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Lord Jesus Christ, please forgive me for spiritual blocks to healing:

unforgiveness, ignorance or lack of knowledge, no relationship with

God according to knowledge, personal and family sins, not having
faith in God, the need to see a miracle, looking for signs and wonders,
expecting god to heal on one's own terms, looking to man rather than
God, not being honest and transparent, flagrant sin or habitual sin,
robbing God in tithes and offerings, sin of our parents, looking to
symptoms and not to the Healer, letting fear enter your heart, failure
to get away in prayer and fasting, improper care of the body, not
discerning the Lord's Body, touching God's anointed leaders,
immoderate eating, pure unbelief, failing to keep our life filled up with
God, not resisting the enemy, just giving up, looking for repeated
healings instead of divine health, rejecting healing in the Atonement
as part of the covenant for today, trying to bypass the penalty of the
curse, murmuring and complaining, hating and not obeying

I forgive my ancestors, descendents and anyone else that has sinned

against me to curse me with weakness, sickness, disease, illness,
injury and trauma. Please forgive me for my sins that would open me
up to these attacks and I forgive myself for my mistakes. I ask this is
The Name Of Jesus Christ.


evil spirits and their families to leave me that came in through
spiritual blocks to healing. I also command the following lists of
demons and your families to come out as your name is called:


Start the deliverance with the families of Rejection, Bitterness and

Rebellion. Then you could call out the spirits listed in the lesson as
underlined or in bold letters.

General Diseases

1. Various: genetically inherited disease, manic depression, paranoid

schizophrenia, Jungian psychology

2. Depression: anxiety attacks, use of Prozac and other drugs

3. Bitterness: anger, hatred, unforgiveness, resentment, retaliation,

violence, murder

Specific Diseases

1. Various: scoliosis, sciatica, epilepsy, attention deficit disorder, immune

system, Chrons' Disease, ulcerative colitis, diabetes (autoimmune disease),
lupus, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, autism, Parkinson's Disease,
addictions, masturbation, Alzheimer's Disease, cholesterol, shingles and
hives, rosacea, acne, ovarian cysts, breast cysts, systolic acne,
endometriosis, herpes, viruses, osteoporisis, spondylolysis, degenerative
disc disease, alcoholism, psoriasis, skin diseases, sinus infections, PMS,
fibromyalgia, sleep disorders, multiple personality disorder, migraines,
allergies, mitral valve prolapsed, reflux, CFS (chronic fatigue syndrome),
parasites, irritable bowel syndrome, colic, flu, Sjogren's Syndrome, panic
attacks, phobias, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia (diabetes), hypothyroidism
(Hashimoto's Disease), hyperthyroidism (Graves' Disease)

2. Cancer: colon, skin, liver, breast, ovarian, uterine, Hodgkin's Disease

and leukemia, prostate

3. Arthritis: involving inflammation of the joints, osteoarthritis

4. Nonbacterial Inflammation: interstitial cystitis, prostatitis

5. Cell Wall Rigidity: asthma, angina pectoris, hypertension (high-blood

pressure), toxic retention

6. Addictive Personality: weight, anorexia and bulimia

Fear, Anxiety and Stress Disorders

1. MCS/EI: multiple chemical sensitivities / environmental illness, power of

the tongue

2. Endocrine System

3. Limbic System: general adaptation syndrome (GAS), general

adaptation syndrome of fear, anxiety and stress

4. Cardiovascular System: angina (pain), high-blood pressure

(hypertension), heart arrhythmias, mitral valve prolapsed (heart valve
disease), coronary artery disease, strokes, diseases of heart muscle from
inflammation, aneurysms, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, thrombophlebitis
(vein inflammation)

5. Muscles: tension headaches, muscle contraction backache

6. Connective Tissue Disease: rheumatoid arthritis

7. Related Inflammatory Diseases of Connective Tissue: prostatitis,
interstitial cystitis

8. Pulmonary System: asthma (called hypersensitivity reaction), hay


9. Immune System: immunosuppressant or deficiency, autoimmune


10. Gastrointestinal System: ulcers, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS),

diarrhea, constipation, nausea and vomiting, ulcerative colitis,
malabsorption (leaky gut)

11. Genitourinary System: dieresis, impotence, frigidity

12.Skin: eczema, neurodermatitis, acne

13.Endocrine System: diabetes mellitus, amenorrhea

14.Central Nervous System: fatigue and lethargy, Type A Behavior,

overeating, depression, insomnia

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