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Women of Narberth January Concert Is Tennis Club Willi'1be FIRESIDE Community Carol Service Big
• Are Invited Announced Welcome 1924: P Christmas Event
Vaudecl..'ille and Music at Orchestra In Season's Sec-I Dance 111 Elm Hall Is I f,,,"il.'·.
\Ir. ,,"01 \Irs. W:dtl'r .\. F"" alld
Community Reception ond Appearanc Being Pla11ned
"f :\arhrllllk Park, nr" III
f"~fI, :'\. Y. With Tree on Playground and Window
TlI,' E'I'('lIti\ ,'t'l1ltllittf't' IIf 1ht, Fllr 11:1' 1'",-1 St',','r"l nights :'Ilr..Johll \Ir-. K"t"",.illl' :'II. Thllrh,'r, of
Candles Old-Fashioned Yule- Tide Promised
.\11 tht' \\flllll'l1 (If ~:Irh('rth :11'(' most t'

4·Htdl;1l1.,· ill\ ilt'd to allt·ltd a fl'l"pi"ioll :\I:till LillI' ur.·hl'~tl:l .\!'1~Ilf'i:tti('11 ;111 H. \\'ill l' I"" "·,,ll,·,J :"ar\ol'rth )77:: and a,·husI,tts, is "i-iting- \Ir. and \Ir>.
(;l·"r~,' A. \Iahl. of '\nrhrook Park. l)t:lll~ ;Ire ('llBlp!(·tl'd for the ('om- tall 1""I,lle h"ing- pla('pd in thl' '·I'lItl·r
tu ill' ~i\·(lll at the Y. ::\1. (', .\. oil Fri- 1I11111l\'PS that fht' "'f'l'lJlld ('lIlll'l'rf pf flit' hl'~'[ Th,· .,irl·lIil for at !t·",t t"plrt~' lIIill'
Mrs. Thurber will len \'e ~ ew York on 1lIl.lJil.," ('hri~tlH:IS {'aflll ~l'r\·i('l' 11t':od all,) thp tll'(I "hort "<lndll's on l·ith"T
4::1.'- :,flt·rll/tOIl. })l,(·t~tllht'r :2 .... th. l~I:.!:I. at :",(':1"'011 \\ ill \1(' gi\ vI! IIIl :-'11Ild:lY • • T;.1I11 lIt,·S I'al·h tillll' ill t!'llillg' of thp I'kd,
.laoll"r.,' Il1th for (I trip aronlld th" :'Ilolldn,\' night. sid" of th" t,,11 onp.
::,::11 I'. \1. ur~' :.!ll. at ~,::/I P. ~I.. ill tht' .\rl!JlItlTt' ",,:ttl' 1'1,,", alld pllrl'ha,,'s \\'hi"h h",'"
From all indil'(ltioll< it \\'ill I,,· <Ill III thp illt('rr('lJiIl~ YP:trR. thi:-, ('I1StOII1
T'I lit, J.,:"iYt'll Ii," flit' \\'111111'11 s ('om· TIIl'alr!'. } '('I' II llI11l!l' lind arl' now ('onlplt'tptl for \\ III I ~ 1.
affair to g-o I!O\\ II into the :llllla,S (If has\\ II ill amaling proportions and
It J:'; :11:-111
:11111 {llllll'!'li tlt:l t t 111' ~[I('I't· ... :", thl' Tt'Jllli:-o ·(']1111 :\tlW Y('ar':-- r~"(' Ihtl}(,(,
1IIlIIlil.'· of :'\"rliprth.
1'111], h('('OIlH' n uniqtlp, lookpd-for haPl'lllling'
1,1' h.. ld ill Elm H:1!1. .ludgillg from \11'. Haymolld Bishop i, sl"'lIdin", tIll' :\"r1,,'rth , histor~' as a gloriou" ... ·k·
1'1:111- til' :\arl"'rth folk "ill IIf t Ill' first ('Ollt'prt (If thl! :--P:1StllJ 1J:t",
1I,,!i.!a~· III
hratioo '111,1 n rr"al ('ommllnity '·lItt·r· to (Iur lo('al r"sidl'nt,. ~1·ar('pl."" i,;ork
th!' 1;111" "hid, :\I,r. \Yilll' has gi,-pn to holid".vs ill Tprrl' Hantt', Illd.
1101 lip ,'olllpll'll' 1I111l's, tll<'.'· illl·llldl' rf'~lJltt'd III hrillgill~ ill ilia II.'" IIt IlIl'Jtl· l
prisp. II;IS without lit ]past Ollp ('andlp I-("pd'
tht' ('olllll1ullit." Ht'('('l'tioll til ht· ~i\'('n hl'I's of flIp as"'()('i:ltitlll RllpplJltin;...: this th .. 1'T('paratillns fllr tIll' IIp,,t tlalll'''.
\Ir. and ~Irs..J:lmp.< F. Donnell.v allJ The motto. "c\ I"inginj.t Town for (III inl' la,t ,\'('nr; most hlo"ks hnd "e,-eral,
011 Friday of ('hri,tmas wl'l'k to all IJIIIISIJ:lll~' SIl('f'(>.~~fI11 nlllntpuT org<llliz:l. I'sl'p"i"lly tl,,· de-I'nration of th" hall.
Hour," is bt'('Onlillg nlore :Iud Inorp nnd some hlo,' ks hlld no hon,ps t Iud
:\:1 rll('rt Ii Wllmell. tioll, a . . \\pl1 H:- attra('till1-{ a Jlunlhl'T of th" ..JlI1('olatc \ousinpss mllst ha\'p ,uf- thl'ir dlil,1rl'lI, of th" .-\\'lIn .\part·
llJpllt.', 1\'iII llJotor to Baltimore this appropriate liS the nnmher of ('o-oppr- \I CT<> without >,ollle forlll of th,> silent
T\\ll Y:lllcll'yillt' ~k('t(·llt'S gU:lrant('pcl ,"." IIIII,i .. iall' to the orl'il"stra ils"lf. f"T!',j a SI"'I'T(' -,,'t hal' k. ::\llIsf a lIy ,lay
ating hodi!', ill,·rpasps. All ~arh(/rth 's salutc·-thp si~n of "I'Nlpe 011 I'flrth,
ttl dri"I' dill! ('are '1\la,\' ha\'" ltppll l'lllldu('tof Adolph Yog(·l is TPhl'ar:--illg the I~,st \\,ppk ~'Oll "011111 sel' his '!'ar ill week, w'here they will rpm:lin IInti1
.. hure·hps will joill in the lI!fnir, in ad· good·will towll.rd rnpII."
,01'""11"1. "Thl' DinH" Lnlll·h" whi"h th" or"hpstra ill t,hl' Illo,t <l1I1hitious frollt IIf thp hij.t departmpnt storl'S und a ftpr (,hri"tma~.
ditioll to the othPT organizations. Th" Thr "andll' I:Tl'eting is a \'l'r~' old rus·
is !,atrollizl',l ],y all Irish Aldl'rlll"n, progrnlll )'I't "tt"lllptl',), in fad a rl'al '~I'('orating shop" in Philadplphia. \\'hN"
hI' I"" hel'lI lou,\'illg Ile"orating mat('· ;\11'. H. F. BOQ'er, of Wnshington, D. :\<lrberth ('iyie Asso('\lltion is co·oper· tom ill E,ngland, hilt is nRpd III few
a "'1wr"iliolls E1lglishman, a 'imper- s~'lIIl'hony '1'rogmlll of IInllsllal "ttrad- plnces in the ("nited Statps. Baltimore
rial alld obtaining ,uggl'stions. C., is spending the week'enlI with :'IIr. a'ting, as is the 'Choral Society.
itl~ (lId Illall and various othf>T ('hoT- i \·('IIPS~. TIl<' ('horal ,i"o'dety formerly h"ld is olle of thp f(}\\" l.urgp ('iti~s to ('on·
• Hclt"'rs. p:I(·h Ollt' ridi('ulolls. ()ff(lr~ T'l!p assllrpt! Sl1l'('(":-'J~ of t ld~ org:llliz.u- l'rofe-s!for Raith hilS arrangl'd asp'" HII,1 ~Irs. ,W.·E. B4J.fyer, of :'Ill'rion a\,p·
tlll'ir 0\\'11 ('arol sNviee, but this yellr sist,,"tl~- rppp~lt thp practi('e ~'par after
ahundant opportllllit.'- for Illllny ,iolp- tion h:l~ nr(ln~l'd kC(lll illter(lst ill it~ "ial dall"p program anll IIssures UJl thn't nne.
hn\,(' joilH'll with the Community Cluh, ~·,'ar, while X(,W England ha" hpl'n
sl'liltillg sitllntiolls anol rpn'l'1l1" its d,,\'('I"pllll'lIt Oil thp ]lIlIt of ~llInl' of thl' IT,n,..i,' that lIight \\'ill p""p] !tny·
~pon"ors of the affair, ill an effor: to rapidly ,1e\'eloping a greatpr ,plltimpllt
(·Iinl<l" "'ith thp ",h""t of II mOllsp, th,' prornill"nt m ('Ill I>pr.<. ' and :'Ilr,. thillg gi"en at the Club dllll"es heT('-
IIwkl' it n "ompletl' success. for this hpnntiful '·II'tom.
e' ('Busing ('OIll"itcTlIatioll to all. (; ..'orgp H. :-;trawhridgp hAS org:lId7.l'd toforp. ~Iis.< Doris \'()n ('nlin, of 'Sonth :'\"r,
In,teell of holding their own Christ :'\<lrhl'rth ha' nd'opt"d thl' I-(rl'pting'
In " Hanging Out thp \\'"sh" one "n,) ""('('ptp,l th,' ('hnirmnnsl'ip of II The Elltertuinment Committ"e lire Iwrth nV"lIne, is h()me from Ahbot
Aeademy, Andover, ::\Iass., for the holi, mas Eve "elebmtioll as was the custom :IS its own antI (':1('h )·tlar hns found it
n"'oglliz(" '"1~' numhpr of )o('a] ('olllmitt<,p 011 :,\"w ~Ipmh,'r.,. .-\ssol'iat· 111111'h gratifiell M th" manlier in whi"'h
in thp past. the r"si,lent.< of Narhrook llJorp lIid"I~' pr"di('pII. i"o 1<'1 u's hput
,. L<ldips" who d('m:lnd Two mf'uls "IL II ith :'I.frs. ,i"t.Tl\wbri<lge are :'Ilr.<. this :'\ew Ypar's E\'e Dance nIlIlOIlIl('e- dll~-S, after Sj1l'llIlilll{ some time with
l'n,rk will joill forees \, ith the "0111' lliAt ~'I'a r 's TP,·ord-]pt ns ndd c"l'ry
alld threp oIollnrs n 11ar 1111<1 rnrfare" .John H. Tha~·,'r, :'Ilrs. GidN,n ROl'Ti.·k(" Illpllt has Iw"n re"l'i,'pd, liS it is all ill' Yietorine '\'aTlll'r in ~('w York.
Illullit." ,·"h,hratioll. :'\ot only hn\'p they 1I,'W"olll,'r to the list and hHlf IIA many
Hllcl, inritlplltnll.,", g('t awa~' with it. :'Ilrs. ~i<lIlP~' Tha~-pr, ,r. Bnrton TOII'II- 1I(J\'ation 011 the part of the Cluh to
moTl·. Bl'1tpr still, 11'1 's spp to it that
An orchestra has hpl'll ohtainp,l 10 sc'IIII ..Jum",' Crosh,\' Brown al"l Samuel h<l\''' n ,Iallce on thi" 1Illte, llllll jUIlg· Mr. •Toseph .\. ('Ilsey, of 20!i Wood· decided to give up their own uffnir.
'ide avenue, has ju,t come hllck from hut ha\''' "gre'l',l to lelld all their win· "\'l'n' o""npit'd honse 8how6 al Il'ast
furnish mllsi" throllg-hout th" nfter· B. Brown. ing from the numher of requpsts for
alld lig-hts to lh,· .. ommunity for its 01](' I'alldll' ,," th" ('I'p of Dp('pmher
nOOIl, Nn,1 ~Ir,. Trott"r, musir ('hair· This (,ol1ll1litt,,1' will ,'on,)ul'! (l r"gu, ti .. kpts hy memhe,r~ for their g-ue"ts, it an extenlled trip throng-h Florida <11101
1'"I"hratioll. ~~Ih. ,,"01 II,t" kpl'p tlll'l1I hurnillg from
m'llI. is p1:l1lllillg "om,' spl"II,Iid \,o('Hl l4lrl,\' org-aniz,,01 pffort to s",'ure 1]('11' would indicnte thllt the :'\ew Ypllr', (·uha.
Th.. prog-ram IInlloullcel1 for thp s,~O to mi,Inil!ht.
nll11 ill,trlllnplltal numhers. mC"mlwrs of th" as"oeiation. It is. hop",1 En Dall'!'e will he the higg-est of thp
:'Ifi~s Evclyn Patten, of 12l; Wood·
..arols to lop ,ung illrlude~ the fO'llow- Oup I'nntioll-hl' ,'arpful of the I'ur·
Last, hut b~' 110 mealls least, the 10 hring the nH'mber"hip up to at Ica,t HpllS'l11, an,l Ulldilllhtp,l1~' the most popu-
inj.t: taim! Year after y('{\r a bunch of
Ho.<pitalit,\' ('ommittl'e will SI'TI-e sUl'h liOO. There a rl' now OVl'T ~.)() mpm her,. lar dance in the higtory of the Cluh's si.Ie :1\'I'IIUe, who i' IIttendillg the \'ir-
,Ieliciou" rpfreshmpIJls as always dis· With the hope,l-for ill<'rl':lse. at the "oeial affllirs, ginill Intermont ('ollege :It BristHI, \'a., ('lIred-"Oh ('onll', All Ye Faithful" o,'pr-I'radi,·,d firp·lIlarshnls cr~' ont in

