Directors shall choose
In('eliug for young people.
,A;) 1'. "1Il.-EI"t·ning service. ~er­ IllvHl glJllIg aller l'al~Jl olher. from their number foul' persons who,
ilion by th" pastor, "l\lisdireetell lu- call l :-.ul1lt'UJlP l'h~a:-;(~ ~laI't ~lIl11l'­ wi th the l'resi,]"llt of the Associatioll,
qlli~.dtiv(lIl('S:';.'l ~nng st11'\'iee and lIH~n'B t 11 1l1g: shall const.itu te an Executi ve Com III it'
dlOir. CUHlU[j~. tee, of which the President shall be
"lunday, 2.:;0 1'. l\L-\VOllll'Il'S For'
eig-n ],\ issionary ::>oeiet.y ill the ehul'ch. Chairman, which Comlllittee shall have
S 1'. ~L-Olricial BoaI'll Illeetiug in power to transact any business of t.he
To t.he Editor of Uur Towu:
Ih" ehul'ch. Board; prol"ided, that any act llone by
'!'u"Hday, S 1'. l\L-Lallies' Aitl ::>0- ;'OIUC ~all:-'lal'IIOH IS t.ll'fl\'cd JfUlll
;:'PCC1:llUf'S la~L al'llclc, ·'llt:J'C :lll\l
them shall be subject to the approval of
(·j"t.\" JIIeeting in the church. I.

Wednesllay, 8 1'. l\L-Prayer llIllet- J1L'!L':lIJulll:::i.' JL W111 IJC lluUceLl lua L the Board of Directors.
ing. l'aHtor's topic: "Christ the Cor, Ile uillcrs 1 rOil. LHlct _\ oel, III tual ule There shall be no regular meetings of
nerstolle." Duct by ilIrs. Reevs anll lUl tU" tloes HUI a1.'prole 01 a "puplllar the Board of Direct.ors, but meetings
.Il iss E, Gray. UpIJCUI," , but II"UIl1l1 eUHliue lHe feliue;;1

Have You
shall be held from time to time as tho
luJ IUl.OllHatlOll-Ulllltl J'ou, 11 lS UUL to
oe eOHSLrUetl as a cOilljJl:lillt-lO tHe business anll in terests of the Association
BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE preeIuelb Ul. the lire lIou,e. If It 'I"er" may require. A majority of the Boanl
EVANGEL. a !lartleUlarIJ" llelSUllal maLler, that. shall constitute a quorum.
migut i.Je tue prvper course, out It e011- VI. Meetings. An annual meeting of
celllS the IllIo", COIUWU111t J'. i:io au ex-
Rev. Avery S. Demmy, B. D., Pastor. tlte Association for the purpose of clect-
lHtlua 11U11 111 tHese CUl Ulllliti is ali that
Services for Sunday, March 7th l[120.
n.30-l\1orniug Prayer ill~eting.
gA5--8essions of the SUllllay School.
11.00-:Morning worship. COllllllunion
lS expceleu.

thClll as a
~"ar LJe 1t. trulll Jlle to
" ;;ltlJ.Ller" the lHe liglilers or orautl
•• llui::;allce,'
lHe gre:.tte;;t res1.'eet lor them, Inul-
uccause 1 ha \ c
ing officers and for transacting such
other business as may cOllie before t.he
meeting, shall be held during the month
of )larch of each year on such date as
ser\'iee. Sennon by the pastor on the I It/Willy auLl eOlJeeti veiy. 1 1ail tv
suhjel't, "Spiritual Strength." Text, Jiuu, hu II.., I"Cr, allyt.hlllg 111 that 1.'UrtiOll may he fixed by the 13o[trd of Directors
I Cor. 2:2:~-30. Reception of new melli- of L:lllcf 1\ oel's letter as tiuoted, WhlCIl or hy the Executive Committee.
'.OO-l\I('etinor of YOllng People'H So-
ciety. "
RC1"\,j("f'. SOll~
"1'1'roat'he, all ex1'lallatioll lor Ute Jaw,
1",,1 iug dl'scnbell I>J' .. ~l'eelator.'· Ull
Ihe conlrary, Ih" 11'S1.'llll'llpuillt. is Jlot
lUI'!; but. .' UI'Hl'l'I"'r," aetuated l,y a
'1'hpre shall he no other st.atell med·
ingH oj' the A,sociation, but meetings
shall be called by the President at any
Your Subscription
s"T\"iee led by Mr. .Ialll"s '1'. ll"Wit.t l'lIl>lic s1'il'il, is talU'1I 1.0 la,k ileealls,! time upon the )'l'quest of the Board of
." nrphy. S"rmon by the past.or un th(' hI! haH lIad the ellr<lut."ry to 1'ublll'"I)" jJirpctors, or of the Executive Commil'
t<'xl, "Behold I Htancl af th(' Iloor :u"l ""II att"Jltion to II e"naill praetil'e tpe, or upon the written request of any
Knnek," Hev. :\: ~O.
