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Holistic Science and

Human Life
K.L. Seshagiri Rao

Stone Poem 4; original art, Liz Gill Nielson

Global Predicament

A t the beginning of the third millennium, the world is facing a dangerous situa-
tion. First, science and technology have multiplied the pleasures of sensate life
beyond imagination. For example, television programs and commercials cater to an
enormous consumerism on a daily basis; they glamorize sensual indulgence and glo-
rify violence. Under their influence, people live for the satisfaction of bodily desires
and the mind acts as a slave of the body. However, sense enjoyment is essentially
ephemeral and conspicuous desires for self-gratification lead only to inevitable frus-
tration. Humans do not find lasting fulfilment in sense objects or in material wealth
and, consequently, a trend of dissatisfaction with a purely materialist way of life is
becoming more widespread.

Dr. K. L. Seshagiri Rao is Professor Emeritus, University of Virginia, USA, Chief Editor of the
Encyclopedia of Hinduism, and Co-Editor of Interreligious Insight. He is a long-time advocate of dia-
logue between religions and engagement for the common good. This article is an edited version of the lecture
given at the Inauguration Ceremony of the Vitag Vignan International Research Foundation, Surat, India,
in April 2009.

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K.L. Seshatiri Rao

Second, many people suffer from the search for truth in the natural world.
"meaninglessness” in life. They look Scientific progress in the nineteenth
outwardly to the world, but inwardly century witnessed a “knowledge explo-
feel empty. They do not see any direc- sion”. It yielded vast power and higher
tion or purpose in life and their minds standards of material life for many coun-
tries. Scientists then became persuaded
The sciences deal only with that science had answers to everything;
empirical and relative truths, and so they investigated the world and
but they do not give atten- life by analyzing them into fragments.
Scientific knowledge is quantitative,
tion to the whole truth. analytical and objective; it directs its
investigation to the external world.
are confused. Despairing in the face of

Creative Encounters
the challenges of life and death, many Material development may
people we know that life in the world lead to a higher standard of
cannot be lived in its fullness without
a sense of the Real. Modern techno-
life, but it does not necessar-
logical societies are under great strain. ily lead to a better of life.
Addictions to drugs are playing havoc.
Suicide cases are increasing. Many are The analytical intellect, however,
surrounded by various kinds of suffer- forgets that senses function with the
ings and tensions. They are groping for power of the spirit. Scientific knowledge
remedies. can be and is misused. Individual and
Third, the soul of modern people collective egos exploit it for selfish and
cries out for spirituality but truth is not narrow purposes. Although science has
limited to the physical world. A one- the ability to remove poverty, hunger
sided view of life leads to distortions in and sickness in society, those problems
the human personality. The sciences deal have not been remedied; they have got-
only with empirical and relative truths, ten worse. And science and technology
but they do not give attention to the are also engaged in forging destructive
whole truth. Life’s highest aim can be weapons, endangering the whole human
realized only when it is understood com- race; they have not brought us lasting
prehensively. Kanudadaji says, “If your happiness. Although the contributions
vision is limited to the relative world, of science are valuable, they merit care-
you can never find paramatma.” ful study and constructive application.

Empirical Science The Materialist Outlook

T he word "science" is derived from

the Latin scientia, which means “to
know”. Scientists dedicate themselves to
The moral and spiritual aspects of
human beings are rejected in the mate-
rialistic way of life which forgets human

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Holistic Science and Human Life

values and important dimensions of The nature of physical reality,

human personality. Materialists forget according to present day physicists, is
the harm they cause to others in their vibrating energy rather than inert mat-
greed for wealth and power. The exclu- ter. In recent years, more and more sci-
sive pursuit of materialistic values makes entists are discovering striking similari-
people aggressive and arrogant and amor- ties between holistic thought and mod-
al; it undermines the world and depletes ern scientific thinking. It is fascinating
natural resources. The problems of lust,
greed, anger and attachment, are rooted
in “body consciousness”. Material devel-
opment may lead to a higher standard of
life, but it does not necessarily lead to a
better of life.
Wealth, position and power do not
compensate for the lack of peace within.
Materialists may appear happy, but they
have “no inner happiness”. They become
close minded, rigid and arrogant. They
evade conscience through psychological
defenses. They suppress the conscience
which employs the golden rule of fairness
and justice, compassion and kindness in
judging what is good. Materialism dis-
courage the healthy use of free will.