., :'Ilu"j,' will Ill' from fl P. :\1. to lit IS home for ('hristmas holillays. "orror at th" I'u,tom of plll('ing "nn·
tinguish Community Gluh lIffairs. pr"sent ,lues of $](1 nnlI $;') annually,
(',nrlll-" .10." to the \\'orld" .Ill'S in thp \\';11l10ws, anil y"ar after
L"t rvpryone plan to hold this (lay the orchest'Tel can Iw m:lilltaine<l. The l('{\st 1 .-\. ~I., 111111 sev"ra] h'Ousp partips
opeu alld hring Ilpighbors all,l frielllL" pommittep '('alls attention to thl' fact hll\'p <llrNllly hel'lI arranged after the The Commullity Lihrary will not he ('urol-"Oh, Little Town of Betlde- ~'par, the o-rg:mizalions nnd newR-pnpers
nor hem " that hn"e s'line little regllr,l for the
for Illl lIfternoon of r11tertainmellt alld that each member of the association dun"e, 'Illd it would lNHI one to ,helieve open on Tuesduy, December
ou Tu"sd<ly, .lllnuary 1. eh ristmas ~I e"8IIge-Hon. Fletcher ol,l-faRhione<l. wnrm·hl'firtell ClJristmas
g-ood fpllo-wl'lhip. will re"eive at least two tickets for that "e\'e-ral of the member>! will onl,v
'I"tites spirit, urge thl' ppople to join in the
pa"h of four "OIh'erts per 'S<':lRon. ha\'e all opportunity of "hanging their
• ANOTHER ROBBERY "]othps ill timp to s"p the :'Ilummpr,,' 11r. :\lId :\Irs. William Bartlett, of ('arol-" I"il"nt :'\ight" ('u,tom, Thl' firl' marshals are right in
Elm\\I1(),1 nn'nup, I'lItprtained th,·ir B,(IJl(ldietion tr~'illg to a\'oid property loss, hut their
Thp home of 'IIlr. H. L. Clevenger, {)f PLAYERS .ARE GUESTS P"rad".
hridgp dub lin Tu",day p"pllillg of la't Only thl' fir,t stanzas of all carols mill'ls ,,11 run in t.hl' "ame channl'ls,
10i '\'{lodsillp u"enup, ,\'(\S broken intn
IIl'l'k. will 'he n,,',1. thl'.'· ,pplll to r""ol{nize the general pllb-
rllrl~' ]1I"t ~Iturola,\' morning. All the memhprs of Ih,' Lowpr \I"r' MORE DANCING Tbe .plllns r"ll for a large community li,' as n hllnrh of low·gralle idio1s \\"ho
~frs. C]I'\'l'ngl'r was aWllkene,l at (i ion High I"rhool varsity foothall tl""I1. ,
in thl' mornillg b~' a noise, all,l ('lIllpoI :l1onl{ with the footh:dl ('hl'er!<'a<ll'rs, :'Ilr. HaIr)' Bradl"y, of Woodside a\'l" trpp, to hI' "T(,,·ted on the I'layg-ronn I. lack the intellig-en'l'p to put hnck tllC'
,\s was to he "X 1Jl'('(pd, the ~Iillstrcl on \\·indsor ll\-enUe, ahove Wynnewooll. ('urtGins, IIn,1 fasten them back.
h ....hAnd. They ;nv('stig.. ted ond ,,-ere the guests ()Of honor nt the foot- :l'c~, i~ .planning to give up hi~ home
~ho\\' given hy the .Tuniors lust Fridll~'
f<lIW a hurglar cnlmly walk down stairs ball ilance given by lJl"mhers of the in :'\nrherth and JIlO\'(' into Phillll]"]- .-\t tl n minutes of seven memhers of If ordinar:--' ('arp is taken, allll Of no
p\'plI ing-, wns a huge ~ucppss-finanl'iaI· :'\arh,'rth', C'hnrches will leave til,> "<lnlllt-" are )pft. hurning whilp thc
1111<1 dppart. alumni at th" Cynw~'tl ('luh Ia"t Fri- phia.
l.v and {)thel'wise. Commelrts gathe.rpil I rp5ppr'ti\,p bnilr1ings and will man'h to honsp is nllll(','npipd, t·hp ,bngpr is npg·
At first it wus thcHlght that the day night. The nffair was all kill,ls of from nil sour"es \\,prl' e",·e",ling-I:· fa·
the fiel,I, singing, ., Hark, the Hera!d ligihJt,. "'e hllvp nevpr yet had any
hoot" was limitell to 1he can,lIe the a snr""ss. \'lIrahle alld the girls feel lImp;~- r"lltlio] .\ngels ""illg.' , I'pon arri\'ing at th" tronhle in :'\arherth from wrh a rause,
thlpf horrowell for his searrh, hut later Thl' Alumni Committ"" in "har~1' of for thpir I'ffort~ to provitle ~arl)('rth :'II ... L'lwreIH'l' H. Hou,ton Is 1101111' for trep thprl' \\'ill hp hripf p"puisp" and alld ,~espite the fact that IIparl)' evpry
it was founil that an o\'en'oat anil the danp" was COlnl)ose,l of ;\f essrs. with thp rlass of entertainmplI: wlll('l, th" I,oli,la~·". and has joine,l the post the singing of ('arols until eight hOlllp IIO\\' joins in, thprc is 110 reH"Oll
pIl i r of g]o\'es wpre m issi n g. Barney FiR('her, Fr:lnk :'I1"Grntly awl ,hp has a ri'ght to ex,ped. office force. ;\feJlsrs: Edwin Mnrtin, o'l'lo"k. UPOll whi"h the mpeting \\ ill to antidpntp danger.
The .,\r,lmore poli('p lInil Offi..·"r :'\i"h·
Dr. H"rhert Fis<'1H'r. :'IIusi<' for thl' The enprg,\'. skill anil tal"nt 'a \\,plI Horace \\'llllnmaker nnd Gerald :--Ip"r- break np in plenty of time for trpp ~o let's all d-o ollr part, and if. in
ola~ Di Bonn were rallNl. Th('~' found o""asion WIlS furnish('d hy an or"hestra ,Ii.<playe,I in this affair, are now hein~ r." lire also nnmhered among thp trimming nnlI the other ,Iuties and the hargain, the wenthcr man givp8
that a kitrhpn winilow had hern jim, mll,le up of loc'al hoys. tli.rede,1 to\\'lIrd~ makin~ sucpessful th(' Kllights of the Mailhag. l'l"asurl's of Christma;; Eve. us snow, ~arherth will he <I town worth
mie'l. ~o tracc of the hurglar has hpen Thpre werp two I'lilllination dUlu'ps. nnnlwl Christmas Dam'e of the Club, --- There will he n ten·minute Christ· iIl\'iting yonr fri"nds to come out and
found. The prizes for the first were 11'0'1 hy which \\'ill be hplcl at Elm Hull Wed· :\HsJl Mllry F. Chalfllnt, of Chestnut mns u"ldress by Senator Fletcher W. see.
Captain Folwell R"ull nnd ~fiss Annp nl'Stlay eveninj.t, De('emher 2flth. a\,enue, who is a teaeller in the Down- I--'titl's, nnu "ommunity Sl/ll{lIlg hy every
SPECIAL CHRISTMAS MUSIC Holloway. The second eliminll tion wa" ~Iiss Dorothy Durbill, ..hairman of in.g-town schools, is expC'Pted home for
l'nller the efficient oirection of the won hy 'Villinm Millpr anlI 1\Iiss HeIPII the Dnn"e COll1mittee, ha.. securell the the holicla~-s today. With the I'o·operation of everyone. ~TS PRIDAY
organist, Mr. Peter Fltam, Jr., the Quar· Broilerson. Frank Pinkerton Or"h<'-Stra of five --- which !'"emll a"sureil, the su<'cess of
tet of the Presh~'teorian Church '\\ill "Old Grads," h"roes of the past, piC'Ces for the oce.tl8ion. The ,Iecora· ~fiss Dorothy L. ChalfllT)t has reo the uff4llr is cerhdn. :'IIrs. L. C. Dong· The ~arberth 8c·ho<>l Bo-nrd will hol<!
sing spr-eilll ChriJltmajj music tomorrow min~led with the dancers and heroes ti<lns are unique nn,l several well plan· turne·cl from the ~e\V Jerl<ey College Inss, Chairmlln of the Committee of thp its Decemher meeting- next FridlllY
morning. They will 'he 'l1ssi"te,I hy Mrs. of I92~, and added to the spirit of th~ npd "surprise" dan'ces are promised for Women at New Brunswick. 'YoJllpn's Community Cluh in charge ni~ht at the Hig-h ~c,hool BuilIHn/!.
C.•r. Bergh. In ,the evening the Quar· ocrasion. tho..e who tread the Iig-ht fantastic. --- of the p\'pnt, Is working hard on last· This meeting-, usually hl'ld on the> last
tet, assisted hy n chorus of trainell Prominl'nt among thpm were mem- Here is a chance for" He" or "She" Dr. H. F. McDuffee is spending m:nut" details which will make the MOlllla,'- of tliP mOll'th, has heen lllOVC'!
voi~ps, will ren,IPoT the heautiful Chrj,'t- bers of the fighting team of 1!l16, whl) to se"lHe n 'helntecl, but benutiful Chri"tmas at his home in ~ew York. up beoeau"e of Xpw Yenr's Eve.
servi'('" one lon~ to he rememberp,!.
mas cantata, "Glory to God." Allure in the fall of tha t year were feted at C'hri.. tmas present a..~ prize. --- .-\ ;-tlmher of contrihutions from r('si· Thl' most important piece of husiness
cor,lially invitell to he present. the (,ynwyd C1uh, in IlO'nor of thPir ~ot all of the Club actl\'ities are The Narberth Troop of Boy Sl'outs dl'nt.< to help llefray the expenses of to be takl'n lip seems to he thp a"tion
game fight and \'ictory over Hadnor so('ia 1 at this season of t·he yell r. A bro:l<lcasted a pr0l<Tam from St:! tion the "n rol ser\'i"e hll ve heen receive,l: on ~Ir. Rose's proffe-ren resignation, ,. .
