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4, AUGUST 1998 541

Characterization of Visually Similar Diffuse Diseases

from B-Scan Liver Images Using Nonseparable
Wavelet Transform
Aleksandra Mojsilović,* Miodrag Popović, Member, IEEE, Srdjan Marković, and Miodrag Krstić

Abstract— This paper describes a new approach for texture

characterization, based on nonseparable wavelet decomposition,
and its application for the discrimination of visually similar
diffuse diseases of liver. The proposed feature-extraction algo-
rithm applies nonseparable quincunx wavelet transform and uses
energies of the transformed regions to characterize textures.
Classification experiments on a set of three different tissue types
show that the scale/frequency approach, particularly one based
on the nonseparable wavelet transform, could be a reliable
method for a texture characterization and analysis of B-scan liver
images. Comparison between the quincunx and the traditional
wavelet decomposition suggests that the quincunx transform
is more appropriate for characterization of noisy data, and
practical applications, requiring description with lower rotational
Index Terms— Classification, quincunx sampling, texture,
wavelet transform.


D IAGNOSTIC ultrasound has been an useful clinical tool

for imaging organs and soft tissues in the human body,
for more than two decades [1]. Currently, one of its impor- Fig. 1. Liver tissue samples taken from different patients and from different
parts of liver. First row: normal tissue samples; second row: cirrhosis samples;
tant applications is imaging of the liver, and many methods third row: steatosis samples.
for differentiation between normal and abnormal tissues are
based on the examination of B-scan images. However, for
diagnosing diffuse diseases, such as cirrhosis, particularly in produce different changes in acoustical properties of the liver
its early phase, steatosis, or hepatitis, clinical ultrasound is tissue, which can be detected by ultrasound as a textural pattern
not reliable enough, and accurate identification is usually different from the normal one (see Fig. 1). In addition to visual
performed by needle biopsy. Although these diffuse diseases interpretation of B-scan images, texture data indicating the
are quite different, the main obstacle for diagnosing them possible presence and the extent of illness, could provide more
is very subtle visual difference between their sonograms. reliable diagnosis, and may eventually help to avoid the use of
For example, echosonographic images of steatosis and early biopsy for identifying diffuse liver diseases. Many researchers
cirrhosis are very similar and it is very difficult, even for have studied the problem of liver tissue classification [2]–[11].
an experienced clinician, to perform the diagnosis about the Initial attempts to characterize diffuse diseases have utilized
existence, type, and the level of a disease. Therefore, a reliable different signal processing techniques in order to obtain useful
noninvasive method for early detection and differentiation of information from the raw radio-frequency signal [2], [3]. In
these two diseases is clearly desirable. One possible approach a series of papers, Momenan et al. showed that second-
can be found in texture analysis, because steatosis and cirrhosis order statistical parameters from envelope-detected or intensity
echo signals have discriminatory power in human liver [4],
Manuscript received April 29, 1997; revised July 21, 1998. The Associate
Editor responsible for coordinating the review of this paper and recommending [5]. Some researchers have treated the task of liver tissue
its publication was A. Manduca. Asterisk indicates corresponding author. quantification from the point of description and classification
*A. Mojsilović is with Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies, 600 Moun- with numerical texture measures. Nicholas et al. were among
tain Avenue, Murray Hill, NJ 07972 USA (e-mail: saska@research.bell- the first who used textural features of the B-scan images,
M. Popović and S. Marković are with the School of Electrical Engineering, showing their potential to discriminate between livers and
University of Belgrade, 11011 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. spleens of normal humans [6]. Wu et al. [7] have applied
M. Kristić is with the Institute for Digestive Diseases, Clinical Center of
Serbia, 11011 Belgrade, Yugoslavia. fractal-based statistics and compared them with other texture
Publisher Item Identifier S 0278-0062(98)08545-0. measures, for distinguishing between hepatoma, cirrhosis, and
0278–0062/98$10.00  1998 IEEE