~l iel-week ~('l'\. it'll 'V pdll('sda \' P\·('ll i IIg
at S 0 'clock. •
A hearty w('leoJlle awaits all who
which has 1'rt~l"ailed. '1'1", partial '!X-
plallati<lll :llh"ancell l,y "bped:tlor,:'
aU11 1I0t bJ" L:hil~f .'oel, HOllll'what. elan-
Iii's the Cireulll,tanees. .By all means,
tpn voting members who shall state in
writing the purpose for which thcy dc-
sire such meeting to be called.
will join liS i11 any or all of theHe Hen'- let us Ita I"e at onee Ilta t. ,. eoustrud i VI: Whenever a meeting is to be callell,
ices. l'l'ugnllll" tu be aJllJuullccd lJy the
Chit.f and ., Bpl'elator." Perhaps it it shall he the lin ty of the Secretary to


will explain wh J' the eugine uclls have
oeen "lamhastl'd" in the past. and t!tll
rcason for the ('011 t inllance of tltc prac·
ticc in tlte futlll"e. As 1 ha"e remarked
post on the bulletin board a notice of
the time, place and object of such meet·
ing. Such notice shall be posted as long
before the date of meeting as circuni-
"Our Town?"
Rev. John Van Ness, Minister. before, the lambasting has marked the
departure for anti the ret.urn from the stances permit, in order that all melli-
lire or false alnrm, irrespecti ,'c of the bers sha.ll have reasonable opportunity
Meetings for next Sunday: time of d:tY or night. to attend the meeting. But in no case
10 A. M.--Sundav School.
11 A. l\L-Morning worship. Sermon OBSEIn'EH. shall a meeting be convened on less
on "The Cleansing Power of the Blood than twenty-four hours' notice.
of "Christ." 280 present last Suulluy
morning. CONSTITUTION OF THE NARBERTH Twenty voting members shall consti-
4 P. M.-Comlllunicunts' Class. CIVIC ASSOCIATION. tute a quorum.
6.45 P. M.-Junior C. E. meeting,
],[rs. Trowbridge, leader. VU. Amendments. This Constitution
7 P. M.--Senior C. 1~. consecration may be amended at any time by vote
meetillg, Solveig Knutzen, leader. I. Name. The ntllne of this organ· of two-thirds of the lIlelll hers present
7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser- ization shall bo the N AR13ERTlI ClV 10 and entitled to vote, prol'ided thirt.y
mon theme: "One Thing." ASSOCIATlON. days' notice of the meeting and of the
Next \Vedllesday, 7.30 P. M., eOIl1-
mittee meetings to pilln for the special II. Object. Tho object of the Asso- proposell alllelll]ments shall hal'e hp('n
meetillgs for Holy \Veek. Prayer meet· ciation shall be to improve and beautify given.
ing at 8 0 'c1<1('k followeil by 'f"acher's the Borouglt anll vicinity, and assist
IIH~('tillg. anll co-opemte with tltc authorities in
SCHOOL NOTES. enforcing laws and orllinaneos relating
thereto; to promote allY pro.ieet hadng
The Girls' Basketball Team have for its purpose the betterment of the .,' ..... " ...• I'll., Fl'h..... , 1!l::!0.
plunnell the following schedule for the community as a whole; to provide n Na rhprlh Fi re Co.,
season 1919-20: means of acquiring and diss.eminuting
ANNUAL MEETING AND B(ix No. JOI, Narherth, I'plllla.
information on any subject of geneml
March 5-Upper Darby, night away. ELECTION OF OFFICERS
interest; anll to foster and maintain a
Murch 9-Darby, away. ~HURSDAY EVENING, MARCH GplIlIplllen:
fraternal spirit aIllong t.he people of our
I2-Haddon Heights, away.
19-Ambler, away.
III. Membership. All perS{)us resill-
18, 8.15 P. M., Y. M. C. A.
