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AI Magazine Volume 24 Number 3 (2003) (© AAAI)


The Process
Language (PSL)
Theory and Applications
Michael Grüninger and Christopher Menzel

■ The PROCESS SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE (PSL) has been creased and the information has become more
designed to facilitate correct and complete ex- complex, it has been more difficult for soft-
change of process information among manufac- ware developers to provide translators between
turing systems, such as scheduling, process model-
every pair of applications that must cooperate.
ing, process planning, production planning,
What is needed is some way of explicitly spec-
simulation, project management, work flow, and
business-process reengineering. We give an ifying the terminology of the applications in
overview of the theories within the PSL ontology, an unambiguous fashion.
discuss some of the design principles for the ontol- The PROCESS SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE (PSL)
ogy, and finish with examples of process specifica- (Menzel and Gruninger 2001; Schlenoff,
tions that are based on the ontology. Gruninger, and Ciocoiu 1999) has been de-
signed to facilitate correct and complete ex-
change of process information among manu-

s the use of information technology in facturing systems. Included in these
manufacturing operations has matured, applications are scheduling, process modeling,
the need to integrate software applica- process planning, production planning, simu-
tions has become increasingly important. lation, project management, work flow, and
However, interoperability among these manu- business-process reengineering. We give an
facturing applications is hindered because the overview of the theories within the PSL ontol-
applications use different terminology and rep- ogy, discuss some of the design principles for
resentations of the domain. These problems the ontology, and finish with examples of
arise most acutely for systems that must man- process specifications that are based on the on-
age the heterogeneity inherent in various do- tology.
mains and integrate models of different do-
mains into coherent frameworks (figure 1). For
example, such integration occurs in business-
Architecture of PSL
process reengineering, where enterprise mod- The PSL ontology is organized into PSL-CORE and
els integrate processes, organizations, goals, a partially ordered set of extensions. All axioms
and customers. Even when applications use the are first-order sentences and are written in the
same terminology, they often associate differ- KNOWLEDGE INTERCHANGE FORMAT (KIF).
ent semantics with the terms. This clash over There are two types of extensions within PSL:
the meaning of the terms prevents the seam- (1) core theories and (2) definitional exten-
less exchange of information among the appli- sions. Core theories introduce and axiomatize
cations. Typically, point-to-point translation new relations and functions that are primitive.
programs are written to enable communica- All terminology introduced in a definitional
tion from one specific application to another. extension has conservative definitions using
However, as the number of applications has in- the terminology of the core theories. Thus, def-

Copyright © 2003, American Association for Artificial Intelligence. All rights reserved. 0738-4602-2003 / $2.00 FALL 2003 63

Resource Manager Logistics

Capacity, Deadline Due Date, Delivery Schedule

Throughput, Process Plans

Figure 1. The Challenge of Interoperability.

Different departments within an enterprise often use their own terminology in referring to their business processes. The challenge of in-
teroperability is to determine the relationships between the meanings of the terms used by these departments: Is the concept of “deadline”
used by the resource manager semantically equivalent to the concept of “due date'” used by logistics? Is the concept of “throughput”
used by the scheduler semantically equivalent to the concept of “capacity” used by the resource manager?

