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Crisis is a state of disequilibrium resulting from

the interaction of an event with the individual's
or family’s coping mechanisms, which are in a
inadequate to meet the demands of the situation,
combined with the individual's or family's
perception of the meaning of the event (Taylor

Crisis Proneness

 Dissatisfaction with employment or lack of

 History of unresolved crisis.
 History of substance abuse.
 Poor self-esteem, unworthiness.
 Superficial relationships with others.
 Difficulty incoping with everyday situations .
 Under utilization of resources and support systems.
 Aloofness and lack of caring
Types of Crisis

Maturational Crisis

Situational Crisis

Social Crisis

Crisis Intervention

Crisis intervention is technique used to help an

individual or family to understand and cope with the

intense feelings that are typical of a crisis.

Aims of Crisis Intervention Technique

 To provide a correct cognitive perception of

the situation.

 To assist the individual in managing the

intense and overwhelming feelings associated

with the crisis.

A. steps to provide a correct cogitive


Assessment of the situation

• This may be achieved by direct questioning

with the purpose of identification of the problem

and the people involved.

 It is necessary to identify the support systems

available and to know the depth in which the

individual’s feelings are affected.

 Assessment should also be done to identify

the strengths and limitations of the victim.

Defining the event

 The victim at times may not be able to identify

the precipitating event because of possible

denial, or due to reluctance to talk about it.

 It may be necessary for the therapist to review

the details of the incidents in the past 2 to 4

weeks in order to identify the event that

precipitated the crisis. Such a review will also

help to bring the precipitating event to the

awareness of the victim.

Develop a plan of action

• The victim and the people closely associated

with him should have active involvement in

developing the plan of action.

 The therapist must be aware that the victim

may not be in a condition mentally to

comprehend complicated information due to

the overwhelming anxiety experienced by him.

The instructions given by the therapist must be

simple and clear, and too much information

should not be given at a time. The instructions

may have to be written down, as the victim

may not be able to retain all the information.

B. Steps to assist the victim in managing

the intense feelings

Helping the individual to be aware of the feelings

• The victim needs help in identifying his own

feelings, which is the first step in handling them.

 The therapist should use appropriate

communication technique so that the victim

will feel comfortable to express his feelings

without the fear of being judged or criticized.

 The therapist also should be efficient in

observing the non-verbal and verbal behavior

of the victim, so that he will be able to make a

careful assessment of his feelings.

Help the individual to attain mastery over

the feelings

 The individual should be given adequate

support and guidance through the therapeutic

process in order to handle the feelings

associated with the crisis but special care

should be taken not to give any false


 He should not in any way be encouraged to

blame others, as this will only let him escape

from taking any responsibility.

 Care must be taken that the individual may

not develop too much dependency on the

therapist, which is unhealthy.

 After the victim and the support groups make

the plan of action under the guidance of the

therapist, this should be .cussed with the

victim and the concerned others, so that they

will have a clear understanding of the methods

of implementation of the plan.

 To improve coping with the situation necessary

environmental manipulation must be done in

physical or interpersonal areas.

 It is advisable to have another appointment for

the victim to visit the therapist within a week,

in order to assess how the plan is working

out, and if needed, to revise and modify the


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