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ff 653 July 65


The Project Summary

Prepared by
Goddard Space Flight Center,
Greenbelt, Maryland

$_i[z and Tedy_i¢d ln]ormatio_ Divisio_ 1 9 6 5

Igashis&tm,, D.C.
For Sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S, Government Printing Omce, Washington, D,C, 20402 • Price $2

This document describes the work performed in connection with the

Orbiting Solar Observatory and the scientific data and results obtained there-
from. Supplementary information has also been added to provide the reader
with a background in solar-oriented equipment.
Basically, this project was an effort to develop a solar observatory capable
of operation in space for approximately six months. Ball Brothers Research
Corporation conducted a research and development program to resolve methods
for enabling the solar observatory to perform as required. Acting as sub-
contractors, Electronic Specialties Company designed the antennas, AVCO
designed and manufactured the receiver and decoders, while Vector Manu-
ufacturing designed and manufactured the transmitter and diplexer. All
of these items were prepared in accordance with BBRC specifications.
The Orbiting Solar Observatory, designated OSO I, was launched March
7, 1962 from AFMTC at Cape Canaveral, Florida. The successful observatory
flight provided a wealth of scientific data concerning both the sun and the
portion of space through which the observatory orbits.
The NASA Project Manager was Dr. J. Lindsay. The BBRC project
directors were Mr. F. P. Dolder for spacecraft systems and Mr. R. H. Gable-
house for communications systems.

FOREWORD ............................................................... HI

Chapter 1


Introduction ............................................................ 1
General Description of the Orbiting Solar Observatory ........................ 1
Description of the Observatory Experiments ................................. 7
Launch Vehicle and Orbit ................................................ 9
Payload Envelope and Weight ............................................. 9
Design of the Observatory ............................................... 10
Development of the Observatory .......................................... 10

Chapter 2

Analysis of Spacecraft Rigid-Body System .................................. 13
Nutation Damper Development ........................................... 22
Effects of External Torques on Spacecraft .................................. 47
Control of Torque Effects ................................................. 67

Chapter 3


Design Criteria .......................................................... 69
Wheel Structure ........................................................ 70
Upper Structure .......................................................... 76
Component Mounting .................................................... 82
Arms and Arm Dampers ................................................. 84

Chapter 4
Introduction ............................................................ 89
Erectrical Control Systems ............................................... 91
Gas Control Systems ..................................................... 141
Performance ............................................................ 151
Chapter 5


Introduction ............................................................ 161
Systems Design ........................................................... 161
Subassembly Design and Qualification ...................................... 169
Operations ............................................................. 181
Data Reduction .......................................................... 184
Overall Performance ..................................................... 185

Chapter 6
Introduction ............................................................ 189
Power and Temperature Estimates ........................................ 189
Solar Cell Array ........................................................ 189
Buttery ................................................................ 190
Power Margin .......................................................... 190
Power Supply Performance ................................................ 191

Chapter 7
Introduction ...................................................... _..... 193
Analysis of Simplified Mathematical Model ................................ 193
Analysis of Shielded Model of Spacecraft Wheel ............................ 206
Evaluation of the Shape Factor Integrals .................................... 211

f Chapter 8


General Description ..................................................... 219
Solar-Oriented Experiments .............................................. 219
Wheel Experiments ..................................................... 228

Chapter 9
Introduction .......................................................... 243
Test Equipment .......................................................... 243
Developmental Testing .................................................. 247
Prototype Testing ...................................................... 252
Flight Model Testing .................................................... 267
Prelaunch Testing ........................................................ 273
Miscellaneous Tests ...................................................... 275

APPENDIX A--ANTENNA PATTERNS ...................................... 279


This chapter presents a description of the GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE ORBITING
Orbiting Solar Observatory program, a brief SOLAR OBSERVATORY
description of the scientific experiments aboard,
orbit criteria, spacecraft design history, and The Orbiting Solar Observatory (Figure 1-1)
the development sequence of the spacecraft. was primarily a stabilized platform for solar-
oriented scientific instruments. I n addition,
INTRODUCTION experiments which did not require solar orien-
tation were contained in the observatory.
It has become evident that solar radiation
and particle emissions, which have a great ef-
fect upon our atmosphere, must be measured
before their character is changed by the atmos-
phere. Until recently, many solar emissions
could be studied only through the effects they
have on the atmosphere. However, to study
both cause and effect, it is essential that these
phenomena be measured both from above and
below the atmosphere.
The studies decided upon for the f i s t attempt
a t continuous measurement of solar phenomena
above the atmosphere mere spectrometric
studies in the ultraviolet and in the sh(rt wa~\.e-
length x-ray regions of the solar electromagnetic
radiation spectrum. The value of the data
gathered from above the atmosphere is two-
fold. In the &st place, measurements de- FIGURE
1-1.-Orbiting Solar Observatory (OS0 1).
rived directly from the sun with no atmos-
pheric attenuation may be used to arrive at Electrical power required for Observatory oper-
explanations for purely solar phenomena and ation was supplied by an array of solar cells
g v e greater insight into the mechanics of the mounted on the upper section. A complete
production of the measured emissions in the telemetry and command system was provided
sun. Secondly, the direct measurements from to transmit information back to earth, and to
the sun when correlated with observed effect.: receive commands from a ground station.
produced in the earth’s atmosphere may be
used to explain the mechanisms by which Basic Spacecraft
these atmospheric phenomena occur.
There can be no doubt that the ability to The observatory consisted of two main
measure unattenuated solar emissions is a sections: the wheel structure and the upper
giant stride in the advancement of knowledge structure. The lower wheel structure was
of the sun and its influence on the earth. The composed of nine wedge-shaped compartments.
Orbiting Solar Observatory gave us this abilitv. Five of these compartments contained scientific

Of H M M R4YS fOJ-5 M€V)
WZ 3/.5/&. PlDWER 0.6 W


WT /.7/6s. FWW€R O./W

W~83Ih.powERa2 w

ikrER0Y mUM mys
M€MUR€M€UT WZ /6.8/& POW€# h/ W
r;;r 0


FIQURE1-2.-Wheel experiments.

experiments (Figure 1-2); the other four con- held in position by two bearings, one a t the
tained functional hardward such as the wheel top of the wheel and one a t the bottom.
electronic controls, batteries, telemetry system, Mounted on the shaft between the bearings was
radio command system, and the in-flight data a high-pressure nitrogen gas tank which carried
storage system (Figure 1-3). Three fiberglass the gas supply for precession jets. These jets
spheres on extended arms contained pressurized were mounted atop the solar array structure.
nitrogen gas for the spin control system. A torque motor mounted on the base of the shaft
The upper structure of the observatory con- drove the shaft and upper structure relative to
tained the solar oriented experiments (Figure the wheel. This motor actively controlled the
1 4 ) , and was mounted on the wheel. The azimuth orientation of the stabilized upper
fan-shaped array to which silicon solar cells structure by driving it a t an equal rate b u t
were attached made up the larger part of the opposite rotational direction with respect to the
upper structure. wheel. Also mounted on the base of the shaft
The two main structures were connected by was a slip-ring assembly that transferred power,
an aluminum shaft (Figure 1-5) extmdirig from telemetry signals, and control signals from the
the base of the casting containing the pointed upper section into the wheel.
instruments, through the center of the wheel, The observatory was designed for maximum
tmd terminating in the support ring structure on utilizntion o f the payload section of the Thor-
the underside of the wheel. This shaft was Delta lnunch vehicle. The maximum wheel


FIGURE1-3.-Wheel electronics systems.

diameter allowed by the Thor-Delta shroud was of the wheel was reduced to approximately
44 inches. During launch, the three nitrogen 30 rpm by jet action. This spin rate was main-
gas containers on th,e extended arms mere folded tained within *5 percent of nominal value by
down along the sides of the third-btage mohr. gas jet,? attached to each of the spherical gas
When the nitrogen tanks were extended out- containers. These jets were actuated by a
vi-ard after third-stage burnout, the diameter signal from photodetectors and an electronic
of the payload was increased to 92 inches. control system which computed the instan-
Since these spheres were carried a t the ends of taneous period of rotation of the wheel with
the extended arms, the axial moment of inertia reference to the sun. The three gas-filled
mas larger than either transverse moment of spheres were interconnected to assure that
inertia. The overall height of the observatory unbalance of the rotating body would not occur
was 37 inches, and total weight waq about due to an unequal gas flow rate through the jets.
460 pounds.
The Orbiting Solar Observatory utilized the Control System
,qVroscopic properties of a spinning bod>- for
stability. Prior to third-stage firing, the third The biaxial control system of the
stage and the spacecraft were spun up to ap- obserratorp utilized the entire vehicle as the
proximately 100 rpm bj- a system of small rocket controlled platform. Coarse elevation position-
motors (Figure 1-6). After third-stage burn- ing of the stabilized sect,ion was accomplished
out, the arms supporting the three gas con- b1 determining pitch error with pitch control
tainers were extended. The spacecraft was photodetectors and controlling pitch attitude
separated from the rocket, and the spin rate with on-off jets (Figure 1-7). This was pos-


/--- FLIWT .



14-Solar oriented experiments.

sible because of the gyroscopic properties of mounted on the stabilized section, torques of
the spinning body. By exhausting nitrogen either sense, normal to the plane of the solar
gas (after stabilization) through nozzles array, could be produced to precess the space-
craft in elevation. The spin axis was thus
positioned perpendicular to the solar vector
within about three degrees. There was no
control about the sun vector (roll), but rates
around this axis were very slow due to the
- awnxunm rigidity of the gyro.
Fine elevation and azimuth positioning of
the instruments was accomplished by electrical
- b-afms servo motor control. As described earlier, the
elevation servo motor was mounted on the
casting which supported the pointed instru-
A U M W IYMCIDTW ments. This motor drove the instruments
relative to the spin axis for fine positioning
in elevation. The azimuth servo motor,
AZIMf77f SHAFT ASSEMBLY DETAIL mounted to the shaft connecting the stabilized
upper section to the spinning wheel, is men-
P'IGURE 1-5.--A~iniuth shaft assemt)ly. tioned i n tm earlier paragraph.

FIGUREi-6.--OSG i flight sequcncc.

T h e aziniuth and elevation servo motors were coarse detectors provided a signal to the azi-
actuated by signals from two tj-pes of photo- muth servo drive system vchich would despin
detectors mounted on the stabilized upper the upper section. As the upper section spin
section of the spacecraft. These were: (1) rate was reduced to zero, the coarse detectors
coarse detectors mounted on the sail structure pointed the solar instruments to within two
(Figure 1-7) and (2) fine detectors mounted to three degrees of the solar vector. At that
directly to the pointed instruments. time. a disabling detector mounted on the
There \%-erefour coarse detectors, each having pointed instruments actuated a rela>- which
a 90-degree field of view. which provided tiirned the coarse detector control off, leaving
a frill 360 degrees of position control. There the azimutb positioning servo with fine detector
were two fine detectors which provided a control only. K h e n the azimuth servo had
differential signal oi-er about 10 azimuth degrees positioned the iipper section normal to the
in each direction from the solar vector. The d a r vector, the elevation servo then positioned
elevation servo position error sign:& originated the pointed in.;truments in elevation. AS ex-
from the 10-degree fine detector.: only. plained earlier, the fine detectors for both
When the spacecraft was in siinlight and elerution and nzimuth position control were
the iipper section was spinning, the azimuth mounted directly t o the pointed instruments


FIGURE1-7.-Control systems.

Two of these detectors were used for each con- the spacecraft attitude had been returned to
trol loop. Operating as pairs, the detectors within one degree of the desired position.
provided a differential signal which was the Other photodetectors used in the pointing
error signal for the particular servo. Short- control system were: (1) turn-on detectors and
term pointing accuracy of the fine control (2) spin control detectors. T h e turn-on de-
system was better than one minute of arc in tectors, as the name implies, were used to
elevation and azimuth. Long-term accurttcy actuate electrical equipment (turned off in the
was better than two minutes of arc. dark) each time the satellite emerged from the
T h e pitch control detectors were detection earth's shadow. A set of six detectors was
units for the pitch jet control system. This distributed around the outer surface of the
block of four detectors was mounted facing the spinning wheel t,o tjiim on equipment. bot,h in
sun on the front of the stabilized structure. the wheel and on the pointed section. T h e
Whenever the spin axis of the spacecraft detectors observed the sun once per revolution
changed pitch more than three degrees from of the wheel, providing the spin controller with
t,he normal to the solar vector, one of these the necessary information for the determination
detectors turned on the appropriate jet to of wheel spin rate.
precess the spacecraft back toward the desired
Power Supply
attitude. Two of the detectors were required
for this function, one of either sense. The Solar energy was the sole source of power for
other two detectors turned off the jets whenever operating electrical equipment and experiments


array mounted frequency was used in the tape speed compen-
on the stabilized section converted solar energy sation networks of the receiving station to com-
into electrical energy whenever the spacecraft pensate for permanent changes in tape recorder
was in sunlight. This energy was stored in speed and for transient changes, such as wow
nickel-cadmium batteries contained in the and flutter, up to 300 cps.
spinning wheel. During daylight, when the The subcarrier oscillator output signals were
spacecraft was pointing, the solar-cell srray recorded and played back at equal amplitudes.
was normal to the sun vector within three A pre-emphasis filter preceded the transmitter
degrees. input to provide an amplitude taper commen-
The total surface area of the solar-cell array surate with transmitter noise level and a
was 3.72 square feet. This array was composed bandwidth of 100 kc.
of thirty-one, 18-volt, 60-cell modules which The transmitter consisted of two parts: the
produced a power output of approximately 27 modulated driver, and the RF power amplifier.
watts. The average day-night power available Both units used solid-state active elements.
for use from storage batteries was approximately During the 90-minute record phase of the orbit,
16 watts. Since the telemetry, data system, the driving signal to the RF amplifier was re-
and control system required approximately duced to permit an output of 300 row. By
seven watts, nine watts were available for the ground control initiation of playback, the driv-
various scientific experiments. ing signal to the power amplifier was increased
to permit an output of 1.75 watts during the
Tkermal Control five-minute tape recorder playback interval.
Since only one transmitter operated at a time,
Spacecraft temperature was controlled by both were able to operate at the same frequency.
making use of carefully selected external sur- The antenna system utilized two of the space-
faces. Special paints were developed for the craft arm supporting structures as radiating
upper structure back surfaces and the wheel rim elements. Antenna polarization required diver-
surfaces. Polished aluminum covers were used sity combining of vertically and horizontally
for the fiat top and bottom wheel compartment polarized signals at the receiving station. Due
covers. to a two-db loss in the antenna and RF multi-
plexing system, the radiated power was nomi-
Data Acquisition and Command System nally 1.0 watt.
The command system for the observatory
The observatory telemetry was accomplished was a 7-tone AM system. It was capable of
with an FM-FM system. There were two inde- actuating 10 distinct command functions.
pendent parallel multiplexing systems. Each
system had a tape recorder, a set of subcarrier DESCRIPTION OF THE OBSERVATORY
oscillators, and a transmitter. EXPERIMENTS
The tape recorder, running at approximately
0.65 ips, recorded the complex signal (eight non- Solar X-Ray Spectrometer
standard low frequency sub-carriers) for 90
minutes of the 95-minute orbit. During a five- A solar x-ray spectrometer was employed for
minute interval, when the spacecraft was within the primary study of short wavelength x-rays
receiving range, the tape recorder would play (See Figure 1-4). It was designed with a sensi-
back the recorded signal at 18.35 times the tivity adequate to yield a spectral distribution
record speed. At this playback speed, the sub- over the 60A-400A wavelength band. With
carrier oscillator frequencies became standard the experiment continuously pointed at the
IRIG frequencies and modulated the spacecraft sun, sunlight entered the instrument through a
transmitter. slit. The sunlight was dispersed at the 2-degree
One subcarrier oscillator was a fixed fre- grazing angle grating into the x-ray spectrum,
quency, highly stable oscillator. This oscillator and was focused spectrally on the "Rowland"
circle. The detectorwasmountedon a motor- storage register which was read into a shift
driven carriage which moved along a track co- register and presented as digital words for
incident with the Rowland circle and thus could output data. This gamma ray monitor experi-
continuously scan and measure the spectrum ment was developed at the University of
presented. The spectrometer was developed at Minnesota by J. Winkler and L. Peterson.
Goddard Space Flight Center by W. Behring
and W. Neupert. 100-500 Mev Gamma Ray Monitor

An experiment was devised to monitor gamma

20-100 Kev X-Ray Monitor
rays in the range from 100 Mev to 500 Mev
using coincidence detection of scintillation and
An experiment for monitoring the 20-100
Cerenkov light. Gamma radiation creates an
kev x-ray region was devised utilizing a thin
NaI (T1) crystal scintillator. This emission electron-positron pair in a lead sheet, generating
a scintillator pulse in coincidence with Cerenkov
band is believed to be associated with Type III
light produced in a plastic cylinder. An anti-
radio events, and correlation will be sought be-
tween the radio observations and variations in coincidence scintillator was placed ahead of the
lead sheet as protection against primary rela-
the transient x-ray phenomena. This instru-
tivistic charged particles. This experiment
ment was developed at Goddard Space Flight
was developed at the University of Rochester
Center by K. Frost and W. White.
by G. Fazio and E. Hafner.

1.8 Angstrom X-Ray Monitor

0.510 Mev Gamma Ray Monitor

An experiment for monitoring the 1.8A This experiment was designed to monitor the
x-ray region was developed at Goddard Space 0.510 Mev electron-positron annihilation line
Flight Center by K. Frost, W. White, and R. using a NaI (T1) scintillator. It was developed
Young. It utilized two Be(Xe) ion chambers
by K. Frost and W. White at Goddard Space
connected in parallel and collimated to reduce
Flight Center.
low-energy electron effects.
3800A-4800A Monitor
0.2-1.5 Mev Gamma Ray Monitor
An experiment for monitoring the 3800A-
This gamma ray monitor used two NaI (T1) 4800A band was built using a special photo-
scintillators: one was shielded for a penumbral diode with a filter. This experiment was
detection angle of 20 °, and the other was un- capable of detecting variations of solar flux in
shielded and nearly isotropic in detection ability a bandwidth as small as 0.1 percent. This
so that it could be used as a background control band of wavelengths is important in the total
detector for the shielded detector. This experi- energy balance studies of the sun. The experi-
ment was developed at Goddard Space Flight ment was developed at Goddard Space Flight
Center by K. Frost, W. White, and K. Hallam. Center by K. Hallam, W. White, and H.
50 Key-3 Mev Gamma Ray Monitor 1100A-1250A Monitor

An experiment was designed to monitor An experiment for measuring the intensity

gamma rays between 50 key and 3 Mev. For of the l100A-1250A solar ultraviolet band was
the 50-150 kev range, a NaI (T1) crystal scin- developed at Goodard Space Flight Center by
tillator monitored radiation through a lead K. Hallam, W. White, and R. Yomlg. It used
shiehl. The detector operating in tile 0.3-1.0 an LiF-CS2 ion chamber, which was stopped
Mev and 1.0-3.0 Mev energy regions used two down to retard deterioration. Tim region in-
scintillators connected as a Colnpton coinci- cluded the chromosptmric Lyman-Alpha line
dence telescope. Data were accumulated in a which was strongly affected by solar activity.

. Inkrplanetary Dust Monitor

An interplanetary dust, monitor experiment

was built to measure the number, momentum,
and kinetic energy of dust particles by the use
of a microphone and a photomultiplier with a
two-micron coating of aluminum. The photo-
multiplier measured the luminous energy in
the plasma cloud formed by impacts, and the
microphone measured the mechanical impulse
of the impact. This experiment was developed
a t Goddard Space Flight, Center by 31. Alex-
ander and C. McCracken.

Neutron Monitor

A neutron detection experiment was built

to determine whether or not the lower portion
of the earth’s radiation belt is caused by the
decay of earth-emitted neutrons and the sub-
sequent trapping of resulting electrons and
protons in the earth’s field. The detector was
a moderated BF, counter. This experiment
was developed a t the University of California
by W. Hess. FIGURE1-8.-Thor-Delta launch vehicle.

Proton-Electron Identifier reliably place a 500-lb payload into the desired

A proton-electron esperiment was built to orbit. This orbit had to be high enough to
distinguish between the electron and proton free the spacecraft from most of the atmospheric
ionization events. This was accomplished us- drag and attenuation, but low enough to avoid
ing a scintillator which can electronically the radiation belt which would affect some of
disti~lg~&h between the two types of ionization. t h e e?:p&nPutq These requirements indi-
This experiment was developed at the ‘C‘ni- cated that a 300-naulica:-rnile orbit, as near
17ersit-y of California by Dr. C. Schroeder. circular as possible, would be most satisfactory.
An orbit inclination of 33 degrees vias chosen
Emissivity Experiment for the following reasons: (1) the geometry
of the launch area, (2) the required injection
An emissivity experiment was built to study point, ( 3 ) the resulting trajectory, and (4) the
the stabilitj- of the emissixyity of various surfaces requirement for u maximum sunlight orbit.
in a space enrironment. Si. surfaces and a
black body reference were used, and equilib- P A Y L O A D ENVELOPE AND WEIGHT
rium temperature was the parameter measured
by thermistor detectors. This experiment was The Thor-Delta vehicle payload shroud
developed at the Ames Research Center bp dictated the size of the payload envelope. The
G. Robinson. observatory was required t o fit within a certain
enclosure with sufficient clearance to allow for
L A U N C H VEHICLE AND ORBIT shroud buffeting motion. Having determined
the payload size and shape, the nest step was to
The standard Thor-Delta 1-ehicle with the keep the weight within the capability of the
bulbous nose cone (Figure 1-S) was used to launch rehicle. Certain dynamics considera-
place OS0 I into orbit. The vehicle could tions dictated that the relatix-e w-eights, or more


precisely,momentums,were such that con- bearings to operate reliably in the near absoblte
siderablymore scientific instrument weight vacuum conditions of space. Early investiga-
couldbehandledthanwasoriginallyexpected. tions indicated that bearings had been tested in
The designweight was to be approximately laboratory vacuums before, hut with unsatis-
400lb, 100lb lessthanthemaximumcapability factory results. This indicated that a new kind
of the vehiclesystem. of lubricant and lubricating technique was re-
quired. Practically all of the well known
DESIGN OF THE OBSERVATORY lubricants, lubrication concepts, and lubrication
philosophy were of no help in tile solution of the
Tile Orbiting Solar Observatory was origi- problem. A new approach was used, and a dry
nally conceived as a gyroscope. The spinning lubricant technique was developed and success-
portion was to be an open mechanical structure fully tested in the laboratory. The same prob-
carrying gas bottles and batteries at the ex- lem existed for slip rings and brushes. Again,
tremes for spin-up impulses and energy storage, a new technique was developed and tested with
and a stationary structure (with respect to the success.
sun) holding the experiments to be pointed at
the sun. This stationary structure was to be DEVELOPMENT OF THE OBSERVATORY
shaft-mounted through the open spinning wheel
structure, with a bearing supported shaft The observatory development was begun by
through the center of a large gas bottle con- conducting three simultaneous programs. These
taining the pitch control gas supply. As the programs were the development of the electrical
design evolved, it became evident that a higher control system, the basic spacecraft, and the
wheel spin momentum was required than could data acquisition and command system.
be made available with the structure in mind,
and that a life longer than a few days would be Electrical Control System
desirable. At this point, it was realized that
the additional wheel weight required to increase The basic approach in the development of the
the spin momentum could be used for payload, electrical control system was to design a mech-
thus scientific experiments were added to the anized system which could be rapidly assembled
wheel structure. The batteries which were and would perform in tim same manner as the
required to provide the power had to be charged, proposed orbit system. The initial effort cul-
so a solar-cell array was added. minated in a mock-up of the entire system on an
These developments led to the design of a air-bearing-mounted test fixture. The air-
two-section structure: a wheel structure that bearing fixture was built to simulate the space-
consisted of compartments to provide space for craft dynamically. The moments of inertia of
the placement of the wheel controls, batteries, the fixture were the same as the final payload.
telemetry equipment, and experiments; and a This fixture consisted of a large-diameter fiat
large fl_t "sail" structure to carry solar cells. plate mounted horizontally on an air bearing by
From this point, the design was not changed means of a conical center section that allowed
basically, but instead of putting the spin-up gas the center of gravity of the fiat plate wheel to be
bottles in the wheel structure, the bottles were lower than the mounting sphere of the air
put on extendable arms, such that the arms bearing. The wheel then represented the spin-
could be stowed for launch and extended after ning portion of the spacecraft and provided a
orbit was achieved. The reason for this was mounting surface for the control equipment that
to increase the spin momentum. The most would actually be mounted in the observatory
obvious problem that this configuration pre- wtleel structure. An upper structure was then
sented was the limit of the life of the bearings mounted on the air-bearing-supported wheel.
required to support the solar oriented portion This upper structure was shaft-mounted on the
upon the spinning portion. The success of the wheel structure to enable it to rotate wittl
entire venture depended upon the ability of respect to the wheel about an axis (spin axis)


no_nal to the plane of the wheel. A bearing- concepts were made as a result of the air-bear-
mounted shaft, perpendicular to the spin axis ing fixture work.
of the wheel, was attached to the upper structure After the operation of the control system
for mounting simulated solar oriented instru- had been proven successful, the next step in the
ments. This method provided a fixture which electronics development was the prototype
had a two-axis _mbal mounting for instruments effort. The breadboard design, in progress as
similar to the actual spacecraft. The center of the air-bearing work was being done, was
gravity of the fixture was adjusted to coincide finalized using experience gained in the air-
with the center of the spherical air bearing bearing work. Prototype electronics were pre-
suspension ball. When balanced, this fixture pared in flight configuration, and flight elec-
essentially provided a free body that would tronic components were requisitioned.
react to external torques as would the actual Prototype electronic subassemblies were in-
observatory in orbit. stalled in the prototype spacecraft after they
The most efficient method for providing the had successfully passed qualifying vibration and
simulated spacecraft with control system elec- thermal-vacuum tests. After the prototype
tronics was to adapt an existing pointing control system was installed and integrated, the entire
to the simulated spacecraft. The system prototype spacecraft was subjected to a series
electronics were constructed from the drawings of environmental tests. Problems which were
of a balloon-borne pointing control system encountered during prototype testing were
previously flown, enabling the use of readily solved and the solutions applied to the flight
available components. Gains and limits were model control system. The environmental
adjusted to suit the new application. A test testing of flight subassemblies was completed
fixture was built to test the electronics before and the subassemblies were integrated into the
the controls were applied to the air-bearing flight spacecraft which was then environ-
fixture. This test fixture was essentially iden- mentally tested.
tical to the air-bearing fixture, except that it
Basic Spacecraft
was fixed to the floor. The test fixture could
rotate and had biaxial gimballing and could As decisions were made with respect to
wobble about the rotational axis by means of an providing a vibration-resistant structure, the
eccentric adjustment at the drive axis. This basic spacecraft design evolved from the antic-
wobble table fixture was used to check out the ipated shape and size concepts into actual
electronic and gas controls. The table fixture hardware. The design to survive the ex-
could be rotated, given specified wobbles, and pected launch thrust was straightforward;
could otherwise recreate the conditions of the however, a design to survive the expected
air-bearing fixture with the exception of the launch vibration was not as simple. A struc-
pitch and roll capabilities of the air-bearing ture which was designed as a flight structure
fixture. was assembled and designated the vibration
At this point, a complete simulated spacecraft structural model. Simulated instruments and
was available for control system development. control equipment were mounted on this struc-
The control system was then installed on the ture to simulate the eventual flight model
air-bearing fixture. The fixture was suspended configuration. Extensive vibration testing was
on its bearing, and the wheel structure was spun accomplished on the structural model. Only a
up to the expected spin rate of the actual ob- minimum of useable numerical data were de-
servatory. An indoor lamp was directed at the rived from this testing but the structure proved
device from a distance to simulate the sun for to be adequate for the vibration loading im-
control system acquisition and positioning. posed. From this point of the development,
The test on the air-bearing fixture provided the only minor changes were made as the work
necessary confidence in the method of control, progressed to the prototype structure. The
the feasibility of the gas systems, and the nutation prototype structure was assembled, and pro-
damper. Several modifications in the original totype instruments and controls were installed.


7_2-552 0--66-----2

Vibration testing revealed that the only mod- redundant tape recorder. The tape recorders
ifications required were minor changes in the were both running during the launch accelera-
mounting bracketry hardware for some of the tion and vibration to prevent brinnelling of the
equipment in the wheel structure. Testing of bearings. With orbit power turned on, data
the arms in the erection sequence indicated recording began on the main tape recorder.
that the arm structure required strengthening. Also, at 200 seconds after timer start the
Following these modifications, the prototype despin gas jets were turned on. The spin rate
structure survived vibration testing far in ex- for third-stage thrust stability was a nominal
cess of that required to prove structural 120 rpm, but the spacecraft operational spin
integrity. The flight model structure, with rate was required to be 30 rpm. The extension
modifications made as the prototype testing of the arms reduced the spin rate somewhat, but
exposed problems, successfully completed the it was necessary to despin from this rate to 30
flight environmental test with no problems. rpm. The despin gas jets slowed the spin rate
until the automatic spin-up controller sensed
Data Acquisition and Command System
that the rate was at 30 rpm. At this time, the
The data acquisition system for the observa- automatic spin-up controller turned on the spin-
tory was designed to perform the following up gas jets to produce a known incremental
functions: spin-up impulse and permanently disconnect
1. Accept the analog outputs of seven data the despin circuitry so that no accidental despin
channels* and one reference channel and com- was possible. This sequence left the spacecraft
bine them into a frequency multiplex of eight spinning at the nominal control rate.
subcarrier oscillators. After 400 seconds, the upper structure and
2. Demodulate and select the particular tone nutation damper bob, which had been latched
command channel via the receiver and decoder during the powered flight phase of the launch
respectively. to prevent mechanical damage, were released
3. Actuate ten spacecraft command functions. by explosive squib-actuated pin pullers. At
the same time, a latching relay applied the error
Launch Sequence
voltage to the azimuth torque motor drive
The launch and orbital acquisition phase electronics so that the azimuth positioning con-
most severely tested the spacecraft system. trol system could begin to orient the upper
The orbital acquisition sequence was pro- structure to an attitude fixed relative to the sun.
grammed by digital timers which were started The upper structure, which was spinning with
by centrifugal switches. These switches sensed the wheel when latched, slowed and then locked
the centrifugal force produced when the third on the sun. The unlatched nutation damper
stage and payload were spun up by the solid- quickly absorbed the energy of nutation. No
propellant rockets mounted on the spin table detectable nutation was present after the azi-
between the second and third stages. muth pointing controller had positioned the
The 'switches closed properly at spin-up and upper structure.
the timers started properly. One hundred At 800 seconds after spin-up (the last timed
seconds later the timed release of the stowed function of the timers), tile elevation gimbal
arms by means of explosive squib-actuated pin was unlatched by means of an explosive squib-
pullers was properly accomplished, and the actuated pin puller. Tile elevation positioning
arms extended and locked as anticipated. serve mechanism pointed the upper structure
Shortly after arm release, third-stage engine experiments to the center of the sun at this
separation occurred. The launch vehicle timed time.
this separation. At 800 seconds, the timers also repeated all of
Two hundred seconds after spin-up, the the previous functions to give a higher prob-
timers turned on obrit power and turned off the ability that all functions had successfully oc-
*In some cases, several experimental measurements curred. At the end of this sequence, the timers
were combined into a single chatmel. turned themselves off.

Chapter 2


ANALYSIS OF SPACECRAFT RIGID-BODY produced by a rotation, a, about the z-axis,

SYSTEM followed by a rotation, 8, about the N-axis.
A principal axis system, Xl, yl, zl, is attached
The unique biaxial pointing control of the to the wheel and is formed by a rotation, 4",
Orbiting Solar Observatory utilized the entire about the S-axis.
vehicle as part of the controlled platform. Axes x_, y_, z2 form a principal axis system
Coarse elevation control of the stabilized upper attached to the upper structure which is formed
section was accomplished by controlling the by a rotation, 4'", about the S-axis. The x2-
vehicle attitude with on-off jets. This was axfis is along the long dimension of the solar
possible because of the gyroscopic property of array.
the spinning wheel. Fine elevation and azi- )_xes x._, y._, z3 form a principal axis system
muth positioning of the instruments were attached to the pointed instruments which is
accomplished by electrical servo motor control. formed from the x2, y_, z2 system by a rotation,
In addition to the above, it was necessary to use e, about the x2 axis.
a nutation damper to conserve servo power by The symbols dl, d2, and d3 denote the distance
eliminating the undersirable motions of the from the spacecraft center of gravity to the
spacecraft. center of gravity of the wheel, upper structure,
Due to the complexity of the system, it and pointed instrument package, respectively.
seemed desirable to simulate the complete con- The distance from the spacecraft center of
trol system of the OSO on a computer before gravity to the point of suspension of the
proceeding too far into the hardware phase. nutation damper is d_.
The equations of motion for the four-body The equation of transformation between the
problem were derived and then run on an analog inertial coordinate system and the M, N, S
computer to check the parameters of the system system is given by
and to observe, if possible, any unexpected
(y]/Z=,sin o_ eos O0 --Sineos
ol cos
aa sin M

Coordinate System \z/ \ --sinO 0 cosO

The coordinate system used is shown in
Figure 2-1. The x, y, z axis system is an and the transformation between the M, N, S
inertial system, and the M, N, S system is system and the x3, y_, z3 system is given by

Ys =
cos. .,,,
--cos e sin 4,"
sin _ sin ¢"
cos e cos 4'"
--sin e cos 4'"

The equations of transformation between the transformation between the M, N, S system

M, N, S system and the x2, y2, z2 system can and the x_, y_, zl systenl can be obtained by
be obtained by setting _=0. The equations of setting _=0 and by replacing 4'" by 4".


x2 M

z3 Y2





- WHEEL POSITION 0 02 = d2


FIGURE 2-1.--Coordinate system.


- Derivation of Equationsof Motion The kinetic energy of the pointed instrument

The angular velocities of the M, N, S system
relative to inertial space are given by
__I 2 2 2 2 2
2",-- _ [ m gt_(_,_+ zN) +I,w. 8+I, W ,8+Iz-,_,31
_=--h sin 0, _N=t) and Us=& cos 0 (2.3)

Therefore, the angular velocities in the x_, Y3, z3 (2.5)

system are given by
where m._is the mass of the pointed instruments
_3= -& sin 0 cos #'+t_ sin _"+i
and I_3, I_3, Iz s are the moments of inertia of
_,3= (& sin 0 sin _"+0 cos #') cos t the instruments about the indicated axes.
+(_"+h cos 0) sin t The partial derivatives of the kinetic energy
with respect to the generalized coordinates, the
,%= -- (h sin 0 sin #'+t) cos #') sin t derivative of the generalized coordinate, and the
+(_"+& cos 0) cos t (2.4) total derivative of the latter are as follows:

-_-= mgt_a sin _ 0+w,J,3(--sin 0 cos _")+_,3Iv3 (sin 0 sin ¢" cos t
+cos 0 sin t)+_zpr,3(--sin 0 sin #' sin t+cos 0 cos _)

d/\_)T3 2 ,, ,, ,,
_,_--)= m_r_,(/_sin 0+at)sin 20)+I,_t_,3(-sin ocos _ )+ _(-0 cos acos _ +6 sin 0 sin V")]
+I_3[_,3 (sin esin#' cos t+eos 0 sin t) +t)_,_ (cos _ sin ¢" cos t--sin 0 sin t)
+_"_ sin 0 cos _" cos _+i_,.,(--sin 0 sin #' sin t+cos 0 cos t)]
+l,_[b,_(--sin _ sin _" sin t+cos 0 cos t)--t|,% (cos _ sin _" sin t+sin _ cos t)
_' z3 sin e cos #' sin t-i_,_ (sin 8 sin ¢" cos t+cos 0sin _)1 (2.6)


= m_t)A-_,j,_ sin _"A-w,ff,_ cos _" cos t--_,31._ cos #' sin t (2.7)

d (_-_)--=m_-4-I,_(&,3
dt sin cb" +d/'t_=a cos ¢")-4-I,a(&,_ cos ¢" cost
--d_"'" _3sin d" cos t--tw_" cos #' sin t)

--Iz_(_ eosqJ' sint--it/' w,_sinq/' sint+i_,_cos,b" cost) (2.8)

_Ts=l_ m_/_ sin 2_--w,sI,3 cos 0 cos #'+,_w4,s (cos _ sin _" cos t
--sin 0 sin t)--awj_s (cos _sin _" sin t +sin 0 cos t) (2.9)

_T_ =_,_I_ sin t+_L_ cos

d / \i_T3
-- (2.10)
dt |_-2-r7]--I_a(_,a
\ t_v /
sin tA-i_ cos t)+Iz_(b_ cos t--i_,3 sin _)

6T_ .
b-_=I,_(a_,,a sin 0 sin #'+0_,_cos#')+(_,sin 0cos #'--0sin #')(_J,_cos t--_,_L_sin t) (2.11)


d /bT3\ .

--:-(_ sin 0 sin 4_"+0 cos _ tt )( Ca)_I_3 sin e+O_Jz3 cos e)
+ (4." +& cos 0) (,%1_ 3 cos e-- _,al.3 sin _) (2.13)

Equations (2.3) through (2.13) may be simplified by assuming a, _b", &, _ small and 0=2--0' where
0' is small. Then
_3 _ --h+i w_3_O _3-----_"
"" (2.14)

,;,.3=_+4." (i+a) (2.15)

/%=_-a+0+" )

For the pointed instruments the Lagrangians become:

_T_ _T_ ........ ,

dt \ _-/--\ _-]= m_ _0+ I,.,[0+4, ' (_+_)]+¢"(_--a) (h_-L_)

d /bT3\ /_)T3\ .... ,


For the upper structure, the Lagrangians become:

d _)T_ _)T_ ..... ,, ]

bT2 bT2 ...... ,, (2.17)

d /_)T_\ /_T_\ .... ,

And for the wheel, the Lagrangians become:

d _)T. 5T. m._d+ir&_iz06, )

dt 5& i)a

d ibT, 5T_ m_O+IrO+I_6' (z.18)

dt bO 50
d bT, aTl___i.(¢t &O)
dt 5dp 5¢)

since Iq = Iv, = Iv. The moment of inertia of the wheel about its spin axis is 18.


• The kinetic energy of the nutation damper (T_) is given by


Its potential energy, V4, is expressed by

v(=_ k(_+_+_) (2.20)

and its dissipation function, F_, may be written

F,=_ c(g+_+_) (2.21)

In order to write the Lagrangian for the damper, it is necessary t,o express Equation (2.19)
in terms of the x2, Y2, z2 coordinate system. The equation of transformation between these two
systems is given by

[x\ /cos. coso --sin.
\z/ \
a cos 0
--sin 0
cos a
cos sm:)(cos00
sin a sin
cos 0
i)(x) sin ¢" cos ¢"

fco .oos0cos,,, --sin

--COS a cos 0 sin _r_

/ /--sinasin," a cos ¢"

--sin a cos 0 sin q/'
y I=|sin a cos 0 cos _" sin a sin 0] Y2
l / +cosasin,- +cos a cos 4,"
zJ I. -sin 0 cos _" sin 0 sin _" cos0 .J z2+d


z=x_ (cos _ cos 0 cos ¢"--sin a sin ¢")--y_ (cos a cos 0 sin ¢"+sin a cos ¢")+ (z2+dO cos a sin 0

y = x2 (sin a cos 0 cos O' ' + cos a sin ¢" ) + y2 (--sin a cos 0 sin O" + cos a cos O" ) + (z 2+ d4) sin a sin 0

z=--x2 sin 0 cos ¢"+y2 sin 0 sin ¢"+(z2+d4) cos 0


x=cos a cos O(x2 cos ¢"--Y2 sin q,")--sin a(z2 sin ¢"+Y2 cos 4,")+ (z2+d4) cos a sin 0

y=sin a cos O(x2 cos ¢"--Y2 sin ¢")+cos a(z2 sin ¢"+Y2 cos ¢")+ (z2+d4) sin a sin 0

z=--sin O(z2 cos ¢"--Y2 sin ¢")+ (_+d4) cos 0


x=a_c-- ba, + ( z2 + d,)a$, 1

y=aa_c+ ba_ + (z2 + d4)a_s
z=--ae,+ (z2+d,)O_ 3

a=x2 cos 4,"--y2 sin ¢"

b =x2 sin ¢"+ y2 cos ¢" f
using the argument with the subscript indicating the function, i.e., sin 0 becomes 0s.


Differentiating Equation (2.22) results in the equations

=-do,+ _-0p j



x2+_2+ i_=d2+b2+ _2+ a_p2+O2(p2+ q2) + b2&2+ 2do( qO_+ pO,)

+ 2d&bOc+ 2b&p+ 2 i _(qO,+pOc) -- 2 i&bO,-- 2_&qb (2.26)

Substituting Equations (2.23) and (2.25) into Equation (2.26) results in

x2+_2+ _2=2_+_+ _i+_,,2(xi+_) --_-2_ " (_ _x2-- 22y2) -_-&2[xlch'_'2

+ 2x2y_h" 4_'_'
-_ _4_'_'2
2 2 -2 --2x2y_, ,, ch_+
+0_(x2¢_ ,, y2_,
2 -2 )_-2(x_ " --y:¢, " )(z2+d4)O,0_q-( z 2+ d 4) 28,]

+ (z_+d4)e,]+ 2(_i[(x:Cy--y:Cy) cos 20+ 2( z_+d_)O,e_]-- 2&ie,(x_Y + y_CY)
• 2 t! t! t! tt X _t2 ?22 (2.27)

By assuming ^ _
that _=_-- 0' , where 0' is small, and that a and _" are small; and by dropping third

order terms in a, a, 0', 0, ¢J', _", x2,"?)_,i2 Equation (2.27) becomes

T_=_- { __+y_+
._ _2_-_b,,_(x2+_)+2¢
_ .,, (_:x_--22Y2)_-&_[_-(z2+d_) _]

+_[_+(z2_d_)_]_20(22-_y2)(z2_d4)._2&(_'x_)(z2+d_)-2&i2y_-20i_x_2&_x2y_} (2.28)

In order to write the Lagrangian equations, the following quantities are derived:

____T4m,(&[_+ (z_-_d_)2]+ (_)_+i_' 'x2)(z:+d_)-- i 2y_-_ _)x2y2 }

d /5T4\ .. _ ,, ,,
d-t (-_j)=m4{ a[_+(z_+d,) l+a[29_y_+2_(z_+d4)l+@_+¢, x_+_ 2_)(z_+d_)

+ (_)_+¢'%) _- (i_y_+ _) +ox_y_+_y_+_x_)_ }

=_m_{/_[yi+ (z_+d,)_l+ ".¢dz_+d_)--_y_+Ox:y_ } (2.29)

5_-- m_{ _[x_+ (z_+d4) 2]+ (2:--ih' ' y_) (z_+d,) -- i2x2+ &x_y2}


or °
d bT. ,,. (2.30)

_r4 ,, x
_-_7= m,[ff (x_-q-_) q- (_2x2-- "2Y_)--_(z2-q-d,) -q-&x_(z_+d,)]
d bT4 "" z ....
-_(_-77)=m'[(_q-_)q-2¢ ( 2Xz_-y2YZ)'_-(Y22:'2 = 2Yz)

+ (&z2+a22--_2) (z2+d,) + (ax2--bg_) _]--N0 (2.31)

bT, . ,,
_= m, te_--4, yzq-O(z_--l-d,)]

d c)r4 ,, ,,
_(_):m,[_2--_ y_--¢, _-I-_(z_--l-d,)q-#_]

d (bT,'_,,,m,t_c__q_(z2q_d,)O l (2.32)
dt \b2#=

_T_ ,,
_ff2= m,[_2q-ff x2"-I-a(y2-q-d,)]

-_ \-b-if2]= m,i _)2-_" _'-l-_" x2+i_( z_-q-d,) -t-&_]

d bT,.., (2.33)
-_ (_-2)= m,[ i)2+ ( z:+d,)ii]

bT'= m,[h-- h,y,--0z_ ]

d bT4 ....

_T, _T, _T, _ (2.35)

_--=-&--=_-_ = o

"It2 "t} " " " (2.36)


-m,i,b " If2 l!
y_-¢, .¢_+a_yr(_ l!
(z_+d,)--_,z_+aOz_] (2.37)

bT'=m_[(&2q-_)(z_q-d_)q-_(" 2,_--4_"'y_)q-a(y_-q-cb"
" ""x3)] (2.38)

bV bV bV_ o (2.39)
ba -- ba _-7_ --





5F 5F 5F= 0 (2".43)
b_ -- b0 -- 56"

bE (2.44)

bE . (2.45)
_22= cy2

bF (2.46)

Writing the Lagrangians in the form

d bT_ _ (2.47)

the equations become

--0¢_' +m4x2y20=--E(s)+m4[_2y:--9_(z_+d4)]--T_" (2.48)

{ m,d_+ m_l_+ m34_+ m4[z]+ (z2+d4)2]+Ir+I_2+I_31 }O+_b' %(I_3+I_3--I_z)

+ ¢,'"_(--/_2+I_+I,2--/_3+ha+Iz3)

+Is_$' + m,x2y25t: T_--E(s)¢)" + m,[ _ 2xz-- ii2(z2+ d,)] (2.49)

(I,2+ I_);_" +_ _ (--I_ + I_ --I,3) +_&( I_2--Iv2--I_2 + I_a--Iv3--I,3) =A(s) (2.50)

I.¢'--I,(aO) =--A(s) (2.51)

_[I_3(G___06,,) + ( iv _i,s)(_ih, ,]=E(s) (2.52)

m_22+c22+ kx2=-- m_( z2+d_)o" (2.53)

m_i)2+c_)2+ky2=--ma(z2+d_)5_ (2.54)

m452+c_2+kz2=m4(x20+ y_G) (2.55)


E(s)------K_ (r_p+ 1) (e--a)--Ka_( _--&)-- TF_ (2.56)

(_p+ 1)

A(s) = --KA (ra,p+ 1) (¢,,) --KdA($'' --6')-- Tra (2.57)


T_=F_la (2.58)

KE, K_ =elevation and azimuth servo gain, ft-lb/rad

r_, ra_=elevation and azimuth servo lead time constant, sec
r_, ra_=elevation and azimuth servo lag time constant, sec
K_., K_a=torque motor friction, lb-ft/rad/sec
TF_, T_a=friction torques, due to bearings, slip-rings and motor brushes, lb-ft
T_=precession torque, lb-ft
F_==precession gas thrus_, lb
d_=distance from spacecraft c.g. bo line of action of precession gas thrust, ft


" If the damper is considered to have only two degrees of freedom, that x_, Y2 and z2 are small
compared to d4, and that the upper structure azimuth angular velocity and pointed instrument
angular velocity are small, Equations (2.48) through (2.58) simplify to:

(AWIr + I_2) &-- _ '1, + m_x_y_O = -- E(s) -- m4_2d_ -- T_h "

(A + l r + I_2 + l vs) 0 + &dk'l , + rn ,x2y2& = TN-- E (s )¢/ ' -- m , _ ¢l,


I# '=--A(s) (2.59)


2_ + 2n_c_ + p" _x_= --d_'O

_+ 2ny2-}-p'_y2 =-d4&


C }


A-_ ml_ + m_a_+ msa_+ m4_

Equations (2.59) were solved on the Beech The outputs recorded were the two servo
Aircraft CRC analog computer using the follow- pointing errors and the angular velocities of the
ing initial conditions: spacecraft and nutation damper. (Velocities

/.----20.74 slug-ft 2 d3-_0.64 ft rather than angular displacements were re-

d,=1.83 ft corded because of the scaling problems that

It= 15.75 slug-ft _
Fq=0.05 lb would have arisen in plotting displacements
I_= 1.0 slug-ft_
during long periods of torquing.)
1,2= 1.0 slug-ft 2 da= 1.92 ft
Results of the study showed that under
/.2=0.65 slug-ft 2 K_ ----K_----0.015 lb-ft/
various input conditions the azimuth and eleva-
I_ = 1.3 slug-ft _ rad/sec
tion servos kept the experiment package pointed
I_= 0.9 slug-ft 2 Tpg= TFA----0.063 lb-ft at the center of the sun to within 1.0 arc-
Iz3= 1.0 slug-f_ _ _'----rad/sec minute of error. The major error sources were
m_= 11.8 slugs p'=4.136 rad/sec the functional and motor damping errors in the
m_= 1.65 slugs c----2 X 10 -3 lb-sec/ case of the azimuth servo and frictional error in
m3= 1.86 slugs in. the case of the elevation servo.
m4=0.031 slug 2n----0.766 rad/sec The azimuth servo error was very slightly
KA=400 ft-lb/rad rA1----E_=0.30 sec modulated by the nutation, but this modula-
KR=250 ft-lb/rad r_=E_----0.017 sec tion was quickly reduced to zero by the nutation
dl=--0.28 ft damper. This phenomenon occurred imme-

d2----0.36 ft diately after the precession torque was applied

and after the precession torque was removed.
Results of Computer Study The explanation for the recurrence of the nuta-

Time history traces of the computer study tion at precession torque removal is given on
were obtained on a s[x-channel Offner recorder. page 36.


It was observed that the damping constant of where

the nutation damper could be lowered to a
Mn=moment about line of nodes, lb-in.
value which gave the best overall damping of
I_=axial moment of inertia of rotating
the system. Further investigation indicated
that the damper caused no appreciable de- body, lb.-in-sec 2
_--spin rate, rad/sec
stabilizing effects on the complete system
t----time, sec
through second-order cross-coupling terms. The
damping time constant for the system was p---- I_/I1, rad/sec
found to be minimum when the natural fre- /----total transverse moment of inertia of
quency of the nutation damper was approx- spacecraft, lb-in-sec 2
imately equal to the open-loop nutation
These equations are valid provided & and
are small in comparison to the spin rate _ and
provided the initial values of & and _ are taken
to be zero.
From Equation (2.61), it can be seen that a
General Description o| the Problem
torque Mn about the line of nodes causes pseudo-
The basic problem was the need for a damping regular precession of the spacecraft. The spin
mechanism which would effectively damp out axis S moves essentially in the XY-plane with
nutational motion of the Orbiting Solar Ob- increasing at the mean rate &_-MJI_.
servatory. The need for the damper was de- Superimposed on this average motion is the
rived from the basic design concept of the nutational motion indicated by the sinusoidal
OSO I, i.e., to monitor solar spectral emission terms in Equation (2.61). If the torque, M,,
phenomena. is instantly stopped, the average motion stops
A schematic drawing of the spacecraft but the nutation continues and becomes, in fact,
(Figure 2-2) shows the angular relationships free body prece:.sion. To a body mounted on
used to describe the position of the space- the non-rotating instrument platform, the resid-
craft with respect to the fixed XYZ coordinate ual nutational motion is a rotary translation
system. In the figure, the spacecraft attitude about the spin axis of angular amplitude,
is in error by the angle e. S is the spin axis M,/Iwp, and frequency, p.
of the spacecraft and is normal to N, the line In deriving Equation (2.61) it was assumed
of nodes. Jet thrusts produce torques of that an external moment, M_, about the line of
either sense about the line of nodes, precessing nodes was torquing the spacecraft. Such a
the trihedron, O-M-N-S, so as to vary the moment could be produced by the gas jets,
elevation angle, a. The zero error condition aerodynamic drag, or the divergence of the
occurs when the line of sight, or solar vector, earth's gravitational field. Furthermore, reac-
is coincident with the line of nodes. With the tion of the elevation servo motor on the instru-
choice of coordinate directions shown in the ment platform during initial instrument acqui-
figure, the jet control system precesses the sition produced a moment, M_, which precessed
spacecraft in the XY-plane and the roll angle, the spacecraft in the roll plane. Other external
8, is always very nearly 7r/2. torques could also have had components
In the absence of damping mechanisms, the capable of causing precession in this plane.
equations of motion of the spacecraft during Unless a nutation damper was provided to
torquing are as follows: put the spacecraft to sleep after each external
torque application, the result of successive
applications would have been to increase or de-
M_ t_M_ sin pt 1
crease the amplitude of nutation depending
upon the direction, magnitude, and thne of
application of a given torque. It was necessary





F,GUR_. 2-2.--Reference coordinate system for nutation damper study.


to eliminate such random motion in order to of the behavior of the damper selected for .use
assure spacecraft stability. was imperative in order to evaluate accurately
the effect of gravity on its performance. Sim-
Design Requirements plicity of and confidence in the ground testing
operation thus became strong design consider-
The general design requirements that were
established for the nutation damper are as
General Approach to the Solution
1. Damping rate.--Compatible with a time
constant of ten (10) seconds for the exponential Various Types of Dampers Considered
decay of the nutation amplitude.
In the process of finding a damper that met
2. Weight of damper.--Minimum weight for
all of the specified requirements, many different
established damping rate.
types of damping devices were considered.
3. Size of damper.--Compact as possible and
Most of those given serious consideration were
compatible with overall spacecraft geometry.
passive dampers; tbat is, dampers driven by the
4. Nutation ]requency.--Dependent upon
nutational motion they eventually damp out.
principal moments of inertia and spin rate of
Since the Orbiting Solar Observatory spun
spacecraft. Calculated frequency of 4.71 rad/
about its axis of greatest moment of inertia, a
sec was based on the following values:
passive damper could be used to absorb the
¢0----0.5 rps nutation energy without adversely affecting the
I----30 slug-f_ 2 spin. A passive damper was preferred over an
]I----20 slug-ft 2 active one for this application because of its
reliability and simplicity of operation, and
5. Maximum anticipated external torque.-- because it did not require an outside power
1 lb-ft (reaction of elevation servo motor on source.
instrument platform during initial acquisition The three general types of dampers investi-
of instrument). gated were pendulum dampers, inertial dashpot
6. Ang_dar amplitude of nutation due to moxi- dampers, and a torus partially filled with
mum torT_e.--Calculated value of 7.4 minutes mercury. Simple, spherical, and torsional pen-
of arc, based on spacecraft parameter values dulums, and _ ball rolling in a curved tube were
considered. Practicality of mounting the var-
7. Minimum aUowable residual n_ltation ampli- ious type dampers on either the rotating or
tude.--Less than l arc-minute (compatible with nonrotating sections of the spacecraft was also
accuracy of fine elevation pointing control). taken into consideration. Some of the damping
8. TemperatT_re range.--O ° to 50 ° C. schemes included among the various combina-
9. Test requirements.--The ground opera- tions of damper type and position were easily
tional test requirement for the nutation damper seen to be impractical. The investigation of
was that its in-flight performance be conclusively each of the other combinations continued until
demonstrated in the laboratory. Appropriate the damper could be ruled out or until a theoret-
test apparatus had to be devised to meet this ical evaluation of its performance could be made.
requirement. In the following discussion, the results of
The presence of gravitational acceleration the analysis of each type of damper concluded
during ground testing in contrast to the absence to be feasible for spacecraft use are summarized.
of acceleration in orbital flight contributed For those types not chosen for this particular
significantly to the complexity of the problem. application the reason is given for not selecting
The behavior of many type_ of dampers is the damper.
altered by the effect of gravity, often to the Mercury Ring Damper--A hollow toroidal
extent that a device that performs well in one ring partially filled with mercury or some other
environment will not function in the other. more viscous liquid, has been proven to be an
Furthermore, a complete mathematical analysis effective nutation damper. A theoreticalanaly-


sis vf the mercury ring damper has been pub-

fished by Carrier and Miles.*
This type of damper could not be used on the
Orbiting Solar Observatory because of the
particular spacecraft launch program. The
third stage of the Thor-Delta vehicle which
boosted the OSO spacecraft into orbit did not
spin up until shortly before the third-stage
rocket was fired. At the time of spin-up, the
mercury in the partially filled torus would not,
in general, have been equally distributed
radially. Since no reactive force was present
to redistribute the liquid after spin-up, the
static unbalance would have persisted and the
spacecraft would not have spun about its axis
of symmetry. The resulting motion of the
figure axis would have had the same undesirable
effect on the pointing control system as would
nutation of the same amplitude.
Inertial Dashpot Dampers---This name is used
to describe the types of d_ompers shown sche-
matically in Figures 2-3 and 2-4. The damper
in Figure 2-3 has one degree of freedom and
the one in Figure 2-4 has two degrees of free-
dom. The principle of operation is essentially
the same for both. When either type damper
is mounted on the spacecraft so that nutational
motion displaces the damper case in the direc-
tion shown in the figures, nutation energy is
transferred to the inertial mass through the
springs from which it is suspended. If the
damper is filled with a viscous fluid, this energy
is dissipated at a rate proportional to the
relative velocity of the inertial mass with
respect to the case.
A simplified analysis of this type damper
was made assuming that the damper was being
driven sinusoidally in the one or two planes of FIGURE 2-3.--Inertial dashpot damper--one degree of
freedom at a constant frequency and amplitude. freedom.
The results of this analysis are summarized as
follows: the forcing function. This condition is com-
1. The energy absorption rate of the damper monly known as ttresonance".
with two degrees of freedom was twice that of 3. At the assumed nutation frequency and
the other type for a given inertial mass. at resonance, a weight of approximately 1 lb for
2. Maximum energy absorption occurredwhen the inertial mass in the damper with two degrees
the undamped natural frequency of vibration of freedom resulted in an energy absorption
of the damper was equal to the frequency of rate equal to one-tenth the kinetic energy of
spacecraft nutation. Since both the energy
* G. F. Carrier and J. W. Miles, On The Annual
absorption rate of the damper and the kinetic
Damper for a Freely Preeessing Gyroscope, S.T.L. Re-
port No. EMg-3, 29 January 1959. energy of nutation are proportional to the


the same degree of freedom were basically-the

The dashpot damper was given serious con-
sideration because, unlike the pendulum damper
its natural frequency of vibration is not directly
affected by gravity. It was not used on OSO I
primarily because no practical means of testing
its operation in the laboratory could be devised.
In the gravity field, the relatively weak springs
required to yield the desired linear spring rate
of approximately 0.2 lb/in, could not support
the weight of the inertial mass, either vertically
or horizontally, without preloading the springs
Beyond their linear range.
Methods for artificially supporting the weight
during ground test either altered the design of
the damper substantially or introduced friction.
Both of these situations were undesirable be-
cause they complicated or rendered virtually
impossible the task of correlating ground test
results with anticipated in-flight performance.
Torsional Pendulum Damper---The torsional
pendulum damper, illustrated in Figure 2-5,
was investigated because its operation is un-
affected by gravitational acceleration. The
wheel-like inertial mass is supported at its
center of gravity by a torsional spring. During
ground tests the weight of the wheel had to be
supported by the torsional spring; however, it
was found that the wire required to obtain the
desired spring constant in this instance could
have been preloaded sufficiently in tension to
support the weight. For lower spring rates
the outer rim of the inertial wheel can be made
hollow to partially float the wheel in the
viscous fluid that fills the damper.
The simplified analysis of torsional damper
FIGURE2-4.--Inertial dashpot damper--two degrees performance indicated that damping efficiency
of freedom. was much less than for the simple or spherical
pendulum types. The expression for the en-
square of nutation amplitude, this value cor- ergy absorption rate of the torsional pendulum
responded to a time constant of 10 seconds for device at resonance is of the same general form
the exponential decay of nutation amplitude as that of the simple pendulum. However, the
of the spacecraft-damper system. linear amplitude is proportional to the radius
These res(dts were identical to those obtained of the wheel for the torsiomd pendulum, but is
the simple and spherical pendulum dampers proportional to the distance from the center of
using the steady forced vibration analysis. gravity of the spacecraft to the damper for the
Such a conclusion was anticipated since within simple pendulum. This latter distance was
the accuracy of small angle approximations, about two feet, whereas for a torsional pen-
the analyses of the two types of dampers with dulum, damper with an inertial mass of one


FIGUR_ 2--5.--Torsional pendulum damper. FIGURE 2-6.--Rolling ball damper.

pound, a typical value for the wheel radius is friction of the ball, or shock-absorbing
three to four inches. Thus, the simple pen- "bumpers" may be placed at either end of the
dulum is sex to eight times more efficient, in tube to absorb energy.
terms of damper weight for a given damping This type of damper exhibits one distinct
rate, than the torsional pendulum. advantage over any of the types mounted on
Rolling Ball Damper--A ball free to roll in a the nonrotating body. The frequency of vi-
closed curved tube can be used to damp out bration of the damper, like the nutation fre-
nutation if mounted on the rotating body as quency, is directly proportional to the spin
shown in Figure 2-6. The tube may be filled rate of the spacecraft. Therefore, the damper
with a viscous fluid to combine viscous damp- remains tuned or in resonance with the
ing with the damping caused by the rolling disturbing frequency for any given spin rate.

782.-552 0--66--3

The principal disadvantageof this or any motion as the spherical pendulum damper.
othertype of dampermountedon the rotating Spherical Pendultem Damper--Selection of the
body was that the frequencyof the distur- spherical pendulum damper was based on the
banceit experienced wasequalto thedifference following considerations:
between spinfrequencyandnutationfrequency. 1. Damping efficiency of this damper was
This disturbingfrequencywasalwayslessthan concluded to be equal to or better than any of
nutationfrequencyfor a disk-shaped rotating the other feasible types.
bodyspinningaboutits axisofgreatestmoment 2. It was possible to make a theoretical
of inertia. For this spacecraft,it was about analysis of its behavior that could be conclu-
one-thirdof the frequencyof nutation. sively substantiated in simple experimental
The undesirableeffectof a lowerfrequency tests.
disturbancecan be seenby examiningthe 3. The effect of gravity on its behavior could
energyabsorptionequationderived for the be evaluated accurately.
variousdampers.In eachcase,the absorption 4. A modified version of the damper could be
rate at resonance is proportionalto the fourth easily incorporated into the spacecraft ground
powerof the disturbingfrequency. To main- simulation tests on the air-bearing fixture.
tain a given dampingrate as the disturbing The possibilty of mounting this type damper
frequencyis lowered,eitherthe inertialmassof on either the rotating or nonrotating sections of
the dampermustbe increased or the damping the spacecraft was investigated. Valid argu-
constantdecreased.Decreasingthe damping ments for choosing either location could have
constantresultsin an increasein the required been made. The decision to mount it on the
amplitudeof vibration of the inertial mass. nonrotating body was based on the following
Within the spacelimitations of the rotating conclusions:
sectionof theOSOI, this typeof damperwould 1. On the rotating body, a pendulum damper
havebeendifficult to designto satisfyboth the would have to be mounted in an inverted posi-
dampingraterequirement andminimumweight tion in the centrifugal force field in order to tune
requirement. the damper to the relatively low frequency dis-
Other problemsassociatedwith this type turbance it would experience. The load on the
damperwere: wire supporting the bob of an inverted pendu-
1. Becauseof static friction, the damper lum becomes critical as the natural frequency
wouldnot havecompletelydampedout nuta- of the pendulum approaches zero. The tuned
tion andcouldhavecauseddynamicunbalance frequency required in this application was suffi-
of therotatingbody. ciently low that a slight increase in spin rate
2. The effectof gravity on the behaviorof above nominal value resulted in buckling of the
the damperduringgroundtestingwassignifi- support wire. The resulting restriction on spin
cant for the relativelylow spinrate specified rate deviation was considered too severe.
for the OSOI. The groundcheckoutof the 2. Since the frequency of the disturbance ex-
nutationdamperin spacecraft simulationtests perienced by the damper mounted on the rotat-
wouldhavebeendifficult. ing body was much lower than nutation fre-
Simple Pendulum Damper--The simple pen- quency, the damping efficiency was also lower
dulum and spherical pendulum dampers are than at the alternate location, assuming fixed
analogous to the two types of inertial dashpot values for mass and damping constant. Re-
dampers discussed earlier: the simple pendulum duction of the damping constant to compensate
is restricted to one degree of freedom, whereas for the lower frequency value was not feasible
the spherical pendulum has two degrees of in this case. The resulting amplitude of vibra-
freedom. Otherwise, the principle of operation tion of the pendulum bob was large enough that
and the analysis of the behavior of the two types the support wire would have failed in bending
is essentially the same. The simple pendulum at maximum displacement.
damper was not chosen because it was only 3. Ground testing was greatly simplified by
one-half as efficient in damping out nutational selecting the location on the nonrotating body.


An=lysis of the Spherical Pendulum Damper metric study of the system was considered to be
impractical until some knowledge could be
There were certain disadvantages to mount-
gained concerning the general behavior of the
ing the nutation damper on the nonrotating
nutation damper and the servo mechanisms
body, e.g., the damper did not function when
connecting the three rigid bodies of the spac_
the spacecraft was in the shadow of the earth. craft.
During that time, the servo motors were inop- The more practical approach adopted was
erative and the nonrotating body gradually ac- first to analyze the behavior of the damper
quired angular momentum from the rotating independent of system operation. Tiffs step
section until both bodies were spinning at the was particularly important in simplifying
same rate. When the pendulum damper was the selection of the most efficient damper of
rotated, the normal static equilibrium postion many types considered. The analysis of each
of the bob was no longer a stable point, and of the dampers under steady forced vibration
the bob was moved by centrifugal force to a was used for this ptupose. The approximate
position of lower potential against the damper values for damper parameters obtained from
case. It maintained this fixed position relative this analysis were then used to design models
to the case for as long as rotation continued. that could be checked out experimentally on
In assuming the new position, the bob created ground test fixtures which simulate the oper-
a small dynamic unbalance in the spacecraft. ation of the damper-spacecraft system during
Both the loss of the damper and the small flight. Using the Optimum values for damper
amount of wobble caused by the dynamic un- parameters gained from the simplified analyses
balance could be tolerated since both condi- and accompanying experimental work, numer-
tions were remedied shortly after the spacecraft ical solutions of the equations of motion of the
emerged into sunlight again. Another unde- complete rigid-body system were obtained.
sirable feature was that the natural undamped Steady Forced Vibration Ana/ys/s--From this
frequency of vibration was fixed. Since the simplified analysis, the equations of motion of
nutation frequency varied directly as spin rate, the damper under sinusoidal excitation of con-
the damper would not have remained sharply stant amplitude and frequency were obtained.
tuned to nutation frequency as the spin rate An expression was then derived which gave, in
varied between allowable limits. However, the terms of damper parameters, the rate at which
damper was designed to be rather efficient in the damper was capable of dissipating energy.
damping out nutations with frequencies 10 per- When the required energy dissipation rate was
cent above or below the nominal value. Dis- substituted into this expression, approximate
turbances of these maximum or mimimum al- values for the damper parameters could be deter-
lowable frequencies were damped out with a mined. Of particular interest was the weight
time constant of about 20 seconds, or twice the of the vibrating mass of the damper since
optimum value. damping efficiency is directly proportional to
Because of the complexity in operation of this weight.
the spacecraft-damper rigid-body system, a The steady forced vibration analysis could not
complete mathematical solution of the rigid- be used to determine whether the torque applied
body problem was not attempted initially. to the spacecraft by the damper was in the
Even when small angle approximations are proper direction to damp out nutation. This
used, the differential equations which describe determination was made in each case by direct
the motion ol the system are nonlinear and form analysis of the vector diagram of the rigid-
a set of seven simultaneous second order body system.
equations. Analytical solution of these Another deficiency of this analysis was that
equations is not possible. Numerical solutions it did not take into account the effect of the
are possible using an analog computer, but damper in decreasing nutation amplitude as
such solutions require numerical values for kinetic energy was taken out of the system.
all of the parameters of the system. A para- Since (in this approach) constant amplitude


of the forcing function was assumed, a constant complete analysis was also of importance in
energy dissipation rate was obtained. Actually, evaluating dynamic stability of the serve-
both of these quantities constantly decrease as connected spacecraft rigid-body system and in
nutation is damped out. It was reasoned that gaining a more complete understanding of the
a more accurate description of the motion of the gyroscopic motion of such a complex system.
damper-spacecraft system during nutation could As previously mentioned, the equations of
be obtained from the analysis of tbe behavior motion of the system formed a set of seven
of a two-body system during free vibration. simultaneous, second order, nonlinear differen-
Two-Body Free Vibration Analysis--The two- tial equations. These resulted from the seven
body system used in this analysis was the degrees of freedom of the complete system.
spherical pendulum damper mounted on the The nutation damper had two degrees of
pendulum platform test fixture. The problem freedom and the spacecraft five (three for the
was simplified by considering only single- rotating body, an additional freedom in yaw
plane motion of the system. Use of the damp- for the nonrotating section, and a further one
er-test fixture system in single-plane vibration in pitch for the pointed solar experiments).
as a mathematical model of the damper- Since the three rigid bodies making up the
spacecraft system during nutational motion spacecraft were connected by the azimuth and
greatly simplified the analysis of the problem. elevation serve motors, the dynamic response
Despite the simplifying assumptions, this of these serves had to be taken into account
approach was still considerably more complex when analyzing the dynamic behavior of the
than the steady forced vibration analysis.
spacecraft. For this reason, the equations of
The differential equations of motion of the
motion of the spacecraft without the damper
system were easily written but an analytical
were derived first and solved on an analog com-
solution in terms of system parameters was not
puter. This analysis was essentially a para-
possible. Because of the lengthy and tedious
process involved in obtaining numerical solu- metric study of serve characteristics and was

tions by hand, an electronic analog computer used to augment breadboard tests of the atti-
was used. The parametric solution of the tude control system. The nutation damper was
equations, obtained with the aid of the com- incorporated into the system only after satis-
puter, yielded optimum values for damper factory response of the serve system had been
parameters. Results of this study were sub- established.
stantiated by experimental tests of the damper
on the pendulum platform test fixture. Design Procedure
Analysis o[ Complete Rigid-Body System--
This analysis was performed to verify the In the following discussion the pertinent
results of the simplified analyses and prelimi- results of the mathematical analysis of the

nary experimental tests. The equations of problem are presented.

motion of the complete nutation damper- Steady Forced Vibration Analysis

spacecraft rigid-body system were derived and
For the spherical pendulum damper, the
solved numerically on an analog computer.
equation of relative motion of the pendulum bob
These results were compared with those ob-
with respect to the case has the general form:
tained from the simplified two-body free vibra-
tion analysis. A sufficient number of compu- x:A" sin (pt--a) (2.62)
ter solutions for the complete system was
obtained not only to confirm the fact that the in the plane in which the forcing function is

damper would damp out nutational motion A' sin pt, and

of the spacecraft but also that the results of y=A p' cos (pt--a) (2.63)
the simplified analyses and the tests performed
on the pendulum platform were correct. The in the plane in which the forcing function is


A"cos pt. In Equations (2.62) and (2.63), the In Equations (2.68) through (2.70) the nutation
following notation is used: is as follows:

A'=linear amplitude of nutation at the

z and y=linear displacement of the bob
A"--_relative linear amplitude of vibra-
A=angular amplitude of nutation
tion of the bob
r----distance from center of gravity of
a=phase lag angle of the relative
spacecraft to damper
motion with respect to the forc-
/=axial moment of inertia of rotating
ing function
and section of spacecraft
11= transverse moment of inertia of entire
p'=k/m--natural undamped frequency of
_=spin rate
vibration of pendulum
2n=c/m M=torquing moment causing nutation

/c----spring constant of pendulum arm

From Equations (2.67) and (2.70) it is ob-
re=mass of bob
vious that both the kinetic energy of nutation
c=damping constant of fluid
and the ability of the damper to dissipate that
a__tan_ _ 2np energy are directly proportional to the square
p,2__p2 (2.64)
of the amplitude of nutation. Therefore, the
time constant for the exponential decay of
The relative amplitude of the bob is given by
nutation amplitude is determined from the
the expression:
T=AKE/(--_ (2.71)
A" =A' f/P"
_/(1--p2/p'_)2_-4n2p2/p" (2.65)
For an assumed time constant of ten seconds,
we have:
The energy dissipation rate of the damper
--E--0.1AKE (2.72)
during steady-state vibration is determined
to be:
Substituting Equations (2.67) and (2.70) into
_jE=A,_ cpS/p '4 Equation (2.72) yields the expression:
(l_p2/p2)2+4n2p2/p,4 (2.66)
m2p4_(O.1)I,p 2
For the small values of the damping constant, c, c 2r 2
the maximum dissipation rate occurs at reso- or
nance, when pip'=1, and Equation (2.66) m_ (0.05)11 (2.73)
reduces to: c r_p 2
• c 4 m2p4
--E--A '_ P--A '2 (2.67) For a given spacecraft configuration and
damper position, the right side of Equation
In order to determine the damping rate corre- (2.73) is constant. Therefore, the required
sponding to a given energy dissipation rate, it mass of the pendulum bob is directly propor-
is necessary to utilize the following expressions tional to the square root of the damping con- .
for the spacecraft: stant. A practical lower limit for the value of
c is imposed by the physical dimensions of the
Nutation frequency, p=1o_/I1 (2.68) damper.

From Equation (2.74) it is determined that at

Nutation amplitude, A'=Ar--Mr./lo_p (2.69)
resonance the ratio of forced relative amplitude
_o forcing amplitude or magnification factor
Kinetic energy of spacecraft due to nutation,
__ 2 2 2 1 2 2 ,2 IlP 2 A" mp (2.74)
AKE--M I1/21 o_ =-_ I1p A =A _-_ (2.70) A' c


Sincecaseand fluid weight increasebut As a result of this approximate analysi_ of

bobweightdecreases with decreasing damping the problem, a value of one pound was selected
constant,a parametricstudy is requiredto for the weight of the pendulum bob in the
determineminimumdamperweight. Instead damper model that was built for later experi-
of conductingsucha study,reasonable values mental tests. The next logical step was to
for mass,damping constant, and damper determine the physical requirements of the
geometrywerearbitrarily selectedin designing pendulum arm to yield the desired natural
a test model. Latertestsand analysis showed frequency of 4.71 rad/sec for the damper.
that an optimum vahle for the damping con-
stant, independent of mass, existed in the actual Frequency Analysis for Damper
application. By using the energy method for determining
The following values for spacecraft param- the natural frequency of vibration of a canti-
eters were assumed, based on the best avail- lever beam with a concentrated end load, the
able design data at that time: following frequency equation is derived for the
pendulum damper in the gravity field:
I =30 slug-ft 2
/1=20 slug-ft 2
34 4 / EIq-O'405W_[2
o_=0.5 rp=3.14 rad/sec p= . 3_W_q_2.467W[p_ (2.76)
Mm_,= 1 lb-ft where
r=24 in.
E----modulus of elasticity of spring wire
Calculated values were: pendulum arm
_d 4
p= I0_/I,=4.71 rad/sec I=-6-_=moment of inertia of wire (d=
A=i/Iwp=2.25 X 10 -3 rad wire diameter) about centerline
Al=Ar=O.054 in. W=weight of pendulum bob
hKE=M2II/212J=O.0135 lb-in. W_----effective weight of bob in damping
-E= O. 1 LIKE= 0.00135 lb in./sec fluid
=length of pendulum arm
From Equation (2.67) we determine that: p,=radius of gyration of pendulum bob
about its transverse axes
c= A'2m_p. 4=1066.63m2 (2.75)
--E and the double-signed term takes into account
the effect of mounting the pendulum in either
For an assumed weight of 1 lb for the pendu-
an upright or inverted position in the gravity
lum bob, m=2.59X10 -3 lb-sec2/in, and from
field. The positive sign is used for the upright
Equation (2.75):c----7.16X10 -alb/in./sec. Then
pendulum and the negative sign for the inverted
from Equation (2.74), B=mp/c= 1.7.
one. In the gravity-free environment of orbital
The actual value of the damping constant
flight, the double-signed term drops out and
for a particular damper configuration depends Equation (2.76) takes the modified form:
upon damper geometry and the physical properties
of the fluid. Various fluid dynamics equations,
P= l'745_/_[ 3 _- 2_467m[ p_ (2.77)
based for the most part on idealized conditions,
can be used to approximate this value in a given
case; however, it was felt that a realistic value
m=mass of pendulum bob
could be obtained only by experiment. From
the approximations obtained from the theoreti- By experimentally verifying Equation (2.76)
cal equations, the value given above seemed for the two orientations in the gravity field,
easily attainable with commercially available Equation (2.77) is indirectly substantiated. It
silicone fluids. was readily apparent from Equation (2.76) that

the,desirednaturalfrequencyfor thependulum Damper Model Design
couldnot be attainedin the upright position A preliminary model of the spherical pendu-
withoutunreasonable pendulumlengths.There- lum damper was designed and built, using the
fore,the invertedpositionwasassumed for all values for damper parameters obtained from
ground tests conductedto evaluatedamper the steady forced vibration analysis. The
performance.Equation (2.76) was used to dimensioned drawing of this model is presented
determinethe diameterof a steelmusicwire in Figure 2-7.
requiredto yieldthe desireddamperfrequency. The damper was designed for easy modifica-
In this calculationthependulumbobweightof tion. The case could be easily disassembled,
onepoundpreviouslyselected wasused,andthe and the spring wire pendulum arm was screw-
value, [ =3 in., was arbitrarily chosen. attached at either end. Thus the damping
2 2
For a spherical bob, pl=_'r 2, and for a one- constant could be varied by changing fluid, and
pound brass sphere, r=0.92 in. ; then p_----0.339. the frequency could be varied by adjusting
The modulus of elasticity for steel, E, is 3X pendulum arm length or by replacement with a
107 lb/in 2. Therefore, to obtain the desired wire of different diameter. The cylindrical
frequency, p=4.70 rad/sec; I=1.40 X10-7-- - wall of the case was made of clear plastic so that
_d4/64 and d=0.041 in. To obtain the desired visual observation of pendulum bob tests could
frequency for the damper in orbital flight, be made.
Equation (2.77) is used to determine the correct As discussed previously, the two fixed param-
wire diameter; d=0.025 in. eters for the model were: weight for bob of one


1/4 - 28UNF 3B


/ i


4. 001
HOLES ON 4-1/2 IN.
4IN. OD, 3IN. ID





13/32 !

