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Volume 17, No. 14 Narberth, Pa., January 9, 1931 Price, Five Cents
-. ---------_.---_.. _--------------------
, Mulieres to Conduct Annual Meeting of On Board of Mont. Co. Braslau to Sing in
Membership Drive Federation Tuesday Children's Aid Society
Ardmore on Monday
.. Three Weeks' Campaign Is for Kenneth L. M. Pray to Speak on
Benefit of Narberth ~Sodal Work in Time
Mrs. Fletcher \V. Stites, of Nar-
berth, and Mr. J. Bruce Byall, of Bryn
Mawr Avenue, Penn Valley, were re-
Recital at Senior High Inaugu-
rates Community Concert
Fire Company. of Crises.' elected to the Board of the 1\'Iontgom-
ery County Children's Aid Society at
on Monday at Norristown.
A three weeks' membership drive for Kenneth L. M. Pray will be the In the year's report, which will be An artist of international renown,
the benefit of the Narberth Fire Com- speaker at the annual meeting of the published shortly, the County Secre- Sophie Braslau, contralto, will give a
pany was planned by the Mulieres Main Line Federation of Churches to
tary outlined the services rendered by concert recital at the Lower Merion
Auxiliary of the Fire Company at their be held on Tuesday evening, January
meeting on Monday afternoon. It will 13, at the Ardmore \"'oman's Club, the society in 1930. The one hundred Senior High School on lIonday eve-
be conducted under the leadership of Ardmore Avenue, Ardmore. and forty-nine new applications that ning at 8.15. The concert, sponsored
Mrs. Frederick A. Egmore and Mrs. Mr. Pray, a resident of Narberth were received this year involved the by the l\f ain Line Community Con-
William Sibley. and president of the Borough School welfare of 359 children. In some cases cert Association, which was organized
"Do you know," said one of the Board, is director of the Pennsylvania advice only was given, or applications
last spring, is the first of three con-
Mulieres, "that the Narberth Fire School for Social and Health 'Nork were referred to proper family agen-
certs to be givcn under its auspices on
Company has active firemen who vol- in Philadelphia. His subject will be cies. The Children's Aid Society tries
unteer their service to protect your "Social \"lork in Times of Crises." first of all to keep homes together, and the Main Line this season.
home and family and who are ready An election of officers and reading childrcn are only removed as a last The program will include selections
to respond at any time during the day of annual reports will also take place. resort. from Handel, Rachmaninoff, Beet-
or night, when a devastating fire The president of the Federation, the hoven, a group of Negro spirituals,
Thirty-six children were received
threatens your home? Rev. \Villiam M. Kieffer, of the Llan- and others.
for care in 1930, while 37 were dis-
Possessed of a voice of uncommon
"By joining this organization of the erch Presbyterinn Church, will pre- charged to relatives or themselves.
range and flexibility, Miss Braslau
:-.larberth Fire Company, to which side. Two entered Pennhurst State Institu-
sings with perfect diction in her nativc
every householder should belong, you tion for the Feebleminded at Spring
English, French, German, Italian,
not only will help in the necessary Stockholders Meet Tuesday City.
Spanish, Russian and Hebrew. Somc
overhead expenses of the company, but Contrary to a news item published of her songs in ancient Hebrew have
you will also save money on your Firc in last week's issuc, the annual stock- Plan Sauer Kraut Luncheon bcen acclaimed the most remarkable
Insurance by having an adequately holders' meeting of the Narberth Na- .\ ~allf'r l(raut hnche011 will be held things she docs. ,•
equipped company." , tional Balik will be held Tuesday, Ja;I-1 at t'he Holy Trinity Cutherall Church Miss Brasfau was born and edu-
Last year a big benefit was given uary 13, at 5 P. M. and not today. social room at 12 noon on January 22. cated in New York City. Her parents,
and most of the people responded Iib- The mistake occurred in copying the Reservations may be made with Mrs. both of Russian birth, cncouraged her
crally. This year the Mulieres do not date from the legal notice in another ll\[urra y , whose telephone number is musical tendencies through sound edu-
want to have a benefit but would like part of the paper, which was correct. Narberth 3895-M. cation. Her operatic dcbut at the
to have the residents of the Borough Metropolitan, made on exceedingly
become contributing members at the short notice with a difficult rolc, was
cost of three dollars a year, which will
give ample protection. Of course, every
Prompt Action of Nine-Year-Old Boy Saves hailed by music critics. Her success in
the concert field, both in this country
resident does not have to become a Little Girl From Drowning in Lakeview Pond and abroad, has been phenomenal,
The prompt and brave action of a
Community Club to young boy saved a little girl from In Select Tag List
death by drowning in Narberth last Several Main Liners are again in-
Meet Tuesday Afternoon Friday afternoon.
cluded in the select list of automobile
The scene of the near tragedy was
The first regular meeting in the new license plates under 100, according to
the pond in front of the Lakeview
year of the \\' oman's Community Club an announcement from Harrisburg
Apartments at \lVindsor and Wynne-
will be held on Tucsday aftcrnoon at
wood Avenues. The little girl, Betty this wcek. They are W. W. Atter-
2 o'clock in Elm HaU. The first hour
Jane Anderson, seven-year-old daugh- bury, Radnor,S and 55; W. Freeland
of this meeting will be devoted to open
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Ander- Kendrick, Overbrook, 27; Lewis Neil.
discussion of the futurc housing plans
son, of 95 \Vindsor Avenue, was play-
of the club. Later there will be a mu- son, St. Davids, 30; George D. Ogden,
ing around the pond about four o'clock
sical program under the direction of Ithan, 36; George W. Woodruff, Ber-
when the ice gave way, plunging hcr
l\frs. J. Fred Kuebler, Jr., chairman wyn, 43; Mrs. Fannie G. Dixon, Hav-
into several feet of water.
of the l\fusic Departmcnt. Mrs. A. E.
Davis and Mrs. E. A. Lane will be at Bhe had gone down twice when crford, 46; Samuel M. Vauc1ain, Rose-
the tea table. Jack Borden, aged nine, saw her pre- mont, 66; Alba B. Johnson, Rosemont,
On January 20 the club will hold dicament, and wcnt to her rescue. 74; E. S. Reuss, Jr., Merion, 75.
another card party. Mrs. L. \V. Mel- Though clad in a heavy coat Jack
Fletcher W. Stites, of Narberth, it is
cher and Mrs. ,"V. R. Knauer are the plunged into the icy watcr and man-
aged to drag Betty ashore. expected, will receive tags 1931 as he
chairmen and reservations may be
Both of the youngsters were weU has had the year since 1915.
made with them.
chilled by the experience and while
Jack's mother, Mrs. John A. Borden, Hear of Camp Life
Discuss Club Policies of 15 Windsor Avenue, was -looking Vincent Pearce, an instructor in the
A discussion of plans and policies after him, another neighbor, Mrs. Lower Merion High School, gave an
for the coming year featured the meet- Henry A. Smith, of 21 Windsor Ave- informal talk on camp life to the mem-
ing Monday night of the Bala-Cyn- nue, took charge of Betty, putting her bers of the Sub-Junior Department of
wyd-Narberth Rotary Club, held at to bed and getting her electric warm- BETTY JANE ANDERSON the \"lomen's C0l11j11unity Club of Nar-
the Cynwyd Club. ing pads and hot drinks.
seyen·year·old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. berth at their regular meeting on Mon-
A fuU discussion of programs and Fortunately neither of them suffered
Fred A. Anderson, of 95 Windsor Ay,;· day evening which was held in Elm
speakers' topics was entered into by any ,iU effects from the accident and 'Jue, Narberth, who was SaYed from Hall. Mr. Pearce was enthusiasticaUy
the club membership, together with both returned to school on Monday. drowning last Friday afternoon when she received by a large audience, who at-
plans for membership and publicity. Jack is a pupil at St. Margaret's fell through the ice on the pond by the
Lakel'iew Apartments, Narberth, by the tcnded in spi te of the very stormy
The president, William H. Decker, School, and Betty is a second grade
prompt and heroic action of Jack Borden, weather. Miss Dorothy Scadding was
was in the chair. pupil in the Narberth Public School. aged nine. the hostess.
January 9, 1931
Page Two
_--- •.._--_._--- _... _- --_ -- .... _--
... ~-- ...
I 7:00 P. M.-Junior Endeavor. meet-

ing, Miss Furber, supermtend-

For Your Next
For Detter Clellnlnll:. Dyeln~ lind
Prellllln~ Ser"lee:
DANCE e h urch N otes
7:00 P. M.-Intermediatc Endeavor
meeting, Miss Dcmpstcr, super-
J. Alman
105 Essex Avenue
FUlUUEU. BILL DOTHARD'S ~ .-l III in ten dent.
MUSIC 7:-15 P. M.-Evening worship. Ser-
We Deliver-Call Narberth 2564 Narberth 2448 Methodist Episcopal Church I
mon tl leme: "H'd
I. W'th
I Christ"
• Rev. Samuel MacAdams, Ministcr. I A post-c~mmul11on sert?on..
Sunday, January 11: Tucsday cvenll1g-Conl1:nUl11ty ~Iblc

9'45 A. M.-Sunday School. Class, MIss Harmon.

Sign of the You Are Invited . . ' \Vednesday evenll1g-Prayer meet-
Best Meats II :00 A. M.-l\~~rl11ng worshIp . ~,nd ! ing. Subject: "Answered Praycr."
, ' ~... to Open a sermon: fhe Carc of Souls. ! On Sunday evening, January 18, the
Charge Accormt 6:45 ~. M.-Ep\Y0rth League devo-j service will bc in chargc of thc mcn
SAVING tlOnal mcctm.g. . of thc church. They have sccured as
~., I
7:45 P. M.-E,~el1lng worshIp _~,nd the. speaker for thc cvening Profcssor
sermon: Can vVc Sec God: I
Kribs, of thc University of Pcnnsyl-
Tucsday, January 13: vania
money interests most of us these days. If you like 8:00 P. l\L-Mceting of the Standard I' .
to pay moderate prices for the best meats obtainable, Bearers at thc homc of Miss • •
Kathryn Heydler, 105 :o.Icrion To Address Christian Endeavor
you'll like to deal at Bradley's. This week-end our Avcnuc.. . ,I,
Georgc Lowe, financc chairman of
specials include: 8 :00 P .. M.-~I eet1!lg of the Ladlcs thc Statc Christian Endeavor Union,
AId SocIety 111 the church par-I will talk to the Narbcrth C. E. 50-
Rib Roast of Beef (thick end), lb. 20c lor. cietv Sunday at 6 :45 o'clock. ~lr.
Delicious Pork Roast or Chops, lb. 25c Wednesday, .J anuary 14: . . Lo\ve is prominent all over the State
4:00 P. M.-Meetll1g of thc Kmg s as a young man who can interest
Heralds at the home of Mrs. c.\ young people by his inspiring speeches.
nueM' d I'
E. Edwards, 507 Dudlcy AVc- A hearty welcome awaits all who at-

Rittenhouse 7070 '.(10 P . . - 1)rayer mce t"II1g IJ1 tl lC ten t lIS mcetmg. _

CMarket CO. Deliveries Twice Daily, City

church parlor.
Thursday, January 15: I First
l •
Church of Christ, Screnttst
Line to liaverford
2:30 P. M.-l\~ce.ting of thc. \VO!l1an's Atlwlls &. Lillwood Aves .. Ardmore
Home ~llsSlonary Soclcty 111 the
church parlor.
Reading Rooll1, 19 v\' est Lancaster
A VCIIUC, open dailv, 10 :30 A. M. to
Sunday, Janu~ry 18:. . -1:30 P.:\1. \Vedncsda\' e\·enings. 9:15
No Char~e is Made for the
7 :45 P. l"L-Communlty servIce With to 9 :-15. .
Rufus Jones as thc speakcr. Sunda\' ser\'kes, 11 A. M. and 8
Thursday, January 22: P. ~1. .
Use of Funeral Parlors 6:00 P. M.-Saucr . kraut
C;dr thc ausplccs of the ~[cn S
st1pp~r Sunda\' School, 11 A. ~I.
The subject for the Biblc lesson-scr-

U J. mOil for Sunday: "Sacrament."