Limitations of Science

M any modern scientists now real-

ize the limitations of their fields.
They note that experience is not limited
Lightning; courtesy,

to note, for example, that affirmations

to sense knowledge. Empirical sciences of Vedic texts are in conformity with
do not speak to our inner experiences modern science in matters of cosmol-
of love and suffering. They do not teach ogy, astronomy, causality, conceptions
us how to live and what to live for. of time, the structure of the universe,
Sciences cannot make us virtuous. They the theory of evolution, the doctrine
do not deal with life and death, sin and of karma, and the medical science of
evil. The empirical sciences do not have Ayurveda. Some scientists are turning
much to say about music, faith, devo- towards the East in order to describe
tion and God, which are all dimensions more adequately many macroscopic and
of Truth; they do not satisfy the spiritual microscopic phenomena. Dr. Carl Sagan
and moral urges of human beings. wrote that the Hindu religion is dedi-

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K.L. Seshatiri Rao

cated to the idea that the “cosmos itself only “appear to exist”. Truth is both
undergoes an immense number of births immanent and transcendent. The quest
and rebirths” and its time scales “cor- for Truth is the summum bonum of life.
respond to those of modern scientific
cosmology”. Rationality saves mankind
from blind faith. Spirituality
takes us into deeper levels
Holistic Science of Truth
Life’s highest aim can be realized
only when it is understood compre- Holistic Science is hospitable to both
hensively. The knowledge of the inner scientific search and spiritual enquiry;
world is as much significant as that of it does not present any opposition to
the external world. The world should science. It sees scientific knowledge as
complementary and supplementary.
We have to look outwards, Rationality saves mankind from blind
inwards, and upwards. faith. Spirituality takes us into deeper
levels of Truth, from which springs love,
be accepted in its totality: not only in compassion, harmony and peace. Truth,
its external aspects but also in its inner though supra-rational, is never irratio-
spiritual life. No aspect of life should nal. The contributions of the Holistic
be ignored. Scientific and technological Science are very valuable for one and all;
development is not to be divorced from they deserve careful study and under-
moral and spiritual progress. We have to standing. A holistic approach is com-
look outwards, inwards, and upwards. prehensive, inclusive, and integrative;
Spiritual values and insights can benefit it includes matter and consciousness,
the entire world. They can bring East object and subject. A lot of study and
and West, North and South harmoni- research can be and must be undertaken
ously together as a flourishing world on these themes by the Foundation, to
community. Holistic Science, aims for spread the holistic science the world
both material and spiritual fulfilment. over.
Truth is sought in two ways: by
studying the facts of the external world
and by seeking to understand the deeper Dimensions of Truth

truths of the inner world. All knowledge olistic Science duly acknowledg-
in the universe is interconnected. Truth es the importance of the mate-
is the source of everything; it is the rial world. It appreciates the scientific,
light that enlightens the mind. Holistic mathematical, astronomical, medical
science contributes to the understand- and other contributions to knowledge.
ing of the world in the context of total However, it recognizes that empirical
reality; it reveals man’s rootedness in the knowledge is only one aspect of Truth;
Divine. Truth alone exists, and all else awaking consciousness relates to that
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Holistic Science and Human Life

level of knowledge. the inexhaustible reality, namely, Truth

There are other dimensions of life, or God. The whole world, physical as
such as dream consciousness, sleep con- well as metaphysical, is a single universe.
sciousness, transcendental conscious- Knowledge is universal and truth has
ness, etc. Psychic and spiritual disci- no borders. Wholeness is the quality of
plines reveal these planes of being and Reality, comprehending both the subjec-
subtle ways tive and the
to contact objective and
them. Reality transcending
has many fac- both. Pure
ets; science is knowledge is
one of them. paramatma,
Holistic sci- the transcen-
ence points dent spirit
out that there that shines as
is one realty or the illuminat-
Truth. Truth ing principle
is the ground in the body.
of existence Spiritual wis-
and the dom gives
goal of life. guidance in
It includes the art of life
what is true for realizing
in knowl- the highest
edge, right in human goal.
Wholeness; original art, Georgene Wilson
conduct, and Human val-
what is just and fair in human relations. ues and insights contribute to the rich-
Application of truth in life makes it inte- ness of life, culture and civilization.
grated, better, nobler and richer. All are We live in a “universe”, and our
connected to one another; individuals knowledge about it must be unified.
are not separate entities; they are unique We cannot isolate ourselves from the
points of universal spirit. Such an holis- universe. Facts of the inner life have to
tic orientation does not ignore the indi- be explored with a scientific outlook
vidual; instead, it restores the dignity and with an appropriate methodology.
and the worth of the individual. Given Spiritual reality or consciousness is the
that the main object of human life is the meaningful consolidating principle of
realization of Truth, the one who forgets all existence. Now, Quantum Physics
this primary goal of existence, will real- also points to the basic oneness of the
ize, sooner or later, that their life has universe. But all this knowledge has to
been wasted. be used constructively. As knowledge
Everything in this world is rooted in is power, the values of human con-