I Plpase accept my application for contributing membership
March 26-Radnor, night home. PEONIES, ~ ill Narberth Fire Co. lind selld bill for $3.00 eO"ering annual dues.
Tho boys' basketball schedule is as
ing in this community uro members and
aro entitled to attend: meetings of tho
Association and avail themselves of its
EVENING, JUNE 5. I Yours truly,

Murch 9-Darby, away. benofits.

12-ViIIa Nova, home.
I6-Huntingdon Valley, away,
IV. Dues. Tho annual dues of vot-
ing members shllll be ONE DOLLA1~,
payablo at tho time tho application is

i .
I9-West Chester, home.
26-Hatboro, night home.
received and annually thereafter at the
time of the annual meoting.
I .


Burgess, (Continued from Page 1)

(By the UOllllllittee.) Carroll Dowul'H.
Olle of the ablest of the defenders or \Y. H. D. Hall, I're~iucllt, thc couutr,}-. He is an expert in the
•• the tLl1th once tor all tlelJ I'eretl to the Willialll .J. 11ell<1l'rHolI, al eill t edural development of housing,
HLunts" III moLiern tIllJCH is Dr. jJauLI /)alliel Ll'it"h, alld was closely identiJied with much of
:::>. Ke II II ell,}', lor mall,}' years cLlitor 01 William ::i. ~1:lll<lox, the UOI'ernllll'nt housing work donc dur,
tlll~ t'llllalleJphw l're:;IJ,}'Ler!Ull. lIe wIll Carl B. Metzgar,
upun the c\all~:l:ellstlc JIleCLll1gs jll till'
.,arherlll l'resl)j'teJ'lall church 011 "\1011-
A. I'. Hl'dil'pI',
Walloll ~\. \VPllt,Z.
School Notes illg the War, aud was also associuteu
Il'ith the del'cloplllent of the Yorbhip
,laY e\ellillg, ,March :!D, with a serlllOIl \ 11Iage-the model housing develop'
Secretary of Councils, Illent In conncction with the i'lew Yorl,
()II tile AtUJWnwlit.
(;harl"H V. Noel. .' \\-ithout halting, Ilitlwut re~t
11e will IJU foJlolI'ed Tuesday el'el1- ::ihip 'iaru's plant, aud also the Octuvia
EMBLEM OF THE AMERICAN LJ1:tillg better up to best." ' 11 J II del'elopmellt.
i IIg proIJuhlj' I),)' ueurge luues, tlw well- Borougll Treasurcr,
li.lloll'n J'lIuadell'lIia IJllsilless Illau whu LEGION. ,Mr. Bright is a member of the spe-
1":r1\\'ill 1'. Dold. , TIl() ::iellior Clas~ hUH Illade its pre-
lias had a 1I'0ntlerful yiSlUlI ur stewar,,- cIal COlllullttee of the l'hiladelphiu
Borougll Solicitor, JillllWll'y allllounCl'llIell1 abuut its ,}'ear
sh il'. """Ii.. \\ e recall the Splclldld accolllplish- Chapter of the American lnstitute of
Uther speakers al'e Mrs. A. \V, Kar- l"lptehl'r W. Htites. Service Men, Join the Narberth Post .\ reJlite~ts iu charge of the dmfting of
IU"lll. 01. last ,}'ear's 11'01'1,. Uur L,~sl.
11l'1I oj" t.he Jut,'rllatiollul :::luuuay ::ichlJol a plan lor the del'eJopllleut of the Aiet-
Street Commissioner, of the American Legion Now II' IHhes are \\'J t h till' j>l'L'sell t :::iellior Uats
.'HslJciatloll, who lI'ill speak ou ,he du ;llJd lheil' big ulldertakiJlg. ropoliwn l'hilatlcll'hia Area. 'l'ltis is a
t.1l~S oj" jJareuts tu dllhtrcll, alld JJr IV. l'lIa I'h'H E. .JJ IIl11l'hl'l'Ys. Being Formed! project that illtinULtely concel'lJS el'ery
B. Alldel'soll, lIliHHiouarj' secretary or Tax Collector, resident or Narberth because of our
The ::ienior 1'lay is alJOut to bc an-
thl' United l'resbyterian Boanl, whu IIIIUIICl'U. T1IIl prel'aratlOll 101' this an- l'l'ry close proxilllity to l'hilauelphia
will wake all apprulJ1'iatc Uuod Friday HaYlllOlld U..IOIII'S.
Ilual el'ellt always tal,es a great ueal illlli the possible inclusion of l\ arLerth
address Ull April:.l. Olie utileI' speaker Assessor, Officers.