8 - 32NC - 3A SCREWS
i 3-1/4 IN. DIAMETER -----_ i
ON 3-5/8 IN. BC

FIGURE 2-7.--Dimensional drawing of first damper test model.


poundandpendulumarmlengthofthreeinches. the coefficients are constants determined from

The initial bob wascylindricalin shapewith system parameters. These principal coordi-
removablewashersfor weightvariationabove nates are related to the generalized coordinates
or belowthe nominalvalueand with a convex of the physical problem by the expressions:
spherical surface opposite the pendulum arm.
The inside surface of the case nearest the bob Xl=x+y "_
was concave spherical with the same radius of g- (2.79)
curvature as the adjacent bob surfac,. A com- x2=f_lX+fJ.)yJ
paratively small clearance between these sur-
faces could thus be maintained during oscillatory
motion of the bob. This feature was incorpo- Xl=linear displacement of pendulum bob
rated into the design at a time when it was felt x2=linear displacement of the platform
that it would be necessary to utilize the viscous and
shear of the liquid between these surfaces in _, /_2 are again constants determined from
obtaining desired damping rates It was later system parameters.
realized that sufficient damping could be ob-
tained simply by the motion of the immersed The relations which define the constants in
body through the fluid. A spherical shape was Equations (2.78) and (2.79) are given on page 46
then adopted to simplify the geometry. in the derivation of these equations.
The length of the damper case was chosen so Solutions of Equations (2.78) and (2.79) ob-
that the clearance between the spherical sur- tained from the computer were in the form of
faces in the original configuration could be time plots of the linear displacements of the
adjusted from zero to h/ inch or more. The system. The rate at which the motion of the
inside diameter of the cylindrical case wall was platform was being damped out by the damper
sufficiently large to allow a relative linear ampli- could be measured directly from these plots.
tude of about ½ inch for the bob. This cor- These results could also be compared directly
responds to a magnification factor of five for with similar plots obtained from the motion of
a maximum forcing amplitude of 0.1 inch. the physical system.
The objective of the study was to determine
Two-Body Free Vibration Analysis optimum values for frequency and damping
This analysis was conducted to understand constant of the damper for both the air-bearing
more clearly _he results of damper tests on the fixture and spacecraft applications. Optimum
pendulum platform test fixture. The nature values are those which minimize pendulum bob
of the motion of tbe damper-platform rigid- weight f6r a given application while maintaining
body system in free vibration was sufficiently the required time constant for the decay rate
different from that assumed in the steady forced of n'utational motion. That such optimum
vibration ana'ysis that the sinlplified analysis values existed was evident from the series of
did not fully explain the results of these tests. tests conducted with the damper on the
With the aid of an analog computer, a para- test fixture.
metric study of this system was made which The following values were assumed in the
yielded results that agreed very well with those analog computer parametric study of the two-
obtained from the experimental work. body problem:
The differential equations of motion pro-
For the spacecraft:
grammed on the analog computer were of the
general form: ml---- 0.164 lb-sec2/in.
m2=2.61 X 10 -3 lb-sec2/in.
a,15_+ bll:_+CllX-_ - b_2_----O
p1=4.13 rad/sec
a2.2i)+b22_/+c22y+br_:_=O J_ (2.78) 3.72/sec _<p2 < 4.54/sec
c_=0 or 5X 10 -3 lb-sec/in.
where x and y are principal coordinates, and 5 X 10 -4 <c2 _< 10 -2 lb-sec/in.

Far the air-b_aring fixture: minus 10 percent to nominal value plus 10
m_=0.234 lb-see2/in. percent to determine the response of the damper
m2=2.61 X 10 -3 lb-sec2/in. to this variation in forcing frequency.
p1=3.92 rad/sec Results of the study are presented in Figures
3.53/sec _P2 < 4.32/sec 2-8 through 2-11.
c,=0 or 5X 10 -3 lb-sec/in. Figure 2-8 is the plot of time constant versus
5X 10-4 <e2< 10 -2 lb-sec/in. the damping constant, c2, obtained from Step 1
above. The optimum value of c2=0.0012
where m2, t'2, e2 refer to mass of pendulum bob, determined from this study was later found to
frequency, and damping constant of damper, be slightly in error due to the assumption that
respectively; and ml, Pl, and c_ refer to similar p_=p2. ._ter completion of Step 2, Step 1 was
parameters of the platform. The nonzero value repeated, and the value c2=0.00175 was found
of c, was assumed to correlate computer results
to be the minimum value for which beating did
with test results from the platform fixture.
not occur when the damper was sharply tuned.
This damping constant for the decay of free Figure 2-9 shows the results obtained from
vibrations of that fixture was determined
Step 2. This plot of time constant versus
damper frequency shows that the damper had
The procedure that was followed in optimiz- to be tuned to a frequency slightly less than
ing damper parameters was:
nutation frequency for maximum damping rate.
1. To optimize c2 for fixed value of p2 equal Figure 2-10 is the plot of time constant versus
to p_ (it was determined from the test work
pendulum bob weight obtained from Step 3.
that the optimum value of P2 was very nearly A bob weight of about 0.75 lb yielded a 10-
this value).
second time constant for the assumed nutation
2. Using the value of c2 obtained in Step 1, frequency of 4.13 rad/sec.
to find the optimum value of p2.
3. To determine the value of m2 that yielded r, SEC
the desired time constant of 10 seconds for
optimum values of c2 and p2.
4. Using the obtained values of m2, P2, and
c2, to vary p, over the range from nominal value

r, SEC




• --o_-c_.--i_--_-

.0010 .0011 .0012 .0013 .0014 .0015 .0016

3.7 3.8 3.9 4.0 4.1 4.2
c 2' LB/IN./SEC
FIGURE 2-8.--Time constant versus fluid damping
constant. FIGURE2-9.--Time constant versus damper frequency.


dH,, , , "_ •

r i : i

! clH.
, ,
M,_ I

20- ..... l-
dH,. • _o'
,,,H ,_-- _o'

where HM, H_, and H, are the angular momenta

16- of the body with respect to M, N, and S axes.
The angular velocities of the trihedron about
14_ the N, M, and S axes, denoted by co:, c0_ and
_o,,respectively, are:
i . I • ! •
oJ.=O, _=--a sin 0; o_.=_ cos 0 (2.81)

_ 10-
The body angular velocities are then those of
the trihedron plus body motion with respect
to the trihedron, namely,

6 a,,,----O;_=--& sin 0; o_,=_,--I-&cos _b (2.82)

I i
4 For a body of revolution, O-M and O-N are
always principal axes and the angular momenta
2 are given by the relations:

Hn=l_O; H,_=ll& sin 0; H,=I(_-{-& cos O) (2.83)

0 l i I
O. 1.0 1.2
30[ _oM_AL I
FIGURE 2-10.--Time constant versus pendulum bob

Figure 2-11 shows the variation of damping

rate with nutation frequency. Within the
frequency range of nominal value ± 10 percent,
the damper was very efficient.
r,SEC 20 o - -

Detailed Free-Body Dynamics Analysis

This analysis presents first the gyroscopic

motion of a rigid symmetrical body being 15

constantly torqued, then the motions of the

same body with no external torquing, and
finally a nonsymmetrical body being torqued. 10 FFICIENT

The analysis also presents the working equations

of motion of the spacecraft as a basis for the
nutation damper work.

GyroscopicMotions Due to Constant Torque 3. 725 3. 925 4. 125 4. 325 4. 525

Equations of Motion--Euler's equations re-
lating to the trihedron axes OMNS (Figure FIGURE 2-11.--Time constant versus nutation fre-
2-12) are written as follows: quency (p_=4.1 rad/sec; c_=0.0012 lb/in./sec).


Z If 0=_/2 initially and M.=M,=0, this angle
will not differ greatly from its initial value
during torquing, and Equations (2.85) are
further simplified. From the last of these
equations, it is apparent that

or that _=_=constant.
The first two equations then are written:


For the asmmaed initial conditions: a(0)=
&(0)=0=0; O(O)=,r/2, the Laplace transforms
of Equations (2.86) are:

FIOURE 2-12.--Reference coordinate system. -lls2J(s) + l_sg(s)--I" (i'r)=O _ (2.87)


I1 =transverse moment of inertia The solution of these algebraic equations for

I= axial moment of inertia the functions j:(s) and g(s) yields:

If Equations (2.81) and (28.3) are substituted

into Equations (2.80) the following equations M. _-/-_
J('_)=TU 1 M. _/p ]
result: (2.88)
(s" /,r M, hl M, s
--I_ _ (h _ sin 0)--5I_(4,+& cos 0) '
cos O=M,.
--Ii_)a where p=I,4I,.

I,O--I,& _ sin 0 cos 0-4-Id_sin 0 (2.84) The inverse transforms of Equations (2.88)
(_b+a cos o)=M,, are:

d M. t-M, sin pt ]
I_ (_b+& cos O)----M, a= _ I_p
Equations (2.84) are simplified by assuming
O=2+/_p (1--cos Pt)
that the velocities of the trihedron, _ and &, are
small compared to $. Eliminating all terms
From Equations (2.92) it is determined that
with products or higher powers of the small
the curve of the intersection of the figure axis
velocities in Equations (2.84), we have:
and a spherical surface described about the fixed
point of the gyroscopic body is a cycloid. This
--Ila sin O+IOgh=M., ]
curve is shown in Figure 2-13. The cycloidal
(2.85) motion of the figure axis has the period,
I_O+IiM, sin o=M_
r=2_/p, and the amplitude, a=2MJI_,p.
I d (¢+acosO)=M.J Since the body is spinning about this axis of


z i

x Y



FIGURE 2-14.--Angular velocities during constant


FIGURE 2-13.--Path of spin axis of spacecraft during

constant torquing. Since the angle, 0,, varies from the value _r/'2
only by the small amplitude sinusoidal term
given in the second of Equations (2.89), Equa-
symmetry, the cycloidal curve represents the
tion (2.92) may be rewritten:
path of the spin vector, S, on the spherical sur-
face during constant torquing, and Equations
(2.89) can be used to determine its position and H'k=--Io_(O,--2)+I,&
velocity at any given time.
Path o] Angular Momentum Vector on Spher- Substituting Equations (2.89) into Equation
ical Sur]ace--The total angular momentum of (2.93), we determine that
the gyroscopic body is given by the vector
equation: Mn (1--cos pt)+I_ M_ (1--cospt)
H. k=--I_ _-p
H=IoJ+ It&+ Ii"O (2.90)

In terms of the unit vectors, i, j, and k, along -_( I_ \M, (1-cos pt) =0
the S, N, and Z axes, respectively, we have
Therefore, H remains in the x-y plane during
constant torquing.
H=I_0cos 0,--_ i--Io_ sin 0,-- k Next, the rate at which H moves in this
plane is determined. In Figure 2-14 let
+Ii0j +I,&k (2.91)

a_=central angle between the x-axis and

If H lies in the x-y plane at all times, the scalar
the angular momentum vector, H
product, H. k, should vanish. From Equation
a,=central angle between the x-axis and
(2.91) it is determined that:
the projection of the spin vector in
the x-y plane (S' axis).
H. k=--Io_ sin (0.--_'_+I,. (2.92) B=central angle between H and S'.


Then Laplace transforms of Equations (2.97) are:

aH=a,+sin-' It@ (2.94)
Ls_g(s)--I_sOo--Ii_o+Ios/(s)--I,,,_=0 J

from which
If & and $ are sufficiently small in compar-
ison to _, Equation (2.94) can be simplified to:

as= a,+/_ _ (2.95)

Equation (2.89) may be substituted into the

differentiated form of Equation (2.95) to give:
The inverse transforms of Equations (2.99)

&a=&'+_ "'0=7-_M'(1-cosp0+_ (M'p'_=M'\

I_ ] Io_

_ ,0_o_0o_ospt+_ sinpt 1
a--ao-l-p -_ (2.100)
Thus, except for small pulsations brought
about by the (_+_) term in Equation (2.94)
H moves at the constant rate, MN/Io, in the
The magnitude of these variations from the Thus, the figure axis performs harmonic motion
average rate can be determined by differen- about the position,
tiating Equation (2.94) with respect to time
and then making the appropriate substitutions
for a and 0 and their time derivatives from
Equations (2.89). The resulting expression described by the equations:
reveals that at

t=2n,r/p (n=0, 1,...)

_=_P sinp,-_ cosp,=a sin (pt-a,) l (2.101)
&_ is exactly equal to the average rate, is
slightly greater than this value at t=nrlp, and
is slightly less at t=(2n+l)T/2p.
Free Motion of a Gyroscopic Body

The residual motion of the gyroscopic body

after the constant torque, M,, has been stopped
is now analyzed. In Equations (2.86) assume _=tm_ -_ "7
that M,=0, but that initial velocities ao and 00
exist. The initial value problem is then stated:
B.=tan-' (--_)


tan tan Bl--tan/_2 = ®

I10+Io_=0 (2.97) (__'_--_'=l+tan _ tan _
Ilfi+I_=0 )
a(o)=_o; a(o)--_o; o(o)=oo; 0(0)=0° Bt--&=,/2, and the path of the figure axis on


the spherical surface. From Equations (2.101),

it is seen that the amplitude of this motion is
F O RESIDUAL MOTION dependent upon the position of the figure axis
/ STOPS AT t = 2n =_p on the cycloidal path at the time torquing is
stopped. A maximum amplitude of 2MN/
I,.op will occur if t_-n,r/p and no residual
motion is present if torquing stops when
t=2n,r/p, or when the spin vector is coincident
with the angular momentum vector. This
motion is illustrated in Figure 2-15.

Undamped Motion of SpacecraFt Rigid-Body Sys-

tem During Constant Torque


The equations
of motion
to a single symmetric
torque. Extension
of that
on page 36

is now made to determine the effect on space-

FIGURE 2-15.--Free body precession of spacecraft after
craft motion of the nonrotating bodies of the
constant torquing stops.
the spherical surface described about the fixed Let I and I_ be the axial and transverse
point of the gyroscopic body is a circle of radius, moments of inertia of the rotating body of
the spacecraft. The angular momenta of this
body about the trihedron axes, OMNS, of
Figure 2-12 are then given by Equations
(2.83). To determine the total angular mo-
From Equations (2.89), the center of this
mentum of the spacecraft about these axes,
circle is determined to be:
these additional momentum terms must be
_0 in *

1. Upper asse_nbly:

O----00--_=2-t-/_pp (i--cos pt 0)
Hm_------Imp& sin 0 (2.103)
H_=In_ }
Mn (1--cos pto)-----_ H,2= ,I _a cos

2. Instrument:
From Equation (2.95), the a coordinate of
the angular momentum vector is found to be:

to Mn
Hm3------Im3a sin $ (2.104)
H,3= 1,/x cos
which is the same as the a coordinate of the
center of the circle given in Equation (2.102), where the subscripts n, m, and s refer to the
above. Since it was shown in the preceding moment of inertia or angular momentum of
section that the angular momentum vector, H, the body about the N, M, and S axes, respec-
remains in the xy-plane (8----,r/2) at all times tively, and the subscripts 2 and 3 refer to the
during torquing, it is conchlded that when upper assembly and instruments, respectively.
torquing of the gyroscopic body is stopped, the Equations (2.103) and (2.104) are derived
residual motion is a circular motion of the spin assuming that the azimuth servo motor pre-
vector about the angular momentum vector on vents rotation of the upper assembly about


the spin axis and that the elevation servo pre- Laplace transforms of Equations (2.108) for
vents rotation of the instrument about the the initial conditions, a(O)=a(O)=O(O)=O, 0(0)
M-axis. The inertial term, Ira3, then applies =7/2, are:

only to the motion of the center of mass of

the instrument about the center of gravity of
the spacecraft. --I_s'J(s)+l°_'g(s)--I_(2)=O _ (2.109)
The total angular momenta of the composite
body are obtained by adding Equations (2.83),
(2.103) and (2.104):
The solution of Equations (2.109) for ](s)
H,= (Xl+X_+X_)0=/,0 and g(s) is:
H.,=--(11+ I._2+ I.3)_, sin t_

=--l_a sin e (2.105)

I_,p s_+ p _ (2.110)
H,= I¢+ (I+ L,+ I,_)a cos o , , /7 M,h\ 1 M,I, s
=I,_+La cos a g ts)--=k-2 _) s I2_ ' s'gp'

Substituting Equations (2.105) into Euler's where p = It_/I_.I_.

Equations (2.80) yields:
The inverse transforms of Equations (2.110)
d ore:

--h _ (a sin O)+O(Xd+L¢, cos 0) M, M, "1

--a cos 0(Iat_)=M.
a=-i-g_ t--[-_ sin pt _ (2.111)
I_+a cos e(-ha sin 0) (2.106) 7 MJ_
0----_+ _ 0--cos P0 J
+ a sin o(I4+ La cos O)=M.
d (I¢+La cos e)--a sin e(I,O) Thus, for a composite body with unequal total
--O(- h¢, sin o)=111, moments of inertia about the transverse axes,
M and N, both the frequency and amplitude of
nutationN motion are different than for the
Assuming 0 and a small compared to $,
symmetric body.
and dropping terms with products or higher
powers of the small velocities, we have Spherical PendulumDamper

--ha sin Ü+Ig_=M. ]

I_+ I4,a sin O=M, (2.107)

d (lq;+La cos o)=M, J

If it is assumed that M,=M,=0, 0=7/2,
then sin P=l, cos 0=0 and the last of Equa-
\_ Ipy
tions (2.107) shows that _:constant, say _.
The first two equations become: I I
x' x i

(2.108) Equations o] Motion--Assume that a spherical

pendulum is acted upon by a sinusoidal forcing


function that displaces the point of suspension Total potential energy is

in a circular path in the horizontal plane. If
the primed axes are inertial and the unprimed (2.119)
V= V,+ v2=l \ 3_5_V_i___6)
4 . w,?\ 4(EI_
axes move with the point of suspension, the two
coordinate systems are related by the equations:

z' =x-4-A' sin pt ] 1 1

(2.112) V=_ Icr_=_ k(x2 + y 2)
y' =y+A' cos pt _
Zt_Z J From equation (2.113) we determine that:
_)T i)T i)T
t. __ __M___
Icop ro and p=Ioo/I1 i)x iSy _)z

The kinetic energy is --=m (_ + A'p cos pt)

1 1 OT
T=_ mv2----_ m(_'2A-?_'2A- _ '_) -_= m (y-- A p sin pt ) ;

or 5T

T=_ m[(_-4-A'p cos Tt)2-4-O)--A'p sin pt)2-4 - _2] _) ..


i_) ..
The potential energy due to the strain energy
of bending the pendulum arm wire is, as pre-
viously derived:
dt =my--mA'p
" 2 cos pt
:rE1 SX/d'ry
V'=Jo 2-Pp
_dz_= 2 \dz 2] dz (2.114)
and from Equation (2.119)

The potential energy due to the gravity

OV OV 5V 0
force, rag, is as previously derived:

(2.115) For viscous damping, the dissipation function is

If it is assumed that the deflection curve of the F__½c(e2+_)2+ _2) (2.120)

wire is approximated by the equation

r=r. (l--cos 2) (2.116) i_F . i_F . 5F

_-_=cz; _==CY;oy _ =ci

/ E1 ["t / _4 2_z \. EIr_ ( The Lagrangian equations of motion are:

_-----2Jo k.l_ cos -_)az-- _ (2.117)

and sin pt +cz_ + kx=O

V2----- _-
. ° _rz • W_¢2
sin" mi)--mA'p 2mx-mA'p_
cos pt+c?)+ky=Of
z J. -_ az=-i-6-g- (2.118) m_+c_=0


Letting 2n-----c/m and p'_=k/m, Equations the spherical pendulum damper, it is first
(2.121) become: necessary to show that for small vibrations
the natural frequency of the damper is the
same when operating as a simple pendulum
#T2n_+p'2y=A' fcospt (2.122) as when performing conical pendulum motion.
_ + 2n_c +p'2x=A' p2sin pt }
+2n_--0 This is done by considering the free undamped
oscillations of the damper during each type of
Solution of the third of Equations (2.122) motion.
is easily determined to be:

z----cx+c_e -_nt (2.123)

Thus z gradually changes from some initial

value to another fixed value, and vertical
motion of the bob is negligible during steady
forced vibration. The particular solutions of
the first two of Equations (2.122) are:
* y

x-----A" cos
y=A" sin (pt--a)
(pt--a) } (2.124)


A" =A' flP'2

_/(-_/p'2) 2+4n_p2/p'4
and Lateral Motion--If the pendulum is per-
a=tan-1 2np forming small lateral vibrations in the yz-
p,2__f plane, the kinetic and potential energies of
the damper are:
Energy D/ss/pat/on Rate--Energy loss/sec=
work/cycle X cycle/sec
T=½ m_)2 _ (2.128)
=__, c2T _o _'_d(pt) (2.125)

From Equation (2.125), the energy dissipation where k is determined from the spring force
rate is determined to be: of the wire and the gravity force, rag. The
Lagrangian equation of motion is:

m#+ky=O (2.129)
cp _
___A_'2 (2.126)
(1--p_/p'2) 2+ 4n2p2/p ' ' Equation (2.129) is the familiar expression
describing free undamped sinusoidal oscilla-
At resonance, this expression becomes:
tions of frequency, p=_/m.

___A,2 cP4_ .2 m2P i Rotary Motion--When the pendulum bob

-- _n _n A c
is performing small rotary oscillations in the
xy-plane, the kinetic and potential energies are:
Frequency Equations for Spherical Pendulum

In order to use the energy method for deter-

V-- x kr __ x krx21__ 2_ ) (2.130)
mining the natural frequency of vibration of


Since the spring force and gravity force act- x

ing on the damper are unchanged during the
two types of motion, the derivation of the
constant, k, is the same in Equations (2.130)
as in Equations (2.128). The Lagrangian
equations may be derived from the energy equa-
tions, Equation (2.130).


Thus, for small vibrations the frequency of

the damper in the two cases is identical. The
expressions for this frequency for the three
different damper environments being considered
are now derived using the energy method.
The environments to be considered are:

Pendulum mounted in upright position

in gravity field
Pendulum mounted in inverted position
in gravity field
Gravity-free environment of orbital flight

If the motion of the pendulum is simple

harmonic and the potential and kinetic energies
are made up of separable parts, the general
expression for frequency may be written:
1. Kinetic energy is due to the linear and rota-
tional motions of the pendulum bob and spring
P_ -V--- (2.132) wire. If w is the constant weight per unit
length of the wire and W the weight of the bob,
the expression for the kinetic energy due to
linear motion of the concentrated load, W, can

P=maximum potential energy be shown to be:

Kp2----maximum kinetic energy
1 _ I/W'_ _, (2.133)
K,p -_ mv =-_ kY) p yw_
Equation (2.132) follows directly from the law
of conservation of energy.
and for the distributed load, w:
For the pendulum damper in the gravity
field, the following energy expressions are
2 1 Wp_f
derived: K2p -_ _ Jo y2dx (2.134)



Th_ kinetic energies due to rotational motion Then at Yt:


(a) For the concentrated load: "-L dz I- 4t,

(b) Similarly, for the distributed load:

K: 1 _ 1 W a2p_
3_=_ mpl$_,-_ gp_ 4t = (2.135)
K4 _ 1 =ftw^_['dy'_ _
where h----radius of gyration of bob about its P -_2P Jo "g u, k-_] dx (2.136)
axis of rotation. Derivation of the value of
where p_----radius of gyration of spring wire.
_=_, in Equation (2.135) is as follows:
2. Potential energy is due to the elastic poten-
For small vibrations, tial of the spring wire and the gravitational
potential of the bob and wire. Maximum
d dy _ d_ _ potential energy is determined by evaluating
these energies when the pendulum is at maxi-
mum displacement.
At any given point along the deflection curve: (a) Due to the elastic potential of the
spring wire:
y(t)----y(z) sin pt; ?)(t) --y(x)p cos pt

and p,=El fo! [d_Y'_

_) ' dx (2.137)

_=.=y(=)p (b) The gravitational potential of the con-

centrated weight, W, is:
If the equation of the deflection curve is assumed
to be: W l
P,=:l= 2 fo ['dy'_'
\d_) dx (2.138)

Y(x)=a (1--cos 2 )
where the positive sign is used for the upright
pendulum and the negative sign for the in-
the above expression may be rewritten to: verted position.
(c) The gravitational potential of the dis-
tributed weight of the wire is:

Furthermore, we have
p,= ± _t [w fo" l (dy_'\dx]dx] dx (2.139)

d#=,, apT. Tx
d_ -- _- sln with the sign convention the same as in Equa-
tion (2.138).
and at Y_-Yt:
Substitution of Equations (2.133) through
dymaz ap_- (2.139) into Equation (2.132) yields the fre-
&---2t quency equation:

w _ dY_dx]
p2____ (2.140)


For the assumed deflection curve: w _ dY2

y=a (l--cos _)

the terms in Equation (2.140) are determined w 3 4

to be:

El fo ! _-_x2)/d2y\2"ax=
a21r4EI w fo I fdy'_ _ , a_Ir2wp_

These expressions are substituted into Equa-

w fo ['dY'_2 _ a2vSW tion (2.140) and simplified to give:

EI + O.405W [ _q-O.12Ow[ a
p = 34.4 4W [3 q_ 2.467W [ p_-f- 0.227w [4 q_ 1.234w[ _p] (2.141)

When the weight of the wire is small compared Kinetic energy of the system is:
to bob weight, Equation (2.141) can be sim-
plified to the expression: T=½ m,.C_-t-½ m_(.C,+ Jcz)2 (2.144)

... f EId:O.405W[ 2
--I x2 I'--

In the gravity-free environment of orbital

flight, the term in Equation (2.141) derived
from the gravitational potential of the bob is
omitted and the frequency equation becomes:

kI _2
p= 1 •745 _/m[3+2.467mg,
E1 p_ (2.143)

where m----mass of the pendulum bob. I

Xl ,II
Nutation Damper--Test Platform Vibration I
Analysis I
The equations of motion of the nutation
Potential energy may be written:
damper-pendulum platform two-body system
performing small single-plane vibrations are V=½klX_ +½k2x_ (2.145)
derived using the method of Timoshenko and
Young.t If viscous damping is assumed for both
masses, the dissipation function is given by the
ts. Timoshenko and D. H. Young, Advanced Dynam- expression:
ics, McGraw Hill, New York, 1948. F: ½c_2+ ½c2_ (2.146)


In _Equations (2.144) through (2.146), the fol- el=damping constant of platform

lowing notation is used: c2=damping constant of damper

m,-----mass of platform Since xl and x2 are not principal coordinates, the

m2=mass of pendulum bob following change of variable is made:
k_=m_p_=spring constant of platform
where p_=natural frequency of vi-
bration of platform Z2----_lX_-_2y (2.147)
k2=m2p]=spring constant of pendulum
where p2=natural frequency of pen- Substituting Equations (2.147) into Equa-
dulum tions (2.144) and (2.145), we obtain:

T=½[rnl+m2(l+_1)*]x2+[m_-m2(l+fll)(l+_,)]._+½[ml+rn,(1-4-_,)2]?) 2 (2.148)

V= ½(k_ A-kzS_)x2A - (kl-4-kzS_fl2)xy_-½(k_+ k2_)y 2 (2.149)

The cross product terms in Equations (2.148) and (2.149) are eliminated if:

mx-_ m2(1 -_fll) (1 -q-_2)=0 "_.

(2. 150)
k l+ k _l& =O J

If t_l and & are given by Equations (2.150), we have

V--:-_(klA-kzS,)x2A-_(k,A - 2_)y 2 (2.151)

2 1 k }
F=½(cl+c_)_% (c1+c2_,_2).¢_ + ½(c_+ c_) __

The Lagrangian equations of motion may be written from Equations (2.151) as follows:

a11x,-4-bux-_-CllZ-_ b12y=O _t _
a=_t-t- bz2_ A-c22y+ b12_=0 J (2.152)

where relative to the sun and changes in the spin

rate of the wheel section. The following is a
an=ml+ m2(1-_-_l)2; a22: ml-4- m2(1 _-82)2; discussion of the sources of these external
bu=cl--_-c2f_l ; b2z=cx+cz_] ; torques and of their effects upon the spacecraft.
C2z=kl + kzg ; In this discussion spin rate refers to the wheel
b_=Cl+C_l_ spin rate with respect to the sun, roll rate
refers to the rate of change of the spin axis
EFFECTS OF EXTERNAL TORQUES ON orientation about the solar vector, and pitch
rate refers to the rate of change of spin axis
orientation about a normal to the solar vector
External torques acting on the spacecraft and to the spin axis. Reference to Figure 2-16
caused changes in the position of the spin axis will clarify the axes of rotation.







_"_[/[-'_ ...... i-- ,. ROLLAXIS







I DE +

ANGLE i / _


FIGURE 2-17.--Aerodynamic forces during an orbit.

trapped at the surface and escaping a short

, I ....b 'SOLAR
time later.

SI, CTITUDE ......... The y-component of the force acting upon

the upper structure averaged to zero during
both the orbit day and orbit night so that there
FIOURE 2-16.--OSO I coordinate system. existed no net roll producing torque.
Although the x-components acting upon the
Aerodynamic Torques upper structure averaged to zero over an orbit,
these forces acted upon different configurations:
The OSO spacecraft, although in a relatively
a rotating upper structure during the orbit
high orbit, was still subjected to aerodynamic
night, and an upper structure directed at the
forces. These forces are probably more pre-
solar vector during the orbit day.
cisely referred to as molecular forces since the
This net force acting upon the lever arm front
mean free path of the molecules is large com-
the spacecraft center of gravity to the center
pared to the dimensions of the spacecraft.
of pressure of the upper structure produced a
These forces acted to roll the spacecraft about
torque about the solar vector which acted to
the solar vector and to precess the spacecraft
precess the spin axis away from the desired
spin axis out of the plane normal to the solar
pitch position, i.e., normal to the solar vector.
The upper structure was approximately in
The OSO upper structure was pointed at the
the form of a semi-circular fiat plate. A cen-
sun throughout the orbit day and rotated with
troid of area, z, is defined as
the wheel during the orbit night. The space-
craft wheel rotated throughout the orbit and
inspection of Figure 2-17 shows that the x and y _f a ? dA '
components of aerodynamic drag average to (2.153)
zero over an orbit. The usual frictional shear f a,dA '
forces associated with a viscous medium were
not present, so there existed only a negligibly During orbit night, the semi-circular flatplate
small nonsymmetrical energy loss due to rotated about the radius perpendicular to the
molecular transport caused by molecules being diameter.


Viewed from the direction of the spacecraft and

velocity vector, the semicircular plate looks
0'= arc cos(R_) (2.150)
like an ellipse with a varying minor axis. The
equation of this ellipse is where

y2 z2
R=radius of the earth
r_ cos2/_ _-_-=1 z__0 (2.154)
where f_is the angle from the spacecraft velocity h=height of spacecraft above the earth
vector to the flatplate normal. The integrands
of Equation (2.153) become During the sunlight portion of the orbit, the
upper structure area presented to the aero-
dA' =cos [3_/_--z_dz (2.155) dynamic force is
zdA' :cos _(z_-'-_dz) (2.156) Az=A cos 0 (--0' <0<_r[2)
The integrations over the area give
As=--A cos 0 (r/2<0_r+0')

A'=£ dA'=_cos_=Acos_ The drag in the x-direction is

D_=D sin 0

and the torque on the upper structure during

and the centroid is the orbit day is
z=_ r (2.157)
TD=oV2A_+d) V 0'
2 sin 0 cos _fi9

and is independent of the angle, 8.

=oV_Af_ +d) sin _ O'
The average value of the area of the spinning
upper structure in this application is =oV_A('_+d) (1--sin 2 0') (2.160)

The net torque about the solar vector during

an orbit is
I" T= TN+ TD

The torque upon the spacecraft during the =oV_A('Y+d) [--4 cos O'+ (1--sin2 o')]
orbit night is
-- /'2_r-O, (2.161)
T_-=CD-_ P V_A('_+d) J.+o, sin ado
In order to evaluate the net torque, an
=--pV,A_+d) (4cosO ") (2.158) altitude of 300 nautical miles=346 statute
miles--556 kilometers was assumed. The air
density, from damping calculations on Sputnik
d=distance from the lower edge of the It WaS

upper structure to the spacecraft _ (h-2_

pa=(4)<10-_3)e ' w / gm/cc (2.162)
center of gravity, in feet
V=spacecraft velocity, in ft]sec where
A= upper structure area, in ft 2
CD=coefficient of drag, which is assumed p=density at altitude h
to have the value, Co=2 h=altitude (kilometers)


The density at h=556 kilometers is from the earth was less than the force on tt_ose
parts nearer the earth. This difference pro-
p_58----(4 X 10-13) e -0.44 duced a torque. The magnitude of this torque
largely determined the amount of control gas
= 6.4X10_10 gm 1.24X10_,5 slug
cc ft a required for correction of externally caused
Now Figure 2-18 shows the coordinate system used
in this analysis. Axes x, y, and z form a geo-
p55BV2A= (1.24) (6.125) (5.275 X 10 -v) lb s
centric ecliptic system with the sun always along
=4.01 X 10 -6 lbs the x-axis. Unit vectors in this system are i,
j, k. The u, v, w sysrem is a geocentric equa-
and for
torial system with the u-axis along the equa-
torial-orbital line of nodes. The x', y', z' sys-
tem is a rotating geocentric system with the
spacecraft always on the x'-axis. The unit
the torque is vectors are i', j', k'.

T= (4 X 10-6) (_ 0.325) ------ 1.3 X 10 -° lbr-ft


and the pitch precession is ORBITAL


a=/_ t (2.163)

Z' _ X
/ sec
(1.3X10 -6 lbrft) (3600X24
x. day/(57.3 deg)
(26 lbrft-sec 2) (21r rad_ rad
x, see / _y

=0.04 day NE

The pointed experiments presented an area

_/" _ _ ECLIPTIC
approximately _ that of the upper structure at xr I --PLANE
about the same centroidal distance from the SUN
spacecraft center
of gravity and thus contrib-
degree . FIGURE 2-18.--Coordinate system.

uted an additional 0.01 _ pitch precession

The OSO I spin axis is stabilized in a position
making the total expected about 0.05 da--y_"
nearly perpendicular to the solar vector. The
Gravity Gradient Torques spin axis is not controlled in the plane perpen-
dicular to the solar vector. The x", y", z"
Since the gravitational attraction varies in- system is a spacecraft orientation system with
versely as the square of the distance from the the positive z"-axis along the positive direction
center of the earth, the gravitational force act- of the spin axis. The unit vectors in this
ing on those parts of the spacecraft farther away system are i", j", k".


- The matrix transformations are

Wl \ es_. --e._c e¢I \Zl
_,_=cos, e.=sin e, etc.

,I?._ U
z' l \ o -i.

\0 -a.
-c o)(:)
=(c) (2.166)

The unit vector, i', in the direction of the where

spacecraft is given by
L----vector torque on spacecraft
i"= _--_.(B,,) (Aj.) r'=vector from spacecraft c.m. to dv
p=vector from earth's center to dv
= {v,(Xcfi,--X,e_n,) + v,[i,e,n, p=density of volume element, dv
Re=radius of earth
g= acceleration of gravity at earth's
+ {,c0,,U,+X.e,flc) +,7,[--i,e,a_ surface

-i_(x,n,-x_,a,)] }j Let
R=R,+r' (2.170)
+ [,,(X,e,) + n, (i,e,+ i,Xee,) ]k
Where Re is a vector from the center of earth
=(Ax cos n+A2 sin n)i 1 to the center of mass of the spacecraft.
The wheel of the spacecraft is continuously
+ (Bx cos+(6'1 cos sin
v/-_-a2 '7)j sin _)k _
_+C_ (2.167) rotating, giving the spacecraft gyroscopic sta-
where bility. The sail with its solar cells and experi-
ments is directed at the sun during the orbit
Al=cos X cos fi--sin X cos e sin fi
day and, because of bearing friction, rotates
A2=sin isin esin fi--cos i (sin Xcos f_ with the wheel during the orbit night. The
+cos X cos e sin fi) spin axis is maintained nearly perpendicular to
the solar vector by means of a pitch gas system.
Bl=cos X sin _+sin X cos e cos
(2.168) Let
B2=--sin i sin e cos _--cos i

(sin X sin _2--cos X cos e cos fl) r' =c,-r, (2.171)

C_=sin X sin e
C2=sin i cos e+cos i cos X sin e
c_ is a vector from the spacecraft center of
Now the torque on the spacecraft due to the mass to the center of mass of the part and
gravitational field is r_ is a vector from the center of mass of the
part to dv and is expressed in a principal
L=-j, /" _r
[, X-_-
.gR_ R) tx_v (2.169) axis system fixed to the part.

Then R-S=(R. R)-a/_=[(Ro+c,+r,). (R_+c,+r,)] -a¢_
L (Rc+c,+r,)]pdv =[R,. Rc+2R_ • (c,+r,) + (c,-_-r,) 2] -s/2
------gR_ f, R-3[(c,+r,) X

['R,. R__l_2R,. fc_-l-r,_=fc_ +r _2-]-3/2

-- gR_£[ R-3[(c,+r,) XRc+ (c,+r,)
X (c, +r,) ]pdv
Rc Rc _ _] (2.173)
--gR_ f, R-3[(c,+r,) XR_]pdv (2.172)
for a spacecraft of small size. Now
(c,+r,) × (c,+r,) =0 RC *?

The quantity R -s in the integrand may be and
approximated as follows: iI. i' = 1

Therefore, the quantity R -8 may be expressed

3i'.(c,+r,)'] (2.174)
R-3_-_R:3 [ 1"_ 2i"(c'-_-r')_-3/2 .J R:a [ 1-_c J

L,.,gR_ f JR,× (c,+r,)] [1 3¢" (c'+r')'] .dv

- R_ j, ,_ R_ J

f R_×(c, _ My+ f. r,Mv)-3 f_ [i'× (c,+r,)][i'. (c, +r,)]pdv } (2.175)

Now The spacecraft rotates about its spin axis

and the equation of transformation between
f r_pdv=O
the z_'_', y_'", z_'" axes fixed in the spacecraft
parts and the x", y", z" system is
by definition of the center of mass of the part,

f pdv=m_
=--/_ _
\ o
B_ 0 |Y'"/
0) \z"'/

where m_ is the mass of the i th part. Further-
more, we have
B_can have the value
t_'=sail position angle
_(R_Xc,) f ev=R,X (m,c,-l-m,c2)----O or

B_:-wheel position angle

by definition of the center of mass of the parts.
The torque on the spacecraft may be written The positional vectors r_ and c_ are

L_ --3s2f, r_= (z'"_--y"'_)i"

[i'x(c,+r,)][i'.(c,+r,)]pdv (2.176)
+ (z'"_-Fy'"/_) j" + z'"k"
since gR_/R_ is the square of the angular velocity and
for a circular orbit. c_=cik"


A_idingtheselasttwo equationsyields

ct+rt=( x'" &--y

' ,, _:)ti, +( x,t, &+y
, t,, _o)J
t.,, +( z"' + ci) k" (2.178)

The spacecraft positional vector it, may be expressed in the i t', jtt, ktt system as

it = (it- i)i+ (i'. j)j+ (it. k)k


=ai t' + (ba,+ca,) j 't + (-ba,+ca,)k"

=ait'+dj"+Kk 't (2.179)


c= (i t. k)
a= (i t. i)

The dot product of it and (¢t+rt) is

it- (ct+rt) = (aB_+dlP.)x t't + (-aa_.+dB_ ttt +K(z t't +_,)

and the cross-product

of itand (ci+rl)is
!°t X (c,+rt)=l [--K_.x_ tit
--K_;yi ,?l
+J(z tit
+c)]+j "t,
[K_;xi tit

--KB_.y '', --a(z'" + c) ]+k' '[ (a&_--JB!)z ,'' + (a_,+ J&_).v',, ]

The product of the latter two equations is

[i'×(ct+rl)][i'- (c,+ri)]=l "It KI(--aB:B,--JB:

i f 12 )x It/2 +(aa:&--J#,_)y
i f l tt,$ +J( Z tit + C t) 2 +...]
+J *it K[(aac i 2 +J/_:tL)=
£ t
+(aB: i 2 --J_:i3_)y
i i ttti
--a(z tt,
+=i) $ +...]

+k' t[ (_i + J_:) (a_:--Jl3:) (zt t "--y" "') + ...]

=i" K {af3_._,(ytt "-- z' " _)+ J[ (z' " + c,) _-- (a_.2zt' t 2+ f3!_ytt ' _)] + ...}

"it f i ttt2 ttt ,it 2 i3 ttt t2 tt2

+J K{dB:&(_ --Y _)--a[(z +ci)--(&x +B:Y' )]+...}

+ktt[(aBi+dB_)(a&*--dB,*) (x"t2--y'"2)+...l

where crossproduct terms have not been written.

Because of the choice of axes, L simplifies upon integration to

L=_3oJ2(itt{K}{a_B_ (I:--I,)
t t + d[#. t' (I.--1,)
, t +_o,, (I,--I,)
t l +_mt] }+j" { K} {J_,13,
, t (I,--I.)
t i

--a[#, t t (I.--I,)+f3.
f t l t f t
(I,--1,)+_m,]}+k ?t t i i i f

= -- 3o 2(i t' { (aca,--aba.)_I_ (I _--- I;) + [ (c_- b2)a,a,+ bc (2a) ,ltOf(I',--P.) + O_,
' (I_, -I _-)+din i] }

+j" {[(c_--b )a,a,+bc(2a),l[_,f_,(l,--I.)+(aca.--aba.)[a, (I.--I,) +_, (I,--I,)+_m,] }

+k" {[a2- (ba,+ca,)2]B_._ - (aba,-[-aea,) (2_), } (I_--I_-))


where the superscripts on the moments of LsD -- torque due to the sail (orbit d_y
inertia indicate that the moments of inertia can only)
be those of the sail or of the wheel. Now let LsN----torque due to the sail (orbit night
L_----torque due to the wheel (orbit day only)
and orbit night)

• W W
Due to the symmetry of the wheel about the spin axis, Ix -----Iv and the equation for L reduces to

Lw----3_2[(I,--Ir)--c_mw]. { i"(c2--b2)a_,_cWbc(2a)_+j"(aba,--acac) } (2.180)

where where
l;:sail moment of inertia about the spin
I_=moment of inertia of the wheel about axis
the spin axis I_-----sail moment of inertia about the solar
vector directed through the sail
Ir--I:--I_:transverse moment of inertia
center of mass
of the wheel.
l_:sail moment of inertia about the per-
pendicular to the solar vector and
During the orbit day, when the sail is directed the spin axis and through the sail
at the sun and 8_----0. The torque due to the center of mass

sail (orbit day) is ms----mass of the sail

c,----distance between center of masses of
LsD = 3 _2{ i' '[ (c 2- b2)a,ac + be (2a) c] spacecraft and sail.

During the orbit night, servo control power

[P---I_--c_ms]_-j" (aba,--aca_) was removed and the sail rotated with the
wheel because of bearing, slip ring, and motor
(I_--I i--c_m_) -_ k" (aba_
brush friction. The torque on the sail during
_-aca,)(I_--Ii) } (2.181) orbit night is

[ o _i,,_ac ab _.... 'P z-- Px-_[(c --b )a,a_-_bc(2a)¢][Ss (I_--Is)Tf3_ (Iys Ii)
_ _ olc-- oQJPsPe_ y) 2 2 s2 s s s2

-{-c_ms]}+j"{ [(c 2--b 2)a,a¢+bc(2a)_]Sj3_(I_--I.)-l-(aca_--

. s , s a ba,)[8_ _2( p_p
. ,)

s2 s s p p
+8s (Iy-- Is) +_m.] } _-k" { [a _- (bacWcas)2]8_Si - (aba_-_aca.) (28')o } ( _-- _)]

Averaged over one sail rotation, the torque is

Ls_--_ 3_2 { [Ii-- ½(P-+ I_) -- _m,]i[ (c2- b 2)a,a_+ bc(2 at)]+j[a ba_--aca_] ) (2.182)

In order to obtain the angular rates imparted ac <_ _/2--1

to the spacecraft by the gravity gradient - 2 2
c__b_<c2__b2<l The torque about the i'-axis results in a
- - pitch of the spacecraft spin axis toward or away
from the solar vector. As a function of the
bc < _2 . _/'2_1
-2 2 2 spacecraft roll position


(c2- b2)a,a_+ bc(2a)o= (1) (0) +_ for a=O °

1 1 o
----(1) (_)+0=_ for a-----45

= (1) (0) +1(1) =1 for _=90"

The torque about the j"-axis results in a roll about the solar vector and

aba,--aca_< laba,l+lac_,l=(1) (0)+ 1 (1)---1 for a---0"

1 1 _ o
=_ (_)+_ (_)=-_-for a=45

-----1 )÷1(01,
2 (1 = era=90 °

The torque about the spin axis was applied torque due to gravity gradient by driving
to the sail only during the sunlight portion of against the wheel. The action resulted in a
the orbit, which averaged about _ of the total spin-up or spin-down of the wheel (change in
orbital period. The serve controlling move- angular rate). Now
ment about the spacecraft spin axis resisted the

aba¢+aeot,<_]abad+]aea,]= 1 (1)+ 1 (0)= 1 for a=0 °

1 1 _ o
=_ (-_)+_ (_=-_-for a=45

=2 11(0)+ (1)= 2 fora=90 °

Therefore 1;=2.70 slug-ft _

1 /,=23.32 slug4t _
(_--b')..+bc(2_),=_ IT= 16.42 slug-ft 2
m,=4.12 slugs
m_=9.65 slugs
(aba,--aca,) =1 .q_
c,= +0.523 ft
c_=--0.222 ft
(aba_ + aca,) = _ q'_
will be used.
I,--IT--C_m,_=6.42 slug-ft s
For the OSO I spacecraft, the following
I_-- I_,--_m,=--0.884 slug-ft 2
parameter values were determined:
I_--1"---_m,=--0.014 slug-ft 2
I*-= 1.59 slug-fff I_--I:=0.87 slug-ft s
I_=2.46 slug-ft _ Ii--_(I2
+ I_,)--_m,----0.449
1 $ Jt
slug-ft _

The torqueon thewheelis
L 3 / 2_ \3
_=2 _96----_) (6.42) (i" + _/_j") ----1.14 X 10 -5 (i" +_f_j) lb-ft (2.183)

The torque on the sail during the sunlight portion of the orbit is

2 (3_ (884i 'l-_0.014j'' _-0.87k")----10-'(1.054i" _-0.0236j" + 1.47k")lb-ft (2.184)


The torque on the sail during the night portion Then the momentum per volume, p, is given by
of the orbit is
1 3033 . • C

LsN-----_ (-_-)(0.449)(l"q-_/2J")_ (2.185)

If the radiation impinges upon and is absorbed
=0.0267 X 10-5 (i '' -J-_/2j) J
by the surface, the change in momentum per
unit area in one second is
and the total torque is

L=lO-5(1.265V'_-l.64j" _Ol147k '') (2.186)
or since a change in momentum per unit area
The k component of the torque changed the
is a force per unit area, the radiation pressure
(rad_/day for absorption, P,, is
spin rate of the wheel by 5.91X10 -a \s-_//
or a 5 percent change in nominal wheel P,=E
rate in 26 days. Thus the spin rate time
If the incident beam is reflected from the sur-
constant was 312 days.
face, the change in momentum per unit area
From the formula
in one second is
2cp = 2 E
___T_T (2.187)
and the radiation pressure for reflection, Pp, is

which gives the gyroscopic precession as a

function of the applied torque, the wheel
moment of inertia, and the wheel angular Suppose a part, call it a, of the incident radia-
rate, the pitch and roll rates were determined tion is absorbed and another part, p, is reflected.
to be 0.85 deg/day and 1.1 deg/day, respectively. Now, for an opaque body

Radiation Pressure Torques a-_'p_l

Suppose a stream of radiaLion in a vacuum Then the pressure due to the absorbed radia-
falls normally on the surface of a body. Accord- tion, p,, is
ing to Einstein, we know that
m=-_ (2.188) and the pressure due to the reflected radiation,

p. is
_p= 2pE= 2(1--,_) E
E=mean energy/volume and the pressure per unit area becomes
p=_+p_-_-(2--a)E (2.189)
c-velocity of light


"For a radiation of mead energy per volume The pressure is the normal component of the
impinging upon the surface with a velocity, v, force per unit area and
the energy per unit area in one second, i.e., the
solar constant, S, is
Pa(O)= -S--cos' 0 (2.192)

and S=0.14 watt/cm'. By using the above If an incident beam in which the energy
expression for E, the radiation pressure per unit density, E, is specularly reflected from a sur-
area for normal incidence may be written face at the angle of incidence, 0, the force,

F,(0) =E cos 0(E+E*) where E* is the image of

P=(2--a) _ (2.190)
c E in the x--z plane, and

Suppose that the radiation is incident at an S

F,(0) =-- cos 0(2_ cos 0+09)
angle 0 to the surface normal. The energy c

received per unit area of surface, E(0), is

=2 s cos'
E (0)=E cos 0.

For absorption of the incident radiation, the

momentum change (or force, F,) is in the direc-
tion of the incident radiation and

F (e)
=E cos

where E is a unit vector in the direction of the


incident energy. The vector E may be re-

solved in the direction of the inward surface
normal and along the surface, and the force Y
per unit area is

F(0)=EcosS(_ cos 0-F_ sin 0) (2.191)

The radiation pressure is
P,(0) =2 _ cos' 0 (2.193)

X X __


and the ratio

In the case of the beam, in which the energy
_,3- __2
density, E, is incident at an angle 0 to the sur-
7 '3
face normal and is diffusely reflected from the
surface, it can be seen that y and z components Therefore, the force in the diffuse case is
of the reflected energy cancel and that the force
in the diffuse case, FD (8), is
FD(#)--_ COS# IX (2+COS #)q-y Sin 8] (2.196)

FD(o)=S cos O [z C++cos #)+y sin 0_

The pressure term due to radiation by the
(2.194) spacecraft involves the factor of the difference
in emissivities of the parts of the body facing
towards and away from the sun. The difference
for the wheel is zero and a small number for
"/3. is the ratio of the force along the normal the sail, and it is therefore neglected.
_/ to the total diffuse force.
The pressure on the sail is
Since the surface is diffuse, a surface dS,
Ps= (2--0.8) (4.67 X 106) (2.08 X 10 -3)
emits radiation in all directions in amounts
proportional to its projected area, i.e., B_dS_ ----1.17X 10 -r lb/ft 2
cos 01 where B1 is the brightness. Theflux emit-
The frontal area of the sail is approximately
ted from the element dS1, to a second surface
5.3 square feet and the force is
element dS2 at a distance r is dS_ cos 8_/r 2. Thus,
the total flux emitted by dS, that passes through Fs=l.17X5.3X10 -7 lb
a hemisphere above it is
=6.2)< 10 -7 lb

f B,dZ, cos dS2 r2

cos 05) (2.195) The distance from the spacecraft center of
gravity to the c.p. of the radiation pressure is
If a zone on the hemisphere is taken as dS2, one foot. Therefore, the torque about the
then pitch axis is
dS2=2_ 2 sin a_d81 T_=6.2X 10 -7 ft/lb
/_./2 and the roll rate is 0.04 dog/day.
_/=27rB_dS1 J# cos 01 sin O_d#l For the wheel, the solar absorptivity, ao,
is approximately 0.3 and the force on each
infinitesimal area is
= BidS1 sin 2 #,f_/2

F;.,,=aoF,(O) =0.3 (9 cos _ E lb/ft 2

The component of the total flux in the direction The total force, F_. _, on the wheel due to solar
of the normal is absorptivity becomes

73-=fBldS'c°s2#'( dS'c°s#2

=2rBldS1 cos _ 81 sin 01d#1 where A_ is the cross-sectional area of the wheel.
fo r 12
The cross-sectional area of the wheel is approxi-
2 /,,/2 mately 4.2 square feet, and F_., becomes
=--_ _BldS_ cos 3 #1Jo
F_. ,= (0.3) (9.7X 10 -s) (4.2)

=_ lrBldS1 =1.22)<10 -7 lb


For the wheel and the case of specular reflection For the OSO I spacecraft made with an alu-
minum shell: a:22 in.=0.559 m; a=3.8><.10'
F, ,----(0.7) (2 _ (_ A..) mho/m; g,= 1.25 >(10 -e henry/m

d,,==0.090 in.----2.28X10 -_ m
0.7X2X23 (S) A,
q= _(1.25 X 10 -6) (0.559) (3.8 X 107)
(2.28)< 10 -3) = 0.030 see
0.7X2X20.3 SAc,
3X0.3 c
o.,o=0.5 cp=3.14/sec q_o=0.094

As a first approximation, since q_2 is negli-

gible compared to 1, drop the second term in the
denominator in equation to get:
For the wheel and the case of diffuse reflection
T: --p_ (2.200)
the force is approximately 2.7F_.a. Using the Also since
larger figure, the total radiation force against T=I¢5,
the wheel is 4.88X10 -7 lb, and the roll rate
due to the wheel radiation pressure is 0.005 _+P _=0
deg/day since the distance between the pressure
center and the spacecraft c.g. is 2 inches. and solving for the initial condition _(0)=_o
Magnetic Torques t_: _oe - " (2.201)
Eddy Currents in Outer Shell oF Wheel where T= Io/p is the time constant for the decay
rate of the spin.
For a thin circular cylinder of area resistivity
Since p= _33[ adB 2 is a function of the normal
s and radius a spinning on its axis with angular
component of the magnetic field with respect to
velocity _ in a uniform magnetic field B normal
the spin axis, the average value of the normal
to its axis, the retarding torque per unit length
component during one orbit must be
is:_ determined.
4rwsaS B2
T 4s_+_2a2_ (2.197) Z" Z

or Z I

T= s
1+ ":a__'

or since s=l/o'd

T= T_a%dB2 (2.198)
1+4 bt_a2aad_a)2

Letting p=Ttaa[trdB 2 and q=lg,aad, then the //

total torque is !
T------ P_ (2.199) I

:_W. R. Smythe, Static and Dynamic Electricity, 2d X X II

Edition, London: McGraw-Hill, 1950, Chapter XI, Pg.

417. X I

782-552 0---66------5

For the coordinate system shown in the figure above, the transformation equations Rre:

x"_ F cos t_ sint_

y"/=/--sin f_ cosf_ 0JL001Fe°sa 01 --si:_[il
z",) k. 0 0 1 sin a 0 cos a .J

f co ,co o
z"J _. sin
cos a sin--,i cos l
cos B

sin a sin t_

COS ot

z" =cos f_ cos ax+sin f_y--sin a cos _z and

y"=--sin/_ cos ax+cos/3y+sin a sin f_z

x=cos ax'--_-sin az p 1
z" =sin ax+cos az (2.204)
y==y' (2.207
In terms of polar coordinates, we have
z_----sin otxt-_-cos az p
xP=r COS _P

y'----r sin 4" Substitute Equations (2.205) into (2.207) to

z' =0 (z.ZOb)

and the relationbetween the primed and un- x=r cos a cos _b 1
primed axes may be written y=r sin ¢' (2.208)

[ 0cos
(.sin a 0 cos_ .j z
The potential
cos O'/r _= + Voz/r 3 or
z =--r

of the magnetic
sin a cos _'

field, V= + V0

or taking the inverse of Equation (2.206) yields

V= + Voz(x_+y_+z2) -3/_ (2.209)

Since the magnetic field is very nearly a dipole

T[o 1
z --sin a 0 cos z'
it can
of the
be obtained
by taking the negative

B_= bV=--V°z [-3 (x2+Y2+Z2)-sl2" 2x]=3 (Y-_) xzbx

By= bV_by V°z [--3 (x2 +Y_ + Z2) -_/2 "2y]=3 (V--_) yz

i_V Vo { r-a+z [ --3(x_+y2q-z2)-s/z. 2z ]} =Vo {13z2_

=--Vo \("x2+y_+z_-3z2"__ ]=\-_]{V°'_ (2z2 x2 y2) (2.210)

The average value of B _ normal to the spin of the satellite is :

B_,=_ f02" de' (SX B) • (SX B) (2.211)


wtmre S is a unit vector in the direction of spin. Also since

(SX 13)- (SX B) = (S. B) (B- B)-- (S. B) (S. B) and because S- S-= 1; S- B----B_', Equation (2.211)

/_,_:_--- fo _" _' (B-B--B; '_) (2.212)

B" B----B_,--4-B_,4B2,and from Equations (2.204) we have

B'y'_= (--sin [1cos aB, + cos O[3,+ sin a sin OB ,) _

Evaluating the integrand of Equation (2.212) yields

B- B--B_"---- (1--sin _ _ cos _ a)B_,4 (1--cos _/_)B_4 (1--sin _a sin _ t_)/_,

-4-2 sin _ cos fl cos otBzBy42 sin a cos a sin _ _B,B,--2 sin a sin _ cos ¢B_B, (2.213)

Substituting Equations (2.208) into (2.210) yields


B,=(-_) 3yz=(-V/) (-3r2 sin a sin _' cos _')=-3 (Y_) sin a sin _" cos ¢ '

B, =tv°'ikr
5] (2z2--za--Y_)=(-_) (2r _sin_a cos _¢'--r _ cos2a cos __'--r _ sin 2 _')

=(r-r_) (3 sin' a cos' ,'--1)

Substitute Equations (2.214) into (2.213) to obtain the result

B- B--B'y'_--- 1.4,3 sin 2 a cos __'--9 sin _a sin 2_' cos _¢'4sin _ ¢_sin 2 a(6 cos 2_'

--1.4.9 sin _ _b' cos _ _b'--9 cos 4 _b')46 sin/_ cos/3 sin _a(3 sin _' cos _ _' sin ¢' cos _')]

Equation (2.215) is now used to evaluate Equation (2.212).

B.=_' 1 (__)' {*413sin',_(_+_)]--[9 sin'a (_ sin'*'_132


+sin _ fl sin _ a (3¢-_ 3 sin_2_ ¢__ 9_8 9 sin

_32¢ 27_8 9 sin
_4 ¢ 9 sin
432 _

+6 sin fl cos fl sin _ a 4 2

1 (_o)2[_
=_---x -- -4-3 _sin _a- (I _sin _t_sin _ )]'- o

'_--\ r_][_ rl+_8 sin_ (1-- i sin. a) (1_2 sin , ' )]

=_g(_, 8) (2.216)


where B, =Vo/R 3 is the value of _he geomagnetic and

field at the magnetic equator a distance R from L
the origin. r-----_=3.68X 106 sect43 days
B_ can be written:
Eddy Currents in the Rib Pk, tes
B_---- ( Vo/ R_) (Re/R) 8
To determine the effect on the spin rate of
=Bo_(l+x) 6 the torque exerted on the flat plates that divide
or the rotating body into nine separate compart-
B_=B_o/h(x) (2.217)
ments, the derivation given in Winch II for the
average power loss due to eddy currents is
R,=40,OOO/2_km is the radius of the earth, used to obtain the expression
A=R--Re is the height of the orbit above [_hSb
sea level, l}= _ B_co s (2.218)
x=A/R,, and B6, the magnitude of the
geomagnetic field at sea level at the and total torque is given by the relation
magnetic equator, is 3.1X10-6 [_hSb
webers/m _. (2.219)
T------p/_= 64p B_=--ko_

To determine the time constant for the decay where

rate of spin, we make the following calculations: k [:h:b

p =,ra2_rd[ Bl
For (9) 16-inch panels, we calculate the values
a=O. 559 m/a-3.8Xl07 mho/m; d-_2.38
[=16 in.=0.4064 m; [2=--0.165 ms
X10 -a m; [----0.254 m
m; h2----0.0645
B1=B_g(a, f3)/h(x)

B0=-3.1X 10-5 webers/m s b=0.060 in.--1.524X10 -3 m

For average values used in Rosenstock§ of p----2.63 X 10 -6 ohm/m

sin s a--0.35; sin s 8----0.5
B2,.= 6.326 X 10 -1° webersS/m 4

g(a, fl)=1_-_ (0.35) (e -2"1)

K_ 9 (. 165) (.0645) (1.524X 10 -a) (6.326 X 10 -1°)
64(2.63X10 -s)
- 1+ (0.375) (0.667) -- 1.0875
_--5.486X 10 -s
The average height of orbit=300 nautical
miles---555.5 km; therefore, we have and the time constant for spin rate decay due
to this factor is
x--- (57rX 10 -5) (555.5)-=0.08726

h(x) = (1.C8726) _-- 1.65195 r__--_X10S:5.12X 10 s sec=5,926 days

1.0875 Eddy Currents in Inner Cylinder

B_ 1.65195 (3"1X10-5)s=0"65831(O'61X10-16)
The time constant due to torque on the inner
--_6.326X 10 -1° cylindrical shell of the spacecraft is evaluated
as follows:
p=_(0.559)3 (0.254)(3.8X 107) (2.28 X 10 -3 )
§H. B. Roscnstock, Memorandum on "The Effects of
(6.326X 10 -1°) _--7.640X 10 -8 kgmS/sec the Earth's Magnctic Field on the Spin of a Satellite,"
Optics Div., Naval Research Laboratory, Washington
lo---20.73 slug fts=667.506 lb jt2_--62.01 lbm s 25, D.C.
hR. P. Winch, Electricity and Magnetism, New
----28.13 kgm s York, Prentice Hall, 1955, pp. 550-52.



a=6 in.----0.1524 m; a3=3.54X10 -3 m3; b=10 in.-0.254 m; d=0.1 in.=2.54X10 -3 m

p= _raaadtB_± = _(3.54 X 10 -3 ) (3.8 X 107) (2.54 X 10 -s) (0.254) (7.252 X 10 -'°)

-----(1.97725X 10 -7) kg m2/sec

and whenever a ferromagnetic material rotates

in the earth's magnetic field. The spacecraft
2 813 a a
=_X 10 ----1.423 X 10 sec---- 1647 days wheel was continuously rotating and, therefore,
the hysteresis losses were constantly present.
Summary of Eddy Current D_mping Torques The ferromagnetic materials in the upper
section contributed their losses only during the
Adding the torques acting on nine flat panels
dark portion of tJ_e orbit when the upper
and the inner cylinder, we have
structure rotated with the wheel.
/9= (1.97725+0.5486) X 10-7-----2.5259 X 10 -7 From Figure 11-26, page 509 of Bozorth,**
the hysteresis loss per cycle is given for various
2 813 s 8 ferromagnetic materials. Taking the value for
T=_XIO =1.114X10 see=l,289 days
45 Permalloy and for a maximum induction of
B=0.23 gauss, the power loss per cycle due to
Adding the effect of both cylindrical shells and hysteresis is approximately 1 erg/cm _.
the flat panels yields The average power loss in the wheel, p_, is

p----(7.640-{-0.1977-_-0.0548) X 10-6----7.893 X 10 -6 p _-- (1 erg]cmS/cycle) (V_ cm s) (0.5 cycle/sec)

v=_X 108=3.57X 106 sec---41 days = V_/_ ergs/sec

The cylinder of the wheel was the only source ---_XIO -7 watts
of damping torque not of negligible magnitude
when considering a six-month orbital life. The where
only effective way to reduce this damping torque
was to insulate the compartment cover plates V_=volume of ferromagnetic materials
and the rim panels to break up eddy current in the wheel, in cm a
paths. It was not practical to insulate the rim
Since the spacecraft was in the dark portion
panels since they were structural members.
of the orbit a maximum of 35 percent of the
The cover plates were not difficult to insulate
orbital time, the maximum effective value for
from the rest of the structure, so this was done.
A slow-down time constant of between 41 the average power loss in the upper structure,
p_, due to hysteresis was
and 187 days was anticipated considering all
torque effects present. This required a spin-up
gas expenditure about every four days in the p,= (0.35)-_X10 -7 watts
extreme case. (See the discussion of Chapter where
4 on the gas system.) Spin-up cycling at four-
day intervals would have used up the spin gas V_=volume of ferromagnetic materials in
in a little over a year; well in excess of the six- the upper structure, in cm 3
month life supply requirement.
This average power loss value is now com-
Magnetic Damping Due to Hysteresis Losses pared with the power losses due to eddy cur-

Ferromagnetic materials were used in the **R. M. Bozorth, Ferromagnetism, Princeton, N.J.;
OSO I spacecraft. Hysteresis losses will occur D. Van Nostrand Co., Inc., 1951.


rents in the rotating wheelof the spacecraft. 688-day time constant is, however, significant
In Equation (2.200), the torque exerted on the compared to the actual eddy current losses
spacecraft due to eddy currents in the cylin- remaining due to the rib plates and inner cylinder
drical shell is given as conducting paths.

Magnetic Coupling Torques
k=_raS[ _dB_
Torques Due to Permanent Magnets in Pointed
The instantaneous power loss is related to the
torque as follows: The open-end photomultiplier in the Goddard
pointed experiinent used 8 Alnico permanent
magnets for magnetic focusing. These mag-
P= dt = --d-i
nets were arranged parallel to each other and
were mounted with their poles aligned with the
pitch axis of the spacecraft. The torques pro-
Therefore duced by the interaction of their magnetic
moment with the earth's field had either spin
or roll components. The combined pole strength
of these 8 magnets was not known, but theywere

obviously quite strong. It was doubtful that

the spin rate increase or the extra gas require-
ment for stabilization in pitch that would result
For the cylindrical shell, k----8.77X10 -6 kg m2/ from their effect could be tolerated.
see and Fortunately, a solution to the problem was to
mount another photomultiplier (or the part
p=½ 0r)_(S.77 X 10 -8) ----8.66)< 10 -_ watt housing the magnets) on the upper structure
with the pole directions of the magnets reversed.
This is the average power loss because in com-
This canceled the effects of the first unit both
puting k, an average value of B _ was used.
Thus, if the time constant for the decay of in pitch and spin at all times. There were no
location restrictions on the second unit since
spin rate due to eddy currents in the cylindrical
shell is the moment arm of the couple was the length
rB----3.68X 108 sec--43 days of the magnets and was independent of location
on the upper structure. Thus, as shown in
the time constant due to hysteresis losses is Figure 2-19, we have that

866 1732X43 T! z
Tx _-
r_=v_ V_ rB= V_+O.35V_ days
2 F0.35 -_ T,=--T;

For the OSO I, V_ and V_ are estimated to be
100 cm 3 and 25 cm 3, respectively, and therefore
regardless of the direction of H.
we determine that
Spin decay due to hysteresis and eddy current
1732 damping in these magnets at night when the
rH-_ 1--_- (43)=688 days instrument is spinning should be negligible.
Since a second unit of magnets probably
Therefore, the effect of hysteresis losses in would not exactly match the magnetic moment
ferromagnetic materials would not be significant of those in the photomultiplier, calculations
when compared to the eddy current losses were were made to determine how much residual
the eddy current paths not broken up. The torque could be tolerated.


* z Total thrust time available,

tj=-_=5,720 sec

Total torque impulse available,

(Tit j) r = 572 lbflt-sec

_y If 20 percent of this amount is available to

counter magnetic torques, then

(Tjtj)...._= 114.4 lb/ft-sec

Assume that the roll rate is uniform and slow

compared to the orbital rate, yet is fast enough
for the spacecraft to make a complete rotation
x in a few days. Then, since torques of either
sense consume gas, the average magnetic
FIGURE 2-19.--Torques resulting from interaction be- torque is the sinusoidal average of _ cycle, or
tween bar magnets and the axial components of the 63.7 percent of maximum magnetic torque.
earth's magnetic field.
Equal magnetic torques and gas jet torques
produce the same precession rate in pitch, so
First, however, it is worth while to point out
that the spin component of this residual
0.637 Trot -- ( Tjtj),,,a,u.= 114.4 lb/ft-sec
torque will average out to near zero around one or
spacecraft orbit. For an orbit inclined 33 ° to 2.433 X 109
the earth's equator. H will oscillate 33 ° back t ----. see
and forth through the y-z plane (Figure 2-19)
regardless of the direction of the component
of H lying in that plane. If the geographical t=2.82X 104
Tm days
and geomagnetic poles were coincident this
oscillation would be exactly ±33 ° , but since where T, is the maximum magnetic torque in
they vary by several degrees some accumulative dyne-cm.
torque is realized. The net accumulation is
Thus, if t=6 months=180 days
small, however, in comparison to that in roll,
and from the restriction below, can be neglected. 2.82)< 104
In determining the maximum allowable Tin-- 180 _--__
160 dyne-cm.
residual torques of the magnets in roll, an
arbitrary statement that no more than 20 The upper structure was magnetically balanced
percent of the total gas available for torquing to less than 100 dyne-cm unbalance torque at
the surface of the earth.
in roll can be used to buck out this torque.
The following data is required:
Torques Due to Permanent Magnets in Rotating
Specific impulse of AT,, /_p=65lbl sec Section
Total weight of available AT,, W--4.4 lb Some of the wheel experiments contained
Thrust of each jet, Fj=0.05 lbt small permanent magnets. The effects of these
Torque of each jet, Tj=0.05 lbl "2 ft= rotating magnets on spacecraft dynamics were
0.10 lb-ft investigated. Two different magnet orienta-
tions needed to be considered:
Total impulse available from AT, gas,
1. magnetic axis parallel to spin axis
lr=l.,XW=286 lbl sec 2. magnetic axis normal to spin axis

z This is shown in Figure 2-20. After 180 a of
rotation the torque due to the earth's field
acting either along or normal to the spin axis
is reversed in direction. In the figure. Ty is
the reaction of the magnet to the earth's field
when the magnetic north pole is in the _y
direction, etc.
From Figure 2-21 note that the torque pro-
duced by a magnet mounted parallel to the
T _ 12_ - / spin axis does not change direction due to spin
and is therefore cumulative. If in Figure 2-21
the sun is always in the _-y direction, the earth's
field vector oscillates back and forth through
the y-z plane in the manner previously de-
scribed, and the major cumulative component of
X_ this torque is a roll torque producing precession
in pitch. As the spacecraft rolls, this torque is
FIGURE2-20.--Torques produced by a magnet mounted 90 ° out of phase with that produced by the
normal to the spin axis.
magnets mounted on the pointed instrument, but
it still requires pitch jet gas to counter its effect.
Therefore, this torque must be added to the
residual torque of the other magnets in satisfying
the value for Tm given above.

Solar Array Current Loops.

Any current loops in the spacecraft solar

array would have produced a coupling torque
tending to precess the spacecraft about the
_ y roll axis. To compensate for this effect, the
solar array was wired as follows. The two
roughly quarter-circular sections of the array
were mounted symmetrically with respect to
the spin axis and were wired as mirror images
of each other such that the net coupling torque
is zero. The rectangular center panel lead
x wires were looped to form compensating loops
for the panel cell wiring to also produce a net
FIGURE 2-21.--Torques produced by a magnet mounted zero torque from the center panel.
parallel to the spin axis.

Orbital Motion of Earth

Since the wheel was constantly rotating,
constant alignment of a magnet with the pitch Although the motion of the earth about the
or roll axis was not possible. For a magnet sun did not introduce any external torques on
mounted with the magnetic axis not aligned the satellite, it did introduce a need for pitch
with the spin axis nor exactly normal to it, axis correction. If the spacecraft were oriented
the torque produced would have had both with tile spin axis located in the ecliptic plane,
components. this would have required a pitch correction of
When the magnetic axis of the magnet was approximately 1 degree per day. For the spin
normal to the spin axis, the net torque exerted axis perpendicular to tile ecliptic plane, no
by the magnet on the spacecraft was zero. pitch correction was required. To obtain a



reasonable number, consider the spin axis to be Equations (2.225) and (2.226) show that the
oriented at an angle of 45 ° with respect to the same axis initial position error is unchanged;
ecliptic plane. In this case, the necessary the same axis initial rate error has an average
pitch correction would be 0.707 degrees per day. value of zero. The cross axis initial rate error
also appears and has an average value equal to
Vehicle Separation F..ffecls the initial rates divided by p.

Separation of the spacecraft from the third-

Summary of the Egects of Extemal Torques
stage engine was accomplished by means of a
separation spring located in a ca_4ty in the Many of the interactions produced torques that
interface plane• The spring force did not act were subtractive. Therefore, the totals listed
purely along the spacecraft spin axis but im- in Table 2-1 are probably extreme, and the
parted a force component to the spacecraft in average anticipated values in most cases were
a plane perpendicular to the spin axis. considerably less.
To investigate the effect of the side force,
Equations (2.86) are used with the torques set TABLE 2-1.--Summary of External Torque
equal to zero. These equations become Effects

Pitcherror Roll errorSpindecay

--Iloi+Io_0= 0 I_O+Iw&=O (2.220) Torque rate (deg/rate (deg/ time con-
day) day) stant (days)

where w is constant. Dividing Equations

(2.220) by/1 we have Gravity gradient .... 0. 85 I.I 312
Aerodynamic ....... .05
Magnetic .......... ...... 300
//--p_=0 0+ph=0 (2.221) Ferromagnetic ...... ...... 688
where Eddy current ....... ...... 41
IoJ Radiation pressure__ • 005 .....
p-=f_ Earth orbital mo-
tion ............. 71 ave.
The Laplace transforms of these equations are
Total if all
s_o,(s)-psO(s) =so_(o)+a(o)-po(o) additive _ _ _ 1.6 1. 1 30

psa(s) +s_O(s) =pa(0) +sO (0) +0(0) (2.222)

The solution of Equations (2.222) for a(s) is
Spacecraft Pitch Control
a (s)--a(0)+ 2 1 P 0 (0) (2.223) To control the pitch angle, torques were
--7- _ _(o)4 s(s2+p2)
applied by means of gas jets about the N-
and for 0 (s) is axis (see Figure 2-2) to cause precessional
motion. The spacecraft pitch control circuit
and gas system, described in detail in Chapter
O(s):_-q-_ 0(0) s (s2+P p_) &(0) (2.224) 4, provided this control to keep the pitch axis
aligned to within 3 ° of the solar direction.
and, the time functions are Spacecraft dynamics associated with this sys-
tem are discussed below.
sinpt+0"(0) (1--cos pt) In Equations (2.85) 0 is set equal to _r/2
,_(t)=,_(o)+a(o) _ -7
and Mm and Mp are set equal to zero to obtain
(2.225) the equations
o(t) =0(o) +b(o) &(O) (1--cos pt) IlO'+Ico& =M. (2.227)
I_&-- Io,(J=O }
(2.226) I_=0


where _ has been substituted for _ and from Integration of Equation (2.232) yields
the last equation we note that _ is a constant.
Differentiation of the first of Equations (2.227) _.. M_ sinpt M'_
(t) =-_-. --p-- =Td sin pt (2.233)
results in
_--p0"=0 (2.228)

(1-cospt) (2.234)
Therefore, the application of a torque about
the N-axis causes an average pitch velocity of
Substituting the value for 0 from the second of &=M,/Io_, while the average roll velocity (t_)
is zero.
Equations (2.227) into Equation (2.228) gives
For a torque about the M-axis (pitch axis)
Equations (2.227) become

Taking the Laplace transform, with initial
values zero, gives b+p,_=o

p_ 1 p=constant (2.235)
&(s)---Td M, 8(82__p2 )
These equations may be combined to form the
a(t)=7-M_d (1--cos pt) (2.230) ... p2

# q-p_=_ Mm (2.236)

a(t) Mn{t/ sin pt') (2.231) By comparing Equation (2.236) with

=7-0; \ p / Equation (2.229) it is seen that the solution
for 0 is given by Equation (2.231) with a re-
Substituting Equation (2.230) into the second placed by 0, and the solution for a is given by
of Equations (2.227) yields Equation (2.234) with 0 replaced by a.
Therefore, the application of a torque about
.... M, M, (1--cos pt) the M-axis (pitch axis) caused an average roll
0(t) =7_-- p
velocity of d----Mm/IO3, while the average pitch
velocity (&) was zero. The roll position of the
--_/_" cos pt (2.232) spacecraft was not controlled.

Chapter 3


DESIGN CRITERIA Dimensionsand Geometry

The configuration of the Orbiting Solar Figure 3-2 illustrates the second stage of
Observatory as presented in the initial proposal evolution. This layout was completed in early
is shown in Figure 3-1. At that time it con- 1960, prior to the first experimenters' meeting.
mined all of the basic elements of the final design At the time, dimensional layouts of the Delta
except the external arms which carried the spin shroud had been received as had the preliminary
gas supply bottles. vibration input specifications and the steady-
As the various design criteria, i.e., power state acceleration specification. At this point,
requirements, functions of the spacecraft, size the over-all weight was to be 350 pounds and the
and shape of the payload envelope, and load pointed experiments were to be not more than
inputs from the launch vehicle became known, 80 pounds.
the present OSO I configuration gradually Figure 3-2 shows all of the basic elements
evolved. contained in Figure 3-1 with some change.
The maximum diameter of the wheel was known
Function to be 44 inches and the pointed experiments
were to be 4 inches wide by 8 inches high and
The function of the spacecraft structure was
twofold: to carry all experiments, controls, and no longer than 39 inches. The 4-by-8 inch
components safely through the launch phase, dimensions were compatible with the Aerobee
and to serve as a part of the control system pointing control experiment space in the antici-
when placed in orbit. pation that OSO I pointed experiments might

! !IIi[!l_

/ Ill \ ..... .
' 1; t !lIllllll

_J [ [ llli' _llll!ii1!ll

..,..I I JM/ _ I :l j / ; |

IIIIIII( ' _!'_!! ,I

:! illtii :ii_i
' i I . _iIi _+i

FZOURE 3-1.--Proposal stage configuration. FIGURE 3-2.--Second configuration.


