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Vol. XIII, Number 14 Narberth, Pa., Srturday, January 8, 1927 PRICE THREE CENTS


January 10--8 P. M. Mothers
Harry W. Akins, clerk of the
.5IlI LIES IN WORKERS Council. Conference with Miss FOR ORGANIZATION LOSE RULE FIGHT Orphans' Court, completed a
resume of the business transacted AS COMPANY GOAL
Kevorkian, health teacher, and Miss during the year 1926 before Judge
William F. Solly:
Natural Laws Applicable to Church, physical training teacher. Narberth Board of Trade to Defeat Ends Re~instatement The total amount of estates Continued High Efficiency of
Labor Says Noted Junior High School. Work for Good of Hopes of Lower Merion audited and distributed reached to Fire Department Is
Speaker. J anuary 15-6.45 P. M. Dinner- the Town. Athletes. the sum of $21,697,859.58, embraced
in 542 accounts audited and con- Necessary.

dance, sponsored by Board of Di- firmed by the Court.
ians for minors and heard 21
January 18-2.30 P. M. Club petitions for adoptions. Trustees
"Every man is an untapped reser- meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Timbres; A new organization began its All h?pe of .reinstating the Low- were appointed in 30 estates. An intensive membership cam-
. 0 f power. I n dustry ' s probl em
velr folk songs an d dances't11 costume. career in Narberth last week. Or- I er Merton High School athletes There were 11 casesI on thef pal'gn I'S under way by the Narberth
lies in the release and guidance of An unusual program. ganized' on Monday, December 27, /; lost h
in football, soccer, baseball and
h h h P I
argument list and 409 etters 0
administration were issued and
Fire Company. The entire month
the Narberth Board of Trade be- ot er sports t roug t e ennsy - 638 wills admitted to probate. of January has been set aside for
that power." CABARET-DINNER-DANCE gins the new year with a 1?r~raml v~n!a ,Int~rscholstic Athleti~ Asso· the purpose and .an effort will be
Such was the keynote of a vigor- AGAIN ON CALENDAR of activities designed to Improve! cI~tton s eight semester rultng, fell CHAIRMEN MEET made to have every home in the
ous and informative address given and co-ordinate Narberth's business 1With a crash when that body met· borough represented on the list of
Tuesday night by John Leitch, of Popular Event to Be Repeated by life. \ at Harrisbug during the Christmas County League Plans to Attend members.
Narberth, internationally known au- Women's Club. Officers were elected and a com- i v~cation. It. was chiefly due to the Inauguration. The campaign is being conducted
thority on the problems of in- Women's Community Club, with effect. Chris Koch, druggist, was! was vet0 ed .
The Board of Directors of the prehensive set of by-laws put in western section change of the rule A most interesting meeting of
t Ile eh' airmen 0 f B orough s an d
under the enthusiastic direction of
ex-Postmaster Fred C. Patten, a
dustrial co-operation. the Hospitality COhlmittee as ac- elected president; William H. Fow- i The cl~sh of the eastern. and w~st· Townships Montgomery County of the Finance Committee,
Mr. Leitch was principal speaker complices, have cooked up a plot ler, local manager of the Merion i ern sections proved an II1terestmg League of \Vomen Voters 'Yas Mr. Patten plans to do a great dear
at the monthly evening meeting of to be sprung on Saturday, January Title and Trust Company, vicel one, ~ut the west supplemented by held ~t 1735 Spruce stree.t, Phtla- of personal work in canvassing and
the Bala-Cynwyd-Narberth Rotary IS, at 6.45 P. M., in Elm Hall. president, and Postmaster J. Bert- l supenor numbers, eaSily voted down delphia, on Monday mort1mg, Jan- enlisting interest, and is backed by
Club, attended by nearly 50 Ro- There is truth, as well as poetry, ram N esper secretary' and treas-l all substitute proposals for the pres- uary 3. Very favorable reports the entire company.
tarians and guests. His subject was in the full flavor of those phrases, u r e r . ' : ent enforced ruling. Opposition to were received from seven districts Circulars, in the form of a letter
made applicable not only to produc- for those ladies are going to cook The purpose of the new Board; e still stricter enforcemen~ o.f the represented and an announcement to th<: residents, are being distribut-
tion problems, but to every phase another Oh-So-Good dinner to be of Trade will be "To advance the; rule was made from the dlctnct by was made of the League benefi~ to ed throughout the borough. The
of human conduct. served as above noted. Moreover commercial and civic interest o{i S. E. Downs and be giveJ.1 by the Lower Menon letter calls attention to the value
The speaker drew on a wonderful it is to be a cabaret-dinner-dance, Narberth; to promote just and; Pnnclpal ~. B. Pennypacker, of Township League on January 5 of the company and requests con-
fund of experience and philo- with most entertaining numbers equitable principles in business, and: ~ower Merton; Mr. Taylor, of Nor- and 6. tributing memberships, costing only
sophical study for the points in his l
and the same syncopating instrtl- to assist and co-operate with the rtstown; Mr. Rowland, of Radnor: A letter ~as read from. Mrs. $3 per year.
address. The Seven Natural Laws, mentalists that proved so popular borough authorities in enforcing: and Mr. Tyson, of Upp~r Darby. Joh!l O. MIl1~r, State Chal~~~n, The letter follows:
unknown to the greater part of the at the similar affair last month; laws and ordinances and to promote ~ The western section, tn a desper-. calltng attentIOn to the faclhtl~s "The Narberth Fire Company is
audience, formed his point of ap- also with card tables for the less any project having for its purpose 1 ate effort to clear itself of "loaded" of t1~e League Headq1;1art~~s 111 to have a membership drive during
proach. nimble. the betterment of the community! teams, stuck firmly to the rule now Harrtsburg and .the deslrablhty ot January, 192 7, in which time they
"Thirty years ago," he said, The board say that they can serve as a whole." ; in action. members makmg r~servat1ons hope to bring the membership up
"when I first became interested in only ISO, but don't let that be a Thirty-three business men were: Apparently, athletics in the west- tshere LtD a~tfnd the Ises~lOns of ~he to 1000.
",, industrial democracy as a life work, discouragement; a waiting list can in attendance, and consumed an ex-l ern sections have been on a very 1 tate egis adture, a so ~nnounc~~g "Is there any reason why every
I sought for the basic theme on be arranged. However, let it be a cellent supper served by Marios ~ low par and the drastic enforcement unc h eon an tea servlc~ ~n e I N b h h Id h
which to attack the problem. I had warning to hasten to send your res- Chios in tIle Y. M. C. A. building, I of the eight semester ruling will un- day.of the new Governor s lI1aug- fami y in ar ert s ou not ave
. . . . d b h k t t J ]8 County a membership in the Narberth Fire
been to1d that a11 human acttvlty was ervatlOn, accompame y c ec' a loaned for the occasion through the I doubtedly clear up and raise the Curha !on, anuary .. t d t Company?
ba.sed on natural law, but found that $1.25 for each and every, to Mrs. courtesy of H. T. Nash Jr. I standards of the west to near those f IIairmen I were redqdues e h 0
such law was easy to talk about, but H. A. Jacobs, Box 979, Narberth, ,, . .' i set b the east 0 ow up t lOse can I ates w 0, "Consider the protection they re-
hard to define. before vVednesday, January 12. l~e entire busmess part of the! y. .' between the primary and the gen- ceive on the lives of their family
"I went to the faculties of Har- The Community Club, by meet- meettng ~as .taken up With problems; OffiCial pictures of the football, eral election did not reply to the and property.
