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by the cellular picture of the liver, or (b) an there were no demonstrable signs of infection.
increased liberation of heemoglobin by hwmolysis. It is possible that the jaundice may have been
Regarding the etiology of the disease we know complicated by the presence of hawmorrhagic
nothing. Tilleston divides hwemolytic jaundice disease of the newborn.
into two types, cryptogenetic and secondary. What type of treatment we should suggest
Our case obviously falls within the first group. if it were our fortune to see such another case
Why the child should have bled so freely and is difficult to state with any assurance of
uncontrollably we are at a loss to explain. We success. Immediate transfusion, or exsanguina-
do know that in some severe infective types of tion transfusion, is certainly indicated, and
jaundice haemorrhages do occur. In this case possibly an early splenectomy.


From the Medical Service, Children's Memorial Hospital, and the Department of Paediatrics,
MlcGill University, Montreal
pAIN, being a purely subjective symptom, we Hilton said many years ago, that when a
are dependent for our knowledge of its patient is suffering from pain in any part, he
nat.ure upon the ability of the patient to give instinctively believes that he must be suffering
us exact information. It follows, therefore, that from inflammation of that part, and he empha-
precise knowledge concerning the nature and sized the fact that pain is not by itself an
severity of pain in young infants must be very indication of an inflammatory state, for it may
meagre indeed, and that unless our methods of exist without any inflammation of a part com-
examination can be considerably perfected, we plained of. Nothing is more natural than for
shall remain in the dark concerning pain, re- the patient, or the parents, to assumq that the
ferred and otherwise, in infants under two years seat of the pain is the seat of the disease, and
of age, more than to infer from the actions of nothing is more common than to find symptoms
a child that he is in pain. Even in older of severe pain quite remote from the seat of
children, where attempts are made to localize the disease. Pain does not always depend on
pain, it is often with the greatest difficulty that disease of the painful part. It depends rather
exact localization can be made possible. It is on stimuli reaching the brain from afferent
easier to elicit tenderness, than to elicit a nerve fibres. A child may have pain in his legs,
statement concerning the exact localization of and disease in the spinal cord, or pain in his
pain. In dealing with pain in its relation to abdomen, and disease in his chest. One experi-
disease in children, therefore, the difficulties ences, in practice, so many instances of pain
which arise seem well-nigh insurmountable. remote from the seat of disease that it has seemed
Particularly are the diffliculties great when we fit to take stock of a few experiences in this
endeavour to localize a pain to a certain point. connection, especially with reference to abdo-
The child with a sore throat will, when he com- minal pain associated with disease outside the
plains of pain at all, often say that his neck abdomen. The importance of fuller knowledge
is sore, or a child with earache, merely that he of such conditions can hardly be over-estimated,
has pain in the head. particularly with reference to the abdomen,
where one is apt to be misled into believing that
Read at the fourth annual meeting of the Can- acute abdominal disease actually exists, or con-
adian Society for the Study of Diseases of Children,
Gananoque, Ont., June 11, 1926. versely to overlook a true intra-abdominal con-