initional extensions add no new expressive come necessary to describe all intuitions about
power to PSL-CORE. manufacturing processes. To supplement the
concepts of PSL-CORE, the ontology includes a
Core Theories set of extensions that introduce new terminol-
All core theories within the ontology are con- ogy. Any PSL extension provides the logical ex-
sistent extensions of PSL-CORE, although not all pressiveness to axiomatize intuitions involving
extensions need be mutually consistent. Also, concepts that are not explicitly specified in PSL-
the core theories need not be conservative ex- CORE. All extensions within PSL are consistent
tensions of other core theories. The relation- extensions of PSL-CORE and can be consistent
ships among the core theories in the PSL ontol- extensions of other PSL extensions. However,
ogy are depicted in figure 2. not all extensions within PSL need be mutually
PSL Core The purpose of PSL-CORE is to axiom- consistent. Also, the core theories need not be
atize a set of intuitive semantic primitives that conservative extensions of other core theories.
is adequate for describing the fundamental A particular set of theories is grouped togeth-
concepts of manufacturing processes. Conse- er to form the outer core; this distinction is
quently, this characterization of basic processes pragmatic because in practice, these theories
makes few assumptions about their nature be- have been necessary for axiomatizing all other
yond what is needed for describing these concepts in the PSL ontology (figure 2).
processes, and the core is, therefore, rather Occurrence Trees An occurrence tree is the set
weak in terms of logical expressiveness. Specif- of all discrete sequences of activity occur-
ically, the core ontology consists of four dis- rences. They are isomorphic to substructures of
joint classes: (1) activities, (2) activity occur- the situation tree from situation calculus (Mc-
rences, (3) time points, and (4) objects. Carthy and Hayes 1969; Pinto 1994; Reiter
Activities can have zero or more occurrences, 1991), the primary difference being that rather
activity occurrences begin and end at time than a unique initial situation, each occur-
points, and time points constitute a linearly or- rence tree has a unique initial activity occur-
dered set with end points at infinity. Objects are rence. As in the situation calculus, the poss re-
simply those elements that are not activities, lation is introduced to allow the statement of
occurrences, or time points. constraints on activity occurrences within the
PSL-CORE is not strong enough to provide de- occurrence tree. Because the occurrence trees
finitions of the many auxiliary notions that be- include sequences that modelers of a domain



Complex Activites

Atomic Activities Discrete State

Subactivity Occurrence Trees


Figure 2. The Theories in the Outer Core of PSL.

will consider impossible, the poss relation activities have preconditions (fluents that must
“prunes” away branches from the occurrences hold before an occurrence) and effects (fluents
tree that correspond to such impossible activi- that always hold after an occurrence).
ty occurrences. Subactivities This core theory axiomatizes
It should be noted that the occurrence tree intuitions about subactivities. The only con-
is not the structure that represents the occur- straint imposed within this theory is that the
rences of subactivities of an activity. The oc- subactivity relation is isomorphic to a discrete
currence tree does not represent a particular partial ordering. Other core theories impose
occurrence of an activity but, rather, all possi- additional constraints.
ble occurrences of all activities in the domain. Atomic Activities The core theory of atomic
Discrete States The discrete-states core theo- activities axiomatizes intuitions about the con-
ry introduces the notion of state (fluents). Flu- current aggregation of primitive activities. This
ents are changed only by the occurrence of ac- concurrent aggregation is represented by the
tivities, and fluents do not change during the occurrence of concurrent activities rather than
occurrence of primitive activities. In addition, concurrent-activity occurrences.

FALL 2003 65

Definitional Extensions Core Theories Example Concepts

Activity Extensions Complex Activities Deterministic/Nondeterministic Activities
Concurrent Activities
Partially Ordered Activities
Temporal and State Extensions Complex Activities Preconditions
Discrete States Effects
Conditional Activities
Triggered Activities
Activity Ordering and Duration Subactivity Occurrence Ordering Complex Sequences and Branching
Extensions Iterated Occurrence Ordering Iterated Activities
Duration Duration-based Constraints
Resource Role Extensions Resource Requirements Reusable, Consumable, Renewable,
Deteriorating Resources

Table 1. Definitional Extensions of PSL.

