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Languages, as an comunication instrument are an esential element of the European

Union.The languages that we speak define our identity.The European Union respects the
cultural and linguistic diversity of his citizens.
2001 was the european year of the languages.The event, organized by the European
Comision, enjoyed an enormous succes, therefour the 26 of september was declared the
european day of languages.In each year, on this ocasion, they celebrate not only the 23
oficial languages of the E.U. , but also the rich enharitance of culture and tradition, witch
is an live expresion of all of Europe’s languages.
The linguistic diversity offers everybody the posibility to take other people’s places, to
step in other people’s shoes, and to watch life from a diffrent perspective.
It’s important that all the european citizens understand the politics and the european
legislation and take part at their developement.All the same, the European Comision
wants to encourage them to learn new languages, so they may exploite better the cultural,
social and profesional perspectives offered by the european integration.


The Erasmus program was developed in the year 1987 and it reprezents an important part
of the Continous Preparation Program of the European Union for the 2003 – 2013
period.The program is named this way after the well known filosofist Erasmus of
Rotterdam witch lived and worked in many parts of europe and left a yery consideraqble
fortune to the university of Basel.The purpouse of this program is to encourage the
academical mobility, in both the student and the teachers rows from the countryes of the
European Union – Island, Lichtenstein and Norway, and from the applying countryes,
like Turkey, giving them the oportunity to adapt to another cultural enverioment and life
style..Switzerland becomes eleigible again as an member starting with 2007 , after an
great period of absence, after the rejection of tighter conections with the European Union
at the end of the 1990’s.

They say that trainings motivates employees.Therefour, if you want to have motivated
employees, give them the oportunity to participate.It happens often that you hear around
yourself : i like alot the company in witch i work, the always send us away in training.An
training is a day outside work, far away from the current problems,it’s an oportunity to
socialize, it’s a day in witch you can discuss the obstacles, dificulties that you came
across during your daily job and you can find solutions along with the other participants.
It’s very important for the trainers to be experienced persons, to facilitate the discussions
between the participants and to interract as musch as the can with them, to help them find
solutions to the problems give them a hard time.
For the company business to enjoy succes, it’s very important for the employees to think
positive.It’s esential to pick profesional trainings, that repspond to the needs of learning
of the employees, to perfect them self’s in various domaines.We garantee that you will
see the results right away; entuziastical employees and the happy costumers. At the end
of the training, each employee will be able to see that he had, finaly, an exciting day, that
gave him enough energy to work for 100 years.

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