dition, in the belief that the real disease is pain lasts for about twenty-four hours and
elsewhere. disappears usually long before the chief condition
The frequency of the occurrence of abdominal itself has subsided. An ordinary physical exam-
pain with pneumonia, particularly of the lower ination in these cases at once reveals the true
lobes, is too well known to require more than nature of the ailment. The throat is flaming
mere mention. So too in pericarditis, as well as red, the nasal mucous membrane is congested,
with pleuritic effusions, abdominal pain as a and often the ear drums show a small amount
concomitant symptom is well recognized. When of catarrhal inflammation. The question of
we come, however, to consider thq occurrence of trouble within the abdomen does not arise in
such pain as symptoms associated with condi- the mind of the physician.
tions of the upper respiratory tract, we find but Such instances of moderate abdominal pain
meagre reference in the literature, and scant at the onset of a throat infection are in some
general knowledge concerning such an occur- epidemics extremely common. Just as in some
rence, yet the frequency of abdominal pain with years otitis media, and in others adenitis,
the less severe and less significant infections of become the most common complicating condi-
the throat, nose and ears, is far greater than tions, so too do we manv times see entire groups
is its occurrence with either pneumonia or peri- of cases in which at the onset the abdominal
carditis. pain dominates the picture for a few hours.
It is desirable, therefore, to discuss abdominal Occasionally the pain is of considerable severity,
pain in children, first, in relation to sore throat and if accompanied by vomiting, may at first
and allied upper respiratory conditions, and blush give the impression of a true abdominal
secondly, in relation to the more important con- pain. For instance: a boy of six years of age
ditions referring to the thorax. began to complain of severe abdominal pain.
Abdominal pain is rather a common complaint Ife vomited once. The temperature at the
in children, much as headache is in the adult. onset was 1010. He was seen within the first
Children are very apt to refer any pain to the three hours after the onset. The temperature
abdomen. Many writers on abdominal pain in was 1030, the pulse was rapid, the face flushed,
children have made brief reference to the fact the abdomen was not distended. Pain was de-
that pain in the abdomen is not infrequently finitely referred to the umbilicus, severe, cramp-
complained of in the course of throat infections. like, spasmodic. There was some abdominal
Adams' for instance, mentions that the specific tenderness and rigidity of the entire abdomen.
fevers often have a pseudo-abdominal onset, The anterior cervical glands, however, at the
while Myers2 mentions the association of abdo- angle of the jaw were a little enlarged, and
minal pain with tonsillitis. Brennemann3 how- somewhat tender. The tonsils were enormously
ever, has called more detailed attention to this swollen, with a great deal of follicular exudate,
incidence, and has offered the suggestion, on the and no complaint, even on direct questioning,
basis of several cases in which the extreme of sore throat.
severity of symptoms seemed to justify laparo- Such instances could be multiplied many
tomy, that the cause of pain was truly in the times, not only in infections which remain
abdomen, because in these few cases in which localized to the throat, but also in others where
the abdomen was opened, acute mesenteric the tonsillar symptoms are not severe. In many
adenitis was actually found. cases of influenza, in measles, in scarlet fever,
In the usual winter series of upper respiratory whether mild or severe, abdominal pain is fre-
infections seen in private practice, one en- quently encountered.
counters numerous instances of simple influenzal It is hardlv conceivable that all of these cases
nasopharyngitis in which the onset is with fever, can be explained by the suggestion of Brenne-
with or without vomiting, and with abdominal mann, namely, that an inflamnmation of the
pain. The pain is frequently the first symp- abdominal lymph nodes exists coincidentally with
tom noted. It is seldom severe, and is usually, the throat infection and that therefore the pain
as even with many actual abdominal conditions has its origin in true intra-abdominal disease.
in children, referred to the umbilicus. Tender- It is difficult to correlate such a view with the
ness is the exception rather than the rule. The usual clinical symptoms in such cases. It is

scarcely possible that a child with acute mesen- interest lies chiefly in our ignorance of the true
teric lymphadenitis would recover completely reason why a child, with a throat infection,
with a disappearance of all abdominal symp- should complain of pain in the abdomen; why,
toms within twenty-four to thirty-six hours after with severe sore throat, and tender cervical
the onset. The frequent absence of tenderness glands, these children should not complain of
and rigidity argues against such a view. Nor their throats even on direct questioning, and
is it likely that such an associated condition refer all their pain to the abdomen. One might
would almost invariably subside, either before, offer an hypothesis based on the mechanism of
or coincidently with, the subsidence of the reflex radiation of pain as suggeste;d by
primary throat infection. One is inclined rather Mackenzie. Such an hypothesis would not ex-
to the inference that the abdominal pain is plain why the referring of pain from the throat
merely a remote echo of the trouble in the upper to such a distant part should occur in children,
respiratory tract. and not in adults, except possibly on the basis of
I believe that we can divide into two groups the immaturity of the nervous development, and
the cases of throat infection, in which abdo- hence the very poor ability of children to
minal pain is encountered. In the first, and by localize pain generally.
far the largest group, the pain is the first and The practical importance of these phenomena
the outstanding syniptom, rarely accompanied lies in this fact: that we must recognize that
by tenderness, and almost never by rigidity. In abdominal pain may occur in children as a
these the pain subsides well before the signs in svmptom of throat infections, and that it is
the throat subside, and no diagnostic difficulty usually of little significance, and, except in rare
is encountered. instances, is not a sign of disease within the
In the second group the pain occurs after the abdomen.
onset, and sometimes after the complete sub- We have to consider another group in which
sidence of the throat infection. Here the the differentiation from true intra-abdominal
severity is much more marked, and tenderness, disease is not quite so easy. I refer to cases of
though rarely rigidity, is a feature. These intrathoracic disease in which abdominal symp-
cases, I believe, could very well fit in with toms predominate. Such instances are by no
Brennemann 's explanation of adenitis. means uncommon, either among adults or among
A child three years old, had had tonsillitis children, but they are by far more common
about four days prior to the onset of severe among the latter. I have already referred to
abdominal pain. When seen, the child was in a cases of abdominal pain associated with lower
severe paroxysm of pain, holding the abdomen, lobe pneumonia, or with diaphragmatic pleurisy.
and doubling over. There was a desire to move Even these offer, at times, great diagnostic
the bowels, but without result. The temperature difficulties to the physician, despite the fact that
was not elevated. The throat was still red, the he is well aware of the association. It is not
pulse 120. Urine contained neither albumen only these types of pneumonia and pleurisy that
nor pus. The abdomen was not distended, there are associated with abdominal pain. For in-
was general tenderness more marked over the stance, a child with a right apical pneumonia
lower half. Rectal examination was negative. suffered for two days with severe abdominal
Under hot compresses, and a little paregoric, the pain, but the flushed cheeks, the dilating alce
pain gradually subsided. nasi, and the short hacking cough, left no doubt
I have seen three cases somewhat similar to as to the true nature of her disease. Here the
the one just cited. In these it is quite con- usual explanation of pain referred along the
ceivable that a mesenteric adenitis was respons- lower intercostal nerves could scarcely hold.
ible for the pain. It is easy to see how in such In such a case, the explanation of the cause of
a case, with the continuation of symptoms, one the abdominal pain must be of the same nature
might be tempted to suggest laparotomy, as did as would obtain in the instances of pain asso-
occur in some of the cases reported by ciated with sore throat. These will be discussed
Brennemann. presently.
These two groups rarely leave one in doubt as Two cases of empyema, in which the abdominal
to the true nature of the condition. Their symptoms were so severe and so dominant that