Complex Activities This core theory pro- Definitional Extensions

vides the foundation for representing and rea- The definitional extensions are grouped into parts
soning about complex activities and the rela- according to the core theories that are required
tionship between occurrences of an activity for their definitions. Table 1 gives an overview
and occurrences of its subactivities. Within of these groups together with example concepts
models of the complex-activities theory, occur- that are defined in the extensions. The defini-
rences of complex activities correspond to sub- tional extensions in a group contain definitions
trees of the occurrence tree. An activity can that are conservative with respect to the speci-
have subactivities that do not occur; the only fied core theories; for example, all concepts in
constraint is that any subactivity occurrence the temporal and state extensions have conser-
must correspond to a subtree of the activity vative definitions with respect to both the com-
tree that characterizes the occurrence of the ac- plex activities and discrete-states theories.
tivity. Not every occurrence of a subactivity is
a subactivity occurrence. There can be other
external activities that occur during an occur- Design Principles
rence of an activity. Different subactivities can The organization of the PSL ontology and the
occur on different branches of the activity tree properties of its extensions have been shaped
so that different occurrences of an activity can by several design principles. In presenting
have different subactivity occurrences. these principles, we make a distinction be-
Activity Occurrences The complex-activities tween hypotheses (that constrain uses of the PSL
theory only axiomatizes constraints on atomic ontology) and criteria (that specify properties of
subactivity occurrences. The activity occurrences the PSL ontology itself).
theory generalizes these intuitions to arbitrary Supporting Interoperability
complex subactivities.
Intuitively, two applications will be interoper-
Additional Core Theories The remaining able if they share the semantics of the termi-
core theories in the PSL ontology include subac- nology in their corresponding theories. Shar-
tivity occurrence ordering (axiomatizing different ing semantics between applications is
partial orderings over subactivity occurrences), equivalent to sharing models of their theories;
iterated occurrence ordering (axioms necessary for that is, the theories have isomorphic sets of
defining iterated activities), duration (augment- models. However, applications do not explicit-
ing PSL-CORE with a metric over the timeline), ly share the models of their theories. Instead,
and resource requirements (which specify the they exchange sentences in such a way that the
conditions that must be satisfied by any object semantics of the terminology of these sen-
that is a resource for an activity). tences is preserved.


We say that a theory TA is shareable with a

theory TB if for any sentence ΦA in the language
of TA, there exists an exchange that maps to a
sentence ΦB such that there is a one-to-one
mapping between the set of models of TA that Intuitions
satisfy ΦA and the set of models of TB that satis-
fy ΦB. We say that a theory TA is interoperable
with a theory TB if for any sentence Φ that is
provable from TA, there exists an exchange that
maps Φ to a sentence that is provable from TB.
We make the following hypothesis to restrict
our attention to domains in which shareability
and interoperability are equivalent: Structures
Interoperability Hypothesis
We are considering interoperability
among complete first-order inference en- Axiomatizability Satisfiability
gines that exchange first-order sentences.
The soundness and completeness of first-or-
der logic guarantees that the theorems of a de-
ductive inference engine are exactly those sen-
tences that are satisfied by all models and that
any truth assignment given by a consistency
checker is isomorphic to a model. If we move
beyond the expressiveness of first-order logic,
we lose completeness, so that for any deductive
inference engine, there will be sentences that
are entailed by a set of models but are not prov-
able by that engine. We could therefore have Figure 3. Methodology for the Evaluation of Axiomatic Theories.
two theories that are shareable but not interop-
Note that we are not imposing the require- Conformance Hypothesis
ment that the ontologies themselves be cate- Every structure that is a model of the ap-
gorical or even complete. The two applications plication ontology is isomorphic to a
must simply share the same set of models (to model of a foundational theory that is an
isomorphism). Ambiguity does not arise from extension of PSL-CORE.
the existence of multiple models for an ontol- Although this hypothesis is rather strong be-
ogy; it arises because the two applications have cause it entails that all application ontologies
nonisomorphic models—the ontology for ap- are consistent with PSL-CORE, it also imposes
plication A has a model that is not isomorphic conditions on the PSL ontology, which must be
to any model for the ontology of application B. rich enough to axiomatize the application on-
The Ontological Stance
When building translators, we are faced with Characterization of Models
the additional challenge that almost no appli- Using the interoperability hypothesis, we im-
cation has an explicitly axiomatized ontology. pose the following condition on the core theo-
However, we can model a software application ries of the PSL ontology:
as if it were an inference system with an axiom-
Definability Criterion
atized ontology and use this ontology to pre-
Classes of structures for core theories
dict the set of sentences that the inference sys-
within the PSL ontology are axiomatized to
tem decides to be satisfiable. This is the
elementary equivalence—the core theo-
ontological stance, which is analogous to the in-
tentional stance (Dennet 1987), the strategy of ries are satisfied by any model in the class,
interpreting the behavior of an entity by treat- and any model of the core theories is ele-
ing it as if it were a rational agent who per- mentarily equivalent to a model in the
forms activities in accordance with some set of class. Further, each class of structures is
intentional constraints. characterized to isomorphism.
In practice, the ontological stance requires The definability criterion can also be applied
the following assumption about the ontologies as a methodology for evaluating the axiomati-
that are attributed to an application: zation of an ontology (figure 3).

