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Cosmic romance

The word anahata means the sound produced without any
collision, without impact of one object on another or without
striking a drum.
It is “heard” in a state of mind when we are beyond all kinds of
conflicts in our passions, emotions and, thoughts.

It is the cosmic primordial sound of o...m..! It is the first

manifestation of cosmic romance of prurusha and prakruti;
the source, the origin, the beginning of universe.

The experience of this sound is the culmination of the life time

penance of an individual aspirant of salvation, moksha, mukti,
nirvana, self realization etc. This experience is said to be the
ultimate and eternal ecstasy one can ever imagine.

It is difficult to experience and even imagine this anahata;

because of being trapped in individual and subjective frames of
personality; and the instincts, feelings, thoughts, ideas and
overall vision being individualistic, restricted, incomplete,
unsatisfactory and unfulfilling!

Due to conflicts of different nature within; we get influenced in

one way or another by the outer conflicts; such as; violence,
nonviolence, chastity, sex, richness, poverty, glamour,
simplicity, hedonism, austerity, regional perspective, global
perspective, corruption, honesty, war, peace etc; and react to
them according to the nature of conflicts within; in imperfect
way and unsatisfactorily.

Let us understand that being imperfect or subjective is but a

stage in the process of being objective and perfect. Hence
accepting imperfection of ourselves and that of others (not
condemning or justifying) is essential.

Let us realize that global unity, harmony, prosperity,

profundity and sublime relationships are achievable only
through what appears to be mere individual efforts of freedom
from our own subjectiveness. Actually these efforts influence
the universe; just as light, electricity, radio waves reach nook
and corner of the world in few moments.

These efforts of freedom from our subjective nature; which

appear to be restricted to individuals, but actually penetrate
and every nook and corner of the world and even time; and
vitalize the hearts of all the beings in the whole universe; are
termed namasmaran by most indian sages and saints.

Actually; the essence of the phenomenon of namasmaran is the

transtemporal shrungar of shiva and shakti, eternal cosmic
romance of purusha and prakruti, the experienceable anahata,
the “primordial sound” omkar and the inevitable prerequisite
to individual composure and universal unity and harmony.
Practicing namasmaran is simply returning to this eternal
transtemporal cosmic romance; our true self.

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