You are on page 1of 47


Item No. Discipline Item Key Itm No. Discipline Item Key

53 Dental A n a l ~ m y& Occlusion
M Microbiology-Pathology
55 Anatomic Sc~ences F
Dental Anatorn 8. Qcclus~on

Dental M a t a m & Ocdusion

60 Dental Anatomy 8. Occlusion D

GI Biochemis trv-Phvsicllouv n

11 63 [Anatomic Scier~ms I F 11

:1 15
Anatomic Sciences
78 8 Occlus~on
Oerhtal Anator~~v 0 1 68 i ~ e n t aAnaton~v
l B Occlusion E dl
11 20 IM~robioloavPatholoav I E 11

I 85
Der~tslAnatnrny & Occlusion
Mcr~b~o;r~gy-Pathology 1

1 ~lochem~sty-physiology
(Dental h a t o ~ m y& 0c:clusion
IAna tomic Sciences
1 1
f ~icrobiology-Fathology
Dental ~ r i d & &n Occlusron
I s \
93 Microbiology-Pathology A
W Bimhernistry-Physiology D
Item No. Discipline Itern Kev Item tio. Discinlinc Item Kev

102 Dcntal Anatomy B Occtusion B
1 03 Ana!omic Sciences
104 Dental Anatomv & Oc~lusion E

1 119 [Anatam~c Sciences 1 A I (1 2 69 Sciences

IA~ialn!n;r: I B 11
1M Dental ~ n a t o m y& Occtusjon D
121 Micrub~alogy-Pathdogy D 171 0ental Anatomy & Owlusinn A
122 Biochernrstry-Ptiysiology E I72 Dental Anatomy & Occlusion B
11 1 23 1Anatomic Sciences 1 C 11 1 73 B i w hemistry-Physiology C t

. 1 74 M~crabioluuv-Patholoav C

11 178 IAnatomic Sciences I C /I

It 179 i~natomicSciences I 0 11
11 130 IAnatnmir. Sciences I F 1 \I IRO IDental Anatomv & Occlusion I Cl 11
1, 181 IDental Anatomy & Dcc)us~on ( 11
/ 132
l ~ e n t aAnatomy
l 8 Occlus~on
I Mir.mhinInnv-P.?thhlnnv I r. 1
36 Denlal At~atwnv& Occlusion E

1 140 ~ ~ o c h ~ ~ i s l r ~ - ~ t ~ i o l oAg ~

1 1 41
Anatomic Sciences
Dental Anatornv ti Occlusion
1; 193 IAna tomic Scrences I E 11
144 l . . 8 Qcclusion
l ~ e n t aAriatonly 11 194 (Dental Anatomy & Occlusion I I1
145 ] ~ i c r o b i o l o ~ ~ - ~ a ~ ~ l o ~ yE 195 Dental Anatomy 8. Occlusion A
146 1 Biochemistry-Physiot%y D 196 H~od~em~stry-Physiology E
147 /Dental Anatomy & Occtusion D 197 Anatomic Sciences A
148 !Dental Arlalornv B Dcclusi~n A 198 Anatom~cSciences C
Item No. Discipline Item Key Item Fin. Discipline Item Key
Item No. Discipline Item Key tlem No. Discipline Item Key

1 Dental An~tnrnvR Omlr~sicin 1 A 1

Dental Analomy & O G G ~ U S I]O ~

I I,entai .na,nrnv ,rr,,,,i*n I E I!



I. This examlnatlon booklet consists of 200 randornlysrdered, multiple-choice items.

2. You will be given 3 % hours to complete this examination.

3. In addition to this examination booklet, you should have 2 answer sheets: one answer
sheet marked 1-100 and a second answer sheet marked 161-2W.

4. Use a No. 2 pencil an all test materials.

5. Enter your name and referencs number on the answer sheets. Blacken the circle that
corresponds to each digit of your reference number.

6. Enter the name of this examination PILOT in the test name box.

7. On the answer sheet marked 1-100 enter the number 11 in the test number grid. On the
answer sheet marked 101-200 enter the number 22 in the test number grid. Blacken the
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You are ready to begin. Far each test item, decide which response is best or correct and
blacken the corresponding circle on the answer sheet. Record only one answer for each test
item. All test itcrns will be scored on an equal basis, Please answer all items lo the best af your


3. What are predom~nantir~<.a;~<'5 c!vrmgen 7. When compared to the primary mandibularfirsl.
between glucose units? --molar, Lhe primay2mandlbularsecond m l a r
s~mz\'.!e~hibitsa G W T E R number of which
of Ihe follmng?

h. Oblique ridges x
B. Ro~tsk
6 Cusps r-

~wica, &
E. Transverse ridges

2. In fermentation, the 6nal electron acceptor is 8. Which of the following describes the movement
of glycine molecules in an electric fieid at a pH
A. water. of 6.06 (the isoelectric pH for glycine)? The
B, oxygen. glydne molecules will
C. carbon dioxide.
an organic compound.
an inorganic compound 9 n d move.
move to the anode.
C. move to tho cathode.
D. move to both ancde and cathode.
3. Which of the followina primary teeth is MOST
likely to have an oblique ridge?

A. Maxillary canine
6:) Zinc is an essential Component of which of the
8. Maxillary first molar

Maxillary second molar
Mandibular firat molar
Mandibular second molar
D. Adenylate cycfase
@ Carbonic anhydrase
4. Each of tha following structures is found in the
infratempnral fossae EXCEPT onc. Which me
is I his EXCfPTlOhr! 10. Which of the following cancers typically arises in
teenagers and young adults?
A, Lingual newe .-
B. Medial pterygold muscle ,. A. Wilms'tumor r j ; , , ~
C. lnferibr alveolar nerve 6. Angiosamma
9 Ptefygopalatine ganglion
Rerygoid venous plexus r
Ewing's sarcoma
Multiple myeloma ,*I :r r;.;
Chronic lyrnphocytic leukemia C L ~ / A F
5. fach of the fallowing cranial nerves is
asmciated with tho cavernous sinus EXCEPT , Each e l the following muscles usually appear%
me. Which one is lhis DI%EPTlON? in mgtlwt of the posterior triangle EXCEPT
one. Wh~chone 1s this EXCEPTION? q*b)dlr*;j

Abdumns b vv/ iL,A, 9 4- -- .', . ' .


C. Trochlcar c <: . ,-< LV"

>. ,-.<

D. Trigerninal .: C. Splentus mpitis

E. Oculornotor . Levator scapulae' ,* , i,.
E Anterim belly of wnohyo~d
6. Calcium dipicdinate is pwsenl in large amounts 4.7 2

in 12. In an ideal tntercuspal relation, the esiofaciat

cusp of the first molar opposes which
I@ spores. morphologic entity of f i t h e mand~butarfirst molar?
B. flagella.
C. rnesosornB. k Cent& fossa
0. nbosomes. . Lingual groove
E. mitochondria. C. Distofacial groove
Mesinfacial grwve ,

C.2W4 A m e I m n Dsnbt As.- AantCmrm%Sor urn Nubunel D d l Ewrrdnamrs All mts resewed
13. Three days ago, a patlent recEliv5: r ~ r -
18. The occlusal outline of a manabular first molar
irnrnunizatron with tetanus toxoid. w h a t oi is similar to a
antibodies specific for tetanus toxdd wou Id one
expect to find in her serum? A. cid:
B, square:
A.Similar concentrations of IgM and IgG C. hexagon.
B.High concentrations of both IgM and IgD
C. Low concentration of IgM; h~gh rharnboid.~
wnmnlralion of IgE
@ Low conmntratron of I ~ M high
concenlratlon of IgG
E High concentration of IgM; low
concantration of IgG D. Which of thc following statements is correct with
respect to mastication of food?

A. Food is masticated primarily in a border

movement. x
14. Facilitated diffusion DlFFERSfrarn active Food is masticated primarily in lateral
transport in that net transport by facilitated contacting movement.
diffusion C. An ideal occlusion is a requisite for
masticatory efficiency, p.
A. has a transport maximum. S,L:,<, D. Proper incisor contact is a requisite for
uses ATP as an energy source. ~%w. masticatory efficiency.
requires a concentration gradient.
=curs as an endergonic (pasitive AG)
E. Indigestion is generally related to
inadequate mastimtion of food.

20. Human papil!omaviruses 16 and 18 are strongly

15. Mucosa of the anterior twp-thirds of the tongue correlated with the appearance: of
develops primarily from
A. genital warts.
A. Rathke's W c h . B, plantar warts.
8. tuberculum irnpar. C. cutaneous warts.
C. foregut endodem. uterine cancer.
hypobranchial eminence. cervical cancer.
6 lateral lingual swellings.

21. The sensov receptors serving the ~ t ~ e t cr&&

16. Each of the following statements regarding are classified as
aldosterone is correct E X E P T one.Which one
is this EXCEPTIOM?

A. Is a rnineralocorticoid. -r
8. Increases Na+ uptake from the kidneys.<
Production is stimulated by angioter~sin11.
Is produced in the zona fasrjculata d the
adrenal cortex. 4
22. Which of the following muscles participates in
17. Interstitial pulmonary inkammation is MOST flzxib~atthe glenehumeral and the humerc-
characteristic of ~ l n ajoints?

@ viral pneun~~nia.
B. bacterial pneumonia. a. Brachiajis ~ e ~ z
C. lung abscess. x Biceps brachii r y , + u
D. bronchial asthma. D. Triraps brachii
E, bronchopneumonia.
23. During fetal devebpmenl, b l w 15S-I,-:& fmm 28. The junction behaen the tooth surface and Ihe
the pulmonary a?cy to the aort~carch hy cr~vicularepithelium is composed of whlch of
means of the tr~ef3ilxtir8g?

A, foramen ovalc. A. Cernentoid

B. srnus uenosus. 6. Tight junction.
C. lnlemtcdiate filaments <
ductirs venosus.
ductus arteriosus.
foramen secundu~n.
Basal lamina-lke structure k ~ j > r : ;J%L
Interstitial crev~cularfluid
.' +.
,- L :,
29. If thc anticodon on transfer-RNA 1s 5'ACGT
then which of the follow~ngI S ~ t sc o r r e s ~ n d ~ n g
Which of thc following factors MOSI~nfluencos codon nn messenger-RNA?
c ~ _me-maxillary
the I ~ng_u_a!-~_"_"eviQ f anterior
teethand groove d l r e a ~ nof Ihe posterior 5'CGTY
teeth? 5'CGU 3'
5'TGC 3'
A Anterior guidance ThJP fle4r;vi~. f 0. 5'UAC 3'
8. Anglc d the emincncc CUSP < : E. 5'UGC 3'
Curve or the ocdusion aMVtj
0. Sideshifl of the mandible (Bennett
Direction of movement of the rotating
-- On the mown of the prin~atymaxillary first
--- molar, the pesigl-surface normally
c o dyle
@ is larger man the distal surface of the
same tooth.
B. exhibits a concave l~nguatoulline. ..
C. is wider ~cclusocervicallythan
25. Rough pneumococci grown in the presence of buccolingually. -
DNA from dead smooth p n e u m o c o ~develop 0. exhibits a straight cervical line. 9
capsules. This is an example of bacterial E is wlder huecolingually at the m l u s a l
table than at the c c ~ c athird.

31. Staphylucoccw aumus MOST commonly


26. Which of the following base pairs promoles

9 C,
skin infections. .
sore thrbat. z k v
helix slabilization in A= hrt does NOT do so in D. chronic4nfections.
RNA? E. exogmous infections.

A. G-C"
9 :,
C-T Eacll uf the following is characteristic of t~[pe_s+
E. A-U I u;p 2 ~ 5 EXCEPT
1 ~ one. Which one is this

27. Blood from the cephalic vein drains inlo which A Un~lateral
of the following veins? Usually involms 1-3dermatomes.

6 A. Basilic

Internal thoracic
Occurs repeatedly in irnrnunacompebnt
Only WCUE in an ind~vidualhaving a
latent V A , infection, 7
E. More common in individuals who are
E. Superior vena cava imrnunocornprornised.
33. Which of the follow~ngdescribes ;re m-.Czdd 38. Which ol the lollowing muscles is MOST
relationship bettinreen a maxillary central incisor mncerned In ql~ietrespiration?
and a maxillarf lateral incisor?
A. Rhomboid
Contact is offset to the lingual.<
Contact is centered incisocervtcally. *
Lingual embrasure is larger than the facial
9 D.
embrasure. E. Pectoralis major
D, lncisal embrasure is thc largest of all the

- - Before swallowing can be rnttialed, afferent
information must be received
34. Which of the following shows a rclativc
INCREASE as the denial pulp ages'? A. from nlusck+mdles. indicahng the
consistency of a WR bolus of food.
A. Number of fibroblasts? L B. in a lesser amwnl from noweptors.
B. Number of dontoblasts A indicating a soft bolus of f o d . ,
C. Number of blood vessels 4 @ trom mu-! ~ ~ o _ r e ~ t q ,

a D. Sire of the pulp chamber4

Amount af fibrous connective tissue 3
indicating the comistency of a soft h l u s
of fwd.
from phcrryriyeal taste recep!?rs, indicating
the cons~stencyof a soft bolus of food.
35. The rapid emergence of new strains of human
immunodeficiency vin~sis primarily thn result of
40. Wtler~the mand~blemoves to them, the
A, the frequent genmic recombination mesiolingual ct~spof the maxillary rightfirs!
beheen human ~mmunodefictencyvirus molar passes through which groove of Ihe
and d h a r retroviruses. nlandtbular right first molar?
8. frequent errors In the translation of viral
C. the lack of immune response to the viral
envelope glycoprolein.
@ frequent errors i n t d u r e d by viral reverse
C. Mesiofacial
Lingual d
transcriphse. E. Central
E. the imprteision of prokin cleavage by viral

- Mesial and distal pulp horns are MORE likely to 41.
.. The antigenic wmpunenl of which of the
be fwnd in which of Ihc following teeth? following vaccines is a caps- antigen?

