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GenoM: A Tool for the Speci cation and the Implementation of

Operating Modules in a Distributed Robot Architecture

Sara Fleury, Matthieu Herrb, Ra ja Chatila

LAAS-CNRS, 7 Avenue du Colonel Roche, 31077 Toulouse, France

e-mail : fsara, matthieu,

Abstract complex systems is not trivial as they deal with vari-

This paper presents a general methodology for the spec- ous speci c real-time coordinated processes involving
i cation and the integration of functional modules in many people, each experiment generally remains a spe-
a distributed reactive robot architecture. The approach ci c instance of the guideline architecture.
is based on a hybrid architecture basically composed More recently, these robotics systems have con-
of two levels: a lower distributed functional level con- ducted to another approach focused on distributed
trolled by a centralized decisional level. real-time software engineering considering real-time
constraints, parallelism, synchronization, communica-
Thanks to this methodology, synchronous or asyn- tion protocols, concurrent tasks speci cation, and so
chronous operating capabilities (servo-control, data on.
processing, event monitoring) can be easily added to The \versatility" of robotic systems (additions and
the functional level. They are encapsulated into mod- modi cations of functions, context-dependent process-
ules, built according a generic model, that are seen by ing selection) has favored modular and incremental de-
the decisional level as homogeneous, programmable, re- signs (Chimera [5], ControlShell [6]) at the expense
active and robust communicant services. of a more classical, but not adapted, top-down ap-
Each module is simply described with a speci c lan- proach1 . As a consequence these approaches can not
guage and is automatically produced by a generator of take advantage of the formal veri cations brought up
modules (GenoM) according to the generic model. GenoM by the formalization methods of concurrent systems
also produces an interactive test program and interface (Petrinets, SART, Statecharts, ...). A noticeable ex-
libraries to control the module and to read the resulting ception concerns the ORCCAD system [7] based on
data, which allow to directly integrate the module into the ESTEREL synchronous language which permits
the architecture. to demonstrate some logical and temporal properties.
However these methods, initially dedicated to robot
1 Introduction manipulators2 present two limitations for autonomous
The conception of autonomous robotic systems has robots: (i) speci cally designed to manage high fre-
been essentially studied from an architectural view- quency periodic servo-control processes (crucial to dy-
point focused on the organization of the decisional namically control six or more axes) they hardly in-
and reactive capacities. Three main approaches are tegrate the asynchronous processes required for au-
frequently considered: the distributed reactive archi- tonomous robots; (ii) they have left aside architec-
tectures (e.g. behavioral [1]), the centralized architec- tural concepts: each task is programmed by the user
tures (e.g. blackboards, TCA [2]), and the hierarchical as a speci c sequence of servo-control processes. The
architectures (e.g. NASREM [3]). However it is now poorness of the quantitative and semantics exchanges
generally admitted that, as both a decisional and reac- with the functional level (for observation and control
tive system, an autonomous robot needs to merge sev- purposes) complicates the integration of a decisional
eral architectural paradigms. This report has lead to level.
\hybrid" architectures, such as the LAAS architecture We consider that architectural paradigms and real-
[4], characterized by a hierarchical decomposition con- time systems design are complementary: our objective
sisting in at least of two levels: a reactive distributed is to design and integrate real-time modules into a hy-
functional level controlled by a decisional centralized brid architecture. To satisfy the various constraints,
level. The presented system ts within these architec- we propose here a fully operational development envi-
tures. ronment called GenoM. It relies on a \generic" module
Nevertheless these architectural designs do not con- 1 Speci cation ! design ! validation ! integration.
sider integration aspects. Yet the integration of such 2 ORCCAD is also used in mobile and submarine robotics.
that can integrate synchronous and asynchronous pro- the whole system is increased.
cesses. Each robot module is an instance of this com-
mon template and has a predictable behavior and stan- 2.2 Control of the Services
dard communication interfaces. A module description
language associated with an automatic module gener- The services are parameterized and activated asyn-
