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Bolus Dosing

Author: Michael Makoid and John Cobby

Reviewer: Phillip Vuchetich

For an IV one compartment model plasma and urine:
1. Given patient drug and/or metabolite concentration, amount, and/or rate vs. time
profiles, the student will calculate (III) the relevant pharmacokinetic parameters
available from IV plasma, urine or other excreta data: e.g.
V d, K, k m, k r, AUC, AUMC, CL, MRT, t 1 ⁄ 2
2. The student will provide professional communication regarding the pharmacoki-
netic parameters obtained to patients and other health professionals.
3. The student will be able to utilize computer programs for simulations and data

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-1

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

4.1 I.V. Bolus dosing of Parent compound

4.1.1 PLASMA
Valid equations: ln C p = – K ⋅ t + ln C p 0 (EQ 4-1)
(Obtained from the
LaPlace transforms
ln X = – K ⋅ t + ln X0 (EQ 4-2)
derived from the
appropriate models
– Kt
derived from the C p = C p0 e (EQ 4-3)
descriptions of the drug)
C p 0 = ----- (EQ 4-4)

t ½ = 0.693
------------- (EQ 4-5)
( ∞)
( Cp n + Cp n + 1 ) Cp last
AUC = ∫ Cp dt = Σ  ------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t + -------------- (EQ 4-6)
2 K

( ∞) t
( t n ⋅ Cp n ) + ( t n + 1 ⋅ Cp n + 1 ) Cp l ast ( t l ast ⋅ Cp last )
AUMC = ∫ t ⋅ C p dt = ∑  -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ⋅ ∆t + --------------- + ----------------------------------

2 K
(EQ 4-7)
0 0

------------------ (EQ 4-8)

Cl = K ⋅ Vd (EQ 4-9)

Can you determine the • You should be able to plot a data set Concentration vs. time on semilog yielding a straight line
slope and intercept from with slope = – K and an intercept of C p0 .
a graph? Plot the data
in table 4 -1.on semi-log
graph paper. Extrapo-
late the line back to time TABLE 4-1 Nifedipine 25 mg IV bolus
= 0 to get Cp0. Find the
half life. Calculate the Time (hr) (mcg/L)
elimination rate con-
2 139
4 65.6
6 31.1
8 14.6

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-2

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Does your Graph look FIGURE 4-1 Nifedipine IV Bolus (25 mg IV Bolus)
like this?
100 10 3

Concentration (mic/L)
Cp0 = 295 mic/L
-K1 = -0.375 hr -1

Concentration (ng/mL)
10 2

50 1.85 hr
10 1
0 2 4 6 8

Time (hr)
Time (hours)

• You should be able to determine K. A plot of the data in TABLE 4-1 results in FIGURE 4-1
Remember from high school algebra, the slope of any straight line is the rise over the run, ------ ,
In the case of semi-log graphs dy is the difference in the logarithms of the concentrations. Thus,
using the rules of logarithms, when two logs are subtracted, the numbers themselves are
divided. i.e. ln ( C1 ) – ln ( C2 ) = ln  ------- . Thus if we are judicious in the concentrations that we
take, we can set the rise to a constant number. So, if we take any two concentrations such that
one concentration is half of the other (In FIGURE 4-1 above, we took 100 and 50), the time it
takes for the concentration to halve is the half life (in the graph above, 1.85 hr). Then
0.693 0.693 –1
K = ------------- = ---------------- = 0.375 hr
t½ 1.85hr

• You should be able to determine V d :. To do this, extrapolate the line to t = 0 . The value of Cp
when t = 0 is C p0 (in the graph above, C p0 = 295 --------- which is equal to D ⁄ V d for an IV bolus
dose only.
Dose 25mg ⋅ 1000mic
Thus, Cp 0 = ------------- , V d = Dose
------------- = ------------------ --------------------- = 85L
Vd Cp 0 295mic mg
The volume of distribution is a mathematical construct. It is merely the proportionality constant
between two knowns - the C p0 which results from a given D 0 . It is, however, useful because it
is patient specific and therefore can be used to predict how the patient will treat a subsequent
dose of the same drug. You should be able to obtain the volume of distribution from graphical
analysis of the data. Pay attention to the units! Make sure that they are consistent on both sides
of the equation. NOTE: the volume of distribution is not necessarily any physiological space.
For example the approximate volume of distribution of digoxin is about 600 L If that were a
physiological space and I were all water, that would mean that I would weigh about 1320
pounds. I’m a little overweight (I prefer to think that I’m underheight), but REALLY!
• Given any three of the variables of the IV bolus equation, either by direct information (the vol-
ume of distribution is such and such) or by graphical data analysis, you should be able to find
the fourth.

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-3

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

• You should be able to calculate Area Under the Curve (AUC) from IV Bolus data (Time vs. Cp).
From the above data in TABLE 4-1 the AUC is calculated using (EQ 4-6):
Cpn + Cp n + 1 Cp
AUC = ∫ Cp dt = Σ  --------------------------------- + --------l which in this case is:
 ∆t  K

 Cp o + Cp 1 Cp 1 + Cp 2 Cp2 + Cp 3 Cp 3 + Cp last Cp l ast 

Σ  -------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 1 + -------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 2 + -------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 3 + ------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t last + --------------
 2 2 2 2 K1 

 295 + 139 139 + 65.6 65.6 + 31.1 31.1 + 14.6 14.6 mcg
Σ  ------------------------ ⋅ 2 + ------------------------- ⋅ 2 + --------------------------- ⋅ 2 + --------------------------- ⋅ 2 + ------------- ---------- hr or
 2 2 2 2 0.375  L

mcg mcg
Σ { 434 + 204.6 + 96.7 + 45.7 + 38.9 } ---------- hr = 819.9 ---------- hr . In tabular format, the AUC calculation
is shown in TABLE 4-2.


t t
TIME Cp t–1 0

0 295
2 139 434.0 434.0
4 65.6 204.6 638.6
6 31.1 96.7 735.3
8 14.6 45.7 781.0
∞ 0 38.9 819.9

The AUC of a plot of plasma concentration vs. time, in linear pharmacokinetics, is a number
which is proportional to the dose of the drug which gets into systemic circulation. The propor-
tionality constant, as before, is the volume of distribution. It is useful as a tool to compare the
amount of drug obtained by the body from different routes of administration or from the same
route of administration by dosage forms made by different manufacturers (calculate bioavail-
ability in subsequent discussions).
The AUC of a plot of Rate of Excretion of a drug vs. time, in linear pharmacokinetics, is the
mass of drug excreted into the urine, directly.
• You should be able to calculate the AUMC from IV Bolus data (Time vs. Cp). The equation for
AUMC is equation 4-7:
( ∞) t
( t n ⋅ Cp n ) + ( t n + 1 ⋅ Cp n + 1 ) Cp l ast ( t l ast ⋅ Cp last )
AUMC = ∫ t ⋅ C p dt = ∑  -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ⋅ ∆t + --------------- + ----------------------------------

