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Hostile Marital Interactions, Proinflammatory

Cytokine Production, and Wound Healing
Janice K. Kiecolt-Glaser, PhD; Timothy J. Loving, PhD; Jeffrey R. Stowell, PhD; William B. Malarkey, MD;
Stanley Lemeshow, PhD; Stephanie L. Dickinson, MAS; Ronald Glaser, PhD

Context: A growing epidemiological literature has sug- havior, wound healing, and local and systemic changes
gested that marital discord is a risk factor for morbidity in proinflammatory cytokine production were assessed
and mortality. In addition, depression and stress are as- during each research unit admission.
sociated with enhanced production of proinflammatory
cytokines that influence a spectrum of conditions asso- Results: Couples’ blister wounds healed more slowly and
ciated with aging. local cytokine production (IL-6, tumor necrosis factor
␣, and IL-1␤) was lower at wound sites following mari-
Objective: To assess how hostile marital behaviors tal conflicts than after social support interactions. Couples
modulate wound healing, as well as local and systemic who demonstrated consistently higher levels of hostile
proinflammatory cytokine production. behaviors across both their interactions healed at 60%
of the rate of low-hostile couples. High-hostile couples
Design and Setting: Couples were admitted twice to also produced relatively larger increases in plasma IL-6
a hospital research unit for 24 hours in a crossover trial. and tumor necrosis factor ␣ values the morning after a
Wound healing was assessed daily following research unit conflict than after a social support interaction com-
discharge. pared with low-hostile couples.

Participants: Volunteer sample of 42 healthy married Conclusions: These data provide further mechanistic evi-
couples, aged 22 to 77 years (mean [SD], 37.04 [13.05]), dence of the sensitivity of wound healing to everyday
married a mean (SD) of 12.55 (11.01) years. stressors. Moreover, more frequent and amplified in-
creases in proinflammatory cytokine levels could accel-
Interventions: During the first research unit admis- erate a range of age-related diseases. Thus, these data also
sion, couples had a structured social support interac- provide a window on the pathways through which hos-
tion, and during the second admission, they discussed a tile or abrasive relationships affect physiological func-
marital disagreement. tioning and health.

Main Outcome Measures: Couples’ interpersonal be- Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2005;62:1377-1384

ARRIAGE IS THE CEN - relative to untroubled marriages.9 Simi-
tral relationship for the larly, other researchers found a 10-fold in-
Author Affiliations: majority of adults, and crease in risk for depressive symptoms as-
Departments of Psychiatry morbidity and mortal- sociated with marital discord.10
(Dr Kiecolt-Glaser) and Internal ity are reliably lower Marital discord also has substantial
Medicine (Drs Malarkey and for married individuals than unmarried in- physiological repercussions. For ex-
Glaser), Institute for Behavioral dividuals across such diverse health threats ample, in a population-based, prospec-
Medicine Research
(Drs Kiecolt-Glaser, Malarkey,
as cancer, heart attacks, and surgery.1-4 Al- tive study of women aged 30 to 65 years
Lemeshow, and Glaser), though loss of a spouse through death or with coronary heart disease, marital stress
Comprehensive Cancer Center divorce can provoke adverse mental and worsened the prognosis 2.9-fold for re-
(Drs Malarkey and Glaser), physical health changes,1,5-7 the simple current coronary events.11 Among pa-
School of Public Health presence of a spouse is not necessarily pro- tients with congestive heart failure, mari-
(Dr Lemeshow), and Center for tective; a troubled marriage is itself a prime tal quality predicted 4-year survival as well
Biostatistics (Dr Lemeshow and source of stress, while simultaneously lim- as the patient’s illness severity.12 Greater
Ms Dickinson), Ohio State iting the partner’s ability to seek support marital conflict was associated with a 46%
University, Columbus;
in other relationships.8 The impact of a tur- higher relative death risk among female pa-
Department of Human Ecology,
University of Texas, Austin
bulent marriage is substantial; for ex- tients undergoing hemodialysis.13
(Dr Loving); Department of ample, epidemiological data demon- Laboratory studies have provided evi-
Psychology, Eastern Illinois strated that unhappy marriages were a dence of possible mechanisms. For ex-
University, Charleston potent risk factor for major depressive dis- ample, discussion of a marital disagree-
(Dr Stowell). order, associated with a 25-fold increase ment produced clinically significant