(Spin Axls)
be tested in Aerobee shots. The length was
Yaw Axis
determined by laying out the necessary compo-
nents. Starting at the third stage mounting
interface the components were stacked until the
position of the pointed experiments was deter-
mined in relation to the shroud curvature.
At that time it was known that the power
requirements were much greater than originally
thought, and the solar cell array was shown Instruments

to require almost all available space within the

Delta shroud. Roll Axis

f- (Line of Sight
The major changes were the division of the to Sun)

wheel into compartments, and the use of rib and

deck structure in the design of the wheel. Spin Nozzle

gas requirements were determined and the

Gas Container for Spin Rate Control
storage bottles selected. Three containers were
required to store the gas, so compartmentation FIGURE 3-3.--Final configuration.
was made a multiple of three. Nine compart-
elevation casting, and of further analysis of
ments were chosen because of the deck span of
loads and stresses to be sustained during launch.
each compartment at the outer edge. This
The fiat wheel-perimeter segments resulted
configuration provided ample compartment
from the addition of the extension arms and
space and good structural rigidity.
further investigation of fabrication problems.
At that time very little was known about the
The wheel deck structure was of stamped,
weights and centers of gravity of the various
convoluted sheet metal for weight reduction.
experiments and components to be mounted i;_
Castings mounting the azimuth shaft bearings
the wheel. The Delta was more adaptable to
were refined for load-carrying ability in view
a spherical payload than a wheel configuration.
of the increasing weight requirement and higher
It was found that the principal moments of
vibration input specifications.
inertia of the configuration shown in Figure
3-2 were very nearly those of a sphere, but it Loacl Inputs
was determined from dynamics considerations
The thrust and vibration loads were specified
that the ratio of spin axis moment of inertia to
by Douglas Aircraft Company in their Payload
any transverse axis moment of inertia had to
Restraints Document, and later modified by
be at least 1:2. It was decided to add ex-
NASA. The first stage had a peak steady-
tension arms to obtain this ratio. The gas
state thrust acceleration of 12.1 g, the second
storage bottles were the logical mass to put on
stage 2.8 g, and tile third stage 6 g.
the arms because of their size and weight.
Figure 3-3 shows the final OSO I structural WHEEL STRUCTURE
configuration. The basic elements of the orig-
inal concept were all present; the wheel was
roughly a torus around the azimuth shaft and The wheel was a torus centered about the
precession gas bottle, the pointed experiments azimuth shaft and precession gas bottle, in-
were in a cast yoke, and the solar cell array cluding the base casting and the upper bearing
panel was attached to the yoke. The main casting, but not the bearings or arms.
differences were the addition of the extension The wheel was composed of a center casting,
arms and the nine-sided wheel. upper and lower center castings, nine decks,
The changes in shape from the design shown nine ribs, nine rim panels, and the upper and
in Figure 3-2 to that in Figure 3-3 were the lower cover panels as shown in Figure 3-4.
result of further knowledge of the components The base was specified by the Douglas Payload
which were fitted into the wheel and onto the Restraints Document to provide compatibility


Burnout Condition:
Steadystate- - _ - __ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ - _ - =+0
-12.1 g
Sinusoidal (50-500 cps)---= 1 7 . 1 g
Random _________________=O
Sinusoidal (50-500 c p s ) - - _ = f l . 4 g
Ptandon _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _=-O_ _ _ _ _
It was necessary to estimate magnification
and attenuation factors to arrive at. f k a l load
factors on the spacecraft components. By
using the conservative assumption that the
lowest primary structural resonant frequency
3-4.-Basic wheel assembly.
is at 100 cps and that the magnification factor
with the third-stage interface mounting surface. is 2.5, final loads on the spacecraft. components
The third-stage rocket and the spacecraft were and structure became :
clamped with a Tee-band. The wheel height Maximum qa Condition:
was established by the longitudinal dimension An'al
required of slip rings, bearings, and precession Steady-state-_- _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - _ = 0 +
gas bottle. The cover panels were used pri- -2.8 g
marily for thermal shielding. It was necessary Vibration
that each corer be electrically insulated to _
Sinusoidal- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = f17.8 g
Random _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = f 5.1 g
reduce the eddy current losses.
Loads and Siresses
The critical flight conditions for structural
design occurred a t the time dynamic pressure
mdtiplied hy hooster angle of attack was a
maximum, and at the time of Thor zmk-engine
burnout. These conditions are referred to as Total_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = f 8 . 6 g
maximum pa. and burnout, respectively. iMaxi-
mum transverse loadings occurred a t the Burnout Condition:
masimum pa condition and maximum axial
loads at the burnout condition. Limit loading _
Steady-stat,e- - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ =+0
-12.1 g
inputs a t the Delta vehicle-spacecraft interface Vibration
for these conditions are as follows: _
Sinusoidal- _ - _ _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ = -+ 17.8 g
Maximum ga Condition: Random-- _ - - - - - _ _ - _ - - - - - = 0
Azial __ +
Total _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = 17.8 g
Steadv-state- _-
-__ -____ _ _ _ _ _ _ =+ 0 -29.9 g
-2.8 g Transverse
Vibration Vi bration
Sinusoidal (50-500 cps) *- .- = i7.1 g
Random_- ___
- _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ = 0.047 g*/cpS Sinusoidsl- - - -..__ _
- - - - - - = f3.5 g
Transverse Random_______--__-_----=O
Sinuscidal (5&500 cps) *_-- = & 1.4 g Total_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = +3.5 g
Random _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ =0.047 g P / c p s
For design purposes, ultimate loadin,,UQ were
*It is assumed that the eparecraft is vibration critical!
in t h e 50-500 cps range. assumed to be 1.5 times the above values.

43.50 IN. pages, the following equations were derived
for the spacecraft-launch vehicle interface
loads. Results of the equations appear in the
table following.


M,,W,+n,,_W,,--PP=O (3.1)

P = --n,,W ,--n,,, W ,_ (3.2)

5-I F,=O

nz,Ws+n,,,W,o-V--=O (3.3)

V=n,,W,+n,,_W,, (3.4)


20n,,Ws-F7.9n,,,W,o+M=O (3.5)

43.00 IN.
M= --20n,,W,--7.9n_,_W,_ (3.6)
FmusE 8-&--Geometry and loading on O80 I.
Item Units Condition
Spacecraft Geometry
Figure 3-5 is a sketch of the spacecraft Max. qa
I Burnout
showing the general configuration and loading
315 315
while in the boost phase. The symbols used Ww ib .........

W, Lb ......... 145 145

are defined as follows:
nt t --25. 7 --29. 9
W,----Weight of oriented portion of space- nz t 8.6 3.5
craft n tw --25. 7 --29. 9
n_¢ w 8.6 3.5
W_=Weight of wheel portion of space-
P Lb limit .... 11822 13754
craft 1610
V Lb limit .... 3956
n_----Lateral load factor M In.-lb limit_. --46340 18860
n,----Vertical load factor
V----Shear at spacecraft-launch vehicle
P----Axial load at spacecraft-launch ve- Wheel Ribs
hicle interface
Because the wheel had to be spin balanced,
M=Bending moment at spacecraft- it can be assumed that axial loads were dis-
launch vehicle interface
tributed equally to each of the nine ribs. It
Loadson Spacecraft can be further assumed that the load center of
By utilizing geometry data from Figure mass is two-thirds of the distance from the
3-5 and the load factor data from the preceding center wheel casting to the outer rib radius.


: 15.81
"---- 10.56

U I t

TALR__ZON 1.8 IN. 2117-T3 RIVETS
Bes__ng Allow./Rivet=810X 1.05=850 ]b
-- 10.56P+g.5R,=0 _It.

R 10.56 850

p 310 310 Shear Load R_:

-----_- (n_,) =-_- (29.9X 1.5)=1545 lb ult.
This load is carried through 18 _" rivets in
single shear.
R,= 1720 lb ult.
R_=P=1545 lb ult.
P,,,ot=-_-=86 lb

The rib is critical for burnout condition.

Web Shear:

Effective area for reacting R2 is Section A-A.

RI 1545 ..
g=_.-.-.-_=--_-=163 lb-in, ult.
Area----- 1 )<0.064----0.064 in?
F,v---- 62000 psi (MIL-HDBK-5)
Because of the web beading, the web is not
P 1720
J,=_--0.---_=26900 pm ult.
Assuming that the beaded panels do not buckle, The decks were formed from 7075 sheet
we determine the margin of safety to be aluminum, 0.050 inch thick, and heat treated
to a T6 condition. There were 5 depressions
M g 62000 formed, varying in depth from _ inch at the
.... 26-_-- 1 = 1.3
wide end to _ inch at the narrow end. A typical
R. must be transferred to the center wheel deck is shown in Figure 3-6.

casting by five _" 2117-T3 rivets in single

shear. Rim Panels

The rim panels were brake-formed of 6061-

Load/Rivet=R'= 1720----344 lb ult.
5 5 T6 aluminum, 0.090-inch thick, with a _0-inch
Allow. Rivet Shear=388 lb (MIL-HDBK- bend radius. They served the function of
5) holding the ribs laterally, and supporting the
388 wide edge of the decks. The three arm com-
M.S.=_-_-- 1=0.13
partments received the full reaction force of the
Bearing in rib (0.064 thick) arms during arm extension. A typical rib panel
Fb_ = 105,000 (e/d= 1.5) is shown in Figure 3-7.

Wheel Center Casting Assembly
Figure 3-9 is a free-body diagram of the
center casting assembly showing the expected
loadings. This casting had to react all loadings
from the oriented portion of the spacecraft and
from the wheel ribs and deck assembly. In
arriving at final loads, the weights and load
factors shown on page 3-12 were used in con-
junction with the ultimate load factor of 1.5.
Ps, Ro,, and R h are the loads produced on the

- T5.25 D
FIGURE 3-6.--Typical deck.

_K/ 29/32
--, .ooo
35_:: 09 0°5T.,:


_£W L ;:.3_ __ _.5_,.

FIGURE 3-7.--Typical rib panel.

FIGURE 3-9.--Wheel center casting assembly.

The main loads induced in the rim panels
were caused by the arms during extension, and
to a lesser extent from vibrations when the casting by the oriented portion of the space-
arms were folded. Peak P, and P_ loads (see craft. Critical condition is maximum qa.
Figure 3-8) occurred during arm extension and
were on the order of 600 pounds and 300 pounds, P,:I45X25.7XI.5=5590 Ib ult.
respectively. These loads occurred simulta- P= I1822X 1.5= 17730 Ib ult.
neously for a short duration. V----3956XI.5=5930Ib ult.
M=46340X 1.5=6950 in.-lb
R,--R,=M,W,----8.6 (145)(1.5)=1870]bult.
13R_= 17.5nzsW,
17.5(8.6) (145) 1.5=2520 lb ult.
R_---- 13

R,----2520--1870=650 lb ult.
P,: M,W,= 25.7 (145) (1.5) = 5590 lb ult.
0.43n_ W_---- (0.43) (8.6) (315) (1.5)---- 1750 lb ult.
FIGURE 3-8._Loading on rim panel during arm

extension. 0.57n_ W_----2320 lb ult.


20. 100a P AXIAL Casting was not buckling critical because of

"_ "_" _ AXIAL LOAD YIELDS stiffening from rib flanges running the length
0 _ _ 80 --
15" Z _ _.
of the casting.

The dies for hydrofornaing of decks and

ribs were designed by Ball Brothers Research
Corporation and procured from a subcontractor.
o Ol The raw materials and dies were then furnished
4 6
8 lO 1_ 1_
z (IN.)
16 18 20 22 to the manufacturer of the hydroformed parts.
This procedure resulted in BBRC responsi-

bility for proper sizing and fitting of parts.

FIGURE 3-10.--Ultimate cross-sectional loads on wheel
BBRC also controlled the necessary die re-
center casting assembly.
work for springback correction and tolerance
Figure 3-10 shows ultimate cross-sectional correction. Considerable liaison and design
loads on the casting. These loads are used in work were necessary in this task. Heat
the following stress analysis of the casting. treatment for these parts to BBRC specification
The equivalent axial load on the casting assem- was also procured from a subcontractor. The
bly shell is: resulting uniformity of parts was excellent as
was control of tolerance.
P_=P.xI_I+2_ / (3.7) Patterns for castings were subcontracted
using BBRC designs. Castings were also
obtained from a subcontractor and were then
x Pazlal M R P*a
machined at BBRC. Assembly jigs and
lb in.-Ib in. lb _t. fixtures were designed and built at BBRC,
as was all of the tooling required. After the
17730 69590 4. 69 47406
first trial fit of stamped parts, the dies were

3• 6 17730 47490 4. 69 38834 reworked for tolerance correction and sizing.

This was done between the time of assembly
9 11000 55000 6.0 29333 of the structural test model and the prototype
model. The structural model required some
13. 6 5590 4790 6.0 7187
shimming and handwork which was largely
eliminated on the prototype model•
Maximum Stress on Base Casting: Fasteners presented some problems. Origi-
nally, POP rivets were specified throughout, and
were used in the structural model. These break
]" =2T_t---- 47406(.156) =10300
2_(4.69) psi ult. a pin inside the rivet while swage-forming
the head. The broken pin inside the rivet
Casting is Compression Critical: cannot be extracted and rattles loosely inside
the rivet. All rivets were changed to solid
Fcy=31000 psi
aluminum rivets for prototype and flight
models. To reduce the weight, aluminum
MR 31000 1=2.0
.... 10300 screws were specified for mounting the cover
panels, but it was found that the heads twisted
Maximum Stress on Hub Casting: off when used with locking nuts• These were
replaced with stainless steel screws.
j. ___=P,_ _ 38834 psi tilt. Other minor fabrication problems were en-
2_Rt 2r(4.69) (0.095) --13900
countered, but the over-all wheel assembly was
straightforward and relatively simple. No
M •S .=----
31O00 1 =1.23
13900 redesign of the structure was required after

782-552 0--66--------6

tests, however minor changes in the locations experiment field of view would not be occluded
of wiring holes were required. by the extended arms nor would the experi-
ment physically strike the wheel structure.
UPPER STRUCTURE A necessary design requirement for the upper
structure was that all of the moving parts be
locked during the launch phase. Both the
The upper structure of the spacecraft con- elevation and azimuth motions of the upper
sisted of: (1) the azimuth casting which was structure were locked with squib-actuated pin
mounted on the azimut'h shaft; ( 3 ) the elevation pullers.
casting, which carried the pointed experiments An open framework was used for the solar celI
and was mounted on bearing supported shafts support structure. This was made of 0.025-
within the azimuth casting; (3) the sail structure inch thick aluminum sheet stampings riveted
which supported the solar cell array; (4) the together, and formed a light rigid unit readily
azimuth shaft; ( 5 ) the elevation motor and adaptable to mounting components as well as
bearings; (6) the nutation damper. solar cells. The sail structure form was deter-
The upper structure contained the motorized mined by the cross-sectional area available in
servo elevation drive system and the precession the vehicle shroud.
gas control system, including the precession gas Since it was necessary to locate the precession
jets. It also supported the upper structure jet nozzles as far from the spacecraft center of
electronic packages and controls. Figure 3-1 1 gravity as possible to develop the greatest
is a photo of the sail structure. torque, t,hey were located at the periphery of
Because the moment of inertia of the upper the sail within the open framework.
structure added to the spacecraft transverse The pointed experiment mounting method
moment of inertia and contributed nothing to and the mounting of the solar detector eye
the spin moment of inertia, it was necessary to blocks on the pointed experiments were prob-
keep this moment of inertia as small as possible lems which had to be solved early in the design
relative to the spacecraft center of gravity. phase in order to provide design criteria and
This meant that all large masses were to be specifications for the experimenter groups.
mounted as near to the bottom of the upper The sail structure design had to await correla-
structure RS possible. However, the servo tion of the total spacecraft power requirements
elevation control of the pointed experiments and the solrtr cell output capability before it
had to permit a t least * 5 degrees of movement could be completed.
of the experiments about the elevation axis. The azimuth casting supported several elec-
The elevation axis, or pivot point, had to be tronic components and control system sub-
chosen so that in the depressed position the assemblies. Since the design of the casting was
predicated upon final configuration of these
components and subassemblies, the final con-
figuration of the casting was the last piece of
structural hardware design completed.
The azimuth casting bolted to the azimuth
shaft. The shaft was supported by bearings in
the wheel assembly as illustrated in Figure 3-12.
Axial motion of the shaft was restrained a t the
upper bearing, and the lower bearing controlled
radial play only. The shaft was surrounded by
a precession gas storage b o t h . The bottle was
threaded on the shaft at the upper end and was
free to slide on O-ring seals for normal strain
deformation a t the lower end. A hole was
3-ll.-Basic sail structure. provided in the shaft to allow flow of the gas U P


5590 LB

1870 LB


5590 LB

/ v
650 LB
"O" RING SEAL-- _ S ]

FIGURE 3-13.--Transverse bearing loads.


noisy when subsequently rotated under lighter

A single-row radial, nonnotched-filled, size
FmURE 3-12.--Azimuth casting and shaft. 3308, 40 mm bore, ball bearing was selected
because its size was correct for the space avail-
through the shaft to the gas distribution tubing able and because it has a quiet rating of 6830
on the azimuth casting. The azimuth drive pounds. The resulting thrust margin of safety
motor and the slip rings were located at the for this bearing is 0.22. The radial rating is
lower end of the shaft, as shown. determined by the geometry shown in Figure
3-13. The upper bearing required a rating of
Loads and S_resses 2520 pounds ultimate, and the size 3308 bearing
is rated at 4480 pounds, for a margin of safety
The load inputs were the same as those for the
of 0.78.
wheel structure. The weights involved are as
follows : The lower bearing was selected for size and
rating, and a single-row, nonloading groove
Upper section including azimuth shaft bearing of extra light series, number R-18 was
items ................................ 70 lb
selected. This bearing has a radial rating of
Design weight for pointed experiments .... 75 lb
1520 for a margin of safety of 1.34. The bear-
Total section .....................145 lb ings were both 52100 steel, and metal ball
retainers were replaced with Rulon retainers
Azimuth Bearings and given a BBRC Vac-Kote treatment for
The entire thrust axis load of the upper vacuum operation.
structure including experiments had to be re-
Azimuth Shaft
acted by the upper azimuth shaft bearing.
This amounted to 5590 pounds ultimate. New The only difficulty experienced with the
Departure, a division of General Motors Cor- azimuth shaft during qualification tests of the
poration, publishes a value for "quiet" running prototype spacecraft was the low torsional res-
limit rating, defined as the safe thrust load on onance response of the shaft. With the
a bearing not running. An excess load over azimuth drive torque motor at the lower end
this rating will produce small Brinell marks in of the shaft, the shaft acted as a torsional
the races, and will cause the bearing to become spring. The spring rate of the shaft used was

have been to initiate a major redesign _nd
locate the motor at the top of the shaft. This
was done on the following OSO program. It
was too late in the S-16 program to allow time
for this redesign.

Azimuth Casting
-i - The azimuth casting (see Figure 3-14) is
critical for axial and transverse loadings result-
ing from the maximum qa condition. The
S casting is loaded by the sail assembly and
equipment trunnion-mounted to the casting.
I Assumed loadings are as shown in Figure 3-15.

_U =0 =f M_ d_ (3.8)
5X1 El,


FIGURE 3-14.--Azimuth casting sections. bX2 J EI_

q2 9.5 _1 q2
/ B 5Xs 3 EA

Center of Gravity of Sail Structure Without
Azimuth Shaft:

Approx. shaft weight=20 lb

Xl ._) PI 9.5 Sail structure weight----145-20--125 lb


I2 L V
I1 -1
z = 16 IN.
c.g. of azimuth
craft separation
plane is:
Z,h_t = 11 in. approx.
c.g. of complete
Z=20 in.

upper structure


125Z_,, = 145 (20)--(11)

Z,_i, = 21.44 in.

From free body diagram (Figure 3-15) and

above c.g. data, the following calculations are
• MATERIAL: TENS 50 made:
F*GURE 3-15.--Free body diagram of the azimuth --M+n_W,=O
M= 125(8.6) ¢ (1.5) (21.44-- 16.5) ----7953 in-lb ult.

calculated to be 108,000 lb-in/rad, and, with a

P--n_ W,=O
moment of inertia of tile upper section of 1.8
slug-ft 2, the torsiomd resonance was calcu- P= (25.7) (125) (1.5) =4820 lb ult.
lated to be at 11.4 cycles per second. This
resommce caused forced oscillations in the az- - V+n_fl4_=O
inmth drive servo system. The gain of the
serve system had to be reduced to eliminate V=125(0.6)(1.5)=1610 lb ult.
the problem. The other obvious solution would tLoad factor (see page 73).


" Weight of elevation casting and pointed Final ultimate bending moments (in.4b) are
experiments---- 75 lb shown in the diagram below.

Weight of remaining sail structure less

1039 313 -413
azimuth shaft= 125-- 75 = 50 lb
\ I /
P_= (76) (8.6) t (1.5) ----967 lb ult.

P_=(_) (25.7)t (1.5)=1446 lb ult.

-297 -- -- -762
(50) (25.7) t (1.5) = 101 lb-in.
q2-- 2(9.5) A A


(2) (9.5) (4.75)wq- (9.5)zq_-4.75P1 - M=0

90.25w-F 90.25 ql = 3360

wq-qi=37.2 (3.11)

/C.\ 7953 16330
\ 4175

NOTE. Positive moments yield compression

Y_, Fx=0 (sail and solar cells only)
in outer fiber.
(2) (9.5)w-_9.5q,----50(8.6) t (1.5) The casting is critical in bending on the
vertical leg (Section A-A, see Figure 3-14).
2w-F q_=67.9 (3.12)
Bending moment=4175 in.-lb ultimate
From Equations (3.11) and (3.12) we determine Tension ultimate for TENS 50=40,000 psi
that: Under plastic bending of the material at
Section A-A, the maximum allowable
w=30.7 lb/in, ult. bending moment is:
q1----6.5 lb/in, ult.
Allow B.M.=4500 in4b

Solution of Equations (3.8), (3.9), and (3.10),

using values for /1 and Is of 0.0212 in. 4 and 4175
0.26 in.4, respectively, yields values for X1,
X2, and Xa: The structural model was built and tested
with the azimuth casting configuration shown in
-¥1 =- 500 lb tilt. Figure 3-14. Strain gages were utilized on both
X2_- 11457 in.-lb ult. the azimuth and elevation castings during
steady-state acceleration tests. The maximum
X3_2255 lb ult. stress obtained was found on the outer edge of
a rib near a sail attach point. The remaining
gages located on webs showed negligible stress
?Load factor (see page 73). levels.


+- -+-I-

FIGURE3-16.-Flange with holes added. --....

Between the fabrication of the structural
model and the fabrication of the prototype
model of the casting, a design change was made
adding eight holes for electrical components in
the outer bottom flange of the casting as shown
in Figure 3-16. Four holes were $is in. in
diameter, nnd four were l X 4 in. in diameter. FIQURE3-l7.-Elevation casting.
The first indication of trouble was found after
prototype model vibration tests, when a crack I

was found in the casting from a hole to the

outer edge of the flange. CASTING -MOTOR
At this point, the flight model assembly was
fully assembled and wired. With this fact in
mind, it was decided to us0 the design regard-
less of the crack. The justification o f this
decision was based on two factors:
1 . Vibration i n p u t levels on the prototype were I \EXPERIMENTS

one and one-half times expected jlight levels.

FIQURE3-18.-Torsional loading of the elevation
I h r i n g actual jlight the superimposed thrust was casting.
itnidirectional, loading the jlange in question in
compression and reducing the tension levels which it was found that a low torsional frequency
caused the crack to occur. mode existed in the elevation casting. From
2. Three additional sinusoidal vibration tests the front, the casting forms a box, with one
were performed on the prototype model, plus a dummy instrument mounted to each side of
random vibration test, all with the same casting, this box (see Figure 3-18). Whenever the
and the casting still (lid not f a i l . torque motor was driving, the dummy instru-
After vibration tests of the flight model ment on the opposite side would lag and then
spticecraft, the cover over the flttnge-mounted oscillate. The torsional spring rate of the
components was removed, tind the paint on the casting was measured and then the casting
cnsting between the holes and the edge o f the was redesigned by relocating and adding ribs.
flange was removed. No cracks were found. No depth of sect8inn could be added without
redesign ng the azimuth casting or reducing
Elevation Casting
the size of the experiments. The stiffness wits
r ,
I he elevtrtion citsting (Figure 3-17) was increased by a fitctor of 3. The problem still
designed t o carry itn 8O-lb instrument load. existed tind the dummy experiments had to be
Strain gage inettsurcmcnts were rnttde durirlg tied together through damping material during
structural inodel wcclerrttion tests and indi- servo tests, or the servo gitin had to be reduced.
cttted very low stresses for the 49 pounds of When the prototype experiments were re-
dum iny expwimen ts. ceived i d inst,dled, it wtis found that the
During servo c.1icvkout teht:, conducted wit]) rirnplitudc o f the oscillation wtts fiir less than
dutniny expcritiicnts on the. prototype model, it had been with the dummy experiments since


th_motionwasnowwelldampedby theexperi- The first set of solar cells was installed by

ments themselves.The problemwas much applying the adhesive to the panels first, and
reduced,and the eventual solution was to then placing the shingles of cells in place. The
slightly reduceservogain at the expenseof result was that the stamped depressions in the
somewhatreducedpointingaccuracy. subpane]s were filled with the adhesive (see
Figure 3-19).
Elevation Bearings
When the units were subjected to thermal
The elevation bearings were selected using changes, the greater mass of adhesive in the
the same criteria as the azimuth bearings, with depressions expanded more than the thin layers,
different loads. These bearings carry the thus breaking the solder joint between cells and
elevation casting and the pointed experiments causing open circuit failures. Efforts to correct
for a total of 84 pounds. this condition and salvage the cells were un-
These bearings (New Departure type 3305) successful, and the subpanel system had to be
also were disassembled and treated with the abandoned. In its place, sheets of honeycomb
BBRC Vac-Kote process prior to installation. material with a smooth, flat surface were used.
As a further precaution, the method of bonding
Sail Structure
the cells was changed to that of placing the
The sail structure was a semi-truss type adhesive on the cell shingles first. The number
structure of thin sheet aluminum. From front of fasteners between the structure and the
and back it resembled a truss, but from the panels was reduced, and Teflon bushings were
sides it did not. It was loaded with its own used with the fasteners to allow relative motion.
weight of 17.8 pounds, with 5.5 pounds of solar The honeycomb panels were tested in vibration
cells, and with some components of low mass. on the sail structure. This design proved ac-
The structural model sail assembly was tested ceptable, and no further problems occurred.
independent of the spacecraft and only one
significant modification resulted. When vi- Nutation Damper
brated in the thrust axis, deflections of trans- The nutation damper consisted of a pendulum
verse tie members were such that the cross bob submerged in a damping fluid and enclosed
axis motion exceeded the thrust motion. To by an aluminum case. Nutation caused a
overcome this condition, stiffeners were added. point on the upper section to be translated in
Originally, it was decided that the solar cells a circular path in a plane perpendicular to the
would be mounted in sections on separate sub- spin axis.
panels, which in turn mount on the sail struc- The reaction of the pendulum-type damper
ture. The main advantage of this scheme lay to the nutational input was to absorb energy
in ease of replacement of a small group of cells. as heat through the viscous action of the fluid
The subpanel modules were approximately four in the damper. The design parameters were
by six inches, and were press-formed with a the forcing function frequency, the mass of the
pattern to increase stiffness. bob, the natural frequency of the bob and wire
pendulum, and the damping constant of the
The damper was derived analytically and
then tested on a special test fixture and on the
:I _ SUBPANEL air bearing table mockup. When proven satis-
factory, the design was finalized for flight
hardware with the result as shown in Figure
Caging the bob for the launch phase presented
a difficult problem. Several methods were
tried, but during tests the pendulum wire was
FIGURE 3-19. Solar cell sub-panel cross-section (orig-
inal design). permanently deformed. Serrating the caging


Castings--Elevation and Azimuth

The elevation casting design was completed

in time to allow sufficient time for pattern
making, casting pour, and heat treat at local
sources. The azimuth casting, being last out
\ of design, was rushed for pattern and foundry
\ time. Futhermore, the pattern was very com-
\ plicated and difficult to fabricate since all
surfaces on the casting were cored. Even
after heat treated castings were on hand, con-

ACCUMULATOR / siderable machining time was required.

Fabrication of Other Items

Fabrication of the azimuth shaft, elevation

shafts, and various fittings was straightfor-
ward and presented no difficulty. The fabri-
cation of the nutation damper was complicated
by the need for pressure-tight, aluminum-
welded seams. During assembly of the nuta-
tion damper the blind adjustment for caging
the pendulum without deforming the pendulum
wire, and the vacuum filling with silicone oil
without leaving any bubbles, were time con-

suming and difficult.

FIGURE 3-20.--Nutation damper assembly.

The design requirement for mounting com-

seat and adding three needle pickup points to ponents in the wheel structure and on the
the plunger caging surface solved the problem. pointing section was treated as part of the over-
Earlier versions of the assembly utilized roll- all structural design. There were five experi-
ing rubber diaphragms, or Bellophrams. The ments in the compartments of the spacecraft
final version used a piston with O-rings for wheel, all of various size and weights. These
caging and metal bellows for accumulators. had to be balanced against each other and
The rubber diaphragms weIe abandoned when against the four compartments containing
it was realized that they were permeable to telemetry equipment and control items, to keep
gases and would permit bubbles to form in the the wheel in both static and dynamic balance
liquid. The metal bellows act as volume com-
about the spin axis. To do this required a
pensators during temperature changes. continuous effort throughout the program
from the time the weight of the first component
was in until the last experiment was weighed
Sail Structure
and center of gravity determined. To main-
The sail structure was fabricated from stamp- tain dynamic balance, both components and
ings of O.025-inch-thick 2025 aluminunl sheet experiments had to be raised off the wheel
and heat treated to a T-4 condition. The dies con, partment decks and brackets had to be
were designed by BBRC and built elsewhere. designed to mount them at the necessary
The sheet stampings were entirely riveted heights.
together. No particular p,'oblems were en- For light weight and ruggedness, a basic
countered during fabrication or assembly of sheet metal zee bracket design was utilized
the units. wherever feasible (Figure 3-21). Buckling


1000 cps of sinusoidal vibration. However,

during structural model spacecraft tests, it was
found that the wheel had a resonance a t 120
cps, with a transmissibility of 3 to 5 , with a
prototype input specification of 10.7 g from
50 to 500 cps. It was decided that the tape re-
corders could not take this level and would be
isolation-mounted so that they would never be
subjected t~ any inputs greater than the com-
3-21.-Zee bracket mounting. ponent specifications. It was realized that the
mounts mould permit relative mo-rement be-
loads and eccentric loading for these brackets tween balancing operations in a gravity field
were computed. Either three or four such and performance in a zero g field, but calcu-
lations showed that the tape recorders’ motions
brackets were used for each item, so that
would cause an error less than 25 percent of
lateral support was provided regardless of the
the allowable balancing error.
direction of vibration input. Where only
three were used, it was found that the angles I n general, vibration mounts are not designed
relative to each other were criiical. Some high to perform under variable superimposed thrust
amplifications of displacement were found due loads. Characteristic curves by the Lord
to rocking modes of vibration, and redesign Manufacturing Company for their BTR mount-
was necessary to eliminate this condition. ings showed a potential for this type loading,
The zee brackets, being different sizes for and so they were tested. A dummy test
different mounting applications, served to setup was made of the tape recorders (see
decouple the experiments and equipment from Figure 3-23), using six mounts with their
each other, since each mounted item had a elastic centers intersecting as near the center
different resonant frequency. I n fact, each of grai-ity of the package as space would
bracket supporting an item could be made to allow. This required three mounts on the
have a different resonant frequency to over- bottom and three around the upper edge.
come the disadvant,age of high amplification. A long, relatively soft spring was placed on
Typical zee brackets are shown in Figure 3-22. top to duplicate the thrust loading. Different
The tape recorders were the only items which size mounts were tested, but all of them bot-
were mcunted OE isolation mounts. The tape tomed out and put shock loads on the simu-
recorders were designed to meet the wheel lated recorders. Springs were a d d d iinder-
component specification of 15.6 g from 50 to


recorder vibration isolation test

FIGURE3-22.-Typical zee bracket rnorintings. setup.


After third stage burnout, the spacecraft rind

third stage engine case had an angular velocity
of 120 rpmA10 percent. An added benefit
from extending the arms was the reduction of
spin rate due to the increase of the spin moment
a t the time the arms were extended.
It was decided early in the O S 0 I program
that the three arms should be physicdly tied
together so that if any one failed to fully ex-
tend, the others would remain in symmetry,
and the dynamic balance of the spacecraft
would be maintained and pointing control
achieved. Calculations indicated that with
the extension torques involved, centripetal
force alone was more than sufficient to extend
FIGURE3-24.-Tape recorder mounting and arm
the arms and, in fact, the arms must be re-
damper. strained during extension. This fact led
directly to the concept of a hydraulic damper
neath the recorders to reduce the differential system which was series-connected to each of
loading. These were calculated to provide a the three arms. A folding linkage was placed
3 g lift against the 12 g thrust, for a differential on each arm to position the arms when ex-
of only 9 g. More lift could not be added tended. (See Figure 3-25.) The linkage pro-
because the mounts crept with time under load. vided a convenient way to lock the arms
This design eliminated the bottoming of the down in the stowed position and provided a
mounts both with and without the thrust spring, positive position lock for the extended position.
and was incorporated in the final design. The design was further modified when it
Figure 3-24 shows the tape recorders mounted was decided to utilize the arm linkage as a
in the wheel compartment. part of the spacecraft antenna system. The
linkage had t o be electrically insulated from
ARMS AND ARM DAMPERS both the arm and the wheel, and had to provide
an adequttte mechanical lock for ground op-
General eration.
The prime consideration in the design of the
extendable arms was the achievement of the DAMPER PISTON
proper ratio of the spin moment of inertia to
the transverse moment of inertia. The length
of the arms for the OS0 I was selected on the -0
basis of preliminary calculations of these mo-
ments. The final measured ratio was l .35 to l .
Even though the arms could be released as
soon as the shroud separated from the launch
vehicle, i t was preferable that they not be
relcascd until after termination of third stage
thrust so that they would not need to with-
stand acceleration forces in the extended po-

sition. Therefore, the time of extension was

selected to occur after third stage burnout and
before third stage separation. With the arms I SCHOMATIC
extended, there was ample clearance for the
third stage bottle separation. FIGURE3-25.-Arm and arm damper system.


-It was necessary to join the three gas bottles where

to a common manifold so that equal weight
could be maintained in each bottle thus pre- _2----instantaneous velocity as the arms
serving the dynamic balance of the spacecraft. extend
Provision was made to run a high pressure /,=initial spin moment of inertia
(3,000 psi) and two low pressure (60 psi) gas Is=instantaneous moment of inertia as
lines through the hinge joint of the arm. The the arms extend
low pressure lines supplied the spinup and
despin gas jets which had been placed at the The differential equation of motion for this
ends of the arms to provide maximum torquing. system may be represented by the following
The problem of a rotating high pressure
Ia'O=ic=Ma (3.16)
joint was solved by simply twisting a length
of _4-inch diameter copper tubing in torsion
through the 90 degree rotation. A test unit
Ia=moment of inertia of the arm assem-
was built and a piece of tubing was cycled for
bly about its support hinge point
400 bends with 3,000 psi internal pressure,
without failure. It was estimated that the 0= angle of rotation of the arm from the
stowed position
arms on the flight model would be cycled as
0= angular velocity of the arm
many as 40 times, but not more than 10 times
0"= angular acceleration of the arm
with full pressure. The low pressure lines
Me=moment exerted about the arm hinge
were simply flexible tubing run through slots
due to centrifugal forces
into the arm hinge end.
Md=moment exerted about the arm hinge
Loads and Stresses due to the damper

The maximum loads on the arms that oc- In the differential equation above the terms
curred during arm extension will be discussed Mc and Md are both nonlinear in 0 and _,
first. Later, the loads due to vibration inputs which are functions of time. This equation
and thrust will be reviewed. does not lend itself to closed-form analytical
The typical arm and arm damper assembly solution.
in Figure 3-25 shows the geometry of an arm To control the time duration of extension, an
in the stowed position. The forces acting on orifice had to be provided between each damper
the arm at the instant of release are: cylinder, and the size of the orifice determined.
For a piston of specified size and stroke, the
Centrifugal force Fc=Mrw 2 (3.13) volume of fluid to be moved is known. The

Damper force Fa=PA (3.14) problem reduces to a fluid flow determination,

where where

M= Mass of arm and gas bottle Q=0.61A 2P=flow, ft3/sec (3.17)

r=Radial distance from spin axis to p
center of gravity, inches
0.61--Constant for a broomy flow orifice
_=Initial angular velocity of the wheel
A--Area of orifice to be found, ft _
in radians per second
P= Pressure, lb/ft 2
P=Fluid pressure within the piston cyl-
p= Mass density, slug/ft 3
inder, lb/in?
A----Piston area, in. 2
When alcohol was used for the hydraulic fluid,
From conservation of angular momentum a 0.019-inch diameter orifice was required to
for the spacecraft about the spin axis we may allow for the volume flow in 1.50 seconds. This
write was a practical value which could be realized by
Is_ = I2_ (3.15) a simple drilled hole.


Since the dampers form a closed hydraulic heavier at the bolts, and this was where the
system, thermal cycling could cause internal low flexure stress occurred. The remainder of
pressure changes which could limit the design the arm was very nearly a constant stress
values. The differential expansion between the section.
fluid and the container system was calculated The safety margin for the arm flexure stress
and converted to pressure by using the com- was raised for several reasons. First, the cal-
pressibility factor for alcohol. Assuming that culated loads were based on nominal torques at
the system was filled at low temperature and the nominal spin rates. The torque increase with
maximum rise was 35°C, the pressure was wheel spin velocity was not linear. A 10 per-
found to be 5000 psi. cent velocity increase raised torque by 21 per-
In establishing the design load for the hy- cent. This reduced the margin of safety to
draulic system, there was one other factor 1.47. Second, the two arm sections were
investigated. As mentioned, the system was to machined from plate stock, and a fairly loose
provide a mechanical tie between the arms in dimensional tolerance was desirable.
case one arm hung up. If one arm did hang up, The lug that was bolted to the arm web and
there would be no fluid flow through the orifices, tied to the piston had a margin of safety of 2.1
and under static conditions the pressure would in shear and 1.6 in tension. The piston clevis
become twice the potential maximum seen by pin which mated with the lug was 4130 cold-
any one cylinder, because the arm which was drawn steel having a margin of safety of 2.5 in
hung up would exert no pressure on the system. shear and 4.7 in tension. Other detail parts
Since the maximum pressure per cylinder was were stressed similarly.
calculated to be 1750 psi, this design criterion is
Vibration Stress
less than that for thermal expansion. Thus,
5000 psi was established as the design value for For vibration, the arm was again treated as a
the hydraulic damper system. An arm damper simple beam and the transverse input of 11.8 g
cylinder may be seen in Figure 3-24. random vibration used for load criteria (Figure
3-27). Checking various points along the arm,
Arm Stress During Extension

Since the damper piston was very closely

ll. Sg
coupled to the hinge of the arm, and the arm
section was heaviest in this region, the arm very
closely approximated a cantilever beam during

open, and
the arm was extended

was normally
moduli were computed
143 ft-lb.
for various
30 degrees

<> ..........
the arm and stresses were calculated to range FIGURE 3-27.--Equivalent beam load.
from 12,000 psi to 5660 psi. Based on a yield
strength for 2024-T4 aluminum, this design the maximum flexure stress was found to be
provided a margin of safety of 2.0 to 7.1. The 10,000 psi, resulting in a margin of safety of 3.6.
arm was fabricated in two sections and bolted Using the endurance limit, the margin was re-
.together (see Figure 3-26). The section was duced to 1.8, based on 5X 10 s cycles. However,
this level of input is reached only during ran-
dora transverse testing for four minutes in each
axis, and not enough cycle reversals occur to
justify this rating.
The vibrational loads are directly transferred
H to tile pin connections on tile linkage. The
stresses were calculated and the minimum mar-
FmURE 3-26.--Typical arm construction. gin of safety involved was found to be 4.3.


and the first set of arms was procured from an

external source. To maintain the required
strength, these arms were heat treated after
The first set was tested on a dummy wheel
model on a spin table. It showed that the
web area where the damper piston attached to
the arm was weak. The web was reinforced
and further tests proved successful. Addi-
tional weld ed arms were ord ere(] from suppliers
and when received were found to be warped
and out of tolerance. A new source was tried
with the same result. It was found that warp-

age occurred primarily in the heat treating
At this point, the design was changed to
an arm fully machined from plate stock. In
redesigning, the same section modulus and
weight were maintained for a different geome-
try. Fabrication proceeded without further
FIGURE 3-28.--Spin acceleration loading.
trouble, and the arms produced were uniform
Spin Acceleration Stresses and within tolerance specification. Further
tests were made to fully qualify the latter
During spin acceleration of the third stage
booster, the arm hinges were loaded in shear
No difficulty arose in the fabrication of other
as shown in Figlrre 3-28. The spin accelera-
parts of the system except for the insulated
tion was specified by Douglas Aircraft Company
tie member between the linkage and the wheel.
to be radians per second per second. The
First, an insulated bushing system was tried,
margin of safety for the hinge pins in shear
but this allowed too much electrical capacitance
was calculated to be 5.0.
between the charged linkage and the grounded
Hydraulic System Stresses wheel. Then a fitting in the form of a tee
was made from laminated fiberglass board.
The tie bolts were 303 stainless, the cylinder
This, however, was not strong enough in shear
was 304 stainless, the end caps were 2025-T4
across the laminations.
aluminum, and the piston was 416 stainless
steel. Finally, a design was incorporated using
fiberglass epoxy laminations where the lamina-
Based on a maximum load of 5000 psi
tions were not in shear (Figure 3-29). A
internal pressure, and the yield strength of
heated, closed metal mold was used to produce
the materials involved, the detail parts had
the section desired. The electrical and me-
the following margins of safety:
chanical performance was satisfactory.
Tie bolts ......... 1.28 (tension)
Cylinder ......... 1.07 (burst) WHEEL
Aluminum ends___ 12.2 (shear about O-rings)


Considerable difficulty was encountered in

the fabrication of the arms, resulting in a
major design change. LINK
The original design utilized aluminum tubing
as structural members and had an all-welded
construction. Assembly weld jigs were made FIGURE 3-29.--Laminated tee section.


Chapter 4

INTRODUCTION axis about the pitch axis. The pitch gas
control system maintained the spin axis perpen-
The basic approach to the problem, that of dicular to the solar vector within about three
providing a stabilized solar-oriented space degrees. No control about the roll axis (sun
platform from which scientific instruments vector) was provided, but rates about this
can continuously monitor the sun, was to axis were slow due to the rigidity of the gyro.
utilize the inherent gyroscopic stability of a Fine elevation positioning of the pointed
rotating body and to orient a separate structure instruments was accomplished by an electrical
which could be shaft-mounted to the spinning servo called the elevation servo. The elevation
body. The separate structure could then be servo motor was mounted on the casting which
oriented to the sun by means of a gimballed supported the pointed instruments.
axis arrangement. The control problems then Prior to third-stage engine firing, the entire
were: third stage and spacecraft with arms in the
1. Control the rate of spin of the rotating stowed condition were spun up to approxi-
body and the orientation of the spin axis of mately 120 rpm by a system of small rocket
the rotating body with respect to the sun. motors. This spin-up started the operation
2. Control the gimballed axis orientation of the spacecraft sequencing timer at zero
of the oriented structure with respect to the time.
sun. At approximately 100 seconds (sequencer
Problem (1) was solved with gas control time), and after third-stage engine burnout,
systems for spin-rate maintenance and for the arms were released and, due to centripetal
spin-axis orientation. Problem (2) was solved force, raised and locked in the extended posi-
with electrical servo-mechanisms, one for each tion. Shortly after this time, the spacecraft
of the two gimballed axes, deriving orientation was separated from the third stage.
information directly from the sun. The fol- At 200 seconds the spin rate of the spacecraft,
lowing paragraphs describe in a generM way with the wheel and upper section mechanically
how the control systems performed the orienta- latched together, was reduced to approximately
tion task. The remainder of this section 30 rpm by the action of the despin jets, located
describes in detail the control system parame- at the ends of the arms. After completion of
ters, design, and mechanization. this despin, the despin system was permanently
The OSO I spacecraft utilized the entire d eenergized.
vehicle as a controlled platform. Coarse Turn-on eyes, a set of six eyes mounted on
elevation or pitch control of the platform was six of the nine sides of the wheel, were used to
accomplished by the ON/OFF pitch gas control actuate electrical equipment each time the
system. By exhausting nitrogen gas through spacecraft emerged from the earth's shadow.
nozzles mounted on the stabilized upper section, The same eyes were used to turn the electrical
torques of either sense were produced about servos and the pointed experiments off during
the roll axis. These torques, which were the satellite night.
applied when the spacecraft upper structure This spin rate was maintained within ±Sa/v
was oriented, precessed the spacecraft spin of nominal value by spin-up jets located at the


ends of the extended arms. The jets were The pitch control eyes were detection usits
actuated by a signal from the electronic spin for the pitch control system. This block of four
control system which computed the instantaneous eyes was mounted on the side of the stabilized
period of rotation of the wheel relative to the upper structure facing the sun. An 8-second
sun. The primary sensors for this system were time delay was incorporated into the pitch
two spin eyes connected in parallel and mounted control circuitry to insure that the upper section
on the rotating wheel. The spin eye output was pointed at the sun before using pitch gas.
was a narrow pulse generated as the eye swept For these conditions, and with the spacecraft
past the sun once per wheel rotation. spin axis exceeding 3 degrees from the normal to
At 400 seconds (sequencer time), the azimuth the solar vector, one of these eyes turned on the
release squibs and the mutation damper release appropriate jet to precess the spacecraft back
squibs were fired and power was applied to the toward the correct position. Two of the eyes
azimuth servo. were needed for this function, one of either
The azimuth servo actuating the azimuth sense. The other two eyes turned off the iets
DC torque motor drove against the wheel to whenever the spacecraft attitude had been
despin the upper section and point it at the overcorrected one degree in the opposite direc-
sun. The azimuth servo position error signals tion.
originated from two types of detectors. These An unstable condition could have resulted
were coarse eye detectors and fine eye detectors. without a time delay in the pitch control system.
There were four coarse eye detectors, each This could have occurred for a situation in which
having a 90-degree field of view, giving a full the upper structure was pointed at the sun and
360 degrees of position control about the spin the spacecraft had a large nutation or wobble
axis. They were mounted to the solar array angle, such that the eyes would call for pitch
support structure and had a stable null perpen- correction during only part of the wobble period.
dicular to this structure and an unstable null The gas was called for when the spacecraft spin
in the antisolar direction. Their field of view axis was at its maximum error relative to the
was limited to 15 degrees above and below a solar vector. If no gas was used and if the
plane perpendicular to the spin axis. This nutation damper should have failed to work, the
limiting of the coarse eye field of view eliminated maximum error would have remained the same.
the periodic signals caused by sunlight reflecting With the nutation damper working properly,
into the coarse eyes from the three rotating spin the wobble or nutation amplitude was reduced
gas bottles and reduced any reaction that could to zero and no problem existed. If pitch gas
be caused by the earth's albedo. This also was expended only near the portion of maximum
means that the spacecraft could not acquire the error, the amplitude of any wobble or nutation
sun if its spin axis exceeded 15 degrees from a was increased for each impulse of pitch gas and
plane perpendicular to the solar vector. the spacecraft spin axis nutated in an ever-
The composite coarse eye amplitude curve widening cone. The time delay, as noted
was such that its first derivative provided a above, prevented pitch gas being expended un-
favorable despin signal for approximately 80 less the upper section was oriented, and further-
more prevented an unstable condition if the
percent of an upper structure rotation. As the
nutation damper should have failed.
upper section spin rate was reduced to zero,
At the time that the coarse azimuth servo
the coarse eyes point the upper section to within
had pointed the upper section to within 2 to 3
2 to 3 degrees of the solar vector. This acquisi-
degrees of the solar vector, a disabling eye
tion of the sun had to be accomplished every mounted on the pointed instruments actuated a
spacecraft dawn. relay that turned the coarse control off, leaving
Coarse pointing of the upper section per- the azimuth positioning servo with fine eye
mitted the operation of two additional systems: control only.
the azimuth fine servo control system and the The disabling eye had a field of view of
pitch control system. 4-6 to 4- 8 degrees in both the azimuth and ele-


vati_n directions. A 1- to 2-second time delay moved through large amplitudes for small nu-
was used in conjunction with the disabling cir- tations. The damper was very effective for
cuit to prevent transients in the coarse servo. nutations small enough that the bob did not
These transients would have resulted if the hit the walls of the container (less than
servo were disabled for a short time each time degree). For these small amplitudes the damp-
the upper structure faced the sun during ing time constant was about 10 seconds. At
acquisition. greater amplitudes the damping rate appears
The coarse servo was disabled during the to have been a constant of approximately one
fine pointing mode in order to eliminate the degree per minute.
errors caused by the coarse eyes seeing the earth Another cause of nutation during the regular
and those errors caused by differences in null orbiting condition was the unbalance of the
position between the coarse and fine eyes. pointed instruments due to the movement of
There were two azimuth fine eye detectors internal photodetector scanning mechanisms.
with a field of view of 4-10 degrees. The eye The detectors were placed at some specific point
amplitude curve away from the null position had for ground checkout balance of the spacecraft.
been shaped to minimize hunting during acqui- However, during orbit operation, the detectors
sition when large initial position errors and moved from the balance position. No nutation
velocities were encountered. occurred during the time the instrument was
The azimuth fine servo positioned the pointed pointed at the sun, but as soon as the pointing
instruments to within one arc minute of the control turned off at night and the upper struc-
center of the sun. Long-term accuracy was ture began to spin, a dynamic unbalance
better than 2 minutes of arc. occurred that caused a wobble. When the
After the nutation damper was unlocked at servo controls pointed the experiments at the
400 seconds (spacecraft sequencer time) and sun the next spacecraft day, the wobble was
the upper structure was oriented at the sun, then converted to a nutation which had to be
the nutation damper damped out nutation due damped out.
to the wobble caused by the burned-out third At 800 seconds (spacecraft sequencer time)
stage, the unsymmetrical thrust of the separa- the elevation gimbal was released and the ele-
tion spring, and the unsymmetrical motion of vation servo pointed the instrument in elevation.
the arms as they were released and swung out. The fine eyes for the elevation servo were
A nutation of several degrees, which could mounted to the pointed instruments and were
have been caused by these effects, would have the same type as the azimuth fine eyes. There
caused high power usage by the servo system were no elevation coarse eyes since the pre-
and therefore had to be quickly removed. cession control system provided the coarse
The nutation damper was provided to remove elevation control.
these undesirable motions. The damperworked The Orbiting Solar Observatory is shown in
on the principle that if energy is removed from Figures 4-1 and 4-2. Figures 4-3 through
a freely rotating body, the body tends toward 4-8 show the launch sequence events and sche-
a rotation about the axis of maximum moment matic representations of the various subsys-
of inertia. This axis was made to coincide tems as they were integrated into the spacecraft
with the azimuth shaft axis by careful balance

The nutation damper was mounted to the

Servo Analysis
oriented upper section on the azimuth shaft
axis and consisted of a tuned pendulum moving There were two independent servo systems,
in silicone oil. The frequency of the pendulum one for azimuth control of the upper structure
determined by the mass of the bob and the and one for elevation control of the oriented
spring constant and length of the sire, was instruments.
tuned to coincide with the nutation frequency. The azimuth servo operated about the spin
The damping constant was small so the bob axis of the spacecraft and was used to hold

782-552 0--66--7

FIGUREPl.-Orbiting Solar Observatory (os0 I).

the oriented upper section fixed in space by a few degrees in a plane containing the solar
driving against the rotating wheel. The ele- vector and the spin axis. The azimuth fine
,vation servo had only to rotate the instruments servo and the elevation servo were almost
iden tical.
(Spin Axis)
An azimuth coarse servo was required about

Yaw Axis
3 the azimuth shaft since the upper section spun
=le; Pitch Control up a t night. This meant that the azimuth
\ Solar Cell Array servo had to be able to acquire the sun from a
spinning start. The coarse mode servo was
required to give proper error signals from
all possible sun angles about the azimuth axis
and to bring the upper section into the oper-
Pitch ,\ ,, I ointed Instruments ating region of the fine detectors.
The azimuth coarse servo was designed to
acquire the sun from a spinning start with the
spacecraft spin axis *15 degrees from the
J’ normal to the solar vector. This value was
Spin-up ‘
L &-spin
Nozzle Nozzle
selected because of the 10-degree tolerance
i C a s Contalner lut Spin Rate Control
iissigned to spin-axis orientation a t orbit
FIGURE4-2.--0rbiting Solar Observatory systems. injection.


os0 1

FIGUREP3.-0SO I flight sequence.

The coarse servo eyes, therefore, had to during the first acquisition imriiediat,ely follow-
have a 360-degree field of view about the spin ing third-stage separation, it was still serious.
axis and a & 15-degree field of view perpen- If the earth were acquired, the pitch control
dicular to the spin axis. T h e field of view of system would precess the spacecraft spin nsis to
the unshielded coarse eye was &90 degrees in a position perpendiculw t o the earth's local
the latter direction. Shields were installed vertical. The spacecreft spin nxis would be
to permit an unobstructed view of the stin precessed so far out of perpendicularity to the
at an angle of -+15 degrees and to occult the solar vector that acquidion of the sun a t the
sun at angles greater than *25 degrees. followinz dawn would be highly unlikely.
This arrangement permits the coarse eyes to The itxiniuth fine eyes httd n field of view
see the siin throughout the design range and liniited to i10 degrees. Beyond this range,
limits their view of the earth to the maximum the inputs to the azimuth systerii consisted
possible extent. entirely o f the signal5 from the coarse ej-e\.
T h e object of this, of course, mas to niake the At the ?rt;irt of :icquisition both the fine iind
sun the brightest object to the coarse eyes so coitrbe wrvos were in operiition. The coarse
that the sun would be ttcquired tind not, the servo despun the upper structure iind oriented
eitrth. Even thougli this problem arose only it :it the sun to within * 3 degrees (within the

0 .


4-4.-OSO I control systems.

fine eye field of view). If the upper structure The mechanical constants of primary im-
maintained this orientation for a period of 3 portance in the servo design were friction,
seconds, the input signal from the coarse moment of inertia, and the motor damping.
eyes was disconnected. This action was nccom- The moment of inertia of the upper structure
plished b y a time delay circuit activated by a about the spin axis ol' the spticecrnft included
target eye having a 5 6 - to &degree fieId of the moment of inertia of the experiment pack-
view in azimuth. The fine azimuth servo then age which could rotnte about a pitch axis
pointed the experiment pnckage to within f 10 perpendiculnr to the spin axis. For a rotation
degrees of the sun. o f y nhout this pitch axis, the contribution of the
Disconnection of the coarse eyes eliininttted experiment package to the moment ol inertin
pointing errors which might have resulted from about the spin axis was reduced by the factor
coarse eye unbalnnce due to stray light from the cos2 y. Since the pitch rotation was limited to
earth or reflections from the spncecrnft. i - 5 degrees nnd the square of the cosine of 5
The elevfition servo was required to work over degrees is 0.993, the moment of inertia about the
IL mnximuni range of k 5 degrees becnuse of the spin nxis wns constnnt to within 1 percent.
active control of the spin axis orientation. The The friction present W(LS the coulomb friction
fine elevation detectors hnve t~ field of view of due t o bearings, slip ring, and motor brushes.
f 10 degrees which eliminnted the requirement This frict ion was relatively consttint in nitLgni-
for tin elevation coarse control mode. t ude, mid its sign opposite t o that of the angular


4-5.-Gas control systems.

velocity. T h e value of the coulomb friction for operating with a full output despin torque and a
t h e azimuth system was approsimat el? 0.05 d u t y factor of 0.6 was
lb-ft .
A torque motor was selected as the actuator
because it could be connected directly to the
azimuth shaft, thus eliminating the need for
3 Ib-ft-sec2 rad
gearing with the attended problems of backlash
and increased friction. The torque motor also
[; (0.54XO.6) lb-ft] [. G]
had a high efficiency. ~ 3 sec
A 1.8-lb-ft (364-oz-in.) motor. as selected.
T h e mot or, wit 11 the spacecraft volt age available, In writing the overall transfer function, it is
produced a maximum of about 0.54 Ib-ft of assuined tliat the eyes and the amplifiers were
torque. It provided a dynamic range (i.e.. the not frequently sensitive in the frequency range
ratio of full output torque t o friction torque) of of interest. The frequency range of interest
10 and wis 21 convenient size meclianicall;\-. TWS below 100 cps, and the frequency response

T h e time t o acquire the sun ivit h this motor of the solar-cell eyes and amplifiers WHS flat


4-6.-Wheel electronics systems.

for frequencies several orders of niagnitude and

greater than 100 cps.
T o obtnin the open-loop transfer function, we Ei(t)=the input to a filter
note that the equation of riiotion for a body U’(t)=the weightsingfunction of the filter
rotating about an axis with coulomb friction
opposing the velocity of the body is given by With the addition of i~ cont,rol torque, Equatiori

I,v=rnonient of inertia of the body about
the axis of revolution
40=t~ngulttrposition of t h e hodg
K d = motor dttniping const itnt
In itri effort to control the rnotion of the body,
tt control torque, T,(t), and gain, K , are
introdurd, where c(s) is the trttiisfer fuiiction of the w ~ i i -
where pensat ing networks needed t o stabilize the
I Pf

Ei(t--r)M’(T)dT (4.2)
system and 4in(s)is the Ltiplttce t,ritnsforiii of
the input t o t h e cornpenstit irig network.
I *

#NyIFR L 3 w


FIGUREPi.-Solar-oriented esperiments.

The open-loop transfer function becomes and

5 lb-ft+O.Ol~lb-ft.
(2 deg) (0.966)
=1.93 Ib-ft/rad
The fine and ('oarse aziriiut h servos were t o
for the minimunl fine and coarse azimuth gains,
have a pointing accuracy of 1 minute and 2
respectively. The factor 0.966 in the denomi-
degrees, respect ivelj-. To make this possible,
nator of the latter equation was introduced t o
a n angular deviation of 1 minute and 2 degrees
account for the reduced eye gain at 1 1 5
had t o produce a torque at the output sufficient
degrees au-aj- from t he sun.
t o overconle t h e coulomb and viscous friction.
Thus. we h a w Azimuth Servo
The simplified equations of motion of the
\\-heel and upper st ruct ure about the tizimut 11
shaft :ire
(F 3 ) = 1 1 1 . 7 : $ lb-Ftjrad

8 .

/W€rn/W P A U # # R ~ / i W m w
OF mMfla RAYS fo.1-s MEyj
Wt: 3/S/&s. mW€U 0.6 W


WT 4 7 t h . POWIFR OJW


4-8.-Wheel esperiments.

where where K d is the torque motor damping constant ;

c. is the torque diie to the friction of the bear-
ings, torque motor brushes, the slip rings; and
c is t,he control torque. The control torque, c,
is given by the expression


"/-_ Ka and the error due to initial velocity (or motor

[_7 s (r_s+ 1) +-_ (1+_) s(r2s+ 1) damping) is given by

+(,,,+1)-] T,,+I
-;- -I s(r2s--I-1)
LR _(o)=(1+_) -_K ¢(0) (4.14)

The value of K for the azimuth servo (fine

+---_K (1 +_) (r2s+ 1) -4-rl] _b(0)-]- (r2s-t- 1)
mode) is 250 lb-ft/rad; the friction torque of
the bearings, slip rings, and motor brushes is
I K_
s+_ / I .. \-] $(0) _ I approximately 0.05 lb-fb; and the motor damp-
ing constant, Ka, is 0.038 lb/ft/sec. The
moments of inertia I and I_ are 2 and 24 slugs,
Equation (4.13) shows that, the upper section
is stabilized with respect to inertial space.
Therefore, the errors due to the frictional
The errors in the servo system were due to the
torques and motor damping are 0.60 and 1.55
frictional t.orque and the initial velocity of the
minutes of arc. These errors axe, however,
upper sectirn at each spacecraft dawn.
of a particular sign. During control system
By use of the final value theorem, it is seen
that the servo error due to the friction torque, testing, these errors were biased out so that
the actual pointing errors due to friction and
TF, is given by the expression
motor damping were caused only by deviations
from the biased value. The following is a
block diagram of the azimuth servo.

F 1
I ¢1
KA'r' 2 s+ ] _ (_

In the block diagram the following notation The open-loop transfer function for the
is used: block diagram can be written as
KR=eye gain (ga/rad)
KA=DC amplifier gain (volts/ga)
Kv----power amplifier and torque motor G(S)--Kals('r2s+ 1)(£+ 1)
gain (lb-ft/volt)
K= KFKAKv= 250 lb.ft-rad The lead-lag equalization network readily
TF=friction torque=0.05 lb-ft stabilizes this system; however, it was found
Ke = motor damping = 0.038 lb-ft-sec in development of the control system that
/----moment of inertia of upper section structural resonances significantly altered the
about the spin axis control open-loop transfer characteristics. The
Io_= 24 lb-ft-sec _ dominant resonance at 29.5 cps had ampli-
r_=lead time constant (sec) fication of approximately 40 db, which was
r2=lag time constant (sec) sufficiently high to cause instability when the


requisitegainwasused. To curethe problem, in the control error channel. The resultifig

a high-frequency
roll-off filter wasintroduced controllertransferfunction, Go(s), was

K(0.225s-_ 1)
Gc(s)=(O.O115s+1)[1.35(10-7)s3 + 6(10-5)s2-_ 2.18(10-2)s-t-1]

The Bode plot of this transfer function and the troller filter succeeded in attenuating suffi-
measured frequency response of the flight ciently the resonant peaks.
hardware are shown in Figure 4-9. The azimuth coarse mode used the same
The Bode plots of the total loop transfer roll-off network that was used for fine. The
function, including the controller character- lead-lag equalization and the system gain
istics and the structural resonances, are shown were different, however. The lead-lag net-
in Figure 4-10. To obtain this plot, a linear work can be represented as
power amplifier was used instead of the pulsed
G 3.2s+1
power amplifier.
The gain margin of the linear system is
shown to be 7 db. The gain margin of the
The Bode plot of the actual flight hardware
actual system correlated closely with the
equalization, including the roll-off network, is
linearized model. The fast roll-off of the con-
shown in Figure 4-11.
The torque gain for the coarse mode was
(0 225s * l)

Go(s) (0 01lSs,I) L1.37 (10-7) s3*fi(10-5)s 2 ,2 18(152) n ,-1 --

nominally 50 lb-ft/rad.





_ ,o



-lO ........ i

01 1


0.1 1 I0 I00
FIGURE 4-9.--Azimuth fine mode equalization. FREQUENCY (CPS)

FIGURE 4--1).--Azimuth coarse mode equalization.

.2O i

Elevation Servo

Simplification of the equations of motion as


given in Chapter 2 (see Equation (2.59)) results

-80 0 DB LINE FOR K = 250 LB FTRAD "''i, in the equations
,,, -160

A_GL_: \ _'44: -200 ip_a=K rlp_l
(e--a)+Kdp(e--a)W T_ (4.17)


o,__ _:__ _o63eo I_3P_(e--a) ---K r,p+ l (e--a)--Kap(e--a)--TF


FIGURE 4-10.--Linearized azimuth servo bode plot. (4.1s)


The solution of the above equations is given by

[I_y(r_s+ 1) + Kas (r2s + 1) +g(rls+ 1)][e (s) -- a(s) ]=-- _-_ (r_s+ 1) + [I_3s(r2s+ 1)

+Ka(r._+l)+Kr,][e(O)--a(O)]+[I_3(r_s+l)+I_r2][h (0)--a(0)l+/_3r_[g(0)--_(0)] (4.19)

At each satellite dawn, d(0)=&(0)=$(0) axes, the azimuth axis and the elevation axis.
=&(0)=0, and the servo error is given by The two servo systems were independent of one
another, but were nearly identical. The azi-
T_ muth servo system was slightly more compli-
cated because of the large acquisition angles
required. It operated about the azimuth of
The servo error for a Tp of 0.05 lb-ft and a gain,
spin axis of the spacecraft and was used to
K, of 150 lb-ft/radian is approximately 1
minute of arc and, unlike the azimuth servo, hold the oriented section fixed in space by
cannot be biased out. driving against the rotating wheel. The eleva-
tion servo rotated the instruments a few
The elevation servo block diagram is identi-
degrees in a plane containing the solar vector
cal to that of the azimuth servo except that
and the spin axis.
the motor damping input from the wheel does
not exist. A block diagram of the aximuth servo system
The parameters used on the elevation servo is shown in Figure 4-13. Error signals pro-
are as follows:

K= 150 lb-ft/radian
Ka=0.015 lb-ft.sec
I, 3 = 1.3 lb-ft-sec _
r_=lead time constant-_0.22 sec
TO _ I
T2=lag time constant=0.016 sec
-- I t

A Bode plot of the elevation loop using these

parameters and a 20-db structural resonance is

shown in Fignre 4-12. The phase margin with L __ _f-_

nominal gain is 58 degrees.


Mechanization of the I:lecffical Control System


The servo control for orienting the instru- -- =

ments to the s_m operated about two orthogonal

FmuR_ 4-13.--Azimuth servo block diagram.

duced by the coarse and fine optical eyes, i.e.,

error detectors, were sent to the coarse and fine
preamplifiers and then through appropriate
lead-lag stabilization networks. If the error
angle was large, the coarse eyes with their
360Megree field of view were connected into the
-80 ........................
0 DB I_NE FOR K 150
"- - -
circuit along with the fine eyes. When the
error angle was less than 5 degrees, the coarse

eyes were then switched out of the circuit and

.05 0,! 0.5 1.0 5 l0 5O 100 5OO only the fine eyes exercised control.
The error signal was chopped by a solid-state
'FIGLTR]_4-12.--Linearized elevation servo bode plot. chopper at 2 kc, amplified at that frequency and


demodulated by a solid-state demodulator. tion and azimuth position controls. Supporlt

The amplifier then fed the pulse-width modu- elements such as the readout amplifiers are also
lator, which converted the dc error signal to a discussed. The packaging techniques used on
pulse train in which the pulse width was pro- the electronic circuits of the control system are
portional to the amplitude of the error signal. illustrated in Figures 4-14 through 4-17.
The repetition rate of the pulse-width modulator
was about 55 pulses per second.
The pulse-width signal drove a power ampli-
fier and transistor bridge which, in turn, drove
the motor. The transistors in the bridge were
either saturated or cut off by the pulse-width
signal so that very little power was dissipated
in the bridge.
The motive element was tt d c torque motor
using a permanent magnet field. This type of
motor delivered large torques directly to the A
output shaft. The elements mentioned briefly
above will now be discussed in more detail.

Electrical Control Hardware Description

The following discussion presents the theory

and method of operation of each of the func-
tional elements used in mechanizing the eleva-

FIGURE4-15.-Wheel electronics package.

V I ( ; U I Z E4- I4.--Scrvo drivc clcctroiiics.


E‘rrix Detectors same angular velocity as the wheel section.

Three types of eyes were used in the OS0 Because of this, the sun had to be acquired each
servo system: coarse eyes, disabling eyes, and spacecraft morning by stopping the sail. Since
fine eyes. Coarse eyes were used for coarse the motor torque was not sufficient to stop the
pointing and acquisition; disabling eyes were sail in a half revolution, a signal was needed
used to switch the azimuth coarse seroo off; that would provide a stopping drive for a large
and fine eyes were used for accurate pointing. portion of a rotation. A rate gyro would, of
Coarse Eyes-The coarse eyes each had a course, have been an ideal type of de\<ce for
characteristic curre approximating a cosine generating such a signal, but the power con-
curve. I n OS0 I, the four coarse eyes were sumed and the reliability problem with such a
arranged as shown in Figure 4-15, using shadow- device would not allow its use. B y shaping
ing masks to modify the cosine curve into that the coarse eye output curre as shown in Figure
shown in Figure 4-19. This arrangement pro- 4-19, the error rate damping (lead network)
vided an error signal with a stable null toward generated signals which provided sail despin
the solar vector and an unstable null in the torques over an appreciable percentage of a
antisolar direction. I n addition, the arrange- revolution.
ment was specifically designed to aid in solving The azimuth coarse servo was able to orient
the acquisition problem. Bt spacecraft dawn, the upper section to the sun to an accuracy of a
the oriented section (sail) was spinning at the few degrees. When this was done the upper
section was stopped and coarsely oriented.
The fine eyes, which had a lodegree field of
view, were then able to see the sun and to orient
the instruments more precisely.
Disabling Eye-When the servo had settled
down in the fine-eye region, the coarse eyes
were no longer necessary and, if left in the
system, they would have contributed errors in
the pointing. The errors were caused by signals
due to the earth’s albedo and to the difference
in the coarse and fine eye null positions. A
disabling eye actuated the switch disconnecting
the coarse eyes from the circuit when no longer
x w b d . The disabling eye was identical to a
fine eye in constrwtion except that the reticle
was a rectangular aperture. The angular
characteristics of a disabling eye are shown in
Figure 4-20. il time delay of 2 to 3 seconds
FIWRE4-17.-Pulse width modulation circuit


i i

\ I
\\ 1 50

25 EYE


575 1 J
- - - - - - -INDWIDL

4-19-AqwIar characteristics of the coarse




0o 2° 4' 6° 8° 10 °

t. - q
9° 6° 3o 3° 6° 9_

10 _ '. _ ! ! '. : ', , : , ,1U _

FmURE 4-20.--Angular characteristics of disabling eye.

was provided with the switch so that switching
would not continually take place during the (B) TOED-IN EYE PAIR

initial acquisition.
FIGURE 4-21.--Fine eye response.
Fine Eyes--The fine eyes for both elevation
and azimuth were mounted directly on the
pointed instruments. Fine-eye detectors pro- 2 5

vided the error signals for the final servo control

of the instruments pointed at the sun. Two '\

eyes differenti,dly connected were required to

exercise control about a single axis.
Figure 4-21(_) shows the angular character-
istics of the fine eye. The combined field of
view of an eye pair was a cone with a half-angle
of new,fly l0 degrees. If the conical field were
cut hy a plane passing through the axis of
synunetry, tile resulting half-cones would cor-
respond to the field of view of the individual
eyes• In practice, the half-cones were slightly
lapped, or toed-in, in order to linearize the re-
sponse of the pair through the zero position
(see Figure 4-21(b)). 1. OBJECTIVE LENS
The major components of this detector were: 2. FILTER-RETICLE
,m objective lens, reticle, filter, back aperture, 4. CELL HOLDER
and silicon-cell detector, ,,is shown in Figure
4-22. The objective lens was a phmo-convex
lens with ,t back focal distance of 0.320 inch. FmURE 4-22.--Fine eye assembly.

Its purpose was to project the image of the solar

disc on the surface of the retMe. was in the form of a knife edge, the region to
The reti(,le was vacuuln deposited on the one side of the edge being opaque (see Figure
front surface ()f a deep-red glass filter disc and 4-23).


Y output current is linear with light level and the

photosensitivity is very stable.
To have the current output linear with light
level, and to minimize changes with tempera-
ture, it was necessary to use the cell as a short-
circuit current generator. For this size cell and
expected cell illumination levels, the short circuit
current characteristics would be obtained if
the load is less than about 100 ohms. The
preamplifier following the eyes was a grounded
base amplifier which had an input impedance
of about 80 ohms.
The type of photo cell used in the disabling
eye was a Clairex CL-7 cadmium sulfide cell,
(REF) a photo-resistive device.
i (REF)
Drive Motors
FIGURE 4-23.--Fine eye pair image position "on Both servos used dc torque motors as driv-
target" condition.
ing elements. These large-diameter pancake
motors delivered large torques directly to the
The deep-red filter was used so that the pass output shaft without the use of gears. The
band accepted by the detector would fall in a azimuth motor provided a peak torque of
natural window in the atmosphere. The cutoff 0.83 lb-ft, and the elevation motor, 0.47 lb-ft.
point of this filter on the low side was approxi- Since the motors and drive system were di-
mately 0.60 micron, below which there was rectly exposed to vacuum, the elimination of
severe atmospheric attenuation. The filter gears was very important. A serious problem
therefore permitted ground testing of servo with this type of motor was in the use of brushes
systems to establish loop gains which changed exposed to vacuum. However, by treating
less than 20 percent for operation outside of the the brushes with a special lubricant it was
atmosphere. possible to run these motors for several times
The back aperture controlled the output the required number of revolutions in a vacuum
from errors between 1 degree and 10 degrees of 2X 10 -s mm Hg with negligible brush wear.
in such a way that overshooting was mini- At the normal spin rate used for the space-
mized for large initial position errors. craft wheel section, the back emf of the torque
The lens and reticle were staked into the same
motors produced no effect other than a re-
piece of metal so that no possible shifting could duction of the net drive voltage by a small
occure as a result of vibration. The cylindri- amount. The back emf produced no appreci-
cal tube mount of the objective lens was de- able servo damping.
signed so that it could be deformed by a special
adjusting tool to achieve a boresight adjust- Readout Amplifiers
ment of the detector. In these eyes, 0.0001- The readout amplifiers were part of the
inch movement of the lens corresponded to a monitoring system and provided information
minute of angle, thus the importance of a fixed from which the pointing error angle of the servo
alignment between objective lens and reticle was determined. These amplifiers were re-
is apparent. quired to determine the azimuth and elevation
Photo Cells--The photo cells used in the pointing angles to within -4-20 seconds of arc.
coarse and fine eyes were small silicon solar The azimuth and elevation pointing angles
cells. The silicon solar cell has excellent were measured by employing two fine-eye solar
characteristics for use in such an _pplication. detectors. A fine-eye detector consisted of two
The time constant is small (microsecond); the silicon solar cells mounted as shown in Figure


4-22 and connected such that a linear-output, -o 15V REGULATED sU_PPLy

short-circuit current was provided over the

range of ±30 minutes of arc (see Figure 4-21).
The most important electrical consideration in

regard to obtaining accurate readings from a

fine eye was that it operated into a very low-
impedance load, i.e., a load approaching a short


FIGURE 4-26.--Schematic of readout eye amplifier.


TOTAL LIGHT FLUX the amplifier impedance had to be less than

o 0.150 volts/1.7X10 -3 amp, or 88 ohms.
A common-base configuration was chosen for
FIGURE 4-24.--Equivalent circuit of a solar cell.
the input amplifier in order to obtain the
necessary low-input impedance. Figure 4-26
shows the schematic diagram. The input
impedance of this circuit was 50 ohms. The
1.0 50°C circuit parameters were chosen such that the

0.8 :i amplifier output was 2.5 volts for a zero eye

current and the output ranged from zero to
Z 0.6 I five volts, depending on the magnitude and
_0.4 // polarity of the eye current. The diode, CR1,
was used to nullify the transistor base-to-emitter
0.2 s" voltage drop to keep the voltage between the
/ input terminals less than 15 millivolts over the
0. I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 temperature range, 0 ° C to 50 ° C.
A zener diode was used to supply the reference
FIGURE 4-25.--Forward characteristics of a silicon voltage of the common-base circuit. This diode
was selected to have a value of temperature
coe_cient of voltage change which would tem-
Figure 4-24 shows an equivalent circuit of a perature-compensate the amplifier circuit. Us-
single solar cell. Typical forward characteristics ing a 6.8-volt zener with a _ 5-percent tolerance
of the shunt diode are shown in Figure 4-25. resulted in amplifier output drift of a little less
It can be seen that a portion of the current from than ±0.5 millivolts per degree centigrade.
the current generator will be diverted by the One problem with this amplifier was its
diode depending upon the voltage developed output sensitivity to variations in supply
across the diode. The accuracy requirements voltage. This sensitivity was due to the
of the monitor were such that the diverted dynamic impedance of the zener diode. Nega-
current had to be less than 1 percent of the tive feedback provided by the emitter resistor
generator current. This meant that for a peak solved this problem.
current of 1.7 milliamperes, the current through The input impedance of the amplifier can be
the diode had t,) be less than 17 microamperes. derived using the equivalent circuit, Figure
By using a forward characteristic curve plotted 4-27, where it is assmned that the biasing
for maxilnum operating temperature, the volt- resistor, Rb, is large compared t() the other im-
age required to cause 17 microamperes to flow pedance to ground from that input node, and
through the diode and source resistance was that R_ is small compared to the r_ ()f the
determined to be 150 millivolts. Therefore, transistor.


T_- Ie

Zd rb

:E I /
I r
I e
I \
I I e V
1 t

¢ <
< I
Zz 1 4
I J-- -- --

FIGURE 4-27.--Equivalent circuit of a readout amplifier.

The input impedance seen by the eye is Adding Equations (4.22) and (4.23) gives:

Z= E
I (4.20) O=--I(R_+ Z+)+ I_ _(R,+r,+ I_) (rb+Z_) ]
To find I, the loop equations are solved. First,
we have the relation The matrix of Equat, ion (4.21) plus Equation
E=I(R_+Zz+Za)--I.(1-_flZz+R. ) (4.21)
\ +# /] I
E I R_+Z'+Za
R+ is the emitter resistor n , , rb-4-Z2l
Zz is the zener diode impedance n+tr+t 1-_j I_
Z_ is the impedance of CR1
is current gain of the transistor (4.25)
If the voltage dropped between the transistor . E a (4.26)
junction and ground is V, then: Z-=I R +r, ±r_+Z_
e T_--_
V=IR++le(Re+r,) (4.22) or

--V-_IZz+Ie (1) _-_ (rb+Z,) (4.23) Z=Za+(1

+#) (R++r,)+r_+Zz

782-552 o--_i(i--s.

LOG-LOG PLOT OF I_ is required that _he expression

(Re+Z z) 7re(l _fl)+r b

INPUT Z Z d ÷ Re(l+B)+Zz


be constant with temperature. The major

change with temperature in this expression is
the --2.5 mv/°C change in Vr with tempera-
ture and the change in V_ with temperature.
The temperature coefficient is slightly positive
for a.
Since, above about 5v, a zener diode has a
L Zz
Zz : R e Z z =Re(l *q)
positive temperature coefficient which increases
FIGURE 4-28.--Response of input Z to Z.. with zener voltage, the amplifier is compensated
if the zener voltage is at a value such that its
With the eye currents used, the minimum value temperature coefficient is near -}-2.5 mv/°C
of Re is 4/(. Therefore, re and rb can be ne- (a coefficient slightly less than -}-2.5 mv/°C is
glected in the denominator, and Equation (4.27) needed to offset the positive coefficient of a).
becomes A 6.8v zener has this coefficient. Using 6.8v
zeners with a +5 percent tolerance resulted
Z:Zd-} (R_+ Z_)[r,(1-}-}-f])+rb]
Re(I+B)+Zz (4.28) in amplifier output drift of a little less than
4-0.5 mv/°C. An order of magnitude improve-
As can be seen from Figure 4-28, the input ment can be realized in this value if the zener
impedance is not increased until Zz approaches voltage is picked within this +5% range to
Re. If Z,.<<Re the important factors are Z_ match the particular transistor diode coefficient
and re. and the particular transistor, a. On some
The amplifier was temperature compensated transistors, such as the Fairchild 2N1613, the
by selecting a zener diode of such voltage that base-emitter coefficient from transistor to tran-
its temperature coefficient was nearly that of sistor is uniform enough so that the diode need
the base-emitter diode but of the opposite sign. only be picked for the a measured at room
The theory of this is as follows. temperature. Thus, matching becomes possible
Temperature compensation of the amplifier without making temperature runs on the
requires that the collector currenE remain con- individual transistors.
stant with temperature (assuming thaL the The out, pu_ sensitivity of the amplifier due
collector resistor is temperature stM)le as was to variations in supply voltage is primarily
the case with the metal-fihn re_i _ors used). due to the zener voltage changing by a factor
The collector current is ate and
Zz times the change in supply
(Rb + Zd + Zz)
i_=(Vs--V:--Vr) Re (4.29) voltage, where Z_ + Za (the dynamic impedance
of the zener and normal diodes) is very small
compared to Rb. Therefore, for changes in
supply voltage, Equation (4.29) becomes
Uz= zener voltage
V,= supply volt age AV, (4.31)
Vr=base-emitter diode drop Ate-- Re

Re=emitter resistor
since Vr is completely independent of current.
Therefore, we have Then

(4.30) Aie=aAi_=


• gild amplifiers are shown in Figures 4-30 and 4-31.

