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The Book of Angels, The Hidden Secrets

1. Kaya, you were a successful singer in Canada where you sold

hundreds of thousands of CDs and opened regularly for Celine Dion.
Yet, at the age of 25, you walked away from your stardom. Why? It all
began with dreams and powerful nightmares. Some nights I had 10 to 50
dreams. I thought that I was going crazy and I didn’t know what was
happening to me. It was so intense but at the same time I was uplifted by the
quest for self-discovery that my dreams were revealing to me and I became
totally detached from the material world and from the superficial aspects of
show business. Through the dreams, it was like I had found the most
important key for my evolution and a real communication with God.

2. And through your personal journey to find inner peace, you

developed a way to analyze your dreams. What do we need to know
about our dreams? We have to know that we can see and follow our life
plan with our dreams and that we can have access to our past memories, as
well as our present and our future actions. If we use our dreams, we can
accelerate our evolution because a dream is not just a senseless cycle of
images. A dream is a motor of evolution, a computer life program that
triggers thoughts, feelings and actions in relation to our memories and to our
development. It shows the positive potential that is about to take form as well
as the fears and weaknesses that create our ordeals. I believe that our dreams
are our true spiritual autonomy and that the spirituality of tomorrow will be
based on the understanding of dreams through symbolic language.

3. Along the path of your discoveries, you met the woman who would
come to be your wife and she introduced you to a text called The
Traditional Study of Angels. What’s that? It is a mystical text that shows
us that an Angel is not a little being with wings. An Angel is a metaphor that
expresses the infinite potential of human beings. It represents our true
capacity to understand and live with our metaphysical aspects, our capacity
to travel into the consciousness and have access to knowledge through
dreams, visions and daily signs. These very ancient texts bring us to the
origin of the concept of Angels that comes from ancient Judeo-Christian
times. In fact, an Angel is a pure state of consciousness that represents
qualities, virtues and powers of God. The Traditional Study of Angels was
written more than 2,500 years ago and went into hiding in the late 15th
century under the Spanish Inquisition. It has its roots in the Kabbelah and
only during the 1970s did it resurface.
4. Based on your experiences and research, what moved you to write
The Book of Angels? What we have discovered is very simple but so
powerful. First, my wife had the intuition to repeat the name of an Angel
over and over as an invocation. We have realized that this practice, called
Angel recitation, triggers dreams and visions that are directly linked to the
qualities of the Angel that we invoke. We have noticed also that it triggers a
major inner evolution and an opening of consciousness that develops
spiritual powers like clairvoyance. What is happening is so powerful. It is
happening not only to us but to everyone who performs the Angel recitation
intensively for a period of only a few days.

5. What is your book’s most important message? When we work with

the Angels, we realize that our soul is a living computer and that we are
made up of memories, good and bad. These memories are the triggers for
what we become. The good ones are OK, they enrich our lives, but the
negative ones trigger our ordeals and daily difficulties. We can reprogram
and change these negative memories. The Angel Recitation brings direct
access to our memories and helps us to develop our full spiritual potential.
Also, the other important message of this book is that we have discovered a
complete new path of evolution that applies symbolic language to the
tangible world. The keys to interpret dreams are the same ones used in our
daily life. We live in a world that is built of symbols; we decorate our
apartment with symbols that represent who we are even if we are not aware
of it. Our life is built from states of consciousness of good and evil and the
only objective of our evolution as human beings is to develop qualities and
powers to become better people. If we realize in our daily life that the
purpose of our existence is to become a better person, we automatically
change the world around us.

6. Kaya, how did you come to believe in Angels? A long time ago, I
thought that Angels were only for children. I didn’t know that the name of
each Angel was the Name of God in Hebrew, related to qualities and powers.
I now believe in Angels because I received proof of their existence. I believe
in them because, for over 12 years, I have had more than 10 to 50 dreams
each night. And the dreams are always related to the Angel that I work with.
I also believe in them because this phenomenon is not happening only to me.
It is happening to everyone that connects with the mystical texts.

7. Can you describe who or what an Angel really is? An Angel is a State
of Consciousness that represents qualities and powers of God. In our
Christian tradition, we have only learned and heard a few names, but in
reality there are 72 Angels and 10 Archangels that represent the origin of the
Angels. The true origin comes from The Traditional Study of Angels and is
dated from the epoch of Moses.