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increases in blood pressure in patients with hyperten- duction as well as wound healing, couples were re-
sion, with subjects reaching a mean of 160/100 mm Hg. cruited for two 24-hour admissions to our General Clini-
These blood pressure changes were specifically associ- cal Research Center (GCRC). On each admission, a
ated with hostile marital interactions; neither support- suction blister protocol provided a mechanism for study-
ive nor neutral behaviors were significantly associated ing the local inflammatory responses in vivo22; healing
with blood pressure changes.14 Similarly, newlywed at the blister sites was assessed daily following GCRC dis-
couples who exhibited more hostile behaviors during a charge. During the first GCRC admission, spouses had
marital problem discussion showed greater decrements a structured social support interaction; during the sec-
over 24 hours on a battery of functional immunological ond admission, couples discussed an area of disagree-
assays relative to low-hostile couples.15 Endocrine data ment. Thus, the present study assessed production of pro-
from these same newlyweds also demonstrated the im- inflammatory cytokines in peripheral blood and wound
pact of hostile behaviors; more hostile couples showed sites following socially supportive and conflictual inter-
more persistent elevations in serum epinephrine, nor- actions.
epinephrine, and corticotropin levels during the con- We expected that higher levels of hostile marital be-
flict discussion,16 as well as greater elevations in stress havior would be associated with slower healing of wounds,
hormone levels throughout the remainder of the day.17 lower production of proinflammatory cytokines in blis-
Indeed, hostile marital conflicts can have adverse physi- ter chamber fluid, and higher cytokine production in pe-
ological effects even in long-term marriages; endocrine ripheral blood; however, short-term marital strife would
and immunological data were associated with hostile con- magnify these relationships such that more hostile couples
flict behavior in older couples who had been married an would show relatively greater deficits on these dimen-
average of 42 years.18 sions relative to low-hostile couples during and follow-
Thus, a series of studies have shown that marital con- ing the conflict visit. Women were expected to show
flict alters physiological functioning, and hostile behav- greater psychological and physiological responsiveness
ior, particularly during conflict, markedly enhances ad- to conflict than men.
verse physiological changes; moreover, women appear
to be more adversely affected than men.5 In this study, METHODS
we extended this line of research to assess how hostile
marital behavior modulated an important health out- PARTICIPANTS
come, wound healing, as well as local and systemic pro-
inflammatory cytokine production. Couples were recruited through newspaper and radio ads, no-
Several studies have revealed large and reliable rela- tices posted on campus and in the community, and referrals
tionships between stress and wound healing.19,20 Stress from other participants. Exclusion criteria included health prob-
slows the local production of proinflammatory cyto- lems (or related medications) that had an immunological or
endocrinological component or obvious consequences for these
kines at wound sites, providing evidence of 1 key mecha- systems or for wound healing (eg, cancer, recent surgeries,
nism21; cytokines play important roles in the early stage strokes, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, condi-
of wound healing, acting as chemoattractants for the mi- tions such as asthma or arthritis that required regular use of
gration of phagocytes and other cells to wound sites, start- antiinflammatories, etc). We excluded couples if either spouse
ing the proliferative phase, which involves the recruit- took blood pressure medication, smoked, or used excessive al-
ment and replication of cells necessary for tissue cohol or caffeine; 224 couples were excluded because at least
regeneration and capillary regrowth.22 Thus, stress- one spouse did not meet our stringent health criteria. The Ohio
related delays are important because early events in wound State University Biomedical Research Review Committee (Co-
healing, particularly in the first 24 hours, represent a criti- lumbus) approved the project; all subjects gave written in-
cal period, and dysregulation during this interval poten- formed consent prior to participation.
tiates later problems.23
Although greater early local production of proinflam- OVERVIEW, GCRC ADMISSIONS
matory cytokines at wound sites is beneficial because it
The procedures and timetable were similar across couples’ two
is associated with enhanced healing, greater systemic pro- 24-hour admissions to the GCRC, a hospital research unit. We
duction of proinflammatory cytokines can represent a mal- asked couples not to drink or eat anything after midnight be-
adaptive response.24 Both physical and psychological fore admission; all couples were served the same meals in the
stressors can provoke transient increases in plasma lev- GCRC, controlling for dietary factors such as sodium. To as-
els of proinflammatory cytokines, particularly IL-6,25 as sure consistent physical activity across dyads and admissions,
can negative emotions like depression and anxiety.26-28 couples remained together in the same room.
More frequent or persistent stress-related changes have At 7 AM, couples were admitted to the GCRC, fed a standard
broad implications for physical and mental health; sus- breakfast, and given questionnaires to complete. A heparin well
tained elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines have was inserted in each subject’s arm, and a baseline blood sample
been linked to a variety of age-related diseases, includ- was drawn for immunological assays. At 9:15 AM, nurses at-
tached the vacuum pump and template to raise blisters on the
ing cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, arthritis, type arm21 (see “Suction Blister Studies” subsection of the “Methods”
2 diabetes mellitus, certain cancers, and frailty and func- section). At roughly 10:45 AM, couples were positioned in chairs
tional decline.29-31 facing each other in front of a curtain. The couples completed
To separate the effects of the short-term stress of a mari- several questionnaires, then sat quietly for 10 minutes.
tal conflict from the long-term strains of marital discord During the first GCRC admission, two 10-minute discus-
on local and systemic proinflammatory cytokine pro- sions assessed couples’ behavior toward each other when so-