(11 lill'" and tJlought UII the lmrt of the and other ~lain Line towns in the cit,},
i" 'yet to Le chosen. CllnlplI \"lIl'1leI'. well,:,ers uf t11e class. Tlte uUl'Jeu 01. of J'hiladelpltia before wallY years lHl\'e
'l'he peuple of all churclles will be George O. Smith, Chairman.
Building Inspector, JeHpollsibillt,)' ho\\'el'er, lieH with the passed.
welcomed to these Holy Week ad- Irvin '1'. Ward, Yice-Uhairnllln.
1',lIgJJsh VeparlJllcut. 'I'lte selectiou of .\11'. Bright's talk will be iIlustrntell
dresses. .J. Taylor Darlington. Harry A. Simpson, Secretary. a Ilia,}' 10 Include all meUlbc1's of the Ity Illol'iug picturcs. Those who have
(;ollll"il IlIl'et s ill Coullcil Hoolll ll. Newton Compton, Trcasurer. cia", IS llO easy matter when the many seen the lilln say that it is intensely
EIIII HaIl, at ~ 1'. ~l. Oil the sec~ uther iwportant aspccts of the liuestiou interesting:
NARBERTH DEFEATS ARDMORE. olld ~[ollday ill "a"h 1II01l1h. Meet- l\leetings wiII be allnounced throug11 mu~t I)e takell illto cOllsidemtion. lf
illgH aI'e opell to the pllblie. COIll- the columns of ' • Our Town. " l'he 1lI<l1l •,dHS Ho,}' ilIon succeeds as well this ,}'ear The secon,1 talk will be made hy ::V[r.
mittel'S of Coulleil Illl'pt Oil the who have served through the WL.r as shc lilu last ,}'l'ar lIe look for u goud A. K Woehlert. All of us know Mr.
Xarherth won till' Hrst gmne of tile \\"'dlll,'H<lay l'\'l'llillg illlllll'lliatl'ly play. \\"oeh!Prt l'ither IJl'rsonally or by reputa'
Heries for till' chLLlllpiollship of the maill should not lose the opportullity to be-
pJ'l'I,pdillg the Illollthl,}' 1I11,,,ting of lion, because Ite Jives ri"ht here in
line. ~rhe score was ;):~ to :Hl. ~li(lgllt lome memuers of this organization, as :\arherth, but ulLlny of us do not know
Conlll'il. Last week ~Ir.•\lc1chior allentleu the
Dickie starn'll for ?\arherlh, makillg" it is an honor for \I'hich man,}' would that he is not ouly a nurseryman of uu-
\at.ional Cunl'lllltion oj" the Department
l'ight lield goals and Hi fouI"s. Dlliry gil'C a whole lot to attain. nsu:dly wide l'xl"'rience, but that he is
(lj" ::iuperililelldence in Ckl'elanu. The
.\1 l'yl'rs put np a Htar game for Anl- illso au expert on horticulture in gen-
,lud,'lIts and Jaculty ha I'e at I'arious
Illore. I'ral and on plantillg in particular. He
tillles heard reportH Oil the ou tstandiug
ic' a ull,mber 01' the l'ennsy]yania Uorti·
'l'hl' lille-up:
X:1I"b('rOI Anlmore
Il'al ures of' I he c"n\'l'Ilt.ion. Uf particu-
iar intl'reHt to t1w entire studellt Lody
w:t~ the l'C\'jl~\V ui' .:. A. Pag'eaut of Bun-
1'1111 urI' ASHocia ti on, the Philadelphia
1"loristH' Cluh, tlte Pennsyll':lJIia Borti-
lJi" ltil'. . . . . . .. furll'a nl .... Lim bl'UIIl'r
(Bartlel t.)
