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American Journal of Botany 88(7): 1230–1239. 2001.




Laboratory of Agricultural Ecology, Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, Kyushu University, Kasuya 811-2307 Japan;
Laboratory of Horticultural Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Graduate School, Kyushu University, Fukuoka 812-8581, Japan; and
Department of Horticulture, National Chiayi University, Chiayi, Taiwan, Republic of China

Allozyme diversity on 13 isozyme loci was investigated for two bulbous species, Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum, endemic
to the subtropical archipelago of continental origin located in East Asia. Degrees of allozyme variability and divergence for L.
longiflorum were very high for insular endemic species, indicating relatively longtime persistence of the present widespread distribution
across many islands in this phenotypically little-changed species. Lilium formosanum exhibited rather lower variability and divergence
than did L. longiflorum and was genetically close to the southern peripheral populations of L. longiflorum with 0.978 as its highest
genetic identity value. Combined with other biological and insular geohistorical information, our results suggest that L. longiflorum
was established around the end of the Pliocene when the current distribution area was still a continuous part of the ancient Asian
continent, and L. formosanum was derived from southern populations of L. longiflorum around the late Pleistocene when the mainland
of Taiwan was completely separated from the adjacent islands and the main continent. Depauperization of allozyme variability in some
L. longiflorum populations was found on islands with lower altitudes. This reflects bottleneck effects after the complete or almost
complete submergence of such low islands during the archipelago’s development.

Key words: allozyme diversity; biogeography; continental island; insular endemic; Liliaceae; Lilium; Taiwan; the Ryukyu Ar-

Island biotas have attracted evolutionary biologists since the adaptive radiation, can frequently occur with relatively little
time of Darwin (see Adsersen, 1995 as a review). A basic molecular divergence within a short time (see Crawford, 1990,
theory holds that genetic depauperization of organisms’ pop- for a review). Second, endemic island taxa often possess rel-
ulations and genetic differentiation among them, respectively, atively limited amounts of genetic variation (see DeJoode and
are promoted by ‘‘bottlenecks’’ created by diminishing popu- Wendel, 1992; Weller, Sakai, and Straub, 1996; Frankham,
lation size and restricted gene flow from and into outer pop- 1997, Gemmill et al., 1998 for reviews), though some re-
ulations (Wright, 1931, 1943; Hartl, 1981; Kimura, 1983; Nei, searchers recently exhibited notable exceptions (Weller, Sakai,
1987). Thus, it can be easily assumed that disjunct geographic and Straub, 1996; Francisco-Ortega et al., 2000). These find-
distributions in islands, along with factors regarding migration ings, however, have been concerned mostly with the taxa en-
(the founder principle) and isolation, greatly affect an organ- demic to oceanic islands, upon which organisms are estab-
ism’s genetic structure in terms of its association with histor- lished only through migration events from remote continents.
ical events. In fact, information on genetic structure obtained The archipelago running from Ryukyu to Taiwan consists
using molecular techniques has accumulated recently in regard of nearly 200 islands forming an arc-array in the subtropical
to flowering plants, further clarifying the way current biogeo- area between Kyushu, the southwestern district of mainland
graphic structures have been established in relation to histor- Japan, and the southeastern part of China. Since this archi-
ical events in islands (e.g., Witter and Carr, 1988; Inoue and pelago is considered geologically to be of continental origin
Kawahara, 1990; Crawford et al., 1992; DeJoode and Wendel, (Kimura, 1996), unlike oceanic islands such as Hawaii, its bi-
1992; Westerberg and Saura, 1994; Kim et al., 1996; Weller, ota is largely comprised of relict taxa, which presumably dif-
Sakai, and Straub, 1996; Affre, Thompson, and Debussche, ferentiated from their relatives in the adjacent continent or
1997; Ito, 1998; Baldwin et al., 1999; Kim et al., 1999). mainland (Kizaki and Oshiro, 1977). Thus, comparative phy-
These intensive studies simultaneously generated important logeographic study between biota in this archipelago and that
findings, which are now widely accepted regarding the popu- in oceanic islands may potentially provide significant new in-
lation and evolutionary biology of insular plants. First, within sights into island biology. Studies focusing on combinations
an isolated island environment, evolution expressing extraor- of genetic population structures in relation to the biogeography
dinary morphological and ecological divergence, namely, of relict organisms in the Ryukyu Archipelago and Taiwan,
however, have almost entirely been devoted to animals such
Manuscript received 25 April 2000; revision accepted 21 December 2000. as Plecoglossus altivelis (Nishida, 1985), Iriomote cats (Ma-
The authors thank to M. Maki, Tohoku University, and Y. Ozaki, Kyushu suda and Yoshida, 1995), Gekko hokouensis (Toda, Hikida,
University, for their comments on an early version of the manuscript. This
work was supported in part by a Grant-in-Aid for Encouragement of Young
and Ota, 1997), wood-feeding cockroaches (Maekawa et al.,
Scientists from the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture of 1999), Indian rice frogs (Toda, 1999), and pit vipers (Toda et
Japan (No. 09760036). al., 1999). To our knowledge no such studies have been con-
Author for correspondence. ducted regarding plants.