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liciting and offering social support.32 The first spouse, selected PLASMA AND CHAMBER-FLUID
randomly, was asked to “talk about something you would like CYTOKINE LEVELS
to change about yourself,” while the partner was instructed to
“be involved in the discussion and respond in whatever way Plasma IL-6 and tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣) levels and
you wish.” Roles were reversed after 10 minutes so that each chamber-fluid IL-6, TNF-␣, and IL-1␤ levels were assayed us-
spouse played the role of helper or helpee. Prior to the discus- ing Quantikine High Sensitivity Immunoassay kits (R&D Sys-
sions, each spouse was asked to identify an important per- tems, Minneapolis, Minn), per kit instructions, as described else-
sonal characteristic, problem, or issue that he or she wished to where.47 Samples were run undiluted in duplicate, and all
change, with the explicit restriction that the issue could not samples for a couple were run at the same time.
be a source of marital dissension.32 Next, using the Relation-
ship History Interview,33 couples were asked to tell the story
of their relationship for 30 minutes.
The second GCRC admission included the conflict resolu-
The suction blister protocol followed the methods described
tion task; the experimenter first conducted a 10- to 20-minute
previously21,22,48,49 and used the same suction blister device
interview to identify the best topics for the problem discus-
(Neuro Probe, Cabin John, Md).49 To assess the early phase of
sion.15 Based on their ratings from the Relationship Problem
the inflammatory response to wounding in vivo, a plastic tem-
Inventory34 and this interview, couples were then asked to dis-
plate was taped to the volar surface of the nondominant fore-
cuss and try to resolve 1 or 2 marital issues that the inter-
arm (shifted slightly laterally for the second GCRC admis-
viewer judged to be the most conflict producing (eg, money,
sion); a 350–mm Hg vacuum was applied through a pump
communication, or in-laws). The research team remained out
attached to a regulator until blisters formed (1-1.5 hours). This
of sight during all discussions.
gentle suction produced 8 small 8-mm blisters. The blister roof
Fluid was removed from blister chambers 4, 7, and 22 hours
(the epidermis) was removed with sterile scissors, a plastic tem-
after raising the blisters. After removal of the blister chamber
plate with 8 wells was placed over the blister wounds and taped
at 7 AM, participants completed final questionnaires and pro-
to the arm, the wells were filled with 0.8 to 1 mL of 70% au-
vided peripheral blood samples for cytokine assays.
tologous serum in Hank balanced salt solution,49 and the top
was sealed. Chamber fluid from 3 wells was pooled for the 4-
OBSERVATIONAL CODING SYSTEM and 7-hour samples, and 2 wells were pooled for the 22-hour
sample. The pooled samples were analyzed for cytokine levels
The Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS)35 pro- and cell numbers.21,22 These procedures produce modest self-
vided data on behavior during both the social support and con- rated discomfort, consistent with the small and transient car-
flict resolution tasks. The RMICS includes 11 communication diovascular changes observed during blistering.21
categories coded in a hierarchy. The RMICS discriminates well Suction blister wounds are an excellent model for studying
between distressed and nondistressed couples. The RMICS has the effects of early wound healing.50 Measurement of the rate
high reliabilities both for the overall system as well as for in- of transepidermal water loss (TEWL) through human skin pro-
dividual codes.35 Our tapes were coded by Richard Heyman, vides a noninvasive method to monitor changes in the stra-
PhD, University of New York at Stony Brook. tum corneum barrier function of the skin, providing an excel-
Most marital communication studies use a positive/negative lent objective method for evaluation of wound healing.51 The
distinction when assembling summary codes14,36 because dis- 8 blister sites were assessed daily for 8 days following removal
tressed marriages are characterized by negative affect, conflict- of the blister chambers50 and then again on day 12, along with
ual communication, and poor listening skills.37-40 To capture these daily control values from adjacent nonwounded skin; after sub-
dimensions in composite indexes, we summed the top 3 RMICS tracting the average control values from the average daily mea-
codes in the hierarchy: psychological abuse (eg, disgust, con- surement, the 90% standard for healing was based on reach-
tempt, belligerence, as well as nonverbal behaviors like glower- ing 90% of the day 1 measures. A computerized evaporimetry
ing or talking in a threatening or menacing manner), distress- instrument, the DermaLab (CyberDERM, Media, Pa), was used
maintaining attributions (eg, “You’re only being nice so I’ll have to measure TEWL, following established procedural guide-
sex with you tonight” or “You were being mean on purpose”), lines.52
and hostility (eg, criticism, hostile voice tone, or rolling the eyes
dramatically). The remaining codes (in order) are dysphoric affect, DATA ANALYSES
withdrawal, acceptance, relationship-enhancing attributions, self-
disclosure, humor, constructive problem discussion, and “other.”
High- and Low-Hostile Groups