Referring to Figure 4-36, the bases of Q1 and
Q2 are clamped to a fixed potential by the zener
diodes CR1 and CR2, so that the voltage at the
Then the change in collector voltage is emitters is held constant by the base-emitter
voltage. The quiescent current flowing through
AVc=_ (R_)AV,. (4.32) each transistor at null (when no light current is
flowing from the eyes) is slightly greater than
Thus it can be seen that Re should be kept the maximum current delivered by the photo-
large compared to Rc to minimize sensitivity
variation with power supply voltage change. If the current generated by the eyes is as
shown in the schematic, additional current equa|
Preamplifier to i_ must flow through R2 and Q1 to prevent
The servo preamplifiers provided the proper the voltage at the emitter of Q1 from changing.
load impedance for the error detectors and con- The quiescent current flowing in R5 and Q2
ditioned the error signals by converting the must decrease by precisely i_ve if no change in
low-impedance, input-circuit current to a rela- voltage is to occur at the emitter of Q2. There
tively high-impedance, circuit-stabilized voltage. is a differential output between the collectors of
A simplified schematic of the preamplifier is Q1 and Q2. The two separate outputs are acted
shown in Figure 4-36, and the detailed sche- on by passive lead networks formed by C1, R7,
matics for the servo preamplifiers and readout R9, and Rll; and C2, R8, R10, and Rll, to



CR2 ["
-I _L



r_ C2 R8

t ! ,
FIGURE 4-29.--Servo preamplifier.

I i


,.,52 2_,W ,o__
,%_, _ T'f iF h RQ5

03 ÷
' RI3
2OK °1 G BL
" _ MDA "r -L..IFf MDA 2N328A

T _._RI

DOT 25


I Mo. <_3v l R3
I r Q4 / ml RI4

RQ6 _.
MDA _ 4.15V _
F o-

po _ RT3

_J cR3t
t R23 _ CR6

IN 754A 3_83K IN753A CR7


T -
o u
PS 595 j - AZ R.0.

• _ Q7 I_1
• _ - 2NII32 : _ - 2NII32

R20 MDA R24
3.9K 3.9K

,>2K r 2K

FIGURE 4-30.--Elevation servo preamplifier and readout amplifiers.

provide the necessary, stability for the servo were tied together in order to minimize the
system. The differential output of the lead effect of differential temperature coefficients.
networks is then sent to the chopper and ac Thus, the temperature drift of this stage was
amplifier. the difference in the drifts in the base-emitter
The azimuth coarse and fine preamplifiers voltage, the collector and emitter resistors, and,
and the elevation fine preamplifier were identi- to a small degree, differential drifts in a. The
('al except for different value components needed collectors of the preamp were biased to 10v to
by differing coarse and fine eye currents and allow about a -t-5v peak swing.
differing lead network parameters.
The preamplifier was mechanized as a dif-
ferential amplifier because it was self-tempera- In order to provide the necessary gain for the
ture stabilized to a first approximation, it had servo h)op, a fairly high-gain voltage amplifier
inherent rejection to supply voltage changes, was required. The standard method of syn-
and good common mode rejection. The bases chronous chopping (modulating) of the input








-(-15 V




lOOK _ IN4S3




FIGURE 4-31.--Azimuth servo preamplifier and modulator.

and output of an ac amplifier to provide tile Thus, the modulator drive voltage had to be
necessary low drift characteristics was used. greater than 4.2v peak, and the base-emitter
The modulator alternately sampled between diode had to have a breakdown _eater than
the differential outputs of the preamp. The the peak-to-peak signal, or 8.4 v. The rea-
output of the modulator was thus a square wave soning is as follows.
with peak-to-peak amplitude equal to the If the maximum signal were applied to the
differential outputs of the preamp. modulator, the voltage at Q1 emitter (Figure
At a frequency, such that the reactance of 4-32) would be 14.2v and at Q2 emitter, 5.8v.
the lead capacitor was small compared to 20K, When Q1 is conducting, the collector voltage
the signal output voltage to the modulator was of Q2 would be about 14.2v. To keep Q2 from
nearly equal to the collector voltage swing, drawing current through the collector-to-base
or 4.2v peak. Therefore, the modulator tran- diode, its base voltage must be greater than
sistors had to be able to hold off this voltage. 14.2v. Since the emitter of Q2 is at 5.8v, the



20K R1

: 1 R2
', i
t Ra ---_ - I/2 R2


-- --_e OUT .._OUT

v +(v or V )


FIGURE 4-32.--Typical modulator circuit.

FIGURE 4-33.--Equivalent circuit of modulator
transformer and associated circuit.
base-emitter breakdown must be in excess of
the difference in these voltages.
transients are caused by the transformer inter-
The drive current must be such that the
winding capacitance and the input impedance
offset voltage (collector-to-emitter voltage when
of the ac amplifier in parallel with the differ-
conducting) at the signal current being drawn
ential output impedance acting as a differ-
is small compared to the required system leso-
entiating circuit. There are three effects that
lution, and it nmst be greater than the current
give rise to a signal through this differentiating
being drawn divided by _. The collector-
circuit. They are as follows: (see Figure 4.-33)
base, _, is very low. In the case of the 2N328's
it was near 1. 1. A nonbalanced to ground drive. An un-
The drive current is controlled by the value balanced drive causes the transient voltage
of R1 and R2. When Q1 is cut off, the base- Vt to vary from half-cycle to half-cycle. In
collector voltage of Q2 is about 0.6v. There- other words, if the circuit consisted of only
fore, R2 is nearly shorted out and the drive C1 and C2, VT would assume rL value between
voltage less 0.6v appears across R1. Thus, V, and V2 depending on the values of C1 and
the base current is nearly equal to the drive C2. However, if during one-half cycle V,---- 13v
voltage divided by R1. and V2----2v, then the other half V,=3v and
The modulator drive signal had to have a V2=13v, VT would change. This would result
rise time, and the modulator transistor had to in a spike every half-cycle as this voltage dis-
have a switching time, which was short co,n- charged through the lead network resistor.
pared to the chopping period, so that changes 2. If C1 and C2 were different in value there
in these parameters would not affect the gain would be an effect similar to that in 1., above.
of the umplifier. This was easy to accomplish 3. At the instant of switching, the peak4o-
with typical conditions and components, except pe_k drive voltage appears across R1 or R2 in
for the transformer. The transforlner had to parallel with Rc, thus making VT highly
be driven from a lower impedance than that positive or negative depending on which
for which it was rated in order to obtain rise transistor is on when \'_ is positive.
times faster than 50 _ sec. The low-impedance The pulse generic.ted at switching had the
drive was also necessary to minimize droop in same polarity for each half cycle. In the case
the modulator drive signah of the modulator constructed, the pulses were
In addition to the transformer impedance always posigive. However, the voltage was
and turns ratio, the interwinding capacitance only 0.1 to 0.2 volts because the time constant
was important since it was the greatest cause of C1 and R1 paralleled by Rc (since a sharp
of switching transients in the modulator. The pulse shunts the lead network and appears on


"Rc) was about 0.14 vsec. Since the rise times The measured values of C1 and C2 in one trans-
of the drive signals were considerably longer, former were 19 _f and 26 _f. The voltage
the voltage across R1 was the true derivative unbalance caused by these values of interwind-
of the drive voltage, which only had a value ing capacitance is:
during the rise or fall of the drive signal and
was much smaller than the peak-to-peak 2080X 106X7 X 10-12---- 14 mw
The first two effects gave positive and nega- which is close to the measured unbalance of
tive spikes on alternate half-cycles because the about 17 my due only to chopper drive.
spike was the derivative of a square wave. The effects on the amplifier of the first two
These spikes were of greatest concern because problems were not serious since the spikes were
of the pulse widths which were 10 to 20 msecs. well filtered at the output. However, the
This pulse width was determined by the time spikes caused a reduction in gain proportional
constant of the 1000 mtf shunt capacitor of the to the spike area and the area of the signal out-
ac amplifier discharging through the preamp put square wave. This resulted in minor cross-
collector resistor. Without this capacitor the over distortion since the ratio became less with
height wotfld have been much greater but the increasing signal level. The spikes also had
width would have been much less. The spikes various minor effects because the amplified
were nearly eliminated by putting 0.1 uf spike could cause the output stages of the ac
capacitors from the collector to ground of each amplifier to limit.
transistor in the preamp. Since these capacitors The major problem was the change in C1 and
were across t.he collector resistor, they had C2 with temperature causing a change in un-
little effect on the frequency response. balance voltage. This was the major cause of
The third problem, caused by the trans- drift.
former interwinding capacitance, was an off-
Modulator Driver
balance at the modulator input. This was
caused by the rectifier action of the choppers. The modulator driver (see Figure 3-34) pro-
When chopper Q1 is conducting, C1 dumps vided the switching drive to the modulator and
C(V) coIdombs on one lead capacitor, and C2 demodulator. Its driving requirements were
removes C2(V) from the same lead capacitor. not severe except for rise and fall time. The
When the drive switches polarity, C1 re- circuit had to supply approximately 1 ma of
moves CI(V) cmdombs from the opposite lead drive current.
capacitor, and C2(V) is injected into it. The rise and fall time was important because
With both preamp inputs at lOv, the voltage of its effect on output noise. In a carefully
across C1 for state 1 in Figure 4-33 is 4v. designed system, the output noise from spikes is
When it switches to the opposite state, it _ill primarily at tbe switching rate, since the
charge to --9 volts if the drive is symmetrical. majority of energy is at this frequency and the
Thus, the total voltage change across each output filter has the least attenuation at this
capacitor regardless of state is 13v. The cur- frequency. To keep the noise energy at the
rent into one lead capacitor is fV(C1-C2) and switching frequency to a minimum, the switch-
into the other lead capacitor is fV(C2-Cl). ing time nmst be kept at a minimum, thus
Since most of this current flows through the requiring a fast rise and fall time.
c.wo 20K resistors, the unbMance voltage is the To accomplish fast rise and fall times with
difference between these currents multiplied nornlal audio trausformers, the transformer
by 40K or drivin 7 impedance must be mucb less than
rated. Tiffs also reduced droop. Double emit-
40K X 2K(_X 13V [(C1-C2)-- (C2-C1)] ter followers were used to provide this low
The driver circuit used a unijunction trigger
20S0 )< 106 (C1-C2) circuit to provide trigger pulses to a flip-flop.


- I / .....
I ZN338


_K 2(_K ..... _K 3Rs_K QI3

016 250/,_f 250/_f 14 NI

Ii rc::Z .... 5 P



1 T..... .y
-._%;;, ,



FIGURE 4-34.--AC amplifier, demodulator, and driver.

It was found that on occasion tile fall of tile high currents needed to accomplish this with an
trigger pulse turned on the transistor that the emitter resistor at drives approaching the
trigger rise had just turned off. To eliminate supply voltage.
this, a diode shunted by a resistor to discharge The transformers were connected from side to
the coupling capacitor was used in the trigger side instead of one side to ground to eliminate
line. It was later found that the high-speed dc in the primary, thus reducing droop.
diodes used for CR12 and CR13 also cured this
problem. AC AmpliFier
The flip-flop was common except for the steer- The ac amplifier amplified tile square wave
ing circuit. The diode of the off-side of the from the modulator (see Figure 4-34). It had
circuit was reverse-biased so tile turn-off pulse to have sufficient bandwith to preserve the rise
would not reach the base. However, tile diode and fall times, minimize droop, and maintain
in the on-side was not reverse-biased and the stable ac gain. The output impedance had to
turn-off pulse could readily pass to tile base. be low and not put dc in the primary of trans-
This scheme provided positive steering of the fl)rmer, T2, so that _ good square wave could be
pulses. retained at the transformer secondary.
The flip-flop had good rise and fall times. To Lowest noise level from the modulator was
keep the flip-flop from being loaded and to obtained when the impedance that the modu-
provide a low-impedance drive for the trans- lator worked into was high. Also, since this
formers, c()mplementary emitter followers were impedance was high in comparison to the shunt
used on each output. This circuit provided tile impedance in the rate network (20K), the varia-
low impedance of an enfitter follower on both tion in the amplifier impedance had little
half-cycles without tile requirement for the very effect on tile lead network. Therefore, an



"efnitter-follower input stage was decided upon. nected to a voltage divider circuit which used
It was desired that the input stage clip at a capacitors to keep this end of the transformer
level somewhat greater than that required for at signal ground.
output saturation. To accomplish this, a Feedback was taken from the transformer
resistor was put in series with the base and primary to reduce the transformer driving
collector lead. When the signal went positive, impedance and thus help to compensate for
the collector voltage decreased to the emitter transformer deficiencies.
voltage and clamped the emitter voltage at a
value determined by the resistance divider
made up of emitter and collector resistors, or The demodulator consisted of a 7.5v refer-
about 5v. The resistor in the base lead ence, synchronous demodulator, 7r-section filter,
limited the current when the clamping voltage and output complementary pair emitter fol-
was reached. The value of collector and base lower for low-impedance drive (see Figure 4-34).
resistor had to be kept fairly low or the high- Since it operated synchronously with the
frequency response would have been jeopardized modulator, its output was a dc voltage propor-
due to capacitance. Negative clipping was tional to the amplified solar detector eye signal.
accomplished by transistor cutoff. Because it The voltage reference was used to provide
was originally planned to clip at +0.5v, the the quiescent output voltage for no ac signal
emitter quiescent voltage was set at 0.5v. To voltage. The actual reference came from
stabilize this voltage and thus the clipping matched zener diodes. These zeners were put
voltage and quiescent current against tempera- in series between +15v and ground with a
ture drift, a diode was put in the biasing circuit. resistor between them. The resistor was center-
To adjust gain, the emitter resistance was tapped, thus giving 7.5v. The 7.5v was fed
made up of 2 resistors as a voltage divider. to a complementary pair of emitter followers
The two amplifier stages were conventional like those used for the ac amplifier output.
grounded emitter circuits, with feedback to the This provided a low-impedance 7.5v so that the
emitter of the first stage. The amplifier had a reference was not loaded at full output.
lag network in the first collector to control The demodulator consisted of the driver
amplitude and phase at high frequencies to transformer, current-limiting resistors, and the
improve amplifier stability. demodulating transistors. The transformer
Decoupling was provided by a 1K resistor provided a peak voltage in excess of the peak
and a zener to ground. A zener diode was used voltage expected from end to end from the ac
instead of the conventional capacitor so that output transformer to assure that the demodu-
the gain would not be modulated by low- lator transistor block was cut off for one-half
frequency ripple of supply voltage. cycle.
The output stage used complementary emit- The resistor limited the drive current to a
ter followers for a low-impedance output. value several times that drawn from the demod-
This stage differed from that used in the modu- ulator during the conduction half-cycle.
lator driver outputs by the addition of the The transistors were alternately forward and
diodes in the base circuit. The purpose of the reverse-biased. When forward-biased, the col-
diodes was to provide proper bias for the emitter lector was clamped to the emitter and the drive
followers. The diode voltage drops tracked current was limited only by the transformer
the base emitter voltage needed to keep a small resistance, current-limiting resistor, and forward
quiescent current flowing in the stage and thus diode drop of the base-emitter diode.
eliminate crossover distortion. They also pro- When reverse-biased, no current could flow
vided low-impedance coupling to the bases of in the base-emitter or base-collector diode if
the two transistors. the voltage across the transformer was equal
To eliminate dc from the transformer pri- to instantaneous end-to-end voltage across the
mary, the end of the transformer which was not amplifier transformer. More explicitly, at max-
connected to the emitter followers was con- imam output, the voltage at the input to the



, 4"I_V OpI.K
:N 38 -
o_J _,_

' ,
h 2N ZON_
47K Oil PI-80mV£ S_O_AL TO PA
& - _,. RK "=e
t2_ 5K

2N338 I IN44_A I

9_ J ",_. I


R30 _74GA
64K 47K t_O36 "*OOMFD
R -tl_, BZA -It¢

O_ H
' R;_2. ctl iov


NO _3
3- PS595 COMpARATO_ (- )

FIGURE 4-35.--Pulse-width modulator.

filter was 13v. The emitter voltage of the OFF Thus the output current divided by the tran-
transistor at this output was 11 volts less, or sistor _ at the coldest operating temperature
2 volts. Since the ba_e-collector diode was to had to be smaller than 2v divided by base-
be reverse-biased, the transformer had to put biasing resistance.
the base at a voltage in excess of 13v. Thus
the transformer had to supply more than 13 Pulse-Width Modulator
minus 2, or llv. Obviously, it was necessary The pulse-width modulator supplied pulses
that the base-emitter diode be able to withstand
with a duration proportional to the error signal
this reverse voltage. The only transistor found
from the demodtdator. These pulses drove the
with this high rating was the Raytheon 2N328A,
power amplifier.
which had a VEto greater than 70 volts, ten
The schematic of this circuit is shown in
times the maximum for the next highest tran-
sistor found. Figure 4-35. The block diagram below illus-
The filter was a simple _-section filter used to trates the operation.
filter the transient from switching, as well as to
generate a rapid roll-off in both azimuth and
elevation channels. The roll-off was necessary COMPARATOR

because of structural resonance. Although the FORWARD


phase shift at this resonance was such that the AMPLIFIER J


system could not oscillate, the resonance was PHASE INVERTING

excited by the pulse drive, and therefore gave OJ: PA

a signal at the amplifier output. It was desired I COMPARATOR


to keep this signal low in amplitude so that

no motor drive power was consumed at this Two ramp signals were obtained from the
frequency. ramp generator by means of an inverting
The output amplifier was of tim same type amplifier and a noninverting amplifier. These
used for the 7.4v reference, except for lower two voltages were then compared with the
resistance base-biasing resistors. These were input error voltage by means of a forward
decreased to enable the output stage to supply comparator and a reverse comparator. Figure
more current in the resistors. At maximum 4-36 shows the relationship between the two
drive, these resistors had only 2v across them. ramp signals and the error signals.





I i I I E
m- TIME m
I 'l I l
j t I I
• I z 2
i I I I
t I
I _u
: I I [-,
1 *
I 0
I t I I

:- TIME _ 4

FIGURE 4-36.--Pulse-width modulator output charac-


When the error signal was of such a value

that it was in the dead zone of the PWM, 10

neither comparator supplied an output, and

the servo was in its null position. If the error 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 I0 11 12 13 14 15


signal changed about the null value by an
amolmt which placed it outside of the dead FIGURE 4--37.--Torque motor output versus error
zone, one of the comparators supplied s signal
to its limiting amplifier. The output of the
compsrator was the portion of the ramp lying between a rate much higher than the cutoff
between the error voltage and the dead zone. frequency of the dc preamplifier and a pulse
The limiting amplifier was driven into satura- period much greater than the motor time
tion for almost the entire duration of the signal constant.
from the comparator. The limiting amplifier
output was therefore a pulse whose duration Power Amplifier
was equal to the duration of the signal from the One of the major requirements of the OSO I
comparator. Figure 4-36 shows how this pulse servo electronics was that it had to use a
is derived. It can be seen that the width of minimum of power. This requirement for low
the pulse is proportional to the error voltage power consumption was met in part by design-
and tha_ it will vary from a zero width to a ing the power section of the electronics to have
constant dc voltage. a high power efficiency.
Figure 4-37 shows how the motor torque The most efficient mode of operation for a
varied with the error signal to the pulse-width transistor is to use it as a switch. That is,
modulator. The torque increased from zero the transistor is either cut off or it is driven
torque linearly to a maximum torque at which into saturation. In the cutoff state, the tran-
point the drive from the p_dse-width modulator sistor uses no power, while in the saturated
was maxinmm or a dc voltage. This linearity state the power used is small because of the
of torque versus error signal was obtained by low saturation resistance.
using a linear ramp and by making the pulse The power amplifier used to drive the torque
repetition period much greater than the motor motors consisted of two transistors and two
armature time constant. In OSO I this silicon-controlled rectifiers connected in a bridge
repetition rate was 55 pulses per second. The circ_tit as shown in Figure 4-38.
choice of this pulse rate was a compromise The power amplifier operated as follows.



15 MH 15 MH

1200UF 18V
7 II,
120 Q2 Q4 120
\ / 0.33



__ )2N1016C 5

330 } _ CRI__y_TM-.8 330


FIGURE 4-38.--Power amplifier schematic.

A positive pulse of about 10 volts amplitude the line through Q4, Q6, and CR1 with brush A
from the pulse-width modulator was applied positive and brush B negative.
to the base of the emitter follower Q1. This Some typical instantaneous power distribu-
pulse fired the silicon-controlled rectifier Q2 tion figures for this circuit with the motor
and drove the transistor Q3 into saturation. stalled are as follows:
The torque motor was then connected across Motor armature resistance of 10 ohms
the line through Q2, Q3, and CR1 with brush B
Supply voltage of 18 volts
positive and brush A negative. Tile average Voltage drop due ;o Q2 and Q3, and
torque developed by the motor was controlled CR1 =3 volts
by the duration of pulse applied to Q1. Wqaen
Modulator power=0.05 watt
the signal was removed from the base of Q1, Driving power from Q1=1.8 watts
Q3 ceased to conduct and reset the silicon- Power dissipated in Q2, Q3 and CR1=4.5
controlled rectifier. The voltage transient, due wat ts
to the motor inductance was limited to a safe Power delivered to tim motor-----22.5 watts
peak value by the 3M capacitor across the Total power delivered by the supply
motor. Reversal of the motor was accom- =28.8 watts
plished by applying a positive pulse to the base Power efficiency of the power amplifier
of Q6, which drove Q5 into saturation and
_28.8--6.3X100%=78 %
fired Q4. This connected the motor across 28.8


because with it in the circuit, most of the current
i, f was supplied by the solar-cell array. Without

60 / //' the filter the peak currents
be supplied
decrease in overall
would have bad to
by the battery
with a

p, 4O
jY 15. Voh Regulator

/ Many circuits in the OSO I control system
electronics required a stable supply voltage.
2O The main spacecraft power was obtained from
batteries, and the voltage on the power line
f could vary due to the state of charge of the
.7' , ,
batteries and due to varying loads. An elec-
II 40 50 61 10(
PERCENT FULL LOAD tronic regulator was developed to operate from
the battery voltage and supply a -}-15-volt out-
FIGURE 4-39.--Control electronics power section
put with a regulation of better than ± 1 percent
for the expected line and load variations.
Figure 4-41 shows the schematic diagram for
This efficiency was independent of the power this regulator. The input voltage from the
delivered to the load except at small load power batteries was connected to pins M and P. The
when the power required by the modulator regulated 15 volts appeared on pins K and P.
and voltage regulator became appreciable com- Transistors Q6, Q5, and Q3 were the high gain
pared to the power delivered by the power dc amplifier. Changes in the output voltage
amplifier. were coupled to the input of the dc amplifier by
Figure 4-39 shows how the efficiency of the D1, D2, and R12. These changes were ampli-
power section of the control electronics varied fied and the signal appearing at the output was
with load. This figure also shows how the coupled to the base of Q4, the series regulating
efficiency of a conventional linear power section transistor. If the output voltage of the regula-
varied with load. It can be seen from Figure tor tended to increase, then Q4 operated to
4-39 that a pulse-width modulation system minimize this increase. Figure 4-42 shows
requires much less power than a conventional typical transfer characteristics for the regulator.
linear amplifier system except at near maximum
loads. The normal load on the power amplifier Spin Jet Control
was between 5 and 10 percent of maximum.
The purpose of the spin jet control was to
This was the load after acquisition when the
maintain the spacecraft wheel section rotating
serve was maintained at null. During acquisi-
at a nearly constant rate so that the nutation
tion the load on the power amplifier increased
damper would work effectively. The desired
to maximum value, but this lasted only for
period of rotation for the OSO I was 0.495
about one minute at the start of the 60-min-
seconds %0.025 seconds. The nutation fre-
ute sunlit portion of the orbit. The circuit
quency was directly proportional to the wheel
schematic (Figure 4-40) shows the power am-
spin rate. The nutation damper'was a sharply
plifiers, drivers, and monitor circuits.
tuned energy absorber designed to operate in a
A double L-section energT storage network or
narrow range of wheel spin rates. A change in
filter was used in series with the 18-volt power sup-
nutation frequency of about 5 percent reduced
ply to provide peak currents for the power am-
the effectiveness of the damper by a factor of 2
plifier. The purpose of the filter was to reduce
which was about all that could be tolerated.
the pulse current load on the power supply,
thereby preventing modulation of the power Torques to maintain the spin rate were provided
supply voltage at the power amplifier pulse rate. by gas jets mounted on the arms. Gas was
The filter also increased the efficiency somewhat supplied to these jets by a solenoid valve that









N( +lOV


C( +lSv





FIGURE 4-40.--Servo power amplifier and driver circuits and power monitor circuits.

actuated when the spin decreased below the put was a ramp which had a peak value propor-
preset value. tional to the period of rotation. The voltage
Figure 4-43 is a block diagram of the spin jet ramp was compared with a reference voltage by
control for OSO I. A photocell located on the a circuit designed to furnish an output only if
rotating wheel supplied a current pulse every the ramp exceeded the reference voltage.
time its field of view swept across the sun. Therefore, as the wheel slowed down, the peak
'['his current pulse was shaped to obtain a con- of the ramp increased. As soon as the ramps
stant amplitude pulse with small rise and fall had increased above a critical value, the com-
times. The differentiated output of the pulse parator supplied a trigger to the 4-second mono-
shaper was used as a trigger input to a bistable stable. The 4-second pulse from the mono-
mnltivibrator. The bistable multivibrator stable multivibrator passed through one stage
switched from one stable state to the other of power amplification and opened a solenoid
once every revolution of the wheel; therefore, valve. This valve supplied gas to the jets from
the duration of the output pulses of this circuit gas storage bottles for 4 seconds, which was
was eqllal to the period of the wheel rotation. sufficient to speed up the wheel by the desired
A bootstrap-type integnttor was used to ob- amount.
tain the time integral of the pulses from the Several problems associated with this tech-
bistable multivibrator. The integrator out- nique are not obvious. As the spacecraft comes





llOV l'lSV --

FIGURE 4-41.--Temperature monitor and regulator circuits.

into the sunlight, it passes through the penum- to the spin-up system before the spin eyes are
bral shadow where only a part of the sun is producing pulses of sufficient amplitude, gas
visible. If the turn-on circuitry applies power would be expended when not required. Thus,
very high-spin eye sensitivity was required.
Furthermore, to take another precautionary
....... 30°C
measure, the regenerative trigger discussed
-- 25-C

..... +60"C below has its power delayed for 5 seconds. It

takes about 9 seconds for the spacecraft to go
through the penumbral shadow.
Figure 4-44 is the schematic diagram of the
electronics for the spin jet control system.
_15 The circuit consisting of Q1 and Q2, etc., is
for pulse shaping. In the absence of a current

from the photocell, both transistors are cut off.


The collector of Q1 has a potential of 15 volts,

and the collector of Q2 has a potential of 0 volts.
15 16 l'/ 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

INPUT VOLTAGE (VOLTS) A signal causes both Q1 and Q2 to conduct and

regeneration is provided by R1 and C1. The
FIGURE 4-42.--Typical 15-volt regulation character-
istics showing effects of temperature. transistors Q1 and Q2 are therefore caused to

This pulse is differentiated by C3 and th6

negative spike triggers the bistable multi-



vibrator comprising Q3 and Q4. The bistable

circuit is a conventional flip-flop.
The time integral of the flip-flop output is
obtained in a synthetic manner by use of a
bootstrap ramp generator. This circuit com-
prises QS, Q6, and Q7. When Q4 is cut off,
base current is supplied to Q5 which shunts the
current through R16 around C8 to ground.


When the flip-flop is switched
stable state, the base drive to Q5 is removed
to the other
the current through R16 charges C8. Capaci-
__I ....

tor C7 is the bootstrap capacitor. It is

charged to 15 volts and acts as an additional
15-volt power supply. The voltage on C8
is coupled to the integrator output by a double
FIGURE 4-43.--Spin jet control system block diagram.
emitter follower where it appears in series with the
voltage across C7. As C8 charges, the voltage
switch rapidly to full conduction by an input supply to R16 also increases giving a linear
current. rising ramp at the integrator output. This
The voltage at the collector of Q1 rapidly ramp voltage rises until the flip-flop is switched
drops to a low value and remains there as long back to its first stable state at which time the
,ts there is sufficient input current. When the ramp is abruptly terminated. The output
input current drops below a critical value, both of the integrator then drops to its minimum
transistors switch off. The output signal from value. It is evident from the above discussion
Q1 is a negative square pulse havino: relatively that the peak voltage of the ramp is propor-
constant amplitude and fast fall and rise times. tional to the spin period.


+,,voL_ 02 T T
"$ "¢_--'--
L R,..
I q

22K IOK 20V _R56 15/d

R4 2N1056 R37 2.7 MEG '

IOK Q2 2201'

ZS, ,w_ 22K

2N358 _338
R_22 K 47K
¢I C5

R'T ..?,..t--k-ll I I T I _',5_-



FIGURE 4-44.--Spin jet control system schematic.


The voltage comparator consists of the zener
diode D14 and diodes D10 and D12. D14 m 4 4_
supplies the reference voltage which appears 8 i i

across R22. When the voltage at the arm of

the potentiometer R19 exceeds the reference
i --i
voltage, diode D12 is back biased and the _2 p
potential across R22 rises. This increase of I

voltage on R22 is the trigger signal for the 4-

second monostable multivibrator.
-2O i
-10 i ,'0 2_ 30 410 ,_) 6_0
The 4-second monostable circuit comprises TEMPERATURE, °C

transistors Q8, Q9, QlO and Qll. This circuit

FIGURE 4-46.--Temperature dependence of 4-second
operates the same as the pulse shaper except monostable.
that it operates as a monostable, rather than
as a Schmitt type circuit. The time the
this temperature range the spin controller was
circuit spends in the transient or unstab]e state
to maintain the desired spin rate within -4- 5
is determined by the time constant of C10
percent. Figure 4-45 shows the effect of
and the resistance immediately to the left of
temperature on the operating point of the spin
C10. Temperature stabilization of the spin
circuit. It can be seen that the set point
controller operating point is provided by $1, a
variation is less than -4- 5 percent over the
silicon resistor, which has a positive tempera-
anticipated temperature.
tare coefficient.
Figure 4-46 shows the temperature de-
The application of 15 volts to Qll was de-
pendence of the 4-second monostable which
layed because, when the voltage is first applied
controls the valve open time.
to the spin-circuit, C7 charges through D6
Input signal sensitivity of the spin controller
and R18, R19 and R20. This causes a large
was such that proper operation would be
transient at the input to the comparator
obtained if the photocell resistance dropped
which is sufficient to trigger the 4-second
below the illuminated value listed below:
monostable. The delay of voltage to Qll
allows this transient to die out. Photocell Illuminated
Temperature Upper photocell

The power amplifier used to drive the sole- (°C) resistance resistance

-- 30 ....... 500K 168K

noid valve is made up from transistors Q12
25 ......... 500K 209K
and Q13. 60 ......... 500K 250K
The anticipated temperatures in the wheel
were within the range of 0 ° C to 25 ° C. Within These sensitivity figures represent the maxi-
mum practical sensitivity capability of the spin
circuit. The reason for setting this circuit to
maximum sensitivity was to insure that the spin

controller had a sufficiently large input signal

0. 480
for operation when the power was turned on by
a less sensitive turn-on circuit at dawn.
_ O. 4"/0

ul The standby power consumption of the spin

._ o.46o controller was 90 milliwatts; i.e., 5 ma from the
0.450 regulated line.
During the despinning operation, the spin
_ 0.440 control functioned as follows: The spacecraft
O. 430
and third-stage en_ne assembly were spun up
-2'o -1'o 6 16 25 36 4o 5o c_ 70
SPIN CIRCUIT TEMPERATURE (°C) to approximately 2 rps before the third-stage
en_ne fired. This provided spin stabilization
FIGURE 4-45.--Dependence of spin rate on spin circuit for the assembly under thrust conditions. This
temperature showing wheel spin rate at gas jet
turn on. spinup was the zero time reference for the space-

782-552 0--66----9



gas to be supplied to the spin-up jets fog 4

I seconds. As soon as the spin-up circuit opened

NOMINAL the spin-up solenoid valve, the despin relay was

DIRECTION latched over to its original state which closed

I the despin solenoid valve. This prevented any

further actuation of the despin solenoid valve.

-'/I 111 [3_ Pitch Control System


REAR APERTURES The pitch control system kept the spin axis of

FIGURE 4-47.--Pitch control eyes schematic. the spacecraft approximately normal to the
solar vector so that the elevation servo system
craft sequence timer. At 200 seconds after was within its operating range. The controller
third-stage spinup, the sequence timer energized operated whenever the spin axis was more than
the despin relay. (The third-stage engine had 3 degrees from the normal to the solar vector.
been separated from the spacecraft and the The controller operated gas jets which precessed
spacecraft's arms had been extended prior to the spacecraft until the spin axis was approxi-
200 seconds.) The despin relay applied power mately one degree out of normal to the solar
to open a solenoid valve which allowed gas to be vector in the opposite direction. A schematic
supplied to the despin jets. These jets slowed of the pitch control eye system is shown in
the wheel down until the lower limit of the spin- Figure 4-47, and a block diagram illustrating the
control circuit was passed, at which time the total pitch control system is given in Figure
;normal spin-control circuit actuated and allowed 4-48.


_ _ 1 _

NO. 1
T ] -] AmP _ [ I

NO2 l |

30 PSI

f iAMP I-'1
. H n"MP
o. vA,.vE 2 /


::R4 INO. 4 I

FIGURE 4-48.--Automatic pitch angle control block diagram.


The control photocells, Clairex CL-7 cad- Day Power Turn-on

mium-sulphide detectors, have an electrical
resistance which is a function of illumination. During the dark portion of the satellite orbit,
all electronic systems using the sun for a signal
When they are illuminated by sunlight, they
source were turned off. These include all of
have a low resistance (a few thousand ohms);
the upper section electronics and instruments
and when they are dark they have a resistance
and the spin control system in the wheel.
of several megohms. Referring to Figures 4-47
As mentioned before, an important require-
and 4-48, with 89°<_<91 °, the outer two
ment of the day power turn-on circuit was that
photocells are shadowed by the mask and very
it should not apply power to the spin control
small signal ctrrrents are supplied to the
electronic control. Photocell B is illuminated. system until this circuit had received sufficient
Its resistance is a low value which causes a sunlight to insure reliable operation. The
reason for this requirement was that the spin
relatively large current to flow into the input ot
control system could have interpreted an ab-
Amplifier No. 1. This input current holds the
sence of an input signal as being due to a low
output voltage of Amplifier No. 1 at zero, there-
wheel spin rate and would therefore expend
by removing the reset signal from bistable
multivibrator No. 1. gas.
The sensitivity of the day power turn-on
As soon as ¢ reaches 93 °, Photocell A is also
circuit was set so that it would not apply day
illuminated and a large signal current is sup-
power until there was sufficient sunlight to
plied to Amplifier No. 2 which causes its output
cause each input photocell resistance to decrease
voltage to change from zero to some large
to less than 40 kilohms. The sensitivity of
value. The output voltage from Amplifier
the spin control was set so that as soon as
No. 2 causes the bistable Multivibrator No. 1
there was sufficient sunlight to cause its input
to switch to its alternate stable state which
photocell resistance to drop below 100 kilohms,
supplies an input voltage to Power Amplifier
reliable operation would be obtained.
No. 1. Power Amplifier No. 1 in turn operates
Figure 4-50 shows the location about the
the solenoid valve which supplies compressed
wheel of 6 parallel connected turn-on photocells
gas regulated to 30 psi to the up-jet nozzle.
together with their resistance in sunlight as a
The pitch-up jet applies a torque to the space- function of their orientation to the sun. The
craft in such a direction as to cause _ to de-
dark or night resistance of the parallel com-
crease. As _ decreases, first Photocell A is bination of turn-on photocells was 150 kilohms
darkened and the output of Amplifier No. 2 Figure 4-51 is the schematic diagram of the
drops to zero. When _----89 °, a 1 ° overcorrec- printed circuit board which contained the day
tion, Photocell B is also darkened and the power turn-on circuit plus the despin relay,
output voltage of Amplifier No. 1 goes from spin rate monitor amplifier, and the delayed
zero to some large voltage. The output from 15 volts for the spin control circuit. Operation
Amplifier No. 1 causes the bistable Multivi- is as follows:

brator No. 1 to switch to its original stable The six photocells located around the wheel
are connected in parallel and supply the input
state. This removes the driving signal from
signal to the day power turn-on circuit. The
Power Amplifier No. 1 which closes the solenoid
photocells are connected between the base of
valve and removes the torque from the space-
Q1 and the 18-volt supply bus. In sunlight
the combined resistance of the eyes drops to
For _<89 °, the operation is the same except less than 15,000 ohms so that sufficient cur-
Photocells A' and B' and their associated rent is supplied to the base of Q1 to cause it to
control electronics are employed. Figure 4-49 saturate. The drop in potential at the col-
shows the electrical schematic of the automatic lector of Q1 is coupled to a magnetic latching
pitch control system. relay through transistors Q5, Q6, and Q7.



IOK', :
I "B"
D3 2N338 RII
CI C3 IN483A 2W


OI 12N338_

2N33e _7
;T 400

__ IN751A

"C" IN483A IN485A _'_ +1C4 R,O <
i ; ,D6
R9 35V ¢ "SM72

33K IK .01

-- 7 MFO lOOK •



01 "H"


_RI5 RI9 ,
P O=P" + 18V

C5 C7 R24 <
120 2W
IN4B3A __1


_47K 47K I

Rt7 _ I I R,, T:ov

-- 47MFD lOOK
IK --r- OI


FIGURE 4-49.--Pitch control schematic.

The relay is latched over and turns on the day driver transistor to remove power from the
power. In order to conserve power, a set of relay coil.
contacts on this same relay is used to remove
Undervoltage Switch
the voltage from the last energized relay coil
once the relay is latched. The undervoltage switch was located be-
When the satellite enters the dark portion tween the spacecraft batteries and the space-
of the orbit, the photocell resistance increases craft battery load.
and Q1 is cut off. The positive potential at The spacecraft batteries were nickel-cad-
the collector of Q1 is coupled through tran- mium cells which had a rather flat discharge
sistors Q2, Q3, and Q4, thus energizing the curve until they became ahnost fully discharged.
OFF relay coil. The relay latches over to Near the fully discharged state, the voltage
remove power from the day power bus and at would fall abruptly and the impedance would
the same time grounds the base of the relay rise so that very little power could be drawn



I.)lcr ECT()I{
EYE , +,
_ 10 DETECTORS AROUND [ _ _ ^ /_
w. EL \ I\ / I
_ 9



_ 6

20 40 ,
60 ,
80 ,
I00 120 140,,, 160 180 200 2 0 240 260 280 , , , b
3 0 3 0 3 0 '

FIGURE 4-50.--Detector output characteristics.

from them. If the batteries had become al- spacecraft and permit the batteries to charge
most fully discharged they would not have been from the rotating solar-cell array. When the
able to deliver the current necessary to allow batteries were about 10 percent charged, the
the servo to catch and orient the upper section. undervoltage switch turned on the spacecraft
The azimuth servo would have tried to ac- again. A block diagram of the undervoltage
quire the sun throughout the daylight portion switch is shown in Figure 4-52.
of the orbit and thus would never have per- All the power to the spacecraft arrived
mitted the batteries to recover. This would through a 6-pole double-throw latching relay.
have led to a disabling of the spacecraft. By Five of the poles carried spacecraft power and
ground command, sections of the spacecraft one was used for circuit switching by the under-
could be turned off to conserve power so that voltage switch.
the undervoltage condition could be corrected. Figure 4-53 shows a typical charge-discharge
However, if the command system was not cm-ve for an OSO I battery pack. Reference to
operative and the batteries discharged to the this figure shows that the battery voltage
point where the voltage dropped abruptly, a starts dropping rapidly once it reaches 17
last measure was available to prevent the loss volts, and at 15.5 volts the drop in voltage is
of the vehicle. This was the undervoltage so great that the battery pack can be con-
switch which could shut down the entire sidered discharged at this point.




CR3 IN253 _/LAST

OI 2N338 CRI PS595 O8

R7 I
39OK 2N'_
R8 _
_2N338 0_ 47K :'r-io0 _.f

2,0:', I
82K 33K IOK

Q3 Q6 RIh
2N338 2N338 _2K,

04 Q7

N,GHT [ / DAY +115

V j H



-,, ,,, I






FIGURE 4-51.--Day night turn-on despin schematic.

()n charge the battery voltage rapidly in- upper swit('hin_ point of the undervoltage
creased until it was 19.0 volts, or about l0 switch was dictated by the temperature charac-
per('ent charged. Above 19 volts, the rate of teristics of the batteries (see Figures 4-54
increase of voltage was approximately constant and 4-55). The turn-on point of the under-
until a peak was reached at about 90 percent of v(,ltage switch had to be chosen h)w
full charge. enough s(, that if t he batteries were warm, that
The un(lerv(dtage switch was designed t- is, 30 ° C, the v(,ltage would increase above the
remove tile l()ad from the batteries if their set point. If the batteries were cold, that is
v()ltage dropped below 15.5 volts, and it would -10 ° C, the set point had t(, be high enough
not reconnect the load until the battery voltage to insure that the batteries receive a minimum
increased to 19.9 volts. The choice of the charge before the load was reconnected.



i A-
I 47 UF

{ 47 UF
_ b
T A [ :
i TURN-OF_ ±

I -

FIGURE 4-52.--Undervoltage

Figure 4-56 is the schematic diagram of the circuit having a characteristic similar to a
undervoltage switch together with some tem- Schmitt circuit. The collectors of both these
perature monitoring circuits and a voltage transistors are coupled through emitter fol-
monitor circuit. lowers Q3 and Q6 to power transistors Q4 and
Transistors Q1 and Q2 are connected so Q5. When the voltage level at Q1 exceeds a
that they operate as a regenerative switching preset value determined by the zener diode
D5, both Q1 and Q2 switch to full conduction
and the collector of Q2 goes positive. This
positive voltage causes the power transistor
CHARGE AT 200 MA Q6 to conduct and operate the magnetic
lat ching relay whose contacts connect the load
to the battery packs. This "has a set of con-
tacts which switch between two different
voltage divider circuits at the input to Q1.
When the load is connected to the batteries,
the voltage divider keeps Q1 in saturation
until the battery voltage drops below a lower
limit determined by the setting of R7. When
2 4 6 e 1o f2 ii i',i_ i0 _2 this lower limit is reached, Q1 and Q2 switch
TD_E(HOURS) off and the collector of Q1 goes positive causing
FIGURE _--53.--Typical room temperature battery' Q4 to conduct and latch the relay over to
charge discharge curves. remove the battery load.


." " -- . _ _20oc

•" _ .... -10"C
... Ooc
21V .....

-" ..I ....a . _ _..._- +IO°C

_ ..... -- :"_, ..... , .... _ ........ 1.... +20°C
-. _....-._!,7._= _-7 :.._ _._
......... ,._ ..., . +30"C

/.................. FAMII,Y OF CIIAItGE CI]IIVF,S FOR
17V .................. _ DECEMBER 6-21, 1960
I U.V.S. 15MA F

........ 20 °C
, _ _ __IOOC
...... Ooc
-- +10oC
........... +20 °C
........ +30"C

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

FIGURE 4-54.--Family of charge curves for NI-CD battery test pack.

The load is not reconnected until the battery the temperature monitors, was 27 ma at 18
voltage increases to a value sufficient to enable volts, or 49 milliwatts.
the second voltage divider to overcome the
Monitor Circuits
bias provided by D5 and cause Q1 to conduct.
The upper battery voltage suffMent to ('ause The following section describes the operation
(,ondu(,ti(m of Q1 is set by adjustment of R3.
of the spacecraft monitoring circuits.
From the explanation of the circuit operation,
it can be seen that this circuit disconnected the Temperature Monitor
battery load when the voltage dropped below a The temperatures of various points through-
level determined by R7 and reconnected the out the spacecraft were measured by the tem-
load when the voltage increased to a level deter- perature monitor circuits. The temperature
mined by the setting of R3. A set of contacts monitors furnished an output of 0 to 5 volts,
on the relay was used to disconnect the relay covering the temperature range of --40°C to
coil last energized to conserve power. +80°C, with the exception of the solar-cell sail
Figure 4-57 shows the effect of temperature temperature monitors. The solar-cell sail tem-
on the upper and lower switching points of the perature was monitored by two circuits ; one cir-
undervoltage switch. These measurements cuit furnished an output of 0 to 5 volts cover-
were taken with the upper switching point set ing the range of --70°C to +20°C, and the
for 18.5 volts at room temperature. Power other circuit output varied from 0 to 5 volts
consumption of the circuit board, which includes covering the range of +10°C to q-120°C.


i i
DECEMBER 8-21, 1960
I U.V.S. 15MA
21V. __
....... 30oc
.......... 20 °C i
......... 10°C
20V .....
..... 10°C
........ 20oC

19V'_ _


17V .............. "- _ :=--q




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30


FIGURE 4-55.--Family of discharge curves for NI-CD battery test pack.

Bead thermistors were used as the tempera- circuit had to have a resistance voltage char-
ture sensitive elements. These devices have a acteristic which was the same as the resistance
resistance-temperature characteristic, which is temperature characteristic of the thermistor.
closely approximated by the following equation: This requirement (shown in Figure 4-59) of
the monitor circuit was nearly achieved by
n(To) e_/r (4.33) the circuit, shown in Figure 4-60.
R(T)-- e_/_°
Figure 4-61 is a calibration curve for a
typical temperature-monitor circuit. These
monitors have proved to be stable in calibration
R(T) is the resistance at absolute tempera-
and will repeat the calibration curves within
ture, T
± 2 percenb. Figure 4-62 is a spacecraft
R(To) is the resistance at absolute tempera-
schematic showing some temperature monitors.
ture, 7'0
8 is a constant depending on the type of Battery Voltage Monitor
The battery voltage monitor circuit was
located on the undervoltage switchboard. The
Figure 4-5,_ shows a plot of the resistance
purpose of Hfis circuit was to supply an output
characteristics of a Fenwall Type GA51L2 bead
thermistor. This refit has a resistance of which varied from 0 to 5 volts as the battery

100 kilohms at room temperature. voltage varied from about 14 to 20 volts. The
In order to obtain a linear temperature region of 14 to 20 volts on the battery charge-
voltage characteristic, the temperature monitor discharge curves represented the region which


__l I IB "B" BUSS

I I 12



i PI -T I


AD 2 RC> '. RI 22K ;' _N751A
LO0_ ,_ 0ON > ION Z.=O_ B_s


., .... ,...... o_
PI-D LIMIT 02 _23,


9 .... 2 2/=f- IK 51K D5 EZK

" RI7

---o Pt- a

T_ I TM 2 T_ 3

" 07 Oe OS O_O 0'1

_-w 2N338 2N358 2N338 2N338 2N338
% I% I% . I%


pI*y pf-U _ PI'V pl-R _ Pl'S PI -K _,

_000T CC_L


FIGURE 4-56.--Undervoltage switch and temperature monitor schematic.

21 _" 8O







T -40
-_o b _ 4b s_ sb _bo
2 _ _ _oo 2b 3b 5_o _doo

FIGURE 4-57.--Temperature dependence of the switch- FI(;URE 4-58.--Fenwall type GA51LZ bead thermistor
lug poi_ts of the undervoltage switch. rcsistor temperature characteristics.




O 2

_ 1

0 0

10 _ _l 5 100 9.0 3'0 50 1000 0

FIGURE 4-59.--Temperature monitor circuit RI versus
-_o do
E0 characteristics. 6 z0 40 _o tim

p +i 5 VDC
FIGURE 4-61.--Calibration curve for a typical temper-
ature monitor circuit.

proportional to the pitch angle. The detector

output current was fed into an amplifier
identical to the readout amplifiers previously
described (Figure 4-64) except that no emitter
resistor was used. ThtLs, the dark signal gave
essentially zero volts output and a fully lit
signal produced 5 volts output. The 0 to 5
•_------ E volt swing represented --5 to +5 degrees
pitch angle where 2.5 volts is 0 pitch angle.

Spin Rate Monitor

% control

of the

was monitored

was proportional to spin period. An emitter-

FIGURE 4--60.--Typical temperature monitor circuit. follower impedance-matching amplifier was
necessary to isolate the spin control from the

could _ve some information on battery state telemetry system. Figure 4-65 shows the

of charge. Calibration curves for a typical calibration curve taken on the flight model
circuit are shown in FiglLre 4-63.

Pitck Angle Monitor Servo Positioning Accuracy Monitors

In order to determine the elevation and azi-

The pitch angle of the spacecraft, defined as
the angle between the solar vector and a muth pointing accuracy of the servo systems,

normal to the spacecraft spin axis, was moni- two sets of fine eye detectors (readout eyes)

tored by means of a solar detector mounted on were aligned to point parallel to the optical
the sail structure. The monitor had a half- axis of the pointed experiments and hence

opaque circular aperture through which sun- boresighted to the control fine eye detectors.
light was _dlowed to fall on a silicon cell. As The control eyes were moun_ed on one pointed

the pitch angle changed, the edge of the opaque experiment and the readout eyes on the o_her.

half of the entrance aperture shadowed more or In this manner, information could be recorded

less of the cell. This gives a current outpu_ to show any relative shift between the pointed


TM_rlO TM_I I TM#I2 TM_:I3

OI e2 03 Q4

2N338 2N338 2N338 2N338

,_oL R5
,,. I% t%

,? r2_ RT3

CI) I%
R$ R7


.j. "H" "E" *D N "A"



07 2N1036 RI7 D
I% 08
RIB - _NM" COMM."i_M.+ISV.
5K - 35V
05 2N338
- _ "N" COMM. TM. GNO.
RI3 _Q6 2N697
2NB38 51K IR_I
I IN -754-A

..... l [ _ "S" REGULATO_ GND.

TM_6 TM%
TM_8 _ TMm9
Q9 010 QI2

2N338 2N338 N338 2N338

R20 R23 • R29

I% _% I% * I%


R21 R24 R25 R28 _

I% °. .. %

"A" "y" I"X" "V" i "U" "T'


FIGURE 4-62.--Temperature monitor regulator schematic.

26°C experiments and to monitor the day-by-dlty

performance of the positioning serv()s.
• _" _30oc The eye outputs were fed into the red, davit
_mlplifiers, see Page 105. The _mlplifier out-
_3 puts were centered _tr()und a 2.5-volt mill with

_2 _bout 180 my per minute of _r(" sensitivity.

This _dlowed _ re_dout of positioning _ccur_cy
to better titan _ mimlte of arc.

---_ _ ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Launch Sequence Timer

The purpose of the OSO I launch sequence

FI(;URE 4-63.--Battery voltage monitor output tem-
perature dependence. timer w_s to produce _ timed sequence of events



0 +I 5VDC



P5"_95 ¢2tl

IN754A 5K _I IN7 53A


FIGURE 4-64.--Pitch readout amplifier.

after the third-stage spin-up. Figure 4-66 relays which turned orbit power on and the
shows the block schematic diagram of this unit. redundant tape recorder off; at 400 seconds, a
The timer was started by an acceleration switch ground closure operated the relays which fired
which was closed by the radial acceleration the azimuth release squibs and the nutation
produced by the third-stage spin-up. The damper release squib; at 800 seconds, a pulse of
following outputs were programmed: 100 sec-
onds after timer start, a ground closure was
supplied to a relay which fired the arm release 200-SEC ORBIT POWER

squibs; at 200 seconds, a ground closure oper- BUFFER


ated the despin relay which started the satellite 400-SEC AZ AND NUTATION RELAy


despin sequence, and a ground closure operated _ 100-6EC OUTPUT, ARM EXTENDED


t- 3

_ 2

_0. C _- 30_C


, , , , , , ,
.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5


FIGURE 4-65.--Spin rate period (sec/rcv). FIGURE 4-66.--Launch sequence timer block diagram.


+18 volts was provided to operate the relay The timer outputs were derived from multi-"
which fired the elevation release squib. In vibrator stages. A buffer amplifier was used
addition, all the previous outputs of the timer to isolate the outputs from the binary divider.
were repeated at 800 seconds. Immediately An RC coupling network having a time constant
after supplying the 800-second output, the of about 2.5 seconds was used at the input to
timer turned itself off. Also, to assure reliable the buffers so that the outputs were negative
sequence, a completely redundant timer was pulses lasting from 2 to 3 seconds. The outputs
used in parallel. The timer consisted of an of these buffers were either used directly or
8-stage binary divider, a unijunction oscillator, were used to operate relays which in turn
buffer amplifiers, a 15-volt regulator, and start- supplied outputs.
ing and stopping logic circuits. Figure 4-67 At the last timer output (800 seconds after
shows the schematic diagrams of the timer, timer start) an 800-second output was supplied
Figure 4-68 shows the printed board wiring of and all of the previous outputs were repeated.
the timer, and Figure 4-69 shows the assembled This was done to increase reliability, i.e., in
timer package. case one of these outputs had not performed its
The timer was started by an acceleration function, a second redundant output pulse
switch closure caused by the radial acceleration might then have produced the desired result.
due to the third-stage spin-up. Either of two After the completion of the 800-second outputs,
redundant acceleration switches could start the timers shut themselves off and could not be
both of the timers. There were two require- started again unless a console reset and arming
ments on timer starting: (1) the timers must signal was applied followed by the proper
not start the timing sequence by intermittent acceleration switch closure.
ch)sures of the acceleration switches due to For ground testing, a remote starting input
shock and vibration during launch, and (2) the was used. This input latched the starting
timers must have a reset signal present when circuits into the running mode.
armed and ready to be started by the accelera-
tion switch. The requirements on starting the
timers were met as follows.
The OSO I utilized an 8-channel FM telem-
When either acceleration switch closed, it
etry system. One channel of the data system
operated a double-pole, double-ttlrow relay.
was used for spacecraft systems data monitor-
One set of contacts was used to apply +15 volt
ing. In order to monitor the many poin[s of
power to the two timer unijunction oscillators.
interest (52), it was necessary to commutate
The other set of contacts was used to energize
the information into the data system. This was
a second relay whose contacts were used to
accomplished by two similar commutators
ground the divider reset lines to maintain a
whose outputs were sequenced into the data
positive reset on the counters. The unijunction channel.
oscillators supplied pulses with periods of 6.25
The requirements imposed on commutator
seconds. If one acceleration switch remained
design were: (1) the power drain had to be low;
closed for 12.5 seconds, an output was obtained
(2) offset voltages had to be low (1 mill|volt or
from the second stage of the counters. Tiffs
less); and (3) the hardware procurement had to
output was used to operate a DPDT latching
be compatible with the OSO I development
relay: One set of contacts were used to hold
schedule. The relay commutator was selected
+15 volt power on the unijunction oscillators, over alternate methods such as solid-state
and the other set of contacts were used to hold
switching because it best fit the overall re-
the reset relays energized. If the acceleration quirements. The final design had a sampling
switch did not remain closed for 12.5 seconds, rate of 0.5 to 1 see which was compatible with
power was removed from the oscillators and relay operation, and it had a total power drain
reset relays when the acceleration switch opened. of 137 mill|watts. The contact switching also
The counters were also reset to zero. guaranteed near zero dc offset voltages.



4-68.-Launch sequence timer circuitry.

T h e OS0 I coniiiiut ator was niechitnized tis tt output (see Figure 4-70). T h e channels to be
ring counter in which tnttgnetic latching relays conirnutated were connected t o t h e contacts of
were the active elenients. One pole of tt relay this set. T h e other set of contitcts were used
wits in the ring counter circuit ttnd tlie other wtts to control commutation. When chitrine1 1 was
used for the comrnutttted signal. on, 18 volts was ttpplied t o the O F F coil of
The cotimiutator, which was driven by R c.hnnnel 1, itnd the ON coil of channel 2. When
unijuriction clock, had a feature such that if tlie clock circuit grounded t h e return line of the
vertitin of the components had fttiled, the coin- (.oils (all chitnnels connected in parallel) ,
mutator would have reset itself t o channel 1. clittnnel 1 would throw t o OFF tind channel 2
The conitnut at or would thus continue t n operate t o O N . This action was assured by t h e charge
lifter n failure between channel 1 ttnd the chtm- stored in C9 as follows: C9 charged in less
riel wit 11 the bad coinponent. time than t h e activation time of the relay.
The cotn~nut2tt or piickitge also contained IL Therefore, if cliannel 1 relay rtctivtit ed befnre
voltnge divider from the regulated 15-volt clinnnel 2 reltty had turned on, the clittrge in the
supply t Iirit wis used t n calibrate t lie t elernet ry capwit o r ttcross the channel 2 ON coil would
chitnnel 2ind ti circuit t o niensure the 15v and httve thrown the r e h y 0 1 1 .
I8v supplies. By this action, channel 2 cttine on. Also,
The c w t i i n i u t 111 o r Iititl one DI’DT ltttching power was supplied to the high side of the OFF
reltty for cvic~licwrnniut tit ctl clirtnnel. One pole coil of channel 2 ttnd the ON coil of chitnnel 3.
o f Cti(’I1 relily wtis connec~ted t 0 the coltllllut ator These coils activated when the next ground


4-69.--4ss~mhled timer package.

closure occurred on the coil return line. This and )et short enough so that each channel can
process repeated until the last channel \vas on, be sampled often enough.
at which time voltaFe was applied to the OFF The unijunction drives a filter circuit used to
coil of the last channel and through a diode to keep stray, high-frequency pulses from the Fate
the O S coil of the first channel. When the of the controlled switch, Q3. TThen the uni-
nest grounding of the coil return line occurred junction fired, the pulse from its base fired the
the last channel turned off and the first channel controlled switch. T h e snitch clamped the
turned on again. This completed the cycle. relay coil return line to ground as long as the
The clock timing \$-as acconipliihed with :t anode current remained above about 0.1 pa.
unij unc tion t ransiq tor in conjunction with TThen the previously O S relay was turning off,
timing elements R1, R2 and C'2. C2 had R power \%-asinterrupted to the rela- coil return
pwitive temperature coefficient n-hich waq linP for sin interral determined by the relay
partially c o m p e n ~ t e dfor by the reduction with trmsfer time, about 2 ms. The only current
temperature of the tripger voltage of the uni- through the controlled switch during this time
junction. The uncompensated drift I \ * N ~about \\-as from the discharge of stray capacitance.
6 percent over the teniperitture range of - 2 O O C Thus, the controlled switch mould then open
t o +30°C'. Thi, drift \\-ti> not berious becttuse until the nest trigger pulse. The resistor, R7,
the only requirement on timing W'HS that each \\-as a current limiter.
readin: hztve sufficient duration to establish ti The reset circuit protected against nialfunc-
good avertye in the preqence of telemetry noke tion, (that resulted in remora1 of +18r from


___/9_ _:_;
d_'llN '_2 IN '=_5 IN #4 _N _t* .5 IN #6 iN #7 IN ;" _321N

-_ -i I ±
..... Ty_2cog
_::ii_ !_]]'_*°'_'I ...... l i i l ± I i.... i ± I r ±_ ;---i:
_ ±_ T I-- "_,o__1 __

_ ZSOK CRI2 IN645 1_, I/i_.W._R2NI410 Q? I_K INT52


STOP -- ___QI 2000pf IN645 O2 R?

GND ' , ...............

15Kn !zooopf f

UPPER COM- 22j, f 22t, f



IN75ZA cm7 i"/. MEA

6_! _l 5K 50K 50K

15V _ 50v
'1 R 29
. -ol

FIGURE 4-70.--Communications schematic.

the reset line) by recycling the commutator to coefficient. Since a 2 percent, or 50 my,
channel 1. The circuit protected against the change in the normal telemetry output voltage
following problems. represents 50 my, or 0.33 percent, of the 15v
1. An ON channel goes off, but the succeeding regulated line, or 0.28 percent of the +18v
channel does not go on. line, the supply voltages could be read quite
2. A relay that gets hung up between contacts. accurately.
The above conditions were sensed by the Calibration signals were provided by tapping
reset line. When voltage to the reset line was down the 15v regulated line. (The 15-volt
removed, the voltage across C6 decayed. supply was essenLially insensitive to temper-
When the voltage dropped below the zener ature.) Generation of calibrate signals with
voltage of CR14, Q7 was no longer held clamped, zeners with a suitable voltage coefficient would
and base drive was provided to Qs, which have required a larger power dissipation.
energized the ON coil of channel 1. At the Also, since _he 15v bus was read to a higher
time of the next clock pulse, power would flow accuracy than the calibration voltages, a
through the ON coil of channel 1 on. This correction factor for both the calibrate signal
broke the circuit to the + 18v side of the reset and the 15v bus can be derived as follows:
circuit, and thus the controlled switch dropped
out and the commutator proceeded normally. Vm----15v monitor output as read by telem-
CR13 prevented a base-emitter breakdown in etry
Q5 and Q6 when the commutator was working V,=actual output voltage of 15v monitor
normally; i.e., there was ÷18v on the cathode V=actual voltage of the 15v line
of CR13 and ground at the base of Q6. V_=actual calibrate voltage
The voltage monitors were mechanized with V_=V/'3
zener stacks which were chosen to provide V 5
?n = -- Va

about 2.5v out at normal voltage in. The V_

zener diodes used also had a low temperature V_= V--12.5


Therefore of Figure 4-71. The bridge wires were held

shorted by the OFF contacts of the firing relay.
V=I_V_,/I_ 5 (4.34) The squib leads were shielded up to the squib
connector, and the shield was grounded both
Thus, the above equation shows that the 15v
at the squib connector and at the relay end of
regulated voltage can be obtained even when the cable.
a portion of the 15v is used for a reference.
By taking the derivative of the equation, the GAS CONTROL SYSTEMS
following is obtained:
This section describes the pneumatic systems
AV-----1.1AV= which provided torques by discharging gas
through nozzles.
where V,_ is 2.5v. Thus, the slope on the 15v
Torques from the gas control system had to
monitor calibration curve used on OSO I
be applied to the spacecraft for three purposes:
should have its slope decreased by 1.1 since the
1. Despin: The spin-stabilized third stage
calibration curve was obtained with an absolute
of the launch vehicle detached, leaving the
reference instead of the 5v calibrate as a refer-
the spacecraft spinning at about 1.5 revolutions
per second. It had to be slowed to a nominal
The filter circuit was used to keep current
spin rate of about 0.5 rps.
pulses drawn while charging the 22 uf capacitors
2. Spin-up: The spacecraft was slowed by
from putting large voltage transients on the
aerod3mamic and electromagnetic drag. It then
+18v line. Since the controlled switch turned
had to be spun up to a nominal spin rate of
on in one microsecond, the current in the
about 0.5 rps.
inductor was small. Therefore, C5 had to
3. Pitch Control: For coarse elevation point-
charge the 22 M capacitors and still maintain
ing, torques were required to precess the space
an appreciable voltage. A value of 550 _f
craft about the elevation or pitch axis.
was chosen for C5 so that the drop would be
less than 10 percent. This assured that the 22
Description of Gas Systems
_f capacitors woldd be at full charge at the time
of contact transfer.
Despin and Spin-Up System

This was a dual purpose system, i.e., to reduce

Squib Firing Circuits
the spacecraft spin rate from its high initial
During pre-launch and launch activities at value at injection to the nominal operating
AFMTC, many very high-power output radar value of about 0.5 rps, and to maintain the
transmitters and high-power RF transmitters spin rate near this nominal value.
were in operation. Any parallel wire cabling Figure 4-72 is a simplified schematic diagram
was thus subject to RF power pickup of high of the despin and spin-up system. The loca-
current generating potential. In order to tions of the components in the spacecraft are
assure that no such current generation was shown in Figure 4-73. Nitrogen gas was stored
possible, critical leads had to be properly at an initial pressure of 3000 psi in three fiber-
shielded and twisted. Furthermore, the shield- glass bottles. The gas was piped through a
ing had to be properly terminated. filter to a pressure regulator, and then to two
The OSO I utilized squib-actuated pin puller solenoid valves. When one of these valves
devices to retain and then release several was open, gas discharged through three despin
mechanisms; namely, the extendable arms, the nozzles. When the other valve was open, gas
azimuth and elevation pointed instrument. discharged through three spin-up nozzles. The
gimbals, and the nutation damper bob. pressure at the nozzle inlet was 60 psia. Each
To avoid the possibility of accidental firing nozzle produced a thrust of 0.10 pounds force
of the squibs, extensive shielding and grounding on a 3.97-foot lever arm for a total torque of
techniques were used as shown in the schematic 1.19 pound-feet.

° •


, AZIMUTH ......

P86-LATCH AS$Y C-6852






ARM 12



ARId 12



FIGURE 4-71.--Squib firing circuitry.

The electronic circuit for despin is described the despin valve off permanently by a latching
on page 143. This circuit measured thespin rate relay.
of the spacecraft, and whenever tile spin rate
Pitch Control System
dropped to a preset level a little below nominal,
the circuit opened the spin-up nozzle for four The purpose of this system was to nmintain
seconds. Since the daytime spin moment of pitch attitude so that the spacecraft spin axis
inertia was about 23.5 slug-ft 2, one burst of remained within 3 degrees of perpendicular
the spin-up system increased the daytime spin to the solar vector.
rate by 0.032 rps. Thus, the spin rate was Figure 4-74 is a schematic diagram of the
held ch)se t() the nominal value. pitch control system. The locations of the
The (lespin valve was used only once, just components in the spacecraft are shown in
after separatism of the spacecraft from the spin- Figure 4-73. The nitrogen gas, stored at an
stabilize(I laun('h vehicle. The valve was initial pressure of 3000 psi, was piped through a
opened hy the hmnch sequence timer. In about filter to a pressure regulator which dropped the
140 sec()n(ts the spin rate (Ir()pl)ed below its pressure to 30 psia, and then to two solenoid
re)mired value. Then, when the electroni(' valves. When one wdve was open, gas dis-
circuit switched tim spin-up valve on, it switched cln_rged through a nozzle which aimed up from




200-SECOND i

I _GULATED_._....___.._




FIGURE 4-73.--Gas cot!trol systems.



> B

NO. 1
NO. 1 [
NO. 2
_i_ _
NO. 1
30 PSI
Ng, GAS N2

NO. 3


NO. 4
NO. 2
NO. 2 'I
R3 , R4

FIGURE 4-74.--Automatic pitch angle control block diagram.

the right side of the sail, producing a torque 0.5 rps was 73.8 lb-ft-sec. This resulted in a
directed toward the sun. This caused the 0.0965
spinning wheel to precess in the pitch down pitch rate of _ rad sec-', or 0.075 deg sec-',
direction. When the other valve was open, thus each pitch attitude correction took about
gas discharged through a nozzle aimed up from 53 seconds.
the left side of the sail producing a torque
directed away from the sun. This caused the Basic Design Decisions
spacecraft to pitch up.
The electronic circuit whicil controlled the This section presents a discussion of decision
valves is described on page 126. Its effect was from which most of the details of the system
to open the appropriate valve when the pitch design were derived.
attitude deviated from the solar vector by
more than three degrees, and to keep the valve Mass Ejection
open until the pitch attitude deviated in the Tim requirement here was to change the
opposite direction by about one degree. (This angular momentum of the spacecraft. This
oversho,,t was provided for one of the could have been accomplished in only two ways:
experiments.) By reacting against some external object (such
The nozzle thrust was 0.05 lb, and the lever as the earth's magnetic field), or by shoring part
arm was 1.93 ft, so the torque was 0.0965 lb-ft. of the spacecraft angular momentum in some
The angular momentum of the wheel with a internal object (such _ts a spinning disk or a
moment of inertia of 23.5 slug-ft 2 spinning at high-velocity gas stream), and then throwing


tlfis object away. Very early in the program For the nine gases listed above, we may
the decision was made to use this mass ejection calculate the following values for It:
method. A gas ejection system is most practi-
cal because of the ease of ge_iing highl velocity Pound (force)
at a large radius, and thus a high angular mo- Gas L (weight)
mentum per pound of ejected mass. H: ............. 274 8. 1
He ............ 167 9. 6
Propellant Selection Ne ............ 74 17. 5
A ............. 52 19. 8
The gas which was ejected from the nozzles Kr ............ 36 20. 2
had to have as little effect as possible on the CO ............ 74 22. 3
sensitive optical surfaces in experimental instru- N2 ............. 74 22. 3
ments. This consideration, and the desire for NO ............ 72 22. 6
system simplicity, dictated the selection of a O2............. 70 23. 0
passive propellant.
Of the four gases with the highest IT, nitrogen
If the propellant had been stored as a liquid
was chosen because of inertness.
rather than as a gas, less tank weight and
volume would have been required. However, Quantity of Propellant
this would have introduced serious balance and
phase separation problems. Therefore, it was Despin aud Spin-Up System--When the
decided to store the propellant as a gas. To spacecraft was placed in orbit, it had a moment
simplify development, a gas known not to con- of inertia of 19.7 slug-ft 2 and was spinning at
dense when passed through pressure regulators, about 3 rps. Thus, the initial angular momen-
valves, and nozzles was chosen. The propellant tum was 247 slug-ft s sec -_. Aiter despin, the
therefore had to have a critical temperature moment of inertia was 24.4 slug-ft 2 and the
well below the expected storage temperature spin rate was about 0.5 rps, so the angular
or a critical pressure well above the storage momentum was 77 slug-ft _ sec-_. This change
of 170 slug-ft 2 sec -_ in angular momentum was
pressure. These considerations limited the
choices to nitric oxide, oxygen, carbon mon- caused by the despin gas jets, which acted at
oxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, helium, argon, a radius of 3.97 ft. This requires a jet im-
krypton, and neon. pulse of 43 lb sec. With nozzle efficiency
An important criterion for the selection of a of 90 percent giving an effective specific im-
pulse of 67 lb sec/lb weight, despin consumed
specific propellant is tbe impulse which can be
0.64 lb of gas.
obtained from a given weight of gas-filled
To estimate the amount of gas required for
storage bottle. The storage capacity of a
spin-up it would be necessary to calculate the
spherical fiberglass bottle of the type used is
angular impulse delivered to the spacecraft
about 1.4 (10 s) psi (in 3) pound weight of bottle.
over its six-month life by eddy current damping
Now, at 460 ° R, 1 psi (in 3) of an ideal gas weighs and by aerodynamic drag. Neither of these
1.095 (10 -7) MW pounds, where MW is the impulses can be calculated, so it was arbi-
molecular weight of the gas; so to store 1 pound trarily decided to provide enough gas to give
of gas we need 65.3/MW pounds of bottle. an angular impulse of 1000 shig-ft _ sec -1,
Specific impulse, /_, is defined as the impulse or 3.76 lb of gas. This would have been
obtained from 1 lb weight of propellant. Then enough gas even if the drag were great enough
to reduce the spin rate by 7 percent per day.
(The actual spin rate decay, measured on the
lr-- 1, 18MW
65.3 MW+65.3 (4.36) orbiting spacecraft, was 0.2 percent per day.)
1-_ MW The despin and spin-up system carried 4.4
lb of nitrogen.
where Ir is the impulse per pound of (gas+ Pitch System--The pitch gas had to do two
bottle). jobs. First, it had to pitch the spacecraft


enough to keep up with the change in direction reliable electronically, and was the metiro_l
of the solar vector due to the earth's orbital used.
motion. Second, it had to buck out any The valve-on time interval had to be long
external torques tending to pitch the space- compared to the response times of various
craft. In estimating the gas requirements, we parts of the pneumatic system, yet short enough
assumed that these two jobs were independent. to be regulated by a simple RC network.
The solar vector rotates 1 degree per day. Any interval between 2 and 6 seconds was
If the spacecraft spin axis makes an angle 0 considered usable.
with the ecliptic plane, the spacecraft must Considering the various tolerances involved,
pitch 1° cos _ per day to keep up with the if the spin rate had to be held within a 15-
solar vector. Assuming the worst case, the percent range, the spin rate increment had to be
spacecraft would have had to pitch 180 ° no more _han 8 percent and no less than 4 per-
during its six-month life. Since the angular cent of nominal rate. Tha_ is, the angular
momentum of the spacecraft was 77 slug-ft 2 impulses had to be between 3 and 6 ft-lb-sec.
sec -1, 180 ° pitch required an angular impulse of These considerations required _hat each spin-
77_r=242 lb-ft-sec. The pitch jets acted at up nozzle provide a thrust between 0.04 and
a radius of 1.93 ft, and provided 67 lb-sec 0.25 lb. Using the same thrust on despin,
impulse per pound of gas, so 180 ° pitch re- between 60 and 350 seconds would have been
quired 1.87 pounds of gas. required to be completed.
A precise analysis of the external torques It was decided to use 0.10-1b thrust on both
applied to the spacecraft would have been spin-up and despin nozzles.
extremely costly; for this reason only a crude Pitch--The pitch jet _hrust level was set by
worst-ease analysis was made. This analysis, the allowable nuta_ion. It was necessary to
which included the effects of gravity gradient, reduce the nutation amplitude to near 1 minute
aerodynamic drag, radiation pressure, and of arc, or 2.91 (10 -_) radians, to be certain that
current loops, showed that the angular impulse the nuta_ion would not interfere with pointing
about the roll axis adds up to less than 270 accuracy or cause excessive control power
lb-ft-sec during the six-month life of the useage.
spacecraft. To buck out this angular impulse, As shown in chapter 2, the amplitude A of
2.09 pounds of gas were required. nutation caused by control torque L is
The total pitch gas requirement then was
4 pounds. Since there was a little extra A-- LL
__ (4.37)
space available, tire pitch system was designed
to carry 4.4 pounds oi nitrogen.
The actual gas usage was much less than
I is tire spin moment of inertia
anticipated since the actual pitch roll was
I t is the transverse moment of inertia, and
about 4 degrees per week (about }_ of that
o_ is the spin rate of the spacecraft..

For this particular spacecraft,

T_rust Level

Despin az_d Spiy_-l'p--There were two ob- A_--3.01 (10 -_) L, or L=0.0967 ft-lb
vious schemes, either of which could have been
used to control spin rate. One was for a spin for 1-minute nutation amplitude. Since the
rate sensor to tm'u the jets on when the spin pitch jets act at a radius of 1.93 ft, the jet
rate reached some low limit, and to turn the thrust of 1-minute nutation amplitude is 0.05
jets off when the spin rate reached some high lb. This was tile t,hrust level used.
limit. Tile other was for the spin rate sensor
Storaye Pressure
to turn the jets on for some fixed time interval
whenever the spin rate reached the low limit. There was a variety of pneumatic components
This second method was simpler and more rat, ed for 3000 psi service, but components rated


for higher pressure were rare. Therefore, to F----thrust

make the storage bottles as small as possible R:gas constant. For nitrogen, R=
without introducing a component availability 1777 lb-_/°R, in the _lug-sec
problem, the system was designed for 3000 psi system
storage pressure.
Baltic Nozzle. Equation._--The behavior of
Nozzle Design gas in a De Laval nozzle is very complicated.
However, a fair approximation can be made
•Approach to the Pro/alem
with the following simplifying assumptions:
The problem was to develop, quickly and
1. The gas is ideal in the sense that PV=RT,
cheaply, a nozzle which would produce 0.05 lb
where R is a constant
thrust with acceptable efficiency.
2. The gas is ideal in the sense that K is
Although a great deal of work had been done
independent of temperature and pressure
on large rocket engine nozzles, the design rules
3. Viscosity effects are negligible
developed for these nozzles could or could not
4. The process is adiabatic
have applied to a very small nozzle. (For
5. Tbe gas velocity is constant across any
instance, in large nozzle design, one assumes
cross-section taken normal to the nozzle axis
that the gas boundary layer is thin compared
6. The velocity of the discharged gas is
to the throat diameter. This assumption might
parallel to the nozzle axis
have been invalid for a nozzle with a 0.040-inch
7. Pe is greater than Pa
throat.) Therefore, it was decided to use the
theoretical equations and large-nozzle design With these assumptions, the following equa-
tions hold.
techniques for guidance, but to put no confidence
in anything except test results.
Mass flow rate:
Symbols--In the nozzle design analysis, the
following symbols were used:

Pc----chamber pressure, i.e., pressure (4.38)

#t=A,Po \_/
just upstream of the nozzle
P_=exhaust pressure, i.e., pressure at Expansion area ratio:
the nozzle exit
1 1
Pa=atmospheric pressure surrounding
the nozzle
\PJ \K+I/
At=throat area (4.39)
Ae:exit area 7
0=half-angle of nozzle exit cone
At Thrust:
_=_t =expansion area ratio
T_:chamber temperature, i.e., gas tem-
upstream of the
this section,
_tt=_- 31/2K_ {" 2
_ \_] "?:[ 1 \pj j

assume that T_=529 ° R.

