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02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing
the site is broken down into 8 states of exploration - this state depict shapes and the relevance in the onlineconstellation of urban cities.

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing
a feed from one of the shapes chosen in the constellaion.

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing
superstars within the urban cities constellation - from india to uneployment to morgan stanely.

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing
paris hilton’s universe

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing
iraq’s universe circa 2006

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing

1. How was the data collected?

the data is collected by scraping the internet blogs, posts, newsfeeds, etc.
2. Why was the data collected?
to understand the important stories and mythologies of our time, and to concieve them in a manner that would be common to someone looking up into the night
sky telling a story about the prolific myths of their time.
3. What is interesting about the data?
The data is quite expansive, and is able to encompass the news of the day.
4. What stories about urban dynamics can the collected data tell?
It depicts the relevance and importance of stories being told today across a broad realm of urban environments - This allows us to see similarities and striations
between urban contexts otherwise overlooked.
5. What sort of questions about urban dynamics can be answered by looking at the data?
there is a wide array of versitility, and the complexity of urban / human perception to things of relevant importance is quite vast.
6. Who is the target audience of the data visualization?
the global community
7. What are the audience’s goals when approaching the visualization?
to explore what the visualization is telling them, and to stumble upon various ways of interacting with the data.
8. What do they stand to learn?
the importance of the stories about Justin Bieber or Egypt or whatever the zeitgeist is at that time.
9. What sort of control are they offered over the interface that delivers the information?
There are 8 states that can be viewed, and the user can define what it is they are looking to explore.
10. How is the question of the magnitude of the data dealt with limiting the collected data, limiting the dimensionsons in the data set to be represented, or abstracting
the data?
Data is limited by events scraped from media sites, blogs, etc.
11. How does the original question to be addressed operate as the bench mark for eliminating unnecessary details in the data visualization?
It focuses the user, so as to not be overwhelmed by data, but to navigate the data in a different manner
12. How are the particular patterns highlighted through visualization techqniques in order of their importance?
through 8 scopes that break down the data into key words, pictures, statements, etc.
13. Is the data of static or dynamic in nature?
14. If the data is dynamic in nature, what happens when it starts to change? how does the audience interact with this ‘live’ data? How is the data that changes over
time unraveled?
either there are other stars that enter the visualization, or stars begin to change out to more current feelings. The universe is a living and ever growing set of data.

02 - universe| jonathan harris

6334: Sentient Cities as Cybernetic, Real-time, Control Systems: Theory and Practice of Urban Sensing

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