FALL 2003 67

The first aspect of this approach is to identify states of affairs, then we intuitively have an in-
the primary intuitions in some domain. With- correct set of structures.
in PSL, for example, we have intuitions about Once we specify the class of structures, we
concepts such as activity, activity occurrences, can formally evaluate an axiomatic theory
and time points. These intuitions also restrict with respect to this specification. In particular,
the scope of the axiomatic theories, and they we want to prove two fundamental properties:
serve as informal requirements that get formal- (1) satisfiability, where every structure in the
ly specified in the classes of structures and later class is a model of the axiomatic theory, and (2)
axiomatized in the theory itself. axiomatizability, where every model of the ax-
The objective of the second aspect of the iomatic theory is isomorphic to some structure
methodology is to identify each concept with in the class.
an element of some mathematical structure. In Strictly speaking, we only need to show that
particular, given a nonlogical lexicon in some a model exists to demonstrate that a theory is
language, the specified structures are isomor- satisfiable. However, in the axiomatization of
phic to the extensions of the relations, func- domain theories, we need a complete charac-
tions, and constants denoted by the predicate terization of the possible models. For example,
symbols, function symbols, and constant sym- because we are considering the domain of ac-
bols of the lexicon. The class of structures cor- tivities, occurrences, and time points to show
responding to the intuitions of the ontology that a theory is satisfiable, we need only specify
will be defined either by specifying some class an occurrence of an activity that, together with
of algebraic or combinatoric structures or ex- the axioms, is satisfied by some structure. The
tending classes of structures defined for other problem with this approach is that we run the
theories within the ontology. Examples of risk of having demonstrated satisfiability only
structures include graphs, linear orderings, par- for some restricted class of activities. For exam-
tial orderings, groups, fields, and vector spaces. ple, a theory of activities that supports sched-
This relationship between the intuitions and uling can be shown to be consistent by con-
the structures is, of course, informal, but we structing a satisfying interpretation, but the
can consider the domain intuitions as interpretation might require that resources
providing a physical interpretation of the cannot be shared by multiple activities, or it
structures. In this sense, we can adopt an ex- might require all activities to be deterministic.
perimental or empirical approach to the evalu- Although such a model might be adequate for
ation of the class of intended structures in such activities, it would in no way be general
which we attempt to falsify these structures. If enough for our purposes. We want to propose
we can find some objects or behavior within a comprehensive theory of activities, so we
the domain that do not correspond to an in- need to explicitly characterize the classes of ac-
tended structure, then we have provided a tivities, time points, objects, and other as-
counterexample to the class of structures. In re- sumptions that are guaranteed to be satisfied
sponse, we can either redefine the scope of the by the specified structures.
class of structures (that is, we do not include The purpose of the axiomatizability theorem
the behavior within the characterization of the is to demonstrate that any unintended models
structures), or we can modify the definition of of the theory do not work, that is, any models
the class of structures so that they capture the that are not specified in the class of structures.
new behavior. With the interoperability hypothesis, we do
For example, physicists use various classes of not need to restrict ourselves to elementary
differential equations to model different phe- classes of structures when we are axiomatizing
nomena. However, they do not use ordinary an ontology. Because the applications are
linear differential equations to model heat dif- equivalent to first-order inference engines,
fusion, and they do not use second-order par- they cannot distinguish between structures
tial differential equations to model the kine- that are elementarily equivalent. Thus, the un-
matics of springs. If we want to model some intended models are only those that are not el-
phenomena using a class of differential equa- ementarily equivalent to any model in the
tions, we can use the equations to predict be- class of structures.
havior of the physical system; if the predic-
tions are falsified by observations, then we The Role of Definitional Extensions
have an incorrect set of equations. Similarly, in The terminology within the definitional exten-
our case, we can use some class of structures to sions intuitively corresponds to classes of activ-
predict behavior or characterize states of af- ities and objects. Within the PSL ontology, the
fairs; if there is no physical scenario in the do- terminology arises from the classification of
main that corresponds to these behaviors or the models of the core theories with respect to