Fig. 1. Geographic distribution of the Lilium longiflorum (V) and L. formosanum (□) populations studied. Closed areas of a small map are enlarged.
Abbreviations of population names are the same as those in Table 1.

Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum are bulbous plants mostly in oceanic islands. Allozyme analysis is often em-
of the Liliaceae endemic to this archipelago and are widely ployed for studying types of microevolution such as speciation
regarded as species of great importance for world horticulture and conspecific population differentiation (Crawford, 1990).
(Miller, 1993; Okazaki, 1996; McRae, 1998). Both species Thus, we estimated allozyme diversity of L. longiflorum and
have been taxonomically classified into the subsection of the L. formosanum in order to address the following questions: (1)
section Leucolirion by Comber (1949), and their interspecific When and how are the species established? (2) Does the ge-
fertile hybrid cultivars, L. 3 formolongi imply that the two netic structure of their present populations reflect their ecolog-
species are genetically close. Lilium longiflorum is geograph- ical nature and/or the historical geography of the archipelago?
ically distributed from the northernmost islands of the Ryukyu (3) Are there any properties regarding allozyme diversity ex-
Archipelago to the mainland seacoast and to small islands in pressed by other insular plant taxa?
the eastern part of Taiwan, exhibiting a disjunct distribution
following a pattern of arc-arrayed steppingstones (Wilson, MATERIALS AND METHODS
1925; Shimizu, 1987). On the other hand, L. formosanum is
Plant materials—The almost entire native distribution of 19 natural pop-
natively distributed solely, but widely, within the mainland of
ulations of L. longiflorum and eight natural populations of L. formosanum
Taiwan (Wilson, 1925; Shii, 1983). The combined distribution
were studied (Fig. 1, Table 1). These two species are relatively similar in
of the two species thus covers the entire archipelago across terms of their appearance but are easily distinguishable by their leaf mor-
many islands within an ;1300 km range. phology: Lilium formosanum has willowy leaves, which are narrower and
Based on the abovementioned characteristics regarding longer than those of L. longiflorum (Wilson, 1925; M. Hiramatsu, unpublished
study sites and plants, we expected that an analysis of the data). Capsules were collected in the study sites, and plant materials for en-
genetic structure of these species would be significant not only zyme analysis were grown in a greenhouse from air-dried seeds. A single
in terms of what it might reveal regarding the phylogenetic progeny individual from each maternal genotype was used for the analysis.
relationship of the two species, but also for verifying this re- Samples of each population comprised 10–55 individuals (33 for L. longiflo-
lationship’s association with the historical geography in the rum and 25 for L. formosanum, on average).
Ryukyu to Taiwan archipelago arc and the widely accepted
generalization regarding insular evolutionary biology assessed Isozyme electrophoresis—Approximately 200 mg of young fresh leaf sam-

TABLE 1. Study sites of Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum populations indicated with number of individuals examined, population size (S,
,50; M, ,500; L, .500), population altitude (m), and maximum island peak altitude (m).

No. of Maximum
Population individuals Population Population island peak
Species abbreviation Locality examined size altitude (m) altitude (m)

L. longiflorum LYA Yaku Shima, Ryukyu 30 S ,10 1935

LKI Kikai Jima, Ryukyu 43 L ,10 224
LAM1 Amami O Shima, Ryukyu 23 L ,20 694
LAM2 Amami O Shima, Ryukyu 27 M ,20 694
LTO Tokuno Shima, Ryukyu 40 M ,10 645
LOE Okino Erabu Jima, Ryukyu 34 M ,20 246
LYR Yoron To, Ryukyu 51 L ,20 97
LOK1 Okinawa, Ryukyu 11 S ,20 498
LOK2 Okinawa, Ryukyu 13 S ,10 498
LOK3 Okinawa, Ryukyu 10 S ,10 498
LKU Kume Shima, Ryukyu 43 L ,10 310
LMI Miyako Jima, Ryukyu 29 L 20 109
LIS1 Ishigaki Jima, Ryukyu 55 L 110 526
LIS2 Ishigaki Jima, Ryukyu 53 L ,10 526
LIR Iriomote Jima, Ryukyu 37 M ,10 469
LYO Yonaguni Jima, Ryukyu 41 L ,20 231
LPI Pitouchiao, mainland of Taiwan 37 L 60 3997
LFU Fulung, mainland of Taiwan 29 S ,20 3997
LLA Lanyu, Taiwan 30 L 50 552
L. formosanum FWU Wulai, mainland of Taiwan 21 M 600 3997
FLI Lishan, mainland of Taiwan 18 M 1600 3997
FHO Hohuanshan, mainland of Taiwan 33 L 3000 3997
FWS Wushe, mainland of Taiwan 20 M 1100 3997
FSH between Shuili and Ershui, mainland of Taiwan 12 S 400 3997
FTA Tatachia, mainland of Taiwan 33 L 2600 3997
FPA Paolai, mainland of Taiwan 41 L 450 3997
FCH near Chihpen, mainland of Taiwan 22 L 700 3997