normal liver. In [8], Gebbinck et al. applied discriminant

analysis and supervised and unsupervised neural networks,
and tested their ability to detect various types of diffuse liver
diseases. The methods showed high discrimination ability in
binary classification tasks (i.e., diseased versus normal liver),
but in simultaneous classification of all diseases classification
accuracy has decreased. In [9], Paik and Fox have proposed
Hartley-transform-based texture measures to detect abnormal
liver patterns, but insufficient data demonstrating the accuracy (a)
of that technique has been reported. On the other hand, Kadah
et al. [10] have emphasized the classification aspect in the
diagnosis of diffuse diseases. They have investigated the use
of well-known quantitative classification techniques and eval-
uated their performance in liver tissue classification. We have
previously shown that the scale/frequency approach based
on the separable wavelet transform is appropriate feature-
extraction method for the analysis of ultrasound textures [11],
[12]. This paper investigates the application and advantages
of the nonseparable wavelet transform features for liver tissue (b)
characterization, compares the approach with other texture Fig. 2. (a) Separable and (b) quincunx lattice in the spatial and frequency
measures, and finally, addresses several questions about the domains. Dark area indicates the Voronoi cell. In the case of perfect recon-
struction filter banks based on quincunx sampling, the black area represents
potential importance of this application. the subband for the low-pass analysis filter h0 (m; n), whereas the gray area
corresponds to the shape of a high-pass filter h1 (m; n) to achieve the aliasing
cancellation after the complete analysis/synthesis procedure.
This section presents basic concepts from the theory of the downsampling to this sublattice. The spatial and spatial
lattices [13] and their connection to two-dimensional (2-D) frequency expressions for the output of the downsampler can
multirate systems [14], [15] that will be used through the be written as
paper. Under the original lattice in two dimensions we assume
. The term multirate refers to systems “living” on different
sublattices of . The sublattice is determined by the sampling and
matrix , as the set of all vectors generated by , .
A coset of a sublattice is the set of points obtained by
shifting the entire sublattice by an integer shift vector . For
a given sublattice, there are exactly distinct
cosets , and their union is the input
lattice. For a given sampling matrix, the sampling density is
reduced by the factor . Due to downsampling, the
repeated spectra in the frequency domain appear on a dual where , is the 2-D real vector, and
lattice, which is characterized by a matrix . are 2-D integer vectors, and . From (3) we
The most often used sampling structure in image processing see that the output at each frequency is formed by summing
is separable, represented by matrices and in (1). input spectra at a set of aliasing offsets . Unless
However, although more difficult to implement, nonseparable all but one of aliasing components are zero, it is impossible
systems can offer many advantages and greater flexibility. The to recover the input signal from the output of the decimator.
simplest nonseparable sampling is quincunx, represented by Hence, if the sampled signal has the spectrum bandlimited to
matrices and in (1). the Voronoi cell of the corresponding lattice, no overlapping
of spectra will occur and the signal can be reconstructed from
its samples.


The wavelet transform [16]–[18] performs the decomposi-
Fig. 2 illustrates separable and quincunx sublattices of in tion of a signal into the family of functions
the spatial and frequency domains. In the frequency domain,
a set of points being closer to the origin than to any other
lattice point is called Voronoi cell, . The meaning of the
Voronoi cell is extremely important, since it determines the generated from a prototype function (mother wavelet) by
shape of a possible low-pass filter to avoid aliasing caused by dilation and translation operations. The wavelet transform of

a signal can be computed via the following analysis and

synthesis formulas:


The mother wavelet can be constructed from the scaling

function as

Fig. 3. The division of spectrum after two iterations of the traditional dyadic
where . In the wavelet literature [16], wavelet decomposition.
[17], many different sets of coefficients can be found,
corresponding to wavelet bases with different properties. In
the case of the discrete wavelet transform (DWT), coefficients
play an important role, since they can be used for the
DWT computation, instead of the explicit forms for and
. It is shown [18] that, starting from the original signal
, discrete signals [the approximation
of at resolution ] and (information content lost
between higher resolution and lower resolution ) can Fig. 4. Filter bank performing the quincunx wavelet transform.
be computed as
Since this transform is performed with the two-
channel filter bank shown in Fig. 4. The Fourier expression
where and . This decomposition for the output of channel is
can be understood as passing of signal through a pair
of low-pass and high-pass filters and , followed by
the subsampling with a factor two.


