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NARBERTH C(~:,. "-'
\,:1 rlDSOR I\.vr:.,

• I:l'.RBERTIl, PAr
, Vol. 31-No. 32 NARBERTH, PA., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER '1, 1946



, Won't Evict Trailer Campers
u. S. Senator-Elect Gen. Martln
Townshi() officials may not force
the eviction of the 25 residents of
he had improperly filled out forms
required by the Area Rent Con-
given, nor may any threat or at-
tempt to evict the trailer tenants be
Takes Lead
the Quaker Lodge Trailer Camp,
Lancaster Ave., \Vynnewood, it
was learned this week.
Although refusal two weeks ago
trol Office.
Joseph T. Turchi, Area Rent
Director, said this week that the
forms had been returned to Gallup
made unless and until the Area
Rent Director issues a certificate
relating to eviction,", has been post-
ed at the camp.
i. '
of the U. S. Supreme Court to re-
I view an appeal of N. D. Gallup,
to be properly filled out, but added
that Gallup's request for eviction
Thus, though few of the trailer
residents have places to move, it is :vpry
Little Splitting
'camp owner, against the Township orders probably would be liranted. unlikely that any of them will be
cmpowered them to act, officials He said, however, that his office forcibly evicted in the near future. \01 Ballots Evident,
: said this week they did not want to was undertaking a study to de· '. Many of the veterans this week,
i "work a hardship" on any of the termine whether or not a provision however, were bitter at the pros-
pect of being forced to leave the
Says Lalm'e
families. that six months' notice be given
14 Veterans' Families evicted tenants should be complied <;amp. , Placing- the National trend
To date, few of the 25 families, with in this instance. Veterans' Comments
Said Lloyd Patterson, a veteran ; and reviving- old-time l11ajori-
14 of them war veterans and their Six Months' Notice
Lower !\ferion Township, he said, of almost three years' service: 'ties,J\Iain Line Republicans on-'
wives, have been able to find eith-
er another site for their trailers or is a "critical housing' shortage "When I came home from over- Tuesday rolled over their Dem-
li,eas, 'I thought things would be
• any other form of housing.
. -2omplying with the To't'nship's
area," ,where six months' notice
may be required at the discretion q.ifferent. Why don't they rent out I ocratic opponents to achieve
apartments in large homes? All we : one of their g-reatest victories.
of the Area Director.
, order, Gallup last week sent 30 day
notices of eviction to eac!! of the
families, but discovered later that
Meanwhile, an order that "in no
event may notice to. vacate be
want is a place we can caU home
. (Continued on page 2)
: In the g-rand sweep they car-
'ried all of the 19 election dis-
WINNING TEAM of the Fiftieth Anniversary Game
.,- . .
OPA·Office ]omn.-/ GOP R t ;
I tricts in Lower Merion Town-"
ship and the three in Narberth
between Lower Merion and Radnor High Schools Nov.
23, will be awarded a trophy contribute'd jointly by the ' OU s ; 1 Boroughoff.Year Record

~ J' .-11.
Wayne and Main Line Lions Club. Examining the prize,

Closes D. emocratS
,Local Republicans not only
above, are C. H. Davis, left, president of the Main Line
Iachieved one of the most decisive'
group, and J. Howard GrC!ff, president of the Wayne
Lions Club. Of the 50 games the two teams have played, " Q,J.I( I C t
n 0 un y victories in Main Line political his-
each team ha.s won 20 games and nine were ties
Monday a' 0baUIr .& It 0
0,' 0 !War .. CoI1DIID .,
,I tory, but they established a record
' for heavy voting in an off-year e1ee-
'1'011 Kaow
Victory Is Stepping Stone The Main Line Price Control
Board closed Its doors Monday
Republican candidates won deci-
sive victories in Montgomery Coun-
tion. \Vith 26,394 registered vot-
ers, more than 18,000 went to the
• To 'GOP President-Lafore morning after nearly five years of
administering price and rationing
With the 50th anniversary of
ty Tuesday-from one end of the
slate to the other.
polls Tuesday in Lower Merion, and
in Narberth, with 3771 voters regis-
Tue~day's victory is the stepping regulations in Lower Merion and the Lower Merion-Radnor The Congressional fight, focal tered 2622 voted. This gave Low-
stone to the election of a Republican and leadership in solving the com- Radnor Townships. game
I h coming h ' up November f 23, . 0 f' mos t voters,.In terests, turn-
POlllt er Merion ·an off-year voting turn-
resident in 1948, John A. Lafore, plex social and economic problems Mrs. Arnold Doehler, of 116 Bev- t oug t It would be un to d
• P
Jr" chairman of the Lower Merion of the day. The trend to Republi- erly Rd., Overbrook H ills, Ch Ie
· 66 E L
' f
Ig up some ac II a ou
past years of
f t
the annual
b t th
e out to be a rout for the Demo-
cratic contender, William !.. Batt,
out of 68 percent and Narberth 69.5
Township Republican Committee, canism is on today, because the CI erk of teo h ff Ice, at . ancas-
declared yesterday. Democratic party has ceased to pro- er Ave., Ardmore, pasted the "clos- sic, which was originated in Jr., of \Vyncote. Rivaling the turnout in presiden'-
In a post-election statement, 'La- vide that kind of a political haven. ed" s.ign on the windo.w and started
f fil nd
1897 'Vhen McKinley wa,s in-
augurated. He had just defeat-
Four·to-one Lead tial elections, Narberth Borough
fore in thanking voters and work-, We must keep t he doors of our t he JO b 0 f t rans errmg es a In one (If. the heaviest off-year GOVERNOR EDWARD MARTIN made ooe of the best showing re-
were local confirmation of the Re- go forward.
said that Tuesday's returns party open to all those who want to records to the District office in
ed William Jennings Bryan.
October 26 that year, Lower
votes in the county's history, the
Republican incumbent, Congress- • . • •
elected Senatm: in an overwhelming Republican
d f
rom suburban municipali-
Merion defeated Radnor 10-4 sweep t' TI B h Ii .
publican trend sweeing the Nation. "Looking toward the future and "It's been a touchy job", M rs. man Samuel K. McConnell, Jr., of • les. Je oroug gure topped

, '\Vlt
High Water Mark
. h majonhes
. . . exceedlllg,
the coming Presidential election of Doehler said, "but we have always
. 12000 1948, let us start now to consoli- tried to temper JustIce
htl said, "it is a highwater mark in date the victory we have just won. and to serve both the public and
. , Wit . h mercy
in this first game. Reports in
local papers at the time said
Wynnewood, piled up an almost 4
to I lead from the time the first re-
turns began to come in.
l\Tur,b er tlI,
Unofficial Tally
S i d
I X nJ Ure
• •
nearby Haverford Township's turn-
out by two and one·half percent.
u.'S, Senator·elect Edward Mar-
Lower Merion for Republicans." I "Let us meet more often. Let us business fairly."
"Great credit for the party vrc:.lfat~ over critical issues which daily
tory," he said, "can be shared by I are 'b,ecoming more important to
Praises Volunteers
Later she I'ssued the follow'lng
choked with carriages and wag-
ons districts."
carrying people from outly-
I 176 of tl Ie coun ty' s 191 vo t -
ing precincts counted, McConnell UNITED STATES SENATOR
Ilad 66,671 votes to Batt's 20, 565.
In A U t 0 tin led the Republican ticket in
Lower 15,338:j\ferionvotes
and toNarberth.
2836 for He

'eel.den tS
ing Edward Martin, Rep•....••.•. 2223: polled h'ls'
Republican 'Yorkers- and -"r' an .intelli- good local, State and National gov- tat
s eme . n't· Radnor had only 25 boys e-- I n the same way, other Republi- Joseph F. Guffey, Dem.....•.• 399 Democr.atic opponent, Joseph Guf-
gent e Iectorttfe. .m~ny''O f whom ernmen!.-. Let the party Ic:aikrship . 'FI'
',,, liS ·~tep mar's k tie 1 concI '
\Il;IOn, Tolled in the ti·re schoo" - ca.l can d'Id.ates snowed under their ". GOVER- ·OR.. ' , "" ',', fey, in the Township, and in
tl... · ....:.,
former ."Iy ·cast
" theIr votes or New both local 'and State-wide , ' kecp in 0 f a Imost fi ve years 0 f unprece d en t - which was organied in 1896, '.. D emocrahc opponents. 'I't Borough it was 2223 for Martin n,
D eal candidates,
f . t d I k' f d t
closer contact WIth party workers d
I .
"\Vhile we an enjoying the fruits I and voters. Let us keep our party 4OO p~t~IOtIC sferLvlce y ..{
CItIzens 0
. b
ower J.\ enon an
and and the papers lamented that
"aU of the boys don't play the
F R t t' . I G
or epresen a Ive In tIe enera I.I James H. Duff, Rep
Assembly from the First Legislative John S. Rice, Dem.. ', ..... ". 4241
Six pcrsom, one a five-year-old agamst
, " ..'
. 399 f G ff
or u ey.
Consistent MaJ'orities
o VIC ~ry an 00 mg orwar o.a I pnm,ary open, ~o that our party is Radnor Townships, who, through District, which includes Lower Mer- LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR I !Joy ra11llg a tricycle, were Injured
" Congress and a COnSh-\ cont1llually fed by a fresh' stream of t h' elr thousan d s 0 f 1lours 0 f vo Iun- •rugged game of h football,
M' L' which .. ion Township and Narberth Bor- D' . I B S . kl R 22231 111 ' allt0l110 b ' l " d ' L ower
I e acci cnts 10
RepUblican maj'orities in L ower
tutlon of the RepublIcan State Ad- 'competent men and women with k h d . fl' IS new to t e aln me. al11e . tnc er, ep.. , .. ' I ' ,., Uerion ran consistently around the
" . k ' teer wor', ave prevente II1 atlon- Subsequently the men of 0,ugh, Lambert Cadwalader, veteran John M. Dent, Dem. ""., ... , 405 ~I eriOIl lo\\'nslnp last week. 12,000 nlark for both State and
m1llistratlOn, we must pause to ta e forward-Iookmg ideas. Above all f k' ff d -
stock It'd d I ' ary dangers rom ta mg e ect an Wayne were invited to pI'"" II1cumbent, polled 16,622 to 4,568 for ~r oIlday afternoon, the voungster, County cand·l·dates.
, e us avol smugncss an comp ac- tl t th' . Ib h d INTERNAL AFFAIRS . '
saw l~ elr ne~g I ~rs a an
Over-Confidence Feared enc\'. against the Radnor team bee' Karl R. Schoettle, the Democratic Kcnneth Viller, of 72 Grcenfield
"L k k I Co" • equal rIght to theIr fair share of cause it had no one against contender. SECRETARY " . William L. Batt, J r" son of a
et us ta e stoc' est our over- The overwhellllmg vote we re- d" d' h d A\'e" Ardmore, rode l11s tricycle Into 'Vyncote manufacturer, \vas lead
I t d I t ' ,
con lid cnce arres t tie ren t la IS celyed on Tuesdav placed great con- f scarce commo
. . Ihes urmg teays whom it could scrimmage. L. Brunn W'
er inS W. S. Livengood, Rep•..••.•2180 Greenfield A YC. at the Antocar Co. man for the Democrats in Lower ,',
a Ircar1y b' ell1g fIt'
e II1 every s t a t e 0 f fid . our I'ea d
I cnce 1I1 '
erslnp. Let u 0 rattonmg.s . M. had enough boys to·put out R eturns' f rom t h e S ecolld Legis- Al Schmid, Dem. ", .. , 459 dri\"ewav and collided with an auto- Merion in his race for the congres-
the Nation. That trend will con- delllonstratc to tIle electorate that The Ardmore board, a surVival o.f two full teams. latl'\e• DI'str'ct I Showe d Ch ar1e sH. CONGRESSMAN mo I'J
II c d'·riven Ily Cl'ff
I or dAd 11 rews, sional berth. At that, Samuel K.
tinuc only so Ion'"'" as. \ve offer con- \I'C \I"ere \\'ortllV of tlll'S confid en ce • the three boards that were consoh- *** Bru nner, J r., RbI' epu Ican meum. b ent, 4'-, of 1-- ~~ S'1I1lpSOn Rd " A r d more. McConnell, Jr" 'Vynnewood brok-
structiye and courageous thou<Yht '" that we call lead'." ' dated in October 1945, from 'Vayne, By 1900, ,vllell "IcKI'llley
J.\ '''as
.. the victor WI'th a vo t e ,0 f 9398 t 0S.K . M c Conne, 11 J r., Rep.... ' 2178 Andrews told Lower :Merion po- er, defeated Batt 15, 163 to 3159 in
. . Mawr and h dArdmore,d f had '1 juris- re-elected with Teddy Roosevelt Ken n eth C. R 0 ber t' s 4193
. Wm. L. Batt, Jr., Dem. ,,;., .. 454 lice he didn't see the boy, but felt Lower Merion and 2178 to 454 in

Officials to I
Anlmore Scout-O-Rama inIctlon over un re so retal stores as his running mate, Radnor and
the two townships. It has re-
P . I
ar!la returns from the Third
. Ia t'Ive D"Istrlca, were
STATE SENATOR the hllmp on the car's right fcnder. Narberth.
corded every auto sales since May Lower Merion had both won two L egIs h t h ree Young Villei was trcated at Bryn In Lower Merion, heaviest voting
!Plans Discussed 1942, answered questions from about games and tied one .• , In 1904, legislators were to be elected as- Lloyd Wood, Rep. "H, 2184 }!awr Hospital for lacerations of the was in the General \Vayne Election
Present Gift Plans for an Ardmore Scout-O- 50 persons daily, and conferred with
Rama were discussed at a meeting a weekly average.of eight violators
with Roosevelt elected to the presi- sured VIC
dency, work begun on the Panama d a t es.
. tory f or tlIe GOP can d'1- C• J • H ep b urn, J r., D em.. . . . . 397 sea I p and forc Ilead.
Th' e Incomp Iete vote was: STATE REPRESENTATIVE Returning home iroll1 a party ear-
District where approximately 1400
Republican and 100 Democratic
Official prcscntation of thc newly Canal, Radnor had won 6 games R epubhcans:.
installed amplification system of the of thc Ardmorc Commissioners held of OPA regulations. Raymond C. Kratz, Iy Sunday, a 16-year-old Drexel votes were cast. The Republican
Narberth ~fethodist will be last weck. 'Vhen the three offices were con- to wasL.0-0.M.'s two. The 1906 score 39,528; Howard F. Boorse, 39,543; L am b ert C a d Id
wa a er, R ep... , 2214 Park girl was seriously injured when voting was the lightest in the Pen-
made by James H. Dean, Charge Members of the group, Earl M. solidated I'n Ardmore, Mrs. Martha Henry J. Propert, 39,371. Demo- Karl Schoettle, Dem..•....... 418 the automobile in which she was coyd District, which includes West
From 1896 until 1907' R.Jd- crats: V·Irgll1 ..illS R u ff in, 10,865; Bea- ridin~ with three other teen-agers Manayunk and Cynwyd Estates.
Lay Leader of the congrcgation, at L<Ulgley, Clude C. Stone, Roland M. Diez, of 610 Pembrook Rd., Bryn
nor had an unbroken series of t' B B 10915
special services to be held at 11 A. D. Jones, and William J. Doyle, Jr" Mawr, was made chairman of the wi'ns, but 1908 saw Lower Me- nee. erg, , ; and Ferdinand collided at City Line Ave. and There were three local candidates
M" Sunday. announced that tl1e affair would be Main Line Price Control Board. . E. Suehle, 10,708. SOlelnn -Requieln Mass Grecnhill Lane, Ovcrbrook Hills, on Tuesday's ballot, one Republl'can,
rton win by a lone touchdown
The system, to be accepted by held ~aturday, November 23 in the !\Irs. Diez, a Professor of German In general, the vote indicated that For Catherine Clah with another car driven by a Pcnn- Congressman McConnell, and two
... In 1912 Radnor won again,
William J. BaiJey, president of the gymnasium of the \Vynnewood Rd. at Bryn Mawr College, served more 0 b most of the electorate registered a sylvania railroad brakeman. Democrats, Charles J. Hepburn,
Board of Trustees, on behalf of the School. 2 .0, ut local papers com- tra' ht t f k t . h d' Solemn Requiem Ma~s was ccle- f SOl J
than 5000 hQurs as a volunteer mented that "the valiant Low- s Ig par y IC e, Wit can 1- The girl, Gloria Swope, 0 r" candidate for State Senator, and
Church, was installed at a cost of worker in the Bryn Mawr office. er Merio~ites paraded just al dates' totals varying very little from brated in St. Colman's Church, Ard- \\'illlkl11ere Rd" and the brakeman, Karl R. Schoettle, candidate for
more than $2,000. She served as chairman of the Food bId one to another. more, Saturday morning' f8r Mrs. I Ilug"o W. Laine, 40, of 2228 l.[anor State Representative. Hepburn and
rave y an proudly after the
Purchased by members of the
congregation as a tribute to serv-
Hart Given Price Panel in Bryn Mawr until that
office was closed.
game as they did before."
Thus, according to the tally from Catherine Glah, of 1421 Hillside Rd., Avc" Llanerch Hills, were taken to Schoettle, both residents of Bryn
176 of 191.precincts, Governor Ed- Wynnewood, Mrs, Glah, who was ~ryn Mawr Hos?ital a~d detained ~Iawr, failed to carry their own
lcemen and women of the Church,
the system has been in operation A New Car Four Paid EmploYees ward MartIn polled 67,616 votes to .
In 1915 police had to be called Senator Joseph F. Guffey's 19,338 66, dIed last \Vedncsday at her home hcad injuries, and Laine had a frac-
In addition to Urs. Doehler, the out in full 'force, to clear the field f . I ' 'II
Jor treatmcnt. 1 he girl suffered home districts.
Wins Home Distrt'ct ":,
for the past several weeks. Ardmore board has four pain em- so that the teams could finish the for U. S. Senator; Attorney Gen- a ter a SIX mont 1S I ness, tured knce and several broken ribs. 'Vynnewood, the home of Con-
A ncw Dodge sedan Monday
Hyms are amplified over loud was presented to \Villiam Hart, of ployees, all ex-GI's. They will be annual classic because of a riot on eral James H. Duff received 67,278 She was the widow of Alphonse Lower Merion Township police gressman McConnell, gave him ...
speakers in the tower each evening 114 E. Montgomery avenue, Ard- given 30 days' notice effective Nov. the gridiron ... Early during the to Col. John S. Rice's 19,923 for J. Glah, former owner of the Pre- said the driver of the tcecn-agers' top-heavy majority.
at 8:30 P. M., and are heard for a more, radio operator for the Low- 12. They will work until Dec. 12, second half, Perry Long of L. M. Governor; and Daniel B. Strickler mier Laundry in \Vest Philadelphia, car, William Stotz, 16, of 1017 According to John A. Lafor«
distance of approximately one mile. er Merion police department, by chiefly in moving records to the scored the touchdown which tied had 64,816 against John H. Dent's who died in 1932. !\Irs. Glah is sur- Wilde Ave" Drexel' Hill, was at- chairman of the Lower Meri ~
Loud spe'lkers were also installed in Georgc H, Thornton, president of
the Thornton·Fullcr automobile OPA District office in Philadelphia the game 16-16, and bedlam let 19,323 for Lieutenant Governor. vived by a son, Robert A" with tcmpting- to make a left turn into I Township Republican Committ °e
each room of the Church as well as firm, in the Thornton-Fuller branch and ill briefing employes there on loose. 'Vhen the mob was dis- Schmid Led Democrats whom she livcd, and two daughters, Grecnhill Lane when the collision there was very little ticket-cutti~~
in several pews. office at 125 E. Lancaster avenu, handling the transferred business. (Continued on page 2) . Albert Schmid, blinded Marine Mrs. Charles A, Cox and ~[rs, Anne, occurred, Stotz and two other pes- in TownShip's 19 election districts
The services this Sunday will be Ardmore. I
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -__..:...__.;,;,,:.:...::.:.~::::.:...:~_ _ I war hero, who was the Democratic Salvage. Burial was in Holy Scpul-I scngers in the car, Anne Harris, of "It was a determined citiz n'
marked by the attendance of serv- Hart, who scrved as a technical candidate for Secretary of Internal chre Cemetery, Philadelphia. (Continued on page 2) that turned out on Tllesda:r,'~ ~~
ice personnel in uniform and by sergeant with the 83rd Infantry di-
vision, first was wounded in July,
special music by the choir. The 1944, when struck by shell frag-
Haverford Will I,naugurate Affairs, led his ticket in Montgom- THE S PEe TAT 0 R
ery County. Incomplete returns
said, "and they went to the polls to
vote the straight party ticket all