QUESTIONNAIRES Husbands’ and wives’ hostile behaviors on the RMICS were sig-
nificantly correlated ([Spearman ␳], r=0.66 during social sup-
We also assessed emotional responses to the marital discus- port and r=0.79 during conflict; P⬍.001 for both). Thus, follow-
sions, as well as perceptions of marital satisfaction. Couples ing methods in other marital research, we summed the hostile
completed the two 10-item mood scales from the Positive and behavior percentages within each GCRC admission for each
Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)41 before and after their dis- couple.14,53 Also, we were interested in the couple’s aggregate hos-
cussions. The widely used Marital Adjustment Test provided tile behavior because one partner’s behavior clearly affects the other.
data on marital satisfaction, with higher scores indicating Behavioral data were skewed at both GCRC admissions; dur-
greater satisfaction.42 ing the social support interactions, 2 or fewer of the total dy-
Health-related behaviors assessed at screening and/or GCRC adic behaviors were categorized as hostile in 56.1% of couples
admission included medications, exercise, and caffeine and al- (range, 0-27). Indeed, even during conflict discussions, 50%
cohol intake.43,44 The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index45 as- of couples had 7 or fewer hostile behaviors (range, 0-63). Ac-
sessed sleep quality and disturbances. Plasma albumin levels cordingly, because our interest was in the effects of recurring
and body mass data provided information on subjects’ nutri- or customary hostility, we categorized couples who were higher
tional status. Health questions from the Older Adults Re- than the median on hostile behaviors at both GCRC admis-
sources Survey46 assessed underlying diseases. sions as high hostile (28.6% of the sample) and the remainder