They <Ire PI'II\ idcll 1'01' the convenience
of those we ,,('rvl', hut the accommodation Baptist Chllrch of the Evangel Christian Science Topic
does not in any W3)' ilWI'C3Se funeral cost. Sunday, January 11: "Sacrament" is the subject of thc
9:45 A. 11.-Session of the Church Lesson-Sermon to be read in all
School. Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday,
OLIVER H. BAIR CO. i l l :00 A. )'1.--11Iorning worship. Ser- January 11. The Golden Text is, "The
bread of God is he which cometh down
mon: "The Function of God."
7 :00 P. M.-The Young People's from heaven, and giveth-Iifc unto the
FlJNERAL DlHECTORS Hour. The pastor is leading the world" (John 6:33).
1 U:::O Chc,slllut Htre... young people in a study of the Among thc citations from the Bible
RITtenhousc' 1581
.. _--_.- .. ._-
;; :--
Bible as literature.
7:-15 P. M.-Evening worship. Scr-
mon: "Thc Impercipient." A
is thc following: "I am the living
bread 'which came down from heaven:
if any man cat of this bread, he shall
study of the poem by Thomas live forever: and the hrcad that I will
= 11ardy. The sccond prescnta- givc is my flesh, which I will give for
Dry Cleaning tion of the case for those out-
side the church.
Wednesday, January 14, 8 P. M.-
the life of the world" (John 6:51).
Thc Lesson-Sermon also includcs
passagcs from the Christian Science
by the Prayer servicc. Continuing our prcs- textbook. "Sciencc and Hcalth with
cntation of thc Baptist work through- Key to thc Scripturcs," bv Mary Bakcr
ZORIC PROCESS out the world wc show moving pic-
tures of the Shanghai Baptist College.
Eddy. one of which rcads: "If all who
ever partook of the sacrament had
Next Sunday cvening, January 18, at really commcmorated the sufferings of
7 :45 o'clock, in the Methodist Church, J csus and drunk of his cup, they would
wc hold another of the community have rcvolutionized the world. His
services. The speaker is Dr. Rufus truc flesh and blood wcre his Life; and
M. Jones, of Haverford College. they truly eat his flesh and drink his
blood. who partake of that divine Lifc"
1 Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
r Rcv. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor. Miss Clara E. Knipe
Sunday, January 11: W'll W ed S • H • H'rg. h J r.
I 9:30 A. M.-Bible School. r
11 :00 A. )'l,-The morning service. The marriage of Miss Clara Eliza-.
Theme: "The Greatest Differ- beth Knipc, daughtcr of Dr. and Mrs.
ence." The fourth ill "The Lit- Norman L. Knipe, of Baird Road,
I 1
tie Gospel" series. ~ferion, and Mr. Samuel H. High, Jr"
6:45 P. M.-Luther League. son of Mr. Samuel H. High and the
7 :45 P. M.-Gospel song servicc. late Mrs. High, of Horsham, 1'a., will
I Thcme: "Two Places to :o.lect' take place on February 11 at 6:30
I God." ! P. M. at the Lutheran Church of thc
I Tuesday, 8 P. :o.L-Luther Leaguc· Incarnation, Philadelphia. Dr. Nathan
\ i business meeting at the home of Julia S. Melhorn, assisted by Dr. William
'Robison, 503 Dudley Avcnuc. Hudnut, of Johnson, Ohio, will per-
\Vednesday-4:1S P. M., confirma- form the cercmony.
" .
tion class; 7 :30 1'. M., choir rehearsal. Miss J oscphine Cook, of Merion.
Thursday, 7 P. :\>I.-Prc-confirma- will be the maid of honor and the
tion class. bridcsmaids will include Miss Sara
Friday, 7:30 P. :\>1.-0rchestra re-I Elizabeth High, sister of thc bride-
hearsal. I
groom; Miss Mary Hamilton, of Ard·
,more; Miss Miriam Lobb, of Wayne;
A View in ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY I Th P b t . Ch h ; ~fiss Mary F. Klaer, Miss Evelyn Bit-
I e res y erran urc . ncr, of Pittsburgh, and Miss Eleanor
Showing our Dry Cleaning System
No odor in your garments. Men's Suits and Coats
most carefully pressed after cleaning. Ladies'
Rc\'. John Van Ness. M. A., Minister. Davy, of '\Vinchester, Mass.
Meetings for January 11: Mr. Gilbert P. High, brother of the
9:45 A. M.-Bible School. ]'Ilr. F. M. bride!{room, will act as best man and
Robb, supcrintcndent. included among the ushers are Mr.
Gowns beautifully finished by experts. 111 :00 A. M.-Morning worship. Com- Norman L. Knipe and Mr. James
munion meditation by the pastor, Knipe, hrothers of the bride; Mr. John
Garnlcnts Slay Clean Longer When Dry Cleaned By the "And He took the cup." This P. Young, Mr. George C. Deniston,
ZORIC PROCESS will be followed by thc sacra- Mr. Charles Howard, of Aberdeen,
ment of baptism, the public I:;' D., and Mr. Carlton Woodring.
Plto"c ARDMORE 175 or 32iO reception of new members and ~ A reception following the ceremony
; the Holy Communion. I will be held at thc 1\1 erion Trihute

ST. MARY'S LAUNDRY" Inc. ,III :00 A. :\1.-Junior Church, dirccted I House.
1'1 by Mrs. A. S. Digby and Mrs. i Upon their rcturn from a wed,ling
H. A. Smith. i trip ll1r. High and his bride will n'sidc

Exclusive Laull d erers all d D ry Cl ea1'lers i 6:45 P. M.-Scnior Endeavor mect- 'I in Jenkintown. They will he at home
.'1' iIlg, John H avlick, president. after May 1.
l!___ -.-

January 9, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Three
,. Coming to Main Line
- I

You Are Cordially Invited to

Hear an Organ Recital by
Dr. Rollo Maitland
Do It Now!
And a Religious Address hy
-or, better still, let us do it! We refer to our uCheck
Gordon Robertson
Chart Grease Rite" system for giving a complete, correct
Returned from ACrien
, And to See a Motion Picture lubrication of the entire chassis and mo~or of every Ameri.
USIMBA" can.built passenger car. Our price, you know, is only
At the Seville Theatre, Lancaster Ave.,

Bryn Mawr, On Sunday Afternoon,
January II, at 4 o'Clock
An Evan~c1istic Meeting We'll Gladly Call for and Deliver Your Car
Everybody Welcome-Admission Free
e 'ro ever~'OI1C ]lre~ent \vill be given Just Call Narbel,th 2229
free a 1lleture or an incident in the
{,ICe of ChrlHl.

Service Station
e. R. Roy Kessinger, Mgr.

EDMUND LOWE dnd Narherth Avenue at

SOPHIE BRASLAU Montgomery Pike
"SCOTLAND YARD" fdmed contrdlto, who will appedr in are·
citdl dt the Lower Merion Senior High 'l't'XU1'U (~nH IInci OliN, )i'lrcNtollc
School, Ardmore, on MOllday night in the '1'lr~Nt011 ....·lItt~rH, Pr.'stoue. 'Veed
first cOllcert of the Mdin Line Community TEXACO
CERTIFIED ChnhlH. Phlt~'N 'Vlnt .... rfrollt",.
COllcert A ssocidtion.
~ext l\loncln~' mad Tuelldny SERVICE .\h·uhol nnd {~h·t.'..~rIJle


Narberth T heatre Notes
---_. __
.. ----_ ..
:\11 sorts of thrills and clever sleuth-
e \\'")· nnll 'I'bursdll)'
ing go to makc "Scotland Yard" an
interesting picture. \\lith Edmund Jeddo-Highland
RONALD COLMAN in Lowc and J o<ln Bennctt in it, the film

is playing at the Narbcrth Theatre
this Friday and Saturday, In addi·
tion, there arc several entertaining
short features on thc program.
Singing supcrbly, Ramon N ovarro RICE COAL
EGYPTIAN plays a pleasing part in "Call of thc

Show Shop of the Main Line

Flesh," thc drama coming to l\' arberth
next ~londay and Tuesday. $6.75 (Cash Price)
Ronald Colman has a charactcriza-
tion that fits him like a glove, in "Raf- To those who have automatic stokers such as the Electric Fumace
Now-WILLIAM HAINES flcs," thc Narherth's feature next Man or the Motor Stoker, it will come as good news to learn that
\,' cdncsday and Thursday. Based on rice size is just as efficient as buckwheat, when used in these stokers, I'
"REMOTE CONTROL" thc famcd novcl and stag-e melodrama, at a saving of $1.00 per 2000·lb. unit.
-11,.11'0 drnlnn-c·oJlIt-d)·- the cinema's cast includcs Kay Fran-
cis. Good entertainmcnt. Many have already made this change to their complete satisfaction I
"Our Gdllg"-"P,cps Is Preps" so when your present supply of buckwheat is exhausted, order rice:
size Jeddo-Highland, A slight ail' adjustment is necessary on the
Seed illon"n~' IllUI 'I'neHlln,' Egyptian Theatre News stoker to effect this change, which we will make without any charge.
.h'une'tt· '''u"lhuIUI ... t'n.'k Ihu'll- Imitations of famcd radio characters
IInJln - o.lI",h-, (l.uUt"d)', tlrslJlln
~\'t'lI ht'thor tluna "1,0".· .·nrrult....•
arc part of \Villiam Haines~ latest
smart bits in "Rcmote Control,"
thril1in~, amusing story of a broad-
Narberth Coal Comoany
ttMonte Carlo" castin!-{ station and a gang of thieves
-playing at thc Egyptian Theatre this
Ralph S. Dmll1c
week-end. Also on the program is Distributors: Overbrook to Villanova
anothcr ncw "Our Gang" comedy,
'\"t~(hleHdn,· Ilncl 'l'burH(lu)"
"Pups Js Pups." Telephones: Narberth 2430·2431
.John (allu~rt. 'Vnlhu"e IIpl"r,":
Good cntertainmcnt for thc entire
(~hreOIiN. 'I'hrlllh_-.=." !-ihort !"lIbJ.'c·t:
family is provided in ",,{ontc Carlo,"
thc Erncst Lubitsch production schcd- ,
uled for Cynwyd next Monday and I \
"I<.ll"."I1\(; 'I'HI'~ lilLI.oIElt" Tucsday. Bcttcr cven than "Love
Parade," its cast, which includes J ean-
cUc ~lacJ)onald and Jack Buchanan,
puts o\'t'r somc clcver and tuneful
"LAUGHTER" sccncs-including the ditty sung over
thc tclcphone, the clock gag, the scene
from "Monsicur Beaucaire," and the
trio warbling "Trimmin' the Women."
"\Vay for a Sailor," thc Egyptian's
25 Pianos ft'atnrc next \Vednesday and Thurs-
day. gives John Gilbcrt a chancc to
pcrform far more capably than in re-

For Music Students
ccnt years, with the funny Wallace
Becry for his roughneck pal. Leila
Hyams is in the cast, too. Adding
considcrably to thc program's interest
A lead'ng Piano manufac· is a short subject-the most unusual
turer of high-grade instru· and widely discussed ever presented.
It is "Killing- the Killer"-the fight be-
ments has 25 fine Pianos twcen a mongoose and a cobra, with
that were leased for a short a vivid description by Raymond L.
time. Ditmars, curator of thc ~ew York In your Dining Room, they lend a festive air to all the
He will loan these fine in-
struments to any worthy ZOllo meals. We can install a type that will blend with the
musical students for the "Laughter," the ncw Kancy Carroll
dramatic hit, with Fredric March in design of your home.
storage costs. the leading supporting role, is coming
Applicant' must be well to Cynwyd next wcck-end. It is one I
Address In~truetion Bureau
of thc most important films of the I
season, !
Shull Lumber Company
The Link Between Forest dlld Home
1312·14 Ch""tnut Street
Phi'~d'" phia CONSTRUCTIVE criticism - of ! 29 Bala Avenue, Bala-Cynwyd Cynwyd 662
Narbcrth and of its community paper \
-is appreciated.
,'c!!::~~.!!:.!!~I!-.ii_~_!ii._iii!_!ii.iii._!ii..iii_iii_iii.'!i·_-,!i!..!!~-_!!'~~:~~~!!iiiiiiiiiiili.!!~~!iiiiiiiiii _ii!.-!!.-!L!!i!!i!...!!.:!i!i!!!!!!!ii.~j~1
Page Four OUR TOWN January 9, 1931