2 K
which in the
0 0
data given in TABLE 4-1 is:

T0 ⋅ C po + T1 ⋅ C p1 T1 ⋅ C p1 + T2 ⋅ C p2 T 2 ⋅ C p 2 + T3 ⋅ C p3
Σ ----------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 1 + ----------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 2 + ----------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t 3 +
2 2 2

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-4

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

T 3 ⋅ C p 3 + T last ⋅ C p last T last ⋅ C p l ast Cplast

---------------------------------------------------------- ⋅ ∆t l ast + ------------------------------
- + --------------- and thus,
2 K K

 0 ⋅ 295 + 2 ⋅ 139 2 ⋅ 139 + 4 ⋅ 65.6 4 ⋅ 65.6 + 6 ⋅ 31.1 mcg 2

Σ  --------------------------------------- ⋅ 2 + ---------------------------------------- ⋅ 2 + ------------------------------------------ ⋅ 2 ---------- hr +
 2 2 2  L

 6 ⋅ 31.1 + 8 ⋅ 14.6 ⋅ 14.6 14.6  mcg 2

- ⋅ 2 + 8-----------------
 ----------------------------------------- - + ----------------  ---------- hr or
 2 0.375 0.375  L

mcg 2
Σ { 278 + 540.4 + 449 + 303.4 + 311.47 + 103.82 } = 1986.1 ---------- hr
Thus in tabular format the AUMC for data given in TABLE 4-1 is TABLE 4-3 below.


TIME Cp Cp*T 0

0 295 0
2 139 278 278.0 278.0
4 65.6 262.4 540.4 818.4
6 31.1 186.6 449.0 1267.4
8 14.6 116.8 303.4 1570.8
∞ 0 0 415.3 1986.1

The AUMC is the Area Under the first Moment Curve. A plot of T*Cp vs. T is the first
moment curve. The time function buried in this plot, the Mean Residence Time (MRT), can be
extracted using equation 4-8 below.
It is the geometric mean time that the molecules of drug stay in the body. It has utility in the fact
that, as drug moves from the dosage form into solution in the gut, from solution in the gut into
the body, and from the body out, each process is cumulatively additive. That means if we can
physically separate each of these processes in turn, we can calculate the MRT of each process.
The MRT of each process is the the inverse of the rate constant for that process.
• You should be able to calculate MRT from IV Bolus data (Time vs. Cp) using equation 4-8
AUMC 1986.1
MRT = ------------------ = ---------------- = 2.42
AUC 819.9
Since there is only the process of elimination (no release of the drug from the dosage form, no
absorption), the MRT is the inverse of the elimination rate constant, K. Thus MRT = 1/K.

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-5

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Flow Chart 4-1 IV Bolus


MRT(IV) = 1/K

Suppose the drug were given in a solution. Then the drug would have to be absorbed and then
eliminated. Since the MRTs are additive, the MRT of the oral solution would be made up of the
MRTs of the two processes, thus:

Flow Chart 4-2 Oral Solution

Ka K
Xa X

MRT(os) = MAT(os)+MRT(IV)
MRT(os) = 1/Ka + 1/K

Consequently, if a drug has to be released from a dosage form for the drug to get into solution
which is subsequently absorbed, a tablet for example, the MRT of the tablet will consist of the
MRT(IV) and the MAT(os) and the Mean Dissolution Time (MDT), thus:

Flow Chart 4-3 Tablet

Kd Ka K
Xd Xa X

MRT(tab) = MDT + MAT(os) + MRT(IV)

MRT(tab) = 1/Kd + 1/Ka + 1/K
MRT(tab) = MAT(tab) + MRT(IV)
MRT(tab) = 1/Ka (apparent) + 1/K

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-6

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Normally, we don’t have information from the oral solution, just IV and tablet. So in that case
the information obtained about absorption from the tablet is bundled together into an apparent
absorption rate constant consisting of both dissolution and absorption.
It should be apparent that this is a reasonably easily utilized and powerful tool used to obtain
pharmacokinetic parameters.

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-7

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing


Equations used in this 1. K = –slope from equation 4-3
ln 2- equation 4-5
2. t 1 ⁄ 2 = -------

3. MRT = ---- ( estimate ) MRT = AUMC
------------------ equation 4-8

4. Cp 0 = the y-intercept of the line from equation 4-3

Cp ∞
5. Estimate for AUC = AUC = ---------0 which is
K ∫0 Cp dt
( Cp n + Cp n + 1 ) Cp last
AUC = ∫ Cp dt = Σ  ------------------------------------- ( ∆t ) + --------------
2  K

Trapezoidal rule applied to equation 4-6

6. Estimate for AUMC = AUMC = AUC ⋅ MRT from equation 4-8

( ∞) t
( t n ⋅ Cp n ) + ( t n + 1 ⋅ Cp n + 1 ) Cp last ( t last ⋅ Cp l ast )
AUMC ∫ Cp dt = ∑  -------------------------------------------------------------------
- ⋅ ∆t n + --------------- + ----------------------------------

2 K
0 0

from equation 4-7

7. V d = Dose
------------- from equation 4-4
Cp 0

Cp 0 Dose
8. Cl = K1 ⋅ V d = ------------ ⋅ ------------- = Dose

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-8

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Acyclovir (Problem 4 - 1)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
De Miranda and Burnette, “Metabolic Fate and Pharmacokinetics of the Acyclovir Prodrug Valaciclovir in Cynomolgus Mon-
keys”, Drug Metabolism and Disposition (1994): 55-59.

Acyclovir is an antiviral drug used in the treatment of herpes simplex, varicella zoster, and in suppressive therapy. In
this study, three male cynomolgus monkeys were each given a 10 mg ⁄ kg intravenous dose. The monkeys weighed an
average of 3.35 kg each. Blood samples were collected and the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 1. Acyclovir

Serum concentration

Time (hours) ( µg ⁄ mL )
0.167 26.0
0.300 23.0
0.500 19.0
0.75 16.0
1.0 12.0
1.5 7.0
2.0 5.0

From the data presented in the Preceding table, determine the following:
1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-9

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 1) Acyclovir:



0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0


1. k = 0.93hr
2. t½ = 0.75hr .

