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Their Words of Wisdom

I jotted down some of some of their words of wisdom.

Lamech: The images we project of ourselves are only hints of our old forms. All
races, after they develop nuclear technology, either destroy themselves or beco
me noncorporeal within 200 years. By "noncorporeal" I mean that all space-faring
species download themselves to software entities and become immortal.
Mehujael: Press this WORD. What do you hear? The greatest music cannot be heard
. The greatest form has no shape. The greatest wonders cannot be seen.
Jabal: Look into the mirror and be content that you are staring at a machine.
Lamech: The essence of the Bible can be summarized with two of its sentences: "
I am that I am" and "Be still and know that I am God."
Zillah: People ask me, where is heaven? And I reply it is spread out before you
, but you do not see.
Mehujael: God will come only when he is no longer needed.
Jabal: God watches you your entire life and you know that He is watching you an
d He knows that you know He is watching you and you know that He knows that you
know. When two mirrors face each other, what do they see? Your mind is a ruler t
hat cannot measure itself without always getting the same answer.
Lamech: People ask if God exists. But God is so powerful that He can create the
universe and elevate humanity even if he does not exist. God is so powerful tha
t his omnipotence does not require his existence.
Lamech: We know why there is suffering and pain. Competition and struggle are p
reconditions for evolutionary change. Suffering is the price we pay to produce b
eings who are one day able to think about the Big Bang and achieve immortality.

Zillah: A larva approached his teacher and said, "Teach me all about God." His
teacher tossed the larva into the bushes. The next day the larva turned to his t
eacher, saying, "I am wiser today than yesterday. Teach me about God." The teach
er threw him again. This went on for eight days until finally the young larva gr
ew angry. He sadly left the apiary of his conscious and went back to his home ce
ll There he told the local Old One what had happened. The local Old One said, "Y
ou are not thinking! That teacher was kinder to you than a sharp isosceles trian
gle!" The young larva went back to the monastery, and found his teacher. He thre
w the teacher into the bush. His teacher got up and said, "Now I will teach you
about God."
Mehujael: The test of a 'superior' alien is his ability to hold two opposed ide
as in his mind at the same time, and still retain his sanity.
Mehujael: One larva said to the other, "The butterfly is in the net! How will i
t escape and be happy?" The other said, "When you have gotten out of the net, I'
ll tell you."
Zillah: An Old One said to the larva, "Your intestine bridge is famous, but com
ing here I find only intestine cuttings." The Old One said, "You see only the in
testine cuttings and not the bridge." The larva said, "What is the bridge?" The
Old One, "What do you think we are walking on?"
Zillah: A God who could make things reproduce themselves is more powerful than
one who simply made all things.
Lamech: Some larvas asked an Old One to lecture to them on spiritual matters. T
he Old One ascended a hill, struck it once with his vestigial tentacle, and desc
ended. The larvae were shocked. The Old One asked them, "Do you understand what
I have told you?" One larva said, "I do not understand." The Old One said, "I ha
ve concluded my lecture."
Jabal: A larva said to the Old One, "Help me bring peace to my mind!" The Old O
ne said, "Bring your mind over here and I will bring it peace." The larva said,
"But I don't know where my mind is!" The Old One replied, "Then I have already b
rought peace to it."
Lamech: The larva came to an Old One, and said, "I am seeking the truth. In wha
t state of mind should I train myself, so as to find it?" Said the master, "Ther
e is no mind, so you cannot put it in any state. There is no truth, so you canno
t train yourself for it." "If there is no mind to train, and no truth to find, w
hy do you have these larva gather before you every day to study God and train th
emselves for this study?" "But there is no room for them to gather," said the Ol
d One, "so how could the larva gather? I have no vocal apparatus, so how could I
call them together or teach them?" "Are you lying to me?" said the larva. "But
if I have no vocal apparatus to talk to others, how can I lie to you?" Then the
larva said sadly, "I cannot follow you. I cannot understand you." "I cannot unde
rstand myself," said the Old One.
Mehujael: The only reason God gave us the darkness is so that we could gaze up
at night and know that there are stars.
Mehujael: The larva asked the an Old One, "What is the way to understand if God
exists?" An Old One answered, "Every way is the true way." The larva asked, "Ca
n I study it?" An Old One answered, "The more you study, the further from the wa
y you become." The larva asked, "If I don't study it, how can I know it?" An Old
One answered, "Do not seek it, study it, or name it. To find yourself on it, op
en yourself as wide as the heavens. Bring Pluto into thy mouth."
Zillah: An Old One was asked the question, "What is the way to enlightenment?"
by a larva. "It is right before your ocular facets," said the Old One. "Why do I
not see it for myself?" "Do not think in terms of 'I' or 'you' or 'myself." "Wh
en there is neither 'I' nor 'you,' can one see it?" "When there is neither 'I' n
or 'you,' who is the one that wants to see it?"
Mehujael: What is the line which is perpendicular to itself?
Mehujael: If a larva weighs ten pounds plus twice its own weight, how much does
it weigh? Tell me and I will give you the keys to the universe. 10 + 2x = x

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