In the Theater II OUR TOWN 1I,_:JU_a_in_J3_1_'n_es-!1

'-------------\ A Co·oputltiYe Communit)! Ne'll's·Mtlgatine, founded in 1914 b)! the Narberth Chester P. Cook, owncr of quite
Three plays will leave Philadelphia I Ciyic Association, and published eyer)! Frida)! at Narberth, Pa., b)! the a bit of Narberth's business section,
after tomorrow night's performance;!
"Green Grow the Lilacs," that enter-t
tabling and excellent Theatre Guild I
PHILIP ATLEE LIVINGSTON, President and General Manager
I proprietor of the Narbcrth Bridgc Ga-
ragc and historian of notc, hair a
grievance. It is of long standing, but
production at the Garrick; "The Storm i ROBERT MOORE CAMERON. Editor
Song," at the Broad; "You Said It," at: THOMAS A. ELWOOD. As~ociate EdItor I this is thc first time for it to be aired
this year. Mr. Cook is one of those
the Forrest.
At the Shubert. On Monday night, I
Office-258 Haverford Avenue, Narberth
I Main Line citizcns who cannot see
George White's lIlusical cOllledy,
"Flying High," scored a mild succcss.,
I Telephone-Narberth 2545; if no answer, Ardmore 3100
why N arbcrth should maintain its in-
dependencc of the surrounding town-
Bcrt Lahr is very, very funny a good i ship-although that is not the point
bit of the time and Oscar Shaw, as I SUBSCRIPTION PRICE: $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE of his current epistle, which concerns
usual, registcrs with the fair sex. And the new tricnnial assessmcnts. Herc
he can sing his songs effcctively. Entered as second-class matter, October 13, 1914, at the Post Office at it is: what is your commcnt on his
At the Erlanger. "Sweet Adeline" Narberth, Pa" under the Act of March 3, 1879. views?
continucs to be pleasantly tuncful and 1fy Dear :!Ilr. Editor:
to evoke much laughter. Charles But-
terworth and Irene Franklin amuse January 9, 1931 I Has it occurred to you that while
all kinds of stocks and bonds, etc.,
quite heartily. have sunk in value, in somc instances
At the Chestnut Street Opera House. nearly scventy per cent. of the 1927
Lew Leslie's "Blackbirds," with an Suggested Remedies valucs, yct according to our Lower
all-star cast of 100 colored artists, con- 11erion and Narberth asscssors our
tinues. This week we turn over our editorial columns for a further discus- taxablc wealth measured in real estate
At the Walnut. Undcr the auspices sion of a subJ' ect Wl~ introduced here recently-the inefficient SYstem of yalucs has not slipped but. in certain
of thc Professional Players, "Topazc," . .'. . . ' mstances has advanced III taxable
starring Frank Morgan, proves just as nnpanehng Jurors In the county courts. The letter IS from :Mrs. Conyers value. I
popular as it has bcen in New York Read, of Villanova, vice chairman of the Pennsylvania League of Women i Of c?ursc. when you, go to ~cl1 rcal
and abroad. . I f II . d' f l " I estatc 111 our locahtv It docsn t scem
Coming In V ~ters, anc1 t.le 1 materia 0 OW1l1g suggests reme les or t le SItuatIon. I t~ havc any value, and the few salcs
At the Broad. "Strictly Dishonor- fo the EdItor: I show-whcn made-a shringage of
forty to fifty pcr ccnt. of 1927 vah~cs.
able," by Preston Sturgcs, Shouldn't
be missed. One of the best tcn plays
of the vear and with a record run in . '
Your editorial of December 12, "the citizen and the law's de-
la\' " gave ver)' pro))er lJUblicitv to a situation. that is muc.h more than
• . . .
II n.otc :hat thcrc are about scven prop-
ertles In thc Borough of Narbcrth-
Ncw Y~rk to prove it. an annoyance to those called upon for Jury sen'lce. As your tltl<.' I in addition to manv along the Main
At the Forrest, Ethel Barrymore in suggests it is a situation which has definite hearing- upon the expe- Line-advertised b;' thc Sheriff. of
thc much-talked of play, "Scarlet Sis- diting and the administration of justice within the courts. I M ontgomcry County for salc c1~lrlllg
tcr Mary." , .'.. .' ' . I Januarv. One belongs to a res1(lcnt
At the Garrick. "Ladies All," with 1 he unbusll.lessl,lke methods prev<llhng und~r the present. court lof tweilty-fivc years' standing-a Nar-
\Valter Woolf and Violet Heming. system are makll1g It, m; every Judge knows, lI1creasll1gly dIfficult berth taxpayer. Thesc sales havc been
Passion Play
At the Metropolitan Opera Housc
for two wccks beginning January 19,
to get the best type of citizen, man or woman, \vil1ingly to accept
jury service. And without the best type of men and women on
" h I f I I" . . f' . ? J I
II going on for, about thre~ year~, caus-
ing great nllscry and <hsappomtmcnt
to many of our pcoplc-for as you
the Freiberg Passion Play will bc prc- Junes w at are we to lOpe or t le ac mlOlstratlOn 0 Justice. U( gc k .' 'hcriff" sale is a tragcdY-
This Frciburg version of "The Pas-
Ambler 'VViIliams, of Montgomery County, has likcncd jury service
in importance .to military. in ti.n~e of ~\'ar, conceiving it to he
I d~~tl~' a~ol~c in :ne's family is worsc.
:\f ost of us arc hookcd on thc ~)ig
sion Play" was first acted in 1264,
whcn the liturgical mysteries were
one of the major responslh.lhtles. of cItizenshIp.
. , d
I asscssments for the next three years'7'
if wc can hold out that long-and If
common cvcrywhere on the continent.j You have ~one .we1~, there~orc, to ask ~ f an?,thmg can be one \\'c can't, who cares anyhow?
Through various interesting transfor- to correct an eVIl whIch IS an affront to the lI1telhgence and sense of I c. P. COOK.
mations it has dcveloped into the full efficiency of the well-meaning citizen, and which cannot fail to have I " * * *.
story of Christ's entrance into Jeru- 'I' far-reaching and inevitable results of. a far. mor.e serious character.. Scclllg a lady cross1l1g. Lancastcr
salcm, the expulsion of the moncy, 1 f T Y k .. f I Avenue thc other day, wearing woolcn
changers from the temple, the Last! n the State a ~ew or some \'cry mtcrestll1g r~ orms la\'e I stockings, tumble socks and spats, we
Supper, His betrayal, the faltering I been brought about m court procedure, through the mfluence of I camc to the conclusion that she mnst
judgmcnt of Pilate, the grim march' la.ymcn and I am glad to pass the word along, thinking that such ! havc had cold fect.
to thc hill, thc rudc gaming of the accomplishment may prove an inspiration in Pennsylvania. ! _.' ,,* * * ,
ruffians at the cross, the claiming of The data is from an address b)' Harold R. Medina made in the i CIVIC Sptrlt dcvelops. at .<i llltC an
the body, the resurrection and t h c . . carly age along the Mam LlIlc. Just
ascension. Such mystery plays the I recent InstItute of La~v hel? by the ? League?f the other da}' while the Christmas
monks of old acted in the cathedrals
to teach thc laity, and in the course of
I Women Voters, co-operatmg WIth the Ul1Iverslty of Pennsylvama.
Mr. Medina is a distinguished lawyer in New York City and profes-
trees still decorated the sidewalks, a
strl?ng ~vind blew one of the tl!bs ovcr.
time the plays came out of the c,athe- I sor of law at Columhia University. Edith C. Read. It IS WIth regret that we regIster the
drals to thc squares, where th~ VIllage I * * * I fact that scyeral gro'ynups pa.sscd by
craftsmen acted them. At Frelburg, ~t! " . . . I without paylllg the shghtest hit of at-
Oberammergau, for that ,matter, ~nd 1111 Recently 111 New York CI~y a bo~y o~ laymcn made a complamt I tention to it. Thcn. along camc two
~),ther place,S they arc stIll kept III c~= about the wasteful methods ?f nnpan~1ll1g Jtlr<?rs. It w~s found ~hat youngsters, onc w~th a!~ expr~ss
!stence, chlcfly for out-of-doors pia} I men would be taken from theIr occupatIons and nnpane1ed 111 the vanous wagon, brand new .t~IS Chnstmas, ~ ou
mg. , I' I t 1· I' ., >11 I t , t 1 > I could see by the sh11ll11ess of the pal11t;
So thcy come down to us burdened tna cou~ r.ool11s W lere t ley weI c compc ec 0 " as e tw~ or t lree wee <s thc other on rollcr skatcs, also glistcn-
with the long historv of thc common II mostly Sltt111g· around. Only a very short part of the tnnc, say two or inglv new. Safely mooring- tllP ex-
people-relics. of ~?mmon a~pirat!on; th.ree days out of the two or thrce wceks, were they actually sitting on the I pre~s wagon, they tugged, an~ pulled-:-
thcy are burs~lIIg '\I,th lll~man~ty ..~IIICC I tnal of a case. I untIl they got thc tub m Its fight POSI-
1760 th~ Frelburg ?:tsslon llay has
becn not only a tradl hon of that Black
I "The recommendation was l11acle that the J' urors be all poolcd into tion, Thc express wagon was retrlcved
. and the pair started down thc strect.
forest town, but of thc Fassnacht fa.m- a certa1l1 cel~tral room, that they be taken only as actually needed, that Anothcr suddcn puff of wind and
Ily, one of whom now plays the Christ, I only a suffiCIent numbe: to take ca~e of new cases he held and that the over went the tree. Thc. childrcn heard
al~other Judas, ~nd four others play I balance be excused until the followmg day. it, looked back. and p~tlcntly ret~lrne~1
nunor p~rt~. E, ~ry three. years they "To the amazement of judrres and lawyers who had apparently never to do o,'cr agam the Job of settl11g It
perform It In Frelburg. SlIIce ,August .I d I 1 . to 1 I . fl. > >' ., up. This time one of thc boys pushcd
the company has been mountmg thc conslc ere suc 1 a c lange 1~1 met 10C, It was aund t 1clt the t;e\\ sy~te1l1! and tuggcd until hc got it just the way
"Passion Play". throughou~ the Middlc wo~ked perfectly and t!mt It saved a very great amount,of tnne for the I he wanted it and off thcy went again.
\~'cst, uugmen!mg the Frelb~rg troupe busmess men called as Jurors. I And the tree sayed upright this timc!
cverywhcre wah grea~ )lod,es of the "Another experiment which, as I am informed, was also the result I But there was a nice spirit dis-
loc~l people, and tram11lg thc local of suggestions by laymen is the method in which trials are run in Cleve-I !1layed by thcse two. No heedless pass-
chOIrs. 11 d mg by there.
* * *
To the Editor of "Our Town": I an .
"We are all familiar with the customary way in which trial calendars
I do not say that card playing and are called. For instance, in the New York Supreme Court in New caster and Cricket Avenues, on Mon- II A sporty LaSalle car parkcd at Lan-

dancing are wrong-it would be ab- I York City, a judge sitting at one of the trial terms will have anywhere day, C~I11C .in for a lot ?f atten.tion Ill:-
sur~ for anyone to say that they werc'j' from seventy-five to one hundred and fiftv cases on his calendar. At ten: cause It. dl~played an mternatl.onal.h-
llns does not altcr the fact, how- , . ' . '. I censer fillS was a large wlnte dISC
ever, that thcy appcar to be pretty 10 clock the lawyers, wItnesses itrJd parties 111 all these cases are supposed with ligures on it in black and the
empty things to be doing on the night Ito be on hand and the cases are called to he sent put to a Part, as we I V. S. t'l11blem in gilt-or maybe gold-

The spectacl~ of two hundred people

of the day on which Christ was born, lawyers call it, for actual trial. ! at t.hc t?I~. Officer ?tcvcnson had a lot
"The result is that this enormous crowd of l)eol>le sit around for ani of 11lq\llrles .about It.. .
away from their homes on a Clmstmas h The Austlll's nose IS qUIte out of
night in a public hall would not ap.1 .a~r or two, then some of the~ are cxcused for the <lay, others are kept joint. Crowds no longer hang around
pear to be possible in a Christian com- Slttll1g around all day long and 111 most cases made to COme back the ncxt lone whcn it parks by the curb.
lIIunity like Narberth. day and then again and again. I

JOEL YELLEK. "The system in vogue in Cleveland is such that a man is placed in I ~l~at do y~u th!nk .of this and that?
• T • • • charge of the calendar. It is his duty to call up the lawyers on the te1e- If .It IS of MalO LlO~ mterest, why n.o;
• CONSTRUC fI.\ E CrttlCIS}l1 - of phone when their caSe is about to be reached The)' in hinl communicate write your COl11mUl11ty paper about It.
Narberth and of ItS c01l1mumty paper. . • . . ., .., •
-is appreciated. .
! WIth theIr parties and wItnesses and they arnve 111 court Just 111 tIme to
Let "Our Town" hear of your news. actually proceed with the trial of their casc."
What's new? Let your community
paper hear about it.