HUCKSTER LICENSES that y"ar, after six long yenrs of wait· pause is mnde to think of those less \'{r'I Thursllay night. hut more is needed. It is urged thut a If thi8 is accepted, the Board must pro-
•• I Beginning "'ith Jllnuary 1st of the ing. The "surprise team" of 11118 was fortullnte thnn ourselvel<, nnd this - --- dollnr be I'ontrihuted as your shnr". "I'p,l tn nOlllina1e und elect n su('-
'l"ew Year, the Borough will enforce I,"ell r"presented, recalling 10 mind,- thought is to he expreRsecl IDlIterially '~Irs, Adelliide l\f. Crater, Spcretnry Thp cQntrihution may be made to Mr.
tIle recently pas-.eil ordinance compell- "hi"h, however, wus not ne""s:<ary, b~' \\'ell fillell baskets. These arc to 1)(' The :'\arberth Civic Association, in
of the ::-<arherth 8chool", an,l her Ralph S. Dunne, T·reasurer of the Civi"
ing 1111 huskst,'rs, vendors anll pNldlers their '~sur.prise pal'kllge," which thp:' clistrihute<I by the ehail'man of the 80- du ugh ter 'Belty are spen,ling the holi· .\ssol'iation, to "Our Town," or ,Ii· an attempt to dctermine the Rentiment
to have a H,'ense hefore doing husiness haniled haughty Rndnor, in the year I'ial Service Committee, Mr~. WinthrOop days in New York. r('('t]~· to :'IIrs. Douglass.
of the tOWIl, lilts printed a coupon in
in )l'arherth. 'Vayne hOllsted of one of their ;.cr"a' Derty. It is expected that the gifts this .\11 of the "hurl'hps will ,hllve thpir the columns of "Our Town" for t hI!
These licensCoS will he issued hy the t"lIms and were expected to trJun,'" ,\'ear will exceed those of last Christ- repres"ntati\'es in line singing, and it pn"t thTC'" weeks. ItR appCllTl\nre this
• Burgess, and must be obtained hy all Lower :Merion, 'hut cHdn'1. mas and that many little tots will weI· is hope,I thnt p"dest~ians or automo·
week is thl' 111st, and on Friday npxt.
The club house aud dance hall were come to~-s left them by Santa Claus. "I,ou" Young, Coach of the rni· nil coupons sent to the cditor will 'hI!
peddlers other than farmers selling hiles on the streets Ilt this hour-ioN
their own ,productR. nicely decorated with the red and "'hit" Tickets for the ChristmllS Dance, versity {)f Pennsylvllnin foot hall team, o 'clock-will join that part of our tnrnl'd o\'er' to thc Presidellt of the
pennants of Lower Merion, artisti"ally \\"hich so fortunately falls on "'Beau '\'11S in 'l"nrherth this week, 'doing soml' sing-ing town that is passing them alld Boar,l for his information.
arranged hy the senior girls, under th,' :'\i'ght," lire pri'Ped $1.50 per couple, planting arouno his ne-w home on Gro\'e (',ome to the ChriRtmas tree, there to A, is usunl with coupons, few people
dIrection of Captain Folwell Seull. and may he secured from Miss Dorothy Plnce. join the ,'urol serviee of prnise to Him hn\'e tHk,'n tlH' trouhle to send them
Everyhoily is <,ordially invited to at, in. Th" standing to date, howcn'r, I~
The mothers and friends of the Bala· Durbin, 2:11 ~orth Xarherth avenue, or n who'e hirthllny it is.
tend the Christmas meeting of the
Cynwyd members of the Lower :\Ier- from any Junior, 1ofr. Robert .r. ::-<lIh~h is giving as follows:
Christian End~avor Society he beld to
1011 team of 192a were among tllO"e C'hristmns party to his offiee force at Chri8tmas Candles Henry Wood f\helton , W
at tbe Preshyterian Church on Decem- the Cnion League t{lnight. ~a,rberth will again this year ob· Mrs. A.hble W. Nickerson
ber 2a, at 1i.45 P. 1\1. -
present and acted as ('haperons-among
CHRISTMAS MUSIC AT NABlmRTH S('T\'l' the cuslom of plneing lighted .Tohn .T. C'Clbrer................... :l
,.... 4
them being Mrs. W. K. Miller, !-frs.
The older folks nre el<pednl1~- asked METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH Mrs. tAbbie W. ~ickerson and her ",nndles in the windows Ohristmas Eve, l\rrs. L. C. Doug-Iuss .•............ 2
S. E., Kuen, Mrs. J. F. ScuH, Mrs. ·Wm.
to come out and get acquainted. Thi'll c,hildren, of Elmwood IIvenue, i, in :\-Iost of the resillents have expresJlCll Alhert .r. Beeker , . 1
Fischer, Mrs. J. B. Gemberling, ::'IIrs.
will be a splendid opportunity for our Morning ServiiCe Broc'ktoll, 'Mass., for the holidays. their intention of lighting up the W1l!ter A. I~o:o! ................•... 1
O. ChaB. Broderson, Mrs. G. "'. ;\f,,·
friends to '('omeout nnd see what in-
Allister, Mrs.' S. E. DO\Vl1S, Miss
Prelude-" .shepherds' Pipes"... Harris -,-- greeting cundles after their return Jl"l!se S. Harris .. 1
spiring meetings w(' -are haying this
erine Mltchall and Miss Harriett Knen.
Choi.r-Three Slovnk ChristmllS Cnrol.g, Mrs. Stanley Mackaye, daughter of froll! the ea·TOI service. r.
A. Miller ' - . 1
year. . Kountz M'Tf<.' O. -So Cook, of Windsor avenue, It wns eight years ngo--Chri8tmao;,
Anthem-', There 'Vere Shepherd'll," and her son Jack have left for nn ex· 1915--1hat a,bout three score Nar.berth·
Ellsworth Riley, of Chestnut ave, 'Mn.rks ten-ded visit in ChiC6g0. ites inaugurated the candle greeting as NOTED ACTORS HElU:
nue, has been elected ca-ptain of _the Offertory-"' Song of the Angels,' I 1\.11 expref<si-on of neighborliness to the E. H. Sotllern .and' 'bis wife, ,TuIiII
\Vilmer G. Crowell, mannger of the
N'atberth':Bli~eball Club, and noted ath- P. M. C. football team for 1924. Williams MI1l8 Ethel Shaw, of Albany, N. Y., pu.-se-rby. These loyal home folks reo Marlowe, wOl'ld,famoufl Shakespearean
lete, hail .been chosen to referee the -~- Quartet':-"O Little Babe of Bet.h· is spen-ding the 'h{)lidaY8 with her spondell to n ,suggestion made in "Our lletore, have tnken up their residence
Navy-Univel18ity of Washlngt-on game Mr. Stanley E. Clark" formerly of le.h-em" ••.••....... , •..•.. Stult,e broflher, Lieutenant Commander Charle~ Town." and' tile first silent salutlltion ill N ~l1·berth. -
at Pasadena, Cnliforn·ia, on New Year's Long 1111an'l1 , is now making ,his home Anrthem-' ''Christmas'' •...... Shelley H. Sha \\', of A von Raad. took the form of a single candle placed They are living at Windsor and
Day. at 108 Chestnut avenue. Postlude-/Ohristmas Ma.rch" in eadl window, visible to the street or W~'nnewood ILvenucs, in t,ho home for-
':lIIr; CroweIl WllS chosen from many ___ Evening Service Mr. and Mr8. J1lseph Lamorelle ar\, streets nenr tbe individual's home. merly o~upied by Mr. James Artmun
Q.$plrallts for the 'honor, as the ,best Mr. and Mrs. Edgar S. Taylor, of Brelude-' 'The People That Wl1lked spending the Christmas holidays in In 1016, by nrtunl count, there waR aud fnmily.
referee in thi! East. ChelftilUt avenue, have bough't' grourid' in Dnrkness Have Seen a Groot Baltimore. a minimum ',of 115 homes which adopte,1
adjoining t:he, eetat&in W~ne' Ligltt" •• : D. Buek tbe happy 'Custom. And from the simple
-:M~.-W~~ W~llat; : '~f" ,Water~iitit,'~ooit !biind'iiiimei1i~tefy:'" and, pjal1to' :O~ert0rr-;-:'(1radle.~ngH.' ;;-••~f:i~g Mr. 'Ilnd'Mrs.'Pent08e "Moore, of Dud-, 'single . candlllf.orm of" _Iutatitm- ,grew'ENGAGEMBM· ANNOUNOED,
N •. Y., ill allslsting in the Post Office ~se Gertrude D., Ross rettirnedhome .Cantatn '!'be '(}ommg of the Kmll', ley av~niie, lire in 'Coatesvilla, .!?n., lor into geometric :armngements·fd candlee -
'the ,holidays. . Mr•. nnd ~frs. Edward S. Ha W8, ,of
·rue-h seaMn.Mrll. Wener will • '_
Postlude-'-"iShout the Glad ~iding,,"
D. Buck
% '
diBlplayed in every window of ·the houae.
One of the simpler of thC!le arrange-, 109 Dudley n. venue, announce the. cn-
be, r~mem:b~re.d as Miss E4itel1e Cobie, Mr., and Mr8. He~ry .FrY~ha~e· gone
~il~i8,. ~tl_J~nding ~ci~ltS. ~.~s ?~t~i~~~~rt!le }1!~. ot. ~~~" _~H~.e.,n~ ,or. t~t;i~ da~gh,t~rJ Rut~ E~~.
"f, N8Tberth.
, '. t 0 Boeton, M.1188., toepend
. . .
the·holidl11s. ,PleiUle rtI1ew8UbllCr1ptl~n promptly. a ,week mOhes'ter HeIghts, :Pai,"~ 'short canttles ,and one taIf candie, the HO.WI, to .To-hn Collum NllBh.

