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DATE -08.02.2011 TIME:2 HRS.
DAY- Tuesday

I. Fill in the blanks: 12

1. River water contains __________& ________ fine particles of sand.
2. Cloud or mist is an example condensed________.
3. A solution which cannot dissolve more solute is called _____ solution.
4. Distilled water has a flat and_________ taste.
5. Oxygen of the air is absolutely essential for the ______ of animals &plants.
6. Air is a mixture of approximate 78.3% of ___ ,20.9% and 1% of other
7. The products of combustion and respiration are _____ & ____ .
8. __________ of water is a physical change.
9. __________ of iron is a physical change.
II. Write the correct statements : 12
1. Well water is a potable water.
2. Distilled water is fit for the consumption.
3. The latent heat of ice is 540 Calories per gram.
4. Potable water is obtained from Sea water by the process of evaporation.
5. Respiration takes place only in animals.
6. The water turns blue coloured anhydrous copper sulphate which is green
in colour.
7. Stomata is a specialized cell through which insects breathe.
8. The L.P.G and C.N.G are incombustible gases kept in homes for
extinguishing fire.
9. Formation of frost during winter is a chemical change.
10. During a physical change, new products are formed.
11. Change of phases of moon is a non-periodic changes.
12. Formation of day & night is a fast change.
III. Choose the most appropriate answer:-
1. Atmosphere consist of
a. air above land mass b. air above oceans
c. air around us d. envelope of air around the
2. The constituent of the air which helps in combustion is
a. nitrogen b. carbon dioxide
c. Oxygen d. helium
3. Rusting of iron takes place due to the presence of
a. Oxygen in the air b. nitrogen in the air
c. Water vapour in the air d. Oxygen &water vapour in the air
VI chem. -2-

4. Carbon dioxide produced by by living being is used during

a. rusting b. combustion
c. photosynthesis d. respiration
5. An example of an undesirable change is
a. Melting of snow on mountain b. Evaporation of water
c. Earthquake d. flowering of plant
6. An example of periodic change is
a. Swing of clock pendulum b. land slides during rains
c. rusting of iron d. sneezing.
7. During physical & chemical changes
a. energy is always absorbed b. energy is always released
c. no energy is absorbed or released
d. energy is either absorbed or release .
8. An example of chemical change is
a. Exposure of photographic plate b. tearing of paper
c. melting of sulphur d. formation of due.
9. The polluted water can cause diseases of
a. malaria b. diarrhoea
c. cancer d. heart disease
10. Water used for chemical reaction in laboratory is purified by
a. filtration b. evaporation
c. distillation d. sedimentation.
11. The purest form of natural water is
a .Spring water b. Rain water
c. Well water d. Sea water
12. River water is a
a. Mixture b. solution
c. compound d. element.

IV . Give one word for the following : 5

1. Plants making their food in sunshine.
2. Amount of nitrogen present in air is.
3. Well water is generally .
4. Impure form of water .
5. The gas used in killing germs in city water.
V. Write true or false : 5
1. Digestion of the food is a chemical change.
2. Eruption of the volcano is a periodic change.
3. Biomass is a common house hold fuel in rural India.
4. Nitrogen in the air also helps in combustion.
5. Raw materials for respiration is sugar & oxygen.
6. Ratio of nitrogen & oxygen by volume in air is 4:1.
7. Distillation of water is a chemical change.
VI Chem -3-

8. All living being contain 10% to 20% of water.

9. Use of pesticides in excess, causes water pollution.
10.Pure water is a colourless liquid having a fine taste.

VI(a) Find the odd one out : 2

1. Diarrhoea, jaundice, malaria, typhoid.
2. Ponds, lake, sea, river .
3. Sedimentation , decantation , defection and filtration.
4. Spring water ,potable water , well water , river water.

VI(b) Classify the following changes into desirable and undesirable changes: 2
1. Formation of manure from the dung.
2. Melting of snow.
3. Braking of glassware.
4. Wastes produced from plastic bags.
VII . Answer these questions in 3-4 sentences: 12
1. Define a physical change.
2. What do you understand by the terms fuel?
3. Name the main salts present in sea water.
4. What do you understand by solute?
5. Define solvent.
6. Name the product formed during the combustion.
VIII. Answer these question in 5 to 7 sentences : 18
1. Define a chemical change .Give two examples.
2. State four important uses of water.
3. State two ways by which a small amount of clear water can be
made safe for drinking .
4. Give three differences between respiration & combustion.
5. How will you prove that air is necessary for the combustion of fuels?
6. Classify the following changes as physical or chemical changes:
a) Burning of wood b. moulding of glass c)glowing of an electric bulb
d)Burning of magnesium e) A magnet attracting iron nails
f) Digestion of food.
IX. Answer in detail: 20
1. Give four differences between a physical change & chemical change.
2. Briefly describe, how the respiration takes place in human beings.
3. How will you prove experimentally that plants produces carbon dioxide
During respiration?
4. Write a short note on water cycle .
5. Give five qualities of drinking water.

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