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Weekly Home Group Guide

Week of February 27-March 5

Consider teaching the Doxology to your HG. “Praise God from whom all blessing flow. Praise Him, all creatures here be-
low. Praise Him above, ye heavenly hosts. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.” Sing it a capella...if you dare.

Opening Prayer
Consider gathering the group in a circle & hold hands for the prayer time. Take a moment to officially welcome any guests
or highlight anything significant to the group just before you pray (e.g., a birthday, anniversary, special prayer need, etc.)

Option: Privately ask someone beforehand if they would pray for the food & ask for God’s blessings on tonight’s HG.

Become (Spiritual Disciplines, Care) // Pick at least one from each category to use in leading your group
Suggestions for Family Time
A) If you practiced the mission statement last week, review it & have volunteers say it aloud. Cheer like crazy for those
who are brave enough to try. “Making God known by making disciples who are changed by God to change their world.”
B) If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change? How can God use you to change the world?
C) You’ll need to print out Matthew 28:19 in large print (or hand-write it). Cut the verse up & hide the pieces around the
house in obvious (& not so obvious places). Divide the group into teams (kids & adults on each team). Send them on a 5
minute mission to find the hidden mystery verse. Re-assemble, put the passage back together & practice it as a group.

Suggestions for Kids Time

A) Using each letter in the word PANDEMIC, come up with as many words or phrases you can think of to describe a way to
take the Gospel to others. (ex., “P”= praying; “A”= acting like Jesus; “N”= neighborhood carnival) Do you get the idea?
B) Play “Jesus Says” (like you’d play “Simon Says”), but have the kids do or say things to one another that Jesus would.
(Jesus says, “Hug your neighbor.”; Yell “I Love Jesus!” - Oops! I didn’t say “Jesus says”. You’re out.)

Suggestions for Adult Talk Time

A) Remind the group about the new candle display at the front left-hand side of the stage. We call it “illumiNATIONS.”
Here’s how it works. Light a blue candle for someone you are praying for to receive Christ as Savior. Light a gold candle to
celebrate when God has used you or a ministry you’ve been involved with, to lead someone to Christ.
B) Share the names & story of someone that you are praying for their salvation.
C) Share the story of your salvation with your HG. Tell what your life was like before Christ, what led you to receive Christ,
and how has Jesus changed you.

Suggestions for Prayer Time

A) Pray for God to give each member of your HG an opportunity to share the Gospel this week.
B) Focus your prayers on the 6 PBC Mission trips this year. 2 to Spain, Africa, India, Arizona and Tyler, TX. Pray for the Gos-
pel to be preached & for God’s name to be glorified through the team members.
C) Using the book Operation World as a resource, pray for the country in which your adopted missionary serves.

Beyond (Evangelism, Recreation, Volunteerism, Extending Compassion, International Missions)

Check the bulletin or for information about initiatives that your HG might participate in.
Community Calendar
HG Action Points: Has your HG participated in a local Compassion project in the last 2 months? If not, plan one. Contact
our new Global Impact pastor, Roger Sappington for help, if needed, at

Church Calendar
HG Action Points: Make plans now for Pine Cove Base Camp, June 11-15, to be held @ PBC. This would be a great way to
reach your kids’ unchurched friends for Christ! Contact Jennifer Strand for details at


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