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Chakra Balancing

Rekindle your chakra and feel happy...
Quick Facts
Length of recording: 55 minutes
Technician: Phillip Worcester
Use the Chakra Balancing for:
Unblocking your Chakra and feeling refreshed
Releasing tension and fatigue
Getting back your energy after being "stuck in a rut"
Feeling more spiritual and "in line" with the world
Energizing relaxation!
Chakra Balancing - Instructions
Using the Chakra Balancing couldn't be simpler!
Like all our binaural beat recordings, simply slip on your stereo
headphones and press the "Play" button on your CD player. The
binaural beats will automatically begin affecting your brainwaves,
and you'll soon realize the benefit - a body and spirit that feel
truly unblocked and totally energetic!
Chakra Balancing - Your Experience
Your physical body feels tight and cluttered. Your Chakra points
feel out-of-balance and misaligned. You need a session, a special
time to center yourself once more. You know it.
And it's so very simple. You just lay back and slip on your
headphones. The gentle sounds of rain begin and you start to
relax. The sounds are pleasantly familiar. You feel warm... and
can feel parts of your body being cleared, being released, being
activated. It's a great feeling. All of your seven Chakra points are
touched... the Root, the Sacral, the Solar Plexus, the Heart, the
Throat, the Third Eye, the Crown.
There's no bolt of lightening... but you can sense a deep inner
change. Your energies are flowing again... you can already feel a
very real difference in your body. Slowly, almost an hour later, the
session concludes, leaving you in a great mood. You're totally
refreshed and haven't felt this good for some time. You stand up.
Suddenly you realize you're holding your body differently... you've
been unblocked and it's obvious.
Your Chakra points have been balanced. And you feel fantastic!
Chakra Balancing - Frequencies Used
Gemstones and the Chakras
By Lady Katherina
Castle of The Wiccan Realm

Ok, now lets take a look at the Root Chakra:

1st Chakra/Root Chakra located between the anus and the genitals

Its' Sanskrit name is Muladhara, which means root and base or support

The element is Earth

The color is Red

A few deities associated with the root chakra are: Gaia, Demeter,
Persephone, Erishkagel, Ana, Ceres, Ceridwen, Geb, Hades, Pwyll, Brahma
and Dakini

***Note*** When working with any stones remember, Cleansing,

personalizing. Also when you start working with a stone in meditation start
off with short periods of time, so that you can get the feel of the stone. If at
ever you feel uncomfortable with a stone then don't use it, select one other.
Don't let others touch your stones.

A few stones that I find work well with this chakra: Clear quartz, Smoky
quartz, Bismuth, Epidote, Fluorite, Hematite, Jasper Tan, Mugglestone,
Obsidian, Tourmaline Black. These are all wonderful grounding

The Root Chakra function is Survival, Stability and Grounding. The body
parts associated with it are the legs, feet, bones and the large intestine. The
gland associated is the Adrenals.

When this chakra is out of balance symptoms may arise such as physical:
obesity, constipation, haemorrhoids and sciatica or psychological such as
grief, depression and instability.
Working with this chakra has wonderful benefits such as Grounding,
learning to let go, Integration of joy and sorrow, taking responsibility for
your own life and trusting your own development on all levels,

The root chakra responds to earthy tribal music such as drumming and

When this chakra begins to awaken there may be sudden awareness, such as
trapped or buried memories, the releasement of emotional issues that have
been repressed. You may experience an on set of dreaming and visions during

This is the beginning of letting your energy flow as it is meant to flow. Work
with this chakra by meditating on it, you can associate it to a earth deity.
Remember to ground yourself, see the grounding coil coming from your Root
chakra spiraling down to the very core of the earth and holding firmly.

This is also good for disbursing negative energies back to mother earth where
she may absorb them and return them as positive energies to nature.

Chakra 2/Sacral plexus or Sex/Navel Chakra located at the just below the
naval and above the pubic

Sanskrit name Svadisthana meaning Sweetness, or one's own abode

Element: Water

Color: Orange

Deities: Vishnu, Rakini

Stones: Agate Botswana, Aqua/Beryl, Aquamarine, Aventurine, Bismuth,

Jade, Lepidolite, Stuarolite, Zircon.