vard and Yale, and asked them to ing jointly with the League of of orgamzatlOn. Dues were fixed! hockey a~d soccer teams_have been League's questionnaire, and try '''Tis true, you can buy financial
teach me the natural laws. They \Vomen Voters on January 4, se- at $5 per year, and over 20 of those I put on display at the 11lgh school. to get their attitude on the sub- protection with insurance, but with-
spoke glibly enough of the laws, but cured a doubly interesting after- present .signed u~ to the time of,! Co.pies may be had of each for $1. 2 5 jects of the fee system, the elec- out the efficient service of a thor-
could not define them. Finally an nool1. Mrs. Slaughter, agent for the meetmg. Passmg reference.was! apiece. . .. . tion laws, and the direct primary. oughly equipped and well organized
East Indian prince, turned philoso- the Mothers' Assistance Fund 111 made to several of the. projects I. Lower ~Ierton HI~h School wnt- The 'speaker for the meeting fire company, your premiums on
pher, taught me these laws. Montgomery County, spoke of the br~ugl~t. u~ at past meetmgs, but: mg paper lS a!so. bemg sold ~y the was Mrs. Hen!lan L. Sch~artz, the polici~s would great!y e~ceed a
"TheY are not included in the p.tll·pose and extent of her work a.l.ld.. s.~nous a:tlon W!1l be held over un-"i.At.hletlc A?soclatlOn at the rplce OflWh? presen.ted 111 hel~' usua.1111te~- m.embershlp fee a!l.d bemg 111sured
Mosaic 10 commandments, for these beg ed support for an inC1:c;<J }11,the next meet~ng.. . ~,~I pe~ qmre box. Each sheet. ~~ estmg .wa~ a few P01l1t~ of Presl- does not save the hves of your fam-
~"'~-~"~fS;~I~~af;:~it~;~~e·:~~el~~~~~ar)~t~rla~~;~~a~-.~~I;\~art~~ . H~iC~'-~~;:~h~::3~i:l~h~n:~u~:hn~~~~~yh~f I~~~I~~ ;~~~ 'l~~~:~~~~;~~ts ~~i~~~~~c.~ .~~~~ ~~~I~d~r~I~;~~~~~l-i~;SG;~~' ilY';'Narberth has ~~e dist~llction of
every objeet-every action, in the president of the Pennsylvania each month. It.i s pr~bable that forms: flat and f?lde~ sheet~. er~or's cabinet and possible ap- having one .of the best equil?ped and
universe." Leaaue of \Vomen Voters, told why the January meetmg Will also be Student CounCil Will begl11 to pomtments and of some of t!le well orgamzed volunteer fire com-
The speaker then went into the Pen~sylvania politics is especially pre~eded. by a supper, plans for function regularly next Monday problems before the State Legts- panies in Pennsylvania composed of
definition of these laws and gave interesting in this legislative session wlllch WIll be announced at a later morning at 9.30 sh~rp. The 'pr~sl- lature. 32 active volunteer. firemen, re~dy
their application, not only to in- when the spotlight of the country date. dents of the senIOr and JUl1lor 'the meeting closed with a most to be at your serVice at any time
. dustry, but to every man's life. As wide observation glares upon the All business men of Narberth classes, the president of the Ath- excellent resume of events of of the day or night, to protect your
an introduction he quoted the state- State. Mr. Warwick James Price are eligible to membership and are letic Association, room leaders and world note by Mrs. E. C. Batch- home and family from fire.
ment of Supreme Court Justice interpreted the inner significance of invited to attend the next meeting, leaders in various clubs are members e!or, of Narberth, Chairman of "The fire company wishes the
Brandeis that the 360,000 Federal many recent national and interna-' whether or not they receive a notice. of this council, which is presided rnternational Relations. moral support and co-operation of
laws could be wiped out if natural tional events and made some proph- The secretary is working on a list over by Principal Pennypacker. everyone in this community and
law was followed. ecies for the next year. of merchants to be notified, but it Problems concerning school activi- MOTHERS' COUNCIL wants everyone to feel that· they
"The first of these laws," he said, 'rea was served by the following is probable that some will be skip- ties, school work, school govern- The Mothers' Council will hold hav.e a part in the. go?d work, by
"is the law of order. Before a goal cOlllmittee: Mrs. H. B. Speed, .ped at first. ment ~nd school welf~re are gene 1'- a very important meeting in the tal~tI1g out a ~ontnbutmg member-
can be sought, you must be in order chairman; Mrs. J. W. Darville" The following were present at ally discussed. Many t1nprovements Junior High School, on Monday, ~llIp card ~OStl~lg you $3 per year,
and the objective must be clearly in .Mrs. George Gilpin, Jr., Mrs. C. F. last week's meeting: h.av~ been the result. of. the COtll~- January 10, at 8 P. M. At that If you are a reSident of the Borough
mind. Napoleon said, 'Never let a Haist, Mrs. H. C. Fenno, Mrs. W. Fred \Valzer, John A. Miller, B. cil m the past and Its lI~f1uence IS time, Miss Kevorkian, the health of Narberth.
battle interfere with a campaign.' E. Boryer, Mrs. J. A. Hongler, G. Constantine, James R. Cole, felt throughout the enttre school teacher, and Miss Church, the in- "The active firemen respond to
The final goal must be known and Mrs. B. E. Achenbach, Mrs. Stan- George R. Markle, Henry T. Nash. year.. . . structor in physicial training, will calls at .all hours, in ~ll weather. and
kept in mind. ley Diefendorf, Mrs. C. A. Farm- Jr., Wynnefield H. Cook, E. H. The openltlg of the new cafetena confer informally with the mothers at conSiderable sacnfice and risk.
"The second is the law of anal.. er. Mrs. E. H.Cockrill.Davis John F. Hart Philip A. Liv- has proved one of the features of on conditions existing among the "Membership cards may be ob-
ogy. All things are related, in- . Take .note of the Mothers' Coun-ingstdn, Harry B. Wall, Harvey A. ~he school day. Ho~ and nouri~h- children who come daily under their t~ined at any of the three Narberth
cluding, of course, capital and labor, ell meetmg announced for the eve- Cook. mg foods are supplted the entire observation. Qrug ~r at the fire h?use.
and to be successful this relation- ning of January 10. E. H. \Vipf, M. Freeman, J. B. school at the lunc~leon ho~r, due. to Once people felt that educators "Contnbutmg membership costs
ship must be constructive. The one Nesper, Vincent Mariani, Louis the modern COOkl!lg appltances II!- dealt with minds only but now every you $3 per year, no entrance fee
penalty in the universe is misuse. MRS. WILLIAM H. COLEMAN Ricklin Thomas C. Kerrigan J. stalled. It was deSigned by cafetena one realizes that a child's mind can and no assessments and confers aU
"The law of sequence is the third. Mrs. Margaret Todd Coleman, Paul Shea, Charles Hewit, J: L. exp~rts and is up-to-date in every function only as his physicial con- privileges and ex~~~ts the member
You cannot, if walking to a point, wife of William Hoyt Coleman, McCrery, J. Baird Caldwell, Robert detail. dition permits. As most defects are !rom the responslblltty of answer-
take your second step first. Every- passed away in her sleep early last \1../. Caldwell. easily corrected if recognized early, mg alarms.