There are various extensions of one-dimensional (1-D) where
wavelet transform to two dimensions. The simplest way to gen-
erate a 2-D wavelet transform is to apply two 1-D transforms
separately. Thus, image decomposition can be computed with and
separable filtering along the abscissa and ordinate, by using
the same pyramidal algorithm as in the 1-D case [18]. This (9)
corresponds to the case of separable sampling described by the
sampling matrix in (1). As shown in Fig. 3, this separable are coset and modulation vectors for the case of quincunx
transform (ST) decomposes images with a multiresolution sampling. For more general applications, such as texture
scale factor of two, providing at each resolution level one synthesis, to assure the cancellation of the aliasing terms at the
low-resolution subimage and three spatially oriented wavelet output of the analysis/synthesis filter bank [14], the high-pass
coefficient subimages. Another solution for the application filter should be designed as
of the wavelet transform to higher dimensions is to use (10)
nonseparable sampling and nonseparable filters. The simplest
transform of that type, known as quincunx transform (QT), This decomposition results in one low-resolution subimage
uses nonseparable and nonoriented filters, followed by the and one nonoriented wavelet subimage. Fig. 5 illustrates the
nonseparable sampling represented by the matrix in (1). idealized partition of the frequency domain after four iter-
Hence, the scaling function and corresponding wavelet family ations of quincunx decomposition. At each level, the input

leading to the selection of orthogonal bases. Furthermore, the

filters should be symmetric, so they can be easily cascaded
without any additional phase compensation. For a two-channel,
real, finite impulse response case, linear phase and orthogo-
nality are mutually exclusive, but by using 2-D biorthogonal
filters it is possible to relax the orthogonality requirement,
yet preserving other important characteristics [16]. Finally, in
order to achieve the computation of the continuous wavelet
transform by iterating the low-pass branch of the filter bank,
the low-pass filter with the sufficient number of zeros at the
points of replicated spectra has to be used [17]. Unfortunately,
due to the difficult design of nonseparable filters there are
only few solutions satisfying all these properties. Therefore,
Fig. 5. The division of spectrum after four iterations of the quincunx we have decided to apply the McClellan transform [19]