Rev. Harold·D. Flood, pastor of the ments. In August of the same year
Dr. Gilb'ert White Nov. 16 gave him 20,394 against 66,099 for II I I
down the line" Some Wi Sure y Oppose
Church, will prescnt a sermon. he lost his left leg in an attack 011
At evenin~ worship services tQ Brest, France, and as a result was S. Livengood, Jr" Repub- H I d' W

Re bUI·1d·Ing 0 f B· A'
be held at 7:45 P. M., memhers o£.' hospitalized for a year and three Dr. Gilbert F. White will be in- aver or oman
• ." .
tne Strmg lam er
CI b 1\1
usic Club of
months. . I
He is married and the father of augurated as fourteenth president of St;~ t~l:na~~~te:: :~~cet~~ ~~stla~: u.slness rea Files $15,000 Suit
Lower Merion High School will a 2-year.old son. Prior to his en- Haverford College. at ceremonies to
. present several selections under the listment in 1943, he served six years be held Saturday, November 16.
directioil of Andrew Freck. on the Lower Merion police force. Dr. \Vhite, who is 35, is one of the
Franklin Spencer Edmonds, Lloyd
'Vood, veteran Montgomery County tion s I10WS signs 0[
The plan to reconst1.'uct or re-[ace the local business sec-
Important matter t h at It
pr03ress. ' IS,
. it
Clarence and Ida 'Varner, owners
. of Haverford Manor Apartnlent... u '

!\Iembers of the club are Barbara The new automobile has' no spe- youngest college presidents, in the legislator and chairman of the Haverford, were named defendanbl
cial attachments, but Hart explain- . can be expected that there will not be unanimous accord, and, $
,Montgomery County Republican III ,15,000 damagc action last week
'Vig~inton, Margaret Smythe, !\Iary ed "the iluid drive will be a great United States. I Committee, walked away with an that discussion at times is apt to center on sidelights that have b)' V'Irguua ., Maule Herring, a ten-
Cauffman, Christine Powell, Nancy help, minimizing the use of the
Shand, Dorothy Platte, Olga clutch and my artifical left leg,
Initial event in the day's cere- Ii easy victory over his opponent, no relevancy to the main issue. Word comes that the PhiIa- I
ant w 10 claims she was seriously
monies will be observance, at 10 A. Charles J. Hepburn, Jr. delphia papers are pres>o;ing [or stories on the situation. In- burned there Dec. 4, 1944. .
D'Agostino, Nancy Young, Adrian M., of Quaker worship at the Buck
Doe, Janet McLau~hlin, Robert Library Circulation Rib Lane Meeting House. Followmg, at The vote, according to incom- terest grows apace, and the town at large is better aware of In the action filcd through H.
• 1\fancke and Sarah Titlow.
4530 During September 11:15 A. M., will be an academic plete returns, was:, 'Wood, 67,548; what is at stake. L ester Haws, the plaintiff charges
Hepburn, 19,663. If t~ Narberth Business Coun<;:il appoints an enel'getic that when she deposited the con_ .
procession of faculty members, rep-
! and conV'inced committee, the changes can be made to start tents of a vacuum sweeper bag in "
• Pastor Lists Sermon Circulation of the Ardmore Free, resentatives of t1;Je Board of Man-
Treated At Hospital quickly, and that should certainly be the theme-seng, for there the ap~rtment house .incinerator all~l
'The Christian and Election" will Library totaled 4,530 books during agers, Alumni Association and
• be the sermon topic of .the Rev. September, according to 'a report gue~ts filing into Roberts Hall for Alter Fall Downstai,'s is no other way open to the merchants to protect their threat- explOSIOn occurred 111 which she
Theodore S. \Vray, pastor of the made this we~k by the librarian. the inaugural ex~rcises. ened investments and to fortify their competitive position in was burned about the hands and
the tense market which will soon set in. arms and lost the, use of her right '.
\Vynnelield United Presbyterian The report also stated that there Official inauguration will be giv-' ilrs. Bernard Hefferen, 58, of 5
Church at the morning services, at were 60 new members, 49 books en Dr. White in Roberts all at 11 :30 Haws Terrace, Ardmore, was treat- In the meantime, however, it is explained that new Busi- thun1b.
11 A. M" Sunday. purchased, and 14 books discarded A. M., where addresses will be de- ed at '{lryn Mawr Hospital for ness Council officers will be elected in December, and with ail broken, she said. She is charging"
• 'The Rev. Johu Stewart, D. D., during the same period. livered by Professor Emeritus Rufus ' scalp cuts and a possible fracture active l10liday trade in sight the merchants wHl probably have Adoor of the jncinerator was
will present l,l1o~'ing plc~~lres in COl-I Books _~\'ere donated by Mrs. Jones, Quaker writer and philosoph· of the arm after she fell down a little time anyhow [or extra-curricular duties, It is stated that ne-gligence on the part of the owners
or at the C\ elllng S('r\ Il'('~ of the Harold Klsller, of Ardmore, and er, and Dr. Frank Aydelotte, former i I
\ flight of stllPS in her home Mon~ the improvement }Jrogr.lm will be the first item on the W47 in failing to have it repaired and in
not informing her of it~ condition,.
Church at 8 P, ~r. '~fr~.· John \V. Shoyer. of Devon. president of Swarthmore College' OR. GILBERT WHITE day evening. (Continued on page 2)
OUR TOWN Novem~er 'T, !~ ••

second claM matter October, 1938, at the- Post omee ..

'Six Injured The Spectator Funeral For \.' "'/

Bntered 118
Narberth. Pa. under the Act of Marcil 3. IB79 (Continued from Page 1)
Aldan, and Margaret Newman, of
(Continued from Page 1)
agenda and that the pro.iect will be regarded as the most vital
Mrs. McAdoo
Founded in 1914 by the Narberth Civic Association Philadelphia, were uninjured. Nei- piece of real business that has ever confronted the local trade Funeral serviccs for Mrs. Doro-
GEORGE A. WALKlIiR, PresIdent and Editor ther driver was arrested. body. , thy Brown McAdoo, wife of Wal-
JOSEPH NEWMAN, Manaalnl EdItor Let's look for a spirited kind of high enterprise that will
HELEN FITZPATRICK. Buslneaa Manalllr POlt-Game Mishap ter C. :McAdoo, Jr., of 1311 Hill-
SUZANNE Y. WINGATE, AssocIate Ec1lto!: bring renown to ~arberth and commercial security to those side Rd., 'Vynnewood, were held
Saturday afternoon, after the
Published Evel7 Thursdal
Deadline tor advertIsing and news copy-Wednesdal II A. II. Lower Merion-Upper Darby foot-
who are directly concerned. Nor should those in charge over-
look th~t the opposition they are bound to encounter is an in-
Tuesday aft~rnoon from Oliver H.
Bair's, 1820 Chestnut St., Philadcl-

Subacrlptlon rate-$2 per year In advance
ban game, Jane Lit, of 51 Merbrook escapable element of all real progress. phia. Urs. McAdoo died Sunday
Publication Ollie_EIght CrIcket Avenue. Ardmore, Pa. .......... •
Phone-Ardmore 57~O and 5721; GreenWOOd 3-7740 Lane, Merion, daughter of a Phila- at Presbyterian Hospital, Philadel-
Member ot Bucks-MontgOmery Newspaper Publlshel'll AssoclatloD
'-_....;;;;;;;;;;.;..----;......--...;;;-...;;,-;.;;.;.;.;;;;;.;.;...;;.:~::::;~:.:::::::==--- ... I delphia department store executive, There is a triaJ .scheduled for Franklin Kromer's court in phia. .
kid shoes with gray uppers ... " drove her car from a park area and ~ala-Cynwyd next week which could rock the scales of jus- Mrs. :McAdoo was a direct de·.

Town Talk. (Continued from Page 1)

• • •
The year 1921 saw the ther-
tried to thread her way through the
crowds leaving the game. Lower
lice beyond any hope of balance. This reporter is the defend- scenrlant of Tohn Brown, one of the \
ant and the plaintiff is :oaid to be in the cloak and suit busi-I earliest setticrs of Plymouth Col-
ness, but that may be wrong.. ony in 1f assachusetts. He emigrat-
mometer registering 75 degrees Merion police reported the girl's car It has been the years' old practice of the defendant to park ed from England in 1626.
persed, Radnor's end. Ray Murphy, II
-it was the hottest November struck Mrs. Grace Parkison, 45, his car Saturday 'afternoons in the garage at 12th & Filbert A native of ?llillneapolis. ?lfrs.
. was not to be found. He was 19 on record. It was also not- of 5t4 Lombardy Rd., Drexel Hill. Streets. He shops around in the down-town neighborhood and t.IcAdoo was educaterl at Mt. Vcr-
discovered later over in the L. M. ed that longer skirts were in Miss Parkison was taken to Dela- stores his purchases on the table in the garage office. Many non Seminary, Washington, D. C.
section engagi;lg in a fist fjght. so vogue, and waistlines were ware County Hospital where she other patrons do the same thing. She lived on Anthywn Rd., Merion,
a substitute was sent in .... Th'e more pronounced on the ladies' was treated for abrasions of the When the time of departure arrives, an attendant put'S for 15 years until moving to Wyn- "Delicious YARlm
game remained a tie. gowns, which were luxuriously right heel: and delicious eating, too!
the parcels in the car. On the occasion in question the garage newood three years ago.
The year Woodrow Wilson trimmed with fur ... Lower Also on Saturday, a Supplee-
man put in two paper hags of produce which did not belong In addition to her hns!Jand, she
was elected to the presidency Merion was beaten by three Wills-Jones milk truck collided with
to the defendant, a fact not discovered until the unloading is survived by her son. Robert C.
touchdownl that year... an automobile on Mill Creek Rd.,
II second time, 1916, Lower time came at Narberth. Defendant at once phoned the ga- ~fcAdoo, her daughter. Joan Brown
Merion won by one touch-
••• at Gray's Lane, Bryn Mawr. Wil·
rage and said that he would deliver the two bags to the .person 1fcAdoo, a granddaughter, her bra-
At PennYPil cker Field in 1923 lliam Weaver, 31, of l~ S.Merion
down, despite the fact that its I Lower Merion again hit a winning Ave., Bryn Mawr, driver of the
to whom they helonged if he knew where they should go. No_lther, Comfort E. Brown, of Wyn- Talk about tempting apples ••• you've never seen such
body could tell him nor did anybody phone later to the num- newood, and two brothers and sis- scores of beauties! We've apples of every description
team weighed an average of :stride, with a 23-0 victory over its truck; told police he was driving on
bel' he left. ters in ?lfinneapolis. • •. sweet ones for eating ••• tart ones for pies. turn-overs
132 pounds per man. It fought ! ancient rival. Spectators stood six Gray's Lane, nearing Mill Creek
against a much larger team, ; rows deep around the field and be- Rd., when his brakes failed and he After a few days, not having use for the peppers and onions Burial was in West Laurel Hill IlntJ applesauce ••• and big ones for baking. Com. ill
too, with an excellent season i tween the halves tht're V:as great could not stop at the intersection.
behind it ... It's noted in the . excitement when raoten tried to tie
records that between halves an' pennants to the goal posts- again Rd. where it collided with an auto-
exuberant Lower Merionite . the police had to restore order be- mobile driven by Paul Carter Ken-
The truck drifted into Milt Creek

fore the game could procel'd ..• dan, 19, of 631 •Black Rock Rd.,
and garlic, the borough garbage man got the benefit of them. Ccmetery.
Following up the matter at the garage the succeeding Satur-
day, the ownership of the two bags was finally learned and Havfr/ord Home
word was again left for the loser to phope the defendant.

Gov. Earle Sold 0/

arid pick your favorite varieties!