thing must be done in its proper Saturday morning at her home, Marios Chois, M. Cooper, Wil- ANNUAL MEETING such a conference as this should be "If you are not alr~ady a mem-
order, without skipping or devia- "Fernbank," 409 North Narberth liam H. Fowler, C. H. Crane, Chris The Executive Committee of the most helpful. ber, encourage the active members
tion. An office boy may aspire to avenue. Mrs. Coleman, who was Koch Ralph S. Dunne Joseph Ade- Main Line Federation of Churches All mothers of the community are by becoming one.
be president, but he must not break 85, had resided in Narberth for IS lizzi, George M. Dand~, N. R. Pea- has announced that the fifteenth an- urged to attend. The council wishes "Let's make it 1000/0 in Nar-
the proper sequence of steps to years. cock, Taylor Henry_ nual meeting will be held on Tues- only to help and not to place any berth."
reach that goal. Funeral services were conducted day, January II, at 8 P. M., at the obligation upon those who take ad-
"The law of rhythm is the fourth. by tlle R ev. J 0 h n V an N ess f rom tl1e This is your paper, and your ad- F nends
. 'M '
1 eetll1g 1·~ouse,
J H aver- 'vantage 0 f t leI t UI1\-t'les I't pre-
Noise, confusion and discord are an f 1 1 f CI 1 l\!,r St 1 d On Tuesday evening, January II,
evidence of waste. The sun turns a~~~r;"'ra~~~;~a~ 4.0~r;.s TYt SU~l~ vice is appreciated. for . sents. at eight o'clock in St. Paul's Luther-
the earth on its axis and swings it day. Burial was in 'Woodlawn Cem- WOMEN'S AUXILIARY WEDNES- an Church at Ardmore, Robley A.
about on its orbit-all without noise
or friction. That is rhythm-har-
etery, New York.
Beside her husband, who is a
Township to Follow Narberth DAY Warner, of Narberth, will give an
The first meeting of the new year illustrated talk on his recent cruise
mony. member of the editorial staff of by Enacting Zoning Ordfnance of the Women's Auxiliary of the of the Mediterranean and overland
"The law of opposites is the next. the County Gentleman, she leaves Narberth Presbyterian Church will tour of Europe, including the cities
Everything, as we know, has its op- two children, Miss Laura B. Cole- After three years of work and ing Commission, had read the mes- be held Wednesday, January 12, of Madiera, Spain, Gibraltar,
posite. Light, dark; wet, dry; hard, man, of Narberth, and a son who discussion, Lower Merion is about sage which accompanied the report, from 10 to 4. Luncheon will be Northern Africa, Egypt, the Holy
soft; good will;'i11 will; harmony, resides in Albany, N. Y. ready to follow Narberth in the es- the ordinance upon a resolution served at I o'clock. Boxes will be Lands, Turkey, Greece, Italy, Swit-
discord. To cure an ill we must tablishment of a Zoning Law. This, made at suggestion of President distributed at this meeting to be re- zerland, France and England.
not try to eradicate the ill-rather MRS. HARRIET L. GREGG when enacted, will have an effect Frank H. Sykes was referred to the turned in November to take care Many interesting slides have been
must its opposite be set up and the Mrs. Harriet Louise Gregg, upon those parts of Narberth com- township building regulations com- of special donations at that time of secured as well as a number made
CO~TINUED ON THE FOURTH PAGE widow of William J. Gregg, died munity lying without the borough mittee, of which Haverford Com- the year. from personal films.
in the Hahnemann Hospital Wed- limits. missioner A. D. Warnock is chair- Wanted-at least 75 ladies to at- The evening's entertainment will
WILLIAM G. BARTLETT nesday after a long illness. She was The final report of the Lower man. Thus the first and the length- tend this meeting. be under the auspices of the Ladies'
William G. Bartlett, of 10 Elm- 84, and had resided in Narberth Merion Zoning Commission, which iest cycle of the zoning project, Aid Society of the church. Light
wood avenue, died of pneumonia at over 12 years. has been promised for the past half BOYS' CLUB-BENEFIT

that of drawing up an adequate law, refreshments will be served, and a
his home Wednesday night after a She is survived by two daugh- year, has been completed and on was completed. On Wednesday, January 12, the silver offering will be requested at
week's illness. ters, the Misses Grace and Ethel Monday, this report, in the form The ordinance has been three Narberth Boys' Club will hold a the door.
He had been a resident of Nar- Gregg, both of Narberth. Funeral of a recommended ordinance, was years in preparation. Many zoning benefit in the Ardmore Theatre.
berth for more than 10 years, and services will be held at 2.30 this filed with the township commis- advocates, not realizing the enor- The picture will be "We're in the c; lELDS-PEARCE
had served several terms as borough afternoon from the parlors of Oliv- sioners. On Wednesday evening, mous amount of work involved in Navy Now," staring Raymond Hat- Mr. Harry C. Shields and Miss
auditor. He was employed by the er Bair, Philadelphia. Services and at their first meeting of the new the project, have become restless at ton and Wallace Beery. Tickets Edith L. Pearce, both of Philadel-
Philadelphia National Bank. interment will be private. year, the township fathers took pre- the delay and now that the ordi- may be secured from any member phia, were united in marriage on
He is survived by a widow, Cecil liminary steps to enact this ordi- nance has finally been submitted to of the club, a few of whom are Friday evening, December 31, 1926,
Riley Bartlett; two children; a sis- The public and parochial schools nance into law. the township commissioners, these George Burgess, John Eidenberg, at the parsonage· of the Narberth
ter, Mrs. Frank Connelly, of Ard- are again in session after the Christ- After Commissioner Andrew people are looking for prompt ac- Matthew Callahan and George Methodist Episcopal Church by the
more, and a brother~ Albert Bartlett. mas vacation. MacDonald, a member of the Zon- tion. Torchianna. pastor, Rev. W. S. Dawson.


r The Fireside
A lJO-OPBRATIVID COMM'UNrrY NJIIWSPAPD OF COUNTY BOARD Miss Marie Collins, daughter of Miss Florence Roberts, of. Nor-
. Mr. Michael Collins, of Narbrook folk, Virginia, is visiting her broth-
Owned by the Narberth Civic As-eJCSatiOD. er, Mr. George S. Roberts, of Shir-
Published every Saturday at Narberth, Pa. Others Also Reo-Elected at Park, was in an accident on City
First 1927 Meeting of Line on Wednesday night. For- ley road.