ator allow to easily specify and insert a module in the chronously through requests sent to the modules. A
architecture. relevant request, that may include input parameters,
applies to every service. The reception of a request
2 A Network of Modules starts a client/server relationship that ends with the
A robot functional level must satisfy very strong con- termination of the service, marked by a reply returned
straints related to three aspects: by the server to its client. The reply includes an exe-
 A real-time distributed system: the func- cution report and possibly data results.
tional level embeds all the processes that control The execution report quali es how the service
the interactions between the robot and the environ- was executed (e.g., no trajectory found, target not -
ment through sensors and e ectors. Some of them identi ed, important drift, invalid inputs, .. .). These
have strong real-time constraints (servo-controls, event prede ned reports allow the client to anticipate the re-
monitoring, re ex actions). Thus this level should sults and to install adequate recoveries (e.g., another
o er basic real-time procedures (parallelization, syn- attempt with new parameters, use of another service,
chronization, inter-task communication, multiproces- passing the information on a higher level).
sors support), and should permit time-bounded exe- The requests that trigger on a processing are called
cution and reactivity to asynchronous events. execution requests. Control requests are dedicated to
 A controlled system: the functional level does the control of the execution: they allow to read or to
not include reasoning capacities nor prede ned behav- dynamically modify execution parameters of the mod-
iors (i.e., prewired and xed interactions between its ule, or to interrupt an execution. Execution and con-
functions). It can be considered as a library of reac- trol requests compose the control ow of the system.
tive services dynamically parameterized and selected
by a higher controller. This selection will depend on
the task but also on the current execution context in-
2.3 Dynamic Hierarchical Relation-
ferred from the informations returned by the services. ships
In other words, the services must be observable and A module does not a priori know its clients. Relations
programmable in a coherent and predictable way. between modules are dynamically established, which
 An open system: the robot system should be o ers a very exible architecture: the modules are in-
evolvable and modi able. The services should be eas- cluded or removed from the system according to the
ily integrated, modi ed or suppressed according to the application requirements, and services may be used or
considered application and algorithmic development. not according to the context.
This requires an incrementally designed system with
common integration methodology and validation pro- Moreover, the services of a module can be used by
cedures for the involved people. another module. This allows to de ne hierarchies of
These issues claim for a modular architecture of the processes, i.e. to elaborate more sophisticated ser-
functional level, standard structure, behavior and in- vices by combining primitive - but general and thus
terfaces of the modules (section 3) and a precise de- reusable - processings3 . In gure 1, the service \vi-
velopment methodology (section 4). sual tracking with local obstacles avoidance" uses
six other servers.
2.1 The Modules Dividing-Up A processing under way is called an activity. An ac-
A module is a software entity that o ers services re- tivity that starts another activity4 is a mother activity :
lated to a physical (sensors, e ectors) or a logical it is responsible of its children activities. In particular,
(data) resource. More precisely, a module is responsi- the interruption of an activity will cause the interrup-
ble of the resource: it embeds all the required process- tion of its children activities. This hierarchical control
ings to control the resource, but also failure detections simplify the global control of the system which can be
and recovery procedures to ensure its integrity. represented by a dynamic activity tree ( gure 1).
This decentralized control relieves the central con-
troller: the required services are managed by the mod- 3 This allows for instance to build re ex actions: actions trig-
ules, hiding the complexity and the dynamics of the gered by an event monitoring action.
low levels processings. Thanks to the control and re- 4 Thus, a client/server relationship is established between
covery procedures at the lower level, the robustness of their modules.
Module poster_ P poster_ P poster_P
tracking + 1 2 3
avoidance activity
path visual wall
poster tracking tracking following