Jtlnuary 9, 1931 OUR TOWN Page Five

Remarkable the choicest cuts of meats, and the best of groceries,


Savings Every Day fruits and vegetables. To make consistent savings, .

shop at COTTER'S MARKET regularly! Note

To Usher in We Offer • • •
the New Year!
Ivin's Bouquet Sandwich , Y2 lb., 18c
I. Ivin's Jelly Roll .. . .. each, 29c Fresh Fmits and Vegetables
Freihofer's Dainty Dutch Cakes, 2 cakes in a box . box, 17c
Quinlan's Pretzels .. .lb., 25c Best U. S. No. 1 Onions, 2 lbs. for 5c
Spee Dee Clean, Y2 gal., 55c . . gat, $1 Best U. S. No.1 White Potatoes, 5-lbs., 15c
t Iron Clad Cloth~s Pins pkg., 8c
10-lb., 29c; basket, 85c
Washing Soda .' two 21h-Ib. pkgs. for 15c
Clorox . . bot., 19c SPINACH-New Texas-2 lbs., for 15c
Babbitt's Cleanser .. , ... 2 cans for 9c Fancy Iceberg Lettuce . head, 10c
Note This 25c Sale! Sound, Ripe Tomatoes . .lb., 25c
American Beauty Catsup . .. three 8-oz. bots., 25c Fancy White Cauliflower head, 20c, 25c
Three-Minute Oats, . . . . 3 pkgs., for 25c Big Juicy Grapefruit 4 for 25c
t_ Gorton's Ready to Fry Codfish . .2 cans, 25c
Thin-skinned Juicy Oranges . doz., 25c
Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour .. , '" 2 pkgs., 25c -------------

• t
Finest Quality Meats at Lowest Possible Prices Land 0' Lakes
Legs Genuine Spring Lamb, lb., 29c Rump or Round Steak lb., 39c BUTTER
Shoulders Genuine Spring Lean Chuck or Pot Roast, lb., 25c lb.37c
Lamb, lb., 18c
Rib Lamb Chops .lb., 39c Prime Rib Roast .lb., 39c Fine Granulated
Best Pure Lard .2 lbs., 25c Lean Fresh Pork Loins ... lb., 25c I
SWIFT PREMIUM HAMS, family size .. .lb., 29c lO-lb. sack, 47c
Campbell's Tomato' Soup . ... 3 cans, 25c I
Del Maiz CORN and CORN NIBLETS Campbell's Beans . . .. 3 cans, 25c
Each, Can, 17c Ritter's Spaghetti '. . . . . . . . . . . . 3 cans, 25c
Polk Grape Fruit, 8-oz. cans.. . 3 cans, 25c
All Gold Sliced Pineapple. . large can, 25c
I· t
Green Giant PEAS,. Can, 20c All Gold Apricots ., ., large can, 25c
Apple Sauce . . 2 cans,. 25c
Harting's Jellies: Crab Apple, Quince, Grape, Rasp-
Choice PINK SALMON, 2 tall Cans, 23c berry and Apple . .. . 2 8-oz. cans, 25c
.' Crisco , lb. can, 25c
Yellow Corn Meal . .....8 lbs. for 25c
CHERRIES, F R U I T Daisy Cheese ..... .. .... .... . ...... lb., 25c Lippincott's
PEARS All 8-0unce Cans
Hershey's Cocoa ...
My-T-Fine Pudding.. ..
'" . . . . 2 half-pound cans,
.. 3 pkgs.,
3 cans) 25 c Clothes Line, hank, 25c; Oakite
Mackerel Filet '"
2 pkgs.,
2 for
Large jar, 19c
Gold Medal F l o u r . . . . . . . . . . . . S-lb. bag, 25c
t. ··-----1 J ello ... ..,
La France Powder
." .... 3 pkgs.,
. 3 pkgs.,

COFFEE I Gulden's Mustard
Schlorer's Cucumber Rings, Sour Chow, Onions, Sweet
Mixed .Pickles, Sweet Chow, Whole Sweet
2 jars, 25c
Stuffed Olives
Bottle, lOC: .
lb. can, 37c I Pickles and Whole Sour Pickles
Ivory Soap
2 7-oz. bots.,
2 large cakes,
,-------------_ - . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Kirkman's BORAX SOAP, Quaker Gem Dif Cleaner, Silver Lake

t 5c; SOAP CHIPS, 3 small Cut BEETS,
pkgs.,29c BROOMS,45c 3 pkgs., 35c Z large cans, 25c

Lifebuoy Soap .. .. 4 cakes, 25c '-"- -----,

Waldorf Peas and Carrots . 2 cans, 25c P. & G.
TOILET PAPER Bosant Coffee . "..
California Prunes, 40·50 Quality. .,
3 lbs.,
4 rolls, l~ 7 cakes, 25 c

Honey Bunch Seedless Raisins
Blenheim Fancy Apricots .~..... .. ... ...... ~
.6 small pkgs. for
... :.:.. ...::.:..~
...~lb:::.,~25::c:. _ _~1


We Deliver From Cit" Line
to Bryn M a'Wr

Page Six OUR TOWN J~ 9, 19}~

IChristmas Seal Receipts .

i Total $18,201.72 to Date
i The Christmas seal sale conducted
!in Montgomery County by the Mont-
Igomery County Tuberculosis and
i Public Health Society shows a total
rcceipt to date of $18,201.72. This

'This Armchair FiremaD money is used for prevention of tuber-

culosis, community health work, den~a1
clinics and many other health activi-
ties in Montgomery County.
The envelopes with the seals were

for Gas Deat

sent out around Thanksgiving time
and many of them may be hidden in
GIVES THANKS desks or drawers and forgotten as
llIany people have not been heard from.
The Rev. Robert J. Gottschall, presi-
dent and county seal chairman, hopes
to have every. one send in their con-
tribution or their seals as the society

HETHER the thermometer goes below zero or rises to needs additional funds with which to
continue their health program this
. the thawing point, the Gentleman-in-the-Easy-Chair need year. Tuberculosis is still a serious
problem as seventeen persons are kille.d
only raise his arm to the thermostat on the wall to ad- every day in Pennsylvania. the major-
ity between the ages of 20-45.
just the heat of the whole house. Twenty-four hours is all that is The Board of Directors of this so-
ciety appreciate very much the gener-
ous response to this annual appeal and
needed for the complete change of your present heating system plans to continue its program of healtH
work and work in the rural schools.
to this much-talked-of Automatic Gas House Heat. Then the whole
tedious, messy job of furnace tending entirely removed from your Colts and Meteors Meet
life ••• a cleaner house ... a healthier household and a fine new Tonight in Deciding Match
The Colts captured all three games
room added in your basement. Make up your mind to install Gas from the Boosters last Friday night
and are now leading the Meteors by
Heat and you'll continue to be thankful for your decision for two points in the Inter-Church Bowl-
ing League with one more game on the
years to come. schedulc bcfore the end of the first
half of the bowling season.
The win ncr of the championship
flag for the first half will be decided
tonight whcn the two leading teams
meet each othcr.
F. Hamer, of thc Pep Boys. won
the wcekly prize.
The standing of the teams and last
Friday's scores are as follows:
W. L. Pts.
Colts 29 10 38
:\f.eteorH 26 13 36
Hoosters 21 18 30
AT THIS TIME our Heating Battlers 2:1 16 29
Engineers are estimating Lion,,· 21 18 26
what Gas Heat would cost Pep BO~'R 17 22 :12
Pilots 13 26 19
in a great many suburban CHmels r. 33 8
homes • • . large and small. PII,OTS
:\lason 167 151 149
Why not let us do this for 1"ollette 156 151 178
you •.. entirely without ob- .lenklns 173 118 157
ligation? Just telephone our Haws 161 174 122
Handicap 5 5 5
House Heating Division. •'.
662 599 611
Duncan ...........
149 132 152
C. Young· , ... .. ..
, 148 201 154
Davi" ............ US 178 171
Ha!'U,·y ......... '.
20·1 155 189

~ 649 666 ,;66


COD venie,.t
i e. HUlllphries ..... 150 185 192
EeOR,oD.ico' ••• Riley .............
Haist .............
Davi" ............. 142 190 160
AMPLE PROOF now exists that Gas Heat ...........
TER~IS is true ecorwmy . . . it completely dDe$
Handicap .........

make it a very easy matter alVay It'ith so many other costs inci- 741 878 799
for the average home- del/tal to the old- fashioned furnace Brennan '0' ........ 201 177 192
room. A ctual gas-heating coMs, month :\lcClatchy ........ 181 214 169
owner to install ... ~lee~Hln ........... HO 211 1.46
by month, for homes of various sizes will Conley ............ 1!l2 IHO 247
be gladly furnished you. Telephone or Laeey ............ 10(j IS!! 175

GASDEAT write our House Heating Division.. !l30 981 1129 , ..

I \ .... lllt~ ............ 151 151 139

e..A11 Suburban Stores I

I F. Hamer .........
Hau~" ............
Mad"l\'en .........
189 ,.....
! Hal1c!icnl' ......... 2S
2S 28





lJuna.hut~ . ......... 115 110 157
( \ A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establishing I). ICallahan .......... 174 1:16 152
Cnulp)' . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 171 1~3

" Low Rates for all Electric Service / 505 531 618
, Iia \'c you criticism of your connnu-
.i .! ...
luity or its paper? vVhy not write and •
' air your views for your neighbors to

lanf!,ary 9, 1931 Ol)Rl'OWN Page Seven
, .. _.---- -..------- --... _-_._---------------------_ ---_ .. ...•. _--_._- ---------------- -----
-White loaf, rye, French,
Now that the holidays are over many
of the young folk of the town have
...., Vienna, bran, whole wheat, returned to their various schools and !
colleges, having had a jolly time at
. raisin, and sandwich loaf. home with their families and their old FUNERAL DIRECTORS
Home-Made-Baked Twice a Day Miss Dorothy Speck, daughter of ATHENS AVENUE AND SIMPSON ROAD
Fresh and Delicious At Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Speck, of Wood- I: PHONE: ARDMORE 9 ARDMORE, PENNA. :
• bine Avenue, has returned to Hood

College, where she is a senior.
White's Cadet Herbert J. Egmore, Jr., son
of Mrs. Frances C. Egmore, of Dud- 9& Wi t i l ii; NU iii Mbiitt\1ltl\ifiiiilii iiiiii iii, lid&&6iM uiUim6iitfflll ii&~ him
Sweet Shop ley Avenue, who has been spending
the holidays with his mother, returned
'-, 219 Haverford Ave., to StauntOl.l Military Academy, Staun-
ton, Va., On Tuesday.
Mr. Richard Toomey, of Montgom-
ery Avenue, returned to the University
of Alabama on Saturday; Mr. Keith
For Banking Service:
Ilolnr-llnde CRlld)", Il·t~ Crean"
Parkes returned to State College on
•·, J're"h Snltl',1 Xut..
Sunday and also Mr. Robert Sigel, of
Forest Avenue, returned to State Col-
lege. 11r. Philip Callahan, of Dudley
Avenue, returned to Gettysburg on Checking Account
... A NEW ACCOMMO, Mrs. W. P. Robinson, of Stephany
Place, was the hostess to the mem-
Savings Account

DATION TO BOOK, bers of her card club at luncheon and Christmas Club
bridge on Tuesday. Among those
LOVERS: present were Mrs. C. Alfrea Peeney, Safety Deposit Box
Mrs. C. L. Brearly, Mrs. Le Roy
Douglass, Mrs. Lindley Trotter, Mrs. Business Aid, etc.
The Boni Books Harvey Austin, Mrs. U. H. Wilcox, of
Hatboro; Mrs. Fred Warner, Mrs.
-You've heard of them George H. Gruel, of Drexel Hill; Mrs.
\\lard Pierson and Mrs. Wilmer G.

·, -popular books to suit a

variety of tastes-in good
print, good paper, limp
Mrs. Perry Redifer, of Shirley
Road. will be the hostess to the mem- " You May Rely on
covers-books to read on
the train, and to grace
your library.
bers of the Fortnightly Club at lunch-
eon today (Friday).
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Wainwright and
Your Community Bank

And they each cost 50c
their daughters, Janet and Doris Wain-
wright, of Old Gulph Road, were
among the arrivals at the Chalfonte-
Haddon Hall in Atlantic City this
only .. , , , ,. , . , week.
Mr. C. H. Rife, of Avon Road, is
now rapidly recuperating from a recent The
.... DAVIS' operation for appendicitis.
~Irs. C. Alfred Peeney, of Elm Ter-
224 Haverford Avenue race, is spending several days in
Hershey, IJ a., this week.
Narberth National
1" addition, our circulating library is
Mrs. T. Frank Bradenbaugh, of Har- Bank
at )'our ser'l'ice, with new books added risburg, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. W.
each week. Scott McFadden, of Valley View Road,
M erion, for several days this week.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~ Mr. and Mrs. McFadden and their
small daughter Martha will leave on
Member Federal Reser'Vc System
Saturday for a two weeks' sta:r at
.. , Haddon Hall in Atlantic City.
Dr. and Mrs. Linn Bowman, of Iona
A ven ue, arc spending several days in ~a;?i~~i!,g~iijlg;jijm~~~li~§.ii~i9~m~~gJji,gj~~~~9ii~
Atlantic City. Po
~lr. and Mrs. Harold 1. Short, of
Cedar Lane, Merion; Mr. and Mrs. J.
H. Walker, of Narberth, and Mr. and
.' Mrs. J. E. Freeman, of Merwyn Road,
Narberth, entertained at a progressive
dinner on New Year's Eve. Among

thc guests were Mr. and Mrs. B. A.
Duval, of Baltimore, who were the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walker, and I
.Mrs. Walter A. Webster, of Wilming-j
Come Home
We Regard a ton, who was a guest of Mr. and Mrs.
Short. .
prescription as more Mrs. Harold C. Fenno, of Essex
Avcnue, will leave on Saturday for
to a house thatls ai-
t han a "piece of Schncctady and Lake George to attend
paper." the winter sports. Mrs. Fenno will be
gone two weeks.
Mrs. John W. Joyce, of Nar:brook
I ways warmed just
-It is health and com' Park, entertained Mrs. James B. Smith,
fort, when properly
of Avon Road, and Mrs. C. Hillman, 1
of Woodhaven, L. I., at luncheon on
I right-burn our
Our experience, train' Dr. Orville R. Goss, who is a sur-
geon on the U. S. S. Chester, spent I Reading Anthracite
ing and equipment the holidays with his family on Forest
give every prescription
• entrusted to our care
Mrs. E. C. Griswold, of Chestnut
Avenuc. was the hostess to the mem-I -Call-
bers of her card club at luncheon and I
the protection it de' bridge on Tuesday.
serves. Mr. and Mrs. August A. Blaess, of
Elmwood Avenue, are entertaining at GLEN WILLOW ICE
dinner on Saturday evening in honor
of Mr. Joseph Colgan, of Los Angeles, MFG. CO.
Let Shea's California. Among the guests will be I
Drug Store Mrs. John T. Dee, Mrs. Arlingtonl Belmont Ave.
Moore, of Overbrook; Mrs. William & River Rd.
Compound Your H. Marshall and Miss Lena Wagner.
e· Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Wight, form-I
erly of Brookhurst 'Avenue, are now I
Occu!>ying their new houle in the Cyn-I Marla'YufJk 4244
Haverford Avenue at Station
wyd Estates.
:Mr. Paul MacGuffin, of Lihertville.
Illinois, was the guest of Mr. and I1Irs.
• Narberth 2838 and 2839 R. D. MacGuffin, of Chestnut Avenue,
I!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~l overCONTINUED
the New Year's holidays.