Commission. tunately she was not injured, though
Editor on4 Ptfbu..... her car was badly smashed. Mr. John Weigel is spending a
THOMA8 A. BLLWoo. week or so in Ashhurst, North
BuMM/'. JlfIfIG#IffI' BROWNBACK, SOLICITOR Mrs. Edgar Hoffner, of Highland Carolina, playing golf. COAL IN ABUNDANCE
SUBSOBIPTJON para- Park, gave a miscellaneous shower
One Dollar and J'lf17 OeDta Per Year sa ~
Daniel F. Stout, of Glenside, was on Wednesday, December 29, in Mr. and Mrs. Bruce A. Carey and
elected president, and Samuel D. honor of Miss Carrie Collins, of Mr. and Mrs. W. Russell Green since giving up building materials we have. more

Crawford, of Norristown, vice pres- Narbrook. Park. Among those pres- ests aijheTreception an? din- space for coal. This means we have more coal
ident, at the reorganization of the ent were Mrs. Robert Devine, Mrs. were gd which means we are better able than ever befor~
Montgomery County Commission- John Mrs J
Vandevere, Mrs. John Hunt ner ten ered r. haddeus Rich by
J Cabr M F k K 'Rodman Wanamaker on December to supply your immediate wants for whatever
ers Monday. . . '.' ey, rs. ran ee- 2 SIZes you desire in fuel. .'
These two Republican members gan, MISS Jane Morris, Mrs. Ray- 9·
of the board and their Democratic mond Cabrey, Miss Margaret Bur- "More coaI" does not mean "more. kinds," how-
rell, Mrs. Frank Sonmer and Miss Mrs. C. J. Brunee1 and daughter,
Entered al _Dd da II. colleague, J. Rein Keeler, of Har- eve~. Our two sources of supply are" stnrfrom
11l14, at the PoIt OllIe. at NUllIrtII. .... Margaret Toomey Betty, formerly of Narberth, are
the act ot Marcil .. ~ leysville, re-elected Henry M. __._ visiting friends and relatives here. Lehigh Valley and Jeddo mines, which produce
Brownback, of Norristown, as solic- The Bruneels removed to, Boston only the best grades of good, hard ANTHRA~
Saturday, January 8, 1927 itor; Harry S. Shainline, of 'frappe, : ]vIrs. James G. Roberts, of South last June, when Mr. Bruneel was
---A-S-IM-P-LE---D-U-TY---- 1 as county clerk, and Edith Boutcher Narberth avenue, entertained mem- appointed sales manager of the New
of Jenkintown, as stenographer. ' bers of her bridge club on Thurs- England office of the Acme Steel
Transcribers re-elected are Frank day afternoon. Company of Chicago.
In big drives, much advertised,
the duty of the individual is Gilmore, S'. Houston, John Lennox, Howard
Archie D. Crawford Ray- Mr. Joseph Williamson, of Mo- NARBERTH'
brought to his attention forcibly. mond Rippman,
We are used to these intensive, Wallace Stroud, bile, Alabama, is visiting his sister, Mrs. Carrie A. Harrison and Mrs. I
Raymond Corrigan, Edmund Raff- Mrs. William G. 'forchiana, of lona Reginald Schlatter, of Brooklyn, I COAL • COMPANY
operated cam~
erty, John G. Kugler, Walter Chan- avenue.
try, Joseph Mullen, W. H. Buck-
The Welfare Federation has walter and Fred Lachenmayer.
made its appeal-so has the Red
The Misses Mary and Jane Mor-
are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Edward
S. Haws, on Dudley avenue.

ris, formerly of Narberth, now re-Mr. and Mrs. Harry A. Simpson, - - - -

Telephone, Narberth 375 I
Cross. Neither is a local body, K. Mortgage Anson
clerks re-elected are W. siding in Atlantic City, have spent of Avon road, are being cOllgratulat- '..:.;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-dl
and Charles Shainline. J. the past two week~ visiting in Nar- ed on the birth of a daughter, Mon- i'
but both are entitled to Nar~ \Vayne Heebner, of \Vorcester, was berth.
berth's support. day, December 27·
re-elected president of the Mont-
But more intimately, and more gomery County Poor Directors.
urgently, from a local standpoint, ~"''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''i When Dissatisfied Try·
comes' the request for proper sup- ORGAN RECITALS ~ 7fil
i ~rl'nwooJW"anor
"" b
JLun l
port of the Fire Company. Just . The first of Ralph Kinder's twen-
now they are soliciting 1000 con- ty-eighth annual series of January .~ Now 0 pen ~ HEWIT'S
tributing memberships from the organ recitals will be given in the ~
Narberth district-surely a rea- Church of the Holy Trinity, Rit- ~ Famous Southern Lodge Cooking under the l~ Tailors, Cleaners and Dyers
sonable goal in a town of 1500 tenhouse Square, Philadelphia, Sat- ~ supervision of Minerva Justice, hostess. ~
families and more. u;day afterl1:0on, January 8, at.3-45 i Grill, Tea Room or Dining Room Service. 234 Haverford Avenue i Phone: Narberth 1254
In these columns, from time to o clock. MISS Dorothy E_ Pierce, ~ Meals At All Hours ~ 11
time, we have discussed the work soprano s~lo!st at Holy Trinity, will ~ Dancing ~ We Call fo1' and Deliver
and finances of our local volun- be the asslstmg artist. ,:,; ,..;
teer organization.
bought new apparatus; have
They have
Grill open for after-theatre suppers.
ervations for private D.inners, Dances, Teas.
Res- ~
~ .-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;.,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~
worked hard to keep insurance The ~Vomen's
Foreign Mission- 1 PHONE: NARBERTH 2269 ~
rates down; have kept to a point ary Society of the Methodist Epis- ,:,; ~
~ Montgomery Pike ~
of efficiency which makes a bi1d copal Church will meet on Mon-
fire almost an impossibility. day at 2.30 P. M. :it the home of
I~ . East of Wynnewood Avenue I
It is unfair that the company Mrs. James A. Scott, 119 vVood-
should. to struggle along on side avenue.
A limltcd numbcr of BCrcct llotel Apa.rime'lf8

~" ....., " " ' ,.........." ....., ' ,....." .........., ' ,...............,'~
the income' from a comparatively
few members, who alone seem to I'
realize the financial obligations of JjHlia};JL~'S:'~I~;.{~:jJZ~U1i.;'5f~.r"C.P~b~~ OF ARDMORE, PENNSYLVANIA.
the citizens in maintaining this im-
A1t·I~ .. ~~,,~
portant protective group.
. Do not wait for some one to
ask you. A check for $3.00 ~
.~ ~.,~
(small enough. ~urely) might well
.be mailed tonIght to the com- ~:a !, .~fj
pany, or, if you prefer, to "Our
Town." We will gee that the
membership is properly recorded. ~"';
Q If it's Hot Water Serv- eA ~ " .~., ..

Do not let this campaign be a i~ ice you want, you can ~.

Jill get it better and more
This Bank solicits deposits on the strength
1-. .~
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS t. economically with gas. ..~
of its financial resources, on the high standing

~ ~
Minimum, 90 cents pel' week. Price, of its officers and directors, and on that highly
~ ~
2 cents a word. Three insertions for
the price of tivo. Thereaftel' 1 cent valued asset-the friendship and good will of

~ ~
per word.
SEWING MACHINES-All mnkes re- ~1 .~ its customers.
p"ired. I,iberal allowllnces on old ma-

ellines for new Sin::er. Phone l\Iprion
1458-1\1. (tf.)
'4 roo

~~~ ~~~
LIGHT HAULING of all kinds. loCal
or out of town. Quick and efficient serv-
ice. Sabie Censore, 241 Hampden ave-
nue, Narberth. Phone NlIrberth 1773-W.