" ..''J. ::.' .'..... " "~.'
•• ' • • • ' ••••'• • • < , =. '" .. ;.0; .•••
~ ,.:.


or coura., . '

h..line, who officiated as Mistress of STATE LEAGUE OPENS HOUSE The Misses Lois Smith and Martha Telephone•.
deliver - alO
A OO-Operative OoIllDl'lUlity Journal
A ft"r r~fr~shmentj had heen s"rved,
..\1 """ t'ltll'k and "\1 r. tlpratt sang for
With the remndl'ling of the
League HOlIs", at 17:!;; Spruce streM
'Martin have returned from Yirginia
State \Vomen 's l'(}Il~ge, nt Roanoke, Ya.

Owned aJld pnbll.hed eyer.,. 8&turd...,. h.,.

I h" parly. nearly .. omplt'lt'rJ. on in\'itation is l'X, \\'l.'st Chl's:,'r '''\tllte Xormal ~t'hool The Brightest Spot in Narberth
tende,l to 'Ill IlIl'mh,'rs to use 1.1"',,, ha' HI'lIt "ollie it" quota of Xarherth
the N .... berth C1Yle A8.oetatlon. J I lI'as a most "ong"nia.1 gath"rin;.(
\·at·at iflllf'r~ ill tht r)(lfSllll~ of tht! 2\lissps
A Drug Store in the Most Modern Sense of the Term
W!JI)fl' fOfm;lllfy was ('.onspieuolIS hy !wad'luart,'rs whe'""'l'r possihll.'. 1

IlUBSCRIPTION PRICE, One Dollar and It" "lIs,'n,',', and a nappy crowd deparl' Xmas ,'ar,b lIill lee'.' fnun,l on dis· !Jorolh." llottol1ls. .\lab,'1 Kirkpatri"k
YlftJ' Cent. per .,.. .r ID advaDee
,"I tor hOIl"" at a late hour. Th'"'' play Hn<l for ,al." alld a .. Thrift ~hol'" (llid E1iz:dll'th .10111''''.
1'1"·...'nl W"I''' 1\1 r. and Mrs. M,·l.'arter,
.\1 r. and .\Irs. J )otharet, Mr. and ~I rs.
\\ ill he
OpPllt'tl. \\ ith man." 1)(1 rg-ai Ih";
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott an,l da ugh t er
~ :f$lerr!' (tCbristmas
lios", .\Ir, and.\!.rs, HlIldll'Jor, Dr. and Thl' t,rallRit'Id TootH h:l:" :lloTonlllloda· Est hl'r, of I>lldl,'," a\'('nlle, II ill spend anb a
.\1 rs. KIng, .\1 rs. I', .\tis8es Beard, tiolls for thrl.'''. and is hoth eoz~' alld ('hriHtmas at Akron. Ohio.
(',,1' el't,
('Ioutlllg, t; .. kherl.
Boak, Halloway,
l.'ronomica 1.
The ten roonl npt\lIpd for hu~it1(,:-;s Oil .\Iis' ~lary Hoo\'l'r, of Essex <l\'enul.',
1!}appp J}ew ~ear
Uoo\','r, .1"nklIlS ,Ion,'s, Kline :\-leKay. Thllr,dlly, Dl.'r,>mh"r 1:1. \\'hen in tO\\ II is 'pending the holi,lays at Lant'llstl.'r TO ALL!
.,I:i1,,'r, ~peaKJllan, Taylor, 'ryson, \Val' shnppin'~' takl.' your frielilis til enjo~' alld Allallti,' City. Thanking you for your past favors and
Philip Atlee Llvlngst In, Editor KPr, \\ alts lind \\Ortll. soliciting your future commands.
Ralph B. Dunne. '1rea.urer the dl.'lidous lund,,'olls and "fteTl"",n
Till' s"hool '" now ~n.J0y,ng its holl' tela. .\l iss l.tIl'i" Kpim has returne,] Iwmp A. J. Herrschaft,
d:l~· ":If':ltioll whil'll ht'gan on Friday,
The auditorium is a"ailahJt> for pri' frolll Ohl'rlin Collq.:e for the val.'(llion, 318 Dudley Avenue.
Correspondence for the Editor should allo/ "Olltlllues lIntil .J:lllUary 7th. ,'ate uses of all kinds, all,1 th .. mall, hring'ing a "'praillpIl ankle with hl'r.
be sent to p{)st Office Box 9f;6. Remit·
ap;l'r of tht" tl'<I rOol1l will ser\''' lilli""
tances for advertising, subscriptions and
membership to Box 58. .\II'S ~p ..aKlIlan has planned some ~x, (1()11~ or (linnefR ill (·onIlP(·ti'eJlI with a

