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Gary Elkins
I'm going to say that you have heard the saying, "The King
is Dead, Long Live the King." I use this term because I feel
that its meaning is the "discontent" I feel in the world. I
have written about this discontent occurrence before. It is
happening right now. The unrest that I am talking about
has always been present within the world. As mankind
becomes more aware, the discontent grows. The
discontent that blossoms in this fertile soil of outmoded
Guru mentality leadership is the child of truth: “I deserve
freedom and liberty. I matter, damn it, and I’m mad as
hell.” I've suddenly gotten very clear on this awesome
event. We are, I believe, living in a truly monumental
moment in time. This discontent is an exciting happening
supported by two things that are inseparable: the
evolution of human consciousness and the technological
developments that allow worldwide communications
instantly 24/7.
Over the last few years, because of the publicity, most
people are aware of the Mayan Calendar and its prediction
of an astronomical event that occurs only once every 26
thousand years. The event is a real event. Yet, contrary to
a lot of dooms day Sayers, this event is not the end of the
world. What is most befalling to science is how these
supposedly primitive peoples knew of this astronomical
event. (You don’t want to know)
I am a little baffled at the “end of the world” predictions.
However, according to these kinds of predictions, the
world was supposed to have ended about a thousand
times over the last two thousand years. Concerning the
Mayan’s, a lot of people today believe the Mayan’s “knew,”
of our impending doom and they left us the calendar to
warn us, the people of the future. Then, because these
primitive people who regularly sacrificed humans to their
gods, were so spiritually advanced, after leaving us the
warning of the end of the world… They all vibrated to a
new dimension. Yeah, okay, if that is what YOU believe….
God Bless.
I just received an email this morning that directed me to a
site that “proved” that the world was coming to an end.
The site said our government new the end was coming and
was not telling the people. Well, it is no secret that
governments lie (which is one of the reasons for the world wide
discontent) and I believe that fear sells. Booga, booga….
You’re going to die tomorrow. Do you feel better now….
Gee, I hope so. What is important is that you believe what
you choose.
The disturbance that is being felt on our planet right now
is what many are calling the "Shift." Many people are
writing about this consciousness shift. This shift is why
there has been an incredible surge of personal growth,
spiritual development materials and seminars, which have
become so pronounced in today’s society. I’m speaking of
an evolution of consciousness that has been going on since
the beginning of time and has now reached a pivotal point
in our time, and will continue forever. The present surge of
writing, discussions, speeches, and seminars represent the
culmination of what I call “magical truth events” that are
being felt by mankind as a need to express self-
empowerment. To “shift” from what doesn’t work or feel
good to what does work and does feel good.
There was a huge influx of writings dealing with mankind’s
truth and abilities, beginning around the end of the 19th
century. This movement began to flourish in the 1970's
and continues to this day.
I speak of these happenings because they are indicative of
the existence of the “massive consciousness shift” that
humanity is presently experiencing. Where are we going
as a result of this expanded conscious awareness? I do not
know, yet I am optimistic and I believe that we CAN move
to a place that will be founded upon personal
responsibility, kindness, acceptance, self-empowerment
and spiritual awareness.
The King is Dead, Long Live The King, is not an oxymoron.
This statement was originally used to express a people’s
acknowledgement of the death of their ruler and their best
wishes for the success of their new ruler. This saying also
expresses a fundamental truth: all things die and are
replaced by something else. The hope of the people is
always that the new ruler (guru-king) will be successful
and therefore their lives will be better off.
I believe that all humans have an inherent knowing of
their truth: who and what they really are. This does not
mean that everyone always notices or pays attention to
their inner knowing. All people have said or can say, if
they are being completely honest with themselves that
they are not being who they know they really are. You
would be very rich if you had a dollar for every time you
said, “Why did I do that? That’s not who I am!”
Most humans are and have been taught to be weak,
irresponsible victims to life, so that their rulers, of
whatever design, could take care of them. The human ego
always creates and perpetuates this control, subordinate,
victim game. In one way, this game has been successful.
Ignorance is bliss, so to speak. However, it doesn’t work in
that it is not effective in people getting what they want in
comparison to what they said they want. There have
always been many people who knew something was off;
they just didn’t know what or how to do something about
it. EXCEPT… throughout history there has always been
that one person, although usually killed, who stood up and
declared the truths of the world and/or the rights of
Because of who and what humans are as living entities,
