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POLICY TITLE: Middle School Credits POLICY NO:

Minidoka County Joint School District # 331 PAGE 1 of 2

The Minidoka County School District (MCSD) middle schools will follow the credit system that
is required by the State of Idaho in 08.02.02 (Rules Governing Thoroughness).

Credit Requirements

MCSD middle schools will require students to attain a minimum of eighty-five percent (85%) of
the total available credits. In order to receive credit students must achieve a 70% (C- or better)
in each class and not miss more than 10% of class time each trimester (6 days), before the
student will be eligible for promotion to the next grade level. To be considered for promotion to
the next grade, students cannot lose more than one credit in any core area, and must attain a
minimum of 20 of the total available credits each year, and must have an average score of 70%
or higher in pre-algebra or have passed the pre-algebra exit exam with a 70% or higher by the
end of 8th grade.

Credits available for 6th, 7th and 8th graders:

• Mathematics 1 credit per trimester
• English/Writing 1 credit per trimester
• Reading 1 credit per trimester
• Science 1 credit per trimester
• Social Studies 1 credit per trimester
• Advisory 1 credit per trimester
• Electives 2 per trimester/1 credit per elective
8 Total Credits per Trimester

Students, whose credits have been denied due to attendance, may appeal the loss of their credits to the
Attendance Committee. The student and parent will be notified in writing of their right to appeal and the
date and time of the hearing. All appeals must be submitted one week prior to the committee hearing. The
Attendance Committee will consist of the principal, counselor and three district representatives. Further
appeals may be made to the Board of Trustees of the Minidoka County School District.

Credit Recovery

A student not meeting the minimum requirements of the credit system shall be given an opportunity to
recover credits or complete an alternate mechanism in order to become eligible for promotion to the next
grade level. Students will be responsible to initiate all credit recovery. The middle schools will assist
students and parents in choosing the most appropriate alternative method for each individual. All
materials for credit recovery must be submitted to the school by no later than August 1st of the next school

Students must meet at least two of the following alternate methods to move on:
• Attend and complete summer school with a 70% (C- or better)
• Pass an online or correspondence class and present a transcript demonstrating completion
with a C or better (All online and correspondence classes must be preapproved by the credit
committee and all costs will be the responsibility of the parent or guardian.)
• Retake the exit exam and pass with a 70% or higher


Middle School Credits—continued Page 2 of 2

• Demonstrate growth of 10 points or more on the Idaho State Achievement Test from spring to
spring in the deficient subject area(s)

An alternative to the above credit recovery plan may be presented by the student and parent.
An alternative plan would consist of either,
o A written plan and,
o A proficient score on the Idaho State Achievement Test and,
o A passing score of 70% or higher on the exit exam
o A portfolio demonstrating proficiency and including the above elements. Portfolio
contents must be pre-approved by the school.

Special Education and English Language Learner Students

The Individualized Education Plan (IEP) teams for qualified special education and English language
learner (ELL) students may establish alternate credit requirements or accommodations to credit
requirements as are deemed necessary for the student to become eligible for promotion to the next grade
level. All alternative requirements or accommodations will be clearly outlined in the student’s special
education or English language learner IEP.


LEGAL REFERENCE: Idaho Code 08.02.02

ADOPTED: September 20, 2010



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