+P_ P.
K:ratio of specific heats of gas. For (4.40)
nitrogen, K---- 1.404
Isp-=specific impulse. For nitrogen at Chamber Pressure--High chamber pressure
529 ° R required an inconveniently small nozzle throat.
lsp= 79.4 lb sec/(lb weight) Low chamber pressure required a difficult pres-
ra=mass flow rate sure regulator design. A compromise was
¢--= nozzle efficiency, the actual effective necessary. If
specific impulse divided by the
ideal specific impulse /_=79.4 lb-sec/(lb weight)


then 0.05-lb. thrust requires pressure was 3000 psi, Pc should not be mu, cl_
less than 30 psi. The value Po=30 psi was
rh=1.96(10 -5) slug sec -1 selected.
Expansion Area Ratio--Figure 4-75 shows a
From Equation (4.38), we have plot of relative nozzle efficiency as a function
of e, derived from Equations (4.39) and (4.40).
AtPc=2.76 (10 -5) lb
This plot shows that although a large e is
desirable, there is not a great deal to be gained
This means that
by increasing e beyond 30 or 40.
if Po--100 psi, the throat diameter=0.019 If Pe is less than Pa, the behavior of the
in., nozzle is unpredictable. In orbit, P, is negligi-
if Pc=30 psi, the throat diameter=0.034 ble, but during laboratory testing it is not.
in., The testing was done in a vacuum chamber of
if Pc=10 psi, the throat diameter----0.059 2(106) cm 3 volume. The nozzle discharged
in. about 2(10 -5) slug sec -1 of nitrogen, so the
pressure in the vacuum chamber, P,, increased
A throat diameter less than 0.030 in. is difficult
at about 2(10 -3) psi sec-'. Figure 4-76 shows
to control, so Pc should not be much more than
the time required for P, to rise to P+, as a func-
30 psi.
tion of e. ]n order to allow 20 seconds for a
A simple single-stage pressure regulator can
be designed for a pressure ratio of 100, but not measurement, it was necessary to make _ less
for a much higher ratio. Since the gas storage than 31. It was decided to make , about 31.






_. 84


80 ..-

> 78

576 - :




FIGURE 4-75.--Relative nozzle efficiency as a function of expansion area ratio, for a nozzle operating in a vacuum.


Pc = 30 PSIA
F = 0.05 LB

v I i
--_-_ i
_ ..... : - '1........ I .....


, !


FIGURE 4-76.--Time to reach over-expansion condition as a function of _.

Entrance Cone--Nozzle performance was only of 0.036 inch would produce 0.05 lb. thrust at
very slightly affected by the shape of the con- Pc=30 psia. However, it was felt that a throat
vergent section of the nozzle. A right circular with a sharp entry would behave as though its
cone with 45-degree half-angle was quite satis- diameter were less than its actual value.
factory on many large and small nozzles. Therefore, to get 0.036 in. effective diameter, it
Therefore, for the sake of simplicity, a 45- was decided to try 0.039 in actual diameter.
degree entrance cone was chosen. Ezit Cone Shape--If the expanding section
Throat Shape--In large nozzles, efficiency is ot the nozzle is a right circular cone, the exhaust
bad unless the throat is carefully contoured to gas stream is divergent. The thrust is not
provide a smooth path for gas flow. It was quite as great as if each gas particle were moving
felt that this contouring would probably be parallel to the axis. To correct for this stream
unnecessary in a very small nozzle. It was
divergence, the thrust indicated by Equation
decided to use a straight cylindrical throat with
(4.40) must be multiplied by _/ (l+0), where 0
no rounding at the ends.
It was shown earlier in this section that it is the hall-angle of the exit cone. This function
is plotted in Figure 4-77.
Pc----30 psia and F=0.05 lb, and if the nozzle is
100 percent efficient, the throat diameter should In applications where a small increase in
be 0.034 in. If the nozzle efficiency were 90 efficiency is important, it is customary to
percent, then a throat with an effective diameter contour the expanding section of the nozzle to




.... 90°
"\ -- (CONE DIA) //_

FIGURE 4--77.--Correction for stream divergence• \\' ,_ . 288 REF i/" .032

minimize stream divergence• Since an exit-cone ri\/ I-


half-angle of less than 16 degrees was .antici-

pated, where contouring could not be expected
to give more than 1 percent improvement, a
simple straight cone was chosen.
The effective throat diameter of 0.036 inch
and _ of 30 required that the nozzle exit have a ,\
diameter of 0.20 inch.
_ (REF)
The optimum angle for the exit cone was
determined experimentally. Several nozzles ACTUAL SIZE ,_.___ 25 ° r

were made with similar entrance cones and

FIGURE 4-78.--Nozzleassembly.
throats, but with different exit-cone angles.
These nozzles were run with F=0.05 lb. and
with F=0.10 lb. In both cases, 0-12.5 degrees 100

gave the highest

E y_ciency--Several nozzles as shown 99 -- -_" ....
in Figure 4-78 were tested at 0.05 lb. thrust _e

with P_=0.03 psia (approximately). The aver- g

_ os
age flow was m----2.22 (10 -5) slug sec-'. Figure
4-79 shows that in vacuum the flow for F----0.05
lb. would be 2.18 (10 -5) slug sec-', so the
efficiency of the actual nozzle, operating in
vacuum, is 90 percent. The same efficiency was
measured with the nozzle operating at 0.10 lb.
0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06
Evaluation o.t Design--Figure 4-79 shows
that the theoretical limit for efficiency of
nozzles with e----30 is 93.4 percent. Figure 4-77 FIGURE 4-79.--Theoretical limit for efficiency of
shows that the theoretical limit for lmzzles
with 0----12.5 degrees is 98.75 percent. The
limit, then, for nozzles with e=30 and 0----12.5 how much of this 3 percent discrepancy was
degrees is 93•2 percent. The nozzle chosen due to gas viscosity, how much was due to the
gave 90 percent efficiency• It is not known non-contoured throat, or how much was due to

otherfactors,but it is clearthat therewasnot was anticipated that the bearing friction might
roomfor significantimprovement. increase slightly after a number of orbits and
Tberewereno highly critical dimensions in thus reduce the anticipated error toward zero.
the nozzle. Efficiencyis insensitiveto changes As can be seen from the curve of Figure 4-80,
in throat diameter,throat length, entrance the initial error was not in the direction antici-
angle,exitangle,andexitdiameter. Thismade pated, but the long-term error was as expected.
the nozzleeasyto build andinspect. The initial error was about 2 minutes of arc.
Thrustmeasurements confirmedthe estimate This was reduced to about 1 arc-minute after
asto theeffectivethroatdiameter. In vacuum, a few orbits and was from that point on about
the nozzlegave0.05lb. thrustat Pc----30.0 psia 1.5±0.5 arc-minutes. The constancy of the
and 0.10 ]b. thrust at Pc----60.0 psia. positioning demonstrates the long-term relia-
This nozzle was completely satisfactory for bility of the positioning control system.
its purpose. One possible explanation of the initial error
being in the direction opposite to that
anticipated is that the dry lubricated bearings
The performance discussed in this section is may have been run-in at the 1 g load ground
in some cases necessarily that of the complete test position and may have had to be run-in
control system loop since this is all that the again at the orbit unloaded position. The fact
that the error was reduced over several orbits
information transmitted from the spacecraft
from the initial error supports this reasoning.
can report.
An interesting hump appears in the curve of
Control Systems
Figure 4-80 near orbit 600. The azimuth
Azimuth Positioning control system power usage, shown in Figure
4-81, shows the increase in power required to
The accuracy of azimuth positioning was
maintain point during this time.
designed to be i I arc minute with the actual
design requirement being ±5 arc minutes.
The system was adjusted for zero pointing error I IOSO[ I I

on the gound with the wheel section spinnin_ CHANNEL 40

It was anticpiated that when orbit was 12

achieved and the upper structure became

weightless, the azimuth error would be other
than zero and in the direction opposing wheel
rotation due to reduced bearing friction. It

'° I]11 I I I I t
OSO I 0 100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300

FIGURE 4-81.--Azimuth power, 1000 orbits.

The average power usage for the azimuth

control system, as shown in Figure 4-81, was
about 3 to 3.5 watts. A nominal value of 2.5

watts was anticipated; thus, the power required


was increased by the increase in bearing friction

over that expected.
IO0 3OO 5_3 700 900 1100 1300 The engineering experiment eye block on the
alternate pointed experiment had an azimuth
FIaURE 4-80.--Azimuth pointing, 1000 orbits. error detecting eye pair consisting of two of the


six eyes in the block. The data from this eye 1 I [ I IIII j
pair corroborated the positioning accuracy as THE SOLAR VECTOR


read from the readout-detector eye pairs. This DATA_INT TAKEN


agreement assured that the errors recorded SATELLITE MID-DAY

were real positioning errors and were not due

to movement of the pointed
tive to their set positions
on the ground
or due
to system electronics gain or null point drifts. -4

One other interesting point displayed in the -6

data is that of the small changes in the azimuth -B --



positioning error. The servo drives were de- -10
,'oo' " ' soo 70O 900 1100 1300

signed such that there is a drive dead zone for ORBIT NUMBERS

small error signals. As previously discussed

FIGURE 4-82.--Elevation pointing, 1000 orbits.
a small error must exist to produce drive (see
Figure 4-37) and for the azimuth servo this
error is always present due to bearing, slip
rings, and frictional drag of the torque motor craft structure and the pointed experiments
brushes. Thus it was anticipated that the were the gimbal bearings and the flexible leads
positional error in azimuth would be that error to the experiments. If the elevation bearings
required to produce a drive at one edge of the were brinnelled during the launch vibration,
dead zone. Furthermore, for a constant fric- the elevation error would be as seen in the curves
tional drag, it was anticipated that the error
somewhere near the zero pitch angle, but would
would be due to a variation in the friction level.
be constant eslewhere; and furthermore, no
The variations seen in the positional error then
were due to small variations in the friction power would be required to hold the experi-
level. ments pointed in elevation at any points other

It is this variable friction problem that must than the edges of the brinnelled fiats on the
be solved when more accurate positioning is bearings. As can be seen from the figure, this
required. Liquid lubricants can produce a is not the case.
much lower and a much more constant bearing This leaves only the flexible leads to produce
friction level, and for this reason are being con- the error which is obviously a function of the
sidered for use on future spacecraft of the same pitch angle. The flexible leads were painted
design. with the same white paint that was used on the
back of the solar array to dump heat. The
Elevation Positioning flexible leads then must have been very cold
Elevation positioning was designed to be and thus were probably considerably stiffer than
_11/2 arc-minutes with the design requirement when the pointed experiments were dynamically
being ±5 arc-minutes. The system was ad- balanced on the ground at room temperature.
justed on the ground to zero error and it was It. is assumed then that the flexible leads acted
anticipated that the positioning error would as springs attempting to keep the pointed exper-
drift between the dead zone set points of ± 1}{ iments in a position normal to the spin axis
arc-minutes with perhaps one direction of error and that the elevation control system was
predominating due to magnetic coupling effects forced to use considerable power, as seen in
or to flexible lead unt)alanced spring action. Figure 4-84 to maintain point against tile spring
As can be seen from Figure 4-82 this was action of the flexible leads.
detinitely not the case. This problem has been solved for future space-
Figure 4-83 which shows the pitch angle and ('raft by using much hmger and more flexible .
the elevati(m error, quickly exphfins why the leads and by making the surfaces of the fiat
anticipated ('()nditions were not achieved. The leads shiny to keep their temperature near
(rely mechanical connections between the space- room temperature.






4- (WATTS)

+2.5 (MIN OF ARC)
+I. 5



_1 ° .
J j
_2 °

4 - _, , ) I i J I I
O 90 180 270 360 4.50 .540 (;30 720 8|0 900 990


FIGURE 4-83.--Composite performance data, 990 orbits.

The average elevation positioning power was Pitch Control

about 2 watts. The curves of Figure 4-85 show that the
pitch control system, composed of electronic
I I I L and gas components as previously described,
CHANNEL 41 performed very well. Here again, however, a
APPROXIMATELY small deviation from the anticipated perform-
ance is observed in that the set points for pitch
correction were slightly changed from the
ground checkout vahles. The control system
was designed to initiate a correction at a 3 °
error and to overcorrect to 1 ° beyond the zero-
error point.
As previously described, the input signals for
the electronics were derived from cadmium sul-
0 100 300 500 7(X) 900 1100 1300 1500 phide photo detectors. There was a problem
ORBIT NUMBER associated with these detectors in this applica-
FIGURE 4-84.--Elevation power, 1000 orbits. tion. The cells were used with no filter and


llllli]ll that had negligible effects on the over_l]

,o I ] r I I I I I OSO I
Iii ilill
performance of the spacecraft. The problem


experienced with the spin control system was

of a much more serious nature.

As noted in Chapter 1, the spin-down and
I." // I
_,r j / / / / spin-up sequencing during initial acquisition
,., ¢ II / I
.J .......... fl
was perfect. Furthermore, spin-up control
was proper for many orbits thereafter. How-
ever, beginning with orbit 895 the spin control
system produced several bursts of gas when
none were required to maintain spin rate. The
50100 300 500 700 900 1100 1300 )500
last burst occurred near orbit 1150. There
have been none since. A spin rate curve is
FIGURE 4-85.--Pitch readout, 1000 orbits. shown in Figure 4-86.

were thus responsive to sunlight illumination 60°C

as a direct function of their own response _ 3O o C

characteristics. In order to determine the

actual space output, one must know precisely
the expected gain increase due to moving above 0

the atmosphere through which the detectors >3

see the sun during ground measurements and

checkout. The gain increase from ground O2

to orbit apparently was greater than antici-

pated, causing the detector output to be high
enough at less than 3 ° pitch error to trigger
the pitch control electronics. Some difference
2 3_ 4I
in the set points in orbit was anticipated, and

since there was no requirement for great

accuracy (the solar cells become shaded by FIGURE 4-86.--Spin rate curves.
the wheel at pitch-up angles greater than 4 ° )
and since it was anticipated that any change During this time, the spin rate was increased
would be in a direction to slightly narrow the from the nominal 0.5 rps to about 0.8 rps. At
control range, it was decided to avoid additional this increased spin rate, the azimuth serve
development for greater accuracy. could no longer position the upper structure
It can be seen in the curves of Figure 4-83 to the sun. The reason for this was that the
that the pitch angle corrections were made for back emf of the azimuth torque motor in-
angles somewhat greater than two degrees and creased with spin rate, and that the effective
the overshoots were slightly greater than one net drive for acquisition was reduced as the
degree. spin rate increased due to the coarse eye char-
Silicon detectors, whose characteristics are acteristic output signals and the coarse serve
much more stable and whose gain increase in lead network properties.
orbit is much more predictable, particularly The batteries were discharged quite rapidly
when used behind narrowhand filters whose wittl the azimuth serve drawing high power in
transmission is in an atmospheric window, are trying to acquire continuously during space-
to be used on future spacecraft. craft day. The undervoltage switch switched
the load from the batteries as soon as they were
Spin Control System discharged. The batteries charged up then to
The previous performance discussions reveal about l0 percent of their capacity at which
small deviations from anticipated performance point the undervoltage switch re-applied the

•" C_£)NTROL

"16ad. This sequence of events was continu- with time. This cause of malfunction is
ously repeated until the spin rate gradually improbable.
was reduced by atmospheric drag to about 0.74 A missing trigger pulse for the integrator
rps at which time, during orbit 1622, the circuit is a probable cause of malfunction.
azimuth servo regained control. There are three likely possibilities that are
During the period of time from orbit 1139 to all functions of the deteciors. These are as
orbit 1622, the only data recorded were during follows:
those periods when the spacecraft was not in 1. Gradual Reduction of Detector Illuminated
the undervoltage condition and was within Sensitivity: There are two reasons why this
range of a receiving station. is thought to be an unlikely explanation of the
The undervoltage condition described above malfunction. First, the detectors of similar
was repeated after orbit 1822 until about orbit type ("on target" detectors and "day-night
3320 at which time the azimuth servo again turn-on" detectors) have not shown a similar
acquired control at about 0.66 rps spin rate. problem. Second, if this had been the problem,
The reason for loss of control after orbit several spin-up cycles over a short period of
1822 was that magnetic coupling effects be- time would have beeD the result. This was
tween on-board magnets and the earth's field not the case.
caused a sinusoidal variation in spin rate. 2. Detector Continuously Illuminated: The
This variation added to the spin rate after detectors were used in such manner that only
the azimuth servo regained control to again minimmn illumination was required to produce
spin the wheel too fast for servo t)ointing control a resistance low enough to trigger the pulse
to be maintained. This coupling effect integrator. This was done to insure that the
amounted to an increase of only 0.05 rps, but turn-on eyes would give a dark signal to turn
was enough, when added to the already high off spin-circuit power at an illumination level
spin rate, to cause the nonoriented condition considerably higher than that required for
to occur again. The spacecraft was mag- reliable spin-circuit operation. The reason
netically compensated before flight. Had this for this was to prevent the spin circuit from
not been done, the coupling effects would have missing a pulse just before power turn off.
been much greater. A missing pulse would result in a spin-up burst
The most probable reasons for the second at every spacecraft dusk. If the pulse shaper
were saturated continuously for one revolu-
acquisition being at 0.66 rps rather than 0.74
tion of the wheel, a spin-up burst would be
rps after the initial spin-up problem are
generated. A continuously illuminated de-
build-up of brush material on the torque motor
tector would have produced this result. No
commutator causing higher apparent com-
mutator resistance and thus reducing torque, possible earth-sun-spacecraft geometry could
and/or an increase in bearing, slip-ring, and have produced the condition of an illuminated
motor-brush frictional drag. earth such that the spin detectors could see
the earth continuously for one revolution.
In the following paragraphs some probable
Thus, a continuously illuminated detector was
and improbable causes of the spin-up mal-
function are discussed. Refer to the circuit an improbable cause of the malfunction.
3. Detector Dark Resistance Reduced: If the
of Figure 4-44.
the dark resistance of the detectors were reduced
It is difficult to find a place for a malfunction
from a nominal 500K ohms or greater to the
beyond the burst generator. It is thus as-
range 200K-280K ohms, the pulse shaper
sumed that pulses triggered the burst generator. would have been saturated. If the dark resist-
Stray pulses could have triggered the burst ance were decreased gradually (a possibility
generator. No such triggering occurred in if in a radiation environment), the pulse shaper
prelaunch checkouts or for the first 895 orbits. would gradually have become insensitive as the
If this were the malfunction cause, the pulses circuit neared saturation. Just before per-
either grew more severe and then less sensitive manent saturation, the pulse shaper would

782-552 O--_16--11

occasionally miss pulses and cause spin-up

bursts. There was another effect that could
become important under these conditions, that
is, the flip-flop to which the shaped eye pulses U
were fed was unsymmetrical as can be seen
by 6.8 #f and 220K tending to hold the base
of one flip-flop transistor on. Furthermore,
if there were feedback from the solenoid driver
when none was wanted, it would have caused i50 2W 3'00 450 5_0 6_0 _0 860 9b looo

the flip-flop to be hard to change from the

FZGURE 4--89.--15-volt wheel monitor channel 25,
no spin-up pulse state such that the condition
readout data.
of no spin-up pulses would be favored. It is
thought that this reduced dark current theory
best explains the malfunction. the regulators regulated well. Further evidence
Tile failure was apparently temporary since of their excellent performance is in the good
the circuit worked properly when the spin rate performance of the control systems operated
was reduced to the nominal spin-up set point. from the regulated voltages supplied.
Silicon detectors whose characteristics are
much more reliable are being used on future Day Power Turn-On
spacecraft designs as spin-circuit input elements. The day power turn-on circuit worked very
Some circuit modifications are also being made well. The ci1'cuit never failed to reliably
for future applications. turn power off at night and on during the day.
One problem was exposed, however, in the
15- Volt Regulators
operation of the circuit. The sensitivity
The readout data from the regulators is shown
hysteresis band between the illumination level
in Figures 4-87, 4-88 and 4-89. As is shown,
required to switch power on and that reduction
in level required to switch power off was not
set to be wide enough. When the spacecraft
was in the dawn and dusk portions of the orbit,
the illumination level was for about two seconds,

_o o e • such that the power was cycled on and off about
five times before either staying off at dusk or
staying on at dawn. This switching was no
consequence to any spacecraft functions, but
l;_o 2'00 3bo _o'o 5_o 60'0 _o so'o Wo lOOO was unfortunately very confusing to the Uni-
versity of Minnesota experiment. The experi-
FIOURE 4-87.--15-volt power amplifier monitor chan- ment used circuitry that detected and counted
nel 45, readout data. each power on-off cycle as one orbit. The
experiment then had been counting orbits in
very rapid groups of 5 or 6 which made dat_L
reduction more difficult than anticipated.
Silicon detectors of much more reliable
characteristics are being used on future space-
oo _ e

craft designs, and only one eye is used, thus

eliminating the need for a hysteresis band.

Undervoltage Switch
1_o 2b 3_o 4bo 5(;o 6oh 7_o 860 9bo 1ooo
Unfortunately, as described fully in the spin-
FIGURE 4-88.--15-volt linear amplifier monitor chan- circuit performance description, the under-
nel 44, readout data. voltage circuit was given ample opportunity to



"d_monstrate excellent performance. The circuit The detector output varied with good agree-
worked properly several hundred times. The ment to the theoretical variation in the solar
circuit was designed to give a last measure of constant. This information indicated that the
life to the spacecraft. As it happened, the life degradation measured for the fine pointing
of the spacecraft without the protection would detectors was due entirely to effects on the lens
have been only two and one-half months. glass (probably ultruviolet-radiation-induced
color center formation causing some attenu-
Monitor Circuits
ation), and that the degradation of the cells was
As can be seen from the curves of this section, negligible when protected by the filter glass.
all of the monitor circuits performed well. Of considerable interest would be data con-
Data was permanently lost from most of the cerning the effects of high energy electron flux
monitors after the commutators failed. on the detectors. Unfortunately, the detector
outputs were reduced to the lowest level that
Sensor Monitoring Experiment
was readable by about orbit 2000. This was
The space environment effects upon the Ball about the time the 9 July 1962 high-altitude
Brothers engineering experiment detectors are nuclear device, which caused the electron flux,
listed below. was exploded. Since then the coarse detector
De_tiou eye did not continue to give on-scale readings
(percent per
Detector Type month) after that time, as would have been anticipated
Open cell ..................... 3. 6 since the solax constant was on the increasing
Fine pointing .................. 1.8 half-cycle, it was assumed that some radiation
Fine pointing .................. 1.2
change had occurred. This change would have
Coarse pointing ................ 0
had to be only about 3 percent to produce the
These degradation figures were derived over effects measured, thus no real limits can be
the first 1000 orbits and were, for this period of estimated. It is thought that the effect of
time, linear functions of time. It was assumed electron flux on the detectors would be evidenced
that the data could be extrapolated to 6 months only in the lens glass from the x-rays caused by
with some confidence if the electron flux problem the electrons impinging on the lens light shields.
was ignored. It is thought that these x-ray effects may be of
The open-cell detector exposed the silicon cell greater magnitude than the ultraviolet effects.
directly to solar irradiation. The degradation The effects of the x-rays on the silicon cells is
was due to direct ultraviolet irradiation damage. thought to be negligible since the energy levels
The fine pointing detectors, with lenses and of the x-rays produced are less than the destruc-
narrow transmission band falters, were the type tive energy level threshold for silicon semi-
used for the servo-positioning-control error conductors.
detectors. The two detectors were not spec- The azimuth position readout pair of detec-
trally matched. This is the reason for the tors performed well. After the upper commu-
slightly different degradation rates. The servo tator failure about orbit 1900, this detector pair
gain decrease in 6 months (9 percent average) became the only readout available to allow
due to eye output reduction caused a positioning determination of azimuth pointing accuracy.
error of the same percentage applied to the A slight shift of about _ arc-minute in
initial error. That is, with a 1.0 arc-minute relative azimuth pointing direction of the
initial control accuracy, the error after 6 months pointed experiments occurred during launch.
was increased by 0.1 arc-minute. The variation After this shift had occurred, agreement was
in positional accuracy caused by the different found unchanged between the actual azimuth
degradation rates was negligible. pointing readout detectors and the pair used
The coarse pointing detector was identical to on this experiment. After 5000 orbits the
the coarse detectors used for the positioning experimental pair was reading azimuth posi-
control system. No degradation was measured. tioning errors of less than one arc-minute.



FIGURE 4-90.--Error detectr stability experiment.

Two curves of interest are presented concern- orbits) of about 10 percent in output produced
ing the experiment. The curves of Figure 4-90 low-end-oJ-scalereadings. Thus, this curve could
show the combined effects of degradation and not be obtained. Of some interest, however,
solar constant variation over the first 1000 is the fact that the detectors did decrease this
orbits. The solar constant change was a 10 percent over the period of time from about
decrease of 3.2 percent over this period. The 21 seconds prior to power turn-off to about 13
coarse detector, as noted previously, followed seconds prior to power turn-off. This indicates
this change very closely. that there is some atmospheric attenuation in
The curve of Figure 4-91 shows the coarse the narrow infrared bandwidth to which the
detector output variation over one orbit. The detectors are sensitive prior to that attenua-
peaks after dawn and before dusk were of tion due to the spacecraft entering the earth's
variable amplitude and varied somewhat in penumbral shadow.
shape and in time as the spacecraft-earth-sun
orientation changed. The peaks were due to
earth light inputs to the coarse detector. The Four commutators were incorporated in the
curve plotted is typical. OSO I. These were the two spacecraft house-
Of value to the circuit designers would have keeping channel commutators, providing 30
been a time-attenuation curve for solar intensity points of information in the wheel section and
as the spacecraft emerged from and went into 22 points in the upper section, the alternate
the earth's shadow. Due to the sensitivity of pointed experiment 20-point commutator, and
the fine detector readout, a decrease (first few the Rochester 20-point commutator.



\ !


100 i
Z / i

8 ................


_ 98 t

z i
_ 96
! ' I
i I

0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 2400 2800 3200 3600

FIGURE 4-91.--Error detection stability experiment.

Of these four devices, two have failed. The was not accomplished in this time. The lower
spacecraft lower commutator failed during commutator has been operating in this sequence
orbit 341, causing the loss of 22 of the 32 lower since the failure of the relay that switched the
commutator data points. The spacecraft upper eleventh data point.
commutator failed after orbit 1900 with all of The reason for the upper commutator failure
the upper commutator points being lost. The was not understood. The commutator was
experiment commutators were working properly not cycling. The method of operation of the
after 3500 orbits. two commutators was as follows. The lower
The housekeeping data commutators were commutator ran its sequence in 32 seconds
designed such that the failure of a switching with 1 second dwell time data sampling and
relay to make contact would cause the device then reset to point one. At the reset time the
to reset to channel 1 and would thus allow output line from the upper commutator, which
cycling from channel 1 to the channel switched was cycling continuously, was switched into
by the bad relay. This was accomplished by a the output line through the lower commutator.
circuit that allowed the relays 0.5 seconds to The lower commutator completed its sequence
throw and would cause a reset if relay closure while the upper commutator was read out.


Chapter 5


INTRODUCTION 95 minutes. The maximum range at which
data was received from the satellite was 1000
The data acquisition system on the OSO I
miles. The time allotted for the transmission
was designed to perform the following functions:
of stored data was 5 minutes. To remain with-
1. Accept the analog outputs of seven* in the range and time requirements, the bound-
data channels and one reference channel and aries of the area for data transmission were
combine them into a frequency multiplex of as follows: for a direct, overhead pass generally
eight subcarrier oscillators. from west to east, the 5-minute transmission
2. Record the frequency-multiplexed signal interval started at a range of 700 miles when
on a tape recorder for 90 minutes. the satellite was 32 degrees above the horizon
3. Upon ground command, play back in and ended at the same r_nge and elevation
5 minutes the recorded multiplex at 18.35 angle above the opposite horizon; for passes
times the record speed. The playback signal other than directly overhead, the requirements
frequency modulates a 1.75 watt transmitter. for 1000-mile range and 5-minute transmission
4. Radiate the transmitter RF signal via a interval were satisfied so long as the orbital
near-isotropic antenna system. path was no farther than 645 statute miles on
The command system on the OSO I was either side of the overhead orbital path.
designed to perform the following functions: The following computations were made to
1. Receive a tone-modulated command car- determine whether the combination of trans-
rier via the spacecraft antenna system.
mitter power, bandwidth, spacecraft antenna
2. Demodulate and select the particular tone
patterns, and ceceiving station parameters
command channel via the receiver and decoder, would yield a satisfactory signal for data
3. Actuate 10 spacecraft command functions.
The data acquisition and command system Given Parameters
required a total of 4.6 watts of power at 19
The following known parameters are used in
volts. Two systems, a primary and alternate,
the data transmission problem:
were used, having a total weight of 23 pounds
packaged in a volume of 442 cubic inches. Maximum range: 1000 miles
Satellite antenna gain: unity with maximum
SYSTEMS DESIGN short-angle nulls of 6 db.- The nulls are
determined by plotting the composite of
The Data Transmission Problem linear and horizontal polarization

Satellite Range Receiving antenna gain available: 19.2 db

Receiver bandwidths available:
The orbit was circular at. 300 nautical miles
Model R-220:8 kc, 45 kc, 70 kc, 180 kc
altitude. The inclination to the equator was
Minitrack Mod I: 10 kc, 30 kc, 100 kc,
approximately 33 degrees and the period about
300 kc, 1 Mc
Receiver of preamplifier noise figure: 3 db
*In some cases several experimental measurements
were combined into a single channel. Frequency: 136.74 Mc


Transmitteroutputandradiatedpowerdur- 114 dbm (0.44 _v) at 30 kc bandwidth. Thes_

ingconditionsindicated: values were calculated using a receiver noise
Powerout: figure of 3 db and were also achieved experi-
Playback............ 1.75watts mentally in the BBRC laboratory.
Real-time............. 300milliwatts Calculations for only the wide-band case are
Radiatedpower:(2 db loss in antenna as follows: let S equal signal power to achieve 12
system) db S/N threshold.
Playback ............. I watt
Real-time ............. 200 milliwatts 12 db_--power ratio of 16
Fadest (136.74 Mc) Nt=total noise power=source noise
Due to refraction: ±10 db less than 10 _-receiver noise
percent of the time N,.----k ToBW+k TRBW
Due to absorption: less than 0.3 db =k BW (To_- TR) (5.1)
Due to multipath effects: negligible at k----Boltzman's constant, 1.38X 10 -_3
angles of 23 degrees or greater above the Joules/°K
horizon To--reference temperature of an-
Galactic Noise tenna-_290°K
Worst sky condition: 5000°K TRy-effective temperature of 3-db
Average sky condition: 300°K receiver:290°K
To+ T, = 580°K
Signal Threshold BW---- 100 kc
Tile most important factor in determining S/N, = 16
whether an FM-FM transmission system will S----16 k BW (To+ T_) (5.2)
yield satisfactory data is the required ratio of ----(16) (1.38X 10 -23) (105) (580)
signal-to-noise to achieve threshold. ----1.28X 10 -1_ watts
The following calculations are based upon : 109 dbm
the fact that once threshold has been achieved, :0.8 _v across 50 ohms
satisfactory information can be obtained from
The Transmission Problem Solution
the telemetry records.
It has been experimentally determined:_ that Having determined the signal required to
in an FM system with large modulation index, achieve the necessary ratio of S/N, it remains
the signal-to-noise improvement threshold of to be shown that with a constant signal and
the receiver occurs at a point where the ratio under varying conditions of increased noise, the
of signal-to-noise power is 16, or 12 db. Since high power transmission system will operate with
in OSO I the modulation index was composite sufficient margins of safety. The safety mar-
and approximately 2, setting the threshold at gins of the low-power transmission system can
12 db provided an extremely conservative be determined by the ratios of power and
margin. The 12-db figure was conservative bandwidth since these two factors are the only
because it did not consider the additional parameters which change.
improvement realized in the subcarrier dis- Given the fixed parameters above, the noise
power will be varied simulating ideal, average,
When 12 db was used as the signal-to-noise and worst conditions.
criterion, the receiver threshold occurred at
Ideal Conditions:
109 dbm (0.8 gv) at 100 kc bandwidth and at
Range, d .................... 1000 miles
Frequency ................... 136.74 Mc
t Propagation Studies for Satellite Systems, Lockheed Wavelength, _ ................ 1.37)< 10-s miles
Missile and Space Division, Document No. 917040,
Phase II, LSMD Document No. 916943 Total antenna gain, G, ........ 19.2 db (ratio 83)
:_"Frequency Modulation Noise Characteristics," Bandwidth, BW .............. 100,000 cps
Murry G. Crosby, Proceedings of the IRE, Vol. 25, Radiated power, P, ........... 1 watt
No. 4, April 1937 Receiver noise figure .......... 3 db


• Signal-to-noise ratio achieved under ideal Worst Conditions: By increasing the sky tem-
conditions: perature to 5170°K (the remaining parameters
being unchanged), the margin of safety becomes:
Pt" G: X_
S/N=kT . Tt (worst)=5170+290+290

k= Boltzman's constant S/N=1.24X 103 X 5_500

T_=Summation of source and receiver = 1.25X 10 _

temperatures =20.96 db
= Ts_+ To+ T_
Tt (ideal) = (0) +290+299 =580°K Deducting tracking antenna errors of 3 db and
k2 spacecraft antenna pattern nulls of 6 db, the
(4_rd)2-- Path attenuation safety margin is essentially zero.
(1.347< lO-a) 2 10_14
-- --1.19× Performance

(1.0)(83) =l.19X 10 -1' In flight, better than average conditions of

S/N= (1.38 X 10 -_3) (580) (10 s) reception did prevail at least 90 percent of the
= 1.24X 10 a time. The OSO I transmission system pro-
vided signals 8 to 15 db above threshold.
or, expressed as a power ratio,
RF Sy_em
S/N=31.5 db
RF Multiplexing System
The safety margin for assumed ideal conditions
As shown in Figure 5-1, it was necessary to
then equals 31.5--12
operate two transmitters and two command
=19.5 db receivers using one spacecraft antenna system.
Two transmitters were alternately connected
Average conditions: If it is assumed that all into the antenna feed line by a coaxial switch.
conditions remain the same except that the sky The switch was actuated by ground command
temperature increases to 300 °K, then the safety in conj unction with the selection of the primary
or alternate transmitter.
margin is calculated as follows:
To permit the operation of the selected trans-
T,<av.)= T_+ To+ TR mitter and the command receivers from the

=300+ 290+290=880°K same antenna system, a diplexer was necessary

which provided high isolation between the
3 580 transmitter and the receiver.
S/N=1.24XlO X-8-_
For redundancy, two command receivers were
=0.825X 103 operated in parallel. A hybrid junction per-
=29.16 db mitted such operation without the necessity of
switching between the two receivers. The in-
However, if the full 19.2 db receiving antenna put to the hybrid junction originated at the
gain is not utilized due to improper tracking, diplexer.
3 db should be deducted. In addition, deduct
6 db for spacecraft antenna pattern nulls.
The transmitter consisted of two parts: the
S/N(av.)=20.16 db modulated driver and the power amplifier.
Both units used solid-state active elements.
Safety Margin=8.16 db






I)firing the 90-minute phase of the orbit, the nominal modulation index of 5. The choice of
transmitter output was reduced to 300 milli- subcarrier frequencies was predicated upon
watts and the low-frequency, real-time sub- limited response of the tape reccrder in con-
carriers were transmitted. When the satellite junction with tape storage capacity and the
was within receiver range, the transmitter out- necessity to operate at a reasonable trans-
put was increased to 1.75 watts and the high mission bandwidth to conserve transmitter
frequency subcarriers from the tape recorder power.
were transmitted.
Channel 1: Center frequency 164 cps Uni-
The power amplifier was designed to operate versity of Minnesota--PCM, 1 bit per sec.
without spurious oscillations into a tuned load, Channel 2: Center frequency 212 cps OSO I
such as the diplexer, with a VSWR as great as spacecraft status--52 PAM channels, sub-
commutated at 1 sample per second.
Channel 3: Center frequency 294 cps God-
Antenna System
dard alternate pointed experiment--20
Considering the vector sum of the vertical PAM channels, subcommutated at 1
and horizontal polarization components, the sample per second.
antenna patterns exhibited nulls no greater than Channel 4: Center frequency 400 cps Uni-
--6 db for 95 percent of all aspect angles. The versity of Rochester--20 PDM channels,
vertical and horizontal polarization components pulse per second.
were received at the Minitrack ground station
Channel 5: Center frequency 572 cps Uni-
via two parallel receiving channels. As the
versity of California--pulse rate informa-
spacecraft rotated at _ revolution per second,
tion at 4 pulses per second.
antenna nulls were realized in one polarization Channel 6: Center frequency 790 cps God-
component or the other. A post-detection dard wheel experiment--pulse rate in-
diversity combiner performed the summing of formation at 4 pulses per second.
the two signals and provided a smoothed video Channel 7: Tape speed compensation refer-
output continuously as great as the stronger of ence oscillator, fixed at 955 cps.
the two signals. Channel 8: Center frequency 1200 cps God-
dard pointed experiment--pulse rate in-
FM Muitiplexin9 System formation at 6 pulses per second.

The OSO I telemetry system was an FM- When the tape recorder played back at 18.35
FM system (Figure 5-1). The outputs from times record speed, channels 1 through 8
eight nonstandard low-frequency subcarrier became 3 kc, 3.9 kc, 5.4 kc, 7.35 kc, 10.5 kc,
oscillators were multiplexed into a magnetic 14.5 kc, 17.5 kc, and 22 kc, respectively. The
tap recorder for orbital storage. The tape playback ratio was critical since the sub-
recorder was interrogated and played back the carrier frequencies had to remain within the
recorded signal when in range of one of the -4-7.5 percent bandwidth of the ground station
Minitrack ground stations. filters.
At the same time that the subcarrier multi- During playback, an additional channel at
plex was being stored, it was also being fed to 2.3 kc was mixed with the above frequencies
the transmitter for continuous real-time trans- at the primary transmitter input. The signal
mission. When the tape recorder was played originated at a subcarrier in the Ames emissivity
back, the real-time subcarrier signals were experiment.
removed from the transmitter and the stored To increase reliability, two sets of sub-
frequencies were transmitted. At the end of carrier oscillators were provided. Only one
playback, the real-time frequencies were again set was turned on. No switching was re-
connected. quired at the input of the oscillators since each
The subcarrier input data rates from the of the data channels was connected to each of
sources indicated below were dictated by a the redundant oscillator pairs.


pounds per channel. Figure 5-3 shows on:

The subcarriers were recorded and played
set of subcarrier oscillators, including the
back a t equal amplitudes. Pre-emphasis taper
reference oscillator and voltage regulator.
for the stored frequencies was provided by a
suitable filter a t the input of the transmitter Data Storage System
(see Figure 5-2). It should be noted that due
to transmitter background noise, little taper Orbital storage was necessary to permit
was possible a t the real-time subcarrier fre- total recovery of data taken while the satellite
quencies. was beyond the range of the NASA Mini-
The subcarriers were required to operate a t track receiving stations. The tape recorder
less than 24 milliwatts and weigh less than 0.15 used was Raymond Engineering Laboratory,
Model No. 1515.
T h e record speed of the tape recorder was
0.65 ips. This speed was dictated by the
highest frequency to be recorded and the tape
storage capacity of 300 feet was required for
the 90-minute storage interval.
The pulse averaging discriminating technique
permitted effective tape speed conipensation
in the receiving station discriminators which
were tuned to the bands froni 3.0 kc to 22 kc.
The tape recorder frequency response pro-
vided near uniform amplitudes for channels
.IKC ” 1KC ” lOKC
1 through 8. This was necessary to insure a
uniform signal-to-noise ratio for all channels
5-2.-Pre-emphasis curve.
T h e tape storitge system was required to oper-
tite with a power consumption of less than
1.1 wat,ts, and it weighed less than 5 pounds.
&rE A P

Airborne Command System

T h e receiver WBS crystal-controlled AM with
- 100 dbni sensitivity a t 75 percent modula-
tion. It was limited to receiving one tone a t

D a time and wtts diplexed to the spacecraft

antennit with the transmitter. The hybrid
junction permitted two receivers and decoders
t o operttte in prtrdel (see Figure 5-1).

Airborne Decoders
T h e dccoder, consisting of R series of seven
bandpnss filters, wtts designed so that tfhetrans-
iuissiori of two toaes in succession was required
t o actunte IL given coiniumd chtmnel. Tone 1
permitted the selection of the OFF condition
in prepnratiori to actutite tones :< through 7.
Tone 2 permitted the selection of the ON
condition in preparation to actuate tones 3
FIGURE5-3.--Subcarrier oscillator package. through 7. Once a given condition was estab-

fished in the spacecraft it remained until a Discriminators

subsequent command changed it.
Blossom Point, Maryland; Fort Myers, Fla.;
The following commands were performed on
Lima, Peru; Quito, Ecuador; Antofagasta,
the OSO I.
Chile; and Santiago, Chile, were equipped with
Command No. l: Tape recorder playback EMR Model 97 tunable discriminators and
ON. Performed by actuating tone 2, then
Model 95 low-pass output filters. In addition,
tone 3.
Fort Myers had a diversity combiner and two
Command No. 2: Playback OFF, tape re- EMR Model 189F fixed discriminators with
corder power ON and alternate transmitter plug-in filters. The 17.5 kc discriminator was
power ON. Performed automatically by
used in conjunction with the EMR Model 96F
the tape recorder when playback is com- tape-speed compensator and compensated for
pleted or by actuating tone 1, then tone 3. airborne tape recorder flutter. Flutter vari-
Command No. 3 : Primary transmitter power
ations of 1.5 percent peak-to-peak up to rates
select performed by actuating tone 2, then
of 300 cps were eliminated in the ground station
tone 4.
discriminators by the EMR Model 96F. To
Command No. 4 : Alternate transmitter select
eliminate flutter, a 955-cps fixed frequency was
and transmitter power OFF performed by
multiplexed and recordered on the spacecraft
actuating tone 1, then tone 4.
tape. Upon playback, this 955-cps signal
Command No. 5: Primary multiplex system
became 17.5 kc. Any variations in the fre-
select performed by actuating tone 2, then
quency of this signal were detected by the 17.5-
tone 5.
kc discriminator and were fed via the tape speed
Command No. 6: Alternate multiplex system
compensator and appropriate delay lines to the
select performed by actuating tone 1, then
remaining discriminators. The second dis-
tone 5.
criminator had two plug-in filters, one at 212
Command No. 7: Wheel experiments ON and
cps and one at 3.9 kc. The output of the
tape recorder power OFF. Performed by discriminator with either of the two filters was
actuating tone 2, then tone 6.
applied to a Sanborn pen recorder for real-
Command No. 8: Wheel experiments OFF.
time display of the spacecraft functional data.
Performed by actuating tone 1, then tone 6.
The outlying stations in South America received
Command No. 9: Pointed experiments ON
the signal and used the tunable discriminator
and playback ON. Performed by actu-
and a Sanborn recorder to display and read
ating tone 2, then tone 7.
quick-look data. Neither tape speed com-
Command No. 10: Pointed experiments OFF.
pensation for the playback signal nor diversity
Performed by actuating tone 1, then tone 7.
combining was available at these stations.

Receiving and Command Stations

Ground Tape Recorder
Mod I Minitrack Receiving System
A 7-track Ampex FR-100 was used at each
The data acquisition system for the OSO It receiving station to record the following:
was initially designed to be compatible with
Track 1: Receiver Output No. 1.
the Motorola R-220/URR receiver. The band-
Track 2: Receiver Output No. 2.
widths were adjusted to 8 kc and 70 kc during
Track 3: Station Tape Recorder Compen-
real-time and playback, respectively. At the
sation Frequency.
time the spacecraft was launched, the GSFC
Track 4: Receiver No. 1 AGC.
Mod I Minitrack receivers had been installed
Track 5: Receiver No. 2 AGC.
at the prime receiving stations. The band-
Track 6: Voice Annotation and Command
widths were readjusted to 30 kc and 100 kc,
Tones which were sent.
respectively. §
Track 7: Time.
§ For more detailed information, refer to the NASA Further information on the ground station
Satellite Instrumentation Network and Facilities Report,
pages 23 and 24. tape recorders is available in the NASA docu-


ment Satellite Instrumentation Network and Command:

Facilities Report, page 26. Center frequency: 123 Mc
Frequency range: 115-131 Mc
Receiving and Command Antennas Gain: 13.2 db above isotropic
The receiving and command antennas II used Polarization: right circular
were 9-element Yagi systems designated YGCI- VSW_R: under 1.5 from 118-130 Mc
1A/136-8S. This was a nine-element broad- Power handling capability: 400 watts input
side array mounted on a remotely controlled "E" plane pattern: 42 degrees at half-
azimuth and elevation rotator system atop a power points
15-foot tower. The system was utilized for "H" plane pattern: 42 degrees at half-
both telemetry and command purposes. Each power points
element of the array was in itself an eight-ele- Nominal impedance: 50 ohms
ment cross-polarized Yagi antenna. The Yagi The antenna azimuth scan was 740 ° and
used for command was mounted in the center elevation was ± 80 ° from vertical at 1 rpm.
of the array, and the input connections were Azimuth and elevation synchro indicators were
brought out separately so that transmitted provided at the remote control box.
power could be fed to it. The vertically and
horizontally polarized outputs from the receiv- Diversity Combiner

ing array were brought out separately; these In order to permit quick-look capability at
were passed through notch filters which rejected Fort Myers, the video output of each of the two
the command frequency and thereby protected Mod I receivers was combined in a Defense
the receiver preamplifiers which were also Electronics Model TDC-1 diversity combiner.
mounted on the tower. From the preampli- The composite signal was sent to the EMR dis-
tiers the two outputs were brought into a criminators where it was reduced to the Sanborn
polarization differentiation unit which allowed display.
selection of all possible modes of polarization, The two video signals were also recorded on
either simultaneously or one at a time. To channels 1 and 2 of the station tape recorder.
assure correct polarization differentiation, the They were subsequently combined in a similar
electrical length and relative phase of both combiner at Greenbelt prior to formal data
transmission lines, from the antenna output reduction.
terminals to the polarization selector box, were
Command Transmitting System
made precisely equal by means of a line
stretcher. All stations referred to previously had com-
Receiving and commanding antenna re- mand capability for the OSO I. The Collins
quirements were as follows: 242G-2 VHF transmitter was used for interro-
Telemetering: gation purposes at these ground stations. The
Center frequency: 136.5 Mc transmitter was crystal-controlled and ampli-
Frequency range: 135-138 Mc tude modulated. It was capable of operation
Gain: 19.2 db above isotropic over a frequency range from 108 to 152 Mc.
Polarization: horizontal, vertical, right and Special coders were used to supply the modu-
left circular lating signal necessary to actuate the space-
"E" plane pattern: 19.5 ° at half-power craft command functions. An output power
points of 200 watts was available. A command timer
"H" plane pattern: 19.5 ° at half-power was used which turned the transmitter on for a
points predetermined length of time (2 seconds) after
VSWR: under 1.1 at 136.5 Mc under 2.0 the switch was thrown and permitted trans-
from 135-139 Mc mission of the selected command for the timed
Nominal impedance: 50 ohms interval.
IINASA Satellite Instrumentation Network Facilities The transmitter operated into a load con-
Report, pages 15 and 16 nected through a 52-ohm transmission line


hatting a standing wave ratio of 2 to 1 or less. 2. Subcarrier system power requirements:

The command antennas on the telemetry nine- 1.1 watt at 19 volts.
element Yagi arrays met the following require- 3. Subcarrier oscillator center frequencies:
164 cps 572 cps
Frequency range: 108 to 152 Mc
212 cps 790 cps
Power output: 200 watts
294 cps 1200 cps
RF output impedance: 52 ohms nominal
400 cps
Modulation: AM, plate, and screen
The Crosley J-183110 encoder was installed 4. Reference oscillator frequency: 955 cps
at the ground stations and used to amplitude- 5. Input impedance: 250 K ohms.
modulate the command transmitter with the 6. Modulation sensitivity: adjusted for 4.6
selected command tone. The encoder con- percent. (See Figure 5-5 for channel
tained the seven crystal-controlled tone gener- bandwidth apportionment and Table 5-1.)
ators which performed the command functions.
To command the spacecraft, two commands f

had to be sent. The first command selected 1.5%


_- .........



the ON or OFF state, and the second repre-
sented the execute command. Each tone modu-
lated the transmitter for the timed interval ---I ......................

described previously (2 seconds). OSCILLATOR





Subcanier Oscillator Subassembly

A block diagram of this subassembly is given

in Figure 5-4. 1.5% (

OUTPUT FIGURE 5-5.--Subcarrier oscillator channel bandwidth


_4 _ ZT0 MY SIGNAL C'F_I, mEL 1

B* _ 18-22

VI_ ,

7. Signal overvoltage protection: the input
sensitivity characteristic limited the devia-
tion to 4. 7_ percent.

. Total harmonic distortion: less than 1

_ II],E

FIGURE 5-4.--Subcarrier oscillator subassembly block 9. Linearity: 3 percent of design bandwidth
diagram. from the best straight line.
10. Long term drift: see Table 5-2.
Design Specifications
Reference oscillator--less than 4-0.25 per-
The following design specifications provided cent of the reference frequency.
oscillators which operated properly within Subcarrier oscillator--less than 4- 0.75 per-
channel bandwidths for a period of six months cent of their center frequency.
during qualification testing and nine months in 11. Output signal: 270 mv rms.
orbit. 12. Temperature: --20°C to -+-55°C.
1. Power requirements per oscillator: 24 13. Weight and size: 2_ oz.; 1.88 cubic
milliwatts at 6 volts. inches.


Table 5-1

Subcarrier Oscillator Requirements

Long term
Playback IRIG
Channel No. -0% _o (cps) Bandwidth drift limits Intell. required of each frequency channels
+6% (cps) +cps (fc) X18.35 (playback) re

154 164 174 20 1.48 1 bit/see ........... 3OOO 8

199 212 225 26 1,91 1 pulse/see .......... 3900 9
276 i 294 312 36 2. 64 1 pulse/see .......... 5400 I0
376 400 424 48 3. 60 3 bits/see ........... 7350 11
538 572 606 69 5.15 4 pulse/see .......... 10500 12
743 790 837 95 7. 10 4 pulse/see .......... 14500 13
1128 1200 1272 144 10,8 6 pulse/see .......... 22000 14

Ames Research Center .............................................. 2300

955 Reference oscillator -4- 2.39 17500

Table 5-2

Subcarrier Oscillator Dr_fl History

164 cps 212 cps 294 cps S.N. 400 cps 572 cps 790 cps 955 cps 1200 cps
S.N. 1580 S.N. 1547 1327 and 1324 S.N. 1310 S.N. 1287 S.N. 1280 S.N. 1284 S.N, 1299

Test time

4/26/61 0 163. 8 212. 4 292, 3 572. 6 790. 0 955. 2 1197. 5

7/14/61 79 163. 9 212. 4 292. 5 D387. 2 575. 2 790. 6 952. 3 1197.2
9/ 6/61 133 164. 2 212. 8 292. 7 387. 6 576. 5 790. 4 953. 0 1198.4
9/21/61 148 164. 2 212. 6 293. 6 387. 3 576. 2 789, 6 952. 7 1197. 6
10/ 3/61 160 "163. 8 "212. 0 *292. 7 *399. 3 "571, 7 *790. 1 *954. 5 "1198. 0
10/lS/61 175 163. 8 211. 293. 9 399. 2 571.9 789. 8 955. 5 1198,3
10/31/61 188 163. 7 211.6 295. 7 399. 0 572. 0 789. 6 955. 7 1196.5
12/2S/61 246 163. 7 211, 3 289. 5 398. 1 570. 4 789. 6 956. 3 1097. 1
2/ 5/62 285 163. 8 211, 5 S.N. 1324 398. 3 570. 7 789. 4 956. 1 1196. 8
*294. 4

*Oscillators readjusted. [] Adjusted for 0-n input signal, later changed to 0-5 vdc.

Subcarrier Pre-F.mphasis Design in an FM-FM system. The magnitude of the

In a double FM system, it is desirable to random noise spectrum follows a curve propor-
achieve threshold not only at the receiver detec- tional to subcarrier frequency taken to the 3/2
tor, but also at the subcarrier discriminators. power (f3/2). Thus, it was necessary that the
An additional requirement is that each of the transmitter deviation follow an f3n taper.
subcarrier signals achieve threshold simultane- Figure 5-5 shows the ideal f3/2 taper curve com-
ously. This will be true only if the transmitter pared to the actual curve used. The ideal
deviation per subcarrier is properly adjusted. curve could not be realized at low transmitter
To accomplish this, it was necessary to transmit deviations due to system background noise.
the high-frequency subcarrier signals with more The requirement for the 3/2 power taper
energy than the low-frequency subcarrier sig- comes about from two distinct concepts of noise
nals. This was due to the noise characteristics amplitude as a function of frequency: (1) noise


vortage per unit bandwidth at the output of the Due to the nonlinearity of the transmitter
FM carrier demodulator is directly proportional deviation sensitivity curve (Figure 5-6) the
to the modulating frequency, N _f, and in- percentages given did not indicate the relative
creases with frequency at a constant rate of amplitudes. The amplitude providing a pre-
6 db per octave; and (2), the subcarrier band- scribed deviation is a function of the transmitter
width in an FM-FM system is a fixed percent- sensitivity at the deviating frequency.
age of the subcarrier frequency and will, On the OSO I, a filter was used to obtain the
therefore, increase as the subcarrier frequency relative amplitudes. A master gain control was
increases (BW=f). Since noise voltage in- then used to vary the amplitude of the composite
creases as the square root of the bandwidth, signal to control the deviation of the transmitter
N _ (BW) _/_, and bandwidth is proportional to within the restraints of bandwidth.
frequency, then there is a second increase in It was determined chiefly by empirical
the noise voltage, N =fl/L methods that the multiplex described could be
The total noise introduced into the input of contained in a bandwidth of 100 kc with
the subcarrier discriminator is then the product negligible loss of sidebands during peak devia-
of these two sources. N=f.P/_ of N=P/2. tion. In adjusting deviation to conform to
Therefore in order to maintain a constant bandwidth restrictions, doppler shift as well as
signal-to-noise ratio over the multiplex spec- transmitter and receiver drift were considered.
trum, the deviation of the transmitter per There was no indication of drift in the sub-
subcarrier signal had to follow the f_/_ taper. carrier oscillators during the first nine months of
The first steps in pre-emphasis design were orbital life. The nonlinearity of the alternate
accomplished using theoretical data, but the 212-cps oscillator was increased beyond the
final adjustment was a matter of trial and error. design specifications during this period. No
Table 5-3 shows the ideal pre-emphasis. other changes were noted during this time. A
Figure 5-2 shows how the ideal had to be copy of the data obtained from the spacecraft
modified to keep the low frequencies above the in orbit is shown in Figure 5-7.
transmitter background.
Tape Recorder Subassembly Design
Table 5-3
Design Specifications
Ideal Pre-Emphasis Schedule.for the OSO I
Since the spacecraft was beyond the range of
Transmission System
the receiving station for 90 minutes of its 95-
minute orbit, it was necessary to store data.
f f3/, Percentage of total
deviation The multiplexed subcarrier oscillator tones plus
a fixed reference tone were recorded on tape for
2,300 cps ......... 110, 000 1.11 90 minutes. The tape recorder was a single-
3,000 cps ......... 165, 000 1.66 reel, continuous-loop device that recorded con-
3,900 cps ......... 290, 000 2. 92
tinuously until commanded to play back.
5,400 eps ......... 400, 000 4. O3
7,350 cps ......... 630, 000 6. 35 During the playback interval of 5 minutes, the
10,500 cps ........ 1,080, 000 10.9 entire tape loop passed over the playback head.
14,500 cps ........ 1,750, 000 17. 6 The recorder then reverted to the record state
17,000 cps ........ 2, 200, 000 22. 2 automatically. The record time to playback
22,000 cps ........ 2, 300, 000 33. 2
time ratio of the tape recorder caused the
recorded tones to be transmitted at the fre-
9925X 10_ 99.97
quencies indicated in Table 5-1. The fre-
quencies were standard IRIG FM-FM telem-
The next step in pre-emphasis design was to etry frequencies. The reference tone, 17.5
adjust the amplitudes of the subcarriers to kc, was used for airborne tape-speed compensa-
permit the percentage deviations indicated. tion.

782-552 O--66-----12

EM = 3.0V RMS
:E M =8.0VRMS
:E M = I. 5V RMS

;MI =I0 EM = 1.22VRMS

:MI =8 E M=0.98VRMS

MI =6 E M=0.74VRMS

MI =4 EM =0.50VRMS

MI = 2 E M = 0.249V RMS


.I 10 100

FIGURE 5-6.--Deviation sensitivity.

The following design specifications provided 7. Wow and flutter: less than 1_ percent
tape recorder storage which met all systems' peak-to-peak and less than 300 cps.
requirements adequately. 8. Input impedance: 20K.
1. Power requirements at 19 volts dc: 9. Input signals:
Record operation: 1.03 watt (90 minutes) Channel 1: Input consisted of 4-frequency-
Playback operation: 1.4 watts (5 minutes) multiplexed subcarrier oscillators. Center
Average orbit power: ].,05 watts (95 min- frequencies are 164 cps, 212 cps, 294 cps,
utes) and 400 cps.
2. Record-to-playback ratio: 18.35±2 per- Channel 2: Input consisted of 4 frequency-
cent. multiplexed subcarrier oscillators. Center
3. Tape Speed: frequencies are 572 cps, 790 cps, 955 cps,
Record speed: 0.65 ips. and 1200 cps.
Playback speed: 11.9 ips.
The signal level for both channels was 540
4. Tape transport : continuous loop, single reel.
millivolts rms.
5. Motor: the motor used in the tape recorder
10. Erase head: a permanent magnet.
started as a dc motor. Centrifugal force
11. Record method: signal superimposed on
removed the starting brushes and the motor
ran as a synchronous machine from an a bias oscillator.
inverter power supply. 12. Output signal both channels: 1.07 volts
6. Tape capacity: 300 ft. rms. across a 5K load.



FIGURE5-7.-Data format.

13. Amplitude modulation: less than 10 per-

14. Harmonic distortion: less than 3 percent
per subcarrier channel.
15. Frequency response :
Channel 1 : & 3 db from 1 kc to 8 kc.
Channel 2 : & 3 db from 9 kc to 24 kc.
16. Signal-to-noise: less than 30 db on either
channel .
17. Weight and size : the tape recorder weight
was 5.1 lb. and packaged into a container
7 inches in diameter and 3 inches high as
shown in Figures 5-8 and 5-9.
18. Life: six months overall.
Tape: 7,000 record-playback c?-cles.
llotor: 6 months continuous operation
with no more than 25 on-off cj-cles during
this period.
19. Tape tppe: the continuous-loop type of
transport required that the tape used be
lubricated to reduce tape drag to a mini-
miim. Tape type I,R 1220 manufactiired FIGURE
5-K-Tape recorder.


5-9.-Tape recorder motor, electronics, transport drive and reel.

tiid liibricnted by Alinnesotit Mining and During preliminary testing it was determined
A I t i n I i f tictiiring ( h r n pnny wits used. t h a t the Vector power amplifier was incom-
patible with the ESCO diplexer. T o correct
Transmitter Subassembly this problem, a lumped-cons t ant diplexer was
purchased from Vector. However, the power
The transmitter siibassenibly consisted o f amplifier continued to radiate spurious signals
two parts : the driver ttnd the power amplifier. unless the VSWR was precisely adjusted. T h e
Both units were initally obtained from the adjustments were considered t o be too critical
Vector Manufacturing Company. The driver,
Figure 5-10, was capable of delivering 250 milli-
wntts to the power amplifier. T h e power
iimplifier was capable of 1.75 watts output.
There were two modes of operation for the
transmitter subassembly, low power during 90
minutes of the orbit and high power during
commanded plttyback of the tape recorder. T h e
change to low power oiitpiit was ttccotnplished
by switching ti resist,or in series with t,he B +
line to the exciter. 'I'lie resulting reduced drive
to the power ttniplifier provided tin output o f
0.3 wittts. During high power trttnsmission--
Iast,ing five minutes of cilch orbit8---tlle B + t,o
t'he driver w i t s n o r i n i d t i n d t tie power Itrnplifiet.
WIlS 1.75 WiLtt#S. FIGURE5-lO.-Transmitter subassembly driver.


use of a large copper out,put coil which had one

end connected to the t<ransistor case and the
other to the chassis. The schematic of the
power amplifier is shown in Figure 5-12.
Design Specifications
The transmitter subassembly wit,h the B B R C
power amplifier was qualified according t o the
following specifications:
Frequency: 136.74 mc &0.005 percent.
Power output: High power: 1.75 watts.
Low power: 0.3 watts.
Power consumption at 19 volts: High
power: 4.8 watts. Low power: 2.1 watts.
5-1 1.-Transmitter subassembly power Efficiency: High power: 36.5 percent.
Low power: 14.3 percent.
supply voltage variation: 16 to 22 volts; 19
and BBRC designed, fabricated, and qualified
volts nominal.
the Model DN2W shown in Figure 5-1 1 .
Modulation: Indirect F51.
RF Power Amplifier Deviation sensitivity: Fee Figure 5-6,
Frequency response: 10 cps to 100 cps.
Two Western Electric 2x1645 transistors
operating in parallel provided an extremely Spurious output,: 40 db below carrier.
Load mismatch: Spurious outputs must be
conservative output of 1.75 watts. Broad-
less than 40 d b when operated into a
band R C neutralizing was incorporated t o
continuously varying VSRR from 1 :1 t o
stabilize the amplifier when subjected to mis-
matched loads and t o tuned loads such as the
After nine months in orbit both the primary
lumped-constant diplexer.
and alternat,e transmitter subassemblies had
A pi-section input filter solved t4he problem
of matching the driver output t o the low in-
shown no determinable degradation in otltpllt
level or significant, frequency shift.
put mpedance of the 2x1645's.
The case of the 251645 transistors was con-
Command Subassembly
nected to the collectors. This required the
case to be electrically isolated from the chassis. The OS0 I command system was B t,one
The heat conduction problem WAS resolved by syst,eni using tones which were classified


LI c4


.?-12.-OSO I power amplifier schematic.

t •


#¢ I.
,.ql, ?

;;_ x• _

_, P _ _
_ g


- I I T I '
NO l l ' I I

L_f rb,'
7 ._


Modulation: AM
Input impedance: 50 ohms.
6 d b bandwidth: 35 kc.
Sensitivity: -dbm (75 percent mod.).
Dynamic range: 2 t o 2000 microvolts mini-
Image rejection: 80 db.
Spurious response rejection: 60 db.
Local oscillator radiation: 200 ppw max.
Local oscillator stability: f 2 kc.
I.F. stability: f 2 kc.
Audio amplifier response: f l d b 3 kc to 7kc.
Audio output: 50 milliwatts (5v rms across
500 ohms).
Standby power: 150 milliwatts (19 vdc
FIGURE5-14.-OS0 I receiver. source).
Power during interrogation: 250 milli-
confidential. Seven tones actuated seven watts.
channels. The receiver output was filtered by Input connector: SA4 male.
highly selective bandpass filters at the input
to the decoders. When the presence of the
particular channel tone was detected, the relay The decoders were procured from AVCO
driving circuit of the decoders was biased into Corporation. They were operated in parallel
conduction and connected one end of the to the point of at,tachment to the relays (see
driven relay field to ground. This was a Figure 5-15). One decoder contained the
momentary connection during the presence of
the command tone.
Figure 5-13 illustrates the decoder. Its
operation is as follows. Each of the tone dis-
sector channels is connected to either one end of
a single relsy field (channels 1 and Zj, or t u a
pair of relay fields (channels 4 and 5), or in the
case of channels 6 and 7 to three relay fields.
Channels 1 and 2 are used to select the ON or

O F F function by applying B+ to the proper

parallel bank of relays. Channels 6 and 7 each
h a r e an additional relay t o actuate for the ON
condition. The channel 6 and 7 decoder relay
drivers hare sufficient current-carrying capacity
to operate two r e l a p in parallel.

The receiver was procured from the AVCO
Corporation. It was Model No. AD153114
(Figure 5-14) and had the following chnrscteris-
Frequency: 1 10-1 50 M c .
The timing is fised and is set t o a specified
frequency at the manufacturer's plant FIGURE
5-15.-Commartd system diagram


The chassis contained seven crystal-controlled

tone generators with short and long-term
stabilities of 1 part in IO4 and fl percent,
The output of the encoder amplitude modu-
lated the transmitter. The transmitter was
keyed ON simultaneously with the command
tone. A timer inside the transmitter turned
off the R F carrier after 2 seconds.

Antenna and RF Multiplexing Subassembly

The spacecraft was stabilized with respect

to the sun. Since there was no stabilization
with respect to the earth, it was necessary
that the radiation pattern be omnidirectional.
Three components are necessary for R F
multiplexing :
1. A coaxial relay directs the R F output
from one of two transmitters to the diplexer.
2. A diplexer allows the single antenna to be
used for both the transmitter and receiver.
3. A hybrid is used to divide the received
command power and provide isolation between
FIGURE5-16.-OSO I receivers and decoder. the two receivers.
The two receivers and decoders were operat-
relays shown while the other had none; thus, ing simultaneously. Figure 5-17 is a block
the two part numbers. diagrcim of the R F multiplexing system.
The specifications for the decoders were tis Specificntions for the antenna and R F
follows : multiplexing system were prepared by Ball
Tone frequencies : (seven, classified). Brothers Reseitrcti Corportttion. The specifica-
Input impedances: 500 ohms. tions required losses of less than 3 d b in the
6-db channel bandwidth : 5 percent of
tone frequency.
20-db channel bnndwidth : 10 percent of
tone frequency.
Audio input power: 50 mw.
Noise immunity: no channel will operate DIPLEXER
due to random noise.
Standby power: 10 microamps mas. cit
Intcrrogde power: 700 mw nominal. NO. 2

The decoders and receiver were mounted in ti

stacked nrrcingement its shown in Figure 5-16.

Ground Station Encoder

T h e encoder w t ~ scomptitible with the (’ollins
242F-2 transmitter. ‘I’he coinniItiid tone to
be sent wtts selected by I ) p l ~ s h h t t o l ion the
front of IL IS-iiioli wkc-mount ed ( h h s i , .

* multiplexing system, isolation from transmitter A special fiberglass test fisture was used on
to receiver of 40 db, isolation from receiver the BBRC antenna tower. This fkt.ure was
t o receiver of 30 db, and an energy pattern essentially a modified gimbal which allowed the
within -6 d b of a unity gain antenna. Small recording of antenna patterns a t angular posi-
angle nulls were allowed. The entire antenna tion increments of IO degrees. The fixture and
and R F multiplexing system had t o weigh less tower used for antenna pattern measurements
than 3 lb. are shown in Figures 5-18 and 5-19.
Figure 5-20 is a pictorial view of OS0 I,
inchiding the antenna elements. The spacing
Preliminary antenna design was accomplished between stubs \\-as approximately one-half
with a one-third scale model of the Orbiting wavelength. Each antenna element consisted
Solar Observatory. Antenna patterns were of a support bracket and a stub. The support
siibmitted for a two-dricen-element array and for brackets also supported the extendable arms of
a three-dricen-element array. The radiation the spacecraft. Each stub was electrically
characteristics of the two arrays were similar. connected to its respectire support bracket to
For simplicity and reliability, the tvio-driz)en- form a three-element array. The three ele-
element array was chosen. Impedance match- ments mere completely insulated from the space-
inp was then accomplished using a full-scale craft by the use of nylon and fiberglass epoxy
model of OSO. Principal-plane antenna pat- material. Two of the elements were excited
terns were recorded and submitted for approval. and the third was parasitic. The element exci-
The antenna patterns recorded on the BBRC tation was applied at the point where the sup-
antenna range are included in Appendix A . port bracket connected to the spacecraft arm.
These include 18 transmitter patterns and 3 The electrical length of each element was
principal-plane receiver patterns. approsimately one-half wavelength.
I t was decided that the spacecraft transmitter
should radiate during the launch for tracking
purposes. Since the arms were folded down
during this phase, the antenna configuration
was much different from that of the orbital
position and the resulting radiation pattern
w-as severely ciisiorted. This W T R S Rcrompanied
by a high 105s of radiated power. In spite of
this distortion and loss of power, adequate gain
was avnilahle for tracking and the mismatch of
impedances caused no harni to the R F power
The antenna system was utilized for reception
:is n-ell as transmission with the two frequencies
differing by 12 percent. Impedance matching
was accomplished by single-stub matching
techniques. Single-stub matching is a narrow-
band method. but it was possible to obtain n
\-SWR of less than 1.5:l a t the tranwiitter
frequency and less than 2:l a t the receiver
-4 helical reionat or bandpass diplexer wab
deqgnecl hJ- ES('0. During s\-\tem integra-
FICCRE5-1s.-.iiiteniia tou er. tion. it i w s found that the T'ector solid-statp


FIGURE5-19.-OS0 I mounted in the antenna fixture.

R F amplifiers occasionally radiated spurious A photograph of this diplexer is shown in

signals when working into the high-Q load Figure 5-2 1.
presented by the diplexer.
This problem resulted in the procurement Hybrid
from the RE' amplifier manufacturer (Vector) A lumped-constant hybrid circulator was
a lumped-constant diplexer using high and low designed by ESCO. No problems were en-
pass filters. The lower cutoff frequency of the countered with this unit.
lumped-constant diplexer as opposed t o the The characteristics of the hybrid were as
helical resonator diplexer reduced the spurious follows :
signal generation, however, it was necessary to 1. An isolation of greater than 35 d b between
use a different power amplifier to completely receivers.
overcome the spurious signal problem , 2. An insertion loss of less than 1.5 db.
T h e characteristics of the lumped-constant 3. A power split of within 0.2 db.
diplexer were as follows: Figure 5-22 is ttn illustration of this unit.
1. An isolation of greater than 40 db.
2. An insertion loss of less than 1 d b a t the Coaxial Relay
transmitter frequency and less thnn 2 d b at the One coaxial relay was used t'o connect the
receiver frequency. desired telemetry transmitter to the antenna.


Flight relays passing all specifications were

selected from a group of twelve relays supplied
by the subcontractor.
The relay specifications were as follows :
Insertion loss: less than 0.25 db.
Mismatch: less than 1.2 VSWR
\ \ Crosstalk: no less than 40 db.
- SUPPORT Figure 5-23 is an illustration of this unit.

The worldwide Minitrack network was re-
sponsible for tracking and for receiving data
from the Orbiting Solar Observatory.** The
SATELLITE OS0 subsatellite plot is shown in the world map,

**NASA-GSFC Operations Plan 1-62 Orbiting Solar

FIGCRE5-2O.-OSO I antenna elements. Observatory.

. Q

FIGURE5-21.-OSO I dipleser.


5-22.-OS0 I hybrid. FIGURE5-23.-OS0 I coaxial relay.


o Telemetry recordings were required from the centimeter deflections. After conversion to
stations listed below: functions, the 12 channels were TWX'd to
Pr/mary Boulder daily.
Antofagasta, Chile The following functions indicated the status
Blossom Point, Maryland of the spacecraft on a quick-look basis:
Fort Myers, Florida Channel Parameter
Lima, Peru
2 Battery temperature.
Quito, Ecuador 5 Calibrate 0 volts dc.
Santiago, Chile 6 Calibrate 2.5 volts dc.
Secondary 7 Calibrate 5.0 volts dc.
Mojave, California 8 Spacecraft voltage monitor.
Woomera, Australia 34 Elevation positioning accuracy read-
Johannesburg, South Africa (early orbit out
only) 35 Azimuth positioning accuracy readout.
36 _-5.0 volts dc calibration.
NOTE: Secondary telemetry acquisition sta- 37 2.5 volts dc calibration.
tions were used only during early orbits or during 38 0 volts dc calibration.
those occasions where conflicts developed and 40 Azimuth positioning power monitor.
a primary station was unavailable to command 41 Elevation positioning power monitor.
and record the telemetered data.
There were two types of data transmitted by
Launch and Early Operation
the Orbiting Solar Observatory. These were
real-time and stored data. Stored data, re- The first station to command the Orbiting
corded in the spacecraft during one transit Solar Observatory to play back its recorded
around the earth, were played back and trans- data was the Fort Myers Minitrack station.
mitted upon command once per orbit by one of This station was provided with special tape-
the above stations. Recovery of real-time speed compensation and diversity-combining
telemetry data was not required at any of the equipment to provide a detailed quick-look
stations until both of the spacecraft recorders analysis of the spacecraft and experiment status
failed to function. immediately after launch. BBRC personnel
In order that the status of the spacecraft and the GSFC spacecraft controller were
could be evaluated on a current basis, a special present at this station during the first two
quick-look procedure was established for the weeks of orbit to monitor the spacecraft oper-
analysis of the "housekeeping" channel. ation and to advise a course of action in case of
During the first two weeks after launch, a spacecraft emergency.
Fort Myers was the primary station, and all The stations listed in Table 5-4 were able to
housekeeping data received there were also receive telemetry signals in the order listed and
reduced there. The outlying stations could in the manner indicated during the launch and
read only chart deflection of the selected func- early orbit period. They were equipped to
tions listed below and TWX this information make a Sanborn recording in real-time from
to Fort Myers. one antenna polarization and TWX PAM
After two weeks, GSFC at Greenbelt received deflections (in centimeters) to the Fort Myers
all quick-look housekeeping data in the form of station.


TABLE 5-4.--0S0 I Readout and Command Schedule for the First 19 Hours After Launch

Length Max. Slant Range Type Required I Type

S_rt Time Station of Pass Elev. km S-Mi Command to record Data
(Min.) telemetry I
(d_.) __
T+0hr. 19' ...... JOBURG .... 12 429 None ...... Yes .... *R-T
51 691
T+lhr. 18' ...... MOJAVE .... 12 448 None ...... Yes .... R-T
49 721
T+lhr. 27' ...... FTMYRS .... 11 32 966 6OO Playback_ __ Yes .... fREC
T+2hr. 01' ...... JOBURG .... 11 30 999 62O None ...... Yes .... R-T
TW2hr. 59'_ ..... MOJAVE .... 11 20 1321 82O None ...... Yes .... R-T
T+3hr. 13' ...... QUITOE ..... 12 67 594 369 Playback_ __ Yes .... R-T
T+3hr. 15'_ ..... LIMAPU_ .. _ 11 22 1242 772 None ...... Yes .... R-T
T+3hr. 42' ...... JOBURG_ ___ 12 40 800 497 None ...... No ...........
T+4hr. 55'_ ..... QUITOE ..... 10 15 1539 956 None ...... No ...........
TW4hr. 56' ...... LIMAPU .... 12 49 706 439 None ...... NO ...........

T+4hr. 59' ...... AGASTA ..... 12 54 667 414 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
TTShr. 01' ...... SNTAGO .... 12 16 1468 912 None ...... NO ..........

T+5hr. 23' ...... JOBURG .... 12 61 614 382 None ...... No ...........
TT5hr. 39' ...... LIMAPU .... 09 11 1768 1098 None ...... NO ...........

T+ 5hr. 40'_ ..... AGASTA ..... 12 37 851 529 None ...... No ...........

T+ 6hr. 41' ...... SNTAGO .... 12 50 697 433 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
T+7hr. 05' ...... JOBURG .... 10 13 1623 1008 None ...... No ...........
T+ 8hr. 22' ...... SNTAGO_ 12 86 551 342 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
T+8hr. 23' ...... AGASTA ..... 11 22 1212 753 None ...... No ...........
T+ 10hr. 03' ..... SNTAGO .... 12 65 597 371 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
T+ 10hr. 04' ..... AGASTA ..... 12 29 1013 629 None ...... No .... I .......
T+ llhr. 45' ..... AGASTA ..... 12 74 563 35O Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
T+llhr. 45' ..... SNTAGO .... 11 25 1114 692 None ...... No .... I .......
T+llhr. 46'_ .... LIMAPU .... 11 12 1653 1027 None ...... NO ...........

TT13hr. 27' ..... AGASTA ..... I0 17 1394 866 None ...... NO .... ' .......

T+13hr. 27' ..... LI MAPU .... 11 56 641 398 Playback_ _ Yes .... REC
T+13hr. 29' ..... QUITOE ..... I0 14 1548 962 None ...... No ...........
T+14hr. 33' ..... OOMERA .... 09 13 1608 999 None ...... No ...........
T+15hr. 08' ..... LIMAPU .... 11 17 1402 871 None_ NO ...........

TT15hr. 09' ..... QUITOE ..... 12 75 556 345 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
T+16hr. 12' ..... OOMERA .... 12 49 709 441 None ...... No ...........
T+16hr. 54' ..... FTMYRS _ __ II 2O 1279 795 Playback_ __ Yes .... REC
TT17hr. 53' ..... OOMERA .... 13 69 587 365 None ..... No ...........
T+18hr. 34' ..... FTM YRS .... 12 73 574 357 Playback_ _ Yes .... REC
TT18hr. 37' ..... BPOINT ..... II 21 1257 781 None ..... Yes .... REC

*R-T--Real Time. tREC--Recorded.

Normal Operations DATA REDUCTION

The normal operations started approximately Data reduction consisted of editing and
two weeks after launch. All stations assigned analyzing 52 PAM housekeeping channels.
command and telemetry acquisition responsi-
bilities during this period were expected to Key Channels--Ouick-L.ook Reduction
record a malimunl amount of stored data during Certain of the 52 channels contained the key
the playback period for which they were as- performance information of the spacecraft.
signed responsibility. Each station, in ad- Each receiving station was required to forward
dition, wits req_fired to submit quick-h)ok centimeters deflection of these channels to the
information (Sanborn deflections in centi- Operations Control Center at GSFC. After
meters) to GSFC at Greenbelt where the TWX'ed the function status to Boulder on a
housekeeping channels were red,iced and conversion to the function, the Control Center
TWX'ed to Boulder for analysis. daily basis.