(t. f.) But Sister can soon go back to her books,
FOR RENT--0ne-cnr garage, Hu\"erforcl
nnd Grayling lIVenUl'S, hented. $10 per , because that gas-heated water makes the dishes ~l THE MAIN UNE BANKING INSTITUTION

~l ~
month. Phone Nnrherth 1706-'Y. (tf)
4 % Interest Paid on Savings Deposits
FOR RENT-Private garage, 113 Win- so clean and hot that it is no trouble at all to
chester road, Merion. Phone Merion
1771-W. (t. f.) p,
dry them.


Ii Gon~ ar~ the days when it was necessary

force of competent mechanics installing
metal weatherstrip in some of the finest
Narberth homes and will furnish estimate

upon request for equipping your home.
Walter Schlipf, 258 Hllverford nvenue.
Phone Nllrberth 2545. (1-8-27)
to stoke a fIre and get all grimy and out of
FOR SALE-Two Clow gas steam ra-
diators, slightly used, excellent condition.
patience to get a little hot water. ~.
Inquire of owner, Phone Narberth 2738, ~4, I~
or Henry & Compton, Nllrberth 661.
~~ Turn the faucet and the hot water is there. ,.,

FOR SALE-Machine-ironer. Simplex, ~ ~

~ ~ Be SU1'e of a Men'Y Ch1'istmas By Joining at Least
gas heat, electric motor, perfect condi-
tion. . First rellsonable offer accepted
One of the Following Classes
Phone Narberth 1682. (t. f.)
FOR SALE-Russilln WolfhoumI, fe-
male, 2 ~'l'ars old, prize winner. 510
Beechwood Lane.
FOR SALE-Smooth-haired fox ter-
Members paying 25 cents a week'for fifty weeks will receive •.•• $12.50
riel'; splendid llpecimen. Call Nnrberth
1262-R. [t Price, Completely Installed, $90 &1 CLASS 50
Members paying 50 cents a week for fifty weeks will receive .•. $25.00
FOR RENT-Furnished room. 2 min·
utes from station. Phone Nnrberth
1636-1\1. (1-22-27)
FOR SALE-I.iving-l·oom furn·tml'.
Members paying $1.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive •.••.• $50.00
Tllpelltry. Upholstered. Rellsollnble. Phone rt Members paying $2.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive •....• $100.00
~ ~
Narberth 1621-J.
EXPERIENCED Pninter wishes work. I. Phone or Write for Our Represent~tive tl~' . . CLASS 500
Members paying $5.00 a week for fifty weeks will receive ••.••• $250.00
Phone Granite 6807.
~ q
F· ~
WANTEI)...-JBo~·~l to sell t1nvoring ex-

,) . . . ~l
trnets lifter school; selHI for free sum IIle. WITH INTEREST IF PAYMENTS ARE MADE REGULARLY I.:

The Co~nties Gas & ElectrIc' Co. ~~II

Wakefield Extract Co.; Sanbornville. N. H.
• (1-29-27)
FOR SALE-GUll range. good ('{Jndi-
lion. $5. Also four-I'ght electric chan·
.dp"er. sih'er finisll, $;.1. ('nil Ardmore
DRESSMAKER deMireH npJlointmentf
b~' dllY.·: First-clnss cutter' and fitter.
Phon . Wan'r1~' li308
FOR SALE-Uprightillallo uud ~ltl'h.
Pholl!!. Bryn Mu",•. 1319. .
t 2-5-27)

.'fi,.,.,,=-,. . '
~,\A ARD~ORE3500
. '

-';':G~Y~JS~2.0~)~~~«~,:;-.:~~4~~" .'


-, ,.' _'4,.~.
The Narberth National Bank
Open Friday Evenings From 7 to 9 o'Clock

=========================Q=Q======~ Church News Fletcher W. Stites, superintendent.

11.00 A. M. - Morning w 0 r s hip.
Theme: "Personal Evangelism."
Little Chats About Your Health Baptist Church of the Evangel. 6.45 P. M.-Epworth League devo
Robert E. Keighton, minister. . tional meeting.
7.45 P. M. - Evening w 0 r s hi p

The Value
ANNOUNCING Services for the week of January 9.
Sunday, January 9:
9.45 A. M.-Church School.
Theme: "Is There Hope for the Los
Beyond the Grave?" ,
11.00 A. M.-Morning worship. Ser- T!te W~man's Foreign Missionary
mon: "Ne Plus Ultra." Society w111 meet on Monday, January
of Bathing 7.00 P. M.-Young People's serv- 10, at 2.30 P. M., at the home of Mrs
J. A. Scott, 119 Woodside avenue.
ice. Leader, Edwin Speakman. Topi::,
the opening of the Radiola Shop in the "Living or Dying for Own's Country." The m~nthly meeting of the Officia
Board w111 be postponed until Januar~
Frequent bathing, using a good neutral soap, is one of the 7.45 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-
17 at 8 P. M.
best, habits that can be cultivated. mon: "The Man Who Was Made by
Montgomerr Arcade Murder and Fear." This was the man The Ladi~s' Aid Society will also
Much of the waste matter of the body is thrown off through who had learned the secret of secur- pos t i>0ne theIr monthly meeting on ac
the pores of the skin where it remains until washed away. ing obedience to Jaws! COU?t of the Evangelistic campaign
untJl January 18, at 8 P. M. .
Soap and water in themselvE;s will' not kil.l disease ~erms.' b?t Wednesday, January 12: The workers in the Evangelistic
6.30 P. M.-Church Family Din-
they will wash away the dirt which harbors disease germs, and lD
this way tend to promote good health. Featuring' the R. C. A. R~diola. Prompt ner. The frienas of the Church are
campaign will meet at the church on
Wednesday evening at 7.30 P. M.
invited to this special dinner. The A welcome' awaits you at all the
Use every means to retain good health and get the physician's and efficient sales and servi<:e.,and repairs. speaker will be Mr. Jue, the interpreter services of the church. .
advice promptly whenever illness threatens. Under. the direction of Robert Littler and for -':he Chinese Sunday School of the
First Baptist Church in Philadelphia. Holy Trinlty- Lutheran Church.
Let Koch fill your prescriptions. We are in business for the M. A. Zenge!; Open eyery day and every Friday, January 14:
sole purpose of doing such work as well as it can be done. 7.30 P. M.-Young People's Social M. E.McLinn, pastor.
evening to 9 o'clock. Evening at the Church. Regular services, January 9, 1927:
9.45 A. M.-Sunday School.
The Presbyterian Church. 11.00 A. M. - Holy Communion
Ph.olle R~v. Dr. Hartman, of Philadelphia
We Rev. John VanNess, M. A., minister. wIll preach and conduct the services.
NARBERTH, Meetings for January 9: • 7.00 P. M.-Luther League Meet
Deliver MontgoriteryPike at MeetingHouse Lane
9.30 A. M.-Bible School. Full mg.
1%67. equipment for all ages. 7.45 P. M.-Preaching service. '
No. B in the Arcade 11.00 A. M.-Public worship. Sub- Be sure to attend these services and
ject of sermon: "The Measure of a hear this forceful speaker and get the
238-40 Haverford Avenue , Christian Determined by the Measure benefit of real heart worship.