sets of invariants. Invariants are properties of ful. However, we find Petri nets undesirable as
models that are preserved by isomorphism. A a formal foundation for process modeling for
set of invariants is complete for a class of struc- at least two reasons: First, there is still no stan-
tures if and only if it can be used to classify the dard, widely agreed-on semantics for Petri nets,
structures to isomorphism. For example, a fi- and those semantic systems that exist are high-
nite abelian group can be classified to isomor- ly complex and require a sophisticated knowl-
phism by the subgroups whose orders are fac- edge of certain areas of mathematics. (The
tors of the group’s order. In general, it is not most common approach to providing a seman-
possible to formulate a complete set of invari- tics for Petri nets is to map the apparatus into
ants; for example, there is no known set of in- linear logic and then exploit one of several se-
variants that can be used to classify graphs to mantic theories for linear logic; see, for exam-
isomorphism. However, even without a com- ple, Marti-Oliet and Meseguer [1991]). Second,
plete set, invariants can still be used to provide Petri nets do not provide any sort of axiomatic
a classification of the models of a core theory theory of processes. It is therefore rather diffi-
in PSL, which leads to the classification criteri- cult to gain any insight, from Petri nets alone,
on and the definitional extension criterion: into the nature of the things that process mod-
Classification Criterion els are about and, hence, difficult to see how it
The set of models for the core theories of can serve as a basis for process-model sharing
PSL is partitioned into equivalence classes and integration.
defined with respect to the set of invari- By contrast, PSL scores well on both these
ants of the models. counts. The language of PSL has a rigorous se-
mantics that draws on familiar model-theoretic
Definitional Extension Criterion
and algebraic structures. This semantics, in
Each equivalence class in the classification
turn, is fully captured in a complete set of ax-
of PSL models can be axiomatized within a
ioms. We illustrate how it can be used as a
definitional extension of PSL.
foundation for process modeling with a simple
In particular, each definitional extension in example.
the PSL ontology is associated with a unique in- In general, business and engineering
variant; the different classes of activities or ob- processes are described at the type level: A
jects that are defined in an extension corre- process model characterizes a certain general, re-
spond to different properties of the invariant. peatable process structure. This structure, in
turn, might admit to many instances that, de-
PSL in Action: A Foundation for pending on how constrained the structure is,
might differ considerably from one another. A
Process Modeling robust foundation for process modeling, there-
In this section, we present simple examples to fore, should be able to characterize both the
illustrate one of the uses that PSL can be put to, general process structure described by a model
namely, as a foundation for the semantics and, as well as the class of possible instances of that
hence, integration, of business-process models. structure. Moreover, such a foundation must
Processes are patterns of activities. Process clearly be able to represent the constraints that
modeling is the linguistic, diagrammatic, or nu- a process model places on something’s count-
meric representation of such patterns. Process ing as an instance of the process, the con-
models, in these various forms, are ubiquitous straints, as we might say, on process realiza-
in industry: There is a plethora of business and tion.
engineering applications—work flow, schedul- A typical process is best thought of informal-
ing, discrete-event simulation, process plan- ly as a structured collection of activities that
ning, business-process modeling, and are related to one another in a manner that re-
others—that are designed explicitly for the flects the process flow and temporal relations
construction of process models of various sorts. that can appear in any given occurrence of the
The vision of enterprise integration, therefore, process. For example, consider the painting
will be realized only if it is possible to integrate process depicted in figure 4 (we use the graphic
business-process models. It is somewhat scan- notation of the IDEF3 process-description cap-
dalous that so little work on this rather practi- ture method to illustrate the intuitive process).
cal issue has been done. This diagram depicts a general process that
As is widely recognized, process-model inte- must begin with an occurrence of Paint Widget
gration will be possible only if there is a com- (represented by the Paint Widget box with no
mon semantics of process information to draw predecessor), followed by an occurrence of Test
on. Among potential semantic frameworks, the Coverage. At this point, depending on the out-
theory of Petri nets is perhaps the most power- come of the test, an occurrence of the process