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K.L. Seshatiri Rao

cern should determine the direction and harmony of the whole person and
of science. Spiritual values are genuine society. Dualities of spirit and matter, of
human values. Actually, a scientist can- enjoyment and renunciation, of action
not be a true scientist, if he is not a saint, and knowledge, and so on, are recon-
i.e. if he does not use his knowledge and ciled in the holistic approach.

the holistic approach involves

Syadvad and
not only different dimensions
Religious Pluralism
of one’s personality, but also
society and the environment S yadvad underlines the appreciative
understanding of the view points
of others. It prohibits offending oth-
technology for the good of humankind. ers for their religious ideas and ide-
Also, a saint cannot be a true saint if he als. Great personages such as Mahavira,
is not a scientist, i.e. if he has not given Buddha, Sri Rama, Sri Krishna, Lao Tze,
up all prejudices and partialities and is Zarathushtra, Confucius, Moses, Jesus,
devoted to the serving of all peoples. In Prophet Muhammad and Guru Nanak
holistic science, both these have been
combined; here the scientists not only
discover knowledge and extend its hori-
zon, but also they use such knowledge
for the good of humankind.
The personality of a human being

Sacred Wheel; original figure, Jim Kenney

consists of physical, vital, mental, intel-
lectual, moral and spiritual dimensions
of life. All these aspects are to be devel-
oped and fulfilled. A fragmentary view
cannot give us a true understanding of
Reality. Therefore, the holistic approach
involves not only different dimensions
of one’s personality, but also society and
the environment. The common well
being of humanity is more important
than the self-interest of any one indi- speak for and belong to the whole of
vidual or group or nation. Life viewed humanity, not to any exclusive group.
in its totality is an integrated whole, and Their efforts have been for improving
every aspect of it is vitally connected the human situation. They have no
with the whole. There is no dimension enemies. They are resources of wisdom
of life, which is alien to spiritual influ- and guidance for all. They preach and
ence. Different activities of life are to be practice love, peace and happiness for
directed, keeping in view the coherence all. Their teachings express their experi-

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Holistic Science and Human Life

ence of Truth. Parikhji points out, in The world has suffered too much
his Preface to Dada Bhagwan’s Satsang because of wars fought in the name
Series: “One who has direct experience of religion. There has been enough of
(anubhav gnan) is the best and the most faultfinding in and condemnation of
rewarding teacher and guide for the other religions in history. An attitude
earnest seekers of truth.” Such teachers of intolerance has not and cannot bring
peace and happiness to any society or
No religion is the sole repos- nation or to humanity at large. Religious
itory of Truth in the world, harmony cannot be brought by worldly
competition. The present age requires a
nor is salvation restricted to spirit of mutual respect and cooperation
the members of any one sect among the followers of different faiths.
or group. The world has become small. In the
emerging global culture, the world needs
stress our common humanity and uni- to take into account the diverse currents
versal spiritual values. They have no ego; of world religions and their contribu-
they are gnani purushas, self-realized per- tions to the welfare of the human kind
sons. They are called “Divine Scientists”. as a whole.
Only such enlightened persons can guide There are many branches of Science;
seekers in the realization of the Self. no particular branch of science claims a
Sages and prophets speak from the monopoly of wisdom for itself, nor
direct experience of Reality. Their expe- does it quarrel about its superiority over
rience is not restricted to sense data; they other branches of science. Similarly,
bear witness to transcendental dimen- each religion must bring its moral and
sions of experience. They speak of the spiritual contributions to the humanity’s
glory and majesty of Truth/God. They understanding of the deeper dimen-
illumine faith in its various forms and sions of Truth, and not quarrel about
recognize that truth is approachable by the supremacy of one religion over the
various paths. They validate religious others. Like sciences, religions too can
pluralism. They follow the attitude of be seen as complementary and supple-
“live and let live”. No religion is the sole mentary to one another.
repository of Truth in the world, nor
is salvation restricted to the members
of any one sect or group. They invoke Self-Knowledge
the blessings of life on all: “Let all be
happy, healthy, and blessed.” The term
“all” includes human and subhuman
I gnorance of the true nature of the self
is a basic problem of human beings;
it results in bondage to worldliness.
worlds as well as the world of nature. Self-knowledge is the solution. Self-
Indeed, the holistic approach encourages realization frees man from ignorance
all peoples to celebrate each other’s way and its binding effects. The desire for
of God- realization. liberation is a desire for knowledge and
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K.L. Seshatiri Rao