Temporary Phone: Narberth 2513 of His Vision of Christ." There will
be a public reception of new members
First Church of Christ, Scientist.
NARBERTH followed by the celebration of the
.. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper.
111==================6=======:::5H I 11.00 A. M. - Junior Church for
Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore, Pa.
11.00 A. M.-Sunday services. ,
children between the ages of six and
11.00 A. M.-Sunday School serv
12. ices.
6.45 P. M.-Meeting of the Senior
Endeavor Society. Wednesday evening, testimonial
meeting, 8 o'clock.
•.IIIIJIIIII1IIIUI_III.II.III11II1U1II11I111I11I1.lIm.IIIl1IIUIIIIIIIIIOIII.11U111l1l11l1ll11ll1lll1l1U11I111.1II11.IIIU.lllll.IIII1.1 1' EnJ~~~o~'~~Ci~;~ting of the Junior Reading room, 19 West Lancaster
"The Fearworship.
of the Ser-
avenue, each weekday, 11.30 A. M. to
4.30 P. M. '
The subject for the Bible lesson ser-
mon for Sunday, January 9, is "Sacra-
· iI
· S Are your Boiler and Pipes covered? If not, you •
Ii Under New Management Ncxt Wedncsday from 10 A. M. to ment."
4 P. M. the meeting of the Women's
tf . It fr m the fuel
are not ge mg maXImum resu s o ,
I Our New
Auxiliary will be held. Th~re witl
be sewing business and a splendid All Saints Church.
burned. I social time. Luncheon will be served Rector, Rev. Gibson Bell.
!is N at 1 P. M. All the women of the 8.00 A. M.-Holy Communion.
Pipe covering in the average house pays for itself is! TELEPHONE UMBER congregation are invited. 10.00 A. M.-Church School.
11.00 A. M.-Morning Prayer and
I'n.... coal saving in less than three years' time. In Is Narberth 2850
Next Wednesday evening-Prayer
meeting. Subject: "Some Good New sermon by the rector.
il additign, it helps very materially in making a more I Year Resolutions." Anthem,"God Is With Us,Katalsky.
Te Deum in E, Parker.
unBifoErmsdTistoribUStl,'onINOfSheuatLthrAou,gThouItNtheGhouCse·O.I"" ,This has no connection with the old Next Thursday
minster Circle will evening the regular
hold their West- Jubilate in B flat, Stanford.
number. listed in the telephone book. monthly meeting at the home of Mrs.
AS Norristown, Pa.
., G . H. Fortenbacher, 215 Lauthwyn
lane. The assisting hostesses are Mrs.
The annual meeting of the stockholders
W 91 "" A"R T H U R KO'R'T',H A U S H. L. Parks and Mrs. J. C. Keenan. of The Narberth National Bank for the
PHONE: NORRISTO N 7 i election of directors and such other busi.
, §lHenry· & Compton
Narberth Plumbing & Heating Co.
"Co 0 k B
,ros~ l§
J. A. Millerliii
G S f R t
arage pace or en
Gas and Oil Methodist Episcopal Church.
nesa as may properl...- come before' the
Rev. W. Sheridan Dawson, minister. meeting will be, hll1d at the banking house

• IiIIIMuinmm.I\lU.lIl\1l11l1l1lmlllllil!.llIlIlIIiIIi.III1l.III11.III1i.IIIII.IIII1.IIIII.1II11.111111111111.1111111111111111111111'11111_101,1, ' . , .
Sunday, January 9, 1927: .
9.45 A. M.-Bible School. Hon.
on Tuesday, Januiuy 11, 1927, at'5 P. M.
J. L. McCreary,

~ ~
~ ~

~ ~
~ ~
= WHEN you purchase a thing you need it is doubtful if you give a thought toeD-operation.' Yet this figures largely =
In your dealings with a N~rberth merchant. Your business helps him, bu t he also aids you. Because he is so =
.~ close, he gets things to you quicker-.... he saves you time and inconvenience. Furthermore, he is. a- neighbor, a friend ~
~ ~
~ whom you can trust. '. ~
~ ,~
~ .. :~


Why Not Consider Then the Local Merchant? Wh~n you need anything, try first to
• 'C
, ~ ~
~ ~

= •
,~ ~

This Advertisem'i~ntis Inserted Through the Co~6peration of the FollowifJ.g:
, ~.

~ ~
~ 102 For1'est Avenue Oldest Store in Narberth Haverfa1'd & Narberth Avenues 1iJssex & Haverford Avemues ~
.~ Phone, Narberth 2602 Phone, Narberth 1735 Phone, Narherth 398 Phone, Narberth 630 ~
"~ '289 Haverfo1'd Avenue 2J,.3 Haverford Avenue> Roofing Real Estate '~
~. Phone, Narberth 699 Phone: Narberth 2201-W 111 Forest Avenue Phone, Narberth 1710 ~
~ Real Estate 201 Haverford Avenue 258 Haverford Avenue Painting ~
~ 205 Haverford Avenue Narberth 620 and 316 Phone, Narberth 375 207 Essex Avenue ~
~ 10J,. Essex Avenue Tailors, Cleane1's & Dyers E. H. Wipf, Prop. At the Station ~
~ . Phone, Narberth 1752 234 Haverford Avenue Narberth 675 220 Haverford Avenue . ~
Y. M. C. A. Building
Phone, Narberth 1750
Phone, Narberth 2718
230 Have1'ford Avenue
Phone: Narberth 2276
219 Have1·ford Avenue
Phone, Narberth 1705 :I:

W .. Hav,erfl!rd'and Narbe'rt Avenues 238-J,.0 Have1·ford Avenue 250 Haverford Avenue 237 Have1'ford Avenue YGt
~ Phone, Narberth 1620 " P h o n e , Narberth 1267 Phone, Narberth 2282 Phone, Narberth 369 ~
~ . 209 Haverford Avenue 211 Haverford, Avenue 228 Haverford A.venue Hardwa~·e
,.,.~ Phone,-Narberth 1680 Narberth '2277 Phone, Narbertb.377 Narberth 2555 :II

. . ...,

Ret t a

Dressmaking for Children BRASSY WORN-OFF Garden Ware
Brassy Auto Parts, Re8.ectors, etc.,
ill will disappear. Coming into a NORMANDY CATS :: ANTIQUE OIL JARS
dark room we do not shovel out the Reduction in Coats, Hats & USE
HOW TO USE dark-we turn on the light.
CHRISTMAS TOYS "The sixth is the law of cyclicity. Winter Dresses for Children
Library Book Gives Suggestions on All things work in cycles. Every- THE BARCLAY ;;COMPANY
thing that goes forth from one 12 Montgomery Avenue 732 MONTGOMERY AVENUE, NARBERTH
comes back inevitably. An evil deed It Silver-Plates. Use It as a Polish
Such a deluge of j!ifts co,?es to
little children at Chnstmas tIme as may have its recompense in the far Phone: Narberth 1655 LOOK LIKE NEW SHOW ROOM OPEN EVENINGS
almost to overwhelm them and the future, but it is there. The universe
problem soon ariscs for themselves is on the square, and justice, though
and their parents how to get the most not apparent, is working.
=============.. ~-Pint, $1; Pint, $1.65
See Demonstration
use out of each gift. .One of t~e ne;v
books at the Library It1 the Chlldr~n s "The final law is that of balance.