Stayinan Winesap
Rome Beauty
York Imperial or Ibs
3' 25 e •

shinnied up the western goal The phone call occlll'red, when the defendant was made
post and planted a pennant That score wa~ the largest .L. M. Bryn Mawr. Both drivers wen: to appear a deep-dyed "ganiff" and told he must pay $7.40 or D. Sergeant Pepper has purchas- Greening Apples
there. He was quickly snagged had ever scored against Radnor, by treated at Bryn :-r awr Hospital; else. Half of that would not do at all. The defendant, never, cd the large English type house at
Continuing our Big Home-Storin,
by the police force, so an in- the way, and it was the first time Weaver for laceratIons of .the fore- adverse to adventure (lecided to see what else it could be '122 Grays lane, Haverford, from
cipient riot was quashed just in
time ..•
in the history of the game that L. h.e ad and Kendall for a fractured
M. had won two years in suc- fight knee.
cession •. , ---------
hence the suit and th~ t:ial of the century that now 100111s. ' Captain John l'ea~son.
*** * The honse, occnpying' an acre, I
was formerly the residence of ex- I
Potato Sale / ·

>I< >I< >I<

On Monday night the Armistice Day dinner fat' Narberth Governor George H. Earle. G. : "A" Size - U. S. No, 1 Maine or P.nna. II•• LaIIeI
The )'ear 1915 saw II radical
change in the games-no admission
had been charged until Lower again in 1924, the year Cool-
'" '" ...
Lower Merion beat RadnorTrailer Camp veterans 2nd the town at large will occur in Bala-Cynwyd. Forde Hansell represented the pur-
Such annual affairs have long provided the most notable chaser.
neighborhood evellings of the Borough's calendar. This year POTATOES .(

Merion that year, asked 25c admis- idge was elected the 30th presi- (Con~inued· from page 1)
the party is open for the first time to women. That means a
sion to Pennypacker Field-Rad-' dent. It was also the year that
nor ohjected, and said it preferred ")"fa" Ferguson, of Texas, and
to continue on a sports basis only.
L. ~r. had the last worel on the
Nellie Ross, of Wyoming,
the first two women elected
and be happy."
Said Robert E. Wamsley, an-
other veteran: "I don't see how the
Commissioners of Lower Merion
Township can feel proud of their
more numerous attendance than ever before.
The pity is that it has to occur out-side the town. Narherth
Hunter. 15. Hurt
Peter Boardman, 15, of 184 1.ow-
ry's Lane, Rosemont, was admitted
has no adequate space for community gatherings. The lack of to Bryn 11awr Hospital Saturday

43e; fO./6 £erg. •
suhject. however, and it has been State Governors .'. • Lower ordinance which will permit them it should stir reflection and perhaps some civic discontent. suffering wounds of the lower ab-
a charge affair c'ver since ..• Merion alumni beat Radnor to have us evicted and thrown out What has been done since the Playground venture (more domen and hip accidentally received
of our living quarters in times li\ce than twenty-five' years ago) in adding to the attractions of while hunting near Honeybrook,
>I< ... >I< alumni in 1926, when the Scull these. Florida, Juicy, Thin SlcinneJ
brother, Paul and Howt'll then life in these parts? What is the i'eal reason why we do not seek Chester County.
1919 saw the worst defeat "I, too, would to live In a fine •
yet received by either school luminaries of the University of
when Radnor trounced Lower Pennsylvania's team, played for
the Red and White ...
home like the Commissioners live
in, but a person must live accorcl-
ing to their means. There are many
to provide ourselves in more interested (or, perhaps more ----.---------------_._--------
imaginative) manner? .
A round table of citizens and officials on the subject. of
Oranges large
(176) size 'dozen

Merion, 50-0 ... in fact, Radnor

did so well that only one first • •• hardships attached to living in a
the town's tomorrow wOl:ld seem a good sort of winter's night E·GYPTIAN Fresh, Crisp
down was made against its
team the whole game .••
house-tralll;r, but when you are
1927 saw II 0-0 tie, as did 1928 forced to live in the only home pos-
when Herbert Hoover took.. office sible to purchase, I'll tell you frank-
diversion. What do you say, Mr. Burgess?
Theatre Carrots Large original bunch 10·
'" ... '"
WJlll1en had the vote for their
in the White House.,. In 1930, the ly, you are exceeding happy to
classic was moved to the Villanova have a trailer. be it ever so humble,
Youth Caught l.1r • Red Cross Begins
BALA·CYNWYD York State •
first presidential election in 1920, College stadium. College authori-
to call home." OHsides At Game In Main Line Schools
when '''arren G. Harding was ties granted both schools use of the
elected, and that year Lower Meri- stadium free of charge, That year Alex Grant Estate
A 13-year-old Ardmore boy
tried to get even with Upper
Darby rooters Saturday after-
Thirty-two ~fain Line Schools arc
i participating in the annual memher-
"Where Frielldly Service
~ll"ai!s Yo II"
CY"WYD 1782
Cabbage POUfl(J

on was again beaten by a terrific the Radnor Band made its first
margin ..• 56-0 was the score, and public appearance-Lower Merion Valued At $20,600 noon while the Lower Merion Iship drive of the American Junior Yellow ODi9~S-IJ. f. N~.. f--!-lb bag 114e
High School football team was I Red Cross, which ends Friday. FlU., S'\'l', Nov. 8-9
• spectator, Bob Bunting (there bad had a band for some yea r s • Alexander Grant, who died OctQoo P2sc~1 Ce~~ry H,!ro [<"9' Shl~' lk I
was no further identification in the In 1931, no one gave Radnor a ber 13, at his home, 508 Essex Ave., fighting a losing battle. I Jnnior Red Cross memhers arc ,
Hlllllphl'l')' no~al't -
(;ra~fil"f.'!~~ .~~ i
records) was caned "the exemplar chance against L. M., but as is so Narberth, left an estate valued at
~f sartorial effects in a bottle-
often the, case in these contests, $20,600, according to his will filed
Lower Merion detectives
caught him under the stands
now making' articles for veterans
I who will spend Thanksgiving' and:
1.:lUI'I'II IJaclll1
Big Sleep" ,

{'" .......,.....~-..,.-...,..~, ............. ~

E,!,., b'g. :)"" .;!-:
.. ~ .... ~.~ ..... ..",-....,-".""

green-tailor-made suit, a pale laven- advance dope means almost noth- for probate in Norristown this stealing pocketbooks from Up- Christmas in one of the hospitals in ; ( , 5

der tic, a green velour lid and Vici ing ..• week. Mr. Grant, an English teach- per Darby girls, who were too this area, and arc filling' gift boxes :-lUX., ~IOX., Nov. 10-11 !~ nov 'ir'~ll ..""..,..·
J..t .s J' ,
... '"
... _ ....._.J:.. J;;;i.. ' - ..........
er at Episcopal Academy since 1914, excited to notice their pocket- to be sent overseas '0 needy chil- Ahhott &. Cosh'1Io
Franklin Roosevelt won the named his two daughters, Elizabeth books vanishing. The youth drell. i
1932 presidential election, and was held for a hearing in Juve- I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~".lI - - - ---------- •
HEADQUAIlDS Lower Merion beat Radnor,
Eleanor Grant and Mrs. Phyllis
Dalllpman, as residuary benefici- nile Court. 'I'UES., Nov. 12 With wholesale prices changing so rapidly from day to
for; 13-8. It wal a game· of heart- aries.
SPECIAL WINTER :\1('1'11' OIH'I'Oll • 'I'urll/In ncy
doy, we are unable to advertise our low meat prices
breaking fumbles and breaks with any degree of certainty ••• but we do assure you
Specific legacies of $100 to the Youth Held For Conrt AUTO. SERVICE "A Night in Pamdise" that they are low-in fact, fine quality A & P meats •• ,
against L. M., until a brilliant daughter, Elizabeth; $100 to Dr.
4S-yard touchdown run during Frederick S. Stout, Jr., 19, of Winterize nuw herm'e cold WEl)., Xo~" 13 grades A andAA .•.properly trimmed before weighing
Hugh'Montgomery and $50 to Dr. ,,'cat hcr scts in. Ask about Ollr ... are offered you at markups today which are actually
the last five minutel of play Stewart Polk are provided. His col- Glenn Rd., ncar Wister Rd., Ard-
special discount on all services RUllllolph S('Qtt • 1\nn nl(~bards lower than when meats were under OPA price control.
by Lower Merion's Colored lection of books and a piano are more, was one of two Princeton over $5.00. •
star, Johnson, won the game ..• given to his daughter, Phyllis. The University students held in $300 'Badman's Territory' Buy Your MIlts wIth Confidl"" It AIe P ,.•• Illd Ilnl .
1933 saw an historic game; NARBERTH SUNOCO
Grant residence in Narberth is giv- bail for court on a charge of "in- SERVICE STA'fION THl,;RS., No\'. 1·'
there was not one penalty for en in trust to Elizabeth Grant as citing a riot" at the Penn-Prince- l\lonlgomcry and \Voodblne
AU Medial Neat. holding or rough play against long as she desires to live there. If .Tolln I,('sllo _ UObl·l·t Hutton JACK O'LANTERN GOLDEN MASHED
ton football game Saturday. GEORGE W. FEISE
either team ... It was an L. M. . Narberth 92r.8 ~

victory, 27-0, that year.
the property is sold, the proceeds
are to be divided between the
'Vhen Roosevelt was re-elected daughters.
for a second term, Lower Merion
was winning its 5th straight vic- of the war, but the ~ames went on.
late ot TownshIp ot Lower MerIon, Mont- 1.;-
gomery County, deceased.
CaU and

"Janie Gets Married"

ESTA'!'E ot WILLIAM F. REDDINGTON, II~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!'!""!'!""'!'!"~!'!""!'!""~~~!'!""!'!""~~~,

.-_-.-:.-0:=::::::_::::::::::::.-_-:.1 YAMS
can. 17 e '.
At Narberth ~ on the above Estate having been granted ~

Narb.tb 1818"
tory, but when he won his third The year 1945 found Harry Tru-
term in 1940, Radnor upset atl the man in the White House, and Low-
dopesters by winning 31-6. A er :Merion won the game. The
to the undersIgned, all persons Indebted
to said E.tate are requested to make Im-
mediate payment, and those having legal
crowd of 10,000 attended the bat- victory lost some of its _savor be-
r-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiio...._ _iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_ _iiiiiiiiiOiii... i tie that year ... Dick Mattis made cause school authorities refused to
claIms, to llresent the same without de-
ministratrix. c. t. a., P. O. Addre.., Nar-
berth, P". Or to her Attorneys, Murdoch.
Immediate 8 hr. Installation Craekers II·OI
PKG tge .
his first appearance in 1941 as L. .allow the student body its tradition- Paxson, Kalish and DlIworth, Esqs.. 2635
Fldellly-PhllBdelphla Trust Bldg.. Phila-
Conversion Oil Burners
M. Senior High School coach and al victory day off. Students start- delphia 9. Pa.. and Elmer L. Menlle•.
National Bank Bldg., Ambler. Pa. 1I-7-6t Oil Burning Boilers Paltst-ett S~dard Cheese f~;-21e
his team won 14-0 by virtue of two ed a strike against the school, but
fourth-period touchdowns by Wal- things simmered down a few weeks Velveeta ~heese ~q"lge fj~ '1.11
ter Holland, the fine Negro back. later. NOW ... .'''~~
:.: Kraft ~heese in 5-oz Swan~y Swlg Glasa '22e •
It was a 78-yard run which he In 4lrder to avoid repetition of Before Really Bitter Weather
made that first turneci the trick such doing this year, F. A. Du-
Pineapple, Pimiento or Relish
Arrives Have Your Car Tun-
• • • . .• bois, School Superintendent, has as- ed for Winter Driving.
s~red studhenl£ts that they will be :~
In 1942; 22 yearl after Rad-
nor beat L. M. 56-0, L. M. gIven ~ a -day olf Iho~ld the 0170 KLAUS 1948 NEW PAC)[
"'e will rcmo\'e up to 3 tons of your prcsent
team WIO, b~t they must fIrst at- Narberth Auto Service
handed the exact duplicate sUJlPI, of conl-FRBE OF CHARG~nd
score back to itl ancient rival. tend a rally 10 the gym to do Iton- Expert Ignition, Cal'bUl'aUOD reimburse you with its full valuc.
. t hd or to the team. That seems to sat- and Gencral Rcpairs on !8-OL
L •M• made mne ouc Ownl
each quarter ... 1943 law Low-
er Merion finish two undefeat-
~.y e~eryone: an~ the lower Main
thlnte :: crossing I.t~ fingers, hoping
All l\Inkcs.
ALlegheny 4-3631 LANSDOWNE Madison 7000

ed years, having won 76 amel a. steam Wl1 c.ome ..through Phone: Narberth 9284 D-Mann, Dewco or lona Brand
in a row... g to WIO .the t,-
ilie wlOnu '1~ 5~h
whIch WIll go to
game I~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~JI
In. 1944 ~ame F. D. R.'s 4th re-
I . . WIth HarryL Truman as
liS runmng mate... ower Merion
tI beaten ford the
. first time in
lree years, an It was noted that I
through th...
Line and \\

M. as' won 20,so n

'ss of the Mai;I'
e L'Ions CI us
The games are tied thil year L
b .••

r , ' an d'
there are 9 ties .•• it's anybody's
Apple .Jalee White Houze
Dilled ~ueumhers ":::-:"1
Mother's Oats With Aluminum

3. .

the bands seemed depleted because guess ..•

Raiston Cereal ln,tant or Regular, pq 24e •
-------- Prune Plums Hunt,' .....
,.... 27e

8i/8 popular
because he always Ten Grand Vegetable Coc~toil-Web,tefl ...... 33e
looks well groomed Evap. Milk Whlte Houze 3 t all aBe •
Fresh Donnts ~f·:~ lila
k" lite
I.·a .Ie
AND HE SENDS White Family FlolU" t: lie Ilooc
HIS CLOTHES TO. - SlInnylie/d A.II P"rpose Flo., ....
TAILORS • FURRIERS M~GGI'S BOUILLON ••• serve as a beverage--
CLEANERS &; DYERS cooking to enrich the flavor of vegetables, -
use in •
soups, stews, and gravies.
tOi Forrest Ave., Narberth \
... '
N.\RBERtrH 2602

US BaJa Ave., C)'nwyd

(WNWl.'U 0928 933 MOllt!!:omerv Avenue
l.i~r~~ ~~~:~~~~~~~~r~c{'~::~~~~~~~~c
. . ~ . :.;. !~ ..}

." .t'1'
• TBRZB OUR TOWN' "vem"er f. tM '''!i~

Mrs. Phlhp J. WIll Stage Play. A .
WOOdC;C~, Nar~
of, will be ~atron.o o~or an
~l.~. :."';'11

nnlversary Rosemont Gollege observed its oud Narberth paperhanger, who is

. _-.. _...
"':~. ~

WORTHEY, and her daughters, of . The Narberth Women's Commun- 25th Anniversary Saturday and serving a three-months' sentence'in .
only attendant at the marriage of Penn Valley, moved Mgnday to ity Club is sponsoring a benefit Sunday with special services and County Prison for bu~glarizing a .•'
Miss 'Louise Degerberg;daughter
of Mrs. Godfrey N. Degerberg, of
Bowman Ave., Merion, to William
their new home, 340 Penn Rd., movie week at the Narberth Theatre
thiS week, November 3 through No- Presented At Silver
tory Of Cl'apter
. "
ceremonies held on its campus in Wynnewood home, received another
Rosem'Ont and in Philadelphia.
On Saturday a.n open !rouse and
set-back this week.
The. Bureau of Highway Safety ME~rs
'W ..........DaI
PRlf t• • ON I
.. ·:·)7..
Graef, of Ventnor, N. lo, which will MRS. ERNEST GLEAVE OG- vember 9. For the ~enefit o~ child Tea In W"'nnewood reception was held for the newly has revoked his driver's license for . ' ~
take place Saturday afternoon. No- DEN, of 720 Montgomery Ave., welfll,re and other plulanthroplc pro- " appointed president, the Rev. Mo. driving a car without the consent of . . .~
• ,,~
vember 23, in the presence of the Narberth, entertained at a luncheon jects, the movie week is an annual The Dr. Benjamin Rush Chapter, ther Mary Boniface, of the Sisters the owner. Back in July, Shannon
immediate families. Monday, before the Civic Club at affair. Mrs. A. Carroll Jones is D. A. R., Narberth, celebrated its of the Holy Child which maintains was arrested by Lower Merion po-
.I y 25th . s tl 'th the college.' . lice for taking a car from an Ard-
• A reception at the Merion Tribute tlIe B arc a • . ch airman
. 0 f th e proJec
. t comml'ttee. . anlllver ary recen y WI a r k' l t d d . 'ng 't t P·oye It your'....lf Check our Price List displayed
House will follow the ceermony. .MR. AND MRS. VINCENT J. 0 Sliver Tea, held at the home of Saturday night, the Rosemont mo e par mg 0 an flVI 1 0 • - • , J.
STOLZ, of 2 Stuart Ave., Narberth, n Tuesday, November 12, the Mrs. Joseph B. McCall, Jr., 318 Alumnae Association held a silver Ilis home in Narberth. prominently In our M.oat Department•• eo....
had as their guests last week-end,' drama and Iit~rature groups will Aubrey Rd., Wy,nnewood. Jubilee Dinner at the Hotel Shera- Washington, D-:--C~'-spoke ~ par., and w. know you will agree that our

• PeIinVaIley Club Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Goble, and Miss hold a joint meeting in the club Mrs. Kathryn Baily Westman, of ton, Philadelphia, and on Sunday luncheon following the service.
Helene Goble, of Trucksville, Pa., rooms. A one act play will be stag- Narberth. presented several so- il10rning a Solemn High Mass was One of three Catholie colleges
price. are lower than tho. . anywhere for .uch
high quality meats. .
To Meet Monday
• The Penn Valley Garden Club Welsh, of Chicago.
will. meet Monday at 10:30 A. M.,
and Mr. Stolz's nephew, Pvt. Paul ed at 2 P. M. and the public is cor- prano solos, accompanied by her celebrated in the college chapel by for women in the Archdiocese of
dially invited to attend
M J S E' k ' . h'
mother, Mrs. Mildred Bailey, who the Very Rev. Joseph A. Hickey, Philadelphia, Rosemont was found-
also played a number of piano se- President of Villanova College. ed in 1921 on the 46-acre former


rs. • . riC s~n IS c airman Mrs. Harold C. Fenno gave a The Rt. Rev. Monsignor Fulton Sinnott estate. Its initial student
at the home of Mrs. John A. La-
Fore, Jr., of Penn Valley FaFrms,
Penn Valleq M ra. C. Reed Cary
Miss Morris of the drama committee, and Mrs.. llS
Edwin R. Kirk is chairman of I
. t
I ory 0
organized in 1921 by the
. II was. J. Sheen, of Catholic University, body of seven has gro\yn to 304.
l t er wIlIC
f tleIclap
• ~ ~ '"
Fancy Grade A Poultry
will ~peak on "Wild Life Near
House and Garden." Wed. Friday erature. .
Samuel Z. Shope.
At Tuesday's aftcrnoon's meeting, paid to the work of Dr. Benam~n
Tribute was

The marriage of l\fiss Nancy Mrs. Otho Lane, of vVoodcock Farm Rush, who was Surgeon-General In
t t d' . d f tI 1 I the Pennsylvania Navy during the
Keep Bdying Bonds! Dorothy !\forris, daughter of Mr. uu s an IIlg JU ge 0 ora arrange- aevolutionary 'Var. Beginning his
and Mrs. Edgar Dunbar :Morris. of ments, spoke ;)n flower arrange- medical practice in Philadelphia in
Featudng Custom Made Slip Covers ••
iiiiii-iiii-..-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~lVillanova, to Myers Stede \Viley,
, .. .-••••
ments on the table in relationship to 1769.
son of Mr. and Mrs. George Edward the proper table covel', dishes and Dr. Rush was a member of the
Upholstering ••• Draperies •••
Accuracy Willev. of 244 Meeting House Lane, glassware. She used as examples Pennsylvania Provincial Congress
l\[eri~n. took place Friday afternoon five set up tables: one formal, two in 1776 and a signer of the Deeta-
Fabrics by the 'Yard
• Outstanding Seafood Value.
at 4 o'clock, in St. Martin's Chapel, luncheon: . one . buffet, and one ration of Independence. He estab-