ples was placed into cooled mortars and homogenized with a pestle in 2 mL allele frequencies in accordance with the formula derived by Nei (1978). The
of the Tris-HCl grinding buffer (Soltis et al., 1983) with a sprinkle of poly- resulting distance matrix among all populations of the two species was then
vinylpolypyrolidone and sea sand. Crude extracts were soaked by paper wicks used to construct a neighbor-joining tree (Saitou and Nei, 1987) using the
(11 3 3 mm), and the wicks were inserted into a slit in a starch gel. NEIGHBOR and DRAWTREE programs of PHYLIP (Felsenstein, 1993).
Horizontal starch gel electrophoresis was carried out according to the pro-
cedures described by Wendel and Weeden (1989). Two combinations of gel RESULTS
and electrode buffers were used to resolve 11 enzymes: aspartate aminotrans-
ferase (AAT), catarase (CAT), diaphorase (DIA), glucose-6-phosphate isom- Genetic variability at the species level—Thirteen loci listed
erase (GPI), glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH), and malic enzyme (ME) were in Table 2 were consistently resolved. Of a total of 48 alleles
resolved using System 6, and fluorescent esterase (FEST), isocitrate dehydro- detected across the two species, 14 (Aat-2c, Aat-3c, Cat-1b,
genase (IDH), malate dehydrogenase (MDH), phosphoglucomutase (PGM), Fest-2a, Fest-2d, Gdh-1a, Gpi-2f, Mdh-1a, 6Pgd-1a, 6Pgd-1d,
and phosphogluconate dehydrogenase (6PGD) were determined using System 6Pgd-2a, Pgm-1a, Pgm-1b, and Pgm-1e) and 3 (Fest-2b, Fest-
2. Staining protocols were also carried out according to the method of Wendel 2g, and Gpi-2e), respectively, were unique for L. longiflorum
and Weeden (1989), except for a modification for FEST by dilution of the and L. formosanum. In other words, 31 alleles (65%) were
substrate with 1/20th volume of acetone. common to both species. The most frequent alleles of each
species were the same for ten loci (Aat-2b, Aat-3b, Cat-1a, Dia-
Statistical analysis—Allele frequencies in each population of the species 1b, Gdh-1c, Idh-2a, Mdh-1c, Me-1a, 6Pgd-1c, and 6Pgd-2c),
were calculated for 13 loci encoding the 11 enzyme systems. The following whereas they were different for the remaining three loci (Gpi-
parameters concerning genetic diversity were estimated at the population and 2d, Fest-2c, and Pgm-1c in L. longiflorum and Gpi-2c, Fest-2f,
species level in the manner described by Hamrick and Godt (1990): the pro- and Pgm-1d in L. formosanum). The two species were not dis-
portion of polymorphic loci (Pp) at a 95% criterion, the number of alleles per
tinguishable by the different alleles, because they were not
polymorphic loci (Ap), the number of alleles per locus (A), and expected het-
species specific.
erozygosity (h), where h was an unbiased estimate (Nei and Roychoudhury,
1974; Nei, 1978).
All (100%) of 13 resolved loci were polymorphic in at least
To estimate genetic differentiation among populations, Nei’s (1973) gene
one population in L. longiflorum, whereas 10 (77%) of 13 loci
diversity statistics, namely, total genetic diversity (HT), genetic diversity with- were polymorphic in L. formosanum (Table 3), in which Aat-
in populations (HS), and proportion of the total diversity among populations 2, Cat-1, and Idh-2 were judged monomorphic (Table 2). The
(GST), were determined. In addition, Wright’s (1951) fixation index (Fis) was other genetic diversity parameters, A, Ap, and h for L. longi-
estimated at each polymorphic locus as unbiased following the method of Nei florum were ;1.2–2.2 times larger than those for L. formo-
and Chesser (1983). Chi-square analyses were performed to determine the sanum.
heterogeneity of allelic frequencies among populations (Workman and Nis-
wander, 1970) and to determine deviations from genotypic frequencies ex- Genetic variability at the population level—Mean values of
pected under the Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (Li and Horvitz, 1953). Pp, A, Ap, and h at the population level for L. longiflorum were
Unbiased genetic identity and genetic distance were calculated based on also substantially higher than those for L. formosanum (Table