Maxillary central incisors A. Influenza

Mandibular central incisors B. Poliovirus
C. Mandibular canines , tlepatitls B
0. Maxillary first premolars
E. Mand~bularfirst premulars -
37. The ~najorz ~ n w r ynerve to the parietal
42. Coupled respiration requires each of the
p?c;lrdil~mhranrhes trom which of the
following nerves? folluw~ngEXCEPT one. Which one is this
/A. Vagus
8. Musculophrenic A. ADP
C. lntercoslal
Phrenic Ziidiaxidc
E. Internal thoracic Elec!ron donor
E. Inorganic phosphate
43. As the severity of penoaonii, G:S:-Z~-~
48. Each of the following der~vesf r m a pharyngeal
progresses, there is afi increase in plasma c&:s ~h EXCEPT one. Which one is thts
t h g p r d u c e which of the fallowing? U C E ' T ~ ~ ~
A. Thymus 2,f.j
B. Parathyroid 7. r d :4-

8 E.
Parotid gland
Auditory tube :
Pabltne tons11 ;,:; "
49. The anow in the illustrabun below ind~catesthe
path taken by opposbg a s p s . The mandibular
44. Which of the following is a ~rndicam
of movernent indimted is


Splenic al~ophy '
Hepatic angioma formalion
Obstruction of portal circulation
Inr.reased plasma protein formation
Decreased ccnlral venous pressure

45. Which of the following 1s prudur;ed when a 'd right late&!; n~dktrusive
E. l e i lateral; rned~otrusive.
mutallon occurs in an enrjrne conlrolling a
srgnal pathway lnvnlved in cell growth
prmsses? 50. Which of the fallowing is caused by vilamin D
A Epigcne
deficiency 111 ad*?
8. Antigene A Rickets .p

Oncogene 8 Myxcdcma 7 ' * , .:,

, +t: , .
D. Monogene C. Acromegaly
t. Transgene Osteomalacia
Ostei65 fibmsa cyslica

51. In wrqteralmanr~d omIqs&n, contact

46. DNA that is complementary to mHNA can he 5
between lower buccal cusps and upper buccal
nude usrng which of the following? cusps. -
, - along with sirnultane~us contact b e w e n
A A plasmid lowcr lingual cusps and upper lingi~alcusps, will
B. DNA ligase c MOST lihely ocwr in which of the following
C. A retrovirus lypes of mand~bularrnnvements?
RNA pobmerase
Reverse transcriphse
C. Skaight retrusive
D. Straight protrusive

47. Which of the following groups rif organs 1s


A. Pancreas, transydse colon, and ' " 52. The .bur..r-a!m!cosa typically has which of the
descending colon following epllhelta?
8. pancreas. stom/ach, and ovary A. Simple r d u m n a r
C. Kidney, ~ransvedeculon, and ovary Pseudostntificd columnar
Ureter. gallbladder, and transdrse wlon
Nan -kcratinized, ~tratrfiedsquamusi.
Kidney, adrenal, and rectum
Parakemtinized,skatifr ed squamous
E. Orthakeratinized. stratified squamous
53. The apex d the ~G;'Z<J::~ ;,:re Fcthic-arch 58. Of the ~.r..i+. m w teeth, the cervical ndge
m a. -g
~racinyrsyresents wh~cho i the follow~r~; would stand out MOST prominently as a distinct
pos~t~ons? ~ 5 ' ra0 which surface of which molar?

A. Maximum opening ,
Centric re lation
A. First Distofac~al
D. Rest position @ First Mesiohcial
C. Second Dislofacial
D. Second Mes~ol~ngual
E. Second Distolingual

54. Which of the following streptococcal virule;lee

ladors acts as a mediat~nga
variety of cytokine-induced effects that can
result in Ilfe-threatening disease'? 59. IL-7 IS primally pruduced by which of the
- --.f
f~lluwmg7 , ).IF :.5 -* - '


Pyrwcnic cxotoxin : -ri ,

Hyaluronidase A. Neutrophils -
C. Streptokrnase -7, ,d,ccq:,~d I Macrophages '"' ' "+
D. Slreptolysin 0 - I ~ O,,oI ~
D. T-helper cells
E. T-suppressor cells

55. Pregangtionic parasympathetic fibers that

synapse in the @ e m l a t ~ n gsaglisn
e travel
in which of the following nerves? 60. DUIIIIY endodontic therapy, onc will usually find
huo pulp canals in which o f the followinq?
A. Maxillary
8. Lesser palaline *
A. Mandibular canine
C Lesser pctrosal -- r*%, 8. Distafaciat mot of a rnax~llarymolar
Distd root of a rnand~bularfirst molar
Va D. Greater patatirie Y
Greater pebasal

Mesial root of a mandibular first molar
Lingual roo1 of a maxillary first molar

56. lrtitialron ofgJcifil;~t~~forthe,mafl~ibular

central jncismnorrnally occurs a1 61. Which of the idlowing statements BEST applies
to saliva?
3-4 morlihs of age i: ,. A*: ,-! , I ;
6. 1 year of age. s',t b~r++ ---rc.:,
i v - <-
A. s the maln pH buffer
Phclsphale i
C. 2-3 years of age. 3. Swptiese=s for additional mucins
' , -- g,:iar?; ,. C. Maln source af enqmes lor p,dein
D. 4 5 years of age.
E. G-7years of age. 2.. i,:i digestion x
t ,*-
.. I,.; ., ,,:+/ ~2
Stlpplics calcium and phosphate for
srvqyt -- I.!r.l E, Ur~dersaturatedwith respcct b
hydraxyapatite at neutral pH

57. Each of the followrng vlnlSes is potentially

capable of wusi~gdtransformaJgpEXCEPT
f; ..,. , ,* ',A: ""
one.Which one is this EXCEPT1O.W -62. ~ r n o o t hmuscle contains o a c ~of~the fotlow~ng
muscle protelrls m C E P T one. Which one I S this
9 YA6. Rstrovi;us -- &! < ;. ,?
- - :

J @
Hepatitis B virus
Myosin /
E. Human papillomavirus a
63. Cell bodies of ncurorls mediattng ~ 5 - ' - 5- - ~ - 68. The non-working condyle prtorms whlch o! the
from the perrodontal ligament of thc maxillary : Z : ' ? ~ I ; : ~ ?rnnvements?
first molar IIRin the
A. Slraight forward
A. senlilunar yanglron. 8. Forward and downward
B. rnotm nucleus of V. C. h m w a r d , forward, and lateral

spinal nucteus of V,
chief sensory nucleus of V
rne~sncephalcnucleus of V.
a D. h m a r d , backward, and medial
D o v ~ ~ w a r forward,
d, and m!

69. ,Which of thc follow~ngsubstances is the
predarnlnant saurce of&P at MQDFRATE
le-y@s-(forgreater than a m i n u t e s ) of activity?
-64. Which of the following can he used to
dlstingu~shthe from the A. Amino acriis
R i l on thr? histolcgic level? Fatty acids
A Gcneral shape of the lunsil D. Proteins
8. Number of lymphatic nodl~!*s
@ Type or epithelium aw.aciat& with it
Type nf lymphocytes present , 70. Which of Ihe following promotes the release d
E Presence or absence of Hassall's
corpuscles .
-brle from the gallbladder?

A Gastrin
8. Secret~n . ,. A - ! ,L. , ,. ->;.
65. The movement in the u p p r compartment of the C. Galia
iernporamandibular joint is &and D. Bombes~n

The movement in the lower compartmenl is

transf&on. '
74: Which of thc following teeth represents the one
MOST likely to present with
A. Bolh slatemenls are TRUE.
Bolh slatemenls are FALSE. A, Mandibular central incisor
me tint statement is TRUE, and lile B. Mandibular second premolar
second is FALSE. C. Mandibular canine ,
O. ThefirslstatementisFALSE,andthe - O. Maxillary first m o l a r
second is TRUE. E. Maxillary second premolar

66. As blood flows through the peridonial 72. Which of the foilowing chemiwl agents is
membrane, tremendous pressures occ.ur in approved as an I m f i j ~ nslerilarit?
response to forceful occlusion. Blood flow is
temporarily reduced, but m U -
1 A. lodophors
A Ca++.
of the presence ol
a D.
Ethyl alcchcll
Synlhetic phenolics
0. ADP. E Sodium hypochlorile
C. thrombin.

73. Granulation t~ssueis comprtsed of each of the

f~llowlngmmponents FACEPTone. Which onc
67. Which of thc following parts 01 ll~e&p-ophy_s_ois
is this EXCEPTION?
the site of oxytncin release?
A. F~brouhstsT
f i r s ncrvosa
a C.
F'lasrna cells
Caoillart buds s
C- Pars distalis O Cnclnthelial cells T
D. Pars tuberalis E. Nwrty formed mllagcn ,-r
E. Pars Intermedia
74. Follow~ngeruption and Ir~rLii;GT=,:,z1 mnhct in 79. Which of the following types of dentin is Ihe
the oral cavity, a tooth will continue to erupl I;, MOST highly mineralized?
order to compensate for occlusal wear. In
response to this continuous eruption, which of
the following is deposited at the apex of the

A. Primary dentin
B. Secondary dentin
C. Reparative dentin
Cellular cementum 80. Each of the following mn be found in the dental
9 Acdlular cementum julpEXCEPT one. Which one is t h ~ s
A. Nerve tissue
B. Blood vessels
75. Which of the ioHowing wwld produce Ihe Cementoblasts
greatest D E C R e resistance in a single
- .- -,.
D. Lymph vessels
artery 2 b
n;rg and wlth a radius of 1.2 mm?

A. A halving in length According to the Spaulding Classification

B. A doubling in length System for contaminated items and w x k e s .
. .- -
An increase in radius by a f x b r of 2 -shauld be reprocessed by
A decrease in biood viscosity by a factor
A. expasure to ethylene oxide. x
of 2
. a spray-wipe-spray technique.
C. immersion in a tuberculocidal disinfectant.
76. Which of the following REST descrfbes a centric 0. washing with s chlorhaxidine gluconate
holding cusp of a r u a u b h left semnd iu,~I@ disinfectant.
E heat stabilization If the material is heat
A. It is the distofac~alcusp and ocdudes in stable.
the embrasure between maxillay first and
@ %
: : % ~ ~ ~ofcusp
the central
i a land occlt~desin
a maxillary second
.- In the contractile cycle, the dissociation of the
actomyosin complex results MOST immediately
rnolar. fruni
C. It is the distolingual cusp and occludes in
the embrasure between maxillary first and A. ATP hydrolysis. , ~ p-.< ~ .. -

second molars.
It is the distolingual cusp and occludes in
the central fossa of a maxillary second
B C.
release of ATP hydrolysis products. - 3 c d e r :m&-
AT? replacing ADP on the myosin heads.
tilting of the myosin heads (crossbridges).

-83. Which of the following represents the

consequence of the fact that PNA stranhare
77. Oral streptococci are usually
i, ~/lf(d#n mmplerneniary?
A. gamma-hcmolytic.
alpha-hnsulytic. A. Hairpin loop structures can be generated
They will always have identical sequences
0. non-hemolytic. 4
Separated strands arc able to reassociate
They cannot get back toyelher once
separated >4

78. The cell membrane is LEAST permeable to

which of the following substances?
84. Which of the following predominates in steroid
producing cells?

9 C.
Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough endoplasn~icreticulum
Golgi apparatus
E Ethanol D. Phagosumes
E. Nucleolus
85. The spacing between anteriur I-T, .- :r,: 91. A substance alters the rate of an enzymatic
primary dentition is MOSTfrequently caused by reaction by bindtng to the enzyme at a s~tcother
The substance descr~bedis
than l n h at;? :e :":
A. thumbsu&ing. ,I:I. : I a (an)
8. tongue thrusting. ,I ,,, ,
trarisseptal gingival fibers. A. uncwpler.
& E.
the growth of the dentai arches
thc pressure from succedaneous twth
B. ravalent rnod~ber.
allosteric inhibitor.
D campetitrve mhib~tw.
E. post-trqnslatiaoalmodifier.
86. Each of the following types of e l l s is
phayvcytjc EXCEPTone. Which one is this
EXCEPTlOhr! 92. On a rnax~llaryfirrit molar, the occiusal outline
cantains hvo oblusc and two acute angles. The
A. Monocyte -line angles arc
': , .
B. Histiocyte
C. Neutrophil rnesiolingual and d~stolkrgual. +-. ,.. - .

D. Macrophage mcsiofalciel and distolitigual. ". '

9 LymphwIe C. rnesiolinguaf and distofadal.

D, mesiofacjal and distofacial.
E. distofacial and distomual.
67. Which of ?hefollowing is A 4 ~ T ~ i k ~ y . 1 0
p~o?io!ed '.
. r ;

A Cortisone 93. When Jseki from patients who haw chronic

B. Callagcnase periodontal disease react with certain plaque
C. Chymolrypsin x bacterial antigens, lhey produce each of the
Hyaluronidasa following EXCEIZT one. Which one Is this
88. In the intercuspal position, which of the
bllowing anterior teeth has the patcntial of
contacting both anterior and posterior
A. Maxillary lateral incisor

9R. Mandibular lateral incrsor

Maallav canine
Mandibular canine -9-4, Quring which of the following would b l o d flow
to the wrp_nary arteries be L i G T In a

&. in the oral region. the -I

found between the
usually is
resting ~ ntvidua
d I?