local visual
avoidance tracking possible
tracking_request ( poster_Pn )
sonar position video platform control
control control acquisition control

odometer driving−wheels

Figure 2: Data ow redirection example: either P 1,

P 2 or P 3 poster reference can be transmitted to the
sonars odometer driving−wheels camera platform

Figure 1: Activity tree example: local obstacles avoid- tracking request.

ance during visual tracking
situations must then be managed in a systematic pre-
2.4 Access to the Data dictable manner, and above all, a clear information
During their execution, activities may have to read must be returned to the client.
and/or produce data5 . These exchanges are done via First of all, a module must check the relevance of its
posters: structured shared memories readable by any inputs: validity of the request parameters and applica-
element of the architecture, but only writable by its bility of the required actions. Indeed, due to resource
owner (the module in charge of the exported data). sharing, the services o ered by a module are generally
Thanks to the posters continuously updated data (but not systematically) con icting.
are public. They enable data transfer between ac- To satisfy the reactivity requirement, the con icts
tivities with di erent temporal constraints6 , and syn- are resolved according to the following rule: the
chronous data transfer between periodic activities. last request is always preemptive on current con ict-
Each poster is unequivocally identi ed in the sys- ing activities. Therefore, all the activities must be
tem. This permits to easily redirect the data ow: interruptible with a delay compatible with the dy-
the poster to be read by an activity is speci ed as namics of the \subsystem" controlled by the mod-
an input parameter of its execution request. For in- ule. Hence, despite the large diversity of the process-
stance, if we consider a service to servo-control the ings (periodic/aperiodic, synchronous/asynchronous,
robot position on a given reference, (activity position self/controlled termination), the activities must be in-
servo-control at the bottom of the gure 2), this tegrated in such a way that:
reference could be computed and exported by a path
tracking activity, a visual tracking activity or a
wall following activity.
 they are interruptible,
This data ow protocol contributes to the observ-  they terminate properly to insure the stabilization
ability of the functional level. In particular, besides of the controlled process or the coherence of the
processing dependent functional posters, each module produced data, but also to get back into condi-
maintains a control poster which contains informations tions for a new start,
relative to its state and its current activities.  they detect the failures (algorithm limitations, re-
source absence, memory limitation) and inform
3 Anatomy of a Generic Module the client about them.
A module must manage the processings and ensure its
own working order. Indeed, a malfunction may have These constraints, unlike the previous control as-
catastrophic consequences on the whole system (failure pects, are closely linked to the processing algorithms:
of the application or even robot damage). However, a the execution context should o er a framework to
module has no informationon the purpose of the global structure the programs, and mechanisms to manage
task: it cannot take any \decision". The non-nominal non-nominal execution modes (interruptions and fail-
5 The data transfer by requests/replies can only occur at the
beginning and the end of a service. All these considerations have lead to the de nition
6 Any consumer has a direct access to the data at its own of a \generic" module [8, 9] that clearly distinguishes
pace, independently of the producer. control and execution aspects.
3.1 Structure of the Generic Module 3.2 Module Logical Control
The structure of the generic module has two parts ( g- The reception of an execution request creates an ac-
ure 3): tivity which is managed according to a control graph
The control level is a reactive level which man- composed of 5 states and 9 transitions ( gure 4).
ages the module: it receives the requests, checks and The transition events are imposed by the control
records their parameters, veri es if they are not in con- level (event/-) or signaled by the execution level
ict with processings in progress, ends and starts activ- (-/event).
ities, and sends back replies to the clients. It maintains
a representation of the module state which is exported control / −
to the control poster . init/− INIT
exec/− − / execution

The execution level carries out the activities re-


quired by the control level. This level is composed of

abort/− −/failed

one or several periodic or aperiodic execution tasks: −/failed

the execution context of the processings.

−/ended abort/−

requests / replies library interface

control −/ended
control poster
level control
task Figure 4: Control graph of an activity
poster access library interface