TABLE 2. Allele frequencies for 13 isozyme loci summarized in Lilium heterozygotes was observed (Table 3). Fifty-five loci (44%)
longiflorum and L. formosanum. out of 119 loci tested for L. longiflorum showed significant
Locus Allele L. longiflorum L. formosanum
deviation from 0. Relatively high frequencies of the deviated
loci within a population occurred in LYA, LAM1, LAM2,
Aat-2 a 0.044 0.003 LOE, LYR, LOK2, and LOK3, which are located in the rel-
b 0.947 0.997 atively northern part of the archipelago. For L. formosanum,
c 0.008 0.000
Aat-3 a 0.097 0.024 ten loci (30%) out of 33 loci tested were significant.
b 0.902 0.976 Chi-square analyses for heterogeneity indicated significant
c 0.002 0.000 (P , 0.01) allele frequency differences among populations in
Cat-1 a 0.996 1.000 all and seven loci for L. longiflorum and L. formosanum, re-
b 0.004 0.000 spectively (Table 4). On average, the indices of genetic dif-
Dia-1 a 0.015 0.010 ferentiation (GST) were prominently different between the two
b 0.839 0.959
c 0.146 0.031 species. The total gene diversity was moderately (35%) ap-
Gdh-1 a 0.143 0.000 portioned among populations of L. longiflorum, whereas the
b 0.763 0.990 majority (92%) was apportioned within populations of L. for-
c 0.095 0.010 mosanum.
Gpi-2 a 0.020 0.016 Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic identity (I) and standard ge-
b 0.287 0.343 netic distance (D) values within and between species are sum-
c 0.101 0.628
d 0.530 0.002 marized in Table 5. The I values between populations within
e 0.000 0.011 L. longiflorum ranged widely from 0.592 to 1.000 with the
f 0.062 0.000 mean of 0.850, whereas those within L. formosanum ranged
Fest-2 a 0.167 0.000 much more narrowly from 0.946 to 0.997 with the mean of
b 0.000 0.019 0.977.
c 0.479 0.113 The high correlation between genetic and geographic dis-
d 0.172 0.000
e 0.093 0.289 tance among all populations (r 5 0.791; P , 0.001) was de-
f 0.088 0.551 tected. Thus, branches of a neighbor-joining tree were com-
g 0.000 0.028 bined nearly in the geographic order, showing that the popu-
Idh-2 a 0.974 0.994 lations of L. formosanum was clustered with southernmost L.
b 0.026 0.006 longiflorum populations in Taiwan with the highest I value
Mdh-1 a 0.200 0.000
b 0.013 0.011
(0.978) between LFU and FSH (Fig. 2, Table 5). The neighbor-
c 0.787 0.989 joining tree roughly generated four major clusters: (1) LYA
Me-1 a 0.981 0.969 and LKI, (2) LOK1, LAM1, LAM2, and LTO, (3) LOK2,
b 0.019 0.031 LOK3, LOE, LYR, LKU, LMI, LIS1, LIS2, LIR, and LYO,
6Pgd-1 a 0.024 0.000 and (4) the remainder.
b 0.107 0.086
c 0.846 0.909
d 0.021 0.000 DISCUSSION
e 0.002 0.005
6Pgd-2 a 0.186 0.000 Allozyme diversity and origin of the two species—Lilium
b 0.069 0.063 longiflorum—Frankham (1997) demonstrated that insular en-
c 0.638 0.923 demic species tend to have lower genetic variability than the
d 0.107 0.014 continental taxa. DeJoode and Wendel (1992) summarized the
Pgm-1 a 0.102 0.000
b 0.080 0.000
allozyme variability of 55 insular endemic plant taxa, which
c 0.647 0.115 in general was seen to express relatively limited amounts of
d 0.155 0.885 variability at the species or infraspecific taxon with Pp 5 25.0
e 0.016 0.000 (0.0–57.0), A 5 1.32 (1.00–1.93), and h (HT) 5 0.064 (0.000–
0.195) as an average (range) across them. On the other hand,
notable exceptional cases indicating relatively high estimated
3). The variations of those values within L. longiflorum pop- values were reported recently. For example, in Hawaiian
ulations, however, exhibited considerably wide ranges from Schiedea and Alsinidendron, respective Pp, A, and h values
23.1 to 76.9 for Pp, 1.31 to 2.15 for A, 2.00 to 3.33 for Ap, (and ranges) averaged across 25 populations from 20 species
and 0.077 to 0.315 for h. Thus, the range of each population were 43.1 (0–88.9), 1.80 (1.00–3.00), and 0.183 (0–0.371)
diversity parameter for L. formosanum overlapped with that (Weller, Sakai, and Straub, 1996); in Hawaiian Metrosideros,
for L. longiflorum. The most highly diverged populations were the latter two values (and ranges) averaged across 14 popu-
present in Okinawa and Ishigaki Jima. It was noticeable that lations from three species were 3.0 (2.7–3.3) and 0.371
the diversity values, conspicuously those of h, for L. longiflo- (0.296–0.470), respectively (Aradhya, Mueller-Dombois, and
rum populations located on islands with relatively lower peak Ranker, 1991), and in endemics of the Canary Islands, the h
altitudes (LKI, LOE, LYR, LMI, and LYO) and on the eastern (HT) value (and range) averaged across 69 species from 18
satellite island of the mainland of Taiwan (LLA) were lower genera was 0.186 (0.000–0.456) (Francisco-Ortega et al.,
than those on their adjacent islands with higher peak altitudes. 2000). Compared with the variability values of the reported
insular taxa, those of L. longiflorum (Pp 5 100, A 5 3.46, and
Genetic population structure and intraspecific h 5 0.312 at the species level, and Pp 5 48.2, A 5 1.72, and
differentiation—Fixation indices (Fis) varied greatly among h 5 0.187 at the population level) are comparable to higher
populations of each species, although no significant excess of or the highest ones.