A. ling(1al and h y p g l m ~ ; 1nerves.

B. mylohydd and gcniohyoid muscles.
VC. hyoglossus and geniuglossus muscles.
D. sublingual duct a# hypoglossal nerve.
E. oral rnucop membrane and the anterior
belly of the digastric muscle.
,95. Atropine pre-~entsthe secretion of saliva
resulting from stimulatidn of Ihe tympani
.--90. E a d of
~ the failowing is a type of Jxwusc it - -.
-exudate EXCEPTonc. Which one is this
.r; ?, .u<:

denatures the salivary gland proteins.

prevents the action of acetylcholine on Uie
Suppurative -r
@ secreting cells.
Fibrous C. pevcnts release of acetylchaline by
C. Purulent sympdthetic postyanglianicRhers.
D. Fibrinous a. yrever~tsrelease of acetylcholine in
E. Pscudmembralruus autonomic ganglia.
96. If the point d a needle enters t h e m c 5-,': 99. A mature ovum is expelled from which of the
-an ~nfeiioralvedar injection and sdution rgl'~g~imq?
is d e p s ~ t e dIn the gland, 3le MOST l~kelyre5ult
IS A. Corpus l u t e u n
B. Corpus albicans
A, paralysis af the Succinator muscle. Graafian follicles
paralysis of the tern@ralia muscle.
C. paresthesia of the l i w a l nerved
D. paralysis of lemporal tympani. I(
E, a hematoma of the pterygoid venous

100. WIhich of the following is the characteristic

immunoglobulin present in human external
secretions (i.e. saliva, tears, inlestinal juice)?

A. Monomeric IgE
B. Monomer~c+lg&

97. Which of the fotfowing promotes

& E.
Polymeric lgG4
Secretory tgD
brr!kxj q i .

A. Increased bborl p d h s
8. Increased sodium eyfction

Decreased lymphafic drainage
Decreased venule blmd pressurc
lnmased plasma Pmotic pressure

98. Which of Ihe following BEST describes the

primary ionic movement during the
depolarization phase of a nerve aclion I t~
potential? --(-,i
A.Potassium ions maving from inside ta -
outside ttle membrane 4
8. Potassium j&s moving intu th0 fiber from
interstitial duid
C. Large organic-negativ~ions moving from
inside the fiber to outside the fiber
. Sodium ions moving from inside the
membrane to outside the nimbrane
'@ Sodium ions moving from outside the
membrane to inside ttre membrane
101. Which of the following is Uie cel~urar~gtr~ehre 106. Which of the following statements BEST
that contains many types of hydrqlytic dem-bes hydmyapatile in enamel?
A. Has a nonpolar su:a-fi
B. Has 1D ions In each un~tcell
Contains no k n subst~tutions.
Golgi apparatus
& E.
Has a higher solubility than fluaapallte
Has a solubility that decreases as the
E. Endoplasmic reticulum pH decreases x
9f' 2~ :',. .. c
CtLL , '.
iL, "
r .' .d
102. Ordinarily, a ~ - ~ e a r $ lchild
d would have which 107. Which of the Mlowing epithelial types is
of the followini teelh clinically visible? normally asswiated with the internal Ihing of
the majonly of the tubular gastrointestinal
Al I only tract?
All prirnaiy 180th and permaaeotlirst
mnlars v
9 C.
Simple mlumnar
Simple cuboidal
Simple squarnous
D. Primary canines, perm nent first Dm Stralihed cuboidal >J ;x-
molars, and perma&mandibular E. Stratified squamous -
indsors ,,

Prior k surgery, an,anxiois patient h m s a
103. Which of the following is the lobe of the hiqher svstolic Mood m s s u r e than pre-ly
cerebral hemisphere that lies in the middle nolcd. Which of the fultowing represents the
cranial fossa? MOST likely reason?

Frontal P.. Cardiac shock

B. Anaphylactic shock
C. Occipital ' C. Atrial fibrillation
D. Parietal
& Ventricular fibrillation
Docreased artetial mrnpliancs

q04. In an ideal intercuspat posltlon, the d'@Lm

aspect of a m g d ibular w n - @ s , ~ r 109. Which of the following skin lesions is generally
opposes which structure of which maxillary considered precancerous?
A. Psoriasis
A. Lingual fossa of a lapral 8. Verruca vulgaris
B. Mesial marginal rid& o l a later61 lntradermal nevus
C. Distal marginal ridge of a centrhl
Mesial marginal ridge of a ccn,tnl
Lingual fossa of a mntral

Which of the following is a branchinq,
filamentous microorganism that is a normal
i e b i t a n t of the sinqival crevice and t 0 n s . r
105. Mrulence of thepneumococcus is associated
with its
A. pyrogenic exotoxin. r
B. C-reactive protein.'
C. rnntent of nucleoprotein.
production of streptolysin.

020M h e d u n Dnntai h c t w j m , Mr.tU m m i s s i u r m National Daltat E x a d a ' r u m . hll rights mmwed
111. Glucusecan k rnadefmrncacrlc:::,~ 115. Increased pulmonary ventilation observed at
follo~inr~substances EXCEPT one Which hiqha!ti!udes results d~radtyfr0rn.a~e H e d o t
one is this Eu%EPTlOhr!' hvw.~? i-5
- A .

Lactate carotid body

Glycerol C. hypothalamus.
D. Pyruvate 0. carotrd sinus. b. ,;r3w,s. --. r
E. Fructose E, respiratory center. wa

112. In an ideal Intercuspd position, the 116. Juxtamedular and wrt~calnephrons differ
of a &a farnolsr prirriar~lyIn
opposes the

A. central fosfiof the mandibular first '. A.

filtration fraction
focation of macula densa. ,
molar C. length of proximal tubule. ..
0. lingual sulcus of the mandibular first D. Icngth of distal convoluted tubule.
molar. lenglh of the thin segment ot the I m p
C, mesial lgssa of the mandibular s e m n d of Henle.
@ mesial marginal ridgc of the
mandibular second molar.
E k
Y 'embrasure belween the
mandibular first and sewnd molars. 117. Which of the [dlowing repres~ntsthe primary
function of s w

@ Aggregates microorganisms and

prevents coloni7atio1-1
B. A c t i v F complement in secretory
nuhjs .:>r:r:j-'.:
113. Which of ths bllowing oral tissues contains C. Promotes phagocytosis by monacytes -5 5
the LEASTcollagen? D. Act~vatesmast cells
E. Act~vatesNK cells

'118. Which of the following REST describes the

occlusal outline of a maxillary first molar from
an m l u s a l view?

A. Ovoid
B. Square
C. Rectangular
Each ol the following s t a t n m e n t m a Pcntagonai
mntributor to the initiation 06~neral~zal~o;>f
-- Rhomboidal
bono.EXr;p&~l_e. WI uch.~ F s y i

A. Holes or pores in collagen irbers

B. Rclcase of rnalr~xves~clesby 119. The nasopalatjne nerve reaches mucosa in
osteoblask -r the oral cavity via which of thc following
@ Release of by foramina?
osteDcytes trapped in lacunsc
D. Alkaline phosphataso acl~v~ty in @ Incisive
osteoblasts and matrix ves~des 6. lnfraorb~tat
E Degradation or niatt~xpyrophosphate C L ~ s s e rpalaline
to release an ir~organicphosphate 0. Greater palatine
f. Pter4gopalatinc
120. Whtch of thir fallawny rep:ejx:.s
number of lecth in Ihe permanent dentit~on
t-e htal -
125. , Collagen degndation that is observed in
chtonlc p r i d o n t a l d~seawcan result directly
that normally possess a CmguIurn? ;, -.- Ihc ~ s i l o qof
enzymes of
r oral micrcbiai a-131:.5-91 eiryrnes have
A. 4 - .
<:!PC 3,5=i;t been demonstrated a5 componenr s i s t e ~ sof
D. 6


@ C,
m a s species.
ieptharhrix buccaL.
Erltarnoeba girlyivalrs.
0. t n t e m c c u s fmcelis.
E. Veflione!la species.

121. Cetlular tropism by viruses is dependen! on

which of the following?
126. Hormones that exert their effects through the
A. Host cell D w homology ta viral DNA activation nf second messengers are
B. Temperatureflhost cell incubatian
Gamm%intcrfemn production A. llpopJm6c.
usually water soluble pcpiideiproleio
E. Viral enzyme syrithesis hormones.
to cytoplasmic honr~or~c

D, secre,jed by ovaries, testes. adrenal

cvrp%,and placenta.
122. Which or the fallowing is an allosteric effector
of an e n m a t i s reaction? . -

~ 1 2 7 .Which of the following exhibits phagocytic

A. Competiliw inlmtor act~vit-1in the ceritral nervous system?
B. . b ! Q f l ~ p e t i t i v eihibitor
C. Substance that b#s to the substrate A Ependymal ce!"
D. Substanw a ~ e c t d e n z ~ m a tactivity
ic Mlcmglial ccil
by bind:ng to the activo site Ol~godendrocyte
@ Substance affecting enzyn~allsactivity D. Rbrflus asbocyte
by binding to non-adive s~tes E. p r - s mlc ast~,o.c&j
, . l-,,'li-:,k.8~,~ , JL
123. Wontoblasts ser.rel~Ihe organic cornpunents 128. Each of the following coenzymes is a
of Ihe dentin matrix. me fibrous matrix is cornyonent of the pyruvatc dchydrogenase
MOSTLY complex UCCEPT one. Which one is thls
A keratin.
B. reticular fibers. A. NAD

Typc I collagen. Biotin - .

"'D. Type II and 111 collagen. C. Coenzyme A
E. reabsorbed as the dentin matures D. Thiarr~ir~eyyrophosphate r.?y

129. hdentlfy the anterior tooth that MOST

frequently e x h i S i a bifurmted mot and
? 24. Which of the following BEST describes the idcntrfy the positions of the roots.
~hormalroot of thc -ca?!ne, in rmss
secticm at the CEJ? Tnrrth Boot Position
A. Circular. symmetrical A. Maxillary lateral Mesial and dish1
0. Triangular, symmetrical incisor
C. Ovold, symmetrical R FAax~llarylateral Facial and lingual
D. Ovojd, but wider mesiodistdly at the incisar
lingual Maxillary canine Facial and l m y w l
CNoid, hlri wider rnes~wlishllyat the
@ labial
Mandibular canine Facial and liriyual

d 3JM -can Cmn191 A s s m n . Joint r ~ m & o r : on h b ~ l sCie r ~ l ; r l E a a m n a i m r A1 nqhts W S Y ~ Q
130. W h ~ c of
t ~ Ihe following llgarncn~s6 W S S T 136. Which of the following represents the sl~ght
otten damaged in an lr~ferloralveolar nerve insisowrvical concavity on the W l crown
block? - - - -cf 1 ,-lines
surlbu, ~ ..that
. is found in the
just rnesi3to
inc~salth~rd, Ih<ia5:a1rdge?
A. Phlesiafossa
0. MesiolingMl fissa
C. Mesial marginal ridge
hlesiolabial line angle

131. Wh~chof Ihn following enzymes m i & in


A. Exonudsasa 137. S u b r n u m ~ylands

~l ere usually locatad in the
fundus of stomach
DNA polymerase
E RNA polyrncrm - : C. appendix.
D. jejunum.
E. colon
1 s . Whrch of the followim~teeth is the LE4ST
likely tooth to have ao-f thmt?
A. Mandibular d n e
Mandibular centrd incisor 138. Which of t h e foliuw~ngis an endrigennus

@ E.
Maxillary centml incisor
Mandibular lat-l lnclsor
Marillary second premolar
fungus that is capable of producing at1
opportunistic Infection?

133, Hepatitis C virus infection is MOSToften

transmitled through

A. sexualmnlact.ti~-/

orat swretionsX
blood transk~sions.
ml ,el , row.Y
F respiratory droplets.?
139. Which uf the following pathogens is the ~&
134. Neurofibmmatw tvna lis characterized by MOST common cause of sexuallv transmilled
which of the following conditions? disease in the U.S.?