image is decomposed with the multiresolution scale factor . and to map coefficients of the selected 1-D filter into a 2-D
This is very nice property for description of small textured filter defined on the quincunx lattice. The transform obtained
images, since the analysis is twice as fine as the separable ensures that all properties of 1-D filters are also satisfied in the
multiresolution decomposition. The spectral decompositions 2-D case. Derivation of the transform is given in the Appendix.
shown in Figs. 3 and 5 suggest several advantages of the
quincunx transform for tissue characterization from B-scan VI. TISSUE CLASSIFICATION
images. First, the separable sampling provides only rectangular
divisions of spectrum, with increased sensitivity to horizontal A. Data Acquisition
and vertical edges. This could be important for the analysis
of directional textures, but it yields a rotationally sensitive The ultrasound images used in this research were obtained
description, which is not desirable in this application. Due to on Toshiba SSA-100 equipment, with 3.5-MHz transducer
the shape of the low-pass and high-pass filters, it should be frequency. A Series 151 Image processor, from Imaging
expected that the quincunx decomposition has lower orienta- Technology Inc., on IBM-PC, was used to capture images with
tion sensitivity than separable decomposition. Still, it is not 512 512 pixels and 256 gray-level resolution. Three sets of
completely rotationally insensitive—following the rotation of images have been taken: normal (37 images from ten subjects),
the QT Voronoi cell around the origin, rotational sensitivity steatosis (65 images from ten patients), and cirrhosis (20
increases up to 45 (where it reaches maximum), and then images from ten patients). Since this study addresses the issue
decreases again, reaching the complete invariance for 90 . of diagnosing early cirrhosis and steatosis, we have constrained
Second, the energy of natural textures is mainly concentrated the selection of images to those from patients in early stage
in the mid-frequencies, with the insignificant energy along of the disease. From each image, two blocks of 64 64 pixels
diagonals. Therefore, the quincunx low-pass filter will preserve (approximately 2 cm 2 cm in actual dimensions) have been
more of the original signal energy, and its implementation in selected. Blocks were chosen to include only liver tissue,
the iterated filter bank could provide more reliable description without blood vessels, acoustic shadowing, or any type of
of texture. Finally, the diamond shape of the low-pass filter distortion. In that way, the whole data set contained 244 tissue
in the quincunx case, plays the crucial role for the extraction samples for training and classification. The training and test
of texture features in the presence of noise, since it cuts off sets (each with 122 samples) were composed out of all blocks
diagonal high frequencies, where the most significant portion from independent images.
of noise is contained. Thus, when working with noisy samples In patients with steatosis and cirrhosis, the final diagno-
(as in our case) the spectral decomposition performed on the sis was confirmed by liver biopsy and histology, since this
quincunx lattice represents a better solution than traditional presents the gold standard for diagnosing diffuse diseases. The
approach based on the separable sampling. needle diameter was 1.6 mm, and the obtained tissue cylinders
were at least 2 cm.
The estimation of a texture quality was performed with the
V. DESIGN OF 2-D DIAMOND-SHAPED FILTERS four-level quincunx decomposition, yielding feature vectors
When constructing a filter bank performing the DWT for with maximal length of five. The size of the smallest subimage
the texture characterization, a number of design requirements in the quincunx pyramid is 16 16 pixels and further decom-
have to be fulfilled. First, since images are mostly smooth, the position would yield unreliable estimates of texture quality.
analysis should be performed with a smooth mother wavelet. Fig. 6 shows the first three levels of the quincunx pyramid,
On the other hand, to achieve fast computation, the filters have for one representative sample from each tissue class. The
to be short, affecting the smoothness of the associated wavelet. decomposition was performed by using the three biorthogonal
In more general applications, such as texture synthesis, it families that provide short filters with the best tradeoff between
would be nice to construct a perfect reconstruction filter bank, the filter lengths and the regularity of corresponding wavelet.