Whelan Pharmacist
!than. The Rev. Richard H. Gurley ThanksgIVIng Dmner. lished the first dispensary in the
L£mited Supply 01 Bed Linens
The accuracy of your Whe- riage by her father, wore a gow
officiated. In the absence of the memhership United States, wrote many books,
The bride, who was given in mar- ehairman, Mrs. William Durbin, and was treasurer of the U. S. Mint
-Free Estimate in Your Home By Appointment-
155 BALA AVENUE Codfish Fillets
Whiting fillets
33c I Crab Meat W11111 Las, III 69c
Select Oysters - 35':
lan Pharmacist goes far be- of candlelight satin with a tulle veil Mrs. C. H. McCartor, Jr., introduc- from 1799 until 1813. RALA.OTNWYD CYNlVD) 1198
yond the ordinary meaning trimmed with heirloom rose point ed the fol/owinr:r new members: Mrs. . l\frs. Joseph H. Baker. Regent
•, of the word. It is part and James Bell, 1-frs. :hfilton Parron, lof the Chapter, presided at the ·SSSS:SSSSSSiS%SS%SSSSASiSSSS%SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSA
parcel of his professional point and duchess lace which fell ~[rs. Charles Leslie and Mrs. Wil- I meeting. Among the State offi-
code. It is your safeguard! from a coronet of lace. She carried ham Larry. ccrs and chairmen present were:
Heald" - Style - Beauty • ••
In Whelans hospital white an old fashioned bouquet of white Mrs. John J. Repp, Mrs. Elwood J.
prescription department - roses and bouvardia. Turneh, Mrs. C. Raymond Harned.
Gl_wood Bleaded Juice 8:~:uf, .c:.;::z S3C
equipped with the latest de-
viCes for accurate measur- of Chicago,' was matron of honor;
Mrs. Edgar Dunbar Morris, Jr,
Junior Club Mrs. J. Markley Freed, Mrs.
Archie E. \Vaugh, Mrs. Lloyd Gor- THE HOUSE of RANO Gl_wood Grape&ait Juice GrAd• .c:~~z 29C
ing - he uses drugs and and :Miss Jane \Villey, sister of the
Accepts 8 man, Mrs. J. Edgar Hires, Mrs. ------------
chemicals that are at all hridegroom. was' maid' of honor. Isaac H. Shelley and Mrs. Joseph I Open Thursday and Friday Evenings
.t i m e s. fresh and full They wore white silk jersey gowns
N. Pew. head of the Camp and
strength. Years of scientific with white coronets of gro~grain
training al'e behind him. He ribbon, and carried bouquets of
compounds your prescrip-
Members Hospital Committee.
Regents of the neighboring chap-
An Accommodation for Particular Women
tion· with precision-checks chrysanthemum pompoms and ros-
and double-checks the fin- es.
ishl;d. product to insure ab-
solute accuracy.
Whelan Drugs
the hride. who served as flower girl,
To Donate Xmas Kits 'V. Heathcote, Mrs. Charles J.
Claudia Emery M orris. sister of To Valley Fo,.ge Vets;

wore a white crepe frock and f1ow- Book Clubs To Meet

ercd headdress which matched her
ters present included l\[rs. Chester I

Nicholas, :Mrs. Robert L. Stone,

:'Ifrs. J. Page Harbeson. Mrs. Ann
'V. Forster, l\fiss Sara E. Shupert,
Eight new members were voted Mrs. \Valter E. Knipe and Mrs.
• Hairdressing
• Chiropody
.• Slenderizing
•. Electrolysis
iiUITCAKE 2~x $1-
DoUcloul combination Including fruits and nutl. Packed In a
colorful gift box.

, Narberth & Haverford Aves. miniature bouquct. into the Narberth Junior Women's Albert C. Brand. • Millinery New Pack Pralt CocktaU N~~~lh 36e
'• . Dressmaking
Phone: Narberth 2980 I A rcception at the :'Iferion Crick- Community Club at a recent board Mrs. \V. G. Briner acted as
WE DEUFEr~ et Club followed the ceremony. Af- meeting held at the home of the chairman of the tea. assisted by Glenwood Apple Sauce ~:c't' ~~'n2 17e
• Two RC!ristered Pharmaci,ts on
tcr a widding trip Mr. Willey and president, Mrs. Larry H; Grey, 411 :'frs. Howard S. Gambel. Mem- • Jewelry by Hatfield A. . . Whole Corn t:~:r ~~'n2 17e
his bride will make their home in 'Voodbine Ave., Penn Valley. hers working on committees for
dnty at all times
They include Mrs. Jack Graham,
the event ,vecr the following: Fanadal. Peas ~~Sl~;d:~
Mrs. Joseph H. l\liller, Mrs. Carl
Miss Laura Masters, l\lrs. George
1.. \Vells. 1111's. Chester C. ?I! cKih-
Fresh Doautl Vi'i.~la
1Z ZOe p1kg
Esslinger, l\frs. Benedict Lanahan bken. :'If rs. George R. Powell. Mrs. e
RE·OPENING FRIDAY Mrs. Scbl.rer'. Pickles !~::I:\);itZ~~~ ale
Mrs. Henry R. !\facavoy, Mrs:
\Villiam ?\f. Harris, Miss Mary L. dar William P. Schenck, :'Irs. W! Tu- p~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ideal M"'~. Meat
Pearce. :'Ilrs. Frederick S. 11---- - _..-.-.- 2?~~z Z9c
I .
8th, 1946 Phillips and Mrs. R. l\f. Phillips. Fisher, Mrs. Harry M. Ellsworth, fine quality. Agocl for _lIowne••• Real homemade flavor. Enough for a delicioul
P.. inch ~ie in one iar a

It was voted to donate money to :Mrs. Charles A. Hammer. Mrs.

FRESH the Red Cross; to buy Christmas Verna D: \Voodcock, Mrs. Engene I , Selected fresh Fruits & Vegefables
'FJ,OWBRS kits for the boys in Valley Forge B. Hoskins. Mrs. Ralph A. Mizner '

PJ,.-\XTS Hospital, the kits to include such and l\[rs. Harold C. Fcnno.
" and
items as wallets and cigaret light- Mrs. Joseph B. l\fcCall. Jr., as-
ers; to make a donation to the sisted in rcceiving the guests. Mrs.

COJl1munity Chest, and one to the Hugh G. Martin presided at the

State Junior project; to don ate tea table.
Under the new
1110ney to the Penny Art Fund, and Rather than suffer Last-Minute-Disappointment
Management of to the Narberth Girl Scout and
• Sterling W. Bennender Brownies for a fund to purchase Jean Tyson and in this year's searcity of merchandise, come in
materials. ldallo Potaton PU~~" • • Ib.59c

(Fonnerly with H. H, i H'('l'lI, s)
Mrs. Frederick Robb acted as R.I:. Davis Will and order or select YOUR gifts NOW on the
Juicy nol'lda Or_e. f:,.~i~Si~ S Ib129C
39 NORTH NARBERTH AVE. hostess, assisted by Mrs. A. M.
Bottoms and Mrs. Harry Bennett. Wed. Dec. 28 FaD R._et Pea.._ Z lb.29c
The November meetings of the The l1Iar~iage of Miss Jean Ty- • RADIOS • ELECTRIC RAZORS "aDeY P....... Mu_lIroom_ ~~~ 52e
WE OFFER PtRSONALIZED three book clubs are as follows: son, daughter of !\Ir. and l\frs. Frank
FLORAl:- SERVICE and one will meet Tuesday at 8:15 P. Tyson, of 212 S. Georges Rd .• Ard·
ARTISTIC DESIGNING M. at the home of Miss Laura more, to Richard Coleman Davi~. • RADIO COMBINATION • HEATERS
Masters, 13 City Line Ave., BOlla son of Dr. and Mrs. 'Varren B.

, FOR ANY OCCASION. Miss Masters will be assisted by Davis, of Overbrook, will take plan
I ~Irs. Miles ~ Clipshaw; Saturday afternoon. Decembcr 28. AND MANY OTHER ELECTRICAL NEEDS ARE
, . .:.'.\\!~,. U-~ . ..a~ SIJecial for Opening Day OndThursda y • November 14, the in l\A[~sl SAaintsH'ClhurTch. WYn~lllewotod. ON DISPLAY NOW
I ":.1, A Lovely COI'Hagc Presented To
secon group will meet at the home I s nn a le yson WI ac as
of Mrs. Jose!lh D'Alonzo, 40 Nar- mal'd 0 f I'lonor f or ller 'SIS t er, an d tIe
I A Popular Sprood on Supreme Bread.
I 0;";
)o,ach Lady Visiting Our Shop.
brook Park, Narberth. Mrs. Garry matron of honor will be Mrs. 'ViI- NARBERTH Magic Chel Spaghetti Dinner.,kg Z6e
... 1________ Klapper will be assistant hostess,' Iiam \Varrin Fry, of will
Clarendon. Sunrise Tomato Juice .c:~~< Z3e

I·'loWI'l·S' Tell'gl'nphcd
The third group will also nleet
on November 14, at the. home of

Tex. The bridesmaids include
Mrs. Kenneth Waring Hewitt, cou· ELECTRIC & RADIO CO• /lSaJ Peaaut ,Butter Ibior 2ge
Mrs. Willis D. Ludwig, 95 Wynne- sin of the bride; and Mrs. J. Wal· Haverford and Forrett Av-. /lSaJ Whole' Beets N~~~lh 16e
lace Davis, sister-in~law of the
. -. - -. - -- '- - dale Rd., Narberth. The assistant PHONE NARBERTH Un
, .' I ' ~ .. ' . , • bridegroom. 'lISCO Fancy Spinach N~~~'/217C
hostess will be Mrs. Harry Davis. 'Varren S. Davis will serve as his "Hea{/,qwJrter, for Everything 1J1lectricar
Chaperones for the Youth Dance brother's best man, and the usher~ Olivar Stalled OUves Spanlah 76~~z 45e
hel~ Friday, October 25, in the will be J. Leslie Davis, of Cimar-
g#eil~.etIl Macaroni Spa~h."1 p~g 13C
Narberth Comm~nity Building. in- ron, New Mexic'o, and Dr. J. \Val- , '-F~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f,1
c1uded the followlllg: Mr. and Mrs. lace Davis, brothers of the bride-' ,. Juice CocktaD Wllch'. 2 ~::25C
Vincent J. Stolz, ehairmen; Mr. groom; Dr. Thomas MacMillan, 3rd,
and Mrs. A. M. Bottoms, Mr. and and Robert Parker' Tyson brother You Couldn't Ask for Beffer sre,:a:d~!!I'iili2=IF"'.~
Mrs. George Esslinger, Mr. and of the bride. '
So Often
0 0 0
Mrs. William Borkey and Mr. and A reception at the Merion Crick-
and Mrs. George Burns. _._ "_ • • • • • 4 .
ot Club will follow the ceremony.
.:_. • _~ •• • _

IT TAIffiS MONEY \ ZloavesZXe

Ladies! Fall Days are Suit Days TO MAKE MONEYo .IISCD or ~:r..t Self Rising

• .-le. have Orange clean suits and PANCAKE FLOUR


' ~'i' '~'
,'.). If you have in mind to improve Mustard Prl..... Ib Jlr 10c
Our Property at 102 Essex Avenue, accessories today your business, would like to expand, Relish RllUr Chili S:~~~2'DZ Jar 25c
Tea Balls ""e 50 In oka 35c
Narberth has been sold and we must
Pumpkin Id... Pie 11/4eOl
8pl.. . 8c
vacate at once .•••• fill inventory gaps, improve' or add to pka

SUITS, 2-Po. Plain .. _.•.. 'l.).ll.ll'~•• m 6ge

Cocoamalt Ib ce. 43c

your equipment • • •. but lack the neces- Hershey Cocoa Ib oka 22•
••••• Prunes H~~;:u~~~~ht I~ oka 27c

We shall be delighted to serve our
customers at our Cynwyd Salon
290 Montgomery Avenue, Cynwyd.
*' BLOUSES, Plain ..•. 50e
I...J.:r••••••••••• P • •1. . . . .i . T. ' . . . . SOc
sary capital • • • Consult us about our
Loan Service today. Consulation Free.
French Dry CLEANER Speedup ::~ SSe
• Farmdale QualitY Poultry Feeds (Allw~I'i.'~~:;'°ror~~~!lfl'"
Mash I::~~:,. 2S·lbllla $1.30: Laying Mash 2S· lbbl'$1.20
Growing Mash 25.111 III' $1.25 : Scratch Grains 2S· lb ilia $1.15
Ca~l. Salt (Sulpburl 50·11I ..... k 63c : Cattl. Salt ( 50·· lIl1loek SIc

Som. Item, aN ItIII In limited lupply. Thorefore, If any

.f tho above Itoml are out of ltock In.your local markot,

• .,fabZfah,1I 1921
"Q,F, NARBERTH ploalo continuo to alk for thom upon your noxt yilit•

I08Vz FORREST AVENUE, NARBERTH Member of the Federal Reserve System

,. 114 - 18 N. Narbeth Ave.
...o. .oao.....aoJ::lOJ::lOI:M .\
,. ~".. .. \
----.-~ --"·1 - ' " - '" - . - - - - " - - '",I


We don't know what inspired Dr.

R. B. Taylor's recent blast at foot- Fords Beat Berwyn To Meet Gladwyne Nov. 14 Haverford School. to Invade:' •
ball spectators, but from this corner
PMC Prep Field on Friday
it looks like an ill-advised attempt
at publicity.
We hope we're wrong. Dr. Tay-
lor and his associates in District
For Second in Row; Haverford School'. gridmeD,
bouncing back to trounce German-
period on • one-yard quvt~b~
sneak, after helping to lit "1' tll. '"

U. Darby Jolts Aces

town Academy last week, will play tally with a 27-yard pa.. to ll'ritlJ
One of the Pennsylvania. Interschol- PMC Prep' at the Chester cadets'
astic Athletic Association until now Thornton. Boyd'. pa.... al."1... - ,.
field Friday afternoon.
"ave merited respect and commend- counted for the third touchdoW1l. '"
The Main Linen, beaten by Epis- •
ation for a job well donI!. Scoring its second straight tri- Tumbling to its second straight He hit Thornton for 26 yards anel
, copal Academy in an upset a fort-
wilY, then, this sudden verbal umph, Haverford High's vas'tly im- loss, Lower. Merion ,High fell vic- Dave Monjar in the end Z"H.
night ago, returned to Interacadem-
btast against high school students, proved footballers knocked Ber- tim to Upper Darby High's belated ie' League warfare last Friday to Jack Clowar, a substitute, took
their parents and friends? Accord- wyn High from unbeaten ranks rally, 14-7, Saturday afternoon in defeat Germantown Academy by over the passing assignment in th.
ing to the memorandum accom- Saturday afternoon at Brookline by their Suburban Big Six football en- 26-0. last period. He fired a 25-yard pUt •
.. panying the PIAA press release, winning, 12-7, before 3,000. counter at Ardmore. to Joe Diamond on the .('\ven.. Bill .
Haverford, Interac champion fOf
Dr. Taylor and his henchmen be- Haverford will play host to Coach Dick Mattis' Ardmore Fritz went around right end from .
the past three years, scored on the
lieve conditionS are growing worse Lansdowile High, an ancient rival, Aces, still licking their wounds the five for the !Icore.
game's second scrimmage pl=\y when
••. "because of too free use of liquor, this Saturday. Lansdowne's Lords
loose money and a tendency toward
lost to Sharon Hill, 33-0, in their
most reecnt ·start. It was Sharon
from that unexpected defeat at Rid-
ley Township, will face Norristown
High on the Pennypacker Field
The footballers above ,are members of the West Manayunk Field Club team which
has won five games. and tied another. They'll oppose unbeaten Gladwyn next Thursday
Reds Bagnell fumbled for GA. Tom
Magnan, Haverford fullback, pluck-
'In another Interac League gantt,
Episcopal Academy !Icored its It.- . '
ond straight and remained u!1beat'll
ed the ball out of midair and sprint-
Copies or the release, emanating Hill's 15th straight triumph. gridiron this Saturday. Norris- night, November 14, at the McMoran Play ground, West Manayunk: Pictured are (left ed 19 yards to a touchdown. in loop competition by defeating
from Dr. Taylor's officc in Ritten- End John Trickett and Halfback towns' unusually weak club went to right) Coach Jim Bonder, W. Volp, Snyd er, B. Basile, Morrow, A. Rose, Idamorco, Penn Charter, 13-0. Thl Church-
Jim Boyd scored in the second
house Junior High, Norristown, Bob Steiert scored for Coach Bill down to its fifth straight setback, Doyle, Degovanni, Assistant Coach Stinger, Madrak, Jones, J: Basile, Elia, Frank Ba- men cashed in on • pus lnt,relp'-
were sent to 100 member PIAA Stinson's Fords in the first and 26-0, against Abington last Satur- sile, A. Stumpo Salvo Rotundo, DeBona, Ku nick and Karl Volp. tion and fumble. . .,
Carnera To Grapple
schools in Delaware, Chester, Mont-
gomery and Bucks counties. They
fourth periods. Their touchdowns
offset Berwyn's second-period tal-
Upper Darby's Royals, who also Narberth Wayn.
Primo Carnera, ex-world heavy-
also were sent to daily and weekly
newspapers throughout the Phila-
Iy, Steiert tossed to Trickett from
the Berwyn 21 for the first Haver-
were knocked from unbeaten ranks
a fortnight ago, staged an 8S-yard ,
Callahall. f
GolclborJ{. If
Roshelli. r
G. F. P.
0 1
1 5
1 5
weight boxing champion, who re-
cently returned to the United
! " .
delphia district, so the so-called con- touchdown. The Haverford 'end
Kids to Play
march in the concludIng minutes 2
States to launch a wrestling career,
ditions may lIlerit "editorial or oth-
er attention through your pages."
made the catch on the 10 and out-
ran Berwyn secondaries.
to topple Lower Merion. Dave
took a 10-yard pass from Bill Pa- L. Merion' Joyce. c
Lafre,·ty. If
Mannln/;" g
lIIack. fl; . '"
3 11
1 1
4 3 11
will make his first Philadelphia mat I on Friday at the Arena, I _f" ..... nnt'nMD-
According to these ahort- In the fourth quarter, Haverford Emanuel, substitute quarterback, 4Sth and ~arket Sts.
sighted PIAA officials, who for-
get that funds derived from
launched a 44·yard drive, with
Steiert plunging over from the
dula for the winning touchdown.
Fives Win. Totals
L.ower Merion Veta
13 11 37