data data

A nominal execution follows the external cycle of

control functional gure 4: the activity is initially in the ctitious state
database database ETHER. The reception of an execution request brings it
to the INIT state, in which its parameters are checked,
execution and possible incompatible activities are interrupted.
execution tasks
posters The activity is then started (state EXEC). Its termina-
activities tion (event -/ended) brings it back to ETHER.
In case of a serious error during the execution that
requires a speci c intervention or a re-synchronization,
the execution may return a -/failed event bringing
(to sensor or effector or other module) the activity to ZOMBIE. A ZOMBIE state forbids all new
activity. This state is also used for debugging pur-
Figure 3: Structure of a module poses: it allows to freeze and analyze the module. A
speci c recovery request will bring it back to ETHER.
These two levels interact by means of typed asyn- During its execution, the activity may be inter-
chronous events (described further) and two databases: rupted by the control level. The event abort/- takes
the activity to the INTER state during which it has to
 the functional database includes all the data re- nish its processing (e.g., interruption of children ac-
lated to the controlled system: default settings, tivities, stabilization of controlled processes, memory
parameters updated through requests, and pro- release) before going back to ETHER.
cessing results (exported within the replies or the The client is informed of the e ective start of the
functional posters). processing (exec/-) by an intermediate reply. The
 the control database, which has the same structure nal reply is sent, with the speci c execution report
for all the modules, contains the states of the ac- (OK, zombie, interrupted, or other), when the ac-
tivities, the commands from the control level and tivity comes back to ETHER or ends to ZOMBIE.
the reports issued by the execution level. The control level is made of one asynchronous task
which wakes up on external or internal events (request
Moreover, the speci cation of the generic module or execution events) and goes through the graphs of
includes two standard interface libraries to have access activities. Its reduced computation time (this task is
to the services (emission of requests and reception of sleeping most of the time) is the guarantee of a good
replies) and to the content of the posters. reactivity.
3.3 Processings and Activities a precise de nition of a system is not the guarantee
The execution of the processing (EXEC) is supported of a correct implementation, especially when various
by the execution level. To permit the integration of people are involved (not to mention the tedious sides
a large variety of algorithms while o ering interrup- of such a systematic and complex construction). With
tion and recovery capacities, the processings are split GenoM this instantiation is formalized: only the speci c
up into steps ( gure 5). Each step is associated with parts have to be expressed, and the new module is
an non interruptible code part named codel. The codels automatically generated.
are the smallest processing element known by the mod-
4.1 Formal Description of a Module
As suggested in gure 5, a processing may generally A module is described using a \C" like declarative lan-
be split into three main steps, each being associated guage. This description contains ve parts:
with a codel: an initializing start step, the main exec 1. The identi cation of the module (its name).
step - possibly iterated - and an end step to conclude. 2. The declaration of the data types used by the
The fail step is linked to a recovery codel. module and the functional database.
control graph 3. The declaration of the requests with their types
(control or execution), their input and output pa-

ZOMBIE exec/− rameters, the list of all the possible execution

reports, the list of the con icting services, and,
start for execution requests, the codels associated with
each execution step and the name of the execution
task that handles them.

inter 4. The declaration of the posters: name, structure,
updating modalities.
fail exec
−/end 5. The declaration of the execution tasks: period,
delay, priority, and other attributes related to the
execution graph
operating system.
−/failed abort/−
−/ended 4.2 Automatic Generation
This description is processed by the C-preprocessor in
Figure 5: Execution graph of an activity order to be able to include standard C header les that
will be shared with the codels and the clients for all
The end of each codel is associated with an event data type de nitions.
-/x that speci es the next phase (x): an activity is a The output of the C preprocessor is fed to a parser
succession of prede ned codels sequenced dynamically which builds an internal representation of the module.
according to the results of the previous one. This representation is used to produce the code of the
This allows to structure and monitor the program module, by substituting keywords in a generic skeleton
execution, to exhibit the possible interruption points ( gure 6).
(i.e. the transitions between the codels) and to install
adequate termination procedures: the control event 4
abort/- preempts the execution events and brings to GenoM

INTER which is associated with an inter codel. Inci-
Module Program
dentally, one can note the codel reusability. 1 Skeleton
The execution contexts of the codels are the execu- code files
+ Libraries

tion tasks: an activity inherits of the characteristics of Formal

Parser Makefiles

its execution task. Providing similar dynamics (same

period or equivalent execution time) and priority, one Codels
execution task may be in charge of several activities. including