FALL 2003 69

Paint Test Dry

Widget Coverage X Widget
1 2 3

Figure 4. Paint, Test, and Dry Process.

can either loop back to another occurrence of known as D’s preconditions and postconditions,
Paint Widget (wherein our current widget is re- respectively.
painted) or continue to have the widget dried. ARDs correspond roughly to IDEF3 boxes, as
Thus, there are, in principle, infinitely many seen in figures 4 and 5. Thus, in the context of
possible ways this single process can be instan- a process model, an ARD represents the struc-
tiated by a particular series of activity occur- tural role that the indicated activity plays in
rences, depending on how many times such a the process represented by the model. An ARD
series loops back to produce another occur- has both name (:name) and identifier (:id)
rence of the Paint Widget activity. fields because the same activity can play differ-
The PSL ontology axiomatizes the classes of ent roles in the same process. In such cases, we
activities and resources that are used when typically have two or more distinct declara-
defining a process. However, when using PSL, tions with the same activity name but with dis-
software applications are not exchanging defi- tinct activity identifiers because it is the iden-
nitions of classes of activities; rather, they are tifiers that indicate the distinct structural roles
exchanging sentences that are satisfied by ac- being played by the activity in the overarching
tivities that belong to these classes. Such sen- process. The successor field will contain the
tences are known as process specifications, and identifiers of other ARDs (or possibly the same
they include preconditions and effects, tempo- ARD) in the model and the precondition and
ral constraints on occurrences, and ordering postcondition PSL sentences that express condi-
constraints on subactivity occurrences. In the tions that must hold before and after an occur-
remainder of this article, we present several ex- rence of the given activity—in the indicated
amples of processes and a simplified syntax role—in a realization of the model.
that can be used for process specifications. In addition to activity constraints, one also
The first step is the notion of an activity role has to be able to express information about the
declaration (ARD), characterized generally as objects that participate in the activity occur-
follows: rences that jointly realize the model. Such in-
(define-activity-role formation is often relegated to text in a graphic
:id <number> model but is just as critical as the process-struc-
:name <string> ture information represented explicitly by the
:successors <number>* boxes and arrows of IDEF3. Hence, we introduce
:preconditions <PSL sentence>* a similar mechanism—object declarations—for
:postconditions <PSL sentence>*) introducing the participating objects into
process models:
The value of the :id field in an ARD D is
known as its role identifier, and the value of the (define-object
:name field of D is its activity name. The values :name <KIF constant>
of the :subactivity-successor field are known as :constraints <PSL sentence>*)
D’s successor identifiers, and the values of the The :name field of an object declaration, of
:preconditions and :postconditions fields are course, specifies the constant to be introduced,


Paint Test Queue Dry

Widget X Widget X Widget
1 2 3 4

Figure 5. Paint, Test, Queue, and Dry Process.

