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Acquired immune deficiency sydrome (AIDS) is one of the disease in the world tha

t has no cure and it is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This d
isease affects the immune system of the body and makes individual to be exposed
to infections and tumors. According to AVERT, a report in 2009 shows an estimat
e of 33.3 million people worldwide are living with HIV/AIDS with about 2.6 milli
on people gets infected with HIV every year while 1.8 million deaths are been re
corded yearly as a result of AIDS.
HIV is spread in the body through direct contact of a mucous membrane or blood s
tream with a bodily fluid containing HIV. Examples of bodily fluid that may be i
nfected with HIV includes blood, semen, breast milk, and vaginal fluid. HIV is t
ransmitted when people have anal, vaginal or oral sex, blood transfusion and usi
ng needles that is been infected with HIV. Babies tends to have HIV from their m
other during pregnancy, childbirth and breast feeding. HIV have also been detect
ed in saliva, tears, nervous system tissue and spinal fluid but only blood, seme
n, vaginal secretions and breast milk is the major way HIV is been transmitted t
o others. HIV infections is not spread by mosquitoes, casual contact such as hug
ging, touching a person infected with HIV or participating in sports or any acti
The symptoms of AIDS are as a result of HIV infections caused by bacteria, fungi
, viruses and parasites, which affects nearly every system of the organ. Symptom
s common with AIDS includes fever, sweats (most especially at night), weight los
s, chills, weakness and swollen glands. The risk of developing various cancers s
uch as cervical cancer and Kaposi's sarcoma are high in people that has AIDS. On
e major infection that is associated with HIV is tuberculosis (TB). Tuberculosis
is transmissible to people and is not easily treatable once some has the infect
ion. According to World Health Organization (WHO), in 2007, records shows that 4
56,000 deaths as a result of tuberculosis were HIV positive.
Chronic diarrhea is associated with people that are HIV positive and this is due
to many possible causes such as bacteria and parasitic infections. Diarrhea is
believed to be a result of changes in the way the intestinal tract captures nutr
ient. On the other hand diarrhea may be a side effect of drugs that is been used
to treat HIV. It can also be the side effect of taking antibiotics which is bee
n used to treat diarrhea.
The major ways HIV is been transmitted to people are sexual contact, during chil
dbearing and exposure to infected body fluids. Knowing the major ways HIV is bee
n transmitted will help in the prevention of the spread of HIV. The use of male
or female condoms can reduce the risk of infection with HIV and other sexual tra
nsmitted diseases. The risk of contracting HIV through sexual contacts can be re
duced to about 80% if condoms is been used during sexual intercourse. The risk c
an be reduced further if the condom is used the right way every time. Research
carried on couples where one partner is infected with HIV and there is constant
use of condom shows rate of HIV was below 1% per year for the uninfected partne
Mothers who are infected with HIV should avoid breast-feeding their infant as th
is will help in preventing the transmission of HIV to the infant. People working
in clinics, hospitals or other health related works should always use barriers
which can expose them to body fluids. Such barriers includes gloves, protective
eye wares or shields, masks, and gowns or aprons which will prevent the exposure
of the skin to blood borne pathogens. Sharp objects such as needles, glass and
scalpels should be disposed off carefully.
Lastly the best way to prevent the spread of AIDS is educating the people on the
causes and prevention of HIV/AIDS. Ways of educating people starts from schools
, because the youths are more prone to the disease and the media to inform the
general public.
There is no vaccine or cure for HIV or AIDS so extra precaution needs to be made
so that you don't get infected with the disease but if you do then you have to
able to manage it. The best way of managing AIDS after someone is being exposed
to the virus is with the use of antiretroviral drugs. Highly active antiretrovir
al therapy (HAART) is the current treatment of HIV infections.
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