Relief Association ,'atioll," whidl waH gil'en by the stu-
d"llts of the I'arious schools of Clel'e-
"lIltural ::locidY, the National Associa-
tion of :\urH,'rymen, :11111 for mau,}' years
i'im("ll"y forwar,l Camp],l'll The uext meeting of the Amcrican \1':18 i II charge of the lallllscape del'el-
laud. It was gi\'cu ill elevcll i glilll- j

lJurkill cellter Wilsoll Legion l'ost :':56 will be helu in the fire- IIll'l'S" aud tracl'd the l'l'ollltiou of euu- "1'111,'nt work of the P(,III1HylYallia Hail-
, .. ~[l'Yl'rs lillller datt' of' P"hrllal'l' Hth the !lOuse, Thursday evelling, ,\larch lith, road, 'l'he exact topic of ~lr. \Voeh-
Cooke " ' guard
Firt'llIl'lI \i Hplit'f J\s~()(·iat j';11l ~ellt out
,'atioll 1'1'0111 t111~ ,la\l'1I ot' histor,)' to the
E. Da\"i~....... guard YOUJlg lIlHtead or the regular meetiug uight. pre",,"t ti,lle. Thp el,idcut ohject of the 1"1'1 's talk will hI' allllounced in a later
tIll' follo\\'illp' I"tt"r whil'h iH wort.hy EI'pry mcmuer oj" the Legioll 1S urgeu iSHU", bllt wc are able to say noll' it
!lag-I'all t waH 10 i 1l11'l'l'SS the l\tllCl'icall
,Fielll goals, lJickil', S; Hllll'll1Py, :!; 01' attl'lIt.ioll. 'I'hi" worthy "an,," Hhnllid to Illake a special errort to Le Ill'e~",nt \I'ill h" illustrated with colored magic
l"'opl" wit.h the illlluediate lleell for
Lilli) '111'111'1', l; Campbell, 2; \ViiHolI, :;; )'('l·.. il'l' the Hnpl'ort 01' ali Ill(' J'('Hid"lItH on that occasion ati malleI'S of more Ia'ltern pictures.
of tllIl' hOl'Ol1goh as it j:-; Olll~ of' the 01'- Ullin' J'ullds for t Iw pronlOtioll of schools
~Ie,}'ers, oj. POlll goaiH, Dieki,' 10; than ordinary inlportallce arc to be de- alld the all illlpOl'tallce oj" the highest
,'!'allizatiolls ill lI:al'i,,'rth whi"h IlIak"s COllliug' .iIlHt at the enu of :i\Iarclt and
Lo.,·,u III , ]:l. Hd"'I'I'l', Boh 'l'o\\,u", lIal'- cided. 1."1'l' ot' teachers to be elllpluyed. '1'he a 1 th .. bl'giuni ug of' the spriug season,
"riOI'd. for the prot 1'1'1 iOIl 01' our hOllle", alld iH,
tlll'l'el'oJ'(', of vital'illtl'J'('st to el-ery- 'l'he members of the \roman's Aux- dpscriptioll pl'l'Sl'lIl"d I'il'idly under the ~I1'. Wochlert's talk will be espeeiully
iliary Post havc 1ll0St kindly invited Il'lIth glinllllCI', "A \\'arllillg" of tlw inll'resting, hl'Ipful to tlte many Nar-
all the Legionaries to partake of re- illl'I'itahle reslllt ot' an illJ'el'ior gra1le Itert h folkH who have garllens an<l arc
N ext Saturday night, ~[arch 6th, at "The ); a rhert h ]<'i 1'1'11]('11 's Heliei' As· "I' teacher. i ntercsted in all horticultural <level-
the Y. .M. C. A., ?\ arIJerth plaYH ::iouth freshmelits that el'ening ufter the mcet-
Hoeiatinn waH orgallizell in April, lll1:l, opment.
Brallch y, J\I. C. A. Hooter", ,'OIllC 01lt iug, than which necd \ve say more.
fol', the PUI'I'0SI' of accuJUulating and
an,l sec a good game. Thurtiday, March 11th I This \l'eek the school II':'" grateful to 1'he ollly business to be transacted at
1I1:lIl1tailling a fllnd for the relief of
ackllowledge rcceipt of a contribution this meeting on Friday cvening March
III "III hers illjured at fires. 'ThiH relief
"I' \Vashingtoll .In'ing's Il'orks aud sel'- :l6, will be thc alluual clectiod of of-
"ollsi~ts of l'a)'II)('lIt f'or nll'dieal atten-
THE BALDWIN DAY NURSERY pml I'oltlllles of :::iiI' Walter Scott's licl'rs. Blcryone is urged to holu this
SAVE FRIDAY EVENING, MARCH III tion aJlll i,1elllllifyillg JUelllhl'rH for 10Hs
\l'ol'k~, the ,~ift of' ~lr. and ~Irs. 8. 1'. da;c .open Llllll to atteud the intl'ro~ting
of' t iIIle COllsl"lllellt to injury. BENEFIT. !3owllllln. Illeetlllg which the Civic Association has
Owing to the great increase in the planlled.
