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The Food and Drug Administration has effectively banned the use of high dose int

ravenous vitamin C, along with a few other things which aggresively fight cancer
when used together. Why should you care? Well, if you have cancer it is the m
ost effective and most body-friendly tool you have at your disposal to not only
fight it, but win. Without going itno too much detail (here are some links) a f
ew things have become obvious as a result of this "ruling":
1.) The FDA is controlled by the big money of the pharmaceutical industry,
2.) The power of the unelected officials who run the agency have amassed and bee
n given too much power in regards to our public safety, which they repeatedly ma
rginalize or outright ignore in favor of their benefactors,
3.) The "revolving door" (link) between the agency and industry has only served
to fuel immensely the disparity between the supposed goal of the agency and its

This action targets specifically the use of high dose vitamin C and nutritional
cocktails to fight cancer by natural means. The only foods targeted are those u
sed in this battle, and which also represent competition against high strength (
and high cost) drugs and chemotherapy regimens.
The goal of the FDA in this case is specifically targeted to support the financi
al bottom line of their owners, the big pharmaceutical industry, and eliminate a
ll competition for themselves and the industry.
For a government so concerned with "free" trade, they sure hate a little healthy

One of the root causes of this problem is the vast, sweeping powers that have be
en given to the unelected bodies of government by the executive branch over the
years. This is not attributed to one single administration or party, but rather
a daisy chain of power grabs going back administration after administration. T
he very fact that these agencies exist in the capacity that they do, and with th
e power that they possess, seems to be in direct conflict with the idea of check
s and balanceswhich were set up to keep one particular branch of government from
gaining too much power.
A government or agency will not give up the power ti has collected willingly--it
must be taken away from it forcefully and completely. The only way to succeed
is dismantling of the entire structure, and building anew with certain checks in
place to avoid a repeat of consolidation. There are two things that could be d
one to immediately disarm the problem;
1.) Force the top and major offices of all government agencies run for elected o
2.) Restructure the agency to be reportable to congress, which is a body that is
(supposed to be) representative of the people (voters).
However, there is something else which must happen in order for these two things
to be possible or effective, and that is that the population at large must begi
n to be more involved in political issues, especially when it comes to consolida
tion of power. We must demand that agency departments and department officials
be accountable to us and responsible for their actions. All of the current tact
ics of tilting the deck in favor of those with the most cash to give out must be
eliminated completely and forever. Powers for any and all govenment agencies m
ust be specifically enumerated and be very clear, in plain english language. An
ything that is not will be considered void by each and every citizen, and an ord
er of non-compliance will be issued verbally or in writing by that citizen immed
iately, which will be honored by the agency.

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