• The key channels are: Flexowriter typed out data sample numbers 1
Battery No. 2 temperature. through 90 down the page. The result of this
Spacecraft voltage monitor. tabulation then was "Function Magnitude ver-
Spin gas pressure. sus Orbit Position," since sample number and
Elevation readout. orbit position could be correlated.
Azimuth readout. By editing the oscillographic records, thirty-
Pitch readout. three of the fifty-two channels were selected
Ammuth power monitor. for computer processing in each orbit. The
Elevation power monitor. process was repeated three times with three
sebs of data and calibration tapes. The com-
Semi-Automatic Comprehensive Reduction of puter required 15 minutes to process one orbit.
Housekeeping Channels
Magnetic tapes supplied by GSFC were
used to generate paper strip charts. Sanborn
pen and Heiland Visicorder records were The FM-AM telemetry system of the space-
generated simultaneously. The Visicorder rec- craft performed well for over 1000 orbits. The
ords were used for housekeeping data reduction signals received from the spacecraft at the
and the Sanborn records were used to qualita- receiving station during tape recorder playback
tively determine the condition of experiments. were at least 20 db above threshold and free of
noise resulting in data of excellent quality.
Oscar K Readout A record of a data transmission received at

Oscillographic records were read by the Fort Myers, Florida, receiving station compared
Bensen Lehrner, Oscar K, oscillogram semi- favorably with one made in the laboratory
automatic reader. The output of the Oscar during spacecraft checkout. It was possible
to receive real-time data transmission from the
K reader was automatically recorded on an
electrotyper. Recorded data included time, spacecraft in Boulder, Colorado. The signal
channel number, frame number, and data. was of sufficient quality that information con-
The data were recorded as a decimal digit cerning the operation of the spacecraft and the
from 0.00 to 5.00 volts. These data were not in experiments was routinely being gathered at
a form for graphical presentation in that scalar Boulder.
mathematics had to be performed to convert The communications system continued to
voltages to quantities of temperature, pressure, give excellent performance through the tenth
angular degrees, etc. Week during which time 100 percent of the
An additional output of the Oscar K provided data recorded was usable. An average of 10
an octad format which was recorded on punched to 15 percen_ of the data could not be recorded
paper tape. due to spurious commands received by the
spacecraft as well as minor ground station
Computer ReducTion problems.
The CDC 160 computer with a Fortran pro- RF System
gram was used to process the octad format tape The RF systems (both primary and alternate)
from the Oscar K. Special computer program continued to operate satisfactorily. At the
tapes were prepared which contained co- time of this writing there had been no significant
efficients of calibration curves. The data tape change in transmitter frequencies or receiver
and the calibration tape were fed to the com_ signal-to-noise ratio since launch.
puter. The computer output tape was fed The slant rangett versus the available signal
to a Frieden Flexowriter. The Flexowriter level at the receiver input terminals is shown
typed out the magnitude of eleven channels in Figure 5-25. As can be seen, the combined
in eleven rows across the page. Ninety data ttTaken from NASA-GSFC Operations Plan 1-62,
samples per channel were taken per orbit. The Orbiting Solar Observatory (S-16).


O¢2 I ........ f

120 i i

100 KC SKY NOISE AT 5000°K I/


I00 _
I ./ i

7_ / _
./ --_1 _

9O _.. L_ .I


8O i 1 I I I _ Ill II

sPlbl R'A'rE - 112 'l_l_S


> I i ,
200 300 400 ' 560 700 1000 2000 ao0o ;,ooo'5o'oo'ooo

FIGURE 5-25.--Comparison of slant range versus signal level.

polarization curve lay within the data threshold to nearly zero during orbit 372. The low-
at 300°K and 5000°K up to a slant, range of frequency channel was not affected. The de-
2000 miles. crease in amplitude could have been caused by

FM Multiplex System oxide buildup on the playback head. The pri-

mary tape recorder failed completely after 383
No indication of drift in either of the sub- orbits. The nature of the faihlre indicated that
carrier oscillator packages was received during the spurious commanding received over North
the first nine months of orbit. Transmitter
Africa had simply worn out the starting mechan-
power and frequency remained well within ism of the motor by many turn-on/turn-off
specification. Over half of the playback trans- cycles. The recorder performance in orbit was
missions over the tracking stations had a signal comparable to the performance in the laboratory
strength of --100 dbm, or better. Only 1 per- until the time it failed to start. The loss of the
cent had signal strengths of less than the primary tape recorder necessitated ttie use of
threshold vahle of -- 120 dbm.
the laternate system.
The alternate tape recorder failed to provide
Data Storage System
playback modulation dlzring orbit 1038. Indi-

l'rior to the faihire of the primary tape re- cations were that the basic recorder, tinier, and

corder, the high frequency channel amplitude motor continued to operate normally. Data
decreased fronl it normal level during orbit 364 obtained during orbits 3472 and 3489 indicated


that the motor and driver were still operating have been caused by a modulated carrier or
properly. One of the following items appar- by two carriers heterodyning and generating the
ently failed: exact command tones.
1. Bias oscillator. GSFC transported a transmitter to the
2. Latching relay. particular region of North Africa over which the
3. 15-volt regulator. signals were received. The transmitter was
4. Mylar belt (tape drive). modulated with the ON command tone. This
modulation desensitized the receiver and de-
Command System coder to any OFF commands sent by the source
Soon after the launch of the spacecraft, it of interference. In this way, the sequence of
became apparent that spurious commands were ON-OFF commanding which was disastrous to
being received when the spacecraft was between the primary tape recorder was eliminated.
20 ° and 30 ° east longitude and between 15 ° and No problems other than spurious command-
35 ° latitude (see Figure 5-24). The specific ing were apparent with-the command system.
source of the spurious command signals was not All commands were received properly by the
determined. The spurious commanding could spacecraft.

782-552 0--(16-----13
Chapter 6

INTRODUCTION flective coating on one side and a red antire-
flective coating on the other. The purpose of
Electrical power for the spacecraft was con- these coatings was to transmit the light to which
verted from sunlight by a sun-oriented array of the cell was sensitive (to increase power output)
silicon solar cells. Part of this power was used and reject the light to which it was insensitive
to charge a storage battery which stabilized the (to decrease temperature).
voltage, supplied peak demands, and provided The cells were soldered together into modules
power during the dark part of the orbit. The of four and five cells each, and the modules were
solar-cell array and battery constituted the interwired to form strings of 52 cells in series.
power supply. There were 36 such strings.
Solar-cell modules occasionally fail by open-
POWER AND TEMPERATURE ESTIMATES circuiting, but rarely by shortcircuiting. If
modules are connected in simple series strings, a
It was estimated that at the nominal voltage failure of one module takes an entire string out
of 19 volts, the power requirements would be: of the circuit. However, if parallel crosswiring
Day -,_gh_
is provided between series strings, the failure of
(watts) (watts) a single module is much less serious. The
Control system .................... 6. 6 2. 8 current that should flow through that module is
Communications system ............ 4. 5 4. 5
carried by those in parallel with it, in addition
Experimental instruments ........... 6. 5 4. 3
to their own normal current. In this particular
Total ....................... 17. 6 11.6 array, if 6 or more series strings were cross-
connected the failure of a module would have
The thermal analysis (Chapter 7) predict a cost only the amount of power normally con-
solar-cell array operating temperature of about tributed by that module.
70 ° C and a battery temperature of about 10 ° C. If all the series strings had been crosscon-
nected, then a short circuit across part of one
SOLAR CELL ARRAY string (caused, say, by meteorite damage) would
have wiped out the entire array. Therefore,
The solar-cell array had to provide 17.6 watts this array was divided into five sections, three
day power, and also had to provide enough containing 6 series strings and two containing 9
battery charge to support the l l.6-watt night series strings. The strings within each section
load. Assuming that the battery efficiency was were crosswired, and each section had its own
75 percent on an ampere-hour basis in a 76 per- blocking diodes.
cent sunlight orbit, the solar-cell array had to Current-voltage curves for the completed
deliver 22.5 watts. In a 63 percent sunlight array are shown in Figure 6-1. Curve A is an
orbit the solar-cell array had to deliver 26.7 experimental curve taken in sunlight in Boulder,
watts. Colorado. Curve C is this experimental curve
The array comprised 1872 silicon solar cells, corrected to the expected orbital conditions.
Hoffman Type 120CG. Each cell had a 0.006- Curve C shows that the array will deliver 29.4
inch-thick cover glass with an ultraviolet re- watts at 19 volts at 70 ° C in space sunlight.


CURVE A: EXPERIMENTAL CURVE TAKEN IN BOULDER SUNLIGHT amperes with a maximum voltage of 20.7 voltg.
CURVE B: CURVE A ADJUSTED FOR 140 MW CM- OF JOHNSON In normal operation, the battery was cycled
CURVE C: CURVE A ADJUSTED FOR 140 MW CM -2 OF JOHNSON to a discharge depth of about 2 percent. It

2.0 was thought that this would provide excellent

cyclic life. If the solar-cell array had failed

completely, the battery alone could have
powered the spacecraft for about 10 orbits.

_ 1.2 LOAD LINE FOR 635

Z_I.0 s;:;I:ILo /oEA,
Assuming that the voltage swing during any
one orbit was negligibly small, it was possible
to plot approximate load lines for the solar-cell
array. This has been done in Figure 6-1. The
2 4 6 8 I0 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 load lines curve upward because the battery
VOLTAGE, VOLTS efficiency decreases radically as the voltage
rises above the normal full-charge voltage.
FIGURE 6-1.--Current-voltage curves for solar cell
array. In Figure 6-2, the data of Figure 6-1 are
replotted to show the excess current available
from the solar-cell array as a function of
operating voltage, for four different operating
At the time this spacecraft was designed, the conditions. These curves show that even if
most common reasons for the failure of Nicad our estimate of solar-cell performance were 25
cells were degradation of the separator material percent high, or if the array were degraded by
due to overheating, and case bulging due to 20 percent, or if our estimate of the load were
overcharging. Therefore, it was decided to 20 percent low, the operating voltage would
use a battery with such great overcharge still have been above 18 volts. Further, no
capacity that overcharging was impossible, and
matter how far in error the estimates may have
to pot the cells into cavities in a solid metal
been, the operating voltage would not have
block to provide mechanical reinforcement and
risen above 20.8 volts.
excellent heat conduction.
Since the solar-cell array produced about 1.55
amperes at 19 volts, and the control system
uses 0.35 amperes in keeping the array oriented,
the battery had to be able to absorb a con-
tinuous charge current of at least 1.2 amperes.
71 __¢/ MAXIMUM SUN 52°C
The cell selected for use in this battery was
6_I _. _ _ MAXIMUM SUN 70°C
a Sonotone Type F hermetically sealed Nicad
cell, with two plates and a polypropylene
This cell had a nominal
ampere-hours above 1.0
volts, and
measured capacity of at least 4.2 ampere-hours
above 1.2 volts. It could stand continuous _o I _<-_\ \
l I MINIM_SUN5rC _ _ _\ \
overcharge at 0.45 amperes with a maximum
voltage of 1.48 volts.
The battery consisted of 42 cells, arranged in
3 series strings of 14 cells each. The battery
capacity was 16.8 ampere-hours above 14.0 22
volts and 12.6 ampere hours above 16.8 volts.
It could stand continuous overcharge 1.35 FIGURE 6-2.--Power margin curves.


• The day power switch, as described in detail produce 29.4 watts, and for a maximum sun-
in Chapter 4, was provided to remove power light, 26.4 watts.
from those circuits and experiments not re- The array temperature in orbit was 60°C,
quired at night. 10°C lower than predicted. This reduction in
The voltage regulators, also described in operating temperature allowed the array to
Chapter 4, were provided for those spacecraft produce about four percent more current than
functions critical to supply voltage variations predicted so that the estimated initial orbital
such as the servo amplifiers and most of the output of the array was 30.6 watts. Because
spacecraft instrumentation circuitry. of this, the minimum sunlight orbit power
Fuses were installed in series with the power margin was about 4 percent and the maximum
lines to each of the experiment and spacecraft sunlight orbit margin 16 percent.
systems which could fail without destroying the The reason for the narrow margins was that
more control system drive power was zequired
usefulness of the remaining systems. The
than was originally estimated. The anticipated
fusing was set at a level such that a drastic drive was 2.5 watts and the actual drive was
overcurrent demand was required to remove
5.5 watts. Had the anticipated drive values
the circuit from the supply. The fuses were and array temperature been realized, the mini-
derated for vacuum use based upon actual mum sunlight orbit power margin would have
vacuum test data. been 11 percent and the maximum sunlight
The pointed and wheel experiments could orbit power margin 27 percent.
have been removed from the power lines by
command should the power supply capability Long Term Orbital Results
have been reduced, or if a malfunction had
Voltage" measurements made during the first
occurred that was insufficient to blow the fuse. four months of orbital life indicated that the
power system was performing as expected and
POWER SUPPLY PERFORMANCE that the array output was sufficient to maintain
the entire observatory load.
Preflight and Initial Orbital Resuhs
Measurements of battery voltage were made
The actual power usage for the spacecraft, during orbits 3500 to 3700 about four months
after the 9 July 1962 high-altitude nuclear
using the last preflight checkout data and the
device explosion which caused considerable elec-
data measured in orbit, was as follows:
tron flux intensification at the 300-nautical-
mile altitude of the spacecraft. It was deter-
Day Night
(watts) (watts) mined at that time that the spacecraft array
could not supply the required 23 watts day
Control electronics ........... 6.2 1.2 power. However, the array was able to charge
Control drive ................ *5. 5 0
the batteries with the 3A-watt wheel experiment
Communications ............ 4.1 4.1
Experiments ................ 7.2 3.4 load commanded off. If the following assump-
tions are made it can be concluded that the
Total .................. 23.0 8.7 array was producing about 21.3 watts, and thus
that the array had degraded about 30 percent
*3.5 watts azimuth, 2 watts elevation drive.
in the four-month period that the radiation had
Test results from battery charge cycling indi- existed.
cated an 80 percent charge efficiency. Thus, Array temperature was still 60°C.
the array was actually required to provide 23 The loads were the same as when the space-
watts day power and enough additional charge craft was launched.
to maintain the 8.7-watt night load. For a There was no micrometeorite damage to the
minimum sunlight orbit, the array had to panel.

• 6


The original 30.6-watt array output estimate Solution of the Degradation Problem
was accurate.
In future spacecraft of the same type and
Half of the wheel experiment load could have mission a more satisfactory answer to the
been handled. problem of degradation would be one of the
There were other considerations relating to following:
the degradation determination outlined above. 1. N on P silicon cells can be used to derive
One of these was that there was some prob- about the same space sun output as the OSO I
ability that, due to brush material buildup on array a.nd should have a degradation figure low
the commutator of the azimuth torque motor. enough (about 11 percent) to be useful for a
the torque gain of the motor may have been six-month lifetime. This solution will un-
reduced. This could have had an appreciable doubtedly be the one used.
effect on degradation, but it was estimated that 2. The other approach would be to use higher
it caused no greater than a 20 percent increase efficiency P on N cells, to produce as much
(0.7 watts) in required azimuth pointing power. power as is practical for the given area, antici-
A further consideration was that the pointing pate the degradation, and plan to selectively
power varied over wide limits due to the spring command experiments off when the array can
effect of the elevation gimbal flexible leads no longer handle the full load.
against which the elevation torque motor had With no increase in panel area being con-
to drive. This effect caused a variation in the sidered, the first solution has an experiment
elevation drive power from 0 to 6 watts with power limit of about 9 watts (averaged over the
the average being the 2 watts assumed in the orbit) assuming the present basic power require-
previous discussion. The 30 percent degrada- ments exist. If this experiment power is ex-
tion figure arrived at above then could have ceeded, there will be no choice other than to
been as low as 15 percent or as high as 36 increase the size of the array or to reduce the
percent; but 30 percent is the most probable six-month life expectation for full-time experi-
figure. ment utilization.

Chapter 7

INTRODUCTION maintain the temperature of equipment located
in this section within the specified temperature
In the Orbiting Solar Observatory it was range for all orbital conditions.
important that temperatures be maintained 3. Temperature profiles around the orbit for
within specific limits in those sections of the the wheel interior and exterior cover panels
spacecraft containing temperature sensitive when the surface radiative properties previously
equipment. determined, are assumed.
The efficiency of the silicon solar cells pro- An exact mathematical analysis of the actual
viding electrical power for the spacecraft de- physical problem was not possible because of
creases as temperature increases. For this the complex geometry of the two spacecraft
reason the nonrotating structure was designed sections under consideration. Simplified models
to operate at the lowest possible temperature. of these geometries had to be assumed to
The nickel-cadmium storage batteries located provide a feasible solution method, and other
in the wheel section operated at good efficiency simplifiying assumptions were made in the
over the range 35°C to --10°C. Other com- analysis that was performed.
ponents and equipment located in this section This chapter presents the methods and
were temperature limited, but all were capable results of the mathematical analysis and the
of operating satisfactorily in the range from accompanying computer program conducted
--10°C to 35°C. Therefore, this temperature in support of the thermal design program for
range was specified for all wheel experiments OSO I. Derivations of the heat transfer
and equipment. equations for determining spacecraft tempera-
Many of the thermal design specifications tures are given in detail, including evaluation
established for the OSO were based on funda- of the shape factor integrals associated with
mental heat transfer considerations and did the heat exchange rates between the various
not require mathematical analysis. For ex- spacecraft outer surfaces and the earth.
ample, by painting all interior wheel surfaces The simplified analysis of the wheel was
with "thermally black" paint and providing run with an Intercom 500 computer program
good conduction between adjoining structural written for a Bendix G-15 computer. The
members, temperature gradients in the wheel analyses of the solar-cell array and the shielded
were minimized. This procedure tended to model of the wheel were run from Fortran
prevent local "hot spots" from developing in programs written for the CDC.1604 computer.
components such as the storage batteries and
electrical equipment where heat was generated. ANALYSIS OF SIMPLIFIED MATHEMATICAL
Mathematical analysis was performed in MODEL
support of the overall thermal design problem
to provide the following information: In the first solution of the problem, the
1. Expected operating temperature of the rotating and nonrotating sections of the space-
solar-cell array for various orbital conditions. craft were assumed to be isolated, isothermal
2. Required values of absorptivity and emis- masses, but with the same outside geometry and
sivity for the outer surfaces of the wheel to thermal capacity as that of the actual space-

craft. The presence of the armsandspin-up The radiative power received by the body
gas bottles on the wheelstructure and the from the earth consists of reflected sunlight and
pointedinstrumentsin the upper structure thermal radiation. These heat input rates are
was neglected.The heat transfer rate be- given by
tween the two sectionswas consideredto
This simplified model of the spacecraft
qe_ __ =F_Ae_,_oreEo (above sunlit earth) }
=0 (above dark earth)
provideda fairly accuraterepresentation
of the
physicalproblemsincegoodconductionpaths (7.3)
between adjoining structural membersare
providedby filling all rivetedor boltedjoints
with high-conductionepoxy resin, and all qe_---- F_Ae_ae T$ (7.4)
interior surfacesin the wheel are painted where
"thermallyblack." Thesestepsprovidemaxi-
mumheatdistributionwithin thetwo structures F,=geometric shape factor for reflected
and prevent the occurrenceof significantly sunlight
largetemperat_re gradients. Fb=geometric shape factor for thermal
radiation from the earth
Derivation of Heat Transfer Equations qe =heat input rate due to reflected sun-
The rate of change in telnperature of a
thermally isolated section qeb=heat input rate due to thermal radi-
of the spacecraft ation from the earth
Ae_ =surface area of the body receiving
reflected sunlight
dt mc (7.1) Ae%=surface area of the body receiving
thermal radiation from the earth
where re _ coefficient for diffuse reflection from
the earth (albedo)
Te-_=temperature of tile spacecraft ae=coefficient of absorptivity of the
body for receipt of thermal radi-
q_=radiative power absorbed by the ation at 250°K
spacecraft Te=the effective black-body tempera-
qo=power radiated from the spacecraft ture of earth_250°K
mc=the total heat capacity of the space- z-_the Stefan-Boltzmann constant,
0.1714 X 10- s BTU/hr/ft_/o R4

The heat absorbed comes from three sources:

The thermal radiation rate from the spacecraft
the sun, the earth, and internal heat sources.
may be written as
Direct solar radiation is received at the rate

go=AreeaT 4 (7.5)
f=A_agEo (in sunlight) where
qo_ (7.2)
L =0 (in the earth's shadow) At= total radiating surface area of body
_e_=coefficient of emission for thermal radi-
ation from the surface areas
A,=the projected area of the body in the
direction from the sun
The internal heat generated in the wheel
aG=the coefficient of absorptivity of the section of the spacecraft is assumed to be:
body for solar radiation
Eo=emissive power of the sun, 442 qe_=8.5 watts (in sun); 8.5 watts (in dark)
BTU/hr-ft? (7.6)


St_bstituting Equations (7.4) and (7.5)into h=orbital altitude of the spacecraft

Equation (7.1) yields r0=radius of disk "seen" by the spacecraft
as shown in figure below.
dT¢-, 1
dt mc (qo+q_a+q¢-,
+ F_tc-,taca T$--Ar_¢-,aT$-,) (7.7)

[valuation of the Shape Factors, Faand Fb

r o
The radiative power received by the space-
craft through reflection of sunlight from an
element dS of the earth's surface is

dq_=Iao cos/_A¢-, a cos ¢_ cos

p2 ¢¢/S (7.8)


/=intensity of radiation from dS

8 = angle between the solar vector and the
normal to dS
@x=angle between the direction of the
spacecraft and the normal to dS
¢2= angle between the direction of dS and
the normal to As-,,
p=distance between dS and the space-

The intensity of the radiation received by the

spacecraft from dS when 8=0 is Then, if h=345 statute miles and R----3960
statute miles
I=rcEdT (7.9)

Substituting Equation (7.9) into Equation (7.8), Oo=sin-X (h_o)=sin-X (0.9199) =66°55'
we have
ro----htan 00= (345) (2.3464) =809.5 statute miles
A¢-,, cos _, cos ¢_dS
dq¢a=aereEe -- x cos _ p2 The angle 8 in Equation (7.10) is constant
over the entire surface of the disk at any given
time and is equal to its value for the element
qe = F_Ac-, aor e Ee (7.3) dS directly below the spacecraft at that time.
With the above assumptions, we have the
following relationships:

Ac__FaA$-*a f cos _ cos ¢_ cos _2dS

x Js p2 (7.10)

To simplify integration of Equation (7.10), the ["Fb cos _ for cos _ > 0
following assumptions are made:
/_'= t 0 for cos 8<0
The earth is a fiat disk of radius, r0, with the
spacecraft a distance, h, above the center of the Thus, in determining the factor, F_A¢-,, in
disk, where Equation (7.3) for any particular surface of the


spacecraft, we obtain an expression from which t

the factor, F_A¢_b, is readily obtained by simply

letting cos B=I. This is equivalent to re- FLAT

writing Equation (7.7) as _'_/ NORMAL

n /_. TO dS . SUN

[ q o + FAe-_ (cos _aor eEo + aea T 4)

+q¢-,--AT,¢-)T_-_] (7.11)

for cos/_ > 0.

NOTE: The restriction on the value of cos f_ is

used to approximate the total amount of heat
received by the spacecraft from reflected sun-
light during each orbit. Inclusion of the com-
plete albedo term on the sunlit side of the
terminator implies too much reflected light.
Dropping the term completely on the other side Y

implies too little reflected light. The two errors

FIGURE 7-1.--Earth disk and plate geometry.
nearly cancel.

where In these calculations, the wheel will be assumed

to be a circular cylinder with flat ends, unob-
F= shape factor for thermal radiation from structed by the nonrotating structure in receiv-
the earth ing radiation from the earth. The upper struc-
A=surface area of the spacecraft receiving ture will be considered as a semicircular flat
reflected sunlight and/or thermal ra- plate, unobstructed by the wheel in receiving
diation from the earth. radiation from the earth.
Using Figure 7-1, we can construct a unit
The shape factor, F, is given by Equation normal vector n for one surface of a fiat plate
(7.10) as of negligible thickness:

F__I [" cos ¢1 cos ¢_dS (7.12) n='j sin _--ff cos
_" ,)8 p2

Similarly, we can construct a unit vector di-

or for any surface area of the spacecraft, A¢_,
receiving radiation from the earth, we have rected from the plate toward dS:

.=-i sin 0 cos 4+]_ sin 0 sin _--k cos 0

A¢"F_=A¢'_{'_Js cos ¢1 cos
p_ ¢2dS (7.13)
Since the dimensions of the plate will be con-
sidered very small compared to o, one such
Because of the abrupt discontinuity in normal
vector will serve for the whole plate, and it will
direction to the various surfaces of the space-
not be necessary to integrate over the surface
craft, Equation (7.13) will be evaluated for each
of the plate.
of the following surfaces:
The angle "v is determined by the orientation
bottom of wheel of the plate in space. Later in the discussion
top of wheel it will be shown how -_ is related to the orbital
side of wheel parameters.
front of solar cell array Four cases arise with respect to the plate
back of solar cell support structure orientation (see Figure 7-2):


p2=h2 sec 2 0

so that the shape factor becomes

F=lff(sm2Osin. _ sin 3"

DISK -}-sin 0 cos 0 cos _¢)d4_0 (7.14)

evaluated for the appropriate area of the disk.
(I)o_l_,[<T-eo (2)T-eo I'_T The selection of proper limits and the evalua-
tion is given beginning on page 211. The re-
sults are

Case 1 (0 <13"]<_/2--So):

F----cos 3" sin 2 0o (7.15)

Case2 13"1

1 2 1
FIGURE 7-2.--Plate orientation. F--_ sin 00 cos 3"d-_ sin 2 3"

1. The plate surface "sees" the entire disk COSO0_/sin 20o--COS 2 7
representing the earth (0 _ 13"]<T/2--0o).
2. The plate surface "sees" more than half,
but not all, of the disk (_/2--0o_<13'1<_/2). _1T sin2 3"tan-' \_/sin 2COS0o
00_cos 2 3")
3. The plate surface "sees" a small part (less
than half) of the disk 0r/2 _ 13"1<_/2+0o).
+1 cos2 _' tan-'(Icos 3"l_/tan 2 3"tan 2 00--1)
4. The plate surface "sees" none of the disk T

(_/2 + Oo_<I",'I-<_)-
+1 cos _, sin 2 00 sin -_ (cot 3"cot 0o) (7.16)
The boundary between the regions of the disk
is given by
Case 3 (,r/2_< 1,1<¢/2+0o):
u-n=sin O sin _ sin 3,-4-cos O cos 3,-=-0
or Same expression as Case 2.
_=--Sin -1 (cot 0 cot 3")
Case 4 (lr/2+0o< 13"1
The direction cosine terms in Equation (7.12) F=0 (7.17)
These functions can be considered for
COS _bl_ cos O
0 _<_ < _r only, since 3" will be determined by a
cos ¢_ = n- U----sin 0 sin _ sin 3"+ cos 0 cos 3" cosine expression and the choice of quadrant
for 3" is thus partly arbitrary. A plot of F
O and _ are used as the variables of integration versus 3" for a flat surface is shown in Figure
over the disk. Since
r:h tan O Shown in Figure 7-3 is a graph of the
and function:
dr=h sec 2 ado
0.846 cos" (0.63453") cos (0.63453")>_ 0
dS becomes

dS= h 2 sec 2 0 tan 0d_/¢ 0.0 cos (0.63453")40


so that the areas under the two curves are equal:

l In Figure 7-4 are graphs of the shape functions

o.846 c_ 2 (o.6345 _,).cos (o.6345 -_)• o

o.s_ of both surfaces of a flat plate versus _ for the

bottom surface, together with a shape factor
o.6- for the plate when both surfaces have the same
Fb) \"o characteristics and both receive radiation.
v¢',l / "o__ Also shown in this figure is a plot of the equation

Ft+b=0.332 cos 2 _0.514 0_<7<Ir (7.18)


which was used as an approximation to the

O.(o. 40" 80_ 120_ 160" composite shape function.
For the sides, a shape function
FIGURE 7-3.--Shape functions for flat plate.
Fs=0.254_0.077 sin 2 _' (7.19)
which was used in the computer solution to ap-
proximate F for a single surface of a flat plate. was used, where _ is the angle between local
This approximation is much simpler than the vertical and the axis of the cylindrical surface.

expression for F and is sufficiently accurate. The development of this expression is given on
The constants in the approximation were chosen page 211.


V + 0.514






0o 40 ° ' 8 l0o ' ' °
120 160 °

FIGURE 7-4.--Shape functions for both surfaces of flat plate.


and for the bottom

_ement of the Problem for Computer Solution

Orbital Geometry cos 3,_=n_.v=--sin '7sin e sin _'--cos _ cos

The coordinate system shown in Figure 7-5 (7.22)

was used to relate the angles -¢ and 8 in Equa-
Because of the symmetry of the wheel
tions (7.11), (7.18) and (7.19) to the orbital
section and the assumption of like surface
parameters '7, e, and _. The sun is always taken
characteristics of the top and bottom plates,
to be along the x-axis. The angle _ then repre- the variation of _ from 0 ° to 90 ° is sufficient to
sents the angle between the sateUite orbital determine the variation of heat input rates due
plane and the ecliptic, which varies from 0 ° to
to changes in this parameter. Therefore, a
56.78 ° for a 33.33 ° orbit with respect to the limited number of combinations of values for
earth's equatorial plane. and _ was considered adequate to provide
A local vertical unit vector is given by
a good approximation of the extreme temper-
ature variations that could be expected for a
v=i sin ,1 cos _A-j sin ,7 sin _A-k cos
particular spacecraft configuration. These
Thus, cos 8, at any point on the illuminated were
surface of the earth is given by _'=0 °, 45 °, 90 °
_=0 °, 10 °, 20 °, 30 °, 40 °, 50 °, 56.78 °
cos _=i.v=sin n cos _ (7.20)
Change of Independent Variable
whenever cos 8> 0.
In the finite difference form of the heat trans-
Unit vectors for the top and bottom surfaces
fer equation required for a digital computer
of the spacecraft are
solution, it is convenient to take equal intervals
n_=j sin _+k cos _" of change in the independent variable. In this
and particular problem, the heat input rates to the
lit,= --nt spacecraft are periodic with respect to orbital
Thus for the top time, so it is desirable to divide each orbit into
a finite number of equal intervals. For a
cos _=n,-v=sin n sin e sin _+cos ,1 cos circular orbit, the position angle, '1, of the space-
(7.21) craft with respect to a given initial position,
varies linearly with time. Therefore, the choice
z LOCAL VERTICAL of using either equal time intervals or position
intervals exists. Orbital time for the 300-
nautical-mile circular orbit is not integral, but
CECRAFT AXES the position angle varies from 0 ° to 360 ° during
each orbit and is easily divided into equal inter-
vals of integral value. For this reason, the
following change of variable in Equation (7.11 )
was nlade:

dT dT dn dT . 1
--_=-_ "-_= d-_ "'=--_c j ('Y' 8, T)
dT__ 1
dn _/(% 8, T) (7.23)

where _=constant angular rate of the satellite

about the center of the earth.
Rewriting Equation (7.11) in the form of
Equation (7.23) and substituting from Equa-
PIGURE 7-5.--Spacecraft orbital coordinate system. tions (7.18) and (7.19), we have


dTe-__ 1
• { qo+cos flrcEo[Ae-%aot (0.514+0.332 cos 2 _) +A ¢-%a_,(0.254+0.077 sin 2 _) ]
dT1 mc_

+_T$[A¢_.tast(0.514+0.332 cos 2 3,) +A_-_,_¢_(0.254+0.077 sin _ _,)]

-4-qe,--(2A$_,_e_t-+-Ae_.:¢__),)aT$_ } (7.24)

for the rate of change in temperature of the wheel section, and

dTe-__ 1
d_ mc¢7 [(A_KFB:_e_K+AF_FF_eF_)(TT_+(ABKFs_:aOsK

+ ArRFFnaOvR)reEo cos O+ q¢-_--(ABKe¢-_sK+ AFRe_-_FRaT_] (7.25)

for the upper structure. In Equations (7.24) and (7.25),

['0.846 cos 2 [0.6345 cos -a (--sin _ cos E)], if cos [ ]>_0

F_.= .J
0if cos[ ]<0

0.846 cos 2 [0.6345 cos -_ (sin 77cos e)], In Equations (7.26), n_, and roUt are given in
if cos [ ] > 0 degrees from an initial position n=0 °, and
FBK _ f
0 if cos [ ]<0
R=radius of the earth
h----orbital altitude of the spacecraft
cos B= f sin n cos _ if sin n cos _>__0
Finite Difference Form
I. 0 if sin n cos _<0
Euler's Modified Method was used for the
and numerical integration of the differential equa-
tion. This method is ordinarily not satisfactory
fA_eEe for n<_n_, or n>__no., for extending a solution very far from a starting
qe= point because of the error build-up, but in this
kO for no.t>n>n,. case we wished only to carry the solution around
a fixed orbit repeatedly until the temperature
The expressions for determining the position cycle became stable. The speed of this method,
angles of the satellite when it goes into and which was a prime consideration, can hardly be
emerges from the earth's shadow are, respec- exceeded.
tively, The method consists of finding a "zeroth"
approximation for T_+_, namely, T_+_,
0 by the
use of the relation
n_"=57'296 [_r+tan-_ _ / (RI--(R/R+h)_/R
-4-h) _-- sin _ eJ

T (°) --T-I- hv
'*'-- ''mc;_ J(')'" B,, T,) (7.28)
_o,_=57.296 I2_r--tan -_ (-R/R+h)2--sin_ i]
This is simply a linear extrapolation of the
(7.26) solution from the point (w, TO, using the slope
of the solution curve at that point. Succes-
[(R/R +h)'_--sin 2 e]>O, sively better approximations to (_+_, T_+_) are
and then found using the iteration formula
"qi.= %,t:270 ° (7.27)
for "r(,+,, _ T_t_ ___v. j(3,,, B,, T,)+.[('_,+,, 0,+_, _,+,:T(")
_+_ -- _mc_l
[(R/R+h)_--sin _ _] < 0 (7.29)


_I'his is actually an extrapolation process from determine their effect on spacecraft tempera-
(T_, T0 using the average slope between the tures:

(]tO t, Oq_ b, OtO s
(T,, Td and (n,+l, n,(,)

t_ t, t_O b, O/a s

The criterion used for termination of the

iteration was that

T(,+I) _,c,) <e (7.30)

t+l --_t (+1 __ The values assumed for each of these parameters
during each series of computer runs are listed
where _ was a previously chosen test constant.
in the discussion of the results of these runs.
In general, it was found that iteration would not
proceed through more than one or two cycles
Computer Printout Format
unless e was on the order of 10 -s, or less.
Bendix G-15 Program .for Wheel--Two dif-
The solution for the wheel was programmed
ferent printout formats were used. Examples
in Intercom 500 language for the Bendix G-15
of each of these are shown in Figures 7-6 and
computer, and for the upper structure in Fortran
7-7. Each of the formats had a heading for
language for the CDC 1604 computer.
each orbital run consisting of the fixed values
Values of Parameters of _, _, T,., and Tout. The first program then
printed the following variables for each T,
The values listed for the following parameters around the orbit for as many times as the orbit
were not changed during the computer program : was run until the temperature stabilized:
T,, T__,, heat input rate from albedo, heat
/60.8 BTU/°R (for entire wheel) input rate from earth black body radiation,
_ ]4.84 BTU/°R (for homogenous total heat input rate, and heat output rate.
"_=) shell) When the program was rewritten to shorten
(2.655 BTU/°R (for solar-cell array)
As= 3.66 ft 2
E¢)= 7.37 BTU/min-ft 2
TO = 455.890:R
Act= A_b=9.56 ft 2
As,= 11.08 ft 2 t_ _ _n %.t
AsK= Ave=4.52 ft 2 (deg)
56. 780
225. 720
314. 280

a_K= e$-_BK=0.85 ORBITAL RUN

rl T_ qalb qbb qin qout

aa_F_= _vR=0.70 (deg) (°R) (BTU/min) (BTU/min) (BTU/min) (BTU/min)

aOnK= 0.20 15.000 455.990 1.495 4.316 15.006 -12. 788

30. 000 456.170 2.772 4.142 16.109 -12.810
45. 000 456.410 3.696 3.905 16.796 -12.838
O_OFR= 0.80 60. 000 456.6'10 4. 252 3. 667 17.113 -12. 869
75. 000 456. 950 4. 517 3. 493 17. 205 -12. 902
T_= 450°R 90. O00 457. 230 4. 591 3. 430 17. 215 -12. 933
105.00O 457. 510 4. 517 3. 493 17. 205 -12. 965
q__,= 0.48 BTU/min (both in sunlight 120.000 457.780 4.252 3.667 17.113 -12. 996
135.000 458.040 3.696 3.905 16.796 -13.026
and dark) 150.000 458.260 2.772 4.142 16.109 -13,053
165.000 458.420 1.495 4.316 15. 006 -13.073
a= 2.8567X 10 -11 BTU/min-ft2-°R 4 190. 000 458. 500 .000 4. 380 13. 574 -13. 083
195. 000 458. 530 . O00 4. 316 13. 510 -13. 081

;7= 3.7895°/min 210.00O 458. 550 .000 4.142 13. 336 -13. 084
225. 000 458. 560 .00O 3. 905 13. 099 -13.085
R= 3960 statute miles 240. 000 458. 270 .00O 3. 667 4.14'/ -I 3. 051
255.000 457.690 .000 3.493 3.973 -12,986

h= 340 statute miles 270.000 457.100 .000 3.430 3.910 -12.919

285. 000 456. 520 .00O 3. 493 3,9'/3 -12. 853
300.000 455.950 .000 3.667 4.147 -12.788
315.000 455.680 .000 3.905 13.099 -12.759

AT= 15 (for CDC

5 ° (for G-15 1604
program) 330. 000 455. 710 ,000 4.142 13. 336 -12. 761
345,000 455. 750 .000 4.31 6 13. 510 -12. 766
.000 455.800 .000 4.380 13,5'/4 -12.772

The following parameters were changed in FIGURE 7-6.--Example of G-15 printout format-first
value at various times during the program to computer program.


C _in _out Summary of Results of the Computer Programs" "

(deg) (deg) (deg) (deg)
0. 000 0. 000 203.100 336. 910
Satellite Wheel Section

HEADING All Surfaces Painted With Aluminum Paint--

qalb qbb qin
In the first series of computer runs, the meas-
(deg) (BTU/min) (BTU/min) (BTU/min)
0. 000 0.000 2.020 11.215 ured vahles a+, ae, and e++ for the aluminum
15.000 2.947 2.019 14.160
30. 000 5.494 2.014 16.703
paint used on the OSO I prototype model were
45. 000 7.385 2.008 18.588 substituted into the program. In addition, a
60. 000 8.573 2.002 19.770
75. 000 9.177 1.998 20.369 typical average value for the earth's albedo was
90. 000 9.355 1.996 20.546 assumed. These values were:
105. 000 9.177 1,998 20.369
120. 000 8.573 2.002 19.770
135. 000 7.385 2.008 18,588
150.000 5.494 2.014 16.703
165. 000 2.947 2.019 14.160
180.000 .000 2.020 11.215 a+ ,----o_+b=ol+ ----0.343 (7.31)
195. 000 .000 2.019 11.213
_+-+t----e+_%----e+_+s----0.343 }
210. 000 .000 2.014 2.494 aet=_eb-----a+s=0"32
225. 000 .000 2.008 2.488
240. 000 .000 2.002 2.482 r+=0.4
255. 000 .000 1.998 2.478
270. 000 .000 1.996 2.476 Table 7-1 summarizes the results of the vari=
285. 000 .000 1.998 2.478
300.000 .000 2.002 2.482 ous runs made for this configuration. Changes
315. 000 .000 2.008 2.488 in attitude and orbital inclination made little
330. 000 .000 2.014 2.494
345. 000 .000 2.019 II.213 difference in the mean temperature of the space-
360. 000 .000 2.020 Ii.215
craft. The temperature in all cases was un-
ORBITAL RUN satisfactorily low, however, averaging about
qout T_
(deg) (BTU/min) (°R) --20°C. These runs showed conclusively that
0.000 -10.987 512.000
the ratio of a+/a++ for at least part of the sur-
15.000 -10.997 512.110
30.000 -11.021 512.400 faces would have to be increased to obtain the
45.000 -11.058 512.830
60.000 -11.104 513.360
specified minimum temperature of --10°C.
etc. etc. etc. Top. and Bottom Surfaces Partially Un-
painted-The next series of solutions deter-
FIGURE 7-7.--Example of G-15 printout format-second
computer program. mined the effect of leaving part of the top and
bottom surfaces unpainted. The a+/_++ ration
for unpainted, shiny ahlminum is about five
the computation time of each temperature cal- times greater than for the aluminum paint used
culation, the format was also changed to shorten on the prototype. This modification in surface
typeout time. The various heat input rates characteristics therefore appeared to be a solu-
were printed only for the first time around the tion to the problem of elevating the temperature
orbit. During succeedillg orbits, only T+_+ above -- 10°C.
and heat output rate for each _ were printed. For this configuration, ao_, a+,, and _++_ were
CDC 1604 Program for Upper Structure--
kept the same as listed above for the first series
Since only one series of runs was made during
of computer sohltions. The absorptivity and
this program, the printout format could be
emissivity for the top and bottom surfaces were
made much simpler than for the G-15. For
calculated from the following relations:
each of the seven runs the fdrmat heading gave
the fixed vahles of _, _,., and _ou_. The o_o = Xolo : + (1 -- X)a+,_
variable data consisted of: ore,---- kaO a q- (1 --X)a+ a
1. Nunlber of orbits spacecraft completed e++ ,: he++ ,,-F (1 --X)_++,2
before temperature of upper structure stabilized where
2. Average temperature of upper structure ),----fractional part of A++, or A+%
for the last orbit of surface condition 1
3. Temperature of upper structure at each 1--X=fractional part of A++, or A+% of
of the 72 points around the last orbit. surface condition 2


Table 7-I

Summary qf Resvlts oJ Commuter Runo

All Su_. aces Painted with Aluminum Paint

Constant Values: all aO=0.32; all ao=_e-)--O.343; re=0.40

Maximum Maximum Minimum T $___ Maximum T __#
Run No. (deg) _"(deO in _) _out(deg) qalb qbb
(BTU/min (BTU/min)
(°R) (°K) (°R) (°K)

1 ....... 0 203.10 336.91 8. 38 4. 38 453. 5 252 458. 3 255

2 ....... 45 203.10 336.91 8. 38 3.91 450. 3 250 455. 0 253

3 ....... 56. 78 O 225. 72 314.28 4. 59 4. 38 455. 9 253 258. 6 255

4 ....... 56. 78 45 225.72 314.28 5. 13 4. 23 455. O 253 457.7 254

5 ....... 56.78 90 225.72 314.28 5. 48 4. 10 454. 9 253 457.6 254

6 ....... 30 0 206. 93 333. 07 7. 26 4. 38 449. 3 250 453.9 252

7 ....... 3O 45 206. 93 333. 07 7. 55 4. 02 448. 0 249 452. 5 251

8 ....... 30 30 206. 93 333. 07 7. 76 3. 67 446. 2 248 45_ 9 250

Let surface condition 1 be the shiny, un- r_=0.5

painted state. Then the values of the param- cos _=1 for sin _ cos _'>0
eters with subscript 1 in the above operations
assumed were:
The first assumption represents the upper limit
for the average value of the earth's albedo
quoted in the literature. The second assump-
Of(_ tl = E{_-)tl = 0.05
tion eliminates the previous assumption that
reflected sunlight from the earth is dependent
The subscript 2 parameters kept the same values
upon the angle of incidence of sunlight in the
as those assumed in the previous configuration
earth's surface. The last assumption implies
for the totally painted spacecraft.
that the top and bottom surfaces of the wheel
The procedure followed in vatting k in Equa-
are thermally insulated. The earlier assump-
tions (7.31) was to determine the percentage of
tion that the entire wheel is a homogenous, iso-
unpainted surface required to maintain space-
thermal mass probably yields conservatively low
craft temperature above 0°C even when a con-
mean temperatures because in the actual case,
servatively low value of 0.3 was assumed for
rather poor conductive heat transfer takes place
the earth's albedo. As shown in the first seven
between the internal parts of the wheel and the
runs in Table 7-2, this value was 85 percent.
outer surfaces. Therefore, the last assumption
Several runs were then made to observe the
should yield conservatively high temperatures
effect of varying _ and i" over their full range of
since it asserts that no transfer of heat takes
values. From runs 7-21 it is obvious that their
place through the top and bottom surfaces.
effect on spacecraft temperature is very slight.
Runs 22 and 23 of Table 7-2 were made to The naaximum temperature of 40°C obtained
estinmte the "worst possible" hot temperature in Run 23 of Table 7-2 is above the specified
that might be anticipated for this configuration. maximum of 35°C. However, it is close enough
The assumptions made for these runs were: to the maximum allowable to indicate that when

782-552 O--66------14

Table 7-2.--Summary oJ Results oJ Computer Runs Top and Bottom Surfaces Partially Unpainted"

Run r@ a a_t Percent E i" Percent Maximum Vlaximum ! Min. Max.

Unpainted (deg) (deg) Sunlight qbb T_ T_
NO. ®t E(gt Surface (BTU/min) (BTU/min) (°K) (°K)

1 ........ 0.4 0.285 0.174 50 0 0 62.83 7.853 2.779 268 271

2 ........ 0.4 0.25 0.05 100 0 0 62.83 7.326 1.743 289 291
3 ........ 0.4 0.25 0.05 100 0 45 62.83 7.326 1.743 289 291
4 ........ 0. 4 0.25 0. 05 100 0 90 62.83 7.326 1.743 288 291
5 ........ 0.3 0.25 0.05 100 0 0 62.83 5.494 1.743 284 286
6 ........ 0.3 0.257 0.0793 90 0 0 62.83 5.573 1.912 278 280
7 ........ 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 0 0 62.83 5.613 2.020 275 278
8 ........ 0.3 0.2605 0. 09395 85 0 45 62. 83 5. 613 2.008 275 278
9 ........ 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 0 90 62.83 5.613 1.996 275 277
10 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 10 0 63.04 5. 527 2.020 275 278
11 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 10 45 63.04 5.547 2. 009 275 278
12 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0. 09395 85 10 90 63.04 5.566 1.997 275 277
13 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 20 0 63.71 5.274 2.020 275 277
14 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0. 09395 85 20 45 63.71 5.346 2. 008 275 _ 277
15 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 20 90 63.71 5.418 1.998 274 277
16 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 30 0 64.96 4.861 2.020 ! 274 277
17 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0. 09395 85 30 45 64.96 5. 002 2. 011 274 276
18 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 30 90 64.96 5.144 2.002 274 276
19 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 40 0 67.11 4.300 2.020 277 279
20 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 50 0 7_89 3.608 2.020 i 277 278
21 ....... 0.3 0.2605 0.09395 85 56.78 0 75.40 3. 075 2.020 280 282
22* ...... 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 62.83 4.446 1.445 300 302
23* ...... 0.5 0 0 0 56.78 0 75.40 4.446 1.445 311 313

*see text for further explanation.

the three previous assumptions are revised to through the sides, particularly from direct sun-
approximate more closely the actual situation, light, should more than offset the additional loss
this configuration can be modified to stay well of heat through these surfaces. As can be seen
within the specified temperature range of from Run 1 of Table 7-3, this reasoning proved
-- 10°C to 35°C regardless of attitude or orbital to be incorrect. The computer solution shows
inclination. that the converse is true, and that the minimum
Alternate Approach to Raising Mean Temper- temperature drops below --30°C.
ature.--The proposed solution of leaving part of Effect of Various Assumptions on Mean
the top and bottom surfaces unpainted is not Temperature--Runs 2 ttu'ough 6 of Table 7-3
very desirable from the ground handling stand- were made to determine the individual effect

point. Extreme care must be exercised during on temperature of various assumptions made in
ground operations to assure that these surfaces previous runs. Albedo values of 0.3, 0.4, and
are not scratched or exposed to grease and other 0.5 were assumed for different runs keeping
substances that might leave a film on the sur- other parameters constant. Results showed
face. A slight Inodification in snrface charac- that a change of 0.1 in the assumed albedo value
teristics of highly polished metals can substan- produced only about a 5°C change in spacecraft
tially alter their radiative properties. temperatttre.
As a possible alternate method of raising The assumption cos O=l (Run 5) produced
spacecraft tenlperature ahove 00( 4, the scheme a substantial temperature change of 14°C. This
of painting top and bt)ttonl surfaces with result points out the importance of further
ahuninunl paint and the sides with thermally investigation into the nature of reflected sun-

black paint was analyzed tm the computer. It light from the earth. This heat source is
was reasoned that the increased heat input significant for low-orbit spacecrafts, and until


Table7-3.--Summaryof Results oj Computer Runs Sides Painted Black and Various Other

Constant Values: a=,=0 °

a_ t aO. Maximum [ Maximum [ Max_num I Min.
nN_. re a(Dt • _. q_b (BTU/_ q_b (BTU/[ qi_ (BTU/ ! TO Remarks
e_ t rain) rain) min) (°K) (K)

1__ 0.4 32 0.343 O. 95 85 15. 384 6.051 3_ 160 241 245

2__ 0.3 2605 0.09395 0.32 I 0.343 & 613 2.020 16. 803 275 278
3__ 0.4 2605 0.09395 0.32 I 343 7. 484 2. 020 18.675 280 283
4__ 0.5 2605 O. 09395 O. 32 0.343 9. 355 2.020 20.546 284 287
5__ 0.5 0.2605 09395 O. 32 0.343 11. 534 2. 020 22. 748 298 302 cos 5 = 1.
6-- 0.4 0 0 O. 32 343 3. 557 1.455 14. 206 290 292 Top and
7_- 0.4 0.2605 0.09395 0.343 7.484 2.020 18.675 264 296 mc:4.84.
0.2605 0.09395 0.32
0. 32 I 0.343 4.100 2. 020 15.290 272 291 : 56.78_.
_--I 0.4

data on its nature and intensity are made were fixed, and the heat transfer computer study
available from present spacecraft flights, ac- was concerned only with determining the ex-
curate temperature predictions for future space- pected operating temperature of the cells for
crafts will be difficult to make. various orbital conditions.

Runs 7 and 8 of Table 7-3 show the tempera- Computer runs were made for the seven dis-
ture fluctuations in a homogenous shell during crete values of the orbital inclination angle,
one orbit. Due to its low thermal capacity the _, listed previously in this report. Variations
shell temperature varied as much as 32 °C from in spacecraft attitude angle, _-, were unnecessary
minimum to maximum. However, the mean because, if shadowing by the wheel is neglected,
temperature of the shell was about the same as the upper structure is exposed to the same heat
that of the entire wheel for similar surface input rates from the sun and earth regardless of
characteristics. Thus, any particular isolated attitude.

mass inside the wheel will probably fuctuate The following fixed values of parameters were

more significantly than the :k2°C indicated for assumed for this study.
the total mass, but its mean temperature can
AFR=A_r:=4.52 ft _
be expected to be about the same as that of the
O£(_FR _ f(_--_FR : 0.70
total mass.
aCBK _ _--*SK-----0.85

Solar Cell Array aOFR=0.80

The silicon solar cells USed on the OSO 1
mc=2.655 BTU/°R
covered practically the entire surface of the
upper strncture facing the sun. Because of
their high solar absorptivity and low thermal In the above list, subscripts FR and BK refer

inertia, the cells would heat up rapidly when to the front and back sides of the structure,

exposed to direct sunlight. Since the efficiency respectively.

of these cells decreased with increasing tempera- Output data for each of the computer runs
ture, it was desirable to keep the solar-cell array consisted of upper temperature and heat input
as cool as possible when the spacecraft was in rates from the earth into the front and back

sunlight. This objective was acheived by surfaces, at each of the 72 points around the
painting the back surface of the solar cell panels orbit.

and all support structure with a special metallic The temperature data for the minimum sun-
oxide paint. Therefore, the surface radiative light orbit (}=0 °) and maximum sunlight orbit
parameters for tlds section of the spacecraft (}=56.78 °) are plotted in Figure 7-8. Tern-






__ 20

_-V 2
N 0 -Q

-20 "

0 90 180 270 360


FIGURE 7-8.--Temperature variation of solar-cell array

around orbit.

perature extremes for the five other orbits were FIGURE 7-9.--Shielded model of the spacecraft wheel
bracketed by the two cases plotted. These
curves indicated that solar-cell temperature
is, the shape factor between the panels and the
remained in the range from --20°C to 75°C for
interior mass and the emissivity of all interior
all orbits, and averaged about 55°C in sunlight.
surfaces were unity.

ANALYSIS OF SHIELDED MODEL OF Derivation o| Heat Trans|er Equations

The rate of change in temperature of each of
A second solution of the heat transfer problem the four bodies is given in general form by
for the wheel section was obtained based on tile Equation (7.1):
assumption that the cover panels of this section
act as radiation shields for the enclosed experi- dT_q,--qo (7.1)
dt mc
ments, equipment and structure. On the actual
flight model, relatively poor thermal contact
The radiative power received by the spacecraft
existed between these panels and the rest of
through the outer surfaces of the cover panels
the wheel, resulting in little or no conductive
came from either the sun or the earth. The rate
heat transfer in the vacutun environment of
at which the side panel received direct solar
orbital tlight. Therefore, it was felt that this
radiation is given by Equation (7.2). Reflected
second, or shielded, model of the wheel was a
sunlight and thermal radiation from the earth
more accurate representation of the physical
were received by all outer surfaces at the rates
problem than the simplified model.
given by Equations (7.3) and (7.4).
The geometry assumed for the shielded model The thermal radiation rate from the outer
is shown in Figure 7-9. The top and bottom surface of each of the cover panels is of the
cover panels were circular flat plates and the form of Equation (7.5) :
side panel was a thin cylindrical shell. These
panels completely enclosed a cylindrical iso- qo_=Ai_a 7'_ (7.32)

thermal mass representing all interior parts and

where the radiation rate, area of radiating sur-
components i)f the wheel. ('onductive heat
face, emissivity, and temperature pertain to the
transfer between the four bodies was neglected, ith panel.
but ideal radiative heat transfer existed between Heat received by the interior mass was due t()
the wheel interior and each of the panels; that internal heat dissipation of electrical energy and


-the net heat exchange between this mass and the adjacent surface of the interior
three cover panels. These net heat exchange mass in this model)
rates are given by the general expression: F12=shape factor between the two

qnet=elc-,Fl_Aa(T_-- T_) (7.33) TI, T2=temperatures of the two bodies

Equations (7.3), (7.4), (7.32), and (7.33) are
e,, _----emissivities of the interior surfaces substituted into Equation (7.1) to obtain the
A----surface area of the cover panel following heat transfer equations for the three
(assumed to be equal to the cover panels and the interior mass:

dT, 1 [F,_A, (cos _aol¢Eo-i-a¢-,,aT4¢)--e_,AlaT_--_,e4F14Ala(T_ - T_)]

-_= (,nc) ,

dTb -- 1 [F2,_A2 (cos flao__Eo+ae_

r T"e)--_e_bA 2aTb--e2_F_A2_(T_--T.)]
_ *
dt (me)2
dT_ 1
dt -- (mc)s [qo+F3,As (cos _ao.reEo+a_, aT' )--_¢-_,
A s_T,--_s_4F_Asa(T,--T_)]
' ' '

dt (me)4

where By assuming that top and bottom surfaces

are of the same size and surface characteristics,
Tt, Tb, T_, T_----temperature of top, bottom,
sides, and interior, respec- and that ideal radiative heat transfer exists

tively between adjacent interior surfaces, the following

Fm F24, Fs,=shape factors between the relations may be established:
interior body and the top,
bottom, and sides, respec- AI=A_; 1]
F_E, F2E, _e=shape factors for reception of ao,=ao_; +,=,_=,3=_=1 _ (7.35)
thermal radiation from the
earth by the top, bottom,
To take into account the use of two different
and sides, respectively
Subscripts 1 or t--refers to top cover panel surface conditions on the outer top and bottom
2 or b--refers to bottom cover surfaces, relations of the form of Equations
panel (7.31) are utilized. In addition, the change of
3 or s--refers to side cover panel independent variable from t to ,_ is made.
4 or vy--refers to interior body These changes and assumptions are incor-
and the other symbols are the same as pre- porated into Equations (7.34), which are then
viously defined. rewritten as follows:

dT, A1 [F_ (cos _ao,rcEo+a¢_aT')--(l+e_-_,)aT_+aT_]

d,_ #( mc),

dT_ A1
-d-_ =i_( mc_ [F2_ (cos _ae_rcEo +act_ T_) -- (l + _ ¢-_ )a T_ q-_ T_,]

dT_ 1 4 4 4__ _ T _ 4
d,_ i_(mc)4 [q¢-)+A,a(T,--T,)+A,a(T_ Tw)+A_a( _--T_)]

where The values listed for the following parametexs-
were assumed constant for this program:
A,=projected area of the side panel in
the direction of the solar vector (mc)l= (mc)2= 1.21 BTU/°R
(mc)3----2.82 BTU/°R
(mc)4= 55.96 BTU/°R
X----fractional part of top and bottom ae_=ee_:O.343
surface areas of condition 1 (shiny) ae. :0.25
I-),----fractional part of the same areas of
condition 2 (painted) and the other
symbols the same as previously
defined. a_t2=ee-%----0.343
A_/=5 °
The external shape factors, FIE, /_E, and
_hg, in Equations (7.36) are derived in the In addition, the constant values for A, A_, A_,
same manner as was used for the simplified Ee, _, q_, _, T_, R, and h listed on page 201
model. The analytical expression for F3E, for were used.
the sides, is the same as Equation (7.19); The variable parameters in this study were
however, since in this case the top and bottom r_, _,, _, and i'. The orbit and spacecraft
panels are not generally at the same temper- orientation angles, _ and i', were varied in the
ature, their shape factors cannot be combined same manner as before. The earth's albedo, r$,
into a single expression of the form of Equation was assumed to have the values 0.3, 0.4, and
(7.18). The individual relations, Equations 0.5 in various computer runs, and the fraction, _,
(7.15), (7.16), and (7.17), must be used. These was varied from 0.00 to 1.00. The results of
complex expressions are closely approximated this study are summarized in Figure 7-10 and
by the following simplified equations: Table 7-4.
Figure 7-10 shows the temperature variation
_E=0.846 cos 2 [0.6345 cos -x (--sin _ sin of the wheel interior and the three cover panels
around the minimum sunlight orbit (_----0 °) for
sin _--cos v cos _)], if cos [ ]>0 _,----1.00 and an assumed value of 0.4 for the
earth's albedo. These curves indicate that for
this configuration all temperatures will remain

F,_=0, i/cos [ ]<0 in the range of 0 °-30°C.

From the data given in Table 7-4, the follow-
F2_.=0.846 cos 2 [0.6345 cos -l (sin _ sin ing conclusions can be drawn:

1. Spacecraft attitude and orbital inclination

sin _+cos v cos _)], if cos [ ]>_0
have little effect on average temperatures, at
OF least for the range of values of the orbital
parameters used in this study.
F2E=O, if COS [ ]<0 2. For values of h near unity (top and bottom
panels shiny) average temperature gradient
CDC 1604 Computer Program and Summary o| between wheel interior and cover panels is
Equations (7.36) were programmed for solu- 3. Average temperatures near room temper-
ature can be obtained with all of the outside
tion on the CDC 1604 digital computer utilizing
the finite difference form of the equations surface area of the top and bottom cover panels
previously employed in the G-15 program. left unpainted.


Table 7-4

Average Spacecraft Temperatures

Run No. 1; re-_0.30, )`=0.00

Average temperstm'es
(deg) r (deg)
Top Bottom Sides Interior

0 0 241 241 260 25O

0 45 239 239 260 248
0 90 237 237 258 246
30 0 241 241 260 25O
30 45 238 240 260 248
30 90 236 239 259 247
56. 78 0 241 241 263 251

Run No. 2; ro=0.40, )`=0.00

0 0 245 245 263 254

0 45 243 243 262 252
0 90 240 240 261 250
30 0 244 244 263 253
3O 45 241 244 262 252
30 90 239 243 262 250
56. 78 0 243 243 265 253
56. 78 45 241 244 265 253
56. 78 90 240 245 265 253

Run No. 3; r_)=0.40, )`=0.50

0 0 260 260 271 265

0 45 258 258 270 264
0 90 256 256 270 263
56. 78 0 258 258 273 265
56. 78 45 257 259 273 265
56. 78 90 256 260 273 265

Run No. 4; r0=0.40, ),=0.60

0 0 264 264 273 269

0 45 262 262 273 267
0 90 261 261 272 266
56. 78 0 262 262 275 268
56. 78 45 261 264 275 268
56.78 90 261 264 275 268

Run No. 5; r0=0.40, )`=0.70

0 0 269 269 276 273

0 45 268 268 276 272
0 90 266 266 275 271
56. 78 0 267 267 278 272
56. 78 45 266 268 278 272
56.78 90 266 269 278 272


Table 7-4

Average Spacecraft Temperatures

Run No. 6; r_=0.40, },=0.80

Average temperatures (°K)

(deg) i" (deg)

Top Bottom Sides Interior

0 0 275 275 280 278

0 45 273 273 279 277

0 90 272 272 279 276

56. 7S 0 273 273 281 277

56. 78 45 272 274 282 277

56. 78 90 272 275 282 277

Run No. 7; r¢=0.40, ),=0.90

0 0 282 282 284 283

0 45 281 281 284 282

0 90 280 280 284 282

56. 78 0 280 280 286 283

56. 78 45 27(.) 281 286 283

56. 78 90 279 282 286 283

Run No. 8; r¢=0.40, 1.00

0 0 290 290 289 291

0 45 289 289 289 290

0 90 288 28_ 289 289

56. 78 0 288 288 291 290

56. 78 45 288 290 291 290

56. 78 90 288 290 291 290

Run No. 9; r$=0.50, X=l.00

0 0 295 2(.)5 294 295

0 45 294 294 293 294
0 90 293 293 293 294
56. 7,_ 0 291 291 293 293
56. 78 45 290 293 293 293
56. 7_ 90 2(.}0 2(.)3 294 24)3

Figure 7-11 summarizes the results of the two Pedormance

solutions of the heat transfer problem for the
In general, the temperatures measured during
wheel for the case, E----0°, i'=0 °. The agree-
the spacecraft orbit were in agreement with the
ment of results for the two models for r_=0.40 computed temperatures. The major reason for
is quite good, verifying the result of the shielded variation from predicted temperatures was that
model sohition that very small average tem- the top and bottom surfaces of the exposed
perature gradients exist between the wheel wheel were only 90 percent polished alumimmt
interior and the out,_ide cover panels. rather than the 100 percent assumed in the


ro = 0.40; k = 1.00; MINIMUM SUNLIGHT ORBIT




0 ! I !

0 90 180 270 3'6o


FIGURE 7-10.--Orbital position angle.

computations. As shown in Figure 7-12, this plate is always in the yz-plane. The polar
difference would theoretically be expected to coordinate angle is ¢ while 0 is the angle
reduce temperatures of the interior of the space- between the z-axis and the line between the
craft to a mean of 9°C, 8°C lower than the plate and dS. The angel between the z-axis
value computed for the 100 percent polished and the plate normal is 7, while r is the polar
condition. The temperature curves of Appen-
coordinate distance from the origin to dS, the
dix B indicate the results accomplished by the area element on the earth disk. The distance
passive temperature control work. The azi-
from dS to the plate is p. Thus Equation (7.12)
muth casting temperature was about 2°C and becomes
the electronics package on the back of the sail
structure maintained a temperature between 0°
0 sin q_ sin 7
and 10°C. The solar panels were about 15 ° C
cooler than expected with the high day tem-
+sin e cos e cos 7)dq, dO (7.37)
peratures being about 60°C and the low night
temperatures being about --35°C. Where the integration is to be performed over
the region of the disk "seen" by the plate.

Case 1: (0 <171 <_--eo) :

Flat Surfaces of Spacecraft

Figure 7-2 shows the geometry of the plate Figure 7-13 shows the limits of plate positions
and the earth disk. Note that the normal to the for Case 1. Since the entire earth disk is

• b


POINTA: r_=0.30; POINT B: ro = 0. 50


30 (_ SAME AS 2; WITH r_= 0.30 CF':




_ 0

_ -lo


"_ -30
20 4'0 60 80 1(}0

FIGURE 7-11.--Percentage of top and bottom surfaces polished.

(9 \
\ //
20 /, PLATE

iii;iiiiiiiiii .." _t / \,




FOR _, > 0

z \\

PLATE " _N_'/'/_/'_ ?_--i°-_ \\



0.50 0. '6O 0.70 0. i_0 0.'90 1 .'00 t. I 0 FIGURE 7-13.--Limits of plate position (case 1).

FIGURE 7-12.--Average interior wheel temperature as advantage of symmetry, however, and write
function of top and bottom survace conditions.

F=2 f00 f./2 (sin20 sin ¢ sin "r

71" ,10 J-'rl2
"seen" by the plate, the limits on ¢ are 0 to
27r and on 0are0 to 00. It is possible to take +sin 0 cos 0 cos _)d_dO


Evaluation of this integral proceeds as follows:

F= 2 ['0o sin' 0 sin _ (--cos 0) "_ dO+ 2 r °°

T Jo -'r/2 lr Jo sin 0 cos 0 cos 7[_] _'_/_d0

=0+ cos 7 [sin 20]e, =cos _ sin gOo (7.38)


¢/---,' =_
PLATE ........... : -_

•v = -.,
Z -e o i

/_-- POSITIONS FOR _ > 0


FIGURE 7-14.--Limits of plate position and region-

integration (case 2).
-'_REG|ON OF 12

/ _=!
/ 2
/ F I1

= -_in-1 {cot O cot),)

Figure 7-14 shows the limits of plate positions when the plate "sees" more than half, but
not all, of the earth disk. Also shown is a diagram of the two regions of the earth disk to
be covered in the evaluation of the integral. Again symmetry properties may be used to write

F= 2lr fo,/2-, f..2/2 (si n2 0 sin c sin -/+sin 0 cos ¢ cos ,/)dcd0

+2 f0o f./_ (sin 20 sin _ sin ,/+sin 0 cos 0 cos ,/)d4_

Z" Jr/2-7 J-sin -t cot0 cot 7


I1=0+22- [sin 2 O] "a-7 cos 7=cos 37 (7.39)


I2-=---- f:,o
/ 2- 7
sin g 0 sin 7 ]cos 61-a
--sin-_ (cot 0 cot 7)
dO+ _J r.o
.I2- 7
sin 0 cos 0 COS .,,

=2 _Oo f sin 3, sin 2 0 _/1--cot _ 0 cot 2 ,/d2+

sin Ocos 0 cos _,d_
_Jr12-7 12-7

+2 fOo sin Ocos 0 cos ,/sin-' (cot 0 cot ,/)dO

_¢J I-/2- 7

In/2.1 let x=sin 2 O. Then dx-=2 sin 0 cos odo, and . "

dx dx
do=2 sin 0 cos O--2_'x _/l--_--xx

{',,,' o0x41_
I2.,= 2 sin _,j¢o, (1_1) cot 2 3` 2_/x_/i--x

-- sin_r 7f":'
ocos _" (x ese2 1--x
"--e°t2 Y) 1/2dx

1 sin 3,{[_/(1--z)(x esc -_3,--cot. 2 3`)]'1n2 0 1 ['"n 2 00

=--_r cos2 ,--3 JcoJ, [(1--x)(x ese 2 "/--cot 2 3`)l-'/2dx}

------- 1 eos Oo_/sin 20o--eos 2 3`--- 1 sin 2 3` tan-' ----- (7.40)

lr _" _/
\_/sin 2cos Oo
O0--cos 2 "),)÷1 3 sin2 3`

I 1 0o 1 1 (7.41)
2.2= 3 cos 3` [sin 2 0] f/2-7 =2 sin2 0o cos 3`-- 3 cos a _,

I2.a may be integrated by parts, letting I_=sin -1 (cot 0 cot 3`) and dr=sin 0 cos odo. Then

I 2.a--;reosTsin20osin-'
_1 (7.42)
(cot 3, cot 00)--3 1 eosa 3`÷ 1 cos-l, [_cot, 3, f, °o
/2_, _/tan2 tanOdO
3, tan2 0_ 1

Let this remaining integral be called I...a.,. In this integral, let x=tan 3,tan 0, so that dx----tan 3,
see 20dO, or

1_ -x2 e Ot2 "7

I2.a.1= cot 3 ")I£

cos 3' _0_ tan "r tan 0 (1--x 2 cotxdx2 y) 4x2--1

l cos 3` 'eota 3` 1 _/ cot23` Ftan_ I /eot23,(x2--1i7 tan_tan°°

--; leot 3,1 cot 2 3, _/[_1÷cot 2 "r _/ i+TOT2-_ _11

_ 1 cos 7 cot 3, tan-,_/cos 2 (tan 2 3' tan 20g

lr lese _l 3,

I2.3a ---1 cos 2 y sgn (sin 3`) tan-' ([cos 3`[ _/tan 2 3` tan 2 001) (7.43)

If 0_<y_<Tr it is not necessary to include the factor sgn (sin 3`) in this expression. The shape fac-
tor for Case 2 is, therefore,

F=cos a "r--_r1 cos 00 _¢Isin2 0o--COS 2 y_1 sin2 3, tan -_ \_/sin

( 2cos
Oo 2 )

1 1 1
÷_ sin2 3,÷_ sin 2 0o cos 3,--_ cos a 3"+1_r COS 7 sin2 00 sin -1 (cot 3' cot 0o)

_12 c°sa y÷_17r cos_ "r sgn (sin y) tan -_ (Icos 3,[4tan 2 3` tan 2 00--1)



l 1
=_ sin s 0o cos *A-_ sin 2 _,--_ cos 0o_/sin 2 0o--cos 2 ,-- sin2 , tan -1 \_/sin _ 0o--cos _ _' _r cos X

sin z 80 sin (cot -¢ cot 80)+ 1 cos _ -¢sgn (sin -¢) tan -1 ([cos -¢[_/tan _ _¢tan 2 0o--1) (7.44)

Note that as -¢-_--80, approaches

F=_ 1 sin s 80+ 51 cos 2 8o_1 (cos _ 80)(2)+ 1 (sin a 80)(2)

=sin s 8o

which is the same as F in Case 1 for ,=§--8o.

Also, for -¢--_,

. F=_--_r
1 1 sin 8o cos 80-- l (1) (2)1 --80 = (80--sin 8o cos 80).

This must agree with the value of F in Case 3 for the same angle.

Case 3: (- -)
__<_'<_-t-0o (see Figure 7-15):

... "-. if- v=_ +eo

PLATE _. " _

.......... _ .._ "-_'_-__

' ='i -I /
Y / \
.80 _'\

FIGURE 7-15.--Limits of plate position and region of

integration (case 3). EARTH D_K




In this case the integral for F becomes

F=2_71"ff0 f_/2 (sin2 0 sin ¢ sin 3"+sin 0 cos 0 cos 3")dCdO

--_r/2 J -sin-l(cot Ocot 3')

=-- sin 2 O sin 3"[cos _] dO+ cos 3' sin O cos O [_] dO
"/r -:t/2 -sin-Z (cot a cot -t) -_/2 --sin-' (cot a cot 3")

_-2 sin 3"


J -y-,r/2
sin 2 0 _/1--cot 2 0 cot 2 3"dO+ cos 3" f °° sin
J 3"-_r/2
0 cos OdO

+2_ cos 3' r °, sin 0 cos 0 sin-l(eot 0 cot 3")dO

71" J 3"-_r/2
=J2.1+ J2.2÷ J2.3

Since the integrands are the same as those in Case 2, we have for Js. 1:

sin 3" psin_O0/X "_I/2

g '.,=--T-Joos oo l, cscS 1-x3"-c°t2 3") dx

=_r1 cos 00 _/sin s 00--cos s 3"1 sin2 3" tan_ 1 \a/sins

// cos
00 2 3")q_ 31 sin2 3" (7.45)

Similarly, we determine that

1 0o 1 i
J2.s= 3 cos 3" [sin 2 013"_,n=2 sin s eo cos 3,-- 3 cos a 3"

J2.3= 2 cos 3"([1 sin 2 O sin-l(cot -10o 1 cot3"3"! f3±o-,/_ a/tan 2tan0d0
0 cot 3")J3"_,/2-+-_-r[cot 3"tan s 0--1 )

=- cos 3" sin s 0o sin-l(cot 0o cot 3")--1 cos3 3" sin-_(--1)
71" 7r

(cos3") Icot3"!cot23"
cot33" 1 / cotS^/ Wtan_ 1 /cot23"(x2--1) _l-,
I tan3"tan°°


J2.z= 1 cos 7 sin s O0sin-'(cot eo cot 3")-F_ cos 3 3"+1 c°s s 3"sgn (sin 3") t,m-l([cos 3"[_/tan 2 eo tan 2 3"--1)

The total results for F are:

F=I_r cos 0o sin 2 0o cos s _/_1 7r sin_ 3" tan-_ /e

\_/sin 2cos0o cos
0o 2 3"

1 1 1 a 1
+2 sins 3"+3 sin_ O0cos 3"+3 cos 3"-t-;-r cos 3" sin s O0sin-l(cot Oocot 3")

1 1
q-_ cosa 3"q-_r cos _ 3" sgn (sin 3") tan-l(Icos 3"14 tan2 3" tan_ Oo--1)



F----_1 sin 2 00 cos _+_ 121 sin 7--_ cos 00 _/sin 2 00--cos _ _/_ sin2 ,_ ta__l \_/sin_
( 00-cos2
COS00 7 ).__1 _ cos

sin 2 00 sin -1 (cot 00 cot 7)-t -1 cos 2 _ sgn (sin y) tan -1 (Icos 7l _tan _ 7 tan-" 0o--1) (7.48)

This expression is identical with that for Case 2 and therefore

F(2 ) is 1 (0e--sin 00 cos 0o).


As 7--_-F00, F should reduce to zero:

F=--_sin1 a 0o+_Cos
1 2 0o--lcos0osin 2 0e--sin 2 0o--_ 1 COSS0o(_)--lsin 3 0osin -l (-- l) +l T sin2 0o tan -1 (0)

1 "3 1 2 1
=--_ sm 0o-{-_ cos 0o--_ sin 3 00=0

be an element of surface area of the cylinder,

Case 4: (;+00_< 171_<T) where r is the radius of the cylinder, X is the
coordinate angle as shown, and h is the distance
(see Figure 7-16) above the base plane of the cylinder. Let axes
be chosen with the z-axis as the axis of the
By inspection, F=0. cylinder and with the radiation vector always
in the xz-plane.


/ _ I _ ",/ = T

o- / .... :e,,, dS 2

0_,_ 7 / _

FIGURE 7-16.--Limits of plate position (case 4)

Lateral Surface o/ Cylinder Figure 7-17 shows

a cylindrical surface receiving incident radia-
tion from the direction of u" making an angle
a_ with the axis of the cylinder. Let
FIGURE 7-17.--Geometry of radiation on cylindrical
dS2=rdXdh surface.


Then This integral is virtually impossible to evaluate"

u =- i sin a_--k cos as in closed form for arbitrary y, so it was decided
n=i cos X+j sin X to evaluate for y=0 and Y=2 and investigate

Since radiation is received only over the portion the variation of F.

of the cylinder for which
For 7=0, we have
2 -- --
F_2 "/2fo %sin 0 ded¢
the effective area in the direction of u is
=-- o sin 2 0d0d¢=_ 1 (0o--sin 0o cos 0o)
71"2 d--T/2

--f(n."(dS,: fo 211 cos X sin asrdXdh

=2rh sin as
This result agrees with that for one side of a
Since the lateral area of the cylinder is 2rrh
the fraction of the lateral area capturing flat plate with "Y=2' which is to be expected.
radiation is
1 .
- sin as
For _,=_, we determine that

If we now place the cylinder over the earth

disk we can write
factor as
the integral for the shape F2 ¢/2
--_ fo % sin 0%/1--sin s 0 sin 2 0dcd0

F=I fcos4), 1
_ j_ (; sin as) dS 4 , fo°O sin 0 Jo
=--71"2 t"/2 _/1--siId 0 sm _ 0d¢dB


foO°sinOE(2, sinO) dO (7.52)
F_l ff cose
--_ ./j_ sin a_h 2 see 2 e tan ed_fO
where E is an elliptic integral. Numerical inte-
gration of this result gave
where the integration is over the entire earth
disk (except for a small hole formed by the F _4
--_ (0.816)----0.331
projection of tbe cylinder along its axis to
intersect with the disk. This unseen region
can be neglected because of the small size of the The extreme values of F(_) were thus
cylinder in comparison with the earth disk).
The counterpart of ¢._ in the case of the flat F(0) =1 (0o--sin 0o cos 0o)=0.254
plate is a,.


sin a,= _/1-- (sin 0 sin ¢ sin y÷eos 0 cos 3,) 2

lJsing the same type of approximate repre-
and sentation for the shape factor of the lateral
surface of the cylinder as for the two-sided flat
I,'=_ f/i;._fo°"sinO plate, we have

_/1--(sin 0 sin 4) sin 3,--cos 0 cos 7)_dOd4) (7.50) F(-y)=0.254+0.077 sin 2 "Y (7.53)

Chapter 8


GENERAL DESCRIPTION and electron detectors. Each of the thirteen
scientific instruments in the spacecraft func-
The study of the sun is important, not only
tioned properly for the first 1000 orbits.
because of immediate scientific gains which will The scientific instruments were carried both
support our man-in-space program (we know,
in the rotating wheel and the solar oriented
for example, that radiation from solar eruptions
upper structure. The wheel experiments were,
or flares occurring during a manned spaceflight
in general, sky-mapping experiments comparing
would penetrate the spacecraft and harm the
radiation from the sun to that in other portions
occupants), but also because long-range scien-
of space. These experiments were exposed to
tific gains will help us more fully understand the
the sun once every two seconds due to the
effect of the sun on the earth. The purpose ot
rotation of the wheel and always passed within
most of the OSO experiments was to measure
a line-of-sight angle of three degrees of the sun
broad ranges of electromagnetic radiation from
in elevation due to the controlled attitude of
the sun in the ultraviolet, x-ray, and gamma-ray
the spin axis. The oriented experiments were
regions. In the past, it was difficult to obtain
continuously pointed to the center of the sun to
accurate information about solar radiation be-
an accuracy of about one minute of arc.
cause of absorption and attenuation by the
atmosphere. The OSO I spacecraft permitted SOLAR ORIENTED EXPERIMENTS
precise and extensive measurements to be made
without the interference of the atmosphere. The solar oriented instrument gimbal mount-
Thirteen experiments aboard the spacecraft ing was designed to carry 75 pounds of instru-
measured wavelengths ranging from ultraviolet ments. These instruments were confined to a
light through the very short high-energy gamma volume of space 38" x 8" x 8". The OSO I
wavelengths. One of the several Goddard spacecraft carried two solar-oriented instru-
Space Flight Center experiments aboard was an ments. One was an x-ray spectrometer meas-
x-ray spectrometer. Information obtained from uring the spectral range from 10 to 400 A. The
this instrument may lead to a theory for spectrometer weighed 20.5 pounds. The second
predicting solar flares. The University of instrument was an assembly of several different
Minnesota instrument will tell us more about experiments. These were: two solar x-ray (20
the thermal-nuclear processes that take place on to 100 key and 1 to 8 A) monitoring experiments,
the sun. The University of Rochester instru- a gamma-ray (0.510 Mev) monitoring experi-
ment will measure gamma rays with energies ment, an interplanetary dust particle experi-
greater than l0 s electron volts. Other experi- ment, and an experiment designed to monitor
ments included the Ames Research Center the orbital environment effect of degradation
instrument for studying emissivity stability of on photoelectric solar error sensors that were
material, Goddard instruments to monitor solar used in the spacecraft servo control positioning
x-ray emission and to measure the number and systems. The composite instrument weighed
energies of interplanetary dust particles, and 45 pounds. Figure 8-1 shows the location of
the University of California neutron, proton, these instruments in the spacecraft.