TABLE 3. Genetic diversity estimates and fixation indices of Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum at the population and species level based on
13 loci examined. N 5 mean sample size per locus, Pp 5 percentage polymorphic loci at 95% criterion, A 5 mean number of alleles per locus,
Ap 5 mean number of alleles per polymorphic locus, h 5 mean expected heterozygosity (Nei’s [1978] unbiased estimate), Fis 5 fixation index
(unbiased estimate of Nei and Chesser [1983]). Results of tests for deviations from Hardy-Weinberg (H-W) equilibrium genotypic frequencies
are also shown (tested 5 number of loci tested out of a total of 13, ns 5 number of loci without significant [P , 0.05] deficiency from H-W
equilibrium, 1 5 number of loci with significant [P , 0.05] deficiency of homozygotes).

H-W deviations
Population name N Pp A Ap h Fis Tested ns 1

LYA 29.8 46.2 1.46 2.00 0.205 0.571 6 0 6

LKI 42.5 46.2 1.62 2.33 0.159 0.188 6 4 2
LAM1 22.8 46.2 1.62 2.33 0.170 0.465 6 1 5
LAM2 26.8 53.8 1.85 2.57 0.221 0.451 7 3 4
LTO 39.5 46.2 1.77 2.67 0.152 0.108 6 5 1
LOE 33.9 69.2 1.85 2.22 0.186 0.473 9 2 7
LYR 50.8 61.5 2.00 2.63 0.197 0.372 8 3 5
LOK1 11.0 76.9 1.92 2.20 0.299 0.291 10 8 2
LOK2 13.0 69.2 2.15 2.67 0.315 0.645 9 2 7
LOK3 9.9 69.2 1.85 2.22 0.284 0.460 9 4 5
LKU 42.9 46.2 1.77 2.67 0.200 0.119 6 4 2
LMI 28.3 30.8 1.38 2.25 0.160 0.086 4 4 0
LIS1 54.4 46.2 2.08 3.33 0.208 0.156 6 5 1
LIS2 53.0 53.8 2.00 2.86 0.204 20.057 7 6 1
LIR 36.8 38.5 1.69 2.80 0.162 0.219 5 3 2
LYO 40.5 30.8 1.38 2.25 0.104 0.077 4 3 1
LPI 36.9 30.8 1.46 2.50 0.134 0.042 4 4 0
LFU 28.8 30.8 1.54 2.75 0.123 20.014 4 4 0
LLA 30.0 23.1 1.31 2.33 0.077 0.291 3 2 1
Mean of L. longiflorum 33.3 48.2 1.72 2.50 0.187
L. longiflorum at the species level 100.0 3.46 3.46 0.312
FWU 21.0 7.7 1.08 2.00 0.044 0.901 1 0 1
FLI 17.9 23.1 1.23 2.00 0.071 0.483 3 2 1
FHO 33.0 30.8 1.46 2.50 0.114 0.347 4 1 3
FWS 20.0 30.8 1.38 2.25 0.149 0.331 4 3 1
FSH 12.0 46.2 1.54 2.17 0.122 0.032 6 6 0
FTA 33.0 46.2 1.77 2.67 0.170 0.228 6 4 2
FPA 40.6 38.5 1.54 2.40 0.175 0.043 5 5 0
FCH 22.0 30.8 1.46 2.50 0.128 0.365 4 2 2
Mean of L. formosanum 24.9 31.7 1.43 2.31 0.121
L. formosanum at the species level 76.9 2.46 2.90 0.142

The both species-level and population-level allozyme vari-

ability of L. longiflorum exceeded that averaged across the
species in various ecological categories, which mainly com-
prised continental species, such as monocotyledonous species
TABLE 4. Gene diversity statistics (Nei and Chesser, 1983) for 13 iso-
zyme loci in Lilium longiflorum and L. formasanum. HT 5 total
(Pp 5 59.2, A 5 2.38, and h 5 0.181 at the species level for
gene diversity, HS 5 gene diversity within population, GST 5 pro- 111 species, and Pp 5 40.3, A 5 1.66, and h 5 0.144 at the
portion of the total gene diversity among populations. population level for 80 species), endemic species (Pp 5 40.0,
A 5 1.80, and h 5 0.096 at the species level for 81 species,
L. longiflorum L. formosanum and Pp 5 26.3, A 5 1.39, and h 5 0.063 at the population
Locus HT HS GSTa HT HS GSTa level for 100 species) and outcrossing animal-pollinated spe-
Aat-2 0.100 0.034 0.662** 0.006 0.006 0.000 cies (Pp 5 50.1, A 5 1.99, and h 5 0.167 at the species level
Aat-3 0.178 0.107 0.397** 0.048 0.047 0.018 for 172 species, and Pp 5 35.9, A 5 1.54, and h 5 0.124 at
Cat-1 0.009 0.008 0.039** 0.000 0.000 0.000 the population level for 164 species) (Hamrick and Godt,
Dia-1 0.274 0.210 0.233** 0.080 0.074 0.072**
Fest-2 0.697 0.436 0.374** 0.600 0.445 0.259**
1990), though the wide range of variations was observed
Gdh-1 0.390 0.245 0.370** 0.021 0.020 0.056** among population-level values of L. longiflorum. Among Lil-
Gpi-2 0.623 0.373 0.402** 0.489 0.448 0.084** iaceous species, the species-level allozyme variability in L.
Idh-2 0.050 0.045 0.102** 0.011 0.011 0.021 longiflorum is almost comparable to the highest one reported
Mdh-1 0.340 0.203 0.405** 0.021 0.021 0.013 in Hemerocallis hakuunensis (Pp 5 83.0, A 5 6.08, and h 5
Me-1 0.038 0.025 0.337** 0.061 0.048 0.206**
6Pgd-1 0.272 0.220 0.192** 0.167 0.157 0.060**
0.279), which is native to the Korean Peninsula and a bulbous
6Pgd-2 0.543 0.202 0.628** 0.144 0.116 0.199** plant with similar life history to L. longiflorum (Kang and
Pgm-1 0.540 0.334 0.381** 0.204 0.198 0.029 Chung, 1997). Thus, L. longiflorum is a plant species with
Mean 0.312 0.188 0.348 0.142 0.122 0.078 remarkably high allozyme variability.
a Chi-square analysis of heterogeneity of allelic frequency among Comparison in genetic identity value (I) within a species
populations: ** P , 0.01. also revealed that L. longiflorum is highly diverged as a single

