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i nstitu t e
Applica t i o n
I would also like my application Deadline s
UNDERGRADUATE APPLICATION PAGE 1 to be submitted to: (No additional fee is necessary.) F all
Pratt at mun son - w illiams- proctor ( prattMW P) E a r ly Ac tio n : N ov . 1 (f re s h m e n )
Regular Decision: J an. 5 (freshmen)
Dela w are College of Art and De sign Feb. 1 (transfers)

note: All supporting materials must be sent to AAS /AOS : Ro llin g A d m i s s i o n s

Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink. each school. s pring
Oc t 1.
In te r n a tio n a l: S e p t . 1

General Information Please provide information below if records are under a different name (e.g., maiden, nickname).
Fir s t N a m e Middle N a me Social Securit y N u m b er

La s t N a m e Maiden or nic kna me birt h date

P referred m ailing A ddre s s teleph one

C it y state z ip code countr y

E m ail cell p h one

male fe male

Permanent Mailing Address (if different from above)

Street A ddre ss Until what date should we use this mailing address?

C it y State Zip Code countr y

T elep h one

Personal Information
U. S . C iti z en P ermanent Resident alien regi stration nu mber Vi sa T ype

Non - U . S . C iti z en C ountry of Citizen ship


Information on ethnic origin will be used solely for reporting purposes as required by state regulations. Providing this information is entirely voluntary.

A m erican Indian Blac k American Puerto Rican

A las k an N ative Caucasian Ot h er Hi spanic

A s ian / P aci FIc Is lander Me xican American Ot h er


Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink.

Family Information Please complete for each parent or guardian.

Relation ship T elep h one

Parent guardian spouse

Na m e occupation

Street A ddre ss E mail

C it y State Zip Code

countr y

Relation ship telep h one

Parent guardian spouse

Na m e occupation

Street A ddre ss E M AIL

C it y State Zip Code

countr y

N a me w h en

Did either of your parents attend Pratt? yes no If yes,

Na m e

Is either of your parents a full-time Pratt employee? yes no

Have you applied previously to Pratt? yes no If yes, when?

I plan to study: full -tim e Part- ti me Do you wish to live on campus? ye s no

Do you plan to apply for financial aid? yes no Do you plan to apply for The Arthur O. Eve HEOP? ye s no (New York residents only)

Applying As: Desired Entrance Date:

F R E SHM A N TRA N SFER F all spring su mmer year

Bachelor’s Degree Program Choices (Check only one.)

School Of Art and design School of Architecture A sso c iate De gree P ro gra m s (2-y ear )

A dverti s ing Arc hitecture ( 5- year ) ( B . Arc h .) Digital De sign and Interactive Media (A . O . S . )

A rt A nd D es ign Education (teacher certification ) Con struction Management ( B .P.S .) Graph ic De sign ( A.O.S .)

joint art and de s ign education bfa/ms Con struction Management ( B .S .) I llustration ( A.O.S .)

( teach er certification) Building and construction Management ( A.A.S .) Painting/Dra w ing ( A.A.S .) tran s fer progra m

A rt Hi s tor y (B.A .) G raph ic De sign /Illustration (A . A . S . ) tran s fer

progra m
C era m ic s
School o f Lib e ra l A rts
D igital A rt s  and Sciences

3 – D animation and motion arts Critical and Vi sual Studie s

2 – D Ani m ation w riting
I nteractive art s

D raw ing

F a s h ion D es ign

F il m / V ideo

G rap h ic D esign

I llu s tration

I ndu s trial D es ign

I nterior Design

J e w elr y

P ainting

P h otograp h y

P rint m a k ing


T h eor y , C ritici sm, and Hi story of Art, De sign ,

and A rch itecture (B.F.A.)

U ndecided (AR t A nd des ign only)

Do you have a second choice major if your first is not available?

How did you first hear about Pratt Institute?

Please list other colleges to which you applied.

Have you ever been convicted of a felony? If so, explain.

Have you ever been dismissed from a college?

y es no If yes, which?

Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink.

( international student s only)

i plan to tak e or too k th e sat on i plan to ta ke or too k t h e toefl on i Received a ged on

Hig h s c h ool G .p.a. (weig h ted if kno w n) s.a.t. Score A.c .t . Score

Last High School Attended

Sc hool N a m e cee b if kno w n

Street A ddre ss

C it y State Z IP CODE

D ate entered date L eft date of Graduation

I s y our h ig h Sch ool Private Public Paroch ial h o me - sc h ooled

guidance coun s elor ’ s N ame email if kno w n T elep h one if kno w n

A rt teach er’ s N ame email if kno w n T elep h one if kno w n

Additional High School Attended

Sc hool N a m e cee b if kno w n

Street A ddre ss

C it y State Z IP CODE

D ate entered date L eft date of Graduation

I s y our h ig h Sch ool Private Public Paroch ial

guidance coun s elor ’ s N ame email if kno w n T elep h one if kno w n

A rt teach er’ s N ame email if kno w n T elep h one if kno w n


Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink.