And come be a kid again at thc Yo ::VI. IIll1nher of huildillgs in l\'arLerth and
u..A. 1'herc's going to be saille good I'icinity, the lire COIIIIHIIlY is called An en tcrtuiument is to be gi vell ,n 1'he attentiull oj" the student bou,}'
IH'!'!',}' fuu, auu cI'ery oue from IS to Lower ::Vlerion High ::>chool Auditoriull1 \l'as called to thc ~larch lluUlLer of the
UpOIl to allHWer 1II0re alal'lllH alld acci- Officers of the Women's Community
so had better ruu, as of ticli.ets there's IIJ! Tuesda,}' evening, ~iarch :lud, in aid World's Work as bciug oJ excl'ptional
d"1l tH in t he line of dUll' are 1II0re fre-
not u tou. What arc \\'e goiug to uO i Ijlll'lI t. . of the Baldwin Day l\ursery. It will ull'riL. Teachers and pupils ure ClUb, Narberth.
Why shouhl \I'e tell ,}'ou'l But Ihis is he rcmemLered that the nursery hau nn lsted iu the contents. We bcliel'e it
"\\'l' eitp a recent instance. During wort It while 'op:ls:-;illg it alollo'" tu President-Mrs. C. P. Fowler.
,}'our cue-it'll be more fuu thau el'eu 'l.krtainnlCnt scheuuleu for the Br,}'1l
the zoo! VOIl't think you'll come aud th" lire at ~[erioll on the night of' .Jan- .\Iall'r alld u lire broke out at ""l'lylJod,l' intl'rl'sted III lil'c pr~blcms, COl'l'esponding Secretary-1.Irs. Ed·
lIal',l' ~th, a IIlelllher waH l'ailll'ully ill' 1I11'Iudlllg a I,,'ep illto Illoderu writcrs lI'a I'd Batchelor.
jUHt sit-not a bit! Bach oue will hal'll the afterlluoll IH'l'formallce II' hich nl'Ce"
a part. frolll the I'ery Htart, allli Ihell, jllJ'l'd, havillg three rib~ ],rokl'lI. 'l'his :lIId hooks. l'IU1\CU'AL. .Ileeonling Secretary-Mrs. N. Ander-
,itatet! the postpOlll'lllenl. A 1"'11' tlays son.
aft .. r the li\,(ll,}' fl'ats-houest-to-goou- d 1'1'1\' :j;io fro;1I our treusury.
ago an alIair Il'as scllCduled for till' Treasurer-Mrs..J esse E. Harris.
lie:--s you'll get. SOllh~ hUlllc-lIl:ule eats! "OUI' illCOIlll' has hcretol'or" consisted 1H'lmont Hospital, but owiug to thl' EII'n thollgh th" groulld is still cOI'-
()(J1l 't furget-~Larch lB-we're goiug tit' 1I11'lId"'I'shil' dueH alld all annual pay· I'"rty ill charge of the beillg l'n'd wi I h iel' in loany places we find Chail1nen of Committees.
to look for you-all' cOllle o\'(~r, do! 111"11 t h,l' ti,e tHate lusurance Depart- :I'I'ay alld ill alld th'l "rrallgl'IlIl'llt" 11;:t1 1';lIswol'lh Hiley and llel'ilert. ~[c­ Educational-J\hs. WllI. Livingston.
A,"1 sa,}'-all this Jor a fell' pl'IlCe-to 1111'111 al','ragillg less thall :j;.1O. ",,,,k by all Illlder IIllker it was t!pelulld (':11'1,,1' hal'e ,;Iart"d ill their baselwlI JIosl'itality-:Mrs. II. A. Jacobs.
he ..xacl, ollly lift,)' cellt". With apolo- I'l'st 1l0t to holu the alIuir at this tillil', Irailling' \\'it.h ".Jkye" \Vanl as cuach.
g-i,'s to Walt. "Thl' :III1OUllt in our t.reaHury is onl,}' Legislative-Mrs. A. B. Hoss.
:j;::lIO, which will not go far in case oj so the lllallagers of the Ualdll'ill Day ~lusic-Mrs. Joseph Barclay.
",'riolls illjury or j'atal accident. We 1\nrHery have taken the malleI' up allt! ~1l'lIIhership-Mrs. W. J. Mullholland.
l!<-Si),(l to :Lllll to this fmlll by givillg an will have the clltl'rtaiulIlCllt ill Art!- OFFICERS MAIN LINE COMMUNITY
Puhlicity-Mrs. Edgar Cockrill.