G. F. P.
Bernie Stephe!1s, L. M.'s great Evans. " 6 ] 13 The annual Grade School grid Mariayunk F. C. and Cocktail LOAn,. ...
football games pay the freight
for most other scholastic
sports, the subject was dis-
cussed at a District One com-
three for the deciding touchdown.
Hard-running Charlie Anderson,
who kept Berwyn at bay with a
blistering ground attack throughout
Negro halfback, cut through tackle

soon after the game began, but

a holding penalty nullified the P
Clifton Heights , Narberth, Lower Paine.
and ran 80 yards to a touchdown Merion Veterans and Coatesville ';'1/;'lI~r~. c
o ened the sixteenth Main Line B~llJcr. /;'
Lon\;. ff
Slivelton. fl;
Gaines. '"
~ 1
1 0
4 14 classic between, the kids of the Oak-
0 0
7 1110nt and Brookline Schools will be
2 played on the Haverford High
To Play Gladwyne
West Manayunk .Field Club's
.......... ,...., ......
. . . . . . Ahll... 11I

mittee meeting on October 23. the second half, set the drive in score.. HO\\'ever, the Aces quickly League basketball seasOli Monday Totals , 16 8 40 S I c 100 I f ·
Ie Id on", >'f on d ay N ovem ber football .team, triumphant
. In five I
. ' starts thIS season, WIll OPPOSI an- l_fnIII .. · _ . . . .
Members were qtiite disturbed, motion with a 17-yard plunge to bounced back and march 67 yards night by scoring victories oV,er Nor- hWayne !If. Vels 6 14 14 6-40
6 6 11 14-37 l!, the kIckoff at 2:00 P. M. other uinbearen team- GladWyne--1
to hear them tell it, by the in- Berwyn's 27. to tally. . Ch W d Referees-'l'ofr and ]{aufllllln CocbaK H_s" .. CS P.M-
rtstown~ ester, ayne an Brooklin. Each year since 1933, Oakmont ,Thursday night, Nov. 14, at McMo-
creasing number of reports of
thousands of undesirable con-
The big fullback blasted again
for a first down on the 12. Hc
. Repulsing a Royal thrust on their
33, the Ardmore array moved to
Garson. f •••.•••••.•.•..••• 0 1 . 1
G. F. P. has played one of its games on the ran Playground, West Manayunk.' _ _ ,'.LL _ _ •
duct at football games. was injured on his next smash to Clifton Heights was pased by Iit- CaniKlia. K 2 0 4 High School field. This is the The game will be played under the
Upper Darby's 40 when Bob 6 Dougherty, f 1 1 :I lights beginning at 8:30 P. M.
They cited "examples of boister- the seven, but Steiert took over Greenlee broke loose. Stephens tie Moon Mullin, who bucketed 1 I Hhoads, C 1 1 3 fourth game in a series with Brook-
West Manayunk's squad com-
I •
. . Zeiss. C 2 1 5
ousness rowdyism altercations and and performed equally well, cover- crashed GfIl tel' for 12 and Greenlee points as the defendmg champIons ('unthel'. /;' , 5 :l 1:1 line. A crowd of 1500 is expected prises former Lower Merion, Rox-I ;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii__~
ncar ri~ts which ~'ere not quelled ing the remaining distance in two went to the 19. Three plays car- cOJ.lquered Nornstown, . , f)·Amorll. /;' 4 2 ]0
last year s Edelmann. g , ..••..••.••••• 1 1 :I to watch this game. borough and La Salle High stars. Here'. Bomethf:ng • • •
by police." They charged that tries. , . ried to the five, from whence Don This year the teams are unsually Jim Bonder, who previously played EXCITING I J
principals of many schools had neg-
lected to provide adequate police
~erwyn 5 ~Irates uncorked .an
aenal sweep In the second period
to take a 7-6 lead. Elmer No-
Townsend smashed over center for
the score. Don Shavin added the Heights.
runners up, 40-36, at Clifton Totnls .. '
16 ]0 42
well matched, both having lost to at Roxboroufh High and La Salle
G I'" P. ChcKtuutwold by one point, Oak- College, is coach. Frank Basile, DIFFERENT II 'r
...~ ,
extra point. Narberth was never headed, lead- ;\lal'kwal'll. f 4' 4 12
1II0nt 14 to 13, and Brookline 13 to star of L. M.'s 1943 team, is one of A HAY RIDE IN A HORSE
Furthermore, cry these' PIA A vig- velli, .halfback, connected, with Bob Upper Darby scored the' tying ing froll1 the opening whistle to ~eee~;~;;:. I i :::::::::::::::::::
gti g:.! 14~ 12. Eaeh team has also beaten West Manayunk's ace backs. DRAWN WAGON FOLLOW-
ilantes, "there have been cases of F~gglolh on Ha~erford s ~2 and touchdown soon after. Bill Faulk- thUl11P Chester, 44-33, on the Bala- gllllch. ,,; Nhetll:llJlI. C _
4 1 !I Llanerch. This is the 17th consecu- Gladwyne is coached by Frank ED BY A BARN DANCE
crowds surrollnding the playing With great down fIeld blockIng the ner took a kickoff on his 30 and . H' 1 fI },[ I··arm)·. /;' ~
field obstruction the view of all
othei spectators and encroaching on
fleet halfback went all the way.
Roy Batisto's left-footed place-
returned to the Royal 43. A clip-
ping penalty cost the invaders 15
Cynwyd JUntOI' Ig I 001'. can- Heynolcls. g ...............•
1 Jl tive year that Brookline and Oak- Titlow and Vic Newborg.
0 4
while, at Coatesville, Hcrb Good's l'ro!txa, A' ••••••••••••••••••• 0 0 0 mont have mct in football, and it Gladwyne griddel'l defeated South Will Furnish Accommodations. 'An
", d ' Totals 21 S 50
will bc the 25th game between the Philadelphia Moose, 10-7, in their Evening's tun that will long be
The You Furnish Music & Food, , We
the field of play. creatin~ a situation ment gave the. upper Main ~iners connected with Charlie Hoenstine, Brookline bowed by 50 .0 esplte a COllt""'ille 17]:i !) !1-:iO two schools. Oakmont has won a last start. remembered •
in which seriolls injury 111ay devel- a lead to whIch they tenaCIOusly .r' I Brookline
yards, hut Padula faded hack and belated ral Iy on t Ile Scott I llg 1 Heferee-Lewis an,1 Eal'le. 11 ;; 13 1~-42 CaUl HAROLD WILSON
lIIajority of them but the current BRYN lUAWR 2820
op." The host school, thcy pointcd clung throughout most of the sec- who sprinted to L. ~I.·s 25. •
out, may be held re,pomib1c, both I Ol~ hal.f, setting the stage for Stci- Again resorting to an aerial
floor. Don Marquard paced the
Clifton Heights
.:\Tullin, r .•.•••••••..•••.••. (i
G. 10'. P.
series started when 'William T.
4 11• nut' hanan, who coached six years W
Bala is one of the few golf courses For DetaUs
morally-and here's where it hurts crt s chncher. strike, Padula pa,sed to Hoenstine, \\'oo(}:--. f ..••.•.•••••.••...• 1
4 at Oaklllont, left to become princi-
Lower :Merion Veteran", only (lall",dlcl·. " 1
-financially for such situations. ~)~~~~~rd n~: Demare~~~~~~ who gathcred it in after Stephens ('011 i 11K. g' •..••• ,............ 1
new team in the league, jUlllped off H~I·I'II",nll. /;' :1 pal and coach at Brookline ,and
A sportswriter for a Philadel- \\'ilIlllmsl,.T. Glnllon" harely tipped the ball and raced to :1. 7
. . Prott L.G. CampOK to a cOlllmanding lead against I'ollol'1" /.( 0 1 William J. Laramy, principal at
phla daily asked Dr. Taylor to
. 'f' . t
a'touchdown. Faulkner kicked the
Wayne, in the first half. The Rad-
SUitor, '" () 1
Oakmont, again became coach. ••
cIte some specI IC ms ancea Groelzlnger H:l', Battlsto tying point. That set the stage for nor Township aggregation, however Totals ... '" ., .... " .... 13 14 40 Oakmont has won twice and Brook-
when these charges were blithe- Pittinger R r-;, Seanlone the Royals' fiinal, deciding thrust. Norristown twice switch in
" Fall Q.l~, UrnKtead Upper Darby Pos. L.ower Merion rallied to overcome a 13-point defic- G. F. P. line
ly tossed about. The D Istnct Steiert L.H. Novelli 9 coaches.
. Ii d th t h Donatelli R.H. Faf!;/;'ioll Kin/;' hE. Buck I't au d k no t tl Ie co u n t at 36 -all with Bellak.
HheIlHu·. f f 4 1
O ne chaIrman rep e
could name no schools where
a e Anrlerson
6 0
0 6-]2
DIFabio two minutes to play. Bud Long Wood. f
4 Brookline boast! a more experi- ,
. h d d BerwYn. .. . .. .. . .. .. 0 7 0 0- 7 Cler)' r. Maroney then countered wI'th a field goal and GiIIillll'pr. Coug·hliu. c/;' , 4 0 1~_ cnced team, with four boys, Scott
suc h h annenmgs a occurre, Stait R.G. MallY
Haslam foul shot to give the Vets a hard- lI]c))erllloll. f!; I I
~ Dunlap, left tackle; David Foery, •
Shea R.T. 0
but the PIAA "feared that such Hoenstilll' KR Boswell earned 40-37 victory. Tall Don Ev- Seeders. K •••••••••••••••••• :I _ left guard, \Vesley Hackman, right •
situations might develop."
There have been untoward inci- Villanova Robinson
Stephens ans also sparkled for the winuers. ClIfJ,~tWei~l;l~':::::io"ji"]& 1~-~~ halfback, and Gordon Hutton,
BAR ••
Jackson F.B. HOllper In a Class "B" LeaO'ue' "'arne, ~orrislown 12 S 12 ·1-36 quarterback and captain, who played ~
...... Referees-Stevens 'tIl,l Panek.
dents in some high school gailles.
Spectator, admittedly have gotten
out of hahd when traditional rivals
150'sTriumph Upper Darby 7 0 0 7-14
Lower Merion " . . . ... 7 0 0 0- 7 Coatesville defeated Broo~line's
farm hands, Havertown, 39-29, to
Narberth in the game last year. Of the Oak-
G. ];. Pi mont team only one player, Fred 12 10 2 P. I. ••
make a clean sweep of the evening ~:;~~~'I!. f f' ::: :: :::::::::::::: ~ 0 2 Schrader, halfback, is a veteran of
meet. \\litness the riots which
marred Collingdale-Darby High
Over Penn Valley Forge, for the Steel City quintets. ~·~tb~a'r ~. :::::::::::::::::: J g JI
last year's squad. Brookline has

games a few years back. Villanova's ISO-pound .football team 1IIannin/;'. C 0 1 1 a decided advalltage in weight, with

It's true, too, that onlookers

sometimes overflow from the stands
scored a thrilling 6 to triumph over
Penn's lightweights in a league en-
° Perkiomen to
Now that the lid if off, the eight Kelleher. K
clubs in the senior circuit will set- Shar],ey. /;'
5 ~ 1~ a line averaging 89 pounds to Oak-
7' mont's 77. The backfield of each
tIc down to the championship grind Portland. fl; 4 _ _ team averages 81 pounds, with Gor-
ou to the friuge of the field in certain counter Friday on the Quakers' River
PIAA games. That occurred a
couple weeks ago, when Lower
Villanova accounted for the game's
PlayatWayne which will end in the championship
play-offs late in March.
17 10 44 don I-Iutton of Brookline the heavi-
G. i" P cst back at 87. The boys are 10
· Thursday night, Brookline enter- 1'aylor. f ........•.........•. 3 0'46; and 11 years of age.
~r erion met Haverford High at V a Iley F'orge MIlitary A c a d - . r I I A
only score late in the fourth quarter
when Gabby O'Dorissio tossed a emy's football team will oppose tains Clifton heig Its at t Ie rena !llallchin. f
Perkiomen Prep af the Wayne In a pr In
. el' linary game to the \Var Pnhner. !
lit. MilleI', f

- r'"J:(ali. C

0 g 1(0
R the
Between the halves of the game
Oakmont School band alld
But spectators didn't venture close touchdown pass to Jack Glaser on the 2 -I
until the final few minutes, and they goal line. O'Dorissio had previously cadets' Alumni Field on Saturday riors-Pittsburgh professional bas- ~~Z~cr,/;' ~ ~ ~ drum majorettes will parade. This
probably wouldn't have been there pulled down a Pcnn pass on the 35 . th ttl f h ketball opener. The Brooks, off to Barrel. " 0 0 0 Y I' tl 0 k ont quad f drum
In e nex - 0- ast game 0 tea poor start, will be pitted against Parnsln!t, fl; 0 0 0 ea Ie a 'm s 0
at all jf the Haverford stands could and returned it to the Red and Blue's season for :Maj. Jack Maddox's majorettes has grown to a total of
have accolllmodated the crowd of
some 6000.
28 to set up the score.
Penn threatened only in the third
quarter when George Opel broke
C harges.

Field was dedicated last Saturday eague.

defending champions
l b ' thO
Valley Forge's new Alumni 0 tIe s rongest c u s In IS year s Chester
and one Totals
, Narherth
7 12 15 10-44
3 12
Heterces-}.'oley allll Lynch.
" 33 70 fT. iris from grades one to six.'
9-33 band is specially noted for the fact
that 10 of the football squad, in-
Is that sufficient cause to charge
spectators with drinking too freely
loose for 40 yards to Villanova's six. when New York Military Acad- On Saturday, Coatesville. will Main Line League cluding five from the first team, 1"6 IIONTGOMB8.Y AVENUE • NAR.BERTH
and inciting to riot? And what if However, the Wildcat Cubs threw emy scored a 12-6 triumph. Maj. journey to the Chester Armory to take off their football helmets and I(AJtK, GJlAIIAII

adult onlookers do lay a couple of back four' successive thrusts to gain

Gen. Milton G. Baker, founder seek its second straight against Bill ·Court Schedule 11ick up their instruments to "dou- ' . -
bob on the outcome. Dr. TaYlofl.P_o_s_se_s_si_o_n_. _ of the Wayne Academy, delivered Delaney's Chester basketeers.
might as well become reconciled to the fact that betting is an old Am- the dedicatory address. On ,Monday, Wayne will meet
Thursday. Noy. 7:
Clifton Hts. ys. Brooldine at Phila.
ble in brass" between the halves.
Prohable lineups: '.'C' . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..
The Main Liners scored first Clifton Heights at Clifton Heights Sateurday. Noy. 9:
Brookline Pos. Oakmont ••

:!11l1lt 1II11I1I1I11r:IIIR1I11I1I1D1D
erican affliction. So long a~ bettors
don't approach the player8, why against the unbeaten New York Ig an
become excited about it? Football
H· h d J'Iggs T orc h'lana'sN ar- Monday,
eleven, Quarterback Red Stein berth team will visit Coatesville.
Coatesville Noy. 11,at Chester
Wllyne at Clifton Hts.
Narberth at Coatesville.
.J. 'Vi!emer
H. Dunlap
n. ]"oe.·y
.r. BonhoItzer C.
O. HoffmAn
G. La~
J. ChMhAtn
B. !{ailel'

• lttI aallDlnOIlED

pools have flourished for years and
tossing a IS-yard pass to Dick Lower Merion Vets travel to Nor- Wednesday, Nov. 13: B. J,ewls R.O. 13. Oreenneud
• •
Doheny in the second period. ristown to meet Joe Fay's men on Lower ~~~!ot.i~Gff~r'·iBtl)lI'n, J~' 'J~~i'nOW ~1 TO~. ~~h~~~~
will continue to make a fortune for
Stein provided the 'Opening by re- the Stewart Junior High court, Thursday, Nov. 71 n. Hutton Q.B. L. GaRe
:5 their operators, college football be-
;; ing what it is.
covering Bob Juvenal's fumble on Wednesday.
NYMA 21. In the liB" league, Section One
Norristown at Sun 011.
Section One B. Reck
W.Hackman R.H.
II. Lewts
S. Garber
F. Schrader
Ji. Janee
Frankly, we think PIAA llfficials
1re 'way off base. If they had any
But New York, seeking its fifth action pits Coatesville against Ches- Saturday. NOYs'e 9ct'lon One
;;ttch grievance8-and we doubt straight victory,
hd • t'l
scored the tying ter at the Chester Armory on Sat-
• d N b h C '11 Monday, Noy. 11:
Coatesville at Chester.
they're so serious-why not discuss ouc own In Ie same sessIon ur ay. ar ert meets oatesvl e section One, PlrlllpR ..•. •••••.•••••• 7 9

them Quietly with the principals con-
and rolled to triumph when Mike at Coatesville on Monday while Sun
cerned? It benefits no one to wash Juvenal •ran
f th
their dirty linen in district sports our -perto pun.
75 yards with a Oil makes their lea'gue debut Wednesday, Noy. 13:
t .
avertown at
aver or
f d
Narbert.h at Coat.esvllie.
Sun 011 at Havertown.
section Two
Merion at W'eet lItnnayuuk.
ned Sox
H!J{h ShIKle--13enson
I1h:h Avel'IlJ:(e-Lnnfl;B
Cit, Lilli I Haverford AYI.