Department while intended to be Just As everything has its opposite, so is A. R. Justice Co., 904 Walnut Street
a delightful' book for th~ little folks' everything balanced, and the seek- Contractor <So Builder PHILADELPHIA
reading is full of suggesttons.
This book .is caIled "The ':foy Shop" ing of that balance is one of the
and is written by Maud Lmdsay for keys to success."
children of the ages of f01;lr to seyen. Power and the use of power was
The print is good and the IIIustrat~ons the theme which tied together the CHARLES F. EBERT
are very bright and. colorful. I! IS a application of these laws. The
Piano Teacher
series of happy stones abou! chl~dren Jobbing Studio Over Garage at
and their playthings. told 111. slm.ple speaker told of how this theme was
fashion. The fantastIc pers0t?lficatlOn working in many industrial plants OF ALL KINDS (17 HAVERFORD AVENUE
of toys is avoided; toys are Just toys to reduce friction, waste and loss. 103 Dudley Avenue TELEPHONE: NABBERTH~ A tenn well known in the days befor~ t~e war-
and the experiences related ar~ those After the talk was concluded
which could happen to an~ chIld, a.nd Phone: NARBERTH 222$ - now made equally famous as the favorite flavor in
there are many suggestIOns whIch many questions were asked on the
would be helpful to mothers. specific application of this philoso- P. J. DUFFY
This, however, is in~idental. The phy of natural law. Mr. Leitch was White's ice cream. For the holidays this rare and delight-
aim of the book is to glye pleasure to given the closest attention, and the
children and arouse theIr understand-
DAVIS' Brookhurst and Montgomery Avenue ful. dessert is being made for Narberth folks. Fourteen
ing and sympathy. One. of the most greatest expressions of appreciation
charming stories is of a ltttle boy ,,-:ho so far accorded any speaker before I'~;THE OLDEST STORE GASOUNESER~CESTATION flavors are always kept on hand for your choice. All are
had a much desired horn for Christ- the club.
mas and was not permitted to soun.d Before the formal address a num- IN NARBERTH GREASE :: OIL :: ACCESSORIFS home-made.
it for quite some time. The story IS
enough to make any adult resolve ber of visiting Rotarians were in-
never to have another headac!le. traduced and made brief remarks.
============== TIRES :: TUBES

This book and the others hsted be- They were W. Russell Green, of YEo ODDITY SHOPPEI Drive in and get your car oDed Special assortment· of
low have been very popular at th~ Narberth; George Smith and John and greased while you wait.
fancy cakes baked for
Library this past month. . Gessler, of Philadelphia; George Agent for Goodyear fires and Tubes ,. "
"The Toy Shop," Maud L!ndsay. The Gift Shop of Narberth
Painter and Aubrey Delaplaine, of holiday parties are on
"The Boy \Vith thc Ut1Ited States
Marines" Rolt Wheeler. Cynwyd-all members of the Phila- Start the New Year by adding display.
"Uncl~ Sam's Sailors," Fitz~ugh. delphia Club. Two Ardmore mem- this little shop to· your list of
"The Last Lap," A. A. KlJlpe. " bers were present, Clifford A. friends.
"The Red Badge of Courage, It is ready to be of any service Rear of 250 Haverford Ave.
Rogers and John Albrecht, and Dr. in helping you with your Picture House and Decorative Painting A visit to White's is always a treat!
Stephen Crane. "E I Mail Orders and Jobbing Promptly
"Child Life in Colonial Days, •ar e. J. W. Vansant, of Jenkintown. Framing, Prizes, Gifts, Cards and
"Ye Lyttle Salem Mai~~," M?-ckie. Two uew colors were added to Candles. Attended to
"Dr. Dolittle's Caraval~, Loftmg. Phone, Narberth 339-W
"Winnie-the-Pooh," MIlne." . the club-gray and
"Tales From Silver Lands, Fmger. members are Rev. Frank M. Gray,
white. The new

"A Tenderfoot with Peary," "Borr~IP. of Cynwyd, and Joseph P. White, '============~
104 Forest Ave. WHITE'S SWEET SHOP ," .
"Winona of Camp Karoyna, V\ ld- of Narberth. Phone Narberth 672
In addition, there
demer. . "
"A Magician of SCIence, H ld
alllmO!. were
"Book of Plays for Little Actors," guests.
over a dozen non-Rotarian
Plumbing, Gas Fitting
Narberth Taxi Cab Co.
James E. Carroll, chairman of the Walter Roser Phone Narberth 1705
Johnston. I' " Ot'
"Stephcn of Philadelp lla, IS. and Heating
Business Relations Committee of DODGm SEDANS FOR HIRE
the club, was in charge of the meet- NARBERTH, PA.
SKATING ON MAIN LINE ing, and received unqualified praise PHONE, NARBERTn J52-M
Om~e: 215 Haverford Aye.

Over last week-end more than 400 for the success of the largest gath-
skaters enjoyed the pastime at the ering in the history of the local HARRY H. HAMER

Merion Cricl,et Club pond, and club.
many more covered Haverford Col-
ARCADE GIFT SHOP Jobbing Ca1'penter
lege lake. The rise in temperature
EHtimates Given for Alte.... tlon lVork

interi~· ~dP:~~2~~nting
Orders Taken For .Rooflng Repairs and ConRtruction
this week marred the sport to some
(07 Essex Ave.• Narberth. Pa.
A Specialty
A notice has recently been is- Phone. Narbuth 2637 .

sued by T. E. IVlunce, State Veter-I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Henrietta B. Fl'ick
mariarl at Harrisburg, to the
10 Montgomery Avenue
effect ti1at all dogs six months old
or oyer must be licensed, license
to be procured on or before Jan-
Phone: Narberth 2821
uary 15 of each year.
Applications should be made to
Narberth, Pa.
COl1nty Treasurer ~ire~t .or CERTIFIED MILK rara- M~Ginl~y-'O
\]'1 218 N.13 qt S~ Ph iI a.J ~ 758 LAN CASTER AVE. \ 301 Haverford Avenue
throug:h a notary pubhc, Jushc.e PURE CREAM
of th~ peace, alderman, or magI- BP.II Phone. Spru,,", 38-96 and 118-92 BRYN MAWR~ NARBERTH 1635
strate. Owners are warn.ed that FRESH EGGS Key.tone Phone. Rae. 10-M
they will he held respons~ble for PHONE, BRYN MAWR 882
any damage caused by theIr dogs. ROASTING CHICKENS
GARAnteed Roofs ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
After a two weeks' vacation, the
Cynwyd Presbyterians will meet tl~e Hemstitching, Pleating, and But-
Narberth Presbyterians in a Mam
Line Basketball League game a~ the
ton Covering, Dressmaking.
Circulating Libl:"ary.
"lJenJfcfl tDttll 0 EI..

Eleclrical Contractor
/I.,,· ~
Schedule of Montgomery Bus Co., Inc.
