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Disposable populations and lower birth rates are what the RU 486 pill allows.

The RU

486 pill, also known as the “morning after” pill, has been used by over 500,000 women in the

United States since its approval by the Food and Drug Administration in 2000. Women’s

reproductive “rights” have been a significant political, social and moral issue since 1972.

Abortion in many forms has allowed for up to 48 million citizens to be eliminated, not to

mention their future children and offspring. The replacement person that fills that unborn

person’s role is important. The opportunities afforded to that replacement person, whether

immigrant or citizen, needs to be aligned with economic objectives produced by a nation.

The ability for persons to be able produce future economic output and jobs for economies

within the U.S. becomes a significant issue as well.

Joseph Stalin once said of Capitalism “Give them enough rope and they will hang

themselves.” I suspect the same might be said of the future of our country demographically.

A nation’s economic and financial strength lies in its people’s ability to produce products,

services and innovation, cumulatively this is known as the Gross Domestic Product or GDP

of a country.

Few will argue that we don’t have enough people on the planet or enough people on our

continent to allow immigration to fulfill any void of population in the United States. The

question then becomes what age demographics do we need to ensure the proliferation of

consumption to ensure our contribution to global economies and national output?”

Current demographics show an inverted pyramid of age differences that affect the

balance of working productive people verses aging, less productive individuals. Simply

stated, the lack of younger individuals to replace older working individuals and consumers

creates an imbalance that is detrimental to that delicate balance.

American consumers account for 70 percent of our nation’s economic activity. This

consumption drives the nation’s growth and economic activity becomes a significant global


Someone has to produce goods and someone has to consume them. That is how world

economies work. Up until now, the U.S. has been the largest primary consuming nation and

the rest of the world has been the provider for that consumption. As a result of lower birth

rates and aging populations in western civilizations, the ability to sustain consumption levels

and productivity levels has become a great concern.

Nations such as India and China have populations that are quadruple our size and have

the desired age demographics needed to fulfill global output and capacity. America has traded

its financial independence and future citizens in for convenience.

The strength of any country is its people, the issue becomes of how we treat our own

citizens and can we afford to educate them, feed them, provide jobs for them and prosper

them to fulfill the needs of global industry and production.

The RU 486 pill is not solely responsible for the results of a disposable society and the

loss of economic prosperity but plays a part in it as one of the variables to deter population

growth. From our country’s inception we have allowed immigration to fulfill some of the

gaps of our needed skills and age demographics. The effect has been to create a globally

competitive nation based on cheap, but skilled labor.

The demographics America are changing and the pill gave us a push towards that end.

Perhaps that is a good thing and change was due, we will know soon enough. By 2030 the

numbers begin to shift in significant ways, only time will tell how they define our country’s



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