A. Mutt~plemucosal neuromas , A. Treponsma paliidirm

B. Periwal melanotic freckles Haemophilus ducrey
C. Medullary carcinoma of thyroid Chlamydia fachomatis
Development of visceral carcinoma D- Hcrpcs simplex virus
Multiplc pigmented rnacules of the skin E. Human immunodefic~encyvirus
C P ~ ;pr+

135. Each of the following structures increases the

surface area of I h e a l intestine EXCEPT
one. Which IS the EXCEPTION? 140. Which of the Iollvwmg is Ihe pathway that
resulls In the formation of.gl11msein the liver
A. Villi T from&
.- I re 7
Rugae -.:.;..,
9 D.
Microvilli 7
Brush border -
Car, cycte
E. Circular lolds C. Citric acid cycle
D Penlose phosphate pathway
441. Which of Ihe folltwing represeir;; ;-I: ~ c - 2 ~ 147, W h r h of the fotlow~ngrepresents w r & e r
function of cementum? and I ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ ! Q theD ~~.cusP
~ ; G ; I < ' L ' J ' E -~.=ond premolar?
Attach Sharpy's fibers
Pmtect the rooGkom caries A. No lingual and one facba
C Repair traumaWnjuries of the root B. One lingual and onc facial
D Supply nutritidto the periodontal C. One lrngual and two laual
ligament ? Two Iinqu~Iand one facial
E. Maintajp the width of tha periodontal .? ' Two
-.lingual and two facial
l~garnmt .
142. Compared to a maxillary shcond pibrn61ar, a
maxillary first premolar has 148. Which of the following primaryteeth is usdally
bilaterally symmetrical when viewed facially
@ two rods, one facial and one I~ngual. and inclsally?
8. Ihree developmehtal grooves.
C, one root containing two root canak. Mandlbular central inclsor
0. a shorter central groove. 7 Maxillaw central incisor
E. rwc roots. one mesh1 and one distal. y.. C. ~ a x i l l alateral
j incisor
D. Mandibular lateral incisor
E. Mandibular canine
143. A $year-old bay has tinea capitis. H he is
tecelvlng appmpriatc therapy then he is
MOST l~kelybeing treated with an
antl-viral agent. 149. Pern~ciousanemia is characterized by each of
,;,,- i tn
a a.,., the following symptomsEKCEPT one. Which
anti-bacterial agent. one is this EXCEPTIOM?
D. anti-parasitic agent.
A Easy ratiqab~lity
B. Alrophic glossitis
144. A pronounced developmental groove is C. Peripheral ncuropathy .
usually present on a marginal rhdge of which Atrophy of the gastric mucosa -
of the following teeth? M i m y t i hypochromic red b l o d cells

Maxillarj canine
Maxillary first pprmolav
Mandlbular second premolar
D. Mandibular first mdar ISO. Which of t h ~follmvlng
! nerves plerces the
E. Maxillay second molar thyrohyoid membrane?
A. Inferior taryngeal
MOST rases of chnriomrcinama are B. Recurrent laryngeal
d~scoveredby the appearance of a rising titer C External branch of the superior
in blood or urine of which of the following? laryngeal . , - :.
Internal branch of the superior
A. Acld phowhatase
@ laryngeal
8. Alpha-fctcprotein E. Pharfngeal branch of the vagus
C. Alkalin~osphatase
@ Human chorionic gnnedotropin .--;
151. Each of the followinq mnditwns involves
146. Glrlcose reahwrplron In the nephron is usually changes$)umbew in an organ or
completed in which of Ihc following? tis=X&PTone. Which one is tha
A. Distal tubule
B. Lobp of Hanla
Colledtng duct
Proxmnl tubule
152. The marginal ridges are more prorn~har:cr 158. Which of the f o l l o w i ~teeth has theJqreatest
the lingual surface ~f which of the followir~y +zvic-ycdusal crown height?
incisors? . .
I , .

Maxillary fmlprarrcAa:
A. Max~llarycer~tral Msndibular $!d.premdar
8. Mandibular central C. Maxillary fiisst molar
Mandibular second molar
0 Maxillary lateral
Mandibular lateral
E. Maxiltav s w n d molar

@& .Which of the foilowing direclly catslyres urea

formation in a cell'?
159. The oblique ridge of the maxillary molars
e x t ~ n r l shetween which two cusps?

A. Mesiofaciai and dtslofaual

B. LM-csiclingualand distolinguai
&sioIiggual and &tufacia1
Mesiofacial and mesinlingual
L - :J z.
Atretic lollcies are characteristic of which of E. Mesiofacial and distolingual
- -- ' the following?

A. Integument of scalp
B. Thyroid
C. Pituitary A practitioner administers a 9D:lQnimu_s
Lymph glarld oxide-oxyge_n
---, mixture to a patient, causing
respiratory depression. Wt~rchof the following
conditions is likely to result?

155. Which of the following conditions is a A. Metabofic acidosis

significant riskfactar for the development of Respiratory acidosis .
hepatoceWlx-carcinoma? Metabolic alkalosis
O. Respiratory alkalmis .
A. Cholestasis
B. Portalhypertension
C. Chotelithlasis
Reye's syndrome
Hepalitis C
Test item #'s 161-172 refer to the following testlet.

156. Where is the lingual height of contour located &X%yeamlfi f e ~ n twith

s .mmplaintsof
on a mandibular first premolar? anda Iwgmde fever
, i ,.. CL '. , of several days' d u ~ l i o nThe
. medical histmy
A. Ooclusal third indlzajgs a recent positive PPD skinkit, and the
B. Junction of the occlusat aml middle
mient ls-bkim rifampin {RifadirP). The extra+nl
9 thirds
Middle third
Junction of the middle and c e ~ c a l
exam shows diffuse swelling at the angle of the right
mandible and lateral neck. Oral exam shows gingival
swelling and erythema around p r t ~ a l l yerupted
thrrds Toolh #32.
E Cerviml third

157. has been etiologically

linked lo each of thc following cancers
&:;:- (RifadinB) is effective in treating
active tuberculosis because it targek which at
EXCEPTone. Which one is this
the following pathways?
A. Mitosis

Q 0.
Lung T
Oral cavrty T
E-~OP~W 7
Colon '--I.: I L . . ' r

B. Replication
rnRNA splicing
pdl: fL8:1;, j-
F XW Ameman Dental # s w * n , m Mdional kr'al EKBmlnetm.1 &Iri~'llsrrwwad
J h t Cornl111t;~;m
162. This patlerit's J
- --'.-
-u is /
167. T h ~ spattenfs gingival swdling will elirlt
monitored by central thcrmorecepto;s 13-;:.2 sensat~onsof parn Ihal will travel via which of
In the :.-;.

A medulla. A. Chords tympan~

B. ccrebellum. B. Buccal branch of the faclal nerve
vC. hypoltlalamus. C. Glaasopharyngeal nerve
D anterior pituitav. - Bucwl ncrve
E, posterior pituitary. E fcrnporal branch of the facial nerve

163.- MOST plasma cells that form in the
&- I will be found in which of the
followirig areas? 168. The tl-= assxiated with
Inflammation in thls patient is due to which of
A. Paracortex 7 the fnllow~ngfactors?
B. Lymph n~dules
Germin~lm n t e r s x
'damdilating kinins
Increased b l o M pressure
E. TraSccular sinuses C. lrwreased serum osmolarity
D. Decreasy'd captllay permeabilrty

164. Which of the following histopathologic find n g s

will characterlre fymph node involvement with
i s the lateral
MpwSactenum t u ~ r c t ~ l o s in
neck? -
169. If Tooth #32 1s ~ n f ~ d ethen
d , the infection w l l
typically spread to each of the follmvlng fasc~al
A. Fibrosis and scarring of the lymph spaces MCEPTone.+Which one 1s th~s
node cortex EXCEPTIOrn
B. Hyperplaala af the cortex and presence
.I -1, /

of Rsed-Sternbergcells A Parotid
. Granulomas with nlultinucleate giant L'B Temporal
cclls and caseation necrosis . Masseter~c
0. Hyperplaa~aof the cortex and a focally D. Buccnpharqngeal
d ~ n s eInfiltrate of ncutmphils

165. Swelling at Ihe angla of Ihe mandible and thc

- ---
lateral neck MOST likely resulted trum Lymphatic fluid from the area of inlctrd T w t h
deflection of exudates by which of the #32 will dmin , h U I U L Y i~ which o! the
following structures? following nodes?

~ubbn~qa(~land A. 8uccal
Mylohyoid muScle Submental
C. Hyoglossus muscle Deep ccrvicalL-,
vD. Buccopharyngeal fascia Submandibular
E. Pterygomandibular raphe E. Superticia1 cerv~ca[

4 '2.
1711. A r ~ d l q r a p hof Twth #32 shows twa well-
formed ronts. When sectioning this tooth to
166. Each of the fotlowing muscles is constrained separate the roots and simplify extraction.
in function due to thc patient's cond~tron which of the following BEST describes haw
EXCEPT one. Which one is th~s thc a t sliould be made'?
'54 Bucm-Iingually through the crown and
&k;tlcl4 I,, .pmp furwtion
A. Dinastric -4
B ~Goh~oid 8 . Bucco-tingually through the pulp harns
1 4 . Gcniohy~id C. Mesio-distally through the crown arid
@ Medial ykrfdoid furcation
E. Laleral plerygoid .( 0. Mesio-distally through the crown at the
level of the CEJ

9 2C44 Amerlcm Dental-laim l r a m ~ m t e r s All whlo reserved
hll Corral w l o n or Naanr 1 n ~ n r a F
172. Prror b exfractjng Tmrr, ;>>, sdT;~?j' 5 done 175. Treatment of this merit's r e s p i w
to expose the cnt~recrown of the tooth. 'r'irirz: s p
. .
e - r t w h ~ d w h d the
~ ~ f
of the following should the dentist expect to !rid?.
-h :*-
A. Cholinergic nicotinic
A. Thc buccal-lingual dimension of the B. Cholinergic muscarinic
crown I S greater than the mesial-distai '
C. Adrenetgic Alpha-I
dimension. D. m-energir, Reta-I
The mcsialdislal dimension of the vE. A m w g i c Beta-2
crown IS greater that the buccal-lingual
d ~ mnsion.
"C. The buccal-lingual and mesial-distal
dimensions of the crown are the same.
D. ThacrownofTooth#32issmallerthan
the crown ol Todh #I.
176. T_he_~mmedia_tecqnse.quc.ncespf tkispajlert's
respiratory,_difficulty@!ucle each DT Ihe
following EXCEPT one. ~ h l c hone IS this

Test item #'s g73-181 refer to the following tcstlet. A. Hypaxia 1 - --

B. Tachycardia
A 7-year-old male with a history of 9 s t h ~ apresents C. tjjpercapnia :.ja
for an emergency apporntment. H e suffered a fall in D. Acute respiratory acidosis
which he struck his anterior maxilla, lacerating his . Increased renal bicarbonate production
lips. Oral examination reveals bleeding from the
gingival sdcus around the maxiltay ccntrat incisors.
and lhese teeth are mobile. The maxillary lateral
incisors are mobile but do nat cxh~b~t bleeding.
During the initial exam, the palienl demonstrates '.
acute dyspnca. 377.) Each of the following statcrnmb regarding thc
. - pathogenesis of this patient's respiratory
difficulty is correct EXCEPT one. Which one is
173. During the initial bra1 examination, the dentist.
suspects onset of an acute asthmatic attack. @ Multinucleated giant m I s phagaqti7e
Each of the Iollowing is a carnmon extrinsic antigens.
manifestation of an asthmatic EXCEPT B. ProstagIandin D elicits
one. Which one is this EXCEPTIOM bronchoconstricti~n and vasodilation.r
T. Chemotactic factors recrur t and
A Airway ederna , #
activatc and- n
B. Bronchospasm d 0. Platelet activating factor aggregates
vC. Decreased surfactant platelets and induces histamine
D. Increased mucous secretion i' release.
E. tncreasedairwayrcsistance, E. Leukotrienfls Cq, D4 and E4 muse
prolonged broncho~nstriciionand
rnucin sscretlon, r

174. Which of the follow~nyimmunogtobulin dasses

is MOST active in this patient's respiratory
difficumes? 178. Laceratioil of the patient's lips resulted in
hteeding from which of the follow~ngaftcries?

A. Nasopslatine
8. Nasal branches of the f a
Ld. Labiat branches of the-
D. B u m ! branch of the maxillary
E. lnctsive branches of the inlraorbital

O 2 m Amerrsn hmzu h r ~ r a b 3 n h1-d
. CO-MI m k m a l M U l FxnmiQalLms. AI rqhrs reserved.
179. If there is a fracture ~ ;-lr -:a.13!ary bone
adjacent tb the traumatized centmi n* ~ 1 5, , ~
then r~ociceptionterminates centrally within Test itsm #'s 182-195 refer to the following testlet.
which of the fdlOWjng?
A 1S y e a r ~ l dmale presents tor emeige?.:y rzre He
A. Trigeminal gaglion is non-cumpl~antw ~ l hhis tyw 1 diabetes regimen,
6. Spnal tract of V anc! he s~~ffered a tall while having an cnsulin
C. Spinal subnucleus walls of V reaction. He stru& his chin and lacerated nis mngue.
Q Spinal subnucleus caudalis of V Upon openiny, his rnarld~bledeviates to the left. k
E. Main (chief) sensory nucleus of V panoramic radiograph reveals a fracture of t h e IcR
cundylar neck.

Bctorc examining this patient, the dentist

notes &at the standard mcdical cmergency kit
contains an ampule of w. For which of
the foltowing reasons would glucagun be
180. On a panoramc r a d ~ y r a p hul this patient, the used?
denl~stw ~ lcxpcd
l to x e each of the following
feaiures EXCEPT onc. M ~ c oneh is this A. Acts as a source of gluccse for thc
EXCEPTlOW hypoglycemic patient.
l i V di 8 B. Prornd$glycogen formatjon in Ihe
A. Prlmarf maxillary lateral incisors with hyperglywrnic patient.
partially r e ~ r b e dmats. 1 b4+t G. Promotes glycogenolysis in the
E. Partbally eruptcd maxillary central hypoglycemic patient.
lnclsors wlth mmmplete r w t closure at D. Stimulates secretibn of insulin In thc
the apex. J hyperglycemic petient.
C. Partially erupted mandibular lateral
incisors w ~ t hincomplete root closure at 7
Ihe apex. Y
. Fully erupted mandibular central < -

incisors with complete roDt formation

983. The patient's 'insuln reaction' represented a
sudderi fall in blood glum= because he had
and clmure at the apex.
taken his normal ~nsulindo?@but did not eat
E. Fully erupted mandibular first molars
wilk incomplete root formation arld
breakfast. Each of the following is a clintcal
non-closure at the apex.
manifestation of hypoglycemia EXCEPT one.
Which one is this EXCEPTION?