and the :axioms field consists of PSL sentences cedure numerous times, as with the widget in
that characterize the indicated object. Identi- the previous process, but many objects of the
fiers are unnecessary because the same object same sort undergoing the same procedure, as
does not play different structural roles in a in a typical manufacturing process.
process the way that activities do. For example, the IDEF3 diagram in figure 5
Given this apparatus then, we can capture contains both sorts of looping. In this process,
both the structural information indicated by a widget is painted until coverage is adequate
the earlier IDEF3 diagram as well as implicit con- and then queued, at which point either anoth-
tent about participating objects. Note that a er widget is painted or, if the queue is full, all
general background ontology characterizing the queued widgets are dried en masse. Thus,
the relevant properties and relations in this the first loop, as in the first example, “carries”
model (Widget, In, Paint_Coverage) is being as- a single widget back to undergo an earlier ac-
sumed (figure 6). tivity, whereas the second indicates the begin-
Note that the preconditions and postcondi- ning of a new paint job with a new widget;
tions all contain a free activity occurrence vari- there is, so to speak, no “object flow” in the
able ?occ. Say that an activity occurrence e sat- second loop.
isfies an ARD if e is an occurrence of the activity The flexibility of variables in the PSL lan-
named in the ARD, and the preconditions and guage enables us to capture this semantics sim-
postconditions are true, relative to some vari- ply and easily. Their meanings, unlike ordinary
able assignment that assigns e as the value of names, can shift, and we can use this fact to al-
the occurrence variable (?occ is the only vari- low them to refer to different widgets in differ-
able in the previous ARDs). Because of the pres- ent events in a process realization. Like ordi-
ence of the occurrence variable, many different nary names, however, we can put constraints
occurrences of the activity can satisfy the same on the values of these variables. Following a
ARD, which is critical because looping can lead similar notion in situation theory (Barwise and
to a situation where the same ARD is satisfied Etchemendy 1987; Devlin 1991), we refer to
by many different occurrences—as happens in such constrained variables (and occasionally,
the case of our example if the same widget is re- ambiguously, their values) as parameters, and
painted because of inadequate coverage. we introduce a concomitant declaration tem-
A collection of activity occurrences can be plate:
said to realize a process model M if (1) the tem-
poral-ordering overoccurrences in the collec-
tion can be mapped into the ordering deter- :variable <KIF variable>
mined by the successor fields of the ARDs in M :constraints <PSL sentence>*)
in a structure-preserving way (that is, homo- We now say that an occurrence e satisfies an
morphically) and (2) each activity occurrence in ARD D if it satisfies it in the previous sense; in
the collection satisfies the ARD to which it is addition, for any parameter V occurring in the
mapped. Given this definition, we see that any preconditions or postconditions of D, there is
series of activity occurrences in which a widget an object a participating in e such that the pa-
is painted and then, if necessary, repeatedly re- rameter’s constraints are true when V is as-
painted until its coverage is adequate and then signed a as its value.
dried will realize the process model. Armed with this construct, we can capture
This example, of course, is rather simplistic. the detailed semantics of the process indicat-
In particular, most iterative processes involve ed in figure 5 by adding the declarations in
not simply the same object undergoing a pro- figure 7.

FALL 2003 71

:name widget
:constraints (Widget widget))

:name painter
:constraints (Paint_Sprayer painter))

:name oven
:constraints (Oven oven))

:id Act-1
:name Paint_Widget
:successors 2
(or (not (Painted widget (beginof ?occ)))
(not (Adequate (Paint_Coverage widget (beginof ?occ)))))
(Painted widget (endof ?occ)))

:id Act-2
:name Test_Coverage
:successors 1 3
:preconditions (Painted widget (beginof ?occ))
:postconditions (Adequate (Paint_Coverage widget) (endof ?occ)))

:id Act-3
:name Dry_Widget
:preconditions (Adequate (Paint_Coverage widget) (beginof ?occ))
:postconditions (Dry widget (endof ?occ))

Figure 6. Process Declarations for the Point, Test, and Dry Process.

Because variables can be assigned different maintained in different software applications,

values relative to an interpretation of the standards for the exchange of this informa-
names and predicates of a language, we are tion must address not only the syntax but also
able to capture the intended semantics of the the semantics of process concepts. PSL draws
complex looping of figure 5. on well-known mathematical tools and tech-
niques to provide a robust semantic founda-
tion for the representation of process informa-
Summary tion. This foundation includes first-order
theories for concepts together with complete
Within the increasingly complex manufactur- characterizations of the satisfiability and ax-
ing environment where process models are iomatizabilty of the models of these theories.