:: ')ages.
If the doctOr had deliberately Derrico
planned to sabotage the PIAA's ..
V.F.I\I ..... Ht'gh School
PROII at Ardmore K. of C.
Ardmore Ea,,;les at W Chester.
Johnson l-;Oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
Fry II
llilth Sin,de ,\l'om.-O; Brocknhllnk ]75
lIi/;'h Av. 'Yomen-Agnes Sutliff.. ]36
iiiiiii__iiiiiiiiiiiiii__iiiiiii iiiiiii_iiiiiiiii ~ I • LUNCHEONS
athletic program, he couldn't
n. T.
Read •••
Need Altlnllo.'
Basketball Doubleheader
stopstl R.R LewIn OPEN DAILY 11.30 A.M. TO MIDNIGHT
I have_ done a more thorough job.
g Many parents won't reUsh the Rathburn
Dinello Q.B.
Let our qualified· mech- , Idea of their children IIsociating PettrllIo
-_.- ----------

with such "hoodluma" at aehool N. Y. 111. A 0 6 0 6-12

anics give your car
Monday., November 11, 1946
V. F M. A. .. 0 6 0 0- S
necessary attention. De-
pend on our experience
,footban gaines. Nor will they
venture forth themselvel In the There are more than 5,00 golf clubs
Be r C The FifleBt Food at AU Ti... '"
for minor adjustment.
or complete overhaul-
future, unfounded though the
reports may be.
in the United States, but only three
equaled the war work of the Bala MAIN LINE B LEAGUE EXHIBITION GAME
DODO.ehO.- S SEa FDa.
AlSD Club.

~.=. Havertown ,Brool~line 1'-----

...- I waUUT ITS.
--------.-.1 CHOPS ....
SttJtt; ~
.... redia·
Delicious Home-Cooked Meals
Whsn You, C., 1'0", to
-Don't rail to elln u. if 'For . .,

SUD Oil Phoenixville AT

M A I Nit ~I~O~"~E~ VicI;::c=tm. 7:30 P. M. 8:45 P. l\~

I L I N.~ -
!!1s!!.~~ cARLron
W(ndior & ES8e:r: Aves.
"38 Montgo1Mf'1/ A11I.

Tel Ardmore 5027 .

~ ~ I'waaaoa a" ~ ...
&:,j\ .. ..

STATION us L lJth It. 1" BR. Com.e Out and Root - uverford Township's Major Teams 011 to Breakfast - LUDelleo. - BinDer
= .
. BOC,W,rAncuter ........ w. &110 I 1m
PIula. ........,.. BU,llLBa N .. W. CGm to ap.ciGl part,.. lor aU OOCtlliona
g 'A.rd1D.cqlMl . ~.+AH...~. .~.............. ~---_~J A Flying Start! ' ,

"-" 1"""':'"·;
-. ~:' \


• IWomen Elect Decrease ~ Z": ~:::;;t~:~'::rizes THERE'S NO PARKING PROBLEM IN SURBURBAN SQUARE
.' New Officers Noted In Authorization for enlistment in
several branches of the U. S. Ar-

, :Miss Jean D'Annunzio, of 865

Delmont Drive, \Vynnewood, was Allowances my'· was made this week by the
War Dpartment. They are:
lected president of the newly form- First Cavalry, Sixth, Seventh,
.Dl'l'OB" NO'l'B' 2'hft tulIIlIJlIIPll'. ' cd Main Line Women's Post of the Twenty-Fourth and Twenty-Fifth
fllroug1& ",ecflJl tUTII1II1ement UlfUl UUr American Legion, Bryn Mawr. S . Offi Infantry Divisions, and bandsmen
.. WGlhl1ll1tcm Burellu 0/ Welt'"' Newa- i A former Navy nurse Miss D'An- ervwe cer for the 3718t Army Band.
JIll".,. Union lit %lUI EI/' Strut, N.W..
1VGlht1ll1fOll, D. C.. II 4ble to bring nunzio replaces Miss Frances Laune
' . R ecords 34 New The War Department also an-
• NGdIn CMI lDeeTc:ll/ column on proll- who has served as temporary com- ApplicatiolU nounced that enlistments have als.o
.."., 0/ UUr Merllll lind U7'Ilfce1lllJ1I Olander from the formation of the been opened recently for qualified
....... fllmal/.
'"' to Quutfonl
th. obm1e 1IIIJ1I
BUT1!IIU be tM1I
lind ad- II Post several months ,allo. Waldo L. Paganelli,• manager 0 f the .
dIsabled veterans.
• IDfU III 41111D8Ted in II .ubaequent col- I Other officers elected last week Upper Darby U. S. Employment Further details may be obtained
.mll. No replfu can '" 77UJda direct, were: Mrs. Sara Todd, of B;J.ird Rd.• Service Office, announced this week from the recruiting officer in the
I)r lIIIIIZ. but 01111/ III tM column I ~[erion, senior vice-commander, a
:.:U Gf1petII' in "" MWIP/IP'" . former \V AC; Miss Mary Elizabeth
Burns, of Railroad Ave., Bryn
a marked decrease in the number of
area veterans claiming servicemen's
readjustment allowances.
Post Office, Ardmore Ave., Ard-
• Women Veteran Aid ~Iawr, a former Navy nurse, junior The office, which serves northeast- ,of,'

Approximately two-thirds of vice commander; :Miss 1[ary Me- en Delaware County and Lower Lt'• Delone •
women veterans of World War II, Glinn, of Gladwyn, a former WAC,
former members of the ....VAC, treasurer, and :Miss Laurie, County
~ WAVES, SPARs or Marines, have Line Rd., Bryn :l\fawr, a former
Merion Township, recorded 134 new
applications for veterans' benefits dur-
ing the week ending October 10.
W·Ins A· war d Suburball Square merchanta are ready to .ene 70U. You'D
find It a treaL Ju.t to look and .ee the IntereaUnr arra7
aplied for VA benefits either for member of the USMCWR. adjutant. Only 34 of these applications were of new quallLy merchandl.e the7 have prepared for '70ur
.elecUon. A treat mulUpUed by many fine Itorle. and
readjustment allowances or educa- ~feetings of the Post are held the new. Between September 12 and Lt. (jg) Francis ~. DeLone, courteous .tore lervlee. Come and shop • • • where it.
tion and training. Veteran's ad- fourth Monday of each month in the October 10, the total number of vet- USNR, husband of Mrs. Editha Dleu.n~••• convenlen~:.-*.. economical.
ministration announces. John \Vinthrop Post Home, Lan- crans receiving benefits decreased Rogers DeLane of 183 Lakeside Rd.,
( Chief difficulty of the woven vet- caster Ave., Bryn Mawr. from 3844 to 2395. Ardmore, has been awarded the Dis-
erans, according to a survey, is frantic. He was in China when Paganelli stated that the decrease tinguished Flying Cross for destroy-
gaining recognition of fheir status they heard from him and his ship of veterans' claims in this area fol- ing a larg. Japanese merchant ship 1• • • • • • • • • • • • • • 1
as veterans. was on a cruise. His address is lowed the return of many veterans to while serving as pilot of a Navy
Most of the women are slower to U.S.S ,Tappahannock, A. O. 43, school. Many, too, he said, had re- torpedo bomber in th. Philippine Get Yours Tomorrow at
... take jobs than men. They do not c/o Fleet Postoffiee, San Francisco. ccived employment. He said that of Islands Oct. 19, 1944.
want to return to former jobs but bCould you h tellh' meh"where he . could
d? those receiving jobs through the Up- In Torpec1o Squadron 13 operating c. H. DAVIS, Inc.
to use sk ills acquired in the serv- e or were IS s Ip IS statIone per Darby office during the past from the aircraft carrier USS Frank-
ice II. Only a few women have ap- - J. M ., Waucoma, Iowa. month, 70 percent were veterans. lin, Lt. (jg) DeLone participated in ' - Featuring -
plied for home or business loans. A . TI le navy says t he U .S'S. I n order to accelerate veteran em- (JUUee-(j.l1&1nOIUJ
, T I
According to the survey, 50 per appa lallllOC IS s a lone a ~ u-
k' t t' d t" I
p oyment.
P I"
aganell said that the
a mast-head bombing attack against BLOUSES
cent of the women veterans have kusoak, Japan, which is near Employment Service must lmow the Japanese Fleet units and merchant gO. 'Yo1Uf v:elUfae $5.95 up
• applied for and received readjust- Tokyo. Vou might write to the opportunities available in each com- shipping on that date,
ment allowances and 16 per cent Bureau of Naval Personnel, Vvash- munity. Text of the citation is as follows: Generously deep powder case Sizes 10 to 44
of these have drawn the allowance Ington 25. D. C, giving your neph- He urged employers· to list openings "For heroism and extraordinary
"' for more than 10 weeks, which is a ew's name, rank, etc., in case he with the Bureau so that veterans achievement in aerial flight as pilot witi the gleam of lustrous 65 ST. JAMES PL.
considerably higher percentage than has been transferred from this ship. may be told at once of possibilities of a torpedo bomber in Torpedo gold • • • etched in feather,
the rate shown in a similar survey Q. I am a married man in the in their immediate area. Squadron 13, attached to the USS tracery ••• specially sized for
of male veterans where only nine army. I was inducted in Septem- Franklin, during operations aga,inst
per cent have d;awn readju"tment ber, 1945 I. am still a draftee.
Monument Will Be
Japanese forces in the vicinity 'of your pint.size bag. All Wads- Alicia Marshall, Inc.
allowance for more than pay-! We expect our first child in No- the Philippine Islands on Oct. 19, WOrth Powder Cases from $2.
ments in the first four months after' vember. Under. this order I can Dedicated Nov. 10 1944. Participating in a mast-head For Xmtu
. h request to be discharged then. Is
d ISC arge. thO tr ' Pf S R Ft E ti bombing attack against Fleet units
Questions and Answers IS ue.- c. . ., . us II, A m~morial monument, in honor and merchant shipping, Lt. (jg) De- Needle Kits
• Q. When my husband was dis- Va.
charged from the army on Febru-
. ..
A. Yes, ~l~rned men With ch.I1-
of·. servicemen of West Manayunk
)vho gave their lives in defense of
Lone carried out his assignment in
the face of intense naval and shore
dorothy r. bullitt ine. AND

ary 2, 1946, he joined the enlisted dren are elIgIble to apply for dls- thedir I Ieoun.try in ~or1d Wars I antiaircraft fire. scoring a direct hit
21-30 PwtJ.. "-oJ
UI...I . . . . ._ A _
Skirt and Swealel'
reserve corps, at which time he was charge. • a n , Will be dedIcated at cere- on a large merchant ship which was I .
informed that he might go back on Q.;'lY son Is I~ Japan. He monies to be held Sunday, Novem- Materials

,• g?;r:~r~~lr~~i~~ fi:E~'~~t;;:i~~;:§1~%~:'·;~~FE~::~S:~:::~ ~:;~~:f~:'~~1~tg i14{~$ftlf'fi'ff~l'f .,..------.. . -----,1 ~lInm"ml n Cl l lnl ln nl l l l l Dl l !

"';...P~::,wi'";::::· i, "n,d book ru~t;:~::;;.. a~::.:,::o:.:: !:'~:: ~:::,,~~"Oi,:~"~:'~~,i,':: N."t ·it.~?!/o't It:elfli!ii i \.\s\\~\llt. I S,mtt."

Children's Wear

during the emergency by the army, c.ass. Cl~~ft -::r sto flce, San Fran- c1uoie Frederick Smiltw, MO:ltgom- CA
which is unlikely to happen, he c~sllco, L a 1 . - rs. M. G., Martha- County District Attorney, and Rd- PA Officer Yes, as simple as that! No more
~ ST~')"""u P,,""t. II Foundation Garments
VI e a G d fussing with lids, turn·lables, tone- Lingerie
would go back with his old rating A' I' ,vard Snow, principal of the Ard- ets war dl , § ARO""OR~.,.P".
•~ and same family allotments. How- I .' T. le chances a:-e your s.on.'s mo~e Junior High Scliool. acms and
or nee greates.itGreat! ••• you'lI BOX Good Clothell Junior Dresses
ever, if he elects to go back on his s liP I~. on t e I,nove an. mal IS
h d I
Thhe ceremonies will begin at 2
The First Army Air Force },[ed- radio performance with new 1946
o.wn accord, voluntarily, he takes Inot de I\'clred unlJ.llthe slup touches P. M., preceded by a parade of civ- al of Merit ever given a Civil Air PHILCO improvements. Grll.ceful
is. Wonderful
21 Coulter .Ave.. ~
e 08
At L 'ttl C t a
t -
.- :;',r ..·,. 1~ :1".' c:'lrr en- Ia port
' "am"
d'~ 1
IIi-Lell m:lIl.
b w klere mal b dfrom I the states'
e ta ·en ha oar.I 1n fmany tn-
'r; wa,; L:'~,·:! j" :,·,tion s ances mo.nt s go ly )e ore mal
. IC an d fraternal groups, whIch
.1 form at the MeMoran Recreation
. Will
. P a tIff·
ro 0 Icer was awar ded to R a Ip Il' all·wood tear-d
ar e, 0
E xe ter Rd ., H aver f·or d, at
rop cabinet. '

7990 .,i Ardml r. ::

- :
For .
. .
And The

• Q, 0'.'
D;!crmr, .
. :,~,
: 1 · , c. his reaches ships of the fleet at sea. \Vest Manayunk.

f:'rj(-l';:C1 :Jay? since June 6. His mother is nearly

Center, Mary Watersford Rd Independence Hall, Tuesday after-
., noon.
Earle, brother of former Gov. .EASY TERMS
Younger Contingent ;

If 5
f. .
to ~d his Q. My served 14 months
- W '
. in tho merchant marine, 12 months I
Cp I R Maore George H. Earle. 3rd, established a
coastal patrol base at Riverhead, L.
6" L E .tWo
.. N I N G .
45 Coulter Ave. Arc!. 1018

, _. _., •.•_.•...... , of this overseas. Is he eligible for the •• 1., with a fleet of civilian panes nnd . T'" Film, MOtt Comple.. ..
A, Suggest th~t ~'llit "'r!, ~ to the draft?-Mrs. R. ]\f. B., Pensacola, Fla.
Ca ualtv Pra ch (I ,. e i th Ad
NOW ·In Ia I
t y and volunteer pilots. They patrollcd
the costal waters for submarines RADIO PHOXOGR..\ PHS .
or artie ar eop e
H20 WRlnut St., PhlIa.
KIngsley 5.0158
s . . [j • j,IC., e -, A. If you do not have any children Models Now A"llilllble en' .
jutant General, 'Nash:ngton 25, D.I ;l',d your husband is between 18 and and for survivors of torpedoed ships.
C:.•. for your son 's i~lrlo~bj,. r~cQ:rl, I :'f, :" 'a..' old and unless he has served Cpl. Robert J. Moore, son of Mr. Later he set up a second station fron.1 $21.55 up GLASS 3D Coultl'r Ave., Ardmore
Ardmore 5446
glVJ!lg them all dc(;"ls nt IllS death., ;·or ~ :'t~;od of not less than 32 and Mrs. Harris F. :Moore, of 101 at Falmouth, Mass. . Store I. TOW N S H • P
his full name, serial nUl11ber and II1lI)Ul!15 beginning on or after May Lincoln Ave., Manoa, is stationed at The presentation of the m e d a l . Suburb..
rank. When you obtuh: it. thenlJ. 19~O, on active duly not less than Capodichino Army Air Base, near was made by Maj. General Manton Americc. £ L E 1\ NEB S
write to the Office of Dep,~nd('ncy: 75 per cent of the time and unless Naples, Italy, with the European Eddy and the citation was read by C H DAVIS I 46 St. Georca Ed. Ard. lUG
1 •