C. Classification
Assuming that feature vectors for normal, cirrhosis, and
steatosis tissue have approximately normal distribution (with
mean vector and covariance matrix ), the minimum error
discriminant function between the feature vector and class
is the Bayes distance

For each texture class, the mean and the covariance were
estimated using 122 texture samples with the leave-one-out
method [24]. The remaining samples were then classified.

Fig. 6. Quincunx decomposition of: (a) cirrhosis tissue, (b) normal tissue,
and (c) steatosis tissue. The classification results obtained using all features of
quincunx decomposition are presented in Table III. The overall
A brief description and 1-D filter coefficients for each family classification accuracy is 90%. Specificity of the method was
are given in Table I. Table II presents coefficients of the 92%. Sensitivity in the detection of cirrhosis and steatosis
corresponding diamond-shaped filter. To illustrate the 1-D to were: 92 and 97%, respectively. These results correspond to
2-D mapping, the frequency responses of the second family decomposition with the second pair of filters (see Table II,
and its diamond-shaped counterparts are shown in Fig. 7. set 2). Similar results were obtained with the other two
sets, indicating that the texture classification scheme in this
application is almost insensitive to the selection of the wavelet
B. Texture Feature Extraction base.
Since the filter bank performing the QT represents one spe- As already mentioned in the data-acquisition section, the
cial case of the local linear transform approach for the texture training and classification sets were formed from independent
characterization, iterations of the quincunx decomposition images. Therefore, it is to be expected that in the classification
can be seen as a -channel filter bank, whose outputs phase both blocks from one image should be diagnosed
serve for the estimation of texture quality identically. This is true for normal and steatosis classes, but
in the corresponding frequency subband. The texture is then in the cirrhosis case, one block from an image was diagnosed
characterized by the set of first-order probability density differently from the other. More detailed examination showed
functions estimated at the output of each channel. More that this one, as well as many other misclassified samples was
compact representation can be achieved using the channel affected by noise. Some of them had inhomogeneous structure
variances var . The statistical justification for this approach due to small blood vessels present in that part of liver. Hence,
can be found in [20]. Another, psychophysical justification was it is obvious that the location of the region of interest (ROI)
offered by Pratt et al. [21], who showed that natural textures within an image has dominant effect on the classification. This
are visually indistinguishable if they possess the same first issue is addressed in more detail in Section VIII.
and second-order statistics. Also, the reliability of channel
variances has been proved in numerous wavelet-based texture A. Comparison Between Separable and
characterization algorithms [11], [12], [22], [23]. Since the Nonseparable Transform
high-pass conditions and imply
To compare the performance of the nonseparable quincunx
that , for , channel variances are
decomposition with the performance of the separable wavelet
represented through energies calculated at
transform, we have also performed two-level ST with the
the output of each channel with
same filter family (Table I, set 2), on the same data set. This
decomposition results in maximum of seven features and the
(12) same size of the smallest subimage. Using the same method
for training and classification and using the complete feature
set resulted in an 88% of overall classification accuracy. By
decreasing the number of features from five to three (for
where represents the image field, # denotes the number QT), and from seven to three (for ST), the classification
of pixels in , and stands for wavelet rate remained constant in the quincunx case, whereas in the
coefficient subimages obtained at the th decomposition level. ST case the overall classification rate decreased to 82%. By
Finally, due to the low-pass condition , to obtain inspection of misclassified samples, we have found that almost
the variance in the last low-pass channel, the mean of all samples that were misclassified with the QT, were also
the image should be removed. misclassified using the ST.




