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Metatron is one ministering angel, though there are always two.

One for the right and the

left for the list of what it is we do. Gavriel is a better idealistic view. David is the primary
persona. Transfiguration causes Solomon, Elijah and Moses to arrive. Jesus too.
So they are met face to face for whatever lesson they come to teach.

There are always stories too.

Here is one I would like to share with you. Hope you like it.

Moses was raised in the royal court. He was highly educated meaning that he could read
and write. He had what one would consider a good job within the royal court along the
lines of an “army” official. He worked with other officials and his job was that of tending
to or working over or looking over the Hebrew slaves.

You could consider his rank to be a little on the high side; he was very intelligent,
charming and quite favored in the court. Not only that, he was a diligent worker and all of
these attributes allowed him to also be affiliated in a “minor” fashion with the Egyptian
priesthood, where of course he first learned of God.

Having this exposure gave him a great love for the priesthood and for God and he sought
to be closer with him. Funny things happen when a man seeks the face of God.

Moses loved the Egyptian court and the people within it. He admired and loved the
priesthood, but he hated the slavery of his people. And that is what really got him
enthralled with God to the degree of his ultimate passion for Yahweh.

Through seeking God, we come to know his calling for us in life and God told Moses that
he was to free the slaves.

So Moses plotted their release. He knew that if he freed the slaves, he would be going
against the Egyptian court and he would have to flee and he would need money, so he
stole quite a bit of gold from the court on the low. Being that he was not a man of greed,
he also ensured that the small band of slaves that he intended to free would have
resources as well.

The slaves were kept in bunkers and guarded by men. There were many bunkers and
many slaves. It would have been impossible for one man to free all the slaves and Moses
was young in age and wisdom of the ways of God. So, he killed one of the masters
guarding one of the bunkers during the night and led the small amount of slaves that were
in the bunker out and led them to the desert.

Moses did not kill just any ordinary Egyptian. He was a high ranking official. If he would
have killed a commoner, he would not have had to flee.
They chased him out of Egypt at least 100 deep, but Moses believed God and they did
not catch him or the small band of slaves.

He gave to the slaves what he could and then he fled through the desert. This laid the
foundation for his freeing of all the slaves. He earned it. He then went on to get his
teaching and the Torah and then came back and freed the rest of the slaves once he
understood the ultimate wisdom of the miracles God would place in his hand.

He always comes through as a man in his later years. He is very handsome- aged well,
like Sean Connery. I noticed little of his speech impediment. He said to me that he spent
a lot of time teaching his mouth to be still, and in his later years he overcame it to the best
of his ability. As a child, they picked on him for it- and it was good because it taught him
how to fight and do so well.

How much money did Jesus have to steal for the Roman government to come and get him
and nail him to the cross with the other thief? And they paid a “snitch” too????

And if you took a donkey tied to a tree, does that make for a car jacker too?
But did not the lord permit this?

And David robbed the temple and Paul said he robbed them too. Thieves?
Nay, everything belongs to God and if the servant needs it then the angel says “ Have
fun, take only what you need from them and that only if you need and do not be a thief by
profession and then after you do it go to confession. Be like Sparta, he would rather see
David eat. Jesus and Paul too.


Righteous thieves? Young money- steal your love and leave. No glory in sin, but what
must a man do to win.

Then again, everything belongs to the father.

And Jesus died first, ascended down to be purged of all sin (cause hell fire will do that
very effectively, as a matter of fact that is what hell is for. Interesting we all go there.
Ever been going through hell, getting hell- well good) went up was born pure by the light
of heaven, virginal in the presence of the ministering angels and then started his ministry.

Timelines are funny things.

The new testament is based on the oral tradition, but if you read the Gospel of Judas, here
Judas and Jesus are having an actual discussion. Jesus is trying to explain to Judas the
metaphysical aspect of what they were experiencing- how the angels operate prophecy
etc. Jesus speaks to and teaches Judas in numbers, saying:
"The twelve rulers spoke with the twelve angels: 'Let each of you [52] […] and let them
[…] generation [—one line lost—] angels': The first is [S]eth, who is called Christ. The
[second] is Harmathoth, who is […]. The [third] is Galila. The fourth is Yobel. The fifth
[is] Adonaios. These are the five who ruled over the underworld, and first of all over

Here, he is explaining the realm of heaven in 12’s and fives- twelve being the number of
perfection and five being the number of the messiah or nun, the Hebrew letter equating to
50 and reducing to five or more specifically just “Jesus’” number.

And this is very interesting to me, because my master in the very beginning of our study
first taught the philosophical concept and importance of numbers- especially that of 12
and five. Is there a book within the law written by Moses titled numbers? Yes. They are
important in girding the truth of what the invisible holy spirit imparts to the student.
Women lie, men lie- numbers don’t lie. So, having been taught numbers by the master
first then having read the gospel of Judas, there is no doubt in my mind that Jesus is
talking to Judas.

More specifically, the holy spirit teaches the student gematria, which can be a study that
is quite complex. There are many, many uses for it as it applies to studying scripture and
walking with God.

Read the whole conversation here:


This leads me to the thought that Jesus was like Muhammad- illiterate, and Judas’ true
portion (because he was given a portion by the Lord- there is “no Jesus” without Judas,
there is no story without conflict) in the lot of the kingdom was to be the scribe of Jesus’
teaching. Makes sense. If Jesus could have read and write, I’m more than sure the Lord
would have him do so.

And his strength is made perfect in weakness.

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