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as low hostile; thus, a couple was not classified as hostile sim- sex ⫻group interaction reflected women’s larger differ-
ply because they had 1 bad day. ences than men’s (F1,40 =5.84; P=.02). That is, while high-
hostile men showed only slightly fewer positive behav-
Wound Healing iors than low-hostile men (mean difference, 3.19), the
difference between low- and high-hostile women was
Using survival analysis54 to investigate wound healing, the much larger (mean, 8.08). Not surprisingly, there were
“event” was defined as the first point that the wound was 90% fewer positive behaviors in the conflict visit than in the
healed using TEWL data and remained higher than 90%. Par- social support visit (F1,40 =15.02; P⬍.001).
ticipants with a ratio less than 90% at their last observed point, In accord with RMICS behavioral data, high-hostile par-
either by day 12 or earlier, were censored at that point.
The Cox proportional hazards model with clustering on
ticipants reported lower marital satisfaction than low-hostile
couple55 in Stata 8.0 (Stata Corp, College Station, Tex) com- participants on the Marital Adjustment Test42 (F1,39 =4.42;
pared time to healing between the high- and low-hostile be- P=.04), with no significant sex differences. The low-hostile
havior groups at each visit, controlling for sex. Subjects’ times group mean (SD) score was 120.13 (18.11), compared with
to healing were also compared between the 2 visits in a third 107.95 (21.60) for high-hostile participants.
model. The assumption of proportional hazards across groups High- and low-hostile behavior groups did not differ
was tested after fitting each model. Missing data occurred at at baseline at either GCRC admission on either the Posi-
varying points because of technical difficulties and missed ap- tive or Negative Affect scales from the PANAS56 (F ⬍1;
pointments. Where necessary, time to healing was calculated P⬎.46 for both). The absence of any baseline affective
using last observation carried forward. group differences is important because affective differ-
ences are related to plasma proinflammatory cytokine pro-
Immunological and Psychological Data duction,27,57 as well as wound healing.19,20 Negative mood
ratings at the first GCRC admission started off higher than
To analyze relationships among behavior (high vs low hos- in the second GCRC admission and decreased after the
tile) on the cytokine levels of each subject at each visit (social
interaction, while ratings at the GCRC conflict admis-
support or conflict) and each point, mixed models from SAS
9.1 (SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) were used with repeated mea- sion increased (F1,40 =12.12; P=.01). However, high- and
sures across spouse, visit, and time of day. An unstructured co- low-hostile behavior subjects had a different pattern of
variance matrix was used to allow for the most flexible esti- response to the spousal interactions as reflected in their
mation of covariance parameters between each level of spouse, PANAS negative mood ratings, after controlling for visit;
visit, and time. The mixed models also allowed use of partial high-hostile subjects’ moods were more negative after each
data when subjects had occasional missing data. of the interactions, while low-hostile subjects’ moods were
Prior to analyses, cytokine data were normalized with log less negative (F1,40 =5.24; P=.03).
transformations. Log transformations did not normalize the data
for PANAS negative mood and cell numbers; thus, the ranks WOUND HEALING
of the data were used in a linear mixed model of PANAS nega-
tive mood, and cell number data were analyzed using area un-
der the curve across the 3 points. All tests used a 2-sided, ␣=.05 High-hostile subjects had a median time to healing 1 day
significance level. later than low-hostile subjects at the social support visit
(day 6 vs day 5, respectively) and at the conflict visit (day
7 vs day 6, respectively). Ignoring visit, median time to
RESULTS healing was 2 days later in the high-hostile behavior group
(day 7 vs day 5). Ignoring hostile behavior, time to heal-
The 42 couples ranged in age from 22 to 77 years (mean ing was 1 day later following the conflict visit than after
[SD], 37.04 [13.05]) and had been married a mean (SD) the social support visit (day 6 vs day 5).
of 12.55 (11.01) years (range, 2-52 years). Couples were Comparisons of the Kaplan-Meier survival curves be-
well educated: 26.2% had additional postgraduate train- tween hostile behavior groups using the log-rank test
ing, 40.5% were college graduates, 23.8% had some col- yielded P=.02 at the social support visit, P=.07 for the
lege training, and 9.5% were high school graduates. The conflict visit, and P = .004 for the combined visits
majority were white (88.1%). A mean (SD) of 2.37 (1.93) (Figure 1A). Figure 1B displays a comparison of Kaplan-
months elapsed between the 2 GCRC admissions. Four Meier survival curves for time to healing after each visit
additional couples did not return for the second admis- (P=.046); however, the log-rank tests are limited in com-
sion because of scheduling or medical problems (eg, a parison to Cox models because they cannot adjust for co-
cancer diagnosis) and thus could not be included in these variates in the model or for clustering within couple.
analyses. Using Cox models, the hazard ratio (HR) for the hos-
The high- and low-hostile behavior groups did not dif- tile behavior groups at the social support visit, control-
fer on age or education (F ⬍1; P⬎.44 for both). The 2 ling for sex, was 0.592 (P = .04). This means the esti-
groups did not differ on the duration of their marriages mated “risk” of 90% TEWL healing on any given day for
or the length of time between GCRC admissions (F ⬍1.57; the high-hostile subjects was 0.592 times that of low-
P⬎.21 for both). hostile participants. At the conflict visit, the HR for the
Analysis of RMICS positive behaviors (the sum of ac- hostile groups was 0.618 (P=.08). Combining visits, high-
ceptance, relationship-enhancing attributions, self- hostile group subjects healed slower than those in the
disclosure, humor, and constructive problem discus- low-hostile group (HR, 0.598; P=.03), controlling for sex
sion) indicated theoretically consistent significant and visit. In the model across both visits, healing was sig-
differences between high- and low-hostile groups; the nificantly slower after the conflict visit (HR, 0.726; P=.01),