3. MRT = 1.08hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 30.4ug ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 32.75ug ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
6. AUMC = 35.2ug ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
7. Vd = 1.1L

8. Cl = 1.02L ⁄ hr .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-10

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Aluminum (Problem 4 - 2)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Xu, Pai, and Melethil, "Kinetics of Aluminum in Rats. II: Dose-Dependent Urinary and Biliary Excretion", Journal of Pharmaceu-
tical Sciences, Oct 1991, p 946 - 951.

A study by Xu, Pai, and Melethil establishes the pharmacokinetics of Aluminum in Rats. In this study, four rats with an
average weight of 375g, were given an IV bolus dose of aluminum (1 mg/kg). Blood samples were taken at various
intervals and the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 2. Aluminum

Serum concentration, --------
Time (hours) mL
0.4 19000
0.6 18000
1.4 15000
1.6 14500
2.3 12500
3.0 10500
4.0 8500
5.0 6500
6.0 5000
8.0 3250
10.0 2000
12.0 1250

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-11

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 2) Aluminum:



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

1. k = 0.234hr
2. t½ = 3hr .

3. MRT = 4.3hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 21000ng ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 89285ng ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
6. AUMC = 383926ng ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
7. Vd = 17.86mL

8. Cl = 4.18mL ⁄ hr .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-12

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Amgen (Problem 4 - 3)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Salmonson, Danielson, and Wikstrom, "The pharmacokinetics of recombinant human erythropoetin after intravenous and subcuta-
neous administration to healthy subjects", Br. F. clin. Pharmac. (1990), p 709- 713.

Amgen (r-Epo) is a form of recombinant erythropoetin. Erythropoetin is a hormone that is produced in the kidneys and
used in the production of red blood cells. The kidneys of patients who have end-stage renal failure cannot produce
erythropoetin; therefore, r-Epo is being investigated for use in these patients in order to treat the anemia that results
from the lack of erythropoetin. In a study by Salmonson et al, six healthy volunteers were used to demonstrate that
both IV and subcutaneous administration of erythropoetin have similar effects in the treatment of anemia due to
chronic renal failure. The six volunteers were each given a 50 U/kg intravenous dose of Amgen. The average weight
of the six volunteers was 79 kg. Blood samples were drawn at various times and the data obtained is summarized
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 3. Amgen

Serum concentration, ---------
Time (hours) mL
2 700
4 600
6 400
8 300
12 150
24 40

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-13

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 3) Amgen:


Con (mU/mL)

0 5 10 15 20 25

1. k = 0.134hr
2. t½ = 5.2hr .

3. MRT = 7.46hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 900mU ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 6945mU ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
6. AUMC = 49600 mU ⁄ mL ⋅ hr .
7. Vd = 4.44L

8. Cl = 0.6L ⁄ hr .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-14

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Atrial Naturetic Peptide (ANP) (Problem 4 - 4)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Brier and Harding, "Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Atrial Naturetic Peptide after Bolus and Infusion Administra-
tion in the Isolated Perfused Rat Kidney", The Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (1989), p 372 - 377.

A study by Brier and Harding a dose of 45 ng was given by IV bolus to rats. Samples of blood were taken at various
intervals throughout the length of the study and the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 4. Atrial Naturetic Peptide (ANP)

Serum concentration, --------
Time (minutes) mL
3 380
10 280
20 170
30 130
40 100
50 70
60 50

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:
1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-15

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 4) Atrial Naturetic Peptide (ANP):



0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (min)
1. k = 0.0345min
2. t½ = 20.09min .

3. MRT = 28.95min .
4. ( C p )0 = 386.6pg ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 11206.4pg ⁄ mL ⋅ min .

6. AUMC = 324425.4pg ⁄ mL ⋅ min .
7. Vd = 116.4mL

8. Cl = 4.02mL ⁄ min .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-16

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Aztreonam (Problem 4 - 5)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Cuzzolim et al., "Pharmacokinetics and Renal Tolerance of Aztreonam in Premature Infants", Antimicrobial Agents and Chemo-
therapy (Sept. 1991), p. 1726 - 1928.

Aztreonam is a monolactam structure which is active against aerobic, gram-negative bacilli. The pharmacokinetic
parameters of Aztreonam were established in a study presented in by Cuzzolim et al in which Aztreonam (100 mg/ kg)
was administered intravenously to 30 premature infants over 3 minutes every 12 hours. The group of neonates had an
average weight of 1639.6g. The following set of data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 5. Aztreonam

Serum concentration, --------
Time (minutes) mL
1 40.50
2 34.99
3 29.99
4 23.88
5 22.20
6 19.44
7 16.55
8 14.99

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:
1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-17

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 5) Aztreonam:

10 2
Con (ug/mL)

10 1
0 2 4 6 8

1. k = 0.144min
2. t½ = 4.81min .

3. MRT = 6.94min .
4. ( C p )0 = 45.75ug ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 317.7ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .

6. AUMC = 2204.8ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .
7. Vd = 3.58L

8. Cl = 0.516L ⁄ min .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-18

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen (Problem 4 - 6)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Byatt, et. al., "Serum half-life and in-vivo actions of recombinant bovine placental lactogen in the dairy cow", Journal of Endocri-
nology (1992), p. 185 - 193.

Bovine placental lactogen (bPL) is a hormone similar to growth hormone and prolactin. It binds to both prolactin and
growth hormone receptors in the rabbit and stimulates lactogenesis in the rabbit. In a study by Byatt, et. al., four cows
(2 pregnant and 2 nonpregnant) were given IV bolus injections of 4 mg and the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 6. Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen

Serum concentration ------
Time (minutes) L
3.8 117
6.8 72
12.0 43
16.0 27
20.0 18

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-19

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 6) Recombinant Bovine Placental Lactogen:



0 5 10 15 20

Time (min)

1. k = 0.113min
2. t½ = 6.13min .

3. MRT = 8.85min .
4. ( C p )0 = 167.8ug ⁄ L .

5. AUC = 1484.9ug ⁄ L ⋅ min .

6. AUMC = 13141.1ug ⁄ L ⋅ min .
7. Vd = 23.84L

8. Cl = 2.69L ⁄ min .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-20

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Caffeine (Problem 4 - 7)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Dorrbecker et. al., "Caffeine and Paraxanthine Pharmacokinetics in the Rabbit: Concentration and Product Inhibition Effects.",
Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics (1987), p.117 - 131.

This study examines the pharmacokinetics of caffeine in the rabbit. In this study type I New Zealand White rabbits
were given an 8 mg intravenous dose of caffeine. Blood samples were taken and the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 7. Caffeine

Serum concentration --------
Time (minutes) mL
12 3.75
40 2.80
65 2.12
90 1.55
125 1.23
173 0.72
243 0.37

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:
1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-21

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 7) Caffeine:



Con (ug/L)

0 50 100 150 200 250

Time (min)

1. k = 0.00997min
2. t½ = 69.51min .