A. Coma
B. Dininess
C. Confusicn
D. Convulsion
E. Hyperventilation

181. A radiograph of the maxillary ccnlrol incisors

reveals a small, calcified radigaque mass
between the rmts of Teeth #8 and #9. Which
of the following is the MOST likely reason for -
184. Whtch of the following glucose transpwler;
was responsible for t h e patient's 'insulin
tbrs mass?
Mesiodcns . $ u p @ ~ ~ l i ~ \ e n o q ~ k . L U h
GC. TiBn cusp b/+ P b C
D. Dens In dente W C(
E. Peg lateral iricisor Mak ~1
185. Which of the following mils b z c 'r the 991. The deviation of the palknt's mandtble is
pancreas is responsible for secrerir~q1nsular13 MOST likely due to lack of function of which of
::,c '.j~f;ing muscles?
A. Alpha
63. Beta A. Len medial pterygoid
C. Delta 8. Right medial pterygold
D. Acinar C. Massekr
E. Centroaanar . Left lateral pterygoid
E. Riyt~ilatela[ pterygoid
186, Each of the following i s a likely long-term
complicatinn nf phorly controlled-
-- d1s
. - meIIiSm WCEPTonc. Which one is
this UTCEPTlOhn 192. ~ ~ ~ njaw-cJgng-s
p s ~ ~ cmighl be
dtsrupled in which of Ihe following areas?
Q Parlc~rallc carcinoma
B. Hyalinc orteriolosclerosis 7 A. Locus coenurus
C. Prdjferative reliwpathy 7 Globus pallidus
D. Nodularglomerulosclsrosr5 *r. .,us of.
dE Peripheral symmetric neuropathy Mesencephalic nudeus of V
E. Motor nucleus of VII

187. Sudden onset of a -in Ihis patient

would MOST likely be due tn which of the
. .
193. Muscular wnlracl~onsrniyhl resull in
A. Hypoxia di.spJacement of the lea mndyle Into wh~chof
B. Ketoacldas~s the following areas will Ihe condyle MOST
C. Hyponatremia likely be disphced7
W Hypoglycemia
E Hyperglycernia A. Oral cav~ty
B. Maxillary sinus
C. Temporal fossa
- The patient's lmgue lamration will likely
188. D. Middle ear wvify
damage u d s found on E. lnfralemporal fussa
A, filiform papilla. q
W. fungiform papilla.
C. circunivallate papilla. w
D. vcnlrum of lhe iurigue. 194. With t k fracture uf the left condyle, the
candytar head remains in the rnand~bular
fossa due b which of the follawing ligaments?
1B9. Pain impulses from the wtient's fractured
mandible arc carried by whlch of the following A Pcriodontal
nerves? 8. Otomar~dibular
C. Stylomandibular
A L~rqual D. Sphenornand~hular
0 Inferior alveolar e. Temporomandibular
k. Auricutotemporal
D. Zyyomaticolemporal
E. Nerve to tateral pterygoid

195. Clinical examination reveals that the lingual

Ejch of the bllowlny everlls wit1 occur during cusp on Tooh # 5 IS broken off. This is MOSI-
fracture repair EXCEPT one.Which one IS this likely due to which of the foltowing mandibular
EXCEPTION! movements during trauma? hdj !+ 4
A. Blorxl do1 brrns. VA. Lcft m_$otrusive B4@ * ' '5
B. Bridging catlus farms 0. Right mesi~truasie rl,rr
C. Periosteal callus forms. C. Prutnrsive
5 New .&hondral.,b9ne
New osieons grow j c m ~the~ callus.
Left laterotmsive
Right bt~rotrllsive
199. Examination of a portion of the left mandiblo
shows a torn piece of muscle attached on the
Test item #'s 196200 refer to the tottowing testlet. m d i d z'& war the angle
- of the mandible.
This is whkh of rhc Idlcrw~ngr u d s s ?
The dentist is called in # a ~ i sin
t the p~strnodem
identificationof an unknown person. Park ol a A. Buccal
cadaver are presented, including poilions of (he skutl 8. Massetcr
wilt1 bones. teeth, and intact soh tissue. C. Tcmporal~s
PO. Medial pterygaid
E. Irrferior head of the pterygo~d

Upan viewing the cadaver, the dentist

suddenly feels taint and experionccs
vasodepressor syncope. This finding might be
200. One p b t x ~01 examined soft tissue contains
obvious glandular tissue. Histological
associated wlth each of the followj~q
examlnation reveals lhat it is composed o l
circumstances EXCEPT one. Which one is
purely serous acini. This is h4OST likely which'
of the following glands?
A. Pallor
LB. Diaphoresls
A. Buccal
k£I, Parotid
C. Deweased heart rate
Demased mrebral blmd flow
C. Sublingual
D. Submandibular
lll~reasedsystemic blood preawre
E. Poslerior palatal

197. Examination d the right side of the mdaver's

skull reveals s fracture running through tho
petrotympanic fissuro. Whiih of the following
structures is MOST likely affedwd by such a EXAMINATION BOOKLET, TURN IN THE
, ,,.[ .' -
/A. C h d a tympani ,

6. Aunculoternporal nerve
C. MantSihular branch of V
D. Middle meningeal artery
E. Accessory meningeal artery OF THE TWO ANSWER SHEETS.

198. Ewrninalion of a remnant of the cranial base

exhibits a Iracturc of the cribnlorrn plale.
Damage to this area typimlly resulls in whlch
of Ihc following c o n d ~ l ~ o n s ~

A. runner' vision
0. Loss of sense of taste
vC. Loss of sense of smell
D. Damage to optic chiasm
E. Damage to speech arcas

XK4 M c n CltntatA6smdur>. )u~ntCommt;lhn m IYeboraI WnU Exam~nb=ns.All rryfits 1-nrsd
201. The posterror belly of the 3 s:,mlied 206. The hokontat plane diagram M o w shows
by which of thn follwrng nerdas? each af the fcllhwlng components of
r , z n 3593- mwemcnt EXCEPTonc. Which

& 2:
C. Trigeminal
IS this "CE?TIOW

Vertical coniponent of tne movement

D. Cervical spinal from retrudd contacf position ( l ) to
E. Inferior alveolar intercuspal position (2)
B Horizontal component of movement
from rctrudcd contact position (1) to
intercuspal poalion (2) T
C. Ar~fer~ur component of movenlent fmrn
202. Which of the following pal intercuspal pasltlon to maximum
expected to be f w n d on t protrusive pasition (4) r
gbbu!ar 0. Lateral rnmponent of movement from

Lysine and arginine
+- relruded mntact position (I) to
intercuspal position (2) 7
6. Arginin? and lcucine
E. Mandibular movements occurring
Leucine and valine
D. Vallne and glutamic acid
E. Gl~harnicacid a% tysine
8 C3

203. Which of the following conditions might be an 207. In the presence of s m e , $.&!&as
initial manifestationof early. acup Hlv produces
A. L-forpcls.
A. Kaposi's sarcoma B, vcrj long chaihs of cocci.
8. Wasting syndrome regular diploid pairs r a t h !than
~ cha~ns.
Oral hairy leukoplakia
Mononucleosis-like syndrome
Pneurnocystk carinii pneumonia
& E.
d s p ~ s i t sof a gummy
called glucan.
a very thick wall of muramic acid and
mumpeptide substances.

204. Which of the fdlowingprimary teeth has a

distindy prminent facial cewical udgc that 208. Which of the fallowing propertics do -5
makes it different from othcr teeth? and b a s , have in w r n r n ~ n ? LT
Muillary =nine A Found in b l d
Mandibular canine Dcvclop from l y r n p h o ~ e s
MandibularJrst moler Secrete h%a&n and histarnine
Maxrllary second molar
E. Maxillary ccntnl incisclr E.

. ;t- .-
.? E;
An 9nerniu'individual is expecled lo have
which of the follow in^) rfinditions in
. Protein and RNA synthesis occur in each of
Iht: fvlluwiny phases uf the cell cycle mCEPT
Oxvaen Ienslor~ Oxvaen conlent one. Wh~chone IS this EXCEPTIOK?

A. Elevated N m l
B. Elev,dcd Reduced J
C. Reduced Normal
L- D. Normal I Reduced ./
E. ~educed' Reduced J

fi 2mU A m n m n O n m t Acmnnnn, .)nW rAmnlr4nn m Ndnnnl nenul Frlrrrlrr*hn; All m W M
210. Each of the following is attributable to rkpxc 216. Which of the following temporomandibular
frrllrlraFXCEPT me. Wbich one is this !:;-t ligaments restricts the n~overnentof the
U(CEPTIQN? disc away from :re fs,,ndyle during fundion?

9 Dl-I
, I Mabry bcdles ,I..~:I. C. Temporomandibular e
D. Hypoalbuminemia4 D. Sphenomandibular
E. Spider telanyieclasia <
217. A patient who has anemla, poorly lvcallred
ahclnrmnalm and m a r i d f0@8
probably is manifesting a toxic st@
211. As viewed from Ihe lingual, the lingual cusp af by which of the I ~ l l P w n y ?
a maxillav first m r is inclined
A. Heroin
distally 8. Cocaine
mesially. C. Bismuth
distoiaaatly. D, Mercury

direcUy over the center mesiodistally. 'a Lead

218. W'hich of the following is a ketone body?

212. G r a m - p d v e cell walls differ from gram-
negatlve cell walls in that gram-positive cell A Glycerol
walls uniquely curlbin 6. Glucagon
A r ~ t yCoA
l +

teichoic acids.

0. endotoxins.

,--. --- ---

213. The main route of calciu~.-qom a 219. Inorganic crystals in enamel have their long
normal human adult is axes parallel to the rods in which of the
A. urine.
B. sweai. A. Centers of the bod~csof the rods nnly
saliva. 6. Periphery of the b ~ d i e sof the rnds
0 Bodies of the rods end deviating
increasiwly in the ta~ls
.- D. Tails of the rods and deviating
214. The parotid duct crusscs the increasingly from the m n t m of Ihe
bodies to the periphery
tempomits. E. Tails of the rods and dzviatinrj
facial artery. increasingly fro111the periphery of the
masseter muscle. bodies to the centers
E lateral pterygoid.

215. The cusp of Carabelli occurs with sumdent 220. The occlusal view of a normal dental arch
fwquency to be rnnsid~rednormal in which of segment is shown below. The arrow points tu
the following molars? K.hlch of the following mandibular teeth?

Primary maxillary first
Prjrnaty maxillary semnd
Manfihular first
Primary right first molar
Primary lei? first molar
Pernwnent right first premolar
D. Maxillary second 0. Permanent left second premolar
221. The presence of rnarrrei3:iris :-. 2 :;-y?ar-old .%$6-
m,. In ths upper limb. which of tlre following
paticnt suggests which of Ihe following 'rid represents a hallmark of lym~haticv e ?
#A. ConGin vake-,
A. Fluorosis B. Follow the wins
3. Malnutdion C W a y s travel in' pairs
C. Malformation D. Only found on the anteriir surface of
Anterior open bite the limb
'E. Retained primary teeth f. Contain fenestrations to allow passage
of tlu~dsinto the Interstitiurn

222. Which of the following palhog~nsIs MOST

often associated with i n l o c a r d i t i s ? 227. When viewed from the incisal aspect, each or
A. Pneurnomxi
(+Id .k the following features of a n r IS vis!Me
W E P T one. Which one-is thrs
6. Group A streptococci '-p*wlu'd " EXCEPTlOhr!
q: G r w p B streptococci
D >, , a-hcmowc streptococci A. Cingulum f
E. he moly tic streptocccci Lingual fossa
Marginal riclgcs v
E. Mesiofacial developmental depression
tn man&-buhv m ~Je
223. Which of the fallowing =en-ymes is required
for the s nthesis of&&o&& suchas
+~ i # U&
228.' Each of the following is expected to be-
A. Niacin -
, ,
during- EXCEPT one. '
Thiamine . ., Which one is this EXCEPTION? -

A. i c cycle = rib
T r i ~ r b o ~ lacid
E. Pyridoxine 13. Pyruvate dehydrogenase:plpuwt PY
C. Amino acid catabolism
Bata oxidation: p-afid di 4
224. Each of the following venous ,~hame\s.haq,
direct connectims with t h d m a o i d venaub
plexus EXCEPT one. Which one is this
EXCEPTION? 229. Pain in inflamed tissue is assuciated with the
release of which of the fot~awin~Fediitws?, /
Maxillary vein f
Vertebral vein A. Histamine
D. Inframbital vein i.. Oradykinin
E. Posterior superior alveolar vein Lcukotrienes
E. Complement components

225. vitami; C defrcien~yprimarily affects which of
the following tissues? 230. Which of the foflawing cranial naves contains
- Cd/&p-l parasympathetic cornpunenIs'?