782-552 O--6G--15


/ 00-4oo



FIGURE 8-1.--Solar-oriented experiment.

Goddard X-Ray Spectrometer Experiment

One of the primary tasks set for the OSO [
_F_3.49 C

was the measurement of the solar spectrum )OA

over the wavelength range of 10 to 400 A. The 2OOA

instrument designed to accomplish this was an SLiT

x-ray spectrometer which had a sensitivity


high enough to yield a satisfactory spectral SLIT

distribution over the given wavelengths.

The angular aperture of the spectrometer was OffN WINDOW

approximately 1.2 by 2.2 degrees. Hence,

pointed with moderate accuracy (within plus
or minus a few minutes of arc to the center of
the solar disk), the spectrometer input en- FIGURE 8-2.--Goddard x-ray spectrometer optical
compassed the entire solar disk. The spectrom- schematic.

eter was designed so that sunlight falling on the

front face of the instrument (Figure 8-2) would The angle of incidence was 88 degrees. The
pass through the entrance slit and strike a grating was lightly ruled in a special glass by
concave grating mounted for grazing incidence. the Nobel Institute in Stockholm at 576 lines


per mm on a one-meter radius of curvature The spectrometer used about 1.3 watts sup-
blank. No reflecting coatings of any kind plied from the spacecraft power supply at a
were used on this grating. The diffracted rays nominal 18 volts dc. About one watt was used
then continue to the exit slit in front of the by an oscillator which drove the three-phase
detector. The detector was mounted on a synchronous detector scandrive motor. The
carriage moving on a rail so that the detector motor required about 300 mw at 137 cps to
input slit would follow a Rowland circle where yield 100 mw of mechanical output power. The
the spectrum was in focus. The plane of the remainder of the power was used in the multi-
detector slit remained approximately perpendic- plier amd pulse-handling circuitry. Power to
ular to the diffracted ray at any position along the experiment was switched off when the
the rail, thereby keeping the spectral passband spacecraft entered the earth's shadow and
nearly constant for all angles of diffraction. switched on at the beginning of a new space-
The 50-micron entrance and exit slits provided craft day.
a spectral passband of 1.7 A and permitted Since the diffraction grating was quite sus-
resolution of lines 0.85 A apart. ceptible to contamination, all of the exposed
The detector used was an open-window materials inside the spectrometer were tested
photomultiplier developed by the Bendix Cor- at a pressure of about t0 -B mm Hg to eliminate
poration specifically for use in this spectrometer any material having a high vapor pressure.
and designated the M-306. Its operation was Because the electronic circuits were potted in
as follows: Photoelectrons from the exposed a compound having a high vapor pressure, they
tungsten cathode move along cycloidal paths were enclosed in sealed boxes which were vented
in crossed electric and magnetic fields between to the outside through holes in the spectrometer
two glass strips coated with a semiconducting base plate. During assembly, all the parts
secondary-emitting oxide layer. One of the exposed to the interior were carefully cleaned
glass strips serves as a continuous dynode. to be free of oil, grease, and other contaminants.
Each photoelectron is multiplied into a pulse of The temperature of the instrument was con-
approximately 106 electrons at the anode. trolled by controlling the radiation balance.
The data format of the x-ray spectrometer Most of the outer case was polished. The
experiment used a pulse-counting technique central section was black in order to thermally
whereby narrow, randomly occurring pulses "tie" the experiment to the spacecraft. A
from the detection system were converted to thermistor was mounted in the experiment to
bi-value waveforms by means of binary, scalers. monitor temperature during orbital flight. A
To extend the dynamic range over a wider plot of this temperature for the first 1,000
range of input pulse rates, three different orbits is shown if Figure 8-4. The output of
scaling factors were used. The three bi-valued
waveforms thus generated were then coded
and combined in such a way as to permit later +5O
unambiguous identification of the particular
contributions of the different scaling factors to +40
the composite waveform. A typical data out-
put format is shown in Figure 8-3. This format
was the input of the 1200-cps subcarrier oscil- +20
lator providing the frequency modulating for
1the data transmitted.
-- DAY _'_ NIGHT_
t | i J 1 I I t I
-10 0 lO0 200 3004005006007008009001000

FmvoRZ 8-3.--Goddard x-ray spectrometer output
format. FZGURE 8-4.--X-ray spectrometer temperature.


highest magnitude being a Class 3 on 3larch 22,

1962. It is believed that these data will
1. Aid in identifying- the spectral lines.
2. Allow limits to be placed on the continiitt
in this wavelength region for a qiiiet sun as
well its during solar activity.
3. Allow quiet stin line intensity metiswe-
inents to be made with some certainty. (From
preliminary measurements it can be seen that
a rocket-borne instrument would have encoun-
tered enhnncement several hours after a visiial
FIGURE8-5.-Goddard solar-oriented x-ray fltwe was over.)
4 . Determine line intensity enchancernent, if
any, before, during, and following visual flare
5 . Determine enhancement, if tiny, ctssociated
with other solar activity, i.e., plage areas and
hpot groiips.
6. Determine short-time fluctriations in line
intensities not associated with other easily
observitble phenomena.
Antilysis of these results should throw light
on energy transport mechanisms in the corona
FIGUREX-6.--Goddard solar-oriented x-ray
and the relaxation time of the corona, and form
spectrometer. the basis for n more complete model of the
the therriiist,or detector nniplifier wiis fed to After the failure of the tape recorders, data
the upper hoiisekeeping coinmut.iitor as one of were recorded only during those periods of time
52 d a h points monitored by the spttcecraft when the spacecraft was within range of a re-
hoiisekeeping coiiiiniitittors. Figures 8-5 iind ceiving station. The spectrometer continued
8-6 show vnrioiis views of the spect,roineter. to function during these periods. A prelimi-
nary report of solar flare observations has been
Performance prepared by W. E. Behring, W. N . Neupert and
T h e spectrometer tiboard t81iespacecrttft per- J. C. Lindsay of the Goddard Space Flight
formed well, yielding infornirtt,ion on the soltir Center. This report, X-614-62-29 is entitled
spectrum ttnd variations in intensit,y o f the Preliminary Solar Flare Observation with a Soft
solar lines as the solar activity chttnged. T h e X - R a y Spectrometer on the Orbiting Solar Obserti-
region 10 tto 60 A was not risefiil due to sciit'tered atory.
light. Solar radiation in t,he wavelengths Alternate Pointed instrument
covered by the spectroineter was prinictrily
responsible for the forrillition of the F lriyers T h e alternate pointed instrument package
in the ionosphere. 'I'hiis, vwi2tt,ions in the s o h (Figure 8-7) contained the following listed
oiit8prit shoiild he correlated wit,Ii chnnges in experimen hs :
the F layer which inny lead t o tt bett,er iinder-
stnndiny of the forinii1:ition and st>riictrire o f G o d d a r d G a m m a Ray Monitor
the ionosphere. This experiment utilized n NaT (TI) scintil-
Prior to the faillire of the tlipe recorders, lntor backed by IL photomiiltiplier t,ube for t h e
tibout 6000 spectrtt of t,he stin in t,he 1 0 1 . 0 400 detection of the 0.510 Mev electron-positron
A region \ \ w e collect,ed. Diiring t'liis t,iirie over tinnihilation line to study my possible temporal
:(O fliires of \,tirying riiqmit,iides occurred, the vnrintions at this line.


(Xe) ion chambers, collimated t o reduce the

effect of scattered light.
The monitoring of the x-ray region substan-
tially supplemented the information obtained
from the x-ray spectrometer, which covered
the 10 to 400 A region, particulaxly during a
solar flare when the x-ray emission was en-
hanced resulting in a hardening of the spectrum
as well as an increase i n intensity.

Goddard Dust Particle Experiment

The interplanetary dust particle experiment
was designed t o measure the influx rate,
momentum , and kinetic energies of impacting
dust particles. A photomultiplier tube, coatled
FIGURES-7.-Goddard alternate point,ed-instrumen with aluminum approximately 2 microns thick,
package. was used t o measure the luminous energy
emitted from the cloud of plasma formed when
a dust particle impacts onto the aluminum-
Pulse signals from the photomult,iplier were covered tube. A microphone attached to the
fed into a 16-channel differential pulse-height side of the tube measured the mechanical
analyzer which was time shared by this photo- impulse delivered by an impacting dust particle.
multiplier and two others in the GSFC wheel The ranges of sensitivity of the two detectors
experiment. From the analyzer, the signals were overlapped so that coincidence measure-
were coded and fed into a telemetr- subcarrier ments were possible for a large fraction of the
oscillator. dust particles. A collimating tube was used
The only difference between this experiment, to shield the photomultiplier tube from eart.h-
and the gamma-ra>- experiment, in the GSFC reflected sunlight and to limit the view of the
wheel experiment package was that it> was detector t o a cone of approximately 30' half
pointed at, the slin continuoilsly so that the angle. The output signal from this experiment
energy analysis would be improred. This mss fed t o the 294 cps subcarrier oscillator
was accomplished b y adjusting the gain of the channel.
syst,em so that the 0.1 t.o 0.7 JIev region would
be analyzed by the pulse-height analj-zer giving Photoelectric Error Sensor Stability Experiment
approximately 50 kel- resolution. Ball Brothers Research Corporation supplied
an experiment designed t o monitor the effects
G o d d a r d X - R a y Monitor (20-100 K e v ) of the launch and the space environment
A detector exactly like the scintillation de- on the photoelectric sensors used as error
tect or used for the gramma-ray experiments, ex- detector3 in the spacecraft servo positioning
cept for t h e use of a thinner crystal, WRS used to control s p t e n i . The experiment comprised
monitor t h e 20-100 kei- x-ray emission.: believed .:is error sensors mounted in a block which was
attached to the front surface of the alternate
t o be associated with Type III radio events.
pointed instrument. A detector block tempera-
I t will be of interest to compare the intenkitmy ture readout was also prorided. T h e output
variation of the trimsient s-rnj- phenomenon data were .;ampled by s 20-data-point com-
with that obtained froni radio observat ion-. niut ator operating at a one-hample-per-second
rate. The commutator channels were shared
G o d d a r d X - R a y Monitor (1-8 A)
by the Goddard alternate pointed instrument
Jlonitoring the solar flus i n the 1 t o S A experiment- and the BBRC' experiment. Table
x-ray region \vas accomplished with two Be S-I li-ts the channel assignments.

Table 8-1 pected so that servo error detector gain changes

could be assessed.
Alternate Pointed Experiment Data Channel Fine Pointing Detector Pair.--This aligned
and positioned detector pair provided data on
Channel No. Function mechanical shifts of position of the pointed
instruments during launch by comparison with
the readout eye pair. It also backed up the
1 .......... Experimental target eye, no filter
or lens prime positional readout detector pair.
2 and 3 ..... GSFC voltage readouts The amplifiers used to amplify the individual
4 .......... 5-volt calibration detector currents to the input voltage level
5 .......... 2.5-volt calibration
required for the telemetry subcarrier oscillator
6 and 7 ..... 0-volt calibration
g and 9 ..... 20 kev to 100 kev x-ray monitor- were zero-suppression amplifiers. This was
ing experiment done to increase the accuracy of the telemetry
10 and 11___ 1 to 4A x-ray monitoring experi- channel readout. Full-scale output repre-
sented about plus or minus 12 percent of the
12 ......... 15-volt regulated supply nominal output. The amplifiers were calibrated
13 ......... Experiment temperature
14 ......... 18-volt B+ monitor with a _ percent current meter.
15 ......... Experimental target eye No. 1 The amplifier (Figure 8-8) was adjusted to
16 ......... Experimental target eye No. 2 give 2.5v out with predicted eye current by ad-
17 and 18___ Dust particle experiment justing R2 (zero-suppression resistor) and R4
19 ......... Experimental fine eye pair (FE-3)
(gain resistor).
20 ........ Experimental coarse eye (CE-3)
The principle of circuit operation is as fol-
lows: Q1 presents the eye cell with a low input
Of interest were engineering data concerning impedance to assure that the cell is being
cell, lens, and filter-glass damage, mechanical operated in the current mode. The collector
shifts in position, and spectral response changes. of Q1 is a very good current source for R2.
The detectors selected and the intended uses for Thus, a_ times tile eye detector current flows
each are as follows: out of the collector regardless of the collector
Bare Cell Detector.--This detector was a fine circuit.
error sensor with the lens and filter removed, When the eye detector current is such that
exposing the unprotected silicon cell to direct the voltage across R2 is high enough, the emit-
solar irradiation. This detector was intended ter of Q2 becomes a low impedance compared
as a control so that differences in cell changes to R2 causing the majority of Q1 collector
and filter and lens changes could be assessed. current will flow into Q2; a_ times this current
Coarse Pointing Error Detector.--This detec- will flow through R4. The voltage across R4
tor provided a cell protected by a filter glass. is fed to telemetry by emitter follower Q4.
The detector was identical to the servo coarse Diode CR3 is the compensation for changes in
error detectors and was intended to provide the VB_ of Q4.
data on the long-term stability of the coarse The voltage at which the current from the
detectors. collector of Q1 is accepted by the emitter of Q2
Fine Pointing Error Detectors.--These two is determined by the emitter voltage of Q3,
detectors provided cells protected by a lens and which is in turn determined by the voltage
a filter glass. These detectors were of the same divider RS, R6, RT. Tile VBE of Q2 is nearly
type used for fine servo error detectors. The compensated for by Q3 VBE and trimmed by
detectors, which were not spectrally matched, R6.
gave information on the immediate differential The detector block temperature probe, using
output changes to be expected by being above a thermistor detector, was similar to those used
the atmosphere, on the h)ng-term differential elsewhere on the spacecraft. The fine detector
changes between two detectors, and on the long- position reading pair required the use of a spe-
term absolute output degradation to be ex- cial low-level detector amplifier. The opera-


) , _

RI: >



/ [ \



I_[ _
R61 >



[ <
i I R2A
CR 2 _" R2 ,' R2A _ <.I
2 CR 3 R 5
! .<R2 R7 ! R9 !
: :b ®

FmURE 8-8.--Zero-suppression detection amplifier.

tion of this device (see Figure 8-9) is the same
as the readout amplifiers previously described 36K 5K
in Chapter 4.
The sensor monitoring experiment required
a voltage shifter designed to accept an input CELL P5595 7.5K
signal ranging from 0 to 5 volts and to supply DETECTOR
an output ranging from about 4 to 9 volts.
The requirement for this unit arose from the
fact that
it was desirable
oscillator which
to use an existing
required a 4- to
9-volt input. -- OUT

Figure 8-10 shows the schematic diagram of
this circuit. The requirements on the voltage MEA
shifter were that it present the proper input and IN 754A

output impedance to the signal source and the

subcarrier oscillator, and that it have good
linearity and temperature stability. Voltage
shiftin a is accomplished by means of the Zener
diode D1. This diode adds constant voltage FIGURE 8-9.--Low-level detector amplifier.


network was added to the output of the level
_R 2
,4.64K shifter to limit the maximum ouptut to 10 volts.
>I_ I 8W Q4

This was done to make it impossible to over-

2NT18A 4
drive the subearrier oscillator.

D2 Performance
- IN483A

Information on the performance of the four
4, 64K
_ D3
GSFC solar-oriented experiments is not included
141, Ow _ (10v)
.... J in this chapter, but may be obtained by referring

to the bibliography included in this publication.

FIGURE 8-10.--Error detector experiment, voltage The effects of the space enviromnent upon
the Ball Brothers photoelectric Error Sensor
experiment were :
9.22 per
Detector Type month)
9- Open cell ............................. 3. 6
Fine pointing ....................... 1.8
Fine pointing .......................... 1.2
Coarse pointing ...................... 0

The degradation figures were derived over
0 the first 1,000 orbits and were, for this period
of time, linear functions of time. It was
ee assumed that the data could be extrapolated
[., 7-
to six months with some confidence if the
electron flux problem were ignored.
The open-cell detector exposed the silicon
O 6.
[-. (,.ell directly to solar irradiation. The degrada-
tion was due to direct ultraviolet irradiation
0, damage.
The fine pointing detectors with lenses and
O 5-
narrow transmission band filters were the type
used for the servo positioning control error
detectors. The two detectors were not spec-
4.3 I
4 traUy matched. This is the reason for the
slightly different degradation rates. The servo
gain decrease in six months (nine percent aver-
Fm_mE _-11.--Voltage shifter transfer curve. age) due to eye output reduction caused a
pt)sitionin_ error of the same percentage applied
to the input signal. Transistors Q1 and Q2 to the initial error; that is, with a 1.0 arc-minute
are used to present the proper impedance to the initial control accuracy, the error after six
signal source. Transistors Q3 and Q4 present months was increase(t by 0.1 minute of arc.
the proper impedance t<_ the subcarrier oscil- The variation in positional accuracy caused by
lator. Tim outpu[ of the voltage shifter appears the different degradation rates was negligible.
acrt)ss R3. Figure 8-11 shows the t ransfel The coarse pointing detector was identical
characteristi(,s of a typical unit. Typically, the to the c,oarse detectors used for the positioning
level shifter has a linearity ,)f about plus or conlrolsystem. No degradati(m was measured.
minus i_
/ percent and a temperature stability The detector output varied, in agreement with
,)f about l)lus ,)r minus 1 percent over the range the theoretical, as the variation in the solar
-f temperature, --20 ° to +50°C. A limiting constant. This information indicated that the






LU - 10°C






I , I i I i I , I i I * I i I I I
1.4 .
0 1O0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

FIGURE 8-12.--Error detector stability experiment--detector output variations.

degradation measured for the fine pointing The azimuth position readout pair of detectors
detectors was due entirely to effects on the lens performed well. After the upper commutator
glass (probably ultraviolet radiation-induced failure about orbit 1900, this detector pair
color center formation causing some attenua- became the only readout available to allow
tion) and that the degradation of the cells them- determination of azimuth pointing accuracy.
selves was negligible when protected by the A relative shift in azimuth pointing direction
filter glass. between the pointed experiments (about one
Data concerning the effects of high-energy arc-minute) occurred during launch. After
electron flux on the detectors would be of 3500 orbits, the experimental pair was reading
considerable interest, but unfortunately, the azimuth positioning error changes from the
detector outputs were reduced to the lowest initial position of less than one minute of arc.
level readable by about orbit 2000. This was Two curves of interest are presented con-
about the time the 9 duly 1962 high-altitude cerning the experiment. The curves of Figure
nuclear device was exploded. Since the coarse 8-12 show the combined effects of degradation
detector eye did not continue to give on-scale and solar constant variation over the first 1000
readings after that time, as was anticipated orbits. The solar constant change was a
since tile solar constant was on tile increasing decrease of 3.2 percent over this period. The
half-cycle, it was assumed that some radiation coarse detector, as noted previously, followed
change occurred. Tiffs change needed to be this change very closely.
only about two percent to produce the effects The curve of Figure 8-13 shows the coarse
measured, thus no real limits could be estimated. detector output variation over one orbit. The

14-1/8" MAX_

102 _'_ 1/8'.' MIN


ioo IGHTJ_




92 0 2800 , r SATELLITE

20______ 14,, MAX • WHEEL

FIGURE 8-13.--Error detector stability experiment--
coarse detector output.

peaks after dawn and before dusk were of

variable amplitude and varied somewhat in
shape and in time as the spacecraft-earth-sun
orientation changed. The peaks are due to
earth-light inputs to the coarse detector. The
curve plotted is typical.

WHEEL EXPERIMENTS FmURE 8-14.--Compartment space allocated to wheel

There were nine wedge-shaped compartments
in the wheel section of the spacecraft. Of these This wavelength region, encompassing the
nine compartments, five were available for frequencies of maximum intensity of flux
scientific instruments. The space allocated to radiated from the sun, is important in deter-
the wheel experiments, except the Ames Re- mining the total energy balance of the sun.
search Center experiment, is shown in Figure With this instrument, variations of the solar
8-14. The OSO I carried six different experi- flux as small as 0.1 percent were detected.
ments in the wheel section. The location of This allowed very rapid variations to be
these experimental packages and a brief de- studied, as well as the anticipated variations

scription of each are shown in Figure 8-15. The within the solar cycle.
total weight of the wheel experiments in OSO Solar Ultraviolet Experiment
I was ll3 pounds.
Monitoring of the solar flux from 1100 to
Goddard Wheel Experiments 1250 A was accomplished with a LiF-CS2 ion
chamber suitably stopped down to retard
The Goddard Space Flight Center wheel deterioration. Considered of primary impor-
experiment package for the OSO I is shown in tance, this wavelength region included the
Figure S-16 and comprised the following Lyman-alpha chromospheric emission line which
experiments: is strongly associated with solar activity.
Intensity variations were measured to allow
Solar Radiation Experiment
correlation to be made with active features
This experiment utilized a special photo- on the solar surface.
diode with a filter which restricted its spectral
response t() the region between 3800 and Solar Gamma-Ray Experiment
4800 A at the half-intensity point, very similar This gamma-ray experiment was designed to
to a band widely used in stellar photometry. detect gamma rays from the sun and analyze


FIGURE8-15.-Mrheel experiments.

their energy spectra from 0.2 to 1.5 MeV. 0.5 Mev eiectroo-pcsitron annihilation line and
The experiment utilized for detection two to study any possible temporal variations.
S a 1 (TI)scintillators, backed by photomulti- The detectors looking outward from the wheel
pliers. One detector was shielded to achieve a spent a good fraction of the time scanning
penumbral acceptance angle of 20 degrees.
The second detector, which was unshielded,
a as used in anticipation of background events
induced by the presence of spacecraft mass
and, in particular, by the shielding of the other
detector. The unshielded detector had nearly
iqotropic response.
Pulse signals from the photomultipliers were
fed into w 16-channel differential pulse-height
analyzer which \\-a$ time-shared by these
two detectors and by one in the composite
pointed experiment. From the analyzer, the
4gnnls were coded and fed to the spacecraft
telemetry *>-stem. Of w particular intere-t FIGVRE +16.-Goddard Space Flight Cpnter wheel
in this experiment was the ability to detect the experimeri t package.


celestial space and thus may be able to detect Table 8-2

other moderately strong sources of low-energy
Goddard Space Flight Center
gamma rays.
Wheel Experiment Frame Intervals
Earth Horizon Sensor

The Goddard wheel instrument contained an Interval No. Assignment

earth horizon sensor for use in obtaining data

on the orientation of the spacecraft roll axis. 1 ........
Analog 1 (earth-horizon aspect)
The earth sensor was pointed in the same 2 .......
Analog 2 (ion chamber)
3 ........ Analog 3 (blue diode)
azimuth direction as the gamma-ray detectors, 4 ........
Proportional Counter (PC)
but its axis was positioned 15 degrees downward 5 ........ Collimated Photomultiplier (CPM)
(away from the upper section) to prevent direct 6 ........ Non-collimated Photo multiplier
exposure to the sun. The field of view of the (NCPM)
earth sensor was a cone with a four-degree 7 ........ Sync No. 1
8 ........ PC
included angle. When any portion of this field
9 ........ CPM
intercepted the sunlit portion of the earth, an 10 ....... NCPM
output signal was generated. The earth sensor 11 ....... Sync No. 2
was not responsive to radiations from the dark 12 ....... PC
portion of the earth, but intervening clouds on 13 ....... CPM
14 ....... NCPM
the sunlit side did not cause a change in the
output signal amplitude.
These data sources were time-multiplexed into
the 790 cps subcarrier oscillator telemetry
channel during playback. 63 ....... Sync No. 15
64 ....... PC
Synchronization pulses were inserted into
65 ..... CPM
the data format at frequent intervals to facili- 66 ....... NCPM
tate decommutation on the ground. The data 67 ....... Sync No. 16
was commutated in frame intervals consisting
of 67 intervals per fr'tme. Table 8-2 shows the
interval assignment. Each interval was timed was initially saturated. The Lyman-alpha
with a sun sensor output signal by the rotation sensor was near midscale initially and later
period of the wheel portion of the spacecraft. began to show a very slow degradation with
For nominal spacecraft spin rates, the intervals time indicating that the lithium window was
were two seconds. The output format is shown darkening from integrated radiation effects.
in Figure 8-17. The gamma-ray experiments functioned prop-
erly, but it will be some time before statistically
plotted data becomes available due to the h)w
flux levels obtained.

University of Minnesota Gamma-Ray Experiment

FIGURE 8-17.--(loddard wheel experiment data output This experiment was designed to provide
format. preliminary measurements of the intensity and
directional properties of low-energy gamma rays
in space. These photons have energies of about
The earth sensor received signals froll_ scat- 1 Mev and are similar to light rays or x-rays
tered light reflected from the cover during each in that they travel with the same speed and are
rotation past the sun. This scattered light not deflected by electric and magnetic fields.
produced an ex*ra pulse in the output signal Tiros, unlike true cosmic rays, but like starlight,
but did not interfere with the normal function the gamma rays arrive from the same direction
of the earth sensor. The solar radiation diode in space from which they originated. They


+cannot, however, penetrate t h e earth's atmos-

The gamma rays observed had their origin
in the interaction of atomic nuclei in or near
stars. Since the sun itself is a giant atomic
furnace sustained by the energy of nuclear
reactions, gamma rays leaking from the solar
surface should have been detected. From the
intensity of these rays, more could be learned
about the thermonuclear process responsible for
the characteristics of the radiative output of the
At times, when large sunspots appear on the
solar surface, an explosive eruption known as a
flare occurs. These flares produce disturbances
which disrupt radio communications on the FIGURE
Il-ltL-University of Minnesota gamma ray
earth, cause the northern lights or aurora experiment.
borealis, greatly disturb the earth's magnetic
field, and probably cause changes in the and one of antimatter, are in collision. If this
weather. Bursts of gamma rays from flares were indeed true, a large number of gamma rays
have been observed from balloons on rare occa- would be ernitted in the process of the annihila-
sions. The instruments on the spacecraft con- tion of matter.
tinnously looked for solar gamma-ray bursts These measurements are all complicated by
in order to better understand the solar flare the high background due to cosmic rays and the
phenomena. low flux density to be measured. The flux
The liilky Way, which is our edge-on view anticipated was less than one gamma ray cross-
of the galaxy containing our sun, may be an ing a one centimeter square area each second.
interesting source of gamma-ray activity. An A special detector arrangement, known as a
explanation correlating an expanding universe, C'ompton coincidence telescope, and some spe-
as observed by astonomers, and a steadv-state cial circuits were developed at the University
universe is the continuow creaiion of matter of Minnesota to perform the measurement,.
theory proposed by the British Physicist, Fred The telescope was mounted in the wheel of the
Royle. The theory implies an annihilation of spacecraft and scanned the sky as the wheel
matter, arid this process produces gamma rays. rotated, continuously recording and storing
The intensity of gamma rays from the liilky information about gamma rays. The instru-
Way may then tell us something about the ment weighed 30 pounds and had a volume of
creation of matter in our galaxy. Among less than one-half cubic foot. The instrument
other objects in the sky which may emit gamma is shown in Figure 8-18. The experiment used
rays is the Crab Nebula in the constellation nearly 400 transistors and operated contin-
Taurus. This is the remnant of a supernova uously on a power of one-half watt. Data
or sudden explosion of a star seen by the from the detectors were entered into a tem-
Chinese in the year 1054. From the number porary binary storage device and read out,
itnd kind of gamma rays, some information together with identification and spacecraft
about the cause of the explosion may be orientation information, to a spacecraft telem-
obtained. In the constellation Cassiopia there etry channel at a one bit-per-second rate.
is an object, or an area, discovered by radio The output format for this experiment is shown
astronomers. known as the most powerful radio in Figure 8-19. A day-night transition is
transmitter in the iinirerPe. One explanation illustrated in the format.
of the nmoiint of radio wavw given off iq that The Uiiiversity of llinnesota gamma-ray
two galaxies, one composed of ordinar- matter experiment monitored the intensity and direc-

23 1

with isotropic sensitivity and high counting,

DAY _--_ NIGHT-- rate were obtained from the absorption detector.
A cosmic-ray single counter was formed by
counting all events in the absorption detector,
FIGUHE 8-19.--University of Minnesota experiment and a cosmic-ray telescope was formed from
output format.
coincidences between the absorbing and scat-
tering detectors.
TELESCOPE During the day, the direction of the telescopes
I_LI[SGOPI[ 03-_0 mEv
with respect to the sun was obtained from 16
sun detectors placed every 22.5 degrees around
4_ am tt m _3-_.MEV the spacecraft wheel rim. A gate of 22.5
ae CMmLL

degrees duration (125 milliseconds at 30 rpm)

t.n4 cu _ p I

Ijl --I._i.JEaU
was generated
every time the telescopes
at the sun and during

gates allowed
one other
sector interval.
in the telescope
to pass into the storing and accumulating binary
scalers. The sector gate was programmed so
that after every night-day sequence, the sector
FIGURE 8-20.--University of Minnesota gamma ray was advanced one 22.5-degree interval. Hence,
experiment block diagram. after every 16 orbital passes of the satellite, the
telescopes would have been gated at each 22.5-
tion properties of gamma rays between 50 kev degree interval around the wheel for one orbit.
and 3 Mev energy and observed time variations The sun interval was always gated ON during
of the solar flux in this region. Advantage was every orbital pass and every daytime wheel
taken of the fact that the wheel spin axis was revolution.
maintained normal, within a few degrees, to a The six 9-binary storage registers accepted
plane containing the solar vector. The tele- events from the detectors in the following
scope, pointing radially outward from the manner:
wheel, then swept by the sun, across the sky, 1. From the 50 to 150 kev lead pipe telescope
and probably across the earth with every two- during the sun gate interval.
second rotation period of the wheel. 2. From the 50 to 150 kev lead pipe telescope
The 50 to 150 kev telescope, shown in the during the sector gate interval.
block diagram of Figure 8-20, consisted of a 3. Scaled-down counts from the 0.3 to 1.0
NaI (T1) crystal scintillation counter in a lead Mev isotropic counter continuously.
pipe shield which looked outward through the 4. From the 0.3 to 1.0 Mev Compton tele-
wall of the spacecraft. A directional detector, scope during the sector gate interval.
operating in the 0.3 to 1.0 Mev energy regions, 5. Scaled-down counts from the 1.0 to 3.0
was obtained by using tw o scintillation counters Mev isotropic counter continuously.
connected as a Compton coincidence telescope. 6. From the 1.0 to 3.0 Mev Compton tele-
Photons, after being scattered in the first crys- scope during the sector gate interval.
tal, were absorbed in the second scintillation Events from the detectors were continuously
detector. The directional properties were ob- accumulated in the storage register during the
tained by selecting only photons scattered daytime portion of the orbit. The storage
forward in the first crystal. The absorbing registers were read nondestructively in sequence
NaI (T1) crystal was surrounded by a plastic into a shifting register which advanced at a
phosphor fence which rejected events having two-bit-per-wheel-rotation rate (1 bit-per-sec
proper energy but caused by edge effects of at 30 rpm). Six words of 13 nonreturn-to-zero
particles in the crystal. Photon counters in bits were supplied to the telemetry subcarrier
the 0.3 to 1.0 and 1.0 to 3.0 Mev energy region oscillator. The first four, or "ID," bits of each


_'ord were of five-volt amplitude and identified gamma rays presumably were produced by
the beginning of the six-word sequence, the cosmic rays. That most of the counting rate
word number, the position of the sector gate, was not caused by local radioactivity in the
and the position of the earth horizon. The last satellite itself was inferred from a preflight
nine bits of each word were of three-volt ampli- calibration. The calibration, performed a few
tude and corresponded to the reading of the days before the launch with the entire payload
storage register at the time of the start. Num- and vehicle configuration in the gantry, gave
bers read from the storage register continually lower background rates than in any previous
changed due to the continued accumulation of situation. These were about a factor of ten
counts from the detectors. below those observed in orbit.
During the night, the readout of t ae storage Of the first 1000 passes, about 50 passes had
and operation of the shifting register were in- been completely reduced and another 50 were in
hibited, and the cosmic-ray single counter and process at the time of this writing. Since the
telescope data were recorded. The outputs of Compton telescopes had the possibility of indi-
detectors were suitably scaled and the resultant cating the presence of an extraterrestrial
square waves were added together and fed into gamma-ray flux in the most unambiguous
the telemetD" subcarrier oscillator. manner, the data from 48 passes, numbered
generally m the 400's, are presented in Table
Performance 8-3.
Inspechon of the early telemetered passes at Events occurring when the spacecraft was in
Cape Kennedy indicated that the instrument the trapped radiation areas, as well as noisy
was performing properly. Later passes re- records, were eliminated. Events were accu-
vealed that occasionally incorrect digital words mulated when the earth detector was illumi-
were received. This effect, apparently due to nated, when it was off, and when the telescopes
an electrical transient resetting the shift- looked at the sun. Since the acceptance angle
register logic, was particularly troublesome on of the earth telescope was about the same as
passes 50 to 150 and had vanished by pass 400. the Compton telescope at 1.0 Mev, this formed
No actual loss of mformation resulted, but auto- a simple means for distinguishing earth albedo
matic data reduction became more difficult. gamma rays from those that were incoming.
No detrimental effect was observed due to the The rates of the isotropic counters, averaged
lower than anticipated operating temperature of over the same time intervals as the telescopes,
the satellite, and no evidence of a gain change in are given. The near identity of these rates indi-
the scintillahon counters was noted. The cated the absence of any large systematic effect
signal-to-noise ratio on most passes was quite due to a nonrandom variation of the isotropic
adequate for automatic data reduction. flux during the intervals in which counts were
The background gamma-ray rates in orbit tallied: for example, from radiation belt back-
were about a factor of three higher than those ground. The results would indicate an extra-
predicted by a reasonable extrapolation of bal- terrestrial flux greater than the earth's albedo.
loon results at Minneapolis. Most of these In order to actually determine the flux and t_)

Table 8-3

Instrument Rates--_8 Passes

0.3-1.0 Mev 1.0-3.0 Mev

Comp. Tel. Isotropic Comp. Tel. Isotropic

Earth ................. 1.99 + 0. 3 X 10 -2 21.0 c/sec ...... 1.40 :t: 0. 24 X 10 -2 8. 7 c/sec

No earth .............. 3. 10-4-0. 3X10 -2 20. 3 c/sec ...... 2. 36 :t: 0. 26)<10 -2 9. 6 c/sec
Sun .................. 2. 05 + O. 25X 10 -_ 18. 6 c/see ...... 3. 03 + O. 03 X 10 -2 8. 4 c/sec

I,OOO _--
respectively, at the equator. A variation of"
RATES VS. _ME about 2 to 1 in the rates from the equator to
geomagnetic 40 ° is observed.
The first daytime portion, in addition to the
general latitude variation, shows effects due to
the trapped radiation which were observed on
COUNTS most passes over the South Atlantic and Africa.

These presumably were due to the displacement

of the earth's magnetic dipole or to the Cape-
town anomoly that caused a detectable fraction
of the trapped flux to have turning points less
than 60 km above the earth's surface. Indeed,
on many passes, the rates were so high in these
areas that the accumulating registers overfilled
between readouts and gave ambiguous results.
1430 1500 15_0 1600 163o

u.T.-g MARCH _2 The rates of the lead-pipe telescope in the 50

FIGURE 8-21.--University of Minnesota experiment to 150 kev energy region are also shown. The
data for a typical pass. sun gate counted during the 22.5 ° portion of the
satellite wheel rotation, and the sector gate was
gain confidence in these results, an account opened during sectors 10 and 12 during the
was taken of possible background in the first and second daytime portions of the pass,
Compton telescopes, their angular response, respectively. This corresponds to looking 225 °
and the incident photon spectrum. At the and 270 ° with respect to the solar radius vector.
time of this writing the data were insufficient Although the statistical accuracy of the rates
to determine with any certainty the anistropies was not ve.ry high, no significant difference was
in the counting rate of the Compton telescope noted between looking at the sun and looking
looking away from the earth. at wide angles to it.
The counting rates as a function of time for an The counts from the Compton telescope are
early pass are shown in Figure 8-21. Day and indicated in an event-by-event manner. Ap-
night portions of the pass are clearly indicated parently, the earth did not fall into view of the
as well as the longitude of certain significant earth detector since the indicator read zero
orbital points. The recording of Pass 15 started during the entire daytime portions of the pass.
after the readout of the previous pass by the The rates obtained during the night portion
Fort Myers station. The spacecraft crossed of the pass are also shown in the figure. The
the equator over the Atlantic, reached its upper curve shows all events greater than 1.0
southernmost point over the southern tip of Mev in the isotropic counter, and the lower
Africa, again crossed the equator going north curve gives the total coincidence rate of the
over the mid-Pacific, and reached its nothern- detectors forming the Compton telescope.
most point over the United States just before Most events in the isotropic counter can be
readout by the Fort Myers station. accounted for in terms of the charged cosmic-
The rates of the isotropic counter in the 0.3 ray flux. The counter rate shows about a 4 to 1
to 1.0 and 1.0 to 3.0 Mev regions are indicated variation with geomagnetic latitude to X--40 °.
in the two uppermost curves of the figure. This should be compared with the ratio of
The second daytime portion of the pass clearly gamma rays of about 2 to 1.
indicates the variation with latitude of the
background counting rate due to cosmic rays.
Since the omnidirectional cross-section of the The following information will be forthcoming
counter is 33 cm 2, the rates correspond to a from the University of Minnesota experiment on
flux of about 0.45 and 0.24 counts per cm 2 sec the OSO I satellite:
in the 0.3 to 1.0 Mev and 1.0 to 3.0 Mev regions, 1. A measurement of extraterrestrial gamma-


Yay flux between 0.3 and 3.0 l\lev, and an P B , A L

indication of its origin on the celestial sphere.
2 . Upper limits on the solar fliix in the 50 to
150 kev energy region during quiet time and r:
certain disturbed times, and possibly the
detection of solar x-ray bursts during flares. \
3. Accurate determination of the cosmic-ray
latitride effect and the cosmic-ray equator a t
600 km.
4. The production of earth albedo gamma
rays b y cosmic rays, and hence an evaluation
of the production function with primary energy.
5 . A4 mapping of the effect of the displace-
ment of the earth's dipole and the magnetic
anomalies on the trapped radiation over a
limited altitude, latitude, and intensity range.
6. Information relative to the background
problem in gamma-ray astronomy.

University of Rochester High-Energy G a m m a R a y


The primary purpose of the OS0 I space-

craft system was to study the short wavelength FIGL-RE
8-22.--17nivcrsit y of Rochester wheel experi-
portion of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted ment.
by the sun. This will result in a better nnder-
standing of the sun and its influence on the is 2X10-16 seconds. These mesons can be
earth. Also, since the sun is a star, its study produced either by high-energy proton-proton
will greatly increase our knowledge about collisions or by the annihilation collision
other stsrs. reaction of protons and antiprotons, i.e.,
The University of Rochester wheel esperi- riegaiive-chzrged particles with the mass of the
inent shown in Figure 8-22 detected and proton.
measured the intensity of the shortest wave- Sources which emit energetic gamma rays
length portion of the spectrum-gamma rays are iisually anomalous stellar objects or oc-
with energy greater than 100 JIev. The siin currences, and the relatively simple nature of
was the primary soiirce investigated. How- the production of energetic gamma rays leads
ever, facilities were incorporated into the to direct information about the source. Loca-
experiment to search most of the sky. The tion of objects which contain high-energy
sensitive area of the detector was 16 miz, itg protons, for example, could increase our
angiilar resohition was wboiit 20 degrees, and knowledge of the origin of cosmic rays.
i t responded 0 1 1 1 ; ~ to the fluxes entering the The most probable soiirces of gamma r a p
sensitive cone in the inwtrd radial direction of tire those regions known to be strong sources of
the spacecraft wheel section. 3hort-u-ave radio waves. Siich radio emission
The importance of the energetic g;tnima i. characteri-tic of synchrotron radiation from
rays can he realized if the nntiire of their hiFh-energy electrons. The mechanism which
origin is considered. Radiation in this energy zicceleriited thebe electrons could also possibly
region woiild rescilt from the dectiy of & niesoii, accelerate protons t o the high energies (several
:tn e1eriient:try particle with a mass 270 times hiindred J l e v ) necesarj* for gammti-r:iy pro-
that of a n electron, w-hich deca-s into two diiction. Solar flares 011 the active sun, oiir
g~;tninirrrays. The mean lifetime of the particle plasy, the hiipernom Crab nebiilw, :inomdous

extragalactic sources, such as the galaxy M87 Unique identification pulse--Channel 1_

and the colliding galaxy system, and Cygnus a or calibration
are all possible gamma-ray sources. Cygnus a Saturation count--Channel 18
may possibly be a system involving matter- Zero count--Channel 19
antimatter collisions. Five-pulse count--Channel 20
Enthusiastic desire to understand and ex- The output format for this experiment is
plore these sources was almost lost when shown in Figure 8-23.
estimates of the fluxes arriving at the earth
were considered. Information from the radio DAY -_- NIGHT-"
spectrum flux of the Crab nebula led to an
expected flux of about 10 -5 gamma rays per
square centimeter per second. Proton-anti-
proton annihilation resulting in production
FIGURE 8-23.--University of Rochester gamma ray
of _r° mesons gave an estimated flux of gamma experiment output format.
rays from Cygnus a of 10 -7 per square centi-
meter per second. These fluxes can be com- Performance
pared to the limiting sensitivity of the 200-
From the data gathered, the detector system
inch Palomar telescope to visible light, which
and logic functioned perfectly. Once every
is 6X10 -3 quanta per square centimeter per
rotation of the spacecraft wheel, the detector
was pointed toward the sun. In addition, 16
The study of this last frontier of the electro-
other sectors of the sky and earth were in-
magnetic spectrum is important because of the
vestigated for gamma-ray production. The
unique and exciting knowledge it will provide
system of photo diode sensors on the wheel
about the structure of our sun and its effect
perimeter used to identify the arrival direction
on the earth. Knowledge of our galaxy, other
of the gamma-ray flux also worked perfectly.
galaxies in the universe, and insight into the The data format was relatively simple so
origin of cosmic rays may be gathered. Some
that reduction could proceed rapidly. The
day a gamma-ray map of the sky may be
detector viewed the sun during several flares,
plotted from data such as that derived from
and upper limits on the gamma-ray flux pro-
this experiment.
duced will be quoted. The galactic plane was
The principle of operation of the experiment
located almost normal to the plane of the wheel,
is essentially as follows. The gamma ray is permitting the detector to view two sectors of
converted into an electron-positron pair in a
the galaxy. The radio source Cygnus a was
lead sheet. The pair generates Cerenkov light
also in the acceptance cone of the detector.
in a plastic cylinder and is detected by a photo-
multiplier optically coupled to the plastic. University of California Experiments
As protection .against primary relativistic
Neutron Flux Experiment
charged particles, an anticoincidence scintillator
is placed between the lead sheet and the The neutron experiment on the Orbiting
Cerenkov cylinder. The rays so detected are Solar Observatory was the first substantial
counted for various sections of sky as the space- neutron experiment in space. Flying in a rela-

craft wheel sweeps the circle. tively low orbit, as OSO did, those neutrons
counted were predominantly from the earth.
The output data is presented to the tele-
These neutrons are thought to leak out of the
metering system in a pulse duration-modulation
atmosphere of the earth. They are thought
form (PDM). The output pulse sequence
to be produced in the atmos|)here hy cosmic
contains the folh)wing kinds of data:
rays striking oxygen and nitrogen nuclei. Cal-
Solar gamma-ray counts--Channel 1 culations have been made as to how many of
Nonsolar gamma-ray counts--Channels 2 these leakage neutrons should t)e detected and
through 16 what their energy spectrum should be.


The previous experiments by the University were 20 milliamps a t 18 oolt,s, or about 360
of California on two Atlas rockets have given milliwatts.
reasonable measurements of the neutron fluxes
in space for short periods of time. The values Proton-Electron Flux Experiment
in space for two short periods of time. The T h e objective of this experiment was to
values obtained were different, but one flight determine the time and position variations of
was during a solar storm, so this difference waq the fluxes of protons of 2.0 Mev energy and
not surprising. T h e OS0 spacecraft flight electrons of 60 k e r energy in the region below
provided measurements of the neutron flux in the Van Allen belts. I n particular, the experi-
hpace for an extended period of time. The ment distinguished between electron ionization
experiment had to be able to measure the time erents and proton (and other heavy particles)
variations of the flus, and hopefully, be able to ionization erents. This experiment was chosen
study the neutron enhancement effects during a by GSFC because it was expected that the
solar storm. It was intended to try to de- largest fraction of high-energy radiation in the
termine the latitude dependence of this en- plasma sphere and in outer space would be of
enhancement. these t-ypes. T h e proton-electron (P-E) de-
Besides measuring the quiet dav neutron tector, shown in Figure 8-25, was the first space
flus and time variations of flux, the experiment application of ft phenomenon that had been
looked for flus variations a t sunset to see if an well known in nnclear physics for several years.
effect could be observed related to solar neutrons It was based on the fact that in certain scintil-
or x-rays. lators. protons and electrons produce fluorescent
Understanding the neutron flux wns im- pulses of distinctly different decay times.
portant in itself, but i t was also important This made i t possible through use of time-
because the deea>*of these neutrons forms one comparing and discriminating circnits to em-
of the important sources of the Tan Allen
ploy a single scintillator on a single photo-
radiation belt. Understanding the neutrons
qiiantittttively will help understand the radia-
tion belts quantitatively.
T h e experiment is shown in Figure 8-24.
The unit weighed approximately 26 pounds.
The power requirements of this experiment

F I G E K 8-?4.-l.-niversity
E of California neutron flu\ FIGUHE
S-25.--l-niversity of California proton-electron
experiment. detector.


multiplier to detect and separately count both 12 (the 10.5 kc channel). A sample format o_
protons and electrons. the putput signal is shown in Figure 8-26.
The basic detector consisted of a 15 cm- The output signal is made up of the following
diameter by 1.0 cm-high stilbene crystal on an items:
RCA C7151 ruggedized photomultiplier tube. G(W)--Geiger tube with magnet (electrons)
Side and front shielding provided collimation of G"--G"Fa neutron detector
the crystal and excluded protons of Ep=-100 G(o)--Geiger tube without magnet
Mev. A quartz light pipe provided similar BI°_B_°F3 neutron detector
shielding from the rear. The electronic com- P÷E--Proton plus electron scintillator
ponents were mounted on foam-covered circuit detector
boards which compactly surrounded the photo- Pl--Proton identifier
multiplier housing. The unit weighed about 9 (P+E)/64
pounds. Power requirements were 14.5 ma at B_°_B_°F3 neutron detector
18 volts, or about 265 mw.
The output signal commutator required 51.2
To measure the neutron flux, two BF3 pro-
seconds to complete a frame. Every sixteenth
portional counters, one BI°F3 and one Bur3 frame was an automatic calibration.
were used. The neutrons were counted by
the reaction, BI°÷N_Li÷a. The BnF3 count- Performance
er was used to measure the background counting
The neutron experiment worked well except
rate. The background due to (p,n) events in
for improper cmmt presentation from the GM
the vehicle and detector was estimated to be
counters. These counters were to tell if some
low, but it also was measured by exposing the
counts in the BF3 counters were caused by
detector to a high-energy proton beam. The
neutrons produced in the spacecraft by a large
BF3 counters were covered with about lh /
charged-particle flux, rather than by incident
inches of epon moderator to make the neutron
neutrons. This function was also performed
count rate larger. This detector had a nearly
by the proton-electron package, making the
constant efficiency from one kev to several Mev.
GM counters less necessary. The calibration
Two GM counters to study charged particles
system in the neutron package indicated that
were also used. This was not a primary
the threshold sensitivity of all channels follow-
measurement. It was intended to use the
ing the detectors had changed by less than 20
GM counter count rates to determine whether
percent (which was insignificant with good
increases in the neutron count rate were in time
coincidence with large charged particle count
The proton-electron experiment operated
rates. This deternfined whether protons pro-
successfully. The calibration system on board
ducing neutrons in the detector were responsible
indicated that the threshold sensitivity of the
for the neutron count rate, or if neutrons were
proton-plus-electron channel following the photo-
then_selves incident on the detector. One
multiplier had changed by less than 4 percent.
GM counter had a sweeping magnet so that it
The generally high electron and proton flux
would count mostly protons. The second GM
region over the South Atlantic was mapped for
com_ter had no magnet so it would count pro-
several orbits, but a comprehensive data
tons and electrons.
accumulation has yet to be achieved. Some
The output signal from the two experiment
indication of time dependence of the proton
signals was combined into one and was the
fluxes observed over North America was also
input to the 572-cps telemetry subcarrier oscil-
lator, which during playback became Channel

Ames Research Center Emissivity Stability


Dm'ing their lifetime in space, earth satellites

Fl(;ultr; S 26.--University of California experiment
output format. and space vehicles must rely entirely upon


*thermal radiation to gain or lose heat to their changes in the temperature of the surfaces with
surroundings. Therefore, an important con- time, it was possible to determine the amount
sideration in the design of space vehicles is the and rate of change in the thermal radiation
type of surface used for temperature control. characteristics of the surfaces.
For example, although most polished metal Four basic types of surfaces were studied:
surfaces reflect a large part of the sun’s rays, 1. A flat absorber which absorbed radiation
they give up the heat they do absorb a t a rery at a uniform rate throughout the wavelength
low rate, and consequently reach high tempera- spectrum.
ture equilibrium in the sun. White paints and 2. A flat reflector which reflected radiation at
enamels, on the other hand, while reflecting a uniform rate throughout the spectrum.
most of the incident sunlight, emit heat, at a 3. A solar absorber which absorbed radiation
high rate, causing them to reach low-tempera- in the solar wavelength region and was useable
ture equilibrium. Stability of the thermal to reject heat at its own temperature in the
characteristics of temperature control surfaces infrared region.
is very important in the design of spacecraft. 4. -4 solar reflector which reflected solar
The space enrironment can cause changes in radiation and rejected heat in the infrared
the radiation properties of surfaces, leading to region.
inadequate temperature control. The magni-
Six test surfaces were placed in thermally
tude and rate of such changes is a t present not
isolated mountings and the equilibrium tem-
known for most materials.
perature of each surface was measured in space.
Surface temperature provided a measure of the
ratio of heat absorbed to heat emitted from the
surface. The surface was selected to provide
information on the emissivity stability of
various coatings applicable to spacecraft tem-
perature control. The surfaces were of three
types :
1. Surfaces which were being used or ap-
peared t o be useful for temperature control.
2. Surfaces which were expected t o change
on!y nnder certain conditions of space
eniironment .
3. A surface serving as a reference. Com-
parison of the temperatures of the test surfaces
with that of the reference surface provided a
basis for evaluating changes in the thermal
FIGCiRP; 8-27.--Ames Research Ceritw ernissix it y characteristics of the test surfaces.
stability esperimmt.
The temperature of the surfaces was detected
by thermistors. The varying resistance of the
A project in progress a t the time of this thermistors changed the frequency of an
writing a t h i e s Research Center involved oscillator. This, in turn, modulated the fre-
measuring changes in the radiation character- quency of transmitter So. 1 together with the
istics of a number of surfaces intended for use recorded output of either tape recorder 1 or 2
in thermal control systems during *paceflight. dnriny playback. This was the only experi-
The experimental package shown in Figure 8-27 ment qignd normally transinit ted in real time.
waa developed to perform thebe tests on the Figire 8-25 sliov,-s a typical output signal
spacecraft. The experiment consisted of meas- format.
uring the temperature of several test siirfaces Te5t .iirface- and their relittive character-
during exposure to conditions in space. From i,tic- are as shown in Table 8-4.


The analysis of measurements from the

_.._._ CHANNEL
sensors of the emissivity experiment showed
that some of the surfaces had undergone sub-

CHANNEL 5 PORCELAIN ENAMEL stantial changes in their characteristics, even

CHANNEL 6 RAZOR - BLADE REFERENCE when exposed to the space environment for
only a few days. As the exposure time was
increased, the deterioration appeared to con-

CHANNEL 10 AL - SI O - GE - SI O tinue. As expected, those surfaces showing the

_eatest change were the two white paints;


titanium dioxide in epoxy, and titanium di-

oxide in silicone.
FIGURE 8-28.--Ames Research Center emissivity
experiment output format.

Table 8-4 A summary of preliminary data reduced from

records received at Ames is given in Table 8-5.
Relative Characteristics of Test Svrfaces This table lists the sensor temperatures for
various times during a number of early orbits.
Surface Emissivity tenlperatures The times were measured approximately from
the start of spacecraft tape recorder playback,
and are given here primarily for identification.
TiO_ (in epoxy) .......... 0.30 --22
TiO2 (in silicone)__ 0.36 --6 Comparisons can be made in this table for
White porcelain enamel .... 0.41 8 different orbits in which the razor-blade refer-
Aluminum powder and ence surface has reached the same temperature.
silicone ....... I. 0 100
The portions of orbit being compared must both
A1-Si0- Ge ................ 2.6 200
be in either daytime or nighttime passes. A
AI-Sio-Ge-SiO ............ 2.9 225
Reference Surface_ __ 1.0 100 comparison can be made between the tempera-
ture at 63 seconds in orbit 29 and the value

'FABLE 8-5.--Measured Temperature of Sensor on Ames Emissivity Experiment on OSO I

Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit

Clmnnel No.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Location and date of acquisition _ _ ]_____

Razor Bast; Al-SiO- AI-SiO- I

Time of TiO_ TiO_
silicone Porcehdu AI-Sil-1 (}e
Orbit playback epoxy blade plate
(seconds) reference

l 39 --3 12 7 76 69 85 177
Fort Myers, day ........ 190 I
6O 3/7/62 ............. --2 13 9 77 70 86 178 191 I
124 0 16 ll 81 72 8X 180 194 I
180 1 16 14 83 72 89 1_4 196

240 2 16 14 86 73 q0 186 199


300 16 8(.I 75 (.)3 190 2(12

3 19
l0 227 Canaveral, night .... -- 55 -- 3(,) 5 39 9 67
ll 0 C,tmtveral, night ...... 55 --38 --40 4 36 6X 62
34O Fort Myers ......... --63 --51 --48 -- 4 33 --4 59
55 --54 -- 39 --43 1 32 9 67 62
3/8/62, day ........
120 -- 52 --35 --36 6 35 10 7O 66
192 --46 --28 --32 8 36 14 77 73
255 3/8/62, (lay ......... --40 --24 --28 11 36 21 84 79
2(.t6 --36 --21 --25 16 3(.t 24 91 87
328 -- 34 --20 --22 17 39 25 96 89

•TABLE 8-5.--_/leasured Temperature o[ Sensor on Ames Emissivity Experiment on OSO/--Continued

Temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit

Channel No.

3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
I Location and date of acquisition

I T;mc of I TiO 2 Razor Base AI-SIO- Al-SiO-

Orbit payback I TiO'
silicone Porcelain blade plate kl-Sil-i Ge Ge-Si0

: (seconds)

13 I 21 I --2 --26 17 38 22 92 91
--22 20 39 27 98 96
1710 --1
--1 --21 21 40 34 99 97

13 183 Fort Myers_ -- 1 --20 25 39 35 104 107

I 240 3/8/62_ __ -- 1 -- 19 28 41 35 109 111
320 -- 14 32 42 40 119 124
14 22 -- 13 30 41 42 116 123
62 -- 13 35 40 42 120 126
120 -- 10 39 43 45 124 133
184 -- 10 39 41 52 132 140
240 --9 44 43 55 133 146
-=-4 47 42 58 142 151
15 29 .................. --4 52 43 65 148 159
32061 --4 54 44 65 151 161
119 ..................... - --2 56 45 69 153 166
185 ....................... 9 4 59 46 72 156 170
240 ....................... I1 6 63 46 73 160 172
329 ....................... 12 i 5 65 46 74 162 178
16 14 ....................... 16 8 69 48 79 166 182
55 ....................... 16 l 10 71 49 80 169 183
121 3/8/62 ............... 17 11 73 50 80 172 186
178 ....................... 19 11 76 50 83 174 188
242 ....................... 19 12 81 51 83 176 190
16 315 Fort Myers, day ........ 21 J 15 83 52 86 180 193
3/8/62. !
27 24 Fort Myers, day ........ --54 --58 --10 31 --5 48 42
57 3/9/62 ............... --51 --50 --9 31 --4 49 46
124 ...................... --46 --45 --2 31 3 59 57
179 ...................... --43 --43 --2 31 3 59 57
236 ...................... --36 --36 2 31 9 70 64
--29 --32 6 31 12 75 72
28 --24 --30 11 35 20 83 79
--23 --29 12 36 22 84 82
--17 --23 15 36 23 96 87
--15 --20 21 36 26 100 97
243 ..................... --13 --20 22 36 32 101 101
335 ...................... --10 --17 26 37 36 114 111
29 30 ...................... --5 --14 30 38 41 116 120
63 ...................... --4 --13 35 40 45 118 125
120 ...................... --3 --I0 36 40 47 123 130
178 ...................... --1 --8 37 40 49 129 138
243 2 --7 42 40 54 133 143
322 6 --3 47 42 59 140 151
71 Fort Myers ............ --54 --50 --3 35 0 56 51

3/12/62, night.
86 -- 49 --45 6 36 1 62 59
3/13/62, night ....... [ --
89 1 --9 35 39 45 118 128
3/13/62, day .......... ]
103 3/14/62, day ......... I -3I --20 --26 14 33 23 88 88
118 3/15/62, --15 --22 18 36 26 94 94
day .......... I --28
177 --18 --20 14 38 24 94 89
3/19/62, day ......... --26


given for orbit 89. The reference-surface tem- optical surfaces of experiments and to avoid.
perature was 35°F in both cases. For this weight loss which could disturb the spacecraft
position in the orbit, the temperature of the balance. Outgassing problems were controlled
epoxy-base paint rose from --21°F in orbit 29 by the proper choice of materials on board.
to --14°F in orbit 89, an interval of 4 days. If an experiment contained a magnet, addi-
Similar comparisons can be made between other tional magnets had to be added and oriented to
temperature listing, and for the other coatings. effect a magnetic balance for the overall space-
A study of the table will reveal a certain amount craft system.
of normal scatter in the measurements. The All experiments were electrically checked on
ch_mges in temperature noted above, however, the bench for proper operation prior to in-
were sufficiently marked to indicate definite stallation into the spacecraft. The final
degradation in the surface characteristics. calibrations of the University of California and
the University of Minnesota experiments had
EXPERIMENT INTEGRATION to be performed in the spacecraft. The cali-
brations required that the spacecraft be sus-
Assurance of the compatibility of the space-
craft electrical and mechanical systems with pended in the air a minimum of 10 feet away
each experiment was a necessary undertaking from any surrounding object or the ground.
from very early ill the program until _ check- Due to the hazards to the spacecraft involved
out of the entire prototype spacecraft was in suspending it high in the air, the prototype
completed. Problem areas in which much coordi- was used. Calibration was accomplished using
pleted. Problem areas in which much coordi- various radiation sources to obtain calibration
nation was required were the outgassing prop- curves with the actual spacecraft mass properly
erties of materials used in experiments, the moderating the sources. Various background
magnetic balance requirements due to experi- levels associated with these sources were meas-
ment detector magnets, the command require- ured. System and environmental testing re-
ments of certain experiments, the balance of quired the use of various radiation sources to
the pointed experiments, the electrical inter- check out the instruments contained in the
ference between experiments and spacecraft spacecraft. Due to the nature of radiation
system_ or between the experiments themselves, which some of the experiments were measuring,
and the experiment checkout procedures re- it was not practical to provide all the sources
quired during system and environmental required to completely check out the experi-
testing. ment. Instruments of this type were checked
The amount of outgassing had to be con- electrically and by using known background
trolled in order to avoid contamination of the count levels as sources.

Chapter 9

INTRODUCTION Air-Bearing Test Device

Extensive testing was required throughout The air-bearing test device was designed to
the development of the spacecraft to demon- duplicate the free gyroscopic motion of the
strate feasibility of design and to evaluate the orbiting spacecraft.
performance of the various systems. This test The air-bearing test device comprised three
program proceeded through the developmental, main sections: the spherical air bearing, the
prototype and flight model stages of design. gyro platform, and the azimuth assembly (see
In many instances, successful testing required Figure 9-2).
the use of special test equipment and fixtures. The spherical air bearing provided minimum
A description of each of these test dex4ces is friction and eliminated as nearly as possible the
included herein as a preface to the actual test influence of all external torques. It was capable
program. of supporting up to 600 pounds with an air
supply of 30-70 psi, and provided for a spin axis
TEST EQUIPMENT tilt of +40 ° .

Wobble Table The gyro platform provided space for mount-

ing the spin-up gas bottles and controls, the
This device was designed to simulate the
power supply, balancing weights and the spindle
characteristic wobbling motions of the space-
required for mounting the azimuth assembly.
craft in orbit.
The azimuth assembly provided for mounting
It consisted of _ large flat plate simulating the
of the precession jet gas bottles, the azimuth
spacecraft wheel and an upper structure
positioning system with eyes and controls, the
mounted on a shaft attached to the wheel.
The upper structure contained a second shaft readout eyes, the nutation damper, and the

on which the pointed instrument experiments elevation positioning system with eyes and
could be mounted for testing. The entire device controls. It also provided a yoke with a trans-
was mounted on a fixed base. verse spindle for mounting the elevation point-
This base also supported a motor and a drive ing instrumentation.
mechanism for rotating the wheel with respect The gyro platform spin rate was maintained
to the fixed base. Also mounted on the fixed by three gas jets mounted tangentially to the
base was a drive mechanism which rotated an outer surface of the rotating section. In order
excentric through which the lower wheel shaft to maintain a fixed position, the upper structure
bearing was mounted. The excentric drive was driven by a torque-motor in the opposite
speed was adjustable to give the wheel wobbling direction to the gyro platform at the required
motions at any frequency from zero to two speed.
cycles per second. The driven excentric could The principal moments of inertia of the fix-
also be adjusted to provide wobble amplitudes ture were of the same order of magnitude and in
from zero to several degrees. Figure 9-1 is an approximately the same ratio to each other as
illustration of the wobble table. those of the rotating section of the spacecraft.


I 1


+l.-Wobble table fixture.

Indoor Sunlight Source

r .
I lie cirtificinl indoor sunlight source com-
prised tin rierid camera objective lens, n pair of
condensing lens, iind ti 2100-wtitt projection
__ source. I he power source W H R
bulb tis n light
a 60-cycle, 220-volt line providing an output of
zero to 60 volts dc which was rectified m d
filtered. Since the intensity of the indoor light
.: Ii source was about 3 percent of the intensity of
the sun, it was necessary to use optics of about
30 times more light gathering nrect than those in
the flight model spttcerraft for indoor testing.
The artificial sun source wits positioned a t the
proper distance frorn the instrument to simulate
32-minute diameter siin.

In order to do test work using the actual sun

on nonportable devices such as the wobb1.e table
and the air-bearing device, a sun-tracking
reflection system was designed to reflect sun-


plished using a three-mirror system. The

primary mirror was mounted upon a polar axis
drive rotating a t one revolution per day such
that sunlight was always directed through a
window into the laboratory. A secondary
mirror system was used inside the laboratory
consisting of two mirrors, one mirror fixed to
the ceiling and one moveable mirror mounted on
the floor. The fixed ceiling mirror directed
the sunlight reflected from the outdoor primary
mirror to the floor mounted moveable mirror.
The moveable mirror allowed the final direction
of the beam to be adjusted toward either the
actual spacecraft or one of the test fixtures so
that pointing and monitoring test work could
be accomplished. FIGUREF)-S.-Thermal vacuum chamher.

full-opening, allowing convenient installation
A periscope fixture was designed t o itllow
and removal of the spacecraft (see Figure 9-3).
known sun angle changes to be obtained for
checking out the pitch readout and the pitch Electrical lead-throughs were provided t o
control eyes. The fixture consisted of two operate the spacecraft, monitor the spacecraft
rnirrors mounted pnrsllel to etich other. One operation, control the pitch and spin gas control
iiiirror WLS fixed and one WHS rotated by mems systeiiis and monitor temperatures and pitch
of a micrometer. The micromet,er mirror readout.
motion was calibrated such that the apparent Spin Table Test Device
w n angle shift caused by the micrometer motion
Two spin table test fistires were built. One
could be itccuratelp reztd.
was a table fixture, tlie other was floor mounted.
Shadow Alignment Tool Both tilbles had a. rotatable shaft supported by
21 rigid base. The shaft had an attach clamp
The shitdow iiligirnmt t o ~ Wl A Y it very simple fitting i o :itate with the attach clamp fitting
device built t o determine when the upper of the spacecmft. A :c;rque rnotor installed
htructure of the spacecraft w-tih normal to the on the shaft rotated the spacecraft to simulate
solar rector. I t consisted of ill1 occulting disk expected orbital motion. The spacecraft con-
on i~ long itrni with calibrated ringh tit the base trol input connections were provided by slip
of the arm mounting. Thih de1Tice W H ~also rings connected throngh the spin table t o an
weful for determining the zero pitch angle oiitpiit connector. This permitted the space-
pohition of the pitch mi+. craft to be operated froin a console while
rot at in p.
Thermal-Vacuum Chamber
Balancing Machine
The t lien rial-vacuii n i chamber provided :I
siniulated space environment for testing the balancing iiiacliine was required t o plnce
spiicecrnft and its 1-arioiis sJ-steriis. It was the spacecraft in static and dynamic balance.
capable of ii wide range of temperatiire and The hii1;incing mnrliine had a platform on
pressure. The chuinber was 10 ft. in diaiiieter, nliicli the spiicemift coidd be inoiinted and
large enougli t o acconiiiiodnte the sp;icecrnft rotated. The pliitforin wis p w t of it pendidulil
and test table. I t hiid t h e e windows to periiiit \ - o h . Dyiiiiiiic iiiih:il:ince in tlie payload pro-
observation ilild iillow the use o f the art ifici;d duced motion in the pcndiiliiiir yoke, both in
siinlight source. The door of the chaniber was plirise and :iiiiplitiide. lTnbalunce niotiients

9-4.-Balancing machine.

were determined and proper balancing weights of the support wires, The weight of the steel
positioned on the spacecraft. plate could be niade such t h a t when the plat-
The bdancing machine is shown in Figure form was oscillating a t a given frequency and
94. amplitude, its total energy (kinetic plus poten-
Pendulum Platform Test Fixture tial) wits equal to the kinetic energy of nutation
of the spacecraft. Thus, in damping out oscil-
The pendulum platform wtts used ns a test,
hitions of the test fixture, the damper dissipated
apparatus because it could be niade t o perform
the same amount of energy as in the actual
the circular translational motion experieiicetl
ttpplictttion. B y adjusting the frequency of
by the dnmper diiring nutiLtion.
vibration ttnd the weight of the steel plate, this
The pendiilutn platform test fixture (Figure
s p p m t t u s could also be used to evnlntite datriper
+ 5 ) consisted of a circiilnr steel plute siispended
perfornisnce on the air-betiring fixture.
from a rigidly nioiinted plttte of similar dinien-
sions by three ttdjustnble lengths of steel wire. Magnetotropometer
Multiple wire supports were utilized to elinii-
nate tip rtntl tilt of the pltitforin diiring lnterd
oscilhtion. Thqiiency of oscilltition of the
plntforin WIIS controlled by rLdjiisting the length




, i



Control Sy_em
In the early stages of development it was
necessary to prove that the initial concepts of
the control system components were sound.
FIC.URE 9-5.--Pendulum platform test setup. Testing was accomplished on the wobble table
and the air-bearing table.
field of the earth, thus determining the magnetic
£lectronic Subsystem
dipole moment of that object (see Figure 9-6).
The hull was 45 inches in diameter. The A mockup electronic system was built from
vertical clearance in the hull was about 22 easily obtainable components with no concern
inches. Both tub and hull were deep enough given to acquiring or using qualified space
to allow 150 pounds weight in the floating hull. flight components. This mockup system was
magnetotropometer could accommodate the used to demonstrate soundness of the design
entire sail structure of the OSO I spacecraft concept.
with pointed instruments installed. The next step in testing the electronic sub-
Figure 9-6 shows the cylindrical hull floating system involved the use of engineering model
in a tub of oil. The hull is held in the center of printed circuitry designed for the spacecraft,
the tub by three slack chains which drape from but not packaged as anticipated for the final
three stationary posts to a tripod attached design. This circuitry was installed on the all-
to the hull. The chains are attached to the bearing test device to demonstrate the per-
tripod at a small distance from its axis. There- formance capability of a two-axis control
fore, if the hull and tripod are rotated from system.
rest position, the chains apply a restoring
Pointing Control Subsystem
torque. If the dimensions of the apparatus,
the weight of tile chains and the displacement Tim various components of the closed loop
angle are known, the restoring torque can be pointing control were tested individually before
calculated. Then, knowing the orientation of the complete loop was checked out. These tests
the object and the direction and intensity of the involved measuring the open-h)op transfer
magnetic field of the earth, one component of characteristics of the servo-amplifiers, the
the unknown dipole moment can be calculated. power handling capability of the servo motor


drivingcircuitsandthe angularcharacteristics energy. The latter quantity is given by th_

of the errordetectors. expression:
At thecompletionof the subsystem teststhe (1-cos _ 8)
entirepointingcontrolservosystemwasbench V=gh----W[ 0--cos 0 =W_
1-t-cos 0
testedin preparationfor the systemtestingon
the wobbletableandthe air-bearingtable. W_ sin 2 0
To determineif the accuracyof the pointing 1-t-cos 0
controlsystemwaswell within the specified where
requirements,tests were conductedon the
wobbletable. Thesetestswereconductedby h=maximum change in height of platform
driving the wobbletable at the anticipated =length of pendulum arms
orbitalspinrateswith thewobbleanglesapplied 0=angular displacement of platform from
by meansof eccentricadjustment. Thepoint- equilibrium position
ing control was shown to be adequatefor w=weight of platform
anticipateddisturbances. g=gravitational acceleration
The upperstructuresolaracquisitionsystem,
When performing circular translational mo-
asoriginallydesigned, provedto beinadequate.
tion of the same angular amplitude, the plat-
Testing was accomplishedby spinning the
form has the same potential energy as given in
wobbletableup to tile requiredspinrate with
Equation (9.1). In addition, it also possesses
the pointing control electronicsturned off,
the following kinetic energy:
allowingthe upperstructureto be draggedup
to the wheelrotation rate by the friction of 1 2 1
bearings,slip rings,andtorquemotorbrushes, T=_ mv =_ mr2_d
The solaracquisitionmethodwas changed =1 m(_2 sin20)(g/_, cos O)
and the new designwasdemonstratedto be 2

adequate. W_ sin 2 0
2 cos0
Gas Control Subsystem
The gas handling components of the gas
control system (spin control and pitch control)
re=mass of platform
were tested before being integrated into the
v=linear velocity of platform
control systems on the test apparatus. This
r=radius of the circle described by the
involved the leak testing of valve, regulators,
center of gravity on the platform during
and fittings, the flow testing of regulators and
this motion
filters, calibration of pressure transducers and
co=angular velocity of center of gravity
nozzle design testing to determine nozzle effi-
about the center of the circle
ciency and impulse properties.

and the other symbols are the same as in

Nutation Damper
Equation (9.1). The total energy of the plat-
All quantitative results obtained from the form in this case is:
preliminary tests of the nutation damper on
the pendulum platform test fixture were based E=- T+ V (9.3)
on single-plane motion of the system with the
platform performing simple pendulum motion. It is readily seen from Equations (9.1) and
The folh)wing information justified this pro- (9.2) that for small 0, the kinetic and potential
cedure. energies of the platform performing such motion
During simple pendulum inotion, the total are twice that which it possesses when performing
energy of the platform is equal to either the simple pendulum motion of the same angular
maximum kinetic energy or maximum potential amplitude. It is shown in the derivations on

_age 248 that the spherical pendulum damper platform motion had not been performed and
dissipates energy at twice the rate of the simple only the approximate results of the steady
pendulum damper. The damping rate of the forced vibration analysis were available. Fur-
damper-platform system is, therefore, the same thermore, the spacecraft design program was
during either type motion. still young and values for spacecraft parameters
It can also be determined from Equations being quoted at that time were changed con-
(9.1) through (9.3) that the total energy of the siderably during subsequent design modifica-
platform during either type motion is directly tions. The numerical results of these early
proportional to the weight of the platform. tests were therefore not directly applicable to
Since the energy dissipation rate of the damper final damper design. They were important
is independent of this parameter, it was reasoned primarily in bracketing damper parameters
that the time constant of the damping rate for more closely than had been possible from the
a given damper-platform configuration should results of the steady forced vibration analysis
be directly proportional to platform weight. included in Chapter 2. The importance of
Therefore, rather than change the platform performing a mathematical analysis of damper-
weight to duplicate the total energy of either platform motion to optimize dampel parameters
the spacecraft or air-bearing fixture, a single rather than using experimental results for this
series of tests with fixed platform weight was purpose was also made evident by the results
conducted. Nutation damping rate of the of these tests:
damper for a particular spacecraft or air- 1. Maximum damping efficiency did not
bearing fL<ture configuration was then calcu- occur when the natural frequency of vibration
lated from the results of these tests. This of the damper was equal to the disturbing
approach seemed advisable in view of the frequency as had been indicated by the steady
constantly changing spacecraft and air-bearing forced vibration analysis. The slight differ-
fixture designs during the development pro- ence in value of these two frequencies at the
gram. The calculated values for damping tuned condition was observed to be influenced
rates using this simplified approach were by the damping constant of the damper.
verified by the results obtained from the analog 2. The damping constant, in turn, was ob-
computer in the mathematical analysis of the served to have an optimum value for fixed
problem. values of the two frequencies. When using
Instrumentation was provided to measure fluid with a kinematic viscosity of 100 cen-
the amplitude and frequency of oscillation of tistokes or greater, the damping rate of the
the platform. A thin metal strip was positioned system decreased with increasing viscosity.
against the edge of the platform in such a way On the other hand, fluid of less than 10-centi-
that any lateral oscillation of the platform stoke viscosity was determined to be too thin
resulted in bending of the metal strip. A since beating, or the alternate transfer of energy
strain gauge was attached to the strip to between the damper and platform, occurred.
measure this deflection. Output of the strain These results indicated the necessity for a
gauge, which was an approximately linear parametric study in order to arrive at an
function of platform displacement, was ampli- optimum damper configuration. This study
fied and fed into a strip-chart recorder. The was obviously more readily conducted on an
strip-chart plot of platform displacement as a analog computer than with the test setup.
function of time was then used to calculate the The series of tests performed using the
rate at which free oscillations of the platform spherical pendulum bob served two purposes;
were damped out. namely, to verify the results of the mathe-
Damping Ey_ciency--In the first series of matical analysis of system motion and to
tests conducted on the pendulum platform test determine experimentally the association be-
fixture, the cylindrical pendulum bob was used tween damping constant of the damper and the
in the nutation damper. At the time of these kinematic viscosity of the fluid used to fill the
tests the theoretical analysis of the damper- damper. This latter determination was neces-


sary because of the lack of theoretical informa- tion of the platform did not decay exponentially.-
tion available that was pertinent to this From the curves in Figure 9-7, the following
particular geometry. Stokes' equation, relating conclusions can be made:
damping force and kinematic viscosity for a 1. The time constant for the decay rate of the
sphere immersed in a fluid, yielded damping amplitude decreases with decreasing fluid vis-
constants considerably smaller than those cosity, but a moderate variation in viscosity will
calculated from experimental results. This not seriously affect damper efficiency.
discrepancy was due to the small volume of 2. As fluid viscosity (and therefore damping
fluid used. The flow of fluid over the surfaces constant) decreases, the damper must be more
of the cylindrical container probably contrib- sharply tuned to disturbing frequency to obtain
uted significantly to the damping force. Three good damping efficiency.
different series of tests were made with this 3. Maximum damper efficiency occurs when
configuration using 10-, 50-, and 100-centistoke the natural frequency of the damper is slightly
silicone fluid in the damper. With the natural less than the disturbing frequency.
frequency of the damper held fixed, the fie- 4. For the range of fluid viscosities tested, a
quency of vibration of the pendulum platform time constant of twice the optimum value is
test fixture was varied by changing the length obtained when the disturbing frequency is ap-
of the support wires of the platform. From proximately 10 percent above or below nominal
the recorder plot of platform amplitude versus value.
time, the time constant for the decay rate of These qualitative results of the experimental
the amplitude was determined in each case. tests were later substantiated by the results of
The graph of time constant versus platform the mathematical analysis of the problem.
frequency for the tests using 50-and 100- In order to determine the minimum viscosity
centistoke fluid is presented in Figure 9-7. fluid that could be used without encountering
A similar p]ot for the tests using 10-centistoke beating, additional tests were conducted with
fluid could not be made since beating occurred 20 and 30-centistoke fluid. Beating occurred
during these tests, and the amplitude of vibra- using the 20-centistoke fluid and did not occur
when the 30-centistoke fluid was used. Since
only a small difference in time constant could be
detected with a change of 10 centistokes in fluid
viscosity, further optimization of damping con-
stant was not attempted. The 30-centistoke
15 / _,4 -- 50 CENTISTOKE fluid was selected for use in the spacecraft
To obtain an accurate evaluation of damper


a simple setup was devised.