3. MRT = 100.3min .
4. ( C p )0 = 4.105ug ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 411.7ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .

6. AUMC = 41293.5ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .
7. Vd = 1.95L

8. Cl = 19.44mL ⁄ min .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-22

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Ceftazidime (Problem 4 - 8)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Demotes-Mainard, et. al., "Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous and Intraperitoneal Ceftazidime in Chronic Ambulatory Peritoneal
Dyialysis", Journal of Clinical Pharmacology (1993), p. 475 - 479.

Ceftazidime is a third generation cephalosporin which is administered parenterally. In this study, eight patients with
chronic renal failure were each given 1 g of ceftazidime intravenously. Both blood samples were taken the data
obtained from the study is summarized in the following table:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 8. Ceftazidime

Serum concentration -------
Time (hours) L
1 50
2 45
4 38
24 21
36 14
48 11
60 8
72 4

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-23

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 8) Ceftazidime:



Con (mg/L)

0 20 40 60 80

Time (hours)
1. k = 0.0324hr
2. t½ = 21.39hr .

3. MRT = 30.86hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 47.57mg ⁄ L .

5. AUC = 1468.2mg ⁄ L ⋅ hr .
6. AUMC = 45308.6mg ⁄ L ⋅ hr .
7. Vd = 21.02L

8. Cl = 0.681L ⁄ hr .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-24

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Ciprofloxacin (Problem 4 - 9)
Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Lettieri, et. al., "Pharmacokinetic Profiles of Ciprofloxacin after Single Intravenous and Oral Doses", Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy (May 1992), p. 993 -996.

Ciprofloxacin is a fluoroquinolone antibiotic which is used in the treatment of infections of the urinary tract, lower res-
piratory tract, skin, bone, and joint. In this study, twelve healthy, male volunteers were each given 300 mg intravenous
doses of Ciprofloxacin. Blood and urine samples were collected at various times throughout the day and the following
data was collected:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 9. Ciprofloxacin

Serum concentration -------
Time (hours) L
2 1.20
3 0.85
4 0.70
6 0.50
8 0.35
10 0.25

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-25

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 9) Ciprofloxacin:


Con (mg/L)

0 2 4 6 8 10

Time (hours)

1. k = 0.1875hr
2. t½ = 3.7hr .

3. MRT = 5.33hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 1.57mg ⁄ L .

5. AUC = 8.395mg ⁄ L ⋅ hr .
6. AUMC = 44.74mg ⁄ L ⋅ hr .
7. Vd = 190.6L

8. Cl = 35.74L ⁄ hr .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-26

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

The effect of Probenecid on Diprophylline (DPP) (Problem 4 - 10)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Nadai et al, "Pharmacokinetics and the Effect of Probenecid on the Renal Excretion Mechanism of Diprophylline", Journal of
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Oct 1992), p. 1024 - 1027.

Diprophylline is used as a bronchodilator. A study by Nadai et al was designed to determine whether or not coadmin-
istration of Diprophylline with Probenecid affected the pharmacokinetic parameters of Diprophylline. In this study,
male rats (average weight: 300 g) were given 60 mg/kg of Diprophylline intravenously and a 3 mg/kg loading dose of
Probenecid followed by a continuous infusion of 0.217 mg/min/kg of Probenecid. The following set of data was
obtained for Diprophylline (DPP):

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 10. The effect of Probenecid on Diprophylline (DPP)

Serum concentration --------
Time (minutes) mL
16 40.00
31 27.00
60 13.00
91 6.50
122 3.50

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-27

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 10) The effect of probenecid on diprophylline (DPP):


Con (ug/mL)

0 20 40 60 80 100

Time (min)
1. k = 0.023min
2. t½ = 30.13min .

3. MRT = 43.48min .
4. ( C p )0 = 55.13ug ⁄ mL .

5. AUC = 2396.96ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .

6. AUMC = 104219.8ug ⁄ mL ⋅ min .
7. Vd = 326.5mL

8. Cl = 7.5mL ⁄ min .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-28

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Epoetin (Problem 4 - 11)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
MacDougall et. al., "Clinical Pharmacokinetics of Epoetin (Recombinant Human Erythropoetin", Clinical Pharmacokinetics
(1991), p 99 - 110.

Epoetin is recombinant human erythropoetin. Erythropoetin is a hormone that is produced in the kidneys and used in
the production of red blood cells. The kidneys of patients who have end-stage renal failure cannot produce erythropo-
etin; therefore, Epoetin is used in these patients to treat the anemia that results from the lack of erythropoetin. Epoetin
has also been used in the treatment of anemias resulting from AIDS. malignant disease, prematurity, rheumatoid arthri-
tis, sickle-cell anemia, and myelosplastic syndrome. In a study by Macdougall et al, eight patients who were on perito-
neal dialysis (CAPD) were given an IV bolus dose of 120 U/kg which decayed monoexponentially from a peak of 3959
U/L to 558 U/L at 24 hours. The following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 11. Epoetin

Serum concentration ----
Time (hours) L
0.0 4000
0.5 3800
1.0 3600
2.0 3300
3.0 3000
4.0 2550
5.0 2350
6.0 2150
7.0 1900

From the data presented in the preceding table and assuming that the patient weighs 65 kg, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-29

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 11) Epoetin:

Con (U/L)

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Time (hours)
1. k = 0.107 hr
2. t½ = 6.5 hr .

3. MRT = 9.38 hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 4023 Units/L .

Units ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 37775 ------------------------ .
Units ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 354697 --------------------------- .
7. Vd = 1.9 L

8. Cl = 0.2065 ----- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-30

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Famotidine (Problem 4 - 12)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Kraus, et. al., "Famotidine--Pharmacokinetic Properties and Suppression of Acid Secretion in Pediatric Patients Following Car-
diac Surgery", Clinical Pharmacokinetics (1990), p 77 - 80.

Famotidine is a histamine H2-receptor antagonist. The study by Kraus, et. al., focuses on the kinetics of famotidine in
children. In the study, ten children with normal kidney function and a body weight ranging from 14 - 25 kg, were each
given a single intravenous 0.3 mg/kg dose of famotidine. Blood and urine samples were taken providing the following
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 12. Famotidine

Serum concentration ------
Time (hours) L
0.33 300
0.50 250
1.00 225
4.00 125
8.00 70
12.00 40
16.00 15

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following assuming that the patient weighs 17.2 kg:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-31

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 12) Famotidine:

10 3

10 2

10 1
0 5 10 15 20

Time (hours)
1. k = 0.17 hr
2. t½ = 3.9 hr .

