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 Generic: Angiotensin- Blocks ACE o Treatment o Contraindicated o CV: Tachycardia, Assessment

Captopril converting from converting of with allergy to angina pectoris, o History: Allergy to
enzyme (ACE) angiotensin I to hypertensio captopril, history MI, Raynaud's captopril, history of
inhibitor angiotensin II, a n alone or in of angiodema. syndrome, CHF, angioedema,
Brand: powerful combination o Use cautiously hypotension in impaired renal
Capoten vasoconstrictor, with with impaired salt- or volume- function, CHF, salt
leading to thiazide- renal function; depleted or volume
Dosage: decreased type CHF; salt or patients depletion,
25 mg q6 blood pressure, diuretics o Dermatologic: pregnancy, lactation
o Treatment depletion, Rash, pruritus, o Physical: Skin color,
of CHF in lactation, pemphigoid-like lesions, turgor; T; P,
secretion, a
patients pregnancy. reaction, scalded BP, peripheral
small increase
in serum unresponsiv mouth perfusion; mucous
potassium e to sensation, membranes, bowel
levels, and conventional exfoliative sounds, liver
sodium and therapy; dermatitis, evaluation;
fluid loss; used with photosensitivity, urinalysis, renal and
increased diuretics and alopecia liver function tests,
prostaglandin digitalis o GI: Gastric CBC and differential
synthesis also o Treatment irritation,
may be of diabetic aphthous ulcers, Interventions
involved in the nephropathy peptic ulcers, o Administer 1 hr
antihypertensiv o Treatment dysgeusia, before or 2 hr after
e action of left cholestatic meals.
ventricular jaundice, o Alert surgeon and
dysfunction hepatocellular mark patient's chart
after MI injury, anorexia, with notice that
constipation captopril is being
o GU: Proteinuria, taken; the
renal angiotensin II
insufficiency, formation
renal failure, subsequent to
polyuria, compensatory renin
oliguria, urinary release during
frequency surgery will be
o Hematologic: blocked;
Neutropenia, hypotension may be
agranulocytosis, reversed with
thrombocytopen volume expansion.
ia, hemolytic o Monitor patient
anemia, closely for fall in BP
pancytopenia secondary to
o Other: Cough, reduction in fluid
malaise, dry volume (excessive
mouth, perspiration and
lymphadenopath dehydration,
y vomiting, diarrhea);
hypotension may
o Reduce dosage in
patients with
impaired renal

Teaching points
o Take drug 1 hr
before or 2 hr after
meals; do not take
with food. Do not
stop without
consulting your
health care
o Be careful of drop in
blood pressure
(occurs most often
with diarrhea,
sweating, vomiting,
dehydration); if
light-headedness or
dizziness occurs,
consult your health
care provider.
o Avoid over-the-
especially cough,
cold, allergy
medications that
may contain
ingredients that will
interact with ACE
inhibitors. Consult
your health care
o These side effects
may occur: GI upset,
loss of appetite,
change in taste
perception (limited
effects, will pass);
mouth sores
(perform frequent
mouth care); rash;
fast heart rate;
dizziness, light-
headedness (usually
passes after the first
few days; change
position slowly, and
limit your activities
to those that do not
require alertness
and precision).
o Report mouth sores;
sore throat, fever,
chills; swelling of
the hands, feet;
irregular heartbeat,
chest pains; swelling
of the face, eyes,
lips, tongue,
difficulty breathing.

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