FATHER OF MRS. A. J. NEWELL '1l"'aHional entertaimuent and by reeeiv- morc, Lan"doll'lIe, Hidll'y l'ark alltl KITCHEN.
Finanee-::V[rs. Charles W. Young.
illg dircct cont.ributions frolll any who ,\ledia.
DIES .JJecomtiolls-nIrs. J. W. Joyce.
:ll'l're"iate the I'nluntary sen'ice the 'l'hesc elltertaillmelltH will be llireeltlll ,,:Clllh Chorus-Mrs. A. B. Ross, Mrs.
ad i I'e lllelllberH render the COllllllun- l'resident-William Wood Wimer,
by MI'. James B. UOl'lleal, uirector or :\ a rbenh. I Ii It II all O. Lane.
'l'he fUlleral of the late Prallk Lealw, ity. the ::Vlusic .J)epartml'nt of the COlllllllln- .b'irst Vice-l'residcut-Mrs. Bdw. L
father of' .Mrs. A .• J. 1\e\\'eIl, of Nar- "Ad,lress eOllllllunications to Charles it)' Hen'ice of Philauelphia. ::\11'. COl" HartHhol'lle, Haverford.
Ll'rth, took place :::latul'llay aftewooll V. ;'\ Ol'I, 8ecretary, Narberth ]<'irelllen's neal promiscs a good program. Evel',)'- ~econd \' ic,,-l'rl'sident-l'. H. Chase,
from the !att er 's resideuce, lIS Chest-
l1ut a VCHue.
]{l'lil'f Association, Karberth Pa." I,ouy is asked to co-operate. 'l'iekets
nlll,}' be purchased from the chairman
Treasllrer-H. \\'. Sheltou, l\ arberth.
Regular Meetings Nar-
~lr. Leake \I'as a rclireu textile man-
ufacturer alld Il'as \\'cll knowu in Phil- ASH COLLECTIONS.
of the conllllittce 01' by pholling allY
membcr. The Baldwin Vay Nursery
managers arc: Miss Mary Converse,
:::lecretary--Ll'ah '1'. Cadbury, llal'er-
berth Organizations
adelphia, where he had beeu active iu
busilless allu puLlic all'airs for many ~Irs. E. Waring Wilsou, nIl's. F. nI. Board of Directors.
ycars. He died last 'l'hursduy. lie had ~Iitchell, Mrs. }'ayette Plumb, Miss
Monday-Wynnewood avenue, Con· I:;leallor Collins, Mrs. Donald Leas, Mrs. Mrs. W. A. Bun, Waylie. BOROUGH COUNCIL
bee II ill for about II year, but the im' Dr. C. A. Fox, Ardmore.
mediate cause of his death was apo· way avenue, Dudlcy ave, west side of Le Roy Leas, Mrs. Bdwaru ll. Lycett, Monthly, Second Monday
7,lrs. VanlIorn Ely, Mrs. Willthrop 8ar- Miss Siuney Evans, Merion.
plexy. Essex avenue, Park, \Villdsor avenue, "\lr~. C. P . .b'owler, Narberth. Fire House, 8 P. M.
gellt, Jr., Miss Louise l'waddell, Mrs.
frolll Essex west, l\{ontgolllery avenue, H. R. P. Br:tdford, ::\Irs. Man-in Toul· .\11'. B. Y. Hartshorne, Ardmorc.
\Vynllowood to Narberth avenue, Elm l:Jin, ::VIiss Agnes Hamilton, ::VIrs. ;Joseph Mrs. W. H. Gibbons, Ardmore.
OVERHEARD IN THE POSTOFFICE. Terrace and Sabine avenue. N. Pew, MrR.•Joseph N. Pew, Jr., Mrs. nirH. C. G. Hoag, Hu verford. NARBERTH BUILDING AND LOAN
U. A. Myrin, Miss l:;lizabeth Forrest Miss J. I. ~Iagee, C'yn wid. ASSOCIATION
Tuesday-East side of Essex, Wayne .;OhIlSOll, ~[rs. S. S. Eveland, ~1:rs. Ed- .Mrs. P. 1\ ichoJson, Arumore.
"Oh, nIariu, have you heard tha t the •mrd A. Crane, Mrs..Tohn Rodgers, Miss Mrs. H. W. ::icllers, Narberth. Monthly, First Thursday
old l'eaholly pc\\' ill our ull'et iu' house a \'enue, Price avenue, Montgomery, Mr. W. W. Wimer, Nurberth.