46 C
Facial 17)
3 9 7 7 /o

D. Muscular C. Trigeminal
E. Nervnus U. Hypoglossal
E. Spinal accessory

Q 2004 Ammr-7n Dental Associalrm Solnl Coolrn&i on NatiMlal Danlal tvamlrati~1S Ail rights m w 6 d
231. In an ided intercuspal position, 237. Each of me folbwing dtseases is kransmitted
mes~olfacialgroove of a-bibuli =molar from pcrson to person by d&&s or dmplet
oppases whtch part of the maxillary first j ~ k E%ZEPTo?e
f Which onc is this
mdar? i' i I EXCEPTIOM
A. Tip of the distafacial cusp , @ Condylorna acurninatum
Tip of the mesicfacial cusp d B. Whooping cough
C. Triangular ndge of the distofacial cusp C- Men~ngltlsd
jp Triangubr ndge ~f It~ernesivfadal cusp 0. Diphther~a
... E. Pneumonta J
r232,; Which of tha following roptesents genes thal
.- *. often encode proteins necessary for antibiotic 238. Which of the following bones lorn~sIhc rPQf of
resistance, and that can change positions on the orbit?
a chromosome or 'jump" from a plasrr~~d to a
chromosome? A. Zygornatic
B. Maxilla
A, Tryptophan opcron C. Palatine
0. Lysowns Sphenoid

-- Which of the folhwing describes
233. Which of the following BEST demibes the qlandsDf the s kfn?
major function of histones?
@ They are associated with hair follicles
A. Unwind DNA. and are derived from ectoderm.
Activate genes. 8. They serue a secretory function in
Stabilize DNA in a compact form. cunjuiction with Paaniari corpuscles.
Rcrnpve exons d u r i s RNA splicing. C They secrete a serous material by the
E. Stabilize RNA during transcription.
.:. ,qilL-
i. mnrocrjne method.
0. They yield a salty secretibn and are

234. Tlre thyrocerviml bunk IS c~rnprisedd the

inferior thyroid, the transverse cervical artery,
and the
ve rte M i l . 240. The first step in the pathway lor fatty acid
supmscapular. synthesis is catalyzed by an albsleric enzyme
dorsal scapyhr. which is the principal regulator ot the pathway.
D. superior thyMid. This enzyme is
E. ascending pharyngeal
A. thiolase
t3. pyruvatc mhoxylase.
63% Under physiologic conditions, Ihc WEST ciha~esynli-1ct35e.
,. .
pad~alpmssure ofz-s found in acetyl CoA carboxylasa.

"A, expired air.
alveolar air.
venous blood.
E. pyruvate detlydrogenase.

arterial blood.
E. normal atmosphere air. Which of the following, .is a maior disadvantaae
of ethylene?-

236. The condyle on thc lakrotrusive side

qenerally rotates about a
& Difficult to obtain
Veq toxic to humans

& A. sagiltal &is only.

honzonlal axis a n d translates laterally.
vert~ralaxls and lranslates laterally.
Requlres high temperatures (1 60°)
Causes corrosion of metal inslruments
objects r
d~scolorationof clear plastic
242. What teeth ocduds :nsa
nrr;:, 3-4.) cccaosing 247. The development of which of the f d l w i n g
tooth? typcs of hepatitis depends an the hast having
kkn pikviously infected with hepatitis fl
A. Maxillary canines virus?
B. Mandibular lateral incisors
Mandibular central incisors A. Hepatitis A
Maxillary first prarnalars Hepatitis C
, E. Mandibular third molars
Hepatitis E
E. Hepatitis G

243. Endwhondral ossifiwtion occurs in the 248. Glumse-6-~hosahataaeis found associated

formation of with which of the following?
A. all bones.
flat bones.
@ Kidneys and&
. Liver and muscles
C. Kidneys and brain
elastic mrtilage. D. Kidneys and muscles
E. rnescnchymal sheets

249. The osteoclast originates from which of the

244. Which of the following represents the MOST Monocyte
mmmon cause of branchiotitis and pneumonia '3- Ostcocyte
in infants? C. Osteoblast
D. Neutrnphil
A. Measles virus E. Berm-lining cell
6. Cylomegalovirus
C. lnfiuenza virus
Herpes simplex virus 250. Which of the following permanent is _thin
Respiratmy syncytial virus rnesiodistaily. wide faciofingually, and concave
on both mesial and d~stalsurfaces? p

245. The developmental groove betwew the

& C.
Max!b r y central incisor
Mandibular central incisor
Mandibular second premolar

distofaciat cusp and the distal cusp of a D. Facia[ root of a maxillary firs1 premolar
mandibular first molar is the E. Lingual rv
of a maxillary first molar
A. facial.
251. The catabolism of which of the following
distofacial. results in no enerqv ~@utionin the form of
mesiofacial. =
E. distal oblique.
A. Lipid A T
B. Prolein -+ &*AD 4 cld
0. Carbohydrate d ~ p

246. Which of the following represents the anterior 252. Recoverv from an infectinn with mumps virus
boundary of the mandibular fossa of the confers lifcfong immunity. This describes
temporal bone? which of the following types of immunity?
Stylaid p m s s A Innate
Articular eminence Natural active
Petrotympan~clissure L,.. ! .
, :. .
$ Natural passive
D External audttory meatus D. Artificial active
E. Mastoid process of temporal bone E. Artificial passive

Dental -Go", J a n t Ccmrnlssion on N a M OmIa E x a r n h a h ~ .All .+#lkrcrnrved
253. Which of the following represents :-,c <.-*are
In the maxillary alveolar bone [hat r n a i tlary

premolar roots occasimally penetrale?

258. Proteins lor extrawllular use cat1 be
s nthesized in which of the following

A Nuclwlernma
B. Nasal s ~ p t u m B. M~tochondr~a
C. Frontal slnus C. Hctcr0ch:omatin
D. Zygwnatic arch ~ o u g hendoplasmic reticulum
E. Mandibular fossa Smogth endoplasmic reliculum

259. Which uf the following t y p ~ saf blotting can be

. .
used to ictent~fiDNA -9n fra~ments?
254. The mylohyoid ridgc (linc) is found on which
of Ihe following portions af the mandible? Eastcm
kluthcrn MA- prin
A. Corohid Northern oak- h ~ h
B Neck D. Western
C. Ramus
260. The unique amino acid composition of
collagen is reflected in Ihe high contertl of
A, valine, threonine, wid ]pine
3. dcsmosine. slycine, and proline.
255. Vmich of the foHaving represents the pwtlon C. cysteine, tyroslne. and phenylalanine
of the bacterial gndotoxin molecule that is y l y a , pr-. and hyd-protlnc.
MOST responsible for its toxic activity? cystsne, hydmxylysine, and pml!ne.
@ Lipid A b-2
B. Protein A -. 261. Which of the following represents I
k t-pe of
C. O antigen max~llofacialbone grafi hav~ngthe R E S T
D. Cure polysaccharide chance of s u m

256. Which of the following BEST describes vD. Autograft

restriction enrymes? E. Xenograft : $1 *Ve>
A ExonucJeEtSes
8 Topoisom~rpes 262. Which of the follow~nyrepresents a risk factw
C. Enzymes that degrqd6RNA for the development of endomeirial
Nowspecific e&uclcases carci norria?
Site-spedfic endonucleascs
A. Herpes s ~ m p l evirus
~ inkctian
B. Endometnosls
257. The contact areas of anterior teelh are a C. Multiple leiomyonws
-ds In ~ a c of
h the lollowlng Mullrple pregnancies
FXCEPT one. Which one is th~s Hypsrsalrogenisrn

9 C.
DiSW antact of !ha maxillary canine 7n
Mesial m n b d of the maxillary canlnc 3
Mesial contact of the max~llarykrleral
263. Which of the fallowing vitamins is essential for
rhc normal ~ l a b ~ r a t land
~ f l maintenance of
bonc matrix, mrtilage, and dentin?
incisor -J
D. Mesial c~ntactof !he mandibular lateral A Niacn
incisor 5 W m i i ~E ~
E. Distat cantact ol the rnarld~bularlateral Ascorbic a c ~ d
incisor ' 2 D. Pagtolhenic ac~d
L m c.:

9 2 b U A w m m n D o r d ~W a T m h r 1 1 Cunn
264. Cdlc~umsl~mulatesrnlrsc,;; > d - ~ x ? : c rits 269. When compared to a rnaxillarv firs1 &the
effect ISmediated through hlndlng to whrcr, D roots d a maxillary semnd molar
the following?

A Actin B.
0. Tropornyos~n C. are fewer ~n n u p k r .
Troponln I D. have less patcntial for fusion,
are greater in distal inclinatkn
Sarraplasmlc mticulum

Which o l the follow~nytealures helps to

. .
distinguish a 1nrlcr-u from a 270. In~ l a t e r o t r u s r v movement,
e the 11nguaI
. . cusp of a r n a x i l l a r v $ a h t srnmolar
r n n 3 L f The max~llary
lateral has passes through which of thc folluw~ny
mandibular structures? d
A, a thinner lncisal ridge.
a crown more twisted on Ihe roomw 1 ~ ~ 4 ~ A.~ - Facial y move of the right hrst molar
a more pronounced lingual fossa. B. Lingual g m v e of the right tirst molar
a root that is flattened rnesiadistally. C. Embrasure between the right first
E. a mcsioincisal angle thal is sharper. premolar and the right scwnd
Enlbrasuie belween ihe nght s-nfi
266. The armw in the illustration below reprcscnts premolar and the r~ghtfirst mohr
the path taken by an opposing cusp. Which of , x
the following ISthecusp and mandlbular
movement indicated by the arrow?
271. Which d tfie lollow~ngI S Ihe MOST
appropriate sterlllzatlon method for a h a t -
labile It- be used in s wrgicat procedure?
A. Dry heal
A. Facial cusp of a second premolar, E t h y k oxide,
retrusive Salurated chemical vapor
B. Mesiofacial cusp d a first molar, E. lmrnerslan in chemical sterilant
C. Mesiofacial cusp of a sewnd molar,
@ U h k c k l cusp of a first molar, 272. Thc grjniary ftlndion uf Ihe anterior portion of
the temporalis muscle is to
--I_-_ _
. . Which of the following produce su-kclant?

A Monocytes C ekmk and r w the mandible- po5hWW

B. Clara cells D. help stabilize the articular disc. C f
C. Goblet cells E. nlove the mandible to Ihe mntralateral
Typal pnaumccytes- side.

268. Each of the following flt~idsis ransidered one

273. Bile salts are d l u mta-S are
that can transmit HIV EXCEPT we. Whtch
m - n u l e d with
one is this EXCEPTiOhrir
cystelne and serine.
A. Semen*
taurlne and glycine.
O. Serurnv
mlhioninr! and lysine.
D homocystsine and ornithine.
Amniotic fluid -*
VE. Breast milk d

O 2 mw Jdnf Corr.rnislm on Natwml Oeml Enamiralluns. All rllitrls ~ w u v e d
n Ocntol AwzxIe?~~.
274. In order for RNA oncogenic v 1 r u s ~1:5 'z 279. Which of the following are t b e E h whose
integrated into the host genome, they must masticatory f u n c t ~ ~ISn pri~narilybiting?
Incison an< xn:-es
A. translation enzymes. B. Incisors and premolars
8. restriction endonuclease. C. Canines and p c m l a r s
DNA-dependent !?E&,&!ym.ease. D. Premolars and molars
RNAdependenf D l .9

280. Which of the f0llawlng represents the

275. On the lingual crown surface of maxillary predominant serum immunoglobulinfound
canines, which of the following is the structure durlng a mema5 response?
located ~mrnediatclymesial to the distolingual

& Cingulum
Lingual rdge v - \

C. Mcsiolingual fossa
D. Mesial marginal ridge
E. Uwal niarginal ridge

281. Which of the following mechanisms operates

in liver cells b regulate breakdown or
276. In which of the following sbuctures are -
gly coprate~n~+assembled.for wjzdl&tr u5&
Zymogen activation
& Phosphorylatnn of phospholylase b lo
phosphoryfase a
Inductidn of phosphorylase t> by an
Rough endoplasrnic wticulvm
Smooth errrloplasm~creticulum
lnhibifion of adcnylatc cyclase

277. Which of thc following statemenls BEST 282. Which of the fdiowillg structures can be

describes the 3 . palpated by way of the erlemal audrtow

m n ? It is (acoustic) meam

A. decreased when exIracellular Cat+is A. Zygomatic arch

increased. B. Mandihularnolct~
C. latwal pterygoid muscle
.@ increased when cxtmaellular Caa4s

increased. /
mainly regulated by v h a l impulses.
unaffected by extracellular Ca" ,
& Coronoid process of the mandible
Posterior aspect of the mandibular
E. mainly mgulated by heart rate.

278. Oxygen-dependent killins of bacteria by

ncutmphils Involves each of I h e follmi~tg
EXCEPT one. Which cne is I h ~ s 203. Which main product of orolein
UCCEPTIOM? yetabolisrn is found in human U J ?

SupemxideV , Urea
C. Creatin~
D. Hydrogen peroxide - - 0. Uric acid
E. NADP dehydrwenase E. Crcatinine

O 2004 Amen-, b n t a A-n. h n r C o m i s s h I m National Dmbl L m ~ m d l m r . rights re$-?&
284. Which of the following :lar.,ei '-zials from the It with nnrmnlnrcrrlrim
carotid triangla into the s m d i b u l e r Irran;:le fmni maximum intercuspation to
of the neck? rct?kterel r SiChPffie-bIl~ing
Hypoglossal leff premolars? eEfl3
5 i d ~
Great auricular:
R. Ansa cervicalis Cuso Um
E. Recurrent laryngeal ,-
Lingual btpxcmalar
Facial Sccond pren~olar F , p,; ,-
C. Lingual Second premolar
D. Mesiofacial Flrst dolar
285. Which of the foHowing best represents the E. Distafacial G , Firstflolar
structure on thc crown of the m r v canine I d mr'

which nomalty lies d m to the ' -"4?