Inner state: Well being and Self confidence

Sacral plexus Chakra function: Sexuality, procreation, pleasure and

creativity. The body parts is Womb, kidneys, reproductive system, circulation
system and the bladder. The gland is Ovaries and Testicles. It affects the flow
of fluids in the body.

When this chakra is out of balance the following may arise: on the
physical...frigidity, impotence, uterine, bladder or kidney trouble.

Sacral plexus Chakra is located very close to the Root Chakra and some
functions are shared.

The life energies that generate through the 2nd chakra move up into the
higher chakras. Its bright color indicates the impulses, desires and ideas
motivated are stimulating to the mind.

Water symbolizes purification, ritual bathing, sanctified water.

This 2nd chakra is assigned both water and lunar symbols. The moon is a
powerful symbol of the collective unconscious and depths of the subconscious
mind. It is also associated with the astral level. The moon is connected with
all waters.

When this chakra awakens it increases powers of intuition and psychic

abilities also awareness of the astral form.

Awaken this chakra can give temporary instability to the sex drive, either
positively or negatively, it is only until the energies stabilize and settle down.
When the chakra is balanced there will be a sense of self confidence and
creativity. It is common for dreams with water to begin.

When meditating on this chakra you should focus on the element of water.
See stones above.

If you have sensual flowing music such as belly dancing music...there is power
in this music for this chakra to release the energies.

3rd Chakra/ Solar Plexus located just below the ribs and above the naval

Sanskrit name Manipura, meaning city of jewels or lustrous gem

Element: Fire

Color: Yellow
Deities: Rudra, Lakini, Apollo, Agni

Stones: Clear crystal quartz, Agate Botswana, Angelite, Boji Stone,

Danburite, Fuchsite, Jasper Tan and Jasper Celedine, Lepidolite, Obsidian,
Snow Quartz, Rhyolite, Topaz Yellow/Gold

Inner state: Intense emotion: laughter, anger and joy

Solar plexus Chakra function: Will and power. Its body parts are the
digestive system, spleen, stomach, liver and small intestine. Its gland is the

When the 3rd chakra is out of balance the following may arise: diabetes,
eating disorders like bulimia or anorexia, ulcers and hypoglycemia.

A note about this chakra. This chakra is like the generator of the life force
energies. It is the storage room of our raw emotions. If these emotions are
repressed they block the flow of energy to rise. It is said that anger can
remain trapped here for many years.

Meditate one this chakra by focusing on the element fire. you may wish to
visualize a radiate sun above you and its rays beaming down upon your solar
plexus chakra, absorbing the suns life fire.

Balancing this chakra one may expect to achieve the abilities to Overcome
fears, achieve personal goals, act from joy and experience self awareness,
balance within and acquire patience.

This chakra responds well to music that expresses emotional release.

Perhaps a soft instrumental that builds to a climax or just the reverse.

4th Chakra/Heart Chakra located in the center of the chest between the

Sanskrit name is Anahata, meaning "unstruck" or "unbeaten"

Element is Air

Function is Love
Inner State is Compassion, love

Body parts are the Lungs, heart, arms and hands. The gland is the Thymus

When out of balance one may experience Asthma, heart disease, lung disease
or blood pressure problems.

Color is Green

Stones: Clear quartz, Rose Quartz, Moonstone, Prehnite, Rhodocrosite

Deities are Isa and Kakini

The process for awakening this chakra is to empty the heart of selfish desires
and prepare for transformation into a abundance of selfless love
(unconditional love). A constant flow of divine love.

The heart chakra is not easily fully awaked. To awaken this chakra one must
rid them self of limited views of reality. These limited views obstruct the flow
of love. Once the chakra is awakened one will notice changes which are all
related to this chakra.

1. an increased sense of touch

2. an increased sensitivity to energies of others.
3. an awareness of others areas of disruption or disease
4. Being drawn towards healing of self and others. When this chakra is open
and balanced there is the wondrous ability to give and receive.
5. One will be aware of increased sense of compassion that becomes a natural
state of being.

Meditation on the element of air, free flow, no limits, no restrictions. I

recommend using the Rose Quartz stone for this chakra. Music that evokes
the power to melt the heart like the natural sounds of Whales and dolphins.

5th Chakra/Throat Chakra located at throat

Sanskrit mane is Vishuddi meaning " to purify "

Element is Akasa (spirit) (the 5th element)

Function is creativity and communication

Inner state is intuition

Body parts are then neck and shoulders, the glands are the thyroid and the

When out of balance the following may occur: thyroid problems, swollen
glands, colds and sore throats.