TABLE 5. Summaries of Nei’s (1978) unbiased genetic identity (I) and standard genetic distance (D) within Lilium longiflorum and L. formosanum
and between them.

Species or pair of species Mean Range Mean Range

Within species
L. longiflorum 0.850 0.592–1.000 0.169 0.000–0.524
L. formosanum 0.977 0.946–0.997 0.024 0.003–0.056
Between species
L. longiflorum vs. L. formosanum 0.816 0.638–0.978 0.208 0.022–0.450

species (see Crawford, 1990, for a review). The minimum I genetically highly diverged insular taxa showed little diver-
value between populations within L. longiflorum (0.592), gence in their morphological and ecological phenotypes, was
which was recorded between northernmost (LYA) and south- rarely observed until the present study on L. longiflorum. Al-
ernmost (LLA) populations, has rarely been reported within though it may be difficult to conclude the reason why such
the flowering plant. For example, extensive minimum I values contrasting evolution occurs under ‘‘insular’’ environments, it
have been reported within a selfing insular species, Bidens could be attributed to differences in the environmental and
discoidea (0.688; Roberts, 1983), in Limnanthes floccosa ecological properties of oceanic and continental islands. Di-
(0.575; McNeill and Jain, 1983), and between subspecies pairs verse ecologically unoccupied niches, which is presumably a
of Lens culinaris (0.65; Pinkas, Zamir, and Ladizinsky, 1985). major factor affecting radiating evolution, are expected to be
Generally, among insular plants, lower minimum I values rather few and small even at the birth of continental islands
have been rarely recorded in very limited ‘‘congeneric’’ or such as the Ryukyu Archipelago and Taiwan.
‘‘intergeneric’’ population pairs in a large complex of mor- Nei (1987) demonstrated a method for estimating diver-
phologically and ecologically highly radiating taxa; e.g., Al- gence time based on allozyme data, given certain assumptions
sinoideae in Hawaii (0.242; Weller, Sakai, and Straub, 1996), about mutation rates and the operation of a molecular clock:
silversword alliance in Hawaii (0.426; Witter and Carr, 1988), time (t) 5 D/2a, where D is the standard genetic distance and
woody Sonchus alliance in the Canary Islands (0.490; Kim et a is the substitution rate per locus per year. Usually, a is as-
al., 1999), and Robinsonia in the Juan Fernandez Islands sumed to be ;1027 per locus per year. Then, t may be cal-
(0.560; Crawford et al., 1992). Unlike morphological and eco- culated as (5 3 106)D. Using this formula, the initiation of
logical phenotypes, protein molecules such as allozymes are divergence has been estimated in the aforementioned highly
assumed to evolve much more consistently because of their radiating insular taxa, e.g., 3.6 3 106 yr ago (MYA) for the
neutral relationship to natural selection, as described by the woody Sonchus alliance in the Canary Islands (Kim et al.,
neutral theory of molecular evolution (Kimura, 1983). The fact 1999) and 2.9 MYA for Robinsonia spp. in the Juan Fernandez
that the amount of allozyme divergence in L. longiflorum is Islands (Crawford et al., 1992). Since the maximum D within
close to that in the maximally radiating insular plant taxa in- L. longiflorum was 0.524, initiation of divergence is assumed
dicates that they originated, roughly, at the same time. Nev- to be 2.62 MYA. As pointed out by Nei (1987), however, this
ertheless, they show a great contrast in terms of phenotypic value may sometimes be an overestimate because the genetic
divergence. distance tends to increase when the population experiences
A large number of reports for insular plants have been con- ‘‘bottlenecks.’’ This is likely to occur under insular environ-
cerned with the highly radiating taxa in their morphological ments and for colonizing plants like L. longiflorum.
and ecological phenotypes in combination with very little mo- From the geological point of view, Kimura (1996) described
lecular divergence (see Crawford, 1989, 1990; Gemmill et al., that at the end of the Tertiary Period (1.7–2.0 MYA), the area
1998; Ito, 1998, for reviews). The opposite pattern, in which around Ryukyu and Taiwan was a continuous coastal margin
in East Asia. The archipelago had developed during the Pleis-
tocene Era. It is, therefore, realistic to presume that L. longi-
florum existed as early as around at the end of the Tertiary
Period, and then experienced the Quaternary dynamics that
generated the current Ryukyu to Taiwan arc. The extremely
high allozyme variability and divergence in L. longiflorum pre-
sumably reflect the relict endemism with the relatively long-
time persistence of the present distribution in this species.
Lilium formosanum—Lilium formosanum possessed a subset
of L. longiflorum alleles for 11 (85%) loci and exhibited less
allozyme variability than L. longiflorum (76.9 vs. 100 for Pp
2.46 vs. 3.46 for A, and 0.142 vs. 0.312 for h at the species
level). These facts agree with previous data describing pro-
genitor-derivative species pairs (e.g., Gottlieb, 1973, 1974;
Fig. 2. Phenogram for 19 populations of Lilium longiflorum and eight
Crawford, Ornduff, and Vasey, 1985; Rieseberg et al., 1987;
populations of L. formosanum constructed using a neighbor-joining method Loveless and Hamrick, 1988; Pleasants and Wendel, 1989;
based on Nei’s (1978) standard genetic distance. Abbreviations of population Maki et al., 1999). The three species-specific alleles (Fest-2b,
names are the same as those in Table 1. Fest-2f, and Gpi-2e) were detected for L. formosanum. How-