Lingual ridge M x I I Y 290. A patiant has a 7 and a
history of. -
.. . Which
C. Oistolingual fossa of the following antimicrobial agents might be
0. Distal marginal ridge the preferred altematlve for this patient?
E. Mesial marginal ridge

286. Which of the following organisms c a m s a

granulomatous, tuberwlods-like infection?

A. Aspergillus fumigafus
Microsporum audo~rini
Hisloplasma capsulatum 291. Which of the following compounds is a
-of piqmenjs of the skin, hair,
E- Tn'chophylon schwnleinii a d eyes?

. Cysteine
C. Lysine
287. Stimulation of the w & e y s by a 0. Cwatine
reduction in core temperature will produce E. Galactwminc
which of the following?
A Panting;
i ,:,, - f L~AQ

Shiver~ng :c
Vasodilation 292.
Intelligence and sensory-motor functions af a
patient appear to be intact. However, the
patient @f-di$&l&c and has evkihitPrl
anti-s~clalbehavior. He is unable t u n f a
the future or to organize behaviors into logical
288. Each of the following structures is found in the s ~ A lesion in. which of the following
. ,
EXCEPT one. Which areas is likely'?
one is this EXCEPTION?

Phrenic nerve
8 C.
L z;:E
C. Thoracic duct . vt3. Temporal lohe
D. Greeter splanchnic nerve E, Par~etallobe
E. Sympathetic chain ganglia
293. Which of the following organs s e r ~ 5 'rsU;ltk
5 297. Which of the following enzymes synthesizes
like growth factor 1 (IQF-I), and what ~olynuc!eotidechains lrom r~udeotidesand
stimutates this seaetion? o r e , !;DT : y q l i r c !a primer chain?

A. Anterior pituitary. lnuwsing IGF-RH in A. Llgase

Ihe blood B. Exanuclease
B. Anterior pituitary, Increasing GRH In C. fndonuclease
the bTocd DNA palymcrase
C. Kidney, increasing growth hormone in RNA volymerase
the blood
Liver, increasing growth hormone In
the blood
E. Liver, increasing TSH in the Mood

..298, Which of the lollow~ngstructures travels just
9 Ed- as a result ul a hernodynamic disorder
commonly occurs in each of the following posterior to the 3 r d af the azvqos vein?
I m l o n s EXCEPT one. Which one is this Herniflgm vein

A Lungs ?

B. Brain vD. Right lymphatic duct

E. Greater splanchnic newe
vC. Subcutaneous tissues
Pentoneal cavity
- 0

299. An infection spreading by wa'q of the

295. The tissue wesent between the articulating svsCm from -Ihe v first
banes of the temporomandibular joint is called
enters the blood stream at the
A. renal vein.
9 C,
articular disc.
fihous capsule.
synoviaf membrane.
B. appendicular vein.
inferior vena cava.
D. pint capsule.
internal thoracic vein.
E, bilamjnar zone.

300. Which of Ihc following describes a majw

296. The progressiun lrunl a healthy gingival

-effect of sickle cell an-?

d PL
Abscncc of biphosphog$erat~binding
sulcus to gingivitis is associated w ~ l ha sh~R of hernoglobiti v&+- W:,A+OP&
towards Substitution of 2 proxlrnal histidines
. ,A Decreased solubility of the deoxy form
gram-nqal~veanaembic rods. d hemoglobin
g r a m - ~ v r,arnentvus
a rods. O A P50 value for hemoglobin similar to
D. gram-negative anaerob~ccowl that of rnyoglobin
E. g r a m - p y v e facultative ma^. E. Dccrcased number of subunits in

O20M m r k a o Dental As-, Mflr Gnmm~xunm kumlOonM Em:luztions. An nghts w e d .
301. Human infection with HisLprisrr.i --n-gbt!:m
A , .. 306. Which of the following teeth normally has the
is usually a result of &PS~ rnd?

inhaling contaminated air.
dimking conlaminated water
ingesting contaminated food.
Maxii.ary :;-i^z
Mandibular canine
Maxiliary central incisor
D. direct human-tshuman contact. D. Mandibular first pren~ular
E. direct animal-to-human contact. E. Maxillary second premolar

302. Frorn a frontal view, whch of the following 307. TgathernsrPn in bulimic patients is due to

describes the plane of occlusion of the
mandibular arch in a normal dontition? A, hyposalivatiun.
8. hypersalivatlon.
It is flaL C. action of pepsin.
It is a wnvcx curve. excessive fluaride intake.
It is a concave curve. solubility of hydroxyapatjte in acid.
It is the result nf uniform perpendicular
alignment of the leeth.

303. An abnormal increase in -re in a 308. Which of the following represents theJxwsfor
healthy person will E S U I Tin an incrcascd thcJ%j@.pai-pfjIua&s In dental
number of irnpulscs traveling to the heart over caries prevention?
which of the lollowing ncrves?
A. Fluoride penetrates the enamel
Vagus nerves through the lamellae.
Sympathetic nerves B. Keratin content of t h e enamel is made
C. Branches of thoracic nerves more insolubte.
D. Branches of the trigeminal nerve C. Fluoride c m t s Vie tooth forming a
E. Branches of the ~;bss~pharjngaal .unjIom protective barrier.
nerve D. The primary cuticle, being less
calcified, absorbs the flu01ide.
And solubiiity of the s u r f a ~
~ is
@ reduced by the Euonde.

304. Which of the fallowing hormones exerts the

LEAST effect on calcium rnctabofism of & 309. Which of the following statements duscribcs
Ww? an example af g-i?jyG
A. Androgen A. An allergic reaction ta insect venom

Thyroid hormone
Parathyroid honnone

The classical pathway of cornplcmcnl
The destrudion 07 virus-infected celts
by T-killer cells
The production of IgG in response to
insect venom
@ Phogocytasis of microbes by
neulrophils and macrophages
305. W l ~ i c hof Ihe followng types of bronchagen~c
carcinoma is MOST commonly associated
with paraneoplastic syndrome?
310. Which of the following mandibular molar
proximal Lrowrl s u r f a c ~ snormally exhibits the
Sr"a,I cell mrcinorna
LA RGESP stze?
B. Large cell rarcinoma Me6ial of fh3 first-
C. Mes~tholioma B. Distal of &first
D. Adenocarcinoma C. h4cstal or ihe second ;

13. D~slaiof W& secund

E. Mesial o f F e third

W M M Alrwhao WdrM Assw;iam.Join: Cwnmlsslon on N a h n a l h r , t a l Examnations AII figha reww&
311. tn a CUSP TO F O S U conlacx~r~g :i.&:cr,shi~ 317. The majar grooves of the
~ninterwspal pos~tinn,the mnxillarv_litst JD&J fom~
which of t h following
~ patterns?
is MOST likely b articulate with
which of the following mandibular teeth? A. H
3 Y
A. Lateral incisor
B. Lateral incisor and canine
First prernolar
D. Canine and first premolar
~ € 4
First premolar and second premolar

312 Which of the following has the LEAST a b i l j 318. If the maxillary and ma:ldibular incisors are in
tn r339-? crossbite, then the c m b c b g sw&.us,during

A. Bone -
Liver ,-
maximum intercuspation. would be

and maxillary facial.'
Striated musde £3. mandibular facial and maxillary facial.
Cotlagen *- C. mandibular lingual and maxillary
E. smooth muscle lingual.
D. rnandtbular facial and maxillary lingual.

313. Which of the following represents normal

glurxrse clearance? 319. Which of the following disorders is X-linked

A. Neuroftbromatosis p
8. Turner syndrome
C. ?- . I . :,
0. e 12 ?,:

A. ileum and colon.

B. fundus and pylorus. 320. Active transport systems generally involve
duodenum and jejunum. specific bindinq malscules !hat arc classified

Q slornach and esophagus.

oropharynx and esophagus.
. .- A patient bites down rapidly on an unexpected
db C.
hard surface while chewing. Cessation of D. carbohydrate.
nlotor unit recruibnent in jaw closir~gmuscles E. phospholipid.
is caused by stimulation of

A . muscle spindles.
B. rnucosal rnechanoreccptors.
@ periodontal mcchar,oreceplors.
D. nociccptors in the dental pulp.
321. Which of thc following stnrcti~resdirectly
develops from the cells remaining in t h e
316. Pulmonary edema and filling or tile pleural remnants of the preovufatory follicle after
cavity by a t r a n s u r n is MOST suggestive of tluuuul?
which of the following underlying diseases?
Theca interna
A Cor pulmonale Corpus iuteum
D Pulmonary embolism Carpus albicans
C. Pulmonic valve stenasis D. Atretic follicle

& Tricuspid valve prolapse

Lefi-sided heart failure
E. Interstitial gtarid

O XQ?Amoriur, h f n l &?&albn. Joint C O r n m m on Nalimd h n t a l Fmmlrutrrm All %hts r e s e w
- -- Which of the following prov~desm e rs,r,*ia+e 328. Which ul Ihe fulluwiny cells arc responsible for
energy source for the qlucosc into delayed-type hypersensitivity (Type 1V
intesltnal withelial cells? -. hypersk,: '.:./:I\?
, ..y

A. NADH A. B Ails, ~ h cells


Nat gradienl across the lurninal
membrane D.
8 &;Is. neutrophils
Th, E ~ I I s~nacrophagcs
Mast cells. eosinophils
D. H+ gradient across t h lurninill
~ E, lgy, mas1 cells, histamine

323. The biolgglc effect of ewntrvlnA produced by
P s c u d o r n o n a s + w a is to 329. Which of thc foilowing teeth has Its rnasld
rrr9cjreccrvically t h m its
a. lncrcase mem branc permeability. djs:a! .m-agw,hdne?

b E.
Inhibit pro!ein_siih_eji5. @ I i W
increase levels of c4MP.
inhibd DNA synthesis q7
~ph bi+ C.
m l a r fiTStpre--
Madllary first premolar
Maxjllary fitst molar
PW* D. Primary mandibular first molar
E. Mandibular second molar
324. As distingu~shedIrom a maxillary canine, a
mandibular canine typlrally has
330. Which of thc following represents the ridge on
a sharper lacial cusp tip. the gmlssal surface ~f the max~llary-r
contacl areas tcrcated more lncisally. that nnrmdly,formsthg distal boundary ol the
a more pranou@'d cingulum. central fns~a?
D. a more convyhesial bnrder, when
viewed f z d l l y

-325. Urolithiasis is associated with each of the

following conditions m C E P T onc. Which one
Mesial marginal
Mesial cusp ridge-, of the MF cusp
Distal cusp ridges of the DF cusp
15this EXCEP TlOW

331. Which of the following characterizes a benign
D. Renal infectiond tumor arising from skeletal muscle'?
E. Hyperparathyroidism J
A. Lciomyoma
326. An action potential initiated at the midpbint
alnng the length of an axon will

E. Rhabdomyosarcoma
A. not propagate.
8. propagate towards the soma.
propagate towards t h e nerve endIra.
propagate towards both t h e soma and
the rtewe e n d i q . -1. The dentin of the crown of a tndh and that of
L' 33
the root differ h which of the following ways?

327. In whrch ot the following are tonofibr~lsand A. Root dentin mntains bctlnae.
dcsrnoson7cs especially well-develaped? B. Rood dentin is more highly calcified.
C. Root dentin contains more t ~ b u l e sper
A. Neurons given area.
5. Fthrfiblasts U. Granular layer of Tomes is found
C Ame!oblasts primarily in the crown. s,
q-,. Odontobtasts
Primary curvatures of the lubules
' decrease in root dentin.

a 7034Anwritan Dental k?mhson &Ink mrnmission mn Na-.ral ~ I P I E x a m h t v w . MI wjhk m w w d
333. Which of the l o l l o w ~ rtfp.5
l~ -E 2- '$38, During the life span of a rnultirwted loath,
incr~asedfilling of the ventricle du,irly omas:sr+ dentin continues to form - 1 at
causes a more torccful heart beat? 1he r3'-. -.r :'!5e bllowing locations?
increased ver~lrrcularvolume
A. Within the rwt canals
A diminishm Ihe refractory p e n d of the vB. At the dentinnenamel junction
veritr ~ c k . C. F l m r and roof of Ihc pulp chari~ber
&!? inr-ases end-diastbiic fiber Icnyth. O. Mesial and distal walls of the pulp
kr iaalitatcs conduction in the l t ~ i r t chamber
D. produces a less [than o p t ~ n ~Inad.
al E. Facial and lingual walls of the pulp

amoxic~ll~~i,a patier11beccrnes hypotenswe 339. Thc immune wrnpkx

and ltclly and IS h a v ~ n gdrfficulty breathing. .
- resrllt tron.dewsition-ofwh~chof the
WIIL~I 01 the follcwing is MOST prob~bly tollo#.nq?