Color is Bright blue

Stones: Clear quartz, Aquamarine, Calcite Blue, Celestite, Chrysoprase,

Jade, Kyanite, Labradorite, Lepidolite, Topaz Blue, Vegosite

Deities are Sadasiva, Sakini

This chakra represents our power of verbal communication, our voice

transmits emotions, information and subtle meanings. Sound is vibrational

The awakening of this chakra also attunes our inner hearing and brings
telepathy into consciousness.

When this chakra is opened and balanced one experiences the power of
creativity and communication leading to an awareness of new dimension of

Meditate on this chakra , focus on spirit. Music for this chakra is sacred
chanting or choirs.

6th Chakra/Brow Chakra located at just above the bridge of the nose

Sanskrit mane is Ajna meaning " to know, to perceive or to command "

Element: there is no element

Function is Direct perception

Inner state is Self-mastery

Body parts are the Eyes, two hemispheres of the brain, the gland is the

When out of balance the following may occur: Headaches, nightmares,

defects of vision.

Color is Indigo

Stones: Clear quartz, Blue Agate, Agate Leopard Skin, Amethyst, Azurite,
Bismuth, Hematite, Jade, Lepidolite.

Deities are Paramasiva and Sakti Hakini

This chakra represents or may be known as the "command centre of the

whole being".

The awakening of this chakra acts as a third eye in the aspects of telepathy
that bypasses the ordinary senses.

The activation of this chakra increases the powers of visualization or to see

with the "minds eye".

When this chakra is opened and balanced one experiences the power of the
awareness of the teacher within or the wisdom within, immediate abilities of
perception and a point of return for manifestation. This is a marker step into
the journey of self awareness.

Meditate on this chakra. Music for this chakra are pieces that would allow
scenes and images to appear in the mind's eye.

7th Chakra/Crown Chakra located at the crown of the head

Sanskrit mane is Sahasrara meaning " thousandfold "

Element: there is no element

Function is Union
Inner state is Bliss

Body parts are the Cerebral cortex, brain, the whole body.

When out of balance the following may occur: Alienation.

Color is Violet

Animal is the rising serpent

Stones: Clear quartz, Topaz Gold/yellow, Hematite

Deities are Shiva

This chakra represents or may be known as the "thousandfold" which

represents the totality of creation, wholeness. The explanation or description
of this chakra is really beyond the use of words. Words in this state a merely
an attempt to give an idea for greater thought and awareness into ones one
knowingness of this chakra.

Chakras are energy vortexes located throughout our body which regulate the
flow of energy through our energy system. The functioning of the chakras
reflect how we choose to respond to conditions in our life. We open and close
our chakras when we decide what to think and what to feel.

We will be focusing on the 7 major chakras in this series. Over the next 7
articles, we will take a journey through the chakras. I will discuss each chakra's
purpose and the archetype representing each chakra. You will learn how to tell
if the chakra is out of balance as well as how to heal it using energy and

The Root Chakra is located at the perineum between the anus and the sex
organs. The color of this chakra is red. The parts of the body affected by this
chakra are the lymph system, skeleton system (teeth and bones), the prostate
gland in men, the sacral plexus, the bladder and elimination system, and the
lower extremities (legs - feet, ankles , etc.). Also the nose, since it is the organ
of the sense of smell, and associated with survival. The endocrine gland
associated with this chakra is the adrenal glands.
This chakra represents security, survival, trust, the relationship with money,
home, job. The ability to be grounded, to be present in the here and now. The
ability to allow one's self to be nourished, in the sense of allowing one's Inner
Being to be satisfied. This chakra also reflects a person's connection with their
mother, and with Mother Earth. How the person feels about being on the earth
and their connection with the physical body.

The Root Chakra channels the earth's energy up to our higher chakra centers and
helps to ground us on the physical plane. The more we ground ourselves the
greater chance we have of making our dreams real and developing into the
people we would like to become. When we lose our connection to the earth, we
cut ourselves off from the healing source of Mother Earth. We disconnect
ourselves from our ability to lovingly care for and nourish ourselves as well as
to provide the physical comforts we need. When we become disconnected, we
become one of life's victims.