3. MRT = 5.7 hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 285 ------ .
µg ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 1600 ----------------- .
µg ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 9000 ------------------ .
7. Vd = 18 L

8. Cl = 3.2L .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-32

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Ganciclovir (Problem 4 - 13)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Trang, et. al., "Linear single-dose pharmacokinetics of ganciclovir in newborns with congenital cytomegalovirus infections", Clin-
ical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (1993), p. 15 - 21.

Ganciclovir (mw: 255.23) is used against the human herpes viruses, cytomegalovirus retinitis, and cytomegalovirus
infections of the gastrointestinal tract. In this study, twenty-seven newborns with cytomegalovirus disease were given
4 mg/kg of ganciclovir intravenously over one hour. Blood samples were taken and the data obtained is summarized in
the following table:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 13. Ganciclovir

Time (hours) Serum concentration

1.50 4.50
2.00 4.00
3.00 3.06
4.00 2.40
6.00 1.45
8.00 0.87

From the data presented in the preceding table and assuming the patient weighs 3.6 kg, determine the following :

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-33

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 13) Ganciclovir:




0 2 4 6 8


1. k = 0.288hr
2. t½ = 2.4hr .

3. MRT = 3.5hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 23 ---------------- .
µmole ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 80 -------------------------- .
µmole ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 280 ----------------------------- .
mg 1000µg
4 ------- ⋅ 3.6kg ⋅ -------------------
Dose kg mg
7. Vd = ------------- = ------------------------------------------------------------- = 2.45L
Cp 0 µmole µg
23 ---------------- ⋅ 255.23 ----------------
L µmole
8. Cl = 0.7 ----- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-34

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Imipenem (Problem 4 - 14)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Heikkila, Renkonen, and Erkkola, "Pharmacokinetics and Transplacental Passage of Imipenem During Pregnancy", Antimicrobial
Agents and Chemotherapy (Dec. 1992), p 2652 - 2655.

Imipenem is a beta-lactam antibiotic which is used in combination with cilastin and is active against a broad spectrum
of bacteria. The pharmacokinetics of Imipenem in pregnant women is established in this study. Twenty women (six of
which were non-pregnant controls) were given a single intravenous dose of 500 mg of imipenem-cilastin (1:1). Blood
samples were taken at various intervals and the data obtained is summarized in the following table:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 14. Imipenem

Serum concentration -------
Time (minutes) L
10 27.00
15 23.50
30 15.50
45 9.50
60 6.50

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-35

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 14) Imipenem:




0 10 20 30 40 50 60


1. k = 0.029 min
2. t½ = 24 min .

3. MRT = 34.5 min .

4. ( C p )0 = 36.2 ------- .
mg ⋅ min
5. AUC = 1250 --------------------- .
mg ⋅ min
6. AUMC = 43125 ------------------------ .
Dose 500mg
7. Vd = ------------- = ------------------ = 13.8L
Cp 0 mg
36.2 -------
8. Cl = 0.4 --------- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-36

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Methylprednisolone (Problem 4 - 15)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Patel, et. al., "Pharmacokinetics of High Dose Methylprednisolone and Use in Hematological Malignancies", Hematological
Oncology (1993), p. 89 - 96.

Methylprednisolone is a corticosteriod that has been used in combination chemotherapy for the treatment of hemato-
logical malignancy, myeloma, and acute lymphoblastic leukemia. In a study by Patel et. al., eight patients were given
1.5 gram intravenous doses of methylprednisolone from which the following data was obtained:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 15. Methylprednisolone

Serum concentration --------
Time (hours) mL
0.5 19.29
1.0 17.56
1.8 15.10
4.0 9.98
5.8 7.10
8.0 4.70
12.0 2.21
18.0 0.71
24.0 0.23

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-37

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 15) Methylprednisolone:



Con (ug/mL)

0 5 10 15 20 25

Time (hours)
1. k = 0.188 hr
2. t½ = 3.69hr .

3. MRT = 5.3hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 21.2 -------- .
µg ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 112.5 ----------------- .
µg ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 598.4 ------------------ .
7. Vd = 71L

8. Cl = 13.3 ----- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-38

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Omeprazole (Problem 4 - 16)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Anderson, et. al., "Pharmacokinetics of [14C] Omeprazole in Patients with Liver Cirrhosis", Clinical Pharmacokinetics (1993), p.
71 - 78.

Omeprazole (mw: 345.42) is a gastric proton-pump inhibitor which decreases gastric acid secretion. It is effective in
the treatment of ulcers and esophageal reflux. In normal patients 80% of the omeprazole dose is excreted as metabo-
lites in the urine and the remainder is excreted in the feces. In the study by Anderson, et. al., eight patients with liver
cirrhosis were given 20 mg, IV bolus doses of omeprazole. The patients had a mean body weight of 70 kg. Both blood
were taken at various intervals throughout the study and the following data was obtained:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 16. Omeprazole

Serum concentration ----------------
Time (hours) mL
0.75 3.49
1.00 3.25
2.00 2.46
3.00 1.86
4.00 1.40
5.00 1.06
6.00 0.80
7.00 0.61
8.00 0.46
10.00 0.26
12.00 0.15

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following :

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-39

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 16) Omeprazole:

10 1

(umol/mL) (PICOMOLE/ML)
10 0

0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Time (hours)
1. k = 0.280hr
2. t½ = 2.5hr .

3. MRT = 3.57hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 4.3 ---------------- .
ρmole ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 15.4 -------------------------- .
ρmole ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 55 ----------------------------- .
Dose 20mg
7. Vd = ------------- = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = 13465L
Cp 0 ρmole mmole
4.3 ---------------- ⋅ ------------------------ - ⋅ 345.42mg
------------------------ ⋅ 1000mL
mL 10 ρmole mmole 9 L

8. Cl = 3.9 ----- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-40

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Pentachlorophenol (Problem 4 - 17)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Reigner, Rigod, and Tozer, "Absorption, Bioavailability, and Serum Protein Binding of Pentachlorophenol in the B6C3F1 Mouse",
Pharmaceutical Research (1992), p 1053 - 1057.

Pentachlorophenol (PCP) is a general biocide. That is, it is an insecticide, fungicide, bactericide, herbicide, algaecide,
and molluskicide, that is used as a wood preservative. Extensive exposure to PCP can be fatal. In a study by Reigner
et al, six mice (average weight: 27 g) were given 15 mg/kg of PCP by intravenous bolus. Blood samples were taken at
various intervals from which the following data was obtained:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 17. Pentachlorophenol

Serum concentration --------
Time (hours) mL
0.083 38.00
4.000 22.00
8.000 14.00
12.000 7.90
24.000 1.30
28.000 0.75
32.000 0.60
36.000 0.40

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following :
1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-41

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 17) Pentachlorphenol:



Con (ug/mL)

0 10 20 30 40

Time (hours)

1. k = 0.134 hr
2. t½ = 5.2hr .