Truth. It is a process of self-discovery. things eternal and things temporal,

With this realization, life becomes trans- between appearance and reality. When
formed; tensions and conflicts come to wrong identifications with physical and
an end. Self-discovery is the unfolding psychological things vanish, one’s doubts
of consciousness; it is the process of end- are dispelled and one realizes oneself as
a spiritual being with the nature of
Thoughts continuously consciousness; then tensions come to an
change, but the thinker wit- end, and there is a thorough transforma-
tion of life.
nesses them.
ing one’s false identifications. It is the
key to supreme fulfilment.
A human being is a finite spirit
grounded in the Infinite Spirit. Because
of ignorance, a person identifies with
what is encountered in the phenomenal
world, such as wealth, pleasure, position,
prestige, other individuals, etc. But self-
knowledge is the beginning of wisdom.
No one is just an atomized individual;

Meditation; photo, Cetta Kenney

everyone is a part of the whole. If one
can be selfless, one can serve the whole.
When the whole becomes the focus of
consciousness, love and service emerge
in life spontaneously. Self-knowledge
frees us from wrong notions and makes
life radiantly spiritual; it lifts a person
from the limitations of empirical exis-
tence. The desire for liberation is the
desire for Truth. Enlightenment is the Application in Life
goal. The knowledge sought is not infor-
mation or theoretical knowledge, but
T o know how to live one’s life is real
knowledge. Theoretical knowledge
or belief statements are ineffective in
The path of Truth is inward; it is solving life’s problems or in removing
spiritual. The Vedas say: What is per- grief. Preaching without practice is use-
ceived by the senses is only an appear- less. The adoption of experimental pro-
ance, the one who perceives is true; any- cedures in the exploration of the truths
thing that is said is secondary, but one of life is most important. Actions make
who says is primary. Thoughts continu- truths come alive.
ously change, but the thinker witnesses The study of books on swimming
them. One must discriminate between will not make us excellent swimmers.

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Holistic Science and Human Life

Mere book learning is not enough. We exclusive. Wealth and sensate pleasure
have information technology in abun- are to be governed by righteousness;
dance; what we need is transformation they are subsidiary to the supreme good.
technology. One has to walk a path Righteousness signifies the actions a
and practice the precepts. Knowledge person has to do to ensure a good life, in
has to be applied in life; only then does relation to oneself and in interpersonal
life become disciplined, resulting in the relationships. One’s duty to one’s fam-
transformation of one’s personality. Yoga,
for example, does not ask us to believe in A human being is essentially
this or that statement; nor does it pre-
a spiritual being.
vent us from asking questions. In fact,
it encourages the questioning attitude. ily, society, nation, humanity and God
To experience spiritual truths, one has are all parts of righteousness. It involves
to follow a course of spiritual discipline. self-regulation and social regulation. It
When the experiments begin to yield lays down certain do's and don’ts. For
results, conviction spontaneously fol- example, each person is enjoined to
lows. It is this experimental dimension respect his/her mother, father, teacher,
that brings authenticity to knowledge. and guest. Prohibited actions are those
Holistic explorations of inner life for which one may have strong inclina-
are capable of verification; truths are tions, but which are not conducive to
verified in experience. For example, the fulfilment of one’s total personality
yogis demonstrate that a certain practice and to the welfare of society.
leads to a certain result. It is a matter of
knowledge, not a belief or an attitude.
To know is to be conscious; knowledge Karma and Rebirth
is waking up; the higher and higher
Reincarnation (punarjanma) is one
one ascends in yoga, newer and newer
of the fundamental insights of life relat-
peaks of knowledge become visible in
ing to the deeper dimensions of human
personality. A human being is essentially
a spiritual being. The physical body of
Peace, Happiness a person degenerates and dies, but the
soul is imperishable. At death, a soul is
and Fulfillment disassociated from the gross body. Death