the diagnosis of peritonitis was seriously con- again present, and tenderness was extreme. The
sidered, are of interest in this connection. child could not bear the weight of the bed
A girl four years old, who for two years had clothes on the abdomen. Pneumococcus peri-
had a profuse vaginal discharge, which had its tonitis, directly associated with acute abdominal
origin in a gonorrheeal infection contracted from condition, or empyenia, is by no means common,
the mother, took ill suddenly with intense pain but here indeed the entire clinical picture,
over the entire abdomen, vomiting,' and fever. despite the known presence of empyema, was
I first saw her early one morning, and found definitely that of acute abdominal condition.
her pale and almost collapsed, with a weak The white blood corpuscles numbered 55,000.
pulse, and respiration 30. The temperature was Here again, as in the other case, all the ab-
1020. Examination of the thorax was negative. dominal symptoms subsided after drainage and
The child was screaming with pain, sharp shrill recovery was again uneventful.
cries, much like I have heard in some children These illustrations will suffice to show how
with pneumococcus peritonitis. The abdomen, readily pain in children may be referred to the
though not much distended, was of board-like abdomen, and how at times one may be not a
rigidity, and hyperasthesia was so mairked that little puzzled as to the real seat of the disease.
she could not bear the slightest touching even A third case, which came under my notice
of the skin of the abdomen. She was admitted recently, was that of a boy seven years of age,
to the hospital with a diagnosis of peritonitis, who had been ill for three weeks with pain in
probably gonococcal. On admittance it was the right side of the abdomen, and temperature
noted, after prolonged observation, that the never higher than 1010. The child localized
abdominal rigidity relaxed for short intervals, the pain to the right iliac fossa. Until two
when a fairly satisfactory examination of the days previously, he had been unable to turn on
abdomen was possible. On the basis of this his right side. Examination revealed a little
intermittence of the rigidity she was left alone rigidity, and a little tenderness, in both upper
and watched. White blood corpuscles were and lower quadrants on the right side, but no
24,000, pulse 128, respiration 30. The next point of maximum tenderness. Examination of
morning it was obvious that there was a patch the thorax revealed an effusion as high as the
of consolidation at the angle of the scapula on second rib.
the left side, and a pleural friction at the base Here are three cases illustrative of the asso-
on the same side. The abdominal symptoms ciation of abdominal pain with disease in the
persisted intermittently for several days. By thorax. In two of them the nature of the
the fifth day a fair sized effusion had developed, trouble was evident on examination. In one,
which, on thoracentesis, revealed thin greenish on the other hand, the entire staff was frankly
purulent fluid, which on smear showed strepto- puzzled for a number of hours, and the decision
cocci. After rib resection and drainage, to await developments was reached only after
recovrery was uneventful. repeated examinations.
The other case was that of a girl, four and The explanation of abdominal pain, in these
a half years old, who was admitted to the various groups of conditions, is far from obvious.
hospital after having been ill for two weeks. The occurrence of abdominal pain, so severe
Her illness began with pneumonia, which even as to simulate an acute abdomen, is not
lasted but three days. Temperature remained confined to children alone. Pringle4 for in-
normal two days, then rose again, and con- stance, has reported two cases of intrathoracie
tinued till the child was admitted to the hospital. catastrophes simulating the acute abdomen, in
On admission, respiratory distress was ob- one case due to rupture of the left subelavian
vious. There was moderate cvanosis, and the artery, and in the other to thrombosis of the
alw nasz were moving. The physical signs in left coronary artery.
the left chest were obviously those of empyema, Three distinct possibilities present themselves
but the abdominal symptoms were so exquisite as which might explain abdominal pain in extra-
to cause one to wonder if the thoracic condition abdominal disease. The first and best known
was sufficient to explain them. The abdomen explanation, with reference to disease within the
wras quite distended, boardlike rigidity was chest, is that of a referred pain along the lower