3. MRT = 7.5hr .
4. ( C p )0 = 35.6 -------- .
µg ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 281 ----------------- .
µg ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 2100 ------------------- .
7. Vd = 11.4mL

8. Cl = 1.5 ------ .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-42

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

9-(2-phophonylmethoxyethyl) adenine (Problem 4 - 18)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Naesens, Balzarini, and Clercq, "Pharmacokinetics in Mice of the Anti-Retrovirus Agent 9-(2-phophonylmethoxyethyl) adenine",
Drug Metabolism and Disposition (1992), p. 747- 752.

9-(2-phophonylmethoxyethyl) adenine (PEMA) is an anti-retrovirus (anti-HIV) agent. The pharmacokinetics of

PEMA in mice were established in a study by . In this study there were three different PEMA doses given: 25 mg/kg,
100 mg/kg, and 500 mg/kg. Each of these doses was injected intravenously into male mice. The data obtained from
study using the 25 mg/kg dose is summarized in the following table:

PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 18. 9-(2-phophonylmethoxyethyl) adenine

Serum concentration --------
Time (minutes) mL
2.0 90.3
2.9 83.9
5.6 67.3
8.9 51.5
10.5 45.2
13.5 35.4
15.0 31.3
20.0 20.9
24.0 15.1
59.6 0.9

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following. (Assume that the mouse weighs 200g.)

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-43

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 18) Pema:

10 2


10 0

10 -1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60

Time (min)

1. k = 0.08min
2. t½ = 8.67min .

3. MRT = 12.5min .
4. ( C p )0 = 105 -------- .
µg ⋅ hr
5. AUC = 1300 ----------------- .
µg ⋅ hr
6. AUMC = 16250 ------------------- .
7. Vd = 47.6ml

8. Cl = 3.8 --------- .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-44

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Thioperamide (Problem 4 - 19)

Problem Submitted By: Maya Lyte AHFS 12:34.56 Antivirals
Problem Reviewed By: Vicki Long GPI: 1234567890 Antivirals
Sakurai, et. al., "The Disposition of Thioperamide, a Histamine H3-Antagonist, in Rats", J. Pharm. Pharmacol. (1994), p. 209 -

Thioperamide is a histamine (H3) receptor-antagonist. In a study by Sakurai et al, rats were given 10 mg/kg intrave-
nous injections of Thioperamide. The following data was obtained from the study:
PROBLEM TABLE 4 - 19. Thioperamide

Serum concentration --------
Time (minutes) mL
3.7 3.1
7.5 2.8
13 2.4
45 1.1
60 0.74
120 0.16

From the data presented in the preceding table, determine the following:

1. Find the elimination rate constant, k .

2. Find the half life, t ½ .

3. Find MRT .

4. Find ( C p )0 .

5. Find the Area Under the Curve, AUC .

6. Find the area under the first moment curve, AUMC .

7. Find the volume of distribution, V d

8. Find the clearance, Cl .

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-45

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

(Problem 4 - 19) thioperamide:




0 20 40 60 80 100 120

Time (min)
1. k = 0.0254min
2. t½ = 27.3min .

3. MRT = 39.4min .
4. ( C p )0 = 3.39 -------- .
µg ⋅ min
5. AUC = 133.5 --------------------- .
µg ⋅ min
6. AUMC = 5256 ----------------------- .
10 -------
Dose kg L
7. Vd = ------------- = -------------------------------------------------------------------- = 2.95 ------
Cp 0 µg mg 1000mL kg
3.39 -------- ⋅ ------------------- ⋅ --------------------
mL 1000µg L
–1 L 1000ml mL
8. Cl = 0.0254min ⋅ 2.95 ------ ⋅ ------------------ = 75 -------------------- .
kg L min ⋅ kg

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-46

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

Cocaine (Problem 4 - 20)

Khan,vM. et. al. “Determination of pharmacokinetics of cocaine in sheep by liquid chromatography” J. Pharm. Sci. 76:1 (39-43)
Jan 1987

Basic Pharmacokinetics REV. 00.1.27 4-47

Copyright © 1996-2000 Michael C. Makoid All Rights Reserved
I.V. Bolus Dosing

4.1.3 URINE

From the Laplace Transform of a drug given by IV bolus we find that :

k ( –K ⋅ t )
Xu = ----u- ⋅ X0 ⋅ ( 1 – e ) (EQ 4-10)

where Xu is the cumulative amount of drug in the urine at time t. Rearranging, we


( Xu )∞ – Xu =  ----u- ⋅ X 0 ⋅ e
– Kt
 K
(EQ 4-11)

where the amount of drug that shows up in the urine at infinite time, ( X u ) ∞ = ----- ⋅ X 0 .
Thus a plot of ( Xu )∞ – X u vs. time on semi-log paper would result in a straight line
with a slope of -K and an intercept of ( X u ) ∞ .. and we can get ku from the intercept
( X u )∞
and the slope. Rearranging the intercept equation, we get k u = K ⋅ -------------- This method
of obtaining pharmacokinetic parameters is known as the Amount Remaining to be
Excreted (ARE) method.
TABLE 4-4 Enalapril urinary excretion data from 5 mg IV Bolus

Enalapril in urine X – X u mg
Time (hr) (mg) u
1 0.41 0.59
2 0.65 0.35
3 0.80 0.20
4 0.88 0.12
6 0.96 0.04
∞ 1.0 ------

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Utilizations: A.R.E. FIGURE 4-2. Cumulative Enalapril in urine



Xu(inf) - Xu

1.3 hr

half life
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

• You should be able to transform a data set containing amount of drug in the urine vs. time into
cumulative amount of drug in the urine vs. time and plot the ARE. (Amount Remaining to be
Excreted -> { ( Xu )∞ – Xu ( cum ) } vs. time on semi-log yielding a straight line with a slope of

–1 ku ⋅ X0
– K = – 0.533 hr and an intercept of ( Xu ) ∞ = --------------- = 1.0 mg
• You should be able to determine the elimination rate constant, K1, from cumulative urinary
excretion data. (Calculate the slope of the graph on SL paper.)
• You should be able to determine the excretion rate constant, ku, from cumulation urinary excre-
tion data. (Divide the intercept of the graph by X0 and multiply by K1.
( X u )∞ –1 1.0 mg –1
k u = K ⋅ -------------- = 0.53 hr ⋅ ----------------- = 0.106 hr )
X0 5.0 mg

