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Inventory Sign Off Sheet

1. Select Items for Count (INV202)

Select Items for Count is a program that builds a record for each inventory item to be counted
and records the current on-hand quantity and cost for each item. When there are Custom,
Imprint, or Tag Plants operating under the same business unit……ONLY ONE PERSON IS

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

2. Issue Tickets (INV203)

Once you give a user a group of tickets and you’ve entered the information onto the
inventory control sheet, issue the tickets into JDE to update inventory ticket files.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

3. Receive Tickets (INV204)

When the counters return a group of tickets and you’ve entered the information onto the
inventory control sheet, receive the tickets into JDE to update inventory ticket files.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

4. Ticket Count Entry (INV205)

Once the inventory has been counted and the tickets returned, enter the ticket counts into JDE.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

5. Variance Detail Print Counted Locations (INV208)

This report prints all the items counted comparing the quantity on hand with quantity counted
amounts. This report is not as easy to read as the variance review you will exported to Microsoft
Excel, but we recommend you print it and keep with your inventory documents.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

6. Variance Detail Print NON Counted Locations (INV209)

This report prints all items that did not have a count entered for that item, yet there’s a balance,
positive or negative, on hand either for the primary or secondary locations. If these items should
have been counted, locate the items, count and enter tickets for quantities counted. You MUST
enter a ticket with a “0” quantity to clear the amount from inventory. DO NOT MAKE

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

Inventory Sign Off Sheet

7. Tag Status Variance Review (INV207)

After you enter the results of the tag count, you should review the variance between the amount
and cost of inventory online and the amount of inventory that the teams counted. (Go to: Tag
Count Entry > Form > Variance Review…Find) Then export the variance review to excel to
give you a document that can be easily sorted and reviewed for large variances. Make any
necessary updates to your tags, and then review this variance inquiry again.

** Be sure to save this excel spreadsheet. It will be used to roll-up secondary locations into
primary locations upon completion of the tag count update. This spreadsheet should be printed
and saved with all other physical inventory documents.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

8. Print Tag Status (INV206)

Allows you to review the status of all tickets that were assigned to your branch plant.

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

9. Tag Count Update (INV210)

When there are Custom, Imprint, or Tag Plants operating under the same business unit……
After you have entered the tag count results and reviewed variances, run the Tag Count Update
program to perform the following functions:
Compare the online on-hand count to the physical count
Calculate the quantity and amount of variances
Update the new quantity information in the item location record and item ledger
Create entries to the general ledger based on automatic accounting instructions

 Date/Time Completed ____________________ By: _____________________

NOTE: Be sure to print all reports pertaining to the physical inventory and save for
seven years.

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