humanity has an inherent knowing that they are free and
that they deserve freedom and liberty. This is why all
hierarchies of power that have been in control of their
subjects, have eventually failed. As mankind’s
consciousness continues to rise and humans become more
aware, their inherent knowing rises closer to the surface
of their consciousness and unrest grows around the world.
This fact is one of the major reasons America was so
successful and why it became the hope of the world. For it
demonstrated the power in the inherent truth of freedom
and liberty as inalienable human rights. Our founding
fathers, for whatever reason, (I believe through Divine
intervention and guidance) knew this truth and they also
knew that the key to the New America’s success was
small, limited government.
There is a new reality emerging from man’s process of
waking up. The medieval, hierarchical mode of control has
become outmoded. We are experiencing an exciting
rebirth of humanity through upheaval that will end in a
new beginning for mankind. I know how this cataclysm
CAN conclude. I do not know how it will conclude. As
always, it is up to mankind.
Throughout history there has never been a time when
oppressive rulers, regardless of their kind, have survived.
They have not survived because their need to control was
against what is natural: freedom, self-empowerment and
Look at the mid-east today. Look at Europe today. Look at
America today. Look at the world today. There is a growing
upheaval of dissatisfaction. People are beginning to
demand a shift from an ignoring and disconnected
hierarchy to and FOR a new acknowledgment, inclusive
guidance system based upon the acceptance of inherent
human truth, to replace the failure of the old hierarchies. I
see the process AND I see all of the conflicting forces
vying to be the new hierarchy, (guru or king) and this is
why I’m not sure just how it will turn out. If it doesn’t turn
out for the betterment of mankind.. oh well.. The forces
and the process I have been talking about will not go
We in America, the country that became the light of hope
for the world to follow, are not immune to this process.
Over the years, very slowly, an ever-increasing
government has become larger and larger in the name of
equality. As it expands, our government (Guru hierarchy)
seeks to expand its authority by ever increasing its control
over more and more aspects of our daily lives. As this has
occurred, our country has become weaker and weaker.
You know it. I know it. However, those in power, the elitist
rulers we have created, do not seem to know it. This is the
story the world over. What will the outcome be? I don’t
know. I am concerned about how the direction America is
headed will turn out. I am also excited about how
Americans can, by demanding that a new direction be
taken and by killing the GURU – KING, our nation CAN
return to its exemplary role in the world.
Our King is not dead yet. I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT A
PERSON. I am talking about the hierarchy of elitist
thinking that, over the last 60 years, we have created and
allowed to undermine the pillars of our Constitutional
Republic. What is happening in America right now is no
different than what has happened throughout human
history and failed, and it is what is also happening in Egypt
and around the world today.
I, as I believe all Americans and all peoples of all
countries, long for the time when I can, with excitement
This new “King” CAN be based upon, as Owen Waters
states, “a self-empowered middle class nations, which are
represented by elected public servants.” He is, I believe,
talking about elected public SERVANTS of the people as
outlined in out Wondrous Constitution. (Not elitist Kings
and Guru’s, - names I use to describe the kinds of thought
processes - that have attempted to rule groups of peoples
thousands of times over the centuries and have failed
every time)
What feels right for you?
All-inclusive dictatorial ruling bodies that tell you how
you need to be, do and have and that run every aspect
of your life? OR
A Small unobtrusive, guiding, supportive processes.

What feels better to you?

An elite ruling hierarchy that feels it must be
Politically Correct so as not offend anyone and
therefore must not hold anyone responsible, hold
everyone as victims and therefore TAKE CARE OF
An accepting, guiding, supportive body that is honest,
respectful and supportive in the self-empowerment of
its citizens?
We as Americans and as occupants of the world are
standing on the precipice of transformation. This
transformation can be one of upliftment for mankind, OR it
can be a transformation into the precipice of subjugation
and degradation of the human spirit and potential.
Humans are not victims. We will choose one or the other.
Our choice will be ours alone. Either way we will
demonstrate our lessons learned.
Our inherent truth is. This truth will never be silenced.
Regardless of the outcome of the awakening and upheaval
on the planet today, Our Divine truth will forever support
us in our ever-increasing growth to awareness.
The kind of world I am speaking of, as a possible,
beneficial, outcome of the present unrest, is what could be
called a world of peace. This will be a reality one day,
regardless of the choices we make today. We will succeed
in spite of ourselves (our egos). As one of my mentors –
Thomas D Willhite – once said, “when world peace comes,
it will not come from Geneva, it will come from the
God Bless, Gary

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