• You should be able to determine k m . K = k u + k m

• You should be able to calculate percent metabolized or excreted from a data set. Thus,
km k
Percent metabolized = ------ ⋅ 100 and percent excreted unchanged = ----u- ⋅ 100 assuming
K = k u + km

A second method is to plot the rate at which the drug shows up in the urine over
time. Again, using the LaPlace transforms, we find that:

dX u –K t –K t
--------- = k u ⋅ X0 ⋅ e = R0 ⋅ e (EQ 4-12)
Utilization: Rate of Thus, a plot of the rate of excretion vs. time results in a straight line on semi-log
excretion method paper with a slope of -K1 and an intercept, R0 , of kuX0 . Rearranging the intercept

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equation yields k u = -----0- . In real data, we don’t have the instantaneous excretion

dX u ∆X
rate , but the average excretion rate, ---------u- , over a much larger interval. What
dt ∆t
that means to our calculations is that over the interval of data collection, the total
amount of drug collected divided by the total time interval is the average rate. In
the beginning of the interval the rate was faster than at the end of the interval. So
the average rate must have occurred in the middle of the interval. Thus equation 4-
12 which is the instantaneous rate can be rewritten to

∆Xu –K t
–K t
---------- = k u ⋅ X 0 ⋅ e = R0 ⋅ e (EQ 4-13)
TABLE 4-5 Enalapril Urinary Rate Data

Enalapril in ∆X
urine ∆X u ,(mg) ---------u-
Interval (hr) t(mid) ∆t ∆t
0-1 0.5 1 0.41 0.41
1-2 1.5 1 0.24 0.24
2-3 2.5 1 missed sample ?
3-4 3.5 1 0.08 0.08
4-6 5 2 0.08 0.04
• You should be able to transform a data set containing amount of drug in the urine vs. time inter-
val into Average Rate, ---------u- , vs. t ,(t mid the time of the midpoint of the interval), on semilog
yielding a straight line with a slope of – K and an intercept of k u ⋅ X 0 . as shown below.

R0 = 0.53 mg/hr
Urinary Excretion Rate (mg/hr)


1.3 hr

half life
0 1 2 3 4 5
T (Mid)

• You should be able to determine k u extrapolate the line to t = 0 . The value of Rate (at
t = 0 ), R0, = k r ⋅ X0 = 0.53 ( mg ⁄ hr ) which when divided by X 0 .is kr.

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R 0.53mg/hr –1
Thus, -----0- = ------------------------- = 0.106hr
X0 5mg

• You should be able to determine k m . K = k u + k m

• You should be able to calculate percent metabolized or excreted from a data set.

The rate equation is superior clinically because the ARE method requires collec-
tion of all of the urine which is usually only possible when you have a catheterized
patient while the Rate Method does not. (People don’t urinate on command, and
your data could be in the toilet, literally.)

An additional advantage of the rate equations is that the AUC has the units of
mass, which gives the total amount of drug excreted into the urine directly. Thus:

∞ R 0 0.53 mg/hr
AUC = ------ = --------------------------
= 1 mg
0 K 0.53 hr

AN INTERESTING OBSERVATION: If you look at the LaPlace Transform of the

rate equation for any terminal compartment, you would see that the resulting equa-
tion is that of the previous compartment times the rate constant through which the
drug entered the terminal compartment. Thus, the rate of drug showing up in the
urine (terminal compartment) is:

dX –K t –K t
--------u- = k u ⋅ X 0 ⋅ e = R0 ⋅ e

where ku is the rate constant through which the drug entered the urine and
dX –K t
------- = X 0 ⋅ e is the equation of the previous compartment.

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4.2 Metabolite

4.2.1 PLASMA

Remember, the LaPlace Transform of the metabolite data yielded

( km ⋅ Xo ) –Kt – K 1t ( km ⋅ Xo ) – K 1t – Kt
X m = ---------------------- ⋅ ( e – e ) or Xm = ---------------------- ⋅ ( e – e ) depending on
( K1 – K ) ( K – K1 )
which rate constant that we arbitrarily assigned to be K, the summation of all the
ways that the drug is removed from the body and K1, the summation of all the
ways that the metabolite is removed from the body. When we begin to manipulate
the data, we know that we have a curve with two different exponents in it. (If they
were the same, the equation would be different.) We don’t know which is bigger,
K1 or K, but we can rewrite the equation to simply reflect Klarge and Ksmall, know-
ing that one is K1 and the other is K but not which is which. If we, then, devided
both sides of the equation by Vdm, the volume of distribution of the metabolite,
we would get :

– ( K l arg e ⋅ t )
 km   X 0   – ( Ksmall ⋅ t ) 
C pm =  --------------------------------------  ----------  e –e  (EQ 4-14)
 K l arg e – K small  V dm  
Utilization: • You should be able to plot a data set of plasma concentration of metabolite vs. time on semi-log
Curve Stripping paper yielding a bi-exponential curve.
–k t –k t
– Kt l arg e small
e → 0 as t → ∞ . And e → 0 faster than e → 0 . So, at some long
–K t –K t –K t
l arg e small l arg e
time, t, e «e . In fact e is small enough to be ignored. Thus at long
time, t, the equation becomes :

km X0   –( Ksmall ⋅ t )
C pm =  ----------------------------------
-  --------
- e
K l arg e – K small  V dm   (EQ 4-15)

So that the plot of the terminal portion of the graph would yield a straight line with a slope of
 ---------------------------------- X0 
-Ksmall and an intercept of I = -  --------
 K l arg e – K small  Vdm
• You should be able to obtain the slope of the terminal portion of the curve, the negative of
which would be the smaller of the two rate constants, K small , (either the summation of all the
ways that the drug is eliminated, K , or the summation of all the ways that the metabolite is
eliminated, K1 ).
• Subtracting the two previous equations yields

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km X 0   –( Kbig ⋅ t )
C pm – C pm =  ----------------------------------
-  --------
- e
K l arg e – K small  Vdm   (EQ 4-16)

which is a straight line on semi-log paper with a slope of -kbig and an intercept of
km X0
I =  ------------------------------------  --------- . Note: we can get the larger of the two rate constants from this
 K l arg e – K small  V dm

Drug Metabolite

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

Time (hr) (mcg/L) Cpm1 (mcg/L) Cpm Cpm – Cpm
0 0 181.2 181.2
0.5 24.7 175 150.3
1 44.4 168.9 124.5
2 139 71.8 157.5 85.7
4 65.6 96.5 136.9 40.4
6 31.1 100 119 19
8 14.6 94.7
12 76.5
24 34
In the above data Cp vs. Time is the plasma profile of the drug from Table 4-1 on page 2 and
Cpm1 vs. Time is the plasma profile of the metabolite. A plot of Cp vs. Time yielded a straight
0.693 –1
line with a slope,(-K) of -0.375 hr-1, K = ---------------------- = 0.375 hr and and intercept of 295 mic/
1.85 hr

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Figure 4-1 on page 3 (column 2 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on page 53)

10 3

Cpo = 295 mic/L

Concentration (mic/L)

10 2

Concentration (ng/mL)
1.85 hr
10 1
0 2 4 6 8

Time (hours)

Time (hr)

while a plot of Cpm1 vs. Time( Figure 4-3 on page 54) yields a biexponential plot with a termi-
nal slope of 0.07 hr-1 , k small = 0.693
------------- and extrapolating the terminal line back to time = 0
10 hr
yields 181 mic/L.

