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Gabriela Maciel

Table of Contents


Parsha Terumah /Exodus 25:1 - 27:19! 1

Introduction! 1

Going deep! 1

“Make everything exactly like the pattern I will show you”! 2


Parsha Terumah /Exodus 25:1 - 27:19

Parsha Terumah starts with God commanding Moses to tell the people of Israel to bring
offerings in order to start building the Tabernacle.
In this portion we will find the instructions for the construction of the Ark, the Table of
Showbread, the Menorah, the Tabernacle itself, the Altar of Burnt Offering and the Court-
yard for the Tabernacle.
Many conclusions can be drawn from the reading of Parsha Terumah. As it has been said,
the Torah offers different layers of knowledge and understanding to those immerse in their
study, and here in this portion, we can certainly hint that there are many hidden truths just
waiting to be revealed. I hope that this draft on Portion Terumah may help you to uncover
some pearls.

Going deep
I love the book of Shemot (Exodus). For me, this is the book in the Torah that most clearly
represents G_dʼs love towards us. It tells us about His manifestation of love, about what
He is capable of doing in order to have us completely, how He chose us, even despise the
fact that we were lost in that Egyptian culture and finally it tells us about how He longs to
see us all walk accordingly to the position we have been called, as Sons and Daughters of
the Most High.
Im sure that G_d took a big risk when He selected us as His people. Our sages tell us that
the people of Israel were the least of all the people among the nations and tribes of that
tim. However, G_d in His mercy, looked at us. He willingly came with His heart full of love,
and descended to earth, this earth which was void of order and in darkness in order to live
among us. He didn't even care about what he was leaving behind, sort of speak. All He
wanted was to be with us, He wanted communion.
G_d took the first step, but do we yearn for the same thing? Do we love Him enough in or-
der to elevate us, reach closer to Him, and make Him a place worthy of Him in the midst of
our lives?

In chapter 25: 2 G_d demands that His dwelling place may be built out of willingly offer-
ings. Only those, that truly want to see establish His kingdom on this earth, and conse-
quently are looking forward for the coming of the Messiah, will willingly built His Taberna-
cle. Many are clothed with good deeds and that in itself is good. Nonetheless, it does not
mean theyʼre laboring to bring about His Kingdom. Moreover, we need to be careful re-
garding the offerings that are required for the construction of the Tabernacle; these offer-
ings are specifically listed. It is not “our notion” of good that He wants, but what He has es-
tablished as fit. It is not because we eat Challah on Sabbaths that we are sanctifying time,
but because we have separated ourselves from the world to rest and enjoy Him. The same
can we say about Torah Study. What is the purpose of elevating us and the world around
us? So that we may “see” and “feel” His manifest presence, it is all about Him. Itʼs about
tasting His goodness, and in return connecting and tasting Him.
But some are so used to the mundane things, that they end up taking Him for granting. It
reminds me of the story of Isaiah (Isaiah 6: 5). In the story the prophet Isaiah had a vision
of G_d. He saw Him on the throne, High and Lifted up, surrounded by seraphims one cry-
ing to another about the holiness of G_d. Upon seeing this, Isaiah realized his condition.
He was a sinner, a man of unclean lips. Fortunately, one of the angels flew from the throne
with a live coal in his hand and took away Isaiahʼs iniquity. He lived to tell the story! This
teaches us, that G_d, is real, He is not just a nice idea and He is Holy, Majestic, all Power-
ful, the King of Kings and as such we need to approach Him following the protocol. If not,
we will see death, even our spiritual death. Consequently, we need not to follow our emo-
tions. Many people think: “Im on the right track”, but in reality they are not. Only our mitzvot
driven by our love towards Him will make it happen.
Does this mean that G_d love us less when we make mistakes? Does this mean we will
not be part of the world to come if we fail Him? Certainly not! It just mean, from me to
you, GET REAL! Are you walking after Him or not??

“Make everything exactly like the pattern I will show you” (Ex. 25:8)
Speaking of the Tabernacle on a personal note, we can honestly say that many of us de-
sire to please Him, make Him feel comfortable in our tabernacles, but the reality is, It does
not matter how much we try there are times that we just dont know how. There are count-
less grey areas when it comes to “put things into practice” that leave us scratching our
heads. The good news is that He promises He will (future tense) show us HOW. But then,
you reply: “Actually I do know what I am supposed to do, but you see it is SO hard, I keep

failin! Don't worry, the promise reminds the same, He will also show us HOW. The only
thing He requires is a willing sacrifice. Now I ask you the question : ARE YOU WILL-

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