ever, such numbers of unique alleles are not uncommon in assumed to be a cause of their inaccurate determination of the
recently derived species (0–8 in the 11 species; see Pleasants phylogenetic relationship between the two species.
and Wendel, 1989). The mean I value of population pairs be-
tween L. formosanum and L. longiflorum (0.816) is close to The biogeographic structure of L. longiflorum involving
the lowest values among those 11 progenitor-derivative species insular historical events—Detailed comparisons of allozyme
pairs listed by Pleasants and Wendel (1989). This result can diversity among L. longiflorum populations revealed biogeo-
be undoubtedly attributed to the unusually extreme genetic dif- graphic structures highly associated with the historical geog-
ferentiation within a progenitor species, L. longiflorum. Re- raphy of the Ryukyu to Taiwan archipelago arc, which has
stricted among populations within the mainland of Taiwan, been assumed based on geology and the biogeography of other
where the speciation between the two species presumably oc- organisms.
curred, estimation of the mean I between L. formosanum and First, the depauperization in allozyme variability for some
L. longiflorum was 0.954 (0.925–0.978). This indicates that populations closely correlated with the maximum altitude of
the two species are genetically very close in the manner typical their islands, i.e., the populations that did not exhibit as much
of progenitor-derivative species pairs. Selfing is considered a allozyme variability as did the adjacent island populations,
key characteristic necessary for the rapid expansion of a spe- LKI, LOE, LYR, LMI, and LYO, were located on islands low-
cies (Maki et al., 1999), and the occurrence of selfing natures er than 231 m (Tables 1, 3). Because the sea level was at one
shown by several recently derivative species such as Stephan- time 200 m higher than that at present, lower islands were
omeria malheurensis (Gottlieb, 1973), Polygonella articulata, submerged largely or completely and then pushed upward dur-
P. americana (Lewis and Crawford, 1995), and Tricyrtis nana ing the late Pleistocene Era (0.4–1.0 MYA) (Kimura, 1996).
(Maki et al., 1999) are very similar to the case of derivation This evidence suggests that those L. longiflorum populations
of self-compatible L. formosanum from self-incompatible L. had recently experienced very severe bottlenecks either by di-
longiflorum. The accumulated evidence above demonstrates minishing population size or by subsequent migration from
that L. formosanum could be a recent local derivative from the relict populations on adjacent islands not highly submerged
southern peripheral populations of L. longiflorum. and with higher altitudes. Similarly, another substantially ge-
Naturalized populations of L. formosanum are found in veg- netically eroded population on the small but high volcanic is-
etation dominated by relatively tall grasses with wide geo- land southeast of the mainland of Taiwan (LLA) seems to have
graphical ranges in often-disturbed inland areas of the main- also experienced severe bottlenecks, although the initiating
lands of Japan, and sometimes they comprised thousands of time of this island is not known. A similar geohistory-asso-
individuals (M. Hiramatsu, personal observation). In contrast, ciated biogeographic hypothesis regarding this archipelago has
L. longiflorum populations are never seen in such contexts. In been proposed to explain the mosaic distribution pattern of pit
South Africa, L. formosanum is widely naturalized under veg- vipers (Trimeresurus spp.), whether they are present or absent
etation similar to that found in the mainlands of Japan (Wal- in each island (Takara, 1962). However, no evidence has been
ters, 1983). These facts imply that unlike L. longiflorum, L. based on population genetic diversity until the present study.
formosanum can be distributed rapidly and widely in adaptable Secondly, by excluding the islands with genetically eroded
populations (LKI, LOE, LYR, LMI, LYO, and LLA), three
competitive and disturbed environments. Similar adaptable en-
major vicariant splits generating large genetic differentiation
vironments develop in adjacent regions such as the Ryukyu
on the neighbor-joining tree correspond to interisland splits
Archipelago and the Chinese continent. Nevertheless, native
between Yaku Shima and Amami O Shima, between Tokuno
populations of L. formosanum persist solely within the main- Shima and Okinawa, and between Iriomote Jima and the main-
land of Taiwan. Thus, it is assumed that L. formosanum has land of Taiwan, though a northernmost population in Okinawa
been prevented from migrating to adjacent regions because of (LOK1) is included as an exception in the geographically dif-
its isolation on the mainland of Taiwan prior to species initi- ferent cluster group over the splits (Figs. 1 and 2). The north-
ation. The isolation of the mainland of Taiwan is assumed to ernmost split has long been recognized as the first strait
have occurred during the late stage of the archipelago’s de- formed in the archipelago land bridge (Kizaki and Oshiro,
velopment as early as the last glaciation at the end of the 1977; Kimura, 1996) and as a vicariant border called Watase’s
Pleistocene Era (Kimura, 1996). Examples of recent derivative Line (Kuroda, 1931; Hotta, 1974; Ono, 1989), since it corre-
species whose initiation times are assumed to be around the sponds to distribution borders dividing Japanese biota (Kuro-
Pleistocene glaciation include Cirsium pitcheri (Loveless and da, 1931; Inger, 1950; Hotta, 1974; Ono, 1989; Ota, 1998) and
Hamrick, 1988), Erythronium propullans (Pleasants and Wen- to the Tokara Tectonic Strait (Kimura, 1996). Thus, due to the
del, 1989), Polygonella articulata, and P. americana (Lewis persistence of such an old strait, the population of L. longiflo-
and Crawford, 1995). rum on Yaku Shima (LYA) seems to have been isolated from
The progenitor and derivative relationship between L. lon- the other southern populations for a long time. Whereas the
giflorum and L. formosanum based on our results contradicts vicariant border between Tokuno Shima and Okinawa had
the speculation made by Dubouzet and Shinoda (1999), who scarcely been recognized based on the distribution patterns of
demonstrated only a sister relationship between the two spe- organisms until the accumulation of recent molecular data re-
cies based on the internal transcribed spacer sequences of the garding such species as Japanese newts, Cynops ensicauda
species’ nrDNA and regarded L. longiflorum as a species de- (Hayashi and Matsui, 1988), semi-aquatic annual ferns, Cer-
rived from L. formosanum. Since our results demonstrate that atopteris thalictroides (Watano and Masuyama, 1994), wood-
L. longiflorum is highly diverged as a single species, the ac- feeding cockroaches, Salganea taiwanensis (Maekawa et al.,
curacy of resolution for the two species’ phylogenetic rela- 1999), and pit vipers, Trimeresurus flavoviridis (Toda et al.,
tionships will depend on the sample size used in the study. 1999) exhibits considerable genetic differentiation between
Thus, the very small number of samples (presumably one for Okinawa and Tokuno Shima. Our results together with those
each species) in the study by Dubouzet and Shinoda (1999) is regarding other organisms may suggest the possibility that an-