~I i,s .la nl'! I'olhemlls, who formerly
tra entertaillnll'nt. 1n till.' musical line, meeting in tht" all,litoriulll or ,el''' ,
Onr Town is on sale at the depot
newe-stand, and at the lltore of H. E. for thp PIl.luylllt"nt or thl' students of ratel~·. Tht" all,litorium n",~' hp Tt'ntl'd re,i,le,] at Xarhrook Park, who is now Special Prices
Davis. tl,e .!lIllior High ~""ool, to 1)(' gh'(,11 :It n mOllprnfp ('hafgt~. Thl) dra\\ ill~ living ill :'\()W Y'ork, h~ :-;lwntling" the
Entered u second·clalls matter • October
111th, 1914. at the Post Olllce at tNarberth.
{"'t'f,'" Friday JIlOTtlIng in :lsR(lJ1lhl~#. foom i~ intPlI!l()d for the lI":P of all.'·
{'hristmas holidays with hpr parents in fo r
Pennsylvania, un'der the act ot March 3, rllt'
plrt.Il'l!'"l1ts so far have lJe('ll: If'<l~Uf' nlpnlhrTfor Inpt'tillg a friell,1 or ('Pflnnnfown.
\879. .\la.r~· _\1 aPintosh and MaTle WI·ntz. pi, for a conferenel',lIn,j ,'an also I", rl"
Social Affairs
11110 solo; 1';lIzalJeth Walls, 1';lIa Ho,/;. st\T\"P'd for prh'atp llSt' fflf a Ilomill:tl .Ja,·k .1l'ffl'ril's, in,tTIJrtor an,1 """,'h
OUR TOWN will gladly print any .\nna .\I('(lr:\l·kpn, vOI'al 8-olos. Thi' slim. at thl' Hill ~"hool, l'ottstoll'n, I'll., i,
news aoout any subject which is of I'nd.'a,·oring- towllrd tht' ent£>rtainllll'lIt
interest to Narberth fol.ks. Copy of the pnpils, it IS hoped, will ill('reas.'
BOIIlI" are hein~ sold to f1n"nl'~ thl' h"nll' for the ,'a('ati"n.
Hon'e. The~- ar(' fir,!, (;01.1 ('prtifl'·al,".
is due on Tuesday of each week, at 1.1", IIlt('rest of tht" pnpils in a"s"Tnh!y. :lIltl (,ffpr (I goo,1 ill\'pstmen!. for th., "Notice the FI••or" NARBERTH, PA.
6 P lvI, Late copy received Wed- infPTest i~ g-uaralltt,pd lltld a sinking CLASSifiED A.DVERTISEMENTS

..... -
t1esdo)' evening will be printed only Th,' fil'st. ,e,·on<l. third alit! fnnrth fun,1 {',roote,1 to rptirl' th., hOIl,ls
if space is still available. gradps of the plplIJt>nt:Jry hUilding ha\'l' ele"t"n ~'t"ars at the latps!.
I'lanTII'<I l'ntertalnml'nts for th"ir own
Two cents per word if cash aceom.
panies advertisement; otherwise five
---_. ··-0
cents per word. Phone. Ardmore 10-11 R
t. to !If' tht'ir Parliamentary Law Class AlfectioM of any of the following p.rto
:1 1I111!'it'T1It'll gl\f'll In OWII
may be caused by NERVES Imponged Night Call., Narberth 667 J
SATURDAY, DEC. 22, 1923 fn01IlS, OJi .t·rid:ly nftf'rnooTl. 'J'11l"~( ,,·il I On ''-'',In,,s,1a~'s and Thll",da~·<. .T<ln at the spine by a sublwcaled ve,tebra:
IJII,lud£' rPl·lta.tlo'H~. ('hril~tmaR (';lrll!S. 1111 r.'· 1 G. 17, :!:I. :2.t. :10. :'1. ~I rs. Wil, LOST-.\Iasonir Ring. initials "(', H ...... t_=--_IIRAIH WRAY HUGHES HOPKINS
g':lTlI(~~ :Inti dtaloglH'R. 'J'hf:l tflapht'T of liam .\nell'r"OII, of l'ittshnrg'h, the he,t y, " Hl'worol jf rpturne'] to rharl~, ~~. . D D.C., Ph.C.
EMERGENCY PHONE CA.LLS thl)St' gradpl'l Rhotllrl. r:l"' giVPTl PTPdit nuthorit~' on parliamentary law III H. Yonng, :!Oi Ha"'erfor'] a\'e, ( 11,1') ~~AT Chrropractic I
~"':T S
Firo, 850. (SPINAL) Palme, G,.daal.
f"r in\'enting tillS m~anS of helping l'enns~'I\'ania, will gi\'l.' on intensi,','
Police, 1250. t"" ('hTlstlllas ~piTlt in PIl' yOIlT,gl'] LOST--On ~Ionllay P . .\f., Freneh Bull. ~1.lG ~~"R" Adjustments E
or Ardmore 20.
.Irill on this suhj,.d in tht" allllitorillm
of the BOIl"l.', from :!.:lII . .t 0 'doek, on :"lswers to name of "Larldie." H", - P:~:~ Will
K~gS . Remove the S

Houra: 9.15 to 11 A.M.. 2.15 to 4 P.M.

till' six aftt'nJoon'. The eharge for th .. liard. :\1.t Chpstnut a\,l.'., Xarherth.
To the Editor of Our Town: ~~ :g:~~ Cause of 7.15 to a.30 P.M.

X oting that my naIDe has been men,

I11th" .\ ",>,·t,ons of the ith, St!l alld six lessons will h~ $.).00 anll the ('la,,, ( ll,r) £NITAL OR'QAHS E
_._--._ .•...
T11)(;HS At«) LLOS
~IIh grad,,". .\llss .ll'nkins, the t~lIgllslt limite,1 to 1:iO. Inosnllli'h as this is HYLO TABLE
tioned in eonnl.'l.'tion with the School 0l"'n to all w,l'll1I'n of l'hilallt"lphia nn,1
teacher, has introduced a no"",1 pl', II. TRUSTWORTHY ENGLISHWOMAN
Boar,l "aeaney, 1 would like to proclnirn the snrrou1lOIing eonnti",,,. leag'ue memo
that nf ,,'If·grading one's own w,'rk til TI,lil"'e mothers Tues,IIl~-, Fri,la."
the fad that I know nothing whatever !c1'TS afl' urgt·,1 to avail thernsel\'(" of
dllTlllP; the w,,(\k. Thl.' puptis IlIak'.' UII,] '~lltllr,]a." aftt'Tnoolls. Xarherth
altout running a ~chool and have no di,· t!cis opportnnit~· to impro"e tl,plll,eh'es
nut a "hart nu whil'h arc the sUh.1"O'!s 17:2:1,.1. (11,l')
position to l",arn. I appreciate the ror·
dial intention of the friend or frienlls
who thought of me so kindly, hu1 do.'I..
f!'nl1l Which .\11SS .I,>nkins makes Ollt
nur 1110nthl." llIark~. 'Ihis 1:lt"ludes ti,,'
altltud" nnd etrort of the pupil iI' hi~
", '1>P11kers ann .prl""'irling offirt"r'.
In order to set"url.' rt"sen'ations, rhl.'ek
Illn'st ar{'ompan~' tht" request for t"nroll·
FOR SALE-rorrugatt>d iron, one larg",
'car garage. Xarherth 1182·W. (11,1')
not the w'Orld know that the man who
('ndeavors to servl.' a smll11 eommunity
in it;; school matter,; haa to prett~'
":nrl, rlu,1 till' nrtual aceo~pltsllm.,u:


Illl'n t.
BE'LL PRONE. Narberth 12li6-W
.nearly forego all his hopes for salva- ~onll' tlllrtl'e!I or tourteen t"hiodn'II,
,. hn peronl.'tI by I. he following teac ',,,r';,
WOOD, PA. GEORGE W. BOTTOMS Afull line of Dennison's fine Engraved Christ=
tion t Furt·ht?rmore, there are some
things about this ""hole matter which .\IIRR ./enkll1s, .\1Iss 'I'aylor, M1SS 1~lllh',
Rev. Gibson Bell, Rector -CoDtractor aDd Builder- mas Cards, Crepe Paper, Tissue and Wrapping
.\11:>' ('hurl'h an.1 ~liss Tyson, attt"n.II'.1
ought to he l.'xplainc<1. What wos the
nature of the snh·rosa conversation he· the pia.,', ., The l\ler~hant of VI'lIi~".'
Rev. Malbone H. Birckhead, Associate
420 Rocklaad Ave, Narberth, Pa. Paper, Labels, Seals, etc.
twee!I Rose anll Wohlert at Roward at till' l':hulll'rt Theatre on Friday, D.·,'.
Da\'is' har on l,a"'t l'lertion night' \\'h~' .tth. The play, l.'onsisting of the liter,
~"rvi"es for 8uu,la~', Dt"remher 23rd: I CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS
Narberth Taxi ~rviG6
11.:10.\ . .\!.-.\fomiug pTllYPT and ser·
dill ',"ohlert hlly Ro,e a Cot"a Coh, an,l atur!' of whieh they will study in .June,
W:I, "lIjo.,·"d hy all the pupils who went. mono 1
why ,lid Rost" IIlI~- Wohlert a 20-,'",nt Bl.'nNliPite. Stokowski. Patrick F. Donahu.
eigaT? It is well known that Henr~' al·
wa~'s ,. smokl.'s HenrleHas,' 'tiut wh(>n 'Thl' "Hopk,'~; Un'mf>·"hetwel.'n tit"
Offertorr; "Tbere f'hnll Be Xo Xight
Row'ard put thl."t" out on this ot"ca,ion t":II11S of tht" .'\arherth .Junior High
There," "'ood.
~olni·"t, Eliwhl.'th Harri'on.
II Open Day aod Night Pboae 1&33
Shellenberger's Famous Chocolates and "ard
11'" dl.'clart"l'] he want""l the he!rt in the 'S('hool and the l,owpr Merion Sopho,
house. ,,' ohlert WIHl the only ont" who lI1ores, has heen oehnitely ~allerl oft
<'arne in on the treat, as the reat 0' u, he,'nuse of tilt" ha,t w",ather. 'l'he gam"
were rega.rded aa if we weren't there. wa'" to have hel.'n played ]<'riday, Der ..
Those w,ho havl.' gift'S for the Mont· WILLIAM IEWBORG I CO. Whitman's Candies-All Kinds
They left the shop together and hoth 14th, Lower Merion llliving declined to
WHe in high glt"t". The next thing 'pln~' the prel.'~dlllg Wedneaday. How·
gomery Connty Rome ar", asked not to Pllntlng Illd Dlooratlng
forg''''t to hring theM to the Presbyter- 212 Woodbine A".., Nerb.rth, P•.
which happens is Henry's resignation. e"l'r n small game may be played be-
If it is Howard MrOarter's intention t\\·l.'t"n .l{ed'a anet Uray's of Narherth
.Iulllor High :-\chool.
ian ChurC'1I next Sunday morning., Phone, Ardmore 143& W Harberll 1768 W
to punish Wohlert ,hy appointing him
to the \'arunc,', wt"'ll have to hand it t'O The Largest Line of Toys Ever. Come in and
thl.' ~ho()1 Dean for heing a right smart MARSHALL CO.
politidan_ Will the Editor ploose giVl.'
'l'ht" ~arh",rth PublIC Sehool extends see them
to the puhlic 'hearty wishes for th" CONTRACTING PAPERHANGERS
Ull his viewpoint'
1ll,erTlest of, and surcess
Full Line of Cigars and Tobacco
and happiness throughout the coming
Yt"ar. in Christmas Packages

Editors--La.ura Henderson, Dorothy DllCEMBER MEETING

Speck, Rita Jnck.
Th", Decl.'m'her meeting of 'the Lengue
Un ,:\Iondny l.'v~nlllK the ,. sehoo1 of Women \' oters was held in the Y. The Oldest Store in Narberth-and Still the Best
l11arms" g-ll Vl.' a rec",plaon to members .\f. C. A. at the IIsn,a.1 time. The talk
or tht" tloartl and their ladies. Tht' on • "(',ongress nud Its Relation t.o the
... hit"f t"\'l'nt of thl.' ev£>ning was the Jntlid').ual," nnfortunately, Wfi6 not
ctrllmntizatlOn of t·he Hlrd'8 Uhristmus, gi\'Pn, owing to 'the nnClvoidahle ab,
I'arol. with a Ilotahle faCUlty CMt. 'Mlias st'nrl.' of the sp"'aker, Hon. FletchH W.
h.line ns tht" mot lIer of the O'bstrel'er· ~titt"s. A rt"pO'1't of the State C'Onven·
ons Hng~le;; faTllIly, was fully oCt"Upil.'ll tion, ht"l,] in Phihulelphioll, was given by
in 1{("'pil1~ ordt"r among the memllt';"s tht" rhairmnn, lIfr". C. P. Fowler.
of hel' large nn" nnruly fa.mily who;;,> The Lengne holds its meeting'S on tlll.'
,dens of g'ood mannt"r8 and decorum se('onol MOIHla~' in thf> month a1 thl.'
,e"lIled to h:1\-C strayed 80mewhat frclIl y. .\f. C. A. Bt"ginning with .January,
th"'H Hsnnl ,taudarl1s. <lhont f1ft"ell ·miuntl.'s wiIl 1Il.' devote']
(iIfts appropriatt" to the "hobhit"s to pnrliam~IIMr~' la'" at the h",g-illning
of the se\'!'rat reeipients were presentNI of l'n,'h nlPeting. ~rrs. E. C. Batchelor
to thl' !I'ad'ers and their gnests by M:"s will ht" in ,'harp;t" of this <period.
. _._ ...
Business men-with whom the runabout has always been very
all a berp
Straw Vote popular-are well pleased with the changes embodiec\ in this

For School Director

Always rugged. the car has been made decidedly trimmer and
more comfortable.
_err!' (tCbristma1i
This result is obtained by raising the radiator and enlargins the
cowl; making a decided improvement in looks and providing
Thf ~oupon for the straw hallot forsl.'hool director i9 again more leg room. .
printed ill this issue of POur Town." There are a numbor of A well designed top and slanting windshield d'o their share
5tr~w b\lllo~3 being re~rned und we fire very glad to give our toward adding a finished; clean·cut appearance.
resHlents tIllS IIpportumty (]If expressing the.mselves on who should Make it a point to see the other newtnodels also on display in
I)e :Mr. Heliry' Ros&'s sue.cessor. Inadvertently, an ineorrect 8tll~e.' our show room.
mont was, madli in last week's issue of thepn.per, to the effect
that the new sehool director would be appointed by the l'i"eaident Thl!Je Ctlt'S calf be obtaIned through
of the Board. The director will be elected by the entire Boara' the Ford Weeltl, Purchase Pia,..
und 'because this power of appointment is" not confined to uny
line man, we Jvill publish in "Our Town" the results of the atraw
hallot, all undoubtedly thiewill be of Vital interest to our citi·
- zens.
Simply n:,me the per90n whom )"Ou think would be your logieal
representatIve on the School Board. It is hoped that this straw
banot \'Iill be helpfUl to our citizens in determining their solec·

OOtJPON The Counties Gas & Electric Company

Oi'r~"'-"'O"'''''I~~.~'~~;:~~~'~t~~·,~y·-~pbi~~~' .. ~. ..: ~ ,'...~,~..~.~-'~~~~~~,~:~.'::~:.~:.:~:.~ • would make ail ',t\re1*lore ' .Bry1I'Mawr .-. Wapi' .~. ,.
exeellent 8chc»1 Director.

-. ·;r.:.~ .. "
. ~: .
:" ..•. -
i : ...
..~::; .-.1

';:., . "', '.. '.' ., .
~. '.;'" .'