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A 9.75
1.00 Social Support Visit
Low-Hostile Behavior Conflict Visit
High-Hostile Behavior

IL-6 (log10), pg/mL

Survival Function


0.25 7

7 5.75

4 7 22
0 5 10 15
Social Support, Visit 1 6
Conflict, Visit 2

TNF-α (log10), pg/mL

Survival Function


0.25 1 2
0 4 7 22
0 5 10 15
Days After Wounding 7

Figure 1. Kaplan-Meier survival curves for time to healing of the standard 6

wound across both visits by high- or low-hostile behavior (A) and for time to
IL-1β (log10), pg/mL

healing of the standard wound by visit (B). Couples who demonstrated

consistently higher levels of hostile behaviors across both their interactions
healed at 60% of the rate of low-hostile couples, and healing during the
conflict visit was at 72% of the rate observed following the social support 4
visit. Annotations on the curves show the number of censored observations
at each point, indicating patients who were unhealed on their last day of 3

controlling for sex and hostile behavior group. Al- 1

though not statistically significant, men healed slightly 4 7 22
slower than women at the social support visit (HR, 0.975) Time, h

but faster than women at the conflict visit (HR, 1.20) and
slightly faster across visits (HR, 1.066). Figure 2. Production of IL-6 (A), tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣) (B), and
IL-1␤ (C) was lower in the blister chambers at wound sites following the
marital conflict task than after the social support task. For all 3 cytokines, the
PRODUCTION OF significant time⫻ visit interactions reflect the same or higher baseline values
CHAMBER-FLUID CYTOKINES AND CELLS at the second visit (conflict) compared with the first (social support) but
lower production at 22 hours.

As expected, cytokine production in blister chamber fluid

increased over time at both GCRC admissions (Figure 2). flected in area under the curve differences across time
However, consistent with the differences between visits in (F1,78 =10.5; P=.002).
wound healing, production of IL-6, IL-1␤, and TNF-␣ in- The substantial increases in local cytokine produc-
creased more steeply between 4 and 22 hours following the tion over time (Figure 2) have been assumed to be pri-
social support interaction than after the conflict interac- marily a function of their local synthesis at the site by
tion, ending up higher at 22 hours at the first visit for all 3 the cells that are migrating to the chamber.22,58 In our data,
cytokines (IL-6, F2,81 = 3.55; P = .03; IL-1␤, F2,81 = 9.12; correlations between cell numbers and cytokine levels
P⬍.001; TNF-␣, F2,81 =3.56; P=.03). At the social support at 22 hours after the social support interaction were r=0.29
visit, subjects with high-hostile behaviors had lower TNF-␣ and P⬍.01 for IL-6; r=0.08 and P =.45 for TNF-␣; and
levels than subjects with low-hostile behaviors (overall mean r=0.13 for IL-1␤ and after the conflict interaction, r=0.52
[SD], 3.08 [0.11] vs 3.32 [0.07], respectively), but at the and P⬍.001 for IL-6 and r =0.38 and P⬍.001 for both
conflict visit, subjects with high-hostile behaviors had higher TNF-␣ and IL-1␤. Consistent with other investiga-
TNF-␣ levels (overall mean [SD], 3.25 [0.11] vs 3.19 [0.07], tors,22,58 there were not reliable relationships between the
respectively) (F1,81 =4.99; P=.03). High-hostile subjects also local production of cytokines at inflammatory sites and
had significantly fewer cells in the blister chamber fluid than levels in systemic circulation (data not shown); thus, lo-
low-hostile subjects during both GCRC admissions, re- cal production is the primary presumptive pathway.22,58


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none of the health-related behaviors accounted for differ-
High-Hostile Group ences between hostile behavior groups (F ⬍1 for all).
Low-Hostile Group