It is the case in particular if these activities are several 3 Algorithms

instances of a same processing (e.g. a monitoring).
Figure 6: The generator of module
4 Automatic Module Produc-
tion In addition to the module itself, an empty shell for
the codels, the interfaces libraries and an interactive
Every module of the functional level is an instance of test program are produced, along with all the building
the generic module. However it is well known that scripts (Makefiles) to compile and link the module.
The code produced by GenoM is ready to run (be- The execution reports provide information on the
fore the developer integrates its algorithms) either on service success or failure. These reports are helpful for
a Unix workstation (for simulation purposes) or on a an operator and above all they are quite necessary to
real-time embedded target (running the VxWorks real- envisage automatic execution control.
time OS). In a robot, the functional level can be directly un-
4.3 Development Methodology der the control of the user (e.g., in teleoperation) or
embedded in an autonomous system. The interfaces
A typical development cycle includes the four following provided by GenoM permit various kinds of control pro-
steps ( gure 6): cedures according to the objectives.
1. Formal description: the input le for GenoM. 5.1 Teleoperation
2. Building of the module: code generation and
compilation. This system is adapted to a teleoperation control for
3. Coding of the codels guided by the shells pro- the following reasons:
duced at step 2, and link editing with the module.
4. Execution of the module on UNIX or VxWorks.  the control and recovery procedures included in
the modules give the minimum security required
From the formal description (1), a rst module can to lter out some human control errors,
be generated (2) and integrated in the functional level  thanks to the communication protocols, the func-
(4). The algorithms of the codels are incrementally tions of the module interface libraries can be
included and nalized by iterating on steps 3 and 4. called from a distant Unix workstation,
Any service modi cation or addition is simply achieved  the execution reports and the accessibility of all
by editing the formal description le. the produced data (position, map, ...) allow to
In the frame of an integration with other modules, supervise the remote execution.
the formal descriptions of the modules handled by
GenoM form a very powerful data sheet to summarize For simple tests, a user may directly utilize the inter-
the awaited services, the behavior and the data struc- active test programs generated by GenoM. However, a
tures of the modules. more ergonomic human/machine interface for teleop-
The GenoM environment does not validate a pri- eration applications can be built upon the available
ori the logical and temporal constraints of a module, interfaces.
which are dependent of the algorithms and the host
CPU capacities, but it o ers a systematic methodol- 5.2 Autonomous Robots
ogy and a set of tools to verify the on-board system. The autonomy of the robot requires a decisional (sym-
The interactive test program allows to start and to bolic) level to interpret the mission and select the ad-
interrupt individually or in parallel all the services, equate actions that will be executed by the functional
and to read the produced data. A tool to measure the level. In the hybrid architecture we built, the inter-
computing time of the codels and to build the chrono- face between the symbolic reasoning level and the set
grams of one or several modules is also provided with of real-time data-processing functions is an execution
GenoM. This permits to determine the number of re- controller or executive.
quired processors and to decide of the distribution of The executive translates the \symbolic" required ac-
the module on these processors. tions to parameterized requests and returns the results
The generated codes include no dynamic memory al- of execution in terms of interpretable symbolic infor-
location (no memory consumption during execution), mations (execution reports classi cation).
and the complexity of the control algorithms is null It insures a coherent execution of the activities (con-
(constant time cycles): memory or computing time ict management), establishes the data ow by rerout-
uncertainties may only come from the codels. ing the data among the modules, and reacts to their
replies. It also installs re ex actions and some system-
5 System Integration atic recovery procedures.
Thanks to the standardization, a module can be eas- The executive must react in bounded time and ac-
ily integrated in a functional level. Each new module cording to a determinist logical behavior: it must in-
extends the set of on-board services and increases the tegrate the constraints of each module (resource con-
robot capabilities. icts), but also the constraints between the modules
The functions of the interface libraries of the mod- and the constraints imposed by the application (e.g.
ules generated by GenoM enable control and observ- do not start manipulations while the mobile platform