:variable ?w
:constraints (Widget ?w))

:id Act-1
:name Paint_Widget
:successors 2
(or (not (Painted ?w (beginof ?occ)))
(not (Adequate (Paint_Coverage ?w (beginof ?occ)))))
(Painted widget (endof ?occ)))

:id Act-2
:name Test_Coverage
:successors 1 3
:preconditions (Painted ?w (beginof ?occ))
:postconditions (Adequate (Paint_Coverage widget) (endof ?occ)))

:id Act-3
:name Queue_Widget
:successors 1 4
(Adequate (Paint_Coverage ?w (beginof ?occ)))
(Painted widget (endof ?occ)))

:id Act-4
:name Dry_Widget
:preconditions (Adequate (Paint_Coverage ?w) (beginof ?occ))
:postconditions (Dry ?w (endof ?occ))

Figure 7. Process Declarations for the Point, Test, Queue, and Dry Process.

Moreover, the modular organization of PSL en- Dennet, D. C. 1987. The Intentional Stance. Cam-
ables the flexible support of interoperability, bridge, Mass.: MIT Press.
even when the applications involved do not Devlin, K. 1991. Logic and Information. Cambridge,
have explicit ontologies. U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
McCarthy, J., and Hayes, P. 1969. Some Philosophical
References Problems from the Standpoint of Artificial Intelli-
Barwise, J., and Etchemendy, J. 1987. The Liar: An Es- gence. In Machine Intelligence 4, eds. B. Meltzer and
say on Truth and Circularity. New York: Oxford Uni- D. Michie, 463–502. Edinburgh, U.K.: Edinburgh
versity Press. University Press.

FALL 2003 73

Marti-Oliet, N., and Meseguer, J. 1991. From Petri

Nets to Linear Logic. Mathematical Structures in Com-
puter Science 1(1): 69–101.
Menzel, C., and Gruninger, M. 2001. A Formal Foun-
dation for Process Modeling. In Formal Ontology in
Information Systems, eds. C. Welty and B. Smith,
256–269. New York: Association of Computing Ma-
Pinto, J. 1994. Temporal Reasoning in the Situation
Calculus, Technical Report, KRR-TR-94-1, Depart-
ment of Computer Science, University of Toronto.
Reiter, R. 1991. The Frame Problem in the Situation
Calculus: A Simple Solution (Sometimes) and a Com-
pleteness Result for Goal Regression. In Artificial In-
telligence and Mathematical Theory of Computation: Pa-
pers in Honor of John McCarthy, ed. Vladimir Lifschitz,
418–440. San Diego, Calif.: Academic.
Schlenoff, C.; Gruninger, M.; and Ciocoiu, M.. 1999.
The Essence of the Process-Specification Language.
Transactions of the Society for Computer Simulation
16(4): 204–216.

Michael Gruninger is currently a research scientist

at the Institute for Systems Research at the University
of Maryland at College Park and also a guest re-
searcher at the National Institute for Standards and
Technology (NIST). He received his Ph.D. and M.Sc.
The New International in computer science at the University of Toronto and
his B.Sc. in computer science at the University of Al-

AI Web Site Could berta. His current research focuses on the design and
formal characterization of ontologies and their appli-
cation to problems in manufacturing and enterprise

Use Your Help! engineering. Gruninger is also the project leader for
International Standards Organization.

Chris Menzel is an associate professor in the Philos-

AAAI, in cooperation with IJCAI and other international
ophy Department at Texas A&M University. His re-
AI organizations, has launched a new international AI web search interests include metaphysics and philosoph-
ical logic, but he has been known to get his hands
site. Launched initially as a finding aid to other AI sites
dirty studying the application of these ideas to prob-
around the world, this new site contains links to national lems of representing and managing information in
engineering and manufacturing systems. He holds a
AI societies, nonuniversity laboratories and research sites,
Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Notre
and university AI departments and laboratories. Dame.

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