normal cirrhosis steatosis overall

misclassification/total 4/37 1/20 6/65 11/22

classification rate 89% 95% 91% 90%

B. Sensitivity to Rotation
We were also interested in testing the ability of nonseparable
decomposition to classify textures with respect to rotation.
In the second experiment, without changing already esti-
mated class prototypes, we have classified texture samples
rotated at 5 , 23 , 45 , and 90 . Samples for the experiment
were obtained in the following manner. First, the whole
image was rotated for the determined degree, and then two
tissue samples were taken from the same positions as in
(b) the previous experiment. The rotation was performed using
Fig. 7. Magnitudes of the frequency response for: (a) 1-D low-pass and a bicubic interpolation. The QT yielded overall accuracy
high-pass prototype filters and (b) their 2-D counterparts. The filters corre- of 88%, 88%, 80%, and 90% (for 5 , 23 , 45 , and 90 ,
spond to biorthogonal spline families with low-pass and high-pass filters of
similar length. The coefficients of 1-D prototypes correspond to the second respectively), whereas ST gave 82%, 81%, 56%, and 81%.
family in Table I. These results follow from the analysis in Section IV. It is

obvious that the quincunx decomposition performs better wavelet transforms are very promising. Based on the ex-
than the separable decomposition, but the complete rotation perimental results, we conclude that the quincunx transform
invariance is not achieved since the classification accuracy is is more appropriate for characterization of noisy data, and
not maintained at different angles. One way to achieve the for practical applications requiring description with lower
complete invariance is to use any circularly shaped spectral rotational sensitivity. The results obtained in the study, clearly,
decomposition, such as hexagonal decomposition, steereable illustrate the utility of sophisticated image processing algo-
pyramid, or Gabor transform [25], [26]. Each of these trans- rithms in the ultrasound diagnostics of liver. However, for
forms has very fine orientation selectivity and produces a the general application of the method, many issues still have
number of features that correspond to a certain orientation. to be developed. It is obvious from our results, as well
Hence, for the selected transform, by averaging all features as from the previous work [10], [27], that the location of
from the same resolution level, we will produce one rota- the ROI within an image has the dominant effect on the
tionally insensitive feature. Unfortunately, by achieving the classification. This is due to the fact that ultrasound pattern
rotational insensitivity, we are loosing valuable features in exhibits different behavior along the path of the acoustic pulse,
terms of general description, and the overall accuracy of resulting in the prominently different distribution of horizontal
the method can decrease. Another solution would be the edges along axis of an image. Also, the lateral speckle pattern
construction of tissue prototypes for different orientations. is strongly depth dependent [27]. Finally, echocardiogram is
For example, instead of one cirrhosis class we would have formed according to the sector, while images are sampled
classes, for different degrees of orientation. In that case, along the rectangular grid. During the selection of tissue
instead of classification into three groups, we would perform samples we have done our best to choose the data set as
classification into groups. Although promising, for reliable homogenous as possible. This was done by taking the samples
estimation of class prototypes, this approach requires a huge from an isolated region in the center of an image without
amount of data and even more sophisticated feature-extraction great changes in the cursor position, but our selection was
techniques. severely constrained by the presence of major blood vessels
and acoustic shadowing. It should be also mentioned that the
C. Comparison with Other Texture Description Methods images were recorded by different clinicians who were free
to adjust ultrasound settings (within the acceptable range) in
To compare the performance of different feature-extraction
order to visually optimize images. We feel that this degree
techniques in diagnosing early diffuse diseases, we have
of freedom is required, so the whole method could follow
compared the wavelet-based approach with: 1) gray-level
natural processing of each individual physician, but it is to be
concurrence (GLC) matrices, as defined in [7], and [10]; 2)
expected that a more rigorous selection of tissue samples could
fractal texture measures [7]; and 3) Fourier measures [7].
increase classification accuracy. At this point, the advantages
In this experiment, using the same data set, the following
of the wavelet approach over other methods become obvious.
measures have been calculated.
First, since the mean values of all DWT channels are zero, the
1) Contrast, angular second moment, and correlation for the changes in the gain setting could not affect the results. Also,
GLC method [7], [10]. The GLC matrices were formed it has been shown that the wavelet transform is powerful ana-
for all combination of displacement and lytical tool for assessment of the singularities [16], [17]. Since
and angles and . visual differences between the early diffuse diseases are hardly
2) Ring and wedge energies, derived from distinguishable, due to minor changes in tissue structure, the
the Fourier power spectrum [6], for all combinations wavelet transform is appropriate for “zooming” into those dif-
and ferences. Furthermore, the ultrasound noise is a high-frequency
. phenomenon, mostly affecting a single image point. Hence, by
3) Multithreshold fractal features proposed for liver tissue eliminating from the classification high-frequency channels at
classification as defined in [7]. the highest resolution level, the impact of ultrasound noise
The highest overall classification accuracy was: 87% for the can be significantly reduced. Finally, the proposed feature
GLC method, 82% for Fourier measures, and 69% for fractal method is independent of the classification technique. The
measures, indicating the superiority of the wavelet approach. wavelet-based texture measures can be used with minimum-
distance-type classifiers, Bayesian-type classifiers, or as inputs
to a neural network. Since previous investigations showed that
VIII. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION the classification technique has significant influence to the final
The goal of this research was the detection of an optimal diagnosis [8], [10], further research should be performed in
feature-extraction technique for description of different ultra- that direction.
sound textures. Therefore, we have investigated the utility
of wavelet decompositions as feature-extraction methods in
discrimination among diffuse liver diseases. We have applied APPENDIX
a nonseparable quincunx transform with a multiresolution DERIVATION OF THE MCCLELLAN TRANSFORM
scale factor , traditional approach based on the separable
wavelet transform, and compared them with the previously The mapping of a 1-D zero-phase symmetric filter
used approaches. The classification results obtained with both into a 2-D filter starts with the Fourier

transform of written as a function of By substituting an aliasing frequency into (A8) we

obtain the additional constraint for the filter design as
Since the shape of the low-pass filter produced with the
(A1) transform has to follow the shape of the Voronoi cell for the
quincunx lattice, we impose the band-edge-contour constraint
to minimize the following error function:


where , , and , and
where corresponds to the Voronoi cell of the quincunx
is the length of the filter. The next step is to write
lattice. In this particular case we minimize under
as a polynomial of . This can be achieved
the constraints (A7) and (A9). Consequently, the minimization
by using the Chebyshev polynomials, since can be
of the error function is the linear problem. Hence, we obtain
written as , where is the th-order Chebyshev
the simplest, first-order transform for a design of diamond-
polynomial. Hence
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