Colleges, Junior Colleges, or other Post Secondary Schools Attended

Sc hool N a m e

Street A ddre ss

C it y State Z IP CODE

D ate entered date L eft date of Graduation college G.p.a .

Sc hool N a m e

Street A ddre ss

C it y State Z IP CODE

D ate entered date L eft date of Graduation college G.p.a .

Employment Information
Occupation pre sent em plo yer

b u s ine s s addres s T elep h one

Please list any honors or extracurricular experience you feel should be considered as a part of your application.
(e.g., awards, employment, positions of leadership or responsibility, involvement in community affairs, etc.).
Attach an extra sheet, if necessary.

Describe when and how you discovered that you were interested in art, design, writing, architecture, or the particular major to which you are applying. Describe how
this interest has manifested itself in your daily life. (250-500 words)
Attach additional pages if necessary.

Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink.

Contacts with Pratt Institute (Select all that apply.) Application Checklist: Please check off submitted items.
Student - guided campu s tour 1. Signed and dated t h i s form

tour on o w n 2. Attac h ed a c h eck or mone y order for $50 ($90 for international students)

N ational Portfolio Day 3 . Contacted th e appropriate school s and arranged for transcripts
to be sent
departm ent pres entation
4. Contacted a reference to su bmit a letter of recommendation or
pre- college program at pratt a reference form

infor m ation ses s ion 5. Arranged for your S AT or ACT te st scores to be sent
(four-year freshman applicants only)
Hig h s c h ool vis it
6. portfolio mailed
Private appoint m ent with a counselor at Pratt
7. portfolio su bmitted online (visual portfolios only)
P rivate appoint m ent with a counselor in your area
8. Sent T OE F L or ielts score (international students whose first language is not English only)
F riend

G uidance couns elor N ote : We recommend submitting your application before submitting your other documents.
If checked, please indicate name.

A rt teach er
If checked, please indicate name.

P ratt faculty
If checked, please indicate name.

P ratt coac h

I certify that all information submitted in the admissions process including the application, essay, portfolio and any other supporting materials is my own work, factually true and honestly
presented. I understand that the penalty for falsified information will be immediate dismissal. I agree, if accepted, to abide by the rules and regulations of Pratt Institute.

A pplicant’ s Signature date

mail to:

Pratt Institute
Office of Undergraduate Admissions
200 Willoughby Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11205
We require one ( 1) letter of recommendation. You are encouraged to send us Pratt Institute
UNDERGRADUATE REFERENCE FORM additional letters. If you are asking more than one person to write on your behalf, Office of Undergraduate
please make copies of this form. Freshman applicants: At least one letter should be Admissions
from your high school counselor or from a teacher you have had during the past two 200 Willoughby Avenue
years. Transfer applicants: You may submit recommendation from either your high Brooklyn, NY 11205
T el : 718-636-3514
school or from someone at your current college.
F a x: 718-636-3670
Please print in UPPERCASE letters with black ink.
E mail :

A pplicant’ s F irs t N ame Applicant ’ s Middle N a me

A pplicant’ s L as t N ame

A pplicant’ s mailing addres s APart ment # / P.0. b o x

C it y countr y State Zip Code

Applicant: please let your recommender know the deadline you are trying to meet by checking the appropriate circle below
Spring A dmis s ion F all Admission
Deadline: Oct. 1 Freshman Early Action Deadline: Nov. 1
Freshman Regular Decision Deadline: Jan. 5
Transfer Decision Deadline: Feb. 1

I voluntarily waive my righ t of access, under the F amily Rig hts and Privacy Act, to all recommendations
and any oth er materials th at may be sent to Pratt Institute in connection w ith my application for ad mi ssion .

I do not waive my righ t.*

* note : All recommendations are discarded after matriculation.

A pplicant’ s Signature date

To the Recommender
We are interested in your evaluation of this candidate who is applying for admission to Pratt Institute. You may write a letter or use the back of this form to provide your evaluation of the candidate and his
chances for success at Pratt. Please accept our thanks for your time and effort on this student’s behalf. If you do attach a sheet, please use high school or college letterhead and list the full name of student
with social security number.

R eco m m ender ’s name and title (Please print)

Sc hool or other affiliation

Sc hool Mailing addres s

How long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?

R eco m m ender ’s s ignature date

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