choruB of trained voices will render

HeyBer 'B bCfiutiful Christmas Callt.ata
pntitled "Ulory to uod." This will
ST. MARGARET'S OATHOLIC he followed by a brie!' addreStl hy the
Sunday m/l.8ses at ; o'clock and 10
Ohurch Notes.
-so may your Christmas be
o'clock, On first and third Sundays The ~noeavors II1vite all young
ih 1, late ;\ln8.~ is n High ~{ass, followed people to .10m them II t the Chu rc h on
I,~· ben"didion.
Daily ;\[1I8S at 8 A, M.
C'hnstlllas pve at 10 o'cloek when t.hey
,nil plUlS through the streets of the
town for ahout an hOllr singing Christ-
IlIns carols.
• Telephone: Bryn Mawr 882
On l'hristmas nJ(lrning at rllne 0',
"I,)('k t,here will be 11 I,rief l'rnyer and
!'r:lIse service in the Church. Hereto-
and 1924 bring you and yours/ull
.;\[ontgomery Pike, Narberth, was estab-
Justice of the Peace
lished Hi82, Here William Penn W'Or-
,~bipped, as well /l.8 many other noteu
fore th 18 meeting hilS heen most help-
,tul. All lire in\"1teo.
On neXlt Wcdnl'Rday at ;,:10 P. ~1.,
measure 0/ Prosperity and Happiness
Friends. One of the historical spote of
REAL ESTATE Am'Crica ~ open for ,,"orship every the Heglnne~', Prinwry and .Iunior
Departments WIll have their Christmas We-parents, grandparents, friends and children-remember one day
Fire Insurance-Best Companies First-day (Sunday) rooming at 11
Phone 1749W-215 Haverford An. o'clock. r;'ntertainml'nt, and on Thursdny eve- each year as the day of gifts, And from the earliest recollection of each
. First-day School is held every First- ning t.he Main ~chool will have their
Christmas exercisl's. The 118ual Ghrist-
of us the gift that has given greatest pleasure to giver and to receiver was
day (Sunday) at. 10 A. M. in the Meet,
Narberth 871- Y Ardmore Ia-ol ing House. Anyone de9iriing to at- mas olfering ,,-ill he receIved for the not necessarily the one that cost most money. It was the one that carried
Pre1lyterinn Urphanagp.
tend eithler the adult class or tbe young with it the sincere desire to please, to give happiness. And those who get
pl'Opl€ 's class will be very welcome. Arrnngcment are Iwing made for the
Electrical Contractor \\lltch !\ight Celehrntlon from 9 to 12 most out of Christmas are those who carry that Christmas spirit through
Electrica.l Repair. and Appliance. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE SOCIETY OF o 'elock on .\londay evening, Dec. :l1st. the whole year. We're all of us selling something through the year-
,JUt Orayllnr Ave. 8 Cricket Av•. ARDMORE, PA. 1t is hoped that everyone in the entire
Narbertb. Pa. Ardmore, Pa. congregation will plan to he with us.
that's the way we clothe and feed ourselves and our families. We sell real
Women's Club BuJlding, Ardmore Ave. estate. But if we, as we sell you, and you, as you sell your customers, put
HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN somewhat of ourselves and yourselves into that sale-our Christmas will
COOK BROS. SundAy services at 11 A. M.
Bunday Scbool services at 11 A. M.
CHURCH always he merry and each New Year happy and prosperous.
PLUMBING, HEATING Wednesday evening Testimonial M. E. McLinn, Pastor.
• Jobbing promptly attended to
~Ieeting, 8 P. M.
The Bible lesson ,erl1lon for Deecm-
her ~:\ "ill bp, "Is the l"niverse, In-
Hegnla r sen-ices. !.lc·c·, ~:\:
~unday ~"hool at !I,-I~, .-\, .\1.
.\Iorning ~f'rviee ae 11.1111 .-\, .\1.
c!lI,ling :'Ilan. Evolved by A10mic
NlKht Phone, N.rberth 687
DIY Ph_., Narb.rth 302 J FOTc'C': .,
~.'-l'ning s('r,'lep. :-iullday H"hool REALTOR
'Christmas ext'rclses liy HUlltlllY Sehoo!.
llt I.:W I'. M,
A Uhristmns Rermon in the morning
~arberth ()TIfice City ()TIfice
FOR SELECT GIFTS hy the pastor; llnd preparations llre At the Station 1214 Locust Street
TRY hC'ing mllde for a delightfUl l.:hristm~ls
Arthur S. Walls, D. D., Pastor.
entertllinml'nt on Hllndll~' evening.
Member Philadelphia Real Estate Board
Narberth Beauty Shop
inv~ed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;
l'hnstmas ~unday, Dec. 23:
103 Essex Ave. A. ;\I,-'1'he ~chool will sing attend
!iA,-) 1'he people are cor<!lally to
Phone Narberth 1749-J or 1606-J The sen'icl's on last Sunday morning
"Thl' Hope of the AI/:es," a Chri"t-
1ll11' s('rYlce. Text hy H. von Bergl" "'l're well attencll'fl, with an inter!":'t,
.\1 nsie l.1y 1"rc,1 B. Holton, Ing llnd hclpful sermon, In thp p,-p-
rara - Mf;Ginley 1'0 11.1111 A. .\1.-0hristmas <Sermon b~' ning the women heJo a most instrlle'
UI 218 N,13fJ\ S~, Phila:J~
Boll Phone, Spraoe 311-96 .nd 38-117
KOYIlODO Phon., R.oe 70·14
the J'astor, Anthems by the Quartet.
llno Chorus.
HA;, P . .'I.-Carol "lIlging by the Ep-
worth Lellgue.
ttve and awakening Thnnk-otrering'
meeting'. The wife of He\". Wiler, of
Lion,-i1le spoke very helpfUlly on ;\Iis-
sions, unci the olfermg was line.
GARAnteed ROOf!
'. '.4:i p. }'.\I.~ell11tata, "The Corning
of the King," by Dudley Buck. By
full Chorus.
Economize-Avoid Wasteful Spending-
Join Our Christmas Club-now forming,
1"or fnll musical llrogram see e:se- At miflnight the hell~ he-gin to ('hime; and save systematically during the year
,,-here in issue of "Uur Town."
They fil! the world with joys suhlime,
H. RICKLIN'S Church Notes And ring Ollt into the midnight clear:
'1'he l'hristma'l Pllrt~" for the Begin-

Hardware Store ners nncl 1'nmllry \)('partm('nts with

treat, \'I'lIl he held at t.he Church on
']'hursr!ny. Dec. 27th, at 2.30 P. M.
Out gOl'S the 01,1 finel in comes Xew
PerIJ!!I" th,' 01,1 year had its sorrow,
This Church will be open Christmas will insure your future-help you to purchase your home-and give you a
,....non comes Xl'''' Yl"ar's happy tomor-
.......... ~\-e, at li.:W 0 '(·Iock, All those from
row. new incentive in life. Save a little money every week for the next fifty
the 4\!('tl;01Ilsf.,Church llnd School who
TAILOR "'i"h to .ioin in the Community Caro;
Rejoice ~ for it com€, with jo)' anel
weeks, and on December 6, next, you will receive a check for the lump sum,
Cleaning, Alter1ng, PrellB1Dg singing, will lea ,'e th" Church at 11.-1'-'
Out of the hellvens onto the earth.
plus interest.
R_dy-o;nade Suits and Suits llolade 'e Order P. 111., singing" Hnrk, Tne Herald .\ n-
S. N. PRAGER gels l'-;llIg," nncl march to the lit'\\'
On that eve resolutions we make; We have several plans that will make it easy for you to Save as you Earn
215 HAVERFORD AVENUE l'lllyg'round, wnere at 'j 1'. ;\1., the C'OlI1-
From our happiness, sorrows we flake; Deposit $ .25 weekly, and get $ 12.50, plus interest
Above Am. Btore munity will unite in sl1lging ",II))' to
We call tor and deUver In Life's book a new page we will use,
the ''rorlel,'' "Rilent Xight.," and "U
Ancl from our lives the best we will
Deposit .50 weekly, and get 25.00, plus interest
Little Town of Bethlehem." An llcl- Deposit 1.00 weekly, and get 50.00, plus interest
dress will be, deliver.'J by the Honor·
Deposit 2.00 weekly, and get 100.00, plus interest
HARRY B. WALL llhle 1"letcher W. l'-;tites.
Harken once more! the chimes ring Deposit 5.00 weekly, and get 250.00, plus interest
Plumbing, Gas Fitting BAPTIST CHURCH OF THE
Out g{)es old year like a passing eloud- Or join the 2c or 5c Progressive or Reducing Class
and Heating Hence into ea<>h life come joys Ilnew:
NARBERTH PA Rev. Avery S. Demmy, Pastor, Out. -goes old year and in comes the new. EVERYBODYWELOOME CLUB WILL SOON CLOSE
Phone. Narberth 180U JOIN TODAY
Ret\"i<'e, Sundny, Dec. 23:
9.45 A. M..--l:;unday School, Classes
for all grades. A place !for everynNiy.
For Permanent 11.00 A. 'M.-Morning W'Orship. Sere
mon by the pastor on the subject, ,. The
Your Partner for the Big Dance
Fronk Pinkerton's fllimous Jazz Or-
Satisfaction Hells {)f Hethlehem' 1 The Uhoir will
sing the following Christmas carols:
chestra. of five pieces next Wednesday ARDMORE NARBERTH BALA-CYNWYD
"1"rom Heaven High," Dickinson; evening, December 26th, will entertain
BUY A ",lesll, Thou .1><'ar BahC Divine," Ray'
at the nnnuni XmlUl dunee of the
tilln-Traditional; "1n Hethlehem 's Juniors.

Smedley Built "orne

'" Mllnger Lowly," Dickinson. Place: Elm linl!.
,.00 1'. .\1.- \ oung People's '\'l'e!' Tax: $1.;)0 per couple.
,.-1.", I', "1.-~;\'ell1ng Worship . .\11:~i,


clli :-im'i,·p. The l'hurch Quartet:c
,,'ill render ',elec·tions from the Cal:'-'
ata "Hethlehem," hy J. H. Maunder.
We will have for the 'hoUdays an assortment of Ger'man Christ-
mas <Jakes as follows; Springerle, Anis Cakes, Pfeffernusse, Cinnamon
I'he personnel of the l';vangel stars, Sand tarts, Butter cookies, Butter bret2els and others. from
tette is as follows: .\lrs. J. C. Me~'er, TJ-IE NARBERTH DELICATESSEN (Opposite the House) rn
TIIos. A. Kerrigan &Son Hoprnno; Mrs. H. L. 'l'rotter, Contra:to;lrn~=i:~~~========~=~~=====~~==~~===~~===~1
;\Ir. Walter H. 'I'llitt, Ulreetor, Tenor:
Building and Contracting a_a_._'_'_'_I_:a_a_lI_'_lI_a_II_=_a_a__D_a_O_t1_a_a_a_.t:.
..\1 r. Uwen H. '~(~llIl1iclt, Huss; '.\lr~ . . J ••••
Repa.1r1ng Remodeling
1\. Trotter, piaui~t..
Homes For Sale Or Rent
\\ eclnt>sday eYl'ning, 1l1'cember 26th, Narberth 1749-R Cynwyd 928
Plans & Estimates
Fu;-n1shed For
Alterations & Repairhlg
;\Ii<!-week se'r\"lee of the Uhurch Suh-
.iect, ,. The Hlessing ot the Year."
A cordial invitatioll is extend~,1 \(1
HOLIDAY LUMBER 102 Forrest Ave" Narberth, Pa.. 104 Bam Ave" Ba1:a.-Cynwyd, Pa.
We call and deUver a.nywhere

Write. Phone. Oall i all tht' serviees of th~ Church.

Call Cynwyd 662
429 BR03KHURS'l' AVE.
Rev. .rohn Van Ness, Minister.

RUSSELL C. BALDWIN 29' Baia Ave., 'Haia-Cynwyd


211 Haverford Ave.

',' . . ..... : ..