Montgomery Avenue Line until 3.30 P. M. SATURDAYS ~

703 S. -aowman Avenue ~

Then 3,(5 P. 1\01. and every 15 min. Starting at 5.30 A. M. ~
Cynwyd school gym Saturday l11ght. PHONE MERION 1088
~ Eastbound until 10.30 P. M. Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A.~. .&t
Charter No. 1259!i Reserve Dist. No.3
Hemstitching Shop B.Umat". 11'. ........... W Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 mm. ~
318 DUDLEY AVE. 19... Leaving AndeArson and Montgomery Then 12.30 A. M. until. 12.30 P. M.
REPORT OF CONDITION Narberth 2510 ~ venues Then 1.00, 2.00 and 300 A M Then 12.50 P. M. and every 20 min. ~
of the For Permanent ~
Starting at. 5.30 A. M. Starting ar~~~RX~~
until 10.10 P. M.
T.len 10.50 P. M. and 11.30 P. M. ~
at Narberth, in the State o~ Pennsylvania,
Justice of the Peace
Satisfaction ~ Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M.
~ Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min.
Then 12.30 A. M.
at the close of busmess on ~ 3.00 P. M. •. until 12.30 P. M. Starting at 5.30 A. M. ~
December 31, 1926. REAL ESTATE BUY A ~ Then 3.15 and every 15 min. until Then 12.(5 P. M. and every 15 min. Then every hour until 9.30 A. M. ~
HESOUlWES ~ 10.00 P. M . · until 10.30 P. M. Then 10.10A. M. and every 40 min. ~
1. Loans and discounts .... $117,112.25
2. Overdrafts, unsecured. :..
4. Bonds, stocks, securlttes,
Fire Insurance--Best Companies
Phone 114D-lV 211> Haverford Ave. Smedley ~ Then 10.20 and every 20 min. until Then 1'0.50 P. M. and every 20 min.
~ 12.00 P. M.
~ Then 12.30,1.30 and 2.30 A. M.
until 12.30 A. M.
Then 100, $2.00 and 4.00 A. M.
until 12.50 P. M. .&t
Then 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min. : ;
Th~~ti~.~:OP~M~~nd every 40 min.
etc., owned
6. Banking house, $45,154.20 ;
furniture and fixtures,
~ Starting at 5.30 A. M.
Starting at 6.00 A. M.
until 11.30 P. M.
Then 12.30 A. M.
$13,964.68 59,11888 111 Narberth Avenue ~ Then every 15 min. until 9.00 A. M. Then every lh-hour until 9.30 A. M. ~
WM. D. & H. T. SMEDLEY ~ Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until until 1.30 P. M. Westbound.&t
8. Lawful reserve with Fed-
eral Uescrvc Bunk .... 17,000.00
Light Hauling 19.s. 12.00 A. M . T h e n 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. Leaving 5.4th and City Line ~
10. Cash in \'Uult and amount DAY and NIGHT ~ Then 12.15 and every 15 min. until Then 1.45 P. M. and every 15 min. WEEKDAYS ~
due from national banIts 19,252.62 ~ 10.00 P. M. . until 10.30 P. M. l tarting at 5.50 A. M. .&t
14. )Iiscellalleous cash itcms .
18. Other assets .,
. 6,632.20
Specialty Packages and T1·1.tnks
Then 10.20 and every 20 min. until Then 10.50 and every 20 min. until
12.00 P. M. 12.30 A. M.
Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. M. ~
Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until ~
PACKAGES-10c 104 Forest Ave., Narberth ~ Then 12.30,1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Th d 4.10 P. M. .&t
Total ...... " .. "." $305,824.64 Hauling in Town a Specialty Basement 19.s. SUNDAYS en 1.00,2.00 an 3.00 A. M. Then every 20 min. until 8.30 P. M. ~
LIABILITIES $4.00 Up Art needlework. infants' and
Starting at 5.30 A. M.
h · l 00 A M
Leaving 54th and City Line 5 min-
utes later than the above-men-
Then 9.10 P. M. and every 40 min. ~
until 11.10 P. M. ~@.i
19. Capital stock paid in $50,000.00 Are You Going to Move? children's wear, lingerie and ~ Then very %- our untl 9. •• tioned times. Then 12.00 and 1.00 A. M. ~
20 Surplus fund 25,000.00 Let Me Move You. ~ Then 9.20 and every 20 min. until Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- ~
28. Cashier's eheeks outstand- hosiery. ~ 1.00 P. M. tion in Narberth 19 minutes later SATURDAYS .&t
ing 36.50 Phone: NARBERTH 2202·W 19.s. Then 1.15 and every 15 min. until than the above-mentioned times. Starting at 5.50 A. M. ~
29 Individual deposits subject All Hats Reduced ~ 10.00 P. M. Then every 20 min. until 9.30 A. M. ~
to check 143,068.88 MARGARET D. SH~P ~ Then 10.20 P. M. and every 20 min. Narberth Short Line Then 10.10 and every 40 min. until .&t
37. Other time dellosits 87,719.26 HELEN M. SHIMP ~ until 12.00 P. M. 12.50 P. M. ~
PEARLS RES'fRUNG ~ Then 12.30, 1.30 and 2.30 A. M. Eastbound rhen 1.10 P. M. and every 20 min. ~
Totul ,,$305,824.04 JEWELRY REPAIRED ~ Leaving Pennsylvania R. R. Sta- until 10.30 P. M. ~@.i
~ Then 11.10 P. M., 12.50 A. M. and ~
State of Penns~'lvania, County of Mont-
gomery, ss:
Prices Reasonable
Will Call for and Deliver GEORGE R. 19.s.
tion in Narberth 7 minutes later
than the above-mentioned times.
Leaving Penna. R. R. Station,
Narberth 1.00 A•.M. ~
W Leaving 54th Street and City Line WEEKDAYS .&t
r, J. L MeCRERY, Cashier of the
above-named bank, do solemnly swear
MRS. HARRY SIGGENS MARKLE ~ 21 minutes later than the above- Starting at 5.30 A. M. Starting at ~~O~D~~'k. ~ 1-,

that the above-statement is true to the 503 Brookhurst Avenue

NARBEBTH l'108-oJ ~ mentioned times. Then every 20 min. until 9.10 A. M. Then every hour until 9.00 A. M. ~
best of my knowled~e and belief. Building Construction 19.s. Westbound Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 min. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 40 min. ~
J. L McCRERY, Casbier. ~ A until 3.50 P. M. until 1.10 P. M. .&t
Correct-Attest: FYR-FYTER ~ Leaving 63d and' Lancaster venue Then 4.10 P. M. and every 20 min. Then 1.30 P. M. and every 20 min. ~
CHARLES E. KREMER, 2nd Floor 19.s. WEEKDAYS until 8.10 P. M. until 9.10 P. M. ~
EDWARD S. HAWS, EXTINGUISHERS Narberth National ~ Starting at 6.00 A. M. . Then 8.50 P. M. and every 40 min. Then 9.50 P. M. and every 40 min. ~ r
RALPH S. DUNNE, ~ Then every 15 min. until 9.30 A. M. until 11.30 P. M. until 11.&0 P. M. .&t
Directors. Approved Nat. Board Underwritw. Bank BuiIding 19.s. Then 9.50 A. M. and every 20 min. 12.30 A. M. Then 1.00 A. M. ore1
W . ~
Subscribed and sworn to before me this JOHN L. JENKINS
fifth day of January, 1927.
J. BAIRD OALDWELL, Notary Public.
201 Price Avenue 1~55=N=arbe=rt=h=2~=7==~;I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f

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