Benefits, U. S. Army, Newark 2, he applied for and received from the Air Transport Service. Congressman John E. Sheridan, act- •• , nc.. [" GDIL,nMfJtfIAtlNII.1W"."n'c. 295 Mont. Ave. 08Sf
-- New Jersey, asking them about war shipping administration a certifi- In his present assignment, Cpl. ing chairman of the House Military "The l\Ialn I.Jnc's l"inest 1417 Cib.... Trildtr 7-'155&
back pay, furlough payor any oth- cate certifying that he has completed Moore serves as radio operator in Affairs Committee. Radio.Music Store" Jewelers Since 1888
• er money which your son had com- a period of substantially continuous the 29th Troop Carrier Squadron, at Earle is a director of the Market ., St. GIOrgls Roo' 14••• 0430
ing to him at the time of his service in the merchant marine he is Mediterranean headquarters for St. National Bank, of the Finance Suburban Square ARDMORf,'A. Ml
" death. . subject to the selective sen'i~e law EATS' whose C·47 air liners trans- Company of Pennsylvania, the
0' Q. My brother wat In service and may be drafted.
for three years, and was stationed
in Germany. When they gave up Benso 'B 1 t
port military personnel on duty mis- South Chester Tube Co., Horn &
sions, haul vital supplies and freight Hardart Baking Co" a.nd of several 1:::::::::::::::1
Ardmore 4422

was A. W. O. L. Several times
h. waf in the guard house and In Overbrook Loop
n s raves S
for the Occupying Forces, and furn- insurance companies.
ish speedy air transport between
Naples, Dondon, Paris, Berlin, , G. J. CROLl,'S ARD_IE Domestia
served time in each instance. He More than 40 men and women Rome, Vienna, and nearly a sco~e
only had one furlough. Can he compete in St. James Ghurch of other American air fields over-
(/)J!.lUI.A, 9M. BOOI SHOP and
• get paid on the other furloughs he Bowling League, which rolls each seas.

should have had?-Mrs. M. M. S., Monday night at the Overbrook
Milo, Mo. Bowling Center.
Cpl. Moore, a graduate of West
Catholic High School, Philadelphia,
Inaugurated SPECIALTY SHOP Prescriptions IIC. Oriental
A. Furloughs do not come to Lloyd Benson's Braves, currently in 1944, was shipped overseas in An extensive program. of junior ART - 0 - GRAPH TIMES MEDICAL BLOB.
Phone Ardmore 2442 Pho.1 W.ln 4114 61 ST• .TAMES PLACE
soldiers arbitrarily. They arc are leading in this mixed League, February, 1946, and was promoted sports activities has been Inaugu- BLACK BOARDS
granted by their commanding offi- closely followed by Buck Hood's to his present rank of corporal the rated by members of the John Win- 5.95 &9 SI. James Piaci
cers ,as a privilege. It seems your Phillies. The Cubs, captained by following May. throp Post of the American Legion
lUontgolllcry Ave. nnd
"" brother took his own furloughs. Slim Tyler; Yankees, captained by Cpl. Moore is planning to enter for boys from 12 to 16 years .of St. Georges Road
It will be entirely up to his record John Krisher; Warren Estlack's college and take up engineering aft- age. PHONE: ARD1UORE OMS
• and to his commanding officer Pirates. and Jim Richardson's Red er his discharge from active service. Under the direction of William
whether or not he gets paid. Sox are still near the top. The
Q. My nephew ill in the navy Dodgers have dropped to seventh A
and has left the states. His folks place, while Brocksbank's Giants
have had only one letter from him have a firm hold on th~ cellar.
-_._-_.__ ._.~
•• B
rmlstlce anquet
Miller, the program includes
struction in basketball, and other
sports, each Thursday evening from
Members of the Bulock-Sander- 7to 9 p.m., in the gymnasium of
son Post of the American Legion, the Bryn Mawr .Public School.
...- - - - - - - - - - - . . . ,
"":.1...1..1_. '7.1-,•• • ~
t::A..IILIS/. tTW.AII.U.X.
Cleaners .Since 1890
F-==:=::::============-------=;::;;.. ,of Ardmore. will hold their annual John B. Austtn, Jr., commander
Armistice Day banquet Monday of the Post, has announced that a 'C' L-.'P •
'7 Always Feel November 11, at 7 P. ~r., in th; membership drive for new members eiJ.lw, . 14 COULTER AVE•
. Post Home 125 Sutton Rd. Ard- for both the Post and the Post Featurmc ARDMORE 0111
I more.' 'Auxiliary has been undertaken. Mrs. Copper Baskets, Bowls or
Well Groomed!" Memorial services will be held Gretna Davis is president of the Boxes with Vining Plants 1324 W. GillARD AVE.
STevcnson 4.8700
.. I
at the Post at 11 A. M.
Auxiliary. From $5.00
YeB, 1 keep my clothes A goal of 1000 paid members by
63 SI. James PI. ~:1911:
Frank Schneider called his shot the June, 1947, has been set by officials

looking like new for
Iday he made his ace on Bala's short of the Post. The membership now,
16th. totals 100. Charles Ogglesby, sen- ~ .. ~::~~:.
------~-- \r=~~==~~;1
every occasion. It'B so easy and ~~~~~~~-:=~~~~~I ior vice-commander of the Post, ha~ ~"'" :(.\!ik.:::l:;...

simple to do, that I'd like to tell

thtl world my formula. JUBt slznd
been named chairman of the drive 4/'r' 1··::"~~·':(

Post To Participate
In Special Services
James A. Ritchie

vour cZotheB regularly to Sun
Cleaner8. where the new dry
Members of the Nunan-Slool
Post of the American Legion wil'
observe Armistice Day with a vic
Plain Colors
Fancy Designs
cl,aning technique is modern, tory banquet Saturday, Novembe $5.50 I Qualit" Grocerln
9, and special. dedication and me It. GeorIe'a ad. An1IIIaN
29 Coulter Ave.

,alV on fabric,. morial services Sunday, November
I I~~~~;;;;;;;;;!J,I:--===:=I

• • '~
The banquet will be held at the ,
61i0"",1i ".rat
Overbrook Country Club at 6:30
MEAT PIES P. M., under the direction of Herb
·at ?;... SUI~ Pastry Shop
Services, marking the dedication
of a plot of ground in Montrolle
1620 S. 38th Street Cemetery for ·Delaware County vet-
MaID Plant 208 B. Lancaster Ave., Ardmore
Saratoga 9.0123 erans will be held Sunday Novem-
In Lianeallter Ave., Br7n Mawr ber 10.
'III "up,rorll An.. N.,br,tb
Trolley No. 46, connecting Memorial sen'ices will be held at
54Lh City LlIlIl. RaJa :wIth 60th St. L Station,
passes doot'. . St. Faith's Church, Brookline Bh·d.•
"l' 'iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;;;;;;;;_ _;;;;;;_ _iiiiii;;;;;;iiiiiioi.l at gP. 1\1., November 10.

• ... .
t .• ' ..



Y M C ·
A IVaTow
.-JU....."'011,.' 27; and the Standard IIred sale held'.

25 WORDS FOR SOc (In One Paper) $1.40 FOR FOUR PAPERS
FLOORS 5/16 &I 3/16 blocu, lumber In
stock. Old floors &I stalrl sanded
finished oreleaned &I sbellacked. Pure
white sbellac. Work lNaranteecl. Call..
ehan. TRinity '1-8426.

' ,
NOT E .,.

5 3
there November 5-8 are important'
ev~n t S ., t 0 ' many A '
merlcans Wh 0 even
in these years of automobiles and.air- •
.ilEi5!!ilEi5i5aa=5i5SSiiii_,. planes are showing an Increasing in-'


sanded,your floors
shellack- Members of the execttive com- afternoon.' Among those who at- terest In • t h e b r eed'109 0 f trotting
. an d'.,,,~.
OUR TOWN, BALA-CYNWYD & MERION NEWS ed, cleaned and waxcll. Pure white ehel- mittee of the Twenty-To' Club of tended were Mrs. Wm. Keim, Mrs. Among its ma,y distinctions Penn- pacing horses. :,

You mny send

money order. stampS or peraon&l check. Addrees all oommunlcatioDa
Ardmore, Pa.
(Special Monthly Rates)
to Lower Merton NaWIIJaIMIII
lac used. Work guaranteed. Free estl-
matell given. Boulevard 5835-JL &03 the Main Line YMCA met Monday
Dib'r~ki4r..~ad, Upper Darby. evening at the home of Peter Di-
lullo, of 301 E. County Line Rd.,
Adda Montgomery, Mrs. Charles U.
Shellenberger, Mrs. C. B. Fette-
place, Mrs. Nat Egleston, Mrs. A.
I • h t' ~ I
sy vama as a na 10ua supremacy,
the breeding of ihe trotting and pac-
ing horses whose performance is· the

Radio Man Named

CALL . PAINTING Ardmore, vice president of the O. Becker and Mrs. J. E. Bertles. outstanding feature of county fairs Roger W. Clipp, of 172 White-

throughout the Nation.
CReenwoo II 3 7740 Hilltop 3600 marsh Rd., Merion Golf Manor,;

~ =:r=m=o:r:e=========~========:-=====~==~~~~~~~~~==~IN~~~~~:~~~~~
_A d 5720 ed 1920, estimates cheerrully glv,.,
Ad~lson and Company. 4010 Berry ave The committee includes: Mary Havertown. $ $of
Unit $Temple Uni- Our Stateof leads
production Standardall' others I'n I'ts General Manager of Radio Statioll •
Bred horses,
Lost and Fdo u n REAL . EST n '" 'TE UPHOLSTERING Drexel HII1. Clear'rook 8046. H Isecretary;
ampe, ' D aVI'd All'Ison, versl'ty WI'11 h ave group bow I'Ing at that great American breed of harness
WFIL, has been elected presj;-
dent of the Board of Director.-of •
~~?~~~ee~pfe~ :A:-~ PAPERHANGING treasurer; George MacNeill, mem- the Main Line YMCA Tuesday af- horse whose development goes back to the Philadelphia' Convention Bureau.
:"," oakmont and So. Ardmore, Black and In tlllcelleut commwittlell ., ... '10.00j_ 'chairs recovered. 15.00 00 PAPERHANGING. expert workmaDBbIll. bership committee chairman; Geo- ternoons. the year of .1788 when the English stal-
Brown Daschund pUppy under Doctors
care. Rcward. Call HilltoP 8904.
tractive prtces.
Por Sail.
AnyWnere. Call LEWIS. Wayne 141111
227 East Lancaster Avenue. Wayne.
reasonable prices, No Job too II1DlI1J.
Estimates cheerfully elven. THOMAS rge
D uncan an d Ed wa rd R 0 utch , • $ • •
lion, Messenger, first appeared on a
315 Mon~~Avenue. ODJ'WlI.
........... PUGa H BURROWS 136 OA-'- BD committee, and Peggy' Cronin and Miss Leanna Chase, leader of the k ' Ph . T
LOST '\'lclnlty 2413 Linden Lane. Mer-
woa'd FoX Terrier, all white black EXP
I :--_~~

I representatives of the' By-Laws Main Line Tri HiY Club, and her
trac ' In iJadelpllla.
sylvania-near Hanover
oday Penn-
I'n York
Lecture To Be Given
eye 15 yearsmIddle back. one.
old. 01children's brown
Pi't. Please MAIN LINE SUITES. BUDGET IF DESIRED. RAY'S. P P J ane H ' I ton, representatives
ami • 0f group Iast week pro d uced a bulletin County-has the largest Standard Bred Florence Middaugh, C. S." .of •
'rn to Fire
above Marshall, W. B. Pltlow.
address. 2P t- 24 N. LANSDOWNE AVE.. LANSDOWNB. A ERHANGING th e p
r gramo comml'ttee
. wl'th all at"C IVI't'les panne
I d an d l'IS t e d breeding farm in America and prob- Los Angeles, Cal., will present a
roper les CARPENTRY DECORATING WALL SCRAPING The monthly business meeting of through the remainder of 1946. ably in the world. lecture on Christian Science Tues-
PERSONALS open for inspection Alterations· Additions 48·.HR. SERVICE the entire organization was held Oc- Harold Kline will again 'direct a The State also leads the Nation in day evening, NO\'ember 12, in the
AVON PRODUCTS. high grade ""~'- Thomas E. Bressi' • SHANKIN &I SON 5705 MAB'l'EB ST. tober 30 at the Y, when plans for recreational program Thursday eve- the number of harness meetings and Christian Science Church, Upper.' •.
tics now availableChristmas
sentatll'e.Speelal from local
gilt repre_
Items FRI., SAT., SUN., :II to 4 P.l\I. Building Construction TRinity 7·1441 a dinner to be held November 30 ning at Ashland School, W. Many- horse shows held annually, and pro- Darby, at 8 P. M. •
:fillts~l;cc;25~1~ your own home. Phone WYNNEWOOD-13I6 Remlng tol1 Rd. 4 1468 Hampstead Road PAINTING were discussed. unk, under the sponsorship of the duces thoroughbreds, hunters, palo- Miss Middaugh, a member of the
~·rs. old, 4 bedrooms, 3batns. Better Penn Wynne, Phl'la., 31 • • $ • Main Line YMCA. minos, walking horses, saddle htlrses Board of Lectureship of The Moth-
the small business man. We give than new. $34.950. Greenhill Rd., 4 bed-
Clara N G 'IS t h e new . · • • and hackney ponies. er Church, Boston, Mass., will use
YOU a monthlY balance sheet and pro- rooms, 2 baths, 2 maids rooms and PRE HOLIDAY SPECIAL leader of the Bomsi Jr. Tri HiY Lower Merion HiY will induct The horse show to be held in the as her subect, "Christian Science, .....
flgurcs at plus
end all your In·
ot year. All bath. All on second
stone Colonial. $39,97S.rIoor. A beau!lrul CONTRACTING Rooms papered $15 up. Labor and material Club of the Main Line YMCA. She new mem b ers t h'IS a f ternoon Wit •h S F . ._o",w
'-ri.ta.t.e_a.r.m Sh ....r.e.n.a.
A 0._ct.o_er 23 ...
b . ...- th,;,;e_S.c.le.n,;,;c.e_o,;.f.;,,;.iv~i.n;;;,;d;,'.;,"
' D M _ _• ,~
Included. Finest selections and good wort ~nd Mrs. J. E. Bertles, Associate Harold Helveston, adviosr, and A.
tillS for only $1 per week. If you can allord either of the above
homes. our repre"entatlve aD premises
AMO ITE DRIVEWAYS guaranteed. PAINTING tront and back

Our PAYROLL SERVICE gives you will gladly shOW you through and give or house, 2 coats _ $I2S. Estimates cbeer- Secretary, met with the Executive O. Becker, executive secretary of \
cor,lplcte records for
and wo prepare nil all yourpnyrolJ
your employees
f<,l'ms, monthlY, Quarterly and annual-
tax ~'ou all details.
E. A. Clarke, Realtor
stone & Cement
done WorP!
by rully elven. Go anywhere.
Call HOward 8-8411
. f h IbM on d ay eve- t h e 'J,uam
0 tee u

ning for a planning meeting. Of-

L'me YMCA ,0 ff"IClatmg. .
• • • • Thomas.[oult, Inc. ,
Ir. PLUMBING ficers are President, Jean McGold- Mrs. Florence Boutilier was
bow we can "a\'e ~'ou time. money, gov-
Write or phone for Information on AND ASSOCIATES 6623 Haverford Ave. ,
lohn E. Clsrke IUrs. C. G. Maloney Phlla. 31, Pa. rick; vice president, Plltty Stuart; elected president of the Main Line AUTHORIZED
emment penalitles. worries llnd many \. W. lIamllton Jilin M. Matlhe". Telephone: GRANITE 2-18'111 'COOPER & SMITH secretary, Helen Migett; treasurer, YMCA Chorus which meets Wed-
bookkeeping and llayrolJ beadaebes. Nt>
obligatiOn. i :ohn II. Krause J ..... 1. O'Oonnor
MACADAM DRIVEWAYS. fialllltone. PLUMBING & HEATING Sue Bradley, chairman Special ac: nesday 'evenings at the "Y" under
"P. B. A."
I Ollice Open Sunday. 11 to I
k I I
ro~~mt~1Idl~~~ ~If:~efgr h~~;.avt>~N:. Registered
tivities, Patsy Waters. Mrs. Mat- the direction of William Shetler. .Dodge - Plymouth Sales & Service "
'. N, 8tll St., Phlla. 26, Pa. MERION, PA. TONIO CONSTRUCTION CO., INC.• 123 COPPER TUBING thews' first meeting with the group Vice President-Secretary is Mrs.
650 WA. 4-4657
i Phones: Cynwyd 3300-3301
Wilson Ave., Manoa. PHONE HILLTOP
6420. AVAILABLE will be Friday evening.
S· 'd M
Ign . cConnell, treasurer Mrs. on City Line at 52nd St. •
-S--lT-U-A-T~IO~N~S=.w~A--:NTED=::::=--I------=1:..:.'R,,--.-.:..:06:..:.60:......____ HEATING FOR l'MMEDIATE INSTALLATION • • • • Ruth Goldsmith, librarian John
WANTED TO BUY 17 E. Marthart Ave. South Ardmore
A committee of women who will Bosler. The accompanist is Miss
"'VO;\lAN drsires housework. no laundry.
;.,.["," LillO
rderences. Please call or I'V"'E""::':rE::::R:-:A:7N:-:P::-:AC:Y::::S:-:T=:O::-:P=--=DO=LLA=-:-:RS~-:FO=R
be instrumental in organizing a Wo- Clare Shetter.
""it" DaiS, Hollinson. 19~ River Road. MEN'S AND WOMEN'S CLOTHING. STEEL-A. S. M. E. Boilers With S. W. REPAIRSmen's Auxiliary of the Main Line .• • • •
Phlla.. Pa.'--___ SUITS. OVERCO/.TS, SHOES, FURS. hookup. Immediate dellvery, direct fac- \IT d PI atte, president of Gra-

