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The Legend Of Sangkuriang(Sasangkala Sangkuraing Kabeurangan)

In ancient the time, in upgraded Parahyangan, stood a prosperous kingdom (gemah ripah
lohjinawi kerta raharja). This prabu that be fond of sport went hunting the animal, that always
was accompanied by his dog that was loyal, that was named "Tumang".

Once upon a time Prabu went hunting deer, but has all day long results were more displeasing.
The fugitive's animal in the forest as though vanishing was swallowed the earth. In the middle of
disappointment did not get his fugitive's animal, Prabu was startled by inciting his loyal dog of
"Tumang" that found a female baby tergeletak around rimbunan the field. Really happy Prabu,
when the discovery of the female baby that berparas pretty this, considering for quite a long time
Prabu craved a daughter, but still not was blessed with the child. The female baby was given by
the name of the daughter Dayangsumbi.

Finally the daughter Dayngsumbi that was pretty after mature was proposed by a man, that
afterwards dikarunia a male child who was given by the Sangkuriang name that also in the future
had the hunting hobby like also Prabu. However love the husband Dayangsumbi not be aged

Finally the daughter Dayngsumbi that was pretty after mature was proposed by a man, who
afterwards had a male child who was given by the Sangkuriang name that also in the future had
the hunting hobby like also Prabu. However love the husband Dayangsumbi not be aged long.

At one time, Sangkuriang that still was very very young, held the hunting was accompanied by
the pet dog Prabu that also his mother's pity, that is Tumang. However the not better day caused
the hunting to not receive results of the fugitive's animal. Because Sangkuriang promised to
present the heart of deer for his mother, whereas the fugitive's deer were not obtained by him,
then Sangkuriang nekad killed the Tumang his dog of the mother's pity but also Prabu to be
taken to heart by him, that afterwards was dedicated to his mother.

When Dayangsumbi finally knew that the heart of deer that were presented by Putra him not
other was the heart "the Tumang" his pet dog, then murkalah Dayangsumbi. Pushed by anger,
without deliberate, was stricken by him his Putra's head by ladling out rice that was held by him,
until causing the resulting wound. Sangkuriang felt efforts to make his mother happy were in
vain, and felt his action was not guilty. He thought not the heart of deer, the heart of the dog also
was, by not thinking about loyalty the Tumang that all his life has loyal served to his employer.
Sangkuriang also fled left the kingdom, then disappeared without karana.

After the incident of Dayangsumbi felt really regretted, every day he always prayed and asked
Hyang Tunggal, so that he could be brought again together with Putra him. In the future this
request was granted, and the cheapness Hyang Tunggal only then Dayangsumbi was rewarded
durable young. Syahdan Sangkuriang that continued to roam, he grew penjadi the courageous
young man, invulnerable supernatural power apalgi after he was successful menaklukan the
nation siluman that was magical also, that is Guriang Tujuh (seven devils).

In at one time his roaming, Sangkuriang without being realised by him he returned to the
kingdom where he came. And the living plot brought together him with a daughter that berparas
lovely nan captured, that not other was the daughter Dayangsumbi. Sangkuriang fall in love to
this daughter, likewise Dayangsumbi was enchanted would courage and the Sangkuriang
handsomeness, then love relations both of them were established. Sangkuriang and Dayangsumbi
at that time did not know that in fact both of them were the mother and the child. Sangkuriang
had finally proposed to Dayangsumbi to be proposed to his wife.

The first condition, Sangkuriang must be able to make a big boat. The second condition,
Sangkuriang must be able to make the lake could be used sailed him this boat.

Sangkuriang promised this condition, he worked overtime was helped by wadiabalad the devil
headed by Guriang Tujuh to bring about this request. Big wood wood for the boat and stemmed
the Citarum river, he got from the forest in a mountain that according to the legend in the future
was given by the name of the Bukit Tunggul Mountain. As for the twig and the leaves from the
tree that was used by his wood, he gathered disebuah the hill that was given by the name of the
Burangrang mountain.

In the meantime Dayangsumbi also asked Hyang Tunggal to help him, thwarted the Sangkuriang
intention to memperistri himself.

Hyang Tunggal granted the Dayangsumbi request, before the Sangkuriang work was finished,
the chicken also crowed and the dawn broke ……. Sangkuriang angry, learned he failed to fill
this condition, he kicked the boat that was made by him. The boat had finally fallen lay face
down and according to the legend in the future was the Tangkuban Parahu Mountain, while the
Citarum River current that was stemmed little by little formed the Bandung lake.

Drama Scripts
Malin Kundang

in a village named Suka Maju there lived a young man whose name Malin. He lives with his mother,
while her father had long died. One day Malin convey his desire to his mother to go wander into town.
Malin : "Mom, I want to go wander into town, who knows I can get jobs there
for our live".
Mother : "Are you sure son? Looking for jobs in big cities it is more difficult than looking for
this works in our village”
Malin : "I'm sure Mom, please let me….! "
Mother : "Well if that's your desire, I admit."
The next morning Malin went to town to find work.
Places to place he went to, but no avail.
Until one day he saw a beautiful woman was shopping at market. Suddenly the woman’s bag was
mugged by a man.
Cahaya : "help…, snatcher!!!!! snatcher!!!!!"
Malin get help Cahaya and immediate pursue the snatcher. Finally he caught it and judges him.
The snacher : "Please bro, forgive me. . . "
Malin : "Damn you, how dare you just with a woman!"
Pejambret : "Please bro... . Forgive me! "
Malin : "Come with me to the police!"
Then Malin brought the snatcher to the police station to obtain further legal process.
Cahaya : "Thank you’ve been helpful to me, for the expression of gratitude, will you come to my house
first. . ?"
Malin : "Sure lady"
Cahaya : "Do not call me lady, my name is Cahaya."
In short, Malin arrived at Cahaya’s home and then met with her father. Since the incident Malin was
appointed as an employee and becoming familiar with Cahaya. Because of familiarity, so that Malin do
not remember anymore with the Mother in the village. Not long later, they married.
After his marriage to the Cahaya, Malin worked as an employee in his father in-law.
Not accidentally, the ship stopped in the village Suka Maju, where he and his mother lived. A relative see
Malin trimmed and immediately proclaim to Malin’s Mother.
Neighbor : "Mom, mom .. Malin home mom, she trimmed in port! "
Mother : "Malin home?? Thank’s Uni for the report!" Alhamdulillah my son has get back (inside his
Neighbor : "Let Mom, we go there!"
Hearing that news his mother was thrilled. The awaited day for his mother has arrived.
Mother : "Malin, Malin (screaming), Malin my son, you're back son. Mom missed you. "
Ashamed to admit his mother, Malin was lying.
Malin : "Who are you? My mother is long dead!!! "
Mother : "It's your mother, son I gave birth and raise you, why do you like this??"
Malin : "No, you're not my mother, my mother had died."
Cahaya : "Is it true he's your mother Kang?? Then why do you not recognize him??"
Malin : "No! She is not my mother! (Her mother rushed to leave)
Then the mother crying sadly, children who were born and exalted did not admit her.
His tears drop. Malin leave away from the village immediately.
Mom : "Oh GOD, why my only son was like this? * I gave birth and raised him Ya ALLAH. Give him a
reprimand, indeed He is the rebellious child!"
Suddenly in the middle of the journey, a storm came, the wind, the waves of the sea water rises, and the
thunder grabs away, the ship also shaken.
Malin : "What is this?? The storm was so big"
Suddenly the thunder smashing at Malin’s body.
Malin : "Aaaaarrrrrggggghhhhh ... ... !!!!!!!!"
Instantly he became a rock ...

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