The dysfunctional archetype of the Root Chakra is the Victim. The victim feels
helpless, stuck in a state of fear, with no sense of empowerment. Being a victim
is paralyzing on the psyche and the body. In order to survive both emotionally
and physically, it is essential to ground these feelings and to reconnect with the
earth. Many people may not realize that they carry traces of the victim mentality
within their personality, but it may emerge during times of stress or crisis. If
they were to stop and experience the feelings they have about life they may be
surprised at the depths of the anger, fear, resentment, and frustration they carry
inside them.

The healthy archetype of the Root Chakra is the Mother. The Mother represents
our ability to nourish and look after the life force within us with care,
sensitivity, and vigilance. Integrating this archetype is essential to our
development, because she teaches us how to take care of ourselves and to
respect our needs. She helps us integrate the feminine aspects of our personality
so that we can develop our capacity to love - love ourselves, love all people,
love life. As we develop the Mother within ourselves, we stop projecting our
needs onto the world around us so that we are able to look after ourselves.

Grounding is essential for balancing the Root Chakra. One way to do this is to
imagine roots coming out of your Root Chakra and the soles of your feet going
deep into the earth. Imagine yourself being securely attached to Mother Earth,
absorbing her loving energy through these roots.

There are many ways to balance our chakras. Many people use crystals such as
Ruby, Bloodstone, Smoky Quartz, Hematite, Black Tourmaline, Obsidian, and
Garnet. The stones can be carried in a pocket, placed in the area of the Root
Chakra or at the bottom of the feet, or made into an essence.

Imagine your Root Chakra. The color of this chakra should be a beautiful, clear
red. If you see any other color, remove it and imagine the chakra being filled
with red energy. Once you are able to imagine the proper color filling this
chakra, imagine it spinning in a clockwise direction. Spin it faster and faster as
you fill it with red energy.

Use the 'Feelings Prayer' to work on your Egotist and its refusal to connect to

Use these techniques to balance and heal your Root Chakra. Do the exercises
daily. You may be surprised at the changes you experience.

Claudia McNeely - - is a gifted and caring

Psychic/Healer. With the assistance of Angels, Guides and Master Healers, she
will tell you exactly what she sees and feels instead of what you want to hear.
Her Clairvoyant Psychic Readings are very accurate and insightful. She can
help you to understand where you are, where you want to be and how to get

Feelings Prayer

I had the good fortune recently to attend a seminar on the Bio Energetic
Synchronization Technique presented by Dr. Ted Morter. He has a complete
understanding of how your beliefs affect everything in your life. Your thoughts
can be that you want success, but if your belief is not that you deserve success,
you will not have it. I think this is why affirmations do not always work. You
have to really believe it to make changes happen.

Changing our belief system is not an easy thing to do. Some beliefs we are born
with. They have been with us for so long, affecting us every moment, that they
are as much a part of us as breathing. They are so much a part of us that we have
no idea they are there.

Some of the belief systems I was born with were that the world is unsafe . . .
that the Universe will not provide my needs . . . that life is supposed to hurt.
Some people have the belief that they are supposed to be poor . . . that nobody
will ever love them . . . that love is supposed to hurt. There are as many
different beliefs as there are people.

Look at what happens in your life. Can you find a pattern that shows you one of
your belief systems? Below you will find a technique based on a book called
"Feelings Buried Alive Never Die" which may assist you in releasing these false
beliefs. It may not happen right away. You may have to repeat this over and
over and over before you find it making any changes, but do not give up. These
beliefs can be changed, but it will take perseverance. Good luck.

Spirit, go throughout time and locate all causes, signs, symptoms, side effects,
predispositions to and damage from this feeling/thought of ____(negative
emotion)_____ and any similar feeling, thought or emotion.

Take my very most adult, understanding, forgiving, reasoning, spiritual Higher

Self and every aspect of my being to the very first incident that caused this
feeling to start. Analyze every aspect of it and heal it perfectly and permanently.
Come throughout time healing each incident based upon the foundation of the
first until I'm at the present filled with Light and Truth, God's Peace and Love. I
am ____(positive emotion)____.

Every negative thought and inappropriate behavior based on the old feelings
quickly disappear.

Take all the time you need, Spirit, but quicken time and do the job NOW. Thank
you, Spirit, for coming to my aid and helping me attain the full measure of my
creation. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I love you and praise God from
whom all blessings flow.

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