(a 1-cm x 2-cm silicon


upper section
of a photodetector
cell) mounted

on the
partially hidden
from the constant-direction light source by a
knife-edge whenever the spin axis of the test
fixture was nearly vertical. Slight variation in
3.5 4.0 4,5
position of the spin axis resulted in variation of
Pl, RAD/SEC the amount of the solar cell surface exposed to
light. Since output current of the solar cell is
NOTE proportional to the amount of light it detects, it
Pl = undamped natural frequency of platform
was a simple matter to use tiffs output signal to
P2 undamped natural frequency of damper determine test fixture attitude during nutation.
With the attitude control system operating
FIGURE 9-7.--Time constant versus platform frequency. and tim wheel spinning at nominal rate, torques


-were applied to the test fixture to induce quency was not feasible because of the difficulty
nutation. Because of its relatively large ampli- of measuring damped frequency of the pen-
tude and low frequency, the resulting motion of dulum in the sealed, fluid-filled assembly.
the fixture was easily followed visually. When Attempts were made to measure damped fre-
the nutation damper was caged, this motion quency with one end of the case removed, but it
continued indefinitely_ With the damper un- was found that the damping constant of the
caged, nutation was quickly damped out, and fluid with the end removed was different from
the fixture remained "at sleep" until another its value in the sealed unit.
torque impulse was applied. Verification of the frequency equations for
The recorder plot of nutation amplitude the pendulum in the upright and inverted
versus time was compared with similar plots positions was accomplished with a spring wire
obtained for the same damper during tests on of sufficient diameter to support the bob weight
the pendulum platform. The time constant of in the inverted position. Frequency measure-
about 8 seconds measured for the air-bearing ments were made by visual observation and the
tests checked satisfactorily with the value use of a stop watch. Within the accuracy of
calculated from the results of the pendulum this measurement technique, the two measured
platform tests, taking into account the greater frequencies were found to agree with the calcu-
amount of energy the damper had to take out lated values. During these tests, the end of the
on the air-bearing fixture for _4brations of equal wire attached to the bob was adjusted to various
amplitude. Thus, these tests proved conclu- positions within the adjustment range of the
sively that the damper would damp out nutation setscrew. This determined the extent of the
of a gyroscopic body at the rate predicted from double pendulum effect created whenever the
the results of the pendulum platform tests and wire end was not positioned at the center of
two-body free vibration analysis.
gravity of the bob. It was found that by com-
Frequency Tests.--Since the frequency of
puting an effective wire length from the meas-
vibration of the damper during orbital flight
ured upright frequency in each case, the
could not be checked by direct measurement in
frequency of the inverted damper could be pre-
the laboratory, it was important that the
frequency equations derived for the damper in dicted with one percent accuracy. The double
the gravity field be fully substantiated by tests. pendulum effect was therefore considered to be
It was reasoned that if the undamped frequency negligible.
of the damper in the inverted position could be
Integrated Control Systems
predicted accurately from the knowledge of the
necessary damper parameters and the undamped The laboratory tests of the gas control system
frequency in the upright position, the effect of and observation of the concurrent behavior of
gravity on frequency would be firmly estab- the sun sensing eyes, torque motors, electronic
lished. control circuits and the nutation damper re-
The procedure for calculating frequency of the quired a freely rotating platform. For this
inverted damper from a known frequency of the reason the entire engineering model of space-
upright damper was also followed in tuning the craft control systems was tested on the air-
damper to nutation frequency of the air- bearing test fixture.
bearing fixture. This was necessary because of The control system was tested for pointing
the low frequency of nutation. The wire pen- accuracy, solar acquisition, spin-up, pitch cor-
dulum arm required to obtain the tuned fre- rection, day-night cycling, data acquisition and
quency of the fluid-filled damper in the inverted data transmission. The test fixture was given
position was unable to support the weight of the wobble during simulated night condition and
pendulum bob in air. The undamped frequency nutation during day conditions. All possible
in the inverted position could, therefore, not be motions of the actual spacecraft were simulated
measured directly. Calculation of undamped and the resulting systems reactions were
frequency from the measured damped fre- measured.



Many minor changes and adjustments were Other parts subjected to strain gage measure-
made to the engineering model. One unforeseen ments were the arm mounting rim panels,
problem that would have caused the actual decks, and ribs. Other than in the upper wheel
spacecraft to fail was detected as a result of the casting, the highest stress measured was 1100
air-bearing table testing. The problem, an p.s.i, on a deck panel. All other stresses were so
unstabilizing interaction between the pitch low as to be negligible.
control and a large nutational distrurbance was
quite easily solved by the addition of a time Data Acquisition and Command System
delay in the turn-on of the pitch control gas jets.
The subassemblies of this system were sub-
Mechanical Structure contracted by Ball Brothers Research Corpora-
tion. All developmental testing of these sub-
During the developmental testing program assemblies was performed by the subcontractor.
for the control system, a concurrent effort was Ball Brothers Research Corporation subjected
underway to develop the mechanical structure each subassembly to a rigorous qualification
for the spacecraft. After this structure was procedure upon receipt from the subcontractor.
built and assembled, static structural load A detailed analysis of the antenna design was
testing was performed where necessary. Tests made by running patterns of the actual array
were also run to determine that the erection of on an antenna tower utilizing the full scale
the extendable arms at launch spin rates did not structural model spacecraft as a test model.
damage the spacecraft or produce any appre-
ciable wobble input to the spacecraft. PROTOTYPE TESTING

The first such test was performed using the

Subsystems Tests
structural wheel assembly mounted on a spin
table. Later, when the arm configuration was All of the prototype spacecraft subsystems,
changed, dummy wheel compartments were i.e., components of the control systems, me-
constructed on the spin table using production chanical structure, and data acquisition and
quality rim panels and further tests were made. command system, were tested extensively in
These tests consisted of spinning the table to a the laboratory prior to formal environmental
predetermined velocity with the arms in the acceptance testing. These tests primarily
stowed position and then firing electrically involved thermal cycling over the expected
operated explosive pin pullers to release the orbit temperature extremes to assure that the
arms to the extended position. All tests were thermal compensation work had been properly
recorded with a high speed motion picture performed, and testing at the expected power
camera. supply voltage extremes to assure proper
Throughout these tests the panels were performance under the anticipated worst case
observed to deflect considerably at peak loads, conditions.
but no permanent deformations occurred and Conformance to the component environ-
no design changes were made. mental test specification was required of all
The structural wheel model was loaded with spacecraft subsystems and components. This
dummy packages to simulate control system specification required that the subsystem or
components and experiments, and was sub- component be successfully operated before,
jected to vibration tests and steady-state during (in most cases), and after a high and low
acceleration. During steady-state acceleration, temperature thermal-vacuum test, and a three-
strain gages were utilized in various areas. The axis vibration test.
results of this test caused a redesign of the upper The prototype subassembly thermal-vacuum
wheel casting. To prove the integrity of the test specifications were as follows:
redesign, the casting was statically loaded and Duralion Vacuum (ram
Temperature (hours) HO or less)
deflections were measured. No strain gage -t-50 ° C .................. 24 10 _2
measurements were made after redesign. --20 ° C .................. 24 10 -2


The component vibration test specifications Martin Company in Denver. These tests con-
were as follows : sisted of 1220 minutes of low-level sinusoidal
input sweeps in three axes, 15 minutes of high-
Accelndion Displacemcd
Frepueney rnnge (cpa) (peak g) level sinusoidal input sweeps in three axes, 12
5-17-9 - ------ minutes of random ribration input in three axes,
17.9-50 6. 4 - and 10 minutes of 15 g sustained acceleration
50-1000 15.6 -
100-2000 21.6 -
input in the thrust axis.*
Figure 9-9 shows the structural model in place
T o t d duration-15 minutes.
on the shaker, and Figure 9-10 shows the
W h e e l Structure structural model in place on the centrifuge.
After the fourth complete vibration
prototype mechanical structure, two decks
carrying large, heavy experiments were found
to have cracks in the side flange bend radii.
These failures were considered to be insignificant
because test results were far in excess of flight
load expectations a t this point. However, a
program of careful investigation of the bend
area on other decks was instigated.
There was one other consideration of the
loading under actual flight conditions, the
nature of the loads on the deck was changed by
the thrust acceleration, as shown in Figure 9-8.

3 FIGURES9.-Structural model vibration test.
During these tests no failures or problems
occurred in either casting. The derices used to
lock out both elevnt,ion and azimuth freedom
S8.-Flight loading vibration plus thrust. failed and required redesign, hut, these did not
directly affect the castings.
Superimposing the ribration on the thrust During t,he acceleration tests, seven strain
curre shows that the load is predominantly gage readings were obtained on various points
downward on the deck. Thus, full cycle of the azimuth casting and four readings on the
reversals during launch would not have occurred elevation casting. S o undul3- high stress levels
as frequently as during vibration testing. were indicated.
Furthermore, the time duration of vibration The structural model azimuth casting was
input during flight was only 5 minutes, compared later used for .z x-ibration test of the honeycomb
to 45 minutes of testing time. This point is solar cell pmels. The setup consisted of the
made not to suggest that the design criteria casting hard-mounted on a fixture. wit'h the
should have been changed, but, to indicate th:tt sail structure and solw cell pmels at,tached.
in evaluating the cracks which appeared there The awemblg was not balanced. The test was
was justification in accepting the design :is run for 1 7 minutes with sinusoidal swept inputs
qualified. up to 1 7 g. At this t h e , during a transverse
Elevation a n d Azimuth Castings ~

*Srr Martin Test Report, Env. 1192, Proof Te-ting of

The first tests conducted on the prototype the Ball Brothers Prototype Model s-16, Orbiting Solar
c:tsting were conimenced in August 1960 a t the Observatory Sntrllitr, 10 September 1961.


W E P -E 1

FIGUREg-lO.-Structural model accelerator test.

test, the control accelerometer mounted on the ances were changed. There were no further
fixture fell off, and the vibrator exciter at- problems during subsequent testing.
tempted to put infinite forces into the fixture.
The exciter was turned off by overload cutouts, Sail Structure
but the input loads reiiched were not known. No problems of a structural nature were en-
After this occurrence, the azimuth casting w m countered in the sail structure during the
found to be btidly cracked in a lower corner stri~cturslmodel tests. For tliese tests, the
riidius. The crcxk wtis considered t o be clue to original modular stamped solar cell panels were
n tesl failure rather than II component fttilure. used, and two of the modules had dummy solar
cells bonded in place.
After the striictiiral model tests, the sail
After the vibrntion and ncceler2ition tests a t striictiire wns removed arid independent vibra-
hftwtin Company, the shnfts and henrings were tion tests were conducted on it. It wns found
disnssembled for inspection. The benrings still that diiring thrust itxis vibration, the horizontal
functioned properly, h i t the tiximiitli sh11ft wns tie members were flexing with lnrge tmiplitudes,
bndly gttlled
lit t h e lower benring. cniising excessive crosstnlk oiitpilt in the trans-
As tt result of this condition the slirift, fit toler- verse plnne. Stiffeners were ndded to the hori-


zontal members and the 'test was re-run with Static and Dynamic Balance
satisfactory results. This same test was repeated
The wheel structure had to be aligned to spin
when the honeycomb panels replaced the about the figure axis and the structure had to
modular stamping. Even after the test failure,
be aligned about the spin axis to prevent a
there was no damage to the sail structure. dynamic unbalance which would have caused a
Vibration tests were conducted on the nuta-
wobble in the orbiting payload. The upper
tion damper to evaluate the caging mechanism.
structure had to be dynamically in balance to
As a result of these tests the original design was prevent the night spin-up of the upper structure
modified. At first an 0 ring was utilized from introducing wobble. Dynamic balance
for a bob seat during caging but it was found was also necessary to keep the spacecraft within
that the bob rotated, twisting the pendulum the alignment tolerances of third stage thrust
wire and deforming it. Also, the previous for the stowed launch condition.
design utilized a solenoid for releasing the bob,
Balance Tolerances
but this would not successfully withstand vibra-
tion. The solenoid was replaced with a squib Static Balance--Launch Condition.--Accord-
actuated pin puller unit, and the caging seat ing to Douglas Report No. 7843144, the center
was changed to metal and later serrated to of mass of the spacecraft had to lie within
0.0033 inches of the axis of the master diameter
prevent the bob from rotating during shake.
of the attach fitting. This meant that the
Summary spacecraft static balance had to be within 25
After all prototype subassemblies had re-
Dynamic Balance.--I.aunch Condition.--Ac-
ceived rigorous qualification and testing, they
cording to Douglas Report No. 7843144, a
were installed in the prototype spacecraft and
principal inertial axis had to lie within 0 radians
integration tests were begun. of the axis of the master diameter of the attach
fittings, where
Comprehensive System Tests
Mter all components and subsystems had 0=0.001 ---
been individually tested and successfully inte-
grated, the first comprehensive, covers-off, I, is the moment of inertia about the spin axis
operational system test was performed. This in slug-ft 2, and Ir is the transverse moment of
was an extensive test, in accordance with a inertia in slug-ft _.
For the OSO I it was determined that
formal test procedure, designed to provide
assurance that all subsystems in the prototype /_= 19.7 slug-ft 2
model were working properly, and that no and It---- 15.3 slug-ft',
adverse interactions between subsystems and so 0----0.0055 radian, or 18.9 minutes.
instruments had occurred.
This meant that the dynamic balance had to be
In these tests, every measurable parameter of within 1800 oz-in3
significance to spacecraft performance was
Orbital Condition
measured. All work was accomplished with
the spacecraft mounted on the spin table. In orbit, static balance is not important.
Comprehensive system tests were performed However, all methods producing good dynamic
on the prototype spacecraft before during and balance also produced good static balance.
after environmental tests. Dynamic unbalance of the wheel causes the
Prior to the actual environmental testing, it spacecraft to wobble. If the wobble becomes
was necessary to balance the prototype space- too large, errors in experiment pointing causing
craft, measure the moments of inertia, and de- higher servo power result. Therefore, an
termine the location of the center of mass. arbitrary limit of one minute of wobble was

chosen.This meantthat the wheelhadto be one horizontal axis. The apparatus can ba
dynamicallybalancedwithin 144 oz-in. 2 changed to use the lower pair of trunnions,
Dynamic unbalance of the sail would have allowing rocking about a different horizontal
caused a wobble at night which would have axis. If the object is balanced, it has no
become nutation when the upper structure tendency to rock about either axis.
acquired the sun the following day. An To determine the effect of an unbalanced
arbitrary limit of 10 minutes was chosen for condition, a small mass, m, is placed on the
night wobble. This meant that the wheel and upper edge of the cylinder at an angle, a, from
sail together had to be dynamically balanced reference line drawn on the cylinder. This mass
within 2150 oz-in? will cause rocking torques in two ways. First,
the weight of m causes a torque about the rock-
Combined Tolerance ing axis of toga sin (_t_a). Second, the mass
Control over stowed balance and orbital applies a centrifuge force of ma_ _ at a distance
balance is not independent. All the balance _4--_2 above the rocking axis, producing a
requirements were met as follows: torque of ma_2([4--[2) sin (_tTa). The total
1. With the arms extended, the wheel was rocking torque, then, is
balanced within 10 oz-in, static and 140 oz-in. 2
dynamic. ma[gq-_([4 - t2)]sin (_t+x). (9.4)
2. With the arms extended and the sail locked
in the launch position, weights were added to If the mass were placed at the bottom edge of
the cylinder, _4 would be replaced by [3. If the
the sail to balance the spacecraft within 10
apparatus were changed so that it pivoted on
oz-in, static and 300 oz-in? dynamic.
the lower trunnions, [2 would be replaced by Ix.
3. With the arms stowed in launch position
Note that even if a weight is so placed that its
and the sail locked in launch position, the
static and dynamic effects just balance and it
spacecraft was checked to assure a balance
produces no rocking torque about one pair of
within 20 oz-in, static and 100 oz-in. _ dynamic.
trunnions, it does produce a rocking torque
Theory of the Balancing Method. about the other. Thus, if the cylinder is out of
balance, it tends to rock about at least one pair
Consider a right-circular cylindrical object
of trunnions.
that is to be balanced statically and dynamically
Further note that even if the cylinder is
about its figure axis. It is possible to bring this
object into complete balance by attaching two initially out of balance it is possible to place
weights, one at each end. The problem is to some weight on one end of the cylinder in such
find out experimentally what weights to put on a position that the rocking torque about one
and where to put them. pair of trunnions due to the initial unbalance is
Figure 9-11 shows a cylindrical object of just cancelled by the rocking torque due to the
radius a, spinning about its vertical figure axis weight.
at _ radians per second and free to rock about To simplify the notation, let

a]g+_2([4 - [2)]----A,

a[g_-_2(t3 - ix)l= C, (9.5)

and a[g_-_([4 - [_)]=D.

An experimental method of balancing the

cylinder if it has an unknown initial unbalance
may now be discussed.
With the upper trunnions in use, attach an
FXC.UaE9-11.--Simplified balancing machine. experimentally determined weight, m_, to the


fop rim in such a position, a, that the apparatus or

does not rock. This weight applies a torque of
ran=m2 [g+_2(['--[2)][g+w2([3--[')l (9.9)
mlA sin (o_tq-a) _*(I.2- t_)(t,- h)

Now shift to the lower trunnions and attaeh Now we remove mn and m2 and place ran
some weight, m2, to the bottom rim at # so that (whose value is now known) exactly where m_
the apparatus does not rock. The two weights was. Then, still pivoting on the lower trun-
together apply a torque of nions, find a weight for the top rim that stops
the rocking. This is mr, and the cylinder is
maD sin (_tWa)+rnaCsin (_t+#). balanced.

Two weights must now be found, one for the top The steps in balancing the cylinder, then, are
rim and one for the bottom rim, such that the
two together will apply the same torque as ml 1. Using the upper trunnions, find a trail
about the upper trunnions and the same torque weight which, when mounted at the proper
as ml and m2 together about the lower trunnious. point on the top rim, stops the rocking. Leave
If ml and m2 are removed, and these new weights it on.
installed, the apparatus will not rock about 2. Using the lower trunnions, find a trial
either pair of trunnions. The cylinder will be weight which, when mounted at the proper
balanced. point on the bottom rim, stops the rocking.
Designate the top weight, Mr, and its posi- 3. Remove and weigh the bottom trial weight.
tion, 0. Designate the bottom weight, rnb, and Replace it with a weight greater by a known
its position, ¢. They apply a torque about factor. Remove the top trial weights.
the upper trunnions of 4. Still using the lower trunnions, find a
weight which, when mounted at the proper
tara sin (o_t-i-O)--i-mn B sin (_otq-4J), point on the top rim, stops the rocking. Mount
it. The cylinder is balanced.
and a torque about the lower trunnions of

Balancing Method
mr D sin (o_t+O)+mn Csin (o_t+_).
Aligning the Tab/e.--Before the spacecraft
was mounted on the balancing machine, align-
ment of the table to the true bearing axis of the
mlA sin (o_t+a)=mrA sin (o_t+O)
spindle was checked with a dial indicator. The
+mnB sin (wt+_), (9.6)
indicator was set up to measure vertical motion
4.5 inches from the center of the table. The

m_D sin (cot+a)WmaC sin (_otq-#) table was adjusted for a reading less than
0.0003 inch TIR. The table was then aligned
=mrD sin (cot+O)+mnCsin (_t+_). (9.7) within 0.12 minutes of arc.

D Mounting the Spacecraft on the Table.--Since

Multiply Equation (9.6) by _, and subtract the balancing machine measures unbalance
Equation (9.7) to get about its own bearing axis, it is important that
the spacecraft be accurately centered on the
mn (-_--C) sin (o_t+_b)=--m2 C sin (o_tW#). On the OSO I the only convenient indicating
surface was the alignment nubbin at the top
of the sail. With the spacecraft on the bal-
From this equation, it is seen that _=# and ancing machine, but not rotating, indication
was from the balancing machine frame to this
AC nubbin. The sail was rotated and the nubbin
m_= m2 DB--AC' was adjusted to run within 0.0007 inch TIR.


This meant that the nubbin was well aligned wheel compartment covers.) The permanent
to the spacecraft bearing axis. Then, with the weights were fabricated and installed.
sail locked, the balancing machine spindle was 6. Steps (2) through (5) were repeated until
rotated and the spacecraft was moved hori- the wheel was in balance within the effect of u
zontally on the table until the nubbin ran within five-gram weight .with only permanent weights
0.0007 inch TIR. This meant that if the nub- installed. This usually required two reitera-
bin was to lie on both axes, with both axes tions, and the wheel was then balanced.
perpendicular to the attach fittings, then the Balancing the Sail.--With the sail locked,
two axes were coincident. The spacecraft was the wheel balancing steps were repeated with
now aligned to the balancing machine. weights being placed on the sail rather than on
Selecting the Pivot Point_.--The best sensi- the wheel. More reiterations were required
tivity and accuracy were attained when _1= [3 because of the difficulty in putting weights
and _2=[,. Since the most convenient places where they were i_equired. This was continued
to mount balance weights on the wheel were until the wheel and sail together were balanced
the top and bottom rims, the two pivot points within the effect of a ten-gram weight. The
(the flexures that take the place of trunnions) spacecraft was then in balance.
were set at the heights of the top and bottom
rims. Checking Balance in Stowed Condition
Tuning the Balancing 2tlachine.--With the With the sail locked and the arms down, a
spacecraft installed and the pivot points set, check was made to be sure that the spacecraft
the tuning springs and weights were adjusted was in balance in the launch condition within
so that the natural frequency of the rocking effect of a twenty-gram weight.
motion about each pivot was within one percent
Moments of Inertia
of the spindle rotation frequency. Since the
operation was moderately damped, closer Spacecraft moments of inertia were measured
tuning was not necessary. to provide numerical data for use in tuning
Balancing the Wheel.-- the nutation damper, the setting of the spin-up
1. The sail was tied to the balancing machine circuit parameters and the spin and pitch
yoke so that it could not rotate. gas iet nozzle ON times.
2. Using the upper pivot, the magnitude and The measurements were made by suspending
phase of the rocking torque was measured. A the entire spacecraft from a point and measur-
weight of the proper size was taped on the ing pendulum motion periods.
wheel at the proper position on the top rim of Spin-Axis Moment.--Figure 9-12 shows the
the wheel to reduce the rocking torque. This experimental setup. The spacecraft was sus-
step was repeated with trimming weights until pended from three vertical wires of length, s,
a five-gram change caused overshoot. attached at a tmrizontal distance, r, from the
3. Using the lower pivot, Step (2) was center of gravity. The spacecraft was caused
repeated on the bottom rim. The bottom to oscillate as a torsional pendulum, and the
weight was then removed and weighed. A frequency of oscillation, w, was measured.
weight 12 times as great was then put in the For smM1 amplitudes of oscillation, the mo-
place of the original weight. ment of inertia is
4. Steps (2) and (3) were repeated until the
wheel was in balance within the effect of a I =mgr2 (9.10)
8¢0 2
five-gram weight for both pivots. This usually
required about three reiterations. where m is the mass of the spacecr, ft and g is
5. The position and size of the two weights the local value of gravitational acceleration.
was noted and a location where permanent A small correction was made for the mass and
weights could be installed to give the same moment of inertia of the wires.
effect as the two temporary weights was found. With the sail locked to the wheel, the mo-
(Usually the best place was the inside of the ment was measured with arms out and with


a__ms stowed. With the sail unlocked so that

it could not oscillate, the moment of the wheel
was measured with the arms extended. The
effect of gas in the bottles was calculated.
Location oj: Center o] Gravity.--As shown in
Figure 9-13, the spacecraft was attached to a
bracket and suspended by a single wire. The
position of the wire was adjusted until the spin
axis of the spacecraft was horizontal. This
_position was measured.


FIGURE 9-12.--Experimental
setup for spin moment
The mass and c.g. location of the bracket and
the mass of the spacecraft were known, so the
c.g. location of the spacecraft could be cal-
FIGURE 9-13.--Experimental setup for CG location.
This measurement was made with arms
extended and with arms stowed. The effect of transverse moment of the spacecraft was
gas in the bottles was calculated. calculated.
Transverse Moments.--The single wire used This measurement was made with arms
in the c.g. determination was replaced by two extended and with arms stowed, with the
wires (see Figure 9-14) spaced equally from the sail in a vertical plane and the sail in a horizontal
combined c.g. of the spacecraft and bracket.
plane, and with each of the three arms toward
The spacecraft was swung as a torsional pendu-
the floor. The position of the sail made very
lum, and Equation (9.10) was used to determine
little difference. The measurements with dif-
the moment of inertia of the assembly about
ferent arms toward the floor were almost identi-
a vertical axis through the combined c.g.
From this moment and the known moment of cal. The effect of gas in the bottles was

the bracket and the known c.g. locations, the calculated.


Spin moment, wheel, arms extended:
Bottles full: 24.39 slug-ft 2
Bottles empty: 22.29 slug-ft _
Spin moment, wheel and sail, arms extended:
Bottles full: 27.66 slug-ft 2
Bottles empty: 25.5C slug-ft 2
Spin moment, arms stowed:
Bottles full: 19.71 slug-ft 2
Transverse moment, arms stowed:
Bottles full: 15.26 slug-ft _
Transverse moment, arms extended:
Bottles full: 17.72 slug-ft 2
Bottles empty: 16.56 slug-ft 2
Center of gravity, arms extended:
Bottles full: 12.68 in. above interface
Center of gravity, arms stowed:
Bottles full: 11.85 in. above interface

Environmental Tests

Prototype environmental testing was per-

formed in four phases: acceleration, vibration,
thermal, and thermal-vacuum. During the
course of these test phases, modified and com-
plete comprehensive systems tests were .per-
formed. These tests, which were made only
when go/no-go information was desired, were
referred to as quick-look tests.
The quick-look testing determined that the
subsystems and instruments were or were not
working within some nominal performance.

Acceleration Tests

After the spacecraft was balanced, the proto-

type spacecraft was tested under steady state
acceleration conditions simulating the launch FIGURE 9-14.--Experimental setup for transverse
moment determination.
thrust at an amplitude one and one-half times
the anticipated launch thrust level. Tile test
All sequencing operations and all systems were
was conducted on the Martin-Denver large
then checked for proper operation.
centrifuge. The photograph of Figure 9-15
The spacecraft was then given another com-
shows the prototype spacecraft in the test
prehensive system test with no failures being
found. The balance was checked and found
The spacecraft was put in the launch condi- mlchanged.
tion and was left that way during the first four
minutes of the five-minute test run. The Vibration Tests
timers were started one mimlte before the Test Eq_ipment.--The prototype model test-
termination of the simulated thrust h)ading, and ing was accomplished at Ball Brothers Research
the timers were allowed lo finish their sequenc- Corporation using the equipmen_ listed in
ing operation after the thrust was terminated. Table 9-1.


Sinusoidal Test.-
Thrust Axis Specification
Acceleration Vdocity
FrcPwrrcY (CPS) (9) (inisec)
5-50 2.3 ________
50-500 ________ 2.6
500-2000 21. 0 _-____-_
2000-3000 54. 0 ________
Transverse Axis Specification
f i e q w n c y (CPd (9)
5-50 0. 9
50-500 2. 1
500-2000 4. 2
2000-3000 17.0
FIGURE+15.--Centrifuge test.
Random Jf otion Thrust and Transverse Spec-
Table 9-1 ijication.-
Test Appr.
Freqlrrnrw Duroiion PSD L e d Accel.
Test Equipment Used for Prototype Testing Vtbratmn Arts Range (cps) ( m m) (qz'cps) (q-rm)
Thrust 20-510 4 0. 07 *5. 85
(Z axis) 510-2000 4 0. 07 *lo. 40
Exciter- - - - - - - -. Ling Model 275 rated a t -
7500 Ih peak force. Total- -8
Power supply - - - Ling Model PP 40/60, 40 Transverse
( S axis) and 20-510 1 0. 07 5. 85
KYA amplifier. 510-2000 4 0. 07 10. 40
Control- - - - - - - -. Ling Model R1007 sine and (Y axis) -
Total- -8 min. (each axis)
random control console.
Tape facility- - - . Ampex Model FR-1000, 7- *Within amplitude limit of vibration generator.
channel F h l record with
2-channel Fhl playback. Test Arrangemenfs
Transducers- Endevco Model 2221C
acceierometex The test arrangements for the various con-
C E C Model 41G2.%re!ority figwxtions are described below.
pickups. Thrusi Ark Tests.--The p r o t o t n e space-
Enderco Model 2106 force craft mas clamped with the actual payload
Associated Endevco Model 2216
third-stage interface retaining clamp to a test
transducer amplifiers. fixture having the proper matching interface.
I equipment. Endevco Model 2622 power The clamp bolts were torqued to the proper
supplies. level for the actual explosire bolt interface
Mosely Model 5s and clamps as specified by the Douglas design speci-
Model 2D x-p plotters.
Henlett-Packard Model
fication. The test fixture was bolted to the
302-4 wave analyzer. exciter table such that the input forces were
Mo4ey Model GOB loga- applied through the test fixture to the space-
rithmic converters. craft. The test fixture consisted of a 3-inch
Nosley Model SO strip-chart plate which bolted to the exciter, an aluminum
Exciter B and Ti Model 1016 servo
casting resembling the frustrum of n cone
Controller controller. tapering from 20 inches in diameter a t the
bottom to 10 inches in diameter at the top, and
a mtchined adapter flange which provided the
Testinfj S13~cific(ltions.-The specified tests to interface fitting. For the effective weight testa
be accomplished and the specifications are as described below, force gauges were inserted
follo\vs. between the adapter flange and the casting.

The fixture was driven in a sliding manner on

two granite surface blocks oriented such that
the spacecraft arms could be positioned between
them. The slide fixture was designed to allow
the centerline of the exciter to be as close as
possible to the center of gravity of the space-
craft. For the effective weight tests, the slide
fixture was the same except that it was made
from two pieces which could be bolted together
with force gauges between the two pieces.
Figures 9-18 and 9-19 illustrate the test ar-
rangement and show the interface fixture.
A description of each test is included in the
order in which the testing was accomplished
and the results of these tests are as follows:
Transverse X-Axis Sine Input (Low-Level
Trial Run).-The test was run a t :: g input
from 5 to 50 cps and a t 1 g input from 50-300
cps with 100 psi pressure in gas bottles. No
failures occurred.
Transverse Y-Axis Sine Input (Low-Level Trial
FIQURE9--16.-Thrust axis vibration test. Run).-Same test as the transverse X-axis sine
input above. No failures occurred.
Thrust Axis Sine Input (Low-Level Trial
Run).-The test was run a t 1 g input from 2 1 to
3000 cps with the gas bottles pressurized to
180 psi, 30 psi of which was helium. No
failures occurred and a leak test afterwards
indicated no bottle leakage.
Thrust Axis Sine Input (Specijkation Level-
First Run).-The test was run at the specified
input level with the gas bottles a t 100 psi.
Some of the spacecraft weight was supported
by rubber cords to prevent the exciter table
from bottoming due to the 1 g static load of the
spacecraft. This test loosened many screws
in the sail structure mountings. A pin connec-
tion a t a connector was opened. A photo-
multiplier tube was broken in the Goddard
9-17.-Thrust axis vibration test (closeups of wheel experiment, and the high-voltage supply
spacecraft). to the tube was shorted. The Goddard pointed
instrument carriage pin and a lead a t a terminal
Figures 9-16 and 9-17 are photographs of the board were broken. Two photomultipliers in
spacecraft instdled on the vibration exciter the Rochester wheel experiment were broken,
with the test fixture interface for thrust axis and one of the Ames surface emissivity plates
vibration. was loosened.
Transverse 11xis Tests.--The spncecrtift was The damage was repaired before vibration
clamped to a cast magnesium sliding fixture. testing was continued.


fied input levels with 100 psi bottle pressure.

Gas bottle leak tests after the test indicated no
leakage. Balance checks after the test indi-
cated no change in balance.
Transverse X-Axis Sine Input (Specijication
Lez7el-Second Run).-This test was run with
specified input levels with 3000 psi gas bottle
pressure. No failures occurred.
Transverse Y-Axis Sine Input (SpeciJfcatwn
Level-Second Run).-The test was run with
3000 psi gas bottle pressure. No failures oc-
Transverse Y-Axh- Random Input.-Random
testing involved a procedure known as equali-
mtion. The problem involved with a random
input is that of applying equal energy per
9-18.-Transverse axis vibration test. frequency bandwidth to a device having many
resonant motions. If a noise generator random
signal of equal energy distribution were applied
e directly to the spacecraft, the power distribu-
tion per bandwidth would not be uniform
because of load resonances. Thus, the output
amplitude from a noise generator must be
tailored to conform to the reciprocal of the
exciter and spacecraft response. To accom-
plish this adjustment of the input signal, the
process of equalization was necessary.
Equalization is accomplished in the following
manner: A low-level sinusoidal sweep is run
t o record the load response. B y means of
peak and notch filtering, the noise generator
output is adjEsted t o match the reciprocal of
the measured response. A low-levei random
burst then is applied through the filter system
and the load response is recorded on tape. A
tape loop is cut and run through an analyzer.
Any necessary small adjustments can then be
made without subjecting the load to continuous
random vibration. ,4 full-level random burst
is then run.
Some difference is usually found between the
low and high level random input response of a
FIGURE9-19.-Transverse axis vibration fixture and
accelerometer amplifiers. multi-resonant structure. This may be due to
nonlinear resonances that are present under
Transverse X-Axk Sine Input (Specijicatidn high-level input conditions. A high-level re-
Level-First Run).-The test was run with sponse could appear at a filter notch frequcnc>-,
specified input levels with 100 psi gas bottle and the combination could result in an energy
pressure. S o failures occurred. concentration at that frequency which could be
Transcerse IT-Axis Sine I n p u t (Specijication damaging to the specimen under test. For this
Lecel-First Run).-The test was run a t speci- reason, the high-level burst is run for a short


duration and is recorded. A tape loop is cut the effect upon the spacecraft of the actual
and run through the analyzer and further force input expected.
filtering adjustments are made. At this point, Effective weight measurements were made
the specified level random test may begin. by measuring the phase and amplitude of the
Usually minor adjustments are made during forces and accelerations involved. This
the first few seconds of the actual test run due measurement was made only at 550 cps because
to the fact that the tape loop may not contain one of the force gauges became inoperative
enough time for proper statistical averaging of after the measulement had been made at that
the high-level response. These adjustments frequency. The effective weight measured
must be only minor due to the complex over- was 27 lb.
lapping nature of the filtering networks. Transverse X-Axis Effective Weight.--The
The transverse Y-axis random test was effective weight was somewhat variable over
accomplished after the equalization discussed the 550 to 650 cps bandwidth (about 20 percent
above. The test was run with full spin and variation). The average was about 21 lb.
pitch gas bottle pressure. Checkout revealed Transverse Y-Axis Effective Weight.--Since
no failures. the highest effective weight measurement in the
X-axis diJection was measured at 550 cps, the
Thrust Axis Sine Input (Second Run).--The
Y-axis was measured only at that frequency.
test was run with full bottle pressure at specifi-
cationlevel. The Goddard pointed experiment The weight was about 27 lb.
Resonant Burning Dwell Tests.--After effec-
carriage pin was broken. The test had to be
tive weights had been determined for each
axis, a slow sweep was run from 550 to 650 cps
Thrust Axis Random Input.--Equalization
in 30 seconds at an input level of 600 lb,
was accomplished and the test was run at
divided by the resultant effective weight for
specified input levels with the gas bottles fully
the thrust axis, and 100 lb divided by the
pressurized. No failures occurred.
resultant effective weight for the transverse
Thrust Axis Sine Input (Third Run).--This axis. The 600 lb and 100 lb figures represent
full-level test was repeated since some equip- the estimated thrust axis and transverse axes
ment had not yet survived the test. This time
components of the third-stage engine thrust
no failures were noted. Leak tests indicated
force, respectively.
no bottle leakage. The problems that were encountered with
Thrust Axis Effective Weight.--Because some both the spacecraft equipment and the scientific
of the third-stage engines used in the Thor-Delta instruments during the prototype vibration
vehicle configuration had been shown in test testing serve to point out the importance of this
firings to resonate during the burning time at a testing. The input levels at which vibration
frequency between 550 and 650 cps, it was testing should be accomplished are argumenta-
considered necessary to test the spacecraft pay- tive, but the necessity for the testing is cel tainly
load extensively at this bandwidth. In order obvious in the light of the test results during
to do this, the effective weight of the spacecraft this program.
had to be known. A complete comprehensive system test was
Effective weight is that quantity derived by
performed after the complete vibration test.
dividing the measured force input to the space-
craft by the resulting measured acceleration Thermal Tests
produced. To do this, it is necessary to
separate into components the reactive and the Thermal tests of the prototype were made in
direct forces, and accelerations as measured the thermal-vacuum chamber, and rough vacuum
for both the fixture and the composite space- was used to expedite thermal changes. The
craft and fixture, and to measure the phase chamber is 10 ft in diameter. Figures 9-20,
angles involved. As a simplified view of the 9-21, 9-22, and 9-23 show the 10-ft.chamber
problem, what is required is the knowledge of and the operating equipment for the chamber.


9-20.-Large thermal vacuum chamher with FIGURE9-22.-Roughing pump system.
32-inch dual-diffusion high vacuum pumping system.

tion of the test was a temperature soak in

which the spacecraft was nonoperative.
The second temperature half-cycle was made
at -10°C for six hours. Thirteen hours were
required to stabilize a t this temperature. Tbis
portion of the test was also a t,emperature soak
with the spacecraft nonoperative.
The third half-cycle involred six hours to
reach stabilizatioD a t 35OC. After stabilization,
six hours were reqgred to perform spacecraft
operational sequencing. All systems were oper-
ated with the exception of the experiments
d i c h were limited to operation in a high
vacuum The srtificiai sun, directed through
the front window of the chamber, and smalier
light sources inside the chamber were used in
the operation of the spacecraft. Electrical
leads through the chamber facilitated operation

i and instrumentation of the spacecraft.

The fourth half-cycle i n d r e d ten hours to
reach stabilization a t -10°C. One hour after
stabilization the test was stopped for investiga-
tion of problems in the spacecraft. When the
test was resumed the temperature was again
stabilized at -10°C. For eight hours after
FIG~R E .--Freon
9-21 cooling system stabilization, the spacecraft was subjected to a
complete operational test.
In Figure 9-23 the spin table can be seen sup- In summary, this thermal test sequence re-
porting the spareci aft in the nicuum chamber. sulted in a total of 12 hours soak time a t 35
The first tenipei nture half-cycle was mide at degrees and i~ totel of 15 hours at -10°C.
35OC for six hours. Four hours were required ,4fter the thermal tests, ai complete compre-
t o reach temperature stabilization. This por- hensive system test wtts performed.


9-23.-Spacecraft on spin table in vacuum chamber.

Thermal-Vacuum Tests signals. This antenna was connected to coaxial

lead-throughs in the chamber.
Thermal-vacuum testing of the prototype The following documents were applicable to
spacecraft was conducted in the vacuum the thermal-vacuum test :
chamber. This chamber has three windows to 1. Vacicum Test Records 61-23 and 62-24.
permit observation. One of these windows 2. Test Procedure-Satellite Payload Themnal-
was used to allow operation with the external Vacuum Test of NASA S-16A 080.
artificial sun. 3. Thermal-l7acuI L Test
~ Specijication-S-16
Electricttl lead-throughs werc provided to op- OS0 Satellite, S61-6.
errite the spacecraft, monitor spacecraft oper- 4. Test SpeciJication No. S61-1.
ation, control the pitch gtts system, control the 5. Test Procedure No. TP61-1.
spin gas system, monitor pitch readout, rind 6. Test Procedure No. TP61-11.
to monitor ternpertitures. The spncecriift wiis maintained in tin en-
The vticuuin chiintber had t i full-opening vironment of 10-~~ninHg presswe throughout
door dlowing convenient insttilltition and re- the test except when the gibs jets were fired
rnovd of the spticecrttft,. A telemetry tiritenntt tirid when ternpertiture clittnges were mtide.
wtis plticrd inside the chnrnber to comrnttnd Prototype spiicecmft test specificlitions re-
spscecrlift opcrirtion tind to receive t,elemetry quired t i minirnurn test durtttion of seven days

at 35° C and a minimum test duration of five portion of the thermal-vacuum test, the cold
days at -- 10°C. cycle was started. The vacuum chamber
Throughout the test, chamber temperature pressure was raised to 30 mm Hg to accelerate
and pressure were recorded hourly and during the temperature change from 35 ° to --10°C.
any temperature and pressure changes that oc- This temperature change required eight hours.
curred between hourly recordings. Temperature of --10°C and pressure of
The temperature sensor mounted on the 1X10 -5 mm Hg was achieved on August 12.
spacecraft wheel hub was used to maintain the The test was successfully run at --10°C and
specified spacecraft temperature throughout pressures lower than 10 -5 mm Hg for a total
the thermal-vacuum test. The spacecraft spin duration of 119 hours. During this time, the
table temperature and the chamber thermal prototype spacecraft was successfully operated
liner temperatures were also monitored. in the same manner previously described.
The first attempt to run the thermal-vacuum Upon completion of thermal-vacuum testing,
test started with the high-temperature cycle a complete and final comprehensive systems
on July 26, 1961, and was stopped on July 28. test was made, and the prototype spacecraft
This test ran for 47 hours at 35°C, and was was completely qualified.
halted to repair spacecraft instruments. This
attempt was not included as part of the required FLIGHT MODEL TESTING
seven-day test.
Subsystems Tests
The second attempt was started July 31.
This attempt was stopped to correct problems All of the flight model spacecraft subsystems
occurring in the spin jet system. The total and major components were tested to the com-
elapsed time of this attempt was 22 hours. ponent environmental test specification. This
None of this time was applied to the seven-day specification required that the components
test requirement. or subsystems be successfully operated before,
The final and successful attempt to run this during (in most cases), and after three-axis
test was started with a pressure of 1 X 10 -5 mm vibration tests and high and low thermal-
Hg and a temperature of 35°C on August 2, vacuum tests.
and ran successfully until complete for a dura-
tion of nine days and three hours. Basic Electronics Paclcages
Throughout this test run, the prototyPe The basic electronics for the control systems
spacecraft was operated continuously in simu- were packaged in three separate boxes. (See
lated orbiting day-night cycles. Real-time Figures 4-14 and 4-15 for two of these.)
data was transmitted to the telemetry ground These are as follows:
station allowing records to be made of all real- Servo Amplifier Box.--This package, mounted
time spacecraft output channels. Complete on the sail structure, consisted of the servo
playback records were made at intervals ap- preamplifiers, lead networks, ac amplifiers, mod-
proximating the orbit intervals expected. The ulators and demodulators, voltage regulators
spacecraft day-night operation was simulated required for the circuits, and positioning readout
by using a timer to operate the day-night amplifiers.
switching circuitry within the spacecraft. Power Amplifier Box.--This package, also
By controlling small lamps inside the cham- mounted on the sail structure, contained the
ber, the pitch control system, the spin-up pulse-width modulators, power amplifiers, pitch
system, and the pitch readout system were control electronics, and necessary voltage regu-
tested periodically. The spacecraft was oper- ]ator circuits.
ated throughout the thermal-vacuum test Wheel Electronics Box.--This package,
according to the OSO I spacecraft thermal- mounted in the wheel, contained the spin con-
vacuum test procedure and the thermal- trol electronics, undervoltage circuitry, day
vacuum test specifications. turn-on circuitry, spin-rate monitoring circuit,
Upon completion of the high-temperature and necessary voltage regulators.

782-552 0--66--18

Each of these electronics packages was tested versa. These subassemblies were allowed t_
to the flight model environmental test specifi- reach an equilibrium temperature at --20 ° C
cations which are defined as follows: in a cold chamber and then moved directly to
a hot chamber at -_80 ° C and allowed to come
Sinusoidal Sweep Vibration Tests.--The tests
were conducted by sweeping the applied fre- to equilibrium_ The procedure was repeated
quency from the lowest to the highest frequency three times. Angular response curves were
once for each of three mutually perpendicular run before and after the temperature cycling
axes. The time rate of change of frequency to determine that no mechanical or optical
was four octaves per minute making each sweep changes or damage had occurred. Response
about 2.5 minutes duration for a total time of curves were also run before and after the
7.5 minutes on each subassembly. vibration and thermal-vacuum tests.

The specifications were as follows:

Nutation Damper
Vibration axis Frequency (cps) (peak O) Both the flight model and flight model spare
Thrust 5-50 1.5 nutation dampers were assembled and tested
50-500 7. 1
in the following manner:
500-2000 14
2000-3000 36 The nutation damper bellows were subjected
Lateral (each of two axes 5-50 0. 6 to a helium leak-rate test. No detectable leaks
perpendicular to thrust 50-500 1.4
were found in the bellows used in the flight and
axis and perpendicular 500-2000 2. 8
flight spare nutation dampers. After the
to each other). 2000-3000 11.3
bellows were leak-tested, the nutation damper
The subassemblies had to operate properly upper housing, end bells, and bellows were
before, during, and after the vibration tests assembled. The entire upper housing was
to be considered qualified. helium leak-tested after assembly of the end
Thermal-Vacuum Tests.--These tests were bells and bellows.
conducted as follows. The subassemblies were The nutation damper pendulum frequency
brought to an equilibrium temperature of was calculated using the measured spacecraft
--20°C at a vacuum of at least 10 -5 mm Hg moments of inertia and the anticipated spin
and were left at these conditions for 24 hours.
rate. The equations for the pendulum fre-
At the completion of this cold temperature quency are given in Chapter 2. The moments
soak, the temperature was raised to _50°C of inertia used for calculating the pendulum
with the vacuum maintained, and was held at
frequcncy were:
-]-50°C for 24 hours. The subassemblies were
required to operate properly before, during, and Axial moment of inertia, I--_24.54 slug-ft 2
after the thermal-vacuum tests to be considered Transverse moment of inertia, I_=17.30
qualified. slug-ft _
Transverse moment of inertia, Ib_--16.15
Detector Subassemblies slug-ft 2
The coarse pointing eyes, fine pointing eyes, The spin rate used for calculating the pendulum
fine readout eyes, spin eyes, pitch control eye,
frequency was:
and the pitch readout eye were tested to the
lr radians per second, or _/2rotation per second.
same vibration and thermal-vacuum test speci-
The flight model nutation damper specifications
fications as the electronic packages and were
further tested to a temperature shock specifica-
Radius of bob, 0.926 inches
tion. The reason for this was that, in general,
the detectors are relatively unprotected from Bob weight, 0.845 lbs
Diameter of wire, 0.024 inches
direct solar radiation and thus are subject to
rapid temperature changes as the spacecrafb Pendulum wire length, 3.08 inches

moves from orbit night to orbit day and vice Calculated tuning frequency, 2.04 cps


The flight spare nutation damper specifications this adjustment was made, the top pendulum
wer6: screw was locked with a jam screw and sealed
Radius of bob, 0.926 inches with C-7 epoxy.
Bob weight, 0.825 lb The bottom housing was oriented and as-
Diameter of wire, 0.024 inches sembled complete with caging piston and spring,
Pendulum wire length, 3.12 inches but without the squib block. The bottom
Calculated tuning frequency, 2.03 cps housing was then bolted to the upper housing.
Locktite was used to secure the bolts.
Calibration of the pendulum was accomplished The squib block was assembled and two
by suspending the pendulum from a special capstan nuts were adjusted for proper caging
optics bench fixture and adjusting the pendu- position. The squib block was mounted on the
lum length until the natural frequency of the damper and the damper was caged.
pendulum agreed with the calculated frequency. Prior to filling, the damper was carefully
This frequency adjustment was made by count- weighed. After filling, the damper was weighed
ing the frequency of interruption of a light beam again to assure that the damper was properly
by the pendulum with a photomultiplier tube. filled with oil, and the dampers were leak-tested
The output of the pbotomultiplier was compared once again with a helium leak detector.
with a standard frequency on a two-channel The nutation dampers were then connected
strip-chart recorder. Comparisons and adjust- to the filling system, illustrated by the schematic
ments were made until the bob frequency agreed of Figure 9-24 and vacuum-filled with Dow
with the calculated frequency. When the bob Corning 200, 30-centistoke silicone fluid. This
was calibrated, the mechanical adjustment was filling was done with hot, air-free oil in a vacuum
sealed with Locktite to prevent any frequency to avoid air being trapped inside the damper.
change under vibration or temperature extremes. The damper oilwas then cooled to --10°C to
Adjustment of the pendulum bob caging was complete the filling.After the dampers were
accomplished by screwing the bob wire into the filled, the fillingsystem was valved off. The
upper housing until the bob was nearlyrestricted dampers were then heated to 85°C to cause a
from swinging by the brass caging ring. When pressurerisewhich was absorbed by the bellows.



FIGURE 9-24.--Nutation filling system schematic.


The pressure
waslessthan 17 psi. If the pres- using the same method as was used on the proto-
sure in either damper had risen to over 20 psi, type spacecraft.
the bellows would have been judged defective.
Vibration Tests
Without the bellows the damper would have
burst with a slight temperature rise over the The flight model spacecraft was subjected to
--10°C filling tempelature. After the pressure input levels 50 percent less than those used for
test the dampers were again brought to a tem- the prototype spacecraft, and the test duration
perature of --10°C and sealed. Each tempera- was one-half of that used for the prototype
ture cycle was one hour in duration. model. The effective weights measured on the
Vibration test inputs for the nutation dam- prototype were used for the flight model
pers were programmed to correspond to data resonant-burning dwell tests. The flight model
taken from the azimuth casting accelerometer vibration tests went well. The first test was
during tile transverse axes prototype vibration repeated when a lead wire shorted. The lead
test. The duration of the tests were 5 minutes wire had been too tightly routed around a sharp
in each axis. The thrust axis vibration test was corner of a grounded component retainer clip.
of 8 minutes duration. Tile frequencies and The insulation had cold flowed, probably ac-
"g" levels are listed below: celerated by vibration, and shorted. The lead
wire was re-routed and the complete test series
Frequency (cps) (peak g)
was run with no failures.
5-40 2.5 The general concept of environmental testing
40-80 17. 5 is that the anticipated environmen'_ should be
80-100 8. 5
realistically simulated and that the level of
100-300 7. 05
300-3000 11. 25 simulation be increased by some safety factor
margin in order to gain confidence that any
After the vibration tests were completed, the equipment surviving the simulated conditions
nutation dampers were tested to determine that will survive in the actual environment.
the caging mechanism had held tile penulum The general impression of the series of vibra-
bob securely. The caging release squib actu- tion tests performed at Ball Brothers is that the
ators were then fired to cheek the proper opera- test specifications were unduly rigorous. Since
tion of the caging release mechanism. The as much time and money can be wasted in
squib block was then removed, cleaned, and testing to unreasonably rigorous specifications
replaced. The nutation dampers were painted as are wasted in testing to specifications that
with the spacecraft white paint used on most of are too mild, it is recommended that data be
the upper structure which faced away from the gathered from future flights with a view toward
sun in orbit. providing more realistic test specifications.
Thermal-vacuum tests were run with the
dampers at pressures lower than 10 -_ mm Hg Thermal-Vacuum Test
and temperatures of 0°C and S0°C. Each This test was performed to assure that the
temperature was maintained for 24 hours. No spacecraft would operate in the orbita,1 environ-
silicone fluid leakage occurred during the ment. Flight model test specifications required
thermal-vacuum tests. a minimum test duration of three days at 25°C
and a minimum test duration of three days at
Comprehensive System Test
0°C. Test specifications also required a vacuum
The flight model spacecraft was tested in of 10 -_ mm Hg, or less.
accordance with tim same format docuInented Throughout the test the spacecraft hub
test procedure used for the prototype system temperature, the spin table temperature, and
tests. Prior to performing the various tests the chamber thermal liner temperature were
necessary to qualify the ttight model, it was monitored to provide control data for main-
necessary to bahmce the spacecraft. The flight taining the specified temperature of the space-
model was 1)ahmced statically and dynamically craft. The control temperature sensor was the


@heelhub sensor. Temperatureandpressure If the OSO I spacecraft possessed a net dipole

readingswere recordedat least every hour moment, a magnetic torque would have to be
throughoutthe test. counteracted by torque from the gas jets.
Duringtheten-daytestthe vacuumchamber Rough calculationst indicated that the gas
pressurevariedfrom9X 10-6mmHg to 5X 10-_ expenditure would be tolerable if the net dipole
mm Hg. moment were less than 500 gauss-cm 3. There-
Final preparationfor the test beganon De- fore, it was necessary to determine the moments
cember4, 1961. The spacecraftwasmounted of the various magnet-containing parts of the
on the spintablein the thermal-vacuum cham- spacecraft and to add compensating magnets to
ber. The chamberwaspumpeddownto 10-5 reduce the net moment to an acceptable level.
mm Hg and returned to atmospheric pressure These tests were performed on Ball Brothers
to clean the spacecraft slip rings which were Magnetotropometer which is described in detail
conducting intermittently. Several chamber on page 246.
evacuations were made between December 5,
Calculation of Scale Factor
and December 8, while spacecraft problems
were being corrected. The high-temperature Referring to Figure 9-25, let
portion of the test started December 8, at 1730
and ended December 12 at 1200, for a total 0= deflection angle
r=inner radius
duration of three days, 18_ hours. On Decem-
R---- outer radius
ber 13, the cold cycle was started, but a return
to atmospheric pressure was necessary to change 2a-----length of chain
the bearings on the spin table. The low- W=weight per unit length of chain
temperature portion of the test started again T0=Tension in chain at lowest point
December 12 at 0800 with a pressure of 1 X 10 -6 2b =span of chain
mm Hg and a temperature of 0°C. This c= To/W
portion of the test continued until 1100 on
For a catenary chain with both ends at the same
December 18, for a test duration of three days,
altitude, we have
three hours, and 55 minutes.
On January 12, 1962, a short low-temperatm'e
thermal-vacuum test was made to test the spin a=sin
c (_) (9.11)
iet system. This test ran approx_nately one
day. From the figure, we determine that
Throughout the OSO I flight model thermal-
vacuum tests the spacecraft was operated con- (2b)2_--r2-_ - R2--2rR cos 0,

tinuously in simulated day-night orbiting cycles.

b=l/2(r2+R2--2rR cos 0) _/z (9.12)
Real-time data were recorded, and complete
playback records were made. Spacecraft day- A solution of Equations (9.11) and (9.12)for c is
night operation was controlled as explained desired. This pair of equations cannot be
previously. By controlling the small lamps solved analytically. However, b may be eval-
located inside the chamber, the light operated uated for known values of 0 and R and given
control subsystems were checked out. values of 0. Then, using these values of b
and the known value of a, Equation (9.11) and
Magnetic Compensation Tests a table of hyperbolic sines may be used to solve
for c. Then

To=wc=horizontal force at P in
Any object which possesses a magnetic dipole
moment tends to act like a compass. That is, the direction of the chain (9.13)
the earth's magnetic field exerts a torque on it
which causes it to tend to line up with the field. tBBRC TN 61-68.



A TTpACII-I#¢NT- / \ / _



FIGURE 9-25.--Geometry of magnetotropometer.

The tangential force at P is then, When L is calculated for several values of 0,

for 0440 °, L lies within 2 percent of 53.50
T= To sin a (9.14)
(when 0 is expressed in degrees).
Now, since the sine of the interior angle at P is The outside circumference of the tub, which
equal to sin a from the law of sines, we have carries the scale, is 383 cm. This gives 1.063
sin a sin 0 cm per degree. The scale factor, then, is 50.3
R 2b dyne-cm of torque per cm of scale deflection.
or Resolution
R sin 0
sins=-2--b-- (9.15) A lack of repeatability was shown from
experience to amount to + 0.4 cm deflection.
Combining Equations (9.13), (9.14), and (9.15) This may have been due to uneven loading,
results in hull warpage, or convection currents. In any
wcR sin 0 case, the small difference in repeatability
2b limited the useful resolution of the magneto-
tropometer to 20 dyne-cm torque.
The torque exerted on the inner ring by each
chain is Tr; so the total torque exerted by the Accuracy
three chains is The accuracy of the magnetotropometer
3wcrR sin 0 depended only on the accuracy with which its
L-- 2b (9.16) dimensions were measured. The error in each
measurement was estimated, and the error
For this instrument, the following values are that each could contribute to the magneto-
determined : tropometer reading at 30 ° deflection was calcu-
lated to be:
r = 1.07 cm Readingerror
R=62.50 cm Error (at 30°)
Measurement (percent) (percent)
2a=65.20 cm r ............. 3 2
w = 18.8 dyne-cm- 1 R ............ 0.5 5
2a ........... O. I 1
Therefore, we have w ............. 0.2 0.2

c By combining with these errors the 2 percent

L=1885 _ sin 0 (9.17) error introduced by using a linear scale, and by

assumingall errors to be random and inde- Torque .............. (16.0) (50.3) = 805
pendent,theoverallaccuracywasestimatedto dyne-cm
Torque .............. 0.1 NA i H
beabout6 percent. H = 0.229 gauss

Magnetk Field at Magnetotropometer

Compensating the Magnetic Moments
In order to determine the magnetic dipole The largest part of the magnetic moment of
moment of an object from the torque measured the spacecraft was due to the magnetically
on the magnetotropometer, it was necessary to focused photomultipher in the Goddard pointed
know the intensity of the horizontal component x-ray spectrometer. This moment was about
of the magnetic field at the magnetotropometer. 6200 gauss-cm 3 in the direction of the pitch
This field intensity "H" was measured by plac- axis. Therefore, the first step in compensation
was to mount the magnet structure from an
ing a coil of wire in the hull in a vertical plane,
identical photomultipher at one end of the sail,
and passing current through the coil to bring its
with its moment opposite to that of the spec-
plane parallel to the field. The results were as
trometer. All further measurements were made
with this compensating magnet considered as
part of the spectrograph.
Area of coil .......... NA=3.99(105) em 2
turns Measurements were made on each instru-
Current ............. i= 0.088 amperes ment which contained a magnet with the follow-
Scale deflection ....... 16.0 cm ing results:

Forward Right up

Goddard X-Ray Spectrograph (with compensating magnet)_ --83 358 454 gauss-era s
California Neutron Experiment ......................... Spinning Spinning --236
Upper Commutator ................................... 646 0 0
Alternate Pointed Experiment Commutator .............. o --646 0

Total ........................................... 563 --288 218

The moments of all other instruments were PRELAUNCH TESTING

After the completion of the balance checks
The magnitude of the total magnetic dipole
and a final comprehensive test, the flight model
moment was 670 gauss-cm 3. A permanent
magnet with a moment of 610 gauss-cm 3 was spacecraft, the prototype spacecraft, and all
made, and was mounted on the sail with its required ground support equipment were ship-
orientation opposite to the total moment of the ped to the launch site.
rest of the spacecraft. Considering the errors The prototype model spacecraft was placed
involved, the net magnetic dipole moment of the on the launch vehicle on the launching pad at
spacecraft was probably less than 200 gauss- the Atlantic Missile Range and RF compati-
cm 3.
bility checks were made. No problems were
The behavior of OSO I in orbit indicated that encountered. The flight model spacecraft was
the spacecraft had a net magnetic dipole given a final comprehensive operational check-
moment of about 800 gauss-cm 3 in the direction out at the launch site. No transportation
of the pitch axis. This moment produced a damage was found. The flight model space-
torque which caused the spin rate to vary craft was then given a preflight checkout and
sinusoidally. The amplitude of the variation delivered to the Douglas Aircraft Company
was 0.037 rps. Its period was 50 days, the balancing facility for third-stage and spacecraft
same as the period of the precession of the orbit assembly balancing. The third stage and
relative to the solar vector. spacecraft were then placed on the launch

vehicle and several preflight checks were run to Operational Fly-Over

provide assurance that the spacecraft continued Prior to the OS0 I launch, an operational
to be in a launch-readiness state. No problems test was performed to determine the compati-
were found during this period and after eight bility of the spacecraft communications system
days of delay due to vehicle problems, the with the Fort Myers tracking mission and the
spacecraft was successfully launched. data receiving mission. This ground station
is a typical Minitrack network station.
RF Compatibility Tests
The testing was performed by carring the OS0 I
Prior to the installation of the flight space- structural model extended below a helicopter
craft and third-stage rocket, IL dummy third as shown in Figure 9-26. During this fly-over,
stage and the prototype spacecraft were in- the spacecraft was transmitting normally as
stalled. The 5h1'01id was installed and R F though in orbit and was capable of receiving
compatibility checks were run. The object of command signals from the ground station. T h e
this testing was to insure that the spacecraft/ spacecraft radiated and received signals which
ground s t ation cornmiiriication loop was work- were attenuated by a 50-db pad to compensate
ing and was secure from other R F interference, for the 300:1 difference in the distances involved.
and that the spacecraft R F link did not inter- Another purpose of the fly-over test was to
fere with other R F links in use during the permit the receiving station personnel to become
launch activities. The payload compatibility familiar with the signal format and the com-
checks uncovered no problems in either mea. mand system operation. T h e test also de-
The testing was done in three phases. termined the extent of the problems which
1. With the tower in place with the space- niight occur in tracking the modulated carrier
craft in both lniinch and orbit conditions. of the spacecraft.
2 . With the tower in place with the payload This operational flight test at Fort Myers
in launch condition itrid with the shroud in
3. With the entire vehicle ctnd spacecraft
system in launcli condition with the tower
Preflight Tests

Preflight testing accomplished on the flight

spacecraft was to provide assurnnce of con-
tinued flight readiness. The preflight testing
was s9mewhat more rigorous than the quick-
look checks made during environmental testing,
but less rigorou3 than the comprehensive tests.
Input simulntion of radiation to be measured
or detected together with the proper output
response of the systems was the primary ob-
jective of this test procedure.
No problems were encountered during :?ny of
t'he preflight checkouts run on the flight
spacecraft. T h e preflight checkout was writ ten
into the Iniinch vehicle system coiintdown
cictivities. The test eq1iipment required was
the hpncecrtift rnriin control console, the set of
-* $*

nttaching instrunient checkotit fistures, rtnd

the several rtidint ion sowces used for instrument
checks. FIGURE
9-26.-Operational fly-over.

verifiedthe compatibilityof the groundstation dT

At thermal equilibrium drr mc=-O, and Equa-
equipmentandthe spacecraftequipment.
tion (9.18) reduces to
q_-qo (9.19)
Component Testing

Components were chosen on the basis of From the detailed analysis of Equation (9.18)
highest quality, commercial availability, and as applied to the OSO spacecraft, the need was
reliability proven by past history under rocket seen for surface preparations that would have
and spaceflight environmental conditions. An a/e ratios of about 1, 5, and as low as possible
incoming quality control inspection program to cool the solar-cell panel.
was instituted to measure the important electri- Ball Brothers Research Corporation con-
cal and mechanical parameters to assure that structed surface preparations with the follow-
only those components meeting the purchase ing characteristics:
specifications would be accepted.
Paint No. 80U:
Many components used in the control and
communications systems had to be of higher c_--_0.32 to 0.34
quality than was guaranteed by the routine
e=0.32 to 0.34
incoming inspection tests. Therefore, a selec-
tion criterion was established and only com- Paint No. 63W:
ponents that had measured parameters near
the average for that component were selected. a=0.2 to 0.25
to 0.3
Furthermore, those components handling large e=0.83 to 0.85
amounts of power were required to meet param-
eter specifications after being power-aged. Aluminum:
Each component test specification was derived
c_--_0.25 to 0.30|
from a knowledge of the importance of each
parameter in the actual circuit application. _=0.04 to 0.05J _----_5
All component selection was accomplished on
the basis of the requirements of the individual The 63W (white) and the 80U (flat) coating
system application in addition to the basic are enamel-like coatings developed for space-
component quality requirement. craft use. They had high thermal stability,
excellent resistance to ultraviolet damage,
Thermal Stability Tests high film flexibility, low evaporative loss in
The temperature of the spacecraft is depend- high vacuum, and known optical properties.
ent on the radiation heat balance between the When properly applied and cured, these coats
spacecraft and its surroundings and on the heat have excellent durability, water repeHency,
dissipated in the craft by such things as elec- and weatherability.
tronic gear. The rate of change of spacecraft The aluminum is mechanically polished
temperature is described by Equation (9.18): aluminum. These aluminum surfaces are the
plates on top and bottom of the spacecraft
dT¢---2-_ q'--q-° (9.18) body proper.
dr mc
where Optical Properties

T¢__ = temperature of spacecraft The 63W had total hemispherical emis-

r _ time sivity (e) of 0.83 to 0.85 and a normal solar
q_=lgE_summation of the heat energy absorptivity (a) of 0.20 to 0.25, giving an a/e
flow in ratio of about 0.3. The 80U had a total
q0_--ZE0=summation of the heat energy hemispherical emissivity of 0.32 and a normal
flow out solar absorptivity of 0.32 to 0.34, giving an a/_
mc=heat capacity of the spacecraft ratio of about 1. Since (_) is a surface property


TO VACUUM PUMPS ._--__ _..


, ./_ STEEL OR




FROM 76:K TO 340°K


FIGURE 9-27.--Hemispherical emissivity fixture.

and would change with serious resin evapo-

ration the (0 was monitored very carefully
for 88 hours in vacuum (4X10 -6 mm Hg).
No change was measured.
The total hemispherical emissivity was deter- 76:K
mined on an apparatus (Figure 9-27) using
cylinder-cylinder geometry based on the Chris-
tiansen equation.$ FIGURE 9-28.--Radiometer.

rT'-- T 4_ (9.20) when the sample has reached a steady-state
q--,o+_,(1--_o)A,/Ao _ _ 'J
temperature, where

The a0/e ratio was determined in the apparatus So =solar constant

shown in Figure 9-28. This apparatus was a----Stefan-Boltzmann constant
based on Equation (9.19) as applied to a thin /"2 = temperature of the sample
disk geometry: ao ----solar absorptivity
qo:q_ (9.19) e----total hemispherical emissivity
2_'r2er(T_--T_)=So_r%_o (9.21) The vacuum weight losses of the various
enamels were determined to evaluate their
With the outer wall at 76°K, Equation (9.21) possible influence on the ultraviolet equipment
reduces to on the spacecraft. Figures 9-29 through 9-32
show the weight loss per unit area and total
T_= i ,_()
,_ '_o _ (9.22)
, weight loss in vacuum for 63W and 80U.
The coatings were exposed to an Osram
C. Christi'tns,,n, Ann. d. Phys. U. Chem., Vol. 19,
p. 267, 1883. HBO-500 Hg lamp in air at three times solar



ALL SAMPLES 15 CM ' 15 CM _020 IN (5 _ l0 -6 mm Hg) (5 • 10 -6 mm Hg)

r TSA.PLE2 1_c I I
SAMPLE 12 100_C


I .....

SAMPLE 8 100_C
SAMPLE 4 100"C
f I
__._...---- SAMPLE 31 _C

0 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 100 125 150


FIGURE 9-29.--Weight loss per unit area in vacuum of FIGURE 9-31.--Weight loss per unit area in vacuum of
BBRC point 63W. BBRC point 80U.



SURFACE AREA: 450 CM 2 (5 x m Rg)
ALL SAMPLES 15 CM x 15 CM xQ02 IN (5 x I0 "6 mm Hg)



• 08

I: SAMPLE 12 100"C
! i

. I p !

i i i .
"_. 03

: [ SA.PLE. _0_ I _

i i . i ..

0 25 50 75 I00 125 150 175 (I

_r, 51) "/h UII} I 2_, [ NI 175


FIGURE 9--30.--Weight loss in vacuum of BBRC FIGURE 9-32.--Weight loss in vacuum of BBRC
point 63W. point 80U.

intensity for about 500 hours. (The quartz prepared as if to paint, up to the point where an
envelope of the lamp cuts out wavelengths organic type primer was used. Aluminum
less than about 0.2 p. There was no visible alloys were prepared per MIL-C-5541 (for
evidence of discoloration even on the white example, the Okite process), and were then
(63W), but there was some slight mud-cracking either chromacoated or primed per MIL-C-
of the surface, too slight to seriously influence 15328A before final coatings were applied.
the temperature of the spacecraft. Excellent film flow in spraying was obtained by
thinning slightly with Butyl Cello-solve.
Application of Coatings Air dry produced a Sward hardness of about
The coatings were applied over most clean 10 and after a minhnmn bake of 30 minutes at

metallic surfaces by spraying, flow coating, 400°F gave a maximum hardness of about 25.
brushing, or dipping. A clean (degreased) For any future applications for use above 350°F
surface with all loose particles removed was it is recon_nended that an additional bake-out

necessary for optimum film adhesions. How- of 15 minutes at 480°F be used to reduce the
ever, for hard service the metal surfaces were thermoplasticity or tack. If applications are


not for long-time use in ultraviolet, the addition support combustion. Other samples were im-
of Octasol cobalt drier will lower the thermo- mersed in liquid nitrogen with no noticeable
plasticity. change. Two samples were exposed to outdoor
Samples of the enamel formulation were put environmental conditions for nearly seven
on/_/_8-inch-thick 2024 aluminum. An acetylene months. The samples were in direct sunlight
torch was applied to the unpainted side. The and facing south. No noticeable change in
aluminum substrate melted away leaving a properties was observed. The surfaces re-
paint film free-standing. The paint did not mained remarkably clean of contamination.



The following antenna patterns were recorded on the Ball Brothers Research Corporation
antenna range. There are 18 transmitter patterns and three principal-plane receiver patterns.

60 °
300 °

llO °
250 °

240 °

230 °

220 °


170 °

_' = 0"

Polarization: EO x E_ x

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-l.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 1.


0 = +90 °
0° ]0 °
350 °

30 °

40 °
320 °

80 °
300 °

70 °
290 °

80 °
280 °

270 °

[10 °
250 °

220 °

2]0 °

160 °
200 °
200 °
100 _
170 ° 180_ 190 °

0 = -90° _=0 °

Polarization E0 x_ E_ x

Curve Plotted in: Voltase

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-2.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 2.


0 = +90 °
350 _ 0° lO °
10 ° 350 _
340 °

30 °
30 °

50 o
310 °

270 °

I10 °

240 c
120 240 °

230 °

220 _ ,0 °
220 Q

210 °
I 0 °
160° 200 °
° 180' zgo"
9 = -90" ¢, = 10"
Polarization E0 x E_b x

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-3.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 3.


350 °
340 °

320 °

300 °

290 °

280 ° 80 °

-10--20 30--4(
270 _

100 °

110 °
250 °

° ,0°
240 °

30 °
130 230 °

220 °

150 210 °

200 °
160 ° 200 °

170 ° 180° 190 °

0 = -90 ° = 20

Polarization E9 x E_ x

Curve Plotted in: VoltaGe

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGUnE A-4.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 4.


(] = +90"
0° lO °
350 °

270 °


240 °

210 °

200 c
160 °

17o ° ].80 ° lso °

0 = -90" ,_ = 30

Polarization EO x E_ x

Curve plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-5.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 5.

782-552 O--66_19

340 °

40 °

50 °

80 °
280 °

90 c

llO °
250 °

240 o

230 o

220¢ 220 a

210 °

200 °


¢ = 40 °

Polarization: E8 x E¢ x

Curves Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-6.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 6.


9 = +90"

330 30 °

310 °


270 °

100 °

110 250 _

120 240 °

230 °

210 °

200 C _Do
160 200 °

170 _ 180 ° 190 °

0 =- 90" _ = 50"

Polarization: E6 x_ E_ x_

Corves Plotted in: Volta_

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-7.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 7.


9 = +90 °
350 ° 0 ° 10°
10 ° 350 °
340 °
330 30 °
30 °

40 °
320 °

310 °

60 °
300 °

70 °
290 °

80 °

270 °

110 °
110 250 °

120 240 °

230 , .30 °
230 °


210 °

o 180° 190 °

9 = -90 ° ¢ =60 °

Polarization: E0 x E¢ x

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-8.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 8.


0 = ÷90 °
_: 0° 1o
350 Q
340 °


310 °


100 °

.10 °
110 250 °

240 °

30 °
230 °

220 °

° 180° zgo
0 = -90 ° = 70 °

Polarization: E0 x_ E¢ x_

Curve Plotted in: Vole.e_

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-9.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 9.


0 = +90 °

o 0 ° 100°o Isotropic

30 °
30 °

40 °
320 °

60 °
300 °

70 °
290 °

80 °
280 °

90°0=0 °
270 °

O0 °
!60 o

I10 °
250 °

!0 °
240 o

230 , 230 o

,0 °
220 °

210 °

200: 2o
160° 200 °
190 _
° 180° 190 °

0 = -90 ° ¢ = 80 °

Polarization: EO x E¢ x

Curves Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-10.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 10.


30 °
30 °

40 °

270 •


10 °
11o 2s0 °


1.30 230 °

220 °

210 °

200 _ 0 o
160' 200 °

° 180° 190 °

9 = -90" ¢ = 28o.
Polarization: EO _. F__ .X_

Curve Plotted in: VoRa_e

Remarks: Arms tip

FIGURE A-11.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 11.


G = +90 °
0° )ic
340 °

30 _
330 °

40 °

60 °
300 °

o 70 °
290 290 °
70 _

80 °
280 °

270 _

O0 °

250 °

i20 °
240 o

30 °
230 o

21o °

160 °
200 °
° 180° 10o
0 = -90° (h = 290"

Polarization: E9 x E¢0 X

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-12.--Transmittcr frequency antenna pattern No. 12.


340 °

330 30 °
330 °


270 °



240 o

230 °

220 °

210 °

160 ° 200 °
17o" 180° 29o°
O = -90" = 300 °

Polarization: E0 x E¢ X

Curve Plotted in: Volta_

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-13.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 13.


0 = +90"
350 0° 10°

40 °

50 °
310 °

60 °
300 °

290° 70 °
290 °

80 °
280 °

270 °

llO °
11o 250 o

120 240 •

30 °
230 o

220 °

21 210o

200 ° 0 °
160 ° 20Q °

° 180° 1soo
0 = -90 ° _ = 310"

Polarization: EO x E_ x
Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-14.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 14.


0 = +90"

$0 °


220 °

170 ° 180 ° 190°

9 = -90" _ = 320"

Polarization: EO _X_ E_ .X_

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-15.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 15.


340 °
20 °


320 °

50 °
310 ° 310 °

70 °
290 °

280 °

250 °

240 °

230 °

220 °

210 °

,o o
200 °

° 180° 19o
0 = -90" _ = 330"

Polarization: EO X E_ X

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-16.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 16.



30 °

50 o
310 =

270 o

110 250 °

240 °

230 o

220 o

210 °

0 o
200 °

170 ° ]._0 ° 190 °

0 = -90 ° _ = 340"

Polarization: E8 x_ E_ x_

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-17.--Transmitter frequency antenna pattern No. 17.


9 = +90"
0 ° 10 °
350 °
340 ¢

110 °
250 °

12C 240 o

220 °

160 °
200 °

170 ° 180° 190 °

0 = -90" = 350"

Polarization: E9 x_ E¢ x_

Curve Plotted in: Voltage

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-18.--Transmitter frequency a_ltenna pattern No. 18.


: 270"


170 ° 180 ° 190 °

= 90" e =0"
Polarization EO x E_ x

Curves plotted in: Volta__

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-19.--Receiver frequency antenna pattern No. 1.


340 °

270 °

110 °
250c 250 e

240 °

230 °

220 °

210 °


170 ° 180° 190 °

e = -90 °
_----0 e

Polarization: EO x E_ x_
Curves Plotted in.:-Volta__
Remarks: Arms up

FIGURE A-20.--Receiver frequency antenna pattern No. 2.


90 °
270 o

110 110e
_0 °

240 °

30 °
230 °

210 °


0 = -90" _, = 90"

Pola_ization: E0 x E_ x

Curve Plotted in:

Remarks: Arms Up

FIGURE A-21.--Reeeiver frequency antenna pattern No. 3.

782-552 0--66------20


The following curves indicate the results accomplished by the passive temperature control





100 200 300 400 500 600 700 8OO 900 1000

FIGURE B-l.--Battery No. 1 temperature monitor, channel 2.






-10 00

FIGURE B-2.--Battery No. 2 temperature monitor, channel 3.





-10 i
0 0 5C 0 70O 80O 9_ _0 1000
FIGURE B-3.--Battery No. 3 temperature monitor, channel 4.




+20- +20-

+I0" _+i0-
J _f

_ 0 0-


-10 -10
0 100 200 300 400 0 I00 200 300 400

FIGURE B-4.--Battery No. 5 temperature monitor, FIGURE B-5.--Battery No. 6 temperature monitor,
charnel 27. channel 28.




o +20

o +20


f_ +i0


0 100 200 300 500
100 200 300 400
FIGURE B-8.--Bottom skin temperature monitor,
channel 24.
FIGURE B-6.--Battery No. 7 temperature monitor
channel 29.




- +20 +30




[., 0

100 400 0 100 200 300 400 500

FIGURE B-7.--Top skin temperature monitor, chan- FIGURE B-9.--Rim temperature monitor, channel 15.
nel 14.


' *30 +40]


C.) P
O +20



100 2(0 300 0 I00 200 300 400

FIGURE B-10.--Hub temperature monitor, channel 26. FIGURE B-11.--Tape recorder No. 1 temperature
monitor, channel 10.





0 i00 200 300

FIGURE B-12.--Transmitter temperature monitor,

channel 30.







0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 9( _0 1000

FIGURE B-13.--Azimuth casting temperature monitor, channel 47.


_9 +30




}0 300 400 500 600 7 _0 900 1000

FIGURE B-14.--Power amplifiertemperature monitor, channel 51.



L) i-

F_ E
0 I00 }0 300 400 500 600 700 800 9C0 I000

FIGURE B-lS.--Linear amplifier temperature monitor, channel 50.


! I l

t i
+40 i ' !
i I
, !
L) +30- i

+20- i '
! ! , i I
' 1
[.., I t

0 I_)0 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000

FIGURE B--16.--Goddard pointed instrument temperature monitor, channel 48.












0 160 260 300 450 500 66o 760 800 900 1000

FIGURE B-17.--OSO I solar cell temperature monitor, channels 33 and 42.

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