1.. ,,1 Fridny mark,,<1 the fir"t app,"H-
""I'" of the FIl'tl'hN ~1. E. Bask"tl",II
('III},s ill XlIrhprth. and thp 101'al "llIhs For Estimates on Asbestos Make This an Electrical
1 ilg-:till :""t till) \'isitor~ back ill t\\O wpll
II,Ja.",'d gam!'s. Christmas
, l'afortlla1ltl'h'
I t,'(Iln \\:IS llllaldt'
tu I,ut
.. _\ ..
IHf'll pll
or Magnesia Pipe and Everything Electrical at Town Prices
Copy of First Edition of "The Christ-- t Ill' floor. a,- "'\-"ml of th"ir 111,'11 :!Cl':
Lionel Trains for the Kiddies
mas Carol" to Be on ExWbition
at the Library I II
111111' l rlf'.'"
""J(' lI11ahl,·
IIt' I Pt'l I t IIf' \'1."1
" t (Irs "I," }I,, :1.\"
Boiler Coverings---See Christmas Tree Outfits Small Lamps
TIll' ('Olllllllillit.'· Lil'T:lr,\' \\ ill Ilot lIt', iug gll:lrd fllr tllt'n1, hilt t11l' :"\arl'I'Tth I

Fancy Tree Lamps Bridge and Floor Lamps •

IIPt'l1 111'\1 Tlll'l"illil," aftt'rJlllllll 1II'l':lll,"t' II'I.\'S \\t'l'l' ill .'I ~h'lIrillg' II II 1(H 1 HIlII f':lsily:
Itf l'llri~ttlla", :111.1 it \\ iIi Ill' BJlI'Tt,,'i- ("(Ill 1111 :1 laTgl' :-('OT(', '
nthl if' :tll 11('T~lIll." lUIVillg'" l'llok." \\ Ili.'!l '1'111'" B " \\t'ri' tIll' DIlI'S til
tilt,.'" \\Oll1d 11:1\1' ft'tllTlII'd llll tll:lt t!(l.'" hll~'! tilt, ~Jd.tliglJt last \\l't,k, ~arl.t'rth NARBERTH Phone-2239 W Vacuum Cleaners-Washers
\\ir! rl'1I1t'lJlht'f til Lrillg llli'llI ill llll Fri "I~" :lllll Flt,tj'hl'f" B" IHlt (Ill :111 in A Radio Set guaranteed to get anything on the air.
dily du' :':"th, 'rhl' rl',I:-;111l fliT thi:-o ft" tl'rl· .. till~ h:lftlf'l \\itlt fltt' l1H,:tl~ \\ill I Come in and be convinced.
<jllt·:,t is t111'11 tht' dt'1II:1Ilds 111'011 the llill~ 1.,\, :t :::::..'1 "1 0ft', Thl' Fll'tt'}ll'r'


LiI1fllf," :lrt' g-ro\\ illg- ""il stt':I,lil~' that lill.\"":', \\ 1Ii:f' la~'l{illg- . . izi. alld t"l't'ri : Open until 9.00; Saturdays, 10.:W until Christmas
till'ft' :In' IISII:llIy :"t'\'I')'(I] I'l'j'j 1lt' \\:Jit t'll,!·t', ga\'I' tlit· IO(':Ils u gooll hHttl l '.! NARBERTH Phone-661 J
il1~ fOf allllo:--t
t'll/ll'lotion, :llld :1

IHlllk ill tIJt' T('lILd:
of !1111' \\l'('k ill
;llld it \\as ollly thl'llllg-h till' \\undt'rfull
\\llrk of LOll Hic'klt'T tll:lt :\,'llll('ft1l NARBERTH ELECTRIC SHOP
rl'tllrning- tiJl'
tiol l II,'" th,'lt IlIIH'h,
IlClok rl\f:lrds

its (·iT.'llla \\(111 lHIt. LIlli :1,l:'~:lill had a fipld flight
tho\lgh it ,Iol·'''. :llld l"·lJk(. the It'aglll' r('('nrd II.\' g'(.tlill~
tlot ff·dllt't' tllt' Lillrar:··."\ jlll'llmt' frol1l :1 lit'ld ,C'0u]:-:. NARBERTH Phone-302 J Haverford Ave. Phone 2270-J or 2282
n'''tal-, :\,·\t ~'ri-l'J\', lll"','mhl'r 1,'1<-tl,h('r :!".
Th!' ('hristl1l'" r('Stlllr,'''' tlf th" J.i II ill again hring th"ir t,\(l t.'am. ttl!
hr"r~' for hoth "dnlt, :lnd I·hildrl'n :lrl' :\ar"l'l'th 10 ":lttl,' t h" !11l'1l1 htl,I'S. I
gn'atpr than one 1I1J:1"'1i11lillt,'d It ith Narberth ASBESTOS INSULATING CO.
tl"'111 mig-hI ,·xp,,<'1. TIi,' Lil>r:tr,\' OWIlS 1,'j"l<I \-'0111 I
fOllr ,'opi,,'s of I>i"k"lIs' "('hristmas (;oals. (;IKlis. TOil' I. '
Carol." :tllel ,ill of thl'lIl 'IH' ill ('Oil' \""'lIm. ].', (I
stallt liS!' at this tillll' of tli,' ~·l'"r. In Hil'klill, I·', !I II
f:l(·t. it j:-; surpri,:..;illg }I'IIW IIlilll.," t':Ilni·
lil'~. Jlt,tillg illd('p~IH1(,lltl~' (If l':tell llthPT,
ha\'<'" mud£' it un 1I11llual1.'lIstolll to rt.'"nd
thi" ""sl littl!' hook ill 111(' world"
('. HIIJn-l'hri,',-. I'
Hllrel, n ..... ,
:\1. I>il'kip, n,

H. Hllml'hri,·s. 0 .. , II


~ jrflerrp ClCbristmas
every Christmas sea,-Oll.
Lo\'ers of "Th!' ('"s ('ami," the largest and most complete chain of hotels
allel I'Spl'"i,1I!r those who hll\'l' IIny ill-
W. "I'hol'f, F,
in the entire world guarantees the interest and
t"rp,t in first l"ditjoll'. m,,~' sel' lin
~raf'!pary. F.... , . .)
anb principal of a twenty year investment. it means
,'xhihftioll Ilt tlip Lihrar.\· next Frillay safety, Cl This is a First Closed Mortgage Gold
~ ~appp ~ear
';utlifT, C. . . . • . • . (l
'J .J
nfternooll all ('xaN I'OP~' of the first ~1{·(·OJlllPll. G ) .J
Ii Bond against the Roosevelt Hotel, directly opposite
pelitioll of tlii,.; hook. This hook ('011'
X. S!'h<>pf, G . :~
the Grand Central Terminal in New York and con-
t"ins also an introuul'tion by A. EII-
l\'aTlI :-\ewtol1, our neighhor on the nected to it by an underground passage. Cl It covers
Main Line, who is rapi<lly hp"oming It is a pleasure to set aside the entire city block from Madison Ave, to Vanderbilt
famous not olll~' as an <luthorit.Y on
hook l"Ollecting, hut also as n writ.'r of
CDRISTMAS filFTS occasionally the element of Ave., and from 45th St, to 4bth St. ClAn excellent
The slogan, .. Buy in Nar- business to express a word of yield and listing on the New York Stock Exchange add
delightful pssays. The Lihr:lr~' itsplf
to its exceptional character, Cl Descriptive circular
lIlust llcknowletl'g'e II {,hristmas gift berth" has never been trller than appreciation and good will, and
which is none the II'S'.; wel'\'ome hernuse
on request,
tWs year. Narberth's IItores are in this spirit we extend to our
o hint of its Jlee-<t WIIB !'onypypf] in stocked with cards, candy and
this column last wepk. The gift is a
good friends - the people of
)"Pilr's suhscription to "Rt. Xi"holas" Narberth-every good wish for FRANK II. FLEER to
for the '\'hildTen's depar-tment, provid- And from our display you may a happy holiday season. Narbrrth 12]0

ed hy T. C. Trotter, of Woo,lsi<1e ave· lI'al"., (XJJ6-1 RGct 486'-2

select toys, sleds, wagons, skates,
nul', who ,,-hen he Tead in f' Our '1'0\\'11" with
ete., Which will g1ve joy ~ the
that the nJ-a,gazine had ,hppII rpqu!'sted NIXON C5 CO., Inc.
by the 'children, promptly t!'lppllonefl youngsters aud a sense of value
Real Estate Trust Bldg.
tha t he 'Would bp glod to proville it to the purchaser.
bpclluse he felt tllathp really owe,l
the Lihrll,ry something in \'iI'\\' of the
fact that he had heen filllling for SP\'-
em1 months the books he wlilltpd to Phone Narberth 2277
re-ad ,in the Library '8 free collection.

-The Success of a Business Depends Upon ItS Spirit of

Co-operation In the Community it Serves
Main Office Opens 8 A. M. Closes 9 P. M. 15,000 Depositors
Paying and Receiving at Same Windows $5,000,000 in Mortgages Placed
Checking Accounts $220,000 in ChristInas Savings
Savings Accounts $5,000,000 Total Deposits
Christmas Savings 3600 Title Policies Issued
4 per cent. Interest on 'Savings $150,000 Surplus Increase
Safe Deposit Vaults •
Over 15,000 Loans granted Individuals,
Statements Mailed Monthly Business Houses, Corporations, Churches,
Silver Storage Building and Loan Associations, Town-
Trust Deparbnent ships, Boroughs, Etc.

Title Deparbnent
The above results conclusively prove
that the right service is appreciated. May
Real Estate Department
we continue to serve you.



We have and are satisfactorily serving thousands and are co-operating with them to make
this community an ideal busin~ss and residential section. ,.

, .




"Capital..,.. $$tJO"Q;OO Surplt}~ ,', $5QQ,QQ.Q,.

. •e e

O~"l': 1.
• __ ~ ..... ..:. M ·'~'4"·'.' .' ",,' ... _., ..

.," I •

.';~',J,;':,' ,"!L,:L~~'.:~~,J;~h\.~3':i.~,i"~",,j~ii;~~,~,j~;';;;'~j·~iIt~~"gM~,~\,;; .,'; "".',<:.,''''_

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