IL-6 (log10), pg/mL

0.60 Blister wounds healed more slowly following couples’ con-

flict discussions than after more supportive inter-
0.50 changes, and couples who were more hostile toward each
other during both discussions had wounds that healed more
0.40 slowly than couples whose interactions were less hostile.
The overall differences related to hostility were substan-
GCRC Entry GCRC Exit GCRC Entry GCRC Exit
tial; small blister wounds in high-hostile couples healed
at only 60% of the rate of low-hostile couples. Thus, wound
B healing appeared to be responsive to both the short-term
1.30 stress of a conflict, as well as hostile behaviors.
Compared with low-hostile behavior couples, high-
hostile couples had relatively greater increases in circu-
TNF-α (log10), pg/mL

1.20 lating levels of plasma IL-6 and TNF-␣ following a con-

flict discussion than a social support interaction. Indeed,
low-hostile participants produced roughly the same in-
1.10 crement in IL-6 production over 24 hours following either
a social support or conflict interaction (65% vs 70%), while
IL-6 production for high-hostile individuals jumped from
45% to 113%.
GCRC Entry GCRC Exit GCRC Entry GCRC Exit These changes are important because both stressors and
Social Support Conflict depression can sensitize the inflammatory response in such
a way that they produce heightened responsiveness to
Figure 3. Changes in plasma IL-6 (A) and tumor necrosis factor ␣ (TNF-␣) stressful events as well as antigen challenge.25,27,28,60 Fur-
(B) levels in couples high or low in hostile behavior. The respective cytokines
are shown at the beginning and end of each the two 24-hour social support thermore, more frequent or persistent stress-related changes
and conflict interaction admissions. Low-hostile participants showed roughly in plasma levels of these key cytokines have broad impli-
the same increase in IL-6 levels over 24 hours following either a social cations for health; elevated levels of proinflammatory cy-
support or conflict interaction (65% vs 70%), while IL-6 production for
high-hostile individuals jumped from 45% following the social support task
tokines have been linked to a variety of age-related dis-
to 113% following the conflict task. High-hostile participants had higher ease, including cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis,
TNF-␣ values before and after the conflict task than low-hostile participants. arthritis, type 2 diabetes mellitus, certain cancers, and
GCRC indicates General Clinical Research Center. frailty and functional decline.29 Moreover, inflammatory
activation can enhance development of depressive
PLASMA PROINFLAMMATORY symptoms.30,31 Thus, relationships characterized by hos-
CYTOKINE LEVELS tility, repeated conflicts, and heightened IL-6 levels
could have negative consequences for both physical and
High-hostile couples produced larger increases in mental health. Indeed, our data are consistent with the
plasma IL-6 and TNF-␣ levels the morning after a con- growing epidemiological evidence that marital stress is
flict than a social support interaction (Figure 3), while a risk factor for mental and physical health.
low-hostile couples showed 24-hour increases in IL-6 The 2 GCRC admissions allowed us to separate the
levels that were similar at each visit and a smaller 24- effects of the short-term stress of a marital conflict from
hour increase in TNF-␣ levels at the conflict visit com- the long-term strains of marital dissatisfaction. Couples
pared with the social support visit as reflected in the were understandably apprehensive when they came for
significant 3-way GCRC admission⫻time ⫻hostile be- the first GCRC admission, and their higher negative affect
havior interactions for both IL-6 (F1,40 = 4.75; P = .04) on the first GCRC admission compared with the second
and TNF-␣ (F1,40 = 7.81; P = .008). Both groups dis- reflected this initial concern. Prior work with the blister-
played the expected increases in IL-6 and TNF-␣ levels chamber model showed that even modest levels of stress
over 24 hours at each visit.59 Women had significantly prior to wounding were reflected in lower production of
higher IL-6 levels than men (F1,40 = 5.28; P⬍.001), and proinflammatory cytokines at the wound site.21 Thus, the
men had significantly higher TNF-␣ levels than women fact that the social support interaction always occurred
(F1,40 =5.28; P= .03). at the first GCRC admission and yet wound healing and
local IL-6, TNF-␣, and IL-1␤ production were all poorer
HEALTH-RELATED BEHAVIORS following conflict suggests that the effects of the dis-
agreement were larger than our data suggest.
Further analyses assessed the possibility that the relation- Furthermore, couples’ fights at home are more nega-
ships between hostile behavior and cytokine levels and tive and last longer than those studied in the labora-
wound healing might simply reflect the contribution of tory.37 Unhappy couples are less likely to volunteer for
health habits and/or chronic health problems. However, marital research than those who are more satisfied with


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