T he supreme goal of human beings is

freedom from suffering and attain-
ment of abiding happiness. It is spiri-
closes one chapter in the book of one’s
life and birth opens another one. The
mind and its faculties constitute the
tual liberation (moksha). The subsidiary subtle body, the essence of individual-
goals are righteousness (dharma), eco- ity. Mind is the carrier of the soul from
nomic security (artha), and aesthetic one body into another; it continues to
enjoyment (kama). These goals are not accompany the soul, until it is released

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K.L. Seshatiri Rao

from bondage. In other words, survival not enjoyed or suffered in this life, they
and reincarnation are not the goals of have to be experienced in the next. They
life; they are facts of inner life. Spiritual are accumulated in the mind of a person
freedom (moksha) is the goal. in the form of impressions. Bad karma
even regresses one into lower forms of
The flowering of the human life. Each reincarnation is an oppor-
soul sweetens the entire tunity to make a little more spiritual
progress. By exercising one’s freedom
world. properly, one is able to gradually dimin-
The principles of reincarnation and ish and finally eliminate the bondage of
karma (law of moral cause and effect) karma, and attain liberation.
are closely related. They have enormous The pursuit of spiritual freedom
consequences for our daily life. Not does not mean disregarding the interests
only does a person reap what he or she and the joys of the world. The richness
sows, but what one is reaping is the of inner life expresses itself in graces of
result of what one has already sown. external life. One’s effort to free oneself
The individual person is the maker from selfishness and to live a spiritual
of his or her own destiny. Actions in life has implication for all others. The
the present determine the future. Every flowering of the human soul sweetens
thought, word and deed has, of course, the entire world. Liberated souls act
its effect on the outer world; but it also with utter spontaneity in the world; they
affects the performer’s inner character. work with satisfaction, contentment and
All actions bring results. If the results are enthusiasm and without a trace of self-

Flower; photo, Cetta Kenney

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Holistic Science and Human Life

ishness. Transcendence does not mean Being ignorant of one’s spiritual nature,
aloofness. It means involvement without one suffers but knowledge is medicine
attachment. Many have attained libera- for ignorance; it is therapy for the ills of
tion by performing work and service in life; it is a fountain of joy. Salvation con-
society. sists in the experiential knowledge and
love of Truth/God, and the final offering
By drawing on to both spiri- of oneself to the eternal service of God.
tual and scientific methods, Communion or union with God in the
we can solve individual, fullness of experience is the highest goal
social and human prob- of human life.
By linking the individual soul with
lems. the Divine, a human being becomes
Life here and hereafter are to be resourceful and powerful. Once the pri-
harmonized. Spirituality is not the nega- macy of the soul is recognized, then
tion of worldly life; it does not consist virtues like love, self-control, charity,
in turning away from poverty, ignorance etc., enter the mind and the mind turns
and misery in the world, but in fully towards the Self. Spiritual Wisdom is
facing and fighting them. Authentic profound and practical. Human knowl-
spiritual life does not reject any aspect edge of the external world then becomes
of Truth. Spiritual life that neglects matched by the knowledge of oneself.
worldly duties and responsibilities is cal- By drawing on to both spiritual and
lous. Worldly life that neglects spiritual scientific methods, we can solve indi-
values is blind. Therefore, any one-sided vidual, social and human problems. One
approach to life is the source of sorrow. important method is the purification
Moksha is the recovery of the soul’s of the mind; this is accomplished by
true nature as eternal conscious being; it choosing the good instead of the pleas-
is liberation, absolute freedom from sor- ant and by controlling lust, greed, and
row. It is unsurpassed bliss. Living Truth anger. When a human being discovers
is the source of all happiness. One must oneself, one finds happiness within and
open one’s mind and heart to the cur- without.
rents of infinite Truth. A closed mind is Divine truth pervades the whole
the cause of bondage. Through the open world in a delightful manner. The world
mind, freedom is obtained and truth is is not a common place; life is not
realized. When egoism is transcended, routine. Everything is wonderful and
one becomes fulfilled. For all individual magnificent. This beautiful and delight-
spirits, the real fulfilment can be found ful world is a perpetual reminder of
in the infinite spirit, the total Truth. God/Truth. We are granted the rightful
To know truth is a joy. The pursuit enjoyment of the things of the world; let
of Truth is a delight. Truth may be called us all be grateful and celebrate the divine
by any name and worshipped in any greatness.
form. Infinite truth is also infinite love.

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