Plorence Shol'maker, l\IiHR Anna G. Fire House, 7.30 to 9 P. M.
is to Ill' occllpied again'I" Narberth to Price a venue, N arucrth
Halllwin, Mrs. Willi:lIll A. Wiellersheim,
"Lalld Ilo! Aftl'r all these years'? al'C1ltIC, ]<'orrest avenuc, Grayling ave· ;iII'S. C. C. Norris, Jr., J\[rH..1. Lawrence
!lOIL't hardly HlWIlI 'H it eall ,he true!" nUL', Haverford avenue, Grayling to Es- l'allcollHl. HOW TO GET THE 1920 LICENSE NARBERTH CIVIC ASSOCIATION
"Yps, I hl'al'tl it at our Doreas nllwt- sex, Woo<1bine avenue, Narberth to FOR YOUR DOG.
Some few hUI'e purchased tiekets for :Monthly, Third Thursday
ill' today." .Iona. :I[arch :lml on aceouut of the Belmont Y. M. C. A" 8.15 P. M,
"\VeIl, <10 tell! \Vho's goi u' to set }fospital. Tl' so desired the mOlH'y will .Ilesients of ?\arberth \\'ho own clogs
ill it, Lohplia'i" Wellnesday-Hampde!l avenuc, lona h,' rl't"tllllle,] 01' ehpI·k may he l'l,iHsu('l]
all,l who hal'e not !'Cnewed their licenses
"That'H a Hel'!'l't. BlIt if' YOll'II eome annue, Meeting House Lane, Williams to t.he Baldwill Day NurRery amI 1Il'ail(Hl for 1U:!O should \l'ritc to Irvin Bard.- NARBERTH POST, NO. 356, AMEBr
to thl' l'n'sbyteriau "hul'el; 'flll'Slla,}', avenue, Woollbinc avcnue, lona to Mont· to ~[rH, .1. L:lII'I'l'nl'l' l'ancoa"t, HOHl'-
lIIan, County l'reasurer, Norristowu. 'l'he ICAN LEGION
~rarl'h !Jth, at ,'i 0 ',·loel;, l'oll'II heal' mont, Pa.
gomery, Montgomery avenue, Price to wlllho,l of procedure is as follows: Ask
allaholltit." , ~Ir, Ba]'(bn:m to selld.' you an applicll' Second and Fourth Friday
Haverford avenue, Haverford avenue,
tion for II 1920 dog licensc and cnclose Fire House, 8 P. M.
lIIontgomery to Graylmg, :::Ihirley Road. either a two'cent stamp or a stamped
The 'Wolllen's Auxiliary of the Nllr-
MONTGOMERY COUNTY FEDERA- alld alldressed ellvelope. 'l'he County
Thursday-Elmwood avenue, Maple herth Y. J\r. C. A. arc already planning
TION OF WOMEN'S CLUBS for their Hpri ng rummltge sale, Ilnd will 'l'rc.asul'l'I' will thell mail you the appli- NARBERTH FmE COMPANY
avenue, Woodside avenue, Grove Place. he glad to relievc all housekeepers who catIOn form, anll upon rceeipt of' this
President-Mrs. R. J. Rolston, Fort Last Tuosday
arc contelllplating 1lI0vinJ:{ in the nenr form you should lill it out and mail it
Washington. Friday-Chestnut avenue, Merion fuhll'l', of Ilny diRearclecl clothing', furni- back to t h,' Coullty Treasurcr enelos- Fire House, 8 P. M.
Viee·President-Mrs. D. T. Jones, avenue, Hoekland avenue, Narberth ave· ture, china, pictures, books, shoes, etc., iug the nl'cessary f'ee. A postage stamp
Pottstown. nue, Chestnut to Rockland. pte. Nothing iH too old to filld It pur- or self-:1I1,lrc~Hllll au'll stamped envelope
Secretary-Mrs. C. P. Fowler, Nar- c.haser if it is clpan. Arrangements shoul,l also he enclose,l with the appli· NARBERTH TROOP BOY SCOUTS
C. E. HUMPHREYS, huve been made to spncl for packag-es at ('ation. In two or t.hree days tho Coun-
berth. Every Monday
:1Il~' time if JOu will phone Narberth ty TreasuJ'('r will mail you the new
Treasurer-Mrs. W. H. Pugh, Merion. Street CommiS6ioner. Hi4ll·W, 623·R, or 1611·W. 1920 lieense. Y. M. C. A., 7.30 P. Y.

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