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Chemistry - Paper – I
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks 100

Note:- Answer all questions
Answer any two bits from each section Each bit carries 7½ marks 4 x 15 = 60

1. (a) Define the Diagonal Relationship?Explain the Diagonal relationship between Li and Mg.

(b) How is Diborane prepared? Explain its structure?

(c) Define inter halogen compounds and discuss the structures of IF5 and IF7
(d) What are silicones? Write briefly the classification of silica and their application
2. (a) What is inductive effect? Discuss two of its important applications.
(b) What is Baeyer Strain theory? Explain the stability of conformers of cyclohexane.
(c) Discuss the orientation of electrophilic substitution in mono substituted benzenes with an example each for ring
activation and deactivation.
(d) How would you convert Acetylene into 1 Propyne, 2-Butyne, and Acetaldehyde?
3. (a) Explain the deviation of real gases from ideal behaviour. Derive Vanderwaal’s equation of state of real gases.
(b) The Vanderwaal constants of Co2 gases are a ‘ 3.61 atp.Lit/mol2 b = 4.27 x 10-2 lit/mole. Find the
crigtical constants Ve, Te and Pe values for Co2 gas.
(c) Derive the relationship between elevation of Boiling point with the molecular weight of the solute.
(d) Write a brief note on the three types of liquid crystals.
4. (a) Write Schrödinger’s wave equation and explain the terms involved. Describe the significance of ø and ø2.
(b) Draw the molecular orbital energy diagram for O2 molecule and calculate the bond order and predict
the magnetic behaviour.
(c) Explain the following terms with an example each.
i) Enantiomers ii) Diastereomers
iii) Asymonetric Carbon atom iv) mesomers.
(d) Define the “Common ion effect” and “solubility produce”. Explain the ‘Brown Ring” test for the
identification of nitrate (No-3) ion
5. (a) What are Pseudohalogens? Give their any three important properties.
(b) Write a note on Phosphonitrolic compounds.
6. (a) Explain the structure of Borazole.
(b) Write a short note on Solanes.
7. (a) Explain the Mechanism of Nitration of Benzene.
(b) Write the mechanism of Chlorination of Methane.
8. (a) Explain Hyper conjugation with an example.
(b) Define Carbonium and Carbanion ions with an example each.
9. (a) Write a note on application of Colloids
(b) Derive Raoult’s Law of dilute solutions.
10. (a) Write any five differences between Physical and Chemical adsorption.
(b) Write a note on electrophoresis.
11. State and explain Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle.
Write a note on LCAO
12. (a) Write the Identification and confirmation tests for Ammonium ion (NH 4+ )
(b) Write the Fischer projection formulae of D-glyceraldehyde, L-alanine

B.Sc., I -Year Pre-final Examinations, February - 2011
Chemistry - Paper – I
Time: 3 hrs Max. Marks 100

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