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Translation Focus: EAT

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1. 그들은 갈 곳도 없고, 숲에는 그들의 먹이가 되는 동물들도 충분치 않다.

o They have nowhere to go, and there aren't enough animals for them to eat in
the forest.
o They have nowhere to go, and they were scared that they would get eaten by
wild animals.

2. 그들은 육식만 하고 매우 강하다.

o They are vegetarian and are very strong.
o They eat meat only and are very strong.

3. 간디는 대답했다. "왜냐하면, 2주 전에는 나도 설탕을 먹고 있었으니까요."

o Gandhi replied, "Because two weeks ago, I was eating sugar."
o Gandhi replied, "Because for two weeks, I have been eating only sugar."

4. 그 다음 방문 때, 간디는 그 아이를 앉혀 놓고 그의 눈을 응시하며 "설탕을 먹지

마라."라고 말했다.
o On the next visit, the boy sat Gandhi down, looked him in the eye, and said,
"Don't eat sugar!"
o On the next visit, Gandhi sat the boy down, looked him in the eye, and said,
"Don't eat sugar!"

5. 그녀는 매우 기분이 안 좋아 보였는데, 간디는 그녀가 자신의 아들이 설탕을 너무

많이 먹는 것에 대해 걱정하고 있다는 것을 알았다.
o She was very upset and Gandhi found that she was worried that her son was
eating too much sugar.
o She was very upset and Gandhi found that she was worried that her son had
started a crash diet.

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6. 때때로 그녀는 친구들과 아이스크림과 패스트푸드를 먹었지만, 대부분은 건강에

좋은 음식, 특히 과일과 야채를 먹으려고 했다.
o She sometimes ate home cooked meals, but most of the time she ate junk food,
especially pizzas and hamburgers.
o She sometimes ate ice cream and fast food with her friends, but most of the
time she tried to eat healthy food, especially fruits and vegetables.

7. 때때로 패스트푸드 식당에서도 먹곤 했지만 그녀는 할머니께서 만들어 주시는

음식을 더 좋아했다.
o Sometimes she would eat at a fast-food restaurant, but preferred her
grandmother's cooking.
o Sometimes she would eat at a fast-food restaurant, but preferred her mother's

8. 그녀는 체중을 조절하려는 노력을 포기하고 계속해서 친구들과 함께 패스트푸드와

고칼로리 저영양가 음식들을 먹었다.
o She gave up trying to control her weight and said that it was completely
hopeless for her to lose weight.
o She gave up trying to control her weight and continued to eat fast food and
junk food with her friends.

9. 얼마 가지 않아서 민지는 원래의 식사 습관으로 돌아갔고 다시 5킬로그램이

쪘으며, 거기에 2킬로그램이 더 쪘다.
o After a while Minji returned to her regular eating habits and gained the five
kilograms back, plus twelve more.
o After a while Minji returned to her regular eating habits and gained the five
kilograms back, plus two more.

10. 그녀는 또한 맥주를 마시고 간식으로 고칼로리 저영양가 음식들을 먹기 시작했다.

o She also began to drink beer and to eat junk food between meals.

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o She also began to drink beer and to eat junk food as midnight snack.

11. 집에서 공부를 할 때 민지는 책상에서 막대 사탕이나 감지 칩 같은 스넥을 먹곤

o When she worked in the office, Minji would eat snacks such as candy bars and
potato chips at her desk.
o When she studied at home, Minji would eat snacks such as candy bars and
potato chips at her desk.

12. 민지는 그런 종류의 음식을 좋아하기 시작했고 매일 먹고 싶어했다.

o Minji hated herself everyday for not being able to stop her craving for fast
o Minji began to love eating fast food and wanted it every day.

13. 저녁을 먹은 후에 상민이는 컴퓨터 게임을 하러 갔고, 김 여사는 Jinny에게 그날의

경험에 관하여 물어 보았다.
o After eating, Sangmin went to ride his bike and Mrs.Kim asked Jinny about
the bullying in school.
o After eating, Sangmin went to play on his computer and Mrs.Kim asked Jinny
about her day's adventure.

14. 나는 종종 일하는 곳에서 저녁을 먹고 늦어도 8시까지는 집에 온다.

o I often eat dinner at work and am home by 8:00 at the latest.
o I often eat dinner at work and am home by 8:00 at the earliest.

15. 나는 학교의 정식은 맛이 없다고 생각하기 때문에 거의 먹지 않는다.

o I almost never eat the school's regular meal because I think it tastes terrible.
o I almost never eat the school’s regular meal because I pack my own lunch.

16. 건강에 좋지 않다는 것을 알면서도 나는 보통 패스트푸드를 먹는다.

o I usually eat fast food, even though I know my mother said not to.

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o I usually eat fast food, even though I know it isn't healthful.

17. 나는 보통 친구들과 함께 점심을 먹지만 때때로 여자 친구와 함께 점심을 먹는다.

o I usually eat lunch with my friends, but sometimes I have lunch with my
o I usually eat lunch with my friends, but sometimes I have lunch with my wife.

18. 7시 50분까지 학교에 가야 하기 때문에 나는 빨리 먹는다.

o I eat quickly because I have to be at school by 7:50.
o I eat quickly because I have to leave by 7:50.

19. 보통 우유에 탄 시리얼을 먹고 오렌지 쥬스를 마시지만 가끔 계란과 토스트를

o I occasionally have cereal with milk and drink orange juice, but usually I eat
eggs and toast.
o I usually have cereal with milk and drink orange juice, but occasionally I eat
eggs and toast.

20. 옷을 입은 후에는 식구들과 함께 아침을 먹는다.

o After I get dressed, I eat breakfast with my family.
o After I eat breakfast with my family, I get dressed for school.

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