Page Eight _._-_. __ ---_._
.. - .---_._-_.- _.
__.-_.--_.- - ..- .. __._.----
Mrs. John Austin and Miss Agnes Miss Betty Swing, of Bryn Mawr, Pa.;
.. _--~---_._-_._-----------_.-:..--------

The Bas Gai Haut will have a meet·


The Fireside
l'Austin, of Narbrook Park, gave a Raymond Capwell,' of \Vilkes-Barre,
I party New Year's night. and Miss Polly Palmquist attended a
ing' at the· home of Miss Emily Titus.
on Chest,l,.i't Avenue., tonight (F(ri-
~fiss ~farie Miesen, of Merion Ave- performance at the Arcadia that same
~fr.. and Mrs. ~lac~uffin .attended a, nue, was the hostess to the members evening. 1fr. Reber was the guest of
• 1 day).
Miss Ruth S. Smith, of Brookhurst
tea gIVen by the OhIO ~oclety at t)1e of her bridge club on Friday evening. Miss Betty Swing for the holidays. Avenue, gave a surprise towel shower
home of 11 r. and Mrs. Ednyun1 Cram, Among those present were the Misses Miss Swing returned to Goucher Col- for 1'1 iss Helen I. Havell, Cricket Ave-
of Overbrook. on New Year s Day. Eleanor and Kathryn Burgess, Miss lege on Sunday. nue, Ardmore, on Monday night.
After t.he tea ~\'Ir. and l\1~s. MacGuffin Florence Hutchinson, of Ardmore; Among those who attended the Amonl{ the guests were Miss ~[ary
cntertall,ed,. a.dgroup of Ifr!endhs at sup- 1\riss Eleanor Diamond, Mrs. Helen dance which Miss Mildred Odiorne of 0\. Hohinson, Miss Cecelia Barr, Miss
_er an d Aun 1ge at t lelr ome on S orenson, M'ISS.El eanor D' d Grayling Avenue,. gave on F •riday 'eve- Anna N. Pero, Miss Harriet Straub,
PChe~tnut ~el ue. .Iamon,
. Mrs. Constance Allen and MISS Har- ning were Miss Anne Speed, Miss Mrs. Vv"alter Volkert, Miss Marion
J~an ~frs.
MISS Dons Latchum and MISS
Latchu!I1, of Bowman :\.v~nue,
enterta1l1ed a gr<?Up ,of~nends
riet Straub, of Ardmore.
I Honora Snyder, Miss Betty Cook,
l\liss Polly Palmquist, of Narbrook Miss Polly Palmquist, Miss Betty
at theIr Park, gave a surprise dinner in honor Kempton, Mr. John Stevenson, Mr.
DlInn, \Villiam MacDonald, Mrs.
George E. Tagert and Mr. and Mrs.
Re.rt S. 5nll·fth. Mi:s Havell's engage-
home on New '\ car s night. of ha mother, Mrs. E. A. E. Palm. \Villiam J. Dothard. Mr. Robert Do- ment to 1\ r. . Alexander Murray, of
Mr. and Mrs. ]. Taylor Darlington, quist. on New Year's Eve. i thard, Mr. Irving Dothard, Mr. Rob- I ;\rclmore. has Just heen announced.
of Hampden Avenlle, left on Saturday Mr. Bud Reber. of Baltimore, MeL; ert McGowin and many others. C{)~TfNlmlJ ON ;\/E:X1' P,\f;)~
for St. Petersburg, Florida, where they
will spend some time.
:Miss Ruth Jones, of North Narberth I'
Avenue, spent last week as the guest
of Mrs. "'lesley \Vashburn, of New
York City.
Mr. Robert Harris, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jesse Harris, of Merion Avenue,
returned to Lehigh University on Sun-
day evening.
Hundreds Now fJse
Miss Margaret Kent, of Essex and

Windsor Avenues, returned on Sunday
from Providence, R. 1., where she
spent the holidays.
:Mr. and Mrs. \V. Elmer Titus, of
Chestnut Avenue, were the, host and
hostess to the members of their card
club on New Year's Eve. Among
tho';e present were Mr. and Mrs.
Noel Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel
Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Vincent,
Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Staley and Mr.
and l\[rs. Rufus Santo
Mr. and Mrs. Titus entertained at a
family dinner on Saturday evening.
Friends of Mrs. G. H. Henry, of
~r eeting House Lane, will be sorry to i TRY A TON
learn that she is confined to her home I
with a severe cold. Her son, Mr.;
Charles Henry, returned to Haverford
College on Monday. AND PROVE IT

J~~~~ ;1- ,-

Many Popular Plays EASY PAYMENT TEll~IS
on Library's Shelves
The tragic death in New York re-
cently of Charles Wesley Hill, who
will be remembered for his splendid
presentation of Gabriel in "Green Pas·
tures," has reawakened interest in that
A FEW sharp, cold spells have afforded HI;'- CHESTER
Pulitzer Prize play which still runs at
an opportunity to the many users of
the Mansfield Theatre in New York Chester Coke to test the Imrll;ll~ Hlltl
to crowded houses. Mr. Hill has been
seen here in Philadelphia recently It Ii loll' ,.rice makes it
heating qualities of this ex(·cllc.'llt, eco- easy to IIun it il/ clean;
when he took the part of the Captain
of the Fleet in "Porgy," For those nomical fuel • . . and the results have it If'lI/'f's If'lfJ al/hes; it
who wish to read the play of "Green I ~il"'s a quick, laot fire; it
Pastures," the library has the com· I' been very s~tisfactory. Why Hot Jllu('C un ;11 light in weight, render- .
pIetc score in a book by itself, and it
may also he found in long' excerpts and i,lg it f'asy lor IfJomen ttl
order for a ton NOW and ask our expert
resumes in the latest volume of "Best
Plays" by Burns l\l antic.
I to call and demonstrate how to hurn it
IlOm"f'; it is 01 uniform,
hig/, quality. Let our ex- fI
This volume of "Best Plays" which' t,ert advise which size Ivill
has become an annual event since its I in order to get the hest results in the meet "our requirementll
first publication in 1919 makes it pos- \
sible for even-one to become ac- most economical way? I,est.
quaiuted with tlie best that the theatre
has had to offer during the season of I , _e
1929 and 1930. The list of plays se- Try CheSler Cok.~ for the rest of this seaSIIII. (;il'" it a trial. We hl/olfJ you, "TI.
lected as the "ten best" will meet the
approval of those who have been fol- [ too, IfJilll,e IIl,rprise,l Ivitll tile reli"lts ol"lIille,1 /Inti tire "cmwmiell effected. JI
lowing the theatre this past season as
it includes "The Green Pastures,",
"Criminal Code," "Berkelej; Square,"
"Strictly Dishonorable," The Last I
I Call a .." ufliee listed below. I-rol"". delivery ,.
Mile," "The First Mrs. Frazer," "June
'Moon," "Michael and Mary," "Death
Takes a Holiday" and "Rebound."
Many of these have been presented at
the local theatres, and those who A Pioneer in Voluntarily Establi:,;/ting I,ow Rates ~, .f

missed them for any reason may gain

an adequate impression of them by for All Elect,rh~ Servil:e
reading the new volume of Burns
lfantle, and those who have seen the DARBY, PA. CHESTER, PA. MEDIA, PA.
plays here or in New York may renew 16-18 E. I"ifth Stre"t 19 E. Slnle Slreet
their pleasure by reading the text. 867 Main Streel "
Ch~·"ler ()300 Media 431
The plays are not given in their Darby 1200
entirety, but the IonA' excerpts and LANSDOWNE, PA.

hrief resumes make it possible for one UPPER DARBY, PA.
5 E. Lancaster A,'enue 32 E. Baltimore Avenue

to imagine that he has seen the whole Long Lane nnd Ludlow Street
performance. Art!lnore 350a Madison 520
In addition to the plays with iIIus-1
Boulevard 1600 •
trations from each. there are also chap- ,
ters on the season in New York and
in Chicago, and California, with a com-
plete index of authors, plays and casts. I
• Page Nine
January 9, 1931

--Th~ Fi;;;;d~----:::~:~S ;a~o:it~--{· ~;;,::~:i::::t~i::·h'lf


Mr. Edwin FittipC!ld.i, s~n of :Mr,
Mrs. John ]. Flttlpoldl, of Mcr.\

\ B
lem~~:coi~fcd.Yo ~ddun ~ugar,IC 'lel~~n
Ik fl thO k
juice and rind. Fold in sifted dry in-
d I
<up 0[-

'Jecora lIlg

Igredients. Add the nuts and fold this Narberth 4135W
." Ion Avcnue, returned to the Valley
Forg:e Military Academy on Tuesday I . mixture into the beaten egg w h i t e s . \ J ' - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
'Vhat .wo,uld you haye 111 the w~y Bake in a greased tube pan in a slow ~"t r-
PI~S, ~@·iJ;p."
cvenll1 g ' " . • I
On New l
Year s Eve, Mr. Edward I?f a reclpc. Cakes, an appctlz- oven (325 degrees Fahrenheit) fifty to
Ayre, of Overbrook, gave a. dance at '\ IIlg ncw way of prcparmg ·seasonable sixty minutes. Remove from oven and
the Pennsylvania Country Club, Fra- vcgetables and every-day meats? Or invert the pan.
i';'".>,Q.••..-== ~t>~~~~~~
• zier, 1'a. Guests were present from Al- how to use leftovers?
toona, Pittsburgh, Germantown, Ncw \ Several of our contributors have Chocolate Cake Enjoy a Delightful
York and Na~berth.. Those,from N'.lr. a~kcd for a rccipe for a deep dish applc Y.l cupful of butter.
berth were MISS Juha Robmson, :Mlss pic, English sandwiches for teas or I cup of sugar. Sunday Dinner in
Jane Murray, :Mr. John Hewitt, Mr. card partie~, and salads. 'What would 2 eggs beaten light.
Tcd Plitt, Mr. S. McGuire and Mr. you like to have? Another who had ~ cupful of milk. Ph I a del ph.· a
... ;-.Jed Cunningham. At 12:30, as the eaten a dclicious pie of cranbcrries and l~ cupfuls of flour.

bells had ceascd tolling the dawn of which was callcd "Mock Cherry Pie," ~3 teaspoonfuls t f I ofIt baking powder. in the Beautiful
down to a sumptuous meal of turkcy dessert. I
t le New Year, eIghteen guests sat I would like a recipc for this delicious 2 easpoon u sa .
Cream the butter, beat in the sugar EM 8 ASS M y Roo

all the fixings,. including mince
'II t d d d tl Y llad Ilad
pIC. :.... presen. eCI e
a dehghtful eyenmg.
J n the reci\les Ilrinted last weck and and eggs, then alternately the milk
\ which were submitted by Mrs. R. G.
and flour sifted three timcs with the
Krait of Ayon Road tliere were un- baking powder and salt. Bake in two '-, 1
r ~ W..-AI,.·~ml~. 1~ _'a
!v[iss Jane l\Iurr.ay left onk Monda.y
to resume ler stu d les at B uc 'ne
II U I fortut;ately a number '0. f .typographica.1 ' layers.
I Chocolate Filling
111- crrors so we arc reprmtmg them tillS /'1, cake of Baker's chocolate meltcd. lOCUC;T STRJ;"T AT 17th
versity afterI having spent the holidays week.' ,
with her parents on Dudley Avenue. Ice Box Cookies I egg beaten light.
.,Miss Helen
d f' d .Hartel,
N of
Y Avonked Road, II l. 1)\ltter. ! II full cup rounded
of sugar.teaspoon of cornstarch. $2.50 and
Dinner PERSupperPLATE r ancing
Ylslte nel!
mg the hohdays. S m 1 ew or Ity ur- I Clip of brown sugar.
' I cup of granulated sugar. \' I CUll of boilin rT
... water. Every Evening Except Sunday
After spending two weeks with her
parents, Commander and Mrs. C. H.
\0lb. chopped nuts (whcn chopping'\ A pinch of salt.
use mcdium knife). I teaspoonful of vanilla.
7 to 9 and 10 to closing
Shaw, of Avon Road, Miss Rosalie 15 cups of flour. Reat cgg. add cornstarch to sugar HUSTON RAY in Person
Iand hcat into cg-g. Add salt. meltcd
Shaw rcturned last Sunday to l\lount ! level teaspoon of soda.
Holyokc Collcge, South Hadley, 1\lass. Crcam thc bnttcr and sugar, add thc I chocolate and water.
The U. S. S. Bridge, Commander ,tonr amI soda, siftcrl together, and add i . Cook until thick. Stir constantly.
and his Hotel Warwick Orchestra
Excellent parking space dorectlyadja·
cent to hotel; garage adjo'ning. Res·
. I
Charles H. Shaw commandlllg. sailcd thc nub. \Vhen wcll mixed, mat:e in
\ Cool and add vanilla. . "P I" P
ervahon: au, ennypac er 38 O.
k 0
fronl Brookl.yn ",'I \,,, Yard on 'fucs-II(11Ig roll".' tile c,'rclllliferelice of cook-
' " J \ ' cakes werc furnished by 1\1 rs.
Thcse two rccipes for thesc delicious Pierre Exceplional en'e,'ain'ng facilitie •... fa.

day. January 5, bound for Guantanamo, ies. .I'ut in an ice box for twenty..four - lea •• Cmd Pa,lie•• BonQuel•. Donce•• Et,.