ability of the functional level from higher levels. An is moving) [10]. This system has been implemented in
application will then consist in parameterizing and se- Kheops [11], a 0+ rule based system. The executive
quencing the services through the set of requests. behavior and constraints are expressed by rules. Once
compilated, they produce an optimal and determinis- Architectural design: automatic generation of the
tic decision tree. executive using the formal description of the set of used
modules (a prototype has been already designed).
5.3 Experiments
The usage of GenoM is now generalized for both our References
indoor and outdoor robots. For instance a library of [1] R. A. Brooks. A robust layered control system for a
about 20 modules has been developed for the Hilare mobile robot. IEEE Journal of Robotics and Automa-
robots. About half of them are basic sensor or e ector tion, April 1986.
controllers and are used in all the experiments. [2] R. G. Simmons. Structured control for autonomous
This functional level has been used in various appli- robots. IEEE Transactions on Robotics and Automa-
cations. The most demonstrative one is the European tion, 10(1):p. 34{43, February 1994.
Esprit project MARTHA (coordination of a robot eet [3] J. S. Albus, H. G. McCain, and R. Lumia.
for transshipment in harbors, airports and railway sta- NASA/NBS standard reference model for telerobot
tion yards [12]): eight modules have been designed ac- control system architecture (NASREM). Technical
cording to the generic model by the di erent partners Report 1235, NBS, 1987.
and successfully integrated on two industrial demon- [4] R. Chatila. Deliberation and reactivity in autonomous
strators. mobile robots. In Robotics and Autonomous Systems,
Moreover, in order to test the multi-robot coordina- Vol.16, 2-4, pp.197-211, November 1995.
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on 30 Unix workstations connected by Ethernet. This robotic applications using component-based real-time
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Finally, to validate the complete system on real [6] S. Schneider, V. Chen, and G. Pardo-Catellote. The
robots, the \MARTHA architecture" (the 8 modules ControlShell components-based real-time program-
and the decisional level) have been added up to the ming system. In IEEE Int. Conf. on Robotics and
\basic" functional levels of three of our Hilare robots. Automation (ICRA'95), Nagoya (Japan), 1995.
The coordination experiment has ran for hours in [7] D. Simon, B. Espiau, E. Castillo, and K. Kapel-
a very constrained environment with an intensively los. Computed-aided design of a generic robot con-
prompted functional level (thousands of requests per troller handling reactivity and real-time control is-
hour). sues. IEEE Transaction on Control Systems Technol-
ogy, 1(4), 1993.
6 Conclusion [8] R.F.Camargo, R.Chatila, and R.Alami. Hardware and
software architecture for execution control of an au-
GenoM o ers a structured development context that al- tonomous mobile robot. In International Conference
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out caring about real-time process development and tion (IECON'92), San Diego (USA), 1992.
architecture design. The automatic production of the [9] S. Fleury, M. Herrb, and R. Chatila. Design of a mod-
modules guarantees a standard behavior and avoids ular architecture for autonomous robot. In IEEE In-
tedious logical tests. The standardization associated ternational Conference on Robotics and Automation,
to the formal description allows to easily develop a San Diego California, (USA), 1994.
complex functional level. This system is now system- [10] A. Medeiros, R. Chatila, and S. Fleury. Speci -
atically used for all our robots and has been validated cation and validation of a control architecture for
in large scale projects. autonomous mobile robots. In IROS - IEEE In-
Beyond these software engineering aspects, the au- ternational Conference on Intelligent Robots, Osaka,
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o ers many perspectives: any extension of the generic [11] M. Ghallab and H. Philippe. A compiler for real-time
model is pass on to the modules. Some ongoing exten- Knowledge-based Systems. In International Work-
sions of this system are related to the following aspects: shop on Arti cial Intelligence for Industrial Applica-
tions,Hitachi City, Japan, May 1988.
Validations: logical and temporal validation of the [12] R. Alami, L. Aguilar, H. Bullata, S. Fleury, M. Herrb,
modules through the generic model. F. Ingrand, M. Khatib, and F. Robert. A general
Software engineering: generation of a general framework for multi-robot cooperation and its imple-
user-interface to control all the modules of a given mentation on a set of three hilare robots. In 4th
functional level (inter-module relations), and to inter- International Symposium on Experimental Robotics
actively de ne sequences of actions for test purpose (ISER'95), Stanford, California, 1995.
(GenoM manages only one module at a time).

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