other noticeable vicariant border limiting gene flow has long a wider winged margin than those of L. longiflorum and has
persisted between Okinawa and Tokuno Shima. At present, we an advantage in natural seed dispersal by wind (Shii, 1983;
do not know why the remaining major vicariant split exists McRae, 1998). Gene flow between the populations of the spe-
between Iriomote Jima and the mainland of Taiwan, only that cies, therefore, seems to be maintained by frequently repeated
the separation of this region is assumed to have originated pollen flow by insects and seed dispersal by wind or human
during a relatively late stage of the archipelago’s development activities within Taiwan without a major restriction by the sea.
(Kimura, 1996).
Conservational aspects—We are confident that natural pop-
Population structure with respect to its relation to ulations of L. longiflorum and L. formosanum are gradually
reproductive and breeding system, and geographic diminishing because of such human activities as robbery for
distribution of the two species—In general, the breeding sys- horticultural purposes and developmental destruction on is-
tem of flowering plant species greatly affects their GST values, lands, even though they are exempted from inclusion in the
e.g., outcrossed and mixed animal-pollinated species have 39 red data book at present. From the viewpoint of conservation
and 42% GST values of selfing species, respectively (Hamrick biology, our present study is quite educational; the diminish-
and Godt, 1990). Most Lilium species including L. longiflorum ment of natural populations and genetic assimilation caused
secrete nectaries to attract pollinating insects (McRae, 1998; by reckless human activities will eventually erase the natural
M. Hiramatsu, personal observation), and L. longiflorum is history written within the genes of these attractive lilies.
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