A. Cn4 lyrnphacflcs are sevreting

lyrn?bkincs resulting in edema.
-. . Arnuxicillir~reacts with IgE and D. Histamine
activales cylotoxic T cells to release E. Interleukin
lymphokines. ,
C. IgG and complcmcnt are inducing the
chemotaxis of neutrophls out of 340. Which ul the foJqwlng IS normally cn hibltcd byr
vesscls. maxillary second prcmotars7
. IgE bound to nntigen resrhts in
A. Two F O O ~
histamine release from mast cclls.
B. A rnes~alrxlncavity of t h c uuwth C .+
C. A facial crawn contour thal I S
335. A transverse ridgc results from the unlm of indlned to the lingual /-!+ ., ,; -
D. A llngual helght of contatlr in fhe
A. Mesial and distal ~naryirialridges cervical third of the crown on,? 16 rx
Facial and linoual c i ~ s pridges A crown that is wider faciolinyuall~

b E
Facial and lingual
Marginal and triangular
Cusp ridgc o n d h u l a r r i d a e
than mesiodistally

341. The articular disc of the temporarr~aiidrbular

joint consists of

A, hyal~nec d l a g e .
336. Which of the following is MOST likely to 0. hose fibrous&nnectivc tissue.
precede an impending a t h e r o s c l e m l i ~ ~ ~ b r a l . C. an outer synovial,@yer ar~dan inner
~nfarctioit? fibrous layer.
@ denso fibrous wnnecths t i s r u e ~
A. Angina pectoris E. anouterlayerofmesoth~liummdan
B Pulmonaq err~bolus inner core of hya/line wrtilagc.
C. Myocardral infarction
Huptur~dberry aneurfsm

342. Which of the fallowing diseases is caused by

an agcnt that produces nsither exotoxins nor
337. The hiolagically active wnforrnat~onof lrimeric
G-proleins requiies
the alpha-subunit to blnil GDP.
the alpha-subunit tu brrld GTI'. i'
the hydrolysis o l EelaGariima-sub::n~ts
D. the alpha-sulrun~tl o pkosphnrylat~!
dowr1st;eam targets
343. Which of Ihe followhnc, tsx-I -:<it possess 348. The 01 # F . ? T e m in a fully erupted first
three CUSPS? molar is

A. Maxillary semnd premolar and A, m r v , x s' :%$ t33+3th
maxillary fiHmolar B. oral surface of a cusp
8. Maxillary scmnd premolar and C. medal and distal surfaces of the tooth.
mandibular fflpremolar . dentinoenamel junction underlying a
C. Max~Haryfirst molar and mandibular cusp. v E I
second molar . dentinoenameljunction underlying a
D. Maxillary second molar and r n a n F l a r fissure. 36-
first premolar
Illaxillary sscond molar and mandibular
second premotar

349. Which of the follwing roots MOST likely has

34, Ameloblasts will 1 i f which of the two canals?
fotlowing cells are present?
k Facial mot of the maxillary first
A. Stellate reticulum premdar
Stratum intermmliurn 8. ~ a d a root
l of the maxillary first molar
C. Langerhans and k l h e l C. Distclacial root af the maxillary tlrst
D. Outer enamel epithelium molar
E. Reduced enamel epithelium Masofacial root of the rnaiillay first
, molar
. Distal root of the mandibular first molar

345. A m a n d i b u l a r usually has how

many roots and canals?

~oots Can& 350. Which of the following represents Ihe term

*characteristic of a sing lo diseasc"?
Three A. Pathwenic
C. Three TWO B. Patholaic
D. Three Three C. ld~opalhic
D. lafrogenic

346. In o s t m r n a l a c i a ~ sarP w m k because of

the+!-f ,,,F N ~ , ~ ~ , , , ~ : /,P \

X51.1 Each of t h following

~ statements mrmctly
A. remodeling of bone. describes similar characteristics of the
B. hone matrix formation. chemical senses of taste and smell EXCEPT
& E,
osteot?bst prolikration.
bone matrix calcification.
inlersliliai growth of cartilaga
one. Which one is this EXCEPTION?

A. Receptor cells are replaced regularly.

m. There are primary classes of taste and
of odor.
C. ttec~ptorsare located on cilia cr
, I microvilli at the apical ends d cells.
_--Thc -is rrlachine is an example of -'
Receptors initiate action potentials
which nf the following mechanical systcms? directly to respective cranial nerve
A. Sorliny - sensory fibers.
Cotransport E. Molecules must be dissolved in saliva
or mucus to interact with receptor
membrane proteins. q
Actjve transport

O2W4 h c r i w n D c k ~AzZ&allon,
l en N a b n d Dantal Exa~i~rubutrj.
k i n 1 Ccnmiftien All riQhlsmrsm
352. The mixed dentition stage is ~lorrnaliyinrug:+ 356. Each ofthc follow~ngmndrt~onspredisp-s a
by the dweloo Cancer EXCEPT one.
:km;sn! to
Which one rs t: ;. 97r'PTIC)Ifl
A, exfoliation of the pn'mary maxillary
central incisor.
B. exfoliation of the primary maxillary
second molar.
C. exfoliation of the prijnary mandibular D. ~akdner'ssyndrome fl
second molar. E. Ulcerative colrtis, ,
D. eruption of the maxillary first molar.
eruption of thc mandibular hist molar
@ 3T. A patient reports break~nga lower right central
incls~ryhrteeating a cookie. Which of the
fol:owing mandibular rnwemcnts was the
patient MOST liiicly rllaking when this
353. At age 8, the maxiliaw u r has C. Straight closure
12 - ? r-,A,
D. Right working
A 3 mesial contact with the phlr~aryfirst
E. Lcft work~ng
B. a d~slalcunlacl with the -&d molar
C, no mesial con tact. 358. Which of !he following rcprcscnts Ihe primitive
no distal rantact oral cavity?
not yet empled.
A. Glottis
B. Fwegut
st om ad cur;^

E. Bucwpharyngeal membrane

354. The muscle4 nf facial ex~ressionare derivcd >

I -
- A -
x i L ! K R E A S E the
.. s_ece.tion o f w hid7 ol ,the Ipti_~,ping? .-
from which of the lollr~w~ng? I
A. Thyroxine y
R Frontonasal process
n. First arch r
C. Triiodothyronine 6
'fn. Thyroid stimulal~nghormu~re7 4 f l
E. Fifth arch
360. The first -z!&-Is in prostatic cancer-
areoften thc rcsult o: r n e h s w s . t o wtiict~of
the following?
A I lwr
R grain
C. Tcsles
Adrezal gland

355. Ingestion ol wh~chof the lcllow~ngMOST

markedly DECREASES gastric umptying?
361. When v~ewedfrom Lhe sagittal plane, the axial
- -
~nclinationof the anterior tceth

A. remalns vertical.
inclines facially.
inclines mesialty.
U. inclines distally
C. inclines lings~ally.

O 2 W KCIIW %rltal h s l i o r l Joint Carnnxrnn an Neohlar Wiul I r a m ~ mMI n j M s wsewed
-. .
;st i?.~*+?ancolic,
The patient was fourla ; 374. A rad~cqraphof the rnaxlllary posterior leeth
showing m, nwmaAumk shai~lddemonslrate which of the following

characterizes this anemia? ,,,-,

erythrwytes. Which of the bllovriny BEST in this patient7
- -' -

A First premolar root

,>n-T 1
G Hew[yhc B Second prernolar root

Chronic blood+^ 1,
Third mdar crown
l w t / ~ ~ 4 p b -5

375. Which of thu f3llowirlg prfmary teelh is likely to
371. The patrent's white cell count reveals u~rtually be m&ulg~n this patient due to thc eruptiorl of
no neutro2hils. Wh~ch,ofthe following BEST the succedaneous toath?
explains the reason for this phenomenon?
A. F.,.
Il;ai. caw3
A. Continuous challenge from infections 5. G c P E ;q o -.:'I
has exhausted neutrophils ,ff: H - - '

8. Normal neutruphrts are being vn. I P r (7:

2 ',2
phegocytized by leukemic cells. E. J A -i;y
C. Neutrophils have been bst due to
severe hemorrhage.
Done marrow has bcen replacad hy
leukemic cells.

376. To proprly a!ign the maxillary central incisor
and thc maxillary lateral incisor, the
orthoduntist will ensure that the disWuface
pfU~e_m&llaly m m k a b x m r corflacts whal
372. If this patient's leukemia contributed to area d the rncsial surface of the maxillary
increased-, then thc increase lateral incisor? --.p- :
is MOST Iikely due to which of the following -'-

cond~t~ons? A. cervicalt&
Mesio-incisal line angle
A. Anemia
8. Leukopenia
C. Ca++ deficiency E Cervical Uiird

9 mromhncytopenia
W i f ~ Vr I I deflcicncy

-. . As this patient's supragriy~valplaque
wntirlues to form and move apically, il wrll
FIRST disrupt which of t h e f~llowinytissues7 -
LVh~chd the folla~ingBEST describes the
new '
-sited during
A. Principal fiber groups of the PDL urth o d t m e a t ?
8. Sharpey's fibers of !he cementum
A. W o ~ e n =s p m ~ ~ ~ ~
C. Attachmgnt of ging~volepithelium
B Conlpact
Atfachment of sulcular eprt!jeliurn
6 Attachment of jur~ct~onal eplthel~um
386. To minimize paln when ~ 1 1 1 ~.;-'9
4 , ;z+:?r;t
moves her mandible to t h e m and chews Test item #'s 39D400 refer to the following festlet.
only on that side. Which of the f~llowing
n,u.scles primaily produces_thig mandibular
movernf?nt? l C is scheduled for ext;a=:x
A pat~erltw ~ t lhepatlt~s
ot post~nort e ? h in Ihe right lowcr qusdrant due la
A. Right masseler advanced Dcnodontal dtsease 150th #2H IS
B. Left temporalis abscessed and draining into med~alson tissue. Tooth
C. Right medial pterygoid #30 shows 3 larr,e rmriaus lcs~onand is painful.

& Right lateral pterygoid

Left lalrral p t e ~ g o i d

abi!it'; lo store-qen In arld~tlonto the

l ~ v e r , w t ~ ! ~ ~ t ~ major ~ , ~ ~ ~ ~
387. Which of the following BESTdesurihes tne

rcsul of c~ntin- - xion of l h ~dentures

! si!c LJIY;;?uefl.~!e_r?ge~~
- . -l- uccl532>
-- A. Brain 1 K ~ ~ o T Kbad-+
A L~ningrnurasa Decoming glm'iva~ 8. Kidney: g?.!ror:t~ner*,j
C. Smooth muscle -'

B. Lun~ngit~uwsabecoming ma~tiiticafoty
Glng~valrnrlcnsa becoming
6 Cardiac muscle
SreIetai rnt~scle

O. ful~stiwtorymvcosa bccominy
parakcratiniz~d 391. Damage to the ltver from hepatitis C infaction
mucosa becom~ng might impair bilirubin metrlbolism. si- o
product of wh,ich of the follwmy pathways?

A. Albumin synthesis

& D.
Cholesterol synthesis
Heme degmdofion
Copper degradatiori
The patient's mandibular denture is
tu be prcsstng too far inferiorly, so
Ihat contracr~onof the muscular floor renders
the denture unusable. lVhich of thc following 392. -from advanced liver disease causer?by
muscles is responsible for this circumstance? w ~ t C ~infection
s is PRIMARILY due ta
which of t h e follwing?

A. Inhibiticln of replrtat!on
of traracr~ptlan
Medial pterygdd

+?E. Inllibition at Qrea synhesis

lncr~asain serum glucose levels
Inhihillon of immunagtobulin pmduction

393. What is the MOSTlikclv outcome of this

389. f h c new denture leelh have been set up so @ ~ n t ~ ~ - ~ e p a g<!
that t h e m cusp of the mandibular
first molar rests in the cuntrsl fqs2a . ~ f . U j t . @ Development of chronic hepatitis
maxillary first molar. Which of ihe fullu~ing B Dcvcloprr~entvf fut~il~rrant
BEST duscribes IRis ucclusal classrficat:on? C. Oevelopmenl of hepatocellular
@ Class I U. Asymptomat~ccarrier state, with
B. Class ll, division I normal serum transaminase
C. Class II, division II t Resnlution, with eventual clea:ing of
D. Class I l l the virus
394. If the patient transmits l:r& r t e - , ? ~ sc uirw to 399. If the patient and dcntist clcct to extracl Tooth
Ihe dentist, then It will MOST lik.ely be via a;ectioning of the tooth will be required.
whicb of the following routes? shwld he aware of which of thc
following Curcanons c-: k t L k '.ccth?
A. Oral-fecal
B. Saliva contamination 3L A. One
C. Inhalatior1 of aerosols 31 . w- mesial and distal y y p k
Cur1tamln;ted needle stick %* w- facial and lingual ,, a

mnn t * M d u Three - rncsiai, dislal, and facial

E Thrcc - fac~al,mesial. and lingual

395. Microbial analysis reveals that the flora of thc
-of Toath 428 consists predorntnantly
400. If the leeh are
extracted, then the maxillary riqht posterior
of P gingivalis. The inflammation is caused tecth will likely show signs of
primarily by which component of this
microorganism? A, attrilion.
8, abfraction
C. anwlosis.
mesial drift.

395. Which of the following is a possible life- - -

threatening sequcla of the abscess of Tooth
A. AHodynia
B. Hyperalgesia
Ludwig's angina QUESTJONNAIRE.


-- Which of the following nerve fibers is primarily
responsible for the sharp pain in?-





398. If the patient decides to attempt to save Tooth EXAMINATION.
#3U, then it will require root canal therapy.
Which of the fullowiny best describes tho
MOST likely presentation of pulp canals in this
Two wnals, one in each root
Three canals, hro i r i the mesial raot THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION tN
and one in the distal ront THlS PROJECT.
C. Three canals, one in the rneslal raot
and two In the distal root
D. Fuur canals, two in each rout

2LW halcall D n # ~ t l dm*
~ ? I;omm#swon
, on LdOmb~G e h l txarmna:rmb All riyhk n ~ s w w l

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