Hell) Wanled :l\'Ialc

tory price. LOcust 3.5252.
Philadelphia. Plio.
CHAIRS RECANED promptly. CalJed for
and dellvered. Also seats ror DIning
Room chairs, etc. Phone Deca"tr 1403"J.
YM CA at an early date attended a
meeting of the North Branch YM-
CA \Vomen's Auxiliary Tuesday
'v en e
dale Sorority, announces that the
annual fall induction, of new mem-
* u
BOY H"tJ:(': uti nlter !'jelleo! unlil 6. Sat-
OIl.. BURNER SERVICE SEWING MACHJNEffrepalred. Estiiiiitft bers will take place on next Monday Our most modern Service Department
un:aj' ~1.:;O a. 111. til 6 p. m. :' ~ort~r HARRY. 4048 MARKET ST., PHILA.• given. Work guaranteed by Singer
,11:([ g\ I~t"l'al stock work. Spril:dcr s. EVergreen 6-3186. Sewing Machine Co.• 57 E. Lancaster \Vayne Amy, of 'Vayne, has an- evening at the Main Line YMCA.
A:"O::'fJl'l' (j~(jS. OIl,ED - ADJUSTED .:.v;":e.::,...:. :A;;::r:::d:;:mc.0:=re:'=-=:0;::25:.:6.:,,.=c=-:-:::::-:::----Inounced.
I:A Officers elected last spring will be is no'f ready to take care of all service
DOMESTIC SERVICE SINGER SEWING MACHINES, DROP- Comprised of non-professional msta
HEADS. Sl5 FOR LONG SHUTTLES. Also Coal Heaters Cleaned
REPAIRS - RadIos, appliances. reoordll. musicians from all parts of the
and repair work on Dodge, Plymouth, •
ALf:O ANTIQUES, MARBLE TOP AND 24 hour service $ • • • ,
Iitlp of ;111 k:t1cl. House v,'ork. day's work HORSEHAIR FURN., FEATHERS. HAIR. General contracting. HOME IM-
a:ld (:U\I;:1L's. Hrft'rClll:C ill\'cstigaLcd. USED FURN. CUT GLASS STEINS. Ardmore 4769-J PROVEMENTS. MAIN LINE SUPPLY Main Line, the orchestra now has, Tom Stretch, president of Club- Chrysler, DeSoto and all other make cars
BOXES. OIL LAMPS, PAINTINGS, ~~ .• (5ac~~~tgt=ry P~::-' J:N:;)~y=! 70 members. Rehearsals, under the' Rond-Y-vous, has called a meeting
direction of Arthur Bennett Lipkin, of the recently elected Executive
DO yoU IllTd compf'tclll, reliable factory. VASES. PLATES, FANCY FIGURES.
and trucks.
J"f':;~:lur3Ilt or IlOllsrworkcrs? Call Mc- OLD BUTTONS. ANYTHING OVER ~
of the Philadelphia Orchestra, are Committee for next Monday" eve- ,
~; ::1 :\. CollejiP fiVe',
Poplar 5-1486. ST., PHILA.. LO. 3-9332.
VACUUM CLEANING, RE- Community Orchestra
I,held Friday evenings .".t Radnor ning at the Main Line YMCA to
High School. make future plans.
I We have' a complete Parts Department
LICl'Il.'cd nnd bonded ::;UPERIOR belli
HOll"dllll<l, Industrial. hotel. domestic
nne. Illhl11tcuullce Watters. H YOUD&
Crescent Furnace Co.
To, Open 2nd Season I I for Dodge, Plymouth and all other
~;;'ll:~.:~~l~:l:·d 4540 The Main Line Community Or- Receive Baptism
Boulevard 2830
V';,, l'tJH!'ISH the hlghl'st t~·pe dar
Call GRanite 2-6581 011 till MaID LlDI II Tall I Chrysler products. •
\~~dl:"""'''. IJart and lull time work.
r.l:,' ,'~ lemale. Ap!lllcallts thorougbly
11,' ',';"Hl!. DINA'S
$10.00 TO $90.00
Employmeut For your old Singer drop head sewing
chestra will open its second sea-
Ison Sunday, December 15, in Rad·
A,.",.l;·. 2116 N. 17t,h St., Phlla. Popl~r machine. Also wanted: China, Crystal PREPARE ror winter by Insulating an<' nor Township High School. L
- MORrltlltES
a a
\Villiam Lorimer Tyler, son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. Tyler, of 203 Canterbury
Rd., and Robert Kilburn Chambers,
Chandcliers. Silver, Bric-a-Brac. All tyPi's prope"'" M *
sc: :r'UiN~l\IPLOYMENT SERVICE. Furniture. One Item or entire estates.
1'1','_"" type help of all kind. House- LEE
Installlng comblnetlon Storm Window,
ROOFmG. all types. Work guarantee,
no down payments. 36 months. ·lOE 1
C'" • '1 auagemeut
son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Chambers, of
II 20~ Canterbur! Rd., both of Chatham ,.
\\(.';, <::n"" worl;, cou~les. RefereJluceas. 1329 Pine Street
I Ph'} del h' FOX. Hilltop 3788-W. \ Villoge, receIved the sacrament of Have Your Car Inspected Early
Ill., ""gat, d. 6027 R,lce st., Ph
Ar;, ::,"'lIl' 4-22111. KINGSLEY 5-4130
I apia
INSTRUCTIONS HEIRY FRIEDIAI Holy Baptism at St. J ame5 Church,
Lt)L1TY El\IPLOYl\IENT; (lnest type
ll(j!n'otlc helP. References thoroughly I MARTIN'S buys men's, women's clothing. SEWING CLASSES now being held I
IU\'l'otil:"ted. DArin:; 2-7632. E. LOUISE
- - - - - - F- OR-- S-A-LE
shoes. furs. Sporting goods. musical In-
struments, tools, typewriters, adding
machines and general merchand~, f05G
Singer Sewing Machine Co., 57 E. La'
caster Ave. Cal1 tor Inrormatlon Ar
more 0 2 5 6 . '
~ Thea.... 814
I• 'Chatham Village. The Rev. Dale E.
Royer, pastor' of the Church, per-
. "med the ceremony.
-;- State Inspection Station Number 8625 -

~_~.. _~.~.~~~~_~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .•
Market St. PhlIa. BAring 2-8116.
501"'A"--- recrnt!v rcupholsll'rcd, wood rose.
ail woul frl~'nz('. New ~pring:s In cush-
1011'·, S i"5. Hilltop 1964. 112 Yale Road.
PATENT~=~~~ InvenUona !- s' ER
." v' I' C-E"'---"
'101' :3011, lor ,ale, SII.OO per load. at
k:lst 5 1-:! tons in load hand loaded.
J\Lu mulnoom and cow manure, rea-
WE WILL POSITIVELY top any offer
ror Antiques, rurnlture, china. vasea.
fIgurines. bric-a-brac old jewelry. Be-
rare selling. Call GErmantown 8-9547.
~ollable. l(lad or part load. Phone. Ard- PALMER ANTIQUES, 15 E. Coulter
mort' 14fil-W.
Street, Phlln.
promoted Drafted and deslmed.

~~~~tH¥~~~:Iea. 1424 Land Title BIela.
~;I;-P{.>\:-ON""O:-.-p""la-y-cr-a-'t7:ta-':c;::llm=-c:::n:;-t,ANTIQUES. IMMEDIATE cBah. old rum- Bli: SMART. everybody calls PhU....
l)£'t~('Il. S75. Virtrola and records, $50. Iture, china. vases. fllnlres. glaseware. largest plano dealer when they sr"
Gib"o!l malldolin and casC, $40. 2 burn- silver or anything old. Write Charles P
l'i' 011 Hure' 515. All in good condit 11m. Johns. Glen Loch, Pa PbOne EnaD
rpr.dy to sell their plano. Spcclalllllnr
In Steinways & better make planof
Phr;::\' " rdmol'f' 2421-J nftrr 5 p. m. 790·W or Allegheny .-9069.
liE!" ~-; CEH--ExPfCi:Wl' Battlc creeK elec. ANTIQUES
t ric
lllflchitlC llargr I good $50. Desk
WANTED;:" Purnlt1IIe.
glass. old china. vases. brlc-a-brae.
,,.;;:-thog-nny adjudablc. tcather rlgures. copper & brass. If YOU have JOBBING
mantown Ave.• GERMANTOWN 8-3200.
J. A. NAPPERT Grandfather
CIl'11:0!1, S;-/. Phone Trinity oafll.
Or.iSL,:rU."J'S-:r\v('l'd CoOnt", button in WHEEL. WAYNE 2347,
('hnn~oi,; lining ~:ze 16. 59. \Voal plaid
~l.;irt~ 3D-inch wai~t, 75c eaell. f6) 5Um-
1\1f'1' (ir('~~('s ~i7:{' 16, 75c carll: (1) wllite
anything old. calJ THE SPJNNING

E SPRJNG AVE., Ardmore. TructlnR.
hllullng, light moving. cleanlne cel-
lars, removing ashes, taking of tur·
naeEa. Also fireplace wood. musbroon
696 Washington Ave.
Manoa Hilltop 6987-J Clocks Repaired
:-;ilk blow"C', ~ix(, 16, 75c; t3' wool sweat... .'.11. manure. top soU for Bale. Cal M well .. English, Prench and l!Swl.!a doekl.
FOR ffiRE-Dump trucks, 5 ton with Clocks called for and delivered. Estimates liven

('r:; :-iz(' 40, SOc each; '1) pro boys'
driver. Day, week or month. Phone Ardmore :18,:::°:::6.================
b!'OWI1 shoes size 5 1-2. excellent con-
(li\'on, $1: (1\ bOYS' rC'\'crsible sports Hilltop 8001. ROOFREPAffiS and all work .lUaranteed.
jocket. ,ize 16. S1.50; (2) prs. boy's Copper Gutters .& Spouts __- - WE RESTRINB PEARLS - - -
hlllp gnhal'din(' ~Iacks size 16, 50c each,
(41 pr, bo':'s :;hort<:, size 16, 35c each. GLASS & MIRRORS FOR Wm. B. YOUNG
We WIll be Ilad to I'llIItrlnl JOur Pear'" 3m h i Ul_
III an envelope and brlnl them SII.
TJ·· "'-'"" ., ...... _T GLASS &I MIRRORS
,ru:. L:U SL;I'i' cumplete outfit, size 36, Glass & mirrors for all PUrJlOsetI. •
F'~ll !'i~{" ivory metal bed. mahogany
~tcirjs chair in f::ood condition. Gray-
~~IIm~~~~~~ar~~e\"odO~d~:Sl1Vered. ' I
526 Furlong Ave. - Manoa
h:'T" 'Plf'rt!'ic- rrr1l1l"'rr, CaB Hilltop 0501-W
Ci;:-RAMICS-UPPLIES. Pins. ear screwa
In metal and plastic for ceramic
TAGYE'S7315 West Cheater
3QII:I (Pormer1)' Wlib RlcIS
C1nWJ'1l D5I .-
ml'tal ShplJ wood and Plexo-Illasa
crafts. Prlcl' list on request. Phlla.
NOW Is th" time to order cord wood. Don't take a chance with your valuablf WI arl DOW PaY1n1 the WIlrld'. hldt-
Cut any length. Call CynwYd 0984.
- - - - - - -----._----- VASES. BRIC-A-BRACS or FIGURINES
Have an Expert I,amp Maker Malt,
est prlcel for Diamond.. You are
IUra to receive the true and honnt
Them Into Beautiful Lamps. value for JOur diamonds When yOU
$11.00 pcr load COMPLETE LINE OF LAMP PARTS deal With thll old rellable firm.
At least 5 1-2 tons In losd
hand loaded NICHOLAS SMITH EstabUshe4 .. Jell&.
l.l~o mu<:hrnom & cow
load or part load
Lamp Maker & Electrician Since 19011
11th & Arcb Sts.. Phlla. LOcuat 3~1

W. ClII'. UUl .. WB1nIIt
ro. ..
1'110:'\1:. AnD~IORI: l1r.l-W

We will make
from your fa.vortte vase A.phalt, Sial', Slate,
20 Used T\'newriters .' J
fotn<.'hinc!1 may be 1n~pe('t('d finy School
or antique rtgure
KANIG ELECTRIC GIRLS Tile, Canvas, Metal I BElgr~de 9·28:6 6072 Upland Street
day between 3 and 5 p. m. at Uaverrord
Twp. S,'nlor H.S., Eas, Darby Road.
Hayertown, Pa.
Established over 20 years
Complete line of lamp parts
44 North 11th Street, Phtladelphl&....
Bid iorm" end conditions or sale mar
b(lo o! at fhe office or C
Hurlws. Sorrelar)', Havrrlord TwP. School
WALnut 2-15 I S
io Community Service
AV~Uable to INSULATION ·ora-t
Di'", rict.
nlt 1
Ha\'ertown, Pa.
l1~'T':t be Hlhml:trd
twelve o'clock noon. November 14. 1946.
1ft the CUV' -
Brass f1replnce equipment, IamPs.
antique & ornaD1l!11tal objects made \0
look like new. Work lNaranteecL CIl1I
in Telephone Work

Brick, Asbe_sto.
Compare with Bed'
In Your Community;
and A.phalt Siding SERVICED AlleJh~
The life, "arty
BUY BARTRAM: BLINDS. Assorted • or Ylur IUtl n....It ...
Newtown Square 0388
in all~.
. J ~l'.
L"scd \\'URLITZI~I\ automatic phono-
graphs for Den or J{mnpus Room
completely recollditioned and refinish-
tapl1S & cords. Metal enclosed tollll.
baked DuPont enamel. Blinds retaped.
reconditioned & laundered. BARTRAM:
PHILA. BElgrade 6-2233 - S-215B.
No job too large too lID1alL
As long as three years to pay.
Estimates Free. F..stabllshecl
tI.. up whU. lur work
1....lnl don••
Paragon Co., Inc.
Better T~al1 Averap 66 ),ean in one place. 11 io 15 I. 56ib Sine'
ed by factory trained technicians. VENETIAN BLINDS beauWUllJ ... 18ib a Market Stl.
12 to 24 Record Models painted. new tspe.· and cord. in-
10-01' BUlrlnteo PHILADELPHIA
stalled. colored tapes available. 10 dan JOHN McCANN 0
Fully Selective
service, also new metal cuctnm made
blinds. Acme. Evergreen 1l-'13'10. OPPORTUNITY
54-58 W. Rittenhou.. SL
Compl.t. Stook If Plrt. ·Oldal '" Uaa Cltrr
for Advancement and
.Electric Living .Costs are Philadelphia, Par
GErmantown 8·0411 . ESSII Repair Shop
PHILA. 21, P A.
ADUL'l' FAMILY or rour, been eVicted.
Interested In leasing 2 or 3 be'oom
fULTON 9·3351
bouse or apartment, vicinity or haver-
VENETIAN BLIND CO. OF PfNNSYLVANIA The "up-keep" of your favorite electric appli- SERVICE ROOFING Bonelerbe4 anel ru'prool In
ford Township prererred. Will pay years Domestic & Commercial white or 1"017. Enclosed bead,
rent In advance and will rurnlsh' PX- VENETIAN BLI~DS 1631 Arch Street ances might better be called "down· keep," , worm ,:ear, tOt adloo. bakeel
cellent rolerence, Hllltop 83115.
enamelecl flnIIb.
YOUNG PROFESSIONAL woman desires Philadelphia because the monthly cost of operating your Used Refrigerators BOflght & Sold
leree room In refined home or large RETAPED - REPAIRED J. a. HAMILTON. 111 Harvard Rd.,
errlcleney, or 2 room apartment. Ard-
Dlorp, Overbrook, Cynwyd vicinity. Must
QUICK SERVICE-FREE ESTIMATJI: or electric washing machine, mixer, cleaner, re- Brookllne Prompt Service Fr.. Estlmat.
CALL ARDMORE 5932 Skilled Men- 10-01' Delivery
have garage faellities. Wrlta E. 1.. L. frigerator and dishwasher is lower now than
Box 350, Ardmore, Pa. ASK for MISS KAY
ROQln 315, McClatchy Bldg.
69th and Market Streets ever In the history of the Company. Yes, Painting * Paperhangini
Reliable Work
Get Our Estimate
KaU Fillet
P1IODI Orden
:B:XECUTlVIII With nationally known tood , ORB MATCHED. FINE WORK NBW General Conttacting
company. just traosferred rrom San
Francisco, url1ently needs 2 bedroom
.parlment to establish tamll1 In this
PHONE lUT. 6-9140 OR EVlI:. 6-880..
Upper Darby Electric Living is high In value, low in costl Get Our E.tlmate H. L. YOUNG & CO. Haddon' Carpet Co.
17 Myrtle Ave. Chatham VIDag, I
101 I. lUI St.. Philadelphia
area. Location near Junior High Im-
I,ortant. QUiet, rpflned. r""t>ouslble
Window Shades-Venetian Blin.
Linoleum PHI~ADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY .H.EARLHUSTON. Havertown ' Lombucl 3-3332
tamlly. Will gladly rurnlsh rererences HOBSON & OWENS 929 Anderlon Ave., Drexel Hill'
Rhone LOclUt 7·0353. . 10ts-l0lT Lancaster Avc:t.!lrrn Maw • . Sunaet 3277 GRanite 2-7020 . Hilltop 2384
Phone: Brrn Mawr 1~ CII' 1D1 ,

.,-"0 .'

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