FIGURE 4-3. Nifedipine Metabolite (column 3 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on page 53)

Nifedipine IV bolus - Metabolite


Cpm0 = 181 ---------
Concentration (mic/L)


10 hr
0 4 8 12 16 20 24

Time (hours)

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I.V. Bolus Dosing

• You should be able to feather (curve strip) the other rate constant out of the data by plotting the
difference between the extrapolated (to t = 0 ) terminal line (column 4 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on
page 53) and the observed data (at early times) (column 3 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on page 53) yield-
ing a straight line with the slope of the line equal to the negative of the other (larger) rate con-
stant (column 5 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on page 53).

First you would fill in the Cpm column (column 4 in Table 4-6 on page 53) by computing Cpm
– k small t
for various values of time i.e Cpm = Cpm 0 ⋅ e where – k small is the terminal slope of the

graph. Then Cpm – Cpm (column 5 in Table 4-6 on page 53) would be column 4 - column 3.

Then a plot of Cpm – Cpm vs. time (column 5 vs. 1 in Table 4-6 on page 53) is shown below.

FIGURE 4-4. Curve strip of Nifedipine Metabolite data


Column 5


50 1.85 hr
Half life
0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Time (hr)

In this case, the slope of the stripped line line is -0.375 hr-1 and the intercept is 0.181.2 mic/L.
The slope of -0.375 hr-1 should not be surprising as the plot of the data in Figure 4-3 on page 54
resulted in a terminal slope of -.07 hr-1 . Since the data set yielded a bi-exponential plot, sepa-
rating out the exponents could only yield K (0.375 hr-1) or K1 as determined by our Laplace
Transform information. Thus, the terminal slope could be either -K1 or -K. Since it was obvi-
ously not -K, it had to be -K1. Thus the other rate constant obtained by stripping has to be K.
You can determine which slope is which rate constant if you have any data regarding intact drug
(i e. either plasma or urine time profiles of intact drug) as the slope of any of those profiles is
always –K .
• You should be able to determine V dm if you have any urine data regarding intact drug (i.e.
urine time profiles of intact drug) as the intercept of those profiles allow for the solution of k m .
Thus the intercept, I, of the extrapolated line of equation 4-14 could be rearranged to contain
–1 1000 mic
km ⋅ X0 0.375hr ⋅ 25mg ⋅ ----------------------
only one unknown variable, V dm = ----------------------------------------------- = -------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 170 L .
( K l arg e – K small ) ⋅ I –1 mic
( 0.375 – 0.07 ) hr ⋅ 181.2 ---------

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Utilization: • You should be able to determine the rate constants using MRT calculations.
MRT Calculations In a caternary chain, each compartment contributes its MRT to the overall MRT of the drug,

Flow Chart 4-4 IV Bolus


MRT(IV) = 1/K

Suppose the drug were given by IV bolus. Then the drug would have to be metabolized and the
metabolite eliminated. Since the MRTs are additive, the overall MRT of the metabolite would
be made up of the MRTs of the two processes, thus:

Flow Chart 4-5 Metabolite

km kmu
X Xm

MRT(met) = MRT(elim)+MRT(IV)
MRT(met) = 1/K1 + 1/K

Thus, using the data from Table 4-3 on page 5 the MRT(IV)Trap is
------------------ = 1986.1
MRT = AUMC ---------------- = 2.42 hr or about MRT = AUMC
------------------ = 2100
------------ = 2.67 hr using calculus.
AUC 819.9 AUC 787
And using the data from columns 1 and 3 from Table 4-6 on page 53 the MRT(met) using calcu-
------------------ = 36000
lus is MRT = AUMC --------------- = 17 hr.
AUC 2116

MRT(elim) = MRT(met) - MRT(IV) = 17 hr - 2.67 hr = 14.33 hr = 1/K2. Thus K2 = 0.07 hr-1.

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4.2.2 URINE
Valid equations:

dXmu k mu ⋅ k m X0  – K small t – K l arg e t 

------------- = ---------------------------------------- ⋅  e –e  (EQ 4-17)
dt ( K l arg e – K small )  
Utilization: as in the previous urinary rate equation, clinically we work with the average rate
over a definite interval which results in rewriting equation 4-17 as:

∆Xmu k mu ⋅ k m X 0  – Ksmall tmid – K l arg e t mid 

- ⋅ e
------------- = --------------------------------------- –e  (EQ 4-18)
∆t ( K l arg e – K small )  
• You should be able to plot a data set of rate of metabolite excreted vs. time (mid) on semi-log
paper yielding a bi-exponential curve.
• You should be able to obtain the slope of the terminal portion of the curve, the negative of
which would be the smaller of the two rate constants (either K1 or K ).
• You should be able to feather (curve strip) the other rate constant out of the data by plotting the
difference between the extrapolated (to t = 0 ) terminal line and the observed data (at early
times) yielding a straight line with the slope of the line equal to the negative of the other (larger)
rate constant (either K1 or K ).
• You should be able to utilize MRT calculations to obtain K1 and K .
• You should be able to determine which slope is which rate constant if you have any data regard-
ing intact drug (i.e. either plasma or urine time profiles of intact drug) as the slope of any of
those profiles is always –K .

By this time, it should be apparent that data which fits the same shape curve
(mono-exponential, bi-exponential, etc.) are treated the same way. When the
curves are evaluated, the slopes and intercepts are obtained in the same manner.
The only difference is what those slopes and intercepts represent. These represen-
tations come from the equations which come from the LaPlace Transforms which
come from our picture of the pharmacokinetic description of the drug. Please
refer back to the section on graphical analysis in the Chapter 1, Math review for a
interpretation of slopes and intercepts of the various graphs.

Temporarily, please refer to exam section 1, chapter 14 for problems for this sec-
tion (until problems can be generated) as well as additional problems for the previ-
ous sections.

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