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MICA (P) 208/09/2010

2011 年 03 月份


2011 年开市两个月,股市长仓被杀个片甲不留。不少散户就是不相信股市会跌,不断入市博反弹,因为股市之跌、为什
么跌,的确无法找个合理的解释,新加坡经济发展良好, 政府在财政预算案中大派金钱, 美股气势如虹,升至两年半新高,新加
布,业绩是股价的最佳支持者。目前正值上市企业公布业绩的时期,盈利大增的企业可以使到股价显得比较便宜, PE 值大幅降
邸上空进行轰炸,企图炸死他。不过卡达菲命大,没有死,但也从此不敢再如此狂野了,后来美国攻打伊拉克, 卡达菲怕了,
2003 年更开始与西方国家打交道,因此,今日美国与欧洲的石油公司都在利比亚开采石油。
什么是滞胀?滞胀就是恶性通货膨胀与经济衰退同时发生,上个世纪 70 年代就发生过一次,起因也是石油价格突然飞
中东的局势越动乱,对中国越有利。 2001 年的 911 事件是转捩点, 911 之後,布殊总统全力反恐,外交政策大转变,
布殊在任的 8 年就是中国崛起成为世界工厂的 8 年,布殊为了拉拢中国一起反恐,就推动支持中国加入世贸组织,从此美国市场
20 国财长会议结束,讨论如何衡量全球经济失衡,这个会议很明确地是西方先进国家与新兴国家的一场纷争,西方先进
加入口,就要削减入口税, G20 财长会议一结束,市场马上传出中国要降化妆品及奶粉的入口税,大家要留意。

2011 年 03 月 03 日

曾渊沧士个人网页 :
过去的海峡指数网页 :
或 20 Kramat Lane #03-01 United House Singapore 228773
Dear Friends

The stock market fell heavily for the first two months in 2011. Many small punters did not believe the the market
would fall andwent in, hoping the market would rebound. Indeed there was no logical reason why the market should fall.
Singapore economy is doing well and the government in its budget is paiying out financial goodies to the people. US stocks
keep rising to two years’ new high. There is no reason for Singapore stock market to fall.
In my opinion, the only reason for the market to fall because too many people think there is no reason for it to fall.
Thus, many individual short term punters gamble on market’s rebound, gamble on derivative instruments in particular, hoping
to have good returns with small capital outlay. But we cannot deny the big punters with their financial backing are able to
press the stocks until the small punters to surrender and give up.
I believe in fundamental analysis. The fundamentals did not turn sour during the past two months. I cannot guess
and do not want to guess the market’s short term fluctuations. Now is best to patiently wait for the corporate results which
support the stock prices. Listed companies are going to announce their corporate results; those companies with good improved
profits would make their stock prices look cheap as PE ratio would be much lower to attract investment interest.
The Jasmine Revolution that started in Tunisia has spread like wild fire, engulfing North Africa and all the Arab
countries in the Middle East.
Tunisia is still in turmoil since the president stepped down. Egypt is under the control of military junta. Oil
producing Libya is out of control. German and British oil companies have begun to evacuate their staff. In other word, oil
production has stopped. Peoples of Iran, Bahrain, Yemem and Jordan demonstrate to overthrow the governments.
Midde East and North Africa countries can be grouped into oil and non oil producing ones. US only concerns with
who is who governing the oil producing countries. North Africa and Middle East cooutries can also be grouped into pro US
and anti US. US, under the internal pressure of own people will oppose pro US governments to use force to surpress the
demonstrations; therefore chances of these pro US regimes being overthrown are greater. Anti US groups will surely use force
to clamp down the demonstrations; these regimes will not collapse without bloodshed.
Many years ago the fanatic Gaddafi openly financed and supported Muslim extremists. Then one day US fighters
flew over Lybian sky and started bombing with intent to kill him. Gaddafi, escaped and his life spared, became tamer since.
Later when US invaded Iraq, Gaddafi got scared, and began to communicate with Western countries. There are US and
European oil companies exploring Lybian oil fields today.
The unrests in Middle East and North Africa give US headaches. The locality is the largest global oil export region.
Rising oil price will lead to price hike in other commodities. US is now in the wake of economic recovery and can ill afford
continuous rising oil price that may lead to what the economists termed stagnation.
What is stagnation? It is where vicious inflation and recession happen at the same time. It happened in the 70s of the
last century once due to certain rise in oll price.
A price rise is either due to demands increase or supplies decrease, a simple economic concept. If the price rise is
due to increase in demands, the issue is not so crittcal as it signifies economic prosperity; people have more money to spend
(though it may be due to printing of currency notes). People do not grumble that much if inflation is due to booming economy.
In this case, only the less competitive and weaker group needs to be taken care of. If the price rise is the result of short supplies,
then except for a few hoarders, most people whose income remains static will suffer as income lags behind rising prices.
Consumption and expenditure will be cut, and economic recession follows.
Should US economic recovery is hindered by rising oil price, global stock markets will be adversely affected.
More frequent turbulences they are in Middle East the better it is for China. The 911 attack in 2001 was the
watershed for China. President Bush’s all out efforts to counter terrorism altered his foreign policy. China became the world
factory during Bush’s 8 years tenure. In order to have China against terrorism, Bush supported China’s entry to World Trade
Organisation, thus opened up US market to China. As a result not a single US factory that originally rolled out cowboy jeans
remaind in business. When Obama was elected, US foreign policy changed again. US is trying to woo Muslin countries,
getting ready to pulll out from Iraq, liken China as an adversary. Nontheless, America had to ceremoniously welcome China’s
Hu Jing Tao on his visit to US in return for financial aids. Inspite of this, the US foreign strategy to contain China has been
Should the dictatorship Middle East regimes collapse one after another and these regimes ruled by Muslim fundamentalists,
US foreign policy may yet change again. Obama is now trying to find a suitable pro US candidate to govern Egypt. Obama has
no more energy to trade waring with China.
The 20 nation finance minister forum on global inbalnce is over. It is conspicuously a meeting of tussle between
Western fully developed nations and newly developing nations.Western fully developed nations have gathered some evidences
to accuse the newly developing nations for causing the economic inbalance to prosperity at the expense of the fully developed
nations. In other word the fullty developed nations are using all kinds of pretexts to blame the newly developing nations for
their economic woes.
Will the developing nations keep quiet? Not so. Yet to ignore the accusations means each goes its own way. Fully
developed nations will exercise protectionism. As a compromise, Chinese finance minister suggested using trade accounts in
lieu of exchange rates and foreign reserves as the benchmark. The G20 meeting was an important meeting that would have far
reaching consequences to China’s government policy to avoild being accused as the chief culprit of economic inbalance. In
short, China will have to increase imports by lowering import tarriff to counter her strong exports. The moment when the G20
meeting ended, rumours had it that China would be lowering the import tariff for comestics and milk powder.
Take a note of it.

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