8. What is the connection between The Book of Angels and the

Kabbalah? They are connected because the mystical text of The Traditional
Study of Angels comes from the ancient time of the Kabbalah and we must
understand that the Kabbalah is not only a part of the Jewish tradition. My
wife and I were born as Christians and we know now that the Angels are an
inheritance for all humanity. It is part of our common Judeo-Christian
heritage and it is a universal philosophy (not a religion) that is open to all. It
is becoming more and more popular because I believe it allows us to access
the secret teachings Jesus received to become Christ. The Kabbalah means
the Hidden Wisdom or the Word Received and, for thousands of years, has
given the great explanations of the spirit powers. When I added the
philosophy of the Kabbalah to my Christian faith, I understood Jesus more:
he too had dreams, and this part was never taught to me in church. I believe
now that, to have access to our spiritual autonomy, dream teachings are the
most important knowledge we can receive. Dreams are so important for our
evolution. I strongly believe that the spirituality of tomorrow will be built on
the understanding of dreams and symbols and that they are the keys to
encountering the God we all have inside of us. The 72 Angels have been kept
secret for so long and it is time to share this universal teaching. There is not a
lot written about The Traditional Study of Angels because it was kept hidden
for so long. We know that the first mystical texts discovered came from
Gerona, Spain. There is also a passage in the Zohar, the reference book for
the Kabbalah, which mentions the Angels as the 72 Essences of Knowledge
of the Creator. There are many approaches to the Kabbalah, but our main
objective is to make the discovery of The Traditional Study of Angels known
to the Christian community and to the world. We have founded a non-profit
organization to broadcast knowledge about the practical aspects of working
with the Angels.

9. Why are so many of us in search of a spiritual path to follow?

Because without spirituality, without the research of qualities and values,
there is a nonsense to our existence. We build a life and we work hard at it
and, in the end, we die. Everything we create will one day be but dust in the
wind. The basic materialistic approach to life always brings a feeling of
emptiness one day, whether or not you are successful. Sooner or later we all
face the fundamental questions of who we are and where we are going.

10. The Books of Angels has been a best-seller in French Canada and
Germany and has expanded to a dozen countries. Are U.S. citizens ready
to embrace Angels in their lives? Yes, I believe that this book has a great
future in the U.S. for many reasons. The first chapter of the book mentions
Abraham Lincoln’s famous dream, the one in which his death was revealed
to him. This true story is really inspiring with regard to the concept of
knowing that the great lines of our future have already been written. Also,
the concept of Angels is deeply spiritually rooted in the U.S. The only
information that wasn’t accessible, as the texts had been hidden for centuries,
is what Angels really are and what they can do in our lives. Presently on
television there are many successful series like Smallville, Kyle XY, The 4400
and Touched by an Angel. This is really a representation of the desire of
people to develop their spiritual powers and special abilities. With the secrets
revealed in this book, what was once only a movie can now become a reality.
When we travel in our dreams and when we learn the symbolic language, we
discover the immensity of the power of our spirit. Also, I think it is very
important that this book be known because there will be more and more
people following an initiatic path. Because this can be so intense and so
difficult, this book can really help.
11. Just how does one go about working with an Angel? Angel recitation
is a simple exercise that can be practiced in any context and in any of life’s
situations. It can be done while walking, driving, meditating, relaxing,
practicing sports or doing housework. It can be done before falling asleep or
upon wakening. It can be done during difficult times as well as in moments
of happiness. We must, however, remember that it is important to respect our
own rhythm and to invoke with a sense of sacredness. The intensified energy
that occurs while working with an Angel manifests itself through intuition,
dreams, signs and coincidences encountered in our daily lives. It is
fascinating to see the connection between the quality of the Angels and what
is shown to us in dreams and in everyday life. Working with the Angels is an
initiatory adventure that immerses a person in the contemplation of multiple

12. How does each of the 72 Angels correspond to the intellectual,

physical, and emotional aspects of the calendar or the time of day? The
Angelic calendars that are included in the book can help people to find their
Guardian Angel by the date and hour of their birth. This is even more precise
than basic astrology and it gives us the major objective that a being must
achieve in his life. We have to know that the origin of astrology comes from
the Kabbalah and which illustrates that we have a life plan and a destiny
before our birth. Our three Guardian Angels show the great lines of the
experimentation we must follow in order to evolve. Knowing that, we have
to keep in mind that the goal of working with the states of Angelic
consciousness consists in integrating not only our three Guardian Angels, but
also the entire knowledge that the 72 Angels represent.

13. What are the names of some Angels and what does each one mean or
represent? As we said, an Angel is the representation of a pure state of
consciousness and the name of each Angel is related to qualities and powers
of God. For example, the Angel Mikael means: Like God; the Angel Daniel:
God’s word, the Angel Ariel: God who perceives, etc. In fact, an Angel is the
72 names of God which is why this is so powerful.