'. I
Cuba, via Norfolk, Va. Mrs. Shaw hours. Rcmove and slice thinly and Laird. of 112 Avon Road. Try them.
thcy are lu~ciou~.
I!'~~~_-~......-------.:..::~=::=~~.~ ~~.~-~~.~.~~~~~
. C d
accompal11ed omman er Shaw to \ bak.'e in \'crv moderatc (l\'CII until light
Brooklyn after the holidays and spent brown.
scveral days thcre as the guest of Mr.
These arc vcrv dclicions cookies alld
.~" - ,.'
.. ' ........, I1
and 1\1 rs. M uchemore. an: not cxpensive as you will haye at
Mrs. C. E. Pcters, of Harrisburg, Icast thirty dozen cookics.
has announced the engagement of her packing them or putting them away be I
When F P
or rompt an
d RELIABLE S er'Vice, T ry I;
~I I
iss Frances Pcters, and careful in handling or they will break
Dr. C. E. Kremcr, Jr., son of Mr. and I as they are very brittle.
rs. Charlcs E. Krcmcr, of Essex,
Ayenue. 1\liss Peters is a graduatc of I~ Devil's Food Cake
cup of grated Baker's chocolatc. I
C/':Ij e"
\.ID ros.!I I
... the Ccntral High School of Philadel· I I cgg yoke.
lphia and thc Presbyterian Hospital ~ J cup of milk.
Training School for Nurses, Philadel-
phia. Dr. Kremer, who is a graduate late and mille
Beat egg yolk well and add chnco-
Boil togethcr in a
of Harvard. will complete his intcrne- double boilcr until a smooth cU'ltard ,
ship at the Presbyterian Hospital next is formed. Put this mixture aside and 102 Forest Avenue, Narberlh 220 8ala Avenue, Cynwyd \1
July. proceed as follows: ,'Phone: Narbertll 2602 PI C d 92R
Mrs. Katherine Powell, of 314 1 0 cups of sugar. I lone: ynwy
en- 1I y.;2 cup yolk~. l'iii;.~~;~~;;~~~;;~~=;~~~~;~~;;~~;;~~;
~.. - , " ' .. ~.-" .~- - =I
\Voodbinc of
gagement Avcuue, announces
her daughtcr, MissthcRuth egg of butter.
D. Powcll, and :Mr. A. Lawrencc AI- i cup of m I l l e . '
temn:1, of vVest Philadelphia. The 11 teaspoon of soda. I\ I
• wC,ddin g will. ta!,c placcr in the sp;in g . ; teaspoon of baking powder.
~Ir. and l\frs. K. ",. McHose, of t - cups of flour.
:\'arbrook Park, entertained Mr. and \ 3 egg whites.
F00d VaIue
~[rs. Vvarren vVright and son and Beat egg whites until stiff. Put to I,
Mr. and l\I rs. Ralph Rankin and fam- lone side. In another good-sized mix-
i1y at dinner on New Year's Day. I ing bowl cream butler and sugar, thcn \
M r~. \ViIliam H. vVeaver. of the add the two egg yolks. Sift the flour '
plUS Low Bacteria
Bcrklcy Apartments, will be the host- and baking powder and add to mixture
ess to thc mcmbcrs of her club at alternately with one-half cup of milk I (the perfed combination for Raw Milk)
luncheon and bridge on l\londay. in which the soda has been dissolved. \
:\lrs. L. Parker Miller was the host· \ :\Iix thoroughly. Fold in the beaten I
ess tn the members of her club at whitcs of eggs and bake in two me-
dium-sized layer cake pans for forty I Brookmead Guernsey Milk was awarded
, 'g in Oh' 10 :
minutes in a moderate oven.
Butter Icing for Cake
I the Best Score for Bacteria at the West
I This is a very delicious icing and is\
made of four tablespoonfuls of cream. Chester Milk Contest, 36 Farms, Tuberculin
mixed with enough confcctioner's
!sugar to make thick cnough to spread. Tested, Class A-I.
I Then add a liberal-sized lump of but-
I ter, a dash of vanilla and salt. \Vhen Your Children and the Whole Family In such
I th,-~ake is cool, spread on the icing.
Black Walnut Sponge Cake times as the present need the
I cup of cake flour. I
\')4 teaspoonful of salt. I'
5 egg yolks beaten light. I Extra Quality-30 P. C. more than ordinary milk
1 cup of sugar.
Icmon, juice and gratcd rind.
cup of black walnut meats chopped,
I ExtJ"a Cleanliness-proven by 20 years' work

e lunchcon and bridge on Thursday. I

1\1 r. and 1\1 rs. VV. Russcll Grecn. of 1
HigheJ' Butterfat-natural source of pro-
\Voodbine A venuc, attended a large
N"ew Year's supper givcn by Mr. and
I tein for the colder weather
~Irs. James Herbert Egan. of Fishcr's

· '.
Road, Bryn Mawr. last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Green were thc guests II
of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Smith, of
Swarthmore. at dinner, and latcr at-I
I Conzbined with BJ'ookmead SeJ'vice
(3 Delive:ies a Day to all parts of the Main Line)
tended the performance of the Swarth- i
more ]'lay and Players nn Tuesday!
e night.
Fricnds of .Mrs. \Van-cn R. Tyson. I
Brookmead Guernsev Dairies
of Haverford Avenue, will bc glad to I "A Compld~, Dependable Dairy Service"
-Photo by Dooner. learn that she is now recovering from Ii I
MISS CATHERINE MEIGS an operation for acute appendiciti~ West Lancaster Avenue, Wayne Phone Warne 1121
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Meigs, which she underwent on New Year's II!
• 'of CynJllyd, who has bun the guest, since i night in the Hahnemann Hospital.
December 26, of Mr. tllld Mrs. E. N. ~Irs. Tyson was stricken suddenly on I
I :'\ l' W Year' s Day. I" ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!~!i!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Hannaford, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Page Ten OUR' TOWN lanuary 9, 1931

IBraslau to Sing in I ~[rs. William Sibley and Mrs. Eo C.

GeneJoal N otice- Classlfted AdvertIsements will be charged only
to residents of the MaIn LIne whose names
aPPt'ar In the telephone dIrectory; to persons maIntainIng an account wIth
II : Cockrill and a committec to be an-
Ardmore on M ond ay i nounced later.
earning for her the highest esteem of
At the meeting on Monday after-
noon it was decided to hold a card
party on Monday afternoon, January
uc or to regular SUbscribers to either THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or
public and critics. 119'
at 2 P. M. in Elm Hall, for all the
Arrangements have bcen made ml'mbers of thc Mulieres Fire Com-
Rates 10 cents a line In each paper; 25 cents 11 line In all three.
whereby memberships in the Main pany. Any non-members may attend
--Minimum charge, 35c In one paper; 75 centll In all three AV- J Line and Ge.rn~antown . Community upon t,he payment of a small guest
1\[ s J I B II [M .

erage of five wonl' to the line. No blaekfaced type used.
Concert AssociatIOns are IIIterchange- f.
,ab[e. At Monday night's concert, seats Ice. r.. ?1l1
urre all( 1
Deadline to,. InserUons- .
CIIlHllifled ad\'t'l'lIHemellls will
he accf'llted Ull to Wedll'·...dar. "
wil1 be reserved for members of thc Charles IH. \' Iguers, Jr., are the hos-
I Main Line Association until 8:10 P. )"f." tesses and rcservations may he madc
o'clock for OUR TOWN or all three pap'!rs; Thurllday. 1 o'clnck. for 'rHE
MAIN LINER: Thurllday. 5 o'clock for NEWS OF B ..\ LA-CYNWYD. i
after which Germantown members willi with them.
'be seated. '
! The officers of the Main Linc Com-II If thc attendan~e at tIllS. tUlle IS
. . . ...
Phone Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100 ~ !munity Conccrt Association are: Dr. enough to ~varrant It, there '.vll[ be an-

~ Herbert J. Tily, of CynwYd, president; (I other one given next month. rhe mem-
Miss Elizabeth A. Ransley and Harry bers are all concentrating on the plans
cuurURED lady desires cOIllpa.nion- I C Bare of Ardmore vice chairmen' f or tl 1e mem b crs I' liP (Inve
' tl'
liS 1110n tl 1.

References ex- Mrs. D~niel S. Kellc'r, of Rosemont,
At Your Service lIecretary position.
HA ULI :"G-I,oeal an(] long dt ... tance. cellent. L. E. Ph II Ii pll, 34 S. 17th St.. secretary, and Richard J. Hamilton, of
Sen'icc EX}lI'm·Hi Co., Franle H. Seely, Phlla. Rlt. 6729. \otnbl-2f) . Ardmore, treasurer. "No stores in Narberth"-That would
Jr., I-'ll'op. 5 Bala A\'e. Cynw~'d 877.
I There are over 600 members
seriously inconvenience most house-

( ob-tf) W'\N'1TD P It I
0' " - utility
"" worl<.
"" .. ""
I ff
" "'" refer-
roo sso~latlOn. '. 'f o

ew ~ dd ItlOna
in the
1 n~el11- '1OIders herc. Why not extend your
1,;J1zaheth Pear~;on, en('"H. Pri\'ate experience. Ph. Bryn ~)ershlps ar~ still obt~tnable and those knowledge of the borough's business ....
215 Iludley .A '"e., Narh. 1'h. Narb. "raw l' 2115-.J. (ombl-2f) tnterested 111 attendlllg the concerts houses and aid them to extend their
2728. (otf)
COLORED hoy deHlres worl,; washing should get in touch ~\'i~h ~! rs. Keller, service to you?
UOTTI,IEB 1';SSLIN(1!o;n. carpenter diHheH, clcanlng or in lItore. 814 Bld- the secretary, as admISSIOn IS to mcm-
johhlng, alterntifJIHi. 122 Con"'ay AYe. dIe St., Arrlmore. (ombl-2f) bel'S only. Please let "Our Town" have your
Call !':arh. :1748-H.
1'1.-\:-10 tuning' and I'l'Jla iri n g- In your
WORI.;: b~' the rJa~'-Laundry work,
cleaning, Will cook and scrve dln- I
rlereS to Conduct
news early-preferably on Monday or
o\VIl town l'l)~tH mueh leH~" Hcnrl ncrH. (Jood refcrenccs. $3 and carfare. I
pOllta!. t~. Uhel'ti, :1l7 Hampden Avc. 814 Blddlc St., Ardmorc. Phone Nar-l Membership Drive
( otf) berth 2548-W. (ombl-2f) I HOWARD C. FRITSCH
I'LASTEHI:"U and eClnenl \vorl<., chiln- RELIABI~)o; woman with g-ood rCfer-1 <.JONTINUED FROM THE FIRST PAGE ./1I,'1tice of the Peace
lIey.s and H tf)ll t~ \\'OJ']\' rcpu irecl and enees wishes position in sma\) adult ' . . .a
pointed. Ht.Ul'l'O repaired and \vater- family, sma\) wages if good home. No member to II1sure fire protection, but REAL ESTATE
proofed. J~dw. S. HawH. Phone :-;'ar- launrJr~' worle or heavy cleaning. Miss I thc womcn sponsoring this drive for Firl' In~urance-Best Companiea
bc\'th :1721. (otf) Leachc, 524 Homcwood A\·e., Narbcrth. i b
(0I11bl-2f) , I11CI11 ers as
k f
or your support. I'holle 404!1-W 2111 Haverlord Ave.
IJHI~SS"IAKI!':G and alt(,rations or
luendiug' in your 1101110 or 111i11C. >\ll's. HEI,IABLIo; wonmn wishes light house- i "\Vhen a member of the women's
M:. Redl"'h. Ph. N'al'h. :?:W5-1V. (nl-~) work in Hma\) adult home. No laun-, branch of the fire c011lpany caUs upon
d~T worlc
For Stlle
Gon.d home preferred to you, we hope y01l will see the wisd011l
111g-h wageH. MISS Leach, 524 Home-
wood Ave., !':arberth. I . .
(ombl-2) of, her :rgu11le(~t for t~ls IJrotectJ~)n.
" H. B. WALL "

ICE BOX and ... idchoal'd fo\' salo, rea·

Honahle. Phont.~ ~arbt.~rth 2;;71-R. CHAUI~I"EURING or trucl, driving I fhe South SIde of :\arberth will be Plumbing .:. Heating
(0 1-9) wanted hy I'cllahlc young White in charge of Mrs. Fred A. Egmore
ma.n, capahle around ~ard(>n. Plcasc and ~I rs. E. C. Griswold and a com-
BUY NO 'tV ~ CORD "'000, any lengths, wl'Ite ",I," care of Our '1'own, Narberth.. . .
Phonp: Narberth 3652-M
reas. 'Vm. I"oot. Ph. Cynwyd 984. (ombIZ-12f) ! n1lttee whIch will be announced later.
(ombl-16-31) CASHU;R
Five yearN' experience, de-I The North side will be in chargc of
slrcs position. A-I references. Ph .•
or less
Rooms tlnd Botlrding
(;I~NTLI~:\IA:\'or hUHine~H Wnlnon
wanted for fUl'lliHhcd 1'00111 In prl-
Ardmorc 255.