thoracic nerves, in conditions involving the turity of the nervous development generally,
lower part of the thorax, such as lower lobe could in this manner, lead to pains which arise
pneumonia, and diaphragmatic pleurisies. The in the pharyngeal and tonsillar areas being re-
second one of the possible explanations of ferred to the abdomen. Thus a cause for the
referred pain in remote infections, as in the production of pain in the throat can find expres-
throat, where such direct relations with nerve sion in pain, and sometimes muscular rigidity,
trunks cannot be demonstrated, might be that of the abdomen, by way of reflex radiation of
sensory pain impulses initiated in the pharynx, the sensory impulses which it initiates.
and travelling up to the medulla, arrive at the A third possibility which we have to consider
sensory nucleus of the vagrus and glosso- in this connection is the effect of the toxoem'ias
pharyngeal nerves; from here, the impulses are per se, on the musculature of the intestine.
transmitted to the gastro-intestinal tract, caus- Joint pains, headaches, pain~over the eyeballs,
ing hyperperistalsis, possibly to the extent of and skeletal muscle pains, are certainly very
spasm. Spastic contraction of the intestinal common in upper respiratory infections. These
tract is known to cause abdominal pain, and are obviously toxic in origin, and it is con-
under certain conditions, also spasticity of the ceivable that such toxins would have an
abdominal wall muscles and tenderness of the irritating effect either on the nerve elements
abdominal skin. These phenomena are also to supplying the intestines, or on its musculature,
be explained by the transmission of sensory and in this way cause painful stimuli to reach
impulses from the gut along the sympathetic the brain from this source.
fibres to the grey matter of the cord, where the One cannot attempt to do more than offer
impulses are spread to the adjacent cells, which such hypothetical explanations as the causes of
send sensory pain impulses upwards to the brain, the associations of abdominal pain with extra-
and motor impulses to the muscles of the abdominal conditions. It is important for us
abdominal wall. On the other hand, it is also to recognize its existence, and its various mani-
possible that the sensory pain impulses from the festations, and perhaps, with the greater
throat reaching the vagus and glosso-pharyngeal development of our knowledge, to discover the
nucleus in the medulla, may thence be radiated true mechanism by which such phenomena occur.
directly to the areas for the appreciation of
pain in the cerebral cortex. This latter ex-
planation would seem to fit those instances in (1) ADAMS, J. E., " Symptoms and signs of ab-
dominal crises in children,'" Brit. Med. Jour., Dec. 5,
which abdominal pain exists without tenderness 1925, 1041. (2) BRENNEMANN, Jos., " Abdominal pain
in throat infections," Am. Jour. Dis. Child., Nov., 1921,
or spasticity of the abdominal wall. The inability xxii, 493. (3) MYERS, THOMAS, "Interpretation of ab-
of children to lo6alize pain, as well as the imma- dominal pain in children," Minn. Med., Sept., 1924, vii,
594. (4) PRINGLE, J. H., Lancet, Feb. 10, 1923, 279.

The Principles of Haemotological Differentia- polymorphism. The first class is characterized,

tion.-A. Piney maintains that it is possible to except in the case of the most immature myelo-
arrange leueocytes into classes according to their blasts, by the presence of oxidizing enzymes,
nuclear structure. In one class, which includes which are not found in cells of the second class.
polymorphonuclear leueocytes, myelocytes, pre- Recognition of the lymphatic nature of a cell
myelocytes, myeoblasts, and monocytes, the basi- is possible from its structural appearance. Piney
and oxy-chromatin are sharply marked off from believes that the conception of a common an-
one another; while it is diffusely mingled in a cestral blood cell (lymphoidocyte) has resulted
second class, in which are placed lymphoeytes, from failure to appreciate the fine structural
Turk cells, plasma cells, and lymphoblasts. The differences between the lymphoblast and the
cells of the first class are liable to extreme myeloblast, and that the common parent must
nuclear contortion with increasing maturation, be sought further back.-Jotrntal of the Royal
while those of the second class show very little Microscopical Society, June, 1926.

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