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FORM : 2

DURATION : 1 period ( 40 minutes)

SUBJECT : Science.

THEME : Man And Variety Of Living Things.

TOPIC : Interdependence Among Living Organisms And The Environment.

SUB TOPIC : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge.
 Explain the roles of producers, consumers and decomposers.

2. Skill
 Using the encyclopedia index in order to get the information.
 Use computerize information tools to locate information.
 Evaluate information and determine its relevance in relation to a given information

3. Attitude
• Students will improve their self confident during the process of gathering
• Cooperation increases communication skills.

SOURCES : Encyclopedia, reference books, CD-ROM, journal.


Before the lesson, the teacher will discuss with the resources centre coordinator the:

1. Aims of activities.
2. Objective of the lesson
3. Available resources
4. Use of the Big 6 model

I. Task Definition
1. Students will identify the producer, consumer and decomposer in a food web
2. The teacher will assist students in using the appropriate graphic organizer to
support the task.

II. Information Seeking Strategies

1. Students will brainstorm all the possible sources they can use to gain information
on the various components in a food web.
2. Students will select the best sources.
3. Teacher will guide the students to prioritize the sources needed.

III. Location And Access.

In resource centre, the resource centre coordinator will help students to identity
various resources available.
1. Guide students on how to seek information either in the reference, serial, media
sections or the open rack by using Grid 2, Grid 1 and Grid 7.
2. Uses catalogue to locate best sources such as encyclopedia books or magazines.
3. After accessing the resources, students proceed to use the information found.

IV. Use Of Information.

1. Students will read, hear and view resources and take notes on information
2. The process of accessing information will be carried out in the resource centre.

V. Synthesis
1. Students will list down the references or bibliography for the sources used.
2. Students choose a suitable method to present the information whether orally,
using chart or diagram.
3. Students will give priority to neatness, ethics, spelling and grammar.

VI. Evaluation
1. Students will fill in Grid 6, an assessment scoring-guide to evaluate their work.


FORM : 2.

DURATION : 2 periods ( 80 minutes ).

SUBJECT : Science.

THEME : Man And Variety Of Living Things.

TOPIC : Interdependence Among Living Organisms And The Environment.

SUB TOPIC : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge.
a. Combine a few food chains to construct a food web.
b. construct a pyramid number from a food chain.

2. Skill
 Using the encyclopedia index in order to get the information.
 Use computerize information tools to locate information.
 Evaluate information and determine its relevance in relation to a given information

3. Attitude
• Students will improve their self confident during the process of gathering
• Cooperation increases communication skills.

SOURCES : Encyclopedia, reference books, CD-ROM, journal.


Before the lesson, the teacher will discuss with the resources centre coordinator the:

5. Aims of activities.
6. Objective of the lesson
7. Available resource
8. Use of the Big 6 model
I. Task Definition
1. Students will construct a food web from a few food chains and identify the
producer, consumer and decomposer.
2. The teacher will assist students in using the appropriate graphic organizer to
support the task.

II. Information Seeking Strategies

1. Students will brainstorm all the possible sources they can use to gain information
on how to combine a few food chains to construct a food web and to construct a
pyramid number from a food chain.
2. Students will select the best sources.
3. Teacher will guide the students to prioritize the sources needed.

III. Location And Access.

In resource centre, the resource centre coordinator will help students to identity
various resources available.
1. Guide students on how to seek information either in the reference, serial, media
sections or the open rack by using Grid 7 and Grid 3.
2. Uses catalogue to locate best sources such as encyclopedia books or magazines.
3. After accessing the resources, students proceed to use the information found.

IV. Use Of Information.

1. Students will read, hear and view resources and take notes on information
2. The process of accessing information will be carried out in the resource centre.

V. Synthesis
1. Students will list down the references or bibliography for the sources used.
2. Students choose a suitable method to present the information whether orally,
using chart or diagram.
3. Students will give priority to neatness, ethics, spelling and grammar.

6. Evaluation
1. Students will fill in Grid 6, an assessment scoring-guide to evaluate their work.

FORM : 2

DURATION : 2 period ( 80 minutes)

SUBJECT : Science.

THEME : Man And Variety Of Living Things.

TOPIC : Interdependence Among Living Organisms And The Environment.

SUB TOPIC : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OBJECTIVES : Synthesizing the food web.

LEARNING OUTCOMES : By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

1. Knowledge.
• Relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow.

2. Skill
 Using the encyclopedia index in order to get the information.
 Use computerize information tools to locate information.
 Evaluate information and determine its relevance in relation to a given information

3. Attitude
• Students will improve their self confident during the process of gathering
• Cooperation increases communication skills.

SOURCES : Encyclopedia, reference books, CD-ROM, journal.


Before the lesson, the teacher will discuss with the resources centre coordinator the:

9. Aims of activities.
10. Objective of the lesson
11. Available resources
12. Use of the Big 6 model

I. Task Definition
1. Students will identify the producer, consumer and decomposer in a food web and
relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow.
2. The teacher will assist students in using the appropriate graphic organizer to
support the task.

II. Information Seeking Strategies

1. Students will brainstorm all the possible sources they can use to gain information
on how to relate the food web and the pyramid number to energy flow.
2. Students will select the best sources.
3. Teacher will guide the students to prioritize the sources needed.

III. Location And Access.

In resource centre, the resource centre coordinator will help students to identity
various resources available.
4. Guide students on how to seek information either in the reference, serial, media
sections or the open rack by using Grid 2, Grid 1 and Grid 7.
5. Uses catalogue to locate best sources such as encyclopedia books or magazines.
6. After accessing the resources, students proceed to use the information found.
IV. Use Of Information.
1. Students will read, hear and view resources and take notes on information
2. The process of accessing information will be carried out in the resource centre.

V. Synthesis
1. Students will list down the references or bibliography for the sources used.
2. Students choose a suitable method to present the information whether orally,
using chart or diagram.
3. Students will give priority to neatness, ethics, spelling and grammar.

VI. Evaluation
1. Students will fill in Grid 6, an assessment scoring-guide to evaluate their work.

Grid 3
Your name :
What shall we find out?


Things I want to find out

1. What is food chain?

2. What is a pyramid number?

3. What does a food web show?

4. Construct a food web from a food chain.

Information I have found out.

1. A chain of organisms through which energy and atoms in the form organic compounds in food are transferred. It starts
with green plants upon which herbivores feed, The herbivores are eaten by carnivores which may in turn be eaten by
other carnivores and so on. As some animals feed at different levels in the chain, a food web may be required to cover
all the relationships.

2. In, ecology a diagram that shows how many plants and animals there are at different levels in a food chain. There are
always far fewer individuals at the top of the chain than at the bottom because only about 10% of the food an animal
eats is turned into flesh, so the amount of food flowing the chain drops at each step. In a pyramid of numbers, the
pyramid producers (usually plants) are represented at the bottom by a broad band, the plant eaters are shown above a
narrower band, and the animals that prey on them by a narrower band still. At the top of the pyramid are the top
carnivores such as lions and sharks, which are present in the smallest number.

3. The totality of interacting food chains in an ecological community

Books that I used

Author . Title

1. Uvarov, E. B and Isaacs, Alan The Penguin Dictionary of Science

2. Concise Dictionary of Science
3. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary and Seven Language
Grid 6

Thinking My name ______________

Back My topic ______________

My group _______________

Interesting things that I learnt about this topic that I didn’t already know how are

What is a pyramid number?

The things which I enjoyed doing most was

Looking for information with my friends.

The part I found the hardest was

Understanding the information given
Things I could do better next time are

Look for different source of information.

Signed ------------------- Date ____

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