14. What do you mean when you say everything is ordained? The more
we work with dreams, the more we enter into the world of understanding of
dreams. We discover that we do have a destiny. Things are not happening for
just any reason or haphazardly. It is fascinating when we receive dreams that
reveal the future. When we work with the Angels, we have access to this
ability and premonitory dreams become our guide in the material world. Of
course, the minor details of our life do not need to be ordained. But the
family we receive, the country where we are born, the work we do and the
ordeals we have to go through, all of this has a purpose for our evolution.

15. Is there an Angel to help us live without addictions? Yes, it is the

Angel Hariel whose principal qualities help us to cleanse the memories that
have engendered major difficulties. We have a chapter in the book called
living without addictions which contains some very powerful examples that
explains through dreams that people have received, how addictions can take
form in the tangible world and how we can change and liberate ourselves
from the negative forces that can destroy our lives.
16. How does one’s religious beliefs affect their ability to believe in or
accept Angels into their lives? What is wonderful about The Traditional
Study of Angels is that it is a philosophy that people can adapt to their
particular religious background. It is universal and not related to any religion.
It is the inheritance of all spiritual culture. The symbol of the Angel is
described and discussed in all religions of the world. It brings
complementary knowledge to anyone who is ready to embrace their Angelic
powers. This is really a work of spiritual autonomy. Each person can decide
which Angel they want to invoke. They can choose by their date of birth or
by a quality they need to develop, or they can choose an Angel related to a
weakness that brings problems into their lives. But we have to remember one
thing: it is very powerful when we invoke an Angel. We have to be ready to
not only receive beautiful dreams but also terrible nightmares that bring to
the surface negative memories that exist within our unconscious.

17. You said that each of us is born with three Guardian Angels. How
are these Angels selected and how do they interact with us? Our three
Guardian Angels are selected with relation to the objective we want to
develop in our life. I really like to use the following metaphor to better
understand the infinite potential of God. He is like a pure living computer
and the Angels are the software of that infinite intelligence. We can interact
and receive information when we pray and we invoke the name of an Angel.
Sometimes I say to my wife (laughs) when I go for my meditation: “I am
going to surf on Skynet.” I ask questions and I receive answers in the form of
symbols. I receive in dreams and meditation the answers I need for my daily
actions. The more we develop our spirit, the more easily we gain access to
our potential and to our past, our present and our future.

18. How does one go about invoking an Angel for help? The Angel
invocation and meditation help to concentrate our spirit and to focus. The
more we invoke, the more concentrated we become and when we have a
question, this profound concentration opens the door to our memories or to
the knowledge we need. It is very effective for anyone, children included,
that has problems with concentration at school. All of our difficulties come
from the memories that block access to our full potential. When we work
with the Angels, we first enter into our unconscious and we receive access to
our inner data. In dreams, we can visit what is going on inside ourselves. And
then, once we have profoundly reprogrammed our negative memories, a new
consciousness arises. To achieve this, it is simply a matter of focusing and
Angel recitation is a true blessing when it comes to that.

19. Why would we pray to an Angel rather than to our Creator directly?
We can pray to God directly but what is extraordinary when we pray to God
with the Angels is that our answers are more precise and less abstract. We
have to remember that an Angel is the name of God. So when we pray to the
Angels, we communicate with a different part of God. We can intensify our
communication with God by using an Angel that is related to the question we
have and we can receive answers that can help us to solve our life’s enigmas
more precisely. But one thing we need to understand is that, most of the time,
the answers we receive are always to help us develop qualities. Yes,
sometimes we receive direct answers to our questions but, initially, the
answers we receive explain the sources of the problem to be solved. The
dreams related to the material world can be received at any time if our
intention is to become a better person but, normally, these kinds of dreams
come after we have done profound work on our inner self.

20. Most of us don’t invoke the names of specific Angels. Does this mean
we can’t live an enlightened, satisfying life until we do so? There are
many ways to reach God and to have access to Knowledge. The Traditional
Study of Angels is only one of them. What is extraordinary about that path is
that it is easily accessible to anyone.

21. What are some of the effects of working with the Angels? We must
understand that the effects are very intense and powerful. The good thing is
that the Angels become like a geographic map of our consciousness which
allows us to know where we are and what memories we are visiting. We
must also understand that Angel work creates a gradual opening of our
subconsciousness and of our unconsciousness that manifests itself in several
ways. At first, we can experience extreme mood swings. For example, we
may go from a profound state of well-being to deep anxiety. Also, the
sharpness of our five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch) is
considerably increased and this leads us to develop clairvoyance,
clairaudience and clairsentience. The frequency and intensity of our dreams
are gradually increased and we can better interpret them. We acquire great
spiritual autonomy because the study of signs and dreams allows us to
gradually learn the various steps of our initiatory journey. Finally, our soul
acquires the capacity to leave its body and to visit the different dimensions of
time and space through dreams and meditation, thereby discovering the
secrets of the Universe.

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