IJh Narberth 2720.

WO:\'IAN wishes housework hy the da~·.
$10.00 Rebuilds
vate famll~', ('on\·. 10 !\arllerth stat ion S'rb."lH; Hr\ PHI·;It, hlg'h Hchuul gradu- Narberth National Bank Vacuum Cleaner Like New
Phonc :-Iarhcrt h Hlil. (omhtf) ate and hu:-;ineHS eollege graduate, llegnr,lIell" of mnke or eondltlon
"'I';LI~ furniHherJ, cheel'ful room with eXCt·lIent referenceH. Phone !':arherth Charter No. 12595. Hefolierve Dis. No. 3
GlInrnlltee.1 for One Year
2450-W. (omb-tf) Report of cfllHlition of the Narherth
prl\'ate familr: olle ~qu:n'e fro 111 hu.~ E"tlmntlng 'Vltla.",t Clanrll:e
and train~. I-hone :-Inrh. 2407-W.
(0 1-2;l)
JJUljJ~Kbb.lPL.;H, hiller, typist or gen'l
Nntional BanI" of Narherth, In the
State of Pellns~'l,'anln, at the clo.:-;e of
dt'tall worl,er desires part time work, huslnesH on Deccmber 111, Ino: GUS WELSH ....
or will tai,e three days a weel,. Can RJ<;SO'UnCES Ele,·trlelnn
A "tlrtment!' hantlle any office position. Phone Nar- Loa.ns and DlscountH ....... $300,:102.08 49 ANDERSON AVE., Ardmore
hel'l h 2703- R. (ombtO Other hond~, t-:tock:-;, and se- PllOlle t A r,llIlore 1121>
THHI~" larg'" ."()()nl':-;, Inelude I,itcl",n
and hath: wplI heated; vl'ry reilH. 22 NUHSE wishes position, no houlleworl" ('uritie:-; u\\"lled . . . . . . . . . . . 2~H, 1H2.5U
will visit by the hour; could also ae-I Banking hou ... e .. , $45,180.60
Bala .-\\'('., Bala. I'hrJJll~ t')'11 ,v~'<1 SS I.
(omh 1-:1)
If de"lred. Phone Narberth 2960 on
commodate two patlcnts In own home I~urniture and flx- .
tures .... " . . . . 12,10011.110 ,.S,OSO.60 w. P. MIESEN
SaturdaYH. (omb-tf) He... erve with I,'erl"ral He- Carpentcr .:, Builder ,:, Jobbing
Situations Wtlnted J~XPI';RIl<;NCED girl will care for Chl1-1 "'erv" BanI, .............. 27,133.75 Phones:
I·;XP 1·;HII·;NCI,;n luan \\"iHhe:-; l,oHlllon dren day or cvcning. References. ('a... h and du(' from hanl's ... 59,452.43 I Day-Narbt'rth :i973·M
as ehallffellr ill private familr, ex- Phone Ardmore 339R-.T. (omb-tf) Outside ('heckH and other Night-Narberth 2890·R
pert nlechanie. ne~t t"cferen('e:-:. I'h. S'I'ENOGRAPHER-elerlcal experience, ('aHh ill'lllH ............... 44li.42
Brrn l\l a \\. l' 20·\;;-.1. (omhl-!If)
CHA1JI"J~El'H, ('olorl'd, (lcHireH pOHition
Buslnees college education. Moderate
salary. References. Phone Narberth
I $684577.78
along- i\la in Line. HPHt referenceH, 10
yearH' expprit'llee. Ph. IIrrn Mawr 1748.
2357-W. (omb-tf) I 1~IABI1~I1'IIo;S
YOUNG WOMAN wishes general office cnpltal. stocl, paid in ......
'y'OUN-G woman, college graduate, office
Ilnd selling' experience, <1e:-;lre.:-; po.:-;I·
tion at oOe'e. Ph. Hilltol' 1610-,1.
work or to assist In a shop. Thor- t~,~it~~~ed';;r·r;tit';....:..:~~t . : : : : :
oughly experienced and can give ex- Resen'cH for dividends, con-
cellent references.
Phone Ardmore tlngcneies, etc. . .........
(omb·tf) I Due to banI"" including' ccr-

RELIABLE middle-aged White man, I tlticd and cashierH' checks
EXPI';RI1<;NC I';}) <'!Iau ffell I' deHlreH l)()·
experienced gardener, desires POSI-I outstandlng- .............. 8li3.26 Chains-All Kinds
"Itlon; elth('r priva tc or mercantile. tlon of any kind. Best of references. Demand deposltH ........... 247,f158.79
Ph. HherW()lHl 5;;40. (omhl-lOf) Phone Bryn Mawr 182-W. (omb-tf) I Time depoHltH .............. 333,604.61 Eveready Prestone _A
WO:\fA:-I de:-;ireH to do hou:-;e\\'orl~ lind : RI1I... pa~'lIhle and red is-
cool<.ing-, no lau(\lln". l\fls~ O'Nelll, I eounts .. , ........ , ....... 20,000.00 Dernttured Alcohol
:;12X K. Sth St., I'hl lll., PH. (omhl-!lf) NOTICE
YOUNG girl wishes da~' \Vorl" clean-
Ing; no cool,lng, any day exccpt
Notlcc IH ht'rebY given that llllpllca·
tlon has been made to the Public Serv-
I! $684,577.78
of Penn:-;~'l\'anla, count~· of
Goodyear Tires
Mon. or Wed., $3 and carfare. Ph. Ard- Icc Commh,,;ion of the ConUllonwealth I Montgomery, HH.:
more 2145. (ombI2-30) of Pennsyh'anla, under the provision I I, J. L. McCrer~", cashier of the Amoco Gas & Oil .'
of the Public Service Compan~' law b) lahove-named hank, do Holemnly swear
YOUNn eolorerJ g-Irl wlshe~ gcncral
hOUHe\Vorl~, plain ('ooltlng. Sleep In Catherlnc Donahue, Narherth, Pa., for a
ccrtlflcate of Public Convenience, evl·
IIthat th" above statcment Is true to the
hest of my I,nowledge and bellef, -at moderate prices
or ou l. References. Phone Bryn Mawr
16:n. dene!ng' the Commission's requl~lte ap" , .J. L. McCRl<;RY, Cashier.
pro\'111 of the beginning of the cXerClll€ I ~uh,Herlbed anrJ sworn to, ;Iefore me
eolured \VOlnan wishes
general housc\vork,
of the rlg-ht llnd privilege of operating
motor vchlcles liS a comn\On carrle~
thlH hth rIal' of .Januar~·, 1.1,,1.
Sleep in. Best
rcfercnees. Phone for the transportation of persons upon Notary Public.
Swart h more IS3. (ombI2-26f)
COOK-Protestllnt, l,~sl experience; no
call and demand In the Borough of
Narberth. :\lon tgomery County. Stand
Con'ect Attest:
downHtalrs or houseworl,. Write
"M," eare of The :\Ialn Liner. Ardmorc.
at thc Pennsylvania Rallroa<1 ~tatlon
A public hearing upon th Is application (~HAHI,l,S Eo "rU~MEH,
n Irect OrH.
(ombI2-26f) will be held In Hoom 496, Cit)' Hall. .f
Philadelphia, on the 13th day of Jan·
,VANTED-Position as . chaUffeur. Ph.
Br~'n Mawr 2045-,T, (ombI2-26f)
'v AN1'J,;D-i:li tuatlon UH g'al'dener or
uary, A. D. 19:1I, at 10 A. 1\I. when and
where all llersons in Interest may ap"
pear and be heard If the~' so desire,
Legtll Notice
The a.nnulli me<>tlng of the Stoel'-\
I Narberth Avenue up the
at the Railroad Bridge
dalrymlln. Appl~' S68 Martin Ave., CATHl<;RINE DONAHUE, holders of the Narberth National Ban I"
Bryn Mawr. (omhI2-19f) Petitioner. Narberth, I'll., will he held on the 13th I
YOUNG SCOTCHMAN desires position LARZELERE & WRIGH'I" dll~' of .IlIn\lar~", 19:n, at 5 o'clock. I Phone: Narberth 3775 •
as second chauffcuI·. Ph. Br~'n Mawr Attornc~·s. .1. l~. :\leCRl<;HY, CaHhlpl·. I
2115-J. (0I11bI2.19f~ (ot-I-9) I (I-~-:ll)
•.V· ~.
• Page SieVed
JanNa,., 9. 1931 OUR TOWN
Mont.. Co. FeJderatlon1 the"Pinwheel." II the latest addition to'
repertory of the Hedgerow The-
Meettng on anuary 21,performed
atre at Moylan-Rose VaHey. will be
for the second time on Fri- "SEND A DOZEN ROSES)"
I day, January 16. This play makes the
,..., All.Day Session at Consho.1 seventy-second production for this am-
easy to teI ep hone
'bitious theatre. and is the eighth new 9

hocken Promises Many I

play for this) its eighth season. Cele
It s
. F McLaughlin. Harry Bellaver and Carl
Interestmg eatures Reukautf head the large cast of this the Horist. Find the
unusual production. which comprises
LICHTENBERGER SPEAKER most I o~ theever.popular
Ibsen s
"A Doll's
number in the Classi-
House" is the play for Thursday night. fied Directory I
The Montgomery County Federa- January IS, with Miriam Phillips again
tion of Women's Clubs will hold an I playing "Nora." Dudley Vaughan
all-day meeting at the Conshohocken I"Mrs. Linde," Jasper Deeter "Dr.
Methodist Episcopal Church. Sixth and Rank," Ferd Nofer '::ro.rvald Helmer::
Fayette Streets Conshohocken on and Harry Bellaver NIls Krogstadt.
Thursday. Janu;ry 15. ' " ~aturday ,night's sho\~. is ~iacosa's
The morning session bei'ins at LIke F~I.lll1g l:e~ves, .. ~Ith ~ay
10:15. One of the features on the pro-· Roma, Mtrlam Phllhps, WIlham 'price,
gram will be a model meeting of the Alfr~d Rowe and N cd Potter III the
• League of Nations, portrayed by the! leadJl1!) roJes..
members of the Federation and ar-I TC;lIl1ght s pla~, at Hedgero\\ IS I;-Ike
T ' •• " '.

ranged by Mrs. William \Vhite, chair- !:a!IJI1g L~~ves. and t?m?r~ow 11Ight
man of International Relations. This! Pmw,hee1. an unp!'esslonlstlc play by
skit is presented by the secretary of i FrancIs F~ragoh, WIll be presented for
the League of Nations Association of the first tIme by these players,
Philadelphia. I " , ·
Among those who have been invited I)0111 the contributors club: write
to attend this meeting are Mrs. Frank ~hls paper when :you have news of 2
Miles Day. of Philadelphia. and a num_\ll1terest to your neighbors.
~~ In~rn~~~I~~=s~~II·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
men from nearby counties. Iii,
Dr. James Pendleton Lichtenberger,
Professor of Sociology at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania. will be the
speaker at the afternoon session which
convenes at 2 o'clock. His topic will
. "1 be "Is Modern Civilization self-De-\
The chorus of the Woman's Club
of Royersford will furnish the musical,
part of the program, and Mrs. David I
The Merion Title
N. Patterson, of Cynwyd, county
chairman of Literature. will give an
illustrated talk on the art of book
Besides the· above-mentioned inter-I
esting features, there will be a flower
and Trust Company
show, consisting of dish gardens and 'II
other flowers, arrangements for which
prizes will be awarded. Box luncheon
-cotlee will be served.
I (Total Resources in Excess of $12,000,000.)
Approve Plans for ~300,OOOI
M. E. Church in Cynwyd; I
Thirty new members are expected I THE recent consolidation of this institu-
to affiliate with the Bala-Cynwyd
~1. E. Church at its 11 A. 11. service
this Sunday, according to the Rev.
Franklin Duncombe, minister of the
tion and the Ardmore Title and Trust
church. Methodism's leader for the

