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In this first scenario, the Goblin forces have learned that a onto the board in the same manner as a unit returning from
group of Dwarfs are on the move toward the massing green- pursuit off of the table (see p. 43 of the Warhammer rulebook).
skins. As Urzbog is not ready to have his plans revealed just yet, If the unit does not arrive, on each subsequent turn, add +1
he has launched a daring plan (especially daring for a Goblin!). to the roll. Thus, on Turn 3, the unit will arrive on a 3+ and
Sending the majority of his forces away to not reveal his army’s so on.
true strength, Urzbog has lured the Dwarfs toward his idol. The Git ’Im for Da Boss! Urzbog’s goal is to capture a Dwarf hero
Shaman’s plan is to capture the Dwarf leader and use him in a for his ritual. The Shaman has found a way to transfer the
magical ritual to increase his power even more! power of the Dwarf ’s runes and even his inner strength to
increase his own Goblin might! If a Dwarf hero is broken in
ARMIES combat and run down or removed as a casualty in any way, the
This scenario is based on the forces contained in the Battle for Goblins have captured the hero. At the end of the game, the
Skull Pass boxed set. The scenario is ideal for 500-point armies Dwarf hero is worth double his normal number of Victory
of Goblins and Dwarfs, though you can easily substitute any Points, as long as the Goblin unit that “captured” him is still
armies into the scenario. alive and not fleeing at the end of the game. Otherwise, the
Dwarf hero is worth his normal Victory Points.
This game takes place on a 4' x 4' table. The battlefield should
The side with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins.
be modeled to look like a rocky, barren surface. The Shaman’s
hut and idol are placed in the center of the table. See the dia-
gram for more details.

1. The Dwarf player may choose which side to deploy on and ORC & GOBLIN DEPLOYMENT ZONE
must set up his entire army within 12" of his table edge.
2. After the Dwarf player has deployed his forces, the Goblin
player then sets up his forces on the opposite side of the
table within 12" of his table edge.
3. The Goblin player may choose one unit from his force to
arrive as a Flanking Force. This unit is not deployed with the
rest of the force but kept in reserve until the game has
begun. See Special Rules for full details.


Both players roll a die. The player who rolls highest may decide
to go first or second.

The battle lasts 6 turns or until one player surrenders.

Flanking Force. The Flanking Force unit can enter the board
from one of the two sides of the board that were not used as
Deployment Zones. At the beginning of the Goblin players’ 2nd DWARF DEPLOYMENT ZONE
turn, roll a D6. On a result of 4+, the unit arrives and moves
The Goblins of the Blood Moon Tribe have surged out of the The Search Is on! The greenskins are desperately searching for
Badlands and captured the town of Dorvishire in the lands of an ancient artifact and must look in the five buildings in the
the Border Princes. The Goblins have dug in and are prepared center of the board to find it. To search a building, a unit or
to fight off an army of Empire soldiers that are aiding the character must move into base contact with the structure and
Border Princes against the greenskin incursions. The Goblins take no other action that round (e.g., shooting, fighting, casting
must hold the town while Urzbog’s Goblins search for an item spells). At the end of the greenskin turn, roll a D6. On a result
hidden somewhere in the village. Gork and Mork have led of 6, the artifact has been found and the unit or character has
Urzbog to this potent artifact, and he is determined to get it and taken possession of it. If the item has not been found by the
increase his already formidable power! time you roll for the final house, the greenskin unit or character
automatically finds the item there. Place a marker next to the
ARMIES character/unit to indicate that it is in possession of the item,
This scenario has been created for 1,000-point armies of which may be lost, captured, and recaptured exactly like a unit
Goblins and Empire, though you can substitute any armies standard. If the item is in the possession of the Goblin player at
into the scenario. the end of the game, the Goblin army scores an additional 300
Victory Points.
This game takes place on a 4' x 6' surface. The battlefield should VICTORY CONDITIONS
be set up to look like a town that has been recently overrun – The side with the most Victory Points at the end of the game wins
ruined buildings, broken fences, etc. Five small buildings or
structures should be placed near the center of the table.
Each force should deploy along one of the board’s long table
edges. Having already claimed the city, the Goblin player
deploys his entire force first. The Goblin player may also set up
D3+2 barricades anywhere in his Deployment Zone. The barri-
cades will act as Defended Obstacles for troops positioned
behind them and as Hard Cover against shooting attacks.
The Empire player then deploys his army on the opposite side.
No model, except Scouts and other units with special deploy-
ment rules, may deploy more than 12" from its table edge. See
the Raiding Scouts rule below.


Both players roll a die. The player who rolls highest may decide
to go first or second.

The battle lasts for 6 turns or until one player surrenders.

Raiding Scouts. Owing to the nature of town raids, Scouts and
other units with special deployment rules may not deploy per
those rules. However, such units may deploy up to 18" from
their table edge, rather than 12" like regular troops.
Urzbog’s Goblin horde continues to maraud and raid the land.
The Shaman and his minions have overrun a fort on the edge of
The Attackers win if they are able to destroy Urzbog and put an
the Border Prince lands and have created a new base of power end to his rampage. The Goblins will be in disarray without
to launch their attacks. Seeing the danger the Goblin strong- their leader and will quickly scatter. The Defenders win if they
hold poses, the forces of the Empire and nearby Dwarf holds can keep Urzbog alive until the end of the game.
have banded together to crush Urzbog once and for all!


This scenario has been created for 1,500-point armies of 12"
Goblins and Dwarfs or Empire, though you can substitute any
armies into the scenario.

This game takes place on a 4' x 6' surface. Place the fort and any
additional fortifications in the center of the Goblin Deployment
Zone. The remainder of the battlefield should then be set with
small forests, hills, or similar terrain.

Both players roll a D6. The higher-scoring player may decided
whether to begin deploying first or second. Players then take it 12"
in turns to deploy one unit at a time. Characters may be EMPIRE DEPLOYMENT ZONE
deployed by themselves as a unit of one, or if they will begin
the game within a unit, they should deploy with that unit.
Scouts and other troops with special deployment rules may use
those rules in this scenario. Each force deploys within 12" of its
long board edge. The Goblin player may deploy any troops that
fit inside the fort if he wishes.


Both players roll a D6. The higher-scoring player may decide to
go first or second.

The battle lasts for 8 turns or until one player surrenders.

Hawke’s Fort. The Goblins have taken control of the outpost.
As the battle begins, some of them are holed up inside of it. The
Goblins can man the walls of the fort in the Deployment Phase
or any time thereafter. The walls are Hard Cover for purposes of
shooting (see p. 28 of the Warhammer rulebook). The walls of
the fort can be breached by Cannons and other war machines.
The walls have a Toughness of 8 and 5 Wounds per 4" section.
Once a section of wall has been destroyed, it cannot be manned
and is treated as Difficult Terrain.

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