Philadelphia area, Bishop Ernest G,
Richardson, will preach at the morn- Company permits us to offer our patrons
ing service.
On display Sunday will be draW-I'
ings of the proposed "Methodist Epis-
copal Cathedral (If the Main Line," to
better service and increased resources in
be erected on land that includes the
site of the present Cynwyd M, E,
Approval has been given plans made
addition to the wholehearted co-operation
by Architect Charles W. Bolton for
four buildings-a cathedral sanctuary,
a unique tower, an educational build- which has always been our policy.
ing and recreation center, and a new
manse. The cost is estimated to be
in the neighborhood of $300,000. Bids
for its construction are expected to be
submitted in the near future. I
Unique Condition Reported I
in Township Finances I
For the first time in the history of ['
Lower Merion Township at the close
of a year a cash balance was reported I
The Merion Title
and Trust Company
after payment of all bills. This condi-,
tion was made known at a special I
meeting of the Board of Comll1is-;
sioners on December 29 when a bal-;
ance of $26,994 was reported. i
Contracts for garbage collection '(
were awarded at this meeting on a:
three-year basis. The contract for the;, (Main Line's 'Largest and Most Complete Banking Institution)
r:ir~t District of the Township, cpn-J;
slstmg of Bala. Cynwyd, Menon,ll
Overbrook, Ashland Heights, was I
awarded to E. Roy Claypoole, of Glad- :'
wyne, for $41,961. The Second Dis-I
trict contract, comprising the upper·
section of the Township, went to JOhnl'
and Frank B1ascinski, of Newtown
Square, atab id of $44,997.50. Ill'~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!iii!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!i!!!!!ii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!i!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!i!!!!i!!!~
January 9, 1931
Page Twelve
- - - - . I f J~h-nny -Eaton play the first half, the
Y Closes Doors of IStaff of tMerionite,' Haverford boys were warm in their
praise of his abili~y. Tha~'s good ~tuff.
. 1D rtm nt I L. M. Paper, Announced JI)' 'rCllUIIl)' :Un"klln :\Iight as wcl1 give a httlc credIt to
PhYSlca epa e I "Lardie" Davis, assistant coach of the other fel10w if he delivers the
i Thc staff of the "Merionite," the Pennsylvania's Red and Blue basket- goods.
Insuf. i newspaper published by the students ball t~am, belieyes the boys will come '"
'" though,
Obsolete Equipment and I of Lower :\-1 erion High School, was through before the year is oyer to
It isn't Eaton, that Haver-
ficient Support Cited as I ford and the other Suburban schools
announced yesterday following tryouts show great improvement in the new ha\'e to worry over. It's the Maroon
Reasons. for the posts which have lasted for style of play adopted by Lon Jourdet. team play that will defeat the oppos-
several months. The short passing, pivot play game is ing teams again this year. And those
of \,ou who thought Anderson's team
SCHOOLS USED THE POOL The editorial staff is composed of difficult for the hoys left 0\'1.'1' from the WOllid be onl\' a shadow of last year's
the following: McNichol regime. "VI.' ha\'e seen every ensemble, just watch that group this
Editor-in-Chief, Alice Tyson; ):1 an- home game of the season at the Pales- year. \Vho can replace Alfred D'Am-
All physical facilities in the Ard- aging Editor, Sherwin McDowell; As- tra, and Penn certainly is showing a ora, and who can replace Alfred Man-
more building of the Y. M. C. A. at sociate Editors, Lewis Meyers, Doro- fine fighting spirit and a degree of im- des in the important guard positions?
I H, "Vest Lancaster A\'enue will be thea Bates: Feature Editor, Elfreda pnl\'ement in each new contest. \Vith a quick answer we reply Jim
Bradford and Hughie '\1ynn. Don't
dosed, effective Friday, January Iii, Landis: !II ews Editor, :\·1 ary Jean '" '" '" take om' word for it, just wait and
1931, it was announced this week. Poorman: Literary Editor, \\Thjt~ehl, If Sander can learn all that "Lardil'" watch results. And if you doubt the
Obsolescence of equipment, inade- Bell, Jr.; Associate Literary Ed!toL knows about center play, he will he scoring ahility of Pennypacker, Turner
Virginia Asnis; Boys' Sports Editor, a sensation hefore he is through at and Eaton, you doubt in vain.'
quate facilities and insufficient demand Harry Paxton; Girls' Sports Editor, Penn.
and support to justify continuance :\1 argery Croft.
'" '" I I Anderson has '"
'" '"another wonderful
wt're given as the reasons for the clos- Sophomore }{eporters: Kathleen .-\s we stated be fore, we can see on y team, and it's the consistent tcam-play
ing order by the Y authorities. The \Vheeler, Pauline Keever, Anthony one outcome for the A leaguc division of his coaching system that makes
dormitories at 2 \V. :\lontgomery Ave- Hammond, Richard Duffield, \Vendall of the Suburban race and that will be them good.
nue and auditorium at 116 \Y. Lan- Alexander, John Boericke, Jr. a repeat for Bill Anderson's M aroOl~s. '" '" '"
Business Staff: Business:\1 anager. Haverford is formidable, accordlllg After piling up a five-point lead in
caster :\ venue will remain opcn, it was \Villiam :\1 acan; Circulation 1lanager. to reports, but most of their prestigc the first half of the game, Radnor lost
stated. Jack Bern': Advertising 11anager, Ed- comes from the victory over Episco- to Ppper Darby. Tuesday, by a 26-to-
The physical dcpartment was closed ward :\radara: Bookkeeper, \\1illiam pal, the team that was s~premely luc~y 21 score. Campbel1 again led Upper
to thc public beginning this week but Aurand. to win from Lower :\1erlon. Lucky In Darby in point-getting, and his work
it will remain open for use by school Facult\' Advisers: Editorial. Mary the fact that t!ICY c~ught the boys. at the pi\'ot play under the basket aid-
E, Altho'use; Business, Frank V. Rine- from Ardmore m their first gam~ of I cd the team to its victory.
teams, etc., until the 16th. The Y the season beforc they were orgamzed. '" '" '"
swimming pool has been used for prac- Pennypacker and . Turner missed Norristown, who plays here tonight,
tice and mcets by Lower Merion, Hav- enough easy, baskets 111 that firs.t game looked gm,d in their game against
erford, Radnor and Upper Darby High Lower Merion Swamps to defeat their opponents by a bIg mar- Reading last week. Tonight's fuss will
gin. On the other hand. Haverf?,rd have ali the thrills of a Lower M erion-
The fol1owing statemen t was made
Friends' Central Five barely uosed out the boys frol11 Ctty Norristown affair.
Line on the home floor, and !l)(l much * '"
on the matter by Y. :\L C. A. authori- ~lIIphasis .on that game should uot be Johnny Longaker refereed the ga!lIe
"The present building docs not af- Rolls
Up 40-9 Score Against IIIdulged 111. last Tuesdav hetween Lower Merion
* * '" and Friend;' Central. Bill Anderson,
ford an opportunity to offer to the Academy Team on And another thing, as liump would somt'one tells me, coaches Lower Mer-
men, women, boys. and .girls of Ard- sa\'. Haverford High School varsity ion. Duug Crate coaches Friends' Cen-
more and surroundmg dlstncts a pro- Tuesday. pl~yers have enough to think about tral. All three men are former Lafay-
gram that is in step with the present without having the added mental haz- ctte court stars. Bil1 Anderson was
needs. IMPROVES ani uf so much talk about them being captain of his team at Lafayette, then
"The income from activities and TEAM PLAY champions in this and that. Give that he became coach and had on his teams
memberships, together with the con- fine bunch of boys a fighting chance at Easton Longaker and Crate, both
tributions received, falls far short of Lower :\1 erion reached peak fOl'm to forget themselves and play the of whom wert· caplain~ in their senior
carrying the expenses iuvolved. TuesdaY afternoon and tunted back a game. \Vc'll gamble that Allie Cur- year at college. Quite a Lafayl'tte af-
fighting basketball team from Friends' nog would like to murder some of the fair. what:
"The association realizing the dis- Central Academy by an overwhelming fellows who keep saying that [-[aver-
'" '" *
~tanll'v Thomas, forward on Al1llt·r-
appointment to some of its members score, 40 to 9. The),1 aroon team, ford is so hot in this or that sport.
son's Ll)Wer ~Ierion team two vears
has arranged to do one of two ~hings: with each member playing in splendid 1t's a gn'at handicap for a coach to
( 1) :\1 ake a cash refund covermg .the form, started off at the toot of the first O\·erCOllll·. t Yes, we'n, guilty, too.) ago. is going gn'at at l.aiaYl'ltc· this
unexpired portion of the phYSIcal whistle to ring up the score. On a \Ve are great rooters for Haverford year as a sopholllore and iorwarcl Oil
privileges, o r . . pretty play from center John Penny- teams, and the boys who make up tIll' \'arsit\' hasketball team.
(2) Have the unexpIred penod trans- packer got the ball and made a perfect their personnel are true sportsmen. A , '" '" '"
l.ower ~I erioll Junior High plays
ferred to either the West Building, pass to J oh nny Eaton for a basket be- number of them came over to Lower
Fifty-second an~ :,anson Streets; fore the visitors knew the game was :\Ierion High School ou Tuesday to Edisoll Juniors irolll Harrishurg next
the Centarl B11Ildmg, 1421 Arch under way. And thus it was during see the game between Lower :\[ erion Friday night at the Junior High audi-
Street, or the North Building, 1013 the grcat~r part of the contest. Be- and Friends' Central. After watching toril11n,
''''. Lehigh Avenue. . tween the shooting of Pennypacker
":\lembership in the Ardmore .B~lld- and Eaton and the fine defensive work
ing is good at either of these bUlldmgs of the two guards, Hughie \VY~111 and
until the expiration date shown on the 1im Bradford and the captall1 and
membership card."
Raiders Win Two
center, Jim 1't;rner, the game was just
about a complete shutout.
Late in the first half Anderson sent
in the second-string five, who held the
Games During Week visitors scoreless while scoring three
points themselves. The same situa- Lower Merion Jr. High
tion occurred at the close of the game
The Raiders Boys' Club of Narberth with the second-team hoys scoring l·'S.
defeated the Golden Bears of 'Vynne- consistently,
field last Friday night by the score of Eaton was again the heavy scorer.
25-20. Parks starred for the Borough while Pe11ll\'packer and Turner also
team with four field goals and Qne scored consrstently along with H ughic
Harrisburg Jr. High
foul. Taylor was high scorer for tl~e \Vynn. Pennypacker's, floor ga,nlC was at Lower Merion Jr. High Gymnasium
Golden Bears with six field goals. Tim good with the exceptIon of hIS work
is the second win of the Raiders over under the basket, while Turner played
the Bears this season. Last year the well in the pivot position. Bradford Friday, January 16, at 8:15 P. M.
Bears werc defeated twice by the Raid- and his little running mate \"'ynn held
ers. the visiting forwards tuf one field goal. Lower Merion's Undefeated
The Raiders tucked away another Blaker was the hest of the Friends'
victor\' on Monday night when they Central erowd, although tht,y all Junior High Team, Co'champions
defeated the 11erion A. C.. 16-15, at played hard against odds.
the Narberth School. Captain Ed Mc· The lineup and summary: with West Chester in the
Garry led the Raiders with four field I~o,,'er l\1f'rlnn Fl'ieJld~' Central
goals. . I';aton .. , .. ,., ,l'orward r'. Hlnltie Suburban League
Bv winning this gamc the Ralder~ Penn~'llnet'l'r .. I"orwal'd , .' Fisher
clinched third place in the :\Iain Line 'I'urtler
,. Blal,er W ill meet Edison Jr. High of
J nnior Baskethal1 League. The \\1ar- \Vvnn ., ' .t:ua1'<l. .. Hobert"haw
riors arc in first place, Gladwyne SCI." Lo'wer ~Icrlon ..... 15 10 5 10-40 Harrisburg in the first intersectional
and, Raiders third, 11 erion fourth, and Friend'" Central ., 1 2 :1 :I-!l
the Narberth scouts holding down the ]~ield goalH-Lo\\'(>r :Meriun: I~aton. basketball game in the history of
cellar. 7: Pennypael{er, :l; 'rurner, a: W~·t1n, 2;
Tomorrow night at the Narberth Ro"", 2. I'rlt'llll,,' Central: F. Hinkle,
School, the Raiders will play the -1~at()ll, Bla]{t'I"~, l."nul ~onlH: [..o\\'er l\lerion
2: P('nn~'pacl{er, a: Blair.
the sport in Pennsylvania. ,
"\Vizards," of \Vest Philadelphia, who l.'rll'nd,,· Central-I''- Hinkle, Quinlan, Tax-25 Cents
arc undefeated in nine starts this sea- l'a"tre.'. Huh"tltu Lion,,-Lower 1\Ierlon
son. -Blair for E:aton, FI'~'herger for Pen-
\Iv'ednesday, the Raiders play Glad- nYPllcker, Hose for Turner, Williams Comfortable Seats for All
wvne at Narberth School. AII games for Bradford, l\It'Co~' for \Y~'1)11.
start at 8 P. 1\1. There will be a sec- ]i"l'iends' Central: Quinlan for r"l~her,
ond-team game on Saturday night at BII Iter for Ca"tree, Sullivlln for Robert-
shaw, J. Hinkle for Quinlan.

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